fuck-yeah-nalu · 3 years
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The prompts for Naluween 2021! 🧛
October 25th - October 31th
Day 1: Fire / Burning 🔥
Day 2: Tarot 🔮
Day 3: Graveyard ⚰️
Day 4: Sun and Moon 🌞 🌜
Day 5: Autumn Leaves 🍂
Day 6: Midnight ⭐️
Day 7: Incarnation 👩‍❤️‍👨
October 15th - November 2nd
1. Pumpkin 🎃
2. Trick or Treat 🍬 👻
Please check the rules and faq!
Tags: #Naluweenweek #Naluween week  #Naluweenweek2021
In japanese: #ナツルーHalloween週間
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petri808 · 4 years
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@fuck-yeah-nalu Naluween week 2020 Apocalypse prompt
Lucy POV
The further I run, the softer the screams become, dying away into garbled choking and haunting ripping sounds as the zombies tear away at the flesh of their hapless victims. I wipe away the tears that cloud my vision, don’t look back Lucy, I cry a mantra in my head, don’t look back and see your family... it’s too painful to know you are the only one who made it out alive. I can only be grateful that my mother never lived to see this day or become one of the undead. Oh god, please don’t tell me corpses will reanimate too! I shake the thoughts away. Don’t you do that!
How did this happen? I have no idea what is going on because it came on so suddenly. A plague that washed across our town, the state, is the world like this? Where do I go? Is there anywhere safe? Is there anyone I know that’s still alive? I call these creatures zombies because it’s like a horror movie come to life! I saw with my own two eyes a servant killed by one of the creatures, literally her throat ripped out and blood spurting everywhere, suddenly come back to life! Then they both went after our butler...
It was only by the grace of skill that I escaped with my life. Years of running track and a conditioned body allowed me to out pace these ravenous beings. They weren’t slow nor fast, yet deadly focused on their unquenchable hunger. Is that all we have left for our futures? Whether today or 60 years from now to turn the moment I die into a zombie? I have no idea. Is it just in the bite? Was it an airborn virus unleashed into the world? Has Mother Nature forsaken us? And can we blame her for it?
All the sounds of carnage have ceased and I’m left to my own thoughts as I walk the back roads from our country estate. I have no clear direction except to avoid areas of population. It was a good thing that we lived outside of the city itself where there are less people. The heart of town must be crawling with zombies by now. Yet distant gun fire or explosions, and occasional screams remind me to stay focused at least until I find somewhere safe to hold up in.
I hear a car approaching from behind and turn to look. As it gets closer, the vehicle looks awfully familiar... It grinds to halt a few feet before reaching me and I hear the best sound I’ve heard all day!
I run to his open trucks door and launch myself into his arms. “You’re alive!” The tears stream down my cheeks as I bury my face into his chest.
“I’m so glad I found you baby! I went past your house looking for you, but it was over run.”
“Everyone’s gone!” My sobs increase. Dead or undead, no longer the people I cared about.
“At least we’ve got each other.”
“But... your family?”
“Gone too,” he grits out.
His voice tells me he’s trying to hold himself together for my sake. “I’m so sorry Natsu.��
“Can’t be helped at this point. Come on,” he ushers me, “let’s get out of here.”
I jump into his truck and we take off again. “But where do we go?”
“No idea. Right now my main concern is doing what ever I need to keep us alive.”
Ever wished you’d watched more horror movies when you had the chance? Before today, it’s not something I would have ever considered. But it sure would be handy! As Natsu drove, different scenarios ran through my mind. Would this be like a 28 Days Later type zombie that eventually starves? Or more like a classic George Romero, never dies type, that finally stops because their body has completely rotted away? But let’s just hope it’s not a Resident Evil plot line with mutant zombies and a corporation behind the whole thing. Government... maybe... The current President does have a screw loose. Anyways, I guess the cause could be irrelevant at this point. We needed to figure out ways to survive this, however long it would last.
What are the common ideas in the movies? Find a secure building, preferably easy access for scavenging food and water. Avoidance as much as possible... Oh! And weapons! Guns, ammo, a big knife. Hmm, tactical clothing, comfortable and durable. But wait?! What if the outbreak came from contaminated food?! Ugh! This is so frustrating!
“Do you still have your cellphone Natsu? I wasn’t able to grab mine.”
“I do. Sent out a group text but so far no one’s answered.”
“At least that’s still working... for now.”
We drive and drive searching for supplies if we’re lucky enough to come across them. Gasoline, food, water, weapons, clothes, and bedding. Natsu’s truck is a blessing to have in times like this to use less travelled dirt roads or even no roads at all. These zombies are everywhere! How did it spread so quickly?
I use his phone to Google what’s happening and sure enough this pandemic is sweeping across the Americas but has not yet jumped across the oceans. The world’s response was to immediately shut down borders. Planes were turned around and grounded and ports grind to a halt. Military vessels from Asia and Europe were on their way to create blockades to stop boats from leaving either American continent, and fighter jets in the sky ordered to shoot down any planes...
“Oh my god...” my hands fly up and cover my mouth. “Natsu were trapped.” The world has turned its back on us. “This really is an apocalypse for our country.”
So many theories and stories about the cause of this infection fly around the internet. Best anyone can tell it started somewhere near Maryland and quickly moved across state lines. Several articles mention a government research hospital called Walter Reed as a possible link. We’re they working on something that caused this outbreak? Why doesn’t this surprise me?
“Why? What are you reading Luce?”
“In order to keep the pandemic from jumping continents, the world is basically cutting us off. I mean I can’t blame them, but what about survivors? Is no one gonna help us to escape?”
Damn! It could be like the 28 Weeks Later scenario! Are they going to bomb us, try to eradicate us! Oh look, at least the President is confirmed dead. That useless fat bastard was a plague of his own on this country.
“Omg Natsu, Gray answered! He said he and Juvia made it out of the city, as well as Erza, Jellal, Levy, and Gajeel too! Right now they’re holding up at an abandoned warehouse in Clover. Natsu that’s the next town from here!”
“Should we go?”
“I think so, there’s safety in small groups.”
Natsu takes my hand and kisses the back of it. “Then we have a plan.”
What the future will hold is still to be seen. Will we survive it? You know what? I shut off Google and realize no one else is going to protect us but ourselves. We have to work together if we hope to live another day, but at least we have each other and our friends.
I smile back, he was right. “We have a plan!”
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lkityan02 · 6 years
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Naluween2018 - pumpkin
Busy af these days... And  Im dying QwQ
Managed to sketch sth weird real quick but I don’t think I can participate in others awww
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mayabarley · 6 years
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Naluween Week Prompt #1: Pumpkin I really don’t know the origin of my morbid fascination for evil Lucy xD Anyways, when I still read the manga I really didn’t fancy Nalu that much, but now I’m kinda addicted to it...
As usual, please do not repost!!! Bonus:
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I don’t wanna be in Natsu’s shoes on this one xD
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Naluween Week Day 6: Monster
You can pry the “Happy sees Lucy as his mom” headcanon from my cold, dead hands. They’re a family.
Rating: E
           “Ahhhh… thank goodness we got that mix up all fixed yesterday,” Lucy sighed. She was still embarrassed about some of the things she had actually said aloud.
           “Yeah,” Natsu grinned, leaning close to her, “What was it you said when I touched your hip?”
           “Let’s not revisit the past,” Lucy snapped.
           “Wait, wait, I wanna hear this story,” Gray grinned.
           “No! Gray-sama!” Juvia wailed.
           “Let’s forget about the stupid spell from yesterday, okay?” Lucy said. “What are we doing tonight?”
           “Oh! I have it all planned,” Erza said, rubbing her hands together. Lucy glanced over at Natsu and the others worriedly. “We’re going to a haunted house.”
           “A haunted house?” Juvia said, before a wild smile touched her lips. “Ohhh! Gray, will you hold Juvia’s hand?”
           “No.” Gray shrugged.
           “Wait, wait. But, Erza,” Lucy frowned, “Don’t you remember what happened at the cemetery? When we all got freaked out Natsu burned the old oak tree to the ground. What happens if he catches something on fire inside a house?”
           “Oh,” Gray said, “Lucy does have a point. What if we destroy the house on accident?”
           “Not possible!” Erza insisted. “Just keep in mind that nothing is real in a haunted house—”
           “We’re talking about Natsu here,” Gray said.
           “Hey!” Natsu snapped. “I’m not a child!”
           “No, but if Lucy screams you see red.”
           “Hey!” Lucy crossed her arms.
           “What? It’s true. You’re literally fire-brain’s weak spot.”
           “I’m not going to burn down the haunted house,” Natsu insisted.
           “And I, for one, believe in you, Natsu!” Erza proclaimed.
           “B-but, what about the cemetery?” Lucy sighed, but everyone was already following Erza into the mist down the street. Lucy had to run to catch Natsu’s hand. He paused, glancing over her and squeezing her hand in his.
           “It’ll be alright,” He said.
           “I know,” Lucy smiled, “I believe in you.” Natsu leaned forward to catch a soft, drawn out kiss before grinning and shouting,
           “Now! Onward! To the haunted house!”
            The foggy street was empty.
            “Uh… I guess we lost everyone else. Come on, Lu, lets find them. They went this way.” Natsu led the way into the fog, and Lucy clutched his hand tightly. She wasn’t going to let anything get to her tonight, not like she had at the cemetery.
           “The streets are so abandoned in this part of town,” Lucy murmured as Natsu tried to find his way through the mist.
           “Well, the main part of the festival is on the other side of town,” Natsu said, pausing to glance around, “So everyone’s probably over there.”
           There was a shuffling noise from an alleyway up ahead.
           “Hey! I bet that’s them!” Natsu grinned. Lucy had a terrible feeling twisting her gut into knots.
           “N-Natsu… I have a bad…”
           “Come on! I hear something!” He dragged her a long up ahead, where a street lamp was flickering in the darkness. A groan came from the alley, and the shadow of something dreadful, something with dozens of legs, was cast across the street. Natsu skidded to a halt, and Lucy crashed into him with a shriek. They stumbled, falling on top of each other on the cobblestone. Lucy shrieked again as the shadow grew and let out a wail.
           “Natsu! It’s a monster!” She wailed, closing her eyes. And for one moment there was silence.
           “N-Natsu? Lu-Lucy?” A familiar voice hiccupped above them.
           “Happy?!” Natsu gasped from underneath Lucy’s body.
            “H-Happy?” Lucy opened her eyes to find the little exceed right next to them. He was wearing a weird octopus hat and had fat tears rolling down his cheeks. Lucy quickly climbed off her boyfriend with a sigh of relief. “Happy, what’s wrong?”
           Happy let out a sob, “I got l-lost in the fog! I was with Carla and I got lost!”
           “Oh, Happy!” Lucy pulled the exceed into her arms, his funny hat dropping to the cobblestone, as Natsu slowly sat up, rubbing his head.
           “You really scared Lucy,” he laughed.
           “It’s not funny, Natsu!” Happy and Lucy spoke at the same time, hugging each other tightly.
           “Woah, uh… sorry,” Natsu said, glancing down at his feet, and then, to Lucy’s surprise, he wrapped both Lucy and Happy in a big hug. “I’m glad you’re both safe.” Lucy smiled, leaning against her boyfriend’s chest, and holding Happy in her warm embrace. The blue exceed dried his tears, and pressed his head against Lucy’s chin.
           “I’m glad I found you. I’m glad I found you,” he murmured.
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nalu-love-4ever · 6 years
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I am not an artist, but I really want to participate on Naluween :3. So, I made this 😝
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nalufever · 6 years
Naluween, Monster
Oct 30, day 6 prompt: Monster, 100 word drabble
"Oh." Happy and Natsu looked at each other. Embarrassed, they began to whistle and shove the couch back to its proper place.
"Humph." Lucy decided to ignore their foolishness. "Let's get to bagging the candy and then everybody carves the pumpkins."
Natsu upended the bags of candy onto the coffee table. "Yosh! Lookit our great loot!"
"Hot tamales? Spicy lollipops? Habanero jelly beans? Ghost pepper flavoured pop rocks?" As Lucy sorted through the candy, her voice got louder and louder, her face scrunching into a deadly frown.
Happy shivered dramatically. "Oh-oh Natsu - Lucy's some kind of candy snob monster!"
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phoneboxfairy · 6 years
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Here we go. I'll scan it up at some point. I just wanted to draw something cute for one last Naluween week entry. So here's witch Lucy and her absolutely enamored cat boy familiar Natsu.
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impracticaldemon · 6 years
That’s the Spirit! - Part II
A/Note: This was supposed to be published on Halloween, not just a tiny bit too far into November 1. I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless, especially since it's more than twice the length I originally planned!  Also, this is still for Naluween Week 2018, Prompt: Cemetery
~ 4050 words Read also on:  AO3 | FFN  See Part I HERE
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That's the Spirit—Part II
It had taken longer to find a suitable graveyard than Natsu had expected. He'd been looking for something old and at least a little spooky, and the modern, neatly-trimmed local cemetery hadn't had the right feel to it. He'd also wanted to keep their destination a surprise from Lucy, who'd been strangely reluctant to abandon the guild's big Halloween party in favour of a 'short' trip out of town with Natsu to who-knew-where.
In desperation, Natsu had been forced to practically kidnap Lucy from her apartment, and he'd almost gotten Lucy-kicked when he'd pointed out that the stiletto-heeled boots she was wearing with her witch's costume wouldn't be very practical to hike around in. Still, Lucy was Lucy, which meant that in the end she'd given in, grabbed slightly more practical boots, and stomped out of the apartment after him.
"Are we almost there yet?"
"Yeah, just about! This'll be awesome, Lucy, you'll see. Way better than going to some dumb party."
"I helped organize that dumb party."
"Yeah? Cool. But don't worry, I'll bet you'll like this better anyway—I researched it and everything!"
Lucy frowned at that and stopped walking. "Natsu?"
"I ditched my own party—well guild party."
"And Mirajane and Erza—I hope you understand this—are going to be mad at me."
"Right, right—er, could we keep moving? I want you to get the full effect, and there's supposed to be rain later on."
Lucy drew a deep breath, but she started walking again, though slowly.
"You said it was a short trip, but we had to take a train, walk a couple of miles, cut through a small—and points to you, very spooky—village, and now we're back on a dirt path and I'm not sure the trees have been cut back in years."
"I know right?! I told you, I did some major research to find a place this perfect!"
"It's cold, dark, and foggy. That village back there was definitely odd, and the people in the bar looked like they'd rather rob our corpses than help us out of trouble. Honestly, why do I always agree to these plans of yours?!"
Natsu reached out and grabbed her hand, smiling widely. Then he remembered what he was supposed to do and found himself swallowing nervously. He still didn't quite believe that things needed to change between them, but this was for Lucy. Among other things, she did always agree to plans—eventually. A little pro forma complaining was only to be expected.
"Um, Lucy?"
"Yes, Natsu?"
"Your writing's really important to you, right?"
"Yes?" She was looking at him curiously, but the wariness from before was there as well.
"And you kind of like the romance parts in the books you an' Levy read, right?"
"Ye—well, I guess so? Natsu what on earth—"
"So I thought, what better place?"
With a wide gesture of his free hand, Natsu indicated the worn stone wall ahead of them. The gate was black wrought-iron with rusty patches, and the lettering above made the nature of their destination especially clear. Happy hadn't been too sure about the stone skulls on the gateposts, but Natsu had been sold.
"You didn't. No, what am I saying? Of course you did." Lucy stood staring up at the words over the gate. Her hand tightened on Natsu's, which he decided to take as a good sign, despite other, less promising signs. No point in being pessimistic.
"Yep, this is a first-class, totally authentic, ancient-graves-only cemetery! Took some doing, but it's all yours to explore and enjoy—well, not enjoy, but just think of the ambience! With any luck, we'll get to see all sorts of amazing stuff—and don't worry, I'll protect you if things get too spooky."
"Natsu, 'Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here' is not a typical slogan for a cemetery!"
"Seemed kinda odd to me too, but extra-weird isn't bad if you're looking for ghosts and ghoulies."
"And why are we here?"
Natsu's dark gray-green eyes became serious. He took Lucy's other hand, and although he suddenly understood why some guys might find this intimidating, he also discovered that it was something he wanted to do.
"Lucy…" Uncharacteristically, he had to moisten his lips before continuing. "Um. Right. Would-you-go-on-a-date-with-me?"
"Would I wha—Natsu!" Lucy's voice squeaked in surprise. "You're asking me out?!"
"Yes! Oh man, you understood!" Natsu was relieved. He hadn't been absolutely certain how this part would go. He'd worried that Erza had been wrong (possible), or that Gray's brain cells had malfunctioned (very possible), or that Gajeel—iron-headed punk—had been mocking him (probable). But as long as Lucy knew what he was talking about, she wasn't totally unaware of the whole girlfriend issue.
Lucy was staring at him; apparently, he needed to say something else. "So will you go out with me?"
"I…" Lucy looked freaked out. "I didn't think you'd ever ask."
"Oh, right, sure—totally understandable. I was biding my time."
"Biding your time? Wait, does that mean—were you reading my book again?!"
"What—why do you ask?"
"Biding your time? Seriously?"
"Yes, I was biding my time—if your Count Ugolino can bide his time, then I—"
"So you were reading my book!"
"Lucy, can we focus on the real question here?" Natsu assumed a dignified expression.
"That's just avoiding—no, wait, okay. Are you sure you're serious?"
It occurred to Natsu that Lucy looked a little teary-eyed. His nose told him that she was happy-excited, though. Now that he was looking for it, he had to admit that his friends had been right. He decided to just say what he felt.
"I realized that I didn't want anybody else asking you out. And also, you're a really great friend, an awesome mage, and I always feel best when we're together."
"You…" Unaccountably, Lucy burst into tears and hit feebly at his chest. "You dummy… saying stuff like that, and never understanding…"
"Was that 'dummy' meant in a good way?" But Natsu found himself holding her tightly against his chest, and stroking her pretty blonde hair. It was confusing, but it felt good.
"Why are you asking me out in a cemetery?" Her voice was muffled, but he could make out the words without difficulty.
"Right! Well, assuming that you're saying yes to going out with me—"
"—Then this is our first date! A place I picked just for you. And me. For us, I mean." He felt warmed by the new, still unexplored meaning of 'us'.
"You wanted to go to a cemetery on Halloween for our first date. To—I think—to help me research All Hallows Eve and so on?"
"Exactly. And also because I'm kind of curious about seeing ghosts or whatever. So—shall we go in?"
Lucy leaned back far enough to peer into his face. She looked cute, even with the tear streaks. Of course, Lucy always looked cute; he'd known that for ages.
"You didn't pick a cemetery because I might get scared and jump into your arms or something?"
Natsu blinked. "No?" Once again, he tried to puzzle out the question. This going out thing was complicated. His mind somehow supplied the right answer—probably from listening to one of the girls or guys back at the guild. "But you can, if you want. Jump into my arms. You're more likely to beat on things, though, aren't you? But anyway, let's go!"
Keeping Lucy's hand firmly in his, Natsu opened the gate and forged ahead with his plan. After they'd gone about thirty feet, he stopped and gestured proudly, as he had earlier.
"Come on, is this great or what?"
Lucy seemed to still be struggling with her emotions, but she gripped her underlip in her teeth and looked around. To Natsu's delight, she broke into a genuine grin just a few moments later.
"Oh wow! Natsu—this is amazing! Talk about authentically creepy!"
Natsu beamed at her. "You're the best, Lucy. I knew you'd see the advantages."
"Okay, but—a cemetery, really? Ooooh, look at that small mausoleum over there! That angel hovering over the top looks deadly—not comforting at all, is it?"
"That's the resting place of Sir Nicholas Bottom. He used to be a big deal around here four hundred years ago. Probably died of embarrassment over all the dumb name jokes."
"You looked that up? Not the last part, obviously."
"Yeah, of course! That's why I'm surprised those guys back at the bar were so unfriendly. Last time—couple of days ago—they were fine."
A fine, misting rain started to drizzle down, and Lucy shivered. She pulled her witch's cloak more tightly about her, then edged closer to Natsu.
"Oh hey, yeah! Since this is a date, I can totally keep you warm, right? No calling me a pervert, or anything, right? I've got this!" Pleased to show off a new skill, Natsu gathered magical energy and created—
"A flaming umbrella?"
"Stylish and practical!" With a look that could have been shyness, Natsu let go of Lucy's hand in order to put his arm around her and pull her closer. He guided their steps toward the decrepit, moss-ridden marble of Sir Nicholas' tomb.
Lucy murmured her appreciation, and then they started making their slow way around the rest of the cemetery. The umbrella was warm and bright overhead.
"You know, Lucy—"
"You know, Natsu—"
"We're not going to see anything at this rate," finished Natsu with a chuckle.
Lucy nodded. "Exactly. We've got drizzling rain, a suitable fog, old weathered gravestones… and a glowing umbrella."
Natsu turned off the umbrella—as it were—and suggested finding a quiet place to wait for whatever was going to happen.
Lucy indicated that a heavily decorated gravestone (with full pediment and two cherubs), raised in honour of the tragic Lady Ophelia appealed to her and would be comfortable to lean against. "Though it's very sad—didn't you say she drowned?" Lucy found herself walking as close to Natsu as possible—just to keep warm, of course. And he was very warm, after all.
"I guess. Those cherubs are kinda un-atmospheric if you ask me." Lucy laughed at the disdain in Natsu's voice.
Was it possible to snuggle against a marble pediment adorned with trailing seaweed and smarmy cherubs? Yes it was. Lucy still looked rather dazed, though. Natsu wavered between triumph and not knowing what to do next. You couldn't order hot chocolate in a graveyard. Just as he reached this thought, the sound of conversation came to his ears. Lucy felt him straighten, and glanced up inquiringly.
"People coming."
Lucy nodded. She took Natsu's incredible hearing pretty much for granted now. Natsu frowned.
"They're saying they'll need to get the stuff from the prince's lady tonight. And maybe even open up 'tailor nick'."
Lucy's eyes widened. "They're coming here?" Natsu nodded, eyes narrowed.
"What a drag. They'll ruin our perfectly good ghost-hunt!"
"Well you know…" Lucy suddenly drew out a key. "Halloween's a night for pranks, after all."
"I could just—"
"No, Natsu. But how about lighting up a few things—without burning everything down, I mean!"
The gate opened with a wild screech of rusty iron, and then two werewolves, one zombie, and two vampires, stalked, lurched, and drifted, respectively, into the graveyard. Their costumes were surprisingly authentic; the fabric even smelled of must, and earth, and traces of blood, according to Natsu's nose. He felt Lucy tense.
"They can't be real, they just can't be," she muttered. Natsu took the opportunity to pull her closer, and wondered if she was considering leaping into his arms. Unlikely, but you never knew. He allowed fire to limn one hand, careful not to scorch Lucy, who had complained of such things in the past.
The next thing he knew—which was crazy—a tendril of icy cold flicked against his neck, and a chilly voice hissed: "Ssstay out of thisss, draggon chiiild."
Naturally, Natsu knew who to blame. He shoved Lucy away—gently—and spun around, fire burning on both fists. "Gray, you bastard—"
"It's not Gray," squeaked Lucy, who was staggering to her feet nearby. "And I think the atmosphere's gotten very, uh, atmospheric."
She had a point. The irritated, green-eyed spirit looming over Natsu did not have any of Gray's familiar touches. It—possibly she—was mostly translucent, but dark, wet-looking seaweed seemed to crawl over its body. Meanwhile, the werewolves, zombie, and vampires were closing the distance with ridiculous speed.
"You're a zombie," he heard Lucy yell. "You can't be moving that fast!"
"Actually, he's a ghoul, pretty girl. They move quite quickly." A cold hand caressed Lucy's neck, and she yelped.
"And vampires don't exist!" The hand was slapped away with force.
"She's got you there, Count." The guy-who-definitely-couldn't-be-a-werewolf was lounging near Lucy's feet, leering at her.
"Ha. Ha." The nonexistent vampire bowed gracefully in mid-air. "Don't be fooled, my dear. I'm not a count, I'm a marquis. You know how it is—the aristocracy always did get the best tombs. You smell lovely, by the way."
The next instant, the marquis found himself engulfed in flames and rocketing up into the air.
"Don't you dare touch Lucy! Or smell her, either!" The leering werewolf was sent rolling across the tangled grass into a gravestone, its shaggy hair ablaze.
At the same moment, Loke the Lion stepped out of nowhere to Lucy's side. He seemed as calm as ever, but Natsu had the impression that his fur was suddenly standing on end.
"Interesting place for a date, Natsu."
"Stuff it, Loke."
"No, I mean it. You must have found the only graveyard in the country being contested by"—he paused to count—"at least one of the greater Fae, two vampires, a ghoul, and two lesser Fae. Well done."
Natsu eyed him warily. "Thanks. Now I'm gonna take them out. Feel free to help, just don't get in my way."
"Natsu, they're snickering." Lucy had another key out, and looked nervous, but Natsu could tell that part of her was genuinely impressed. "Let's try talking first, okay?"
"No way, isn't there some rule about not talking to creatures of the night or something?"
Loke shot Natsu a surprised look. "You actually know something about faerie creatures? And the undead? Though I've heard speculation that vampires are actually undead Fae."
The whispering and giggling among the creatures surrounding them grew in intensity. Except that the giant ghost-seaweed lady was now looming over all of them, and there were definitely fangs showing over her lips.
"Leo the Lion. Hmmm. I did not know that you were aware of usss."
"It pays to be informed, Lady." Loke bowed carefully, not meeting the Fae's eyes. Natsu figured that if anyone here were a 'greater' something, it was the seaweed not-quite-a-ghost.
"I sssugessst that you young onesss leave."
"An interesting decision, Lady," said the marquis. "But surely unwise? We don't want any future interlopers in our, ah, private interests? Besides, the young lady is most—shall we say—enchanting?"
Natsu was fed up. He sent another blast of fire at the vampire—or whatever it was—just because it was the most annoying, and took Lucy's hand.
"Just to be clear," he said, in the ominous growl that he rarely used, "you are interrupting our private interests. And if you lay another hand on Lucy, then I don't care what you are, you're going down."
"He's actually more powerful than he appears," Loke put in helpfully, although he was still giving a good impression of a simultaneously wary and angry cat to Natsu's senses.
"Perhapsss it isss sssso," said the Lady. She didn't look intimidated in the slightest, but she wasn't attacking either.
"Oh, for goodness' sake"—Lucy was interrupted by another whisper of edged laughter—"okay, for heavens sake—no—OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Shut up, all of you! This is my FIRST. DATE. EVER. So quit it!"
"I'm beginning to see why it's her first date, mind you," commented the heretofore silent vampire.
Natsu immediately realized that there was now somebody more likely to get the fighting started than he was, and that thought made him clamp down on his temper and tighten his hold on Lucy.
"I sssugessst you find a different sssemetery," murmured the Lady in Natsu's ear, quietly enough that even he barely heard her. This time, the chill, definitely ghostlike sensation traveled the length of his body, and he had to work to hold onto his flames. He glanced at Loke, who gave him the tiniest of shrugs. Loke would stay with Lucy either way, but he didn't like this fight.
Natsu gave the assembled Fae, ghost-vampires, and ghoulies a bright grin that didn't hide any teeth. He then dropped an unmistakable kiss on Lucy's cheek, which distracted Lucy from deciding how she was going to destroy Silent Vampire and Marquis Vampire.
"Lucy, I thought this place was perfect—and it was—but the locals are getting to me. Let's find ourselves a more"—he side-eyed the vampires—"uninfested graveyard, yeah?"
Lucy now appeared to be torn between curiosity and amusement, but she nodded her agreement, and twined her fingers more tightly in his. It was a really… nice… feeling. Not quite like the way they'd held hands in the past.
"The themetery about two mileth northwetht hath a nithe ambianthe," said the ghoul, rather unexpectedly.
"Thanks, bro," Natsu replied. "Good luck tonight. Happy All Hallows Eve, eh?" He started for the gate, his path taking him straight through the still-smoking werewolf-fae. It didn't move. He allowed the flame on his free hand to burn hotter and brighter. It rose to its full height, and got… bigger.
"Yes, princess?"
Natsu glanced at Lucy. He had no idea what she was thinking, which was weird, but he knew enough to let her do this her way.
"This one's all yours. Just get him out of my way."
"Yes, princess. Since Loke-sama is here, there will be no difficulty. However—"
Natsu felt the onrushing cold, and instinctively threw his arms around Lucy. Something like a contained gale whipped by them with inches to spare, and then he couldn't smell the obnoxious were-creature any more.
Virgo was waist-deep in the ground, but unconcerned. "As I was saying, princess, I believe he has annoyed the Lady. Also, Natsu-san, you are lying in a most undignified way on Lucy-hime. Do you want to be punished?"
Natsu was abruptly more aware of how he'd landed than in the past, and he hurried to his feet. "No thanks, Virgo, I'm fine." He helped Lucy up, and realized that she was blushing. It was time to go.
"Don't turn back, don't say thank you—again—just leave." That was Loke.
"Yeah, that's what I'm doing—right, Lucy?"
"Um, yes, absolutely. But what do you mean—"
"Rumour, and a certain amount of purely vicarious experience, says that if you thank one of the faerie kind then they take it as an acknowledgement of a debt and, well, they tend to be persistent about claiming debts."
They were almost at the gate. Whether despite, or forgetful of, Loke's advice, Natsu glanced back. The graveyard was dancing with eerie lights, and dark shapes moved within. I definitely picked the right graveyard. Then his eyes somehow met those of the one called the Lady, and for a moment he couldn't move.
You are fortunate that I have a soft spot for young lovers, whispered a cold voice inside his head. The extravagant sibilance was gone. Do not come back. And by the way—Igneel Firelord is closer than you think, but you will find him only when you need him most. Goodbye, dragon-child.
They ended up back at Lucy's place, minus spooky Fae and celestial spirits. For the first time in their entire relationship, Natsu hesitated at the door.
"Natsu?" Lucy sounded a little tired, but she was smiling at him. "I'll make us tea, okay? And snacks?"
A few minutes later, they were seated together on the couch, tea and snacks untasted. Natsu was annoyed to find that he'd lost his easy comfort with Lucy. Was it really worth it?
"Um, are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah—you? Are you disappointed that our first date was a bit, you know, bizarre?"
Lucy's lips twitched, and then she was grinning madly.
"I think I'd be disappointed if it wasn't. Did you really mean it—about going out together?"
"Yeah, of course." Instinctively, Natsu reached out to touch her cheek. He hadn't been sure, a moment before, but now that they were more relaxed, it seemed completely right—inevitable, even. He leaned forward to rest his forehead against Lucy's, but that still didn't feel close enough, so he pulled her into his lap. Her breath caught, but she only tensed for an instant before snuggling against him as if they'd been doing this forever. Maybe they had, in their own way.
"Just tell me if I make mistakes, okay? I'm kind of new at this."
"Me too."
She sat back and looked up at him, and his hands shifted to gently cup her cheeks. Had he ever seen Lucy blush like this? He wasn't sure. It hadn't been the kind of thing he'd analyzed, before. Tracing her jaw made him almost uncomfortably warm, which shouldn't really be possible, but shortly afterwards he found one hand caressing the back of her head, and his mouth on hers. She was amazingly sweet to his senses, and now his fingers were tangling in her hair, and her lips were parting to murmur something incoherent and somehow arousing.
"…Natsu…" It wasn't a request to stop, he could tell, but he did anyway.
"Thank you." Her lips trailed up his cheek, and he felt her teeth nip his ear. For a moment he couldn't hear anything over the rush of the blood in his veins and the pounding of his heart. He only caught the tail-end of what she said next. "—was a wonderful cemetery. Lots of great touches of authenticity."
For some reason, Natsu couldn't deal with the way her breath blew gently across his ear as she spoke; his senses were reeling. He pulled back from her, but only to kiss her almost savagely on the lips, and to explore her mouth with his tongue. Time passed, and each increasingly breathy moan from Lucy drove him closer to some longed-for conclusion.
"Lucy… sorry… I didn't—I swear I didn't realize!" He pushed himself upright in something like shock when he realized that she was pinned under him on the couch, dishevelled and heavy-lidded. He could see the round swell of her breasts even more than usual, and the way they jutted up against the stretchy fabric of her rumpled black shirt was actually making him sweat. Despite how hot he felt, and the aching, too-tight feeling between his legs, he rolled onto his knees on the floor, and looked down at her in concern.
"Natsu?" Lucy lifted her head and used one hand to pull his lips back to hers. "This is good. Don't worry, I know you won't hurt me, or rush things."
Her best friend—her boyfriend? the word still felt strange to Natsu—thought that he might have a tough time not rushing things, but he'd managed tough things before.
"Yeah, I know. I mean, no, I won't rush things. But you know… I really didn't understand what it felt like, and I'm kinda crazy about you, so you've got to smack me or something if I ever—"
"You know me—I will. Stop overthinking things." Lucy let her head fall back with a laugh. "I can't believe I just said that!"
"Neither can I."
"Too bad the ghosts and ghoulies chased us out of our perfect cemetery." She was pressing kisses against his chest now—when had he lost his shirt? Not long after, he dragged her down onto the carpet with him, and went back to kissing her with unreserved passion, on the lips, and ears, and neck, and shoulders. Her hands roamed the curves and planes of his torso, and his low hum of longing sounded loud in his own ears.
"The gh-ghosts and ghoulies weren't so b-bad. B-but maybe next year you can find us somewhere a little quieter."
"Mmm? Oh, yeah, I will. Definitely."
It was an excellent first date, and a very happy Halloween.
A/Note: I don't know where these stories come from, or why they always end up too long, but I'm glad to have something new and fun out there for the Fairy Tail fandom! Your comments and reviews are always greatly appreciated, whether on tumblr, FFN, or AO3. And yes, I do read tags :)
@nalufever @shell-senji @petri808 @eliz1369 @writer-appreciation
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fairyqueennerd · 6 years
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"Ha Ha now I can take up any monster"
"You could have done it naturally, who told you to dress up like one?" Lucy sighed while Natsu looked at her dumbly.
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fuck-yeah-nalu · 4 years
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The prompts for Naluween this year, feel free to participate! And if you participate you can tag us, so I can reblog your post!
October 25th - October 31th
Day 1: Dark Forest
Day 2: Genie
Day 3: Apocalypse
Day 4: Harvest Party
Day 5: Cloak
Day 6: Prophecy
Day 7: Fangs
October 15th - November 2nd
Day 1: Owl
Day 2: Prank
Please check the rules and faq!
Tags: #Naluweenweek #Naluween week
In japanese: #ナツルーHalloween週間
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nalalunaart · 6 years
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Naluween day 4: cemitery
Took forever until I was a bit happy with this. This one is so out of my comfort zone in every way! But I simply love the movie "Coco", and had to draw this for this prompt, specially considering what day is today (I know I’m late, sorryyyyy)! I hope you like it too!
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mayabarley · 6 years
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Naluween 2018 Prompt #7: Crystal Ball
Like usual: do not repost, please!!!
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Naluween Week Bonus Prompt 1
Of course, I’m excited to write some more Nalu! Enjoy! ;)
Prompt: Scary Cat
Rating: E
“Alright! What's on the agenda for today?” Lucy beamed over the kitchen table at her boyfriend who had a mouth full of eggs.
           “Mf gft m jbf,” Natsu replied, and then rolled his eyes and swallowed, “To get a job.”
           “No!” Lucy grinned, raising a finger. “I have a much better idea.”
           “Oh?” Natsu frowned, “This wouldn't happen to be that idea where we go talk to publishers all day, because one time was enough for me.”
           “No, nothing like that! We have to go get our costumes!”
           “Costumes...?” Natsu glanced over at Happy, who was gleefully munching on a fish. “What... costumes?” Happy shrugged.
           “For the Festival, dummy!” Lucy gasped, “It's in two days and we don't even have costumes yet!”
           “That's right!” Happy cried, “Magnolia's Autumn Festival! Every year is better than the last!”
           “Ohhh... I could just be a dragon again. I have that costume--”
           “You're a dragon every year!” Lucy said, “And besides, now that we're boyfriend and girlfriend... wouldn't it be more fun if we went dressed up in couple costumes?”
           “What does that mean?”
           “We pick costumes that go together!”
           “So why don't we just get you a dragon costume too?”
           “Lucy's right, Natsu! We should dress up as something different every year. I promise this year I won't be a fish!”
           “Okay,” Natsu nodded, “Deal. I won't be a dragon. What were you thinking, Lu?”
           “Let's go to the shop and figure something out together,” Lucy said, “As soon as we're done with breakfast.”
*** ***
           The costume shop was full of glitter, and masks. Natsu, Lucy, and Happy perused the aisles, looking for outfits that would work well together. After they selected a few, they hurried to the changing rooms to try them on, with Happy as their judge.
           “Alright! First costume.”
           “That dragon costume would have fit you perfectly,” Natsu grumbled, as he helped Lucy by zipping the back of her costume.
           “Natsu! You made a deal with Happy. Come on, lets shake things up a bit,” She tilted her head back to look up at him, and caught a glance of a small smile.
           “You're usually right,” he sighed.
           “I know!” She grinned. He pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and they were out the door to display their findings to Happy.
           “Maid and Butler!” Lucy said, gesturing excitedly to Natsu.
           Happy groaned, “Boring.”
           “Happy!” Lucy huffed.
           “I don't know,” Natsu grinned, his voice dipping into a low growl, “I think Lucy looks pretty cute.” Lucy felt her whole face burn red.
           “It's boring,” Happy repeated.
           “O-okay! We'll try something else!” And Lucy ushered her boyfriend back into the dressing room. “What next...?” She pondered.
           “How 'bout we buy these and take them home?” Natsu mused.
           “You're just saying that because of the low-cut top, you pervert,” Lucy snapped. Natsu grinned, and Lucy yanked a couple more costumes from the few they had selected. “Let’s try these on.”
           Out the door they came again: “Cowboy and Cowgirl!” Lucy put her hands on her hips, clothed in a little denim skirt. Natsu was laughing, Lucy was sure it was because he thought they looked ridiculous.
           “You two look like Alzack and Bisca.”
           “Huh...” Lucy glanced up at her hat, and then down at Natsu's boots. “I guess we kind of do.”
           “Nothing left but to try on some more,” Natsu shrugged. So, they hurried back into the dressing room.
           “Ooh! Let’s try this one!” Lucy beamed, pulling two more costumes from their select few. “Maybe Happy will like these.” They helped each other with their ears and tails and then they were out once more.
           “Scary!” Happy cried, taking one glance at them and stepping back in fear.
           “Happy?” Natsu frowned. “What's wrong?”
           “Lucy! Did you turn into a cat?!”
           “No, this is the costume! Doesn't Natsu look cute?!” she poked the dragon-slayer's cheek where she had painted on whiskers.
           “No! He looks scary!”
           “Really?” Natsu frowned, glancing down at his paw-like gloves. “I feel kind of stupid.”
           “Hey, I thought this costume was cute!” Lucy said.
           “I don't like it!” Happy wailed.
           “Fine, we'll go try on the last one!” Lucy huffed, pushing her boyfriend back into the dressing room. Lucy handed her boyfriend the last costume.
           “What’s this?” The dragon slayer frowned.
           “Wizard robes,” she replied. Natsu scratched at a glittery star on one of the shoulders.
           “Huh… I don’t think I’ve met anyone who dresses like this…”
           “Well they do in fairytales!” Lucy sighed, “And I’ll be a witch!” She held up a little black dress and a witch’s hat. They stepped out of the dressing room once more, Lucy holding her broom, her little black dress swishing around her hips, Natsu with a raised wand and cackling maniacally.
           “Mwahaha! I have all the power in the world in this tiny… stick… No, I’m not feeling it.”
           “Natsuuuu!” Lucy gasped, exasperated.
           “Okay! Okay!” He grinned, adjusting his star-spangled robes and running a hand through his hair. “I am the most powerful wizard in all of Fiore.” He offered her a smirk and Lucy giggled.
           “Much better,” She tipped her hat. Natsu grinned.
           “Yeah, I guess I’m kind of feeling it.”
           “What do you think, Happy?” Lucy put her free hand on her hip, glancing over at the exceed who was grinning.
           “I like your hat, Lucy!” Happy said, “And your robes, Natsu! I think they suit you!”
           “Why, thank you!” Lucy bowed, and then clasped Natsu’s free hand in hers. The dragon-slayer offered the celestial wizard a sweet smile, before pulling her close by the hand and stealing a kiss, tipping her hat off in his haste. Lucy felt her cheeks go warm, and her heart fluttered.
           “What was that for?!” She laughed.
           “Nothin’,” Natsu shrugged, releasing her hand. Happy had pressed his little paws together.
           “He lllliikesss you!”
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itssilkyfly · 6 years
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Happy Halloween everyone!! 🎃
Here's a little sth I made ^^
I hope everyone has/had a great evening/night! :)
It wasn't really intented, but it also kinda fits to the Naluween Week - Day one: Pumpkin 🎃 ^^
(I hope the picture quality looks alright :s also I really don't know how to make traditional art look good on photos.. 😂)
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nalufever · 6 years
Naluween, Scary Cat
Oct 15, bonus prompt day: Scary Cat ~ 100 word drabble
Lucy looked up from the pile of material she was fashioning into a Halloween costume; narrowing her eyes, she said flatly, "What?"
Happy stood wearing a white sheet, with jagged eyeholes and his paws in the air. Claws out in a threatening manner, he shouted, "Be scared Lushi!"
"Of you? Ha!" Lucy returned her attention to her needlework.
Happy stomped over to Natsu where he reclined on the couch, eating handfuls of popcorn. "Natsu! Lucy's being mean!"
"Hey, buddy, Lucy's too strong to spook so easy!"
"But I'm a scary cat!"
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Loke's got you beat."
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