anyasathenaeum · 26 days
Fic authors self rec!♡ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
AHHHH Thank you so much Nova! Sorry it took me forever to get to this, but I appreciate it! I'd send this back to you if you hadn't already done it LOL ❤️ These are NOT in order in terms of favourite to least, it's just 5 fics I really love.
"There's Only One Bed" Trope (Vash x Reader, Wolfwood x Reader) - This is the writing that started all my writings for Trigun and I'm proud of it.
Home (Vash x Reader) - This one is very, very special to me and was written more for myself but I'm happy if others can resonate with it. I'm a nurse in real life so the healersona is real. It's a full fic expansion of this drabble I wrote.
I Need Some Sleep (Vash x Reader) - This is the newest addition right now and I really love it because it ties in my love for music and dancing alongside longing and comfort.
Guide (NSFW - Inexperienced!Choso x Reader) - One of two NSFW fics I've written for one of my other fictional husbands (Choso from JJK). This fic really pushed me out of my comfort zone with writing smut and NSFW content, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! :)
Elysium (Dad!Vash x Reader series, currently ongoing) - This is my first series that I've ever written. It's been an ongoing challenge writing it, but it's also been such a good time and a wonderful learning experience. I really love Dad!Vash (thanks @jellys-compendium I blame you for this).
And then, an honorary mention because even though it's not one of my personal favourites, everybody else seems to find this one particularly enjoyable and I had a blast writing it:
6. Reader tells Knives they slept with Vash (LMAO)
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sunburnacoustic · 7 months
When it all comes together, it's magical. People walk away feeling like they've seen something more than just a rock concert. Something with meaning.
— Matt Bellamy on a Muse live show, Drones tour | Q Magazine, April 2016
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crookedvertebrae · 1 year
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Nai  Knives
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adventures-written · 1 year
Take Me To Church (closed)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood had lived a hard life. Growing up in an orphanage was not exactly the best living, especially with the lack of food and supplies in Noman’s Land. There were days where he wasn’t sure he could make it, though, taking up smoking at a young age had certainly helped the hunger. It was not the best habit, and he certainly got in trouble for it, but it helped him get by.
As he grew up, started to learn about the systems put in place, Nico vowed himself into Priesthood with the idea that he could take care of the orphanage. He wasn’t one for religion, not really. But this was the best way to look after the kids at the orphanage. He had taught himself how to use a gun, for protection obviously. They did face a lot of raids, especially with the way people were these days. Even kids weren’t safe.
A lot of older people had that every man for himself mentality. He really hated that fact about the world they lived in now.
Being a priest came with a few caveats though. Like he had to listen to the townsfolk too, take confessions and such. He really wasn’t the best with advice or guidance, not being your typical priest, but he tried. 
He was in the church by himself, smoking a cigarette. He had been told not to smoke in here, but he had a quiet moment and no one was around. Cigarette between his lips, he took a deep drag. He was lost in his thoughts, not quite realizing anyone had entered his church.
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st4rfckerz · 7 months
i think you could be a fan of brittany broski
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justmaghookit · 1 year
Thinking about Trigun again and how well it does portraying an abusive sibling relationship. Though if I was Vash I would never forgive Knives, but Vash’s whole thing is kinda how he forgives regardless of what an offending party has done to him [that is a problem and he should be in therapy so i will put him in brain therapy, there is where i take him to therapy in my brain and rotate him in my mind like he is my oc.]
But like as someone who grew up with an abusive older brother, who did not necessarily know what he was doing was abusive, but hurt me badly regardless. I have a lot of feelings about it.
so iunno ramblings from a childhood sibling abuse survivor about how fucked it is the way Nai treats his brother.
In Nai’s own mind he loves Vash, cares about him and wants to protect him, but he also in a way does not see Vash as an individual that is separate from himself. He has an internalized entitlement to Vash, to his time, his thoughts, his mind and body. He wants complete ownership and control of him, because in his mind this is the only way to keep him safe, but in doing so he would erase literally everything that makes Vash who he is.
[oh this got long, under a read more to keep dash clean]
TLDR: Nai says no one is allowed to hurt my brother, except for me i get to hurt him as much as i want but its for his own good so its ok [its not its really fucking not]
Nai is so utterly convinced he knows whats best for him, how best to look after him, that he crashed an entire armada of ships, ultimately dooming them both to a horrible 150 years on a planet that cannot support them. We could also go into Nai’s fear and how that drove him, but thats for another post I think.
Nai’s plans regarding Vash always end in failure for two reasons.
1. Nai is horrifically short sighted and narrow minded, almost hilariously so.
2. He does not know Vash as well as he thinks he does, and what he does know he disregards.
Nai crashes the SEEDS ships to protect Vash and make a paradise for plants. He does not actually know at this point HOW he’s going to do that, just that he wants too. He also didn’t know the planet he crashed them all on would be horrifically ill suited to his kind, or he did, and ultimately didn’t care. He did not think that Vash would leave him. He disregarded Vash’s emotions and when Vash reacts badly he berates him, taunts him with being his accomplice. Though we the viewer know that this is patently untrue. You cannot be an accomplice to murder if you lend someone a knife to cut a cord with and they go on to use it to stab someone[Vash did not hand Nai the codes, so much as Nai saw him enter them and memorized it and then used it for his own purposes.]
Guilt tripping in order to force someone to stay by your side is kind of textbook 101 for abuse. And then he does it again, and again, and again. It never works, but he keeps doing it! He keeps trying to break Vash down into little pieces he can put back together in the shape of what he thinks his brother should be.
Nai’s plans at July fail because once again he disregards Vash’s emotions and his connections with people as insignificant. They may be twins, but they are both individual, independent plants. Vash’s relationships quite literally ground him in reality and allow him to build a place for himself in the world.
Millions Knives does not have connections with people outside of Vash. He has what I’d call Business Deals. He is not grounded in reality, he doesn’t even want to keep his feet on the ground. He wants the access to the Higher Dimension that Vash can get him. He wants to tear it open, crawl inside it and never leave, even if it means a gaping bleeding wound in his brothers soul leaking out across the planet, turning him into a literal husk of himself.
This plan of course fails, because Vash is not beholden to Nai’s views on how the world should be, and his connections with people allow him to hang on even while being literally re-written from the inside out.
I think it’s telling, at the end of the final episode, how Millions Knives claims Vash killed Nai. Even with his plan blowing up literally in his face, he has to take on last low blow at Vash, one more guilt trip for the road. “you made me like this” standard fair for an abuser.
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Knives had never truly felt fear before. At most, there had been flickers of concern, worry when aspects of Vash's rebirth were deviating from their perceived path, but they always smoothed over. He hadn't had a reason to fear anything, not until now-- and even that was an understatement. His experience with the Punk, still right on his heels, had caused a few more ripples in his emotional tide than just fear.
No, what he was feeling right now was terror. Pumping through his veins and pushing him to go faster, to turn corners without caring about how precise the turn actually was and slamming into things. To reach out with his senses to find the real Vash and barrel towards that blindly. He didn't need to find a door or window, he would make an opening wherever he needed one. Nothing would stop him from getting to Vash.
Not when the maw of Hell itself had opened up and threatened everything.
Wherever the world had cracked open, it was teeming with evil. Spilling impurities into the world and filling it with imposters-- literal demons and monsters wearing the faces of others that distorted and warped the original skin. Were they just different, tarnished versions? Or had they consumed the originals? Knives didn't care to find out while there was one still in pursuit.
But when additional swell of power he'd been feeling flickered and faded, and gave way enough for him to throw another net out to sense Vash again... it returned with something dim and weak, his signature as listless as a smothered candle flame. The feeling drove a fresh new spike of fear through the Independent's entire being, and despite the chase, had him slamming to a halt. What had happened?
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"Vash?" Knives' query was posed to no one, eyes wide and scanning. Needed a location, where was his brother, where--
--there. Ten or so stories below them and a good handful of yards off, but Knives couldn't have cared less. Vash was in danger. He needed to go.
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Something that gets me about Trigun Stampede is Nai's delusional love for his brother. His entire world revolves around Vash, and yet his love is a twisted, malignant thing. He seeks to purge humans from the world in an effort to save their race, but it's at the cost of turning Vash into a shell of what he is. He strips away any and all memories of humans from Vash so that he can use his brother as a tool to kill humans. He hears Vash's agonized cries and he does nothing. He loves Vash, but he is so engrossed in his hatred of humans that it comes at the cost of his love. All he cares about is him and Vash sitting in that lonesome garden, uncaring of the agony his brother is in. Someone who loves their brother wouldn't put them through this.
And yet.
When they fight for that Gate, Nai turns his knives on humans to kill and destroy but never to cut Vash. They fight and bite each other and knock each other over the head like two angry twin brothers, but they never try to kill the other. Even when Nai is burning up, his flesh melting away, he never turns his knives on his brother, to cut off his remaining arm, to finally get what he wants.
I want to hate Nai. His love is twisted and toxic and he only hurts Vash when he tries to help. But man. He loves his brother. In spite of it all, he loves his brother, and he wants to keep him safe.
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historias-multorum · 11 months
@shouga-nai continuing from this.
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Hinata's heart is going a mile a minute, and it doubled when he actually said yes. She was blushing just as much as he was for sure. Still, with the confirmation she leaned in standing on her tip-toes to let her lips meet with his.
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anyasathenaeum · 6 months
I didn’t think any of my Trigun writings would get anywhere near 1,000 notes.
I also didn’t think the Trigun fic that was going to achieve getting close to that was going to be the single crack-fic I’ve written about the reader teasing Knives and driving him up the wall (it's currently at just over 900 notes). I’m glad you guys liked that one so much LOL. I have no idea why you guys liked it so much but I’m still glad 😂💜🩷❤️
Please lemme know what kinda writings you’d like to see from me in future - I’m curious as to what people wanna read for Trigun.
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smol-sirens-garden · 9 months
Continued From {X} I @shouga-nai
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He stared at the other, blinking before slowly shaking his head. He couldn't remember the other and his head was pounding. The other seemed to know him and yet as hard as he try he couldn't even come up with the other's name.
"I'm...I'm sorry. I don't I.....why does my head hurt?"
He looked around, though his eyes mostly focused on the other. If the other knew him then he could trust him right? He couldn't even recall other things either, not just the other. What did he do for work? Where did he live? It was all a mystery to him.
"My name is Hifumi right? That's.... that's all I really remember. What happened?"
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pyonpyonpyon · 1 year
❌ Offers Doppo to your Hypmic muses :D Bring it on!
Send ❌ and I will put all of our muses into this prompt generator and make a starter based on the result.
doppo accuses gentaro of a crime.
"Oh dear, oh dear!" Gentaro wails as he rests the back of his hand against his forehead, head tilted back and eyes fluttering as if he might faint. His other hand grips the front of his cape, loose enough that there's no risk of wrinkling the fabric.
"I've been caught! How embarrassing! Why, all of my schemes pale in comparison to the brilliance of the modern day Poirot before me!"
He waits a second to let his dramatics sink in. Then, he gracefully straightens up. Plucking his favored notebook from its comfortable place within his pocket, he rests the top of it against his upper lip to hide the bottom half of his expression.
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With an unamused, half-lidded gaze, he intones: "Now then. I don't suppose you have evidence for your claims, Mr. Kannonzaka?"
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vihrago-a · 2 years
𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐃. she'd truly become a pawn. she should have known that one day , they would take away everything she held dear. talon had found out about their secret meetings -- followed her and used her as bait to capture her paramour. kaori didn't know. it was like all hell came loose when many talon members leapt from the shadows and pounced on him like prey to a predator. she fought tooth and nail to try and get him back but was met with the butt of a rifle — knocking her out cold. the next thing she remembered was waking up in an interrogation room , hands and wrists bound to the table while she sat.
how long had she been unconscious for? getting knocked out from getting hit by a rifle generally isn’t easy — especially because of the fact it would normally kill the person if done improperly. had it just momentarily stunned her and she just … gave in? gave into the pain? kaori didn’t know. she only wanted one thing right now. her voice drips with ferocity and violence as she shouts , echoing in the rather silent chamber. she could feel the urge and need to melt into her shadow form but it seems like they had some sort of dampener in the room to reduce her abilities. it left her nauseous.
the door opens. a fellow talon member escorted her paramour into the room , guiding him to the chair across from her at the table. his expression was so … dead. lifeless. cold. his gaze met hers and suddenly it didn’t feel like the man she held so close to her heart was sitting in front of her. rather , a stranger.
[ GENJI … ? ]
her voice falters. he makes no effort to speak back and shot a rather vicious glare. what the hell was wrong with him? what did they do to him? kaori sucks in a shaky breath. “ you’re … different. are you okay? they didn’t hurt you , right? ” she attempts to reach a hand forward , restricted by the restraints. genji leaned back and turned his nose up slightly. what the hell? a flash of hurt washes over her expression. he wanted nothing to do with her. so thats how it was going to be. fine. her jaw is clenched and her brows furrow.
“ i don’t know who you are. but i do gather that you’re the reason i’m caught up in this mess. ”
his voice is like a shock — and his words hit like a train. they didn’t just hurt him. they destroyed his memory and everything about who he was. and he didn’t even recognize her.
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adventures-written · 1 year
@pacifistwithagun​ "Saint." Nai's somewhat proud of his attempt.
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“First good name I’ve heard all day, but I think it’s digging a bit too far into the whole priest schtick...”
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st4rfckerz · 8 months
do you have a pinterest board from your "sam monroe era" ?
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i never delete my pinterest boards, that'd be a sin
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yudcku · 2 years
okay but imagine a shaman king au
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