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rubynrut · 5 months ago
I'm going to draw the illiad memes but i wanna give you a little bit of my sense of humor
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twink-catcoal-thing · 9 months ago
why does duolingo teach a fictional language and not like, any other language in existence
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jumping-jackalope · 3 months ago
when. unrelatedly. a friend loans you a book & you loan them a book and you get to talk about books :)
when you bring a book to show n tell
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lidoshka · 1 year ago
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Plumeria rubra. - Also known as Sacuanjoche, this is Nicaragua's national flower since 1971. Comes from the nahualt language “xacuan”(sacuan) meaning beautiful yellow petals and “xochilt”(joche) flower. (X) The symbol of inmortality.
In the image:
Haleth surrounded with May Flowers Sacuanjoche flowers.
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talonabraxas · 1 month ago
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“Tonatiuh, the Verb of San Juan, the Logos or creator of the universe, with its triangular tongue of fire, is the golden child of sexual alchemy, the spiritual sun at midnight, the eagle that rises and soars, the resplendent dragon of wisdom, and it is represented by the star that gives us life, light and heat. Decorated by the Nahualts, it appears in glory at the very center of the Stone of the Sun”. -Samael Aun Weor – The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac.
Tonatiuh - God of the Sun Talon Abraxas
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tanadrin · 10 months ago
What names are sexy?
names that start with v, z, r, f, or j. short names. names without large consonant clusters. names that weren't popular in my grandparents' generation. names with reasonably phonetic spelling. those phrasal puritan names. names that are also animals, flowers, plants, days of the week, months, or (use these carefully) minerals or landforms. chinese, japanese, old english, old norse, arabic, or nahualt names.
all of these are rough heuristics, mind. something could hit every property on this list and still be an unsexy name. and there are sexy names with none of these properties.
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starrylovesuggestions · 4 months ago
Eztli (means "blood" in Nahualt) for the name ask thing!
oh hey! this is my cousin's name as well :)
red orange and turquoise color schemes.
intricate DND dice. they feel nice to roll in your hands before rolling them onto the table. your friends watch with bated breath as this next stealth roll decides if you blow their cover or not.
fresh animal prints in otherwise untouched white snow
tall mountains. this is a small town, the neighbors let their animal herds roam free through the cobble paths. This is a tight knit community. Your neighbor gives you fresh oranges, the vendors at the town center make everything fresh. why was there a donkey in my house?
Bright colorful streamers hang down over you. your street is filled with lively chatter. the lights are dim but the moon is brighter lighting your way back home. everyone greets you.
buying brand new lotions and clothes. the lotions are your favorite scents, the clothes all fit you just right.
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lovevalekai · 1 year ago
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I really liked the result and also the pose, his story is on Instagram
Instagram :
And there is the tik tok video
Tik Tok:
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saw-bathroom · 5 months ago
now my fav words in spanish
(warning, these are mostly slangs from my country and also area, cuz not in all the country these are know )
plebes - is use for calling people but like friends ! like “I wonder what are the plebes doing”
telenque - this one is use for people that are weak or sick !
ezquite - This one is from nahualt so is not spanish but is a cool word for a corn food, some people (like myself) use it to call the street corn food, you prob know which one, but not everyone in the country call it that, some people call it “elote en vaso” (corn on glass/cup?) but I prefer ezquite sounds cooler
Cariño - Cute name to call a beloved one, I just love how it sounds
Miel - it means honey, I like the sounds of the word
apapacho - meansss is like a hug!, sounds more cute than abrazo ( literal translation of hug)
mimitos/mimos - Idk from where this one comes from, but is just “cariñitos” also cariñitos is not like cariño, is more like giving someone love like hugs and kisses, is more like cuddling!, so mimitos is cuddling !
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honeykaes · 5 months ago
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Just for reference too just based on names:
Mualani is Hawaiian/Taihitian. Polynesian, a group with majority brown skintones
Kachina is Hopi. A indigenous group in the Southwestern region in the US. A group with a variety of skintones, but also lean more on the tan side
Kinich is Mayan (indigenous Latino). Literally named after a Yucatec Sun God. The Yucatec are a group found in southeastern Mexico, Guatemala and northern Belize.
The Spaniards, literally came in and made a caste system with indigenous people to breed them out and kill them to take their land. African and Indigenous Mexicans were at the bottom, Mulattos were in the middle and the white Spaniards were on top.
Citali has roots in Aztec culture and her name is in Nahuatl, a language spoken by the Nahua people who primarily live in present day Central Mexico. Nahualt is literally a dying language too and primarily spoken in Central Mexico. Who again have a range in brown skin
Xilonen is an Aztec Goddess of Maize who has clear inspiration of Brazilian culture in her attire. 🧍🏽‍♀️
Iansan and Olorun are a YORUBA NIGERIAN GODS.
Chasca has cultural roots to Qichwa (indigenous Peruvian) culture. She is also a Goddess and her name comes from a language primarily spoken in central Peru. Again, with a range of skintone
Mauvika is Māori and named after a fire goddess.
So please do not gaslight me and start talking about “well what about lightskin ____”. I expected some of these characters to be light but all of them? No.
In addition if you want to reflect “oh there’s lightskin ___”. There’s also dark skin too. Where are they. To your same point not everyone is lightskin especially in these regions
I’m not gonna lie, I can’t share people’s excitement with Natlan.
To see my cultures and others used, and our skintones demonized, it’s an absolute joke.
They even had the gall to whitewash a AFRICAN GOD!
And the Natlan enemies literally have wicks, a Black protective natural hairstyle.
For fuck sake….
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souieater · 1 year ago
A retoric question, don't answer me.
Do you discover the colors until you like something? No, you can find beauty on those who are monotones.
Since I was a kid I find the boring colors as something to admire, to observe.
As I was growing up I start to put more attention to people. They were always there, always doing something, but as the days keep going, I find myself most mesmerized about this people, always thinking:
What a complex to be a human being.
The first time I ask myself why people were so complicated, was because I heard two women talking in english.
Astounding and perplexing, two adjectives that describe my position, two adjectives that describe what I was thinking at that time.
My dad start noticing my curiosity about other languajes so he started to buy me nahualt books, shook to myself how I was able to comunicate to other people in other languajes that I had no idea that exists.
I had an opportunity to learn more, to feed the craving of knowing.
The books have alwas been really present in my life, my imaginary friends, my doubts resolvers.
I started reading at the age of 3, always feeding that craving. the craving of knowing. I didn't know what I want to know but I felt that I was satisfying that craving with books, even people, objects or animals.
The craving of express, not only I had the craving of knowing, now another has form.
How can I express? I have been silenced to much. hearing always, don't share opinions, you are gonna get in trouble, don't ask, don't question, stay.
Sometimes I dream about me, kicking the belly of my mom, because she was dancing to much. maybe I wasn't kicking, maybe I was dancing too.
The music, all the thing that involve this, were really important. The letter, voces, sounds, instruments,rythm, all of them help me to understand my doubts, with a way that wasn't boring, a way that was excentric.
My personlity, How did I create this?
Charming, witty, sarcastic, intelligent has always been the things that I was born with.
I observe myself admiring people or animals that are affiliated to me. Two things, two things that I discovered that were a copy of myselfs:
"Cats and the Pink Panther".
A tiny fuzzy ball, licking himself to sleep. I stand myself in front of my cats thinking that they are increbible. They have the ability to resolve everything by themselves, but choose to stay with humans just to see how they start to strive for this tiny fuzzy ball. I find them funny and as something that should be recreated.
And for the Pink Panther, well he is just a copy of me and also big cat with a human life. What a dream.
Observe, trying to find a way , faster, excentric, analitical, being or seeking for mysterious things. These things were really present in my formation as a person.
Maybe I will find my identity when i answer:
Why that craving for knowing?
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omagazineparis · 2 years ago
Le nopal : le cactus miraculeux aux vertus surprenantes pour votre santé et votre bien-être
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Vous connaissez sans doute déjà les figues de barbarie, fruits du nopal (de son petit nom latin Opuntia ficus indica, que le dernier arrivé ferme la porte, merci), un cactus qui peut atteindre près de trois mètres de haut, et qui abonde au Mexique.Figurez vous qu'il n'y a pas que ses fruits qui soient comestibles : ses raquettes, une fois débarrassées de leurs épines acérées, le sont aussi. Origine du Nopal Le nopal est un membre de la famille des cactacées (cactus). Il se présente souvent sous forme d'arbustes ou de plantes rampantes. Il est couramment cultivé au Mexique. Il tire son nom du nahualt. Dans la vallée de Tehuacán (Puebla), des restes de semences de fruits et quelques morceaux de nopal ont été découvert datant d'il y a 700 ans, ce qui prouve que l'homme le consommait déjà.Le nopal, particulièrement riche en fibres, en calcium et en béta-carotène, a de nombreuses propriétés, notamment celle de limiter l'absorption des sucres et des graisses. Il aurait aussi le pouvoir de diminuer la virulence de la gueule de bois. Comment préparer ce cactus ? Le nopal est également très savoureux. Son goût particulier, légèrement acide, rappelle à la fois l'oseille et l'asperge. Au Mexique, les façons d'accommoder les raquettes de nopal sont nombreuses : grillées au barbecue, mixées dans des yaourts, en soupes... Le nopal étant un végétal de source aride, sa culture est limitée par trois facteurs : - L'abondance d'humidité - L'absence d'éléments nutritifs - Des températures trop basses qui brûleraient le bourgeon A lire également : Essayez le régime méditerranéen durant cet été ! On consomme ses rameaux aplatis comme légume et son fruit, désigné sous le nom de figue de Barbarie généralement au naturel ou confit. Après avoir retiré ses épines, le fruit du nopal est l'un des principaux récoltés par les indigènes pour la consommation, grâce à son goût unique. Les mexicains aiment le déguster avec des œufs, en salades ou encore dans des gratins de tomates. Read the full article
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notimundo · 2 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/mexico/artesanas-y-artesanos-guerrerenses-obtienen-premios-en-la-xxvi-edicion/
Artesanas y artesanos guerrerenses obtienen premios en la XXVI edición
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Artesanas y artesanos guerrerenses obtienen premios en la XXVI edición del Concurso Nacional de Nacimientos Mexicanos 2022
Ciudad de México., 06 de diciembre del 2022.- Artesanas y artesanos guerrerenses obtuvieron 7 premios en la XXVI edición del Concurso Nacional de Nacimientos Mexicanos 2022 que realizó la Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México, a través del Fondo Nacional para el Fomento de las Artesanías (Fonart), Fomento Cultural Citibanamex.
La premiación se realizó en el Museo de El Carmen, de la Ciudad de México, donde la secretaria de Fomento y Desarrollo Económico, Teodora Ramírez Vega destacó que en la administración de la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda se fortalece el sector artesanal en coordinación con el FONART para estimular la creatividad artesanal, a través de la realización de concursos estatales, programas de apoyo a la producción artesanal y la participación de concursos nacionales.
Agregó que gracias a los apoyos se lograron tres primeros lugares, dos segundos y dos menciones honoríficas, con una bolsa de 193 mil pesos en premios.
El primer lugar en el concurso de Nacimientos Mexicano fue para, Javier Lorenzo Salvador originario de San Agustín Oapan, del municipio de Tepecoacuilco de Trujano, en la categoría de alfarería, quien participó con un Nacimiento tradicional decorado con engobes minerales con historia de mi pueblo Nahualt.
Asimismo, otro primer lugar fue para, Coral Jiménez Rendón, originaria de Olinalá, en la categoría de Maque y Laca con un Bule, Guaje rayado vaciado fondo negro, rayado en color carmín, representando trabajo tradicional de animales y el nacimiento. 
Primer lugar:
De igual forma Rodolfo Flores González Pintura, originario de Xilitla, del Tepecoacuilco de Trujano, obtuvo otro primer lugar con un Papel amate blanco de 40 x 60 a color, enmarcado con guías, de pascua titulado, “Algarabía por el nacimiento del niño Jesús y beneplácito en el cielo”.
Adem��s  Rodrigo de la Cruz Cabrera, de la comunidad de San Agustín Oapan, Tepecoacuilco de Trujano Alfarería, obtuvo un segundo lugar con un Nacimiento decorado con engobes minerales con historia del pueblo: Segundo lugar, Javier Martínez Pedro, de la comunidad de Xilitla, municipio Tepecoacuilco de Trujano, quien participó con una Pintura Popular en Papel amate, blanco y negro de 60 x 40 cm, con el tema de nacimiento del niño Dios, con los Reyes Magos, danzas de chínelos, castillo de fuego, con pastores de borrego, mariachis, danzas de retos y pastorelas.
Cristino Vázquez Reyes y Edgar Castillo Espinal, obtuvieron menciones honorificas en las categorías de Maque y Laca.
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jackcalavera · 2 years ago
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My decks;
Santa Muerte 💀
El Dorado 👑
Mestizo 🇲🇽
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talonabraxas · 3 months ago
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“Tonatiuh, the Verb of San Juan, the Logos or creator of the universe, with its triangular tongue of fire, is the golden child of sexual alchemy, the spiritual sun at midnight, the eagle that rises and soars, the resplendent dragon of wisdom, and it is represented by the star that gives us life, light and heat. Decorated by the Nahualts, it appears in glory at the very center of the Stone of the Sun”. -Samael Aun Weor – The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac.
Tonatiuh, God of the Sun Talon Abraxas
In each and every corner of the world, mankind has strived to give tangible representations to personify the great realities of the spirit. It should not amaze us that the Incas, Mayas, Aztecs, Egyptians, etc. resembled the sun with the universal spirit of life in an attempt to relate its physical and spiritual characteristics. In this way, they taught others about the greatness of that which is intangible. Undoubtedly the sun has been, is, and will be the means to allow the world to understand what truly is the Spirit of the Being within each one of us. Just like the physical sun imparts life, light and warmth, our Being gives us spiritual life, wisdom and wishes to learn that which is mystical.
Among the Aztecs, the God of the Sun was called Tonatiuh (Tona = the maker of the sun and heat, tiuth = to go). In universal Gnosticism, is it the Being or the Spirit the one who imparts life, and at the same time, the sun is the symbol each aspirant should manifest within: to create the sun is to integrate oneself with the Being.
The God of the Sun, Tonatiuh, is represented in the microcosm by the Intimate, the most spiritual element within each man and woman. In the macrocosm he is the Solar Logos or the Divinity. Either one will trigger our impulse towards the self-realization of our Being, using as its means awakening that is both mystical and spiritual.
In Nahuan culture, as in others, the Sun was the symbol of the Father, the eternal Masculine Principle; the Moon, the mother or the eternal Divine Feminine Principle, and Venus, the symbol of the Celestial Child. Tonatiuh, the God of the Sun, is the incarnation and expression of the fire that comes from the heavens. Tonatiuh is the representation of the divine aspects and itself explains the creation of all that exists.
The wise Aztecs of Anahuac gave the creator both: masculine and feminine form. The creator in its masculine aspect was called Ometecuhtli (ome = two, tecuhtli = Lord), and the divine feminine principle Omecihuatl (ome = two, cihuatl = Lady). They are the Lord and the Lady, God and Goddess of Duality. On this aspect, VM
Samael Aun Weor states:
“The face of Tonatiuh in the Aztec calendar is the face of Ometecuhtli-Omecihatl, Lord and Lady of duality, God of life, of love and generation.”
“Enclosed by two concentric circles, around which are four squares within two other concentric circles (the unmanifested absolute: Ipalnemohuani), encompass it all: the feline claws of Quetzalcoatl ripping human hearts, the Sun of Wind or 4 Ehecatl, the Sun of Fire or 4 Quiahuitl, the Sun of Water or 4 Atl, the Sun of Jaguar or 4 Ocelot and the Sun of Movement or 4 Olin, the East and the West, the North and the South, the twenty days of the month, etc.”
“This explains why the Nahuans venerated the Sun and the dual significance the numbers had for them.”
Samael Aun Weor – Aztec Christic Magic, Monogram No. 8
Tonatuih’s crown or Xiuhitzolli represents the Ancient of Days, the Kaballistic Kether, the three aspects of divinity: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Logoic triangle of the Hebrews.
Each man has its own particular ray, resplendent in all its glory and might in the world of the ineffable Gods; the golden ray, the Being of our Being, the internal Christ of each man. It is the Sephirotic crown of the cabbalists, the Crown of Life. “Be faithful till thy death (says the Holy One), and I shall give thee the Crown of Life”. (Revelations 2:10).
We will find all the attributes of divinity wisely expressed in their artistic forms by the wise of Anahuac, as we can tell from the date of Two Canes in its crown. The number 2 (both circles) represent the feminine and masculine aspects of divinity.
“Ometecuhtli-Omecihuatl, Lord and Lady of duality. “Ome”: two; “Tecuhtli”: Lord. “Ome”: two; “Cihuatl”: Lady. From this divine dual principle, masculine and feminine, emanated the Universe. This God-Goddess had four sons, the four Tezcatlipocas: Xipotec, the red one; Tezcatlipoca, the black one; Quetzalcoatl, the white one; Hizilopochtli, the blue one.”
“From this divine and indivisible binary were born the four colors of the four races that populate the Earth. Ometecuhtli has the presence of the Cosmis Christ. The Nahuas represented him with a beautifully adorned tunic and a stone phallus, symbol of light. Omecihuatl has all the presence of the Cosmic Virgin.”
“The Nahuas represented her with a beautiful blue mantle…”
“He is Huehueteotl, the Ancient God, father of the gods and father of men. She is Tonantzín, our beloved Mother.”
Samael Aun Weor – Aztec Christic Magic, Monograph No. 10
The three eagle feathers of the symbol of the cane, or Acatl, together with the pearl, represent the Greek TETRAGRAMMATON, the holy FOUR, symbol of the Trinity plus that which is unmanifested.
In ancient times the hair was directly related to the creative energies, similar to what we have seen in the myth of Sampson and Delilah on the Hebrew kabala.
The wrinkles around his eyes allegorize the wisdom we should reach by awakening our consciousness in our daily living. Among the Aztecs, the maximum authority was represented by a council of elders, who had dedicated their lives to the elimination of their egocentric interests.
The eyes of the God of the Sun are the eyes of the Internal Father, who sees all, who is always vigilant to that which we think, do and feel.
In the nose or Yacaxihuitl we find a wise combination between the breath that imparts life and the work with the masculine and feminine forces, as we see three eagle feathers on each side. The number 6 (3 feathers on each side) represents the crossing of these forces.
The Borgia Codex mentions the ritual of the perforation of the nose. This ritual is intimately related to the science of sexual transmutation through breaths, breathing and respiration.
The Solar Logos emanates all its creative might to this world and then collects it transmuted, to impart himself life. In a similar manner, the human being should imitate this process.
The tongue in shape of a blade or Tecpatl, is the verb, the word, the Logos, the power the verb has manifested in all that has been created. Curiously, we find in the tongue an eye, symbol of psychological self-observation, showing the necessity of being attentive to what we say, as the verb carries extensive responsibility. In addition, we find a claw that shows the power of the word. With the word we can bless or damn, aid or cause suffering. This shows us the sacrifice the initiate must undergo to ensure the right use of the word. The word has the power to create, which is why it is necessary to develop self-observation as well as a sense of responsibility in its use. We need to learn when to speak and when to be silent.
“In the beginning it was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. This was in the beginning with God. All things by Him were created, and without Him none of what is would be. In Him was life, and life was the Light of men.”
St. John, 1:1-4, Bible of Casiodoro de Reyna, 1569.
In the Chalchihuitl (precious stones) we see six jades forming Tonatiuh’s collar. These symbolize the virtues of the soul: tenacity, patience, willpower, altruism, philanthropy, love… all acquired through the destruction of the undesirable psychological aggregates we carry within.
In his ears or Xiuhnacochtli we see that from the shape of the circle emanates an adornment of three eagle feathers. The circle is a symbol of eternity, the unknown absolute, that which the Greek referred to as Agnostos Theos (the unknowable God which cannot be defined). In Sanscrit it is known as Sat (That). From that which has no name emanates the trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and as a result, the Holy Four: the Tetragrammaton.
The ears show by themselves the need to listen to that which is spiritual, to closing our ears to blasphemy, damnation, prejudices and all unsubstantial words of the ego, but to place our attention in the Voice of the Silence, the Wisdom of our Father.
“Ears with large pendants show the need to learn to listen, to place our attention to wisdom.”
Samael Aun Weor – Mayan Mysteries
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blackmetalstellar · 3 years ago
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[Teyacaniliztli Nahualli, Black Metal, International, Nuclear War Now! Productions, 2019]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-jAjYHts_s
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