#nagito komaeda f/m ships
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rarepairronpa · 5 months ago
Challenge: Try to come up with a top 5 ships list for each of these characters. In the case of ones where you don't even have 5 you personally like well enough, try to make it the ones you dislike the least.
Ohhh, this is such a fun challenge! I'm going to try and do top 5 in general, and then also top 5 rarepairs for the ships.
Got a bit long, so it'll be under the cut.
Makoto Naegi:
1. Naegiri
This is really, really difficult for me because I'm a big believer of Kyouko/Makoto/Sayaka/Mukuro. Ranking any of this OT4 as individual ships is suuuuper hard. But I figured poly ships were probably cheating. This one isn't a rarepair, but I just adore their story of refinding love with others. They are literal end game!
2. Naezono
Probably because I love Sayaka Maizono so much that this just bareeeely beats out Mukuro. She might be my favorite of the female cast in the first game. Boy oh boy do I eat up her relationship with Makoto. Naezono real!!
3. Naekusaba
DR: IF has the best look into this relationship. I also rather like how she protects him in DR0! It's such a tragedy in canon, since DR: IF shows how close Makoto was to saving her.
4. Naemiki
Listen. I know Mikan and Makoto don't interact in main canon (well, very briefly in DR3 only for her to be pushed into the ocean). BUT. Makoto would be such a genuinely good presence in her life. And I love the idea of contrasting her relationship with Junko to her relationship with Makoto. Just, chefs kiss.
5. Naejunko
OHHH TO BE NARRATIVE FOILS WITH EACH OTHER... I love the fact that Makoto very clearly didn't want Junko to die, perhaps one of the only people in DR to not want that, and yet became known for killing her. She haunts him. Blood staining his hands he never wanted to spill. They are opposites, without her he is irrelevant. And he misses being irrelevant. She has transformed him into something grand when he had always been something simple. He is mundane and yet she has made him Ultimate. Ultimate Hope, to her Ultimate Despair, and now that's all they'll ever be. Even if, once upon a time, they were friends.
Alternative 5. Komaegi
As a replacement for the Naegiri non rarepair, in a rarepair line up, this would be number 5. I love komaegi.... what if I worshiped you and you saved me and you looked at me and saw something worthy and I looked at you and saw a god. But unlike with Junko, you didn't want to be a God. Junko shaped both of us and I mold you in her image, I project what she wanted onto you, because you to me are just as holy as her, just her opposite. You are an idea to me, a symbol, and all you want is to help me even though I do not deserve it. You look at me and think I deserve it. I go crazy for that shit.
1. Kirizono
Surprise, it's not Naegiri! I feel like there. There just so much I like about kirizono. Sayaka being such a positive person in her life, and Kyouko, unlike Makoto, sees that a lot of her disposition is facade. It's like a mix of Celegiri and Naegiri in a way that compels me. And also. Why should they fight over Makoto when they could smooch?
2. Ikugiri
OHHH I ADORE THEM IN DR: IF. SUCH A GREAT PAIRING... they're both sort of reserved so I do think that someone bridging the gap would be what initially gets them talking. But the respect Mukuro has for Kyouko is crystal clear in DR:IF, and the way she in turn believes Mukuro and considers what she says is everything to me...
3. Naegiri
Again, end game. I also think Makoto is just... such a good partner for Kyouko. He reminds her of Yui in the best ways imo, and restores her faith in humanity some.
4. Chigiri
Chihiro canonly admiring Kyouko and repeatedly saying so in optional DR1 dialogue... Kyouko bringing Chihiro with her in DR:IF.... more people should consider these two!
5. Enogiri
Gonna be so for real, it was @aparticularbandit that made me love these two. I have so many enogiri thoughts. The whole game is basically an intellectual back and forth between the two, with Kyouko investigating to find the mastermind. If Makoto is the philosophical downfall of Junko, Kyouko is the practical one.
Alternative 5. Kirimaru
Since, again, Naegiri is not a rarepair, here's what I'd put as number 5 for a rarepair list. (My first thought was Celegiri, but that's. Also. Also not a rarepair.) I'm gonna go with a dark horse and say Komaru/Kyouko. All the benefits of Naegiri but Infinitely Funnier. Imagine you have a relationship developing with your long term friend, only for your sister to bust in and STEAL YOUR GIRL. I think Komaru should kiss So Many Girls, that girl is so unbelievably WLW.
Special shout out to Komagiri (Nagito/Kyouko) which I am also looking at with wide eyes. I've only written them platonically but their relationship has a lot of potential in general. I also adore Hinagiri (as in. Aoi Asahina, not Hajime Hinata), and honestly would definitely put it at my number 6/7. The hardest part of this is limiting my rarepairs to only 5.
Byakuya Togami:
1. Togiri
Listen. I believe in Naegirigami. But I have never been That enthused with naegami. I feel like Naegami is infinitely. INFINITELY improved with Kyouko in the picture. And the main feeling behind that? Byakuya and Kyouko chilling. Hanging out. Starting as loving the same person and then actually developing themselves. Enthralling.
2. Nanagami
The main reason I like this is 100% because of my Chiaki ship work. Figuring out their interactions was sooo facinating and I got. Attached. Chiaki is willing to put up with a lot of stuff and remain empathetic. She would extend sympathy to Byakuya while also not being a dormat; pushing back when he said something objectionable. Which. I understand is the appeal of Naegami too. But. I think the nuances of it are a bit different. Idk. I just think it's neat.
3. Mitagami
I... I know these two never interact. And there's no big narrative parallels to justify them. But. I don't know. I've always like them. Just... imagining them slowly bonding at Future Foundation. A really sweet office romance. Only for it to all be blown up with the revelation of Byakuya betraying FF to help the Remnants and Ryota himself sort of being a Remnant (especially in a no brainwashing verse). Like. Idk man. Can't justify this one I just think the idea is cute.
4. Naegami
I. Very much don't like a lot of fan characterization for this one, but I can't articulate why. I think I like the idea of them more than any actual content I've seen of them.
5. Twogami
I am enthralled with how much grace and admiration and empathy the Imposter had for Byakuya... and how that went sour. To go from how they talks about him during their FTEs to destroying his life... also. The thought of gender fluid Byakuya and agender Imposter bonding over that is so cute...
Alternative 5. Tozono
I... feel like this one could be interesting? I've kinda run out of ships I genuinely ship and are more grasping at straws. But Sayaka being a super peppy and smiley person to contrast Byakuya is kinda cute, right? I almost went with Kaede for this exact reason but uh. I feel like she wouldn't be able to Stand him, actually. Plus, Sayaka's smiley-ness being a facade might actually ironically endear Byakuya, since he finds genuineness to be stupid and initally off putting. Yeah, half of what makes Naegami and Nanagami is him realizing that genuine kindness is a Good Thing, Actually, but sometimes you want something different. He would trust Sayaka ironically more because of his understanding of it being a facade, that they both recognize. Plus, they both had to deal with public image. I also like the idea of Sayaka dressing him in cute dresses and doing his make up. I think it could be cute!
Sakura Ogami:
1. Sayagami
I LEGITIMATELY ADORE SAYAKA AND SAKURA AS A COUPLE. I always have but it was made so much more prominent after reading this fic about them. Ohhh my god Sayaka taking her dress shopping... I literally cried.
2. Sakuraoi
Yeah, I had to put this on the list. They're Basically Canon, babies first Yuri, and that makes them iconic.
3. Chogami
Chihiro training with Sakura is such a good idea... plus I don't remember who said it but I love the idea of them tackling messy gender feelings. With Sakura at first not understanding because she always Clung to her assigned sex as Proof She Was A Girl, in a world that made her feel bad for being muscular. And then Chihiro comes around and SHATTERS that- being whatever flavor of trans you prefer (trans girl, trans boy, gender fluid, agender- any of them work). I feel like they could both really enrich each others worlds.
4. Sakuriyoko
This one's more vague. I just like the idea of, like... Hiyoko and Sakura bonding over their talents being tied to traditions. Plus. Same appeal with Sayaka where I feel like Hiyoko would put her in cute outfits- just very different types of cute outfits, more traditional in nature (kimonos and the like).
5. Sakuramiki
I am grasping at straws for this. Sakura training Mikan is a cute image, right? She'd treat her well and respect her and maybe help her stand up for herself. And Mikan can tenderly dress her wounds, win win!
Alternative 5. Sakukoma
This... I tend to write platonically? I tend to see Sakura as a lesbian so I don't have many romantic ships with guys. But. Nagito and her could be SUCH an iconic duo. Again, I tend to think of them platonically, but still. I think what made me fall in love with a possible Sakura and Nagito dynamic was my class civil war series, specifically this chapter of unseen pixels. In that vein, Gundham and Sakura are pretty cool foils to each other too in canon.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
1. Fujisaba
I love them in DR: IF and I also love how Chihiro stays with her body in DR1...
2. Chigiri
Same reasons as before lol. I am endlessly charmed by them. Chihiro seems to really admire her in DR1 optional dialogue which is so cute.
3. Chimiki
Chihiro and Mikan... my silly rarepair... I feel like they'd bond over being bullied and they'd both learn to be more assertive by standing up for each other. Would be especially good for Chihiro, as protecting Mikan would make them feel strong... and make Mikan feel safe. I do think Chihiro would stand up for her, too, which is something she desperately needs. They may stutter and flinch in fear when doing it, but they'll do it, which is more than a lot of people can say!
4. Enosaki
I LOVE ENOSAKI.... so many good angles to take on it. It's chihiros legacy (alter ego) that caused her downfall... she killed them and they caused her death from beyond the grave... and of course this great post from @theamityelf about Chihiro making simulators for Junko to kill people in with no consequences... this shit rules.
5. Celeshiro
I RAN OUT OF SPACES FOR SAYAKA/CHIHIRO TOO.... aughhh. But yeah. I like the idea of Celestia having a soft spot for Chihiro... she did express concern with them being out and about in chapter 2. I have So Many chihiro rarepairs. Which is crazy because I feel like I don't talk about Chihiro that much. But believe me. I am Full Of Rarepairs.
Mukuro Ikusaba:
1. Naekusaba
They are just So. AUGHHH good in Danganronpa IF. I adore them, truly.
2. Kirisaba
I really like them in DR: IF as I mentioned. But also. The idea of Mukuro being quietly afraid of Kyouko figuring her out during school life... That Compells Me.
3. Fujisaba
I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU FUJISABA.... I also think Fujisaba's appeal is somewhat the same appeal as Naekusaba. Falling in love with a pure and innocent smile... holding that smile between my blood stained hands... aaaughh I go crazy.
4. Ikuzono
This one is just barely a rarepair. Seems to be the go to Mukuro femslash ship. Which is a bit ironic as they have the least canon content of the Sayaka/Kyouko/Mukuro trio. But I do love Ikuzono. I've read some amazing works for them. The stand out one being this one, which is really good and any ikuzono fan should read!
5. Celeskuro
I like it because I had a friend who was really into it, and I've always just felt really happy seeing it around because of that association. It's also interesting, right, as I feel they're somewhat opposites in disposition, but both are lying/putting on false faces to cope. I wonder if Mukuro's control issues (in the sense that she gives up control, not enforces it) would intermingle with Celestia's control issues. There's a potential for a story there.
Junko Enoshima:
1. Junkan
It is absolutely diabolical to make me pick only 5 Junko ships when I love them all so much... but number one has GOTTA BE junkan. They fascinate me so much. I'm enthralled with all the different ways you could take them. How their issues intermingle. They are horrible together. Toxic Yuri for the win.
2. Enonami
I ADORE enonami. They are Also toxic Yuri. Junko canonly kills people she likes. She also crazy murdered Chiaki. You see what I'm putting down? I also like the idea of Chiaki being the first person to, like, ideologically best her. The idea of a non brainwashing verse where Junko tries to manipulate Chiaki into despair and FAILS... so shes a sore loser about it and spitefully kills her like she tried to do to Makoto. Chiaki is a threat to her, to her ideology, to her identity, and so she must kill her. And in that way- in being such a threat to Junko she had to kill her- chiaki struck an ideological win. The first person to ever best Junko... even if it also ended in Chiaki's own death.
3. Matsushima
4. Junkozuru / Hajunko
HA. IM CHEATING BY COUNTING THIS AS ONE. But, ahem. I have already talked about Hajunko, so I'll leave this brief. I think post canon Hajime could have fixed her.
5. Kazujunko
Debated very heavily whether I wanted to put junkonia, twoshima, or kazujunko. As I've already talked about junkonia too, and I also mentioned twoshima in my playlist masterpost, I'll talk about Kazujunko. Girl boss vs cringe male wife simp. I looove it. I think he'd just be so unabashedly in love with her. He's crazy in love as we can see from his relationship with Sonia, but unlike Sonia Junko would whole heartedly encourage this! Enabling his worst most obsessive behavior! She is a idol for him to worship and she ADORES it!
Hajime Hinata:
1. Hinamiki
I ADORE HAJIME AND MIKAN. They're so good together, for real. How he handles her in their FTEs and Island Mode is exactly what she needs in that moment. She threatens to break his legs and he PROPOSES TO HER. they are so crazy (positive) they match each others freak but in a really healthy and productive way, I'm obsessed.
2. Hinatsumi
THE RELATABLITY... THE TRAGEDY.... THE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT ALL... obsessed with that talk they have before she dies where she cries. Plus. The image of average Joe Hajime Hinata being a mafia wife is just... perfect.
3. Hajunko
As I have said, I already talked about this one in depth.
4. Hinanami
Actually like Kamunami a lot more than Hinanami, but the Tragedy and complicated dynamics of Kamunami are founded on this ship, so I gotta include it.
5. Komahina
I like Komahina!! I'm very particular about it, however. And it's not my top ship for the two of them. But. I do like it.
Alternative 4. Matsuhina
I don't... really ship this, but I am interested in it. People be writing some really compelling things for these two. Who. Never canonly interact, lol.
Alternative 5. Sonjime
They basically get engaged in their FTEs. What do you want from me? But for real, I really did like their last FTEs. I'm kinda not invested in them being romantic vs platonic, but their FTEs were very fun. I almost put Kazuhina on here for how funny I find them, but I think I like Sonia and Hajime just a bit more. Though actually.... funniest possible ending. Sonia and Kazuichi both dating Hajime. Sonia still hates Kazuichi and Kazuichi is very emphatically Not Dating Her, they're just both dating the same guy. Hilarious.
Nagito Komaeda:
1. Komanami
Ohhh that's gonna be controversial. I am just enthralled with Nagito seeing her as the class hope, and literally falling into despair when she dies. Like. That's a love language in and of itself for Nagito. Her being his first friend... them playing games together in that one manga anthology.... I love them SO SO SO MUCH.
2. Komamiki
This was my first big Danganronpa ship. I was SO passionate. And I still adore them. They will always have a place in my heart.... they are so concerning!
3. Komahina
Almost put this under the next one but I think I would be burned at the steak for hersay if I did that. The Classics(tm)
4. Junkomaeda
He hates her. He absolutely loathes her. But in a way that makes you squint suspiciously. Love to hate you, hate to love you type deal. This is a kind of ship where you don't actually want them to end up together (like most Junko ships, but this one Especially). But you can't deny its some weird hate-worship situationship. In the worst way. That. Enthalls me.
5. Mitakoma
Inexplicable Ryota Ship Number 2. This one at least makes some sense, since they are both somewhat obsessed with "bringing hope" albeit in very different ways. I also really liked this comic about them. (By @haunted-xander )
Alternative 5. Komaede
This. Might sound crazy. But I'm actually really fond of Nagito and Kaede. I feel like they're somewhat similar in the sense that they're willing to go to extremes for "the greater good". Kaede was fully ready to kill the mastermind, Nagito was fully ready to kill the Remnants. And even themselves weren't exempt from their judgments; Kaede declined the first blood perk and got herself executed after violating her moral code and killing an innocent, and Nagito killed himself after realizing he was a Remnant. I truly believe Kaede to be a subversion of both Chiaki and Makoto, and her actual moral compass underneath her peppiness to actually be one of ridged black and white thinking, similar to Nagito. I also think she'd just be good for him.
Chiaki Nanami:
1. Komanami
I just think they're neat, okay? I just think they are really really cool and neat.
2. Kamunami
OHHHH THE IDENITY ISSUES AND TRAGEDY OF THIS SHIP... I'm of the big belief that Izuru's love for Chiaki isn't. Healthy. Isn't the healthiest kind. Like, I imagine, he sort of clings very unhealthy to the feelings she evokes in him. Because he can't remember feeling that much about anything or anyone else. So she kind of becomes his rock. His anchor to emotions. To caring about things. Which... I think could manifest in not so healthy ways. Like. Putting a Junko AI in a simulation with a Chiaki AI for a rematch to see who wins. You know, normal boyfriend things. On Chiaki's side, there's a lot of feelings of like... not being able to fully accept that the version of Hajime she knew is dead and gone. You can't rescue him or wake him up from Izuru, it's just Izuru now. He's effectively dead and replaced. Ohhh the messy relationship dynamics that could come of that. Mourning you when you're still alive. Do not stand at my grave and weep. No one is in it.
3. Nanamiki
I love you!!! Nanamiki!!! My favorite femslash ship maybe ever. I've talked at length about them before, so I'll just leave that post here. Technically not my own post, but an ask I sent into @danggirlronpa .
4. Enonami
I mentioned a lot of why I like Enonami in the Junko section, but I also would be remiss to not talk about the sheer potential despair!Chiaki has. This ship and despair!Chiaki go hand in hand like bread and butter. It's all just a lot of fun.
5. Natsunami
NARRATIVE FOILS..... MY BELOVED.... this is a super rarepair but I'm actually really fond of it. Love the contrast, too. This super sweet bubblegum pink fluffy girl and her very intimidating growling mafia wife. Who WILL fuck you up if you mess with her girlfriend. I could actually keep going for a while about Chiaki ships. I love so many of them, they're all just great. Twonami, Naenami, Kazunami, Ikunami.... I could keep going. I made a whole ship collection to prove she goes well with Literally Everyone. I could go on and on.
Mikan Tsumiki:
I LOVE THEM. SO MUCH. IN DANGANRONPA 3. literally a highlight of the whole show for me. I cannot describe to you the joy I get when they are on screen. This is my number 1 Mikan ship and it's 100% because of the anime. For how well Imposter handles and defuses her. Gaaah I love them.
THEY.... I know brainwashed!Mikan and him have that really uncomfortable scene but before that.... before that... they were so cute. She was nursing him back to health.... connecting with him.... plus they both have a history of bullying/abuse that I feel like they could relate to each other on. Ryota is just abrasive enough to get really bitter and mad at anyone who bullies Mikan. That Guy Holds Grudges. Mikan wants to be forgiven for being alive and Ryota wants to prove he doesn't need to be. I'm so ill
3. Hinamiki
He just. He just handles her in the exact way she needs. He's also the exact kind of crazy Mikan needs- a stable, mundane kind of insane who meets her where she's at and forgives her worse qualities with grace. If Mikan told me she was thinking of breaking my legs I would run so so so so far away. And he proposes instead. And he was right to do so. Once Mikan is assured he won't abandon her, his faith in her is rewarded with her apologizing and admitting she didn't actually want to do that. He is good for her. He is SOOOO Good For Her. He is to her what Junko should have been, if she wasn't the worst person in the world. He encourages her good parts where Junko encouraged her bad parts and affords her grace and doesn't understand her perfectly but tries so so hard to, and never, ever gave up on her or dismissed her as too messed up or annoying. Oh my god. I love them so much I'll CRY right here typing this. I am Tearing Up as I speak.
You know I love nanamiki Forever. So many ways you could take them and all of them in some way supported by canon!
At one point this would have been both my top Nagito and top Mikan ship. But Alas. Times change. I still adore them, though. I'll always have a soft spot for them. I could Also keep going for a long long time on this one... haven't even mentioned natsumiki or satomiki or mikaede or mikane who I all ADORE.... I have so many Mikan ships, for Real.
1. Twomiki
2. Twoshima
Two "imposters".... two pretenders.... they are always only what someone else wants... packaging themselves to best fit their image of who they should be... identity issues to the max.... but Junko, beautiful pretender she was, Saw Them. Gave them a name (a nickname?) and idenity only she could see. And yet... and Yet. They never saw her the same... she never let them.... ohhhaghhgh I go crazy.
3. Mitworai
I think this is the most common Imposter ship nowadays. For Good Reason. They were real fun in the anime! I maintain that the Imposter (with maybe some help from Mikan) should have been the one to talk Ryota down. Hajime I love you but You Don't Know This Clown Like They Do. Stfu
4. Twonami
THIS. SPECIFICALLY GOES HARD WITH AI CHIAKI.... AI chiaki is also an imposter impersonating someone.... human Chiaki.... identity issues galore. I'm also fond of human Chiaki and them, since I think Imposter impersonating Chiaki post her death would go Unbelievably Hard, but also.... AI Chiaki and them just enthrall me.
5. Twokoma
I don't... really ship this one? But I am interested in their relationship. I tend to view it more platonically, but it's undeniable that Imposter was pivotal to Nagito's earlier arc. In optional dialogue it's even hinted that the whole reason Nagito acts in chapter 1 is because Imposter inspired him to. They were just so inspiring he too was taken in by it and wanted to Do Something about their situation. It's just that. What he wanted to do wasn't actually helpful. Lol. I also like that the Imposter definitely knew Nagito was reaching for the knife and presumably trying to kill someone... and still died for him. That's sweet. They're a sweet person.
Mahiru Koizumi:
1. Mahto
SATO AND MAHIRU IS MY NUMBER ONE MAHIRU SHIP. theyyyy..... girlfriends forever. Crazy to me that they're not outrageously popular and are, in fact, a rarepair.
2. Mahiyoko
Yeah, this is a classic for a reason. Can't go wrong with soapies. Used to be pretty passionate about it, too.
3. Enozumi
MAHIRU SHOULD HAVE AN EVIL GF. FOR. REASONS. Mahiru (to me) is so WLW that I think part of how Junko would get her would be to appeal to that WLW nature. Her messy crushes that end in disaster. Her relationships with girls willing and able to kill, one to protect and one to destroy. Junko would stir up all those confusing feelings about Sato and focus them on her. And also. What's more romantic than a model and her photographer?
4. Koimiki
I have grown a lot fonder of these two since writing my Koimiki story. They are so messy at times but I think they could eventually make it work. I would say I passively ship it now, at the very least, yeah.
5. Mahibuki
These two go hardest in an ot3 with Hiyoko. I Want That For Them. So badly....
Alternative 5. Komazumi
I tend to think of Mahiru as a lesbian, but in the event that she's bi with just a heavy preference for girls, I actually really like this idea. Maybe it's because I have a friend who's really fond of it, but I've fond myself also growing fond. Always thought they had amazing friendship potential too. So, while I still tend to headcanon Mahiru as a lesbian, I do still have an inherited fondness for these two.
Sonia Nevermind:
1. Junkonia
I've already talked at length about these two, as I said. But this is 100% my number one Sonia ship. Oh my god I'm so invested in these two, for real. Enthralled with them, you could even say.
2. Nevermiki
I LOVE THESE TWO. Sonia and Mikan would have the best horror movie dates as they both love them. They both also share a desire to get married fast as Hajime basically has to propose to both of them, so they're compatible in that way too. Seriously, I really love these two.
3. Soniabuki
Ibuki serenading Sonia at concerts... with death metal... cutteee. Ibuki is so honest and real and Sonia has had her whole life in the public eye in a way that made her act perfected. I think she could really appreciate how authentic Ibuki is.
4. Soniaki
Sonia and Chiaki are one of the more popular rarepairs out there, but I still rather like them. They were cute in the anime. You know the scene. Plus how impassioned Sonia was at denying Chiaki was the traitor really shows how much she cared... like Akane was Mikan's defender that whole trial, Sonia was Chiaki's...
5. Kiyonia
This one. Is totally 100% because of their dynamic I wrote in class civil war. People in my comments Also said they started shipping them because of it. I am a menace. I didn't even mean to convince people of this rarepair! It just sort of... happened!! But him viewing the elites of society as people just as capable of falling pairs really well with Sonia wanting very hard to be viewed as a person before a princess. Also I'm sorry to Gundham who is Sonia's canon love interest but somehow isn't on this list. He'd be next if there was a number 6, if it's any consolation. ACTUALLY WAIT. I FORGOT ABOUT SONIAHIYOKO. UHHH. I'm not gonna edit this because I said A Lot but. I do think Sonia and Hiyoko would actually be above Sonia and Ibuki on this ranking. I cannot BELIEVE I forgot my girls. What an absolute crime and travesty.
Shuichi Saihara:
1. Saimaki
Yeah, this also might be controversial. I'm putting at this at the top because I a) adore them and b) have TWO ot3s with Maki and Shuichi in them - the training trio and the surviving trio. I adore them. They are sooo important to me.
2. Saimatsu
Kaede is bisexual and that is fully because of Shuichi and Rantaro in canon. Otherwise she'd be into girls all the time any time. She has such a heavy preference for girls and works well with literally all of them, and yet here she is, dating Shuichi. A miracle among miracles.
3. Saimota
4. Saimeno
Apart of my surviving trio ot3, my beloved.... I adore them so much. I tend to think of their relationship as a qpp one, vs romantic - with both Himiko and Shuichi "properly" dating only Maki - but I do care about these two so. So much. SO much!!!
5. Saiouma
These used to be my number 1... oh how the mighty fall. I think I just got burnt out with fandom content from these two, so now they're a lot lower than they used to be. Almost put Saimami here but. I do think I like Saiouma a bit better.
Alternative 5. Saigiri
I feel like Shuichi and Kyouko could have such a good mentor mentee relationship. I think that would be good for Kyouko, to learn how to teach someone like Shuichi. She knows intellectually that emotions drive actions and she doesn't dismiss them, no, but she's also not the greatest at dealing with them- whether that means comforting someone or dealing with her own emotions. Shuichi would sort of force her to confront that, given all his issues with being a detective. She would need to navigate his insecurities in a way I think will make "dealing with emotions" click in her head more. Plus, Shuichi makes her confront her own buried feeling on being a detective (the ones we see in the Kirigiri novels). Self recognition through the other and stuff. I think this ship could fuck.
Alternative 6. Saikiibo
I think their love hotel is cute... plus their FTEs are pretty funny, aha.
Alternative 7. Saigonta
How gently Shuichi handled Gonta in chapter 4.... how sweet they always were together.... I don't know if I'd say I really romantically ship this, but I do adore their little friendship together 🥺
Kaede Akamatsu:
1. Oumaede
Listen. Listen. I know most people headcanon Kokichi as gay, but... this ship. This ship is SO GOOD. I adore their FTEs and their parallels in the narrative. Purple liars go brrr. This is the ship that makes me go, "okay, Kokichi can be bisexual specifically for Kaede Akamatsu."
2. Tenkaede
I LOVE TENKAEDE.... all their interactions are so unbelievably wlw. Tbh the v3 girls/kaede in general... I tend to like. Not on this list but Himiko and Kaede and Angie and Kaede are also some of my favorite Kaede ships everrrr.
3. Amamatsu
This was my first v3 ship! I have a. Soft spot for them. I love that nail polish event. They ended so tragically... sometimes I ot3 this one with either Kokichi or Tsumugi. It's fun.
4. Kaemugi
KAEMUGI.... MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLS.... I was one of the first people on ao3 to write something for these girlies. Literally my first Kaemugi work is also the 6th Kaemugi work written on ao3. I saw these twos FTEs and never looked back, even though they ended up being very messed up with the Tsumugi mastermind and frame job reveal. They're so interesting...
5. Mikaede
MIKAN AND KAEDE.... my rarepair that I dearly love.... they'd literally be so good for each other. I tend to think that Kaede was lightly bullied ("piano freak") and that's why she was so desperate to hold onto her new friends. Because they were like her and didn't exclude her and actually listened about her interests. (Kaede Akamatsu is autistic to me. To Me.) So while she doesn't get the more extreme bullying, she can definitely understand how it hurts and would do her very best to comfort and support Mikan. She's also not shy about speaking up if she thinks someone is bullying someone. She's outwardly very kind and caring which would be unabashedly good for Mikan.
Kokichi Ouma:
1. Oumaede
I love these two, truly. Kaede and his relationship was so much more friendly that Shuichi and his - Kaede seemed to view him as a mischievous prankster and Shuichi seemed to view him as a puzzle that got more and more threatening to him the more he failed at solving it. Which. Can be a fun dynamic too, honestly. But. Kaede being willing to listen to him- specifically thinking of the death road of despair here- to consider his perspective without getting caught in "he's manipulating me" as much... that's good stuff to me. When he's upset, genuinely upset, she listens. Instead of dismissing his feelings as fabrications.
2. Oumota
Purple liars go brrr part 2. They are definitely antagonistic during the game, but there also is a lot more consideration of Kokichi on Kaito's side than I think others view him. And them working together for that final plan... chefs kiss. I eat that trial up.
3. Oumugi
This one... is also going to be controversial. I think what I like about this one is the same thing I like about Enogiri. Kokichi is trying to sus out Tsumugi and the whole game is a back and forth of them pushing and pulling. Also some of the Oumaede appeal with both of them being liars- albeit in a very different way. Kokichi is a sheep in wolves clothing and Tsumugi is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Actually, there's some of the same appeal I feel towards Enonami too- where Kokichi beat her in some ways (helped kicked off the end of the killing game), but also. Died. Like a pyrrhic victory. I also love how petty Tsumugi is towards Kokichi like, all the time. I don't know. I like them.
4. Harouma
This one. Is also going to be very controversial. Imo, Maki and Kokichi have similar tendencies to dismiss each other as "murderer" and "liar". They both tend to fall into black and white thinking. In the event that they gain understanding of each other, I think their lives could be really enriched where they both realize they're too quick to judge. This is definitely a Character Development ship- one that would require and facilitate character development. But that's what I like about it, I think.
5. Saiouma
Hi Saiouma. Nice of you to finally show up, lol. This is a classic for a reason. At one point it'd be my number one, too. Again. I think I just got burnt out on it.
Alternative 5. Naeouma
I like this because you think Kokichi is the anarchist boyfriend. But. It's actually Makoto. Plus, Makoto would extend SO MUCH sympathy and understanding and belief in Kokichi, even at his worst, to which Kokichi would be like h. Hey. What the fuck is wrong with you. I'm actually acting SO evil right now and yet. And Yet. Unstoppable force (Kokichi's mastermind plan) meet immovable object (Makoto's belief in people). (Almost put Hinaouma next, but. Now that I've written them be father and son, basically, I feel a little weird about the ship now, lol. Still a good ship, but has definitely gone down in rankings because of that. It's not the ships fault. It's my own for getting so attached to them being a father son duo.)
Alternative 6. Oumeno
Listen. I know it was Kaito who called her cute, because it was Kaito in the existal. But. Maybe Kokichi wrote that in, you don't know. Plus, their aesthetics go together so well! They're both tricksters! One with her "magic" and one with his "lies"! The showmanship of this ship! The theater, the art! Their aesthetics match!!
Kaito Momota:
1. Kaimaki
Yeah yeah, I know, I'm basic, but their arc is one I EAT UP. I actually sometimes view this as somewhat one sided - Maki confessed to Kaito, but have you noticed that Kaito... didn't respond to it? Just told her she'd find someone else iirc. Which I have two interpretations of: a) he didn't want her to linger on their what if, felt it would be cruel if he reciprocated or b) infinitely funnier, he's not into her because he's gay. Or even aro. Like wow this is awkward... I literally do not feel the same but saying that would crush her... time to say something vaguely reassuring and brush over it. I know that's probably not what canon intended. But. That interpretation does Amuse Me. In a dark kind of way. But. When I seek out content for the ship, I do tend to go for the reciprocal interpretation. They are just too cute that way. I especially like it when Shuichi is Also there. Training trio foreverrr
2. Saimota
LISTEN. LISTEN. it's just so important to me that everyone knows Shuichi Saihara basically has a canon crush on Kaito. He adores him. Training trio foreverrrrrrr
3. Oumota
In Kaito's love hotel he basically wants a rival. Kokichi in canon is his rival. You see what I'm putting down
4. Gokumota
How much he defends Gonta is really heart breaking.... this might be my number one Gonta ship. They are so sweet
5. Momomiki
They could be cute? I've read a few cute ones about them.
Alternative 5. Magic Stars
(This is Himiko and Kaito.) He DID call her cute. You know, pretending to be Kokichi and all, but if that wasn't a line Kokichi wrote, then uh. That just came from Kaito. Plus, their themings pretty similar. Could be another aesthetic ship.
Alternative 6. Kaimami
I don't know. I think Kaito and Rantaro could vibe.
Alternative 7. Cyberspace
(This is Kiibo and Kaito.) I like the vibes of it mostly. I don't know, they seem neat. I almost put Kaito/Kaede on this because I DO believe it is possible Kaito had a crush on her but. Honestly. I think it was wholly one sided based on how she thinks of him. Like. I believe in Kaito having the crush. But I don't have faith Kaede would reciprocate.
Maki Harukawa:
1. Harumeno
HARUMENO MY BELOVED.... after losing their first loves they deserve to have a sappy romance with each other.... My red girls.... my beloved....
2. Saimaki
I do think in general the Shuichi and Maki friendship is underrated. They're a very good duo. I love when they investigate together.
3. Kaemaki
I have so many Kaemaki thoughts... we know from Kaito that Kaede is just Maki's type... but also. Kaede and her were so antagonistic in that first chapter. I'm going to do a hot take. Pre-development Maki and Kaede in a scenario where she lived? They would be a protagonist/antagonist duo. Maki is 100% being set up to be Kaede's antagonist, just look at their actual interactions. And Kaede, while similar to Kaito in many ways, is also drastically different in others. For one. She is not forgiving. She is not a forgiving person. She tries to kill the mastermind and when she kills someone innocent instead? Basically gets herself killed to atone. She would take one look at Maki being an assassin and go. No flipping way. She'd expose her in an instant just like Kokichi. THIS IS AN ANTAG/ PROTAG SHIP AND IM TIRED OF PRETENDING OTHERWISE.
4. Kaimaki
I just love Maki's arc in relation to Kaito... so badly lol.
5. Yonakawa
I love these two opposite demeanor. And I also just think they look really cute together. Atheist vs Devotee. Angie being like "Angie forgives you Maki because God forgives you Maki, as long as you atone!" They are So Fun. I love them. Angie in canon is very hard on Maki post assassin reveal but I do feel like depending on how things go they could have buried the hatchet so to say. I like them a lot.
Alternative 5. Miumaki
Miu was afraid of Maki but was also one of the ones giving her the least shit. Plus Maki was rude to Miu but not anymore than her rudeness to everyone. I think Maki's clear and honest was of stating what's on her mind would do Miu some good. And Miu could help teach Maki not to judge books by their covers. Plus. They could both bond over Hating Kokichi.
Alternative 6. Tenmaki
I actually still do have a few more Maki ships, which I didn't expect. But uh. Yeah. Tenko and Maki could be really cute! Plus. Tenko went to Maki to deal with Angie. Which I think shows a level of respect between them. Plus. Buff gfs working out together. What more could you want
Korekiyo Shinnguji:
1. Kaekiyo
I tend to think Korekiyo as some flavor of aromantic- like, grey aro, maybe?- but I am. Very invested in the Kaede and Kiyo relationship. Their FTEs are good. And. Concerning in implications. But still good.
2. Amaguji
They could both talk about their fucked up relationships with their sisters!!! Korekiyo would hate that he lost so many sisters and Rantaro would hate everything about Korekiyo's relationship with his sister. And they'd make it work anyway.
3. Shinouma
I liked when he threatened to tear out his nerves. Lol.
4. Shinsai
They also had really good FTEs, this time without the threat of Korekiyo killing him for his sister. Which. I guess is a plus, lol.
5. Tsuguuji
Their summer camp interaction was sooo funny. Mikan out crazied Kiyo. Kiyo was set to kill her for sister only to be like... uh. Nevermind. She's clearly insane. He killed Angie, who was a cult leader, for his sister but Mikan Tsumiki's weird "I have power over my patients" thing made him go ACTUALLY NO. NEVERMIND. YOURE A WHOLE FREAK. I adore that
Alternative 5. Gontaguuji
I feel like this could be cute? Maybe Korekiyo talking about how people precieved the "gentleman" across history.
Tsumugi Shirogane:
1. Kaemugi
KAEMUGI MY BELOVED... so interesting to consider from Tsumugi's POV....
2. Amamugi
I like the headcanon that these two were in the last killing game (52nd one) together. Plus. I just adore how petty Tsumugi seems towards him. He's literally just some guy and she goes bark bark growl growl I hate you you normie go do a backflip and die.
3. Shironaga
OHHH I GO CRAZY FOR ANGIE AND TSUMUGI.... she joined her cult to blend in but also... what if it was to stay close to her because she knew she was about to die... she created an angel and then killed it... Angie talks about God not knowing she's right next to her in plain glasses... plus. They are both artists. They could bond over that.
Talked about this already in the Kokichi section. But yeah. They are opposites and yet the same... yin and yang... two liars, one trusted and guilty and one misstrusted and innocent... augh.
I wish I could fit Himiko also on this. But alas. Totally fell in love with this ship because of this fanfic. I'm specifically obsessed with the dynamic in that fanfic. Tsumugi befriending Shuichi instead of Kaito... disaster.
And woof, finally finished! Some of these I was grasping at straws but others I could have kept going and going about. There's so many great ships it was hard to rank them! But yeah, right now these are my thoughts. They are, like always, subject to change but this is what I'm feeling right now.
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problamticsideanna · 10 months ago
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batw1nggg · 1 year ago
"dr character analysis anon" again, hi. Saw the thing about Komamiki. I have...mixed feelings about that ship.
While Komahina does objectively have the most going for it, I'm personally a multi-shipper for Nagito. I think the fandom really sleeps on a lot of the ship potential he has with some of the other cast. Admittedly most of the potential is with male characters. But outside of some fun platonic BroTPs (like Sonia and Nagito), I'd say there are 2.5 good f/m ships for Nagito. Komanami, Komazumi, and depending on the writer, Komamiki. Because a writer I know who's played around with it over the years has done some pretty interesting stuff.
Now I say "2.5" because like...I have noticed a REALLY weird pattern with Komamiki. In that it seems to be the main Nagito ship pushed by fans who are incredibly harsh on the character and vocally against Komahina. Who are typically also Hinanami shippers. I've even pointed out examples to that writer, and they found it pretty baffling too.
Like one of the most insane takes I've ever seen (and the writer wholeheartedly agreed with me despite being only mildly into Komahina) was someone pointing to Komamiki as "a healthier alternative to Komahina". Because like...one of the most interesting things to explore about the ship is that it has a high probability of turning quite ugly and toxic. And to actually get a healthy Komamiki outcome requires quite a bit more work than most other Nagito ships. Like one of those good Komamiki stories I read had both of them go through therapy before meeting again as adults after Hope's Peak closed down (a kind of non-Despair AU).
Yet those detractors of Nagito seem to really think that they could just hit it off pretty quickly. And that Nagito's worship of Ultimates would be a boon to Mikan's self-confidence. As well as Mikan being a nurse making her a perfect partner for Nagito. Which is just...no. A happy relationship between Nagito and an Ultimate should have him gradually come to see them as a partner and an equal. And Mikan's FTEs show exactly why giving her a partner medically dependent on her is a TERRIBLE idea. She would need to come to terms with just how unhealthy her desire for control over her patients is before having a partner like that.
So yeah, tldr, I think Komamiki can be an interesting ship to explore, but I can't help but view some of the people pushing it with a bit of mistrust. Like I almost wonder if a handful of them are doing so in bad faith. And perhaps they actually do want Nagito to end up in an unhealthy co-dependent relationship where his partner has power over him.
ok see i agree with a lot of the points here ive always been interested in the komaeda mikan dynamic, just platonically. because i cannot see him liking women romantically (or her liking men romantically) at ALL like i just cannot see it. their dynamic is very intriguing from what little hints of it we get from chapter 3 its just that in my eyes they wouldnt be toxic lovers theyd be gods worstest girlfrenemies. i support the dynamic i do not support it romantically lol. and also id never trust a komamiki shipper like ever at all because of what you outlined . its like how youre always suspicious to trust junkan shippers because their dynamic can be interesting to explore but it has to be handled carefully to be brought justice yaknow.
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xxthefairywitchxx · 1 year ago
Are there any F/Os you're uncomfortable sharing? I couldn't find any info about it in your carrd
To be honest it's usually most of them, though I've been getting less...idk intense about it? It's been less of an issue lately? Maybe it's cause my current main is Ian Duff, a dating sim character, so it makes it a little easier to deal with?
Generally I just block people if I see we share an f/o unless it's a mutual then I just block their tag for that character.
Lemme just...Copy paste my whole ship list under the cut for ease of explaining who I am and am not comfortable sharing, that'll make this simple...And I'll keep the tags so anyone can block any tag they need to
encouraged actually, not just okay with: 💓
yes: 💖
no: 💔
depends: 🫀
Princess Peach - Fruitbowl 💓 Jaden Yuki(Yu-Gi-Oh GX) - SuperLuv 💔 Jesse Anderson(Also GX)- Southern Jewel 💔 Aster Phoenix(GX) - Angel 💖 Sartorius Kumar(GX) - Gummybear 💖 Blair Flanagan(GX)- Kitten 💖 Adrian Gekko(GX) - Insurance 💓 (take him) Jack Atlas♥(5Ds) - Bastard Man 💖 Kalin Kessler(5Ds) - Puppy 💔 Carly Carmine(5Ds) - Lady Friends 💖 Link(LOZ) - My Hero 💔(this one sucks, he's so popular and z3l!nk is every where) Dark Link(LOZ) - Shadow 💖 Linkle(LOZ) - Girls Do It Better 💓 Bonnie(fnaf) - Bunny Boy 💔 Foxy(fnaf) - Pirate Protector 💔 Monty(fnaf) - Rock And Roll 💔 Baby(fnaf) - Clowning Around 💓 Nova(fnaf oc kinda?) - Shooting Star 💔 Broly(Dragon Ball Super) - Let’s Rock 💔 Tadase(Shugo Chara) - Strawberry Shortcake 💓(he was bullied so much when I was in the fandom he needs more love) Frankenstein's Creature - Patchwork Hearts 💓 (more people need to love him) Dylas(RF4) - Tsundere Tango 💖 Keith Claes(Villainess Isekai) - Linked Hearts 💖 Alan Stuart(Villainess Isekai) - Resonate Soul 💖 Red Velvet(CRK) - Dark Desire 💖 Pure Vanilla(CRK) - Sweet As Sugar 💖 Vash(Trigun) - Heart Typhoon 💓 (love him getting love) Knives(Trigun) - Million Hearts 💓 (get him away from me) Joe Tazuna(YTTD) - Keychain Buddies 💔 Alice Yabusame (YTTD) - Love Crimes 💔 Rio Ranger (YTTD) - Dressup Doll 💔 Naomichi Kurumada(YTTD) - Final Countdown 💖 Mai Tsurugi(YTTD) - Creampuff 💖 Trash, Garbage & Scum(River City Girls) - Brothers Gross 💖 Sunny Day Jack(SWWSDJ) - Sunny Days 🫀 Ian Duff(SWWSDJ) - Second Chance 💖 Bo(Dachabo) - Dog Toy 💓 Taylor Pots(Gallagher Mansion) - Lovely Dork 💓 Garrett Golde(Snaggemon) - Pretty Idiot 💖 Bram(Snaggemon) - Rival Bicycle 💓 Keaton(Fire Emblem Fates) - Favorite Treasure 💔 Kaden(Fire Emblem Fates) - Mutual Pampering 💖 Corrin(M) - Dragon Prince 💖 Chrom(Fire Emblem Awakening) - Hot Dad 💓 Dimitri(FE Three houses) - Taste Of Love 💔 Alfonse(FEH) - Prince Charming 💖 Otr(FEH) - Dear One 💖 Elm(FEH) - Batty About You 💔 Karamatsu(Osomatsu-san) - Fashion Disasters 💓 Ichimatsu(Osomatsu-san) - Furreal Boyfriend 💓 Sir Pentious(Hazbin Hotel) - Soup Snake 💔/🫀(I have a mutual who ships with him and I just...don't look at that tag...) Cherri Bomb(Hazbin Hotel) - Cherry Pie 💖 Arackniss(Hazbin Hotel) - Spider's Kiss 🫀 Striker(Helluva Boss) - Cowboy Snake 🫀 Gonta Gokuhara(DR V3) - LoveBug 💔💔💔 (idk why but I've had to block more people for him than anyone else) Kaito Momota(DRV3) - Outta This World 💖 Nagito Komaeda(SDR2) - Lucky Day Hajime Hinata(SDR2) - Loverboy 💖 Izuru Kamakura(SDR2) - Ultimate Love Junko Enoshima(DR) - Terrible Queen 💓 Mukuro Ikusaba(DR) - She Wolf 💓 Sabro Sabnock(M!IK) - Precious Metals 💔/🫀 (someone rebloged a gush post for him but otherwise it might be fine?) Shichiro Balam(M!IK) - Gentle Sunset 💔 Ameri Azazel(M!IK) - Blushing Beauty 💓 Atori(M!IK) - Wax Prince 💓 Purson Soi(M!IK) - Daddy Issues 💖 Kisshu/Dren(TMM) - Alien Feeling 💔 Anos Voldigoad(Misfit at Demon King Academy) - Sweet Laughs 💓💓💓 Arven(Pokemon ScarVio) - Puppyboy 💖 Piers(Pokemon SWSH) - Dark Heart 🫀 Riddle Rosehearts(TW) - Red King 🫀 Andrew&Ashley Graves(TCOAAL) - Three Of Them 💓💓💓💓💓
that is so much and I hope I didn't miss any...And didn't lose any since the formatting got hella fucked...
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sskk-ao3feed · 1 year ago
Why terrorise the outside when you can fixate on the inside?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iv6AxmU by hajimreow Basically, I have too many favourite characters among numerous fandoms and I’ll probably go insane if I can’t write about them whenever I feel like it. These are most likely just going to be a collection of oneshots about the characters in the list above, or in the first chapter, if I couldn’t fit them all in the tags. They’re all going to be angsty hurt/comfort because um thats my jam!❤️ Words: 577, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, Dangan Ronpa Series, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, OMORI (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Suehiro Tecchou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Oguri Mushitarou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Naegi Makoto, Owada Mondo, Hinata Hajime, Soda Kazuichi, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Shinguji Korekiyo Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nikolai Gogol/Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Jouno Saigiku/Suehiro Tecchou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo/Oguri Mushitarou/Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Owada Mondo, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko, Amami Rantaro/Shinguji Korekiyo Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Other Fandoms Not Mentioned in Tags, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, series of fics, multiple standalone stories, Not a Crossover, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, probably ooc im sorry read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iv6AxmU
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years ago
Komahina: Revamped
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/psV5JYZ
by EditorUnknown
 Hajime takes a nighttime trip to the convenience store and gets jumped on the way back to his apartment by a vampire named Nagito. In return for his blood, Nagito spends the next couple years paying off Hajime’s debt to the yakuza and bringing him companionship.
Words: 28, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Danganronpa
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Komaeda Nagito's Parents, Celestia Ludenberg, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Angst, danganronpa - Freeform, Danganronpa 2 spoilers, Fanfiction, inconsistent updates, Komahina - Freeform, long read, Mystery, slowburn, background ships, Gore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/psV5JYZ
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porcellune · 2 years ago
ill have peace when people realize that theres barely any romantic implications beyond waifubait with hajime & chiaki in sdr2 (hajime is even like “what is up with this girl” multiple times because she cant hold convo, love her) meanwhile there’s immediately romantic implications between hajime & nagito
hajime and chiaki’s relationship is not inherently romantic beyond it being a boy and a girl who care about each other, and people thinking that needs to be romantic. it makes more sense as an important friendship. because chiaki is important to and cares about ALL of her classmates in the same way.
but ultimately chiaki COULDN’T save hajime. not in dr3. it’s true that a vision of her manages to talk hajime out of his despair in chapter 6. but the REAL chiaki could NOT save him from himself, because she has a fundamental mismatch and doesn’t truly understand his feelings on worthlessness and lack of talent. she has a talent, she even says to him that it’s “harder” to be talented than not, and she’d prefer it. that’s completely ignoring his feelings on the matter.
while it can be argued that dr3 shows more romantic implications between them, it’s also where she’s least compatible and helpful for him. she can’t understand why he’s so upset about talent, so she can’t talk him out of his mindset and prevent him from doing the project. even if she doesn’t know that’s what her words are doing, she still fails.
i won’t say komaeda would talk him out of it, because i don’t think many people could. hajime hates himself deeply enough to become another person, it’s hard to talk anyone out of that mindset. but komaeda understands hajime in a way no one else does - because everyone else in sdr2 is talented, and doesn’t really ride or die for the whole “talented vs untalented” dichotomy, but they don’t not participate in it. 
komaeda isn’t really talented on the other hand, and he even wishes he wasn’t, and treats himself like he isn’t. because he believes he doesn’t deserve the title. just like hinata, he believes strongly in the worth of ultimates and the worthlessness in comparison of those beneath them - like himself and hinata.
komaeda’s worldview is nearly the exact same as hinata’s, just pushed a bit further and a bit more twisted. hinata’s worldview isn’t any more healthy than komaeda’s, either - a healthy worldview doesn’t lead to you lobotomizing yourself. they understand each other in a way no one else in sdr2 can because they both have this inferiority/superiority complex about talent.
that’s why the narrative revolves around them so much. their stories begin and end with each other.
chiaki is important to hajime, yes, but not in any romantic sense. they’re friends. and that’s fine. a male and a female character don’t have to be romantic to be deeply important to each other. danganronpa is not above putting an m/f ship as endgame, this is obvious with naegiri, and if that was ever the intention with hajime and chiaki they would’ve. but instead we see a literal scene where hajime leaves his memory of chiaki behind and moves on from her, as he needs to, as they all need to, carrying her memory with him but not living in the past, and as he leaves her he joins nagito instead.
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and this is the FINAL shot of them. to end the series.  i think it’s pretty clear what they intended with this.
essentially, nagito and hajime complete each other. they are soulmates. end of ramble
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chisinpink · 4 years ago
The Only One: A Mastermind!Nagito AU Story - PROLOGUE
Hello lovelies, I’ve posted a *lot* about my Mastermind!Nagito AU on tiktok (I’m @chisben there as well if you wanna check it out), and I rly wanna share it here so here’s the prologue! Special thanks to @servanthaji for helping out with the planning of this whole story in general!
(Content warning for mentions of bombs and bombings, swearing and crying.)
JUNKO: Yep, that’s the day that it happened. The day everything started getting… pretty scary, if you ask me! I’m just glad you were outta town for that, and baby was home sick. That’s, like, the only reason she’s here today, too!
HAJIME: Wait, wait, slow down! What are you even talking about…?
JUNKO: Uhh, I’m getting to that? Besides, don’t you know that guy too? Nagito Komaeda?
HAJIME: Not really… I mean, I knew of him, but I was in the reserve course. I didn’t really talk to him or anything until I went to school that Monday, and… there was nobody there except him.
JUNKO: Oh, yea? Did he tell you anything?
HAJIME: Not really. After I got shot at and ran in the school, I asked him what the hell was going on, but it was like I wasn’t there either. He just changed the subject to hope over and over again, like I asked a totally different question, and eventually I just walked away. I still don’t know what he was doing there.
JUNKO: Then maybe he doesn’t want you to know, y’know? You’re so lucky you have me, then~!
(She smirks playfully. Hajime stares at her blankly and her face drops. She stares at a map with a pen in hand.)
JUNKO: Come ooon, I’m coping! This is pretty stressful for everyone, y’know, I use humor to forget about all this stupid shit.
HAJIME: Whatever… just… tell me what’s going on.
JUNKO: Well, what happened that day… that was the start of The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History… in my opinion. And that’s saying a lot, because this world is filled with despair! And, like, his whole class helped him do what he did to the country! No idea why that is, but we can all fill you in on the rest, I guess. Preeeety sure we were all there in some way, ‘cept my baby.
(She gestures to the entirety of Class 78 of Hopes Peak Academy, standing and sitting in the basement of the school, as well as Mikan Tsumiki, who has a timid smile on her face as Junko looks back at her. Hajimes face drops.) 
HAJIME: Wh… what?? That can’t be it, that can’t be what happened…! The whole class?? The whole country?!
JUNKO: Eeeyup! They evacuated the school by putting a bomb under their teachers desk, and apparently all around the school, and I have NO idea how that lady didn’t croak! Anyways, everyone had to leave, and… that’s basically all I know. They just repeated that ooover and ooover on the news, it made me sick!!
(She threw her pen at a tiny radio propped up on a few cardboard boxes.)
HAJIME: Wh… this doesn’t… but… but, I...
(Kyoko steps forward and faces Hajime.)
KYOKO: I have some more information on what happened that day. After we were trapped here in the basement, all we had was the radio to inform us of the true nature of what happened. This is what I wrote down from those broadcasts.
(She hands Hajime a folder that contains three sheets of paper, all three of them hand-written notes. He begins reading.)
KYOKO: The class of 77-B was, most likely, all apparently under some sort of drug-induced psychosis. Most witnesses reported that they were acting strangely or out of character before they planted the bombs, and their eyes were hazy and… 
HAJIME: ”swirled”, “mixed”, “terrifying”, “comforting”, “light and dark” ...none of these make any sense.
KYOKO: My thoughts exactly. This entire event is bizarre and without any logical reasoning behind it… if you’d only heard about it on the news. But I think Makoto and I know more than any news outlets.
(She looks over her shoulder to Makoto, signaling him to stand up.)
MAKOTO: Well, about a month ago me and Kyoko were going to one of the computer rooms to print something, but it was kind of out of the way, so we didn’t expect him to be there. N-Nagito, I mean. We saw him talking to Chihiro, and, uhm… I didn’t hear that part.
(He looks up to Chihiro. They stand meekly and fold their arms.)
CHIHIRO: H-he had been asking me to collaborate with him on a personal project, but… I didn’t have any spare time, and I didn’t even know him that well! So I finally just told him no, and he left me alone for a day or two… but t-then…
(Tears form at the corners of their eyes.)
CHIHIRO: H-he told me that… he was gonna… destroy the sc-sc-school if I didn’t-!
(They cover their face, and Makoto reaches out to rub their shoulder.)
MAKOTO: It’s not your fault, Chihiro. It’s nobody's fault but his. B-but anyway, after we heard about that, we decided that we had to keep an eye on him, but… basically the next day is when the bombs went off.
HAJIME: Why didn’t you just… tell a teacher what he told Chihiro?
MAKOTO: In hindsight… yeah, that would’ve been the safest thing we could’ve done. But Kyoko thought that we couldn’t keep an eye on him if he was expelled for that, a-and he could have been doing anything at home, so we fo-
KYOKO: Makoto, please, don’t. I was a coward, and I didn’t trust anybody else to investigate the matter. This whole situation could have been de-escalated dramatically if I had told school faculty.
(Kiyotaka stands from his spot next to Mondo.)
TAKA: You DIDN’T inform a teacher, or the Headmaster?! Miss Kirigiri, the school faculty always knows what is best for us!!
MONDO: Yeaaaah, is that why they all jumped ship and fucked off to who-knows-where so we could fight like dogs in the basement?
AOI: Hey, they did what they could, okay?? They had to protect themselves like everyone else! We’re not any better by hiding in the basement.
MONDO: Where the fuck ELSE were we supposed to go?? Candy land?!
YASUHIRO: Hey hey hey, Chihiro was right to lead us here the day the bombs went off! But I hear ya, maybe we coulda moved out of Japan together or somethin’ instead of hiding in Japan!
TOKO: I-I see why you’ve had to retake this year as m-much as you did now, you dumbass! He could b-be expanding anywhere now!!
BYAKUYA: As much as I hate to agree with her, I do. Nowhere is truly safe, and for all we may know, we’re being actively searched for. It’s only a matter of time before we have to relocate.
SAYAKA: I-I can’t stay here another second!! 
CELESTIA: Oh, so do you two suggest that we run out into the streets and expose ourselves to the predators? Play Nagitos game of cat and mouse?
LEON: Hell NO, I’m not playing that freaks game! But if he’s got his little possie out there looking every which way for us, then we gotta at least try and delay it!
SAKURA: On the other hand, we don’t know what they might want from us, if anything, or how bad the situation has escalated since we decided to hide.
HIFUMI: We don’t even KNOW what’s out there w-waiting for us anymore?! There could be giant mutant spiders wanting to turn us into baby food by now! I’m staying right HERE.
YASUHIRO: ...okay, I’m officially lost. Are we moving or staying?
SAYAKA: Moving!!
BYAKUYA: If you all intend on surviving, then you’ll all relocate. If you intend on being brutally murdered, then by all means, feel free to stay for a bit longer.
LEON: What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?? 
MAKOTO: H-hey, everybody calm down!!
SAKURA: We cannot make a decision until we know more about the outside world. AOI: But isn’t it because of what we don’t know that we have to go out there by now?
SAYAKA: Maybe some of us could go and some of us could stay?
TOKO: W-what if that reveals the hiding spot f-f-for everybody else??
MIKAN: (wiping away tears and hiccupping) N-nooo!!
YASUHIRO: Then we all have to come to the same decision, then.
CELESTIA: Yes, good luck reaching a peaceful consensus during the middle of an apocalypse!
BYAKUYA: I never said that it had to be a peaceful decision. If needed, you will all follow me kicking and screaming so I don’t perish thanks to your idiocy.
MONDO: I’ll knock some idiocy into ya if you keep runnin’ your mouth like that!
TAKA: Remember to take deep stomach breaths, bro! I think we can all solve this by utilizing a popular vote!
HIFUMI: But wouldn’t whoever’s the most popular win anyway??
(Everyone stops talking and stares at Hajime, who’s trembling and has his face in his hands.)
JUNKO: Daaaaaaamn, rookie’s kinda bold to be screaming at us like that, huh?
MAKOTO: Junko… you’re not helping. He’s obviously overwhelmed and you’re just teasing him.
JUNKO: C’mon, I’m nowhere near him! Hahah!
(Makoto sighs, sitting down next to Hajime on the floor. The rest of the students talk amongst themselves.)
MAKOTO: ...I’m sorry. I know you didn’t ask to be here, but… for what it’s worth, I’m glad that you’re still alive somehow.
MAKOTO: You know… when Mukuro found you unconscious in that class, we all thought you were one of Nagitos’ friends. You seemed too peaceful in your sleep to have been running from anybody, or hiding from anything.
HAJIME: ...then why did you help me?
KYOKO: We thought we could get some information about the outside world. But apparently, you're just as lost as the rest of us.
MAKOTO: A-and because we didn’t want to leave anything to chance. Even if you were one of his people, we didn’t want you to just be out there. I’m glad that you weren’t, though… it feels nice to meet someone new again.
(Hajime lifts his face from his hands, palms and face covered in tears. He looks at Makoto with a faint smile.)
HAJIME: Yeah… feels nice.
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dangan-ronpa-cafe · 4 years ago
♡𝓜𝓸𝓭 𝓟𝓮𝓴𝓸'𝓼 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸♡
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「✿𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓮 ✿」
✦ Hello and welcome to dangan-ronpa-cafe! I am Mod Peko! You may call me Mod Ash or just Ash. I'm a female and I use she/her and they/them pronouns :)
✦ My other writing blog is @/ooffies. You can find my other danganronpa and fandom works there.
✦I also love interacting so my ask box is always open! Feel free to drop by and chat. I hope we can get along and please enjoy your stay! :)
「✿𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 ✿」
✦ I specialize in teas so I'm best at writing fluff!
✦ I can do some angst but I'm not the best at it.
✦ I write for drv1, sdr2 & drv3!
「✿𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 ✿」
✦Makoto Naegi
✦Yasuhiro Hagakure
✦Leon Kuwata
✦Byakuya Togami
✦Sakura Ogami
✦Junko Enoshima
✦Hajime Hinata
✦Akane Owari
✦Gundham Tanaka
✦Peko Pekoyama
✦Nagito Komaeda
✦Sonia Nevermind
✦Kazuichi Soda
✦Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
✦Kaede Akamatsu
✦Kaito Momota
✦Shuichi Saihara
✦Rantaro Amami
「✿𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿」
✦ Character x Character (I'm just not a big shipper so writing for ships is not my cup of tea)
「✿𝓡𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼 ✿」
✦ Types of headcannons: Romantic and platonic
✦ Who I write: F!reader, GN!reader, M!reader
✦ What I don’t write for: NSFW, cheating, p*dophilia, r*ape, inc*st, ect. (If you have a request and you’re not sure if I will write it, please dm me)
「✿𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓷𝓸𝔀!✿」
✦ Thank you for reading my intro! Please check out Mod Celeste's intro if you haven't already. :)
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rarepairronpa · 5 months ago
Results from the poll are in- the vast majority of you wanted me to post rarepair fics on this blog as they come out!
With that in mind...
(Post) Despair Podcast
Hey, you. You ever wonder what the Ultimate Despair is up to now that things have calmed down? Where those fiendish foes are up to after all their misdeeds? Well, good news! Me, Ibuki Mioda, and my friends Hiyoko Saionji and Mahiru Koizumi are here to set the record straight! We pinkie promise we're redeemed now, so won't you join us in "spilling the tea" on our past deeds and future plans? With occasional guest hosts from the other (former!!!) despairs! :D Mahiru squinted at the text, less so because she couldn't see it, and more because she felt dubious on it. "....Ibuki. Are you sure this advertisement is a good idea?" "Of course, Mahiru-chan!" Ibuki winked. "Everyone loves coming into these discussions on a positive note." "I'm just worried they'd see it as dismissive, or calloused... We did, uh. A lot of damage." "Oh, please," Hiyoko scoffs. "That's just how Ibuki is. They want honesty, and that's Ibuki's 100% raw self. What more could they ask for?" "Uh, an apology, maybe..."
"Pfffshhh." Hiyoko dismissed. "Apologies are for pussies." - Ibuki, Mahiru, and Hiyoko start a podcast.
My Hiyoko/Ibuki/Mahiru ot3 fic where they all start a podcast together. Has the side pairings of Hajime/Chiaki/Nagito - with Mikan being in a qpp relationship with them - Ryota/Imposter/Mikan, and the non rarepair of Gundham/Sonia. Also includes past/talked about Natsumi/Hajime, Sato/Mahiru, Mikan/Junko, Kazuichi/Junko and hinted at past one sided Sato/Mikan. So many ships! But it really is focused on mainly the Mahiru/Ibuki/Hiyoko one.
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kyoko-and-syo · 4 years ago
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Hi, Mod Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Detective, here.. I decided I want to do a blog, with Mod Syo. So yeah. dni: • if you are lgbtqphobic (homophobic, transphobic) • if you are against neopronouns and xenogenders • if you are ableist • if you identify as an irl yandere for noncoping reasons • if you identify as/are a TERF • if you are nonbinary skeptic • if you are a MAP/P3D0 • if you are R4c1st • if you Make Atua jokes • if you make danganronpa d34th jokes
I won’t do: • Hair Sprite Edits • Major Sprite Edits • Stimboards/Moodboards (s077y, theyre just really hard for me !! ) • Anything related to queerphobia • P*d0ph1l14 • Inc*s5 I will do: • Pride Sprite Edits • Minor Sprite Edits • Icons ( No r0m@nt!c ships, Square only !! ) • Self care kits !! ( Please specify what you want in it !! ) • Headcanons • Pronoun validation : ) <33 • Usernames! • Neopronoun ideas <33 ( Please specify theme !! ) Whitelist: • Tenko Chabashira • Kokichi Ouma • Tsumugi Shirogane • Kaede Akamatsu • Shuichi Saihara • Himiko Yumeno • Chiaki Nanami • Hiyoko Saionji • Ibuki Mioda • Kyoko Kirigiri • Genocider Syo • Toko Fukawa • Platonic Oumeno • Platonic Tenmiko • Bandaids • ROSECORE!
Blacklist: • Korekiyo Shinguji • Kaito Momota • Mikan Tsumiki • Nagito Komaeda • Teruteru Hanamura • Junko Enoshima • Nicknames like “C0ckitchy” & “C#maeda” • R0m@nt!c shipping • M#7d3r • Slurs, especially the f slur & the n slur.
Xe/It/Stuffie Syriinge/Kyoko! Im: Transmasculine !! Asexual Aromantic
-mod kyoko !! 🔍
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ao3feed-komahina · 4 years ago
by Restingfan
This is a book where I'll put here Komahina/Hinakoma (Since I don't know which of the names should I refer the ship to) ideas that I have thought of and wanted to make but ultimately couldn't make cause of lack of imagination and motivation.
Words: 68, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Hinata Hajime, nagito komaeda, Izuru Kamukura
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Ideas that have not been fully made, Don't worry, you'll know the reason why there's male and male and female and male tags despite it being Komahina, Vampires, Full vampire Nagito, Cyborg Vampire Hajime, Post-Season/Series 01 AU, Should I add vassalord to the fandoms
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years ago
A Spy x Family Au that no one asked for
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iRCN9m2
by That_one_makoto_simp
A spy x faily au that I thought of after seeing fan art of it on tumblr.
Words: 566, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Makoto, Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi, Class 77 (Dangan Ronpa), Class 78 (Dangan Ronpa), Class 79 - Character, Momota Kaito, Akamatsu Kaede, Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime, Kizakura Kohichi, Munakata Kyosuke (Dangan Ronpa), Future Foundation Member(s) (Dangan Ronpa), Mitarai Ryota, Asahina Aoi, Togami Byakuya, Naegi Komaru, Naegi Makoto's Parents, Ultimate Despair Member(s) (Dangan Ronpa), Loid Forger | Twilight, Anya Forger, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Harukawa Maki
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyoko & Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyoko & Saihara Shuichi, Naegi Makoto & Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi
Additional Tags: Others will appear as the story progresses, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - No Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), danganronpa - Freeform, Naegiri - Freeform, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Naegi Makoto is a Ray of Sunshine, Assassin!makoto naegi, spy!kyoko kirigiri, Spy X Family AU, AU, Danganronpa AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iRCN9m2
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igirisuhito · 4 years ago
I wonder why are "Character x Characters of Different Gender" so often banned on headcanon blogs. On one hand, good thing that those kids are curating their experiences so they don't have to interact with things they dislike, on the other... What has the idea of Nagito or Kiyotaka having a girlfriend done to you? Why cannot Ibuki date a man? Those are so common, and not only for canon identities, but also for just popular headcanons. And those often even contradict canon! Ughh...
I was thinking about this last night actually. People seem to get really upset when you erase their barely Canon identities. I don't really engage with headcanon blogs but like, I don't think you need to agree with every headcanon that crosses your path. A lot of people online these days just like... Refuse to hear things they don't agree with. Something something puritan and anti culture.
I feel like M/f content is more often criticised for being "Toxic" too. Like oh? You think Komaeda/Hinata is healthier than Tsumiki/Hinata? Give me one good reason for that. It's not because you have a morally pure view of mlm relationships is it? Sometimes I wanna ship toxic stuff anyway like my OTP is fucking lobotimisee/lobotimiser.
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rarepairronpa · 2 months ago
Wooah boy have I not been keeping up with posting what I've been writing to this blog. Nor have I been posting a lot to this blog. Partially because oh boy, has my health been bad already this year, so I haven't really been active anywhere. But! We have things to catch up on! Not a lot, because again: health issues, so I haven't been writing as much as I normally do, but. Still some.
First off, my Naejunko week fills. Posting here super late (already February when these were done in December, but. You know) so I don't really expect a reblog from people who run Naejunko week, but I thought my followers may be interested in it.
Naejunko Week, 2024, in all its glory. Also doubles as what I did for Junko's birthday; I know in 2023 I said that in 2024, I'd do a sequel to my big Junko character study, but uhhh. Yeah that didn't happen. Hopefully I can do that this year but I refrain from making promises (this time).
Now... I also did another installment of my Danganronpa/Bungou Stray Dogs crossover work, which... I debated including here but like, I did say crossover ships would count. So take (suck it up), which covers Mikan's HPA days in my BSD/DR crossover. Also includes Junkan, but is more focused on Mikan/Chuuya/Dazai. You can take or leave that one.
Next! I posted two new chapters of This is a Feature, Not a Bug. With the last one having an extreme Komanami focus. I definitely had fun writing that one, but it's definitely kind of "moments taken before disaster" because it's the last work I posted before a cyst I had burst :') Komanami tried to kill me, guys.
Now we're onto what I've been posting recently. Femslash February!! I did not have any of these works prepared like I normally would; they're being written as I go, because of my aforementioned health issues kicking my butt, making it hard for me to have been prepared. January was a month of many health issues, I'll tell you that much.
I'm using @danggirlronpa 's Danganronpa Femslash February prompts for this (and I will hopefully make separate posts for all the days after these first three, lol).
First day was for the prompt "remnants of despair" and I wrote to fizzle, which was about Hiyobuki in a world where the tragedy just sort of... faded without Junko to keep the momentum. Inspired by @mystxmomo 's work, something close to domestic, maybe. The backstory to this is when that work was coming out, I wrote a Hiyobuki work inspired by it... only to lose those files and scrap the whole thing as consequence 😭😭😭 decided to try my hand at rewriting the concept, though.
Second day was the ghost prompt, and I wrote Junkan! The thing with this is that I had already written ghost!Junko for Junkan Week (which hasn't come out yet; those works go up starting on the 11th), so I was like... what do I do for the ghost prompt this time?? I decided to write something of a prequel to the ghost Junkan I already wrote. So that's what eat me as I am is.
Lastly, for the third prompt, nail polish, I at first wanted to write Kaemugi, as I feel like that's very Kaemugi coded of a prompt, but I've already done Kaemugi with nail polish before, multiple times, so like... what more can I say? So instead, I pivoted to Junko! Since I do also associate nail polish with her. Specifically, I did Peko/Junko for this prompt... which honestly thinking about now may have partially been inspired by @midnightdemonhunter 's Peko/Junko art. The work, to be used is to be valued, is it not? Is all about Peko/Junko.
And now you're all caught up! Honestly hopefully from now on I can stay on top of this. Definitely not the best at these kinds of things, but I'll try.
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clovers-in-despair · 5 years ago
Why is a majority of your Nagito content him with women? You know he's gay right? Its cute but not okay.
I let this ask sit here for a good minute because I’ve been thinking about how to approach it. First off, I am so very sorry my content is bothersome to you. Second off, you are more than free to blacklist my tags or even me! I wish for everyone to be comfortable and have the freedom to customize their online experience. Third of all, and in the nicest way possible, this ask was completely unnecessary. I personally headcanon Nagito Komaeda as bisexual, but I am very supportive of those who see him as strictly mlm. My intentions are not to flood everything with content of Nagito x women, I just enjoy giving ship I (as well as others) like some rep regardless of whether they are m/f, m/m, or f/f. 
I apologize for the inconvenience I’ve caused you. Have a nice night, anon. 🍀
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