#nagel und hammer
kellllerrs · 2 months
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tim and moby if they were in limbus company
i apologize for making this😨
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❓ "smash kromer, pass on the dreamer of human wholeness. i love horrible girls and i'm normally down for monsterfucking but i simply could not deal with the vagina of arms and teeth. (i voted smash anyway because i love her)"
✅ "I WILL stick my dick in crazy"
✅ "I love a woman who can kill me on site"
✅ "I’d regret it in the morning, like drinking an entire bottle of vodka in one weekend. Still would though, but only in the context of a one night thing, and I make sure I don’t accept any coins from her (and I’d be looking over my shoulder for a while)"
❌ "I saw Kromer in my dream once. It was the closest thing I've had to a nightmare in a long time"
❌ "Passing on kromer for being ableist."
❌ "i gotta pass on kromer. her ableism cult nonsense is a huge turn off"
✅ "one time I had a dream that she made Sinclair drink a horrible concoction of various condiments at a fast food restaurant. Smash btw"
❌️ "Kromer and Demian are the biggest beef i have with sinclair. man has absolutely tragic taste in partners. not that i have absolutely no idea why he or anyone else would be into them, but holy shit dude, it's like critically failing a vibe check is a prerequisite. which is fair, but no, you cannot catch my ass smashing either"
❌️ "passing on kromer because im not into younger women. I know she watches videos at full volume with no headphones on the subway. she juuls outta both mouths."
✅️ "i want kromer to Deep Thrust me"
❌️ "Kromer has the single most godawful haircut in the entire city"
✅️ "smash kromer and hope she fucks up my hair like hers afterward. i want her big nail in me"
❓"you WILL get pegged if you try."
❌️ "Honestly would throw dongrang and kromer in a room and make them fight to the death in order to get smash chosen (the winner gets thrown into a pit of eels)"
✅️ "god i would do anything for kromer my evil sweaty girlfailure. i would smash her marry her then divorce her and take the house and her bong"
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azoosepted · 1 year
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jackbox game last night was WILD
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mortemdecay · 1 year
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Der Kleinhammer
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emerald-observance · 1 year
God I'm torn.
On the one hand, I loathe everything Nagel und Hammer stands for and very much want to see every member of it killed (or at least the people in charge killed, and the underlings free of their mind control, doing the killing).
On the other hand, there is something so viscerally satisfying about Rodion's Ironclad Retribution animation.
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cosmonova · 1 year
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Hello residents of the City it's that time of year again
(Transparent logos)
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1000dactyls · 7 months
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(admiringly) hermann hesse the yaoi writer that you are… my take on limbus demian btw. they fucked up massively trying to translate book!sinclair and demian’s weird psychosexual vengeful loving relationship. but i can make them better.worse. Blasphemous
2nd pic is demian without the “florid red lips” he’s described in with the book because he needs to retain his pale boy swagger without looking too much like iori
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shimishtar · 1 year
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perpetual-pathos · 2 years
i am very normal about my mirror dungeon digging..
my (irl) sp is in shambles after getting my ass handed back to me from my hubris to the headless fish with hands
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cursedtransby · 1 month
Don and her Identities
So there's a lot of theories and whatnot rolling around about what the reveal means, what it means for Don's character, and what it can mean for the future. But I'd like to take a lens back and see how it changes something fundamental to Don, because every sinner has identities, but none of them are as...drastically affected by what their Canto reveals as Don.
Spoilers under Cut
From here on out I'm referring to "Don Quixote?" as Bloodon for short. Also read @thelordofhats post about Murder on the W Express as I think they have a lot of good thoughts about Bloodon and the event in general.
Bloodon is present in the mirror worlds. We know that from Don having Rocinante in every one of them, including more armored groups like Hammer Und Nagel and T Corp. Wouldn't make sense for her to keep them otherwise. However Bloodon doesn't seem to change a lot about how we view the identities, but I'd like to posit that she makes a world of a difference in understanding Don's position in the world and why she is where she is in mirror worlds. Because there's something VERY specific that seems to clash ALL OTHER MIRROR WORLD DONS from LIMBUS DON. Rule following. In almost every other identity, Don is seen following the rules of some wing or finger or even the head itself as a general fixer. The most notable thing to point to is she isn't a part of the group most against rules, the TLA, unlike fellow problem children Ishy and Heath. We never see a "Kurokumo Hong Lu" situation where she's called out for bending or breaking the rules of those she works under. This is all despite her constantly doing it under Limbus Company (at least until Vergilius tells her to back off) Why is this? I believe it has to do with Bloodon's priorities when it comes to the Don we know and love.
First and foremost, keep her alive.
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We've yet to see a sinner's backstory specifically call out Dante like this. Almost as if Dante was part of the contract for Don Quixote. It wouldn't make sense for her to say they were promised. Why Dante was part of the contract is important is up to interpretation. It's possible there's something more, that Bloodon is more aware of the stars like Demian, she wants Don to completely override her, or she is simply scared of death. Either way, she needs to live for long enough to see some change for herself and Don. Thus, she needs both of them alive, hence her primary goal being that.
Secondly, she wants happiness. Lust isn't her base ego's affinity for now reason. It's likely a core part of both Don and Bloodon. If Bloodon is miserable, then it's likely she wants to help herself out of that pit somehow. Likely by making her other self happy in ANY way.
We can see this manifest throughout the mirror worlds and how Bloodon is trying across them. In each world, Don has something she can say she is happy about. Let's go over a few key ones and the way the two rules interact.
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W Don! Everyone's favorite depressed and OP don. Bloodon likely setup Don's role in W Corp because of her love of the Warp Trains and the company itself. It seems like a slam dunk. Secure meal everyday, safety being a employee of a wing, and Don is happy! But when Don learns the truth, she becomes far less happy about her position. However, leaving her job is extraordinarily dangerous, if not lethal outright. To leave her Wing means death for a mere fraction of a chance of finding more happiness. Aside from her second uptie chat, she is also quite happy in all of her voicelines, and we don't really get to see how she evolves and adapts to the reality of her otherwise comfy job. It's a bit rough, but Bloodon has to keep her alive, and being a W employee is a pretty safe gig (up until something goes wrong :)
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The above mentality also applies well with T Corp and Shi. While Shi is a bit less safe, she's still a director of a numbered Fixer association. She's still fairly comfy, and most of her angst comes from her subordinates suffering and having to take the lives of random individuals (something she also suffers with in T Corp).
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As for ones where everything aligns, we have plenty of examples of that. Middle, Lantern, and N Corp Don all are examples of Don being perfectly happy regardless of the morality or duties her job entails, as long as it's presented to her fantasies well. However, all of them still have her following some kind of rules, whether it be the Middle's or the Corps. It's very possible a Don without a leash in the form of Bloodon informing things could very easily fuck it up, and even if Don gets her dream job as a Cing director, she still can't save everyone she wants.
All of these identities illustrate the point that Don can't have it all. Risking her life for civilians means putting her neck on the line, and it's something Bloodon in the mirror worlds isn't setting up for her.
However, it's something Limbus Company can help her with. She can achieve her dreams of being a genuine hero in Limbus Company, because Limbus Company has solved many a problem for many a person. They've saved countless lives from the Time Ripper, helped resolve the distortion that is Papa Bongy, and slain the Pallid Whale. She can be the hero she dreams of...as long as she has enough power.
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Consistently, Don has been shown that she can't make it in time or have enough power to save those she wants. We see it most prominently in her desire to save Pilot's crew, where the very laws of the ocean dictate that she did not make it in time. We also see it far more clearly the 'lacking' power in the Warp express.
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She so badly WANTS to fix things. She's willing to sacrifice a thousand times over to make sure villains die and the innocent survive. But in this instance, and many others, she can't.
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But someone else did. Bloodon was able to salvage the situation Don couldn't. And that's what I think Canto VII will be about.
The fact that, in order for Don to be consistently happy, she needs help to fight the fights she doesn't have a hope of winning. The fact that, in order for Don to build her future, Bloodon has to face the fears that her powers are a part of them both. Afterall, who ate that Warp employee hiding in the secret compartment?
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melonisopod · 1 year
Really surprised at how well Canto III tackles the whole “roboticism” concept that often comes up in sci-fi but handles it in a really nuanced way. An entire town specializes in robot prosthetics, and as such they really push it and advertise it as “trendy” and it leads to Sinclair feeling stripped of his bodily autonomy, expected to undergo surgery for the “trend” his parents and sister undergo.
But then there is the flip side of this, are people with prosthetics inherently less human? Usually when people with mechanical augments crop up in fiction they’re nearly always portrayed as evil or at least dependent in a way that calls their humanity into question. And Limbus Company flipped that trope on its head with Nagel und Hammer’s crusade against anyone with prosthetics, deeming them all less than human and worthy of torture and death. But then, its members still augment themselves with the HP bullets and E.G.O. corrosion that still twists them into something horrifying. They either fail to see the hypocrisy or just don’t care.
Sinclair’s autonomy and desire to not get a prosthesis is respected, but Dante’s own humanity despite having a prosthetic head is also emphasized, with the Sinners all declaring that they would never look at Dante as less than a person and defend them against Nagul und Hammer’s onslaught. and the way N&H’s fanaticism is presented first and depicted as utterly horrifying, and it’s made clear that these are just crazed zealots indoctrinated in a violent cult, it avoids falling into “Both sides have a point” bullshit while also making Sinclair’s situation understandable.
I’m not done the chapter though yet cause this dungeon is kicking my ass and I’m desperately trying to grind enough to level my whole team. I’ve had to start over the dungeon because it doesn’t let you switch out alts once you select them.
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❌ "I'm usually always go all in for men who doesn't show their face or wearing full armor, but Guido... There's just something about him that I can't find smashable no matter what, even tho he checked most of my criteria..."
✅️ "Sure I'd suck him off"
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Thinking right now how much I love the sort of corrupt relationship The Wings have with each other in Project Moon's works. I especially love how monumental it is when a Wing falls. Like how in Ruina, with L Corp's fall, you can really see how the other Wings that had close contractual ties with them suffered, with W Corp and R Corp unable to get sufficient power to really fully do whatever they wanted, and struggling to do so, as if they were using the last drops of it, with nobody else knowing, lest they risk financial suicide.
Also with how we know about T Corp's main resource gain.
Also with how a sort of corrupt relationship where the immorality is yet again made explicit with N Corp and K Corp's relationship, because truthfully, I think the larger N Corp saw Nagel und Hammer has a highly valuable group because of how atrocious they are.
Really the Wings are so fascinating with how they work and I really do want them to do more and tell more stories of their Singularities.
I am especially curious about U Corp's true nature, given by how the backstreets are effected, and how the Whales are very clearly morphed by this sort of "Fusion" phenomenon in a twisted way.
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mortemdecay · 1 year
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May I offer you an N Corp Heathcliff in these trying times?
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aurora-veil · 1 year
So I was digging through some asset files and there's a slightly wider crop of the gallery portraits, and I found some REALLY interesting information on a few characters that you can't see in the theater images.
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so for my proof before I get into the other Sinners' pictures, Yi Sang's picture is clearly in the outfit he was wearing before he was recruited (the same outfit he was wearing at N Corp). Through this I'm arguing that their outfits in these profile pictures are relevant to the characters' immediate backstories.
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It's slightly visible in the regular portrait but I thought I'd mention that Don is actually in armor in her picture. The thing is I actually don't think it's the same armor in La Sangre de Sancho? The pauldrons on her shoulder are shaped totally different and the chest plate isn't nearly as curved as in the sprites I can find. so yeah. not sure what to make of this, just pointing it out.
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not as interesting as Don but still neat imo, Sinclair is absolutely still in his school uniform when he was recruited. The badge looks like some tree. It isn't on the school uniform he, damien, and kromer wear so I'm presuming it's some sort of college badge? Not really sure I looked through story files and couldn't find any relevance
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The one I'm most interested in tbh (and you definitely cannot see it in his profile believe me I checked) Meursault was still wearing a pin of a Nagel und Hammer when he was recruited by LCB! His relation to N Corp is something I don't see discussed very often and I think it's very interesting since, to me, this shows that it was something he was doing until VERY recently. I feel like N Corp is going to be very relevant in his story.
Not the most interesting theorization post or anything but I just thought I should share these findings of mine since finding this in the files was a very interesting little treat. I'll post the files these are from in a reblog but I'm at the image cap rn lmao
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tamaotomoe · 1 year
moving observation threads from twitter to here because site's on fire now lmao.
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i think its interesting that don quixote’s current ids are all two sides of an extreme that comes from her current incarnation’s middle ground of deluded, but not mad, yet still deaf to the reality of the city and its fixers.
disclaimer that i haven't finished don quixote yet, i'm still partway through reading, but i have seen and listened to summaries.
first, w corp and shi association
this is the don quixote that has been swung too far and too hard into reality that it breaks her (admittedly, one much harder than the other, but still). much like throwing a child into a whirlpool to teach them how to swim, don quixote is plunged deep headfirst into the innate cruelty and suffering that the city runs on.
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w corp don shows us the moment where she breaks. (a note, the way the narrator reads here is quite perfect for the city, no? the truth behind the carriages is something to be abhorred and disgusted by, but because this is the nightmare hypercapitalist hellscape that is the city, it is merely something to take disgust at once and learn to deal with it.)
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shi association don quixote is the one that's already far, far too deep in the hole to ever go back to her old self. just took several baseball bat hits to her psyche for years and years. of course, how could this not happen? it takes a maniac to think that assassinating people on the whims of whoever pays you no questions asked is how an idealized hero of justice should act.
she can still act like her usual, jovial self, cracking jokes and being happy, but this mask is much thinner, and is such; just a mask hiding her true, broken self. she cannot unsee what has been seen, and her ideals have to contend with the reality that she is seeing. she can try to abide by those once lofty, knightly ideals, but in these ids, the city will crush it over and over again.
(hey fun fact i did this study/observation because i noticed that w corp don quixote's out of combat passive is called "broken spirit". for a long time i assumed it was n sinclair's until i looked closer lmao)
and now we have n corp don quixote!
this is the delusion cranked to an absolute maximum, uncaring, unhearing, unseeing of everything but whatever justice she deems fit. there is no person more terrifying than one who commits atrocities fully believing that they are in the right.
how don quixote could even end up like this, i think is quite possible. i would think that for someone who idealizes justice, just the right words, the right kind of manipulation can easily sway her into nagel und hammer's fold. i certainly find it a likelihood that the one who grips faust could just go "heyyyy we're good guys trust us we're the true justice :)" but like you know with more tact and manipulation and don quixote would probably fall very hard into that.
ironically, by falling, she betrays the ideals that once guided her, but being fed nagel und hammer's doctrine like this, i imagine that she still wholly believes that this is justice, this is the ideal, not noticing that what she once was is dug so far and deep into her delusion that it is not even by her own will that she walks, it is now the one who shall grip faust that will tell her call her to heel or run or attack.
for a bit of fun symbolism, in the story for nagel und hammer donqui, she still wears rocinante (her sweet sneaks bro!!!) under her armour.
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if don quixote states as such, that they are comrades that bring justice together, then she has failed. that justice is long gone and buried under doctrine, and the final remnant of that justice, rocinante, has been covered up in the armour of an inquisitor, never to tread the earth nor see that ideal justice enacted ever again.
with all this, i conclude that i think that what don quixote's story will be about is the balance of seeing reality in front of her for what it is, learning how to accept this and yet still stand strong and sturdy despite it, holding onto those hopeful ideals that guided her so far and continues to guide her without straying from her path.
i think she shall grow into someone who the city can harm her as much as it likes, but no matter what, she will not bow nor break.
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