#naga Danny
biteytiefling · 20 days
So I had an idea and it won’t leave me alone so I’m going to post about it if anyone wants to continue this prompt please do
so starting this off with the fact of ghost hunger exist, they feed off of emotions and ectoplasm. This is for regular ghosts though for halfas though they require emotions, ectoplasm, and living meat/ fresh blood because of this all halfas have the air of an apex predator and all halfas are the children of life and death and they all become morally gray because of it also halfas are capable of Shapeshifting
Finally having enough of the GIW Danny and a de aged Dan(10) and elly(5) decide to lay low in Gotham for a while, while plotting how to take down the GIW and run across someone that they instinctually know is their older brother they’re very sickly older brother who calls himself killer croc they decided to stay with him and teach him how to live as a halfa and he teaches them how to live in Gotham they all try to avoid the bats while wreaking havoc
Gotham City and the bats are in alarm as killer croc has found his shapeshifter siblings and they are all causing havoc as they help out rogues and disappearing talons ( taking them to the ghost zone ) and making sure to cause extra destruction in government buildings ( because petty) and even stealing things from museums and private collections ( ghost artifacts ) and the bats are in confusion as they try to catch them ( all the Shapeshifting forms that the bats have seen are dinos, gator person, and Merfolk, I think that Danny Dan and elly would stick to more scaly forms ) 
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2tcs · 3 months
Naga (Part 1)
“Slither slither hiss. Slither slither hiss. Slither slither hiss.”
“Danny? What are you doing?” Same asked as she walked into their apartment.
“Isn't it obvious? He has embraced his inner scaily.” Tucker said from where he sat on the couch in his own fursuit.
“Technically this is my own body so I'm not a scaily. I don't need a suit.” Danny gloated as he coiled his ghostly tail around himself and flicked out his tongue like a snake.
“But you're a ghost. Not an actual snake. There for, you are a scaily.” Tucker vary maturely said before sticking his tongue out at danny. He's so happy the suit could stick out it’s tongue. Ya it cost a little extra but it was so worth it.
“So now you are a snake?”
“Naga actually because of the human half.” Danne said with a shrug.
“Wouldn't you be a lamia because you're a boy?” Sam asked?
“Actually lamias are a female only species where as Nagas are not. Male nagas are called nagas, go figure, while female nagas are called nagis or naginis.” Tucker said while flipping one of his paws off so he could use his phone.
“Tuck's the one who brought up that I look like I have a cosmic snake tail so I've been been practicing making it more solid. Awesome right?” Danny said as he began slithering around the room again.
Just don't do that out in the open. Last thing we need is the Bats sniffing around.” Sam said with a head shake as she went to their room to get in comfies.
👻One week later in a random sewer under Gotham.👻
“Hood. Why are you in the sewers?”
“Damn it Orical! Don't just randomly turn on my co- shit! Get back here!” Hood yelled as he chased some drug smugglers who thought it would be a great idea to escape through the drains.
“They took a right up a head and then a left immediately after. Carful though. Something is causing major interference with my cameras down that way.”
“Got it. Right, left, then.” Sckdding to a stop Hood immediately ducks back through the entrance and peaked around the corner. “I don't think I need to worry about those specific smugglers any more.” Hood whispered.
“Hold on hood. Connecting to your camera now… Is that a snake?”
“It has a human half too so they're a naga. The human half is already around the bend up ahead.”
“Where are the perps?”
Stepping more fully in the room now that most of the naga's body was no longer occupying it Hood turns and spots both smugglers passed out.
“Looks like they ran in here and immediately got slammed into the wall.” Hood said as he went over to check their pulses.
“Are they still alive?” Orical tentatively asked.
“Hmm. I'll have to get rid of the bodies. Don't want my own men getting got. I'll talk to you later Barbi.” Hood said before disabiling his com and camera. “Should never have sold to kids you dumb fucks.” he said, shooting off two rounds.
Saw a post about merDanny and almost immediately saw one about Nagas. So the brain worms got to work. That and I'm currently sitting at the DMV waiting for my turn so I'm bored. Also on mobile so I know there are spelling errors. Have fun with this.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Idk I just had the intrusive idea of the JL or some hero investigating the GIW or some other group with suspicions of them keeping merfolk or similar what with the giant tanks and what's shown in their paper trails over the years.
Only for Big Ass realms naga to swim by the observation window in the water.
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From top to bottom, left to right: Valerie, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Danny, Ellie & Dan
Like I am saying 30ft (9.1m) at the least from head to tail, probably bigger in giant rooms. And like, visibly has been there for a while. Like the GIW have been studying them as the only available specimens after they hypothetically destroyed the portals.
The GIW is the ghost investigation ward after all, not extermination. Though that doesn't mean they're exactly treated the best either- more akin to something like a snake or crow, like semi-intelligent animals like dolphins, chained to make taking samples & dragging them from the ecto-infused waters easier.
And maybe they're a little feral, muzzles on save for feedings preventing them from talking, if they even remember how to make noises that aren't in the words of the Zone anymore.
Maybe they've convinced themselves that it could be worse, they could've been killed like Vlad, like an animal that had bit too much, over and over. Maybe they've convinced themselves that this isn't so bad, even if they're treated less than human, even if they've not seen the sun for who knows how long now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Design Thoughts?
-Metal Core Valerie, her scales are literally made from it, in blacks and reds like molten gemstones. Her scales are sharp too, designed for easily cutting through stone. Lots of spikes that glow when channeling energy.
-Plant Core Sam, scales designed for plant seeds to catch hold and take root not unlike a sloth's fur, hiding the sharp thorn-like ones lining her backside. Also, acid. Blacks, greens, and flashes of bright purples & greens that hint at the poisonous nature
-Storm Core Tucker, very thick scales designed for going through the sand with side spikes that help channel electricity. Has both a rattle and a pair of stingers that could hypothetically 'plug in' to things as well. Some of the most bioluminescence of the group.
-Ocean Core Jazz, she is the most aquatically designed out of all of them, with lures all across her body that mimics the lights reflecting off water, tricking the mind from noticing her. Large carp-like scales and several rows of teeth. Lots of blues in coloration with hints of oranges & yellows like a sunrise at the sea
-Space Core Danny, with large amounts of spikes and 'vents' that cover him in an aurora if he were free. Spikes with their own miniature gravity forces, twisting the area around him as he moves. Black iridescence & swirling white-blue patterns like galaxies are painted across his body
-Moon Core Ellie, covered in fine needle-esque scales not unlike how actual moondust is. Very rough like sandpaper and a fin that mimics the tail of a comet tinted ecto-green. Mostly monotone colors otherwise.
-Sun Core Jordan, with similar vents to Danny but with flames and plasma. Thick fur at the end of his tail not unlike how Vlad's was, with thick scales that allow for swimming through molten material that could melt anything and anyone else. Blacks, whites, blues, almost like white-hot coals
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dely-pilar-99 · 1 year
Mamma Naga
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Meglio coi capelli sciolti o con la treccia?
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radiance1 · 9 months
DnD au where either the batfam or some mebers of the Justice League get taken into a game.
Who's the game master? Both Vlad and Ghost Writer. Ghost Writer makes the overall world while Vlad voices everything and adapts on the fly when the 'players' do things they didn't expect.
The thing that I'm thinking about here is that Danny is a Naga, and in his lore he's actually a very important and powerful person, either politically or physically. Probably physically, but he constantly plays the damsel in distress for like, no reason.
The boy just genuinely likes to play the damsel in distress even through he's actually quite powerful in the grand scheme of things.
But here's the thing.
The batfam/Justice League don't know that.
They just think he's a very unlucky monster guy who keeps landing himself into dangerous situations and calls for them to save him when he's in trouble and, them being heroes, they save him every time.
The opposite of Jazz, really.
Who is a badass character that, at the start of the entire thing, saved the players from one thing or another at times and then helped them in battle in the later game while also secretly being a very important character in the lore just like Danny.
Is Jazz also a Naga? I don't know, had me thinking that she was more of an Amazon or something like that. But she could be a Naga not gonna lie.
How are Danny and Jazz important? Well, I would like to think that they are actually royalty. Like, full blown very important royals from a very big and powerful kingdom or empire.
Danny would be a Naga prince, and depending on if Jazz is a Naga or Amazon she could be either a queen or princess.
Whatever the case, the two of them would make comments about each other. Danny's comments being about how, maybe when starting out, the players aren't his usual savior and stuff like that, with Jazz's comments being that saving the players quite reminds her of a specific little Naga she constantly has to save.
Maybe Vlad sees this and decides that Danny and Jazz become a link to give the players something that they, well, missed (Low chance if Batman is there, but then again that's gonna depend on if the Batfam are in their hero or civilian personas). Like maybe a comment here, a clue there, an item given.
Stuff like that.
I feel like Danny curls his tail around whoever saves him and leans heavily into the damsel in distress act, going on and on about "Oh my hero!" and all that. Some might think there would be a problem with that, but Danny weighs absolutely nothing, carrying him is literally like holding a feather.
Which is concerning because he has both a long and beefy tail that should make him weigh waaaaay more than he actually does.
Jazz definitely carries everyone in a princess carry, regardless of gender and regardless of who it is. Has a modified carry for Danny in regards to his tail but that's really it.
Maybe the players get sneak peaks that there's something more in regard to their constant damsel and randomly spawning ally. Maybe knowing them gives them access to stuff they, reasonably, shouldn't and when they're present with the group, their presence changes some things.
This was honestly just an excuse for Danny to be a damsel in distress, not gonna lie.
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
DPXDC Idea: Mother of Monsters Dan(yal)
Specifically Fem!Dan because I made this in mind with my Fem Danyal Au bUT. The best part about Dan is that I get to play dress up with her, and Fem Dark Dany is gonna go by Layal (pronounced lae-el) because it means "the nights" and it sounds similar to Danyal, and I think she'd choose that name to mock Dany. ANYWAYS
Mother of Monsters Danyal. She may be evil but she's an Al Ghul at her core (even with vlad's soul merged with hers - however, considering that Layal looks and sounds like Dany, she considers that soul to be the more dominant one.) and loves animals. And she might be heartless, but she adores the monsters of the infinite realms.
Mother of Monsters Layal who hates everyone but utterly dotes and adores on every manner of beast she comes across. Stealing the eggs and infant young beasts of the Infinite Realms to raise as her own because she wanted them. Her own island full of monsters, a monstrous menagerie of her own. She steals most often from poachers or exotic pet keepers and other menageries -- the full grown beasties can keep their young.
And with every monster she raises, she can shapeshift their features onto herself, allowing her to change her shape from humanish to any matter of monster or hybrid creature. She calls herself their mother, and them her children. Her precious little babies, capable of incredible mass destruction and mayhem.
From little griffins the size of kittens, to stymphalian vulture chicks, and leviathan young hatching from eggs the size of her pinkie, to creatures native of the ghost zone that didn't even have names in the living realm. There really wasn't a limit to what or who she would take in and she didn't limit herself to any form of mythology. If they were beasts and they were unwanted, she wanted them. And as such, amassed her own mini army of "children" willing to listen to her any command.
Earth doesn't know what hit it when she attacks them.
There are many monstrous forms she could take on, the first one I've thought of is a combination of various serpentine/reptilian features. The body of a naga -- her lower half long and serpentine, her upper still human -- with spiked fins connecting from the bottom of her arms to her sides, ever seen Sinbad where Eris goes "you might have seen my likeness on the temple walls" and her arms do that fin thingy? Same concept. Her hands are webbed and taloned, perfect for slicing through the skin of the living, and her teeth are needle-sharp and shark like. Her hair can either be spiny and feathery-like like the spines of a lionfish, or frilled like a frilled-neck lizard. It's perfect for dealing and doting on her reptilian and amphibian-inclined darlings.
I'm more of a fan of aus where Dan is a sibling of Danny's rather than their kid, so Layal's redemption(..?? probation?) proceeds with her legally becoming Danyal's "twin" sister, who had been lost to the foster system before the Fentons adopted Dany, and was only recently reunited with her. The two of them look so alike that the lie is easy to take root and spread.
Layal is very indignant to the fact that she's now ten years in the past and has to restart her menagerie all over again. Do you know how much blood and sweat went into raising those children? How dare you separate them from their mummy. Although she'll admit she does miss their juvenile years, so she won't mind (too much) needing to raising them again. Dany is helping her retrieve all of them though, dammit.
long story short: epic the musical's "Scylla" has a CHOKEHOLD on me and this is the result of it
Unlike her Dan counterpart, Layal's voice is dancing and sirenic. It's purposely alluring and motherly, in order to lure people into a false sense of security until she feeds them to her "children." Echidna doesn't have shit on her. She almost seems friendly and reasonable, until you get too close and realize it was all an act and she drops it to metaphorically swallow you whole. She's like an anglerfish that way. She and Dany both sound like Scylla from Epic.
#mother of monsters danny#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dpxdc au#dpxdc prompt#fem danny fenton#fem danyal al ghul#danyal al ghul#dany helps laya find one(1) beastie and instantly falls in love. laya does not need to convince her to come help her rob other ghosts blind#of their exotic “pets” or animals or whatever the reason they have beasts that they shouldn't for. she'll volunteer willingly its a trait#that they share. laya knows that raising her babies will be difficult now that she has to g back to *school* but dammit se's not leaving#them in the hands of the people she found them in. those are HER children fuck you.#Layal is the one to reveal to Damian that his older sister is alive and it was on purpose. It was to send him on a wild goose chase looking#for Dany in order to be around to save her from becoming Layal.#'Tragic. Terribly tragic; your dear sister had her soul ripped from her body and merged with another. What was left of her...'#'well. i put out of its misery.' she's very cloying towards damian and this is on purpose because she thinks its funny to get under his ski#goes out of her way to only ever refer to him as 'little brother' but if she can't she'll call him sickeningly sweet nicknames.#this happens about oooo midway 'redemption'? Where Laya is actually rather fond of Dany and is starting to consider her as a sister#as well. and she likes Ali. Laya herself is still rather unsympathetic to the world around her. only acts on a kindness for 'her people'#her people includes Dany which is why she even actually told Damian that Dany was alive and gave him an incentive to look for her#because she saw DAny mourning another lost birthday for her little brother and decided to go 'aw fuck who gave me feelings' and decided to#make it everyones problem.#starry rambles
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noisytimetravelsheep · 6 months
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DP x Dc x Subnautica AU
Inspired by this post of @mcgomega. I have never played Subnautica but the fic is so good that I just want to draw Tim and Danny in beautiful mermaid forms. I watched like 5 Youtube videos to about the game just to draw this, and the game looks amazing but I don't really have time to play it =((.
For Tim mermaid form, I did some adjustments such as the tail (it was kinda busy and it was hard to see the actual form of the tail), and I added a pattern on Tim back that resemble a pair of wing (bc Robin).
Since the original post mentioned Danny with naga tail so I went with that. At first I wanted to make him look like the Ghost leviathan(?) in the game but I wanted to keep his Phantom color palette. Finally, the tail - his glory glowing bones, you can see it was a lot but I just draw 5 bones in different angle, copy paste them and adjust each to correct shape.
I have plan to working on drawing the JL in leviathan forms but it gonna take a while since I kinda busy at the moment. But if anyone have any suggestion for their forms feel free to share. <3
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Bonus: the background
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
I decided to create a masterpost or two with all the reblogs that I like in hopes that when someone sends out the “help me find that post” I can find it faster. It will be added to slowly because I do not have the patience to do it all at once. Also in no particular order of preference.
Keep in mind none of these posts are my works and I do not claim them as such.
If you see *** they are really good prompts with lots of reblogs.
Will be edited later, last updated: 7-21-24
Multi-story masterlists
Specific Story lists
Jason is Catnip to Danny
Hyena Danny
Finally Getting Help
Wrong Robin
Badger Day
Man has needs
Take out for Dummies
Danny is just some guy
Changling AU (part 5, other part links at bottom of post)
Fast Car Driver Danny
Haunted Car
Harmless Series
Don’t eat anything
Hero Tweets
Just a Bite
Single posts
Ellie realizes how dangerous Danny’s home is
Danny’s Rescues from the Infinite Realms
Green Lanturn & crew stuck in IR
Dead on Main
Jason courting Danny with a casserole
Overprotective Fenton parents shovel talk
Danny courts Jason by giving him wine cups made from the Joker’s kneecaps
Jason becomes a Ghost Summoner after giving Danny food***
Dream Lover***
Soulmate summoning ring gone wrong
Dead Tired
Coffeeshop accident
Dead Serious
Dead Silent
Danny kills the joker with his thighs
Danny on the run from the GIW
Superman startles Danny and gets a concussion***
Danny In Gotham
Sleepwalker Danny who escapes all traps
Unknowing Fae Danny works at coffee shop
Danny pretends to be a Vampire***
Feral McGee
Danny only gets a Vacation from work in Gotham
Danny seems like an Oracle of Delphi***
The GAV affected by Fear Toxin
Tucker streams while Danny does what Danny does in the background***
Danny is kidnapped(?) by Batman***
Danny gets hired for a money laundering front***
Portal is built in Gotham, not Amity
Naga Danny
Villain Danny
Danny’s obsession is twisted, forcing him to be a villain
Danny teaches heroes their mistakes by being the villain***
Adopted Danny (as in not Bio Fenton)
Danny is Hal Jordan’s son
Harley asks Batman to take away her son
Harvey Dent is Danny’s bio parent
Danny adopted by Bruce Wayne
Danny distribution system
Danny makes a sales pitch to join the Batfam
Reincarnated Danny
They wake up as Talons
Clockwork reincarnated as Alfred
Misunderstanding’s that end in chaos
High Danny mistakes Batman for Jack
Summoning Danny
Number is not in service
Danny: Please get that stalker (Ra’s) away from me
Demon Twin/Brothers
Damian is normal by Amity standards
Maybe(?) his lost twin
Nyssa steals Danny
Danny undercover in Amity
Jazz decided she wanted a brother
Tim Twins/Brothers
Danny and Tim are half-siblings
Danny sleep teleports to another dimension
Jason and Danny are brothers
Jason is a Baby ghost, adopts babier ghost Danny***
Ghost King Danny
Danny needs to take care of the Lazarus pits
Danny finds out there is a Ghost LOA
Danny possesses the president
Danny takes Jason’s online cooking class
Danny forgot what is regular human
Jack was a hitman named Phantom
Ghost Calls
Danny & Jason have the same scars
Superman was supposed to wait for the JLD
Water Core Tim
Fenton Driving curse still applies
Danny asks Wonder Woman to make him a grave on Themyscria***
Kryptonite is actually trapped souls
Danny and self-fulfilling prophecy
Danny pretends to be a demigod son of Hades
Danny gifts Red Robin a jar with Ra’s eyes
Vlad Cloning Danny was actually a much worse offense, breaks oldest ghost law
Amity got put back in the wrong place after the Pariah Dark fight.
Jason involuntarily taken to the ghost hospital
Phantom Letters
Danny learns Astral magic
Miscellaneous Angst
GIW succeeds in shooting the portal
Loki falls through to the IR and is adopted by Danny
Pure DP (not crossover)
Danny was Eldritch the whole time
Danny gets sprayed with a chemical where he hallucinates the person he hates
Demon!AU (with Art)
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panelshowsource · 10 months
so many fun things coming up!
qi (series u/christmas special) — dec 18th with alan davies, eshaan akbar, jo brand, jimmy carr
never mind the buzzcocks (christmas special) — dec 19th with daisy may cooper, jamali maddix, noel fielding, harry hill, leigh-anne pinnock (little mix), ricky wilson (kaiser chiefs) + special guests dj luck and mc neat, 5ive, the wurzels, blaxin' squad
cats does countdown (christmas special) — dec 21st with jon richardson, joe lycett, roisin conaty, danny dyer, joe wilkinson
i literally just told you (celebrity special) — dec 22nd with aj odudu, ben shephard, bill bailey, sarah millican
would i lie to you (christmas special) — dec 22nd with victoria coren mitchell, alex brooker, naga munchetty, melvyn hayes
big fat quiz of the year 2023 — dec 26th with richard ayoade, mo gilligan, katherine ryan, rosie joes, kevin bridges, mel giedroyc
would i lie to you (series 17) — dec 29th
taskmaster (new year treat) — jan 2nd with deborah meaden, kojey radical, lenny rush, steve backshall, zoe ball
qi (series u) — jan 5th with alan davies, aisling bea, urzila carlson, romesh ranganathan
big fat quiz of telly 2023 — tba with russell howard, babatunde aléshé, jamie demetriou, natasia demetriou, judi love, daisy may cooper
plus a league of their own, rob & romesh vs, late night lycett, a lot!!
what are you excited for this holiday season? :)
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ultimate-good-dog · 1 year
Ultimate Good Dog Official Bracket
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Preliminaries are closed!
The Bracket is done!
I did my best to seed the bracket but i'm p. new at it so like, i did my best
The matchups!
Side A
Cerberus (Greek Mythology) Vs Aralez (Armenian Mythology)
Cheedle (HunterxHunter) Vs Sam (Sam and Max)
Nina And Alexander (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs The Husky (The Thing)
The Disreputable Dog Vs the Hound of Baskerville
Akamaru (Naruto) Vs Missile (Ghost Trick)
Mrs O'Leary (Percy Jackson) Vs Dog (Good Omens)
Ruff Ruffman (Fetch!) Vs Diogee (Milo Murphy's law)
This is Fine Dog (Gunshow) Vs Snoopy (Peanuts)
Terriermon (Digimon) Vs Growlithe (Pokemon)
Clifford (Clifford the big red dog) Vs Spot (Spot the dog)
Jake the Dog (adventure time) Vs Becquerel (Homestuck)
Bandit Heeler (bluey) Vs Bluey Heeler (bluey)
K-9 (looney Tunes) Vs K-9 (doctor Who)
Stitch Pelekai (Lilo and Stitch) Vs Blue (Blue's clues)
Seymour Asses (Futurama) Vs Balto (Balto)
Naga (Legend of Korra) Vs Wishbone (Wishbone)
Side B
Polterpup (Luigi's Mansion) Vs Pugsley (Paranormal Park)
Courage (Courage the cowardly dog) Vs Annoying Dog (Undertale)
Miss Rosa (Night in the Woods) Vs Dr Doppler (Treasure Planet)
Slinky Dog (Toy Story) Vs Monchie Mitchel (the Mitchels Vs the Machines)
Cerberus (Hades) Vs Hayabusa (Okami)
Toby (Ace Attourney) Vs Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Toto (Wizard of Oz) Vs Perrito (Puss n Boots: the last wish)
Dug (Up) Vs Pongo & Perdita (101 Dalmations)
Odie (Garfield) Vs Dogmatix (Asterix)
Daikichi & Dog Ninja (Ensemble Stars & Rhythm Heaven) Vs Sunkist (Half Life but the AI are self aware)
Cujo (Danny Phantom) Vs Waffles (moonglow Bay)
Bond (SpyxFamily) Vs Koromaru (Persona 3)
Scrappy Doo (Scooby doo where are you) Vs Scooby Doo (Scooby doo where are you)
Bear (Person of Interest) Vs Rex (Inspector Rex)
Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat) Vs Grommit (Wallace and Grommit)
Porthos (Star Trek: Enterprise) Vs Queequeg (X-files)
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a-echo-of-gotham · 1 month
Ooc: to the Wonderfully mean anons.
Keep Going. You are hitting home!
But I'll do this anyways
Echo!Tim is slightly insecure in his worst times. But also can be over confident in his mind. He's incredibly smart and he depends on that fact like a crutch. He's meant as a Jack of all trades with a focus on magic due to his history with it
He's terrified of becoming what John Constantine is in his world. Jaded, Lonely, scared and utterly alone. He's terrified of losing the people he loves.
He's terrified of himself. Of his abilities and curses. That's why he is so affected by accidentally biting @officialgreenlantern. It's a literal NIGHTMARE of his. Especially as it's a Naga level bite. Those are rare and permanent unless by a very powerful mage or three.
His Lover's are Danny Fenton(Romantic) Kon El(Romantic) Bernard Dowd(Romantic) Sam Manson(Platonic) and Tucker Foley (Platonic.
Again. Dp x Dc au~~
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2tcs · 2 months
Naga (Part 2)
Further down the tunnel.
Shit. Shit! I thought people didn't come down here! Danny thought before he was encouraged to move faster when he heard gunshots behind him.
“Scales to Sphynx. Scales to Sphynx. Do you read me?” Tucker's voice calls from the com in Danny's ear.
“Sphynx? Really?”
“Well, we need code names. I thought it was clever.” Danny didn't need to see his friend to know he was pouting.
“So, whatcha calling me for? I'll be heading home soon.”
“Don't even try to play dumb Danny. You know damn well that I've been covering the cams while you slither around down there. There's honestly a concerning amount down there.”
“There can't be that many.” Danny laughed as he slowed down as he got closer to the manhole closest to the apartment.
“A lot. Enough to say with full confidence that the two guys that you just smashed into the wall were running from the Red Fucking Hood!” Tucker screamed into the com, almost causing Danny to lose his footing as he went to climb out of the hole.
“Well, at least it was Red Hood and not one of the bats. As long as we don’t mess with Hood's shit then we should be good.”
“You're right. Should we tell Sam?”
“She would never forgive us if we didn't.”
“Even if she does the eyebrow thing? Or calls Jazz?”
“On second thought. We'll just forget about this entire thing”
“What are we forgetting about?” Sam asked from behind Tucker.
“NOTHING! Um, I mean not much. Danny forgot why he left earlier?” Tucker chuckled and began to sink into his seat as Sam raised an eyebrow at him.
“Tucker. Don’t give in. She won't hurt you.” Danny encouraged as he began running up the stairs.
“Don’t you dare Tucker!” Danny said as he began to debate using his ghost powers to get to their apartment. Why the fuck did they choose an apartment on the top floor?!
“TUCKER!” Danny gasped in outrage at the betrayal.
“Don’t At Me Danny! Sam’s Scary!”
“And don’t you forget it. So what are we going to do about this.” Sam asked as she walked over to the door and opened it right as Danny reached for the handle, causing him to fall and just lay on the floor as Sam kicked his feet out of the way to close the door again.
“Well. Thanks to Danny’s ecto signature all of the cameras fizzed out when he passed them. Hood would need to get his hand on my programs to be able to clear away the ecto interference.” Tucker said as he looked back at his computer.
“And as long as I don’t transform in front of anyone we should be golden.” Danny grumbled from the floor.
“Knowing your luck?” Sam asked rolling her eyes and getting sighs in reply from her two friends.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 199
“Where the fuck are my legs?” 
Danny wasn’t happy. It wasn’t funny! Usually he just had a ghost tail when flying really fast, like super speed, not all the time! It’s not funny Clockwork, you’re used to having a tail, he isn’t! 
What do you mean it’s permanent?! He needs his legs! Clockwork!! He wouldn’t have agreed to the adoption if he knew he’d lose his legs! 
…Okay, that was a lie, Clockwork was a great parent who encouraged his chaos and enjoyed screwing over assholes like the Observants. But still! He looks like some sort of snake person now! No he doesn’t want a nap, he’s not a baby! 
Clockwork, why are you being quiet? He’s not a baby! He’s not a baby, right? What do you mean all ghosts are babies until they’re a hundred years dead!? But he’s a halfa- what do you mean it takes longer for Ancients?! 
No he doesn’t want that nap, he’s having a midlife crisis here several years too early! 
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dely-pilar-99 · 1 year
A spasso col cane 🐕
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f4nd0m-fun · 4 months
@puppetmaster13u @hallowsden
Insanity under the cut, it gets rambly, way too many fandoms, and an AU that started just under a decade ago, whoops 😅
Have you ever seen the Ghostbusters? I have an entire Halfa!Egon AU to explain some of that shit his cartoon version got up to 😂
I threw that AU at Jill too when she showed up since she's basically the Egon of her group. Although I also have a sub au of that where they're twins, both Deities of life and death but her more death and animals and him more life and plants, and that's why they're halfas.
Honestly tho, I give EVERYTHING a cryptid AU Even if it's already a fucked world. For instance, Janine is a Naga (shifter) in one iteration 🤣
I also have a stupid crossover au where it turns out Kevin is Thor and Jill is Jane and at this point they've just been universe hopping for a while against will/intent and such.
Which, thinking of my Loki!Bruce stuff, now I'm just laughing about some massive DP DC GB MVL crossover. Catwoman and Talia are Sigyn and Angrboda from myths tho but I've no idea which is who 😅
It's even worse tho when you add Loki = James and Sigyn = Lily (I think I read every freaking fanfic that had that plot). Which, maybe Talia is Sigyn which makes Damien poor Harry. Also, half Indian James/quarter Indian Harry please and thank you very much.
But also you get into the craziness of which Joker and Harley are Loki/Sigyn too because I adored the version of Joker who was a non abusive crazy in the cartoon and wasn't yet in my loving Bruce era. Which adds even more to the whole 'two halves of a coin' bats and jokes has going on. 😅
And if we go with my age old Pariah Thomas, Gotham Martha, and Clockwork Alfred... yeah, Bruce might be a lil OP, or at the very least scare ol Connie with the number of seals on him to keep his powers locked away.
What's worse is that the Deity AU for Ghostbusters has Jill and Egon as twin children of alternate godhoods/godformes of Loki and Sigyn because OTP forever but also CHAOS (this deity au started when I was in high school and it's the one AU that never stops digging it's claws in, halp 😅)
But also Sam is the daughter of Hades and Persephone, and Danny is like... a mini Hela who Sigyn went to check on and, whoops, her soul got tethered to a too weak body so not only is she her own step great granddaughter but also the vessel is dying and that sucks.
I also had a PJO au where Tucker was a son of Hephaestus, which, I guess WW and Vandal get to fight over him? 😅
Yes I love chaos, and yes I might be a lil crazy, but it's fun. Also, I make a Cryptid AU and a Deity AU for pretty much every fandom I'm in even if I don't voice it.
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First & Last Lines
Basically, post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you posted. WIPs are welcome.
So. Why the heck not, LOL? They're all Teen Wolf. I added two at the end that are unposted WIPs so I put in the first and last sentence from my most recent drafts. Sidenote, this took so much wrangling. LOL. Seriously, it was literally easier to hand-write out the code than it was to use the built in rich text editor, so shoutout to Tumblr for motivating me to re-familiarize myself with HTML. XD I don't have anyone to ping, but I still wanted to participate, so here's my contribution!
1. Worth Fifty Thousand Words, (344 words): Sterek comedy ficlet
First: Stiles gaped after Mrs. Brooks. Derek stood beside him, eyebrow raised. Last: The Sheriff answered half a beat later.  "So, dad..."
2. Taste of Truth, (781 words): Danny/Stiles ficlet
First: Danny rubbed his temples and rose early from his meditations. Last: Stiles grinned back, cock-sure. "I'm counting on it."
3. Scent Masked at Midnight, (344 words): post-canon Sterek. Angst with a happy ending/smut.
First: Stiles cracked open the door to the tiny New York apartment he shared with Derek after another night of striking out at the club. Last: “So, Stiles says I’m a maudlin drunk…” 
4. Pie, (1,337 words): Sterek with Peter/Sheriff on the side. Pure silly fluff.
First: Derek huffed, rolling his eyes at Stiles' theatrics. Last: Peter was right. It was goddamned delicious.
5. Untitled Swan Stiles, (18,592 words): Sterek comedy/drama with two poly side pairings/heavy side pairing emphasis.
First: “Also! I don’t appreciate you entering the territory unannounced, magic tree stump be damned, and I sure as fuck don’t trust you with our territory, no matter what Derek says,” Stiles yelled, mid-rant, arms waving in not so silent fury. Last: Stiles’ laugh was like music as they climbed back in the Camaro. It filled with the scent of Stiles’ joy as they sped off towards the cafe.
6. Aubergine, (1,494 words): Sterek comedy fic
First: Derek stared down at his phone, brow furrowing. Last: Eventually, Derek, broke the silence. “…Is your offer still on the table?”
7. Ephemeral Sacrifices, (1,294 words): Sterek. Distilled a much more complex fic idea into a single angst to fluff scene.
First: Stiles stared down at his hands, complete and clean of the blood-and-black-goop slurry that should have still stained his skin. Last: Derek listened fondly, occasionally providing input as they walked out of the woods and into the gray light of a new day's dawn.
8. Naga gonna give you up, (17,146 words): Sterek comedy/drama. One major poly side pairing, two minor.
First: “Show me.” Last: Derek answered with a kiss.
9. Trading Ties, (currently 5925 words): Sterek smut with plot fic.
First: Stiles came to slowly, modulating his breathing and heart rate to hide his consciousness as best he could as while he collected his thoughts. Last: ..."Got any more of that kanima venom?"
10. Untitled fic. The chapter I have written is called Remittance. (2016 words): Sterek angstdrama/action fic.
First: Stiles trudged into the room as the Rogers pack filtered in. Last: Even so, they weren't forgotten. He'd see them in his nightmares.
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