#nadia plays with space engine
mudaship39 · 8 months
Character bio of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid superhero main character part 7
Superhero peers:
Roma Jonathan Ruslo, Talia Macar-Taylor, Alien Clarissa Patricia Chambers-Jones, Alien Kulax Kojir-Saani, Afro Asian Amelia Himmat Mishra, Afro Asian Maysa Nibala Uzun, Latine Native Valeria Nadia Torres Garcia, Afro Asian half dragon Chun Hei Kim, Karishma Patel, Keisuke Tanaka, Hector Vega, Seo-Jun Jeong, Lisa Nguyen, Hank Nguyen, Peter Rodriguez, Ulric Hayes, Vincent Tennyson, & Jessica Croft, . 
Other Peers:
Isa Mru, an Afro Asian Pasifika who's a South Asian Bangladesh and Micronesian Chamorro Guahan Indigenous Pasifika woman of color. She was the lieutenant commander of a frigate and corvette spaceship. She was the commander of a destroyer and cruiser. Isa is a captain of a battlecruiser and battleship capital ship. She is later fleet admiral of a dreadnought and flagship.
Chanya Waukau. Afro Asian Native. She is Afro Caribbean. She’s Haitian. She is Southeast Asian Laotian. She is a Menominee Indigenous woc. She is trans. She is two spirit Indigenous third gender. She is nonbinary bi-gender. She is bisexual/pansexual. She is 5’9. She is 135 pounds. She has light based powers and force field powers. She controls light and can make hard light based constructs for defense and offense. She’s a base human bionic and cyborg with bionic enhancements and cybernetic implants. She is an ex of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character. They have kids together. She is a peer of his/her/them.
Later on The Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character waged a civil war against another leader of the alliance of bipoc and qtipoc superheroes. Probably intrigue machinations from a supervillain organization or faction. Trying to fan embers for war for profit or to wedge the heroes apart. The intergalactic war attracts humanoids organizations and factions across timelines, realms, realities, dimensions, and universes of their multiverse to fight. Supervillains, antiheroes, and superheroes from everywhere join with or without allegiance to either of them.
European demigod Lucas Bartholomew Chamberlain 
Lucas Bartholomew Chamberlain. He is a cishet male. He is white and non-native. He is European. Lucas was an attempt to Americanize and Earth centric himself as a politician of the Terran political system. He is able bodied, allistic, & neurotypical. He is 5′11”. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a crew cut hair style. He has a lean and athletic body type. He is 160 pounds. He is Roman Catholic. 
He speaks Swedish, English, German, Arabic, Spanish, & French. He is conservative and alt right. He is upper class rich. He is an intergalactic scientist, inventor, & engineer. He has a masters in biomedical engineering and PHD in xeno biology. He went to college off planet to Ivy League University on the planet Titan. He played high school varsity baseball and men’s collegiate football. He comes from a super wealthy family that owns various iron and diamond mines and refineries across the galaxy. They mine asteroids and comets in space for space ore as well. The parents are still alive but both were only children. He is also an only child. He has holographic military tattoos of the Earth and Terran Dominion military as a Earth Space Marine Corps veteran. He has holographic military tattoos on his forearms. 
He is a former super soldier. He was an officer in the Earth and Terran Dominion military. He was a colonel. He is a scientist, inventor, & engineer. He built weapons and tech for the Earth and Terran Confederation. A lot of the superweapons the Earth and Terran Dominion used for their war crimes were built by him. Like the Star Crusher a weapon that doomed the entire Regulus System to be vaporized by a supernova. To show the universe the might of the Earth and Terran Dominion military. It is why the Sol Vega and Polaris System all surrendered overnight. After seeing only a tear in the fabric of space was left. The screams of billions wiped out in an act of intergalactic genocide can still be heard across space and time. He is an intergalactic politician. He is a politician who is a remnant of the Earth government and Terran Confederation government as a former senator of the Earth High Command representing the United States. 
He views humans as weak. He hates that he is half human. He joins the super soldier program for this reason. To get rid of what he deems as human weakness. It is why he marries Daphne, a superhuman with bionic enhancements and cybernetic implants. He is a former superhero. He has delusions of grandeur. He is a megalomaniac. 
He is a supervillain, antihero, & anti-villain whichever serves him best. He has no allegiance to anyone or anything but himself. This personality was made worse when he found out that he is a demigod. He is a metahuman with superhuman: strength, speed, durability, & intelligence. The queer and trans Asian Pasifika and Latine Native superhero Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu is his archenemy and rival. He/she/they is his arch enemy as he/she/they and Joanna Jacobson exposed him for who he truly was. 
Lucas Bartholomew Chamberlain is a former disgraced member of the superhero conglomerate Sentinels. He uses his background as a scientist, inventor, & engineer. He/she/they are a metamorph, changeling, & shapeshifter as an alien hybrid and a water elemental as a demigod. 
He is a demigod child of a European goddess of death. He has power over fire and decaying things. Powers he used to his advantage when conquering planets for the settler colonizer regime. He also uses forbidden dark magic against him/her/them in their battles. When he uses the power of death his eyes blaze jade. When he uses the power of fire his hand burn crimson. He wears divine armor as a demigod. The divine armor has a long red gaudy and pretentious cape. His armor is red, black, & gold. He wears a black domino mask and green face mask. In his demigod form his short hair turns into a short dutch braid. 
Lucas as a former politician was the mastermind behind many of the actions of the Earth and the Terran Confederation. He used his power, influence, control, & power to hurt people. So many of the cruel actions that Earth and the Terran Confederation did with their colonialism, imperialism, neocolonialism, & occupation was passed by him as a politician behind the scenes. Lucas as an inventor, scientist, & engineer in the shadows built many of the weapons that Earth and the Terran Confederation used to maintain their hegemony and dominion. He was one of the leaders of the Forces of Evil. He left them when they no longer served his goals.
American Caucasian alien hybrid Charlotte Anderson
Charlotte Anderson one of the rivals enemies and foils of the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu. Charlotte Anderson is a cishet female. She is an allistic neurotypical and able bodied. She is white non native and American Caucasian. She is a metahuman and superhuman. She is an alien hybrid. She is 6’3”. She has long and medium hairstyles of Dutch and French braids. She has hairstyles of medium and long ponytails. She has green eyes and a redhead. She is an atheist.  She has older and younger siblings.  
She is a democrat and white liberal. She speaks English, Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, & Arabic. She is old money. Her family comes from American, Earth, & Terran dominion and hegemony. She’s a former super soldier. She is a metahuman. She loves being an alien hybrid. She hates humans. She is distrusting of demigods. She went to the Ivy League in Mercury. She is a doctor and surgeon. She has bionic and cybernetic implants and enhancements. 
She was the one who experimented on them as a metahuman and superhuman. She was the one who turned them into a super soldier. She was the one who ordered the metahuman and superhuman traffickers to take them as a demigod and alien hybrid child. She was the one who originally implanted the bionic and cybernetic implants into them. She is the one who created the first, second, third generation of super soldiers during WW3 with other doctors, inventors, scientists, & engineers for America, England, Canada, & Australia. She later created the 4, 5, 6 gen super soldiers for the Alien Human Contact War. She was the one who created the 7, 8, 9 generation super soldiers for the Earth Hegemony and Terran Empire and its colonies and territories several star systems and a few galaxies.
Pupil of a infamous demigod supervillain 
Disciple of an acclaimed alien hybrid antihero
Apprentice of a well known Black superhero 
Sidekick of a recognized indigenous superhero 
Pupil of a significant Latine Native superhero
Mentee of a popular Asian Native superhero 
Follower of a well known Black Native Freeman superhero
Protege of a well known non native Asian person of color antihero 
Student of an established Afro Asian antihero 
Trainee of an illustrious Afro Latine superhero
Rookie member of a exceptional black ops and spec ops paramilitary superhero team of bipoc heroes
Newcomer of a notorious black ops and spec ops paramilitary supervillain team 
Kan-Xul Tamay a male 25 year old adult Maya Indigenous Central American
Brenda Tesarkee a female 22 year old adult Black Tsalagi Native Freedman
Nampeo a 21 year old adult native third gender Hopi indigenous person 
Tatigat Arnatuk a male 18 year old young adult Inuit Indigenous Arctic Native 
Naomi Merculief an Aleut Arctic Native and European Russian adult Indigenous woman
White Flare (Methoataske Harjo) 19 year old young adult female Shawnee and Muskogee Creek Indigenous woman. 
Marca-Chimbo Huanca a 18 year old young adult Quechua Central American Indigenous woman 
Eloxochitl Tenochtitlan a teenage Nahuatl Indigenous girl 
Yesa Hau a third gender 17 year old teenage Melanesian Papuan Indigenous Pasifika 
Kiri Matua a female 16 year old teenage Polynesian Māori Indigenous Pasifika 
Langidrik Korok a 15 year old male teenage Micronesian Indigenous Pasifika 
The Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character because of the super soldier program, metahuman and superhuman experimentation, and bionic and cybernetic enhancement has several genetic clones.
Father: Asian Pasifika Akio Kato or Puleleiite Kaimana Latu. He is a mixed East Asian Chinese, East Asian Japanese, American Caucasian, & European British Asian person of color. He is a Polynesian Hawaiian, Tongan, Marquesan, & Samoan Indigenous Pasifika. 
He is trans and afab. He is nonbinary bigender pansexual. He is polyamorous. He is mahu, fakaleiti, or fafafine indigenous pasifika third gender.
He has several other partners in his polyamorous relationship with his wife. He has relationships with people of color. He has relationship with indigenous people.
The demigod powers of the Asian demigod father are he has elemental powers. Specifically more powerful fusion elemental powers like electric/lightning fire/magma manipulation, ice/water lighting/electric manipulation, acid/poison fire manipulation, shadow ice manipulation, light darkness manipulation, ice fire manipulation, lightning earth manipulation, ice earth manipulation, and fire/magma ice/water manipulation. 
This is in part to having more time to train his demigod powers. For the Asian Pasifika demigod dad the reason he knows fusion elemental powers is cuz he has a more personal relationship with the other gods, goddesses, and demigods of the oceanic pantheon from across Polynesian diaspora. Which is why the deities know about his child but are still training him/her/them. Unlike their father who is already done with training having been born in the 21st century or before as a New Age demigod now god.
Other than his Afro Latine Native alien hybrid wife. He is in a relationship with a Micronesian Pohnpeian Indigenous Pasifika woman named Lihen Etse. He is in a relationship with a Melanesian Papuan Indigenous Pasifika man named Yasa Kui. He is in a relationship with an Australian Aboriginal woman named Aleah Jurrah. He is in a relationship with an Arctic Native Inuit Indigenous woman named Anirniq Irqittuq. He is in a relationship with a Nahuatl Indigenous man named Ilhuitl Cuauhtli. He is in a relationship with Charlotte Akiwenzie, a Ojibwe French Métis woman. He is in a relationship with Tahlako Ashalintubbi an Afro Indigenous Choctaw Freedman Black Native man. He is in a relationship with Nikan Wesaw, a Potawatomi Anishinaabe Indigenous man. 
Mother: Afro Latine Native Maria Lorena Garcia Ochoa, Marie Gabrielle Smith, or  alien name Maaela Kayuth Adrjin. 
She is an Afro Latine Native from South America and an alien hybrid. She is Afro Colombian, Bolivian, Argentine, & Chilean. She is South American Baniwha and Embera Indigenous of Colombia. She is Chorote Indigenous of Bolivia and Argentina.
She is polyamorous. She is trans nonbinary genderfluid pansexual. She is Indigenous third gender of South America.
She has several other partners in her polyamorous relationship with her husband. She has relationships with people of color. She has relationships with Indigenous people. 
She as an alien hybrid mutant has the power of skin hardening or skin reinforcement that is capable of hardening their skin. Thereby increasing her innate defensive and/or offensive capabilities. Her skin that turns blue and metallic becomes harder than diamonds. She becomes fireproof and bulletproof.
She also has the power of organic purple metallic armor. She has the ability to grow purple organic metal skin. She has skin with organic cells that have metallic properties. She has organic bio metal that is nigh indestructible in this form. The user has a body with an organic metal skin that can resist almost any attack. She trades regular skin for organic metal skin so it is possible for her to obtain immortality. 
She has the ability to have skin manipulation with elastic skin. There is a time limit of several minutes. Her skin while elastic turns green. It is for evasion purposes in emergency situations if the skin hardening or metal skin can’t handle what it’s fighting or negates or skin armor abilities.
Her true alien form has several eyes. So she has optic blasts like cyclops Superman or darkseid. Her optic blasts from her two primary eyes are blue or sapphire. Her optic blasts from her main two eyes she uses to see are one directional like Superman or Cyclops and are more concentrated and focused. Her optic blasts from her other eyes are omnidirectional like darkseid. These optic blasts are not as accurate. These optic blasts are red. 
Her true alien form has several eyes. She uses two to see. The other two or three eyes are more supportive or extra sensory. Letting her see throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. Like uv, x ray, or heat vision. Think of it like the eyes of a spider or any multi eyed organism.
His/her/their alien hybrid mother and alien hybrid aunts and uncles as mutants received their mutant powers through temporal, esoteric, spacial, chaos, quantum, dimensional, or reality mutations.
Other than her Asian Pasifika demigod husband. She is in a relationship with a Maya Indigenous man named Hun-Ahau Kuyoc. She is in a relationship with an Osage Indigenous woman named Asinka Mashunkashey. She is in a relationship with an Arctic Native Aleut Indigenous man named Hlakuchaa Merculief. She is in a relationship with Moerani Ioane a Southeast Asian Vietnamese, East Asian Chinese, a European French, Polynesian Tahitian and Marquesan Indigenous Pasifika Asian Pasifika woman. She is in a relationship with Hira Kaihau a Polynesian Maori Indigenous Pasifika man. 
Aunts and Uncles: 
Thirteen aunts and uncles 
The Afro Latine Native alien hybrid mother is the oldest out of four siblings. 
The Asian Pasifika demigod father is the middle child out of five siblings. 
The siblings of the Afro Latine Native alien hybrid mother (the aunts and uncles of the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character) as alien hybrid mutants have phasing, teleporting, & force field powers. 
Cousins: Twenty six 
The maternal cousins of the main character have shadow, magnetic, & gravity powers as alien hybrid mutants.
Oldest out of six siblings
Younger Sister: Leilani Ailani Latu. 
Younger Brother: Kekoa Maleko Latu.
Has half siblings
Their parents had children with their other partners as people who are queer trans, and, polyam
He/she/they/xer/zehir is the youngest out of the the half siblings
Biological Children:
He/she/they can get pregnant and can get others pregnant. This is how he/she/they have biological children with his/her/their spouses and partners. ‬
Sayeh Nadar daughter of Nijah Nadra Nadar and the Asian Pasifka and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Raúl Velasquez son of Sofia Velasquez and the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native main character. 
Natalie Jacobson daughter of Joana Jacobson and the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native main character. 
Eun-Ae Ae-Wei. Daughter of them and East Asian Korean Hae-Lin Ae-Wei.
Darren Rashid. Daughter of them and West Asian Safia Rashid.
Jabari Bello. Daughter of them and Black African Rashida Ashanti Bello.
Kingston Lewis. Son of them and Black American Michelle Lewis.
Alejandro Diaz. Son of them and Valeria Diaz.
Manuel Velasquez. Son of them and Sofia Valesquez
Nyra Mishra. Daughter of them and Afro European British and Afro Asian South Asian Desi Indian Sunita Mishra
Ali Uzun. Son of them and Afro West Asian Devrim Keyan Uzun
Iolani Keali’i Latu Daughter of Hokulani Kaimana Keali and Kanai Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
Amipa Tupou Latu Daughter of Polynesian Tongan Indigenous Pasifika woman Lekeleka Tupou and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Kahurangi Kohe Son of Polynesian Māori Indigenous Pasifika woman Olivia Kohe and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Ariihau Tran Latu Son of Dior Linh Heimana Tran and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Fiafia Leota. Daughter of Black Samoan indigenous pasifika woman of color Jazmine Leota and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character
Ma’afu Tagi Son of Melanesian Indo Fijian Vaulina Tagi and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Koina Kila Daughter of Melanesian Papuan Indigenous Pasifika woman Vavine Kila and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Cent Keju. Son of Micronesian Marshallese Indigenous Pasifika woman Runica Keju and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu. 
Hostino Alik. Son of Micronesian Kosraean Indigenous Pasifika woman Tulpe Alik and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu.
Tana Akapito. Daughter of Micronesian Chuukese Indigenous Pasifika woman Achina Akapito and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Saplasr Apaisam. Son of Micronesian Pohnpeian indigenous pasifika man Eiken Apaisam and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Aki Fiija. Daughter of East Asian and Ryukyuan Indigenous Ukiyaka Fiija and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Apolaki Isip Juruna the son of  the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character and Loretta Dawn Isip. He is the older sibling. 
Mayari Isip Juruna the daughter of the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character and Asian Native Pasifika Loretta Dawn Isip.
Chula Harris-Juruna. Daughter of Afro Indigenous Chickasaw Freedman Native man of color Miko Harris and Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine native Ryuu/Haruka Kato
Nizhona Yazzie-Juruna. Daughter of Dine man Kai Jaan Yazzie and Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa
Chaton Teton-Juruna. Daughter of Francisco Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa and Afro Latine Nakota Native Ana Zaghloul
Tsula Robinson-Juruna. Daughter of Black Tsalagi Native Freedman Angela Robinson and the Asian Pasifika and Afro latine native main character
Atohi Na-Juruna. Son of Asian Tsalagi Native Cheng Na and the Asian Pasifika and Afro latine native main character
‪Carolina Isabel Acosta-Ochoa. The daughter of Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu and his South American Afro Latine Native woc love interest Adrianna Stephanie Macias Acosta. She is cis female. She is pansexual. Carolina is the older sibling. 
Josephine Gabriella Acosta Ochoa. The trans femme daughter of Ryuuu Kato/Haruka Kato and Adrianna Acosta. Josephine is nonbinary genderfluid bisexual. 
Jonas Hakala-Juruna. Son of the main character and Sami indigenous Emma Hakala.
Hilda Hakala-Juruna. Daughter of the main character and Sami Indigenous Emma Hakala
Peter Lestenkof-Juruna. The son of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and white Arctic Native Aleut Mary Lestenkof.
Carlos Alejandro Veracruz Ochoa. The son of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and Central American Latine Native Veronica Dulce Gomez Veracruz.
Teresa Maria Perez Ochoa. The daughter of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and his Afro Latine Apache Native ex Kelly Andrea Perez or Gouyen Mescal. 
Yej susen Sakagut Juruna. Biological child of the main character and Zapotec indigenous Nayeli Sakagut.
Teyacapan Acuca-Juruna. The daughter of the main character and Nahuatl Indigenous Coyotl Acuca. 
Katsitsienhawi Murphy-Juruna. Daughter of Iroquois Mohawk Tekawitha Murphy and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu
Maria Carmen Lopez-Ochoa daughter of Central American Latine Native Karla Gabriela Ortega Lopez-Ochoa and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character
Diego Luis Rodriguez-Ochoa son of Central American Latine Native Daniela Isabel Flores Rodriguez-Ochoa and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Awinita Castillo-Juruna daughter of Latine Native and Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Dezba Tso-Juruna daughter of Dine Indigenous woman Hazhoni Tso-Latu and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Ojinjintka Maka-Juruna daughter of Black Native Lakota Indigenous Dyani Maka-Juruna and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Alawa Mitchell-Jurana child of Plains Cree Indigenous woman Aponi Mitchell and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Skenandoa Doxator-Juruna son of Tyonajanegan Doxator an Oneida Iroquois Indigenous woman and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Tahlako Homma-Juruna son of Nita Homma an Afro Native Choctaw Freedman woman of color  and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Adoptive Children:
Adoptive children of color:
Maria Garcia Morales. She is a young adult. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Jin Ae Kim. She is a now young adult. She is an East Asian Korean.
Nathaniel Xuan Nguyen. He is a teenager.  Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Takeda Sato. He is a preteen. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Mateo Lopez. He is a child. He is a Hispanic.
Huyen Ngo. She is now an adult. She is Buddhist. She is Southeast Asian Vietnamese.
Farah Ali. She is now an adult. She is Southwest Asian Iranian. She is Muslim. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Adopted indigenous children: 
Young adult Wapun Aponi Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Plains Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Teenager Kitchi Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Eastern Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Preteen Ahanu Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Swampy Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Love Interests:
He/she/they is polyamorous and is in polyamorous non-monogamous and monogamous relationships.
He/she/they have many partners and spouses as someone considered to be a mahu (Hawaiian), fa’afaine (Samoan), fakaleiti (Tongan), or maohi (Tahitian) in the middle elder and healer. 
He/she/they have many partners as someone polyamorous. 
He/she/they have many spouses as a trans queer Indigenous Pasifika person of color high king/high queen or chieftain/warchief. 
As someone with DID and schizophrenia in his/her/their psyche and mind he/she/they have several identities each with their own distinctive names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, & personalities since he/she/they are a plural system. 
Such as Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor. Such as Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato. Such as Zana Saani. Such as Cauã/Ceci Juruna. Such as Francisco Alejandro Diego García Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa. Such as the alien hybrid Zana Saani. Such as Polynesian demigod Makoa Kalani/Kamalani Kalani. Each plural system is a system of the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
This is to deal with the abuse and trauma that he/she/they have suffered as a former metahuman and superhuman child soldier. 
The plural systems of Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato, Alexander Taylor/Alexandria Taylor, Cauã/Ceci Juruna, Zana Saani, & Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa are all polyamorous like the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Each system is dating different people that are different from the other plural systems. 
Spouses and Partners:
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu:
His/her/their Indigenous Pasifika spouses and partners of color are Asian Native (East Asian Chinese, American Caucasian, Polynesian Hawaiian and Samoan Pasifika) Hokulani Kaimana Keali’i-Latu or Zhao Ya-Latu, Asian Native (Southeast Asian Vietnamese, East Asian Chinese, Polynesian Tahitian, Polynesian Marquesan, European French, Melanesian Kanak Pasifika) Dior Linh Heimana Tran-Latu, Black Polynesian Samoan Pasifika Jazmine Kueni Leota, Polynesian Māori Olivia Hine Kohe, Asian Native (South Asian Indian and Melanesian Fijian Indo Fijian) Vaulina Jiya Tagi-Latu, Melanesian Papuan Koina Nouairi, Micronesian Chamorro Tana Naputi, Micronesian Pohnpeian Yoana Etse, Micronesian Yapese Falthin Figir, Micronesian Kosraean Hostino Livaie, Micronesian Palauan Oldak Ililau, Asian Native (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Marshallese) Runica Hana Keju-Latu, & Asian Native (East Asian Japanese, East Asian Chinese, & Ryukyuan Indigenous) Ukiyaka Fiija-Kato or Rin Lan-Fen-Kato. 
Francisco Alejandro Diego Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa:
His/her/their Indigenous spouses and partners of color: are Central American Latine Native (Guatemalan, Salvadorean, & Costa Rican and Chorotega Indigenous of Costa Rica, Kekchi Indigenous of El Salvador, & Mopan Indigenous of Guatemala Latine Native of color) Veronica Dulce Gomez Veracruz-Ochoa, South American Afro Latine Native (Peruvian, Brazilian, & Venezuelan and Aguaruna Indigenous of Peru, Canela Indigenous of Brazil, & Maco Indigenous of Venezuela Afro Latine Native of color) Adriana Stephanie Macias Acosta-Ochoa, Latine Native (Bolivian, Ecuadoran, & Peruvian and Aymara Indigenous of Peru, Quechua of Ecuador, & Wichi Indigenous of Bolivia Latine Native of color) Daniela Isabel Flores Rodriguez-Ochoa, Latine Native (Central American Honduran, Panamanian, & Nicaraguan and Garifuna Indigenous of Honduras, Ngobe Bugle indigenous of Panama, & Mayangna Indigenous of Nicaragua Latine Native woman of color) Karla Gabriela Ortega Lopez-Ochoa,  
Cauã/Ceci Juruna:
His/her/their Indigenous spouses and partners of color: Latine Mexican and Cherokee or Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color Tayanita Castillo-Juruna, Lac La Ronge Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman ‪Inayat Aloomse Barnett-Juruna, Hazhoni Tso-Juruna a Dine Indigenous woman, Black Native Hunkpapa Lakota Indigenous woman Dyani Maka-Juruna, Plains Cree Indigenous woman Aponi Mitchell, Tyonajanegen Doxtator-Juruna an Iroquois Oneida Indigenous woman, Nita Homma-Juruna a Afro Native Choctaw Freedman woman of color, & Asian Native Loretta Hope Dawn Isip-Juruna (Southeast Asian Filipino, Aeta Indigenous Pasifika, and Anishinaabe Ojibwe Indigenous). 
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei:
His/her/their non native spouses and partners of color are: Joanna Jacobson-Kato, East Asian Korean Hae-lin Ae-Wei, West Asian Safia Rashid, Afro Latine Cuban Valeria Diaz-Ochoa, Afro Caribbean Jamaican Karalana Robinson-Kato, North Asian Mongolian Magnai Tse-Wei, Black Central African Angolan and Congolese Rashida Ashanti Bello-Kato, Southeast Asian Cambodian Vannak Keo-Wei, West Asian Nijah Nadra Nadar-Wei, South Asian Sri Lankan Janaka De Silva-Ochoa, Black American Michelle Lewis-Kato, & Latine Sofia Velasquez-Ochoa. 
Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor: 
His/her/their non native white partners are Talia Macridis Macar-Taylor, Jessica Darby-Taylor, Empress or Captain Ashlynne Newbery (an infested human infested, assimilated, & evolved by a hive mind alien race similar to the Zerg, Xenomorph, or Tyranid), & Leslie Pearlman-Taylor. 
His/her/their nonhuman alien lovers are aliens Scir'uil, Kir'els, Litux, Falder, & Ollas 
Their nonhuman humanoid spouses and partners are Greco Roman Amazonian Elolipe, Merfolk Hasi Kac (she is merfolk as a sea nymph, triton, & siren hybrid), Homo magi Charlotte Nightmore, angel Matariel, & demoness and devil lady hybrid Kylesh
Kalani Latu:
His/her/their nonhuman divine spouses and partners are Atlantean demigod Olle (who is the daughter of Amphitritea a goddess of the ocean), Mary O'Brien (Irish Celtic demigod child of the Morrigan), Fangying Shen (Chinese demigod child of Erlang Shen), Farah Kader (Black African West Asian Egyptian demigod child of Neith), Hiro Suzuki (Japanese Demigod child of Benzaiten), Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya), Siza-Ocllo Yacupaico (Quechua demigod child of Pachamama), Huemac Itzmoyotl (Náhuatl demigod child of Coyolxāuhqui), Meztli Dzal (Maya demigod child of Ixchel), Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Aesir Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi), Legatus Legionis Carina Bellona Ragoria (daughter of Mars and Venus. Empress of the Roman Amazonians.) of the Roman Empire, & Supreme Commander Diona Artemis Megalos of the (daughter of Ares and Enyo and goddaughter of Athena. Magistrate of Corinth, Argos, Megara, Attica, Elis, Eretria, Thebes. Queen of Greco Amazonians) of the Greek Spartans. 
Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin:
His/her/their alien extraterrestrial spouses and partners are Kulax Kojir-Saani, Ohoi Nessars Saani, winged alien Breapru Adrjin, four armed alien R’hasiss Adrjin, Iesloria Saani, Melmih Saani, Loran Saani, Terris Adrjin, & Hleor Saani. 
Super Soldiers: 
As a super soldier he/she/they had relationships with fellow super soldiers from the Space Army, Space Navy, Space Force, & Space Marine Corps of the Earth military and Terran Hegemony Space Armed Forces: European English Space Ensign Carol Turner, European French Space Lieutenant Jocelyne Berthelot, European Dutch Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurien Poll Jonker, European German Lieutenant Commander Vicki Böttger, European Irish Commander Katelyn O'Dunn, European Scottish Captain Bella McDonald, European Greek Sergeant Lydia Zarelli, European Italian Staff Sergeant Corinna Santagata, European Belgian Gunnery Sergeant Lena Pollet, European Spanish Master Sergeant Maria Isabel Herrera, European Finnish Sergeant Major Second Lieutenant Henna Selänne, European Russian First Lieutenant Natalia (Natalka) Valerievna Pivovarova 
Asian Chinese Second Lieutenant Xuefeng Hu, Asian Chinese Ensign Lingxin Cao, Asian Korean First Lieutenant Hye-Bin Ae, Asian Korean Lieutenant Junior Grade Ha-Eun Kyo, Asian Japanese Captain Akeno Yomaura, Asian Japanese Lieutenant Mizuki Otani, Asian Indian Major Arya Sinha, Asian Indian Lieutenant Commander Siddhi Nan, West Asian Iranian Lieutenant Colonel Zahra Nassirian, West Asian Iranian Commander Nasim Rezghi, Asian Vietnamese Colonel Hồng Lâm Nguyễn, Asian Vietnamese Captain Giáng Uyên Hoàng, Asian Nepalese Brigadier General Ajeeta Danuwar, Asian Nepalese Rear Admiral Surya Nakarmi
Polynesian Hawaiian Ka'iimamao Onakea, Polynesian Hawaiian 'Alepo'i Ipo, Polynesian Tahitian Piharii Tetuanui, Polynesian Tahitian Airotua Hauata, Polynesian Māori Rea Paraone, Polynesian Māori Areta Tamihana, Polynesian Samoan Leigalo Tuala, Polynesian Samoan Hana Lea'ai, Melanesian Fijian Iliana Ma’ilei, Melanesian Fijian Litiana Tuinabua, Melanesian Papuan Leila Gawi, Melanesian Papuan Carlie Maira
As super soldiers fighting for the Terran Empire or Hegemony they were known as Immortals after the warriors who fought for the Persian Empire. When they defected and joined the Space Rebel Army they were known as Ronin as mercenaries fighting without a lord or master or who severed all ties to their clans and families. When they joined the military of the Space Federation or Alliance military they were known as.
His/her/their Indigenous exes: Afro Latine Apache Native Kelly Andrea Perez or Gouyen Mescal, Latine Native Yaqui Hoan Escalante Valencia Yocupicio, Asian Arctic Native Amaruq Ren Naitok, white Arctic Native Aleut Mary Lestenkof, Asian Tsalagi Native Cheng Na, Black Tsalagi Native Freedman Angela Robinson, Black Chickasaw Native Freedman Miko Harris, Latine Native Náhuatl Coyotl Acuca, Latine Native Zapotec Nayeli Sakagut, white Native Iroquois Mohawk Tekawitha Murphy, Sami Indigenous Emma Hakala, Nez Perce Kaya, Afro Latine Native Nakota Ana Anacaoana Ahura Lagunas Zaghoul or Tahcawin Teton, Black Native Lakota Tanaya Avery Johnson, white Native Blackfoot and Coastal Salish Hurit Ridley Clarke, Asian Native Dakota Chaske Kiren Tiwari, & Dine Jaan Kai Yazzie. 
His/her/their Indigenous Pasifika exes: Polynesian Tongan Ahio Colin Moala, Polynesian Maori Taki Anaru, Black Pasifika Kanaka Maoli Leilani Brittney Kekoa, Asian Native (Asian Pasifika Filipino and Polynesian Hawaiian) Kalea Malea Ioane, Black Pasifika (Afro Caribbean Trinidadian and Melanesian Papuan Pasifika) Silatolu Kaina, Melanesian Fijian Makosoi Delai, Black Pasifika (Afro Caribbean and Melanesian Papuan) Nali Tamara Apa, Melanesian Fijian Hereva Tanimani, Melanesian Solomon Islander Agarobe Garae, Melanesian Papuan Vavine Kila, Melanesian Ni-Vanuatu Ailana Tari, Asian Native (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Marshallese Pasifika) Runica Maiko Alik, Asian Pasifika (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Pohnpeian)  Eiken Hiro Apaisam, Micronesian Chamorro Isa Dela Cruz, Micronesian Chuukese Achina Akapito, and Micronesian Kosraean Tulpe Alik. 
His/her/their ex partners of color: Roma Jonathan Kaven Ruslo, Lavanya Sunita Mishra, Devrim Keyan Uzun, Karishma Patel-York, Jayani Kumar-Patel, Raji Patel, Keisuke Tanaka, Seo-Jun Jeong, Lisa Nguyen-Jeong, Jason Fujimoto, Hank Nguyen, Yoon-Sook Lee-Tanaka, Ruro Suzuki, Jason Peter Rodriguez, Lola Macias, Raquel Marina Alonzo-Jones, Lorena Castillo, Ulric Hayes, Vincent Tennyson, Jasmine Harris, Taylor Davis, Hector Vega, Hasan Karim, Ashaki Kahn, & Tirsa Malik.  
Non native white exes: Jessica Croft-Ruslo, Greek Phoebe Vlahos, Italian Regina Ventura, Irish Riley O’Brien, Russian Eva Ivanov, French Pauline Dumas, Hungarian Laura Kiss, German Hilda Braun, Finnish Hanna Lehto, Norwegian Sofia Hansen, British Daisy Tatton, Werecat (Were Tiger) Felicia Hawking, Kayla Kingston, Technician Odessa Jackstaft, Street Samurai Bryana Graydon, Xenia Hames, Digital Hacker Madelyn Dering, Hacker Lyssa McRaven, Corporate Allyson Lien, Data Broker Anya Carthen, Cyber Ninja Fiona Galven
Alien exes: Jeondr Kojir-Rodriguez, Moloit, Clarissa Patricia Chambers- or Cra’Zel, Bholkall, Thraknu, Luuzaits
Mythical exes: Amazon Ryydae, Amazonian Esteoesia, Atlantean Headra, Atlantean Shadren, Asgardian Heidrun, Vanir Embla, Jotunn Sú, Jotunn or Jotnar Algeiðau
Abusive exes:
His/her/their abusive exes are: Elizabeth Dunne,  Chloe Wright, Stephan Meier, Claire Dumont, Claus Baasch, Eleonore Krämer, Quentin Dupont, Oliver Day, Esmeralda Bellrose, Jérôme Lévesque, Lily Shaw, Olivia Rose, Kenneth Wilkinson, Yvonne Labelle, Juliane Steinmann, Aleksandr Makarov, Yasha Nikitin, Felicia Wheatley, Carla Messer, Pelageya Koroleva, & Nataliya Osipova. 
Four armed female alien Migua, Atlantean sorceress Hinesy, and anthropomorphic alien wasp empress Ziewei
A King Cerberus three headed hellhound, a celestial dog, a cybernetic dog, an ice age dire wolf. 
A German Shepard, a Alaskan malamute, a Shiba Inu 
A giant tarantula spider 
A firebird phoenix, a rainbird, & a storm bird 
A giant fire salamander 
A dragon turtle 
A nine tailed demon fox kitsune
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gretchenfinch · 2 years
!! !! !! (go bestie show ur blorbos to the world)
xo i owe you my life and i forgor to post this bc i wrote it on my phone and i wanted to post art with it
1. Clementine Zhang (she/her)
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What Is There To Be Said About Clem. she's autistic she's adhd she's a mechanical genius she's dumb as fuck she's funny she's insane i love her i want to yeet her through a window
she was from a fairytale curses rpg and her curse was sleeping beauty, aka Getting A Full Night Of Sleep which iirc was predicated by her girlfriend being mad that she worked too hard
she has a mechanical horse which she is so bad at pretending is a real horse. the horse's name is peninsula. it only eats oil
she was named after clementine kesh bc partizan was starting around the time we started playing that. i sketched her appearance for the first time when i was with my mom in the hospital after her surgery. she's SUCH a product of her time
she's an older sister and she's forever mad she's short while her little brother is tall as fuck. her brother went away to school for years and she forgot about him (aka i forgot about him) until he showed up with a fairy wife and a Baby
in the modern au she's just a weird horse girl who's into engineering and scoots everywhere
the funniest part about clem is that me and lav roleplayed AND WROTE her and her girlfriend getting together in a dumb way and then we got together in a similar, somehow dumber way. the dynamics are damn near identical. clem and lia were INSTRUMENTAL for my relationship.
2. Dig Iwatani (he/him)
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MY SKRUNKLIEST SCRIMBLO i hate dig i love dig he's the worst Twink ever
so dig started because i wanted to do a star crossed lovers thing when i gmed a space opera rpg and i needed an Antagonist so i made the boy's older sibling be an absolute BITCH of a gay. he's the crown prince he's the golden child he's the worse he's their dad's favorite he's willing to commit murder he's the heir to a fucking mining planet (that's why he's called dig) he used to be with the prince of the whole galactic empire. he's a bitch and i love him so much.
dig in the au is much more interesting imo because while i love princes the dichotomy between him being the heir to his dad's fortune AND being gay is more interesting irl so of course i made his dad, and consequently, dig, homophobic. and then his whole development came from @mira-miranha and i thinking ha wouldn't it be fun if he met this very unapologetically queer character
and then we went wait a minute. what if they Dated
and now i have multiple thousands of words about him overcoming his repression and his guilt and becoming proud of himself and letting go of the caretaker role he assumed for his siblings :) i love him so much i think he deserves the world
3. Galle Boucher (she/her)
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she's such a creature. originally she was part of an amnesia rpg (you know that thing where you don't know your character traits and you have to figure it out little by little) and she was a knight and also a homunculus but that party became incredibly weird morally so she ended up becoming a knight of death herself???? her family is cheese farmers and her appearance was based off of that zendaya joan of arc look and she was ready to fuck
translating that into the au became so much. so she's still from a family of french cheese farmers but in a trip to the uk when she was 16 she got slammed by a car and lost her memory. so this weird dutch guy witnessed the accident and called emergency and all that and he felt responsible for her. so after that near death experience she didn't really feel a connection with her home anymore and became a goth and got adopted by the dutch guy who's not even that much older than her. now she's in mortician school, fucking her rich professor and her wife and the most recent development is of course that she's also fucking/dating nadia whom i love and whom is also rich as fuck from being a mafia princess. actually the most recent development is that she and her dad got a golden retriever named croissant. she's also a boxer and she's now on her way to becoming a wrestler. think about that one lady wrestler who's all goth and shit? that's the exact vibes for galle. her full name is gallebrie anne-marie boucher.
there's a whole thing i wrote about galle where she's gone back to her hometown and she finds out her ex girlfriend is now married with a baby in the way and she's taking care of her mom but she cant remember anyone's names. that was a fun experiment and when i know french i want to rewrite that
thank u for the ask xo sorry i took so long to answer <3
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askthebests · 2 years
Top 3 Best Chimney Brands in India
Chimneys have developed a recently found popularity among the Urban dwellers who have succeeding shifted off to smaller spaces. It is here that the need and requirement of ensuring a well-ventilated system are discovered. After all, how else will you be able to breath-in clean and clear air after all that cooking has been done? The fumes, grease, smoke, cooking aroma, and char are released from the cooking process. This, if left unattended, will remain to circulate within the air inside the home or room, often leading to choking, aggravated asthma in those suffering from it, irritation in the eye and a general feeling of congestion. 
This is where the electric chimney comes to play. This kitchen and home appliance has been engineered in a manner to suck in all the grease, smoke, and oils emerging from cooking and deliver them safely over to an external environment. This is done with the help of fans, filters and a tunnel that safely guides the smoke away from the vicinity of the space. hence, you need not have to worry about choking, burning and coughing all the while you are cooking. Some of the best chimney brand in India 2022 is equipped with some of the smartest known features that have been designed to allow the user the experience of ease. So, what do we opt for? Here are a few top picks to consider when trying to purchase an electric chimney:
1- Faber 60 cm 1200 m³/hr Auto-Clean curved glass Kitchen Chimney (HOOD EVEREST IND SC TC HC BK 60, Filterless technology, Touch Control, Black
Perfect for the modern modular kitchen type
Features of a thermal auto-clean function
Also comprises of the motion-sensing technology
Is easy to operate
2- Elica 60 cm 880 m3/hr Chimney (Strip CF 60 NERO, 2 Cassette Filters, Black)
Is perfect for the compact sized kitchen
Has a suction capacity of 880 Cubic meters
Features a removable cassette filter
Is of the Pyramid-shaped design
3- Hindware Nadia 60 cm 1350 m³/hr Filterless Auto-Clean Kitchen Chimney With Motion Sensor & Touch Control (Curved Glass, Black)
Comprises of the powerful motor
Has a suction capacity of 1200 cubic meter per hour
Also features the auto-clean technology
Comprises of a 3-speed touch control
Low noise levels 
So, there you have it friends, these are the top picks when it comes to some of the best chimneys in India. Be sure to make the right selection for yourself based on the size and the kind of kitchen space you have. 
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softgrungeprophet · 4 years
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Been noodling around with some math (gasp) and working on Qel’s home planet and solar system and stuff with the help of Artifexian’s solar system videos and, while I’m not quite there yet I did put some of my early test numbers into Space Engine and got these lovely screenshots.
I’m not sure if the atmosphere is too thick--google told me the earth’s atmosphere is 480 km thick but SE’s planet building guide suggest 50-100 for most terrestrial planets... I guess it depends on the gases and gravity, plus most of it should be further down so it might just be that SE isn’t really uh... layering it thinner in the higher altitudes. I used 480 here
It’s very pretty either way
also when i took the first one i didn’t realize I had almost all of the stars and related stellar things completely disabled?! whoops, fixed it though
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Back to School Supplemental - Geniuses In action Research Labs (G.I.R.L.)
Founded by Nadia Van Dyne, the young heroine known as the Unstoppable Wasp, the Geniuses In action Research Labs is an enterprise that endeavors to assess the Earth's greatest female scientific minds and provide them with the support and guidance needed to help them fulfill their potential.  
With the aide of Edwin Jarvis, Nadia recruited several young scientists and offered them funding and a research space to continue their studies and conduct their experiments.  Dr. Barbara Morese (Mockingbird) has acted as a mentor to these young scientists and the former villains, Poundcakes and Letha were later brought on to provide security.  
Thus far, there have been four principle researches working at the GIRL lab, each focusing on a different scientific discipline.  These young scientists include:
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Priya Aggarwal
A true prodigy in the field of theoretical botany.  Priya developed a special formula that facilities communication with plant life.  An accident caused by a saboteur caused Priya to become exposed to a gaseous form of this formula and she ended up gaining the ability to telepathically control plant life.  
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Priscilla LaShayla Smith
Shay, as she prefers to be called, is a young technological genius who was trying to build a functioning teleportation machine.   A malfunction in her device caused an explosion that caused Shay to be thrown from the window of the apartment she shared with her father.  Fortunately, The Wasp was there to save Shay and the young woman went on to accept Nadia’s invitation to join GIRL. Whist there, Shay worked alongside Tai in creating a pair of ‘Vision Gloves’ that utilized Horton Cells to make them temporarily intangible; thus allowing for entirely non-invasive surgical procedures.  
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Ying Liu
Ying was an orphan raised in the notorious Red Room where she befriended Nadia.  During her training at the Red Room, Ying showed a affinity and tremendous skill for biochemistry.  It was with Ying’s help that Nadia had recreated the size-changing Pym particle thus facilitating her escape.  After this escape, Ying was dispatched to retrieve her.  This ultimately offered Ying the chance to escape herself, yet her Red Room handlers had implanted a miniature bomb at the base of her skull to dissuade defection.  Nadia and Shay were able to safely remove this bomb with the use of the Vision Gloves and Ying went on to join GIRL.  
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Taina Miranda
Taina ‘Tai’ Miranda was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at a young age.  She applied herself to the study of engineering, robots and cybernetics.  She used these skills to provide improved accommodations to her home, including a lift for her wheelchair and a exo-suit that enabled her to play goalie for her sister’s soccer club.  Hearing about these feats, Nadia recruited Tai to GIRL and the young woman jumped at the chance at having greater resources to pursue her experiments.      
Additional members of the Geniuses In action Research Labs include  Amber Silverstein, Jeanne Foucault, Justine, and Lexi Miranda.  The enterprise first appeared in the pages of The Unstoppable Wasp #2 (2017).  
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elenaaadaniels · 3 years
Chapter Four: Weakling
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Part 5
Warning: Small injury, some cursing, Din being fluffing cute.
___________________________________ I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
- 𝘞𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘉𝘺 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘸𝘯 𝘔𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘴 ___________________________________
Nadia carefully unwrapped the gauze wrap around her arm seeing her wound was fairly healed from the last time she had seen it. The bacta spray worked wonders and she threw out the wrap no longer needing it. It had been five days since they saved the child from Nevarro. They simply floated in space trying to find a better planet after the next to be safe. The ship shook violent and Nadia frowned only to see the child had flicked a button causing Din to quickly grab him away.
" And now you are going to sit with me." She said taking the child from Din so he could focus on driving the Razor Crest." You just like touching anything, don't you?"
" Sorgan." Din spoke causing her to look over to him." Looks like there's no star port, no industrial centers, no population density. Real backwater skug hole. Which means it's perfect for us."
She nodded her head," It sounds like a great place."
" You ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months, you little whomp rat?" Din teased playing with the child's hand while Nadia faked a gasp.
" Hey, we can call him a whomp rat, but not to his face." She said covering one of his large ears.
Din shook his head turning back to the controls," Nobody's gonna find us here." He said when she nodded her head.
" I trust you."
The words were simple, but some how it made Din beam with pride that she said it. She trusted him. A bounty hunter. Of all things she had every right to not trust him, but she did and it made him happy to know it. He drove down to the planet of Sorgan seeing how it was mostly green with a few patches of blue for swamps. When they entered the atmosphere, Nadia's eyes widen at the greenery the planet had to offer. Trees grew everywhere with wild animals running down below and small parts of water appearing.
" Wow." She gasped amazed how every planet they went to was so different from the next.
Din landed the Razor Crest on perfect land making sure it wasn't going to cave in by the weak marshes before turning off all the engines and power.
" Listen. Nadia and I are gonna go out there and I'm gonna look around." He spoke to the child who stared up at them with big eyes." It shouldn't take too long. Now, don't touch anything. I'll find us some lodging, then I'll come back for you. You stay right here. You stay. Don't move. You understand?"
The child simply cooed causing Din to give him two thumbs up.
" Great." He said opening the back door and climbing down the ladder with Nadia.
" Are you sure he's going to be okay here alone?" She worried looking back up the ladder.
" We're not going to take that long." Din answered passing her a blaster." Here, I want you to carry this."
She frowned," I thought Soren was peaceful."
" This is for just in case." He said walking down to punch the ramp button.
She walked by his side watching the ramp in the back open and slowly let down the ramp they would need to walk down. A coo was heard by her side and she frowned along with Din turning to see by his right leg, was the child smiling up at him.
Din sighed shaking his head," Oh, what the hell? Come on."
She smiled at the child walking after Din down the ramp and looking to the planet of Sorgan around her. The forest unfolded in front of her. The ground is surprisingly springy under her feet and she turned away from Din and look up into the canopy of trees ahead of them.
Din studied the screen on his wrist unit and looks up to scan the perimeter. "The atmosphere here is safe to breathe," He explains. "The planet supports a variety of life forms suitable for consumption. It's an ideal environment for human inhabitation."
"And for the kid?"
He pointed behind her, " You tell me."
Nadia turned around in time to see the child toddling off towards the forest. A cool breeze whispers through the trees and fluffs the gray hairs on his wrinkled head. He glances back at Din, as if waiting for permission, and Din returns his look with a nod. The kid sets off into the forest with the two of them in tow.
"Who lives here?" She asked walking by Din's side while keeping an eye on the child,"Just farmers?"
Din shakes his head. "Krill farmers, but also foragers, spotchka brewers, people looking for a hideout. There isn't much industry here, but it's a good place to survive by your own means."
The child laughs loudly running straight to a a bush in excitement. Rattling one of the bushes, kaleidoscope of butterflies came flying out surprising the three. Nadia stood in awe having the butterflies flutter all around her in different colors that amazed her mind. She held her hands out in amazement having some land on her skin while some landed in her hair giving her a giggle or two. Din stared at her beauty captivated by the nature around her, her eyes sparkled that he couldn't help, but to just stare at him. One by one the butterflies left and once they did, she realized he hadn't move an inch, just continued to stare.
" What?"
" Nothing." He coughed turning red.
She looked back to the butterflies in the distance," What was that?"
" A butterfly." He answered tilting his head slowly and walking down the path again.
They didn't walk much further until they came to a small little village that had amazing smells. Nadia wasn't hungry, but she could tell the child was with the way his little feet picked up when smelling all the food from inside. Din walked in first with her and the child close behind seeing the small little diner was safe with people simply staring at the sight of a Mandalorian. Din knew Nadia didn't pick up on it. How could she? He did, however, noticing a woman by the end of the diner with a tattoo of a shock trooper. He carefully kept his eye on the woman taking a seat at one of the tables helping the child into his own seat.
" Welcome, travelers." A woman greeted wiping her hands on her apron." Can I interest you in anything?"
" Bone broth, for the little one."
" Oh, well, you're in luck. I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty. Can I interest you in a porringer of broth as well?" She questioned.
Din looked over to Nadia, who shook her head causing him to look back at the woman with the same answer.
" Just the one."
" Very well." The woman said about to walk away when Din stopped her.
" That one over there." He said nudging his head over to the shock trooper." When did she arrive?"
" I've seen her here for the last week or so."
" What's her business here?"
" Business? Oh, well, there's not much business in Sorgan, so I can't say." The woman said, when Din threw a couple of more credits onto the table for her to take as bait." She doesn't strike me as a log runner. Well, thank you, sir. I will get that broth to you as soon as possible, and I will throw in a flagon of spotchka just for good measure. I will be right back with that."
Nadia smiled to the woman as she left and once out of sight, she turned to Din confused.
" Why did you ask her about the woman?"
" Because..." He explained when he turned back to the shock trooper, noticing she was gone.
He stood up instantly almost hitting the table with his beskar looking around the diner for any sight of her.
" Keep an eye on the kid."
" What?" Nadia questioned already on her feet too, following him." No, I'm coming with you."
She noticed the same woman about to cook the broth and pointed over to the kid that sat at the table clueless.
" Keep an eye on the kid."
The woman was confused, but both gave her no chance to protest or speak leaving the diner in a hurry. Once outside, the coast was clear. Nadia could see no signs of the woman, but she knew behind his helmet, Din could, so she followed right behind him through the huts of the small town until he stop abruptly. She opened her mouth about to ask what happened when, from the corner of her eye, she noticed the woman about to collide with them.
" Mando!" She yelled getting a sharp kick right to her lip that sent her barreling backwards until she fell to the ground.
The pain was instant and she hissed in pain touching her lip and feeling blood. Din became alert dodging a punch quickly before punching the shock trooper in the side surprising her. All Nadia could make out was that they were both strong throwing punches and kicks back and forth like it was nothing. When the shock trooper threw Din to the ground, Nadia quickly sprung to her feet and punched  the shock troopers back to distract her, but it didn't last long before she was on the ground.
The air was knocked from her lungs and she groaned at the pain while Din and her went at it again. In a blink of an eye, they both pulled their blasters panting from the fight, but sipping caught their attention. All three turned to their side seeing the child drinking his broth watching the fight with amusement.
" You want some soup?" Din asked causing Nadia to stare at him like a mad man.
" Seriously?"
Apparently, he was getting off the ground along with the shock trooper and Nadia back into the small little diner like nothing had happened. The shock trooper did the same thing, introducing herself as Cara Dune to the two. Nadia wasn't the same. She sat grumpily in her seat only some ice to her lip that was throbbing like crazy.
" Let me see." Din said moving Nadia's hand that was holding the ice seeing the corner of her lip was tinted red with a small cut swelled up.
" Things swelling up like a balloon." Cara commented getting a pout from Nadia.
" Yeah, thanks."
Cara laughed looking over to Din," Saw most of my action mopping up after Endor. Mostly Ex-Imperial Warlords." She said continuing with her introduction." They wanted it fast and quiet. They'd send us in on the drop ships. No support, just us. Then when the Imps were gone, the politics started. We were peacekeepers, protecting delegates, suppressing riots. Not what I signed up for."
Din nodded," How'd you end up here?"
" Let's just call it an early retirement." She taking a drink of her soup." Look, I knew you were Guild. I figured you had a fob on me. That's why I came at you so hard."
"  Yeah, that's what I figured."
" Well, this has been a real treat." She teased punching Nadia's arm lightly." but unless you wanna go another round, one of us is gonna have to move on, and I was here first."
With that Cara walked away with her soup and out of the diner without another word or warning.
Din turned to the child," Well, looks like this planet's taken."
" Just like that?" Nadia questioned baffled." We get taken down by her and we just have to leave?"
Din nodded his head already getting out of his seat." We don't want to overstep or have people track her and lead to us or the other way around. Keep putting ice." He said lightly bumping her side to go.
" So what now?" She grumbled getting up and following the two back to the ship.
Din didn't have an answer. He was sure Sorgan would be a nice planet for them to stay at for a while, but he was wrong and now he had no idea where their next planet would lead them to. All he knew when we went back to the ship was he had to fix the ship a bit before they departed. It gave him time to think while Nadia stayed inside with the child taking care of him and her lip. Placing bacta on it, he could tell it was slowly healing and he could guess it was healed by now since hours had passed and the sun had set. Once the child was asleep, Nadia heated the soup they got from the diner and came down the ramp to give it to Din.
" Hey, you haven't eaten all day." She said smiling at him.
" I'm not hungry." He said, but she gave him a look that told him she wasn't going to leave until he had some.
Placing his tools down, he grabbed the soup from her hand and stirred it a bit before tilting his helmet a bit up to be able to drink. Quickly, Nadia turned away from him staring up at the sky that it caused him to laugh out how fast she had done it.
" I didn't take my helmet completely off."
" Just a precaution." She replied.
Since she looked at the sky to distract herself, she got immerse with how the Sorgan sky looked at night. There were zero clouds in sight giving a beautiful sight to the stars in the sky. She couldn't believe how many stars there were out there lighting up the galaxy like a beautiful painting. Din stared at her and the way her eyes lit up with the stars. She was amazed that it made her glow like the stars were bouncing right off of her. He never seen someone look so beautiful simply looking at the sky. Nadia felt eyes on her and turned to him growing self conscious.
" What?"
Din blushed under his helmet," Nothing." He lied setting down the soup to get back to work.
" It has to be something." She pressed.
Din knew he couldn't get out of this one. He could walk around the ship to get back to work, but she would follow him and he knew this.
" It's just the way your eyes light up when you look at the things around you." He admitted truthfully beating around the bush on how he found her beautiful when doing so.
" It's cause I never seen them before." She explained looking back to the sky." Clouds covered Arvala-7. I never seen the stars like this before. It sparkles the sky and lights it up."
It made Din happy that she was finally getting to see the world. That he was seeing her simple reactions to the little stuff like a butterfly or the night sky. He didn't know why it made him happy, but it just did and he was content with it. A light moved from the shadows and the two turned to see men on a wagon wheel right towards them more scared to approach then they should have been.
" Stay behind me." Din warned placing his tools down and walking over to the wagon.
" Excuse me, sir." The one man called nervously.
" There something I can help you with?"
" Uh, yeah. Raiders."
" We have money." The other one blurted out more confidently.
Din partly ignored them going back to fixing the ship," So, you think I'm some kinda mercenary?"
" You are a Mandalorian, right?"
" Or at least wearing Mandalorian armor. That is Mandalorian armor, right?"
" Yeah, you're right." Nadia said causing the two men to smile.
" See? I told you." The one quiet man whispered to his friend following after Din." Sir, I've read a lot about your people...Tribe. If half of what I read is true..."
" We have money." The confident one repeated.
" How much?"
" Everything we have, sir. Our whole harvest was stolen"
" Krill." The one corrected." We're krill farmers.
" We brew spotchka. Our whole village chipped in."
Nadia smiled at the two men seeing they were determined for the Mandalorian's help that even through nerves, they were brave and wanted to help protect their village. Din on the other hand looked down to the small pouch and shook his head.
" It's not enough."
" Mando." Nadia remarked sternly seeing how dismissive he was being.
" Are you sure? You don't even know what the job is."
" I know it's not enough. Good luck." Din bedded continuing to walk away from the two men while Nadia followed feeling guilty.
" This is everything we have. We'll give you more after the next harvest." The man promised, but Din pressed the ramp button causing the doors to hiss so Nadia and him could board.
" Come on." Din spoke to her already getting onto the ramp.
She lightly nodded turning to the two men giving a light smile wishing there was something she could do to help, but Din was the captain of this journey and given they were on the run, maybe he knew best to get off the planet.
" Took us the whole day to get here" The one man spoke in defeat." Now we have to ride back with no protection to the middle of nowhere."
Din's ears perked up instantly," Where do you live?"
" On a farm. Weren't you listening?"
" Now's not the time to sass him." Nadia warned lightly seeing something they said had grabbed his attention.
The man repeated himself more nicely," We're farmers."
" In the middle of nowhere?" Din quoted earning some nods." You have lodging?"
" Yeah. Absolutely." One answered causing Din to nod his head.
" Good. Come up and help." He said heading back into the ships vessels, but the three did not move wondering what had happened.
" What does that mean?" The one asked causing Nadia to smile.
" You might just have a deal."
While packing the wagon with the things Din, Nadia, and the child would need, she learned the two farmers names were Caben and Stoke who were sent by the rest of their village to ask for help. The way they spoke about their village made her excited to go learning they were peaceful people that hunted for fish in the marshes and made great spotchka. Nadia placed the sleeping child in the corner of the wagon seeing Din make his way over to Stoke.
" I'm gonna need one more thing. Give me those credits."
Stoke nodded his head giving the bag to the Mandalorian, who nodded his head back heading out to the woods. Nadia frowned quickly jogging over to him and following wherever he was going.
" Where are you going?"
" Getting backup." He answered.
It didn't take long before she smelled a small fire and laid her eyes on Cara Dune sleeping on the floor. Din threw the credits onto the ground causing Cara to instantly raise her blaster in alarm.
" Ready for round two?" Din asked causing Nadia to shake her head.
" Seriously?"
" She's strong."
" Yeah, I know. Have you seen my lip?" Nadia said pointing to where it was a faint red still.
Cara laughed getting off the floor and grabbing the credits," Come on. We're going to have fun." She said messing with Nadia's hair.
Din lightly smirked at the face Nadia had made lightly bumping her arm for them to follow. Caben and Stoke set the coordinates back to their village while the four sat in the back of the wagon debriefing Cara about the plans they had when reaching the village.
"So, we're basically running off a band of Raiders for lunch money?"
" They're quartering us in the middle of nowhere. Last I checked, that's a pretty square deal for somebody in your position." Din offered." Worst case scenario, you tune up your blaster. Best case, we're a deterrent. I can't imagine there's anything living in these trees that an ex-shock trooper couldn't handle."
Cara nodded looking over to Nadia," How did you end up with him?"
" What?" She stuttered out.
" How did a weakling like you end up with a Mandalorian?"
" I'm not a weakling." Nadia defended hurt by what Cara said."  And my name is Lexie."
" Please. Your hit back there felt like a love tap." Cara teased.
" She's my helper. Takes care of the kid." Din interjected seeing the smirk on Cara's face.
" And you?"
Din nodded," Yeah."
Nadia smiled lightly hearing she helped him, but Cara had took it a different way.
" Didn't take you as the freaky type, weakling."
" Not like that." The two had said at the same time turning red.
" And I'm not a weakling." Nadia repeated.
Cara rolled her eyes getting comfortable," Whatever. Goodnight weakling."
It was easy to say Nadia hated her new nickname and disliked their new companion even more. Din lightly elbowed her side for comfort.
" Ignore her."
" Going to be hard." She muttered crossing her arms over her chest." Weakling isn't exactly a good name.
" You had my back when we first met her."
" I got knocked down." She reminded.
" But you got back up." Din pointed out seeing the smile slowly grow on her face." Takes guts."
She knew Din was just saying things to get her to feel better, but she also knew he wouldn't have done it for nothing. He mean't his words and it made her feel good inside that he saw her as a companion and a helper. With a smile on her face, she got comfortable herself on the wagon ignoring Cara's words.
" You're welcome."
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luasworkshop · 3 years
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There is someone bent over a desk in the little space at the top of the stairs under the window. They start when they hear you come up, looking up form their work on something involving a lot of tiny gears and springs.
???: O-oh… I’m sorry, there’s nothing up here. Asra can help you in the shop… or are you here to see Aleis?
More on Lua's artificing below the cut:
Lua has a mind for clockwork and other mechanical contrivances and skill at imbuing these with spells and other magical effects. The work they produce stands on its own as fully functioning once it’s complete, and has fascinating abilities because of it’s magical nature. If one were to consider Lua in the modern era – they would be respected as some sort of robotics engineer. As it is, they create work which tends to be beautiful, esoteric, and serve some sort of strange function. Lua’s primary income stream is from private commissions on this work – it is complex and time consuming to produce and their rates are high (Nadia is a repeat customer these days). The practical work they produce include things like astrolabes that can project an entire moving star map, lockpicks that reveal what is happening inside the lock, automota which can serve as two-way communication devices, and so on. The more artistic work they produce can be more delightfully frivolous – a hand organ that that plays in colors, jewelry that can turn into a little creature and run around, music boxes that change their melody based on mood, and on. Combining their skills with their spouse’s skills with miniatures has made for some decidedly fascinating and weird results. Because of all of this – Lua is an impeccable draftsman, and is generally seen with a shoulder bag full of drawings and drawing equipment (they do not usually bring their pieces to work on when traveling/visiting unless they know they will have a works space where they set things up and leave them undisturbed, however they will gladly plan out future projects and refine ideas wherever they can set down a piece of paper – and draw silly or entertaining things at times).
Lua is also adept at repairing non-magical clocks, music boxes, and other automata only using magic as a means to assist (rather than permanently repair) the object (such as magnification, steadying their hand, creating light, etc.) They tend to take on fewer of these projects as they prefer to imbue or work with items which are magical in nature. They are not an all-purpose expert (as some automata, even non-magical, are incredibly involved), but they can certainly get a pocket watch going again with no trouble.
Their work never really mimics modern technology – these are esoteric, magical items, not ‘fantasy cell phones.’ They do sometimes demonstrate what may seem like anachronisms (precise knowledge of astronomy, chemistry, physics, etc.) but these are things based on Lua’s studies, travels, and personal experience.
Lua was initially very shy of Nadia - who seems to them perfectly put together and always competent and capable (a lot to take in for Lua who is fine until they overthink things, remember they are just a squishy bag of feelings, and make themselves anxious.) But the two of them can go on for hours together discussing various mechanical contrivances both magical and not - happily bouncing ideas off of each other.
Lua and Salim’s magic, when it comes to artificing, is very similar (although Lua’s tends to involve a bit more clockwork) and the two of them can either work extremely well together or drive each other crazy. Aisha finds it funny that Salim will try to ‘dad’ at Lua and Aleis who are both not much younger than him (especially if he and Lua are in disagreement about something technical). Honestly he does outmatch Lua in experience, which can drive them a little crazy (the worst part about being ‘dad’ed at is when ‘dad’ is right). Aisha’s familiarity with her husband’s work means that she is good with synergizing with Lua’s as well. Overall (despite being ‘dad’ed at) Lua and Aleis both get along very well with Asra’s parents and are so glad to have them back in his (and now in their) life.
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dreamlover31 · 4 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 32
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While stretched out on the examination table, Alexa twirled the small sterling silver band that was wrapped around her finger, tiny diamonds surrounded its outer core with three medium sized ones as its centerpiece.
She smiled softly as they sparkled via the lighting in the room, meanwhile, the events of the other day, when Rafael proposed marriage, still resonated within; slowly, her train of thought deepened. Alexa envisioned a small gathering with only close friends, especially Olivia, who had become like a sister to her ever since the day they met, and of course Rafael’s mother Lucia, who overtime became more of a mother to Alexa than her own.
The wardrobe for the affair would be traditional on the part of the groom, however, the form of Alexa’s dress would consist of something simple but elegant with a touch of class, as she continued to lay out the details of the upcoming wedding; the faint sound of a door being opened broke her concentration. The focus quickly shifted to the young woman clad in a lab coat holding up a clipboard.
“Hello, so how are we doing today?”
“Well I’m about to push a human bowling ball through my pelvis and I can’t see my feet anymore, so all in all I’m doing alright”
The doctor chuckled as she walked towards the table, “Well I’ve got your test results and overall you and the baby are doing exceptionally well, blood pressure is a little high but it’s nothing serious”
“Well that’s good”
She took a moment to look around the room and found that Alexa was shy of one person, “Will your husband be joining us today?”
Alexa’s face softened, “He’s not my husband…yet, but he said he’d try to make it…he’s in the middle of a very important case…”
Suddenly, the door creaked open at that very moment, Alexa and the doctor looked forward to the person that appeared through the doorway, her face lit up when it was revealed to be Rafael.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I tried to be here as fast as I could,” he joined Alexa at the opposite end of the table where he placed a small peck on her forehead, she reached for his hand, to which he was more than happy to interlock with.
“It’s ok, the doctor was going over my test results. She says the baby’s doing fine but that my blood pressure was a little high”
“Is that something we need to worry about?”
The doctor chimed in, “No, it’s pretty common among pregnancies, she just needs to maintain a healthy diet and avoid any kind of stress” Rafael nodded as he held Alexa’s hand, the young woman stepped towards the sonogram machine where she informed them that she was going to check the development of the baby.
During its initial setup, the ultrasound gel was dispensed onto Alexa’s stomach, once the machine was up and ready, the ultrasound wand was pressed on top of her rounded figure. As the wand spread out the conductive gel, Alexa and Rafael watched the monitor, within a few minutes, an image formed…one of their fully developed, yet to be born daughter.
The grip on Alexa’s hand tightened as they continued to gaze upon their beautiful child, after the doctor made a few notations on the clipboard, she concluded that per her analysis that little Nadia was due any day now. Before, she exited the room, the young woman handed Alexa a paper towel to wipe the gel from her belly then passed pictures of their daughter. When they were alone, she straightened her blouse and let out a small breath, just then; Rafael’s warm hand began rubbing against her back…with that, their eyes linked.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, I can’t believe that any day now…we’ll be bringing a new life into this world”
“I know,” he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss upon her lips.
They checked out at the reception desk, Alexa was scheduled to be induced a few days after her due date, the couple walked out the front door and headed towards the parking lot. Halfway towards the SUV a man’s voice called out:
“Mr. Barba”
Alexa and Rafael turned around to find an older gentleman, from the look of things, appeared to be the same age as Rafael if not older; he wore a navy-blue suit with a trench coat draped over it. He stepped towards them, but while his face expressed friendliness, something about him sent shivers up Alexa’s spine. She looked upon Rafael, whose joyous expression faltered into one that masked the feeling of dread and aggravation that ran deep beneath his veins, it was then her attention shifted back to the mysterious stranger in their midst.
“Excuse me, but do we know you?”
“Barba…aren’t you going to introduce me to your fiancé?”
Rafael turned towards Alexa and calmly explained: “Alexa, this is Robert Davalos…my boss”
Davalos extended his hand only to be met with a sense of distrust disguised by a small nod on the part of Alexa, the older man grinned as his hand slipped into his trench coat’s right pocket, then the focus was redirected back to Rafael.
“I noticed you leaving the doctor’s office, is everything alright with the little one?”
“She’s fine, thank you” Rafael responded curtly.
He raised up his hands and said, “Now there’s no need to get all defensive, I’m just expressing genuine concern over a fellow employee’s loved ones…nothing wrong with that is there?”
“Why are you here,” Alexa steadily grew uneasy at the way the situation was escalating.
“I was hoping that the father of your child and I could have a little chat”
“I’m sorry…but we have a busy day ahead of us, now if you’ll excuse us…” the two of them turned on their heels to walk away until…
“You know I was quite impressed with the way you handled your most recent case”
The comment seemed to stop Rafael dead in his tracks.
“Even after I asked you nicely to walk away…you stood your ground. I mean that really struck a chord with me, reminded me a lot of when I was an up and coming DA…I aspired to make a difference in the world and had a big ego to boot. Until one day I realized that to get ahead, you have to play the game…and I’m afraid it’s a lesson that you might have to learn the hard way”
After that last sentence, Alexa whirled around and gave him a look that shot daggers through his eyes.
“Are you threatening him?!”
As soon as she began to charge forward, Rafael put his hand up on her chest to prevent her from inflicting any kind of bodily harm on either party, the response towards this display of aggression was a snicker from the amused older gentlemen.
“Careful now, wouldn’t want to go into labor early, now would we?”
“Alexa, go wait in the car”
“Why, I’m not afraid of him”
“Alexa, just please do as I say”
She refused to let this man intimidate her, but ultimately decided to heed Rafael’s insistence and climbed into the SUV, Rafael shifted Davalos’ direction back to him without wanting to land a punch at the smug little grin he was showing.
“My, my, she’s quite the little spitfire, isn’t she?”
“I’m going to say this once…you leave me and my family alone, do we understand each other”
“Mr. Barba…I don’t think you’re in any kind of position to make threats, especially when you have more important matters to attend to. It was a pleasure meeting Alexa, hopefully I’ll receive an invite to the wedding…until then, enjoy the rest of your day Mr. Barba and be safe out there”
He winked then walked away and disappeared among the vast rows of cars in his wake, while in the SUV, Rafael turned on the engine and pulled out of the parking space. During the ride, back to the brownstone, silence enveloped the vehicle, but when they made entry; Rafael made haste towards the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of scotch and a small glass.
He poured the amber liquid and brought it over to the living room along with the bottle, then placed it on the coffee table, Alexa trailed behind and sat across from him on the couch; Rafael picked up the glass and gulped it down in one shot then poured himself another drink. He doused the second and third one in quick succession, as he was about to go for a fourth, Alexa set her hand on the side of the bottle and slid it from his grasp.
“That’s enough”
Rafael sighed as he slumped backward, she looked at him saddened, it pained her to see him shaken up especially by a man with delusions of grandeur and drunk on power. Her hand reached over and palmed his knee, from the corner of his eye, he met her sympathetic stare at his haggard appearance.
“Don’t let that asswipe get to you”
Rafael faced Alexa, and with a serious look, he grabbed a hold of both of her hands and declared, “You know that I would never let anything happen to you, right?”
“I know”
Alexa rested her head on Rafael’s chest, his arm wrapped protectively on top of her stomach, she held onto him just as tightly. His lips peppered her forehead with soft kisses, however, on the surface, he put on a brave face but Davalos’ words replayed over and over internally, for the first time in his life; Rafael felt a twinge of fear at the pit of his stomach.
Suddenly, it was as if she could read his thoughts, Alexa tilted her head upwards to where their eyes met then the tips of her fingers grazed along his cheek as a sign of comfort.
“Nothing’s going to happen…not when I’m here…safe in your arms”
“I love you…you and Nadia are my whole world, if anything were to happen to either of you…I don’t know what I would do”
“Listen to me, that prick doesn’t know who he’s messing with…you are the strongest, bravest man I’ve ever known. Plus, you have one of the elite squads of the NYPD at your side…trust me, we’ll rest easy”
Rafael felt more at ease from the sound of her words, his face was reanimated with new life as he smiled, their lips became one filled with unsurpassed bliss and warmth. Alexa lowered her head back on to his chest, the beating of his heart lulled her into a deep sleep, not long after; Rafael’s lids began to weigh and within a matter of seconds, his mind drifted off to a restful slumber.
Tagging: @madpanda75 @laceybellerain @southern-magnolia @tropes-and-tales @madamsnape921 @teamsladsandgents @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @glimmerglittergirl
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nazariolahela · 4 years
Best Beloved: Chapter 7
A/N: Hey y'all! This story is told in dual first-person narrative, from Kaia (F!MC) and Damien’s POV. The first half of this story takes place during Kaia’s freshman year and Damien’s senior year of college. The second half is two years after Kaia graduates. There will be sprinklings of canon in this fic, but we’ll try to step out of the box for the most part. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow​​ @lady-calypso​​​​ @irishwhiskys-blog​​ @loveellamae​​
Synopsis: What happens when you find yourself crushing on your best friend? For years, Damien and Kaia have been friends, while secretly harboring feelings for one another. Everything changes one night after a little too much alcohol and years of pent up feelings. Can they control their emotions and salvage their friendship, or will the feelings they hold for one another destroy everything they have?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: One relationship progresses, while another comes to its end.
“STRIKE! Suck it, Kaia!” Victoria shouted as her bowling ball struck all ten pins.
It was Thursday night at the local bowling alley — humorously-titled Split Happens — and my friends and I were hanging out for College Student Night. Nadia initially had the idea for me, her, Steve, and Hayden to double date, but, then I invited Vic and Drake, and it ended up being a group gathering. We invited Sloane, but she had other plans.
Hayden returned to our seats holding two drinks and a basket of fries. He set the fries on the seat in between us and handed me my drink. We’d gone out a few times since the night of the homecoming dance. For our first date, he took me to brunch at this cute little café off-campus. We talked for hours about everything from our favorite professors to our personal lives. He also told me stories about his dog, Dipper. We’d gone out three times after that, each date ending with a hug or a peck on the cheek, and a promise to call or text the next day.
“Your roommate is funny,” he said, grabbing some fries from the basket before shoving them in his mouth. I turned to where Victoria was sitting and saw her eyes glued to Drake’s backside as he bent over to pick up his bowling ball.
“She’s something. I got really lucky in the roommate department.”
He nodded. “Mine sucks. Wanna trade?”
“Ha! Not after the stories you’ve told me. I’m lucky Vic only brings Drake to the room when I’m not there. And no overnights, thank the gods.”
“Well, at least she respects your personal space. I found some lacy underwear in my bed last week. And I know they weren’t mine. Red is totally not my color.”
I laughed and reached for a handful of fries at the same time he did. Our hands brushed and I almost dropped mine at the contact. He looked down at the basket, then back up at me, and smiled as he popped the fries in his mouth. His tongue darted out to lick the granules of salt from his lips, and my eyes followed the movement. The two of us stared at each other until we were interrupted by Nadia slumping down in her chair next to me.
“You’re up, Kaia,”  she sighed.
I set my drink down and walked toward the ball return. Finding the pink and white marble ball, I slipped my thumb, middle, and ring fingers into the finger holes, hefted the ball up, and walked up to the foul line.
I stared up at the scoreboard and surveyed my status. It was the tenth frame and I was only six points behind Victoria, so I just needed to knock seven pins down and I’d beat her. We started the game out friendly, but she let her competitive streak get the best of her, and it ended up getting chippy towards the end. Naturally, Steve was smoking all of us. It was stupid how athletically gifted he was. Hayden was in second, followed by Drake, Victoria, then me. Nadia brought up the rear, but she didn’t seem to mind. She was too focused on swapping spit with Steve once her turn was up.
I pulled the ball close to my chest and lined up my shot. Inhale. Exhale. I swung my arm back, before propelling the ball forward and releasing it. It rolled down the lane, teetering towards the gutter. I squatted down on my haunches as the ball rolled down the lane, waving my hands as if my psychic powers could redirect the ball back towards the pins. The ball reached the pins and clipped the sixth and tenth ones, causing them to wobble, before toppling over and taking the ninth pin with them. I groaned. Shit. I had two more balls to get at least four pins in this frame.
Behind me, Victoria giggled. “I got this in the bag,” she loudly proclaimed. I whipped around and narrowed my eyes in her direction as she squeezed Drake’s arm and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Don’t celebrate too soon. I still have two more balls this frame,” I said as I walked back to the return.
From the corner of my eye, I caught Hayden watching me. I turned my head towards him and we locked eyes. He smiled and took a sip of his soda.
“Any advice?” I asked.
He stood up and stalked towards me, his massive frame shadowing my much smaller one. He guided me towards the lane and stood behind me, positioning my body.
“The first thing you want to do is square your shoulders,” he said, placing one hand on each of my shoulders, straightening my posture. The touch of his hands burned through the thin fabric of my t-shirt.  “Then, when you go to release, keep your backswing moderately high, it will give you a modest ball rotation and your release will be smoother.” He dragged his hand down the back of my arm to my elbow, sending goosebumps all over my body. He hooked his fingers in the crook of my arm and pulled my arm back to mime the motion.
“Also, try to rotate your wrist clockwise. This will cause the ball to hook in the opposite direction so you don’t sink it in the gutter,” he said, wrapping his large hands around my tiny wrist, and rotating it. His fingers brushed the underside of my wrist ever so gently and I sucked in a quick breath.
“O-okay! I think I got it,” I stuttered, pulling my hand from his grasp. I slipped my fingers in the grips of the ball and narrowed my eyes at the seven remaining pins. I tried to ignore Hayden’s burning gaze behind me as I lined up my shot and released my ball down the lane. Everyone in our group fell silent as the ball made its slow (okay, maybe it wasn’t that slow, but it sure felt like it) descent down the lane towards the remaining seven pins. I heard Victoria gasp as the ball struck the front pin dead center and took out the remaining pins.
When the pin sweep dropped and swept away the discarded pins, I whipped around and leaped into Hayden’s arms. “You’re a genius!”
He chuckled and squeezed me against him. “What do you mean? That was all you! You kicked those pins’ asses.” He set me back down and I ran over and high-fived Steve, Nadia, and Drake. I plopped down next to Victoria and she rolled her eyes and held up a hand for a high-five, smirking as our palms connected.
“Yeah, yeah. You got me.” She looked over at Hayden, who was talking with Steve about gods knows what. “So, how’s it going with you two?”
“Things are good. We’re taking it slow. Getting to know each other. I really like him. He’s funny. And so cute. How’s everything with you and Drake?”
She visibly blushed, and I reached over to grip her forearm. “Vic! Tell me EVERYTHING!”
“He’s amazing. We’re together almost every day, and the ones we aren’t, we talk on the phone every night. I’m crazy about him, Kaia. Dare I say, I might be in L-word.”
Victoria and Drake had been seeing each other for about two months and it warmed my heart to hear that she was head over heels for him. I smiled and pulled her in for a hug. “Oh, Vic! I’m so happy for you. You deserve to be happy.” I pulled back and noticed her eyes were shining with unshed tears. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just that saying those words out loud, it feels real.” She looked away from me and I followed her line of sight to see her staring at Drake lovingly. She quickly wiped her eyes and stood up from her seat. “Alright. Enough emotions. You guys wanna play another game?”
“I’m up for it if everyone else is,” I replied. The rest of our group agreed and we set up for another game. When it was all said and done, Steve won (again) followed by Drake, and Hayden. Victoria ended up finishing two pins ahead of me, with Nadia once again bringing up the rear. We gathered our coats and returned our shoes to the rental. As we stepped out of the alley, the wind picked up. I tugged my jacket tighter against me. These late-October temps were pretty unpredictable and I was thankful I brought a heavier jacket.
I waved goodbye to my friends as Hayden wrapped an arm around my shoulders and guided me to his car. He opened the door for me and I winked at him as I slipped into the passenger’s seat. I watched as he jogged around the back of the car and climbed in the driver’s side.
“You hungry? Wanna go grab a bite before I drop you back off at your dorm?”
“Sure,” I replied. He nodded then fired up the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.
“Did you have fun tonight?” I asked.
He turned slightly, keeping his eyes on the road. “I did. Your friends are fun.”
I smiled. “I’m glad you said that. I was worried about how you’d get along with them. They can be a little much. Especially my cousin and my roommate.”
He laughed. “Your cousin is a trip! And her boyfriend seems nice. Your roommate, on the other hand...”
I turned in my seat. “Why? What did she say to you?”
“Nothing bad. But she cornered me near the restrooms and asked me what my intentions with you were.”
“And what did you tell her?” I asked, amused.
“I just told her that I wanted to get to know you and see where things went. My intentions are pure. Nothing inappropriate. Yet.” He laughed and wiggled his eyebrows.
I smirked and shook my head as we drove. A few minutes later, we pulled up in the McDermots drive-thru. I ordered a McBurger while Hayden got the Wild-Style Double McDermot Deluxe burger. We sat in the parking lot and ate our food in comfortable silence.
When Hayden finished eating, he balled up his sandwich wrapper and turned to me. “What are you doing this weekend?”
“Well, midterms are almost over, so I’m definitely catching up on sleep, but I can make time to see you. What did you have in mind?” I asked, throwing my wrapper in the take-out bag.
He smiled. “Well, we could go check out that new Keanu Reeves movie that hits theaters tomorrow if you like action movies.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. Text me this weekend and we’ll play it by ear.”
He nodded and put the car in gear, then pulled out of the parking lot and headed back to campus. We chatted about midterms for the rest of the ride. When he pulled into the dorm parking lot, we exited the car and he walked me to my room.
“So, I’ll see you in class tomorrow,” I said as I unlocked my door.
I swung it open and stepped over the threshold of my room then turned back to him. He leaned one arm on the doorframe, staring at me with those dark eyes. “Looking forward to it.”
We stared at each other for several beats, then he leaned in and pressed a searing kiss to my lips. I froze at first, not sure how to respond, but then gave in to the kiss. I gripped his biceps to steady myself as the kiss grew deeper. After what felt like hours, he broke the kiss and stepped back. Both of us stared at each other as we tried to catch our breaths.
“Sorry. I had to do that,” he said.
“Don’t apologize. It was nice,” I replied.
He smiled and cupped my cheek in his palm. “See you,” he said, then strode down the hallway towards the elevator.
I slipped into my room and shut the door, leaning against the back of it. I brought my fingers up to my lips, still feeling his kiss. I couldn't lie, I did like it. Almost as much as I liked the one Damien sprung on me at homecoming.
What the... Why was I thinking about him? Things with Hayden were never going to progress if I kept carrying a torch for Damien. I groaned and flung myself onto my bed. I was in deep shit.
I walked in the door of my childhood home and sighed. I loved coming here. It made me feel like I was whole. I missed home. Even before my dad passed away, I made an effort to come back at least once a month. More, if needed. Stepping aside, I let Alana walk in front of me and guided her toward the living room. The smell of empanadillas wafted through the house as my mother’s voice rang out from the kitchen. 
“Is that you, mijo?”
“Yeah, Mama! Alana and I are here.”
She bustled out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron, then took my face in her hands. She pulled me down to her height and kissed my cheeks. “My boy! So good to see you.” 
She then turned to Alana and her eyes lit up. “Hello, dear. How are you?” she asked as she placed a hand on Alana’s shoulder.
“I’m good Mrs. Nazario. How have you been?”
My mother nodded “Good, good. It’s always nice when my children come home.” She patted Alana on the cheek and ushered her to have a seat. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“Water’s fine for me,” Alana replied. 
My mother nodded then motioned for me to follow her to the kitchen. We entered and I spotted my youngest sister, Lucilla, leaning against the counter. “Dames! So nice of you to join us,” she smirked as she bit into an apple. 
I moved forward and wrapped my arm around her neck, pulling her to my body, as I rubbed my knuckles against her scalp. She grunted as the apple she was holding dropped to the floor. “Hi, sis. Did you miss me?”
Lucilla reached over and pinched my sides. I yelped as I released her from my grip. “How could I miss you when you never go away?” she said as she leaned over to pick up the apple. “Did you bring your girlfriend?” 
I looked to Mama, then back to her. “Yeah, she’s in the living room. Can you bring her some water?”
Lucilla rolled her eyes then opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. “That’s fine. We can catch up and talk shit about you.”
I swung my leg out to kick her, but she dodged me at the last second, laughing as she burst through the kitchen door to the living room. My mother chuckled to herself at the interaction. When my sister was out of the room she turned to me, smiling.
“How are you, my boy? School going well?”
I nodded, leaning beside her against the counter as she slipped the next batch of empanadillas into the deep fryer. “Yeah. Just finished midterms. I’m ready to be done already. Just gotta get through the rest of this semester and next.”
She smiled. “I’m so proud of you. Your father would be too. Just hang in there for a few more months. It will all be worth it. How is the internship going?”
“It’s great. I’m loving every minute of it. I think I’m going to pursue a career in Intelligence after graduation.”
Mama’s eyes lit up. “Oh, my boy! That’s so wonderful. I can see it now. My son will have a fancy government job in Washington D.C. I’ll never have to worry about you.”
I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. I hated hearing that my mother worried about me. Especially when she had her own heartache and my younger sisters to worry about. I wiped a stray tear from her cheek and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Don’t worry about me. I’m going to be alright.”
“I know you will. But it’s my job to worry about you. As long as you’re taking care of yourself.” She pulled the empanadillas from the deep fryer and set them on a towel to cool. Her eyes darted to the kitchen door and she lowered her voice. “Everything alright with...” she jerked her head towards the living room.
I sighed and dragged a hand down my face. “Where do I start?”
My mother wiped her hands on her apron and guided me to the kitchen table. “Sit. Do you want something to drink?”
“Rum if you’ve got it,” I replied. 
She moved over to the cabinet and grabbed the bottle of spiced rum. I smiled. It was my father’s favorite brand. She placed the bottle and two tumblers on the table and took a seat across from me. “Spill, my boy.”
“I don’t know, Mama. It just seems like our whole relationship is toxic. We barely spend time together, and when we do, we argue the whole time. She gets crazy insecure and accuses me of cheating on her just because I hang out with Kaia, and it-”
“Wait...Kaia? Kaia Park?” my mother interrupted.
“Uh, yeah. Why?”
My mother pursed her lips and stared at her hands. “I didn’t want to say anything back then, but I always wondered what happened between you two.”
“Mama, nothing happened between us. She was always too young for me. The last time anything happened was four years ago.” I purposely omitted the incident at homecoming, but my mother knew about the graduation party. She mentioned that Kaia seemed off in the days following, and stopped coming around the house after I left for college. It wasn’t until Nadia told Carina, who told Ma what happened, that she finally put two and two together.
“You were always smitten with that girl, no matter how much you lied to yourself.”
“Mama. It wasn’t like that. We’re best friends,” I said defensively.
“I know better, mijo. I watched you two when you were together. You looked at her like she was the only girl in the room. And she you.” She chuckled and took a sip of her glass. “You two were attached at the hip. I never suspected anything until that summer before your junior year. She came over one time when you weren’t home and your father found her hanging out in that treehouse. When he asked her what she was doing, she said she wanted to be here when you got back. He said he knew at that moment that you weren’t ‘just friends’ in her eyes.”
I swallowed a sip of spiced rum, the liquid burned as it went down. “Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean anything. She had a crush on me. I already knew that. But I never pursued her. She was underage.”
“Understandable. But do you remember your senior year of high school? When that boy she was seeing broke her heart? You went over to his house and threatened to beat him up if he even looked at her again.”
“Yeah, ‘cause she was my best friend and she was hurting,” I said.
My mother shook her head. “Guess how many times I caught you glaring at him while you watched them together? Every time he showed up at her house, you sat on that front porch and stared. If looks could kill, that boy would have dropped dead before he reached the front door.”
I twisted the tumbler in my hand. “I...I don’t know what to say…”
“You don’t have to say anything to me. You need to be honest with yourself, first and foremost. Then, you need to be honest with Kaia.”
The faint sounds of laughter came from the living room. I glanced at the door before turning back to Mama. “Won’t matter. She has a boyfriend. And I have a girlfriend. Who I love. And who’s sitting in the next room.”
My mother cupped my cheek in her palm. “Oh, mijo. You know I love you, and I want you to be happy. But that girl. She does not make you happy. I can see it in your eyes.”
Damn, she was good. How did moms always know what kids didn’t? “I have a lot to think about. But thank you for being there.” I sighed and finished off my rum, then collected both glasses and put them in the dishwasher. 
Mama brushed the hair from my forehead and kissed the top of my head. She put the bottle of rum back in the cabinet and went back to preparing dinner. “Go tell Alana and Lucilla that dinner is almost ready.”
I swung the door open and saw my sister and girlfriend sitting on the sofa, looking through a photo album. A bottle of wine sat open on the coffee table accompanied by two glasses. Alana’s water bottle remained untouched. “Hey! Mama said dinner’s almost ready, so go wash up.” 
Lucilla rose from the couch, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, okay.” She collected the wine bottle and glasses and retreated into the kitchen. 
I turned to look at Alana, who set the photo album down and examined her nails. “Did you and your mom have a nice chat?”
“We did. Were you getting my sister drunk?”
She laughed humorously. “It was one glass, Damien. And she’s not driving anywhere. It will be fine.”
“She’s only 16, babe.” 
I glanced down at the photo album which lay open on the coffee table. Photos of my sisters and me when we were kids filled the pages. I picked up the book and went to close it when one picture caught my eye. It was Nadia, Kaia, Carina, and I. I was maybe 17 at the time. We were sitting on the porch swing outside Kaia’s house. Nadia and Carina sat on the end, making funny faces, while Kaia and I were squished in the middle. My arm was slung around her shoulders, and I was gazing at her. Then, it hit me. I finally saw what my mother was talking about.
“Oh, shit,” I muttered under my breath. I looked up to see Alana eyeing me suspiciously. I opened my mouth to say something when my mother’s voice rang out from the kitchen.
“Dinner’s ready. Come eat!”
Alana turned on her heel and stomped towards the kitchen. I closed the photo album and put it back on the bookshelf behind the sofa. I raked my hand through my hair and made my way towards the kitchen. This was going to be a long dinner.
A few hours later, Alana and I were on our way back to campus. We drove in uncomfortable silence for most of the trip. We were about 10 miles from school when she turned to me, breaking the silence.
“How long have you been in love with her?”
I swallowed. Welp, better to rip off the bandaid now. “I don’t know exactly. I guess I’ve been lying to myself this whole time.”
“And to me…” she trailed off.
“Don’t, Damien. Okay? Just...don’t. I’m not an idiot. You know, I didn’t want to believe it, but the signs were right in front of me this whole time. The stolen glances. The emotional unavailability. I guess I thought you'd eventually get over whatever it was you felt for her. I’m just sorry that whatever we had wasn’t enough to keep you interested.”
I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. “I’m sorry too. To be honest, I knew this relationship was doomed when you turned down my marriage proposal. I think I stuck it out, hoping you’d eventually change your mind. I wish we would have just called it quits then. It would have saved us both a lot of pain.”
She nodded. Neither of us said another word until we pulled into the campus parking lot. She reached out to open the car door, but stopped and turned to me. “For what it’s worth, I did love you. I guess it just wasn’t enough to spend forever together.” She gave me a weak smile, then got out of the car. I watched her walk away, a heavy weight lifted off of my shoulders. When she was out of sight, I got out and made my way to my dorm. 
When I got inside my room, I threw myself on my bed and sighed deeply. I knew breaking up with Alana was the right thing to do, but I still felt like shit about it. I needed to get some things off my chest and there was only one person I wanted to talk to. I pulled my phone from my pocket and thumbed through my contacts until I pulled up her name. I opened the text app and typed out my message. 
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ao3feed-klance · 4 years
Don't Come Down
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PbRdLm
by Justeen_96
"Katie Holt? Like the Holt family that's up at Kerberos right now?" Lance asked Hunk.
"Yup! That Holt family." A girl replied, popping up around Lance and scaring him enough to make him jump. "You can both call me Pidge though. It's what my brother calls me."
"I'm Aurora, nice to meet you." Keith shakes her hand, pursing his lips. "Want to go find our engineer and do some bonding exercises!" She asks, her eyes sparkling, a smile wide on her face.
"Uhh What?" Aurora leans in and whispers.
"Want to find Parker and smoke marijuana up on the roof?" Keith laughed a bit nervously.
"You're insane."
"I know, but come on!" Aurora grabs his hand and drags him past Lance, Hunk, and Pidge who are all talking animatedly about how this school year is going to play out but as the two of them pass, Lance notices them and his heart skips a beat.
Or where the Paladins never become Paladins and the trans-reality comet never hits Daibazaal.
Words: 1634, Chapters: 1/27, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt's Family, Pidge | Katie Holt's Parents, Hunk (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron), Ina Leifsdottir, Nadia Rizavi, Ryan Kinkade, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Matt Holt/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Gay Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is a Mess, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, Orphan Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Pining Lance (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron) Friendship, Bilingual Lance (Voltron), Matt Holt & Shiro Friendship, Matt Holt is a Good Sibling, Protective Matt Holt, Space Dad Shiro (Voltron), Protective Shiro (Voltron), Gay Shiro (Voltron), Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Hunk & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Hunk & Keith (Voltron) Friendship, Galaxy Garrison, Alternate Universe
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PbRdLm
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sciencespies · 4 years
It's Going to Take Perseverance, but Here Are Three Things the New Rover Will Do When It Gets to Mars
It's Going to Take Perseverance, but Here Are Three Things the New Rover Will Do When It Gets to Mars
Early this morning, NASA launched its newest Mars rover, Perseverance. An opportunity like this only comes around every 26 months when Earth and Mars align, so the mission team worked through tight health regulations to ensure the rover launched this year.
NASA first announced the Mars 2020 rover in 2012, just months after Curiosity landed on the Red Planet. And after eight years of careful planning, invention and checking off a high-tech packing list, NASA’s fifth Mars rover was ready for launch. At 7:50 a.m. from Cape Canaveral, the car-sized rover was spirited away on an Atlas V rocket.
In almost seven months, Perseverance will begin its descent to Mars’ surface. Here’s its itinerary when it arrives.
A Quest for Signs of Ancient life
On February 18, 2021, Perseverance will begin its seven-minute descent, taking photos along the way. Once it’s about 25 feet from the surface, a rocket-powered sky crane will lower the rover on a cable until its six wheels meet the ground of Jezero Crater. Research from past rovers already suggests that Mars’ ancient landscape was habitable; Perseverance will search for signs that living things once called it home.
The crater’s circular shape, intersected with the signs erosion from a long-dry river, suggest that it was once a lake, NASA planetary scientist Caleb Fassett tells the New York Times’ Kenneth Chang. The place where the river met the lake over three billion years ago may be the best chance to find signs of ancient life on Mars, and Perseverance is bringing the tools to find out.
The rover is equipped with a microscope and camera to check rocks for the patterns that microbial life would have left behind. Perseverance is also carrying an ultraviolet laser and light sensors named SHERLOC that will analyze samples for hints of organic molecules and minerals. To calibrate its equipment, the rover is bringing along a Martian meteorite that landed in Oman, and was discovered in 1999, Mindy Weisberger reports for Live Science.
Perseverance will also save some work for later—the rover is carrying 43 sample collection tubes, where it will gather robotic handfuls of Martian soil that NASA hopes to send back to Earth on a future mission.
“To actually have really carefully selected samples back at Earth, even though they’re small—it’s going to really change the way we do business,” Georgetown University planetary scientist Sarah Stewart Johnson, tells Nadia Drake at National Geographic. “And once we have those samples, we’ll have them forever,” so they can be analyzed with tools that might not exist yet.
An interplanetary packing list
Mars doesn’t offer any amenities to its Earthly visitors, so Perseverance has to pack anything it might need. It’s bringing 23 cameras, more than any other interplanetary mission, and seven scientific instruments to study the planet and send data back to Earth. And the rover isn’t travelling alone—Perseverance is carrying a four-pound helicopter attached to its belly.
When it drops the copter in a flat spot, it will drive away and never meet up again, Ingenuity project manager MiMi Aung tells Kenneth Chang at the New York Times.
The helicopter is an independent experiment named Ingenuity, and it might just become the first helicopter to fly on another planet. It needs to meet several milestones, first: surviving the launch, the months-long journey, and deployment from Perseverance. Then it needs to stay warm through a cold Martian night, and recharge with its solar panel. Then, it will be ready to attempt its first flight on Mars.
The Martian environment presents challenges. The planet’s atmosphere is only about one percent as dense as Earths, and atmospheric density plays a big role in generating lift. To make up for it, Ingenuity is as light as possible, and its four-foot-long rotor blades will spin at 2,800 revolutions per minute, Irene Klotz writes for Scientific American. Ingenuity’s mission is to show whether powered flight is possible on Mars, so each test flight will be just 90 seconds long.
Aung tells the Times that Ingenuity’s technology could be scaled up to a 30 pound aircraft instead of just four. The bigger helicopter could carry scientific instruments and cameras, but because the atmosphere is so thin, it won’t be able to carry astronauts.
Groundwork for the future
Just like Perseverance is building on past rovers’ research, future missions will rely on Perseverance’s hard work. A couple of the rover’s experiments were planned with an eye on crewed missions to Mars.
One such experiment is MOXIE. About the size of a car battery, MOXIE is a tool for splitting carbon dioxide molecules in Mars’ atmosphere into carbon monoxide and, most importantly, oxygen, Max Levy reports for Smithsonian magazine. If it works, future Mars-bound astronauts could use a larger version of MOXIE to generate the oxygen they need to refuel for the trip back to Earth.
“NASA definitely doesn’t want to just leave people on Mars,” says Asad Aboobaker, an engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, to Smithsonian.
NASA also sent a set of material swatches to Mars—not to coordinate the rover’s upholstery, but to help spacesuit designers decide which material to use on the outside of future astronauts’ spacesuits. The five swatches—Nomex, Gore-tex, Kevlar, Vectran and Teflon—are nestled next to a piece of helmet visor and the Martian meteorite that SHERLOC will use to calibrate its sensors.
Over the course of Perseverance’s mission, the rover will use SHERLOC to measure how the materials degrade when exposed to the Martian environment, particularly the radiation from the Sun and cosmic rays and from Mars dust.
A successful launch
With all this on board, Perseverance had a successful launch and will hurtle through space until it reaches its destination. If you missed the launch—or just want to launch it again—it’s available on NASA’s YouTube channel. The rover also has a Twitter account for updates.
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mudaship39 · 9 months
Character Bio of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character part 4:
Superhero peers:
Roma Jonathan Ruslo, Talia Macar-Taylor, Alien Clarissa Patricia Chambers-Jones, Alien Kulax Kojir-Saani, Afro Asian Amelia Himmat Mishra, Afro Asian Maysa Nibala Uzun, Latine Native Valeria Nadia Torres Garcia, Afro Asian half dragon Chun Hei Kim, Karishma Patel, Keisuke Tanaka, Hector Vega, Seo-Jun Jeong, Lisa Nguyen, Hank Nguyen, Peter Rodriguez, Ulric Hayes, Vincent Tennyson, & Jessica Croft, . 
Other Peers:
Isa Mru, an Afro Asian Pasifika who's a South Asian Bangladesh and Micronesian Chamorro Guahan Indigenous Pasifika woman of color. She was the lieutenant commander of a frigate and corvette spaceship. She was the commander of a destroyer and cruiser. Isa is a captain of a battlecruiser and battleship capital ship. She is later fleet admiral of a dreadnought and flagship.
Chanya Waukau. Afro Asian Native. She is Afro Caribbean. She’s Haitian. She is Southeast Asian Laotian. She is a Menominee Indigenous woc. She is trans. She is two spirit Indigenous third gender. She is nonbinary bi-gender. She is bisexual/pansexual. She is 5’9. She is 135 pounds. She has light based powers and force field powers. She controls light and can make hard light based constructs for defense and offense. She’s a base human bionic and cyborg with bionic enhancements and cybernetic implants. She is an ex of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character. They have kids together. She is a peer of his/her/them.
Later on The Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character waged a civil war against another leader of the alliance of bipoc and qtipoc superheroes. Probably intrigue machinations from a supervillain organization or faction. Trying to fan embers for war for profit or to wedge the heroes apart. The intergalactic war attracts humanoids organizations and factions across timelines, realms, realities, dimensions, and universes of their multiverse to fight. Supervillains, antiheroes, and superheroes from everywhere join with or without allegiance to either of them.
European demigod Lucas Bartholomew Chamberlain 
Lucas Bartholomew Chamberlain. He is a cishet male. He is white and non-native. He is European. Lucas was an attempt to Americanize and Earth centric himself as a politician of the Terran political system. He is able bodied, allistic, & neurotypical. He is 5′11”. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a crew cut hair style. He has a lean and athletic body type. He is 160 pounds. He is Roman Catholic. 
He speaks Swedish, English, German, Arabic, Spanish, & French. He is conservative and alt right. He is upper class rich. He is an intergalactic scientist, inventor, & engineer. He has a masters in biomedical engineering and PHD in xeno biology. He went to college off planet to Ivy League University on the planet Titan. He played high school varsity baseball and men’s collegiate football. He comes from a super wealthy family that owns various iron and diamond mines and refineries across the galaxy. They mine asteroids and comets in space for space ore as well. The parents are still alive but both were only children. He is also an only child. He has holographic military tattoos of the Earth and Terran Dominion military as a Earth Space Marine Corps veteran. He has holographic military tattoos on his forearms. 
He is a former super soldier. He was an officer in the Earth and Terran Dominion military. He was a colonel. He is a scientist, inventor, & engineer. He built weapons and tech for the Earth and Terran Confederation. A lot of the superweapons the Earth and Terran Dominion used for their war crimes were built by him. Like the Star Crusher a weapon that doomed the entire Regulus System to be vaporized by a supernova. To show the universe the might of the Earth and Terran Dominion military. It is why the Sol Vega and Polaris System all surrendered overnight. After seeing only a tear in the fabric of space was left. The screams of billions wiped out in an act of intergalactic genocide can still be heard across space and time. He is an intergalactic politician. He is a politician who is a remnant of the Earth government and Terran Confederation government as a former senator of the Earth High Command representing the United States. 
He views humans as weak. He hates that he is half human. He joins the super soldier program for this reason. To get rid of what he deems as human weakness. It is why he marries Daphne, a superhuman with bionic enhancements and cybernetic implants. He is a former superhero. He has delusions of grandeur. He is a megalomaniac. 
He is a supervillain, antihero, & anti-villain whichever serves him best. He has no allegiance to anyone or anything but himself. This personality was made worse when he found out that he is a demigod. He is a metahuman with superhuman: strength, speed, durability, & intelligence. The queer and trans Asian Pasifika and Latine Native superhero Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu is his archenemy and rival. He/she/they is his arch enemy as he/she/they and Joanna Jacobson exposed him for who he truly was. 
Lucas Bartholomew Chamberlain is a former disgraced member of the superhero conglomerate Sentinels. He uses his background as a scientist, inventor, & engineer. He/she/they are a metamorph, changeling, & shapeshifter as an alien hybrid and a water elemental as a demigod. 
He is a demigod child of a European goddess of death. He has power over fire and decaying things. Powers he used to his advantage when conquering planets for the settler colonizer regime. He also uses forbidden dark magic against him/her/them in their battles. When he uses the power of death his eyes blaze jade. When he uses the power of fire his hand burn crimson. He wears divine armor as a demigod. The divine armor has a long red gaudy and pretentious cape. His armor is red, black, & gold. He wears a black domino mask and green face mask. In his demigod form his short hair turns into a short dutch braid. 
Lucas as a former politician was the mastermind behind many of the actions of the Earth and the Terran Confederation. He used his power, influence, control, & power to hurt people. So many of the cruel actions that Earth and the Terran Confederation did with their colonialism, imperialism, neocolonialism, & occupation was passed by him as a politician behind the scenes. Lucas as an inventor, scientist, & engineer in the shadows built many of the weapons that Earth and the Terran Confederation used to maintain their hegemony and dominion. He was one of the leaders of the Forces of Evil. He left them when they no longer served his goals.
American Caucasian alien hybrid Charlotte Anderson
Charlotte Anderson one of the rivals enemies and foils of the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu. Charlotte Anderson is a cishet female. She is an allistic neurotypical and able bodied. She is white non native and American Caucasian. She is a metahuman and superhuman. She is an alien hybrid. She is 6’3”. She has long and medium hairstyles of Dutch and French braids. She has hairstyles of medium and long ponytails. She has green eyes and a redhead. She is an atheist.  She has older and younger siblings.  
She is a democrat and white liberal. She speaks English, Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, & Arabic. She is old money. Her family comes from American, Earth, & Terran dominion and hegemony. She’s a former super soldier. She is a metahuman. She loves being an alien hybrid. She hates humans. She is distrusting of demigods. She went to the Ivy League in Mercury. She is a doctor and surgeon. She has bionic and cybernetic implants and enhancements. 
She was the one who experimented on them as a metahuman and superhuman. She was the one who turned them into a super soldier. She was the one who ordered the metahuman and superhuman traffickers to take them as a demigod and alien hybrid child. She was the one who originally implanted the bionic and cybernetic implants into them. She is the one who created the first, second, third generation of super soldiers during WW3 with other doctors, inventors, scientists, & engineers for America, England, Canada, & Australia. She later created the 4, 5, 6 gen super soldiers for the Alien Human Contact War. She was the one who created the 7, 8, 9 generation super soldiers for the Earth Hegemony and Terran Empire and its colonies and territories several star systems and a few galaxies.
Pupil of a infamous demigod supervillain 
Disciple of an acclaimed alien hybrid antihero
Apprentice of a well known Black superhero 
Sidekick of a recognized indigenous superhero 
Pupil of a significant Latine Native superhero
Mentee of a popular Asian Native superhero 
Follower of a well known Black Native Freeman superhero
Protege of a well known non native Asian person of color antihero 
Student of an established Afro Asian antihero 
Trainee of an illustrious Afro Latine superhero
Rookie member of a exceptional black ops and spec ops paramilitary superhero team of bipoc heroes
Newcomer of a notorious black ops and spec ops paramilitary supervillain team 
Kan-Xul Tamay a male 25 year old adult Maya Indigenous Central American
Brenda Tesarkee a female 22 year old adult Black Tsalagi Native Freedman
Nampeo a 21 year old adult native third gender Hopi indigenous person 
Tatigat Arnatuk a male 18 year old young adult Inuit Indigenous Arctic Native 
Naomi Merculief an Aleut Arctic Native and European Russian adult Indigenous woman
White Flare (Methoataske Harjo) 19 year old young adult female Shawnee and Muskogee Creek Indigenous woman. 
Marca-Chimbo Huanca a 18 year old young adult Quechua Central American Indigenous woman 
Eloxochitl Tenochtitlan a teenage Nahuatl Indigenous girl 
Yesa Hau a third gender 17 year old teenage Melanesian Papuan Indigenous Pasifika 
Kiri Matua a female 16 year old teenage Polynesian Māori Indigenous Pasifika 
Langidrik Korok a 15 year old male teenage Micronesian Indigenous Pasifika 
The Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character because of the super soldier program, metahuman and superhuman experimentation, and bionic and cybernetic enhancement has several genetic clones.
Father: Asian Pasifika Akio Kato or Puleleiite Kaimana Latu. He is a mixed East Asian Chinese, East Asian Japanese, American Caucasian, & European British Asian person of color. He is a Polynesian Hawaiian, Tongan, Marquesan, & Samoan Indigenous Pasifika. 
He is trans and afab. He is nonbinary bigender pansexual. He is polyamorous. He is mahu, fakaleiti, or fafafine indigenous pasifika third gender.
He has several other partners in his polyamorous relationship with his wife. He has relationships with people of color. He has relationship with indigenous people.
The demigod powers of the Asian demigod father are he has elemental powers. Specifically more powerful fusion elemental powers like electric/lightning fire/magma manipulation, ice/water lighting/electric manipulation, acid/poison fire manipulation, shadow ice manipulation, light darkness manipulation, ice fire manipulation, lightning earth manipulation, ice earth manipulation, and fire/magma ice/water manipulation. 
This is in part to having more time to train his demigod powers. For the Asian Pasifika demigod dad the reason he knows fusion elemental powers is cuz he has a more personal relationship with the other gods, goddesses, and demigods of the oceanic pantheon from across Polynesian diaspora. Which is why the deities know about his child but are still training him/her/them. Unlike their father who is already done with training having been born in the 21st century or before as a New Age demigod now god.
Other than his Afro Latine Native alien hybrid wife. He is in a relationship with a Micronesian Pohnpeian Indigenous Pasifika woman named Lihen Etse. He is in a relationship with a Melanesian Papuan Indigenous Pasifika man named Yasa Kui. He is in a relationship with an Australian Aboriginal woman named Aleah Jurrah. He is in a relationship with an Arctic Native Inuit Indigenous woman named Anirniq Irqittuq. He is in a relationship with a Nahuatl Indigenous man named Ilhuitl Cuauhtli. He is in a relationship with Charlotte Akiwenzie, a Ojibwe French Métis woman. He is in a relationship with Tahlako Ashalintubbi an Afro Indigenous Choctaw Freedman Black Native man. He is in a relationship with Nikan Wesaw, a Potawatomi Anishinaabe Indigenous man. 
Mother: Afro Latine Native Maria Lorena Garcia Ochoa, Marie Gabrielle Smith, or  alien name Maaela Kayuth Adrjin. 
She is an Afro Latine Native from South America and an alien hybrid. She is Afro Colombian, Bolivian, Argentine, & Chilean. She is South American Baniwha and Embera Indigenous of Colombia. She is Chorote Indigenous of Bolivia and Argentina.
She is polyamorous. She is trans nonbinary genderfluid pansexual. She is Indigenous third gender of South America.
She has several other partners in her polyamorous relationship with her husband. She has relationships with people of color. She has relationships with Indigenous people. 
She as an alien hybrid mutant has the power of skin hardening or skin reinforcement that is capable of hardening their skin. Thereby increasing her innate defensive and/or offensive capabilities. Her skin that turns blue and metallic becomes harder than diamonds. She becomes fireproof and bulletproof.
She also has the power of organic purple metallic armor. She has the ability to grow purple organic metal skin. She has skin with organic cells that have metallic properties. She has organic bio metal that is nigh indestructible in this form. The user has a body with an organic metal skin that can resist almost any attack. She trades regular skin for organic metal skin so it is possible for her to obtain immortality. 
She has the ability to have skin manipulation with elastic skin. There is a time limit of several minutes. Her skin while elastic turns green. It is for evasion purposes in emergency situations if the skin hardening or metal skin can’t handle what it’s fighting or negates or skin armor abilities.
Her true alien form has several eyes. So she has optic blasts like cyclops Superman or darkseid. Her optic blasts from her two primary eyes are blue or sapphire. Her optic blasts from her main two eyes she uses to see are one directional like Superman or Cyclops and are more concentrated and focused. Her optic blasts from her other eyes are omnidirectional like darkseid. These optic blasts are not as accurate. These optic blasts are red. 
Her true alien form has several eyes. She uses two to see. The other two or three eyes are more supportive or extra sensory. Letting her see throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. Like uv, x ray, or heat vision. Think of it like the eyes of a spider or any multi eyed organism.
His/her/their alien hybrid mother and alien hybrid aunts and uncles as mutants received their mutant powers through temporal, esoteric, spacial, chaos, quantum, dimensional, or reality mutations.
Other than her Asian Pasifika demigod husband. She is in a relationship with a Maya Indigenous man named Hun-Ahau Kuyoc. She is in a relationship with an Osage Indigenous woman named Asinka Mashunkashey. She is in a relationship with an Arctic Native Aleut Indigenous man named Hlakuchaa Merculief. She is in a relationship with Moerani Ioane a Southeast Asian Vietnamese, East Asian Chinese, a European French, Polynesian Tahitian and Marquesan Indigenous Pasifika Asian Pasifika woman. She is in a relationship with Hira Kaihau a Polynesian Maori Indigenous Pasifika man. 
Aunts and Uncles: 
Thirteen aunts and uncles 
The Afro Latine Native alien hybrid mother is the oldest out of four siblings. 
The Asian Pasifika demigod father is the middle child out of five siblings. 
The siblings of the Afro Latine Native alien hybrid mother (the aunts and uncles of the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character) as alien hybrid mutants have phasing, teleporting, & force field powers. 
Cousins: Twenty six 
The maternal cousins of the main character have shadow, magnetic, & gravity powers as alien hybrid mutants.
Oldest out of six siblings
Younger Sister: Leilani Ailani Latu. 
Younger Brother: Kekoa Maleko Latu.
Biological Children:
He/she/they can get pregnant and can get others pregnant. This is how he/she/they have biological children with his/her/their spouses and partners. ‬
Sayeh Nadar daughter of Nijah Nadra Nadar and the Asian Pasifka and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Raúl Velasquez son of Sofia Velasquez and the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native main character. 
Natalie Jacobson daughter of Joana Jacobson and the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native main character. 
Iolani Keali’i Latu Daughter of Hokulani Kaimana Keali and Kanai Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
Amipa Tupou Latu Daughter of Polynesian Tongan Indigenous Pasifika woman Lekeleka Tupou and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Kahurangi Kohe Son of Polynesian Māori Indigenous Pasifika woman Olivia Kohe and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Ariihau Tran Latu Son of Dior Linh Heimana Tran and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Fiafia Leota. Daughter of Black Samoan indigenous pasifika woman of color Jazmine Leota and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character
Ma’afu Tagi Son of Melanesian Indo Fijian Vaulina Tagi and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Koina Kila Daughter of Melanesian Papuan Indigenous Pasifika woman Vavine Kila and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Cent Keju. Son of Micronesian Marshallese Indigenous Pasifika woman Runica Keju and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu. 
Hostino Alik. Son of Micronesian Kosraean Indigenous Pasifika woman Tulpe Alik and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu.
Tana Akapito. Daughter of Micronesian Chuukese Indigenous Pasifika woman Achina Akapito and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Saplasr Apaisam. Son of Micronesian Pohnpeian indigenous pasifika man Eiken Apaisam and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Aki Fiija. Daughter of East Asian and Ryukyuan Indigenous Ukiyaka Fiija and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Apolaki Isip Juruna the son of  the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character and Loretta Dawn Isip. He is the older sibling. 
Mayari Isip Juruna the daughter of the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character and Asian Native Pasifika Loretta Dawn Isip.
Chula Harris-Juruna. Daughter of Afro Indigenous Chickasaw Freedman Native man of color Miko Harris and Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine native Ryuu/Haruka Kato
Nizhona Yazzie-Juruna. Daughter of Dine man Kai Jaan Yazzie and Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa
Chaton Teton-Juruna. Daughter of Francisco Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa and Afro Latine Nakota Native Ana Zaghloul
Tsula Robinson-Juruna. Daughter of Black Tsalagi Native Freedman Angela Robinson and the Asian Pasifika and Afro latine native main character
Atohi Na-Juruna. Son of Asian Tsalagi Native Cheng Na and the Asian Pasifika and Afro latine native main character
‪Carolina Isabel Acosta-Ochoa. The daughter of Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu and his South American Afro Latine Native woc love interest Adrianna Stephanie Macias Acosta. She is cis female. She is pansexual. Carolina is the older sibling. 
Josephine Gabriella Acosta Ochoa. The trans femme daughter of Ryuuu Kato/Haruka Kato and Adrianna Acosta. Josephine is nonbinary genderfluid bisexual. 
Jonas Hakala-Juruna. Son of the main character and Sami indigenous Emma Hakala.
Hilda Hakala-Juruna. Daughter of the main character and Sami Indigenous Emma Hakala
Peter Lestenkof-Juruna. The son of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and white Arctic Native Aleut Mary Lestenkof.
Carlos Alejandro Veracruz Ochoa. The son of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and Central American Latine Native Veronica Dulce Gomez Veracruz.
Teresa Maria Perez Ochoa. The daughter of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and his Afro Latine Apache Native ex Kelly Andrea Perez or Gouyen Mescal. 
Yej susen Sakagut Juruna. Biological child of the main character and Zapotec indigenous Nayeli Sakagut.
Teyacapan Acuca-Juruna. The daughter of the main character and Nahuatl Indigenous Coyotl Acuca. 
Katsitsienhawi Murphy-Juruna. Daughter of Iroquois Mohawk Tekawitha Murphy and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu
Maria Carmen Lopez-Ochoa daughter of Central American Latine Native Karla Gabriela Ortega Lopez-Ochoa and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character
Diego Luis Rodriguez-Ochoa son of Central American Latine Native Daniela Isabel Flores Rodriguez-Ochoa and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Awinita Castillo-Juruna daughter of Latine Native and Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Dezba Tso-Juruna daughter of Dine Indigenous woman Hazhoni Tso-Latu and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Ojinjintka Maka-Juruna daughter of Black Native Lakota Indigenous Dyani Maka-Juruna and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Alawa Mitchell-Jurana child of Plains Cree Indigenous woman Aponi Mitchell and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Skenandoa Doxator-Juruna son of Tyonajanegan Doxator an Oneida Iroquois Indigenous woman and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Tahlako Homma-Juruna son of Nita Homma a Afro Native Choctaw Freedman woman of color  and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Adoptive Children:
Adoptive children of color:
Maria Garcia Morales. She is a young adult. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Nathaniel Xuan Nguyen. He is a teenager.  Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Takeda Sato. He is a preteen. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Farah Ali. She is now an adult. She is Southwest Asian Iranian. She is Muslim. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Adopted indigenous children: 
Young adult Wapun Aponi Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Plains Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Teenager Kitchi Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Eastern Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Preteen Ahanu Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Swampy Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Love Interests:
He/she/they is polyamorous and is in polyamorous non-monogamous and monogamous relationships.
He/she/they have many partners and spouses as someone considered to be a mahu (Hawaiian), fa’afaine (Samoan), fakaleiti (Tongan), or maohi (Tahitian) in the middle elder and healer. 
He/she/they have many partners as someone polyamorous. 
He/she/they have many spouses as a trans queer Indigenous Pasifika person of color high king/high queen or chieftain/warchief. 
As someone with DID and schizophrenia in his/her/their psyche and mind he/she/they have several identities each with their own distinctive names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, & personalities since he/she/they are a plural system. 
Such as Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor. Such as Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato. Such as Zana Saani. Such as Cauã/Ceci Juruna. Such as Francisco Alejandro Diego García Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa. Such as the alien hybrid Zana Saani. Such as Polynesian demigod Kalani. Each plural system is a system of the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
This is to deal with the abuse and trauma that he/she/they have suffered as a former metahuman and superhuman child soldier. 
The plural systems of Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato, Alexander Taylor/Alexandria Taylor, Cauã/Ceci Juruna, Zana Saani, & Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa are all polyamorous like the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Each system is dating different people that are different from the other plural systems. 
Spouses and Partners:
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu:
His/her/their Indigenous Pasifika spouses and partners of color are Asian Native (East Asian Chinese, American Caucasian, Polynesian Hawaiian and Samoan Pasifika) Hokulani Kaimana Keali’i-Latu or Zhao Ya-Latu, Asian Native (Southeast Asian Vietnamese, East Asian Chinese, Polynesian Tahitian, Polynesian Marquesan, European French, Melanesian Kanak Pasifika) Dior Linh Heimana Tran-Latu, Black Polynesian Samoan Pasifika Jazmine Kueni Leota, Polynesian Māori Olivia Hine Kohe, Asian Native (South Asian Indian and Melanesian Fijian Indo Fijian) Vaulina Jiya Tagi-Latu, Melanesian Papuan Koina Nouairi, Micronesian Chamorro Tana Naputi, Micronesian Pohnpeian Yoana Etse, Micronesian Yapese Falthin Figir, Micronesian Kosraean Hostino Livaie, Micronesian Palauan Oldak Ililau, Asian Native (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Marshallese) Runica Hana Keju-Latu, & Asian Native (East Asian Japanese, East Asian Chinese, & Ryukyuan Indigenous) Ukiyaka Fiija-Kato or Rin Lan-Fen-Kato. 
Francisco Alejandro Diego Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa:
His/her/their Indigenous spouses and partners of color: are Central American Latine Native (Guatemalan, Salvadorean, & Costa Rican and Chorotega Indigenous of Costa Rica, Kekchi Indigenous of El Salvador, & Mopan Indigenous of Guatemala Latine Native of color) Veronica Dulce Gomez Veracruz-Ochoa, South American Afro Latine Native (Peruvian, Brazilian, & Venezuelan and Aguaruna Indigenous of Peru, Canela Indigenous of Brazil, & Maco Indigenous of Venezuela Afro Latine Native of color) Adriana Stephanie Macias Acosta-Ochoa, Latine Native (Bolivian, Ecuadoran, & Peruvian and Aymara Indigenous of Peru, Quechua of Ecuador, & Wichi Indigenous of Bolivia Latine Native of color) Daniela Isabel Flores Rodriguez-Ochoa, Latine Native (Central American Honduran, Panamanian, & Nicaraguan and Garifuna Indigenous of Honduras, Ngobe Bugle indigenous of Panama, & Mayangna Indigenous of Nicaragua Latine Native woman of color) Karla Gabriela Ortega Lopez-Ochoa,  
Cauã/Ceci Juruna:
His/her/their Indigenous spouses and partners of color: Latine Mexican and Cherokee or Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color Tayanita Castillo-Juruna, Lac La Ronge Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman ‪Inayat Aloomse Barnett-Juruna, Hazhoni Tso-Juruna a Dine Indigenous woman, Black Native Hunkpapa Lakota Indigenous woman Dyani Maka-Juruna, Plains Cree Indigenous woman Aponi Mitchell, Tyonajanegen Doxtator-Juruna an Iroquois Oneida Indigenous woman, Nita Homma-Juruna a Afro Native Choctaw Freedman woman of color, & Asian Native Loretta Hope Dawn Isip-Juruna (Southeast Asian Filipino, Aeta Indigenous Pasifika, and Anishinaabe Ojibwe Indigenous). 
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei:
His/her/their non native spouses and partners of color are: Joanna Jacobson-Kato, East Asian Korean Hae-lin Ae-Wei, West Asian Safia Rashid, Afro Latine Cuban Valeria Diaz-Ochoa, Afro Caribbean Jamaican Karalana Robinson-Kato, North Asian Mongolian Magnai Tse-Wei, Black Central African Angolan and Congolese Rashida Ashanti Bello-Kato, Southeast Asian Cambodian Vannak Keo-Wei, West Asian Nijah Nadra Nadar-Wei, South Asian Sri Lankan Janaka De Silva-Ochoa, Black American Michelle Lewis-Kato, & Latine Sofia Velasquez-Ochoa. 
Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor: 
His/her/their non native white partners are Talia Macridis Macar-Taylor, Jessica Darby-Taylor, Empress or Captain Ashlynne Newbery (an infested human infested, assimilated, & evolved by a hive mind alien race similar to the Zerg, Xenomorph, or Tyranid), & Leslie Pearlman-Taylor. 
His/her/their nonhuman alien lovers are aliens Scir'uil, Kir'els, Litux, Falder, & Ollas 
Their nonhuman humanoid spouses and partners are Greco Roman Amazonian Elolipe, Merfolk Hasi Kac (she is merfolk as a sea nymph, triton, & siren hybrid), Homo magi Charlotte Nightmore, angel Matariel, & demoness and devil lady hybrid Kylesh
Kalani Latu:
His/her/their nonhuman divine spouses and partners are Atlantean demigod Olle (who is the daughter of Amphitritea a goddess of the ocean), Mary O'Brien (Irish Celtic demigod child of the Morrigan), Fangying Shen (Chinese demigod child of Erlang Shen), Farah Kader (Black African West Asian Egyptian demigod child of Neith), Hiro Suzuki (Japanese Demigod child of Benzaiten), Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya), Siza-Ocllo Yacupaico (Quechua demigod child of Pachamama), Huemac Itzmoyotl (Náhuatl demigod child of Coyolxāuhqui), Meztli Dzal (Maya demigod child of Ixchel), Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Aesir Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi), Legatus Legionis Carina Bellona Ragoria (daughter of Mars and Venus. Empress of the Roman Amazonians.) of the Roman Empire, & Supreme Commander Diona Artemis Megalos of the (daughter of Ares and Enyo and goddaughter of Athena. Magistrate of Corinth, Argos, Megara, Attica, Elis, Eretria, Thebes. Queen of Greco Amazonians) of the Greek Spartans. 
Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin:
His/her/their alien extraterrestrial spouses and partners are Kulax Kojir-Saani, Ohoi Nessars Saani, winged alien Breapru Adrjin, four armed alien R’hasiss Adrjin, Iesloria Saani, Melmih Saani, Loran Saani, Terris Adrjin, & Hleor Saani. 
Super Soldiers: 
As a super soldier he/she/they had relationships with fellow super soldiers from the Space Army, Space Navy, Space Force, & Space Marine Corps of the Earth military and Terran Hegemony Space Armed Forces: European English Space Ensign Carol Turner, European French Space Lieutenant Jocelyne Berthelot, European Dutch Lieutenant Junior Grade Laurien Poll Jonker, European German Lieutenant Commander Vicki Böttger, European Irish Commander Katelyn O'Dunn, European Scottish Captain Bella McDonald, European Greek Sergeant Lydia Zarelli, European Italian Staff Sergeant Corinna Santagata, European Belgian Gunnery Sergeant Lena Pollet, European Spanish Master Sergeant Maria Isabel Herrera, European Finnish Sergeant Major Second Lieutenant Henna Selänne, European Russian First Lieutenant Natalia (Natalka) Valerievna Pivovarova 
Asian Chinese Second Lieutenant Xuefeng Hu, Asian Chinese Ensign Lingxin Cao, Asian Korean First Lieutenant Hye-Bin Ae, Asian Korean Lieutenant Junior Grade Ha-Eun Kyo, Asian Japanese Captain Akeno Yomaura, Asian Japanese Lieutenant Mizuki Otani, Asian Indian Major Arya Sinha, Asian Indian Lieutenant Commander Siddhi Nan, West Asian Iranian Lieutenant Colonel Zahra Nassirian, West Asian Iranian Commander Nasim Rezghi, Asian Vietnamese Colonel Hồng Lâm Nguyễn, Asian Vietnamese Captain Giáng Uyên Hoàng, Asian Nepalese Brigadier General Ajeeta Danuwar, Asian Nepalese Rear Admiral Surya Nakarmi
Polynesian Hawaiian Ka'iimamao Onakea, Polynesian Hawaiian 'Alepo'i Ipo, Polynesian Tahitian Piharii Tetuanui, Polynesian Tahitian Airotua Hauata, Polynesian Māori Rea Paraone, Polynesian Māori Areta Tamihana, Polynesian Samoan Leigalo Tuala, Polynesian Samoan Hana Lea'ai, Melanesian Fijian Iliana Ma’ilei, Melanesian Fijian Litiana Tuinabua, Melanesian Papuan Leila Gawi, Melanesian Papuan Carlie Maira
As super soldiers fighting for the Terran Empire or Hegemony they were known as Immortals after the warriors who fought for the Persian Empire. When they defected and joined the Space Rebel Army they were known as Ronin as mercenaries fighting without a lord or master or who severed all ties to their clans and families. When they joined the military of the Space Federation or Alliance military they were known as.
His/her/their Indigenous exes: Afro Latine Apache Native Kelly Andrea Perez or Gouyen Mescal, Latine Native Yaqui Hoan Escalante Valencia Yocupicio, Asian Arctic Native Amaruq Ren Naitok, white Arctic Native Aleut Mary Lestenkof, Asian Tsalagi Native Cheng Na, Black Tsalagi Native Freedman Angela Robinson, Black Chickasaw Native Freedman Miko Harris, Latine Native Náhuatl Coyotl Acuca, Latine Native Zapotec Nayeli Sakagut, white Native Iroquois Mohawk Tekawitha Murphy, Sami Indigenous Emma Hakala, Nez Perce Kaya, Afro Latine Native Nakota Ana Anacaoana Ahura Lagunas Zaghoul or Tahcawin Teton, Black Native Lakota Tanaya Avery Johnson, white Native Blackfoot and Coastal Salish Hurit Ridley Clarke, Asian Native Dakota Chaske Kiren Tiwari, & Dine Jaan Kai Yazzie. 
His/her/their Indigenous Pasifika exes: Polynesian Tongan Ahio Colin Moala, Polynesian Maori Taki Anaru, Black Pasifika Kanaka Maoli Leilani Brittney Kekoa, Asian Native (Asian Pasifika Filipino and Polynesian Hawaiian) Kalea Malea Ioane, Black Pasifika (Afro Caribbean Trinidadian and Melanesian Papuan Pasifika) Silatolu Kaina, Melanesian Fijian Makosoi Delai, Black Pasifika (Afro Caribbean and Melanesian Papuan) Nali Tamara Apa, Melanesian Fijian Hereva Tanimani, Melanesian Solomon Islander Agarobe Garae, Melanesian Papuan Vavine Kila, Melanesian Ni-Vanuatu Ailana Tari, Asian Native (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Marshallese Pasifika) Runica Maiko Alik, Asian Pasifika (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Pohnpeian)  Eiken Hiro Apaisam, Micronesian Chamorro Isa Dela Cruz, Micronesian Chuukese Achina Akapito, and Micronesian Kosraean Tulpe Alik. 
His/her/their ex partners of color: Roma Jonathan Kaven Ruslo, Lavanya Sunita Mishra, Devrim Keyan Uzun, Karishma Patel-York, Jayani Kumar-Patel, Raji Patel, Keisuke Tanaka, Seo-Jun Jeong, Lisa Nguyen-Jeong, Jason Fujimoto, Hank Nguyen, Yoon-Sook Lee-Tanaka, Ruro Suzuki, Jason Peter Rodriguez, Lola Macias, Raquel Marina Alonzo-Jones, Lorena Castillo, Ulric Hayes, Vincent Tennyson, Jasmine Harris, Taylor Davis, Hector Vega, Hasan Karim, Ashaki Kahn, & Tirsa Malik.  
Non native white exes: Jessica Croft-Ruslo, Greek Phoebe Vlahos, Italian Regina Ventura, Irish Riley O’Brien, Russian Eva Ivanov, French Pauline Dumas, Hungarian Laura Kiss, German Hilda Braun, Finnish Hanna Lehto, Norwegian Sofia Hansen, British Daisy Tatton, Werecat (Were Tiger) Felicia Hawking, Kayla Kingston, Technician Odessa Jackstaft, Street Samurai Bryana Graydon, Xenia Hames, Digital Hacker Madelyn Dering, Hacker Lyssa McRaven, Corporate Allyson Lien, Data Broker Anya Carthen, Cyber Ninja Fiona Galven
Alien exes: Jeondr Kojir-Rodriguez, Moloit, Clarissa Patricia Chambers- or Cra’Zel, Bholkall, Thraknu, Luuzaits
Mythical exes: Amazon Ryydae, Amazonian Esteoesia, Atlantean Headra, Atlantean Shadren, Asgardian Heidrun, Vanir Embla, Jotunn Sú, Jotunn or Jotnar Algeiðau
Abusive exes:
His/her/their abusive exes are: Elizabeth Dunne,  Chloe Wright, Stephan Meier, Claire Dumont, Claus Baasch, Eleonore Krämer, Quentin Dupont, Oliver Day, Esmeralda Bellrose, Jérôme Lévesque, Lily Shaw, Olivia Rose, Kenneth Wilkinson, Yvonne Labelle, Juliane Steinmann, Aleksandr Makarov, Yasha Nikitin, Felicia Wheatley, Carla Messer, Pelageya Koroleva, & Nataliya Osipova. 
Four armed female alien Migua, Atlantean sorceress Hinesy, and anthropomorphic alien wasp empress Ziewei
A King Cerberus three headed hellhound, a celestial dog, a cybernetic dog, an ice age dire wolf. 
A German Shepard, a Alaskan malamute, a Shiba Inu 
A giant tarantula spider 
A firebird phoenix, a rainbird, & a storm bird 
A giant fire salamander 
A dragon turtle 
A nine tailed demon fox kitsune
0 notes
fandom-smut-shots · 5 years
James Griffin - Fire
Fire – James Griffin
Words: 1,893.
The trunk of James’ SUV closed with a thump, securing your belongings alongside everyone else’s. Your senior year of high school began in just one week, which meant that it was time for the yearly end-of-summer camping trip that you and your friends always took.
For the second year in a row, James had been nominated for transportation due to the car he’d received for his sixteenth birthday. Before anyone was of legal driving age, Lance’s mother had happily offered her chauffeur services. Having as many children as she did required an SUV similar to the one James now drove, which made her the perfect transportation while the teenagers were working towards their licenses.
“Shotgun!” Kinkade shouted, reaching for the door handle of the passenger seat.
Lance elbowed him in the side, earning a grunt of vague pain. Kinkade turned to the brunet, poised to protest, but the Cuban teen placed a hand over his mouth and tilted his head in your direction. Kinkade took the hint and glanced around Lance, catching you leaning against the trunk of the car, chatting about something inaudible with James. A soft blush dusted your cheeks, and James grinned in the way he only did when you were in sight.
Kinkade smirked knowingly, sharing a glance with the Cuban whose hand was still plastered to his face. The dark-haired boy stuck out his tongue, pressing it to Lance’s palm, and the brunet yelped in disgust, retracting his hand and wiping his friend’s saliva on his jacket.
Lance opened the back door, crawling into the middle seat beside Keith. Pidge, Hunk, and Nadia were stationed in the third row, and Kinkade slid in next to Lance. James rounded the car, opening the passenger door and allowing you inside. You smiled shyly at him as you stepped up, accepting his empty hand to keep your balance. He closed the door as you tugged the seatbelt across your chest, watching as he took his place in the driver’s seat.
“Everyone ready to go camping?” James called as he turned the key and the ignition roared to life.
Cheers and yells sounded from the other passengers, and you giggled at their enthusiasm.
When you reached the campsite, another chorus of cheering erupted through the car. James put it in park and killed the engine, and everyone scrambled to the closest door. James shuffled to your side and opened the door for you, offering you a hand of assistance. You accepted it with a grin, stepping down.
“You know I’m capable of getting in and out of cars on my own, right?” you teased.
He chuckled. “Of course. I just thought you might like the help.”
“Well, thank you,” you murmured, your grin fading to a shy smile.
“Alright!” Nadia chirped loud enough to catch everyone’s attention as she shuffled out of the third row of seats. “Everyone remember the tent pairs?”
It had been decided at the beginning of summer how the four tents would be divided – Pidge and Hunk, Lance and Keith, James and Kinkade, and you and Nadia. This was the simplest solution that left nobody feeling uncomfortable – however, as Nadia eyed the expressions of her friends, she wondered if the tents would be reassigned. Kinkade and Keith were stationed evenly on either side of Lance, both enthralled in every word that left the Cuban’s mouth. You stood as close to James as physically possible, and from Nadia’s point of view, the brunet was just a second away from brushing your (h/c) locks behind your ear.
“I think your pairs are being ignored,” Pidge chuckled, standing beside Nadia.
“Maybe James will finally tell (y/n) how he feels,” Hunk mused with a soft chuckle.
Nadia shook her head doubtfully, slinging the strap of her duffle bag onto her shoulder. She padded away from her classmates, headed towards the smoothest ground in order to begin pitching her tent. Pidge and Hunk followed, though Pidge did majority of the work once Hunk opened the tent bag.
“Let’s go,” Lance suggested, nodding for Keith and Kinkade to follow. He  grasped his backpack in one hand and his tent in the other, shuffling over to where Nadia and Pidge were pitching their tents. He tossed down the bags and followed suit, laying the fabric of the tent on the ground and pulling the stakes from the bag.
Time ceased to exist as you gazed into the eyes of the brunet you so desperately had a crush on. They seemed to sparkle every time he laughed, and the soothing tone of his voice made your knees wobble like they were made of Jell-O.
“Hey, Shirogane!” shouted Nadia’s impatient voice.
You cut yourself off mid-reply to something James had said to turn and glare at your friend. Everyone in the group knew you despised being called by your last name. You were your own person, thank you very much – not just the younger sister of Garrison High’s legendary athlete.
“Yes, Razavi?” you spat back.
She only grinned. “The tents are all set up, and I don’t know if you lovebirds noticed, but it’s getting dark.”
Pidge cackled somewhere behind her, and heat splattered across your cheeks. You turned your gaze to the sky to find that it was indeed a much deeper shade of blue than it had been when you’d arrived, and ribbons of pink and orange were beginning to swirl around as the sun settled down for the evening.
“I guess we should get to the camp, get dinner going,” James commented awkwardly, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
You nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.”
You pointedly ignored Nadia as you retrieved a blanket from your duffle. Wrapping it around your shoulders, you returned to the fire pit, where James and Kinkade were laying logs and twigs and attempting to ignite them.
Kinkade’s lighter conveniently ran out of fluid, and before he could curse under his breath, Keith scoffed. Rolling his eyes, the raven-haired boy extended a gloved hand, offering his own lighter to the cause.
Kinkade accepted it sheepishly, lighting a crumpled up ball of newspaper in order to set the fire pit ablaze. You sat down on the ground, watching the growing embers, only half aware of a presence beside you. Turning your head, you found Hunk sitting there, with Pidge on his other side.
“Hey,” you greeted.
“Hey, (y/n),” Hunk smiled.
“You in charge of food again?” you grinned. The large brunet had been dubbed the camp cook for the last couple of years.
He laughed, but before he could reply, Pidge cut in.
“You need to tell James how you feel.”
For the second time that day, you sputtered, and your face heated up in a way that was definitely not caused by the fire.
“Excuse me?” You nervously glanced around, ensuring that no one else had heard her.
“Tell James that you like him,” Pidge repeated in a no-nonsense tone, a sharpened stick in one hand while the other held a marshmallow preparing to be impaled.
“I don’t know what you-“
“Everyone can see it, Shirogane,” Nadia added, dropping down on the other side of Pidge. “Everyone but James. And we can all tell that he’s super into you.”
You chewed your lip, shyly gazing up at the brunet who was skewering hot dogs with sticks and passing them around. You exhaled a soft sigh, dropping your glance back down to your lap.
“Are you sure he’s interested?”
Your voice was so soft that your three accomplices almost didn’t hear it.
“Absolutely,” Nadia replied, at the same time that Hunk chirped, “Totally!” and Pidge grunted, “Duh.”
Before you could fathom how to confess, James dropped down beside you. He offered you a smile and a speared hot dog before holding his own over the open flame.
“Mind if I intrude?” he grinned.
“You’re not intruding,” you murmured, accepting the stick and holding it parallel to his. When you turned your head to try and distract yourself from how close the brunet was and how good he smelled, you found that your friends had abandoned you, finding new seats on the other side of the fire pit. There was a good three feet of space on your side as well as James’, leaving you rather secluded.
Nadia, Hunk, and Pidge sent you encouraging grins and obnoxious hand gestures, to which you responded with the deepest glare you could muster.
The night continued rather smoothly, everyone eating and sharing stories and discussing their plans for the upcoming year. A cold wind settled in, causing you to wrap your blanket tighter around your torso. The soft fabric did little to protect you from the chill, and you shivered visibly as you gazed into the slowly dying fire.
“Cold?” James questioned softly.
“I-I’m f-fine,” you stuttered, teeth beginning to chatter.
The brunet chuckled. “Sure you are, (y/n).”
He opened an arm, fist closed around the corner of his own blanket. He wrapped it around you, tugging you into his warm torso and soothing your shivers. You sighed in contentment, relaxing in his hold. A glance around the fire told you that everyone had already gone to bed – the tents were dark, and the spaces on the ground where your friends had previously been sitting were now empty.
“We’ve been abandoned,” you murmured softly, tilting your head to look up at James.
“So we have,” he smiled. “I was kinda hoping we would be.”
A soft smirk played on your lips. “And why would you hope for that?”
He ducked his head, leaning in until his nose brushed softly against yours. “Do you want me to tell you, or can I show you?”
Your breath hitched in your throat as his breath ghosted over your lips. “Show me,” you decided breathlessly.
He closed the gap, gingerly pressing his lips to yours. The arm around your shoulders tightened, and his other hand softly caressed your cheek. You melted into the kiss, heart pounding inhumanly fast in your chest – you briefly wondered if he could hear it. Every nerve in your body tingled, warmed by his presence and his touch.
He broke the kiss with a soft inhale, smiling softly at you. You gazed up at him, eyed half-lidded as you struggled to grasp that the moment was actually happening, not just another daydream.
“What does this make us?” he inquired softly, the hand on your cheek lifting to slide through your hair.
“We can figure that out tomorrow,” you grinned.
He chuckled, nudging your nose with his before kissing you again. You responded eagerly, lifting a hand to hold the side of his neck. He hummed against your lips, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. You soon lost track of time, much more interested in chasing James’ lips in the moonlight.
When you finally decided to head to bed, you reluctantly parted ways... Until James unzipped his tent to find it empty, and discovered that Kinkade had squeezed in with Lance and Keith, the two dark-haired teens in a constant battle over the Cuban. That left an empty space for you, and you giggled softly when James offered it.
Eternal teasing followed the morning after when you emerged from James’ tent instead of your own, but you ceased caring as the brunet wrapped his arms around your waist and everything settled down.
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softgrungeprophet · 7 years
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the planet lineup in space engine can make for some neat views
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arcqna-hoe · 5 years
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hey anon i’m ngl, this is one of the best prompts i’ve ever gotten.
wanna hear a secret? julian is that one person who’s terrified of flying.
“it shouldn’t be possible for a 400-ton hunk of metal to take to the skies, much less stay up there for hours on end!!!”
he’ll literally only fly if MC is there. if they’re not, it takes a whole lot of pushing from asra to get him to even step foot in an airport.
before taking off, he has to take both anti-anxiety and anti-nausea pills. 
then, he reads the safety manual over and over again till he has it memorized
the entire ride he has headphones in because the sound of the plane’s engine scares him even more.
if they’re any turbulence at all, he faints. just a fact.
also, he’s really annoying, always asking poor flight attendants for water, then vodka, then more vodka
“sir we can’t offer you any more alcohol”
“ I NEED IT TO EASE MY NERVES - wait, what’s your name? oh, karen, what a lovely name...TO EASE MY NERVES, KAREN.”
when they finally do land, julian makes a huge deal out of it and dramatically laments at the possibility of crashing and getting into a  LOST (the tv show) situation
(he’s never seen lost) 
asra is pretty okay on planes. most of the time he just reads or chats with the MC about how pretty the skies are.
he also likes to flick through the channels on the little tv in front of his chair.
so, relatively, he’s a great passenger!
except when it comes to faust.
“sir, the snake either has to go in the cargo department or under your seat in a carrier”“
how dare you! she is a PASSENGER. she has her own TICKET. SEE?”
“sir that’s just an expired papa john’s coupon”
yeah asra has gotten kicked off planes before for refusing to let them put her in cargo, and since she’s not a service animal, there’s nothing he can really do. 
it’s a good thing the MC prefers road trips with him and faust to flying anyday. <3
obviously, nadia has her own private jet.
but when she does have to travel commercially, she solely flies first class.
during her flights, she lounges back in her seat, glass of champagne in her hand, the latest cosmo mag in the other.
MC feels weird riding in first class, however, and chooses to simply go with the normal economy class. Nadia, to spoil them, just continually sends the most expensive food and drinks back to them. they are so embarassecd but at the same time so grateful.
nadia has so many frequent flier miles, its so crazy
pre-flight vip longue? yep. she’s in there.
she’s legendary among the flight attendants. not only is she nice, but...
“who is that?”
“dude, that’s miss satrinava.”
“she tips.”
“she tips hundreds.”
portia has two moods on a plane
1) she’s having a great time, super sociable, really chill
2) or headphones in, frustrated with ilya, anxiety snacking
no matter what though, she always brings pepi along
(and pepi actually goes under her seat because she follows the rules unlike SOMEONE she knows *cough couch* ASRA *cough cough*
anyways, to pass the time on long flights, she loves to play card games
slapjack is her favorite but it usually annoys other passengers so she goes with blackjack instead
she eats every peanut and pretzel packet on the plane because flying makes her hungry ok
always says thank you to flight attendants and commonly salutes the pilot god bless her
gets cabin sick really easy too oof, better get ready
muriel hates flying for three reasons.
1) he can’t bring ianna, she’s too big
2) he is also too big, making it really hard for him to squeeze into tiny seats (give him the aisle seat or give him death)
and 3) all the random people give him anxiety, especially since they’re in an enclosed space
so, really, he rarely flies at all. but if he absolutely has to, he makes himself as little of a nuisance as possible. he doesn’t ask the flight attendants about anything, doesn’t get up to use the bathroom (he couldn’t if he tried, those bathrooms are like 2 square inches), and doesn’t talk to anyone
headphones are man’s best friend.
he loves to listen to audiobooks, especially ones about nature and biographies. 
oh but if marley and me is playing on the tv he’s tuning in he doesn’t care if he has to pay that extra $6
also!!!!! this man!!!!!!!! he always leaves the plane last so he doesn’t have to deal with the awkwardness of fighting for a spot in the exit line
but that means he sees a lot of people struggling to get their bags from the overhead compartments 
so, like the good boyo he is, he helps them
god i love muriel
lets not kid ourselves
lucio would NEVER be caught dead on a commercial flight
if he was, he’d be kicked out immediately for trying to join the mile hile club
that’s it
that’s all i can say
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youngneemleaves · 5 years
“There’s no need to play the reluctant ingénue with me.” - Killing Eve episodes 2.01 and 2.02 in retrospect
Based on a discussion with @onaperduamedee​ that drove us both slightly crazy, LOL
Espionage stories are inherently all about fixed spaces and boundaries - nations and borders, centres and their entry and exit points - all very clearly defined systems operating on a specific language. Agents - rogues, spies, carriers of information, currency, weaponry - serve as the connective tissue in this framework. It’s a far, far more chaotic intersection of worlds than most agencies would have anyone believe, and being in control and in power is the best and most crucial spectacle that one can manage. 
How does this work with women, who have, traditionally, never been considered a part of essential frameworks, be it morality or politics?
I don’t pretend to know the ways of the world.
A means to an end seems a way.
Whoever’s got the most of whatever’s best - 
All the better,
May the best man win.
This song has played thrice in the show till now: the first time when Villanelle climbs the pipes into a countryside mansion in Italy to murder a mafia lord in an extraordinary display of physical vitality and witchy absurdity. The second time, when Eve defies Carolyn’s instructions to travel to Paris to meet Villanelle, helped along by an unwitting Elena - who hasn’t even been taken on the trip to Russia and simply wants to join Eve the same way Eve had once wanted to join in the thrill of a spy’s life. The third time, it’s Eve uttering her name to open the gates of her new office, entering as a professional, where she’ll be working in an enhanced capacity to apprehend secret female assassins.
It takes the bewildered confession to an absent Carolyn for Eve to realise just how horribly awry her attempts to game the rules of the intelligence mission in her favour - her single-minded goal to find Villanelle - have gone. Villanelle comes to much the same conclusion when her new handler releases his choke-hold on her - her ability to rewrite the plot to the end that she becomes its irreplaceable protagonist, shielded by Konstantin till now, has gone up in smoke. The world is suddenly far less tolerant of Villanelle’s desires, and she’s no longer in a position to just not care about the system’s insensitivity. Both Eve and Villanelle have become trapped in a snarl of their own making, where their own wishes have been revealed to be incompatible with the systems they are a part of. The System is determined to show the two women their place - in the margins, in the streets, where they are servers, workers, pawns, carrying out the will of the state.
And they feel the same pressure; the bosses and handlers in this equation aren’t gone. Carolyn is just as ruthless as Raymond, only she doesn’t resort to physical violence to compel Eve to remain with the MI6, and she isn’t a mere handler. Like Flo said, Carolyn has reevaluated Eve on her return from Paris, and she sees her in a new light now - as an asset. And, I would add, as someone who knows, and figures out, a lot more than Carolyn can always control. The only way to keep a tab on the unfiltered information that leaks out is to keep a hand on Eve’s shoulder.
With the new turn of events (series 2), Carolyn’s attitude towards Eve seems to have changed accordingly. Her body language is slightly different, somewhat more showy. She’s less deadpan and professional as she’d been earlier, and a process that began with Carolyn and Eve spending time together as part of the mission and together in the hotel in Moscow has developed into Carolyn having become used to Eve’s admiration to the point of consciously expecting it. In the scene at the end of episode 2.02, where Konstantin is revealed to be alive and currently reading a book in Carolyn’s drawing room, Carolyn smiles while scrutinising Eve’s reaction to the reveal. It’s a very confident smile, demanding a response from Eve, certain that she’d be impressed. And Eve is impressed. Carolyn expects Eve to be frightened, perhaps, intrigued, or even paranoid. She admires Eve’s roguish tendencies although they frustrate her quite often, and she likes Eve’s appreciation of a mystery, and of women who can keep them. Part of Carolyn’s control over this brilliant, emotional woman is to amplify the image Carolyn shows everyone else - as a mastermind who can do incredible things, things for Eve (linking her her moisturiser of choice, arranging a witness protection scheme for her, even a new name), things to Eve (bringing back people from the dead to keep an eye on her as well as protect her, throwing her into Villanelle’s path to be devoured as a matter of course), anything to anyone. The bigger difference here is that Carolyn, probably for the first time, is bringing Eve closer to understanding how it works.
Eve: What am I doing here, Carolyn? Going through the charade of solving your test.
Carolyn: Well, you’re proving yourself useful.
Eve: No. What’s going on? With Konstantin and Moscow, and what were you doing, talking to Villanelle in that prison? I mean, who do you even work for? Are you part of the Twelve?
Carolyn: What really happened in Paris? Why was Nadia’s note addressed particularly to you, and why are you and Villanelle so interested in each other? You see how it works?
If that necessitates revealing sensitive information to Eve in carefully considered pieces - Kenny being Carolyn’s son, Carolyn playing a part in keeping Konstantin alive - so be it. Revealing information, as Flo said, would be a test of Eve’s ability to use it, and to gauge her behaviour.
Flo, as usual, was bang on target when she said in the tags that Carolyn shouldn’t be surprised about Eve’s obsession with Villanelle; Carolyn might be just as obsessed with Eve. Eve isn’t alone in her descent into the abyss, as Bill had called it so long ago. They’re all on their way down. Eve’s particular obsessions are very much a product of the “normal” relationships in her life, their high points and their lows. It’s just that Eve doesn’t always bother to hide her desire, which, like Villanelle’s and perhaps Carolyn’s too, completely diverges from the limited spectrum allotted to women by the traditionally androcentric medical, psychological, and philosophical institutions. They literally are deranged. But Eve’s very real penchant for violence and politics is born out of her own hard work and her own psycho-spiritual crises and epiphanies.
Although she still underestimates herself, I think Eve does understand the power dynamics she's become a part of with Villanelle, Konstantin, Kenny, and Carolyn. She's taking her time to process everything because, in spite of the trap she’s found herself in after the encounter in Paris, her new position suits her. The power she has now becomes her. And she's honestly loving the fact that she's an important part of investigations without being encumbered by too many rules because she's still on the edges of The System. Eve’s status as an outside expert, a rogue agent, is her greatest weapon as well as her Achilles heel. It’s impossible for her to just “go home” now; her locus has shifted. She’d thrown away home for the sake of the world outside, The System beyond the home, and now she’s adrift. She can’t pretend anymore.
Villanelle: I know her better now. I know her better than anyone. Better than she knows herself. 
Eve: You think he was murdered. You think he was.
Carolyn: Yes, so I thought I’d draft in the head of the fan club.
(Also, that last bit is hilarious. You can tell the head writer is a woman.)
An eye for an eye
Is a blind man’s rule.
I wasn’t going to follow.
I’m nobody’s fool.
So now, Eve is the one - like Villanelle in ep. 1.01 - entering and exiting government intelligence offices, palaces and parliaments of knowledge and power, who must be given protection against assassins, who’s not entirely comfortable in her marriage, who’s surrounded by people - powerful people - who want her input on Important Stuff. Eve is now the princess in the castle, and Villanelle must now play the part of the hero from the more mainstream romances, the errant knight reinterpreted, who must remain herself and journey across foreign lands and endure a Whole Lot Of Crap to reunite with the princess. The gender dynamics have been subverted and plugged to industrial-strength batteries to set the screen and our minds on fire. As Flo pointed out, Eve is at the centre of others’ attention, especially the admiration of both the government intelligence officer and the enemy assassin, the two big polarities of a spy story, but the optics is different because this triangle has nothing to do with the male gaze and the male fixation with the heroine. On the other hand, in the final scene of ep. 2.02, Konstantin sits on the sofa as simultaneously the most and the least important person in the room - the ace in the hole with some tricks of his own still left, but in the end a subject in a plot engineered by women, where the main tension is between two women negotiating the balance of power between themselves. For perhaps the first time in fiction that traditionally operates on strict gender roles, a man serves as currency here, a floating element used to reinforce the relationship between women.
Talking of home and the gender dynamics here, something in Carolyn and Eve’s exchange sticks out: 
Eve: I need to go home.
Carolyn: Home? Is that really what you want? I mean, what do people do at home?
It’s the first time this season that Carolyn’s anger shows for just a second before she reins it in. But compare that with the exchange in Annihilation (2018): 
Ventress: We need to come to an agreement about what to do with you.
Lena: You’re not going to let me go home?
Ventress: Is that what you want? To go home?
And then with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000): 
Jade Fox: [to Jen] What good is a home? You’ve gone so far. Now we can go all the way together.
Home is an extremely fraught topic here. Just gonna quote Flo here: “This show is a dream come true when it comes to so many female narratives. We never talk about home to male characters unless as something to leave behind to live an adventurous life.” But the dynamic is so different here where the heroine and her mentor/boss are both women, and they understand on a level where the other woman is coming from. The mentors don’t want the heroine to decline the call to adventure. Carolyn certainly doesn’t want to lose Eve; she’s too powerful, too clever, too useful. Carolyn had herself given up her life and her son’s to her career long ago, to the point that her relationship with Kenny now is inextricable from her political machinations. But the female mentor here also manipulates the heroine but ever so lovingly; defining the paths they will both tread on while assuring the heroine that its all going to be okay - no, that this is the best way. It’s more subtle, but in principle, it’s not very different from Villanelle approaching Nadia in her prison cell tenderly and mockingly, and then killing Gabriel in the hospital. Villanelle here classically serves as the monster whose shocking actions mirror the twisted relationships in Eve’s world. 
So just how fundamentally Eve, Villanelle, and Carolyn have already rewired The System in their favour, although it is still innately hostile to them (Villanelle is now being used brutally by the Twelve, and Eve and Carolyn are both in dangerous positions), can be seen in the overall image of them as the primary trio of the show. Flo pointed out that Carolyn is almost omniscient, but Eve is the one who brings her the information truly necessary, and Eve is the one who discovered first Villanelle and now the Ghost. It’s why both Villanelle and Carolyn find Eve so fascinating, because Eve occupies such a precarious position and is so unpredictable and impactful. The Holy Trinity here, then, is Carolyn as God, Eve as the first human (incorporating aspects of Lilith here), and Villanelle as the Devil. Carolyn, said to be always twenty steps ahead of everyone else, brings Eve back into Paradise, the secret office full of resources and speculation that’s like the inside of Eve’s brain, that lets Eve run free with her pursuit of female assassins, the landscape where she can chase Villanelle. There's a wall full of maps and images trying to establish a pattern, and Carolyn's good at spotting patterns and understanding how people tick. Her whole agenda is to capture evil so that it serves her purposes, the purpose of the good. But this is so different from her previous exercises and missions - this necessitates the use of carnal knowledge that only Eve can bring. Passionate Eve, constantly toeing the line between desire and sanity, her perceptive, intuitive heart her finest treasure. Even before Villanelle has offered Eve the apple, both Villanelle and Carolyn know that here’s someone who is truly special. And now its their game to play, their mystery to stage.
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