#nada had to share wtf
littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
In my fame era
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longbobmckenzie · 1 year
S6 Volume III Thoughts
So glad nothing happened between Ivy and Roberto but I wish he'd just swerved her on his own instead of seeing MC first. I didn't bother getting mad or accusatory because it's day 3 and he can do what he wants, but internally I would've been screaming if Ivy stole him
Thought for a moment there that Grace would go and Ivy would steal our man
MC pulling the Theo "if you like her so much, maybe you should leave with her" was a highlight 🤣 but I think they could've made more out of that moment
Ugh, Amelia. Like, I honestly don't care what she has to say about what happened at prom. Clearly she snaked us again somehow, but it means nothing to me. Zilch. Nada.
And then acting shady in the dressing room and ending up in our bed? wtf girl.
Anyway, Roberto is MINE and I know nothing is going to happen between them
Theory under the cut
Okay, so Amelia is in our bed. Which is suss, BUT remember, the last one-on-one conversation we had with her, she was going to tell us something. And then she was being weird. So I think she ended up in our bed because she wants to have a twin chat, and since we're both sleeping on our own anyway, why not share a bed?
So obviously either Roberto or Amelia is going to realize what happens before he actually kisses her. I mean... she's got a different hair colour/style, he'd have to be blind to not realize she's not MC. It's lazy of FB to do this, and I'm getting sick of the kiss cliffhangers, but I'm also not worried. Just annoyed that I have to go through this again.
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ishikawayukis · 9 months
ME MUERO ME HAS HECHO EL DIA JAJAJAHJAJAKSJAJAJA Y EL QUE NADIE TE LO QUITE DE NAMI AJAJAJAJAJQ es que no puedo creer lo bien que queda todo JAJAJAJAJA ahora cada vez que escuche propuesta indecente se me va a venir la parte de zoro a la mente JAJAJAJA (no eres ridícula, el ridículo es tumblr que no te dejó insertar el link 😤) ay de verdad que esto me ha hecho el día gracias<3 JAJAJAJA
Pero volviendo JAJAJ no yeah like I don’t mind at all for the straw hats or people super involved with them, but the rest…do we really have to know everything?? Tbh, wouldn’t be surprised if luffy’s related to more crazy people but I would still have a 😧 moment JAJAJA ALSO vi un reel que decía algo como “Luffy’s mom most be incredibly pretty bc there’s no way he got any genetics from Dragon’s ugly ass face” Y SI ME REI JAJAJJ
I would get it if they said they don’t like it bc of nolan’s flashback episodes, but I felt that it was a pretty entertaining, fun, and cool arc🤷🏽‍♀️ ALSO WHAT??? I JUST STARTED THRILLER BARK AND ITS SO FUN??? It feels like a Halloween special segment but for a whole arc and it’s funny too?? No es por nada pero nuevamente no confío en la opinión popular JAJAJAJA
I try to not be a hater but lowkey I kinda am LMAO y si, it is a trained ability that you develop and it’s not that easy bUT suelen ser precisamente los gringos quiénes se quejan porque el contenido popular/mainstream suele ser el que ellos producen y por lo tanto no experimentar el tener que aprender otro idioma o tener subs como la principal (o única) opción para disfrutar de contenido ://
JAJAJAJAJA GOTTA BE HONEST but fr if only he was on the right side, he even kept doing his fake job right 😔
Also do you mind if I call you Belle beCAUSE BELLE WTF TWO THINGS: 1) zoro rocking a crop top and caring for triplets, I get it now, yo también quisiera ir a darle las gracias a Oda si me lo encontrara JAJAJAJA 2) WTF TAMBIEN QUISIERA RECLAMARLE WHY DID ACE HAVE TO FACE BLACKBEARD AND WHY DO YOU MAKE IT JUST ONE EPISODE??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Esto es solo para hacerme llorar, yo creo que solo lo pusieron en Alabasta para luego venir a hacerme llorar istg if everyone from past arcs revives and he dies bc of that fight I’m going to riot😭😭😭
Somos JAJAJAJA I won’t lie, I did both of my second piercings with uh, pistola?? (rip el inglés JAJAJ) la forma menos segura y más 🥴✌🏽 but I knew I wanted to do the third with a needle bc I had my dose of risk already and boy is it taking some time to heal :’) no me ha ido mal solo es más lento y por ahora creo que será el último que me haga but yeah, could turn to be a lie in the future for all I know JAJAJA
I saw you got sick :ccc espero que pronto te recuperes o que al menos no sufras muchos síntomas incómodos 🫶🏽✨ wishing you all the best!!
me puse a escuchar una playlist q es pop latino de los 90 00 y 10's y cada q vez q sale esa canción simplemente pienso en ace AJJAJA mi cerebro va a hacer esa conexión por el resto de mi vida
there's a wild ass theory actually about luffy's mom and every time i see it i'm like??? are you guys smoking crack is it crack, because wheeeeeeeere did you guys get it. once you get to impel down i'm gonna share it LMAO
thriller bark is just such a goofy funny time!! peak campiness for one piece! and people don't like it because if you compare it to the arcs before and after it it's, well, a lot more silly, BUT SO MANY IMPORTANT THINGS HAPPEN IN IT. la gente no cacha nada de lo bueno de la vida y sólo quieren peleas cuáticas
nooo exacto, o sea entiendo q hay mucha gente q por razones de uuuuuh cómo le digo AJAJAJ concentración, q no pueden o cosas por el estilo, pero la mayoría de la gente q conozco q sólo mira dubs suelen ser gringos y weno 😶
but of couuuuuurse you can!!! zoro niñera es lo mejor de los rellenos de one piece AJAJAJA oda was like ooh you guys like ace? i see you guys like this one guy how would you feel i was was completely evil about him huh fuck blackbeard too i hate that guy sooooo much literally the worst
AJAJAJ la primera vez q me hice mi arito de la nariz me lo hice con pistola y literal jamás sanó bien y de ahí dije weno, creo q la pistola no es pa mi. y me acabo de hacer el tercer arito también 😳 deditos cruzados pa q nos sanen bien. and yeah never say never after my last two i was like noooo no way i'm getting another one and well, here i am LMAO
toy con fiebre y un rico resfriado en el verano pero weno es lo q hay 😔 he ido empeorando pero espero q hoy sea el peor día y q no continúe peor AJAJAJ
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enchantedblackrose · 4 years
I'm 1 away from 100 followers which is so mind blowingly cool to me. I really can't believe it. I started becoming active again in late December and had an idea for a Jay Halstead story I just had to get down and share. And the response kinda overwhelmed me? People "liked" it. It's a very neat feeling. And I'm so thankful ❤
On the other hand I feel follower interaction is lacking, which sucks. I don't get a ton of weblogs or comments on stories. I post ask games and get nothing. I post about real life, nada. And that's fine. But then I post opinions about fandoms, nothing still. Ask games about my writings (which is why I'm assuming about 90-95 follow me to begin with?) and it is so discouraging to get nothing. I think I need to give up the idea that this will be one of those blogs. I announced that I would try requests, which I felt weird about tbh...and then the reality of it was my fear. I literally got 1 request. Like wtf am I even doing saying I'll take requests.
So yeah, itd be cool to reach 100 followers and do a mini celebration! But I have no reason to believe there would be any interaction.
If you feel differently, want to see a celebration and partake, let me know.
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starlightkun · 4 years
allow me to share with u my smooching history: first kiss? little pecks with 2 different boys when i was 12 during a spin the bottle sans the bottle game. after that? when i was 18 with a friend during a truth or dare in which i admitted to not having any experience in making out. so i ended up making out with that dude twice. ever since then? nada. i'm 25 now. i definitely relate to the embarrassment/fear of telling someone who might want to kiss me that i have no idea wtf i'm doing (1)
i really hate just how overly sexual my environment is around me and how people are supposed to be sexual since our teen years like... dang, i have shit experience with kissing, i've never been on a date, never been in a relationship, i'm a virgin. all this at 25. but i'm learning how to handle this better every day that goes by. i'm learning how to distance myself from all these social norms and expectations and to accept the fact that we all move at our own paces (2)
it's tough, it takes a lot of work this whole not caring about what other people might think mentality. but it's worth it. i'm kinda rambling but what i really mean to say is this: you are the priority. you, your health, your happiness. screw what anyone else might think of you, that's just the easiest way to weed out the assholes. if they're understanding and supportive, awesome, if not, they're not worth your time. you matter! your experiences matter! and you are loved!! never forget that!
i understand u rlly meant well sending me this n i rlly do appreciate you sharing ur story w me!!! i’ve had two (2) bfs both in 8th grade so did they rlly count n the first one lowkey tried to kiss me n i highkey swerved him;; it’s not that im feeling outside pressure from society even tho i do agree that the culture in the west (esp the us, where i am) rlly puts an emphasis on having sexual experiences in your early teen years!! i’ve like already come to terms w and moved on from that and i dont care about what society (or my friends or me) thinks im supposed to have done by now. its what i want to have done by now. its not bc im seeing all my friends around hooking up and being in relationships (which im actually not, all my close friends r single) or whatever other outside influences there are-- i dont think there’s anything’s necessarily wrong with me bc of it, it’s just what i actually want for myself and it’s just really frustrating?? i guess is the word im looking for and i get that everyone has their own pace but like this isn’t the pace that i actually w a n t, it feels like what i’ve just been stuck with and its super frustrating!! but thank you again <3
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blackrosemii · 6 years
Season 8 Review/Rant
Okay, I wanted to wait a bit and calm down before writing this, but I literally can’t. I just have to share my thoughts on this. I might regret some of it later on (like I did with the last season, I was just easiyl taken by other peoples opinions), but I’m too emotional to properly function right now, so fuck it.
Positive things first: If we’re talking about the main story alone, I’d say it’s a great end for it. It was messy, yes and confusing at times. And it was incredibly fast paced, enough that not everything is still in my memory. But it’s not bad enough to say it’s shitty writing (if you forget about the ships...and hints and....well...) Anyway, as a non-shipper, I’m sure you could have enjoyed it. Also, the episode where Kinkades records everybody was cute^^
Negative things: Okay, this one is going to be a long one. And this time, I’m not being influenced by other peoples opinion, because I got this before browsing though tumblr. Ships: Yes, we’re all mad that Klance didn’t become canon. Me, too. But not because it’s my OTP. I would have been okay if it wasn’t for one VERY BIG thing. The hints. There were hints everywhere. In the show, in the interviews, fucking EVERYWHERE. With so many hints the crew was definitely aware of, how could they just ignore everything? It’s as if nothing ever happend! Bonding moment? Nope, “He’s his stability”? Nope, “He’s the future”? Nope. That fucking sunset scene in the very same season?! NOPE! Nothing, nada, nichts! I’ve experienced this situation once and I hoped I would never go through this again. And don’t let me mention the interviews. I was okay when the crew lied to us for small things. But this? This went on for two years! You should never EVER lie to your fans this much for this long. So, for everybody who’s writing stories, get this lesson: If you’re putting in hints, fucking see them through to the end. I can understand if they had some sort of limitations that kept them from making them canon, but if so, don’t start hyping up something you can’t make. Second ship: Whatever ship that is with Shiro. Okay, I’m less salty about that one, but as representation, it’s just cheap. I don’t care who that guy is, if you want us to care about that relationship, at least give them more scenes rather than this cheap ending. Third ship: Allurance. Okay, I admit that while I’m trying to be okay with all ships, at least let those ship make sense. I won’t bash on that ship. For those who love it: That’s okay. Continue loving it. But this is my opinion on it: Apparently, the creators thought that “Annoy a girl as much as you can, she’ll come to you eventually” is a good message to children. And above all that, it’s a disservice to both of their characters. Whether you like Allurance or not, you’ll see that their characters arcs were concluded badly. They deserve better than this.
Anything that is not a ship: It just feels weird...it’s like I was watching a different show...Did we watch the Voltron from another reality? Everything they promised didn’t happen! Things that were teased at before never got mentioned! What about Lances sword? Nobody ever saw him with it! Allura is dead...Are you kidding me? You’re killing off one of the most important characters? For what? Yeah, she’s the universes godess now or whatever, but it just doesn’t feel right...She could never have her happy ending like the others did. Altean Lance? WTF? Where did that come from? Why is it there? There is literally no reason for this to happen. You could keep him human and nothing would change.
In conclusion, I feel fucking cheated and it will take all my willpower to accept that this is the end. And if anyone has any good Klance fics to fix my broken heart, please give them to me. I need them. (And maybe I check out the Leakira ship after all) PS: I may be salty, but I will not attack ANYONE. Whether it’s fans or the creators. You can be mad as hell while also being civil about it.
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
Not at all, I'm just saying how it is. They had potential, they had chemistry, they even had a chance this season and instead nada. They'd rather Rogers just has his daughter as his happy ending which great and everything but that's not remotely healthy. Not to mention Alice has a true love in Robin and she's gonna want to be with her, so where does that leave Rogers? With all his friends of course but no one else to share his life with romantically. All to please the damn CSers bitching.
“They’d rather Rogers just has his daughter as his happy ending which great and everything but that’s not remotely healthy. “
Wtf? I don’t see what’s wrong with a child being someone’s happy ending. I don’t think Regina will end the series with a LI either, like Rogers her HEA will be her family and there’s zero wrong with that.
And this has zero to do with C$. Zero.
You have a warped and mysognistic views of healthy my friend.
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teacupslou · 7 years
I was tagged by @4foryouhazza and @rosegoldeyelids to say 92 truths about yourself and then tag 25 other people you´d like to know better. I did this about four months ago but i felt like doing it again! Thanks for tagging me lovlies 💛✨
drink: water
phone call: my boyfriend 
text message: boyfriend 
song you listened to: World gone mad by Bastille  
time you cried: earlier today on my way home from work…
dated someone twice: nah not a fan of the whole breaking up making up thing
been cheated on: nope
kissed someone and regretted it: not really no
lost someone special: still dont think so
been depressed:  i’ve had tendencies for sure but no, not actually depressed
been drunk and thrown up: i dont get proper drunk so no. However i have thrown up after going out but i was ill on beforehand so it wasnt the alcohol. 
made a new friend: yes plenty!
fallen out of love: nope
laughed until you cried: i dont cry from laughing so no
met someone who changed you: i wouldnt say so no
found out who your true friends are: hopefully the ones i´ve got now
found out someone was talking about you: more or less yeah
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: whats real life?
do you have any pets?: A Norwegian forest cat that refuses to go out because there´s snow.. :´) 
do you want to change your name?: nahh
what time did you wake up this morning?: 04:30 am..rip
what were you doing last night: slept, ya know the whole waking up half past 4 thing..
name something you cannot wait for: THE FUCKING WEEKEND! (alternatively all my concerts this spring) 
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: i hate this question wtf hahaha no.
what’s getting on your nerves right now?: a specific person
blood type: still no fucking idea, i should probably ask my mum or something lol
Relationship status: in a long term  relationship 
Zodiac sign: pisces 
Pronouns: she/her
Favourite tv show: dont watch them 
College: (college as in high school or uni? Well for me college is high school) So finished that! Did photography 
Hair colour: Light brown (yes i dyed my blonde hair)
Do you have a crush on someone: more than a crush but sure
What do you like most about yourself?: responsible 
Surgery: non
Piercing: just my ears 
Sport you joined: ballet when i was like 6 
Vacation: Denmark i think 
Pair of sneakers: who the fuck remembers that??
Eating: nada
Drinking: nada
I’m about to: get ready for bed 
Listening to: silence 
Want kids: i want kids in my life but i dont want own ones. My nephew is good.
Get married: I love the whole committing yourself to someone and sharing everything between you bit. Dont care too much about the whole wedding thing though
Career: im working at a recess centre now but i dont see myself doing this forever 
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: 100% both
Shorter or taller: taller for sure, im only 5,1 so it could be slightly off putting being together with someone even shorter aha
Older or younger: dont care but not too old nor too young 
Romantic or spontaneous: romantic for sure. I dont like being unprepared ahah
Sensitive or loud: sensitive 100%, hate loud people hahah
Hook up or relationship: relationship 100%, hookups are not my thing
Troublemaker or hesitant: huh?
Kissed a stranger: no
Drank hard liquor: i´ve taken small small shots (eggcups because we didnt have shot glasses :´) ) so im not sure that counts, alcohol really isnt for me
Lost contacts/glasses: still dont think so no
Sex on a first date: i´d never 
Turned someone down: yeah mainly in clubs 
Fallen for a friend: i guess yeah
In yourself: depends on the situation 
Miracles:  miraculous things can happen but to me thats just luck
Love at first sight: i dont think you can love someone just from looking at them, to me love is a lot more complex and complicated than that
Heaven: im not very religious 
Santa Claus:  my mum never tricked me that there ever was one, so no
I feel like everyone has done this but I tag @louisthepixie @softsweatersharry @singingtillthelastcall @sparkling-larry @dingleberrylou  as per usual dont feel obligated to do it!
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antimundi-blog · 7 years
Noctis is the last person to be called lazy.. wtf?
Noctis? That kid you called a lazy brat? Hm, let’s see!
His mother died when he was an infant. You might not be able to remember your own infancy, but I can GUARANTEE this left some emotional scars. 
When he was eight, there was the maralith attack that left him unable to walk AND comatose. Only Carbuncle was able to keep nefarious forces from worsening it.
Months later? Oh, his childhood friend’s home was invaded that he WAS present to see! He saw Glauca murder Luna’s mother! Who he probably shared some closeness with! But no, sometimes it feels like half the fandom forgets this lol!
He was raised like an ordinary civilian and never told why. Never made privy to obligation at court, never told the prophecy, nada. Don’t you think this would get to him? There’s a vvv good post I’ve seen explain Noctis likely having depression, and a reason being because becoming king meant a shortened life, but don’t you think part of it could be that Noctis likely felt rejected by his father? Yes, kings don’t personally raise their sons, but even Noct would probably feel like his father had zero faith in him. He’s not clueless. He was proclaimed Crown Prince but never treated or raised like one. He’d likely take it as something was up--something bad.
His hometown was invaded and he wasn’t there able to do something to stop it. If you know Noctis, you know he’d shoulder that guilt and feel like it was partially his fault. Noctis likely feels the same about the invasion of Fenestala, what with the empire being there at all BECAUSE of Regis & Noct’s presence.
THE ENTIRE STORY OF XV, LIKE LORD. Now THAT’S trauma city right there. We all know what goes down. With everything he shouldered to begin with, you can bet this affected him worse than ever before.
No but--tell me more about he’s a bratty kid who has Iggy and Gladio as mommy and daddy and won’t eat his veggies and naps all the time! :)
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val-id · 7 years
I was tagged by @amata-hawke thanks!!
1ST RULE: tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people  People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well  I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (boobie juice)
ABILITY: I can sing well  I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner  I can draw well  I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch 
HOBBIES:  I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (Nada Surf, you were amazing)
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know  I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school  My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs  I share my room with someone 
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I know someone who has gone to jail (like half of my class has been to jail wtf) I have broken a bone  I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year 
If you see this, consider yourself tagged! 
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bravado-raven · 7 years
Get To Know Me
Tagged by the magnificent @itana-007, Thank you so much for tagging me :D. I apologise for not doing these sooner tumblr isnt giving me damn notifications =P.
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag however many people you want!
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: IRL friend Ash 3. Text message: @haikyuukazoo 4. Song you listened to: It Has Begun ~ Starset 5. Time you cried: 2 hrs ago, lmao.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Nup 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope 8. Been cheated on: Nah 9. Lost someone special: Definitely 10. Been depressed: Absolutely 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Not legally allowed to drink =P
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLOURS: 12-14: Today i’m feeling Turquoise, Brown and Olive
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Online, Yeah. IRL, lmao who’d wanna talk to this nerd. 16. Fallen out of love: Not sure i truely know what love is. 17. Laughed until you cried: Of course! 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Negative 19. Met someone who changed you: I’ve met ppl who i never want to be like so yeah? i guess? 20. Found out who your friends are: Uh.. i always knew who they were... they are them, weird and unique as they are. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: HA let’s just stop this at I’ve never kissed someone before.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of em. 23. Do you have any pets: YA :D 24. Do you want to change your name: Never 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Celebrated it in Japan with my friends. 26. What time did you wake up: 4:05am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Probably reading fanfiction 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The sweet release of death? uhh well my friends just organised another hang out so probably that cause i haven’t seen them in what feels like a month. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 3 mins ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My fitness level. 31. What are you listening right now: My dad teaching my baby brother about pumpkins. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: XD Yeah, he’s in my Chem and Physics and has the same will to live as I do. Man what a meme. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Dad 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr, Youtube and Netflix cause i have no life...
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME (Lmaooo) 35. Mole/s: Everywhere, like there are some old friends and some im like ... where u always there?? 36. Mark/s: I mean i always accidentally draw on myself cause im reckless. 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a singer which was crushed by my dad telling me i’m not good enough, then i wanted to be a scientist. 38. Hair Colour: Black 39. Long or short hair: Short, I love short hair, though i have no idea what suits me. like i look bad in both but in short I look a little less bad? 40. Do you have a crush on someone: I’m confused... idk if it’s a crush, or if it’s the desire for platonic friendship. (most likely the latter cause im about as romantic as a rag covered in moulded melted cheese) (KITA WTF) 41. What do you like about yourself: Uh.............. 42. Piercings: Nay 43. Bloodtype: O Positive, (at least some aspect of my life is positive) (kita no) 44. Nickname: Niki or Kita 45. Relationship status: Single 46. Zodiac: Capricor 47. Pronouns: Don’t really care for pronouns, call me whatever as long as it isnt mean, then i’ll fite u (pls no) 48. Favorite TV Show: OF ALL TIME, FOREVER WILL BE A:TLA 49. Tattoos: I would love some, but im not sure what of. 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: Nada 52. Hair dyed in different colour:  Nein, i’d love like subtle steaks or surprise rainbow fish under but yeah, i like my hair colour. 53. Sport: I was gonna put *runs away* but i know i can’t even do that. 55. Vacation: Take me away, idec where, Surprise trips are great. 56. Pair of trainers: What does this even mean?
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: A *uncrumples packet* Carman’s Original, Fruit Free, Museli bar. 58. Drinking: Nothin rn. 59. I’m about to: Probably binge youtube OR start my Chem homework. 61. Waiting for: a reason to live Something to genuinely smile or laugh at. 62. Want: mental stability?  63. Get married: At this moment in time don’t think so. 64. Career: I have no clue, I wanted to go into medicine but dad said there’s no point cause i probs wont get in and it’s really hard (Thanks dad). at the moment i want any career that allows me to directly help other people (which was why i wanted to go into medicine and help those with terminal illnesses)
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: SHORT STORY TIME! So my family isnt a very... intimate? emotional? family. We do hug each other but it’s more like pats on the back, we do not kiss each other and don’t say “I love you” very often and that’s fine, cause it means that when we do, it carries a lot more with it. Now I FEAR kisses and saying the “L” word. Like i don’t like the “L” word in an intimate sense, it scares me. Luv is fine, but “LOVE” has too much emotional meaning behind it for it to be said just willy nilly, for me personally. ANYWAY STORY TIME KINDA? I GUESS OVER. (i choose hugs.) 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes, honestly the amount of times i want to just admire anyone’s eyes is uncountable. The unique patterns and shade and lighting UH. 67. Shorter or taller: Taller.  68. Older or younger: Honestly the elderly and the youth scare me. I’m okay with anyone as long as they accept me. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice person. 71. Sensitive or loud: Both. If you wanna be loud by thor be as loud as you want (as long as you respect that we all have a right to quiet), if u wanna talk bout ur feelings sure i’ll listen, can’t help but i’ll listen. 72. Hook up or relationship: What is a hook up? Relationship i guess? 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: Again, No to the kisses. 75. Drank hard liquor: Again, Not legally allowed too. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t wear em. 77. Turned someone down: HA who’d want me 78. Sex on the first date: Let’s just stop at “first date”  79. Broken someone’s heart: Lmao i hope not, don’t waste ur time on my dumb ass. I’m too oblivious for that. 80. Had your heart broken: Idk if it counts as a “heart break” if ur like, 13. Like chill child your still young. 81. Been arrested: Nah 82. Cried when someone died: Of Course. 83. Fallen for a friend: Tripped, yes. in love? Don’t think so.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: HELL NO :D 85. Miracles: pffft, nah 86. Love at first sight: Absolutely not. 87. Santa Claus: A creepy old white fat man that gives me presents? (sugar daddy) 88. Kiss on the first date: Again, Kisses are a No-No unless i share a very strong emotional bond with you (even then u’d be lucky)
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: probs this scrub @beeboplox 91. Eyecolor: Brown.  92. Favorite movie: The incredibles?
TAGGING TIME: The usual @whovian1077, @firthermore​, @haikyuukazoo​, and anyone who wants to do this.
100% optional! If ya would like me to stop tagging you gimme a shout and i’ll stop (also goes if you’d like to be tagged). Thanks y’all for being awesome. =PP
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