#nacha so clingy
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 years ago
More serpent hcs please!
heehees my huuhuus .. . 🫡 on it boss
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⚜️ As someone whose love has never been reciprocated, hearing the words “I love you” can make her a little overzealous. She’s so eager to keep your love that she struggles with respecting your boundaries T__T
⚜️ She gives you cheek kisses any chance she gets, steals small things of yours under the ruse that you “left them behind”, somehow always finds a way to lock you in a room together...
⚜️ If you fall asleep alone, chances are you’ll wake up with her right next to you
⚜️ Serpent will mellow out as time goes on. But she’ll always be a little possessive-- she tends to get insecure over other people giving you more happiness than she can.
⚜️ She has put a LOT of research/experimentation into skincare, since care guides for skin with “snakelike properties” don’t really exist. She knows a magic cure or two for almost any beauty problem you might have.
⚜️ Loves taking warm milk baths together. She’ll blow soap bubbles at you and sprinkle rose petals over your head, then insist on washing your hair ♡
⚜️ Often steals your shirts to sleep in 🤧 They’re cozy and smell like you!! If you’re close in size, she’ll just consider your wardrobe an extension of hers.
⚜️ She’s big on matching accessories. She’d get you a promise ring in the shape of a coiling snake, with a matching one for herself.
It represents that you’ll always have her wrapped around your finger, and vice versa (<- mutual possessiveness)
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albaricomics · 10 months ago
What do you think about Izaack? I don't you really say anything about him and how is his relationship with the other neighbors? (mainly Francis and Angus)
love your art and comics btw :D 
Izaack, dear boy Izaack:
Very much aware of how good looking he is, and shows it off proudly.
Has to travel around his car almost all the time, when people see him on the streets or just at a store, they freak out and will reach for the first thing they see so he signs it, which he never rejects.
If he's offered to have things for free he won't think twice or try to act humble, Izaack will reach out for it, say thank you and rush out of there.
Absolute heartbreaker, man cannot remember how many ladies he's dated... on the past week. Tho he never brings anyone bc, you know, DDD restrictions.
As to his neighbors, he's always approaching the ones with the most interesting occupations, just to see if they'd bring enough to the table for a special coverage on his program, since he's so done with reporting the same doppels bs and their victims everyday.
He likes the local bar near the building since he's seen more as a normal person rather than a celebrity and can enjoy the company there, specially Angus', he's very fun to hang out with.
They'd usually be singing and dancing and asking for so many rounds of drinks, to which sometimes the young Rudboys man will join (despite being so serious behind those mysterious sunglasses he carries everywhere, he's got a contagious laugh).
He usually sees Angus along with a pathetic milkman guy which he's teasing or jokingly hugging in a very clingy way, without said milkman showing any emotion other than sleepiness, and he finds it funny that just a little sip from whatever he's drinking is enough to knock him out.
They all get back to the building together, still kinda singing in between laughs and hiccups, stumbling everywhere while Izaack is carrying Francis in his shoulders so easily. They're the last ones arriving to the building, and the reason doorman has to make extra time every saturday just to wait for them (and deal with them). So annoying.
BONUS wild guess I'm not even considering as headcanon bc omg: what if Izaack used to be Nacha's fiance... but then Francis came, they found out abt Anne, everything went down blabla, the despise between them would be so... jeez...
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thescarletkiller · 3 months ago
i have a question)) what do Richard and Mary think about Nacha and Anastacha?
//For starters, Richard and Mary are both dead as of the game’s timeline (iykyk) so they never got the chance to meet Nacha and Ana in person.
But if they both get to meet their daughter-in-law and granddaughter, they’d both have different feelings towards them.
For Mary, she’d be ABSOLUTELY delighted to meet Nacha and Ana. Mary thinks Nacha is a sweet woman who treats her son well since as we all now, she wants her son to be happy after what Richard put them through. It makes her so happy that her son got married to a kind, beautiful woman and have a nice daughter together. She’s also glad that Nacha is such a good wife to Francis, with how sweet she is towards him and how she cooks the best meals as a bonus too.. She’d definitely get along with Nacha and they’d especially bond over cooking.
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Mary: Oh Nacha! I’m so thankful that my boy has such a kind woman like you in his life. How’re things going along with him?
Nacha: aww Mary, we’re doing just great! He’s such a sweet guy around me. And he’s been doing his best as a father too. But he only shows his nice side around me. The rest is a different story though. He’s also really clingy and he gets jealous a lot of the time. I have to admit, sometimes it’s cute but other times uh… it’s troublesome. But we’re doing just fine. He’s such a good husband and a father. And I’m so grateful that I have him in my life.
Mary: I’m so happy to hear that. Make sure you take care of my little Francis and Ana now, alright? I hope you both treat each other well.
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Mary also likes to spend time with Ana too. Even though she doesn’t understand her granddaughter’s indifferent nature, she’d make an effort to connect with her. Don’t worry, Ana likes her grandma back. Mary would gift her some handmade toys and clothes or go out somewhere fun like the park or get her ice cream like she did with Francis when they were young.
Richard on the other hand, doesn’t have a high opinion of Nacha. In fact, he thinks she’s just some “happy go lucky broad that his son got comfy with”. Though I believe his opinion on his daughter in law comes from a place of jealousy. Perhaps he sees his first loving relationship through Francis and Nacha’s, but that’s a story for a different time.
He also think Ana is some “annoying snot nosed little brat” who’s an extension of his son. But maybe that’s also jealousy talking.
I don’t think he’d be the type to get along with them because come on. It’s Richard we’re talking about. He’d rather be in a different room to avoid them. But if he’s feeling cranky and audacious enough, he’d likely mock his son and their relationship in front of them.
Richard: in all seriousness, what in the ever loving fuck do you see in that kid?
Nacha: oh come on! You’re the adult here Mr Mosses! Shouldn’t you be happy that your son found happiness?
Ana: yeah! Why don’t you go back to your retirement home and leave me, my dad and my mom alone instead of being a sad bitter old man or whatever?
Richard: *profoundly triggered*
Nacha: *caught off guard* Ana! Where did you learn to speak like that?!
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That’s ok. Nacha and Ana hate him back.
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until-another-one-comes · 8 months ago
How SK Francis is like as a husband/father
AKA more trauma for the Mosses family. TW for yandere behaviour, domestic violence, trauma
* For anyone who doesn’t know, SK Francis is a MASSIVE yandere for Nacha and a familial one for Anastacha.
* He’s the obsessive, possessive, clingy, protective, loving, jealous, manipulative and eliminating type of yandere with violent and sadistic tendencies
* Nacha is the only person Francis has fallen for (in the routes where they got married). After years of abuse and being deprived of love, Francis has fallen hard for her even though he didn’t care for her at first.
* Due to his upbringing, Francis has a warped view of love. He didn’t believe in it and thinks it’s conditional. But with Nacha, he believes he has a chance. He’s saddened that Nacha and even Anastacha would leave him after they found out his true colours but he can’t lose them. He won’t lose his only chance of having a happy life.
* He finally realised what he actually wanted in life: a family. It gives him a sense of peace and normalcy he wished to have.
* He knows his feelings for his family are very unhealthy but he doesn’t care. To Francis, love and obsession are the same thing. As long as they love him (or he can get them to love him), it’s fine by him.
* Other than being paranoid that his family will leave him, he’s also paranoid that Nacha would one day stop loving him and cheat on some scumbag. The same goes for Anastacha. He’s afraid of being a terrible parent like his father that his daughter would hate him and cut him off one day (but we’ll get to that later).
* He’s very shy and awkward with conveying his love at first. He’s not used to emoting, receiving/giving compliments, showing affection, communicating his feelings and might say the most morbid crap for some reason (thanks a lot Richard).
* Francis learnt how to be affectionate by remembering how his mom used to care for him (I.e. hugging him, cooking for him, singing him to sleep, etc) and from what he’s seen couples in public do to each other like PDA, saying “i love you” so he applies them to Nacha and his daughter albeit awkwardly at first.
* Slowly but surely, he’ll let his warmer side show towards his loved ones like showering them with hugs, kisses, words of affection. He mainly shows his love through his actions such as working hard enough to provide for his family, helping out with chores, spending time with them, etc. Francis won’t tell his family about his past yet. Once again, that’ll be explained later.
* Francis works hard to provide for his family. If he has to work overtime to earn extra money, he’ll do it. He hates how his job is keeping him from seeing his family but if he can earn enough to support them, that’s fine by him.
* If Francis has time off work or a holiday, he would spend much of his free time as possible with his wife and daughter. It doesn’t matter how tired he is. Since they can’t go out much anymore due to the doppelgängers, Francis would eat dinner with them together, play some board games, talk about their day, watch tv with them. If it’s possible, he’ll bring them out to the park, the beach, have a picnic, any fun family activities. He used to have fun like this with his mother when his father wasn’t around. Now that he’s a father/husband, he gets to relive them with the people he loves.
* If Nacha voices her concerns about their relationship or if she’s having doubts, Francis immediately gets scared because to him, that’s a sign of Nacha about to leave him. He will stop her and promise to fix his mistakes, which he does. He knows how to adapt his behaviour so he doesn’t slip up again.
* If Nacha wants a break, Francis will convince her to stay with him, even resorting to guilt tripping if he has to. He’s worried that Nacha’s feelings for him will change so she’ll either divorce or cheat on him. He’ll hold her tight, beg her to not leave him and promises her he’ll be better to her from now on.
* Years into the relationship, Francis’s cold, uncaring nature slips away (only in front of Nacha. He’s still emotionless to everyone else) and he becomes a loving, affectionate man to Nacha, holding her close, nurturing her, supporting her, making love to her
* Although he’s afraid of parenthood at first, Francis resolved to be a better man/parental figure than his father. He wants Anastacha to have a better childhood than his so he tried to be a gentle doting father to her. He wanted to make up for the lack of affection and warmth in his childhood by giving it to his wife and daughter.
* Francis will try to understand Nacha and Anastacha’s interests and hobbies even though he may not understand them himself. He’ll try to get involved with their hobbies too.
* The happiest moments Francis had with his family was during his wedding with Nacha and when Anastacha was born. He was nervous about hurting his baby daughter or dropping her but after holding her in his arms, he cried tears of joy.
* If any of them gets sick, Francis would take time off work to treat their sicknesses like giving them their medicine, food, water, anything that he can do to take care of them
* He learned how to be a better cook from Nacha. And it worked out. He also helps her around the kitchen if he’s free. Francis just loves his wife’s cooking and he couldn’t resist it.
* Since his family are the only people who love him and vice versa, Francis has the strong urge to protect them since no one has done that for him. He knows how cruel the world is and he doesn’t want them to suffer like he did. His overprotective tendencies can be… smothering.
* Francis gets jealous if Nacha spends too much time talking to her friends or the neighbours. He thinks they’re all vermin who’s taking his beloved away from him. One time when Nacha was talking too long with the twins, they felt Francis glaring daggers behind their back so they left immediately.
* He also has grievances against Nacha’s co workers too. He’ll most likely glare at them if they do much as touch her but nothing more. That all changes if they make a move on Nacha or harass her. Let’s just say they won’t be seen at work the next day.
* If Nacha has any exes, Francis would obviously kill them if they’re in the area.
* If Francis wanted to spend time with his family but they already made plans to go out with their friends, he will convince them to cancel them so they could spend time with him instead. Once again, he wanted to compensate for his lack of familial love in his life by being with them.
* Most of the neighbours thought that Nacha and Francis’s marriage is so heartwarming and love how extremely devoted Francis is to his wife but as time goes on, they begin to notice Francis’s possessive tendencies. Some of them brush it off as Francis being protective of his family or how men are territorial over their wives (it’s the 1950s). Others are too scared to even question it because they fear that Francis might do something to do them if they do. A few of them tried to warn Nacha but she assured them that she’s fine and it’s how Francis shows his love.
* The neighbours now have an unspoken rule to not talk too long with Nacha or steal her time away from Francis.
* The other unspoken rule is to NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE flirt with Nacha. They know it won’t be pretty if Francis finds out.
* While Francis allows Anastacha to have friends, he’s very wary of the kind of friends she makes. If her friends are awful to her, backstab her or if his daughter’s being bullied at school, you know damn well that he’s gonna torture them, kill them and dump their bodies where no once can find them. It doesn’t matter how old they are. If there’s a creepy teacher at Anastacha’s school, Francis would torture that scumbag for hours while they’re still alive before finishing them off in the most brutal way imaginable.
* While Francis doesn’t want his daughter to become a murderer like he is, there’s a chance he might teach her some methods of his own like how to clean up blood, cutting up meat, any subtle way to dispose a body in case she gets into ‘legal trouble’. Nacha finds out about this and tells him not to do it again.
* That doesn’t mean he can’t be a strict father when he needs to. Francis knows how to set rules for Anastacha like doing her homework, having a curfew, disrespecting her parents, no sweets before dinner, etc.
* But he knows when to reward his daughter too like allowing her to play with her friends, letting her play after finishing her homework, giving her favourite gifts and so on.
* Francis loves calling Nacha with the cheesy classic pet names such as sweetheart, honey, dear, darling, sweetie, my love, my beloved, my beautiful wife, my whole world, my precious Nacha and his favourite, “mine”.
* Francis doesn’t like to yell at his wife and daughter. He’d be repeating what his father did to him. But the only times his anger would slip out if someone was getting too close to Nacha and Anastacha, if Ana talked back to her mother, if any of them chose to have plans without him, if the both of them didn’t tell him where they went without his knowledge, if Ana stayed past curfew and went out on her own, while some of his concerns are reasonable, they’re also borderline controlling.
* If Francis realised he hurt them in some way, he would immensely regret it. He hates hurting the only people he cares about. He would profusely apologise to them, get them to calm down, tells them he loves them and swears to not to it again.
* Francis has Nacha and Anastacha’s best interests in mind (mostly). Though what he thinks is best for them might be skewed because what he’s done is restrict their social circle and they can’t have anymore space when he’s around.
* He’s the type of person who keeps prying about what Nacha was doing beforehand and look through her stuff to make sure no one seducing her for an affair.
* He’s also the type of parent to look through Anastacha’s diary so he knows what’s going on in her life and to make sure nobody is harming her.
* When his wife and daughter are having a problem about him snooping in their privacy, Francis would always protest that he was only doing it for their own good, “Please! You both have to listen to me! How many times have I told you I’m only doing it to protect you two! You don’t know what’s out there! What if a doppelgänger eats you? You both could’ve gotten killed! Maybe your friends might be one of them too! Hell, you know how awful the people are out there! They might take advantage of you! I can’t lose you both! I love you too much to see you both get hurt!”
* Again, Francis has every right to be concerned over his family’s wellbeing but his methods of taking care of them are questionable, even downright manipulative.
* In case Nacha/Anastacha accidentally murdered someone, Francis is willing to take up the brunt of all their crimes. He wouldn’t ask them to be an accomplice because he knows he leads an unscrupulous life. He knows what he’s done is wrong so he’s not gonna pull his family into a life of crime because they’re both good people unlike him. He wants his family to have a normal life and he knows he’d be a bad husband/father if he ropes them in. Though there’s a chance he would use it against them in case they try to leave him, “you can’t go out there! If you do, you’ll get caught! I don’t want that on your conscience!”
* Even though his family gives him the most stable support in his life, it doesn’t make Francis’s mental issues go away. It might get worse over time and affect the ones he loves. Here’re the list of bad endings (though that’s not saying much because anything can go wrong with SK Francis):
Bad endings:
* All of this would potentially lead to the One Unhappy Family ending where Francis tracks them down and chops off Nacha’s legs. Nacha and Ana are traumatised for life. They’re at their wits end because they can’t escape.
* Francis tries to make things go back to normal by spending time with them like a normal family. At this point, with his sanity down the drain, he’s become more delusional than ever.
* Nacha and Anastacha will still be in shock, resigned to the very hell Francis put them in.
* Another way this can potentially go bad is if Nacha asks for a divorce or cheats on Francis (which she’s smart enough to not do because she deeply fears the consequences of her actions if Francis finds out and she still does love Francis a lot to not be disloyal to him).
* If by any chance Nacha tries any of those things (which is a slim possibility), Francis would NOT take it well and things get…physical. Francis would punch a hole in the wall, pin Nacha to the wall and angrily chokes her in tears until she passes out, “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I’VE GIVEN YOU EVERYTHING!! WHY MUST YOU DO THIS?! I WORKED SO HARD TO PROVIDE FOR YOU! FOR ANA! WHY WOULD YOU RUIN IT?! IT’S YOUR FAULT! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!”
* The next thing Nacha knew when she wakes up is that she’s strapped to the bed and Francis is sitting beside her, tending to her injuries, “Are you alright? Is your neck ok? I’m so sorry I lashed out like that but you caused all this! How could you betray me like this? I did everything I could to keep our family together! Why would you do this to me? What about Ana? How’s she going to feel when she hears about all this?! Have you ever considered our daughter in any of this? *sighs* mmm…I’m sorry about all this Nacha, but I can’t let you go now that you’re thinking of leaving me. From now on, you’re not leaving this place. You won’t get to see anyone else, the neighbours, your friends, your co-workers, no one! I won’t let you out knowing you’ll find someone else! I’ll be the only one that provides for you and Ana now! You’ll have eyes for no one but me! Don’t worry, I won’t stay mad at you for long, darling. But I can’t forget what you’ve done! You tried to betray me and I won’t let this go unpunished.”
* And so Nacha is confined to her room for the rest of the days, feeling immensely guilty and scared for what she’s done. Francis still loves her like a wife. He brings her food and gives her affection albeit much clingier and rougher like than usual but that doesn’t mean he won’t let that incident slide. He needs to make sure his wife never leaves him at all costs.
* Now Nacha has became an empty shell of what she used to be and develops Stockholm syndrome for her husband.
* Anastacha knows what was going on between her parents. She’s afraid of her father now and is even concerned for her mother. Every time she checks up on Nacha, she tells her she’s fine but she’s always in a daze.
* With her mother in a powerless situation and with the knowledge that her father is a serial killer and a possessive husband, Anastacha is at a loss of what to do. She could either a) escape with her mother b) run to a neighbour for help (preferably Izaack) c) kill her dad.
* The first two options are out of the question because Francis has already gotten a tight hold on them. Plus he barred all the doors and windows so they wouldn’t escape, so this means that Ana would have to kill her father.
* Anastacha would be conflicted if she wanted to kill her father because 1) she doesn’t want to become anything like him, 2) she’d go to jail and 3) a part of her still cares for her dad. But she has no choice. Francis has been holding her and her mother hostage so she has to do this.
* Her plan needs to be perfect so she can free herself and her mother and not get caught. Good thing she learned how to clean up the mess from her father (who knew his cleaning methods could be used against him).
* If Anastacha succeeds in killing Francis, she can free her mother, dispose of her father’s body and escape together but they would both be very traumatised. Or she gets caught and thrown into jail at a young age.
* If she fails however, Francis would lock her daughter up in her own bedroom, “mmm, Care to explain why you were attempting to poison me, Anastacha?”
* So Anastacha was forced to explain everything and Francis just gave her the ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’ type of look though admittedly a part of him is a bit proud of her for planning something like that, even if it was on him.
* Still, Francis couldn’t let his daughter run off like that too so he grounds her. But Anastacha fights back, “This is why mom and I are scared of you! You can’t just control us like this or whatever!” “What?” “You heard me! We can’t even breathe when you’re around! Look at what you’ve done to mom! And now me! Are you even aware of what you had done dad?!” “Anastacha! How many times do I have to tell you?! The world is a dangerous place! And it’s my job to keep you and your mother safe! Why can’t you understand that?!” “Well you can’t keep me here forever! Cuz…by the time I’m 18, I’ll be out of the house or whatever so I won’t have to see your stupid face ever again you monster!!!”
* This hits a nerve in Francis. He did the very thing he swore to never do. He slapped his daughter, with a look of hurt and fury on his face, “Don’t you DARE talk to me that way, Anastacha! I’ve done so much to protect you both and what thanks? You better watch your mouth next time or so help me!” Anastacha held the slap mark on her face with tears. Francis felt guilty seeing his daughter cry like that but she needs to be punished, “I’ll let you think about everything you’ve done. And I want to hear an apology from you by the time I get back. Oh, and you can forget about leaving the house once you’re older. Because you’ll be staying here for the rest of your life when I’m around!” So Francis locks his daughter’s room from the outside. And Anastacha was left crying but still determined to escape with her mother.
* Meanwhile, Francis is mulling over how he slapped his daughter out of impulse. He didn’t mean to but Anastacha fought back and called him a monster, which brought back some painful memories. He feels really guilty yet mad that his daughter insulted him like that when he was just protecting them.
* The next day Francis goes into Anastacha’s room to give her food. She just gives him the cold shoulder the whole time, “Hello? Ana? Are you ok? Does your face still sting? Are you not going to answer me? Listen, I’m so sorry I slapped you yesterday. I didn’t mean it but what you did was disrespectful. Why would you say that when all I’m doing is keeping you safe? *sighs* if you don’t wanna talk to me, so be it. I’ll come back tonight.”
* As the days turn into weeks, Anastacha still won’t talk to her father no matter how hard he tries to communicate with her. Despite telling her how much he’s sorry or when he’s giving her affection, she still won’t look at him. Francis is sad and guilty about locking up his wife and daughter away from the world but the delusional part of him thinks his daughter is lashing out due to teenage angst and thinks she’ll understand he’s doing it for their own good.
* But Anastacha isn’t going to give up so easily. Let’s just say that she found a way to break down her own door while Francis isn’t around and try to free her mom.
* One option would be to run to a neighbour for help because since her mom is locked behind that door, she had to pick the logical option of saving herself first. So Anastacha runs to anyone she can find in the building before her dad comes back such as the Rudboys, Mia or Izaack. Once she tells them everything, they’ll likely call the cops, free Nacha and get Francis arrested. Once again, they’re both finally free but have a long way to go with recovering.
* If Anastacha chooses to save her mother first, she would have a hard time breaking down the door, freeing her mother and convince her to escape because Nacha’s too deep into the Stockholm syndrome. Unfortunately, Francis catches them in the act when he comes home.
* Francis would drag Anastacha back to her room but she put up such a fight that it’s difficult to drag her back. But Francis is much stronger here so he ties his daughter up and scolds her for trying to escape.
* “I’M TRYING TO BE A GOOD FATHER HERE ANA! WHY MUST YOU MAKE THINGS SO DIFFICULT?!” “BECAUSE YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!” Anastacha shouted despite fearing her father, “Don’t you get it? How many times do I have to spell it out for you Francis? Keeping me and mom locked up isn’t going to help. I wasn’t the one who ruined it or whatever. You did, Francis!” “What?” “Don’t get me started on how you wanted to protect me and mom or whatever! You could’ve done so by any other way but you kept us away from everyone! You locked us up so no one could see us! You could say that you’re doing this for our own good or whatever but you ruined mom! You ruined me! You ruined everything!” She begins to cry, “I don’t think I can ever have my family back…why do you have to be so…stringent?”
* As Francis looks at his crying daughter with guilt. He didn’t want it to be like this. But he’s stuck in his ways and too far into his delusions that he believes he’s doing his daughter a favour so he overrules everything.
* Then the cycle repeats, Francis gets new locks on the doors, he comes into his wife’s and Ana’s room to check on them, he brings them food, he smothers them with affection and repeats. Now Anastacha has now given up any hopes of escaping. She has no way of escaping now that Francis kept a closer eye on her. Soon, she feels hopeless.
* While Francis is glad his daughter isn’t fighting him anymore, he noticed that she’s become more unresponsive. So does his wife. That’s when he realised that he had broken his wife and daughter.
* Francis never wanted this to happen. He didn’t mean it! He was so caught up in keeping them all to himself that he didn’t realise that he restricted their freedom too much. Now he’s deeply remorseful for what he had done. He became worse than his own father. No matter how much he apologises to them, he can’t bring them back.
* He’ll try to fix them. They have to come back! He bring them close as a family again and they’ll have a lot of fun together like they used to. Hopefully in Francis’s deluded mind, that can bring them back, right?
Good ending
* This could occur during the One Happy Family ending aka the event where Francis reveals everything about his past to Nacha and she accepted him for who he is.
* Even though Francis loves his family very much, his mental health continues to stagger and he still has a possessive way of keeping his family with him.
* Nacha and Anastacha still get visibly distressed and uncomfortable with the suffocating way Francis is putting a leash on them.
* “Mom, what’s wrong with dad or whatever? He’s scaring me.” “I don’t know Ana. He just wants to protect us that’s all.” “But aren’t you scared or whatever? He doesn’t like it when we talk to the neighbours for too long. And he doesn’t seem to like my friends much too. And I think he read my diary again. Whatever.” “Hmm, honestly I’m scared too. I know your father cares for us but it might be getting extreme-“
* Francis just so happens to be listening in on their conversation, “mmm? What? What did you say?”
* Surprised, Nacha had to tell him the truth in private, “it’s not that we don’t appreciate what you did for us, dear. You’re really sweet for caring for us. It’s just that… it’s getting scary how you don’t allow us to get close to our friends anymore. It’s getting a bit too…extreme. You can’t just keep killing anyone that tries to hurt us.”
* He was shocked that his wife and daughter are getting scared of him. He didn’t want it to be this way, “you’re scared of me? Mmm…But they’re going to hurt you so I had to kill them.” “You didn’t have to kill them Francis! I know they’re not innocent but you’re taking this a step too far. They have lives too you know.” “Mmm…so that’s not the right way to show my love for you then? Are you mad at me?”
* Nacha sighs, “No. I’m not mad. I just don’t want you hurting people anymore.” “But those scumbags will keep hurting you if I don’t do something about it! What if someone tries to kill you and Ana? I don’t want that happening!”
* Nacha knew Francis has a point but that doesn’t mean she totally agrees with him murdering people, “then please do it for me and Ana’s sake. Please don’t hurt anyone anymore. Ana doesn’t like it when you read her diary. You can’t just sneak into her room like that. She doesn’t feel like she can trust you anymore.”
* Francis couldn’t understand why his own methods are harming his own family. It took a while for him to think and reflect upon it. He can’t promise Nacha he won’t kill again but he’ll stop himself from killing anyone that comes within his family’s range for Nacha and Anastacha’s sake.
* “I’m sorry I caused you both so much distress. I was scared that someone will hurt you. Will you ever forgive me?” “Of course Francis. Just promise me you won’t hurt anyone again.” “I’ll try. Do you still love me?” “Yes dear.”
* It takes a lot of communication and words of affirmation to get Francis to change his ways. His yandere tendencies are still there and he still gets paranoid about something bad happening to his family but he allows them to have a bit more freedom now. If a doppelgänger comes or if someone tries to harass/kill his wife and daughter, that’s when Francis would kill again to protect them.
* Francis still keeps a watchful eye on Anastacha’s friends but he stops himself from reading her diary again to respect her privacy. And as jealous as he gets, he allows Nacha to see the other neighbours and her friends unless they do something awful to her. He tries to be more patient and accept that his wife and daughter have a life outside of him. He’s still jealous but trying.
* He also knew he needs to get help for his mental illness so he won’t hurt his wife and daughter anymore with his problems. With Angus’s help, he got a prescription for anti depressants and anti psychotics. His symptoms are still there but they’re reduced. He gained a healthy amount of weight and is doing a bit better, mental health wise.
* While Francis still makes mistakes and he still has a long way to go, he genuinely loves his family and will do anything for them. Soon, things can go back to normal as it should have.
Sorry if this is all janky I wrote that when I’m sleepy.
~ SK Francis anon 🔪
I was smiling right up until the Bad Ending part/lh
I really like how you write what SK!Francis would be like in the Good Ending Route and how he tries to be a good partner/father despite everything he'd been through. Its very, idk if this is the right word but it feels strangely realistic? I especially love the part where he tried to copy what HIS mom did to show affection because thats the only form of affection he got before this.
Now on to the Bad Ending:
I really like how you write the story because it really does feel like an actual horror/thriller. Its genuinely sad to see him repeating the cycle of abuse when he doesn't want that to happen but unable to stop it because he doesn't know what a healthy relationship looks like
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thescarletkiller · 8 months ago
*This brought a soft, genuine smile of happiness on SK Francis’s face when he sees Nacha enjoy the food he cooked for her. It was just as sweet as regular Francis’s smile when he’s happy. For a moment, it was easy to forget that SK Francis was some deranged lunatic who kidnapped her*
Mmm…I’m so glad you liked it. Seeing you enjoy it makes me so happy. I just love seeing you happy, my love.
*He kisses her on the cheek. He was more affectionate and clingy than regular Francis was. Sure regular Francis does have a hard time expressing his feelings sometimes but he eventually knows how to show his love for Nacha and reciprocates it for her. SK Francis is much more touch starved and needy.*
*He didn’t know what to expect when he stepped on the other side of the portal. It was so surreal. It was like seeing something too new. His eyes wandered to a woman with a familiar face, with curly brown hair, pretty blue and green eyes and freckles. It was her! His beloved!*
I never thought I’d see her again…I found her…I finally found her! She’s alive and well! Haha…
*His first instinct was to approach the woman*
*Nacha heard footsteps approaching her, instinctively turning around to see.. Francis!*
“ Hey! Back already? “
*She raised a brow, unaware that the one she was talking to wasn’t ‘her’ Francis..*
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