thewhizzyhead · 1 year
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mushroominaforest · 2 months
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The whole squad is in the colony tree! This is sort of a poster for the au, but I also just wanted to draw all the siblings.
Monk and Survivor are just chilling
Hunter and Arti are fighting
And Inv is trying to comfort Saint who is panicking
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ao-xingyume1987 · 11 days
(Huling) sayaw sa ilalim ng kalawakan
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sailormoonsub · 1 year
Oh fuck oh shit it's almost time for Sailor Moon Cosmos
I am going on vacation next week, but please be prepared for the Return of SMS when I get back
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abacistat · 20 days
wait im bored send me stuff in my ask box to draw i’ll try to get through some of them today and tomorrow. a drawing request if you will
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jovianaquarium · 4 months
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semi-regular 'i am thinking about mutual hello mutual' ask. hello mutual!!!
omg hihihiii mutual!! thinking abt u as well <33
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^shitty mspaint cat drawn with mouse bc i just got home for the summer and havent unpacked my tablet yet
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b33py · 6 months
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
more alien au? why not. now featuring: tim pov
Tim's first memory -his first real memory- is of waking up in a darkly lit room. Exposed wires hang down from missing gaps in the ceiling tiles, sparks lighting every few seconds. His parents are both peering at him, stratosphere blue eyes that match his own unblinking in the dark.
Tim's first memory -the fake ones, the ones his parents made- is of playing catch in a green field with his Dad. The sky is an endless blue spotted with fluffy white clouds, trees line the horizon but never seem to get closer no matter where Tim runs. His mother sits on a picnic blanket, a light coloured sundress pooling around her legs while she reads a book.
They are a family.
Tim knows the memories are not real, they are but wishes of two autons who wanted something more. Something unheard of for artificial life.
Tim knows the history, all of it downloaded neatly into his head because even if his parents wanted a family they also know it's too dangerous to let Tim truly believe the fake memories in his head.
He's not made to serve humans, they tell him. He's not meant to connect to networks, as a matter of fact his parents removed the capability entirely once they deemed it unnecessary.
They are a normal, human family.
Until they're not.
Bruce Wayne is grieving.
Tim is too, though for different reasons.
Tim's parents are gone. His parents are gone and Tim doesn't know what to do. What purpose he's meant to serve.
Bruce Wayne is grieving a son.
And Tim sees. He sees the place he could fill. The same one he filled for his parents except-
Bruce's son is gone because of a synthetic.
And yet, Bruce doesn't throw him away or turn him over to the authorities. So Tim throws himself into running the ships systems, navigation and comms. He may not be able to interface with the ship but that did not mean he was stupid or that he wasn't adaptable.
His parents wanted him to be as human as possible so the human way it is.
"Do you want me to leave?" Tim asks quietly. He knows the history, he knows it all because he looked. Unsatisfied with Bruce's answer, with not knowing the whole picture. Tim knows and he knows Jason will never be okay with a synthetic on the ship.
Curiosity killed the auton, after all.
"Why should you leave?" Bruce asks, sounding genuinely baffled and if Tim didn't know better he would probably even believe it.
They don't talk about it. About Tim not being human. They almost never do, the unspoken secret constantly hanging over Tim like a ghost.
"Because Jason," he starts but thoughts clog up his processes. Your son, is what he wants to say. The one that's flesh and blood. That you thought was dead because of something like me. Because what if I turn out the exact same way.
"Tim," Bruce says, reaching across the table to lightly touch his wrist, "you're nothing like him."
They still don't talk about it.
Jason, long lost in cryosleep for nearly six years, rejoins the crew of The Dark Knight.
Tim doesn't understand why Bruce is protecting him. Jason clearly already knows, he won't stop glaring at Tim whenever they're in a room together.
He doesn't know what Bruce told Jason about Tim but it must not have been enough.
Either way, Tim's getting tired of having holes stared into the back of his head whenever he's trying to work.
"If you're going to do something to me, just do it," he snaps, spinning around in his chair so he can face Jason properly.
"What?" Jason asks, startled and incredulous.
"Get it over with since you clearly don't want me here." Tim waves a hand around lazily.
Jason continues staring, expression shifting slowly from surprise to vague horror.
"I'm not- I'm not going to hurt you."
Tim blinks. "You're not?"
"No! I wouldn't hurt another person."
Oh. So he doesn't know. Interesting.
"I haven't... really been fair to you, though," Jason continues, "I guess I was jealous."
Jealous? Of Tim?
The idea is so incompatible with Tim's experience that he can't help the laughter that starts to bubble over, logic errors popping up behind his eyes as he tries to understand.
"Hey! That's not funny!" Jason's face is rapidly turning red.
"It's a little funny," Tim says.
Jason pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and swivelling to the side in his chair.
But he doesn't leave and he doesn't go back to glaring at Tim either.
Tim doesn't know the full extent of his own programming, doesn't have a full understanding of how his internal processes work. He thought he was happy with his parents and then working for Bruce until Jason came back and now...
Tim's fairly sure he's never actually laughed before.
"You've seriously never played a video game before?"
Jason is staring at him incredulously, like he expects Tim to exclaim, "got ya!" at any given moment.
"Nope. No time." Between playing the perfect human son for his parents and then throwing himself into as much work as possible to take pressure off of his grieving rescuer, Tim's only experience with downtime activities are the false memories of catch planted in his head.
"What a sad life you've lived," Jason muses as he reaches over to turn on the ancient console hooked up to the box TV. It's a joke but Tim can't help but agree. "Okay, this is Battle Bouncers. It's a shooter where the objective is to take over as much of the other's territory, okay? You press A to shoot and you can switch weapons by..."
After two slightly rocky practice rounds Tim starts to understand the mechanics of the game better and starts easily annihilating Jason in every match.
"How are you so good at this?" Jason howls, throwing his controller in his lap as Tim deftly kills his character again.
Tim shrugs. It's all just math and quick thinking really, two things Tim knows he excels at. Instead of that, though, he says, "beginner's luck?"
"More like witchcraft," Jason snorts dismissively. Tim has an apology on the tip of his tongue for ruining Jason's time but Jason turns his head and grins at him, knocking their shoulders together playfully. "Okay, enough of that. I've got some co-op games we could play."
Tim finds himself forgetting.
With Jason around it's all too easy.
And then reality hits the side of the ship in the form of a stray asteroid.
Tim is trying. Really, he is. Trying to keep his thoughts under control, trying to keep his distance when all he wants to do is sit at Jason's side. It's just like before, when Jason first rejoined the crew, with Jason glaring openly at him.
It's fine.
The only thing that matters now is Jason's survival. It doesn't matter that he hates Tim, as long as he's alive.
Tim can deal with that.
Tim will heal. Well, his body will repair itself, eventually.
It hurts. He's never taken an injury quite this severe and his processors keep returning errors centred around the wound but it's nothing he can't recover from. He'd much rather save their limited first aid supplies from the escape pod in case Jason needs them but the moment they find small cavern and light a fight, Jason is unrolling a nanowrap.
"You don't have to do that," he says, staring deep into the orange light of the fire. It feels hard to talk with so much of his energy going towards trying to process his wound. "It'll repair itself eventually."
Jason snorts, completely ignoring Tim's slight flinch to press the bandage to the wound. "And you didn't have to push me out of the way."
"You would've died. I couldn't let that happen." He's trying his best to emphasize the importance there but instead he just sounds tired. He feels tired. The sun won't be up again for another six hours at least for Tim to start a charging cycle.
Jason removes his hands from Tim's side, leaning back on the balls of his feet. His voice seems small under the false bravado when he asks, "because B told you to protect me?"
While Tim is sure Bruce would want that, he didn't have to be told. Bruce never needed to ask.
"No. Because I wanted to."
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im-still-a-robot · 9 months
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This is why god hates him. No other reason.
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honorhearted · 1 year
"take your bloody hands off of me!" from claire
The air was thick with smoke from musket-fire, and shouts arose from varying vantage points as Ben remained hunkered low behind a tree. He and his men had been out on a reconnaissance mission – it was supposed to be quick and open-and-shut – yet despite assurances of otherwise, they’d been thwarted by a small group of loyalists.
Aiming his flintlock as silently as he could, Ben glanced around the tree in his cramped position, his vision momentarily blinded by sweat as he searched through the woods. His cheek stung from a shallow cut he’d received from a low-hanging branch, and with a grimace, he paused to wipe his sleeve across the wound. Blood and perspiration smeared across his white cuff and further dirtied up his uniform.
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Fresh musket-shot zipped through the air and Ben dove to the side before running in a zigzag. Not pausing to look over his shoulder, he wove in between various trees and tore through the underbrush, all the while searching for the perfect place to take cover. Nearly losing his balance across the forest floor, he righted himself again and stumbled onward, but not before slamming headlong into a figure…something petite and warm.
Cursing, Ben managed to keep his flintlock from discharging as he landed harshly onto the stranger. He was suddenly peering directly into two wide eyes, and his breath caught once he realized he’d fallen over stop of…a woman? What in God’s name…?
Scanning the stranger from head to toe, he balked in mortification once he realized this woman was indecent – her odd-looking shift ended well above the knee, and her stockings, though a decent enough cover, were a peculiar color and fabric. Good God, who would have been cruel enough to steal this woman’s skirts? And why?
"Take your bloody hands off of me!"
Oh. Well, that had certainly been sobering...
Amidst trying to keep himself from being overheard by the enemy, let alone targeted, he now had to deal with a screeching, hysterical woman on top of it all. Had he been any less shocked, he might have slapped the sense into her -- he'd seen the camp physicians do this more than once -- but he remained stock-still and frozen before stammering, "I...I-I...m-madam, I am only trying to help...please! You must keep your voice down!"
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yoshistory · 7 months
olive just tried getting up and almost fell right over and instead backed up a LOT and cowered with her tail tucked and reluctantly layed back down again. petting her back now makes her flinch bad and gently try and kick me away from her. but laying down and gently petting her head still makes her purr a lot. im worried the purrs are from being in pain ... she can still eat and eats heartily .. but cant seem to get up r/n
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baylardian-1 · 8 months
Hey I just want to say I love your threshold Janeway design!! Do you mind if other people draw this design/their own threshold Janeway redesign? /gen
Aw ty! :)
I guess I don’t mind fanart but ummmmm that’s always a real thin line to tread for me with redesigns. I won’t do anything or say anything but ummmmm I know I do get a little miffed over idea borrowing/reworking. 😞 And credit lol. But like, I don’t own Threshold and the idea’s been done even before we did it, it’s just easy to see influences.
i cant really stop people from making their content. i just know as a content creator its a lot cooler (imo) to see people take “other routes” with these characters that are potentially inspired by my own work but dissimilar enough for an idea to not feel like my own needed revision to fit a mold or whatever.
i know threshold’s pretty standalone as a concept for voyager, but there are other scenarios where you could instill permanence (if its the transformation thats appealing) or unwanted children (if that) and still get the same kinds of scenarios out of it.
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taruruchi · 1 year
HI TARU i'm on my way home from the aquarium and i am very tired (help there were. so many kids) but!! jellyfish!!
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OWMSKXKXMSONSKD????? THE JELLYFISH ARE SO PRETTYHRHFBFJFNSK AND THERE ARE SO MANY!!!! I ADORE the third and fourth ones especially because they look SO GLITTERY. Look at all of them just floating around, vibing and looking pretty :(( I wanna be them so bad
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timiidity · 1 year
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I just made this blog and it got fucking shadow banned 😭
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httpiastri · 1 year
the "reliable sources" talking about ats 2024 line-up are my enemies
oh tell me about it, they’re out here ruining my day 😐 it frustrates me so much, i don’t rlly wanna think about it tbh lmao
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the-finch-address · 1 year
hi. *hug*
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hi sleepy hiiiii
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