#hopefully thats honest enough haha usually people dont ask me they just do it!
baylardian-1 · 8 months
Hey I just want to say I love your threshold Janeway design!! Do you mind if other people draw this design/their own threshold Janeway redesign? /gen
Aw ty! :)
I guess I don’t mind fanart but ummmmm that’s always a real thin line to tread for me with redesigns. I won’t do anything or say anything but ummmmm I know I do get a little miffed over idea borrowing/reworking. 😞 And credit lol. But like, I don’t own Threshold and the idea’s been done even before we did it, it’s just easy to see influences.
i cant really stop people from making their content. i just know as a content creator its a lot cooler (imo) to see people take “other routes” with these characters that are potentially inspired by my own work but dissimilar enough for an idea to not feel like my own needed revision to fit a mold or whatever.
i know threshold’s pretty standalone as a concept for voyager, but there are other scenarios where you could instill permanence (if its the transformation thats appealing) or unwanted children (if that) and still get the same kinds of scenarios out of it.
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*some people might be disappointed because of the title, haha. its not what you think haha. 
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Summary: Reader works for the FBI (BAU lol) and Tom finds out about it and gets in a heated argument and it works out in the end.
A/N: Ok so this has to be me watching way too much criminal minds and wanting crossovers. I am also aware the working there is not what I wrote in here, but I wanted reader to be proud of what she does even if there are risks involved soo yeah. enough about me, hope you enjoy!
Your work was something that was a secret to most of your friends, not that you really had any. No one really knew you worked for the fbi, but that's because you didn't want anyone you love to get hurt. Finding love was hard because you couldn't say what you did for a living. I mean you could but it would be funny to tell someone, “yeah i catch serial killers most of the time how about you?” I mean you would pretty much scare them off.
Throughout the time though, you found that if you say you're a nurse they would believe you and would usually explain why you work all day and night, but when they somehow go to that hospital you said you worked at they suspect you as a liar, you know tricking men that you worked in a hospital to appear “cool ” as they would say. But if only they knew your real occupation. You did get a medical degree, but in a different area, and told your mom you graduated early, but in reality, you were taken into college for your brains, and you took classes in many areas of subjects for your career, and you graduated early, but left with some college debt, which you later paid. Later getting into the academy and being one of the youngest agents in the fbi.
Lucky later the universe was nice to you and brought you someone special. Tom. You met Tom when you were getting coffee on your one day off of the year. Tom noticed how lovely you were, I mean you were just reading a book, but to him you made reading look fun.
He walked up to you and you got to no one another and later on went on a couple dates. You really liked him and you didn't want your little lie to ruin everything, but he had told you he was an actor so it worked well for you, but you felt guilty lying to him. You knew lying to him was terrible, but you really liked him, and if you had to lie to keep him safe, it was worth it.
You were on a case where Tom happened to be shooting a movie. You were talking to some people in the industry business because the case was kinda smuggled in with it. You knew the chances of seeing him were low.
“So is there anyone that could seem, out of line, you know, getting too comfortable with the ladies or even the guys?” you asked the director.
“None that i know of..well actually there is one actress who complained about someone being too comfortable with her, let me get her.” he said as you nodded and called your boss.
“Looks like i got someone, not sure, but i'll let you know what happens.” you say as he agreed and you couldn't believe your eyes. The zendaya was standing right in front of you. You were so shocked. Sometimes this job has its perks.
“Zendaya, this is an fbi agent, agent this is the actress i told you about.” he said you shook hands.
“Hi nice to meet you, I'm agent y/n, i have a few questions if that's okay.” you said as she nodded. You were led to the lunch room where it was lonely so it was easy to talk.
“I'm sorry we have to meet under these circumstances” you said as she smiled.
“Yeah no worries, i'm just glad there is a way i can help.” she said as you opened the file.
“So this guy who was he?” you said as she tried remembering.
“Well he said he was my character's designer, you know making outfits and even making clothes and small things for the characters.” she said as you nodded.
“Okay, did he give you any gifts? Like jewelry, or even a prop that you weren't allowed to keep.” you asked as she slowly nodded.
“Now that you bring it up he has, he gave me this prop thats a hammer type of thing thats supposed to be from the middle ages.” she said as you nodded.
“Alright did you happen to catch his name.” you said as she nodded giving you a name. You thank her for helping you and luckily got a chance to talk.
“So what's it like being in the fbi? Is it anything like the movies?” she asked as you laughed.
“I mean not really, it's more paperwork than actual field work, but i guess this case is giving me more field work.” you said as you both chuckled.
“So what movie or show are you filming here? I mean if you can tell me.” you said as she nodded.
“It's the new spider man movie, have you heard of it?” she said as your eyes went wide. There was no way you were here. Tom could've seen you.
“Really? I uh, yeah I have, I might see it.” you said as you jumped over your words as she nodded and was called by what you assumed was her assistant.
“Well I have to go, good luck finding this creep,” she said as you nodded.
“Oh wait, here's my card, if anything happens, or if you remember anything.” you said as you handed it over and she nodded.
You then sighed and turned around to only see tTom. You were just staring for about a good minute and you turned around trying to leave the set. He followed you seeing why exactly you were here.  You were trying to get away but he got to you.
“y/n! What are you doing here, love? Did you come visit me?” he asked as you just stumbled on your words.
“I uh, i h-” you said as the director cut you off.
“Agent y/n! Did you end up talking to zendaya?” he asked as you nodded.
“Agent?” Tom said as the director caught up to them as you looked at his emotions change.
“Yeah i did, i should have everything, but please if there is anything you remember or even see these past few days please call me or my team?” you said as he nodded as you gave him a card and Tom just looked at you in confusion.
“Oh gosh I'm so sorry, I should introduce you to our spider man before you go. Tom this is agent y/n, she's working with the FBI on a case here, agent this is tom, you probably know him.” he said as you shook hands with him, you knew he was confused and possibly angry.
“I probably have, I hope your filming goes smoothly. I really should get going.” you said as they both nodded. You left knowing there was gonna be a fight at home.
A week later the case was closed and the creep was taken. You were just glad to go home and sleep, but you knew that wasn't the case. You then got a call, you answered and it was zendaya.
“Agent y/n? Hi this is zendaya. I heard you got the guy.” she said as you sighed.
“Yeah we did and it’s a couple more creeps, they are gonna go away for a long time.” you said as she chuckled.
“Hey I was wondering, if you wanted to go to the premier of the movie? I figured we can say thank you that way, and hopefully become friends?” you said as you knew what this could lead to, but heck one friend couldn't hurt.
“I mean that is if you're allowed to.” she said as you chuckled.
“Yeah i should be, but let me get you back on that to make sure I can go.” you said as you said goodbye.
On the plane ride home, you knew Tom would be waiting for you back home in the living room. As you got there you noticed the light was on. You walked in as expected seeing Tom in the living room. You put your bag down and kicked off your shoes. You walked over to Tom as he was sitting down. You sat across from him as he faced the ground.
“We need to talk.” he said as you gulped.
“Yeah i know.” you said as he looked at you.
“When were you gonna tell me?” he said as you looked down.
“I couldn't.” was all you said as he scoffed.
“You couldn't or you wouldn't tell me? How long were we gonna get away with working as a nurse?” he said as you understood his anger.
“y/n i have been nothing but honest, but you have been lying to me for 2 years! After I told you about my job, you never considered telling me yours!” he said as you looked at the ground.
“I really can't believe you would think you would get away with this! And it's clear to me that you didn't care! You didn't bother telling me.” he said as you looked at him.
“y/n please say something you not saying anything is clear to me that you were never in this relationship. What else have you been lying to me about?” he asked as you cleared your throat.
“I couldn't tell you because my job is dangerous,” you said as he scoffed.
“Please y/n, as if i don't know that. What if you died? Huh what were you gonna tell me then!” he said as you waited for him to calm down.
“Tom I didn't tell you because I didn't want you later being in danger because of me. I was trying to protect you.” you said as cliche as it sounded.
“You don't need to protect me love, you need to be honest with me.” he said as you looked up at him.
“Okay you want me to be honest, then here it is. I'm sorry I don't want to be the reason you die! I'm sorry I don't want to be the reason that your parents will hate me someday because I put your lives in danger. I'm scared that one day I will find you dead on the floor. I'm scared to find your family dead on the floor. If you haven't noticed i dont have any contact with family or friends because I don't want to risk their safety. That is why I lied to you and i'm sorry for yelling.” you said as you looked at him and saw him regret and you tried calming yourself down.
“And I was gonna tell you on my own time and no i didn't think i was gonna get away with this because i knew this exact conversation was gonna happen. And me dying was the last thought I had because I knew you and your family would be out of danger.” you said.
There was a long pause of just silence. Tom was upset, sure, but he never got to understand why you couldn't tell him. He knew your reasons but he wanted to know why.
“I-i am sorry, i'm really sorry i overreacted.” he said as he looked down to the ground and you just half smiled and sat next to him.
“Bubs, it's okay, you didn't know and you found out in a bad way so this is on me.” you said as he shook his head.
“No, it's me too, I'm the one who didn't understand, I should be forgiving you instead of you forgiving me.” he said as you shook your head.
“It's alright really, now you know, and you're gonna know everything I do from now on.” you said as he nodded.
Every couple has their ups and downs, and the downs get you to the ups, and this was one of them.
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