#n'doul x reader
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admrlthundrbolt · 1 year ago
Stranger Things
Straight Through The Heart (Eddie Munson x Chubby Reader)
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Okuyasu x Chubby Reader)
One Way Or Another (Selkie N'Doul x Chubby Reader
Voices In My Head (Secco x Chubby Reader)
How Did You Love (Polnareff x Chubby Reader)
Heal The Pain (Dragon Wamuu x Chubby Reader)
Black Magic Woman (Werewolf Santana x Chubby Reader)
Evil Walks (Poltergeist Esidisi x Chubby Reader)
Just What I Needed (Gorgon Kars x Chubby Reader)
Believer (Gargoyle Risotto x Chubby Reader)
Out Of My Mind (Giorno x Chubby Reader x Mista)
Resident Alien
Warm Heart Pastry (Harry x Chubby Reader)
One-Punch Man
Love is a Battlefield (Garou x Chubby Reader)
Holding Out For A Hero (Mumen Rider x Chubby Reader)
Elevate (King x Chubby Reader)
Bullet Train
Apple Blossom (Lemon x Chubby Reader x Tangerine)
Stayin' Alive (Ladybug x Chubby Reader
Resident Evil
Your Love Could Start a War (Lady Dimitrescu x Cubby Reader)
New Future Weapon (Mutant Wesker x Chubby Reader)
Dance Macabre (Bruno x Chubby Reader)
Harley Quinn
Have Faith In Me (Bane x Chubby Reader)
You Dropped A Bomb On Me (Junkrat x Chubby Reader)
The Road to El Dorado
I Put A Spell On You (Tzekel-Kan x Chubby Reader)
Camp Camp
Perfect World (David x Cubby Reader)
Ashes (Norman Osborn x Chubby Reader)
Emperor's New Clothes (Doc Ock x Chubby Reader)
Wait A Minute My Girl (Jayne x Chubby Reader)
You Spin Me Round (Billy x Chubby Reader x Stu)
Sweet Tooth (Iruka x Chubby Reader)
Leather and Lace (Killer Croc x Chubby Reader)
Friday the 13th
Die To Live (Jason Vorhees x Chubby Reader)
Hunter X Hunter
Do It All The Time (Hisoka x Chubby Reader x Illumi)
Drag Me Down(Minotaur Uvogin x Chubby Reader)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Edge Of Midnight (Nebula x Chubby Reader)
What We Do in the Shadows
Under The Graveyard (Petyr x Chubby Reader)
Alone Together (Nandor the Relentless x Chubby Reader)
Inglorious Bastards
Some Nights (Hugo Stiglitz x Chubby Reader)
Popular Monster (Demon Michael Myers x Chubby Reader)
Electric Love (Guzma x Chubby Reader)
Reckless Paradise (Silco x Chubby Reader)
Still Not Dead (Sevika x Chubby Reader)
One Of Those Days (Sarah Conner x Chubby Reader)
Mad Max
Radioactive (Furiosa x Chubby Reader)
Mario Bros
Love From The Other Side (Bowser x Chubby Reader)
Jeepers Creepers
Centuries (Jeepers Creepers x Chubby Reader)
Tongue Tied (Luke x Chubby Reader)
Run Run Run (Eddie x Chubby Reader x Venom)
Stardew Valley
Therapy (Harvey x Chubby Reader)
Blue Eye Samurai
Prisoner (Mizu x Chubby Reader)
Red One
Danger To Myself (Krampus x Chubby Easter Bunny Reader)
Black Clover
Somebody Told Me (Magna x Chubby Reader x Luck)
Take Me Out (Claptrap x Chubby Reader)
The Mummy
Mirage (Jackal Imhotep x Chubby Reader)
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bagelbright-tok · 7 months ago
Stayin' Alive
Used 'Too many beds,' from the "reverse tropes," as a prompt for this fic.
After the events of N'Doul, you stay with Kakyoin at the hospital, waiting for the rest of the group to come. While being led to the room Kakyoin would be staying in, instead of an empty room, you see... mattresses? Watch out! An enemy appears with a power able to rival your own!
JJBA x fem!reader, TW: Swearing, mentions of death, a dead body, mentions of blood, fighting
Word Count: 2,156
'Text' = thoughts, "Text" = music
No Time To Talk
You knew you should have denied when this teen and his grandpa began raving about a hundred year old vampire who was killing the teen's mom spiritually. Of course, with the context of Stands, you were more willing to believe them; Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammed Abdul, and Jean-Pierre Polnareff.
You were in the same boat as Kakyoin-- no commitment other than to Jotaro's mom, a stranger. While you knew the trip would be life threatening-- you weren't expecting a grave example.
The Emperor and Hanged Man. At first, you played your part. Minded your own business, even managed to tune out Polnareff's and Abdul's argument. You'd barely met them; you didn't want anything to do with their drama.
The whole day became one moment. You, Mr. Joestar, and Kujo stared down at Abdul's dead body. You couldn't help but feel a rattling terror and chill. You'd just met this man in Singapore, and now he was dead. Kakyoin and Polnareff were nowhere in sight.
"What--? What do we do?" You shutter.
No one said anything. Not a noise slipped out.
That day was a while ago. You still think of it-- or, well, it haunts you. Your encounter with N'Doul was arguably also terrifying. Another Stand reliant on sound? Not to mention the useless dog the team acquired. Your headphones were destroyed in that battle-- truly the biggest lost to you.
It did save you, though, temporarily.
All of this runs through your head before a doctor approaches. "Miss [L/N]?" You look up. "We are placing Mr. Kakyoin in his room. Please follow me,"
You stand and follow the moving MD. Your mind is still in a static. "Is he okay?"
"Yes, the main damage was fortunately done to his eyelids rather than his eyeballs." The doctor stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Still, there was some damage, and his eyes need to heal."
"Hey, I'm a big fan of it not being as bad as it could have been," you exhale. "How long will it take?"
You begin to see two nurses rolling a bed towards you and the doctor. It seems you are meeting Kakyoin at his room. "We estimate around two weeks,"
"Shit, two?" You look to the doctor. "That's a long time."
"Optimal for healing,"
The doctor stopped with the bed next to the door. As the doctor opened it, the bed was reoriented to fit through the door. You entered.
"What the fuck?" Bed upon beds upon beds. The room is littered with them. "Is this a storage room or what?"
"Ehm..." The doctor is also looking around the room, confused. "N-no! This is.. this is supposed to be Mr. Kakyoin's room! The key is only for this room,"
You snatch the key. "Let me see that!" You turn and compare the number on the key to the one on the door. "Doc, someone's gotta be fuckin' with you! Why are there so many goddamm beds!?" You throw the key back at the man, growing more frustrated.
"To use against you, [Y/N]~!" A voice echoed from within the beds.
You shoot your head around. "Seriously?" you groan. "Can we not get a day off?" The static was ringing now.
"Your Stand is formidable, I hear," the voice coo'd. "I was beyond elated to have been assigned to handle you and Noriaki!" The doctor was yelling in fear, backing out of the "bed" room.
"Yeah? I can tell by the way you talk, you're overcompensating," You scoff at them. "Why don't you show yourself and see how 'formidable' my Stand is!" You point at the beds, challenging the user.
"Oh, please, as much as I would love to, I also enjoy living." The voice laughed, the source being thrown around the room. "First, the battlegrounds should be in my favour!"
A loud thwap echoed around the room as each and every mattress slapped themselves against the walls of the room. One even managing to slam the door behind you. You look around, now spotting the source of the comments and mattresses.
"Cushioning the walls?" You fold your arms. "I'm guessing so when I beat you, you won't hit them so hard?"
"Don't you hear the difference already, [Y/N]?" They tapped on their ears. "I've made the room sound-proof. The noise we make doesn't bounce back, or echo-- and no noise can get in." They smiled widely.
Your eyes widened. "S-so what?" You stutter, pointing a sharp finger at them.
"So what?" They laughed loudly. "Your Stand, Ace's Wand, is entirely reliant on noises and your feelings. I also know, you don't do well without your music, so-!" They spread their arms out defiantly. "-I have made you your own personal Hell!"
"Shit," you mutter. "So what's your power? Mattress making and manipulation?"
"My Stand is Knave! It's a bit more intricate than that," they explained. "I can create objects from nothing and manipulate them as I please. Mattresses were simply the most inconspicuous object for me to make and plaster."
"Inconspicuous?" You doubted
"It got you in here, didn't it?"
"Enough talk!" The Knave's wielder yelled, a sparkling object beginning to form in their hand. They launched it towards you before it was fully created.
You gasp, rolling out of the way of the brick hurdling towards you. "Ha!" You taunt, perhaps too early. "ACK--!" A strong heavy force smashes into the back of your head. The brick finally crumbled and seemingly vanished.
"Did you forget the part where I can manipulate what I create?" They snickered, another object beginning to form in their hand.
You groan from the ground, holding your bleeding head. Your vision hurts and blurs, but you're coherent enough to be pissed.
'With enough blows like that, I will forget!' You think to yourself. 'I have to try and use my Stand-- even if it'll be hard to control without music!'
You begin to stand, shakily. Another brick hurdles towards you-- this time you duck down. You summon your Ace's Wand-- partially. You hear the brick change trajectory towards you again. Waiting for the last second, you twist out of the way, allowing the brick to instead smash into the ground.
"Using your Ace to hear my moves, eh?" They hummed. "They may not do as much damage, but perhaps quieter objects will do!"
"Fuck you!" You sprint towards the enemy, almost tripping. You raise a confident fist and throw it towards them. You see them try to raise an arm in defense, but they're too slow.
Your knuckles collide into their face-- you can feel their skin wrap around your hand. With the combination of your Stand, the enemy is launched backward into a mattress.
You breathe heavily, wiping your bloody fist onto your pants. The enemy groans in pain. "I--I think--! I think I'll be better off, out of sight as well..."
You can only watch in horror as the enemy slowly melts into the mattress, becoming one with it. 'I need to get some fuckin' music in here, fast!' Your thoughts are all you're left with along with the eerie silence now encasing the room.
You take steps to look around the room, waiting for the next attack. 'Knave creating objects doesn't have a noise.' You spin at the disturbance of air behind you. 'Throwing them rips the air-- but that same sound could be Knave coming out of a mattress... they're too similar sounding!' A flat pane of glass is already too close to you and shatters into your face.
You scream, "AUUGGH--!" the shards digging in and causing you to stumble back. 'Shit! They know what they're doing! Sending things I would hear too late to dodge!' You hover your hands over your face, trying not to touch it.
A small ring alerts you again. You shift to left and watch as a long needle of glass flies by into the wall, shattering into the mattress and disappearing. 'T-too close!' You try to think of a plan while avoiding as many of the glass knives and needles as you can.
You don't avoid them all, though. One needle tears itself through your left shoulder-- another one through the same arm. A ceiling attack rockets a needle and it embeds itself nicely into your right foot, which gives Knave the opportunity to shoot knives straight into your legs. You wail in pain and lay on the ground as comfortably as you can. There was a lot of glass in a lot of your body.
You hear the laughing of the enemy. He reappears and stands above your bloodied form. "It's hard to believe that you, the great [Y/N] [L/N], managed to defeat Yellow Temperance," they stated sarcastically. "You were clearly just lucky."
You shake your head. "I'm-- I'm not lucky," you groaned. "Luck doesn't-- augh--! Luck doesn't win battles!" You smile widely, revealing your blood stained teeth.
The enemy stares down in disgust and horror. "What does that mean!?" Now they're on high alert, looking around the room. "You have your Stand summoned! Where is it!?"
You begin to laugh finally. A loud ringing causes the Knave wielder to look up. A gaping hole in one of the mattresses reveals an intercom. "What!?" They scream, reaching up quickly.
A noise begins to emit from it, though, and the moment it does, the enemy is slammed into the ground. "Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk / I'm a woman's man, no time to talk," Now you hover above the enemy, your Stand taking on a horrifying, yet controlled, appearance.
"You are right, my Stand does rely on music," you explain. "However, my Stand isn't a short-range. It can travel up to 100 metres."
"N-no way!" The enemy cried, your Stand beginning to crush them. "Y-you were using your Stand to dodge my attacks! You couldn't have-- have used it to put music on!"
"Wrong, and correct," you smile. "I wasn't using Ace to dodge, but if I were, I definitely wouldn't have been able to put music on."
"The New York Times' effect on man,"
You begin to bob to the music. "Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, / You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive!"
You turn around and walk away, tuning into the music as the enemy begins to scream in pain. The sounds of shredding and crunching are muted to you.
"Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive!"
The mattresses disappear as you arrive at the door. "Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive!" You open the door, the doctor and nurse standing next to Kakyoin's bed in fear.
When they look into the room, there is nothing but the dents and the splatters of blood on the floor. The Bee Gee's echo through the entire building.
"Hey, uh," you begin. "When you're done with Kakyoin, do you think you could take a look at me, doc?"
You remember the doctor nodding frantically, darkness, and then waking up in a hospital bed two metres away from Kakyoin's.
"Oh my god!" Joseph exclaimed at you. "I didn't think a Stand user would actually attack at a hospital! Those workers of DIO really are downright diabolical!"
"Kakyoin is the most vulnerable," Jean-Pierre pointed out. "It makes sense they would want to take advantage of that and try to get him while he's down."
"I'm more surprised they were able to clock my flaws so fast," you hum quietly.
"Oh." Jotaro noised as he rummaged around his pockets for a moment. "I found a store that sold these things. It looked like the one you had before."
Jotaro reveals a pair of headphones. You widen your eyes and snatch them giddily. "They're exactly like them!" You excitedly announce. "Thank you! God, it's been Hell without my music!"
You immediately pull out your Walkman, pop a tape in, connect the headphones, and play your music. You leave one headphone on while the other rests on your head so you can still hear the team.
"All the pairs of headphones we tried to get you as replacements," Joseph began his complaint, "And all you wanted were your old ones!? I paid a lot of money to get those brand new, top-quality ones the other day!"
"I like my old ones," you shrug. "I don't like how the new ones feel on my head or ears."
You put the headphones on completely, now unable to hear Joseph and his frustrated and annoyed rant about your pickiness. You bob your head to the music and even close your eyes so as to avoid his angry hand signs.
"Music loud and women warm / I've been kicked around since I was born / And now it's all right, it's okay,"
"And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive / Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive!"
It's been like, two? Years? Damn. Anyways, this is a continuation of my fic, Take Me to Funkytown! It has been a while since I have written for JJBA, and I am still not very good at writing fight scenes, so I hope you lot are able to enjoy this! Shout out to @cheesencrackersinprison for commenting on my Funkytown fic. It was actually the greatest motivation for me to write this.
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thornybubbles · 2 years ago
Blind Love, Blind Obsession (Yandere N'Doul x Reader)
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Another Picker Wheel prompt story. 
Yandere: N’Doul 
Prompt: “Yandere and their darling are good friends until Darling accidentally finds something in their room that reveals what the yandere's intentions really are.”
**Note: I was working on the Jealous Yandere Doppio/Diavolo story but I’m struggling with it. I’m not sure, but I may end up rewriting it all together. I’m taking a break from it for now. So here’s a little something to tide you over until I finish it. I took some liberties with N’Doul’s character in this story. Not much is revealed to us about him (at least not in the anime, I haven’t gotten that far in the manga just yet), so I just got creative with him in this. Hopefully it’s not to the point that he’s out of character. I also didn’t realize it until I was already finished with the story that N’Doul went the whole way without ever once using his Stand. Sorry, Geb. Maybe next time.**
N’Doul had developed a strange friendship with you ever since you’d come to Cairo to study Egyptian Mythology. You ran into each other by chance and found that the mysterious blind man knew quite a lot about the subject. You would even go so far as to say that he was almost an expert. From there, you had developed a fondness for him. As for N’Doul himself, well, he never expected to make any kind of friendship with anyone. 
His duty to Lord DIO had been his one and only concern for so long that the notion of friendship or any sort of attachment to anyone other than his master was a foreign concept. But as he held onto your sleeve as the two of you traveled from landmark to landmark, he felt an intense emotion beginning to swell up in his heart. He noticed that it was beginning to happen nearly every time he was in your presence. Your excited laugh, your kindness and consideration towards him, your occasionally brazen touches, it all nearly drove him insane. You had a strange habit of tapping against his earrings to get his attention instead of merely speaking to him. He knew you were only doing it out of playfulness, but… you had no idea what sensations such a simple act sent through him. The vibrations of your fingertips coupled with the warmth radiating from your hands nearly made him drunk with the ever growing affection for you.
But it wasn’t just affection anymore. He knew that what he felt for you had broadened well past what was normal. Even Lord DIO had become aware of it and commented on it. 
“If you’re going to make your move, N’Doul, you had better do so soon. In the meantime I don’t want your pining over this commoner to get in the way of your responsibilities to me.” the vampire warned him. 
“Of course not, my Lord. Nothing will deter me from serving you.” N’Doul was quick to assure him, dropping to one knee upon hearing the voice of his master. 
“See that it doesn’t.” DIO said with a derisive sniff. 
He was silent for a moment before adding, “However, it would be painfully cruel of me to deny one of my most loyal and competent followers the simple happiness of being with the one they love…” 
There was a sinister tone in DIO’s voice that made N’Doul uneasy. If his vision had been intact, he would be disturbed by the look of wicked mischief that painted his master’s expression. He could hear some rustling sounds as DIO moved about. After a moment, he could hear the sound of something being put into what he assumed was a glass container of some kind, followed by the sound of Lord DIO’s footsteps approaching him. 
“Hold out your hands, N’Doul. I have a gift for you.” 
N’Doul did as he was told while balancing his cane against his shoulder. He felt a jar being placed into his hands and was confused until he felt the vibrations of something moving in the jar. It squirmed and writhed in a worm-like fashion and when N’Doul realized just what his master had gifted him with, his lips formed into a menacing smile. 
“Thank you, Master! Thank you!” he said in jubilation. 
“Yes, yes. I am a giving and generous god to those that earn my favor. Now go and bring your little pet here to join us, N’Doul. Just be quick about it.” DIO said. 
N’Doul slipped the jar into a pocket inside of his cloak and quickly got to his feet. He left the mansion as quickly as he could, grinning like a madman the whole way. He passed by Vanilla Ice, who stood in the shadows of Lord DIO’s room, looking grim-faced as always. DIO didn’t miss the slight twitch of one of Vanilla’s eyes as he watched the blind man pass by. His second in command always got so very jealous whenever he would reward his other lackeys. Sometimes DIO would do it just to see Vanilla’s stony facade crack ever so slightly as he eyed the other minions with envy. Maybe if he allowed him to have a pet of his own, Vanilla Ice would learn to lighten up a little. 
When N’Doul arrived at the quaint desert house he’d bought on the outskirts of town, he was surprised to find you already there. You smiled at him as he approached in spite of the fact that he couldn’t see it. 
“Good timing! I was just about to leave.” you said. 
He could hear the smile in your voice, but he could also sense an underlying sorrow there. Something was amiss. 
“Were you?” he said as he felt his way to you. He stopped when he could sense your presence close to him. 
“I’m glad I came home when I did then.” 
He didn’t ask you what was wrong. He left the unasked question hanging in the air, hoping that you would tell him without being prodded. 
“I’ll be leaving the country soon. I’ll be going back home.” You said, not knowing a better way to put it. 
N’Doul’s heart felt like it had shattered like glass. He refused to let it show. He leaned against his cane to balance himself, feeling like he was going to fall over from the rush of emotions flowing through him. 
“Ah, I suppose that means your studies are coming to an end then.” he stated, his voice sounding lifeless. 
You nodded, realized he wouldn’t know that you did, and said, “Yeah…” 
“When will you be leaving?” N’Doul asked. 
“By the end of the week.” 
There was an awkward, gloomy silence between you before you added, “I just came to say goodbye, N’Doul, and to thank you.” 
“Thank me?” he said with a weak smile. “For what?” 
“For helping me out, showing me around, just being there for me,” you said. “I was just some dumb foreigner that bumped into you by accident one day and you could have ignored me and been on your way, but you shared your knowledge with me and went out of your way to make me feel welcome. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated it.” 
You wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace. Your sudden show of affection stunned him enough to cause him to drop his cane. He genuinely forgot to breathe for a moment. While his heart was soaring over the fact that you had your arms around him, he couldn’t ignore the despair he felt at the news that you were leaving. There was a very good chance that once you left Egypt, he would never see you again. He wrapped his arms around you, returning your hug. His embrace was far more possessive than he meant for it to be and he released you quickly. He felt his cane being placed back into his hand. You had taken it upon yourself to pick it back up for him.
“Thank you.” he said quietly. “Are you in a hurry to leave now? Do you have time to visit for a while?” 
You thought for a moment. 
“I supposed I could spare some time for a friend.” you said. 
N’Doul smiled, trying his best to keep the look of triumph off of his face. You let him hang onto your sleeve as the two of you went to the entrance of his house. He unlocked the door, letting you enter first, then going in and shutting the door behind him. He made sure to lock it back. 
“I will make some tea,” he announced. 
“Okay. Where can I wash up a bit?” you asked. 
He pointed with his cane down a short hallway. 
“First door on the right.” 
N’Doul walked into the kitchen, found the sink, and washed his hands. He had only just dried them off when he heard your footsteps going down the hallway. He stopped what he was doing immediately to listen. Why were you going in that direction? Your footsteps went past the wash room and stood in front of the door to his bedroom. He felt a shock of panic go through him as you entered the room. 
You couldn’t go in there! If you went in there you would see…
The panic in N’Doul’s heart vanished. At this point it didn’t really matter that you saw what was in there. He had already put his plan into place the moment you set foot into his home. He sighed. He supposed he was going to have to put things into action earlier than intended. 
You entered the room and quickly realized that it wasn’t the washroom. You must’ve misheard N’Doul’s directions. You started to leave when you spotted something on a table in the far end of the room that looked… wrong. You turned back to see that there were some burned out candles in the middle of the table and surrounding the candles were some very familiar items: a ring, a pen, a hair clip, and a nail file. They were yours. Every single item on the table were items that you thought you’d lost during your stay in Egypt. Why… why would N’Doul have them? And what were those strange marks encircling the items? Was that… blood?
The sound of the door shutting behind you caused you to scream and jump. You turned to see N’Doul standing there. His eyes were open for a change and you could see the white film over them. N’Doul’s expression was… not pleasant. 
“I distinctly remember telling you that the washroom was the first door on the right. You do know it’s extremely rude to wander a person’s home without their permission, don’t you?” 
His tone had a dangerous edge to it. 
“I-I made a mistake!” you said, defensively. “I misheard you… but N’Doul… why do you have these things? W-what is this?” 
“I was hoping you wouldn’t find that,” he said with a sigh. “But since you did, I suppose I could explain myself. It’s a charm. I know it’s silly, like something a superstitious child would do to get good luck or cause their crush to fall for them. Still, I had to try it.” 
He slowly began to approach you as you pressed yourself ever further into the room. His cane made threatening thumping noises with every step he took. 
“This particular charm was meant to keep a loved one from leaving.” 
You looked at him like he’d lost his mind, not caring that he couldn’t see your expression. 
“I knew that you would finish your studies eventually, I just wasn’t expecting it to be so soon. I suppose the charm worked in a way, though. Today, my Master gave me something that will solve all our problems.” 
You could feel a cold sweat beginning to form on the back of your neck. 
“N’Doul… what are you talking about? None of what you’re saying makes sense!” you said, nervously. 
“I’ll say it plainly then.” he said as he reached into his cloak to pull out a jar. 
You couldn’t quite make it out in the dim light of the room, but it looked like something living was squirming around in the jar. 
“You will not be leaving Egypt any time soon, my dear.” 
Your blood froze and you began to tremble. 
“N-N’Doul, I don’t understand what’s happening! Why are you saying these things? W-why are you acting like this? What the hell is in that jar!?” 
N’Doul began slowly, painstakingly unscrewing the lid of the jar. The thing inside it seemed to get excited at the prospect of being set free. You backed up until you ran into the table where the “charm” was set up. You looked back up at N’Doul who had a deceptively placid smile on his face. 
“Remember when we discussed mysticism, the origin of the tarot, and many other aspects of the supernatural that are embedded in Egypt’s history and mythology? What if I told you that there is a secret side to Egypt, no, to the world where the things that live in legend and myth are all very real and exist right alongside the modern dung heap that is human civilization? If you stay with me, I can show you all those things that mankind still thinks to be only make-believe! You will learn so much more than your paltry Universities could ever teach you! All that you have to do is agree to stay here with me and I’ll see to it that your every need is met. Just stay. Stay and unravel the mysteries that humanity has been too cowardly to seek out! You want that don’t you?” 
He was crazy. He was completely and utterly out of his mind! 
“I can’t stay with you N’Doul.” You said in a trembling voice. “I have to go home. People will miss me if I don’t.” 
N’Doul sighed. 
“I just wanted to give you a choice…” he said, and removed the lid from the jar. “...before I took away your ability to choose.” 
You screamed as what looked like a mass of tentacles leapt from the jar and right at your face. There was a brief moment of agony as whatever the thing was pierced through your skull and slithered into your brain. Flashes of a beautiful man with blonde hair and malevolent red eyes flooded your mind. A voice, calming yet commanding, spoke to you. 
“Follow N’Doul. Do as he says. N’Doul is your companion, your beloved, your soulmate, but do not forget that DIO is your Master.” 
You moaned and placed a hand over your forehead. Your head was killing you. 
N’Doul waited for you to do or say something to let him know that the flesh bud had done its job. After a moment of only hearing silence, he got impatient. 
“Dearest?” he called. “Are you alright?” 
You took your hand away from your head and faced your lover. 
“Just a sudden headache, that’s all… I forgot what I came in here for.” you said, laughing on the last part. 
N’Doul chuckled darkly. 
“I believe you said that you were going to wash up. I was going to make some tea, remember?” he said, not bothering to hide the wicked grin of triumph on his face. 
“Oh, that’s right!” You said in a bubbly tone. You bounced towards him, stopping to tap at one of his earrings and giggling as it swung like a clock pendulum. He blushed at the sensation and you giggled again.
“It’s late enough that we may as well start on dinner while we’re at it.” You said as you passed him to go out into the hall. 
He smiled at you fondly as you walked away from him. Once you were out of the room, he turned to look at the “charm” he’d set up. 
“Thank you, Lord DIO.” he whispered under his breath. 
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the-illiterate-pirate · 2 years ago
Hhh... First time (day 15) with N'doul, pls~? 👉👈
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Hiiii, another late fic, I'm sorry :(
This is like. Super out of character for N'Doul, but at the same time he's kind of soft, so it's a win? I don't think I paid too much attention on the prompt either but I'm just trying to survive through the rest of my drafts I'm so sorry
Day Fifteen: First Time
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It was another cold Egyptian night. You found yourself wide awake in bed, your back pressed against your husband's, barely sharing warmth underneath your frail blanket. You couldn't take it anymore. You were freezing, you needed something to unthaw the ice growing in your joints. Your husband was right there, but you were too scared to try anything.
There was the ever present feeling of heat in your loins. At some point you had fallen asleep, only to be so rudely introduced into a hot and heavy dream before waking up again with your panties ruined. You were really that much of mess just sleeping next to the man.
Suddenly N'Doul had moved, he twisted around underneath the covers so he could curl around you with your back pressed into his strong chest.
He whispered against your skin, softly trailing his hand up and down your shoulder. "Habibti, is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine. Why do you ask?" Yourself twisted to face your husband, a hand resting on his jaw to feel his smooth skin.
"I was worried, you were twitching in your sleep. A nightmare maybe?"
Shit. That's embarrassing. "Yeah... Just a spooky dream. Sorry for waking you up but I am kinda glad we're awake together."
N'Doul gave you a smile, ghosting his lips about your face until he found the perfect spot on your brow to kiss. You kissed him back, starting a soft makeout with him, feeling up his built body, ending up with your hands grabbing at his messy hair, earning yourself a groan.
Things quickly became heated as his own hands that were feeling you up moved south, teasing your thighs by moving between them. You only pulled away to speak, N'Doul was already breathless, swapped saliva attaching your bruised lips with his while he laid there and hung on to every word. "N'Doul... I'm cold, maybe we should do something to warm things up?" You added ghostly pecks to his lips, goading him on for more. It only did the opposite as N'Doul suddenly pulled away from you, shock written into the lines of his face as he stuttered, "Really? I'll admit I'd love to do those things with you, but... I've never done it before. I-I'm not really sure where to start."
You cooed at his confession, which only seemed to make his cheeks growing hot worse, offering him a kiss before trying to soothe his worry. "Habibi I'd be honored to be your first. Don't fear over messing things up, that's part of the experience."
"I'm not... I'm not afraid I'll mess this up. It's more like, I'm worried I'll do something to hurt you. I can't exactly see what I'm doing."
"But you don't need to rely on sight to do a good job, you should know that! You can still hear me, right?" You added more kisses to his neck between every sentence. Meanwhile, your hand found his to help guide him over your body, to your breasts, "I'll tell you what I like. You can still touch me," Lower to your hips and thighs, "Do whatever you think is good. Touch me everywhere. I know anything you give me will feel wonderful." Until his hand grazed your core, between your clothes thighs. N'Doul shivered, and captured your lips in his. With gentleness he only showed you, he gracefully took off every piece of your clothing to leave you bare underneath him, he took the opportunity to feel you more, playing with your breasts, dancing his fingers between your thighs again. His breath hitched in his throat once he realized just how ready you were for him.
"Oh. You're so wet... Something tells me that dream you had wasn't so scary." Finally, N'Doul cracked a smile.
"Shh! Just get on with this, I can't wait any longer."
"Okay, okay." Still smiling he was pressing more kisses into your body while freeing his lower half of his pants. You were both ready, there wasn't any pain as he entered you, only a soft sigh from N'Doul as he closed his eyes, enjoying being wrapped up entirely in you finally. "Worth the wait?" You teased him, arms wrapping around his waist to bring him closer to you. "Definitely." He sighed, giving him a final moment of peace before slowly thrusting his length inside of you.
He felt wonderful, but the quiet noises and sighs and whimpers falling from N'Doul's mouth told you he was enjoying it far more than you were. It was so lovely to watch him let go, be so uncharacteristically loud in your ear as his thrusts picked up a little more speed. His arms were shaking around you, but he didn't dare try to leave you, so caught up in the feeling of being inside you.
You spurred him on, pecking him in just the right places of his neck, your short nails digging softly into the skin of his back, letting him tremble on top of you. He was a mess, a big, beautiful mess.
"I don't ever want to stop." He rasped into your ear. N'Doul pushed his face into the sheets underneath you, moaning and trying to stave off an nearing orgasm from happening too early. "We don't have to," You assured him. You felt your own release keeping up on you. "Let's keep going all night."
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seiyasabi · 4 years ago
A Shifter’s Dream
(This is a Yandere Bunny-Shifter N’Doul x Female Reader story :P Plz proceed w caution 
TW: !Noncon!, breeding kink!, hella cum!, he holds you down onto the mattress!, kinda sus bc u just turned 18, he deadass bites you, !pees on u in rabbit form, mounting!, mentions of euthanization of animals at the beginning!, etc..)
“-Mama, Mama!” Your voice echoes throughout the kitchen, as you hurry inside, hands clutching something protectively. Your mother turns, startled by your sudden appearance and anxious sounding voice. 
“What’s wrong? Did something happen? Did those neighbourhood boys bully you again?” Ever the mother hen, she frets over you, grabbing you gently by the shoulders and taking a good look at you. 
Shaking your head, you lift your hands, showing the older woman a taupe coloured rabbit, “Look! Mrs. Ruitz next door is selling bunnies! She says this one is blind, so she hasn’t sold it, so she said she’d give him to me if you say yes! Please, please, please say yes! She said she’d put him down if he wasn’t sold,” Tears bead your eyes as you practically beg your mother, who doesn’t seem to have the heart to tell you ‘no’ at that moment. 
She sighs, weighing her options. You’re already ten, so you should be able to take care of him with minimal effort on her part… 
“I suppose that’s alright. You just have to promise me that you’ll take care of him!” You instantly perk up, a bright smile on your face. 
“I promise! I promise!” You hold the bun closer to your chest, practically rocking it in the process, “Thank you, Mama!” 
The older woman smiles once more, patting you goodnaturedly on the back, “Good. Now, let’s go talk to Mrs. Ruitz- we have no idea how to take care of it.” 
Walking across the street, your mother and your neighbour talk about your bunny’s proper care. It turns out, your bun is a male, who is previously named N’Doul. Not wanting to confuse the bunny, you decided to keep his unusual name, chattering away happily to him as you sat in the grass, barely listening to his care requirements. 
The bun listens intently to what you’re saying, relishing your gentle hold around him. 
He must be lucky, he thinks, to have found someone as lovely as you for a mate. 
Eight years later, and you and your bun are still going strong. You’d recently moved into your own apartment, trying out adult life as you start college. 
Today is your birthday, officially making you an adult. 
The day was filled with festivities: your mom made you your favourite breakfast in bed (scaring you half to death- apparently she has a copy of your apartment key), your friends took you out shopping, and your mom took you to a birthday dinner. All in all, it was a great day! 
But, a certain bun was seemingly more excited than you were for your birthday, because he seemingly peed himself in excitement the moment you picked him up. Lightly scolding him, you set him down on his rabbit bed that you made him, “‘Doul, what the heck man!” You laugh a little, remembering back to when he was but a teeny kit, “You’re not a baby anymore, bubs, you can’t just pee on me!” The bun is surprisingly smart, allowing you to let him mosy around your house (now your own apartment that you saved up for for years). After he figures out the layout, he’s able to figure out where his pee pad is, along with his grass bed, actual bed, and food/drink area. He is also able to hear where you are, allowing him to cutely hop after you if you’re not already carrying him. 
Going to the bathroom to wash your hands, you hear his barely audible pawsteps behind you, “It’s okay, ‘Doul, I’m just gonna clean myself off, okay?” Flipping on your faucet, you get your hands nice and wet, before you pump some soap onto your hands, and start scrubbing, “Maybe I should shower now, since I’m already here…” You trail off when you feel you bun settle himself on your foot. 
Glancing down, you catch him just in time, as he starts to hump you. Gasping in surprise, you try to gently shake him off, but that seemingly just gets himself off faster, as you feel a foreign wetness against your skin, “What the fuck? Are you serious, N’Doul?!” Annoyed with the way he’s suddenly acting, once you finish washing your hands, you reach down, and scoop the bun up, “That’s not cool, bro. Because of that, you can wait in my room while I shower.” 
Plopping him in his bunny bed, you turn on your heel, and hurry back into the bathroom, closing the door before he can follow you inside. 
Stepping out of your shower, you wrap yourself securely with your plush towel. Not bothering to wipe off the steam from your mirror, you bust out of the bathroom, only to be greeted with your now empty room. The door leading to the hallway is wide open, and your bunny is nowhere to be seen. Completely stupefied, you have no idea how to respond. Did the bun hop up high enough to hit the handle? That should be impossible! A Holland Lop is big, but not that big! 
“N’Doul? Bun? Where on Earth did you go?” Deeming your bunny’s safety higher than you changing into clothing, you quickly move out of your room clad in only your towel. 
You go room by room, searching frantically for your beloved pet. He has to be here somewhere! 
So, when you finally make it to your living room/kitchen, you let out a yell of fear. There, on your couch, is a naked, bunny eared, buff man who’s humping into your previously used panties, “Who the hell are you! Get the fuck out of my house!” Reaching for the baseball bat in the hallway, you hold it up with one hand threateningly, the other currently holding your towel. 
A deep, rumbling laugh is heard from the mysterious man, who then tosses aside your soiled panties, “Don't be like that, Love. Your N’Doul only getting myself ready for you.” 
“What the fuck are you talking about? And what did you do with my bunny?” He chuckles, relishing your cute reaction. 
“I’m your bunny, (Your Name). I’m N’Doul.”
“The hell you are! Get out, before I bash your skull in!” He stands to his feet, completely towering over you. Gulping in fear, you move backwards, but then you notice his eyes. They’re the same milky white your bun has, “I-I’m warning you! Stay away from me, you creep!” 
He holds his hands up in mock surrender, showing how large his hands are compared to yours, “I’m not going to hurt you- I wouldn’t be a good mate if I did.” 
Without thinking, you chuck your baseball bat at his bunny-eared head, before turning and running to your room. You hear the metal bat make contact, along with a yelp of pain. Locking your door behind you, you search your room for your car keys. Not long after you dump out your purse in pursuit of your keys, you hear loud footsteps thumping towards you. 
A loud bang echoes throughout the room, as the man’s hit practically shakes the foundation of the wall, “Open the door, (Your Name)! Open it right now!” He sounds angry, and when you don’t respond fast enough, he starts trying to break down the door, his muscled body practically bending the thin wood with each body slam. 
Screaming in fear, you start to cry. Thick tears drip down your face, as you plead with him to stop, “I-I don’t want to! Get out of my house!” 
With one last mighty slam, the humanized N’Doul breaks into your bedroom. His nose is bleeding from the bat hitting him in the face, but other than that, he’s completely unscathed. Hearing you cry, he immediately goes to shush you, “Don’t cry, Love. Now that you’re considered an adult in your species, we can finally begin our life together.”
To his chagrin, you continue to sob, completely scared out of your mind, “No! Get out! Stop pretending to be my bunny, it’s weird!” He approaches you slowly, his much bigger form slightly bumping into a few pieces of furniture. This gives you enough time to make a break for it. 
You try to round his form, almost making it to what’s left of your bedroom door, only to be stopped by a meaty arm practically slamming you onto your bed. Trying to get up, you quickly realise that escape is impossible, as his muscular legs practically trap you against your mattress. He uses his weight to hold you down, as he bites into your neck, trying to make you submit. 
“Shh, stop resisting me, my Love. I promise that I’ll take care of you for the rest of our lives,” He continues to bite at you, as your screams are muffled into your sheets. 
His large hands rip your towel off of you, exposing your slightly wet body to his prying fingers. The rough pads of his fingers rub at your erect nipples and unprepared slit, trying to get you as wet as possible. 
“You’ll be a wonderful mother, I can tell you were made for this,” His cock head bumps against your tight entrance, forcing itself in as you scream. 
He starts a breakneck pace almost immediately, relishing how your walls massage him so sinfully- as if you were made for only him, his inexperienced fingers rub at your clit harshly, trying to make this as pleasurable for you as possible, 
Whilst this was happening, a bolt of pure pleasure shot up your spine, as he hit a certain gummy patch in your pussy, causing you to gush uncontrollably. Loud keens escape your gaping mouth, as his harsh ministrations are enough to almost make you cum immediately. 
“Fuck, your body accepts me so perfectly, Love. It’s like it knows I’m going to pump you full of kits,” He lightly slaps at your clit, causing you to seize up in orgasm, quickly throwing him over the edge as well. Hot, virile cum overflows your womb, his swimmers quickly inseminating you. But it’s not enough. N’Doul, moments after orgasm, bucks into you even harsher than before, wanting to push as much of his cum as possible inside of you, “My perfect mate, I love you so much! I knew you were the one for me from the first time I met you! Only the love of my life would accept me even with my blindness!” 
Still sensitive from before, the both of you hustle over the edge in mere moments, your release squirting all over the both of you. 
“We’re not stopping until I know that you're pregnant, my love. Our wonderful kits are such a good birthday present, no?”
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jacks-obsessions · 3 years ago
N'doul love language? 👉👈
N'doul is Physical Touch.
For a blind person their other senses are very important so being able to feel you is very intimate for him.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
More blowjob headcanons
Oops, I did it again, I played with your heart
Oi. Another one. I added translations for some of the dirty talk after the original line.
This has been requested by a bunch of people ever since I started this blog and I finally heccin did it. 
@roksikever (Tagging u bc you requested this owo)
Characters: Joseph, Dio, Avdol, Caesar, Kars, N’doul, Ghiaccio, Diavolo, Whamu
Cut for length
Joseph (this goes for both youngseph and oldseph)
This horny bastard loves it and is most likely going to ask you to go down on him first. 
Joseph is loud. There is no denying it. 
He’ll dirty talk and moan until his voice is hoarse and the neighbours complain. 
“Oh my God, your mouth feels so good! F-fuck.”
He would also suggest mixing a blowjob with some good ‘ol 69.
He doesn’t mind it if you can’t deepthroat him; seeing your mouth on his cock is enough.
His hands will be all over you, caressing your cheeks and petting your head. 
Joseph has no trouble bringing up the possibility of facefucking you as he loves to experiment. He, of course, doesn’t mind it if you’re not into that stuff. All he really wants, in the end, is to get off as you enjoy yourself. 
He loves coming on your face or chest. The sight of you covered with his cum is incredibly arousing to him. 
He’ll kiss you afterwards, not caring if you have his cum on your face. 
Say one thing for Joseph Joestar, say that he has no shame (I will love you forever if you get this reference). 
This cocky god complex bitch loves it when you go down on him.
He doesn’t mind it if you can’t take him all the way in. In fact, Dio thinks it’s hot that his cock is simply too big for you. If you do take him all the way in, he will be extremely proud of you.
Dio tries to be quiet. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy having his cock in your mouth, but rather, he doesn’t want to come off as too desperate. In short, he loves to make you work for it. 
He loves degrading you as you suck him off. He’d love to incorporate pet play into it as well.
“Tsk, you can take more than that, so c’mon, suck my cock. That’s it, my little kitten.”
Dio will either just lay back and relax, letting you please him or guide you with a firm grip on your hair. 
Facefucking is one of his favourite ways to punish you for being bad or disobedient.
Dio doesn’t have a preference of where he comes. He’d love to come in your mouth when he’s feeling especially affectionate. When he wants to claim you as his, he’d come on your face or chest. 
Avdol generally prefers being the one to go down on you, so you’ll have to convince him that you really do want to go down on him.
He has no problems with letting himself be loud, after all, he wants you to know how good you’re making him feel. He will try to keep it down though if there is a possibility of someone catching the two of you.
Expect a lot of praises and sweet dirty talk. 
“You’re doing so well, habibty/habibi (my love)! Your mouth feels incredible.”
He loves caressing your cheeks gently as you suck him off. 
Take his cock in all the way or moan around it and he’ll be a blushing mess.
He’d probably never ask to fuck your face as he doubts you’d like it. If you do convince him that you’re okay with it, he’s going to be extremely gentle. He’ll pause each time you gag and ask if you’re doing okay.
Avdol feels embarrassed about coming on your face, so he’d prefer to come in your mouth.
He doesn’t expect you to swallow, but if you do, oh boy. You’re in for the sweetest lovemaking session of your life. 
He also loves cuddling with you afterwards. Cuddles with Avdol are god tier. Have fun. 
Much like Avdol, Caesar prefers being the one to go down on his partner. To him, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than his partner writhing from pleasure from his touches.
He won’t turn down a blowjob though. 
Almost immediately, he falls in love with the sight of his cock in your mouth.
Expect a lot of dirty talk.
As he grows closer to his release, his dirty talk will switch from English to Italian. He just can’t control himself when you’re sucking him off so well.
Succhiami il cazzo. F-fuck, voglio quelle labbra su di me.” (Suck my cock. I want those lips around me.)
He doesn’t expect you to deep throat him, but if you do, oh boy. He might tear up a bit from the pleasure.
He isn’t the biggest fan of facefucking as he wants you to set the pace. 
Caesar would love to hold your hands or pet your head as you suck him off.
He prefers to come in your mouth, as he loves all things intimate. 
He’ll praise and cuddle with you afterwards. 
Kars, much like Dio, loves it. He would also most likely be the first one to ask for a blowjob.
As much as he loves watching you choke on his cock, he also loves training you to suck him off properly. Seeing you struggle to fit his cock in your mouth is a sure way to drive him insane. 
He’ll be genuinely impressed if you manage to deepthroat his cock. You might see an extremely rare blush on his face.
He’d fuck your face mostly as a punishment.
Kars won’t try to hide his voice but neither will he embellish it. 
Most of the time, his dirty talk will be instructions or other comments on your performance, be it praises or degradation. 
“That’s it, you’re sucking me off so well, little human! Seems like your training has paid off. Maybe it’s time I reward you, hmm?”
He prefers to sit back and let you please him, though he would also guide you so you know just how to move to make him feel good. 
Kars loves seeing your face covered with his cum. 
As for aftercare, Kars would praise you and clean you up. 
N’doul would agree to a blowjob only once he truly trusts you. 
At the end of the day, he doesn’t mind it if you can’t deep throat him. Just having your mouth around his cock is enough for him.
Fucking your face is easily the greatest stress relief for him. The sound of you gagging on his cock is absolutely heavenly in his ears.
N’doul is relatively quiet throughout the entire thing, but you can easily tell he likes what you’re doing through his general body language. He bites his lip and furrows his brows when near his release.
His dirty talk would mostly be a few curses here and there and random strings of praises.
“Oh, darling! Your mouth feels amazing!”
N’doul would love to use Geb to get you off as you suck his cock, be it by having it pinch your nipples or thrust into you.
He wants to stroke your cheeks as you pleasure him as he loves the intimacy of it.
He loves coming in your mouth and having you swallow his cum. 
N’doul’s aftercare would be quite minimal. He’d help you clean up and bring you a cup of water, then maybe cuddle if you have time. 
He’d ask for a blowjob first. 
Ghiaccio will be very adamant about not moaning or whimpering. He doesn’t have a problem with letting himself groan, but moaning? Hell no. Or so he says. Just stroke his thighs and he’ll melt for you. 
He’ll curse. Like. A lot
His dirty talk is mostly degradation or backhanded compliments.
“God, you suck cock like a pro, puttana!” 
He cums almost embarrassingly quick when you deepthroat him. 
Out of everyone in this list, he’s going to love fucking your face the most. Roughness just goes so well with him. He isn’t deterred by your gagging, in fact, he finds it incredibly hot that you’re struggling to fit his cock in your mouth.
He prefers pulling your hair and guiding your head up and down his cock. 
Coming on your face is easily his favourite thing. Just seeing his cum drip down that pretty face of yours is an instant confidence boost for him.
Surprisingly, Ghiaccio loves cuddling after a blowjob. The whole ordeal is simply so relaxing for him that all he wants is to fall asleep in your arms.
Diavolo would want a blowjob mostly when he’s stressed out. There’s just something about having you on your knees in front of him, with his cock in your mouth that he finds relaxing. 
He tends to keep his volume down and almost only lets out a few moans and groans here and there.
Diavolo’s dirty talk most just consists of instructions, pet names and a few praises here and there.
“That’s it, kitten. Keep sucking my cock just like that.”
He finds your determination to deepthroat him equal parts adorable and hot. 
He adores the sight of you gagging and tearing up on his cock. 
Most of the times he fucks your face, he does so to relieve pent up stress from his work. 
He usually ends up pulling your hair while you suck his cock.
Diavolo loves it when you swallow his cum. 
As for aftercare, he’d bring you some water and heat up a bath for you to enjoy. If he has the time, he’d love to just cuddle and relax in bed with you.
Whamu, being the sweetheart that he is, wouldn’t ask for you to go down on him. It’s not that he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t want to come off as rude or selfish.
He’s going to try to stay at least somewhat quiet, but that facade will drop as soon as you swirl your tongue around the head of his cock just right.
Whamu would praise you from start to finish, although he’ll be damn-near incoherent when nearing his release.
“Oh, my love, you’re too good for me! F-fuck.”
Deepthroat him and he’ll turn into a blushing, whimpering mess. 
Whamu isn’t really interested in fucking your face because he doesn’t accidentally want to hurt you. He also prefers letting you dictate the pace.
He loves gently stroking your cheeks as you suck his cock.
He has no preference when it of where he comes. As long as you’re into it, he’s okay with pretty much anything. His brain might, however, short circuit if you swallow his cum.
Expect him to go down on you in return. Whamu just couldn’t live with himself if he were the only one to get off. He also loves cuddling and simply holding you close.
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wri0thesley · 4 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if you would do NSFW head cannons with n'doul. I don't know why but I just absolutely love him so much. He's so pretty ahdandnhj
(I know he's a minor character so there's not a lot of content so if you don't, how about Santana instead.)
ah my last n’doul request was in 2017 so let’s see what’s going on with him four years later
♡ N’doul likes his partner to be loud. He can’t see how they’re responding to his touches, so he wants to hear it; he wants to hear you moan, and whimper, and say ‘y-yes, right there, please--’. He’s pretty quiet himself - you’ll hear a light hum, a breathy sigh - but he’s constantly trying to coax more noises out of you. If he kisses you and you gasp into his mouth, he’s already wondering when the next time he can get you alone to make more of those pretty noises will be. 
♡ He knows your body by heart, just by the sensation of your skin, and foreplay with him is intense and can last for hours. He’s incredibly perceptive to the shiver of your body, the buck of your hips, the most sensitive patches of your throat and chest and thighs seared onto his memory forever. He’ll run his fingers over you and use his mouth on you until you’re bucking up and tears are clumping on your lashes, and only then will he perhaps take pity on you and actually fuck you. There’s something he just cannot help but adore about having you at his mercy and hearing you beg. 
♡ He knows he is good at what he does and he’s not at all shy about telling you this; smirking as he runs his fingers over your body, as he cups your hips and promises that when he’s done you won’t ever want anybody else to touch you but him. He’s not at all wrong about it, either; N’doul fucks you with single-minded determination, and a smirk on his face that has you whining and arching your back. He speaks to you softly and lowly as he does it, reminding you to make noises for him, pointing out when you’re trembling or tightening around him or when he can feel that you’re close to your peak--
♡ Temperature play; for you, that is. Sensory deprivation. Anything that restricts your senses or makes you more sensitive and delicate is one of N’Doul’s favourite games to play with you. He likes feeling like he has you at his mercy - he has too many memories of before he wanted to live and it means he often wants to position himself as a dominant force who you can do nothing but obey. 
♡ Has a little thing for sex in public when nobody realises that you’re having sex. He likes you seated in his lap with his drape wrapped over the two of you, so nobody can tell that his cock is buried inside you. His poker face is amazing; yours might not be, but you’ll soon learn to try and school your features into blankness so nobody knows what’s going on. That won’t stop him leaning in and whispering softly against your ear that he can feel you quivering, though. 
♡ He runs very warm; he gives amazing massages. These massages are often the precursor to sex - he just can’t help himself, when you’re making such pretty noises and bending into his touch as he works out all of the tension and knots in you. He just wants to have you be boneless and sighing and grateful, but with his cock inside of you instead. 
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moonbeamwritings · 4 years ago
I don't know if you write for this character or not but can you do in a sentimental mood with n'doul
If not how about with diavolo
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i haven’t before, but i’m definitely not opposed !! thank you for sending in and happy belated valentine’s day!! 💟
n’doul + in a sentimental mood by glenn miller
N’Doul had memorized the sound of your footsteps. At the mere sound of a footfall as you returned home, he could determine what kind of day you’d had.
Your longer, more tiring days left you dragging your feet just slightly, pace slow. When you arrived home angry, your footsteps were louder, more purposeful. If your day was great, your pace was quick and footfalls light.
Today, it seemed, your day hadn’t been very good.
He heard your bag clunk to the floor as a sigh passed your lips.
“Rough day?”
You paced the floor before deciding to plant yourself on the couch beside him, head in his lap. “Really rough.”
He was quick to trace a hand along your skin, rubbing in small circles to comfort you. He smiled as you let out a hum.
“Is there anything I can do?” N’Doul asked, fingers moving to trace mindless patterns along your arm.
“Can we just stay like this?”
“Whatever you want.”
Your need for affection was welcomed with open arms, N’Doul having been aching to hold you all day. He just wished the circumstances were different. He ran his fingers over your skin for another few moments before you reached out to take his hand in yours, playing with his fingers.
Quiet moments with you always made his heart swell as he relished in the feeling of your warmth against his skin and the sweet smell of your hair. He really needed to tell you he loved you more.
“You know I love you right?” N’Doul found himself asking, skin feeling warm at your touch.
He could hear your smile in the gentle lilt of your voice, “Of course. I love you too.”
N’Doul smiled, “I know.”
He hoped that his fingertips on your skin comforted you just as much as it did him, that it put your mind at ease. You certainly deserved it and he would spend the rest of his life proving that to you.
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jjba-arni-reblog · 5 years ago
i-if requests are open, can you do "I like the way your hand fits in mine" for N'doul, if you write for him. please? uwu
 [alright, lemme tell ya, it’s cheesy. I got too inspired and emotional for N’doul so I just… I don’t know. I hope you’ll like it~ it was a wild ride, but I am grateful for such opportunity to write for you, especially with N’doul. Thank you -Ari/fox]
“I like the way your hand fits in mine” + N'doul
 “Can you tell me about stars, my love?” suddenly came the question.
You were sitting on the warm sand together with N’doul, simply admiring the comforting atmosphere of Egypt. No words needed to be exchanged as you simply put your head on his shoulder, watching the sky and listening to your lover’s soft breaths. Until the silence was broken by a sudden question from N’doul. You slowly retracted to now look at the stars to try and explain as best as you could the way you see them.
“Of course. They are incredibly beautiful tonight, it’s almost amazing how they shine through the endless galaxies for just us. They cover the whole sky, making different figures for us to find and imagine. There is almost something calming and comforting about the idea of them looking at us from million miles away…” this wasn’t the most scientific explanation, but for you it was about the feeling.
“Ah, what a lovely imagine, I can almost see them myself, my love” N’doul sighed, breathing the fresh night air of Egypt.
“But also…” you turned to face him, putting your hand on his cheek. He responded by putting his hand on top of yours, relaxing under your gently touch.
“I see stars in your eyes, N’doul, my love. The soft and almost unnoticeable shine as they lit up whenever you talk about something you are passionate about. The way they calm me when everything crushes down and surrounds me, not letting me breathe. And suddenly you look at me and make it all better. I am thankful to have you in my life, N’doul. Thank you for being with me. My heart and soul belong to you” you finished, blushing at the end, but not out of embarrassment. Out of appreciation and adoration for him.
To that, he couldn’t say anything for a while, feeling his own cheeks warm up at such emotional speech and devotion of your love. Then he simply moved closer, not taking your hand away to hold in his, as he brought your faces together with another hand.
“Thank you. I love you too, my star” he whispered closing the distance. As you felt his soft and warm lips, you melted into his embrace, right under the stars. After a while you two separated and N’doul took your hand, motioning you to sit between his legs with your back against his chest.
As you two cuddled, he took your hand in his, drawing patterns with his thumb and letting out a pleasant sigh.
“I like the way your hand fits in mine. It’s comforting to know that you are by my side. And I wouldn’t want it any other way, my love” he kissed your cheek.
‘Stars may shine only at night, surrounding us with almost magical atmosphere. But there is another shine. The shine in one’s love-filled eyes. The shine of one’s soul trembling as it fills with adoration. The shine of one’s smile, dedicated for one special person. The shine in our heart, as we feel our lips touching. So please, let us shine together till the end.’
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admrlthundrbolt · 2 years ago
One Way Or Another (Selkie N'Doul x Chubby Reader
This comes from the idea of a selkie trying to force their coat onto someone in a forced marriage.
N'Doul popped into my head and I couldn't shake it free.
I may want to start a series of monster/mythical creatures au crossover. If anyone has an idea let me know.
He had been cast out by his maker. All for a blindness, that wasn't his making. So he cast off his coat and hid among the humans. Even at the young age he merged with them, he could tell the humans were no different than his kind, the selkies.
Until he met you. You were perfection. Treating him with kindness, while not babying him. Like he was someone who mattered. A being worthy of love and affection.
Your supple body, with all it’s soft slopes and curves, drove him mad. Every brush against your person gave him another piece of the gorgeous puzzle that made you.
So after knowing you for some time, he decided upon his next full life cycle, you would be his.
You had come over to suprise him with a reservation for a birthday dinner. He couldn't have planned it better himself. Having you to himself in such an intimate setting was perfect.
Until you added that your roommate was meeting you both there. While he didn’t have a specific reason to dislike you cousin, he neither has a reason to enjoy their company. Though this was adding to a opposition towards them.
“Are you sure it can’t just be us, darling.”
She rolled her eyes. “Come on, is it so bad that Vanilla Ice want to help you celebrate?”
“ That's not it. I was just hoping it could be the two of us. Something a bit more private if you would. “ He held her arm a bit firmer as they made it to the entrance. He had no doubt that all eyes would follow them through out the establishment. So he made sure that all others knew who you belonged to.
“I’ll make sure that we get some quality time at your place later.” With what was meant to be a reassuring pat, you were led to your table.
He was reveling in all the physical contact and looked forward to the all quality time you had promised. He didn't even have to take the smile as he greated Vanilla Ice. Just the thought of how tonight would end carried him through the tedious dinner.
Vanilla Ice had never cared for N'Doul. He always thought the man had other motives behind his blank eyes, especially when it came to you. On the other hand who was he to impose on your happiness.
As the dinner came to a close you couldn't help but notice how did N'Doul was acting. The hand hold, sharing of food, and ignorance of Vanilla Ice, as a few examples. Going as far to refuse to leave the restaurant unless he payed. Even after insisting that you had planned this for his birthday. So after giving in you made your way to the bathroom to freshen up.
While waiting for you, Vanilla Ice glared at the other man, unaware that his heightened senses kept him in the loop.
As a smug grin slipped onto N'Duol's, he couldn't help but throw a jab towards the other. “I intend to have (Y/N) as mine tonight.” He expected Vanilla Ice's demeaner to alter, though that and the answer he received was startling.
“If that is what she wishes, then I will not interfere.” Then gave a simple nod.
He wasn’t sure if he should be seething at the man’s reply or happy for the lack of interference. Hearing you head back, he decided to drop it all together. His plan would come together now. He made sure to leave his coat in the seat of his chair. Just where you would find it.
As you departed he felt the expected paise. “Oh, where's your coat?” Hook line and sinker. Though the next thing you uttered sent him spiraling. “Nevermind, Vanilla grabbed it.”
“NO!” It came out quick and hoarsley. He heard the coat hit the floor and scrambled for it. Without waiting for a reaction, he grabbed your arm and bolted for the car.
Vanilla Ice, for a moment went to follow. Only to pause at the realization that you could handle yourself. Getting involved would only cause more complications.
The drive back was tense. Your silence speaks volumes, of the irritation that fueled you. Where as he couldn't stop over analyzing the situation.
It had to happen tonight, that was the plan. If he didn't secure you tonight, you could be taken away. Then he would have to retrieve you by force. He couldn't allow you to see that side of him yet. His feral side didn't show often, for good reason.
It was during his manic thoughts that he realized that had your car door close. He raced out of the vehicle and followed the sound of your footsteps. When you went to close your door he stopped it with his hand.
“We need to talk”
You were silent for a moment, then allowed him in and shut the door. “Ok, where should we start?”
He set the coat on your kitchen table and went over to the couch. He sat down gingerly, trying not to betray how his mind was whirling. “With the restaurant perhaps.” He said cooly.
She paced in front of him. “ Why did you refuse to let me pay? “
This confused him. He was sure that the coat incident would be the only thing brought up. “It’s my duty to provide for you.”
She stopped and faced him. “Why would you need to ‘provide for me’ at a dinner I planned for you? You’ve been acting strange lately. “
“I only want what's best for you, darling.” He said, desperation beginning to leak into his voice.
“ Is almost attacking one of my only remaining family members, the best. Over what a coat?. “She walk over and picked it up. “What's so special about this?” She said, exasperatedly waving it around.
As the sound of swishing fabric filled the air, he couldn't hold back a grin. “Only that it handed you over to me darling.” He pulled their bodies flush and gently grabbed the cost from her grasp.
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gio-is-writing · 4 years ago
Hey! I saw that your requests are open so I was wondering if you could please write pt 3 Jotaro having a crush on someone who’s on their journey to save his mom but instead of Kakyoin, she gets her eyes injured? Or you could write whatever flows better! I really like your work! Thank you!
REQUEST: Hey! I saw that your requests are open so I was wondering if you could please write pt 3 Jotaro having a crush on someone who’s on their journey to save his mom but instead of Kakyoin, she gets her eyes injured? Or you could write whatever flows better! I really like your work! Thank you!
This sat on my drafts for too long. Its longer than expected so thats good!! Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Jotaro Kujo x Fem! Reader
Warnings: violence, serious injuries
(Y/N) pressed herself against the car’s door in case that damned dog had a change of heart and decided to attack her.
After their encounter with the Speedwagon Foundation agents, they went back to the buggy car but Iggy being the petty dog he was, barked at the three men aside from the Joestar’s as if saying he was not willing to share space with them, therefore sending them to the cramped trunk. (Y/N) stood there not knowing what to do at first, it was clear that there was no space left for her in the trunk and Jotaro was the co-pilot while Joseph drove. Surprisingly Iggy just glared at her but turned to lay down and chew his gum while she carefully sat as far as she could.
“Mr. Joestar, can’t you do something about this?!” Polnareff asked annoyed pointing at the unbothered canine
“Just wait till the gum flavor wears out, I’ll throw a new one to the back” the older man shrugged
(Y/N) giggled seeing the three grown men all cramped in the back, while Avdol and Kakyoin tried to not think about it much and just rest while they could, Polnareff sat with his arms crossed pouting in a childish matter. Jotaro turned back and stared at her.
“You okay there?”
“So far so good” she responded with a nervous smile and Jotaro just nodded before turning back
The journey continued on for a few minutes until Joseph harshly stepped on the breaks, sending everyone forward
“What the hell was that, old man?” asked Jotaro clearly annoyed by the abrupt stop
“L- look over there!” his grandfather pointed in front of them as everyone leaned to see what he was pointing at and gasping.
The SWF helicopter crashed and it was almost completely destroyed. Joseph was the first step out of the car quickly followed by everyone else. As they got closer to it, they noticed how oddly it was that it crashed and looking around, Joseph and Jotaro saw the pilot with his mouth wide open and filled with water. Jotaro stepped up to him and holding the pilot’s head more water to leak out even followed by a fish.
“He drowned… in the middle of the desert.” The teenager stood completely shocked leaving the body laid on the sand. Suddenly Polnareff screamed for their attention.
“The other one is over here!” (Y/N) kneeled beside the co-pilot who could barely breathe, the old man rushed over asking questions and the poor mouth mumbled something they couldn’t quite figure out.
“W…” he pointed shakingly “Water…”
Joseph was quick to ask if he wanted water and grabbing his canteen, he got it close to his face but the man started screaming at it with complete panic and fear. (Y/N) stepped back a little scared and suddenly what looked like a hand reached at the man’s face and ripped his whole head apart from his body and sucked it back into the canteen. Everyone in complete shock ran away and threw themselves to the ground, the canteen flying in the air before crashing back in the sand.
(Y/N) laid between Polnareff and Kakyoin while Avdol and the Joestars laid a few meters in front of them. She saw as Jotaro looked around to see any kind of suspicious activity but because of the distance she couldn’t hear anything they said.
“Polnareff, hit it with your stand” said Kakyoin
“W-why me..? That canteen sucked that man’s whole head into it… It could hurt me…” Polnareff looked at the red head in disbelief “Just use your emerald splash on it”
“I don’t feel like it”
“Guys…” (Y/N) tried to calm them down, they were the closest to the body and therefore the canteen
“If you don’t want to do it yourself, don’t tell others to do it for you!” Kakyoin looked back at him raising an eyebrow.
“Then don’t do it dumbass”
“What the hell is that kind of attitude?!”
“Can you both stop fighting…?”  (Y/N) tried again gripping the sand under her.
Both men turned to her and they noticed the growing puddle almost right under her and suddenly the same hand formed from it and before anyone could act, it hit (Y/N) sending her flying backwards and both men screaming.
This caught the others and specially Jotaro’s attention. He watched as Kakyoin reached out to her, holding her up in his arms and inspecting her face while Polnareff started panicking at her bleeding face.
“It got (Y/N)! Her eyes!”
Jotaro broke into a cold sweat, this is what he feared the most. As his grandfather screamed at them to not panic and use their stands to protect themselves. The same hand appeared once again reaching at Polnareff but the pilot’s watch started beeping gaining it’s attention, turning to the body the water attacked again and cut the body’s hand off; where the watch was.
“It attacked the pilot’s body!” Joseph noticed out loud.
“No, not the body, the watch.” Jotaro corrected “It attacked the alarm of the watch”
“The sound… it attacks by detecting sound!”
Joseph screamed at them again and Polnareff is his state of panic grabbed the unconscious girl from Kakyoin and ran towards the car, the teen running beside him. The blue stand was quick to follow through the sand and was closing on them.
“Ah!” Polnareff held (Y/N) tighter “It’s fast!”
“Come on Polnareff! Hurry up!!” Jotaro tried to not panic as well from the car. Kakyoin jumped into the car but before the French man could to the same, the stand reached at his leg and blood spurted out. Getting thrown off again, Joseph used Hermit Purple to pull Polnareff while Star Platinum appeared and grabbed (Y/N), laying her in Jotaro’s arms.
“How is she?” Polnareff asked reaching to get a look at her face
“This is not good… she might lose her sight” Kakyoin said with worry
“Drive! We’ve got to get her to a doctor!”
Jotaro felt the sweat running down his temple and he knew it was not only the heat of the desert causing this. He was growing desperate and looking at the nasty cuts over her eyes made him anxious. Just as he reached out to touch her face the car jolted and tilted. The water got the front wheels of the buggy and started to sink it into the sand, the men holding into the back of the car to not fall off. The stand cut off the front wheels and Joseph screamed in horror.
“Without the front wheels, the back end will fall. Everyone hold on!”
The car jolted again and it came down fast into the sand again, everyone jumped off and saw as the stand disappeared again.
“Everyone stay still…” Avdol whispered “Don’t make… a sound.”
Avdol took some of his wristbands and threw them in the sand in a walking pattern, his plan on evaporating the water from the stand in mind. The puddle started to form again around one of the bands and Avdol took his chance, Magician’s Red appearing right behind him and throwing a punch but the stand was quick to move away and slash once again, at his neck.
In that moment before the stand could attack Avdol again, Jotaro placed (Y/N) in Kakyoin’s arms and took off running on the opposite direction. Joseph stared in disbelief as he watched the stand take off after his grandson.
Jotaro ran spotting the dog who laid wide eyed at the body nearing. Reaching down he snatched the animal from the sand.
“You damn mut, you jumped out of the car before it was attacked” he grabbed Iggy by the throat “You can smell where the enemy is and you’re gonna take me there”
He stopped running and ignoring his grandpa’s screams he smashed the dog into the sand.
“Now you have to help me Iggy” he said angrily “If I don’t save (Y/N) and Avdol, I’m gonna kill you myself”
The dog whined and his stand was quick to appear, grabbing him and flying away but Jotaro was not going to let him free easily. He clung to the dog as the stand lifted them both from the ground.
“Don’t try to run away you stupid dog!” they both glided through the air until the teen noticed the sand getting closer again “We’re losing altitude, I’ll get a kick in to get up again”
The dog only whined again as Jotaro touched the sand and with a hard kick sent them up again. The stand user knew where they were now and they knew they were approaching. Using Star Platinum vision he spotted a man sitting 400 metes away and he was blind. Suddenly sand flew up and the stand appeared again and sped towards Jotaro, Star tried to punch it but it dodged and cut through his shoulder and Iggy’s stand wing. The dog started to lose altitude again and dragged the crusaders through the sand.
“Damn it, you shitty dog!” and in that second Star grabbed the canine by the head and sent it flying towards the enemy stand user.
He watched as the user got distracted and rushed over before he thought back at where he was standing. He stood close by as he saw him fail to hit Iggy without his stick to aid him.
“Where is he? Where is Jotaro?!” the man said outloud in a anxious matter “I lost him!”
“I’m here.”
After disposing of N’Doul (even if he did it himself) he started walking back to where the others were. He lost his hat just moments ago when the enemy tried to attack him but once again Star Platinum proved to be faster. He turned back hearing Iggy’s barking and saw his hat on his mouth and he almost chuckled, kneeling down he picked it up placing it on his head.
“You’re not that bad after all, are ya?”
The dog barked again and then he felt it, the damn mutt spat gum into his hat that now stuck to his hair, he cursed at the dog but didn’t try and do anything to it. A minute later his grandfather rushed over in the buggy honking.
“Let’s go, we gotta rush (Y/N) and Avdol to the hospital!”
Jotaro pulled his hat down and got into the car followed by the dog. Right beside him laid (Y/N) with her head resting back on the seat and he frowned. Leaning close and completely forgetting about the other’s presence he ran a finger along her face, most of the blood had been whiped off (probably by Kakyoin or Joseph) but the area around her eyes was red and swollen.
“I’m sorry” he whispered “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
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return-of-a-space-cowboy · 4 years ago
Umm for the halloween requests, I would love it if you would do a siren/mermaid N'doul trying to convince his darling to 'marry' him or something like that
Ooo I really like this request.
Please bare with me as this is my first time writing N'Doul so I'm a bit nervous.
Voice of love
(yandere siren N'Doul X Female Reader)
You sat by the ocean and watched the light of the setting sun glisten on the surface of the sea as tears welled up in your eyes, it had been a week since your fiance's body had washed up on shore here but you couldn't get over it. You had been in an argument with him and he had left to go fishing with his friends to blow off some steam but he hadn't returned that night.
At first you didn't worry, he was just having a break, right? After a few days you called him but got no response so you called his friends, they hadn't seen him that night. Then you called his work, they hadn't seen him either. You began to fear that he may have ran away from town but then about six days after his body was found.
You remember how horrified you were when you were brought in by the police to confirm his identity. He looked almost indistinguishable with how torn up his body was, like he had been chewed up by a shark and spat out. All his organs had been removed and his eyes were gouged out. You felt every inch of your body turn to lead as you saw him.
You didn't tell anyone about what state his body had been but yet it seemed the whole town had found out about him. Old sailor men began to share ominous tales that were long forgotten, of creatures from the sea who lured sailors to their murky graves and feasted on their remains. It hurt you to say the least, people telling stories of tell tale creatures that weren't real and blaming said creatures for your fiance's death. In your eyes it was complete mockery.
You cried your heart out as you remembered how you both used to walk across this very beach, all those times you had taken for granted. You missed him, every morning you hoped that he would be sleeping beside you… that this was all just a horrible nightmare.
A sigh caught your attention that prompted you to look to your right hand side. Close to you a man that you had never seen before sat with his body partially submerged in the water. His eyes closed as he bathed in the cool ocean water.
"You seem so sad…" he commented as he turned his head in your direction, but did not open his eyes.
"Yes… I lost somebody very important to me last week" you explained as you looked at your feet, almost shameful… like you were the one who killed him.
"Is that so? It's such a shame that you are the one crying" he luled as the tide came in. The cool water grasing against your toes, only to retreat back into the depths in which it came.
The sound of the waves crashing entered your ears once more before the tide came in again, but then a freak wave that crashed into your body and tossed you around before swallowing you into its large body. You struggled to gain your bearings as the water pushed you in every which way. You desperately attempted to defy its will and return to land.
Once you crawled back to sandy banks you violently coughed as your body ridded itself of the salty sea water that you had swallowed. The back of your throat stung with the vile mixture of sea water and vomit clung to your taste buds.
You stood up and flicked your sopping wet hair out of your face and growled as you gritted your teeth.
"Why the hell did I even come here of all places! I'm so stupid! If I had just kept my big trap shut he would have still been here!" You screamed at yourself, not caring if the stranger or anyone else heard you. To you the pain and guilt of losing him was unbearable.
Another wave swept you off of your feet and dragged you in. However instead of falling victim to the current yet again, the ravenette stranger had caught you in his arms.
"You shouldn't waste your tears on that man (Y/n), he wasn't worth your time to begin with" the man said as he pressed you onto his chest with one arm as he combed his digits through your wet, messy hair. Your body froze, not just at his ominous words or that he knew your name but the feeling of his slick and inhuman lower body.
"How do you know my name?!" You exclaimed as you squirmed in his vice grip.
"Habibti I've heard your voice along this very beach many times, your voice is like that of my own… it's mesmerising" he cooed as he opened his eyes to reveal his full white eyes.
"It was a shame you wasted your sweet words on that pig" he continued as his tone turned sharp.
"He hurt you that night, so I did what was in our best interest" his words made your body turn ice cold. The thought of what he did to your lover shook you to your very core.
You thrashed in his grasp one more and succeeded, trying to run as fast as you could while screaming.
"Somebody, anybody, help me!" You screamed manically before another wave crashed in, dragging you out to the deep end as you tried to fight against it then another wave caught you off before forcing your head into a rock. Blood began to pool out and dance with the tide as darkness consumed you.
You groaned as you held your head from the throbbing pain on your head as you curled up to keep your body warm, only to hear the sound of chains scraping across the floor. You looked to your feet and saw that one of your legs had been chained, your eyes followed the links of metal until you could see there was a small anchor jammed between two large boulders. You tried to warm yourself up but you felt like you were made entirely of ice, unable to warm your body by any means. You were shaking like a leaf as you teeth chattered.
You began to fear that you might just die of hyperthermia until a light illuminated the cave you were trapped in from above. You looked up and saw a small opening in the roof of the cave that let the full moons light trickle down. You then looked around to see the cave better. It seemed like the only entrance was the small pool of water that indicated that you were inside of some underwater cavern. That monster must have taken you here. You had been lured in by a siren to your despair.
The blind monster's words stuck with you, how he spoke of your voice and how he was so deeply infatuated with as to killing your fiance. It made you sick to the stomach thinking about it.
You curled up into a ball, overwhelmed by this. It just seemed like it was too horrible to be real. You wallowed in self-pity until a waterproof material was gently placed over you before a kiss was planted on your cheek. You knew it was the monster and pushed him away.
"Stay away from me!" You yelled as you looked at the tanned creature with an expression that meant so many emotions.
"Why must you be like this habibti?" He asked with his voice trying to hide how much your words hurt him.
"You weren't afraid of me when you thought I was human, so why are you so afraid of me now?" He asked as his silver tail swayed across the ground, the sharp bony tips of his fin only millimetres from cutting your leg. He was like how the old sailors described.
"You killed my fiance! My life would have been so much better if it hadn't been for you!" Screamed hysterically as fresh tears spilt from your eyes.
"You claim to love me yet you took away the person that made me the happiest!" You continued as you pulled on your hair in frustration.
"Because I believed, and I still believe that I can make you happier" he replied as he shifted closer to you. You felt revolted as his hands began to roam your body.
"And you think having me chained in a cavern will make me happy?" You hissed.
"I knew you'd be as beautiful as your voice" he muttered, ignoring what you were saying as he relished in your features.
"We'll live the happiest of lives here as husband and wife" he stated as he pulled your chin up before pecking your lips.
"Husband?! Wife?!" You exclaimed, pulled away from him.
"Well of course habibti, we will be living our lives here after all, having children and growing old… well maybe just you" he spoke so sweetly to you as he held your hand.
At this point you had nothing to say, nor an emotion to show. You hid away in your mind, falling through your thoughts.
"And I promise that I'll love you just as much as I love you now," he continued.
"I'll take the best care of you my dear little wife"
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jojo-therapist · 5 years ago
- DIO, “Nobody Left”
Session requested by @adarksoul098, who writes “Pls can you do dio part 3 therapy sessions”! Why yes, I can! 
There are a lot of issues I could have chosen to focus on, but many of them carry over between parts 1 and 3, so I focused on an issue that is primarily seen in part 3 far more than it is seen in part 1, which is the loss of his agents (who, let’s be real, are his only friends). 
Check out the sessions masterlist! 
As a quick reminder, here are the fates of each of the agents in part 3 that will be referenced in this session: 
Gray Fly - (D) Brain hemorrhage due to the destruction of his stand 
Impostor Captain Tennille - (D) Drowned after his stand’s head was pierced by Star Platinum 
Devo - (D) Impaled to death by Jean Pierre Polnareff’s Silver Chariot 
Rubber Soul - (R) Beaten by Star Platinum 
J. Geil - (D) Stabbed to death by Jean Pierre Polnareff’s Silver Chariot 
Nena - (D) Internal hemorrhaging via destruction of her stand 
Wheel of Fortune/ZZ - (R) chained to a rock and left to starve to death 
Enya Geil - (D) assassinated by Steely Dan via the flesh bud implanted in her head 
Steely Dan - (R) Slammed into a nearby building 
High Priestess/Midler - (R) Teeth knocked out and left unconscious and convulsing on a beach 
N’Doul - (D) Committed suicide via the use of his Stand, Geb��
Mariah - (R) Every bone in her body crushed. Potentially dead (Never stated) 
Daniel J D’arby - (R) driven to hysteria 
Hol Horse - (R) shot in the head by his own stand, missed his skull 
Terence T D’arby - (R) beaten by Jotaro Kujo’s Star Platinum 
Vanilla Ice - (D) disintegrated by the sun due to him becoming a vampire.  
DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed therapist and this account is for fun and for the purposes of seeing the characters we love get therapy. If you feel you suffer from any issues stated in these sessions, please get help. 
TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide, sex, death, mental illness 
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DIO: I would prefer it if we could get this over with quickly, you know. I have far better things that we could be doing with our time. 
Therapist: I suppose that is the closest thing to a “hello” that I’m going to get from you, DIO? 
DIO: Are you going to dawdle on, Therapist? 
Therapist: Then I suppose I will have to cut to the chase. DIO, are you aware that your… colleagues-
DIO: Agents. 
Therapist: I beg your pardon? 
DIO: They are my agents, they work for me. “Colleagues” is hardly the way to put it. They are my agents, they worship me and love me as if I were God. 
Therapist: Funny. 
DIO: How so? 
Therapist: Are you aware of the various injuries they have received over the course of working with you? 
DIO: What do you mean, Therapist? 
Therapist: Two passing away from internal hemorrhaging, one drowned, several severely beaten and one dying from the injuries, several being stabbed or impaled to death, one assassinated by another one of your “agents”, one ending his life, one disintegrating, one being left to starve, one slammed into a building, one having her teeth knocked out while another had every bone in her body crushed, one driven to hysteria, and one shot in the head but miraculously surviving. A few abandoned you but I am legally required not to disclose who they are nor their whereabouts. 
DIO: You have notes on all of them? 
Therapist: Yes I do, DIO. Now, please answer the question, are you aware of each of them? 
DIO: Some of them were more like… lovers to me. Some like family. Some I felt I had to control because I feared they would turn against me. All of them were so willing to go to their ends for me, and I am forever grateful for that. I am forever grateful for the love I received from each and every one of them. A shame that some will never know. 
Therapist: Why did you feel that they would leave or turn against you if they weren’t under your control? 
DIO: Those in my life who were out of my control always ended up hurting me in the end. 
Therapist: Would your father be one of those people who hurt you? 
DIO: How would you know about that? 
Therapist: Next to your name, where we asked you to write your last name, it appears as though you began to write something down but it appears that you covered it up with more pen. By normal naming conventions, you would have taken your father’s last name.  DIO Bran-
DIO: I abandoned that name long ago. 
Therapist: Why? 
DIO: That is unimportant. 
Therapist: So would he happen to be the reason why you no longer feel safe unless you are controlling the people who scare you? 
DIO: Nothing scares me, I am the perfect being. 
Therapist: DIO, darling, if nothing scared you, then why would you have to control the things around you? 
DIO: I… 
Therapist: I’m not doubting your strength, DIO. I am not doubting that you are a powerful person in the slightest, I think that you are quite strong, in fact. The simple fact of the matter is that you seem afraid of the people around you leaving you or hurting you if you do not control them. 
DIO: Some of them follow me because they love me. 
Therapist: I’m sure they do, DIO. Do you ever miss them? 
DIO: I am the embodiment of perfection, they followed me because they love me. Some, I loved back. Some were sexual partners while others were… more than that. 
Therapist: Would you care to elaborate? 
DIO: No. I would not like to. 
Therapist: I will have to save that for another session, then. 
DIO: Another session? It is already ending? 
Therapist: No, DIO. We have much more to talk about, but I would like to focus on this one topic for right now. I assume we will be having many more sessions together. 
DIO: Ah, alright. I see what you mean now, Therapist. You have quite the effect on people who are down on their luck. 
Therapist: We can talk about me another time. DIO, I want you to stop with all of that “perfection” talk. It’s alright to not be perfect when you are in here. 
DIO: Why would I lie and say that I wasn’t? 
Therapist: Choose your words carefully. 
DIO: I wish for you to be truthful with me, Therapist. 
Therapist: If you were truly as perfect as you say you are, you wouldn’t need to find outside influences to control people. They would follow you willingly, without a second thought. 
DIO: The ones willing to die for me, was it my fault? 
Therapist: I’m not sure about that, DIO. Frankly, in the end, they made the choice to be ready to die for you. The fault truly lands on no one. Death is a fate that must come to us all, in one way or another, whether mortal or immortal. 
DIO: Death doesn’t come for the immortal, and I, DIO, am immortal. You know nothing of immortality, Therapist. 
Therapist: Death comes to the immortal, DIO. Death will take the ones we hold dear until we are left with none but ourselves. How will we spend immortality if it is constantly spent watching the ones we hold closest pass away? 
DIO: You have never lost anyone you loved as much as I loved them, you wouldn’t understand. 
Therapist: We aren’t here to talk about me, DIO. We are here to talk about you. Continuously, you have dodged the question. Do you miss your agents? 
DIO: Friends. Lovers. Partners. Mine. 
Therapist: Do you miss them? 
DIO: More than anything. 
Therapist: If you could go to them right now and say anything, what would you say? 
DIO: There are too many different words I wish to say to each of them. 
Therapist: The ones that come to your mind. 
DIO: N’Doul, I loved you as well, far more than you know. Your faith in me to give you a new chance was something I cherished, and I wish you hadn’t gone so fast. I would have loved to see you once again. Mariah and Midler, your love for me to the point of your irreparable injuries is what will convince me to fight far past the point of which I am physically able, but your love has always helped me… push forward, so to speak. Vanilla Ice, your willingness to go so far as to die twice for me will live in my heart forever. Enya… Enya… 
Therapist: Take your time, DIO. 
DIO: Enya, you were like the mother that I missed so dearly. I am so deeply… sorry… that you had to pay the ultimate price with the flesh bud that I implanted in your head. It was the easiest way for me to ensure that you wouldn’t be able to leave me as she did, those many years ago. 
Therapist: I applaud you for saying those things. It can be very difficult. 
DIO: I must live the rest of eternity without those who loved me the most. There is nobody left. 
Therapist: That isn’t true, DIO. Midler is sure to make a quick recovery from her injuries. Mariah, she is currently in an unstable condition, but they are working around the clock to make sure that she is alright. Terence is expected to make a full recovery as well. You have people on your side, DIO. There will always be somebody left. 
DIO: With what they suffered for me, they won’t be coming back. 
Therapist: Well, DIO, you know I will always be here. I abandon no one, not even if they have done the worst of things. I stay because I want to, and no matter what happens, I will stay with you. Alright? 
DIO: Alright. 
Therapist: It has been a lovely session with you, DIO. Hopefully, I shall see you again. 
DIO: I will see you soon. 
Therapist: Remember not to blame yourself, okay? Ultimately, the choice to be willing to die for you was theirs and theirs alone. 
DIO: Thank you, Therapist. 
-end of session- 
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the-cooler-kira · 3 years ago
Hi 😊
Can we have Polnareff x fem! reader, they are both in the trip, in their last days. But before they get to Dio, they talk about how this might be their last night together, they don't if they are going to survive, so they make love for the "last time"?
One Last Time || Jean Pierre Polnareff x Reader
cw: female reader, mentions of canon injury, anxiety on everyone's behalf, SMUT, swearing, unedited
summary: the crusaders have only just made it to egypt when the severity of the situation really sets in
note: that scenario is so sweet 😭 sorry it took so long @needy-self-ship-jjba hope it was ok!!
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SMUT TWs: slight manhandling (?), praise, fingering, vaginal sex
It had been an exhausting, action-packed journey but you and your fellow stand users have finally made it to Egypt. Somehow, after the chaos with Midler's stand and needing to swim the rest of the way, you had made it to Egypt alive.
Granted, Joseph needed a replacement for his prosthetic hand but you were all alive.
And of course, as soon as you all reached the desert there was the encounter with N'Doul where Avdol was already injured and Kakyoin's eyes were slashed. Both in the hospital. Avdol was fortunate enough to have minor injury so he's already been discharged, but Kakyoin wasn't so lucky.
All of you, apart from Kakyoin, had made it to the next hotel and the sun was finally setting over Egypt. This time, you and Polnareff got a room to yourselves while Jotaro, Joseph, and Avdol slept in a different room.
Polnareff, who happened to be your boyfriend, was in the shower when you made your way out to the private balcony and leaned over the iron rail. It was modest, but it was enough for you to have a moment to yourself. Unfortunately, this meant that you were reflecting on everything that had happened so far.
Cool air gently blew against your exposed skin, allowing your clothes to flutter in the wind as if you were in a dramatic romance movie.
As you watched the stars, you couldn't help but wonder how different your life could have been if you had met Polnareff under different circumstances. What if his sister was never assaulted and murdered? What if neither of you had stands? What if you didn't meet at all?
Your thoughts had consumed you so much that you didn't notice your lover leaning against the door frame directly behind you. "What are you doing out here?"
His presence started you momentarily, but you responded with, "oh, you know, just having an existential crisis." He let out a dry chuckle at your deadpanned comment before you noticed his awkward facial expression and asked what he was thinking about.
"I can promise you, none of my thoughts are innocent," he half-joked as he stood next to you, taking in the breeze as you were moments ago.
"Oh? Innocent, huh?" You repeated, turning your head to look at him.
"Mhm." He avoided your gaze.
"What kind of thoughts would those be?"
"Well, when you're kinda bent over the railing like that... the view from behind is quite the image," he purred and finally made eye contact.
"Jean!" You laughed as you pushed his arm lightly, only for him to wrap said arm around you.
"What? You asked!" He laughed for a moment.
When the both of you had settled once more, the air had become thick. Your depressing thoughts were still in the back of your mind: they have been since you've arrived in Egypt. What if not everyone makes it out of this alive? What if Dio is too strong? What if... either of you die?
"Are you sure you're ok, ma chérie?"
You didn't respond. Were you?
"Is there anything I can do to help?" His tone was soft; patient. The pure kindness he always showed you made your heart swell, even if he was playful at times, he always respects your boundaries and makes sure you're ok.
"I don't know, to be honest." You began, "it seems that my mind doesn't want to shut up."
Now he doesn't know what to say, he just rubbed your back in a soothing manner.
"I mean, what if this is our last time?"
"Last time for what?" He tilted his head at you, gently caressing your cheek and turning your head to look at him.
"Well, anything really." His icy blue eyes scanned your delicate features and stared at you for a moment.
Without saying a word, he stood up properly and put his large hands on your waist. He leaned down to give you a kiss on your cheek, and then slowly kissed you on the lips, his thumb rubbing circles into your side.
"Then I guess we just have to make it worth it."
He shared your fears. What if he didn't make it back to you? What if Dio got to you first? God forbid, what if you got killed?
"Oh, Jean." You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and he picked you up effortlessly.
He took you inside and shut the door with his foot. Moving over to the bed, he carefully laid you down on your back and practically crawled on top of you. He trailed kisses, licks, and bites up and down your neck, making sure to hit your sweet spot while his hand subtly grabbed at your chest, the touch was light enough that you leaned into it.
You tried repressing a moan, but it came out as a whine instead and you could feel the smug smirk that sneaked it's way on to his chiseled face.
Meanwhile, his hand slowly made it's way to your thigh after groping at your chest and feeling every last curve and valley of your body. He even managed to strip you of all your clothes, excluding your panties.
This tantalisingly slow pace made you grow impatient.
"Don't worry, my love." He whispered as he stopped for oxygen for a brief minute, "just lay there and let me please you."
"Can you please me faster?" You half-joked.
"What's the rush? Didn't I just say we'd have to make it worth while?"
With that, his hand had made it to your clothed heat. He hooked a finger around the side of your panties before dragging them off your legs and tossing them to the side of the room. You let out a sigh of frustration: you didn't want to wait!
"Be a good girl and be patient," he requested, although it was more of a demand. "You can do that for me, can't you?"
"That's my girl," he said as his hand started to lightly brush against your slit, feeling the increasing wetness of it, before he applied more pressure and rubbed slow circles on your clit. You couldn't help the mini moan that escaped your throat.
His middle finger rubbed against your slit when you sighed out of pleasure and impatience, "Jean, stop teasing!"
"Like this?" Just like that, his index and middle finger plunged past your tight walls, using your slick as a lube.
"Fuck!" You nearly screamed.
"You may wanna keep your voice down, princess. Who knows how thin the walls may be?"
It doesn't help that Jotaro and Kakyoin are in the room to your left, while Joseph and Avdol occupy the room to your right. Either way, somebody in your party could find out.
Polnareff slowly moved his long fingers in and out, curling them just right to hit another area that would allow for the best reactions from you. He picked up the pace while his thumb remained on your throbbing clit.
"Oh my god." Your breath was getting heavier by the second. He let you try to recompose – emphasis on try – before inserting his ring finger and fucking you with now three fingers. "Jean!" You moaned as you went cover your flushed face with shaking arms.
"Awww, c'mon now." He used his free hand to take your arms away from your face while he remained pressed into your side. "Don't hide that cute face from me, baby."
Without warning, he suddenly pulled his fingers out and licked them clean before wiping them down on the side of his boxers.
"Babe! For fuck sake," you whined with a visibly disappointed pout.
"Don't be like that," he commented with no real apology behind his tone.
He shifted so he was now sat at your entrance. Then, he used both hands to lift your legs and support them on his shoulders. The cool air contrasting with the ever-growing heat between your thighs sent a welcome shiver down your spine.
"You know you still have your pants on right?" You snorted. Polnareff immediately looked down and felt his face grow even hotter out of embarrassment.
"Y-yeah!" He exclaimed as he took his sight away from you for the first time tonight.
Frantically, he looked around as if he was trying to find some sort of excuse. His head snapped back to face you again when he quipped, "aren't you an eager little thing?"
The confident smirk he always wore returned to his face when you were the one to look away.
"Just shut up and fuck me!" You shifted somehow even closer to emphasise your need.
"As you wish princess," he chuckled.
"Ok, ok!" He awkwardly manoeuvred his body so he could take his boxers off. "Just... need to... take these off- ah!"
You couldn't help but laugh at the sight of your boyfriend trying to take his pants off with his feet, only for them to not come off as they pathetically hung from his ankle.
Finally, he got them off and turned to look at you: tears were forming in your eyes because of how much you were trying to stifle your laugh. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find it cute and he probably would have also laughed if the context was different, but he couldn't let your laughter slide.
"Do you think that's funny, princess?" He mocked as he suddenly slammed his thick cock into you, using your slick as a lube again.
"Holy shit!" You practically screamed, your hands holding onto the sheets for dear life.
"What was that?"
"Mmmh, holy shit Jean."
"I can't quite understand you, baby."
Of course, he looked completely proud of himself. But neither of you cared. The way his dick thrust into you, exploring your insides, made you feel too full to even think.
The sound was purely pornographic: the skin slapping, the groans of pleasure, and the bed squeaking. All a part of a filthy soundtrack that neither of you could get enough of.
"Mmh, fuck."
"You like that, princess? Hmm?
"Obviously- ahh," you sighed. Tears of bliss brimmed in your eyes and Polnareff kissed every one that fell. He had surprisingly good stamina.
Eventually, his thrusts became more erratic with no recognisable and real rhythm.
It felt like everything inside you was twisting in the best way possible with the toe-curling, sheet-gripping state he had you in.
"Sweetheart... I'm close." He panted so heavily that you could see the way his heart beat in his chest. "Fuck, mmh, I'm gonna cum."
"Do it," you began. "Fucking do it, Jean. I'm gonna cum as well," you babbled as he fucked somehow even harder into you.
You felt the white ropes of his cum paint your insides, while yours glistened down the side of his throbbing dick. He stayed inside before finally pulling out, riding out the intensity of your orgasms.
"I- wow," you panted.
Tiredness finally caught up to you so all you could do was lay there and stare at the ceiling.
"Was it really that good?" He laughed, finally returning to his bashful self as he walked into the ensuite bathroom. The sound of water running brought you back to your senses.
"What does it look like?" You quipped.
"Alright, alright." He walked back in the bedroom and picked you up effortlessly once more, but with a more gentle and tender tone than before. "Let's get you cleaned up."
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seiyasabi · 3 years ago
Pretty please will you give us some Headcannons on Doul struggling/reacting to his strong crusader love when he reciprocates her affection through cuddles, hugs and making out? I thought the idea of him struggling to keep his horny self in check since she wants to wait, so cute and sweet! Does he already have a ring on hand to propose to her bc he can’t wait to have her??
Sure :P
Yan N'Doul Trying to Control Himself HCs:
-He's fighting for his life every five secs
-He wants to progress the relationship, but he respects and loves you enough to not push it too far (U know, besides touching u when u were unaware :P)
-But, u make it so hard to control himself when u always sit on his lap to cuddle him, give him long smooches, etc..
-He deadass proposes to u the moment u give into getting into a relationship w him lol
-He claims it's a 'promise ring' but it's literally a wedding ring lmao
-N'Doul chose ur ring by feeling the cut of the diamond, leading him to choose one that was cut into the shape of a rose
-He keeps himself in check by rubbing his fingers over your ring; reminding him what he'll lose if he doesn't keep it in his pants
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