118 posts
Mav, 20, she/they. Currently obsessed with Arcane. Attempting to write again after a few year hiatus. Thirsting is most welcome! Minors don't interact! Read my rules (pinned) please.
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mavzoon · 2 years ago
a blorbo survey for academic purposes
now to be clear this is not my survey. i was asked to share this with you all by @the-blorbo-project and as a lover of unconventional research and internet history, i agreed. here are the details i was asked to post:
Are you 18 or older? Do you have a blorbo, poor little meow meow, cinnamon roll, or just a favorite character? The Blorbo Project ( @the-blorbo-project ) wants to hear from you!
We are two PhD researchers and long-time Tumblr users studying how fans relate to their beloved characters. You can take our survey here [link:].
Participation is completely voluntary and most questions are open-ended so you can give us as much or as little detail as you'd like. The survey does collect some basic demographic information, but participation is completely anonymous. Questions? Feel free to DM or message @the-blorbo-project !
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mavzoon · 3 years ago
In Servitude
| Word Count - 5.7k | Smut (18+) | Virgin Reader, Possessive Viktor, PnV, Cunnilingus, Robot Nonsense |
(Listen, I- I don't have an excuse, okay. This is- this is really fucking horny, I'm warning you now lmfao. Do enjoy~)
The Herald has many fantasies about the sweet girl who assists him in aiding the people.
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You are Viktor's greatest sin.
It's not something he is ashamed to admit, as conflicted by his own emotions as he may often become. Even the noblest men have their vices. And you? Well, you're the sweetest corruption.
You'd come to him in a wheelchair, originally. Pained and guilty of the strain you put on your parents, you sought him out to 'fix' you, to make you capable of walking and running, of jumping and climbing, of surviving the harsh world of Zaun. Viktor, of course, is no stranger to that pain. He is...uniquely sympathetic, in fact.
What he hadn't expected, was that you would stay.
"I want to help." It did not escape his notice the way your voice wavered, the way you bit your lip to hide the slight tremor. He wondered what was scaring you, his rejection, or just himself?
"I will ask a great deal of you, if you are to assist me. I will not slow down to teach you."
You'd just nodded, determined and fiery.
Viktor hadn't realized his mistake until too late, of course.
You weren't much use in the mechanical way, you knew nothing of it and hadn't been afforded the education necessary- nor a mind like his. But you had something he lacked, gentleness.
A sweet, warm face and the most giddy, eager disposition, showing new and potential patients the legs he'd crafted just for you. Your joy was infectious, soothing and friendly. A social butterfly to his- ah- bitter moth... he supposed. It had even begun to work on him, without his realizing.
Gently, with masterful expertise, you'd managed to draw him out from his carefully constructed shell.
It never felt manipulative, though. You were painfully earnest with him, and seemed so excited every time you managed to elicit some sort of approval or amusement from him. So many times when you thought he wasn't paying attention, you'd shimmy in the spot, pumping your fists with enthusiasm after you managed to coax him from his work, or get him to eat something, or even to just laugh.
What Viktor hasn't realized, is his own affect on you.
Stars, you remember when you first saw that face- when you'd heard that voice, his real voice.
You'd taken to cooking for him. Realizing you couldn't pay him for your new legs and, frankly, that nothing would ever be enough to pay for what he's given you, you thought that maybe he'd appreciate more time to focus on his work without sacrificing warm meals every night.
"Ah- Viktor..?" You'd gently bumped open the door to his workshop with your hip, careful not to startle him in the middle of his project. You'd carried a rather large bowl of rice and curry up the stairs, still hot enough to sting your hands and leave you with a twinge of regret that you'd forgotten to wear mitts. Metal legs, not metal arms.
Viktor hadn't humored you with a response, the only sign that his attention had focused on you came from the way his head tilted ever so slightly in your direction, his third arm continuing it's meticulous welding. "I made dinner, if you'd like some."
That stalled the claw, the laser abruptly petering out as he straightened on his stool. It took him a strange amount of time to respond. "...You did not have to do that."
You could tell it wouldn't take any fight for him to cave, if only because Viktor had already turned on the stool and was eyeing the bowl in your hands with the maximum amount of intensity that could come from a mask.
You'd set it down and had begun to walk away when you heard it, the click of the concealing garment coming free, settling onto his table with a surprisingly solid thunk.
Some part of you felt like you should've kept walking, like you were crossing a boundary or- desecrating something sacred by gazing upon his face, but you were terribly human, and so curiosity won.
He was beautiful.
You'd assumed he'd be an older man- a good bit older than you, at least, what with the gray and white spattered against his temples. But his face was youthful and angular, and surprisingly soft. He looked almost sleepy in this moment, half-lidded and happily stirring around the contents of his bowl before taking a large, appreciative bite.
"This is good, thank you." His voice had startled you, unexpected in how soft and comforting he sounds when not distorted behind a mask, and then he's turning to stare directly at you and it's almost too much for you to handle.
His eyes are mechanical, and you partially wonder if perhaps his skin is as well- adorned with strange, unnatural cuts around the cheeks and temples. But there are delicate little moles decorating the skin, and a rosiness to his cheeks you cannot imagine he'd willingly have put there if he had made his own face.
"O-oh! You're welcome..!" You fiddle nervously. "I'm sorry, I'm hovering- I'll leave you be, now."
You'd smiled at him, shy, and scurried away before he could respond.
Viktor wanted to take you then, and there.
But he wasn't sure if you were truly interested in him, and he wasn't one to gamble- especially not with someone as important to him as you. Certainly, it was a bit torturous, the waiting and hovering, watching and yearning, especially when you did little things that drove him wild, or other people expressed interest you didn't seem to notice or care for, but he would let you come to him, when you were ready.
In the meantime, he would simply have to make do with his fist.
There's a small learning curve for him, Viktor hasn't been the most- sexually active since his transformation, his mind cast to greater things, and so the new body he has equipped himself with is- well- new to him. He hasn't learned the best ways with which to please himself, and it results in his frustration often growing rather than being sated. If only because he knows there would be no difficulty in pleasuring himself with you.
He wonders now, in this moment, what experiences you've had. How badly would he be ruining you for all others- as he knows he can and will.
Are you a little slut? Have you fucked your way through life in Zaun? Using that pretty body and that sweet face to provide for your family? A thousand disappointments looking for someone who can properly satisfy that nature of yours..?
But no, not with the way you so clearly miss his hunger, his ravenous desire for you. The way you miss everyone's. So many men and women staring at you, craving you like he does, and you never notice. Utterly oblivious to the power you hold. Innocent, even.
So perhaps you've only a little experience, then? Childhood sweethearts and old romances, awkward little dry humping encounters that ended far too shortly for you to be truly satisfied the way you deserve, the kind of satisfied only a long night of gentle, sweaty writhing or a good hard fuck from a man that knows what he's doing can bring.
Fuck, he wants to see you naked- again, this time not so sterile, this time not so professional. What do your tits look like, when they aren't pinned up in a bra that creates artificial roundness? Soft and exposed to him to jiggle and bounce as he takes you? How will they feel beneath the sensors of his fingers? Are your nipples sensitive? Will you shiver and grow wet for him if he squeezes ever so gently?
"Vik? Have I lost you?"
Viktor's eyes snap back into focus, staring at you with a bleary sort of shock that brings a fond smile to your face- there he goes again, wandering off into that massive mind of his. You get to see it with great detail.
The two of you couldn't be much closer together if you tried, honestly. Viktor's house in Emberflit is quite small, and Viktor himself is not, you're both tucked into the breakfast nook in his kitchen, and Viktor is so tall that you have to sit sideways in your chair to give him room for his legs. Even in this position, his knees brush gently against your thigh as he moves around.
"I- ah- I apologize..." You giggle at the sweet flush on his face, "what were you saying..?"
"One of our clients came by earlier, that girl with the missing eye? Sweet little thing—"
And Viktor is lost in you, again. Your face makes his chest ache, watching as you smile fondly and recount the girl dragging you outside to point out all the things she could see now with blistering excitement. It made Viktor happy to hear that, to know that was another person he'd helped, especially a young child.
But he couldn't pull back from you.
He watches you brush your hair back idly as you talk, smiling into the drink you're sipping and waving your spare hand around animatedly, he wants to grab it and thread his fingers through yours terribly badly, wants to squeeze with affection to tell you he's still listening.
You're stopping again, staring at him a lingering moment. "...Viktor..?"
"I- ...are you okay..?"
He feels his face warm when you ask that, made worse by the concern that crosses your pretty eyes.
"Yes, quite fine."
Viktor's voice is soft again, he'd been doing that a lot, lately. Strange moments of breathiness and lack of focus so unlike him and the passion and needlepoint sharpness usually there. It makes you worried that maybe something is wrong, maybe he's becoming lethargic- but he tells you he's fine, every time.
"Are you sure..? I just..." You suck in a breath and do something incredibly nerve wracking, attempting to convey to him your care. Gently, you reach forward and cup his face, thumb rubbing across his cheekbone affectionately.
You planned to tell him you were worried, and that it was okay if he didn't feel comfortable now- but all words died in your throat.
By reflex, horribly emotional reflex, Viktor's head tips heavily into your hand, absolutely rapt by your attention, nose pressing gently to your skin and brows furrowing. It takes place in a mere matter of moments, and than as if doused in ice-water, he comes back to himself, sitting bolt straight and staring at you with wide, guilty eyes.
You don't make any move to pull away, too stunned even if you wanted to.
"I- I-" he's stammering now, trying to find a reason for what just happened, an excuse, anything.
His name leaves your lips again, raw and quiet and fat with emotion that frightens him.
He turns his head away, afraid that you'll somehow be repulsed by him now. That the admiration you had for him will evaporate with the knowledge that he's a human man with a very human interest in you, despite what the zealots he's accidentally amassed would say.
He hears you stand, and winces.
He anticipates you grilling him about what just happened, or maybe leaving- so it makes him jolt when his face is being cupped in both of your hands and suddenly you're just- so close, he can't breathe.
A stray thought catches him- that you're so small, even with him sitting down and you standing you're at eye level, and you're so close he can smell whatever pretty soap you splurged on last week- and you're looking at him like he's the most important thing in the world.
Fuck it.
He turns in his seat so he's fully facing you, and then he leans forward, slow, so that you can back off if this isn't something you want, and when you don't pull away- no- when you look at him with need- he presses his mouth to yours, a little harder than intended.
It's a hungry, devouring kiss, and you whimper immediately when you feel him press against your lips, mouth parting to let his tongue slide in smoothly, trailing along your own with toe curling skill.
In fact, that's something he notes as he kisses you, hands coming up to cup your head gently, to maneuver you closer so he doesn't have to lean. You're enthusiastic, passionate, but sloppy, like you don't really know what it is you're supposed to be doing.
His hands drop to your hips, and he's pulling you into his lap tightly. You go willingly, but the moment your core rubs against what you're very certain is his rock hard erection, you practically yelp and pull away.
Your eyes are huge and you suddenly look terribly shy, and very flustered, hands on his shoulders as you stare at him with something like shock and hesitation.
"If this is not something you want..." Viktor's voice is rough, and he swallows in a feeble attempt to sound more composed.
"I-It's not that!" You squeak, and then your hands cover your face, embarrassed.
Suddenly, an idea occurs to Viktor.
His hands come back up to grab your hips, and he drags you, slow and purposeful, over his length. He clenches his teeth at the sensation, and his ego is provoked when he hears a soft little moan escape you. He leans in with that newfound confidence. "Are you... Inexperienced..?"
You snort softly, a little self deprecating as you look at the notes scattered across your little shared table. "I'm a virgin..." And then, quieter. "Nobody around to be interested in me if I'm stuck in a modified storage closet in my parents' shop all day."
Viktor's brain has stalled out.
He'd never- he hadn't-
Something stirs deep in him, sparks between his hips, has him sucking in a ragged breath. Something sharp and possessive and burning hot.
No man, no woman, has ever touched you. You were his.
It seems impossible to him, that no one would have touched you, pleased you, and yet- here you are, flustered and sweet and oh, truly innocent.
Viktor's mind races ahead of him, supplying him with fantasies that burrow into his gut and intoxicate him with a lust so potent he shudders.
You, on your knees, the sight of you struggling to suck your first cock, his, as it slides passed your lips, the way you'd gag and tears would form but you'd still take it like a good girl. You, chest down with your face forced into the pillows, hands tied between your spread knees as he mounted and railed you into the mattress until you forgot anything except the feeling of him sliding between your folds. You, with your tits pressed to the window as he fucked you hard enough to nearly break the glass, so that all those men and women you never noticed staring would know who owned you.
Fuck, fuck.
He realizes he'd been staring too long, and so he chokes out the only thing that comes to mind. "Please, if you do not want this- please, please tell me."
And then his mouth is on yours, it's even more aggressive this time, and he's pulling you taught against him again, his hips wiggling with intent. You don't stop him, instead you press your chest against him and relax, full body as he nips and licks at you.
You decide, again, to be brave- it'd gone well so far- and as his tongue is sliding against yours, you gently suck on it, experimenting.
Viktor stands abruptly, aware in a daze of things clattering to the ground but he doesn't give a shit, he's crushing you against his body and headed for the stairs with burning purpose, poised to take them two steps at a time.
"W-where are we-?" You whimper when his tongue laps at your pulse, and you hear the old wooden stairs creak a little dangerously beneath your combined weights.
"Darling- beautiful-" he peppers kisses up to your face. "I would like- if you want this, that is- I would like to be the one." He leaves the implication for you.
"O-oh..." You blush so pretty. "Okay."
He pulls back to look you in the eye. "No."
One of his hands releases from it's bruising grip across your back, coming up to hold your chin delicately in his hands. "No uncertainties, no hesitation." He kisses you, a sweet little peck on the lips. "Do you want this... Me?"
You look him in the eyes, and nod.
"Say it."
"Yes." You swallow your embarrassment down. "Viktor please, I want you."
You can see something darken in his eyes, his face, and he's cradling you with both arms again, hauling you up the stairs and to his room.
He decides then, he'll be gentle, he'll be sweet- he wants to pleasure you properly, to give you a good first experience, to make you come undone intimately and with him right there to help you put the pieces back together.
But later... Later he will do awful things to you, he will defile you, he will turn you into his personal little whore, just to hear you beg like that again, aching so sweetly for his cock to fill you up.
He slams the door to his room open with his leg far more aggressively than he intends and it clatters loudly against the wall. You yelp, and then fall away in uncontrollable little giggles as she shoots you a bright, bashful little smile that's positively boyish on his usually dour face.
For once, Viktor is incredibly grateful that he has an obscene number of pillows.
He's well aware of his extensive weight, being far more machine than man, and as he tosses you onto the bed laughing at the way you squeal, he arranges the pillows around you so that he can lay his weight onto them, avoiding crushing you.
He takes a moment to just look at you.
Your hair is a halo in and amongst the mountain of cushions, hands resting palms out on either side of your shoulders, and you're just blinking up at him like you're unsure what you should be doing, other than watching him back.
In truth, that's exactly what you're doing.
His hair is a mess and he's breathing harder than you think he realizes, his eyes are drinking you in greedily, the usual pale yellow has turned a deep, sultry gold and his pupils are blown out massive. His mouth is parted to pant, and like this you can make out that same yellow glow from in his mouth, between massive sets of jagged metal teeth, that tantalizing artificial tongue of his.
"Vik... Viktor..." You call softly, and he's helpless to your whims. "Touch me, please."
His hands begin to slide up your shirt, and you shudder under the contact, goosebumps forming as he lazily runs senseless patterns across your skin, tickling at your ribs as he teases the band of your bra. You slowly sit up, and he leans back to give you room, he's just watching you under his half lidded gaze, drunk off the contact and kissing- you suspect, no one has given him this much affection in a long time.
Your hands are shaking hard as you grab at your shirt, pulling it up over your head and casting it to his floor, it takes a great deal of effort to look at him- and then you snort.
His eyes are glued to your chest, typical.
Viktor reaches forward with deft hands, unclipping the back of your bra and pulling it down slowly, his breath catches when your breasts are finally revealed to him, and he drops the garment in his hands absentmindedly. He gives you no time to be insecure or question what he thinks of you, pushing forward so that you're flattened against the mattress and his mouth is all over your breasts, licking and sucking until his takes a sensitive nipple into his mouth and ever so gently scrapes, eliciting a high keen from you.
Fuck you're beautiful.
Your breasts are even softer than he'd imagined, and even without having your sweet pussy exposed to him he can see how aroused you are. The perpetual flush on your face is no longer from embarrassment, and has begun to spread down your neck and over the tips of your ears- you look practically pleading to him, like you're begging to be claimed.
He bites down- gently- on the soft skin of your ribs and sucks a large, dark hickey into that spot. He keeps doing this until you're gently tugging on his hair in a way that makes his cock jump aggressively, and he can no longer resist.
You both look a mess, his hair is everywhere, you're half naked, both of you are flushed and breathing hard. You- you hadn't expected Viktor to take so much time with this, you'd anticipated him to just- well, you didn't know. Not this, though.
He goes to hook his fingers into your pants and you whisper a soft, "wait."
Immediately his eyes dart to you, as if afraid you'd changed your mind.
"I- I want to see you..."
The caution melts away in his eyes, replaced with something debauched and delightfully cocky. He sits fully back, so that you can get a good look at his entirety, and as he begins to undress, it finally sinks in just how naked Viktor truly is at almost all times.
You didn't know why it hadn't occurred to you, you knew he was mostly machine, but some part of you must have assumed that the swathes and plains of chiseled, dark black and yellow across his body was some sort of skinsuit, and not just his skin.
He unclasps the ruddy cloak adorning his shoulders, letting it fall forgotten to the foot of the bed, and then Viktor tips his head to the side, eyes half-lidded, and smiles at you, slow and sexual in a way that makes you clench and throb. He pulls what amounts to a loincloth off with a tug, and then he's fully exposed to you.
His cock is- you weren't experienced but you didn't need to be to know, he was quite well endowed. The underside and head is a bright yellow, the way his tongue and eyes are, and the sides of his shaft are heavily ribbed, against his pelvis you spot something, but you aren't quite sure what, and you're too distracted by what he does next.
One of his hands wraps around his cock, stroking himself in long, languid motions, he's not even focusing on his own pleasure, watching the way your mouth drops open and you make a soft keening noise at the sight of him, of the way the panels and ribs of his cock shift and slide.
"You want this?" He sounds downright smug.
You nod, regardless.
"Your words."
"Yes Viktor, please..." It's getting easier, speaking to him like this, if only for the way you see his cock jump in his hands.
His voice comes flittering back, softer. "My turn, beautiful."
You help him, lifting your hips as he tugs off your pants and underwear in one swift go, and you try to ignore the spike of nerves as he tosses the garments away to some far corner of the room, turning to drink you in.
He moans, softly, at your cunt finally being exposed to him, his, all his.
Gently, he nudges your thighs apart, and you oblige slowly, turning absolutely crimson when he doesn't immediately move to fill in the space, instead just watching the way you spread, opening yourself up to him.
Your pussy is cute to him, all wet and quivering, and he knows you're going to milk him so good the moment he finally claims you. His fingers reach out and without warning he's brushing them through your folds, touching and exploring meticulously. Your hips shake and jolt, and you whine- something that rises in pitch when his other hand comes up to pin you to the mattress.
"Shhhh..." His whispers softly. "Let me take care of you, beautiful. Let me make you feel good."
He pulls his fingers back for a moment, sucking them into his mouth to wet them thickly. He moans. "You taste so good, sweetheart."
And then those fingers are touching you again with purpose. He gently pushes up and out, spreading your folds until he sees what he's been yearning for, that pretty little pearl of yours revealing itself to him. He can't help himself, he lowers all the way down until he's hovering just above you, his eyes searing into yours as he gives your clit the gentlest, most teasing little kitten lick.
You jolt, and can't suppress the little moan that erupts at the sensation. You don't even get the chance to pull your hands to your mouth, one of his hands grips yours, threading your fingers together to squeeze affectionately, and that massive claw of his comes 'round to pin the other to the mattress, leaving you utterly helpless to his desires.
His third hand- no fair- pushes your folds back apart nice and wide for him, keeping that little bud exposed to his touches. He's having far too much fun teasing you.
He kisses softly against the bundle of nerves, feeling the way your fingers flex and squirm in his hand, and even when you begin to fuss he barely pokes that infuriating yellow tongue of his out, lapping at your clit with the very end.
You could almost beg, and Viktor would regret not making you do so if he ever found out, but he shows mercy nonetheless and presses his tongue hard against your clit, grinding and rubbing and flicking it until you're squirming and whimpering loudly above him, crushing his head between your thighs. He just moans when you do, and the reverberations make you squeak his name, high pitch and whiny.
"Nnh- Vik please-" He's rolling his tongue in circles around your clit now, and you can feel heat building between your legs, warm and then hot and hotter still as he watches your face, your body, how you respond to him.
And then he's pulling away and you grind out a frustrated moan.
"Vik- why-!"
He just shushes you, and you pout. He doesn't leave you disappointed for long, however.
That smile returns to his face, and he opens his mouth to stick his tongue out, but where it should stop it doesn't, rolling out longer and longer until you're staring, shocked and aroused and maybe a little disturbed that you're aroused.
"W-why-?" It feels like a stupid question, and Viktor answers it with a flat tone that tells you it was.
"Because I want to fuck you stupid on my cock and my tongue."
And then he's back between your legs and-
It's stretching, pushing, writhing, so so warm and wet and fuck, the way he's rubbing against your walls, insistent and searching for something. You don't know, and you don't care in that moment, your hips rocking shamelessly against his face.
You taste amazing to him, you're so soft and so silky around his tongue, fluttering and squeezing in the way of a pussy not used to being penetrated, not used to being stretched, he knew you'd feel so fucking good on him right now, but he intends to taste your orgasm before it's spoiled by his own. He pushes, prods, patiently mapping you out until he finds what he desires.
You're squirming anyways, clearly more than satisfied with what he's doing as is- and then the fattest section of his tongue brushes just right against your wall and he feel you suck in a harsh breath, whimpering softly.
Immediately, Viktor latches onto that. He's rubbing that spot, that too sensitive too much spot inside of you, and his hand is coming up to rub your clit.
"Vik- Vik please- fuck-!" You force your legs wider instead of clamping down on him, wanting him closer, deeper, wanting more, wanting anything he'd give you.
He continues to press down, tongue grinding into that spot while his thumb circles your clit until your legs are shaking and you're rhythmically jerking your hips, caught within ministrations until-
"Vik- Vik I think I'm-"
He moans, and you see white.
You clench so hard around his tongue and he tastes you gush down around him, his third arm lets go of your own in favor of holding you down, keeping you steady so he can gently fuck you on his tongue straight through your orgasm, his touch against your clit slowing down to a near tease while he milks you for all he can.
Your hand is still clamped tightly in his, squeezing down on the appendage in a vice grip as you writhe and gasp, completely caught in how good everything feels and how you're so fucking overwhelmed by it. You can feel him gently squeeze back.
Eventually though, you come down from the high and realize he's not between your legs anymore. Rather, he's laying beside you, kissing you and brushing your hair from your face.
"Mmh..." You try to say- something- you aren't sure what, but Viktor just smiles, sweeter this time.
You really take him in now, like this. He's got your slick all across his face, for one, watching you like a hawk as you throb and wiggle your hips, still feeling the aftershocks of his eagerness between your legs, but you sweep lower and drink in the rest of him.
You'd never been close enough to notice before, but the strange texture of his artificial skin is actually runes, hundreds of them in little vertical stripes down his body, absentmindedly, you trace them, and Viktor turns pink.
"Are you ready..?" His voice is hoarse, and you remember oh- yes.
He doesn't need second confirmation.
His body bears down on you in a way both suffocating and pleasant, comforting, his massive arms scoop up underneath yours and he's kissing you gently so that you're tasting yourself on his tongue. It makes you whimper, and you can feel his lips quirk up at the sound.
Once again, Viktor is quite well endowed, you feel the need to skitter back to that thought, feeling him press his achingly hard erection against your folds, grinding himself up and down until he hisses and his brows begin to pinch together.
"Vik..." You whimper, needy and high right into his ear, and he groans.
"I'll be gentle," he promises with a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
And then he's pressing in and you're scrambling to find purchase against him, hands digging futilely against his shoulders and burying tightly into his hair.
"Oh fuck... oh fuck ohfuckoh-"
He shushes you gently, stilling in his movements so that a big hand can come up to pet your face, he's watching you so sweetly, so lovingly. "It's okay... Breathe, beautiful."
He starts to kiss down your throat, patiently coaxing you into relaxing, waiting until he can feel himself beginning to slide further inside without having to do anything. It keeps going like this, torturously slow but utterly worth it for the end result, when he finally bottoms out inside of you and finds himself shivering within the feelings.
You're so fucking tight, just like he'd expected and hoped, but he hadn't planned for how hot and wet you'd be, for the silkiness and wetness, he'd forgotten how addicting it could be- or perhaps it was just you. You were tiny beneath him, squirming and rocking your hips against his, petting his face and kissing at him even as you could barely stay still.
Fuck, he might cum faster than he wants.
Still, he pulls himself out nice and slow, and begins to push back in, all in one slow fluid movement this time. He watches intently as your eyes roll back into your head, the way your knees pull up to the mattress and you just shake for him, calling his name like a prayer as he begins to fuck into you in earnest.
"You feel so good, beautiful, so fucking good, I would be happy just leaving my cock in you like this, feeling the way you flutter and squeeze for me." He kisses your ear. "You're mine, your pussy is mine, made for me, perfect for me."
He's panting hard, babbling, he's just using the weight of his body to rock up and down, using that to pleasure himself- and it's working quite well, the tightness and heat is coiling in his gut, squeezing down on him hard as he tucks his face down against your neck, squeezing in as close as he can get without dropping fully on top of you. As if knowing exactly what he wanted, you wrapped yourself around him, clinging closer, tighter.
It felt so good, having you so close, your soft skin against his, the pleasure of you working him so good, the way you were so sweaty and said his name so sweet.
"Viktor..." you pant into his ear. "Cum for me."
The chord snaps with those pretty little words.
His hips stutter, and then he slams himself as tightly against you as he can, moaning low and loud as he spills into you. And you whimper under the feeling of that warmth inside of you, the beautiful expression he makes as pleasure courses through him.
You kiss him again and he sloppily returns the kisses, pulling himself free from you slowly as you whimper and flex, aching with the sudden emptiness.
But then he's cuddling down beside you, kissing you back in earnest now, slow and languid- not a thing to rush, after all.
"Viktor..." You feel almost embarrassed to be doing this.
You smile at how groggy he sounds already, like he's on the verge of passing out. "Are we...?"
For a moment the question just hangs there, and then he pulls you until you're laying on top of him, his hand possessively holds your face. "I have no intention of letting anyone else have you, ever again. They missed their chance. I did not."
You smile at that, and his expression softens. "I am a lucky man... I would be a fool to not see it, and a bastard to toss you away when you just became mine."
With that you tuck your face into his neck, letting exhaustion pull you down. Viktor pets at your hair gently, watching you fondly as you sleep. His blessing, his beautiful woman.
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mavzoon · 3 years ago
I absolutely adore this series already. Seeing Silco is such a different state/situation is a treat. And the dialogue? Immaculate. I feel all soft and squishy reading this. 
Bruises and Scrapes (2/?)
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Summary: A cold, heavy pit began to form in the bottom of your stomach, and it only grew heavier when your eyes slowly traveled from his pinched, frustrated face, to the recently-patched gash along his hairline, above his scarred face and red-eye.
“Do you remember… anything?”
[Or, sometimes it’s more complicated to save a man than it is to leave him behind. But it’s hard to regret the complicated.]
Warnings: SFW, Slow-burn, GN!Reader, canon-typical violence, memory-loss, temporary-amnesia, hurt/comfort, some humor, fluff, angst, world-building, set shortly after Act 1
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Having a big-heart in the Lanes isn’t just stupid, and asking for trouble. It’s deadly.
Everyone knows it. Fissure-folk aren’t cruel by design, only nature, redistributing what they’ve been dealt and giving back in crumbs what they got in spades. It’s a fact you know, and have lived with all your life. Largely-accepted as standard, unapologetic practice, and you’re hesitant to break traditions that help guarantee one’s survival in such an unforgiving place as the Underground.
But sometimes, your cursed heart can’t help its size, no more than you could help yourself from not… well, helping.
Keep reading
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mavzoon · 3 years ago
Mistake at Odirniran (Aryon smut)
I reached 55 hours in Morrowind two days ago and I’m proud to inform you I’ve become a simp for Aryon.  POV character is an unnamed and undescribed female. She could be you or your character. Whatever goes.
Warnings: vaginal sex, cunnilingus, blowjob, roughness, choking, master/apprentice dynamic
Premise: She messes up and kills the wrong person. Master Aryon reacts in his own way. 
She found every excuse to take longer getting back to Vos. Secunda and Masser were up in the sky when she arrived, and most decent people were asleep. She fidgeted her fingers as she levitated to the top of Tel Vos. Her mission to Odirniran hadn’t gone according to plan at all. Milyn Faram was alive, and his stronghold was barely damaged. The same could not be said for Vedelea Othril.
She sighed. It was well known the Telvanni experiment on people, most often slaves. She’d known it well enough way before she decided to join them. It didn’t make her feel any better, seeing how glazed with hopelessness Vedelea’s eyes had been. It was likely she may have compromised her position within the Telvanni, but to her dismay, she was more concerned about Aryon’s reaction. Once more, she began to wonder when she started seeing him as more than her patron.
“Is that Tel Vos?” she asked.
Ienasa Radas nodded. “Yes. It’s quite something, isn’t it? I heard that something went wrong when Master Aryon was growing the fungus.”
“Isn’t it unusual for a Telvanni to take residence in an imperial stronghold?”
Ienasa gave a hearty laugh. “Oh, it is. Master Aryon is like that. He’s odd even for Telvanni standards. Vos is growing rapidly, and we all have him to thank for it. We even got a tradehouse now! Do you know any other Telvanni that’s as open-minded?”
She found all the praise hard to believe and took special care to ask about Aryon in Tel Vos as well. To her surprise, everyone more or less felt the same about him.
She chugged a potion of rising force and levitated to the top of his tower. Turedus chuckled when she stumbled in, disoriented from flying. He led her to Master Aryon’s chamber.
She’d come to understand that Master Aryon was the youngest of the Telvanni Council, but she hadn’t expected him to be so young, maybe two hundred years at most. He waved Turedas out and beckoned her closer. “I am Master Aryon of House Telvanni. What brings you here?”
She tried her best not to shy away from his shrewd gaze. “I was hoping you’d become my patron.”
He hummed and looked her up and down. “This is an interesting proposition indeed. “I believe we can arrange a situation to our mutual benefit. I will become your patron if you convince another potential ally, Baladas Demnevanni, to abandon his reclusive ways and join the Council.”
She couldn’t suppress the smile. “Thank you, Master Aryon!”
And so months passed, her doing whatever chores he gave her. She found him a kind and generous patron. While the other Councilors she’d worked for had rewarded her well enough, except for Neloth, Aryon nearly spoiled her. He gave her valuable books and taught her spells with the patience of a saint. It all made her head spin. Kindness and generosity had been the last thing she expected to receive when she decided to join the Telvanni.
In time, she became comfortable enough to confide in Aryon when something troubled her. On the other hand, he began asking her opinions on whatever he was researching. On occasion, they simply enjoyed each others’ company whilst doing nothing in particular.
“I admire what you have accomplished in House Telvanni, but any student of mine must learn the rudimentary wizard spells. You know everything except levitation, and I suggest you get to it.”
She paused and glanced at her satchel of potions. “I’ve tried many times but I never got the hang of it. I can barely stand flying with potions. I’m like a fish out of water, so to speak.”
Aryon chuckled. “That won’t do. I can help you, just show me what you can do. Go on, give it a shot.”
“A-are you sure? I could knock something over.”
He waved his hand. “Go on. I will catch you if you fail.” She gulped and pulled as much Magicka into her hands as possible, then cast it. Her body jolted up and slammed into the ceiling of the fungus. She yelped, lost her control and began to fall. She squealed when Aryon caught her. They levitated just above his desk.
“No wonder you haven’t mastered this yet,” he said, smiling. “You cast the spell as if you wanted to force your way up! Here, let me show you how it should feel,” he placed his hand just below her throat and cast a levitation spell on her. His warm fingers made her skin tingle. He let her go, and she floated relatively still as if being rocked by waves.
“See? Levitation is supposed to be gentle.”
She hoped he wouldn’t notice the burning blush on her cheeks. “T-thank you. I think I understand now. How do I get down?”
“You can’t on your own since I made you levitate. Here,” he offered her his hand. “I’ll help you.” He held her hands and pulled her down to the floor. Her chest tightened at the feeling of his warm hands. The spell wore off, and she stumbled from the sudden weight and would’ve fallen if Aryon hadn’t held her. “You’ll get used to it. Try it again.”
She did. Again and again, each time she fell, Aryon caught her. By the time she got a hold of it, she felt drunk from all the touching, her body burning.
She blushed at the memory of it. That may have been the moment it all changed.
“Ah, you’re back,” Turedus said when she stepped into the tower. He cleared his throat and averted his gaze on her. “Master Aryon’s been expecting you. Milyn Faram was here a few hours ago and… Well, good luck.”
She nodded. “Thank you for the warning.”
She slid the door to Aryon’s study open slowly as not to make a sound. Aryon sat with his back turned to her, reading a book. She cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Master Aryon?”
He set the book down and turned to her, his expression not giving anything away. “I hear the Hlaalu in Odirniran have been retired. Milyn Faram didn’t seem too pleased, though. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” He gave her a knowing look.
She tried her best to calm her breathing down. “There was a woman in a cell, and she looked so sad,” she couldn’t bring herself to continue.
Aryon stood up and walked up to her.
She took a step back, pressing her back against the door. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to free her, but she attacked me when I opened the door. I didn’t mean to-”
He raised his finger to her lips. “Faram seemed to think she was a valuable test subject, and he was most disappointed at her untimely death.”
She furrowed her brows. “There were plenty of bandits and rogues near his hold. He could’ve easily taken one of them for his pet.”
Aryon chuckled. “You may be right, but I have few friends and I had been hoping to win Faram over, especially since he knows Archmagister Gothren quite well.”
Her eyes widened. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I never meant to make you look bad. I’m sorry for disappointing you,” she added and looked away.
Aryon tilted her chin up, his hand lingering. She shivered from the closeness of it. “You could never disappoint me,” he paused and for a moment, she could see the hesitation in his eyes. “I am proud to be your patron. There will be more times to win Faram over. In fact,” he scoffed. “He said he is willing to overlook the entire thing for a price.”
“Truly?” She was confused. “What price? I’ll do anything I can to fix things.”
He studied her and traced his fingers over the faint bruise on her jaw from the battle. “He wanted to see you chastised.”
Her eyes widened, and not entirely from his words. “What?”
He pulled his hand away. “The fetcher wanted to do it himself. You need not fear. I won’t let him near you if I can help it.”
She was quiet for a moment. Aryon had every need for more allies, especially since most of the council were more than happy to see him gone. She knew it well enough. “It’s alright; I want to help.”
He shook his head. “You’re my protege, and I won’t hurt you for the pleasure of someone like Faram.”
He stepped back, and she grabbed his hand and pulled him closer before she could resist. His eyes widened in surprise and he positively radiated heat. “Please, let me do this for you,” she said, her voice soft.
He placed a hand on her cheek and leaned closer. “This goes beyond your duties. Tell me, what do you really want?”
“You,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
He didn’t manage to mask the conflict on his face. She felt the tiniest tremble on his hand. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” she let go of his hand. “Do I have your leave to apologise to Milyn Faram?”
“No,” Aryon said and took a step back. His usually calm demeanour was replaced with an uncharacteristic nervousness. “Do you truly mean what you said?”
Her face burned, and she leaned against the shut door. “I do. I’m sorry. I know it’s entirely inappropriate.”
He walked up to her. “I do not care what’s appropriate,” he traced his thumb over her lips. “May I?”
Not trusting her voice, she nodded. He leaned down and kissed her, slow and searching. She placed one hand on his chest and the other one on the back of his neck. Gently, Aryon pinned her against the door, their bodies pressed together. She moaned into the kiss accidentally.
He pulled back, their noses brushing together and laughed. “I should’ve done this sooner.”
She blushed and drew circles on his skin with her fingers. “How long…?”
He hummed. “From the beginning, I suppose,” he kissed her again, his hand trailing down her side. “You’re so wonderful, how could I not want you?”
She trembled when he lightly bit her bottom lip and replied with equal fervour. She led his hands from her sides to her chest. His breath trembled. “Are you sure you want this?”
“Yes, please Aryon. Touch me,” she bit her lip.
He chuckled and trailed kisses down from her lips to her neck. With great care, he pulled her robes open and squeezed her breasts, making her moan. He kissed her breast, toying with her nipple with his tongue.
She threw her head back and moaned, the heat in her core becoming nearly unbearable. Her face was burning hot, and her pussy ached to be touched. Ever so slowly, she tried rubbing against his leg. She squeaked when he placed his hand on her thigh, pushing the robes higher. He slid his hand higher and trailed it over her pussy.
“You’re so wet and we’ve barely begun,” he said, his voice dripping with need. Gently, he began to rub her clit at a steady pace. He kissed the side of her neck, biting and sucking, no doubt leaving marks.
She trembled and held onto him, her climax nearing. His fingers were too warm, too skilled, and the walls behind her were too thin. “W-wait,” she moaned.
Aryon stopped immediately and looked at her with concern.
She took a breath. “I don’t want Turedus to hear me.”
He nodded. “My bedroom is just downstairs, come,” he took her hand and led her down.
Breathless and needy, he pushed her down onto the bed and crawled on top of her, kissing her all the while. He helped her slide her robes off. She trembled, his hands were so warm. She wiggled her robes off completely and tossed them off the bed, resisting the urge to cover up her bare body.
Aryon pulled back from their kiss and looked at her with such adoration her heart throbbed. “You are even more beautiful than I imagined.”
She smirked, feeling a surge of confidence, and began to slide his robes open. “You’ve thought of me like this before?”
He chuckled and kissed her wrist. “More than I care to admit,” his ever-smiling eyes glimmered with amusement when she blushed. He sat up and slid his extravagant robes off, revealing a strong yet lightly scarred body. She did her best to not look too down.
Aryon trailed kisses down her body. “May I?” he asked and kissed her inner thigh.
She nodded though she wasn’t sure what he meant. She’d had lovers before, but none had been as concerned about her pleasure. He’d proved himself to be trustworthy.
She threw her head back with a moan when he kissed her clit. He moaned as he licked it. “Wh- what are you doing?” she whimpered, her eyes threatening to tear up.
Aryon looked up at her. To her horror, his lips glistened with her wetness. “Has no one done this for you before?”
She shook her head.
“N’wah’s,” he leaned back in, pleasuring her with more enthusiasm. He rubbed his fingers over her dripping pussy and looked at her for any trace of hesitation. Only seeing bliss and wanting, he pushed one slender finger in. He curled it up and rubbed against the special spot within her.
She whimpered, curling her fingers around the furs of the bed as climax neared at an incredible pace. Aryon added another finger. “Don’t hold back. No one will hear you down here,” he said and gave her clit a particularly harsh suck.
She cried out his name and trembled as her climax washed over her. Aryon held her down and thrust a third finger into her. She ran her fingers through his messy hair and he moaned. “Please, it’s too much,” she whined.
“You can take it,” he whispered. He pinched her nipple with his other hand. “I want you to come again,” he swirled his tongue around her clit.
To her surprise, she felt another orgasm nearing. It felt somehow more intense. Not even by herself had she ever felt such pleasure. The way aryon pleasured her with his mouth was unlike anything she’d ever felt. It was as if he was coaxing her to release with each curl of his fingers. She came with a loud cry of his name.
He pulled his fingers out and crawled up to kiss her. She moaned into the kiss, tasting her wetness as their tongues danced. He pulled back and kissed her cheek. “Was that to your satisfaction?”
She couldn’t suppress her laugh. “I’ve never felt so good before,” she blushed. “The thing you did with your mouth was very nice.”
He smiled and licked his lips. “I am glad. You tasted wonderful.”
She whimpered and averted her gaze. “Please, don’t embarrass me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it. Do you want to keep going?” Aryon kissed over a bruise on her neck.
She nodded. “Please, but may I do the same for you?”
He placed a hand on her cheek and looked at her with such intensity she shivered. “Only if you want to. I shall not pressure you into anything.”
She nodded eagerly. “I want to,” she trailed her hands down Aryon’s sides and paused just above his hips. “Let me make you feel good too, please.” She could just about make out the faintest blush on him.
With a surge of confidence, she pushed him down and crawled on top of him. Her face flushed when she looked down. She wrapped her hand around his hard cock and gave it an experimental stroke. He let out a quiet groan and placed his hands on her thighs. Encouraged, she settled into a slow rhythm.
With delight, she watched him unravel, his groans growing louder. He dug his fingers into her thighs. “D-dear, please,” he begged.
She leaned down and took his cock into her mouth. He gasped out a moan and placed his hand on the back of her head. She swirled her tongue and tried to take as much of him as possible. She bobbed up and down, encouraged by the arousing noises he was making.
She cupped his balls. He jerked his hips up, his cock hitting the back of her throat. She moaned before he could apologise. He looked at her, his eyes wide in surprise. “F-fuck, I-” she took his cock to the back of her throat, hummed and looked up at him.
He pulled her up and slammed their lips together.
She pulled back. “Why’d you make me stop? Did I do something wrong?”
He let out a breathless chuckle. “You were amazing,” he cupped her cheeks. “I want to make love to you. May I?”
She trembled at his words. Words like ‘fuck’ were what she was used to, and making love was another thing entirely out of her experience.
The lust in Aryon’s eyes was quickly replaced by tenderness. “It’s alright. I won’t hurt nor force you into anything. Do you want to stop?”
She shook her head without a second thought. “I’ve never done this while feeling so… Fuck, I don’t know. This doesn’t feel like the usual one-time affair.”
For a moment, he looked almost worried. “Do you want this to be a one-time thing?”
She leaned her face onto his hands. He was delightfully warm all over, and she found it easy to imagine falling asleep in his arms. “I don’t want this to stop. Can we keep going?”
Aryon flashed her the brightest smile she’d ever seen on someone. He pulled her into a kiss. “Of course we can keep going.” he flipped them over and pinned her down beneath him. “How do you like it?” he whispered in her ear.
She bit her lip, feeling shy once more. “I like being choked.”
Aryon gave her an entirely wicked grin. “Like this?” he wrapped his hand around her throat and squeezed the sides of her neck. She nodded eagerly. “Tap my chest twice if you want to stop,” he said and placed his other hand on her side, just beneath her breast. He thrust into her wet pussy.
She let out a whimper. The way his cock was stretching her, combined with the expert way he was choking her made her forget all of her previous shyness. Her pussy was still sensitive from her last orgasms, and she arched her back, moaning without care. Aryon captured her mouth in a fervent kiss and began thrusting into her at a slow pace.
Her pussy throbbed with each lusty moan and grunt he let out. He leaned forward, grabbed her hands and pushed them above her head. Their noses brushed together, and she whimpered at how he looked at her. His expression was at once tender and full of lust. She closed her eyes and looked away, a tear slipping down her cheek from the lack of air.
Aryon was about to pull away when she whimpered. “Don’t stop! Please, it’s so good!”
He bit her lip and tightened his hold on her throat. “Never expected your needs to be so filthy.”
She looked up at him, teary-eyed from the pleasure. “Aryon… I love it.”
He gave a particularly hard thrust to her delight, his cock hitting the most sensitive places in her. He bit down on her shoulder, their bodies pressed flush together. “You’re mine, fuck,” he groaned and thrust into her roughly.
Her breasts bounced from the impact. Aryon tightened his hold on her throat, completely cutting off her breath. Everything felt much more intense, from the way his cock was stretching her to his occasional kisses on her body. The sound of his ragged breathing and the meeting of their bodies was like music to her ears. The way he moaned was easily the most beautiful thing she’d ever heard.
He loosened his hold on her for a moment to let her regain her breath. She nearly screamed from pleasure when she felt another orgasm building up. She moaned his name with abandon, no longer caring if anyone heard.
He let go of her hands and began rubbing her clit again. She whimpered, her pussy feeling completely overstimulated. “I’m going to-” she interrupted herself with a loud moan.
“Yes,” he hissed. “Come for me, my dear.”
“Aryon!” she threw her head back and cried out, her orgasm flashing through her like a bolt of lightning. She trembled beneath him, her pussy clenching around his cock.
He buried his face in her neck. “I love you,” he groaned as he came.
She was so surprised, she barely felt his hot cum trickle out of her sore pussy when he pulled out. He kissed her neck before pulling away, his grey cheeks more flushed than she’d ever seen. He looked away. “I apologise for getting ahead of myself.”
She shook her head and pulled him into a gentle kiss. “I love you too.”
Aryon’s eyes widened in surprise. “Truly?” he placed his arms on both sides of her head and looked down at her with undisguised longing.
“I do,” she smiled. “You’re the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met.”
He let out a relieved laugh and kissed her.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
Yooooo I just hit 1000 followers. W o w. Okay. Thanks.
Am shook. Like. Wow.
I'll do some cool stuff once I come out of my hiatus.
Feel free to leave me some ideas.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
N'doul. That's it that's the ask
Valid. N'doul is perfect and I love him
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
All I can picture now is Rohan using heaven's door to overstimulate the hell out of his partner.
I genuinely love this idea. When I come back from my hiatus, I'm def writing it
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
Heaven's door can make someone the best at pegging
Heavens door can also make someone cum nonstop.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
Ik you don’t have requests open but god damn pegging rohan ,, i want 😭
I approve of this idea my dear anon.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
You probably noticed that I've been inactive for a while. I'm kinda going on a hiatus because I'm busy af with life with school starting and shit. I'll prob come back at some point when I finally finish the manga and shit.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
More blowjob headcanons
Oops, I did it again, I played with your heart
Oi. Another one. I added translations for some of the dirty talk after the original line.
This has been requested by a bunch of people ever since I started this blog and I finally heccin did it. 
@roksikever (Tagging u bc you requested this owo)
Characters: Joseph, Dio, Avdol, Caesar, Kars, N’doul, Ghiaccio, Diavolo, Whamu
Cut for length
Joseph (this goes for both youngseph and oldseph)
This horny bastard loves it and is most likely going to ask you to go down on him first. 
Joseph is loud. There is no denying it. 
He’ll dirty talk and moan until his voice is hoarse and the neighbours complain. 
“Oh my God, your mouth feels so good! F-fuck.”
He would also suggest mixing a blowjob with some good ‘ol 69.
He doesn’t mind it if you can’t deepthroat him; seeing your mouth on his cock is enough.
His hands will be all over you, caressing your cheeks and petting your head. 
Joseph has no trouble bringing up the possibility of facefucking you as he loves to experiment. He, of course, doesn’t mind it if you’re not into that stuff. All he really wants, in the end, is to get off as you enjoy yourself. 
He loves coming on your face or chest. The sight of you covered with his cum is incredibly arousing to him. 
He’ll kiss you afterwards, not caring if you have his cum on your face. 
Say one thing for Joseph Joestar, say that he has no shame (I will love you forever if you get this reference). 
This cocky god complex bitch loves it when you go down on him.
He doesn’t mind it if you can’t take him all the way in. In fact, Dio thinks it’s hot that his cock is simply too big for you. If you do take him all the way in, he will be extremely proud of you.
Dio tries to be quiet. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy having his cock in your mouth, but rather, he doesn’t want to come off as too desperate. In short, he loves to make you work for it. 
He loves degrading you as you suck him off. He’d love to incorporate pet play into it as well.
“Tsk, you can take more than that, so c’mon, suck my cock. That’s it, my little kitten.”
Dio will either just lay back and relax, letting you please him or guide you with a firm grip on your hair. 
Facefucking is one of his favourite ways to punish you for being bad or disobedient.
Dio doesn’t have a preference of where he comes. He’d love to come in your mouth when he’s feeling especially affectionate. When he wants to claim you as his, he’d come on your face or chest. 
Avdol generally prefers being the one to go down on you, so you’ll have to convince him that you really do want to go down on him.
He has no problems with letting himself be loud, after all, he wants you to know how good you’re making him feel. He will try to keep it down though if there is a possibility of someone catching the two of you.
Expect a lot of praises and sweet dirty talk. 
“You’re doing so well, habibty/habibi (my love)! Your mouth feels incredible.”
He loves caressing your cheeks gently as you suck him off. 
Take his cock in all the way or moan around it and he’ll be a blushing mess.
He’d probably never ask to fuck your face as he doubts you’d like it. If you do convince him that you’re okay with it, he’s going to be extremely gentle. He’ll pause each time you gag and ask if you’re doing okay.
Avdol feels embarrassed about coming on your face, so he’d prefer to come in your mouth.
He doesn’t expect you to swallow, but if you do, oh boy. You’re in for the sweetest lovemaking session of your life. 
He also loves cuddling with you afterwards. Cuddles with Avdol are god tier. Have fun. 
Much like Avdol, Caesar prefers being the one to go down on his partner. To him, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than his partner writhing from pleasure from his touches.
He won’t turn down a blowjob though. 
Almost immediately, he falls in love with the sight of his cock in your mouth.
Expect a lot of dirty talk.
As he grows closer to his release, his dirty talk will switch from English to Italian. He just can’t control himself when you’re sucking him off so well.
Succhiami il cazzo. F-fuck, voglio quelle labbra su di me.” (Suck my cock. I want those lips around me.)
He doesn’t expect you to deep throat him, but if you do, oh boy. He might tear up a bit from the pleasure.
He isn’t the biggest fan of facefucking as he wants you to set the pace. 
Caesar would love to hold your hands or pet your head as you suck him off.
He prefers to come in your mouth, as he loves all things intimate. 
He’ll praise and cuddle with you afterwards. 
Kars, much like Dio, loves it. He would also most likely be the first one to ask for a blowjob.
As much as he loves watching you choke on his cock, he also loves training you to suck him off properly. Seeing you struggle to fit his cock in your mouth is a sure way to drive him insane. 
He’ll be genuinely impressed if you manage to deepthroat his cock. You might see an extremely rare blush on his face.
He’d fuck your face mostly as a punishment.
Kars won’t try to hide his voice but neither will he embellish it. 
Most of the time, his dirty talk will be instructions or other comments on your performance, be it praises or degradation. 
“That’s it, you’re sucking me off so well, little human! Seems like your training has paid off. Maybe it’s time I reward you, hmm?”
He prefers to sit back and let you please him, though he would also guide you so you know just how to move to make him feel good. 
Kars loves seeing your face covered with his cum. 
As for aftercare, Kars would praise you and clean you up. 
N’doul would agree to a blowjob only once he truly trusts you. 
At the end of the day, he doesn’t mind it if you can’t deep throat him. Just having your mouth around his cock is enough for him.
Fucking your face is easily the greatest stress relief for him. The sound of you gagging on his cock is absolutely heavenly in his ears.
N’doul is relatively quiet throughout the entire thing, but you can easily tell he likes what you’re doing through his general body language. He bites his lip and furrows his brows when near his release.
His dirty talk would mostly be a few curses here and there and random strings of praises.
“Oh, darling! Your mouth feels amazing!”
N’doul would love to use Geb to get you off as you suck his cock, be it by having it pinch your nipples or thrust into you.
He wants to stroke your cheeks as you pleasure him as he loves the intimacy of it.
He loves coming in your mouth and having you swallow his cum. 
N’doul’s aftercare would be quite minimal. He’d help you clean up and bring you a cup of water, then maybe cuddle if you have time. 
He’d ask for a blowjob first. 
Ghiaccio will be very adamant about not moaning or whimpering. He doesn’t have a problem with letting himself groan, but moaning? Hell no. Or so he says. Just stroke his thighs and he’ll melt for you. 
He’ll curse. Like. A lot
His dirty talk is mostly degradation or backhanded compliments.
“God, you suck cock like a pro, puttana!” 
He cums almost embarrassingly quick when you deepthroat him. 
Out of everyone in this list, he’s going to love fucking your face the most. Roughness just goes so well with him. He isn’t deterred by your gagging, in fact, he finds it incredibly hot that you’re struggling to fit his cock in your mouth.
He prefers pulling your hair and guiding your head up and down his cock. 
Coming on your face is easily his favourite thing. Just seeing his cum drip down that pretty face of yours is an instant confidence boost for him.
Surprisingly, Ghiaccio loves cuddling after a blowjob. The whole ordeal is simply so relaxing for him that all he wants is to fall asleep in your arms.
Diavolo would want a blowjob mostly when he’s stressed out. There’s just something about having you on your knees in front of him, with his cock in your mouth that he finds relaxing. 
He tends to keep his volume down and almost only lets out a few moans and groans here and there.
Diavolo’s dirty talk most just consists of instructions, pet names and a few praises here and there.
“That’s it, kitten. Keep sucking my cock just like that.”
He finds your determination to deepthroat him equal parts adorable and hot. 
He adores the sight of you gagging and tearing up on his cock. 
Most of the times he fucks your face, he does so to relieve pent up stress from his work. 
He usually ends up pulling your hair while you suck his cock.
Diavolo loves it when you swallow his cum. 
As for aftercare, he’d bring you some water and heat up a bath for you to enjoy. If he has the time, he’d love to just cuddle and relax in bed with you.
Whamu, being the sweetheart that he is, wouldn’t ask for you to go down on him. It’s not that he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t want to come off as rude or selfish.
He’s going to try to stay at least somewhat quiet, but that facade will drop as soon as you swirl your tongue around the head of his cock just right.
Whamu would praise you from start to finish, although he’ll be damn-near incoherent when nearing his release.
“Oh, my love, you’re too good for me! F-fuck.”
Deepthroat him and he’ll turn into a blushing, whimpering mess. 
Whamu isn’t really interested in fucking your face because he doesn’t accidentally want to hurt you. He also prefers letting you dictate the pace.
He loves gently stroking your cheeks as you suck his cock.
He has no preference when it of where he comes. As long as you’re into it, he’s okay with pretty much anything. His brain might, however, short circuit if you swallow his cum.
Expect him to go down on you in return. Whamu just couldn’t live with himself if he were the only one to get off. He also loves cuddling and simply holding you close.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
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This is by far the best thing I've ever bought. Lord help me the tiddies are so comfy.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out~
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
I’m closing requests for now
Imma try to get through what I have in my inbox, but I think for now, I’ll mainly focus on writing the stuff I really want to write. I’m keeping the asks open but please don’t send in any requests until I say it’s okay; I will delete any and all requests that are sent before that.
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
I don't know if you're able to write the Oingo Boingo brothers but I was wondering if u could write for the crusaders who taught their s/o being flirted by Oingo (who is disguised as them) because apparently it has something to deal with Boingo's stand's predictions (sorry if this is too much specific details ^^°)
Yeah this imma have to pass this one. I don't rly write sfw stuff (check my rules).
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
Challenge accepted hun.
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Who’s got the balls to share their YouTube history? Share and tag who you want!
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IM- 😈
@simpforabba @mavzoon @risottoneroo @naranciabestboi @yandere-daze @kilogren @thisbloghasnoaesthetic
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mavzoon · 5 years ago
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