#n so on n so forth! HAPPY HALLOWEEN TUMBLR!!
1dsource · 4 years
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We’d like to invite you all to a week of fun and content for this year’s Halloween celebration: 1D Halloween!
As long as your creative content matches the boy/pairing/band of the day and is Halloween focused, the sky is limit for what your imagination can come up with. Do you wanna paint Harry as a wendigo? Write a Halloween Ziam AU? Reimagine One Direction as a werewolf pack? All valid options and all equally welcome! Any and all creative content is welcome!
Remember to use the tags #1dhalloween and #1dsource as one of your first three tags in your posts, so Tumblr doesn’t somehow bury your post! We can’t wait to see them!
The first five days is for one boy each and we’d like to ask you to keep your edits those days focused on that boy as much as possible. So October 24th is for Harry content, and the next for Liam, and so forth.
Please join us Saturday October 24th for #1DHalloween ! We hope you’ll want to participate! 
Happy Halloween from the 1D Source team! 🎃
Written schedule under the cut:
OCT 24TH: Harryween Styles: Harry
OCT 25TH: Liam Paynonormal: Liam
OCT 26TH: Louis Terrorson: Louis
OCT 27TH: Niall Horroran: Niall
OCT 28TH: Zayn Malice: Zayn
OCT 29TH: Zombie Ziam: Ziam
OCT 30TH: Bloody Larry: Larry
OCT 31ST: One Demoniction: One Direction
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eisukevint · 4 years
The Secret
Pairing: eisuke x mc
Summary: Harry Potter X KBTBB crossover
a/n: this is a repost bec tumblr’s a bish and they deleted my old one for some reason so here it is
The drumming of her heart escalated gradually out of control terrified out of her mind.
If you ever feel like you’re in danger, run
She could’ve fished her wand but she couldn’t hurt him. She daren’t, that’s what she thought as she stood transfixed chilled to the bone.
Even if it’s me
She didn’t understand what he meant at that time, but now she did.
and she ran.
He was never open with his emotions. From the day his muggle parents abandoned him after finding out about the ‘freak’ he was. Finding refuge in an elderly wizard’s humble home, kind enough to look after him, he was eager to learn all aspects of magic. His sole reason? Not to be looked down upon by anyone.
The feeling of revulsion he got from the people who birthed him confirmed that he would never be accepted as one’s own. To them he was abnormal. And he was aware of that. To rid of the desolation, drowning in books was his only option. Until he met her, or rather, them.
____ and Soryu too had their own demons but together, they were a team. One everyone looked up to. Some even called them ‘The Golden Trio’ and they couldn’t be more accurate. To say the three of them knew everything about each other was not wrong. Except Eisuke had a secret concealed to all. Not even his best friends.
Nearly Halloween the days got even colder and the already thick fog amongst the forbidden forest seemed even more dense than normal. The sun was almost setting. Soryu had gone home to spend days with his family while the other two stayed at school with no such plans. They didn’t even have a family of their own to begin with so they decided to indulge in each other’s company for which they were more than exhilarated. They’d known each other for almost five years now and they couldn’t help but feel attracted to the little spark between them.
Poor Buckbeak, Hagrid’s most adored Hippogriff became a part of their silly escapades. Little did Eisuke know that tonight, the moon was to gleam a little too much against the black of the night sky.
The duo grabbed his harness and led him into the dark forest oblivious to the knark nargles luring in the depth of the area. They kept on walking until they reached the area around the whomping willow leaving the hippogriff near the forbidden forest. The two bickered back and forth until the topic of the conversation shifted.
“Soryu was such a dork!” She let out a laugh thinking about to the time on the train when he got all shy the first time they met. Sulking how he got a booger flavoured one in bertie bott’s every flavoured beans. She was still in the midst of hysteric memories when all of a sudden Eisuke stopped. Not feeling his presence beside her, she looked behind to see Eisuke earnestly staring at her. A certain glow in his eyes like he was curious about something unusual.
“And what about me?” He asked taking measured steps towards her.
“What...?” She tipped her head to the right dumbfounded.
“What did you think about me the very first time we met?” He asked again once he was within her reach.
“Oh! Well you know you uh,”
Eisuke’s mesmerising gaze robbed her of all her words. Bitterly slowly he raised his hand and cupped her cheek rubbing his thumb across it as if testing something fragile.
“I’m tired of having to share you with Soryu when I want to keep you all to myself” He uttered under his breath but just as he was about to bob his head down, his sight caught the moon. In his state of excitement to be alone with her, he forgot to take his potion. The fully round moon at its very peak glowering brightly as if to mock him of the curse he was bound with.
She sensed the change. The changing colour of his eyes. His limbs taking a more inhuman form. The uncharacteristic change in his body that she roughly had to pull away from. She watched helplessly as he writhed in pain. She almost didn’t want to believe her eyes, that he had turned into a monstrous werewolf. She wanted to think this was a dream but she knew it wasn’t because anything and literally everything could happen in the wizarding world.
“Eisuke?” No reply as the werewolf rubbed his eye.
“Eisuke, are you-
That was, until he howled. She knew she had to do something.
Eisuke or to be more clear the werewolf inched towards her perilously. She knew she was in danger.
Just one flick of her wand and she’d be safe. She even knew the spell. But she didn’t. She couldn’t. Because after all, the man under the skin of the werewolf was the one she adored more than anyone. To the one she She didn’t have the heart to inflict the slightest of injury to Eisuke. To the one she loved wholeheartedly. She knew this wasn’t Eisuke but it was him. The werewolf closed onto her.
So she ran.
She ran as fast as her legs could take her. Luckily she was near the forest now. She could herself among the trees.
Standing behind a wide tree trunk she got some time to catch her breath but the werewolf had caught up to her. Hearing a gruff sound, she twisted her head around to catch a glimpse of the creature.
Avoiding it, she circled the tree but she accidentally came across the beast. A growl from behind caused her to whip backwards only to be met with the glinting eyes of the the werewolf. She wanted to scream, but it was of no use. No one could help her.
The monster lurched at her swiftly. She braced herself for the impact but it never came. Instead she watched as buckbeak came to her rescuse chasing the creature away. She needed to get out of the place now. She worried for Eisuke. She had so many questions racing through her mind that only one person could answer. But for the time being, she returned to the castle tired and worried for her friend out there suffering all alone.
She tossed and turned in bed as sleep completely left her. Last night’s events ruling her brain.
She climbed down the stairs to the common room, completely empty as it was only six in the morning. As soon as she heard an all too familiar groan, she rushed towards the source of the voice. There, Eisuke was sprawled across one of the couches in the room, his face covered in small cuts and minor bruises , probably from when the hippogriff drove him away.
“HOLY CRICKET. ARE YOU OKAY?” She half asked half shrieked, tears instantly pooling in her eyes. She touched his arms which had slightly bigger cuts.
“Do I look okay?” Eisuke said quite sarcastically to which he received a glare from ____
“I- I’m fine. Just a bit... sore.” He replied with his trademark smirk.
“Shut up! Do you know how scared I was? Why didn’t you tell me?! You twat!” The tears started flowing from here eyes and dropped on his hands and he silently wiped them away. She hugged him tight not caring about his injuries.
“Hey, just let me clean up and i’ll tell everything to you, sounds good?” He suggested,tempted to not let go of her but he didn’t want her seeing him in this miserable state.
Half an hour later, they met up at the entrance of the clock tower where, thank god, not a single person was in sight. The second she laid her eyes on him, she jumped into his arms hugging the living daylight out of him. Eisuke, not bothering to resist, wrapped his arms around her too.
“I was worried out of my mind! Do you have any idea what agony I felt when I saw you like that?! You-“
He held a finger to my mouth to shush her the tears once again threatening to fall.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry but i’ll explain everything. I guess there’s no use hiding it anymore.” He said in a collected voice to calm her down.
“You know how I live with Cadmus. Cadmus once took me to his friend’s house where I got lost in the Ottery forest. It was almost midnight and it was a full moon that night. I don’t remember what really happened. I just know that the werewolf got close to me. I was attacked.”
Mc listened with bated breath as Eisuke casted his eyes downwards.
“All of it was a blur. I fainted and they found me somewhere in the middle of thr forest. Do you know what happens when a werewolf bites you?” He asked her.
“You turn into a werewolf.”
“Yes, that was when it all started. On full moon nights, there was only minor pain. It was bearable. But three years ago, its effects replenished. It got worse. I don’t know if you remember it but do you recall me leaving you and soryu to go off somewhere and you’d ask me where I went?”
“No..” A quite sob left her body.
“Yeah, I don’t intend to worry you and the reason I didn’t tell you was because it’s really pathetic. I hate it. It’s like a curse! But I can’t do anything about it except take the wolfsbane potion. There was never really anyone I could talk to about it. Also i’m so sorry I hurt you last night. For scaring you. For worrying you. I completely forgot about it last night. I really-“
His words were cut off as Mc grabbed the back of his head and softly touched her lips with his. His eyes widened at her subtle boldness but kissed her back. He was at peace. That was exactly what he felt. Maybe she did return his feelings after all.
She pulled away after some time with a tinge of pink on her cheeks. Eisuke too was blushing and that, was a rare sight.
“I guess i’ve wanted to do that for some time now.” She muttered but he heard her clearly.
“Really? Because same.” He was about to go for another one but she stopped him with a hand to his mouth.
“Hold. Up. How DARE you say you’re pathetic? You’re the most smartest wizard of your age, you know that? Literally every other envies you. And you’ve been enduring this pain for that long? You don’t have to keep everything bottled up! Just talk to me. Talk to Soryu. He’s your best friend! You’re not alone you daft selfish little twat. You’ve got me! And Soryu too! We’ll always help you no matter what!”
“Okay okay, I’ll tell you everything. Happy now?” He spoke innocently but she crossed her arms with a huff.
He hooked a finger under her chin and gently lifted it.
“Please?” There was the face she failed to say no to.
“Fine” She unfolded her locked arms and turned to him only to see Eisuke gazing at her with the same intensity as last night.
“May I?”
With a short nod, he thrashed his soft lips, despite certain scars, on her silky ones. All feelings were being conveyed through that kiss until,
“Bloody hell..”
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belladonnabear · 5 years
Hawks X Reader: Bad Dog (Werewolf AU) (LEMON)
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Happy Halloween!
Scenario: You encounter a strange but friendly werewolf named Keigo Takami.
Art Work Belong to Kadeart! Check Out Her Halloween Shop and Art! Links down below!
Shop: https://kadeart.bigcartel.com/
Tumblr:  https://kadeart.tumblr.com/
Your week was an absolute nightmare. Nothing seemed to go the way you wanted it to. From your parents forcing you to take a different major in university, to your boss making you stay overtime while not paying you for that extra time and finally you dumped your now ex-boyfriend for always trying to control what you wear. He wanted you to be presentable in front of his friends. No sweatshirts, no sweatpants, no slides and most certainly no graphic t-shirts with your favorite band on them. Even your supposed friends thought you looked ugly in regular clothes.
Everything in your life lately was so....controlling. Like you couldn’t breathe without asking someone for permission or you had to walk on eggshells with what you said or else you will be harassed for the next few weeks about the thing you said. You just needed a break and that’s exactly what you did.
You packed a weekend's worth of supplies for a camping trip. You used to take these kinds of trips with your grandfather before he passed away. It had been ages since you went camping and with all the stress threatening to give you a heart attack, it was for the best. Your cellphone would remain on silent mode, you would be all alone and you would just be surrounded by nature. It was going to be perfect.
The tent was all fixed up as you finished setting camp up. You were about eighty feet from the cliff where you could get a good view of both the sky and the trees below. Everything up here was so beautiful and lovely. You should just live up here forever. No nosey parents, no overbearing boss, no judgemental friends and no scummy ex-boyfriend who couldn’t even take no for an answer. From here, everything seemed perfect as the sun began to set. 
You began to grill the skewers for your Pineapple Habanero BBQ Chicken Kebabs when you heard a very distant howl. You could tell that it was a wolf but the howl could be ten miles away for all you know. Thankfully you had your knives, pepper spray and bear spray in case something like this were to happen. However, you weren’t going to let a lone wolf ruin your trip.
Eventually, night time came by as looked up at the stars. Mapping out the constellations in the sky and recounting their stories from what your grandfather used to tell you. It was times like this where you missed him deeply and wanted him right here. With a huff, you crawled into your tent to try to get some shut sleep. Snuggling against the soft wool blanket as you closed your eyes to sleep. 
About ten minutes later, you heard another howl but this one sounded much closer. It also sounded much more deeper than a normal wolf howl. You carefully grabbed a switchblade and pepper spray in your hands as you listened closely for any sounds. Then, a snort was heard from right beside your tent. You could feel yourself become petrified with fear. Something was right outside your tent and you could hear the crunching noise as it walked around your camp area. 
You then heard someone speak. “Damn it, I thought there was chicken nearby! Was I too late?”
That voice made you falter for a second. That was a person? Well what about the wolf howl you heard earlier? Were you hearing things? 
Carefully, you slowly zipped up the tent to get a peek at the stranger. He has feathery ash blond hair swept messily backwards with some of the front tufts sticking up in arcs above his head, notably thick eyelashes, and some faint stubble on his chin. His eyes are golden brown and rather triangular in shape, with two little black triangles just below his tear ducts, making his eyes somewhat resemble those of an animal. What really stood out however were the two fluffy ears on his head that matched his hair. And the big sweeping tail that resembled a wolf’s tail.
Suddenly, the man’s eyes darted to you and you quickly zipped the tent back up. Getting your pepper spray and switchblade up for defense. You could hear him coming closer and closer to the tent. Then, he was right in front of it. Then you heard a light tapping noise on the tent as if he was knocking on a door.
“Hellllloooooo? Anyone in here?” he mocked.
What did this strange man want with you? Why did he have animal like features on his body? 
“Look! Just go away! I don’t have anything!” you shouted.
“Sure you do. I can smell it clear as day. I want some chicken.” he responded casually.
You probably had the most dumbfounded expression on you right now. This....wolfman wanted the chicken you saved from earlier when you ate? Was he messing with you?
“I’m hungry. It’s not often I can eat some chicken. So how ‘bout it? I won’t bite.” he smirked mischievously.
You groaned at the lame joke but contemplated about what he said. Maybe if you gave him the chicken, he’ll leave you alone.But he could be doing this as a way to distract you before he eats you. Then again, if he wanted to eat you, wouldn’t he just do it now?
“Well?” he prodded.
“Hold on! I’ll get your chicken!” you sighed in aggravation.
“Thanks! You’re a real swell gal! By the way, I’m Keigo Takami! Friends call me Hawks sometimes! How ‘bout you?” he inquired.
Keigo was awfully chatty for someone who just showed up and demanded for chicken. You went through your cooler and brought out the tin foil chicken. Then opened the tent and shoved the chicken into his chest before zipping the tent back up. There was silence for a moment before he spoke again.
“It’s cold. Can you cook it up for me?” Keigo requested.
“You asked me for the chicken and I gave it to you!” you snapped.
“But cold chicken is gross! I want it to be hot and toasty! Please make some for me!” he whined.
You gritted your teeth. Now you weren’t scared of this man, you were annoyed that he was pestering you to make him some chicken. Whatever God existed, they were testing your patience. Unzipping the tent you poked your head out through it and grumbled.
“If I make you the chicken, will you leave me alone?” you questioned hotly.
“Sure! I haven’t had a home cooked meal in ages!” Keigo smiled.
Keigo’s eyes lit up at the prospect of you cooking him a meal and his tail wagged back and forth like an excited puppy. You cursed at yourself internally for thinking that he looked cute. All you wanted to do was sleep and here you were with his guy. 
You began to arrange the logs and wood shavings onto your fireplace to start with the cooking. Grabbing the kindling, you began gently pouring it on the wood as the man behind you watched carefully. Then with a fire stick, the camp fire began to spread as you grabbed some skewers for the chicken to start cooking up.
“Wow! You’re really handy! Say, I never did get your name!” Keigo reminded.
“It’s (Y/N).” you answered while putting the chicken on skewers.
“That’s a pretty name for beautiful girl like you!” he purred.
You blamed your red cheeks on the fire and not the compliment he just gave you.
“So whatcha doin’ out here? Not many humans come out here!” Keigo wondered.
You glanced at him as you saw his tail and ears once again. 
“And what exactly are you?” 
The question finally slipped.
“Oh! I’m a werewolf! I just couldn’t sleep! So I went for a walk and found you way out here by yourself.” Keigo explained.
Wait, he just admitted to you that he was a werewolf. He didn’t seem to be upset by this fact, he actually seemed quite happy.
“So you live out here by yourself?” you asked.
“Yup! I live about twenty miles away on the private property! Below the cliff is all my territory!” he beamed.
A part of you couldn’t believe what was happening. You were talking to a werewolf. A very talkative but handsome werewolf who didn’t seem to mind your presence at all. He looked quite delighted to actually have someone to talk to.
“So why are you out here?” he redirected the conversation back to his earlier question.
You looked at the fire and chicken while thinking about everything that’s happened so far. You didn’t know why you felt compelled to tell Keigo everything but venting your frustrations out wasn’t such a bad idea to you.
“Life sucks. People suck. I just want to escape from everyone. Even if it is for only two days.” you shrugged.
“Ah, people. Guessing they’ve all been a bunch of assholes to you?” he inquired.
“You have no idea! And it’s not just my parents, everyone’s been driving me crazy! My so called friends picking on me because of what I decide to wear!  Saying that I look like a slob who’s never going to get laid! My ex-boyfriend kept pressuring me to have sex with him but I kept turning him down! He couldn’t even kiss well! I can’t imagine how bad having sex with him would have been! He probably would have ended up putting it in the wrong hole! My boss would rather scold me for hours about what I did wrong, rather than try to give me hints on how to approve! And my parents keep wanting my life to work in favor of their life! I’m not even going to university for what I want to do! I’m doing what they want me to do! It’s just...so frustrating!” you ranted.
There was a moment of silence behind you before you heard chuckling. Keigo was trying to hold in his laughs as you glared at him. He waved his hands to try and appease you.
“N-N-No! I-It’s not you! I-It’s just...hahaha! You roasted them better than that fire on my chicken! You’re hilarious! Especially, that ex boyfriend of yours! When you said he would put it in the wrong hole! Hahahaha!” he laughed wildly.
You couldn’t help it, you laughed as well. His laugh was contagious and it’s been awhile since you had a real good genuine laugh. Eventually, though the meat was all cooked and you handed him the skewers to eat off of. His hands were pretty warm and they felt nice when you gave him the chicken. He began feasting on the chicken and his tail began wagging once more.
“This is really good! Like really damn good! I’m used to microwave meals! You really know your stuff (Y/N)!” he praised.
“Oh stop it!” you nudged him with your shoulder.
“Seriously! Wish I could do half as good as you! Where did you learn to cook like this?” Kego wondered.
“My...my grandfather. He passed away a few years ago and we used to go camping all the time. He loved it.” you admitted sadly.
Hawks ears dropped. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I just miss those days when I had fun and was being restricted by everything and everyone.” you shake your head.
Keigo’s gaze then turned into a contemplative one. Like he was searching your eyes for a hidden answer you didn’t have. Then he spoke up.
“Okay....this might sound super crazy. But....would you like to stay with me?” he asked.
You stared at him in bewilderment and confusion. He offered for you stay with him? This had to be a prank. He was pulling your leg. 
“I know it’s crazy! But hey, I’m kind of lonely living out here in the forest by myself and you seem like you could use some better company! I know I’m a werewolf but I swear I’m not aggressive! I still have my human mind when I transform! It’s just I look different! I...I sound really insane! I get it! I really do! But...But if you want to get away from everything...there’s no where better to do it than here! I won’t charge you for rent or anything either! You’ll have an entire woodland area all to yourself!” Keigo offered.
You mulled over his words for a moment. You were planning on moving out from your “friends” apartment on Monday. Even though the last place you wanted to go was, back to your parents' house. Besides, university hasn’t started yet for you and you could quit your job as well. Plus, you highly doubt your ex-boyfriend would try to keep begging for you to come back to him if you lived all the way out here. 
You knew you had just met Keigo. You knew it sounded crazy. But at this point you were tired of being chained in everyone’s restraints and trying to meet all their expectations. You wanted freedom. 
“Alright, Takami. You convinced me to be your roommate.” you nodded.
His tail wagged excitedly and he jumped up on you like a happy dog whose owner just came home. However, Keigo realized what he did and backed off.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to!” he apologized.
This was going to be interesting.
So about a month goes by and you can safely say that living with Keigo was the right call. Your parents threw a tantrum that you wouldn’t go to university so you can study for something they wanted you to study. Your boss flew into a rage over your resignation. You even got rid of your old phone so your ex-boyfriend couldn’t contact you anymore. It was great.
Keigo was a charming man who always knew how to make you laugh and in return, you made him laugh as well. He showed you around the forest. Spots that you should watch out for like some slippery slopes by the waterfall but also beautiful sights like a meadow full of flowers. Keigo enjoyed nature as much as you did, so the two of you quickly bonded over your little adventures together. You tried setting up a garden to grow strawberries and peppers as well. Something you always wanted to do but were never allowed to do so.
Keigo went hunting a lot and brought back some meat for you cook. His fridge used to be microwave dinners but now he’s eating like he’s visiting a free restaurant. There’s also times he likes to mess with you. Like tickle your nose with his soft fluffy tail and you would sneeze all over your dinner. There were times when he was sweet though, like that time you scraped your knee by the river and he bandaged it up right away.  
Safe to say, you were falling for the werewolf.
The two of you were outside viewing the stars. You kept explaining to him the story about the Greek Gods that the stars were based off of. 
“Andromeda was chained to a sea-cliff to be devoured by the sea monster. promised to rescue Andromeda if her parents would allow him to marry her. Cassiopeia and Cepheus accepted. Perseus killed the monster and freed Andromeda. Then they-.” you stopped when you noticed something.
Keigo was looking at you deeply. His eyes bore into you like he was hypnotised and he had a dreamy smile on his face. You lost your train of thought as you gazed at him. Your face was starting to flush red as he began stroking your cheek softly. A growl erupted from his body when he felt how soft your skin was.
“You’re so beautiful. I don’t know what I did to meet someone like you but I’m glad I did.” he whispered.
It was then that he rolled over on top of you. He began inhaling your scent, it smelt so lovely like you. He loved looking in your eyes and seeing your face. He couldn’t hold himself back.
“(Y/N), I’m crazy for you. I....I love you. I know I might sound kind of pathetic but I don’t care. I love you and I want you to be mine.” Keigo informed.
Your heart began to soar as you gazed into those beautiful eyes. The ones that made the world a better place by just looking into them. You could feel his tail wagging back and forth as you placed your hands on his chiseled jaw. Then you leaned in to softly place a kiss on them. He kissed you back as the two of you, interlocked your lips with one another. 
Everything was finally falling into place.
You two began passionately kissing each other. Your tongues dancing together as you lost yourself to Keigo. You two eventually pulled away with a trail of saliva dripping from your mouth. You sighed when Keigo all of a sudden grunted his nose down onto your shorts, making you squirm. You weren't even certain what he was endeavoring to do, nor might you be able to force yourself to mind how great it was.
Everything appeared to go wild, one thing rapidly prompting another, your shirt was torn into shreds and gone some time in the past, your shorts tore and ate down, your knickers awry elsewhere, your heart throbbing a lot than the heat between your thighs. 
You feel everything except for dread, just need to feel the fill of a beast inside you.
Keigo began taking off his clothes until he was naked. He looked gorgeous. Absolutely stunning from his muscles to his dick. With both of his strong hands at either side of your head, his extended long nails almost connecting more than six inches, his sharp teeth having a huge number of columns before settling down to four on the rooftop and ground within its mouth.
They're long, sharp and prepared to eat up you at any minute. He looked so feral and untamed. He was so handsome like this. His eyes never fall off your face as you let out a cry, neck extended out impeccably for him to jump down in, and head hurled out with exertion as your yell transmitted into the empty shadows of the night.
Keigo the werewolf was not quite the same as some other experience, not from his absence of being human, however his titanic size erect rooster, being frightfully profound and figuring out how to give you a climax that went past the normal.
Each push and snap of his teeth demonstrated it's predominance, as though staying alert that you had the hankering to be constrained into accommodation, as though he knew your naughtiest musings that made you trickle. Your hips were lifted off of the ground, being completely upheld and held by Keigo’s pleasurable pole.
"Yes!" Your breathing was out of sync, the surge, the twist of feet, the warmth and peril of knowing how close it's teeth were to really cutting your jugular, the exceptional happiness, your very own groans and the smell of excitement extending into the air and faltering you up into a casing. Abruptly, his thrusting turned into pounding, crashing into you for additional pleasure. Resolved to obey and stay silent, you angled your head back and drove your hips back, attempting to gather however much joy from it as could reasonably be expected. The man above you was growling deeply as his hips continued to bury into yours. 
"Damn it," he snarled generally, his pushes getting more diligently, more profound, and progressively capricious. “You feel so...so fucking good! Fuck!”
"Cum for me," he murmured, generally gnawing my neck. Ending our lovemaking, you let out a loud groan of joy and of fixing, feeling yourself come around him, your body giving up. The majority of my pressure was discharged in a solitary, orgasmic development. Your juices splashed his length, the outdoors smelling thickly of musk and desire. Delight emanating all through your body, he rode you through the consequential convulsions that pursued, the little climaxes and knocks of positive sentiments that he would hit until I turned out to be agonizingly oversensitive.
It felt so good, you could have sworn you had been split into two at that exact second, how quick and improvise had all of a sudden quit, leaving you both in quietness. The hot semen that stroked at your thighs, came into the split of your butt and even sputtered out the ground was put away for such a long time, you could feel the littlest consume.
"Nnngh..." You snarled, snapping your head to the side as you felt your nails become numb, a sensitive close to feeling beginning to shape out from your hands as you delved them into your palms, feeling your heart almost stop when you understood paws were scratching into your skin. 
Keigo was in his full werewolf form. He looked so feral yet beautiful like this. His fur shined like the moon and his eyes were like the glittering stars above you. 
Your ears consumed, going close to hard of hearing for a moment until your entire body started to shake, hearing your very own battered breathing as you clung to the beast above you, covering your hurting face into it's chest as you completely changed.
The wolf above you limited its long neck down, appearing as though to accept you into its hold onto as you let out an amazing cry, an entire weight over coming you as tears gasped the canvas of your cheeks. You took a stab at battling back yet all endeavors wound up fruitless.
And afterwards, it was finished.
You didn't fully understand that you were keeping down a full breath, however when you fell back and enabled your long tongue to gasp out of the sharp columns of teeth in your mouth, your delightful changed eyes shut, the gargle of your own tail and the natural fragrance of a soothing smell.
At the point when you moaned when the inclination washed over as help until you understood.
The sound of a doggish cry originating from your throat, you set out to squeak a dark looked at edge open, your vision more clear in obscurity and feeling increasingly alert.
You were now a werewolf just like Keigo. You were his mate.
Glaring at Keigo you snarled at him. Not necessarily angry but you weren’t over the moon about discovering this. However, your noises stopped when you noticed Keigo with his head down and his drooping tail. He probably didn’t know this was going to happen and was now worried you would despise him for it. A small whimper escaped him and you urged yourself to comfort the one you love.
You wanted to hug and console him but your instincts made you console your mate differently. Rubbing your long furry neck against his own and you nuzzled against him. You began noticing his tail slowly wag back and forth as he felt your comfort. You could smell him so much more now. He always smelled nice before but now his scent was that of heaven itself to you. 
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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a-pretty-nerd · 5 years
Happy Halloween (Patrick Hockstetter x reader smut)
Request: "Could you do a Patrick x reader smut where they're at a Halloween party and reader wears a revealing costume and he takes her to a room and punishes her?" ~ Anonymous
Ooooh it feels good to be back! ❤
A/N: Requests are now officially OPEN! Please be patient with me and the rate at which I answer and finish these. I just got this one this mornings and I'm doing it because I have the time to. This will vary! ALSO! If you are interested in some original work, I will be posting it on my wattpad account! So please follow me on wattpad considering that Tumblr is slowly becoming more and more of an inhospitable place for writers like myself.
Warnings: sex! Dom/Sub! Etc! Etc...
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Oh Halloween! What a sweet, sweet holiday! A teenager's paradise filled with house parties, candy, drugs, alcohol and best of all...each other.
You and Patrick had been going steady for quiet some time now. You were his little pet, his prized toy, nobody fucked with you. It was nice to have a gaurd dog on your arm every once in a while.
This Halloween the boys decided to rade a house party, rather than torment little boys like last year. They picked you up at 8, and the boys whistled as you stepped out of your house. Patrick, was lost for words for a moment as his eyes washed over your form. You had managed to rope him into a couples costume, all you requested of him was to comb his hair back and wear white. He did one of those things. He watched as you came out in a bright red bikin, heels, a fake tail, and horned clips in your hair.
"What the fuck is this?" Patrick grunted as he closes the door behind you.
"We're an angel and devil!" You smiled. He watched you pull out a pair of cheap white feathered wings. You tossed it at him before walking past and to the car.
"You sure we can't trade?" Patrick sneered as you took your seats in the car.
"Aw c'mon, thats the fun part! Can't you let me be the naughty one for once? Just one night?" Patrick climbed in the back seat next to you and curled his arm over you to keep you close. No one was coming near you.
"One, night." He repeated as you drove off. When you got to the party the rest of the guys headed straight for the keg. Drunk teenagers were a plenty at this party and there was dancing and halloween themed games, mostly drinking games, but still. There were plenty of other girls dressed like you there but Patrick didn't seem to care. He didn't care that you fot right in because he didn't want you to. You were different, thats why he liked you in the first place.
He followed closley behind you as you greeted friends and acquaintances. He watched as other boys took notice of you. He watched them watch you, and it made him seath with hate and rage. At one point he came from behind and wrapped his arms around your shoulders to keep you close. Something he didn't often do. Patrick had no respect for personal space, but he was either on top of you entirely with aggressive pda, or he wasn't touching you at all. He'd let you touch or hold him but with Patrick it was either all or nothing. So this clear act of "mine" was strange.
He starred others down with his dark brooding gaze, his glassy grey eyes shot men down for miles. He made everyone, including your girlfriends as they watched him gaurd you.
"Hey," Patrick looked down at you, "you alright? You haven't spoken all night." You noted as you starred up into his dark gaze.
"I'm fine." He muttered.
"You don't look fine." Patrick leaned his head forward to hide in the crook of your neck.
"I'm going to tear you to shreds." He growled. It sent a shiver down your spine.
"Did I do something wrong?" You knew what you did, and he knew it too. You loved to make Patrick jealous. You loved his protective reaction, you loved to play with him, tease him, toy with him. You brat.
"Don't you fucking-" he was cut off by the slow swaying of your hips. Your pressed your ass against him and swayed back and forth to the music that played. Patrick went silent. You took your shoulders in his hands and began gauding you through the unfamiliar house. One of them had to be an empty bedroom, or at the very least, a newly open one. At parties like this, these houses turned into miniature brothels.
But no rooms were available, fuck it, bathroom then. Patrick shoved you inside before slamming the door behind him and locking his. His chest already heaving, his heart racing. He pulled you close and planted a heated kiss to your lips.
"I'm going to fucking ruin you for this." He growled.
"For what?" You cooed. Patrick reached down and grabbed your ass.
"You little tease. You know exactly what you did, what you were doing to me out there." His fingernails dug into your flesh and dragged until he let go to feel you jiggle. "You are miiine." He hummed as he pulled down your bikini top to reveal your breasts. He gropped them harshly, it made you whimper. "You are mine and mine alone." He growled into your neck he began leaving hickies. "They don't deserve you. They don't GET to have you like I do." He smacked your ass before grabbing and playing with you as he spoke. "You crossed a boundry tonight baby girl," he cooed, "and now I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson." You melted in his arms.
He pressed you down and you kelt for him. He pulled down his pants as you waited patiently for him. His cock sprung free from his boxers as he threw them off. He held your head as he pressed his head go your lips and you took him in with ease. He did with you as he pleased, he slowly rocked his hips as he slid in and out of your mouth. He let drool fall from your mouth and his cock before he pushed himself all the way down your throat. You looked up at him, water streaming down your eyes. He looked down with a cruel grin.
He pulled you away before he picked you up and bent you over the counter table. There you saw yourself in the mirror, devil horns still in, makeup runny, your hair messy. Your breasts fell from your top and were planted firmly on the marble counter.
"Look at you. I'm the only one who can make you feel like that." He purred as his fingers reached into your bikini and pulled the fabric. It pressed against your clit and aching entrance. "You wanted this, didn't you?" Smack, "you knew what I'd do to do." Smack. "And you had me dress up like an angel for it too." Smack! You gave a soft cry. "You really are a little devil aren't you?" He stood directly behind you as he pulled at your bikini one more time. "Naughty, naughty girl." He took his other hand and gently tapped at your clit.
"Patrick, pleease." You begged him as you leaned back into him.
"Don't tell me what to do, little devil. The angels always win, don't they?" He chuckled before fiercely pulling your bottoms off and letting them drop to the floor. He played with you for a moment. He sunk a finger into you and it made you moan. He loved watching you as you arched your back and started to push back to get any sort of friction.
"Fuck..." you gasped as a second finger entered you and he began to move them. Back and forth, in and out. That could work. You tried to push back as he fingered you, trying to get a much needed release. But as you were getting close he pulled away. You whinned and moaned helplessly for him.
"Goddamn you're so fucking wet. It'd be a shame if I didn't use this tight pussy of yours." He placed his head at your entrance and you watched yourself in the mirror as he sunk into you. Fuck he felt so good, you almost came as soon as he entered you were so tense. Soon you started to shake as his hips smacked against your ass.
"Ooohh shit...oh fuck.." you muttered as he fucked you. You watched him in the mirror, his gaze was switching between your ass and your face in the mirror. An insane smile plastered on his face as he fucked you.
"Thats it, thats it, ohh fuck yeah." He was triumphant. His hands clung to your hips as he started to pick up the pace, soon you were cumming all over him. It was made him lean forward and nibble on your earlobe as he whispered in your ear. "You cum so fast for me, Y/N. Naughty girl. I'm gonna show you who you belong to. Look at you, you can't help yourself. I'm all you need, baby." He grunted before standing back up straight and continuing to fuck you. You bouncing underneath him, your eyes rolling in the back of your head as you came once again.
Your last orgasm drove Patrick to the edge. He started to huff and puff as he got closer and closer. You could feel him shaking, losing his cool as his climax came. He leaned over and rested hid head on your shoulder as you watched him crumble. Patrick loved to press himself as far in as he could, and cum deep inside of you. You shuddered as you felt him pull out and felt everything seep out with him.
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flourchildwrites · 5 years
Witch, Please!  Fictober 2019  (30/30)
A multi-fandom Fictober prompt compilation.  Your wish is my command, but be careful what you ask for.  You just might get it.
Prompt:  “All Hallows Eve” from Writetober 2019 Prompt List
Fandom:  Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Relationship/Pairing:  Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo
Genre:  Trick or Treating
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count:  804 words
Read on AO3
“Trick or Treat!”
Halloween doesn’t make sense to Shouto; however, it isn’t the idea of pretending to be someone else that he can’t comprehend.  Though he isn’t as exuberant as Midoria, Shouto idolized All Might. In fact, he still does. It’s natural for kids to have such dreams.
Shouto can picture himself as a child, turning the corners of a happy home in loose socks and a towel tied his neck like a cape.  His mother would have laughed, and his father would have smirked, peering thoughtfully over the top of his morning paper. Of course, this false memory is nothing more than a poor imitation of normality, strung together from odd ends of pop culture and sitcom reruns.
But it’s a nice thought nonetheless.
No, it isn’t the costumes and pretend play that baffles Shouto.  It isn’t even the flash mobs, zombie runs or themed pub crawls. If U.A. had not kept him so busy, he might have joined in.
It’s the child, a little boy of maybe five or six, who stands in front of him dressed in a navy blue jumpsuit with burgundy wrist guards that causes him unease.  Brown eyes bright with awe, he rocks back and forth, teeming with excitement in his snow-white boots. The child’s movements strain the gray neckpiece connecting the high collar of his costume, and lower down, a brown utility belt jingles with every subtle movement.
Impressed, Shouto scans the child’s heart-shaped face, noting the wig as well as the makeup applied over his left eye to mimic Shouto’s infamous scar. It’s hard to fault the child or his proud mother for their fastidious attention to detail.  Yet, Shouto cannot help but wonder if they’d feel the same if they knew the story behind his mark.
He keeps his silence and forces a small smile, dropping a piece of candy into the kid’s plastic pumpkin along with a pre-autographed card.  Both treats hit the bottom of the container with a hollow thump. It’s only his twentieth visitor, but Shouto has already grown tired of tricks, treats and the children who’ve swarmed the decorated auditorium.
In true U.A. style, the event is ridiculously “Plus Ultra,” from Tokoyami’s Haunted House to the three-legged race officiated by Iida.  Even Bakugo has a part to play, though he has no lines. Ground Zero merely stands by Midnight’s side as she welcomes the crowds, and perhaps it is progress enough that he isn’t yelling obscenities over the sound of Earphone Jack’s festive music.
Shouto’s directive is to be more personable, and to this end, he is paired with Creati, handing out candy on a mock front porch.  So disarming is she that sometimes Shouto forgets that the Yaoyorozu family is old, old money. So kind, that from time to time, villains underestimate her S-class intelligence.
He’s realized recently that she takes advantage of their ignorance.  But not tonight.
Tonight, her smile is as open and unguarded as ever.  Bright eyes blaze in midnight shades of gray offset by the crimson cape of her hero’s costume and the gold belt glinting beneath it.  Flashes of skin capture Shouto’s unbidden attention, but moreover, he finds himself enthralled by the way she connects with both the students and parents.  They might put Shouto on a pedestal as a potential successor to All Might, but the public feels like they know Momo Yaoyorozu.
And sometimes Shouto is jealous.  Of what, he isn’t sure.
“Has the hero Shouto come to help me eat all this candy?” she asks the small boy.
Delight spreads across the child’s face when he realizes she’s talking to him and not the semi-pro handing out candy alongside her.  He happily thrusts his hand inside the plastic jack-o’-lantern and offers Momo an orange KitKat, which she politely declines. Instead, she produces a box of pocky and offers mini-Shouto a slender stick.  They laugh and share their sweets. Momo’s tongue darts out to greet the rich chocolate, and Shouto finds himself watching and wondering.
In the space of a second, the young man’s mind flits back to his earlier reverie.  But now, he is no longer the child; Shouto is the father, sipping a cup of tea, legs tucked under the kotatsu.  A little girl with split black and white hair sprints outdoors. She catches snowflakes in her gloved hands and spins as the flurries continue to fall.  Momo is seated next to him, watching their daughter.
It’s pleasant and disarming -- the precise qualities Momo exudes despite the danger lurking just out of sight and mind. He shakes the pesky thought off and continues to attend to the never-ending line of lookalikes. If it is jealousy Shouto feels, he hopes it will not show.  Not for the first time, he wonders if these wishful daydreams are truly tricks or treats.
A/N:  And that's a wrap, folks! Here's some light Todomomo to round out my Fictober 2019 challenge. Perhaps this is a couple of days late, but I'm calling this project a win. 30/31 is pretty good! A million thanks to everyone who followed this collection and encouraged me along the long, long road. As always, your kudos, bookmarks, subscriptions, comments, likes and reblogs give me life. Also, don't be a stranger and check out my tumblr. Send me questions, comments or whatever else may be on your mind.
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kae-karo · 6 years
knlalla’s fics of 2018
hello dears! now that the year’s coming to a close, i wanted to round up a quick post of all my fics from this year, please enjoy! i’ve highlighted my personal faves/the ones i’m most proud of :’) it’s been a wild year, so thanks so much to everyone for all your kind support!
Phancakes (x) 1k (g) - the bois being domestic on pancake day (look okay we don’t have pancake day in america i have to live vicariously through dnp), insp by this tweet and the iconic vid no tw! just domestic fluff
did you make me a video for valentine’s day? (x) 1k (g) - Dan has a tradition, every year on Valentine's day he asks Phil the same question... no tw, minor angst
my talents include... (x) 1k (g) - Dan's whiny because Phil won't pay him any attention, so he sends out a passive-aggressive tweet. shoutout to @daliensgrandads​ on tumblr for bugging me to write this (instead of my current wip whoops) no tw, unless whiny!dan counts
Days like this (Security) (x) 800 (g) - Some days just aren’t good ones. tw depression
Balance (x) 1k (t) - Phil wants to post the bunk bed insta story, but Dan just wants to sleep. no tw
i missed you (x) 1k (g) - basically their history as told by dan no tw
the way you look tonight (x) 1k (g) - dan has a vid to edit. phil has other ideas. you have to listen to the way you look tonight by frank sinatra (youtube, spotify) whilst listening to this okay no tw
Chan (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "demon hc: phil just chuckling fondly at dan thirsting over chan, while chan searches the bus and they’re both stood outside in pyjamas on the canadian border. idk, it’s just the kinda fond, secure bde that phil exudes these days" no tw
morning coffee (x) 1k (t) - inspired by the lovely anon who sent me "I dreamed Dan posted an insta story of Phil drinking coffee in bed and he was laying on his shoulder and I kept trying to show people how cute it was but no one cared, and when I woke up I remembered that you would care, and I realized it was a dream and now I’m a tad disappointed in my subconscious for trolling me." no tw
doing nothing often leads to the very best of something (x) 2k (g) - based on this (x) and a lil imagine i wrote (x) and expanded on so thanks to the lovely anon who originally sent "that pic phil posted of dan for his bday i think where dan is making a funny face and theres a nearly empty wine bottle in the background hhhhh that makes my demon heart drop" and to the lovely anon who asked for more! no tw
The House at Pooh Corner (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "Full demon mode: Im just finishing up the Undertale series for the first time and all I can think about as Dan and Phil talk back in forth in their different character voices is how #blessed any future child of theirs is. Just imagine them snuggled up with a kid on each of their laps, reading Winnie the Pooh and doing voices for all the characters. RIP my heart." and the anon that sent "I've been having a really bad day. And something that I find really cute is imagining what Dan and Phil would be like as parents. (noting that you don't have to have kids ever to be a fulfilled human, just that people being good parents warms my heart). Hypothetically, what do you think it'd be like? I bet Dan would surprise himself by being a good dad. b/c he'd want his kid to feel free to be themselves and we all know he can be very protective when he needs to be." no tw, parent!phan
waffles (x) 2k (g) - phil goes to the 24hr diner with the hopes of seeing his favorite waiter (insp by me seeing a cute waitress at a diner. unfortunately none of the rest actually happened to me lmao) no tw, meet cute
it’s not living if it’s not with you (x) 800 (g) - dan and phil in bed at phil's parents' home, briefly reminiscing no tw
if we stopped shipping phan (x) 8k (g) - what would happen if the entire phandom just...stopped shipping phan? insp by this post about not shipping phan for a month cause they'd freak out. Happy Valentine's day, @phantasizeit​! no tw, friends to lovers
sleepover in the moon room (x) 6k (g) - It's a tradition they've had for years (Note: this was written with the intent that it can be read completely platonically or non-platonically, whichever you prefer. It's not written to imply one way or another.) a platonic fic sorta lmao
printer error (x) 16k (m) - Dan's a fanfic writer who's desperate to meet the AmazingPhil, but one printing mishap could bring him closer to his idol than he ever anticipated. no tw, strangers to lovers with a bit of fic commentary
everyone knows that (x) 5.5k (g) - They fight more often than they don’t, but that’s just how relationships are. Everyone knows that. Phil bakes when he’s worried, especially when he's worried about Dan. And Phil bakes quite a lot. Dan hates that he's the cause of Phil's nervous baking, that Phil's always so stressed because of him, but Dan has a hard time feeling too bad when the outcome is a plate of warm cookies. no tw just some angst
The Seven Deadly Insta Stories (x) 7k (e) - A collection of seven short fics based on the seven deadly sins, as told in the form of insta stories dnp didn’t post. as a prompt from @phanfichallenge to post a fic every day this week, have my tour fic twist on the seven deadly sins!! no tw, tour fic(s)
i’d do anything to not be alone (x) 16k (t) - I don’t know why I bother waking up. It’s one of those nonessential activities, like eating or drinking or breathing. But I do it, because if I don’t, then nobody would water the plants. Phil left and Dan doesn't know why. But he has to take care of the plants, because Phil would be so disappointed if he came back and his plants had died. no tw, just lots of sadness n a bit of angst but it does, as always, end happily i promise
dark purple sky (darkness comes out to play) (x) 4k (e) - It’s not that he hates parties, it’s just that- well, no, he hates parties. And costumes. And showing up to parties in costumes, and showing up to parties decidedly not wearing costumes, and all the mumbled judgements that come along with doing so. And he hates sweets - really, the only things he does like about Halloween are the autumnal vibes and the cool weather, and experiencing those certainly did not require his friends dragging him out to some abandoned castle grounds for a half-assed late-night party. Or the one where Dan gets a blowjob from a complete stranger in the middle of the forest on Halloween. no tw really, strangers to lovers?, mostly just pwp
Properly (x) 10k (e) - Dan's been trying to take advantage of the all-hours pool for a late night swim, but some guy always shows up before him. no tw just pwp and some strangers to lovers
Demons and Diners (x) 65k (m) - A broke Dan, on the run from his previous life, finds temporary shelter in an abandoned diner...for the night? tw depression, some blood mentions, but happy ending as always!
What day is it? (x) 32k (t) - It's the first day of the semester, and it's already gone to shit: Dan's late to his first class, finds out his mortal enemy, Phil Lester, is the TA, and gets rejected by the girl of his dreams, but at least tomorrow's a new day...right? Aka the one where Dan and Phil are stuck reliving the same day over and over and can't figure out why. no tw except some major angst, uni au, enemies to lovers
Axiom (x) 31k (t) - Axiom: a proposition that is not actually proved or demonstrated, but is considered to be self-evident and universally accepted. Dan's out for the umpteenth time at the bar for its weekly speed-dating night (not that they'd actually call it that). tw depression and a really cliche plot twist whoops but a happy ending, always
one second (x) 41k (e) - When you spend your life getting glimpses of a myriad of possible futures every time you get a little emotional, you tend to lose sight of reality, of the present; a bad day turns into a bad week because all you see are the worst-case futures. You get a little excited about something, things start to go your way, but then all you can see are the realities where things are even better. Life tends not to measure up. Or the one where Dan meets Phil on a plane, and maybe reality starts to become better than even Dan could predict. no tw really, strangers to lovers
slow-closing doors (x) 44k (t) - SECRETS, DRAMA, BETRAYAL (okay no betrayal dw). Phil's agreed to be an RA for his floor this year at uni, and he's determined to be the best RA ever - after all, this is these students' first year, he wants them to have the best year ever. Loosely inspired by Freeze Tag by Caroline B Cooney. tw minor violence nothing graphic just a lil scary, uni au strangers to lovers
Peter Phan (x) 37k (m) - Phil's woken in the middle of the night by a mysterious guy at his window who's intent on dragging him off on an adventure, and for some inexplicable reason, he agrees. Dan's stuck - quite literally - in his own head, and he's desperate for anyone to help him escape. Maybe, if he's lucky, that person could be Phil. He hopes it is. tw depression and suicide attempt, implied/referenced non-con, lots of angst, but definitely a happy ending, strangers to lovers
angel boy (x) 22k+ (e) - for the anon that sent "Oh fuck, now I need a smutty fanfic with twink!Dan taking it from behind with his angel wing tattoo (or real ones for that matter... actually, yes please, real ones. And Phil has a kink for being a bit rough with them... maybe Phil's a demon... fuuuck, someone write this for me?)" Aka the one where angel!Dan goes into a demon club looking for a bit of entertainment. no tw, my attempt at pwp turned into porn with a plot lmao
Sea Glass (x) 58k (t) - Phil arrives on the Isle of Man to house-sit at his family's cabin while it's repaired and sold. Except the cabin's in far worse shape than expected, and Phil's got to find somewhere else to stay no tw really but like i updated this a few times this year so i’m counting it
Exile (x) 172k (e) - Exile's a fucking bitch. Dan finds himself kicked out of town and searching for literally anywhere out of the rain - somehow, he must have just enough luck, as he stumbles upon a seemingly abandoned house in the middle of the forest. Except it isn't abandoned, and the resident isn't exactly...normal...
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Imagine Decorating Gabe’s Reaper Mask for Halloween (Fictober):
@cinnasnake20 said: “Hello! This is my first request on tumblr. Okay, I’ll get straight to the point: Festive Halloween imagine with Gabe, The Shimada bros and Brigette with a crush/SO who is a very talented costume + makeup designer who goes all out for Halloween every year!
A/N: I know it’s short, but I hope you like it nonetheless! Also, for whatever reason, Tumblr’s not letting me tag you, so I apologize for that. >->
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You were the middle of finalizing your secret project when Gabe caught you in the act.
“[Y/N], is that my mask?”
“N... No...?”
The fearsome mask of Talon leader Reaper was now delicately painted with bright colors and paisley, flowery patterns. The mask now seemed reminiscent of a painted skull. It also shiny, caused by the final layer of varnish you had just added, in order to make the painting permanent.
Glancing from the mask to your scowling partner, then back and forth a couple more times, you offered him a sheepish grin. “You have other masks, right?”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks and slowly moved the mask to cover your face, partially to hide and partially to show off your work. “Happy Halloween-slash-Día de los Muertos!”
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seljepw · 7 years
Sleeping With the Enemy, Part Two
A/N:  Ok, y’all have been SO patient, and I appreciate it so much.  You know i’m not a natural writer, so these things take a lot longer to happen than I’d like. Hopefully, you’ll think your patience has been rewarded.  Special shout-out to tumblr’s newest denizen, and my lovely beta, Ms. @singingphoenix.  She helped a lot with ideas and basically just reminded me that I don’t suck.
The Road So Far: Ok, so the reader and Crowley had a crazy encounter last Halloween, and the reader limped walked away with a new talisman that protects the wearer from witches’ spells.  (Catch up on part one Here)
Caveats: THIS IS SMUT!  If you keep reading, you will find adult language, Dom!Crowley, Scruffing, Injured!Reader, rough sex, dirty talk, slight humiliation but only if you kinda squint at it, and getting caught.
Word Count: 4,800ish (and y’all wonder why it takes me a year to write a new chapter...)
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“Ouch ouch ouch ouch…” You tried to keep your whimpering to a minimum, even though there was no one else in the bunker.  Being loud wasn’t going to fix your shoulder and neck, so you stuck to the whispered litany as you dangled head-first off the end of your bed, in your own low-rent version of traction.  
Just gotta stretch it out.  It’s gonna be fine.  It’s just a muscle spasm.  You’ve had worse, Y/N.  You can handle- OUCH! You hissed an inhale through clenched teeth. Stupid!  Turning your head so fast.  There’s no one walking in the hall.  The boys are hunting- without you- because you’ve got to get this neck thing under control before you’re fighting shape again.  Empty bunker makes weird sounds, you know that.  
A few deep breaths helped you relax your muscles again.  Trying to think happy thoughts, you closed your eyes and remembered the look on the witch’s face when her first spell rebounded off of you and sent her sprawling.  Your tiny smile didn’t seem to aggravate your injury too badly, so you kept on remembering.  Crowley’s trinket had protected you like a charm (which, technically, was exactly what it was).  All the bitch’s spells had rebounded or ricocheted off of you, with no other effect but the Luisgeàrd getting slightly warm against your chest.  Feeling invincible, you had taken off after her when she ran through the warehouse.  How were you to know she’d go all analog and knock a chest full of spell ingredients onto you?  Your smile disappeared into an annoyed sneer.  For a 300-year-old lady, she had been strong as hell.
Hell.  There it was again.  The uncomfortable twist of your gut.  In the six months since you had seen the King of that place, any mention of Hell made you blush and/or writhe.
Without opening your eyes, you tugged at the thin leather cord at your throat.  It had been your constant companion for half a year, along with the memories of the night you’d acquired it.  Since the night of Crowley’s Halloween ball, you’d used the Luisgeàrd several times.  Four witches were no longer cackling thanks to you and your new accessory.  Running a hooked finger back and forth across the necklace, you relived Crowley’s words.  Again.  “I expect that trinket to be returned to me. In pristine condition.  Or there will be consequences.”  A deep shiver set off a pang in your injury, and you took a few more deep breaths.  You relaxed, again.  Well, most of you.  You shifted your thighs together and blew out a breath through pursed lips.  Six. Months.  
Oh, there had been guys.  Young bucks picked up in bars, that sheriff's deputy down in Des Moine, one very memorable instance of gotta-have-it in a gas station bathroom.  All perfectly serviceable, but nothing… well.  Nothing like Crowley.
You chewed at your lip, eyes still closed, and weighed your options.  The bunker was empty.  No boys to interrupt you.  Why not indulge a little?  You had put concerted effort into not remembering Crowley in your- shall we say- more vulnerable moments.  Best not to open that door.  Too many confusing feelings.  But it had been so long, and maybe the feelings weren’t as strong as you thought.  Just a little trip down memory lane.  You deserved a treat, alone and in pain as you were.  Something to lift your spirits.  
You finally dove into the memory.  Played it like a movie against your closed eyelids.  Start at the beginning, you thought.  Savor it.  
Dancing.  Well, more accurately, being buoyed in Crowley’s arms, floating in dizzying whorls around the ballroom.  His hands had been chastely positioned at the time- no one looking on could know that his demonic power had manifested other hands.  Under your skirt...
You hummed low in your throat, thinking of that hot grip on your ass, and slid one of your hands under the waistband of your pajama pants.  The fingers of your other hand drew lazy circles across the rowan wood disk on your necklace.  You still lay with your head dangling over the side of your bed.  You’d have to move slow and carefully so you wouldn’t jostle your injury…
After the dance, there was a drink in the library.  And your first glimpse of the Luisgeàrd.  And then… You released a shaky breath as you recalled the kiss that started everything.  Crowley had hit you like a wave, bowling you over and backwards to the large table… Images came fast, and you had to deliberately slow them down.  Drink them in.  You cupped your hand around yourself, feeling the heat.
The candlelight making his demon mask glow as he crowded himself between your legs…
You drew your fingers slowly through your slick, whimpering slightly.  That tense moment when he found the demon knife at your thigh… One side of your mouth lifted and you barely brushed across your clit, thinking of the point of the knife against your breast and Crowley’s voice in your ear. “I want you to trust me, Y/N.  Can you do that?”  You slowly slid a finger in, and had gotten two knuckles deep when you heard a rumbling chuckle at your open door.
A great many things seemed to happen at once.  Your startled squawk, your hunter-instinct leap off of the bed, and the pain lancing through your neck and shoulder, turning that leap into a graceless spasm/tumble onto the floor.  The impact jarred your injury further, and you screamed first in pain, then in rage when you caught sight of the black coated figure in your doorway.
“FUCK!  CROWLEY?!  WHAT THE FUCK?!  FUCKING SHIT!  OW!” This was all a rapid-fire barrage at full volume, as you clutched your neck and writhed on the floor.  You managed to heave yourself into a crouch at the foot of your bed, and turned the full force of your glare onto Crowley.  He was apparently taken aback at the reception.  For a moment, you just stared at each other, the only sound in the room was your breathing, bull-like through your nostrils.
“Well, that’s not exactly the welcome I was expecting.”  Crowley’s eyebrows lowered from their perch near his hairline, settling into a crumple of concern.  “Y/N, love, are you hurt?”  He took a hesitant step towards you.
“The fuck does it look like, asshole?” you shot back.  Pain made you less than charitable at the best of times, let alone when the King of Hell dropped in unannounced, scaring the shit out of you, right when you were… you were…. Oh, shit.  You felt the flush surge up your torso to your scalp and dropped your gaze.  There was a small beer stain on the industrial carpet in front of Crowley’s left shoe.  You couldn’t seem to look anywhere else.
“What happened?”  He said after a moment.  His voice was oddly tight, controlled.  Contemptuous.  That brought up your own combative response.  How dare he judge you for getting injured!
“I got a Chippendale china cabinet dropped on me,” you snarled, finally meeting his eyes again, “There, you happy?  Let the gloating begin!”  
Crowley inhaled, rolled his head toward the ceiling, and dragged a palm across his mouth and jaw.  He was angry.  What the fuck gave him the right to be angry at you?!  Just as you opened your mouth to defend yourself, he dropped his gaze back to you and said, “Those stupid, cowboy-brained, flannel factories you live with let you get HURT?!  Where are they?!”  He spun towards the hallway, as if he meant to personally drag the Winchesters to your room to explain themselves.
You couldn’t help it.  You laughed.
Stress response, shock, sleep-deprivation, psychotic break- whatever you want to call it, you dissolved into a fit of witch-level cackling, right there on your floor, the ruler of another dimension looking on, incredulous.  Every laugh sent a hot wire of pain through your neck and shoulder, but it seemed that your body couldn’t be bothered with that, right now.  Laughing was more important.  So you clutched at your injury and guffawed until you cried.
When you finally got yourself under semi-control, you blinked around watering eyes and focused on Crowley.  He was crouched in front of you, now.  One of his hands rested over yours, where you held your neck, his other hand on your temple, as though he could check for psychosis like fever.
“Sorry,” you gasped, “it’s just…” a giggle escaped, “you were so mad…”  Another bubble of laughter threatened, but you fortified and fought it down.  “What do you care, if I get hurt?  You know what I do for a living, right?”
“Wasn’t aware you got paid,” he murmured, searching your eyes for any signs of another impending crackup.  Without warning, a quiet, charged energy settled into the space between you, and suspended the moment a little too long.
“You know what I mean,” you said softly, leaning your forehead against his hand without meaning to.  “It’s a dangerous gig.  You’ve seen the boys ripped up and bloody- hell, you’ve been the one to bloody them, sometimes- and you’re upset that I tweaked my neck?”
“I’ll have you know, I’m rather fond of that neck,” he chided.  His thumb was absently petting your hairline.  It felt good, and you sighed a little, finally relaxing the tensed muscles through your stomach and arms.  As your body released itself from hunter defcon, the agony in your neck resurfaced.  
“Fuck, that hurts,” you whispered, closing your eyes against the pain.
“Where are the not-so-wonder twins, anyway?” he asked.
“Hunting, duh.”  You rode the wave of anguish until it subsided a little, and opened your eyes.  “There’s a haunting over in Junction City.  Milk run-level shit, but they didn’t want me tagging along, with this.” Your eyes cut disgustedly toward your injury.  
“What happened?” he asked again, softly this time, and gently helped you to your feet.
You shrugged with your good shoulder and avoided looking directly at him.  You hadn't admitted that you were ashamed of getting hurt, but Crowley saw it.  You saw him see it.  Observant bastard.  You soldiered on.
“There was this witch.”  Your fingers tangled in the Luisgeàrd’s leather cord and you stared at Crowley’s lapel.  “I got cocky.  This thing’s awesome, by the way.” You hoisted the talisman in Crowley’s general direction and kept talking to his boutonniere hole.  “I ran after her- and the guys couldn’t catch up fast enough, so it’s not their fault- and she just got the jump on me.  Should have seen it coming.  It was stupid.”  Tears of shame pricked your eyes and you blinked hard as you tried to shake yourself back into self-possession.  You would absolutely not cry in front of Crowley.  That was unacceptable.
Crowley closed the distance between you and then you were tucked into his arms, snuffling against his shoulder, like it was the most natural thing in the world.  Like the last- and only other- time you’d been this close hadn’t been a semi-anonymous, masked fuck on a ceiling beam.  Last time, you hadn’t had the brainpower to notice how good he smelled.  Sulfurous, yeah, but more like incense than rotten egg.  Ironically, it reminded you of church Sundays with your grandmother, as a kid.  You inhaled deep, enjoying the moment, and opened your mouth to remark on his smell, when you remembered his similar observation of you.
“There’s that delicious smell…”
The moment shattered, and you pushed away from him with shaking hands.  Clearing your throat, you turned and carefully began straightening things on your desk.  Heating pad, ice pack, pain killers, lore research, all got picked up and dropped again as you forced a businesslike tone into your voice.  “What are you doing here, Crowley?”
If your instant gear shift unsettled him, he didn’t show it.  In his usual Kinglier-than-thou resonance, he answered, “What?  A chap can’t pop in to check on his property?”
For one infuriating heartbeat, you thought he meant you were his property, but then the logical side of your brain realized that he meant the Luisgeàrd.  “Oh.”  You turned to him, and began carefully lifting the talisman over your head, trying not to anger your muscle spasm.  “If you want it back, that’s fine.  We never discussed how long I could use it, so, if you need it back-”
“Y/N.” He was studying you with that self-assured tilt of the head, his hands in his pockets.  Everything about him screamed Smartest Person In The Room.  It galled you.
“What?” you snapped.
“When was the last time someone took care of you?”  
The way he said it, you weren’t sure if he meant “care” like, “here, have a glass of wine and put your feet up”, or “here, have a mind-blowing orgasm”.  Somehow, it sounded like both.  You had no idea how to respond to that double question (the answer being, simultaneously, “not in living memory”, and “the last time I saw you”), so you decided to deflect.
“The fuck are you talking about, Crowley?  Do you want this thing or not?” You waved the Luisgeàrd at him.
“You’ve been putting it to much better use than I ever did.”  He stepped toward you.  Only one step.  Hands still in pockets, head still cocked back and to the side, still all King.  Something about that one step made you shiver. “I’ve been keeping tabs.  But you didn’t answer my question, Y/N.”
“You’ve been keeping tabs?  Have you been spying on me?!”
“Keeping an eye out, let’s say.  A bloke has to protect his interests.” That time, he might have been talking about the Luisgeàrd, or about you.  Another step forward.  “Quite a big time you and your boys have been having, galavanting all over, not suffering a witch to live, and all that.”  Another step, and he was close enough you had to tilt your head back a bit to meet his eyes.  His voice dropped an octave when he said, “You and your boys.”
“Yeah, we’re pretty badass hunters.  Didn’t you get that memo?” you snarked and took a half step back.  You were finding higher brain function a little tricky, with him so close.  
“Not what I meant.  What was his name?  The wanker who had you in that roadside loo?” He tutted.  “Not exactly sanitary, love.  But who would dither about locale when your delicious self is right there, ready to go?”
That flared your temper.  Your higher brain managed to stop you just before you punched the smirk off his face.  He’s trying to rile you up.  Don’t let him.  You let your face slide into an evil grin as you spat back, “What, Crowley?  Are you jealous?  Big bad King of Hell is jealous?”
He took another step.  You tried to move back, but came up short against your desk.  He was too close.  Close enough to smell him.  Close enough to see one of your hairs clinging to his suit coat.  Close enough to send your heart racing. Traitor.  The heat between your legs was back and you couldn’t seem to think straight.
Six months.  Fuck.
Crowley smiled down at you and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.  His voice was a soft, dark rumble as he said, “Never.  I’m not naive or stupid, Y/N.  I didn’t expect you to pine away, doodling our names in little hearts on you chemistry notebook.  Just… I missed you.  I like watching over you.”  His hand slid behind your head, tilted you back for a kiss.
And the pain hit, again.
“Fuck!” you hissed, teeth gritted.  The most annoying thing about bodily damage was it asserted itself at the worst possible time.  So, not only were you in pain, you were also embarrassed and awkward about it.  “Sorry,” you managed, “This fucking spasm isn’t going away.  Pisses me off.”
Crowley stepped back, pointed to the bed, and said, “Lay down.”  
You huffed, sardonically.  “Tempting offer, your highness, but I’m in no shape for-”
“Y/N.  Will you just- for once- relax?  I just want to check your spine.”
You squinted at him.  Who was this new Crowley?  Granted, you had only had a couple (very memorable) encounters, but you’d never seen him this… solicitous.  Then, with a raised eyebrow, he crossed his arms. “Now, young lady.”
Well, that sent a flutter through you that you’d rather not take the time to contemplate.  Swallowing and a little shaky, you kept your eyes on his as you crossed to your bed.  He offered you a chivalrous hand and helped you settle yourself face down, tucking pillows under you and trying not to jostle you too much.  You took deep breaths and tried to calm your thrashing heartbeat, every muscle painfully aware of the dip in the mattress as he settled himself behind you.  You only jumped a little when you felt the warm pressure of his fingertips at the nape of your neck, moving slowly, carefully down your spine, massaging the angry muscles, taking stock of your injury.  As he worked, he kept murmuring to you as if you were a spooked horse.  Not even words, really, just comforting humms and tutts and shushings.  You were vaguely aware of your own whimpers, half from pain, half from the emotional tumult of being in such a vulnerable position under someone who could kill you without blinking.  
“I need you to trust me, Y/N,” he had said.  “Can you do that?”  Could you?  Could you really trust Crowley?  At least one part of your anatomy was all for it.  The feeling of his hands on your skin was sending a wave of pulsing heat through you, and you were hyper aware of your now damp panties.  Lost in the war between pussy and brain, you almost didn’t hear him when he said, “Looks like you’ve got a vertebrae out of place, Love.”
“Huh?” That sounded serious.  Scary serious.  You swam back to full cognizance, and tried to turn over to look at him.  His hand landed on your shoulder blade, keeping you face down.
“Oh, no you don’t.  Stay still.  I can fix it, but you’ll be a bit sore for a few days.”
“You can fix it?”  You scoffed.  “You can just magically put my spine back in order?  I didn’t know demons had healing powers.”
“Of course.” You could hear the smile in his voice. “Did you forget what I do for a living, pet?  How d’you think we keep people from dying during… enhanced interrogation?  Now, stay.  Still.”
You froze, barely breathing.  If it weren’t for the rushing sound in your ears, you’d have sworn your heart stopped.  His hands draped around the sides of your neck, thumbs on your spine.  Heat (a drop of hellfire?) shot down the nerves between your skull and tailbone.  There was a POP and a flash of pain, then release.  It felt like having a dislocated joint put back in its socket.  
“There.  Six months of chiropractic visits you don’t have to pay for.”  Crowley sounded very pleased with himself.
You carefully lifted yourself onto your elbows.  No pain.  You gingerly turned your head to look at him over your shoulder.  Only a slight tightness in the muscles.  He was grinning at you.  “Now, how can you ever repay me?”  His hand was dragging circles up and down your back, eyes a mix of predatory and proud, and your brain was going all fuzzy, again.  You swallowed.
This is Crowley. Dangerous.  King-of-Hell dangerous.  Evil-demon dangerous.
“You think just because you fixed my neck, you’re gonna get in my pants?”  
You shifted a little, to relieve the tension coiling under those pants, and tried to play it cool.  You did pretty well until Crowley leaned forward, slid his hand onto your ass, and whispered in your ear, “No, love.  I think that I can get in your pants because I can smell how wet you are.”  His grip tightened, and your eyes involuntarily rolled up in your head.  “Don’t think I forgot what you were doing when I walked in, here.  No games, pet.  You need this, don’t you?”
“Fuck, Crowley,” you breathed.  And that was it.  You made your decision.  Better or worse, evil or not, you wanted the King of Hell.  Wanted him badly.  And here he was, willing to oblige.  
“Is that a ‘yes’, Y/N?”  Crowley dragged his mouth up your neck, dropping hot kisses as he spoke.  His thumb hooked into the waistband of your pajamas, started to tug downward.  “I need you to say it, pet.”
Your head curled backward and you caught his mouth with yours.  “Yes, Crowley,” you breathed against his lips, “Yes.”  No going back, now.
He kissed you like he could inhale you, rolling your body this way and that, dragging your clothes off.  Somewhere in the tumble, he lost his clothes as well, although you couldn’t remember helping him with it.  He managed to keep you on your stomach the whole time, and the heat of his body at your back was dizzying.  The feel of his skin on yours had you writhing under him, to get more friction.  Mewling in pleasure and frustration, you spread your legs so he could settle behind you, and gripped the sheets for stability.  Higher brain function was out of the question.  You had become a being of instinct, and it felt great.
Crowley trailed the length of his cock down the crack of your ass as he growled in your ear, “Do you know how often I thought of you, Y/N?  How many times I remembered the feeling of you tight around me?  Imagined those gasps and pants of yours?”  Those gasps and pants seemed to be your whole vocabulary at the moment, so you just rolled your hips and let him do whatever he liked.  “I seem to remember you saying something about not being a quiet fuck...  no reason to stifle it, now.  Can’t wait to hear you, Y/N…”  He kept slowly rutting against your ass, talking to you, and snaked a hand around to reach for your dripping slit.  When he found it, he groaned against your neck, “Oooh, there’s my good girl.  Fuck, you’re wet, aren’t you?  Did you miss me, too?”  He pushed two fingers into your hole, teasing and stretching and stroking.  That was when you cried out.
“Fuck!  Oh, goddamn fucking hell, yes!”  You rocked back and forth, trying to push against his dick behind you and his fingers inside you at the same time.
“That’s it, love.  Let me take care of you.  I know what you need.  Let your King give you what you need.”  He had three fingers in, now, drumming gainst that spot that sent you reeling, thumb circling your clit.  You were wailing already, short “Aah!Aah!Aah!”s echoing down the bunker’s halls, but when you felt his teeth against the back of your neck, you let go and screamed.  Crowley bit down, hard enough to bruise, and kept pumping his fingers in and out of you as you came.  When the wave passed and left you gasping and hoarse, before you could recover completely, he hoisted your hips into the air and shoved himself inside you.
There are memories that you carry through your life, certain foods or movies or experiences that inflate in your recollection, and when you find them again, they aren’t quite as good as you remember.  Crowley’s cock was not one of these things.  As wet and ready as you were, he still stretched you wide, your walls burning.  You were screaming, again.  He kept his grip on your hips, buried as deep as he could go, and held you in place as you bucked against the intrusion.  
“Oooh, yes, Y/N!  That’s it, pet.  That’s it.  You take it!  Oh, bloody hell, love, you can take it all, can’t you?  Fuck, I’ve missed this cunt!”  He landed a stinging smack on your ass and started fucking you in earnest.  It was so fast- he was so big- you wallowed against the mattress and lost yourself in the experience.  Your shrieks mingled with tears and soaked into your pillow.  “Does that hurt, love?” He spanked you again and punctuated his words with deep thrusts.  “Answer me, Y/N! Does! That! Hurt?”
“Yes!” you cried.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“NO! Fuck no, Crowley, never stop!”  You didn’t even know who you were, anymore.  The badass, take-no-shit hunter had dissolved into a screaming, rutting animal.  You could get used to this…
Crowley kept slamming into you as he reached down, got a handfull of your hair in his fist, and yanked your head back.  “Then you listen to me, pet,” he snarled, “I’m the only one who gets to hurt you.  Do you hear me?  Not those monsters you hunt.  Not the boys you play with.  Me.”
“Fuck! Yes!” You were going to come again, you could feel yourself tightening around that punishing dick.
“Yes.” SLAM  “What?” SLAM
“Yes sir!  Yes, my King!  You get to hurt me, no one else!  Fuck, Crowley- Fuck- I’m gonna- AAAHH!” You shook apart, quaking and rolling, and the world went white.  Crowley just picked up the pace and fucked you through it, until he couldn’t hold on anymore.  With a hoarse bellow, he stuffed himself to the hilt and held you still against him as he unloaded deep inside you.
As you both came down, you didn’t bother uncoupling.  You just slumped sideways onto the bed.  Crowley gathered you up against his chest and laid panting kisses across your shoulder.  You reached back to run your fingers through his hair and tried to catch your breath.
“Holy shit…” you sighed.  His breathless chuckle rumbled at your back.  
He slid his hand over your side and hip and thigh, then trailed back up your stomach and cupped your breast.  He nuzzled into your neck and sighed happily.  
“Are you alright, love?”
“Are you kidding? I’m fucking fantastic.  I’m gonna be sore for a bit, but… I think I’ll like that.”
His softening cock gave a little twitch inside you.  “Mmmm.  Want me to kiss it better?”
You laughed and tangled your fingers with his.  “Jesus, lemme catch my breath, first.”  You both lay quietly for a moment before you whispered, “Crowley?”
“Why did you come here, tonight?  Really?”
“I told you.  I’ve been keeping tabs.”
“And that requires an in-person apparition to my bedroom?”
“Then why-”
“I stayed away as long as I could.  Stuck to the scrying bowl and second-hand reports.  Then, two weeks ago, I… couldn’t stand it.  I popped in.  Stood outside your door, trying to decide if I should knock.  Didn’t have the stones, as it turned out.  Moose rounded the corner and I barely made it out without him seeing me.  But it was nice being near you, so, I came back, tonight.  Bloody glad I did, too.”  He nudged his hips against you, jokingly.
“The big, bad King of Hell is sentimental?” You smirked at him, over your shoulder.  He smirked back, shifting a little.  You both groaned as he slid free.  You missed him, immediately.
“Yeah, well.  Don’t go spreading it ‘round, yeah?  I’ve a reputation to think of, after all.”
You wiggled around to face him, stared into those guarded hazel eyes, and asked the question you’d been wrestling with for six months.  “What the fuck are we doing, Crowley?  What is this?  I mean, I barely know you.  Half the time, I don’t trust you...  What are we doing?”
He lifted his palm to your cheek and pressed his forehead to yours. “Y/N, I-”
The bunker’s front door squealed open, and two pairs of booted feet came galloping down the metal staircase.  
“Yo!  Y/N!”  Dean’s voice bellowed from the library.  “We’re back!  Where you at?”  You heard the Winchesters thundering down the hallway to your room.
“Crowley, you’ve gotta-” you hissed urgently, but he was already gone.
Which is when Dean and Sam rounded your doorway, and found you rumpled, sweaty, and buck naked on your bed, alone.
“WOAH!” Dean recoiled like he'd been shot, and slapped a hand over his face.  Sam squeaked in embarrassment and spun back out into the hall.
“Fuck, guys! Haven’t you ever heard of privacy?!”  You scrambled to wrap the sheets around yourself and jumped to your feet.
“Haven’t you ever heard of a closed door?!”  Dean shot back, eyes still covered.  Then he grinned.  “But, Hey, you know, I get it.  Place to yourself, decided to throw a little party of one.  We’ve all been there, right, Sammy?”
Sam grabbed his brother by the collar and dragged him down the hall.  “Sorry, Y/N.  Um...  Sleep well.  We’ll...  Uh...  See you in the morning.”
With all the thoughts scrambling around in your mind, you doubted sleep was on the menu, but you sighed, closed your door, and went back to bed.  
It still smelled like Crowley.
My Queens of Hell: @mamaredd123, @motleymoose, @roxy-davenport, @fuschiarulerinthebluebox, @cowbelle8, @gettinjoyful, @faeryprincess666, @lillymorningstar, @mintplantfuckery, @mylittlewingedangel, @daughterofthebrowncoats, @docharleythegeekqueen, @earinafae, @lucifer-in-leather
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 years
Someone New|Jameson Jackson x Reader
Hello again~! I got a request for a story where the Reader meets Jameson/Dapper!Jack and introduces him to the other egos and teaches him sign language and all that….although Anti just becomes a huge jerk to the poor mute boi >:v
Anywho, hope ya’ll like this story~
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“So…you’re the new guy from Jack’s pumpkin carving video?”
Blinking several times, the man in the blue vest spun around, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise when he saw you standing in front of him.
After a few moments of silence, he nodded his head in response to your question, giving you a kind smile and sticking his hand out.
Curiously enough, this man didn’t speak at all. Perhaps he was mute?
But you simply smiled back at him and shook his hand, not wanting to be rude. “Well I’m [y/n], a good friend of Jack,” you introduced yourself. “ It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”
But you simply smiled back at him and shook his hand, not wanting to be rude. “Well I’m [y/n]. A good friend of Jack. It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” You introduced yourself. “Do you…happen to have a name as well?”
The reason you had asked him such a question was because…you were unsure of what his name was exactly. You remember seeing all sorts of names going around for the man.
He blinked several times at you, before his smile returned and he nodded. Snapping his fingers, a small notepad and pen appeared in a puff of white smoke in his hand. He then took a couple seconds to write something down.
Once he was done he capped the pen and handed the notepad to you.
Name’s Jameson Jackson, sport! But feel free to call me Jamie or J.J. Whichever you prefer.
“Ahh okay,” you glanced back up at him, smiling as you handed the two items back to him. “Well Jamie..I think we ought to go tell the other egos that there’s a new fella in town.”
With that, you began walking, but it didn’t take you too long to realize that he wasn’t following you. “You coming or-?”
When you turned around, though, you saw that he appeared rather stiff, tense even as he rubbed his hands together. His blue eyes glinted with nervousness and uncertainty.
“Hey..it’ll be fine, don’t worry.” You returned to his side, giving him a reassuring smile. “They’re an odd, but interesting bunch. There’s a boisterous surgeon from Germany, a superhero in spandex, a socially awkward magician, and even a zombie who acts like a puppy.”
It was difficult for you not to start laughing as you saw his eyes grow wide with each ego you mentioned. You couldn’t tell if he was fascinated or terrified……or perhaps both.
“I know it sounds insane..but…they’re cool and will be more than happy to welcome you into their family. So..whatdya say?”
For a few moments longer, Jameson thought about it, wiggling his mustache a little, but eventually he agreed to meeting them. With a smile, he hooked his arm with yours, making a gesture with his other arm, insisting that you lead the way.
And so you did.
“Everyone, this Jameson Jackson…that dude from the mini silent film Jack made on Halloween. He can’t really speak at all, but other than that he’s a pretty cool guy.”
All of the egos collectively stared at the newcomer in silence after you introduced him to them. At first their expressions were unreadable, which made Jameson a little bit nervous.
But before long, you saw a smile on Shawn Flynn’s face appear as he stood up from the couch and made his way over to him. “Hey there! Yer kinda dressed like me, aren’t cha?” He chuckled, putting his hand out to him (which was not covered in ink surprisingly). “Name’s Shawn Flynn. I make dolls n’ stuff.”
For a few moments Jameson simply blinked in surprise, looking at the sepia-toned man up and down. ‘By golly…it's like he jumped straight out of a film!‘  He thought.
Not wanting to leaving him hanging, he shook Shawn’s hand, grinning as he nodded back to him. Once they let go, that was when the others smiled and stepped forth to greet him as well, although they only introduced themselves one at a time so they didn’t overwhelm him.
In the meantime you relaxed back on the sofa and smiled, glad to see just how accepting they were of the new ego.
For a few months now, Jameson has lived with you and the other egos, having grown more comfortable and happy with their presence.
The only downside was that he had difficulty communicating, so you took it upon yourself to teach him sign language. He didn’t think it would be necessary, considering that he wasn’t deaf, but after explaining that it could save him from having to write down stuff all the time and waste paper, he eventually agreed and allowed you to teach him.
You started out with basic responses, such as “Yes” and “No”, before moving onto longer and more challenging phrases. Thankfully, the others, especially Marvin and Henrik, were more than willing to help you with the lessons.
In terms of his “abilities”, it turns out that, just like the aforementioned magician, Jameson possessed a little magic of his own, although all he could do was make stuff appear in his hands with just a snap of his fingers. Humorously enough, there was also some sort of human hand that would always pop up in various places whenever he needed something….almost like a companion of his.
It reminded you of Thing from “The Addams Family”.
All in all though Jameson was really just a joyful and fun-loving person to be around. His enthusiasm, kindness, and polite nature could raise anyone’s spirits, even on a bad day.
But for the past few weeks, he seemed to have grown a little…. distant, being less expressive and not using sign language as much. Least to say it made you and the other egos a bit worried. And when they said none of them could figure out what was wrong with him, you knew that if he would listen to anyone, it’s you.
One day, you were heading towards your room, looking down at your phone and scrolling through Tumblr, obviously not paying attention to what’s in front of you.
But by the time you realized there was somebody in front of you, it was too late as you bumped into them, dropping your phone to the floor in the process.
“Ah! M-My bad!” You stumbled back at bit, seeing that it was Jameson, who had quickly knelt down to pick up the electronic device before jumping to his feet and handing it back to you.
“Oh, thank y-” But as you took it from him, that was when you noticed his face looked a bit paler than usual and his eyes seemed awful… puffy, with slightly dark circles underneath them.
That’s when you knew there was something seriously wrong. This wasn’t the cheery, happy-go-lucky man you’ve befriended at all.
“Jamie? Are you..okay?”
He blinked several times at your question, before he put on a small smile and nodded. But when he put his hands up to sign that he was fine….he suddenly stopped himself, his smile fading as he put his arms down. He then shook his head and attempted to pass by you, only for you to turn and grab his arm before he could take a step further.
“Jameson..I’ve been real worried about you…everyone is,” you said, worry lacing your tone of voice. “You’ve grown more distant from us and you hardly ever use the sign language I taught you. If there’s something going on-”
Without warning, he spun back around, throwing his arms around you and giving you a tight bear hug. You initially froze in shock, although when you felt his body trembling and tears start to soak into your shoulder, you returned the embrace, rubbing his back. “Hey, shhh…shhh..it’s okay…don’t cry,” you hushed him softly. “You wanna talk about it in my room?”
He nodded slightly in response, sniffling as he lifted his head up to look at you.
Seeing him look so sad truly and utterly broke your heart.
Whoever hurt him will surely be in a world of pain.
His eyes widened slightly as he noticed the tear stains he had left on your shirt. In a somewhat frantic manner he got out a handkerchief and attempted to dry them off, but once you realized what he was doing you gently grabbed his hand.
“It’s fine..” You told him, giggling softly. “I know you’re trying to be polite..but don’t worry about it. It’ll dry out on its own.”
He frowned slightly, but lowered his hand anyway, using the handkerchief to instead wipe his own tears away as you led him to your room.
Once you arrived you sat him down on your bed. Before you could take a seat, however, you saw him point towards the still open door.
“Oh? You want me to close it?” You assumed. He nodded in response, and so you went to do just that, locking it just to make sure nobody barged in.
Because there’s certain people who didn’t know about the wonderful thing called “privacy”.
You then returned to Jameson’s side, seeing that he was now fiddling with his hat in his hands. With a sigh, you sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around his back. He stopped messing around with the hat as he sniffled lightly, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“You can tell me when you’re ready. Just take your time.”
The mute ego nodded once more, sitting up to pull his phone out of his pocket. It was a flip phone, one that he mainly used for texting you or the other egos if none of you were in the same room as him. Other than that, though, he hardly ever used it, unless there was something private he wanted to discuss with you.
You waited patiently as he began typing something into the device, pausing several times to think and wiggle his mustache, which was a habit of his that you found to be quite adorable. After a few moments he showed you what he typed in the small message box.
But as you read it, your face paled instantly:
’That good-for-nothing demon has been a bully’
“Anti?” Your eyes widened in shock as you glanced back at him. “Wh..What did he do?”
‘He keeps making fun of my silence. I tell him to stop but he just says “I will when you find the cat that stole your tongue”’ He typed, before showing you his phone once more.
Your eyebrows furrowed. ‘Of course…that asshole always does this whenever a new guy is introduced…he finds a flaw in them and proceeds to harass them for days about it..’
“Anything else?”
'He said sign language was stupid and threatened to chop my hands off if he caught me doing it again’
“Jamie….you know..he’s not gonna actually do that,” you told him, frowning slightly. “He only jokes about that kind of stuff.”
Jameson shot you a look, before shaking his head and typing something else.
'Well considering how he’s been doing this for a solid month, I don’t see how any of it’s funny’
“Wha–a month?!!” You yelped, which made him flinch back slightly and nearly drop the phone. When you realize you scared him, you calmed yourself down a little. “S-Sorry. But…good God…why didn’t you tell me?”
'I thought I’d be able to stand up to that scoundrel. But that’s awfully tricky when you don’t a goshdarn voice to begin with’
You sighed after reading the message, shaking your head. “If he’s been doing this for an entire month…you should’ve told me sooner.”
'I know…sorry about that ’ He typed, pouting slightly as guilt flashed in his eyes.
“It’s okay..I know you were probably scared but….I’ll make sure you don’t have to worry about him bullying you ever again.” You promised him, a small smile on your face as you patted his shoulder. “Later on I’ll have a nice little…chat with him, alright?”
Jameson blinked numerous times in surprise, but before long he returned the smile. He then set the phone down and turned to you, signing: “Thank you, [y/n]”.
Your smile grew wider as you signed back: “You’re welcome.”
“Hey Glitch Bitch~”
You barged into Anti’s room, greeting him in a sweet-sounding voice. Then you stepped aside quickly right as a knife flew in your direction, impaling the wall next to your head.
“Not a day goes by that ya don’t fuckin’ call me that,” the demon hissed, whipping around to face you, although he raised an eyebrow when he saw your overly cheerful smile. “What’s with that face?”
“Oh nothing~” The moment you closed the door, you dropped your facade. “Just wondering what the fuck makes you think you can harass Jameson for something he has no control over.” You hissed, storming over to him and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “He’s dealt with enough of your bullshit in that pumpkin carving video.”
Anti blinked slowly for several long moments, before snorting and pushing your hand away. “C'mon, [y/n]. He only knows I’m jokin’ around. Not my fault if he gets too fuckin’ sensitive about it.”
Your scowl only deepened as he said those words. “Bullying someone because of their disability is not a goddamn joke, Anti. Now I suggest that you knock it off and leave him alone.”
“Oh?” He quirked an eyebrow. “And what are you gonna do if I don’t, hmm?” Folding his arms across his chest, a cocky smirk appeared on the demon’s face as he waited for your response.
After thinking about it for a couple seconds, you mimicked his smirk as you leaned forward and whispered something into his ear….something that made his green skin turn pale in an instant.
When you stepped back, you saw his mouth open and close, like a fish out of water. He stared at you in complete silence, with wide, unblinking eyes.
“So the next time you decide to mess with such a kind and sweet gentleman….just keep that in mind, okay?” You winked at Anti, before turning around and heading out of his room.
As you opened the door, however, you were a bit surprised to see Jameson waiting for you on the other side. “Oh hey. How long have you been here for?”
He shrugged in response, before he brought you into another hug, squeezing you tight. You sighed and hugged him back. “Well, he won’t bother you again..I made sure of it.”
Jameson’s smile only widened, although when he looked up and saw Anti, he was confused as to why he appeared so…mortified. But the moment the two locked eyes, the demon flinched back and glitched away.
Once you let go, he glanced back at you, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he signed: “What did you say to him?”
But you simply replied to him with, “Don’t you worry about it”, followed by a wink, which only heightened the gentleman’s curiosity as you walked away and he followed you
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cookinguptales · 7 years
“Go Forth! The Normie* Town” 1/5
Happy Friday the 13th! Here’s part 1 of the Shimamatsu ~Trick or NEET~ event. I have a few chapters translated, but it takes a while to get the tumblr posts put together, so I’ll probably just put out one per day unless I get fancy.
(*リア充 is internet slang describing happy people who live fulfilling lives. (In other words, the mortal enemies of NEETs.) The show discussed those people in ep 3.5 and Crunchyroll translated it as “normies” so I followed suit.)
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Osomatsu Happy Halloweeeen! I’m Werewolf Osomatsu~!!
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Karamatsu Heh. That’s cute, Osomatsu. Being a connoisseur of foreign dramas, I am Zombie Hunter Karamatsu.
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Choromatsu You two are pathetic, being so influenced by western culture. I’m the Japanese tradition of ushi no koku mairi*!
(*Ushi no koku mairi (丑の刻参り) is a famous Japanese curse ritual where the person laying the curse makes an effigy of their target and nails it to a sacred tree at 2 am. Choromatsu is holding an effigy, hammer, and nails for this ritual, and is wearing an, uh, adapted version of the traditional outfit worn during it.)
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Ichimatsu Y’know, Halloween didn’t start out in Japan. I am a vampire. As usual.
(T/N: The implication is that this isn’t a costume.)
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Jyushimatsu And me! I’m a wizard!!
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Todomatsu Fufu. Just like I thought, you guys are no match for me. I’m the lovely Little Red Riding Hood Todomatsu ♪
(T/N: ‘Lovely’ is in English.)
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Osomatsu “Lovely”, he says…
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Karamatsu Heh. As expected.
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Choromatsu “Lovely” is off-putting...
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Ichimatsu Off-putting.
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Jyushimatsu Red Riding Hood? What kind of trick are you playing?
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Todomatsu Wh-what the heck, you guys! Anyway, it’s in the house, so it’s fine, isn’t it? It’s not a big deal.
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Osomatsu That’s…
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Choromatsu We went to all this effort…
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Ichimatsu But it’s impossible. If we go out today, we’ll die.
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Jyushimatsu There are normies out everywhere!
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Karamatsu Yeah. It’s really dangerous.
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Osomatsu ….........no. Let’s go to the city.
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Todomatsu S-seriously!?
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Osomatsu Don’t freak out, you guys. Just listen. We went through all this effort to dress up.
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Osomatsu Today is a day overflowing with normies. We have a better chance at blending in than we usually do. At entering the circle of normies.
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Choromatsu Th-that may be true, but…
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Osomatsu Such a gargantuan dream… Wanna see it together?
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Todomatsu I…I understand. Let’s go!
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Ichimatsu So are we decided?
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Jyushimatsu If everyone goes, it won’t be scary, right!?
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Karamatsu Those guys are so reckless… I want to go too. Let’s follow that dream, shall we?
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Choromatsu You guys… Then I’ll go too!!
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Osomatsu All right, then it’s decided! Let’s go, guys!!!
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feeling-freckled · 7 years
Breathtaking in Black (Part 2)
Part 1
A/N: This is part two of my short fic “Breathtaking in Black”.  Since it was their birthday just the other day, part two of this Marichat fic is dedicated to the extremely wonderful @starkid-starkat .  They are one of my closest internet friends that I have had the pleasure of speaking to thanks to tumblr.  I really hope you enjoy it Sage :)  Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
P.S. If reactions are good there will be more parts yet to come :).  I was going to just skip to the dance scene, but then I realized I didn’t want to skip over Marinette’s constant freaking out internally while attempting to go to school and act normal.  Plus, I couldn’t miss an opportunity to show Adrien’s point of view since he is the only one who knows why she is so flustered in class.  Buckle up guys, gals and non-binary pals.  This is gonna be quite a ride!
Marinette had gotten almost no sleep after Chat left her room late last night.  She had lied awake for hours, but couldn’t get the sound of his voice as he asked her to make him one final promise out of her head. His eyes had been full of so much desire and admiration when they had made contact with hers. The rasp in his voice made her heart leap up into her throat. She could still vividly remember the way his touch felt as he gently caressed her hand and pressed his forehead against hers. She was in deep trouble.
“Come on Marinette! I know you’re tired, but you have to go to school,” Tikki insisted as she hovered inches from her chosen’s face. “This is why I told you to be careful about how much you let Chat into your civilian life! Not only did he give away a huge part of his identity to you, but you also promised to let him dance with you while both in civilian form!” Marinette blinked at her Kwami. She could barely hear Tikki’s little rant as she tried to pull herself together and collect her thoughts.
A dance. All she had promised him was a single dance. However, Marinette knew this was all about a lot more than a simple dance with her partner. This was a school sponsored event. He promised her he would be there. He had basically confessed to being one of her fellow classmates. Her head was filled with so many unanswered questions. Had they had classes together? Had they ever spoken while both in civilian form?
Most importantly who was he? She hated being in the dark.
Marinette took in a deep breath and let it out as she sat up and threw her covers off. She swiveled her legs around and let her feet touch the wooden floor.
She pressed her feet into the floor as she stood slowly and began to walk down the steps into the lower part of her room. “Sorry Tikki,” she finally mumbled as she walked towards her dresser. “I know I should have been more careful, but what’s done is done.” She sat down in her chair and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked absolutely awful. Bags had formed under her eyes. Loose strands of hair were tossed in several directions. She sighed as she turned her face slightly to examine it from different angles.
How could she have let this happen? She had let herself get carried away and that was so unlike her. More memories of the night before flooded her mind as stared at her own reflection.  His eyes, voice and gentle touch had all left her speechless. He had never had this affect on her before, so why? Why was last night so different?
Was…was she falling for him?
She shook her head lightly in an attempt to clear the thought out of her head. She couldn’t possibly be falling for Chat Noir. Marinette was so sure that the only blonde haired classmate she could ever have eyes for was Adrien. Sweet, kind Adrien. She glanced over to the framed picture of him she kept on her dresser at all times.
A new sense of determination filled her body as she turned back to face herself in the mirror. “Nothing a little makeup and a hair brush can’t fix. Right Tikki?” Tikki smiled at Marinette’s new found courage. The teen brushed her hair into her two regular pigtails and managed to cover up the dark spots under her eyes. Chat Noir may have won last night’s little game, but Marinette was not giving up just yet. This was one mind game she simply refused to let him win.  He was going to pay for making her lose precious hours of sleep and for making her doubt her feelings for Adrien like that.
She was going to school, and she was going to find him.
* * * * * *
Adrien had the best night’s sleep he’d had in months. How could he not be at peace? Marinette had made a dress completely inspired by his superhero alter ego. She had tried it on just to show it to him and it looked incredibly gorgeous on her.
All he wanted to do at first was let Marinette know how stunning her work truly was. He hadn’t meant to get such a reaction out of her. The way her brilliant blush appeared to light up the whole room. The way she laced her fingers together with his when he reached out to touch her hand. He couldn’t help himself. He needed to see her blush that way again. He wanted to leave her speechless one more time. Mostly, he wanted to see her twirl in that dress again. And so, he had asked her to dance. It seemed pretty logical to him. To Plagg however, it sounded utterly ridiculous.
“A dance? What on Earth were you thinking? How could you possibly think this would be a good idea?” Plagg was flying back and forth in Adrien’s room as if he were pacing. Adrien didn’t regret his actions one bit and continued to get ready for school as if a literal god wasn’t scolding him. “So what is your plan exactly here Agreste? You gonna just walk up to her at the dance and say ‘Oh hey Marinette, it’s me Chat Noir! Kiss me!’” Adrien rolled his eyes. Of course he had realized that dancing with Marinette at the Halloween ball would most likely mean revealing his identity to her, but frankly he didn’t really care. He knew Marinette well enough to know that she was trustworthy. He was confident that she wouldn’t tell anyone his little secret.  To him, all that mattered was seeing her dance in that dress.
He was confused about one thing though. Ladybug. He knew he still had feelings for his partner. How could he not? She was beautiful, brave, confident and smart. But the one thing she wasn’t was in love with him. He knew she didn’t return his feelings, and that was okay. Adrien had come to terms with this fact a while ago and had been slowly falling for Marinette ever since. How could he not fall for her after all? Marinette was extremely talented, passionate, sweet and adorable. He knew it was wrong for him to pursue her while he still had feelings for his lady, but one simple little dance couldn’t possibly hurt.
“Plagg, nothing you say is going to change my mind. You should have seen the way she looked at me last night. She never looks at me like that in school.” Marinette had always seemed really uncomfortable around him in school and it bothered him a lot. She often kept her distance from him. Whenever they did interact, she always seemed to mumble her sentences and refused to make eye contact with him. Maybe that was the reason he visited her room so often. When he was chat, she was completely comfortable and confident around him. She didn’t mumble or stutter at all. In fact, she often made witty remarks or even showed signs of sass when speaking to his other half. He hoped that, if she learned the two were actually one person, she would be more comfortable around Adrien.
“What about ladybug?” Plagg pried as Adrien continued to walk around his room getting ready for school. The teen pulled his jeans up over his hips and looked up to meet his kwami’s intense glare.
“What about her Plagg? Do I still have feelings for her? Of course I do, but it’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t feel the same way about me and I want her to be with someone who makes her happy,” he stated as he buttoned his pants and began to remove the shirt he had slept in that night. “Besides, all I asked for was a dance. It’s not like I asked for Marinette’s hand in marriage.”
“No that’s not what I meant.” Plagg snapped harshly. Adrien dropped his shirt to the floor and looked up at Plagg in surprise. The kwami wasn’t normally one to raise his voice. “What I meant was,” he said at a volume Adrien was more used to. “Don’t you think it’s wrong for you to give away your identity to one of your classmates while Ladybug still has no idea who you are?”
Adrien sighed. Plagg was right for once. It would be wrong of him to go giving his identity to a girl he was only beginning to become close with without telling his partner as well. At the end of the day, ladybug was truly one of his best friends. He trusted her with his life.
“Alright then it’s decided,” he stated with a nod and a brilliant smile.
“You’ve realized this is ridiculous and decided not to tell her?” Plagg asked hopefully.
“Nope!” Adrien said as he looked up to flash a wide grin back at his little companion. “I’ve decided that, after I reveal myself to Marinette, I will tell ladybug everything as well.”
Plagg wanted to lose it and yell at his chosen so badly in that moment. However, he knew that smile all too well. Nothing that he said would ever change Adrien’s mind now. Whether he liked it or not, Plagg knew this was going to happen.
“Alright kid looks like you win this argument. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
Adrien’s smile appeared to double in size at Plagg’s cease fire. There wasn’t a single doubt in Adrien’s mind when it came to his complete trust and faith in the two most important girls in his life. All he wanted was for Marinette to be comfortable around him. He wanted her to be able to have a regular conversation with his civilian form. He wanted her to see him as a friend she could be herself around. Was that really such a bad idea? Of course not. He parted his hair and combed his bangs out of his face.
He was going to school, and he was going to talk to her.
* * * * * *
The odds of Marinette showing up to school on time hadn’t been very good ever since she first put the earrings in. The odds of her arriving with enough time to visit her locker before class? Unheard of. And yet, something even more unlikely happened when Marinette arrived at school that morning. Not only did she have time to go get her books from her locker, but she also looked up to see a tiny green envelope taped to her locker door. She reached out and gently pulled the envelope off of her locker door before turning it over in her hands. On the back of the envelope, in cursive gold writing, was the word “Princess”.
The world seemed to stand still as Marinette read the word over and over in her head. Only one person had ever called her princess. Not only was Chat Noir a student at her school, but he had come to school early and left her a note. Chat knew which locker was hers. Marinette stared at the envelope for what felt like a year before a familiar voice finally moved her from her trance.
“Hey Mari!” Alya yelled from the other end of the hall. Marinette looked up to see her best friend running towards her. “You’re actually on time today” the brunette exclaimed as Marinette quickly stuffed the envelope into her back pocket and flashed a casual smile at her friend.
“I know right?” Marinette joked. “What are the odds?” Alya threw her arms around Marinette in a friendly hug which Mari quickly returned. The two pulled away and Alya gave Marinette a very questioning expression.
“Did you really think I didn’t see you stuff an envelope in your pocket girl? Are you hiding something?” Alya reached around to grab the letter out of Marinette’s back pocket, but Marinette spun around just in time to block her hand.
“It’s just some money Papa gave me for lunch today,” she lied. “If you keep messing around, we’ll both end up late to class this time.” Alya rolled her eyes and gave in. She knew Marinette was right and she didn’t feel like making up an excuse for the both of them. Marinette turned to grab a few books out of her locker and the two girls hurried off towards class.
They entered the classroom together just a minute before the final bell sounded. They quickly went to their seats behind Adrien and Nino and Marinette began spreading her books out on the desk in front of her. She could feel the note in her pocket. 'What could it possibly say?’ she silently contemplated as she began aimlessly doodling on her notebook.
A friendly voice broke through her thoughts. “Good morning Marinette. Your hair looks really cute today.” Marinette was so lost in thought that she had only barely processed the sentence. Without thinking, she responded to the familiar voice without even a hint of hesitation.
“Goodmorning Adrien, you look cute today too.”
Marinette dropped her pencil flat on the desk in shock. She slowly looked up to see a blushing Adrien staring at her with his jaw hanging slightly open. Alya had almost stopped breathing and Nino had even taken his headphones off in anticipation of Adrien’s response to Marinette’s sudden confidence.
“Thank you!” he exclaimed with the brilliant smile she had fallen in love with years ago.
Marinette managed to stutter a quiet “you’re w-welcome,” before Adrien turned his head to greet Alya and Nino. Chat Noir playing with her brain was either going to do wonders for her relationship with Adrien or land her in the nut house. As she listened to her friends talk, Marinette quietly reached into her pocket to pull out the green envelope. She turned it over in her hands to read the gold lettering once again before bending over to place it inside her backpack. Marinette zipped it shut and sat up to begin doodling in her notebook once more. Little did she know that Adrien had seen her hide the note out of the corner of his eye and his heart was doing silent somersaults in his chest. Marinette had received his note. Marinette was so distracted by the note that she had dared to tell him he looked cute without a single flaw in her speech. These next three days were definitely going to be interesting to say the least.        
Part 3
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zizliine · 7 years
Hello TUMBLR! It’s been a super long time since the last time I type things on a blog. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, sometimes I just jot my removable pen on a random note that always gone, or on a memo app that tend to deleted accidentally. So I decided to share my thoughts on this platform, idk what would it be, but I’m sure it’ll be healthy for my mental lol.
There is a loooot of things I have in my mind. I always have this roller coaster brain, juggling up and down.
DECEMBER 2015 - I GRADUATED! I was one of the best student you can say. Graphic design. After my graduation, there is a lot of things happened. I do regret that up until this early 2018, I still don’t know what to do with my life. Since I was a kid, I always love doing tons of things, you know it if you’ve been followed me through my junior high school blogs. I used to aim to be a multitalented someone, independent woman, and self-sufficient. 
It happened mostly on being someone who is talented on doing a lot of things, "Jack of all trades, master of none”. I keep jumping on wanting to be a graphic designer, interior designer, chef, business owner (clothing store and cafe mainly), Muay Thai fighter, youtuber, makeup artists. Its crazy. 
JANUARY 2016 - So this is what happened, after my graduation. My dad hospitalized, he was diagnosed with Hepatitis B at first (early 2016) and the other hospital said he got Hepatitis C afterward. Me and my mom went back and forth accompany my dad, to Kuching, Malaysia, to Singapore too. I guess it took only 6 months for him to recovered and free of the virus, THANK GOD. Because of that, my grandma was sent to Jakarta to stay and treated with my uncle, because we were busy taking care of my dad (for 3 months).
MAY 2016 - Then my Dad bought a new house, we were so busy designing the house. My dad assigned me to communicate with the interior designer, and I kept looking for design inspiration that match with my family’s taste. I always consider others, always want their taste to be contributed to the house. I want the touch of us, in every part of the house. My sister was capable of choosing the look and feel of the house, the way she wanted. My bro and my parents only told me they want “Hotel” theme, which is sleek and clean, specifically brownish n warm tone just like Marina Bay Sands hotel. The construction started around May 2016.
During that time, my dad kept going back to Singapore for a following check up, I am soo grateful that my boyfriend always had my back, up until now. Idk what to do if I don’t have him, I wasn’t that strong :)
JUNE 2016 - My lovely Auntie taught me how to bake eggtart, and it was a really good experience cos I LOVEEE EGGTART! It was my grandmother’s recipe. The outer crisps was damn good. I modified the recipe by adding some grated cheese and grounded almond. My family was proud of me and really loving the tarts. I baked a lot during that time, I gave it away for my friends and family (including my boyf’s grandma, and she sent me a pumpkin egg tart too)
JULY 2016 - Its the Hari Raya Holiday again, so my family went to Singapore again. I brought the egg tart that I baked 3am in the morning for my boyfriend’s family, I choose the best ones and hand carry them to Singapore lol. We went to the zoo, I remember how I was super influenced by Mathilda, Leon The Professional’s clothing style. On 4th of July, I was invited to Emilie’s 4th Birthday, she is my boyfriend’s cousin.
NOVEMBER 2016 - I was texted by someone, I was shocked at first, but she became my best friend now. She contacted me to become a model for her clothing store, I was with my other friend, who turned out to be my boyfriend’s cousin too. We had fun at the photoshoot, we played with makeup too. After that, I told them how I enjoy making lace choker, then we started our first business together, Dixi Choker, but it only last for a while lol.
DECEMBER 2016 - The three of us are three musketeers, we went everywhere together, it was a great time. There was a lot of great event we had, going to Jessandra’s bday party together, had Christmas dimsum & went to the church on Christmas Eve, it was really great. Then in the end of year, I bleached my hair to blonde! I had awesome time. My family went to Singapore again to spend our New Year. 30th December, me and my boyfriend went to Art Science museum, we happily bought the NASA tshirt as a couple lol. On the 2nd of January, my fam supposed to go back to Indo, but the plane had trouble so we postponed the flight, and went back the day after, just the day before my birthday. 
JANUARY 2017 - On the 5th of January, my best friend Klara and Jessica surprised me at King’s Restaurant, I wasn’t expected that at all. These two girls are really sweet that I guess, I opened myself to them the most. You know, it is not easy to get close to me. I have such a cold heart. Just like cold turkey in the cold storage lol. I had a lot of Star Wars gift too from my friends and my boyfriend!
We held our grandmother’s 85th birthday party on 11 January. I forgot when she went back, but we gather all her relatives, her siblings and had our dinner at Restoran Gajahmada. She carried her peached shaped pao, very happily. She really loves pink, so we dressed her all in pink. “Dadu”, is how she named pink. I miss her so much as how I look at her pictures. During my house construction, we took our grandma with her wheelchair to visit the house too, she was so happy and resists to go back to our old house lol. She’s so funny. On January 27th, we fly back to Singapore again for Chinese New Year & go back again on 31th of January. 
FEBRUARY 2017 - Klara, Jessica and me went to Kuala Lumpur for farewell trip because Jessica was going to pursue her study to New Zealand. It was a very sad moment tho, but so memorable. I’ve never really go anywhere with friends before, I did, but for a study tour to Taiwan when I was in senior high school. It’s because of the school, lol. So we had a really good time you know, we went shopping and had so many photoshoots. Cafe hoping and culinary mostly, play dress up and make up. 
MARCH 2017 - On 15th of March, Jessica fly to NZ. I am not a type of person who melts easily, who cry easily in front of people cos I am trained to hold my tears as I always want to look strong. But I’m dying inside, I miss her a lot. When she was around, she talked to me a lot, maybe she does it to other of her friend too, but I listened to her as she is my only friend. She shared me her secrets, we had a lot of deep talk and quality things. You know, I’m into deep talks and building deep connections. The next day, my friend from Korea, Ji Eun (She is actually my older sister’s classmate, and her bro was my classmate, so we got so close) visited Pontianak. We had empek2, ice cream angi, and she boughts some DVD contained Indonesian Folklore animation, then we had our dinner at KBAB, played monopoly deal together with my sister.
I took my Ielts class with Klara, we had 3 months of course. I was actually disappointed with my results lol, but its okay cos the score is above the requirements.
APRIL 2017 - Me and my fam went to informa a lot to buy furnitures, it was a great experience cos it was the first time we move lol. We decide together for our garden design too. It felt great, after 3 years away from my family, we had a lot to catch up. On Easter (16 April), I went to church with Linda, accidentally met my boyfriend’s auntie and cousins. Then on April 29th, me and my family went to Singkawang. We had great time, such a wonderful road trip. This is what I love the most, when we usually have our holiday in Singapore, my dad is always busy at the casino, stucking his nose up to those machine lol. I was always busy with my boyfriend too. So this little trip helps a lot you know. Its an awesome go-getter.
MAY 2017 - My english teacher since I was in high school, the one who help my IELTS when I was going to Singapore came back to Ponti after she Moved to US with her husband. We had a great lunch at Saung Kedah. Then on 22nd of May, My boyfriend visited Pontianak! With the whole pack, his parents, his twins, lil bro and older sis. I spent a lot of time with his family. I was invited to his parent’s Anniversary, and her grandma’s new house blessing (24 May). It was a great opportunity. On 26th of May, me and bf went for a movie together, it  was our first time watching movie together in Pontianak. We watched Pirates of the Carribean lol. Then I took him and his grandfather to Ice cream Angi, and we went to fix his portable wifi too. I dragged my boyfriend to Kopi Aming too, his first time trying my favourite coffee in Ponti. 
JUNE 2017 - We moved to our new house! I was so happy organizing our house, especially my room. I made drawer separation system by using pretty cardboard and turned out pretty well. It was the time when I was all crazy about plants too, disgustingly obsessed. It was a bad obsession I can say, until I bought a lot of gardening stuff, seeds, and hydroponic system. It was also the time I tried to import stuff from China, started my online business clothing store. I bought my ringlight too, oh GOD I spent a lot of money. On 25th June, My family went to Singapore again. I guess it was only me, mom and dad. I went to Ikea and daiso a lot to buy organizing stuff. We went to Universal Studio for the first time (we went twice for the Halloween Horror Night, but never for the day rides lol). I introduced him the Pork Bun too, the one I had when I was in Hongkong.
JULY 2017 - It was when I went so deep into gardening. Had my pretty marigold flowers blooming from seeds. Then my Auntie came back from Jakarta and taught us to make Pizza from Pan, sweet potato purple doughnuts, and Biji Salak. It was so great. Then my cousin introduced me to Sims 4, and I was impulsively bought the game from tokopedia. Which is a huge regret now. I hate myself when I got into games, I could play it all day long until I neglect my life. That is how fast I get addicted into things. 
My dad always pet a specific fish, its Red Parrot Fish. He really love it, but everytime we move the fish, from house to house, they always get stressed out. The older and big fishes died slowly. One by one, then he got new ones, I guess almost 20 fishes lol. I got myself succulents too, and I got some for my sister. I also bought a lot of IKEA furnitures, sent them through an container expedition sent by ship cos it costs so much if I use the regular one. I had fun in assembling the furnitures too. I went crazy in buying plant seeds too lol.
On July, my boyfriend visited ponti again. We surprised our friend Shella with other friends too. As usual, when my boyfriend come to ponti, we always have Ice Cream Angi with his Akong. His Akong loves Ice Cream so much. Then me and my boy went to Shinjuku, a Japanaese Yakitori Street Food. We had kaloci, tausuan, and pentol as a closing of our dinner lol. At night, we tapao Bakmie Atie for Ama. The morning before he go back to Sg, we initially wanted to have tiammie for breakfast, but the store was closed, so we ate Bakso in front of my complex, and I drived him to eat some Tua Ce Ie too. He love it so badly. (25July)
I sold my first clothing piece on 27th of July. I was so happy lol. During this month, I spent my day promoting my clothing store and taking care of my plants.
AUGUST 2017 - My auntie came back again, we made some handmade noodles and sponge cakes. I took pictures of her recipe books as she told me to. I spent my time with my Senior High School friend too, as he is a photographer, I  asked him to help me to take pics for my clothing store. I asked Anggi and Michelle (my niece) to be the model.
26th August, is when my Grandma passed away. I was torn apart. I hate myself so much that I did not spend more time with her. I spend more time with my boyfriend’s grandparents a lot more than with mine. I was so sad that I lose her. It my first time to lose someone who is so close to me. She was buried on 1st of September 2017.
SEPTEMBER 2017 - We visited Singapore again. I forgot what it was for hahaha. But mainly I just had fun with my mom and boyfriend. We had nice dinners so many times. We went to China town to buy some jerky beef, and as usual my main restaurants to go in Sg are Genki Sushi, Tanuki Raw, Mcd, Menya Musashi, Kanshouku, any Kbbq or Hotpot restaurant. When I went back to ponti, I always limit my food intake lol.
OCTOBER 2017 - We held my sister’s birthday too, I bought her mangoo cheesecake. She was happy, and me and my friend surprised her for the second time at Tyga per Ampat too.
NOVEMBER 2017 - I prepared my bro’s bbq party. I made him sate taichan, bbq chicken, sauteed potato (4NOV). My housemate when I was in Singapore visited to Ponti too, they are originally from Batam & Medan. We surprised Brenda’s bday party too, twice (6NOV). First at Botani, followed a BBQ party at William’s house. I was still in a journey to lose some weights, so I bought a lot of granola during that time. I bought an expensive muay thai punching bag too. CRAZY. I always made a bold move in spending my money. (18Nov) I did see results, my waist are smaller. I visited Jakarta on 19th November, mainly for my acne treatment. Then I had nice dinner at Kintant with Gris, and Shaburi with my mom. The rests are random KBBQ, random Indo food with my cousin.
DECEMBER 2017 - I only focus doing muay thai and losing weight, I did some intense classes, follow kayla itsiness and strict with my diet. I made my weight planner, it was crazy. I bought protein powder from my protein, I was really focus in making myself feel stronger and energetic. I determined to be healthy so I can focus better. THEN MY FAMILY FLY TO SG AGAIN TO SPEND OUR NEW YEAR! hahahhaa.. its always like that.
JANUARY 2018 - So from 28 Dec to 6 January, 9 days spent in Singapore. Me and my whole fam spent times in Singapore, then my Fam went back first on 1st of January. I stayed at Derrick’s home. I accompanied him to school, sitting at the cafe and read Girl Boss book. Then on 3rd of January my dad and mom came to Sg again to pick me up! Hahahha that is how my dad spoil his 23 years old daughter. I’m old alr but he is still super protective. He was actually fly from Ponti-Jkt to had his dental surgery, but he decided to pick me up. I want to extend my day in Sg cos I want to spend it with my boyfriend. I don’t wanna be in Ponti for some reasons. It feels like I’m getting old but I have no where to go. I know its my hometown, but it feels strange somehow. I am weird, its hard for me to get along with people here. I hate those eyes staring at me with the thoughts I predict they wud say. I know it might be only in my mind. But I hate myself enough already, those questions asking me about what’s my career now, what am I working now is depressing. I need time with myself. I just want to be with someone I feel safe with, which is my boyfriend. I feel so calm whenever I am with him, might be the reason why I want to be with him forever. I am anxious every time, talking to him was the greatest feeling ever. He always giving me positive feedback and encourage me. It was great.
So I went back to ponti after that, and my parents went to Sg again. My mom was on cruise trip to Thailand & Sg.
FEBRUARY 2018 - My cousin from my Dad’s side had his wedding, somehow we didn’t go there even though they were waiting for our presence. Its kinda pressurize me when I have those thoughts abt ppl asking me what I am doing. So I decided not to go by that reason. And chosing nice dresses on not-so-confident-me is stressful too. idk why i stress everything over small things. Btw we surprised our mom too, she had her birthday! Then again, my dad and mom fly to Singapore again. Kinda bad decision tho, cos Jipek suddenly passed away. He is my best uncle on earth. I love him so much eventho I never show it when he’s alive. He taught me gardening, asked me to eat rose petals, drenching rose plants with crazy tons waters, he pet an orang utan, taught us how to draw, and a lot of things.
So yeah, idk what else to write. There are a lot of memorable things, even though I feel I did not achieve something during this past 2 years, at least I learnt a lot. I always wonder what if , what if I continue to work or just continue my study in Singapore during 2015-2018. But I wouldn’t be as close as this with my family, I won’t have time to catch up with my grandma, I wouldn’t be there when my Ama left. I feel like God sent me to Ponti to have golden time with my family. I was way too harsh with myself when people asked me why am I still in ponti doing nothing. I cursed myself everytime people asked me things abt my future. Guess what? I am okay. I learnt a lot. 
- I lose 2 of my favourite people, but I was there before they gone.
- I was there to help my mom taking care of my dad and ama. So she was not alone.
- My dad bought a house and need me to help with the design.
-I learnt muay thai and made some connections with them.
-I got new close friends, Klara and Jessica, and Gerry too hahah.
-I got close to my bf’s grandparents.
-I participate in makeup competitions and started few videos on my chanel, its growing but slow hahha
-I learnt a lot abt gardening
-I hang out a lot at a coffee shop, and make some friends. 
-I started my online shops and struggled!
-I did some organizing at my new house which is a great thing I guess?
-I cook a looooooot for my family, thank God they love it.
-I fly to places without my parents (hongkong with sisters) and kuala lumpur with my besties.
-I did chalk drawings at a cafe with Linda and Jeff.
-I work with 5 clients on graphic design (Rutos, Achiang, Shica, Cloud Vape, Cokoer) Some cv design for friends, and some i dont really remember lol.
-I catch up with hair dying experiment again with my mbak and myself! I permed and bleach my hair too lol idk whether its smth special to mention or not.
- I did makeup for people too and earn money for it!
Its crazy how time flies, but it was not for nothing. God has been good to me. 
During 2015-2018 (disgusted with myself how i spend my time but you know, its not bad at all! )
So now its 2018 guys! There is a lot more to come. I realized when I try to do graphic design freelancing, it was really hard to manage my time, to make my income constant, pricing my work, to talk with clients and everything. I was alone to do it all.
It was hard to run an online business alone, order stuff, talk to clients, design, market my stuff, branding, send the stuff.
I know i can grow through makeup, cos I can see it is my passion now. But I need to prioritize what I need now. I need to earn money. Real money. So I decided to take my path and take a turn. I’ll be mentally stable in Singapore, working with a good amount of salary, and constant too. 
All i need to do is just to play safe right now. Cos hell yeah ofc, I need money. I just need to save up. I need to be good in saving money, as what ppl say, to earn is easy but saving is hard. I need a stability, I need to anchor myself on something I am sure about. I need commitment. I need something to hang on. Which is what I have and certified is graphic design. 
So now I am planning to revamp rebuild my portfolio, cv, resume and cover letter. I will target myself to apply some jobs in Singapore before March. Hopefully I’ll get some interviews. PLEASE GOOOODDDD! HELP ME! Hehee.
 If not, (worst case scenario lol) I’ll take some courses, online and in school. I want to specialized in UI & UX. Then on early march, I will go to Jakarta with my sister and mom, she had an art exhibition. I wanna grab new laptop for me to work better. 
But yeah currently I’m working on my works, and trying to sharpen my skills, get into my workflow, and learn some more skills on share skills ! WISH ME LUCKKKKKK <3 <3
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