#n so i was taller than all the lil boys n a lot of the girls n it just really lended to that feeling of being Other everyone has in puberty
fandomfloozy · 2 months
Funny/not so funny story about height is that all of my siblings are 6 foot and my dad is over 6 foot and I truly really sincerely in my heart of hearts thought I would grow to be 6 foot as well
but alas I am a woman
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frenchkisstheabyss · 5 days
♡ sweet nothing ♡
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♡ Pairing: tattoo artist!ex boyfriend!chan x chubby!fem!tattoo artist!reader, best friend!stray kids
♡ Genre: angst/smut/fluff
♡ Summary: After a year abroad spent perfecting your craft, you decide to return to the shop that you started at to reconnect with the people you love but how will your friends react to your sudden return? And how will your ex feel when he finds out your back in town attempting to reclaim your place in his shop and maybe even his heart?
♡ Word Count: 5.8k-ish
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♡ Warnings: chan's really down bad for you and the littlest bit posessive, strong language, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, male masturbation, creampie, oral sex (m&f receiving), overstimulation, a lil nipple play, orgasm control if you squint, pet names (beautiful, pretty, baby), a lil hair pulling, and that's about it.
♡ A/N: So somehow I've written myself into a series of sorts all taking place in one tattoo shop. Seungmin's here if you'd like to read it. I'll for sure be doing one for all of the boys because why not? This one's a lot more angsty than the other one but I had a nice time writing something different so, as always, I hope you enjoy it, babes.
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You stand with your back to the night, casting your starry eyed gaze upon the soft white glow of the neon sign that hangs overhead. It reads Social Path Tattoos & Piercings. This place isn’t new to you, even if the nerves rattling through your system might imply otherwise.
You’re more than familiar with it. You used to spend every waking moment in this place. Even slept here a couple times when you were a bit too tipsy to drive. And coming back to it after a year overseas is surreal. You dreamed of this a thousand times before finally biting the bullet and hopping on the next plane back here. Back home. 
You made it. Through the chaos of the airport, racing through crowds to make it to the Uber you may have called a little too soon. Through an hour of bumper to bumper traffic, listening to your driver give you dating advice you definitely didn’t ask for. Through a hell of a check in process at the hotel and lugging half your life up to the 8th floor of the lavish building.
You survived all of that to make it to this moment and you can’t even bring yourself to step inside. What if you aren’t welcome? What if the men you once called “family” consider you nothing more than a stranger now? It’s only been a year but so much has happened. There were so many tears the day you left, so much sadness—so much anger. Maybe you should’ve stayed away.
“Next time you have to get one. I’m telling you, it didn’t hurt at all” a tall girl with a septum piercing tells her friend as they exit the shop. 
The shorter girl by her side stares at the fresh tattoo on her friend’s arm with equal amounts admiration and fear. “Liar. It’s needles stabbing through your skin. There’s no way that doesn’t hurt.”
Noticing the tattoos peeking out of your strappy crop top, the taller girl turns to you for some back up. “Tell her it doesn’t hurt,” she pouts. 
In all your years as a tattoo artist you’ve never once lied to a client but you aren’t on the clock right now and can’t bring yourself to kill whatever glimmer of hope this girl might have of winning her friend over. 
“It doesn’t hurt” you lie to her friend, knowing damn well that, while it isn’t torture, it’s far from painless. “It might sting a little but you’re tough. I can tell. You’ve got it.”
“Thank you” the tall girl smiles, holding the door open for you. “Headed in?” 
“Uh…” you hesitate, chewing at your inner lip. There’s so much weight to that question. A weight she can’t possibly fathom. Swallowing your pride, you give her a smile and a nod, slipping into the shop. 
“Have a good night!” the girls say kindly, going about their night and abandoning you in the doorway. 
Breathing in deep, you take a few more steps before stopping to take in the scene around you. The shop is as alive as it's ever been, the lobby buzzing with customers busy picking out jewelry or waiting their turn to be seen.
The front desk is still straight ahead, marked by a small statue of an orange cat named Cheese. It’d been Minho’s idea to get it when you all went on a drunken flea market adventure and none of you were sober enough to shoot him down. The walls are still adorned with elegant, hand painted art courtesy of Hyunjin, the best photo realistic artist in the shop. The city even. 
The checkered floors are the same, an expertly polished black and white patchwork to match the charcoal color of the walls. Even the couch you bought in from your apartment is still positioned in the corner where a bunch of college kids are currently lounging. A lot has happened on that couch. A lot more than they know. God you hope the boys have cleaned it.
Everything is just as you remember it but the energy’s something new entirely. It’s the contradiction of finding familiarity on an alien planet. 
“You need something, babe?” the bubbly girl at the counter asks, waving you over. This is new. They used to force you to work the front desk on weekends, the guys alternating weekdays based on whoever lost at rock, paper, scissors. But now there’s a new face. She seems sweet though so you make your way over to her. At least one person’s happy to see you. 
“Yes but no but yes? I guess” you ramble, indecision painted all over your face. Observing your appearance she doesn’t take you as the kind of girl to be hesitant about what she came to a place like this for but she comforts you nonetheless. 
“It’s okay” she says, reaching out a sympathetic hand to touch yours, “Everyone gets nervous sometimes. I mean, I work here and even I almost freaked when I got my bellybutton pierced but it’s okay. You know what you wanna get done?”
“Actually, I’m not here to get anything done. I used to work here a long time ago and I just thought I’d drop by and see…”
“You’re fucking joking” a voice from your past interrupts. Before you even turn to look, you know exactly who that voice belongs to. Seungmin. 
“It can’t be. I’m hallucinating” he gasps, clutching his chest. “A ghost? In our shop?”
You roll your eyes at the dramatics. You’ve missed them. “A ghost? Am I dead now? Is that what you consider me?” you sniffle, pretending to cry. 
“Oh, my god. Stop it. Come here” he says, smiling bigger than you’ve ever seen. He throws his arms around you, squeezing you into the tightest hug. In an instant it melts away your worries of not being welcome here. This is the warmest you’ve ever seen Seungmin greet someone and you feel special for being the recipient. 
“Squeeze me any tighter and I will be a ghost” you tease, pulling back the slightest bit to get some air. As you do you notice something new on his face. “When did this happen?” You marvel at the shiny silver jewelry decorating his eyebrow. 
“You hate it don’t you?”
“Ssh, I don’t hate it. I like it. It’s cute.”
Seungmin blushes, rubbing his cheeks in a failed attempt to hide it. Out of the corner of your eye you catch the girl at the counter staring daggers through Seungmin’s soul. It’s easy to see that there’s something going on here and she doesn’t like him blushing over other girls. 
“Ooh, someone’s got a girlfriend” you sing and the counter girl giggles. You can’t help but adore how sweet it is when Seungmin lights up at the sound of her laughter. But you can’t deny that it drags up bittersweet memories of when that was you and...
“Follow me. Everyone’s here tonight. I know they’ll be happy to see you” Seungmin says, ready to escape the lobby before his cheeks overheat from all the blushing. It’ll kill his reputation if the guys find out. He leads the way to the back, as if you need the guidance. You remember exactly where you’re going.
“So…” he sighs, feeling the weight of your return for the first time, “How was Japan?”
“Oh, it was wonderful. It’s beautiful over there and I learned so much from my apprenticeship. I was super nervous at first, you know? But everyone at the shop was…” You stop yourself short, fearful that your fond memories of your time there might come off as bragging. You may have had fun in Osaka but it still paled in comparison to the place you come from. 
Seungmin picks up on it, glancing back at you to give you a comforting smile, “Hey, it’s okay. I’m happy…we’re happy that you did what you needed to do. It’s nice to have you back though. You are back, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know. That depends on what he says. You know how he was when I left.”
Seungmin says nothing, only nods. He knows oh too well how his best friend was when you left. And those months after spent stewing in a bitterness that only thinly masked the pain of losing you. He watched it play out until the sting had faded but only enough to pretend that things were okay when they weren’t. 
“Yongbok, what’d you do with my kit?” Changbin shouts across the room, tearing his station apart in search of his prized possession. 
A few stations away a busy Felix rises from his chair, directing his client towards one of the full body mirrors in the corner. “Why are you yelling at me? I don’t have your kit!”
“I’m not talking to you! I’m talking to him!” Changbin points a finger at a shocked I.N who’s been innocently prepping for the next person in line.
“You called my name!” Felix snaps and it dawns on Changbin that he’s been calling the wrong person. 
Changbin fights himself not to laugh at his own mistake. He puts his head down, discovering his kit tucked away under his table. “Oh, I did, didn’t I?”
I.N querks an eyebrow at him, arms folded across his chest, “Why do you always do that? You can never call me the right name.”
“Because he’s old” Hyunjin mumbles under his breath, still loud enough for the others to hear. Changbin picks up a towel to throw at him but hesitates when he notices Hyunjin’s in the middle of a tattoo. 
“It’s okay, old man,” Han teases, patting his friend on the back. Hyunjin might be busy but Han on the other hand is free enough to invade his personal space so it’s a slap on the back of the head for him. 
“Can you guys be adults for a second? We have a guest” Seungmin announces but you hardly mind. This was what you missed while you were gone. No matter how kind the artists at the other shop were to you, they could never replace your boys. Even in their most chaotic moments there’s nowhere else you’d rather be. 
Seungmin’s voice draws all of the attention in the room to you and everyone falls silent. If there’s anything else they needed to say the thoughts have evaporated in your presence. It’s quiet for long enough that you begin to worry. Thoughts creep back in that maybe this wasn’t the best idea. Seungmin may have been happy to see you but the others?
Just as you begin to doubt yourself, the room erupts in cheers and you find yourself at the center of the world’s biggest group hug. Their joy overflows as arms wrap around you, one set swapping out for another and then another swiftly enough to leave you dizzy. 
“You’re back! Why didn’t you tell us? Ugh, I missed you” Han says, pinching your cheek in an act of cute aggression he simply cannot control. 
Felix hugs you so that his cheek is flush against yours, “You’re staying, right? You have to stay.” 
This is nothing that you expected it to be. You’re flooded with enough joy to make a girl cry and you can already feel the tears welling up, you’re right on the verge of it. A year of wondering if you’d made a mistake. A year of worrying that the people you loved hated you for your decision. All of those doubts are shedded in the arms of these seven men. 
“What’s all this noise?” Chan groans, his eyes barely open as he steps out of his office, “I was trying to sleep for once.”
“Sleep? Shouldn’t you be working?” I.N says, never one to miss an opportunity to be a smartass. 
Chan lets out a yawn, stretching those muscular arms you very vividly recall drooling over and on. “You’ll pay for that, kid. But seriously, what are you guys doing out here?” 
The guys step away, gesturing towards you and his arms drop to his sides. Suddenly he’s reminiscent of a balloon at the end of a party, melancholy and deflated. You watch the light in his eyes die in real time and it makes you sick to your stomach to be looked at this way. It wasn’t always like this. In the old days he’d have you in his arms right now, showering you in kisses. But these aren’t the old days, no matter how badly you wish it were. 
He starts in your direction, one slow, agonizing step of his black boots after another. He stops a few feet away from you as if some invisible barrier is keeping him at bay. His expression is hard as stone as he studies you like you’re a creature he’s never seen before. 
“Hi” you manage in spite of the sudden lack of moisture in your mouth. You get the sense that you’re on trial for some horrible crime and Chan, the judge that he is, has no intention of offering you leniency. 
“It’s really nice to see you. You look…good.” There’s such a softness in the way that you are with him. The wisp of a smile on your lips, the gentleness in your posture. You’re soft as a marshmallow for this man and the fire of his anger’s enough to burn you to a crisp. 
“Chan, don’t be…” Changbin tries to reach his best friend but Chan snatches away, sparing you one last glance before disappearing into his office.
The door slams hard enough that the hinges creak and the wood seems to splinter. The others? They don’t hate you. In fact, they adore you with all of their hearts. But him? You’re positive he does and now you want to cry again but for a different reason altogether.
Han pats you on the back, bringing you close to him, “I’m about to work on my sketch for my next client. Will you help me?”
“I don’t know, Jisung. It might be better if I go.”
“What? No! You just got here!” Hyunjin pouts, his bottom lip quivering. “You’re really gonna walk out and leave some poor soul at the hands of his drawing skills?”
Hyunjin’s attempt at making you laugh works like a charm and a giggle escapes you. 
“Does that mean you’ll stay?” he asks, poking his lip out even more. 
“Yes, that means I’ll stay.”
“Yay!” Han cheers, grabbing onto your hand and dragging you over to his station.
He hops right into it, spilling all of the details about the tattoo and asking your opinion on it. At first you struggle to focus on helping him. As much as you want to, you can’t shake the mental picture of how Chan looked at you. He didn’t say a word but he didn’t need to. He said everything he felt without so much as parting his lips. 
Periodically you find your gaze drifting over to his office door, the pit of your stomach twisted with the anxiety over his next appearance. But the door never opens, not even a crack, and before you know it you’re fully engrossed in helping Han work on his sketch. Your styles are different but he admires you as an artist and soaks in every drop of your input like a sponge. 
As the night rolls on you find yourself at one station after another, helping the guys with what you can. You slip right back into their group dynamic with ease. It’s as if your spot was always here waiting for you to hop right back in. It’s like you never left. The minutes melt into hours and you find yourself lingering behind with them far beyond closing time. 
“We’re all going out for drinks. You’re coming right?” Felix asks as you group filters out of the shop, filling up the space on the sidewalk. 
“Yes, she’s coming. She doesn’t have a choice!” I.N answers before you have a chance to. The boys have already begun moving towards their destination and he drapes an arm around your shoulder to make sure you keep up. 
“I’m coming” you laugh, tapping him on the back of the hand, “I do need to run back to my hotel and change first though.”
Changbin looks you up and down, finding not a single thing wrong with your current fit. “Why? You look beautiful.”
As flattered as you are, there’s no way you’re going out on the town in a crop top and a pair of sweatpants. You might not be planning on switching into a ballgown but a change of wardrobe is definitely in order. 
You bat your eyelashes, grateful for the compliment, “Sweet but no. I still need to change. Just text me where you’re going.” Reaching into your pocket for your phone, you realize you must’ve left it behind. “Shit, I left my phone.”
They all pause, prepared to turn back and help you find it. “We’ll just go back and grab it” Han insists but you shut him down, not wanting to delay their plans. 
“It’s okay, really. I’ll just grab my phone and I’ll meet you there in a few.”
I.N opens his mouth to protest but you throw a hand over it before he can speak. “I’m not a baby, you guys. I got it. I’ll be quick, I swear.”
Shared glances between the seven of them play out a silent conversation that you aren’t in on. They want to look after you, especially after you being so far away for so long, but you’re stubborn and they know you won’t give in no matter what they say.
“Fine” Seungmin relents, “If you aren’t there in an hour we’re coming to get you!”
“Yeah and we’ll raid your hotel room, eat up all your snacks…” Han throws in for extra impact. 
“I’ll be there. I swear! One hour!” you promise, skipping back towards the shop. 
“An hour!” Hyunjin shouts after you, waiting until you’re safely back inside to continue on.
Inside the shop the lights are turned down, not completely off but dimly lit enough that you almost trip on your way to the back. You frantically search every station—in things, under them—but your phone’s nowhere to be found. 
“Fuck, where is it?” you shout in frustration.
Standing in the middle of the floor, you take a deep breath and contemplate where it could be. You were at Han’s station first and then you went to sit with Felix for a bit but Changbin called you to the front for something. That’s it. Maybe it’s there.
You turn to jog back up front when a sound from behind you stops you in your tracks. It’s the sound you’ve been dreading all night. The slow creaking of the door to Chan’s office. Your heart almost stops dead in your chest. You’re frozen, stuck right where you are. You can’t even bring yourself to turn around when you feel the weight of something on your shoulder.
“Looking for this?” he asks, tapping you on the shoulder with your phone. 
Hesitantly, you take it, turning to find yourself face to face with the man you used to call yours. Chan seems less angry now but his nose is red and his eyes are puffy. You can tell from the gloss dancing on the surface of them that he’s been crying. 
“Thanks. Sorry for leaving it behind, I didn’t mean to—”
“Why are you here?” He asks the question so bluntly that you’re stunned, unsure how to respond. 
“I don’t understand—”
“Why’d you come back? I thought you were confident in your decision. I thought that was what you needed. But now you’re standing in front of me so why?”
“Well, I…” you sigh, giving yourself a moment to process your own feelings, “I missed it. The shop and the guys and you.”
Chan’s jaw tightens, your profession placing him right back on edge. “You miss me?” he scoffs, “That’s not the truth. Try again.”
“But it is.”
“No it isn’t.”
“It is.”
“It isn’t!” he finally snaps, raising his voice at you in a way he never has before. “If you missed me then you would’ve called. You would’ve texted me. Do you know what that felt like for me? I haven’t heard your voice in a year.”
“Because you told me you didn’t wanna hear it!” you shout back, the tears you’ve been suppressing all night pouring from your eyes. It hurts to cry this hard. The tightness in your chest is unbearable. You’ve never cried this hard in front of someone before, not even him, but there’s no holding it back. “I blew up your phone all day every day for weeks begging you to talk to me. I might’ve left here but I didn’t leave you. You left me. You broke my heart and I’ve cried for you every night since. So hate me all you want but I won’t torture myself for you anymore.”
Four hours. That’s how long he spent pacing in that office spiraling down an emotional hole. He thought he knew what he’d say to you if he had the chance. All of those words left unsaid would come tumbling out. Those feelings of abandonment. That pain. He’d have the words to put to them that’d make you understand what you did to him.
Watching the tears stream down your face, none of those words matter now. He’d worked you up in his mind to be a villain, totally opposite to the girl he fell in love with. Blinded by his own bitterness he couldn’t see that you were still her. You are still her. And now he can’t ignore it. 
Tucking an arm around your waist he pulls you in, your face pressed into his chest. His fingers find your hair, stroking the soft strands. It feels like it’s been an eternity since he’s touched you. His body’s flush with the sort of warmth flowers must feel on a sunny day.
Chan leans in, his plush lips skimming your ear, “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just had so much anger when you left and I didn’t know how to deal with it but I don’t hate you. I’m so sorry.”
The tremors of his voice give you goosebumps. He sounds as broken as you do and just as lost. You shake your head, pulling back from him. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come” you say, wiping the tears away. “You don’t have to worry about me anymore. I’ll stay away this time. I promise.”
You walk off, your arms wet with tears that won’t stop falling. Your chest’s thumping and the shop seems darker than it was when you came in. Footsteps follow behind you lightly enough for you to question if it’s all in your head. If there’s something you’ve left behind then let it stay that way. You won’t turn back. Not this time.
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It’s a silly thing to do but you’re doing it. 
Draped across your bed in a towel, you sip from a bottle of red wine and cycle through a heartbreak playlist that gives your lonely heart the company it desperately needs. The tears stopped a half hour ago, the last of them being shed in the shower. Your eyelids feel raw from all of the salty waterworks and your body’s exhausted.
A few feet away your phone sits on a table, lit up with text messages from the guys. After hearing what happened a few of them insisted on coming to get you but you can’t crawl your way towards the closet for the life of you. If not for their persistence you’d be content to rot in your hotel room for the rest of the night, drowning your sorrows in this bottle of overpriced wine.
Knock. Knock. Knock. 
“Nobody’s home” you groan, face down in the blanket. There’s a pause. Some shuffling on the other side of the door. Maybe it worked?
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Pushing yourself up from the bed, you toss the bottle aside and drag yourself over to the door. “Can’t a girl rot in peace?” you pout, swinging the door open. 
“If this is what you look like when you rot then rot all you want” Chan says, flashing you a smile so genuine you’re positive you must be dreaming. 
You stick your head out into the hallway, looking around for the other guys but there’s no one else in sight. “Chan, uh, what are you doing here?”
“Honestly? I’m afraid you’re gonna leave again before I can beg you not to.” 
With not a drop more of explanation he pushes his way into the room, kissing you like his life depends on it. His tongue glides over yours, savoring the taste of you mixed with the lingering sweetness of the wine. The kiss is so consuming you can barely get a breath in but air is vastly overrated when a kiss is laced with this much passion. There’s a year of longing inside of him and he pours it into you boundlessly. 
Tucking his hands behind your legs, he lifts you up, fingers delighting in the softness of your thighs. He missed this. The tenderness of your kiss. The plushness of your figure. The light, fruity scent of your perfume filling his lungs as he plants open mouthed kisses down your neck, suckling at your smooth skin.
His lips never break from you as he lays you across the bed, tearing your towel away like it’s nothing. His palms massage the fullness of your figure, riding every curve to cup one of your breasts. Your body tenses in response to his touch, moisture pooling between your thighs. 
Chan drags his tongue across your cleavage, his stiffening bulge pressed right against your core. “Tell me you’ll stay this time” he begs, lovesick eyes flicking up to you, “Don’t leave me again.” 
Brushing his hair out of his face, your fingers skate along that immaculate bone structure of his, bringing him up for another breathless kiss. His thumb brushes your nipple, making small circles on the tip of the bud, and you shudder. 
“I’ll stay” you moan, your thighs growing slick with your arousal. 
He pinches the bud, grinding his clothed cock against you harder this time, “Promise me.” 
Chan sounds so needy and it only worsens how badly you ache for him. You guide him back up to his feet, slipping to the edge of the bed to kiss his cock through his pants. You press your palm to it, riding the outline of the print while your other hand dips under his shirt to feel his abs contract with every touch. He tugs his shirt up over his head, giving your hands free reign of that beautiful chest.
You smile up at him, pulling down the band of his pants and his boxers at once. His cock springs free, thick, throbbing, and as deliciously veined as you remember. You stick your tongue out, licking up the arousal dripping from the tip. You smile up at him, your tongue retreating to say the words he wants to hear. “I promise.” 
You press your lips to the tip, taking it in further this time. You swirl your tongue around it, enjoying the satisfied groans that fill the room the more you take him between your fluffy cheeks. Your mouth is so warm and wet around his cock. It’s like heaven.
You relax your throat, taking him as far back as you can, before pulling back the slightest bit to wrap your fingers around the base. You rock your head back and forth, wrist rotating as you pump his shaft. You can feel every little twitch of his cock, taste the precum dripping on the back of your tongue, and it has you soaking through the blanket beneath you. 
Chan reaches down to play with your hair, utterly incapable of taking his eyes off of you. You look too pretty drooling around his cock for him to miss a minute of it. He wants to be like this forever with you. Not only this but everything. He wants to be with you. Near you. Inside of you. Anything you’ll bless him with. He just wants you right here, looking at him with all of the love and admiration you do with his cock throbbing down your throat. 
“My beautiful girl” he coos, tilting his hips in to push into you a little more. “All mine, yeah?” 
With your mouth stuffed so full of him he hardly expects you to answer. Your hum of agreement vibrating down his length is more than enough to let him know that you agree. You’re his again. You’ve wanted to be for so long and at last you are.
That knowledge is almost as intoxicating as feeling him on your tongue. Chan tangles his fingers in your hair, bringing your head back far enough that the head of his cock only ghosts your glossy lips. He plants a kiss on your forehead, staring so deeply into your eyes that you almost lose yourself. 
“Bend over for me, baby” he whispers and you nod your head, swinging around in the cutest way to assume the position.  
You crawl onto your knees for him, back arched and ass in the air. “Is this good, Channie?” 
If only you could see yourself from this angle. Your body’s beyond perfection and your pussy’s glistening like diamonds. He can’t stop himself from tasting you, a hand palming your ass as his tongue darts into your core. 
“So fucking good” he hums, his face buried between your thighs. His tongue dips up, dragging between your folds and teasing your clit. Your body trembles and he grabs your hips, lapping at your clit until his face is soaked in your juices.
“Channie, please, ah. Too much” you whine but your body tells a different story. You’re soaking wet, your walls so needy you’re clenching around air. Your hips arch and swirl, almost riding his face.
Chan’s too drunk on your pussy to listen, his free hand between his legs to stroke his cock as he devours you. His tongue pushes back into your core and your walls flutter around it, leaking like a faucet. His cock throbs in his palm, drenched in a mixture of your saliva and his arousal. He feels so out of it, so completely absorbed in you, that he’s racing towards his high faster than he’s ready for. 
Dragging his tongue out, he steadies himself, gripping your hips to bring himself right to your entrance. You wiggle your ass excitedly and he laughs, licking you from his lips. “You want it that badly, baby?”
You look back, serving a pouty face that’d bring even the toughest man to his knees. “I just wanna see how much you’ve really missed me.”
“I’ve missed you so much” he moans, sinking into you with one motion. You both nearly collapse at the dizzying pleasure of it. Your walls cling to his length as he bottoms out, filling you up perfectly. “I was going crazy without you” he confesses, pulling out and slamming into you even harder. Your body jiggles, the softness of your hips borderline sinful. 
You cry out, biting your tongue to avoid a noise complaint but the moans still spill out. Those broken, beautiful moans. Every stroke rides your sweet spot, pushing you further towards absolute ruin.
“I’ve needed you so badly” he coos, savoring the wet snapping sound of your body colliding with his. “Just like I need you right now. Fuck, I don’t know how I lived without this pussy.” 
Throwing his head back, he settles his knees at the very edge of the bed, bouncing you in his lap. He fucks into you faster, your juices splashing up and decorating his abs. Blindly you reach for a pillow, dragging it over to bury your face in because you know it’s coming. You feel it and so can he. Your legs are shaking, you can barely keep your body straight, and your walls are spasming too wildly to spare his sanity. 
You’re almost there, knocking right at the door of you high. But instead of keeping his pace, he slows down, every movement careful and purposeful. He angles himself against your sweet spot, making sure he doesn’t miss it once, and teases you to the point that your body’s almost crying to cum. “You ready to cum for me, hmm? You want it?”
“Mmhmm” you whine, eyes watering, “Let me cum, Channie, please.”
How can he deny the request of such a pretty girl? Picking up speed again, he thrusts into you, and your orgasm rips through you like an electric current. You bite down on the pillow, your brain going fuzzy as you cream all over his cock, moaning his name in broken syllables.
Chan has the glimmer of a thought to pull out but he’s too addicted to the feeling of you clenching to follow through on it. It’s too late anyway, his heart’s already skipping beats, his seed spilling out into the warmth of your core. His movements grow sloppier, both of your bodies getting weaker by the minute, but he doesn’t stop until your knees give out.
You summon the energy to roll onto your back, giving that poor little pillow a break, and Chan collapses on top of you, his head resting on your soft belly. “You know” he pants, massaging your love handles, “This music is really sad.”
You giggle, your awareness of any music playing having faded away the moment his lips found yours. “You’re right, it is kinda sad, but I was sad.”
“Was?” he asks, propping his chin up on your belly, “You’re not sad anymore, right?” 
“Hmm, no, I don’t think I am.”
“And you really meant what you said? That wasn’t just sex talk?”
You need a second to think about what it was that you said. You’re sure you said a few things when he was inside of you. All of which you meant, of course. “Oh, that I’ll stay? Yeah, I meant that. As long as that’s what you really want.”
Chan climbs on top of you, strong arms caging you in as he hovers above you. “More than anything.” 
He kisses you and you close your eyes, letting yourself fade into him. You don’t regret going off to find yourself, it was something you needed to do, but there’s no doubt in your mind that this is where your heart is. With the shop. With the boys. And, more than anything else, with Chan. 
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b00tyliciousbabe · 2 months
bisexualbigboybf! x THICC!male reader
summary: manifesting my future husband
notes: THANKS FOR 1k ppl dem! BEEN IN DRAFTS FOR A WHILE. i think there needs to be some more love + appreciation for bi men and big boys so i amalgamated the two. not a fetish y’all, just a preference, they be taking care of my inner princess and for that i will ALWAYS be grateful. a lot of feminisation in this one so tread carefully. it’s a lil messy (jumps in tenses and stuff like that) but i litch couldn’t focus without getting too excited. ENJOY MY HEARTS.
song rec: normani - big boy (feat. starrah)
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your big boy bf didn’t think he had a chance with you at first, nor did he even want one. at first he hated you, watching how all the other men in your life were one flirty conversation away from having a piece of your juicy ass, and how the girls envied and coveted your thick hourglass figure. your sweet personality sickened him ; you made sure to give them your gym routine and your diet, being the beauty guru you were. but what he realised, was not that he hated you, but that he hated not having you. when he realised this, he needed you, more than anything.
you embodied a refreshing style of hyper femininity that made you all the more attractive to your bi man. seeing your body in its thick glory made him love himself more. how your belly added to your voluptuous figure, your plump cheeks, and fleshy muscle surrounding your chest and thighs, he was mesmerised by your form. you were, in his eyes, divine. little did he know that you had fallen first; his broad shoulders, strong biceps and pudgy belly practically had you ovulating. your gigantic teddy bear, standing at a foot taller than you, had a heart of gold and this protective aura around him, enamoured you.
when you debuted your relationship online, you were met with a flurry of mainly positive responses. yeah sure there were the odd few denouncing your femininity and body shaming y’all, but you ignored them because you don’t have to convince the world that you’re THEE baddie b and your man is the sexiest mf to ever exist.
luvagoalz: they are literally the embodiment of the wattpad height difference. I NEED.
user222: y/n getting dicked down DAILY by a giant is so girlboss of him.
sza: bestie got himself a big boy - y/n send me the deets for the wedding.
your bf is a huge gym rat and when you two became exclusive, your already voluptuous figure became all the more defined with his help. you were flawless. you love seeing him in the gym, sweating as the veins in his forearms pop out making him look so attractive. he definitely enjoys your company there, teasingly rubbing his bulge against your ass and face when no one was watching. his exhibitionist kink goes crazy seeing how beautifully your workout clothes hug your butt and cinch your waist. he used to be slightly insecure about his stretch marks but after a cool down session, and you complimenting them like lightning bolts imprinted on his skin, he felt superhuman. you always knew what to say to make him feel better.
he’s so protective of you. always sleeps on the side closest to the door and isn’t afraid to send someone to hospital if they even look at you the wrong way, or in a manner he doesn’t like. in his mind he’s seeded you and you’re literally carrying his kids and thus it’s his responsibility to protect you. it’s almost primal. he isn’t controlling or anything, but finds it incredibly important to remind you that with him you are completely safe.
they say the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and boy was that the case during your talking stage. it was perfect; you love to cook and so he’s more than happy to try your baked goods. your boyfriend loves his sleep on the weekends and so in true house husband fashion you often prepare breakfast in an apron with your thick cheeks hanging out from behind. one day he woke up to the sweet smell of you making his favourite. groggily stumbling into the kitchen, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, long dick swinging out of his briefs as he advanced towards you.
‘good morning love.’ his deep voice sent shivers down your spine as he kissed the words into your neck. he held onto the groove of your hips, caressing your lower back with the tip of his index finger and watched as you writhed beneath him. ‘babe, what are you doing up? you need your sleep, you’ve been working so hard lately.’ you said, breathing haphazardly as he ground himself into you. ‘i missed you. and i want my morning kisses.’ beginning to untie your apron he turned you around, and removed the lace from around your neck. hiking you up on the table top, the heat of your bare ass, that his dick previous massaged into you, was cooled by the granite. you wrapped your legs around him, as your hands stroked his beard. wiping that shit eating grub off of his face, your lips came closer to his own, as you could feel his heartbeat in his throat - this man is so in love with you. the kiss lasted quite a while, precum staining the opening of his boxers and pooling on your thighs. you knew that you were about to be fucked dumb and so you turned of the hob to avoid burning the house down. the fire inside y’all was more than enough to keep you going.
your man doesn’t fully realise his own strength. he was very hesitant to have sex with you for a while and mostly stopped at groping you before his dick got too hard to ignore. so, for your first time, he had to refrain literally ripping your clothes to get to the prize of your nudity. he absolutely loves seeing you (try to) deepthroat. the reason? his size kink goes insane when you attempt to take his gigantic package. this man is LONG and GIRTHY, capable of splitting you in half and abusing all your spots with ease. the veiny sausage he’s packing could do some serious damage but he held back when it came to your first couple times with him.
he always takes time to ensure that your safe and comfortable. initially his size intimidated you, your mannerisms connoting your subtle anxiety. he kissed the fear out of you, reassuringly saying, ‘you know I would never do anything to hurt you.’
your boyfriend is the KING of consent, always ensuring that you want his big cock just as much as he wants to feel the warmth of your boy pussy. one day whilst he was working from home, he noticed you squirming like an omega in heat. he sighed and smirked. ‘d’you want me to fuck you?’ he burst out. already used to his blunt disposition, you nodded. advancing closer towards you, staring down at the desperation in your face, he stroked your hair. ‘use your words y/n, i wanna hear how badly you want it.’ his charisma practically had you high. ‘I need you, please.’ you began to undo the string that held up his joggers, as he removed his tshirt. ‘i can never say no to my baby boy.’ he smiled, pants bunching at his ankles as he slowly railed on the edge of your shared bed.
he encourages you to take him fully each time, praising you because no one else had been able to take him past halfway. ‘i know baby, i know, do it one more time for me.’ he said endearingly, wiping the tears from your face as his dick invaded your throat.‘THERE IT ISSS UGH FUCK! i love your mouth.’ he cooed.
equally, your bf is the only man you’ve been with that’s been able to satisfy you sexually. you steered clear from all the men who were only interested in your body and not your heart and so you had very minimal experience outside of toys and your hands. the few you may or may not have been with were damn near clueless. on the other hand…your man has had plenty of hoe phases. it sly bugged you how he’d been intimate with a greater number you could’ve imagined but all that disappeared when he first made love to you. the best thing about him is that he can handle allat that ass. despite the clear size difference this doesn’t stop you from being a FREAK. He even encourages it. loving your thick globes of ass flesh kiss his lower belly as you push back and twerk all over his dick. his favourite part of your shape are your hips. he wants to breed you full of his children.
whenever he says ‘fuck yeah baby, back that shit up.’ it sends you orbital. it’s well known that the two of you share a huge affinity for doggy. the way you stroke his pudginess while he rails you in that position has become a safety mechanism - one that he has learnt to make the experience all the more enjoyable. with one hand holding you up (realistically struggling to, under the sheer passion of his fucking) and the other one bent behind your back fingering his belly button. his huge dick borderline tears you open and by grabbing onto him makes you feel safe. he usually recognises that it’s getting a bit too much when your moans become screams, and you get tighter. and as much as he loves seeing you overstimulated and fucked out on his cock, he doesn’t wanna break you (completely). so he slows down, soothing your pain with sweet nothings and his large hands massaging your ass cheeks.
for him personally though, he loves to smush you underneath his weight. in prone bone, he has direct access to your ear, whispering words of affirmation but degrading you with the grip of his arms around your neck. his beard hair softly touching your cheek, causing a wave of bliss to hit you, always gets him going. he knows you love hearing him praise you; his grunts are so delectable, a symphony with the percussion of him clapping tf outta your cheeks. as you whine like a lil bitch, they become guttural, like an alpha in his rut. the carnal passion of your heavier and rougher sessions reveal a callous side to his possessive nature. dangerous how much it turns you on.
words can’t really describe how much you love his stomach, happy trail adorning his belly, and riding him offers you the opportunity to see allat that on a platter. his smirk as he tries to contain his excitement that your his and only his.
on the topic of eye contact, you’re favourite mutual position is definitely missionary - your bf adores every inch of you. how your body becomes compliant. your hole crafted to take his big dick. the way it pierces through the walls of your pussy, massaging your gumminess. he sometimes drools from how lost he can be in the experience. ‘take my cock, yhhh baby, fuckkkk.’
slowing down his jack hammering pace, he’d lean forward with his low hanging balls rutting into you agonizingly slow.
‘you like that shit, huh baby? yeah? loving on my dick so well.’ whispering as he begins to mark your collarbone. then moving upwards onto your neck, massaging your previously pummeled throat as you looked up, desperate to kiss him. he exhales into your mouth, breathing life into you that he had taken away with his hard thrusts. his softness escaped as quickly as it arose, thrusting his entire load into you.
‘shit’ you scream as he laughs hoarsely, the rasp in his voice a melting honey.
in the same position, you love his cum face. something about how his eye and nose scrunch as he pants and grunt deeply. his beard ticking your chin. it also allows him to be vulnerable with you. he would hold your head cradling it with an affection rivalled only by how sweetly his tip kisses your prostate with each lengthy thrust. when he first enters, he’s checking to see if your okay, if you want more lube. you say no. legs just above his hips, you bring your hand to stroke his beard as he concentrates on directing his dick in a way that doesn’t make him cum immediately upon re entry.
‘i love you.’ you say getting all emotional from how well he’s treating you. ‘I love you too y/n.’ he leans down for more kisses as your hand now snakes around the back of his head.
he stops, letting you catch your breath, playing with your hair and caressing your face lovingly. your arms drop immediately at the warmth of his touch. he lifts and cradles your head, a delicacy opposing his rough demeanour.
‘I fucking love you,’ your bf grunts, placing forehead kisses, panting, as he starts moving faster. your legs now wrapped tightly around his abdomen like a vice. he plants both hands behind your head, balling his fists at either side of your head to create the perfect foundation to fuck you hard. brings one of his hands to cradle your hair and to bring your head closer to his. your temples meet ensuring that you’re so close and intimate. the man brings his body up, still inside you, collects your legs together, one leg on each shoulder holding onto the thick flesh of your upper thighs, allowing you to adjust, before toppling over onto you again to get deeper inside your pussy. later, moving his hands up to behind your knees, his rugged fingertips grip the flesh of your hamstrings.
your boyfriend brings his fingers up to stroke your cheeks and remove the hair sticking to your face. he’s growling at his need to go ham, but he exercises self-control as a means to take care of you. however, what he doesn’t realise is that his painfully slow strokes transport you to a utopia of bodily ecstasy.
he ABSOLUTELY loves seeing the imprint of his girthy cock in your stomach, pressing down on it to add to your respective pleasures. and when you both reach the top of the mountain, the visual of you being completely fucked out on his huge pole, as it protrudes through your stomach which is now decorated with your own personal release, makes him wanna rail you again. and again. until you pass out or his dick becomes limp. the latter would never happen because wherever you are, that cocks gonna be UP.
aftercare is so underrated with him. in his past relationships, it was usually a hit and quit it situation - his words not mine. thus he didn’t really know what to do at first. he’s so used to hookup culture, that he never bothered. but with you, he knew he had to change; one, because he knew you’d never let him near you again if he didn’t take care of you, but mainly two, because you were his and he had a responsibility to cherish you. considering you literally couldn’t walk and body was limp, your man needed to ensure you were taken care of. though he always reassures you, you make sure to do the same. the first time you spooned him he slept like a baby. BIG BOYS NEED CUDDLES TOO Y’ALL.
he gets really apologetic, constantly asking ‘did I go to rough.’ as he massages the bruises on your hips. sometimes feels guilty that he fucks you too hard. You put his mind at ease telling him that you do like it. your bubble butt and tight hole were made to take his cock.
this still doesn’t stop him from confessing to you; ‘baby, I’m so sorry.’ he kisses your skin. ‘when I see that ass if yours jiggle, it drives me crazy, I just can’t stop.’ it often leads to him overcompensating. as the his cum seeps out of your obliterated cunt. he just wants to make you feel safe. the same safety he feels when he’s with you.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
👋Hello, hope you are having a good day/night?
If you're interested in writing it I thought of an idea Bruce(Bats) x tall male werewolf reader
Reader is on the run from hunters and is hiding in Gotham. He's way taller than Bruce, a little rough around the edges and a total badass. No one knows he's a werewolf till some hunters come to Gotham, maybe they want to kill reader because he's a werewolf or want his pelt because its rare? Your choice. And maybe a lil bit of batfam?
Of course I'm interested. It sounds interesting. I do wonder how Bruce would react to a werewolf boyfriend.
Summary: Bruce meets a werewolf. Of course he doesn't realize it right away, but once he notices different people lingering around (Y/N), he is not sure that he knows everything about (Y/N).
Warnings: Violence, shifting into a werewolf, murder, Bruce being scared of the reader (for a moment)
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(Y/N) walked back home. It was 2 am and he had just finished his shift as a security guard at the club. His statue and attitude in general made is great for a security guard in a rowdy club. And it worked well in Gotham. Criminals don't really come near you and they leave you be.
And if necessary, you could help out someone. Although, even the people he helped out were afraid of him. Could he blame them? No. He is tall as Mount Everest, with muscles and looks like he is one step away from murder.
Either way, it was great.
But this city was not. He now officially hates this city. There was far too noise for his supernatural hearing. He wanted to move away, somewhere far away from everyone, with woods near him. He doesn't like to be able in human form for a long time.
He checked his watch. 2:14 am. He will be back in ten more minutes and then he will sleep. He will have to text his boyfriend that he got home.
He took a quick look around, his paranoia acting up. He went through a lot over the years, he saw a lot of violence, death and destruction. Most of his friends were gone and he was now the definition of a loner wolf.
He looked down at his phone. His boyfriend was calling.
" Hey B. "
" Hey, are you near the apartment? "
" Close. I still can't believe you would stay up so late for me. "
" You are my boyfriend who works nightshifts. I'm worried about you walking around Gotham alone. I know you are taller than me and strong as me, but I still worry. "
" Well, there is no need. I will talk to you later and go to bed. "
" Will do. "
(Y/N) hanged up and put the phone back into his pocket. He took his keys and unlocked his apartment building. He needs to get in and sleep. He was about to unlock his apartment, but the smell made him stop. Who the hell was in his apartment? He took a sniff. It smelled familiar, but he couldn't pin point where he smelled it. That wasn't good.
He unlocked the door, moving quietly inside. He pounced at the figure waiting for him. (Y/N) pinned him to the ground, freezing when he saw the face. His old friend, who was supposed to be dead.
" What... You are supposed to be dead... How are you alive? " (Y/N) asked, shocked all the way to his core.
" I faked my death, my dear friend. "
(Y/N) stood up from his now alive friend, allowing him to get up.
" Why? "
" There are hunters coming to Gotham, but they are far more dangerous then the ones you encountered before. They are looking for your pelt my friend. "
" These aren't the ones that kill? "
" No, " the man shook his head, " They are far more sadistic. They will torture you until you turn and then skin you alive. And if you are lucky then they will kill you. " He said, sitting down on the couch.
" What name do you go by? " (Y/N) asked, crossing his arms.
" Alex. You need to leave Gotham now. "
(Y/N) shook his head. He can't. He can't leave Bruce and most definitely not his boys. He loved those boys as if they were his own. He considered them a part of his pack, people he needed to protect.
" I can't Alex. I... "
" Oh my God... You got connected with someone. You got a little pack! " Alex exclaimed.
" Keep your voice down. "
" Oh my dear friend... Well, you either tell them what you are or leave them. One way or another, the hunters will come for you. "
" I know that. "
" I hope you do. I have to go, I got to go now. Stay strong. "
" What other choice do we have? " (Y/N) asked Alex, who shrugged his shoulders.
He left the apartment and (Y/N) had sat down on the couch, leaning down and putting his head in his hands. What was he going to do? He needs to tell Bruce, but for the first time in a long time he was afraid. He feared the rejection more than the hunters... His priorities were messed up.
" Shit... "
But Bruce deserved to know the truth. He could at least do that. But could his heart take the rejection? (Y/N) muttered out a fuck then he looked for his phone. No... He is going to call him in the morning and ask him to meet. He has the weekend off and the time won't be the problem... Now he has to think about what to tell Bruce. Great...
(Y/N) was driving to the manor, trying to ignore the twitching oh his fingers on the steering wheel. His heart was beating so hard that (Y/N) thought that it was going to jump out of his chest. He got past the gate and parked the car. He saw Bruce waiting already at the entrance of the house. (Y/N) took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.
He stepped out, going straight to Bruce. Bruce reached out, but (Y/N) stopped.
" Bruce, I... I need to tell you something... Well, I need to show you this, otherwise you won't believe me. "
Bruce tilted his head, clearly confused. (Y/N) took his hand and dragged him to the back of the house, the part that was covered by the woods. He could show him there.
" (Y/N) what are we doing back here? What do you need to show me?"
" Now, you are either going to hate me or kill me... Nothing in between. Are we alone? " (Y/N) asked taking his shirt off.
" Yes we are, but why are you taking your clothes off?! " Bruce asked, completely thrown off by (Y/N)'s behavior.
" Bruce, I am a werewolf. "
Bruce laughed for a second, but the laugh stopped when he saw (Y/N) in his boxers and then shifting.
The sound of bones cracking, as if they are breaking, the limbs turning into paws. Bruce saw fur that was black as night and then the most blue eyes he has ever seen. And the wolf was the biggest animal that Bruce has ever seen. And Bruce?
Bruce was in shock, eyes wide. (Y/N) whimpered and then lowered himself onto his belly. He wanted to show Bruce that he had nothing to fear, that he wasn't going to hurt him.
It took Bruce a moment to snap back. He crouched down, reaching out to (Y/N)'s head. He wanted to pet it. Why? The fur seemed soft and (Y/N) lowered himself on his belly.
" It's okay, I'm not going to hate you. " Bruce consoled his lover. (Y/N) sighed in happiness, moving closer to Bruce, wagging his big tail. He gently licked Bruce's hands.
Bruce smiled, scratching (Y/N)'s ears.
" I have a secret to tell you myself. Well, I have to show you too. "
(Y/N) shifted back to his human form, now only in boxers. He put his clothes on quickly, then hugged Bruce.
" Thank you... For not rejecting me... "
" I would never do that hun. Did something happen? "
" Yeah... Can we go inside? "
Bruce nodded, taking his lover inside. They sat at the couch, holding hands.
" So, if you are not a human in this world, there are going to be hunters after you. If you are a werewolf, you will hunted for your fur... But now, there is a new type of hunters. The ones that are far more sadistic, the one that torture you until you turn and then make sure you stay in that... Form as they skin you..." (Y/N) stopped, choking on his breath.
Bruce squeezed his hands, to calm him.
" Sweetie, that won't happen to you. "
" How do you know that? " (Y/N) asked, closing his eyes for a moment.
" Because I am Batman. "
(Y/N) opened his eyes and looked at Bruce. What? But... Everything fit together.
" Oh my God... "
" Yeah... " Bruce said, turning his head to the side with a small, nervous smile.
" I have questions about your werewolf side. Way to many. And I would like to get rid of those hunters for good. Well, not kill them, but... Make sure that they won't come back to Gotham. "
" What are we going to tell the boys? And Alfred? "
" They will understand, trust me hun, we have seen stuff that... Well, we have seen a lot. I think they will even cuddle with you even more. Damian will love you even more. "
(Y/N) smiled, moving closer to Bruce, kissing him gently. Bruce wrapped his arms around (Y/N), bringing him into his lap.
" Okay, you two need to get a room. " Jason said, turning his head away.
(Y/N) and Bruce moved away from one another, trying not to blush.
" Jason, why are you home earlier? " Bruce asked his son.
Jason has shrugged his shoulders and went to the kitchen. (Y/N) glanced at Bruce with a small smile. It will an interesting evening to say the least.
The reveal of (Y/N)'s werewolf side went well. Damian was the first to hug (Y/N)'s wolf and demanded that (Y/N) be in his werewolf form more. He won't take no for an answer. But they were mad once they heard about hunters trying to hurt their new dad.
Bastards. Jason was ready to kill them. (Y/N) had to restrain him to not do anything stupid. And that's why Jason was now on (Y/N)'s lap. He didn't mind it.
" Okay, then what is the plan? Hunters are close to Gotham and we need to protect you. You are like our second dad... " Dick said, looking down at the floor.
" Well, I wanted to ask you this question for a while... Would you like to move in with us? " Bruce asked, hope shining in his eyes.
" Of course. You guys are my pack now. "
Jason leaned back, wrapping (Y/N) arms around him.
" It's official. You are our new dad. " Jason said, nodding to himself.
" Well, I say we set a trap for the hunters. " Damian said, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.
" An ambush you mean? " Tim asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
" Of course. (Y/N) gave us the descriptions and we can track them easily. They are going to pay. " Damian said, fire burning in his eyes.
Bruce looked a bit worried, but he couldn't exactly blame his son either. Nobody should go through what (Y/N) went through. Nobody.
" Hun, you stay put and we will deal with them. " Bruce said, taking his cowl. Jason stood up from (Y/N)'s lap and joined the others. They got ready and with a hug went to the car. Bruce gave (Y/N) a quick kiss and then a hug.
" Wait here, we will be back soon. "
(Y/N) nodded, sitting back down. He glanced at Alfred, the person who was quiet this entire time.
" I'm happy you are here master (Y/N), don't worry about my opinion. You have made master Bruce happy and the boys have accepted you. What more could I ask for? " Alfred said, smiling at (Y/N).
" You know, I have always wanted your approval. "
Alfred hummed, smiling at the werewolf.
" Well, you don't have to worry about that. I see the way you look at Bruce and the boys... You love them like they are your own and you are not freaked out by master Bruce night job. You are quite okay with that. And maybe I favor you more than Bruce. "
(Y/N) nodded, standing up and then hugging Alfred.
" Thanks Alfred. "
Alfred hugged back. (Y/N) was finally happy. He found the man he loves, the kids he loves as if they were his own... He found his pack. He finally found his pack.
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bones4thecats · 9 months
If it's okay can I please ask for silver and Floyd and malleus with kianna but like they barely started dating and she's just like
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I've only been dating him for half an hour but if anything happened to him I will kill everyone in this room and then myself
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Silver Vanrouge, Floyd Leech, and Malleus Draconia Name: Reader Being Protective Over {Character} Requester: @nunezs-stuff
A/N: This is a fun prompt! I wish everyone reading this a Happy New Year and good luck to you and your families! See you all next year, lil bubbles🫧!
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⚔️ He and you had an interesting bond
⚔️ You were known to be very distant, and that was what Silver expected when in a relationship with you
⚔️ Oh Sweet Seven, was he wrong...
⚔️ Silver was being scolded by Sebek for sleeping again when you came up from behind the green-haired hot-head and pulled him by the collar to meet your eyes and you whispered something so scary in his ear that the half-fae ran off to vomit
⚔️ When asked why you did that, you just smiled and hugged Silver, rubbing his head until he fell asleep once again
⚔️ He never expected you to be so protective over him, especially with someone you considered close as well
⚔️ But, who was he kidding? He was a human raised by a ex-war-general fae for crying out loud!
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🎭 Oh my heavens, you both were on the same exact powerline here!
🎭 Floyd is extremely protective of those he deems close, and that has been shown by how many people he has threatened to squeeze when he heard them talk bad about you!
🎭 He has always viewed himself as the protector here, due to being far taller and a lot more known for his anger than you
🎭 But seeing you glare at the Savanaclaw student from behind as they mouthed off to him made him smile
🎭 You and him weren't in a relationship for very long, but he watched you take that guy down in a matter of minutes, and that was the sign that you were his one and only
🎭 Floyd smiled when you hugged him and glared at the beastman as they ran away with their tail between his legs
🎭 Now, everyone wouldn't mess with either of you! How fun~
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🐉 Malleus knew how angry you could get, since he's seen many calm figures in his life become violent and/or severely angry before
🐉 Himself included
🐉 When he and you got together, he pledged to never love anyone again, and he meant every single time he said that, which was a surprising amount
🐉 This fae was never really challenged, due to his ranking in society and his, in other people's words, 'intimidating aura'
🐉 The only person to really go head-to-head in conflicts with him was Savanaclaw's housewarden, Leona Kingscholar
🐉 You and him weren't on good terms, due to his laziness reminding you of Shu far to much
" How about this, lizard boy, take that power of your's and- "
🐉 He watched as you grabbed the beastman's tail and pulled him to look at you before throwing him into the ground and laying your foot on his head
🐉 Malleus is now swooning
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.2 K Warnings: none Prompt: As Hogwarts days begin, challenges arise, with exhilarating morning flights, and laughter filled environments. Secret struggles surface but a caring gesture from Remus and the Marauders promises to uplift spirits and forge lasting bonds. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Good times
As you walked inside the Gryffindor common room for the first time Lily was sitting on the couch, but stood up the minute you showed up “There you are! I was worried sick!” She told Remus, gave James a look of disdain and turned back to the taller boy  “I thought you’d be faster to bring her here.” 
“The staircase wasn’t cooperating,” Remus explained. “We had to use a different path.” 
“At least you didn’t get caught.” She said taking a deep breath and sitting back down on the couch, now finally relaxing a bit. 
“I brought some food from the kitchens,” said Peter, pulling out a kerchief tied at the top and placing it on the table in front of the fire. “It’s just some scones with cream and jam, but I thought we might get hungry.” 
“Thanks, Pete,” Lily said as she untied the knot and the top and grabbed one of the little treats. 
Then the portrait opened again, letting someone else inside. 
You stood just behind Remus, turned towards Lily rather than the entrance but the moment you heard that voice, you froze. It's Sirius.
“Excellent job guys!” He said with a bright smile. Remus turned to him and shot a warning look, to point out they weren’t alone. Sirius saw Lily and nodded “With the evacuation of the great hall–“ he corrected “It was brilliant how you handled it, Lils, Moony, you’re both top tier prefects.” 
James rolled his eyes but then a smile appeared on his face, a very James-like smile in fact, filled with charm and mischievousness. “We’ve actually got something to show you.” He said and unexpectedly pulled you from behind Remus in a way that you’d end up facing Sirius instead. 
And damned merlin, Sirius was even more beautiful than you remembered. You’d like to think you’d made peace with the idea of being ghosted, with the idea of never seeing Sirius again, but standing right in front of him, now taller, with broader shoulders, longer hair, and the same stunning eyes, made you want to apparate to anywhere but there. So you just awkwardly smiled and waved, hoping he wouldn’t just storm out of the place without even saying a word.
“(Y/N)? What… what are you doing here?” He asked with a frown.
“Hey to you too, old pal,” you said, struggling to not sound as awkward as you felt. 
“She’s here Pads!” Said James excitedly, “She’s gonna study with us!” 
“Yeah,” Peter added, “She transferred this year like you wished she would back in the day.” 
To that you raised an eyebrow, you’d seen his friends get excited when you introduced yourself to them, but it seemed weird that after ghosting you, Sirius told his friends he wished you were a student in Hogwarts “And here I thought you’d never want to see me again,” you said with a bit of a teasing smile towards him, trying to hide the doubt that still lingered in your brain. Could it really be that it had all been some kind of misunderstanding? 
“What?” He asked, visibly confused.
“Since you never replied to any of my letters…” 
He seemed shocked for a moment and then exhaled in a defeated tone “Walburga.” 
“Your mom?” You asked frowning before it downed you “Your mom.” 
He nodded “I did always wonder why you never tried to reach out.” 
You thought about what he said for a moment and then smiled “Seems like we have a lot to catch up on then.” 
Then James placed an arm on top of Sirius's shoulder “And I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to do that, but now we must go to bed. Tomorrow we’re flying first thing in the morning. We gotta practice before we open the tryouts.”
“Which positions are you missing?” You asked him before anyone had the chance to stop you. Once James started talking about quidditch, it was hard to get him to shut up again.
“We lost a keeper and 2 chasers,” James explained “They were from 7th and graduated last summer.”
“And you fly in the mornings, always?” You asked surprised. 
“Gotta stay in top shape, I’m the captain after all.” 
“Oh, that’s amazing. Mind if I join you tomorrow? I wanna test my luck on the tryouts.” 
He raised an eyebrow “Which position?” 
“Uh… I used to play seeker,” he winced at that, “but I’ll try for keeper I guess, I’ve got good eyes for catching things,” you replied with a smile. 
“Careful Potter, she may come take your place!” Sirius teased, “All though, for all I know she might be terrible at flying.” 
With Sirius teasing you like that, it was as if all those years hadn’t gone by, no resentments, no suffering. Just the two of you, continuing on where you left off. “Oh, isn’t that right? You promised me a race a couple of years ago, but that never played out.” 
“Is that a challenge?” He asked but when you were about to reply Lily stood up and placed her arm over your shoulder. 
“Might have been,” She said “But we must now go to our room,” she said pointing at you and herself “and you must go back to sleep if you really want to wake up at 5AM.” 
“5 AM?” Frowned Sirius. 
“Classes start at 7 tomorrow, if you want enough time for flying and breakfast, you’ll have to get up then.” She said before dragging you towards the stairs.
You turned your head, finding it hard to stop staring at Sirius, it was almost like a dream. “Good night boys,” You said, waving at them as you followed behind Lily, Sirius also had a hard time to stop staring at you as you walked next to the red headed girl. 
As you were halfway up the stairs she whispered “It’s a terrible idea to challenge Sirius like that, knowing him, he’ll make a spectacle of the race.” 
You stopped for a minute, looking at Lily with a cocky grin “It’s only a bad idea if I lose.” 
She rolled her eyes with a smile “I barely know you, and so far I can tell you’re just as thick headed as that lot,” she said as she nodded towards them. “Let’s go, I’ll show you our room.” 
“We’re together?” You asked with a smile. 
She nodded, mirroring your expression “We were the only room with only 3 girls.” 
Inside the room were Mary and Marlene, Mary was sitting on her bed while reading a book and Marlene was drying her hair with a towel near a door, which you assumed would be the bathroom. “That’s your bed,” Marlene said, pointing at the bed closest to the door. “It was here when we got to the room, that’s how we figured you’d be with us.” 
“That and the trunk with your name on it,” said Mary looking up from her book “We thought you’d gotten lost in the ordeal, but Lily told us you were with Remus.” 
“We would’ve gone out to find you otherwise,” added Marlene. “Lily wanted to go even if you were with Remus but we told her you’d be alright.” 
“You wanted to go get me?” You asked, turning towards her.
“I felt responsible for leaving you on the stairs,” she explained “I didn’t want you to get in trouble because of me.” 
“Thank you,” You told her with a smile. Lily went for a shower and you started to unpack your stuff. Marlene approached you when you pulled your broom out and you talked about quidditch until Lily was out of the shower, at which point you let Marlene have the broom and went for a shower yourself. 
When you were back in the room Marlene had already placed your broom on a broom stand on the wall. “It deserved to be admired,” she’d said when you noticed and you nodded with a smile. After that, you’d all gotten comfortable in your beds and the lights were turned off.
“Good night girls,” You said with a smile, after months of feeling lonely, you finally started to feel like you belonged somewhere again. And you were so glad the hat had placed you in Gryffindor, with these girls, who had been all incredibly nice to you, and you were even happy you’d met Remus and his friends, who seemed like they would get you in so many adventures and mischief. 
In the morning you were awoken by a small little metal bird picking on your face lightly, it was your mom’s gift before you got to the school, a very elegant cuckoo clock, she’d bought at a furniture store in Diagon Alley. Even if it took you a minute to fully comprehend what was going on you silently stood up and changed, pulling a thick wool sweater over your head and a pair of training pants, thick and sturdy in case of falls. All though, because they were the same you had since you were in the team back at your older school, they were a little tighter than you remembered. Perhaps you really had a growth spurt over the summer. 
 You grabbed a pair of goggles, your broom, and sneaked out of the room without making any noise. James was already in the common room, tapping his foot as he looked up at the stairs, hair just as messy as the day you’d met him. He looked up at you and smiled. “How is it that you take less time to get ready than Sirius?” He said and then took a deep breath “I guess it  is because it’s Sirius who’s getting ready.” You raised your eyebrows in response “He’s brushing his hair,” James complained. You just laughed, longer hair’s harder to care for, but being told about Sirius’ vanity by his roommate was just hilarious. That was when Potter noticed your broom “Is that a Dark Nimbus?” He asked, staring at it from behind. 
You nodded “Brand new, mom got it for me to try and make me feel better about moving.” 
He stood up and got closer to take a look at it “It’s stunning!” He said with a smile as he accommodated his glasses to see better. “I have a Starmist,” he said pointing towards his broom behind him. “I got it last year, I'd like to see how she fares against your Nimbus.” 
“Well, we’ll get to see it today,” You replied with a smile, that’s when you heard a door close and the two of you turned towards Sirius, who was walking down the stairs with a SweepFire he’d had for a couple of years, but that looked well cared for, it had been James’.
“Why are you wearing green?” He asked as soon as he saw you. 
You looked down at your sweater and saw it change to burgundy right in front of your eyes, frowning and turning towards him “Did you just… magic dyed my sweater into a different colour?” 
“Can’t be seen flying around with someone wearing Slytherin house colours,” he said as he continued walking towards the door “It’d ruin my reputation.” 
You raised your eyebrows and gave James a questioning look, he just shrugged in response and followed behind Sirius, you caught up with him shortly after. As you walked down towards the patio James told you all about being Team Captain and how he had to make sure everyone was in top shape. “After the tryouts, it’s not just gonna be flying in the mornings, we’ll have practice at least 4 times a week with the whole team.”
Once on the patio, the three of you got on your brooms. And per James’s instructions did 5 laps around the castle. It was a chilly morning, so you were glad you’d put on the thicker sweater. Once you were done James pulled a quaffle and you all passed it between each other. At some point, He shot it a little farther behind you and you had to fly back to get it, bumping into Sirius and causing him to lose balance.
You responded quickly, stabilising his broom with yours and pulling his arm to stop him from falling, he’d managed to catch the quaffle with his other hand. James had flown towards the two of you as quickly as he could but by the time he arrived you were already pulling Sirius back up and laughing about it. “Maybe we should get some of those muggle hooks so you don’t fall off your broom,” you told him with a small knock on his arm. 
“Hey, even without them, I’ve caught it more times than you!” He said with a proud smile. 
“Not true!” You said trying to take it from his hands “That was my catch!” You nodded towards the ball in his hand as you attempted to grab it, Sirius used one of his hands to keep you back while he stretched the other arm to maintain the quaffle out of your grip. 
“This one? But it’s in my hands.” 
“No! I caught you, you caught it, it’s mine by right of catching you first.” 
James raised his eyebrows at the exchange and smiled mischievously as he flew towards Sirius' other arm and grabbed the quaffle, flying as fast as possible in another direction. He loved flying, like he always had, but he loved the fact that his best friend was genuinely smiling even more. It wasn’t very often that Sirius smiled like that since he’d run away from his house over the summer.
“Oi!” Sirius complained as he saw James fly by and then turned towards you with a look, with a small smile and a raise of his eyebrows he communicated his plan. 
You nodded mirroring his expression and the two of you turned your brooms towards James, flying side by side to corner him. 
Once by his side, the two of you threw your hands toward James and tried to take the ball from him. Sirius managed to take it and from slightly above shouted, “Whoever gets to the courtyard with the quaffle in their hands wins!” He then threw the ball as far as he could. 
You smiled at that and plummeted towards the direction the quaffle was thrown. You caught it just before it reached the floor. 
James, who was still stunned by having the ball stolen from his hands so quickly, saw the entire thing from his broom “Wow!” he said genuinely surprised “She’s really good.” He then flew towards Sirius, who had already managed to take the ball from your hands. You managed to get your hands on the ball again and flew backwards towards James. 
“Hey, James!” You called the boy, flying upside down above him “Would you mind telling me where the courtyard is?” You asked politely. 
He gave you a pouty look and flew upwards, taking the quaffle back in an unexpected movement. And as he flew ahead turned back with a teasing smile “Sure thing (Y/N), I’ll take you there!” He shouted before flying towards the courtyard with the quaffle itself in his hands. 
“You cheat!” You shouted with a grin and flew behind him, trying to catch up. Sirius was already hovering close to the courtyard and was planning to stop James by flying in front of him, but didn’t realise you were flying so close behind him that the moment the three of you were close enough you all crashed onto each other and started falling a few feet towards the grass. 
“Arresto Momentum!” Someone screamed from the courtyard and the three of you froze for a moment, once you moved again the impulse forced the three of you towards the grass, pulling a couple of metres of it along with the you. The brooms had gone flying in all directions and then, you all ended up tangled against each other. 
“James?!” Asked Lily who had been the one to cast the spell. “What in the bloody– Are you wankers?!” 
The moment you saw her you started laughing, so much so that you didn’t remember the last time you’d laughed so openly, you were almost crying. Sirius and James laughed alongside you, as Lily stared with apprehension. You soon realised you had your head on top of Sirius' back and your feet under James’ torso. When the laughter died out the three of you helped each other stand up. You had scraped your knee and leg, James had scraped his arm and Sirius’ lip was parted. 
Lily started scolding you once you were up “Look at you three! You could’ve gotten seriously hurt!” She said and then gave Sirius a warning look before he made it a joke of his name “You can’t pull (Y/N) into your dangerous games like that!” 
“But she started it,” complained Sirius brattily “She almost threw me off my broom.” 
“That was an accident!” you argued back with your finger raised. “I was gonna catch the ball.” 
“You shouldn’t reverse without looking first,” he said with both of his hands raised in defence “basic flying principles.” 
“But I did look! You appeared out of nowhere.” 
Lily rolled her eyes and took a deep breath as he saw the two of you bicker. Then James started to look around “So who won?” He asked with a frown, to which Lily crossed her arms and stared at him. 
“Well, I had the ball right before we reached the floor,” You said.
“Yeah, but it fell off your hands as soon as you took it from James and bounced back straight to my face,” He said pointing at his parted lip. 
“ALL RIGHT! “ said Lily, shutting everyone up with a clap. “Nobody won, you’re all losers, now, I’m gonna take (Y/N) back to the room so she can put on her uniform before breakfast. I’m sure Marlene should have something to put on her scrape.” 
“What about mine?” Asked James pulling his arm up with a pout. 
“Well you can take care of it yourselves, after all you know full well where the nurses’ office is,” she responded and pulled you towards the castle. 
“Please tell me you will be more careful next time you fly with them?” She said stopping you before you reached the stairs and looking straight into your eyes “I know it can be tempting to play their game but, James and Sirius don’t have a straight sense of danger, I swear they’ve been to the nurse's office over 100 times each.” 
You nodded “I got caught up in the fun,” You said as you started to feel the pain in your leg once the adrenaline faded “Lily, I hadn’t flown like that in, years,” you admitted “I wasn’t thinking when I launched myself behind Potter and then Sirius came out of nowhere,” you told her “I couldn’t break on time.” 
“On quidditch games there’s supervision. Who knows how much worse you’d be if I hadn’t been there!” She said finally exhaling. You looked down and nodded. Then she leaned in closer “But I do believe you won,” she whispered with a small smile motioning for you to follow behind her. 
That left you stunned. Up until that moment, you’d thought Lily was all about following the rules and not having all that much fun, especially since she was a prefect. But that moment proved you wrong. Oh the adventures you’d have with her in the castle, they all awaited you. 
Lily took you back to your dorm where you took a really fast shower and changed into your uniform. Marlene didn’t really have anything for your scrape but Mary did, she wanted to become a Mediwitch so she’d been testing some simple potions back at home and gave you one. The pain had gone in an instant but the area still looked scraped when you pulled your socks over half of it. After that, the four of you walked towards the dining hall together to have breakfast. 
Once you arrived you saw the boys sitting all together on the farther side of the table, along with most people of your year. There was an empty spot next to Remus, who had his head buried in a book, so you sat next to him, Lily plopped down right next to you while Mary and Marlene sat in the front. 
“How are you?” asked Remus as Lily talked about the schedule with Beth and another girl from your year, you looked at him confused and he nodded towards your leg “Heard about the fall, how Lily saved your asses,” he explained. 
“Oh,” you replied “Well, It’s alright, looks a lot worse than it feels,” you said pointing at your leg, “Mary gave me some cream potion ting to put on wherever the pain comes back.” 
“Want some chocolate?” He said, pulling a small bar from his pocket “It always helps when I’m feeling beaten down.” 
You nodded, he broke a piece off and handed it over to you. It was rather soft from his body heat, but you preferred soft chocolate to the hard bars so you enjoyed it quite a lot “How are the boys?” You asked him. 
“Oh don’t worry about them,” he told you “They’re used to being scraped all over, they said they had lots of fun tho, it was nice seeing Sirius happy about morning flying, he usually complains about James forcing him to wake up early and ruining his beauty sleep.” 
“Beauty sleep?” You asked while holding back a laugh “With those words?” 
Remus nodded, smiling too “You’d be surprised by the kind of things he says sometimes, with his posh vocabulary. He’s like a princess.” 
“Well I mean he does look like one,” you agreed and tensed right after, but Remus only nodded while glancing at Sirius. 
Then Lily gently tapped on your forearm, “hurry and finish up,” she said, nodding at your plate, “our first class starts in 15, and we still have to walk there.” You nodded in response and started munching on your toast faster, gulping down your tea along the way to help the bread soften in your mouth. 
When everyone was standing up you grabbed your leftover bread, threw some hazelnut spread on it and bent it from corner to corner, to take it along with you. And then you followed everyone towards your first class.
 In the classroom, a very small teacher, standing on top of a podium, awaited for you to arrive. He introduced himself as Professor Flitwick, but you quickly realised that he had only done it for you since everyone else already knew him. He mentioned something about how in this class you’d learn wordless magic and started to explain the basic concepts of it. You, as the rest of them, took notes of the things the teacher was saying with your quill. 
After Charms, you had Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, which had been, in all honesty, rather complicated for you. While you were certain McGonagall was a brilliant teacher, you had a hard time grasping the art of turning teapots into ferrets and ferrets into teapots, and that was without even thinking about the fact that down the line, you’d have to transform people into animals too.  
Your third class was divination, and while you were relatively good at it, you were never really attracted to the art of predicting the future, since you’d had bad experiences in the past. Divination is only fun if you’re guessing good things that will happen, like who will win the Quidditch Championship or small things like “It’ll rain tomorrow.” But when you guess sad or tragic things, people stop liking it, and you along the process, that’s why you had dropped the course back in your old school. Unfortunately, you couldn’t do that here, since it wasn’t an optional class. 
A tall dark skinned professor walked inside the round classroom that stood in the farthest part of the North Tower. He was wearing a long green robe and had a very mysterious aura going around him. “My name is Aurelius Spellman,” he said in a very deep voice “I’ve met some of you before, some of you are in my class for the first time ever, but, be certain, I know each and every single one of you.” You were sitting next to Marlene in that class and you raised your eyebrows at her in a poking manner, she giggled.
“McKinnon, (Y/LN), Would you mind sharing the joke?” He said turning to face you. You instantly sat straighter and shook your head, “I’d like to see if what I’ve heard from Professor Ashbourne is true, she wrote to me all about your talents.” He said, giving you a stern look. 
“I have no talent sir,” you lied, Ashbourne had been your divination teacher back in your older school, she had continuously pressured you to pursue your abilities until you predicted something that made you quit it for good. You did not like Professor Ashbourne one bit. “My predictions are rarely any  accurate, I’m especially bad with classic fortune telling such as Xylomancy and Arithmancy.” 
“What about cards?” He said placing an old Spanish deck on your table. 
You took a deep breath and pushed them back “I thought we were going to follow the curriculum,” you said steadily, “Don’t we have to do runes first?” 
He raised an eyebrow at you “Miss (Y/LN) is -in fact- correct, 10 points for Gryffindor, this first unit we will be looking at the art of reading ancient runes. Please open your books on page 50. Potter, start reading, will you?” You exhaled the moment he started paying attention to James’ reading instead of you. 
At the end of the class, he divided some stacks of runes and handed them over to the students at random. You had to study their meanings and write what the runes would mean when combined with other things. It was really easy since you had already done runes in your old school, but you were thankful you weren’t actually reading someone’s future and had just a random set of runes instead. 
Once the class was over you rushed outside as fast as possible, escaping while some girls walked towards the teacher to ask him about the meaning of some runes, you really didn’t want him to call you regarding the whole Ashbourne thing. You had walked down the stairs so fast you didn’t even realise you’d left everyone behind, you leaned back onto a wall and allowed yourself to rest for a bit, heavy breaths becoming softer the more time passed. 
Remus spotted you from a couple of steps higher as he walked down, and after noticing your distress decided to approach you. “You all right?” He asked softly, as if not to startle you. 
You turned to him and blinked a couple of times before you managed to ground yourself. This was Hogwarts, that was Remus, and you only had to read random runes here, you didn’t need to predict anyone’s future. You nodded in response. “I got wrapped up in my thoughts for a moment,” you excused yourself “I’m not a big fan of divination.”
“I don’t know about your old professor, but Spellman will not pressure you into anything,” he reassured “Besides he already has a star student of his own,” he said nodding towards a small Ravenclaw girl with thick-rimmed glasses who was passing by. 
“Sybill?” You asked, raising one of your eyebrows.
Remus nodded, tilting his head towards you as he spoke “last name is Trelawney.” 
“Hold up, that Trelawney?” 
He nodded again and then smiled “Let’s go get some food, I wanna show you something,” he said and started walking downwards. 
You eyed him suspiciously and followed behind. Instead of taking you to the great hall, he took a deviation, walking down a long spiral staircase until you arrived to a long passageway. There seemed to be nothing but a couple of portraits there. Remus approached one of them, used his wand to make a little pear on the painting to move, and all of the sudden, the portrait opened itself like a door would, just like the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. 
There was a rather narrow and short passageway, and finally, you found the kitchens, an enormous room, about the same size as the Great Hall, with tables positioned in the exact same layout. “The elves use the tables to magically take the food from here to the great hall, it’s right above us,” he whispered as he noticed you observing. 
He then kindly asked some of the domestic elves there to pack some food for you. You saw Nimbletwist among them and waved at her. She smiled and waved back. Once the food was ready the elves handed them over to Remus and he thanked them. You followed behind him as he led you outside. When you approached the door of the castle he pulled a small paper plane from the inside pocket of his robe and swished his wand over it. The plane took off towards one of the halls. 
You frowned as you looked at the plane fly off “The boys?” You asked. 
He nodded, “So they bring dessert.” From then he walked out and guided you through the grounds all the way to the lake.
He pulled out a cloth and extended it over the floor “A picnic?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. 
“It’s a wonderful day,” he said with his arms wide open. 
You looked up with a bit of a frown. “It looks like it may rain soon.” 
“This is England love, it always looks like it might rain soon,” he said plopping down on top of the cloth and pulling out some of the food the domestic elves had prepared. 
Which reminded you of something you wanted to ask “Do they just… give food to whoever asks nicely?” You asked. 
“Most of the students don’t know where the kitchens are,” Remus explained. “Peter found them in second year when we were exploring the castle’s secret passages, he befriended the elves, they give us food whenever we ask them now.” He said as he patted the side for you to also sit on the cloth, you complied. Once you sat beside him he pointed at the lake “Whenever I’m feeling down, I like to come here,” he explained “The giant squid comes out every now and then, it’s relaxing to see him swimming around without any worries to perturb him.” 
Sitting next to Remus, with the light watery breeze, you thought back to the day you’d met him, and how he’d looked like a pirate from the cover of a spicy novel to you. He still looked as handsome as one, but he had much more depth than just a hot pirate. Layers, you thought, this boy has so many layers. You turned to look at the lake and saw the giant squid he’d been talking about. It floated aimlessly for a minute and then went back under the water, it really was as peaceful as Remus had described. 
As you stared at the water you grabbed one of the pork pies and started munching on it “Oh, these are incredible,” you said as you took another bite. 
He nodded “They’re Sirius’ favourites, thought you may like them,” he said as he grabbed his own. As the two of you talked about charms and transfiguration James, Sirius and Peter arrived. 
Peter, who was carrying a basket in his hands, sat down next to you, and turned to Remus as he grabbed a pork pie, “You brought her to your spot.”
“Yeah, she seemed like she needed it,” Remus replied with a shrug, “you guys brought the desserts?” 
Sirius and James were quick to sit in front of the three of you, closing the circle completely. “I got some of those meringue pies you really like,” said Sirius, looking at Remus attentively “and chocolate pudding too.” 
James nodded “he used all his charms on the kitchens,” and then he turned to you “By the way, the Gryffindor tryouts will be on Friday at four,” he said giving you a look “I’ll see you there, yeah?” You nodded in response, “But you won’t get any special treatment just because we’re friends,” he said in a warning tone, you laughed. 
“Yeah right, of course, the Gryffindor Team Captain can’t have a bias,” you replied with a smile as you gave him a small nudge and finished your pie. 
“Which class do we have next?” Asked Peter.
“How do you manage to keep your head in the clouds all the time Wormy?” Asked Sirius as he threw himself back, letting his hair sprawl on the grass, looking absolutely carefree as he took a piece of chocolate fudge to his mouth, looking absolutely prince-like, as always. 
“Wormy?” You asked, turning to Peter. 
“It’s a long story,” he exhaled, “short for Wormtail.”
“Wormtail? Now that’s even worse!” You said with a frown. “But you all gave weird names to each other right? Sirius is Pads, and…” you turned to Remus “You’re Moony.”
“Padfoot actually,” corrected Sirius as he took another bite of his fudge and then pointed at James “He’s Prongs.” 
“Wow, and that’s what you call your friends? I wouldn’t wanna be your enemy…” 
Remus chuckled lightly, looking amused and eventually turned to Peter “It’s Herbology?”
“Herbology?” you asked, turning to Remus with a frown. 
“Last class of the day too, why?” 
“I’m… exceptionally good at getting plants to die,” You explained “Theory and memory, that’s no problem, but keeping them alive… Let’s just say… it’s not among my talents.”
“Wormy’s really good,” said James “And Evans, I’m sure they’d give you a hand.” 
“Last year he kept my plant alive,” Sirius said in agreement “And Moony’s, when he was out of it.” 
Remus pulled his sleeve up a bit and checked his watch, which let you see he had some more scars up his arms as well, “All right boys, time to get going, we need to be at the greenhouses in 15.” 
Sirius took a deep breath and sat back down, joining the rest of you as you put everything back in the basket, Peter held it as the boys guided you to Herbology. 
Marlene was the first one to spot you as you were entering the castle, and she called in for Lily, “Hey Lils, she’s not lost, she was with the boys.” 
At that moment you left the boys behind and walked towards them, “you were looking for me?” You asked her when you stood in front of her. 
“Marlene mentioned how uncomfortable you were at divination, we were waiting for you at the great hall and when you didn’t arrive we started to worry, in my first year I got lost rather often, and some parts of the castle can be very dangerous,” she said stressing the last bit. 
You were moved by how caring Lily was of you, you’d met the girl only a day ago and she’d been more worried about you when she’d thought you got lost than your damn parents when you were exploring muggle London for a week, touching your house only for a dash of sleep before disappearing pretty early in the morning, Lily would be a great mother, you thought. “The boys took me for a picnic,” you explained, “that’s why we didn’t go to the great hall.” 
 She nodded “I should’ve guessed, you’ve gotten chummy with them already.” 
“Well, they are fun to hang out with,” you shrugged, “and of course, I already knew Sirius.” 
“You did?” She frowned, to which you nodded. 
“Met him a couple of years ago on a family vacation,” you explained. 
“Hold up! A couple of years ago? Are you talking about Sirius’ vacation in Mexico?” 
You nodded, “yeah, why?”  Lily started laughing 
“Sirius was hung up on you almost the entire year,” Marlene said as she caught up with you “We knew he’d met a mystery girl when Peter accidentally let it out.” 
“Oh, Was he?” You said with a cheeky smile “You girls are just giving me more fuel to tease him.” 
“Please do! He literally had all the girls crying because he kept ignoring their love letters. Throwing them to the fire and eating the treats he was sent. I was tired of girls asking me to introduce them formally.” 
You laughed while shaking your head, “Ahhh.. this is gonna be a fun year.” 
Soon enough, you all arrived at your classroom. The teacher introduced himself as Mr. Folly and started explaining some of the curative benefits of Spellvine and how it was especially helpful for potions to treat pain. You noticed Mary was especially attentive in class, you guessed it had to do with her goal of becoming a Mediwitch. While you wrote down all the special needs and care specificities of Spellvine the teacher handed everyone their own seed. It was going to be the course’s objective to grow said plant from scratch. 
After class, you went back to the common room and Lily decided to show you the way to the library, so you could do research for homework. Inviting you again to her and Remus’ study group, she said the first session would be on Wednesday. Eventually you went back to the Great Hall and you had dinner with everyone and finally, went back to your shared room.  
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @vmpir3lvr @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @remuslupinisbae
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Raead more Marauders Fiction
A/N: Most Poly!Marauders fics are oneshots, where the relationship between characters is already established, and they're all happy and pleased with it. No issues, no drama, but I WANTED the drama. Couldn't find it, so I set myself up to write the story behind the stablished relationship. I wanted to know how they started dating each other, the jealousy, the will they won't they, because getting into a poly relationship can't be an easy task, and I wanted to explore that story. If you're interested: Welcome to Gilded Constellations!
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lil-elle · 10 months
Hi hiii can i request a seeun imagine where both of u are classmates ?
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group: xikers
pair: seeun x fem!reader
word count: n/a
genre: fluff, classmates au, classmates to lovers, dense idiots, banter, crack, lil love triangle (?)
content: general coarse language, innuendo, DENSE IDIOTS. (each chapter will have individual warnings)
featuring: xikers
a/n: because i was actually thinking about this so much already...so it's actually becoming a series oopsie
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You vaguely knew about Seeun at the beginning of the year, how could you not when he was one of the loudest, most obnoxious boys in the class. He barely paid attention, was always yelling with his friends during lunch, not to mention he was pretty much taller than the lockers which already made him hard to miss.
More under the cut
But somehow, despite all that, a single glimpse passing by the gym where you could see him and his basketball team practising got you interested. You don't know why out of everyone on the team, your gaze always immediately shot to him, it just did.
That's all it was for a period of time, you'd slow down while passing the doors of the gym, sometimes stop, just to watch for a second as Seeun dashed around the court dribbling the ball. He always had a serious, focused expression on his face, an expression much different from his usual lopsided gummy smile that stretched across his face whenever he was joking with his friends. That duality was, although you hated to admit it, charming…in a way.
You don't know what flipped in your mind one day, but it must've been something. Something that made you not only stop but step into the echoey gym and perch yourself in the bleachers, your eyes following Seeuns limber figure as he dodged and weaved between other players.
Watching him like that became a rather regular occurrence, something you somewhat looked forward to.
It was one particular day where this tradition had shifted though, and you caught yourself a lot more involved in the loud mouthed class clown that is Park Seeun.
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[1] Painful First Encounter
[2] Blood, Sweat & Awkward Chuckles
[3] Who is She? (Seeun POV 1)
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[4] Distraction
[5] Passing the Time
[6] Fresh Opportunities
@hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed @ihyeokzu
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euphoricsunflowers · 2 years
what’s on your mind? - jww
a/n: based off of this text post. this is part 3, part 1 and part 2 here.
content: kinda sub!wonwoo (reader mostly leads), coworker!wonwoo, fem!reader, sexy glasses-wearing man ww, very soft and they are both in love with each other, lots of touching, kissing, scent kink stuff, lil bit of begging, hickeys obviously, mentions of oral sex (reader receiving), lil possessiveness and jealousy for flavor, they get interrupted by the pizza delivery boy, idek what sex position is going on so don’t ask, reader does wear his clothes but there are no implications that he’s bigger or taller, if you like this pls let me know i crave ur validation <3
disclaimer: don’t fuck your coworkers <3
even though he left after you, he makes it to his apartment without word that you’re there yet. he needed to tidy up anyway, so it worked out perfectly. he sees your car pull in after a few minutes, but he waits until you’re at the door instead of going outside to meet you. not that he has anything to hide because he’s single, but there’s something weird about you both being out together in broad daylight.
when he opens the door and lets you in, your freshly applied perfume his him more than usual. that signature scent already had him wrapped around your finger, but it’s never that strong. he’s already getting distracted.
he helps you take off your coat, laying it on the couch as you watch him closely. his eyes meet yours cautiously, “what’s on your mind?” he asks, a bit awkward.
“you,” you murmur offhandedly, and he blushes a little bit, even if he expected the answer, “what about you? what’s on your mind, wonwoo?”
he can’t help wanting to be closer, so he takes a couple steps so that your bodies are pressed up to each other, still some room to breath but it’s dwindling. he holds you by the waist as he says his answer, looking down at nothing in particular, “you as well.”
“yeah? what about me?” you ask, resting your hands on his shoulders neutrally, almost like you don’t know what you want to do with them yet.
“your perfume,” he answers, inhaling right after. you can feel him shudder on the exhale like it’s the most erotic turn-on ever. even just smelling that scent has him hard. he probably shouldn’t even tell you for fear that you’ll use this power against him, but he’s not thinking too rationally, “your lips, your…” he doesn’t finish talking, instead giving into the burning urge to kiss you.
once the kiss starts getting intense, he pulls away to take his glasses off, setting them on the counter before going back for more with twice the energy and passion. wonwoo has never been this intense, and it leaves you wondering how strung up you must have got him.
you instinctively move your hands to his hair, your fingers running through it wildly as you kiss him; it’s not as much fun as leaving him to look like a wild mess while still clocked in, but he looks in the blurry reflection of the tv and his hair is already going in like five different directions. he can’t stop this.
you pull away to look at him, and he opens his eyes to look back, “what’s wrong?” he asks.
“nothing, it’s just…” your thumb brushes his cheek soothingly, but he wonders if you do it to self-soothe too, “are we sure we want to do this?”
“can i be honest with you?” he asks, knowing you’ll say yes but still asking permission. you nod, and so he continues, “i have never been more sure of something in my life. i need you so much, baby,” his words at the end sound like a whine, almost like a cry for help, “i need you so, so bad,” he repeats.
“shh,” you whisper in his ear as you guide his head down to rest on your shoulder, “i’ll take such good care of you, good care of us,” your hands rub down his back, sliding into his pockets as you two hold each other, “haven’t i all this time?”
“yes, of course you have,” he murmurs, playing with the hem of your shirt, lowering his voice even more to say one last, “i need you.”
“where’s your bedroom, baby?” you say, and he lifts his head up to look, pointing before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards it.
you shut the door as you both enter, “what do you want, baby? what can i do for you?” you ask, pulling him closer, brushing his hair out of his eyes. he’s so charmingly soft in everything he is and does.
“can you take off your shirt?” he asks awkwardly, cringing at his own his words after he hears them too. he wouldn’t be this inept if he wasn’t so enamored with you.
“do you want to take it off me?” you ask him so sweetly. his hands shake involuntarily as he undoes each and every button, so slowly but it’s so sweet and intimate and he’s so pretty when he’s focused. he pulls it back and down your shoulders, laying it out nicely on a chair so it doesn’t get wrinkled; such a sweetie he is, “your turn, baby. you gotta take your shirt off, too. don’t be shy.”
he’s not really shy, but when he takes it off, he’s hyper-focused on your reaction. he notices the way your gaze changes, but you suddenly look hungrier; like you could eat him alive. it’s kinda hot, he’ll admit. you come closer to him with hands roaming all over his chest and abs and neck and he thinks he could faint if he doesn’t keep a grip on himself.
“you want me to touch you properly, don’t you, baby?” you ask, his whine more than enough of a response, “just say please, angel. i know exactly what you want. just say it, gotta hear you say it.”
“please,” he groans, your hand feeling him up over his slacks before unbuckling his belt and helping him shrug them off. you pull at the waistband of his underwear before reaching your hand underneath them. he moans so pretty with your hand on him, finally helping him instead of just teasing.
but you’re a tease at heart, so of course your lips still find his neck, still kiss and bite and leave bruises wherever they traverse while your hand works his underwear down just enough to let his cock out, getting him worked up and ready for what’s about to happen.
he notices the mirror on his wall. even if he can’t see perfectly, he looks so wrecked already. something about his messed up hair gives him away, not to mention his cheeks are bright red and he’s moaning like he’s in heat already. so desperate in just a few minutes.
you’re not much different, already so riled up from working him up and the amount to which just watching him turns you on is incredible. he’s a sight to behold for sure, but maybe that’s not the intended way. he’s still so fuckable regardless.
you both stop when you hear a noise.
his doorbell.
“oh my god it’s the fucking pizza i ordered,” you groan, “give me a t-shirt real quick.” he searches around for the closest one, tossing it to you as soon as he finds one. it’s one of his favorites, and the way it looks on you in the 2 seconds he got to see before you ran out of his bedroom has him dizzy. it’s oversized on him anyway, so it’s not like there’s much a difference in fit, but it’s just something about you wearing something of his.
he sits on his bed with his underwear at his feet, dick out and everything because he’s assuming you’ll just resume when you get back. he catches another glance at himself in the mirror, marveling at the various healing and recently forming brusies on his neck and chest while he faintly hears your voice in the background talking to some guy.
the second he feels a semblance of jealously in his heart, he knows he’s fucked before you even get back.
“i’m sorry, babe,” you murmur, slowly shutting his bedroom door, “i left the box on the table whenever we’re ready for it. sorry for the interruption.”
“don’t be sorry,” he whispers back, pulling you by the arm closer to him, holding you close. his sudden clinginess is startling, but not unwelcome, “you look so pretty.”
you get on the bed with him, sitting in his lap, feeling his hardness underneath you, “it’s the shirt, isn’t it?” you ask, like you could read his mind. his face makes you giggle, “you wanted to be exclusive even when we weren’t fucking. you’re possessive, baby, it’s okay.”
“i can’t help it,” he groans as you grind against him, teasing in the best way possible, “i like you too much. couldn’t stand the thought of someone else having you.”
“so i caved and gave you what you wanted. aren’t i so nice?” you say as you move off him, his eyes watching you hungrily while you undress, “with no one to fuck for months on end, guess i became a little irrational. you’ll fix that problem for me, won’t you?”
“i’ll do whatever you want me to,” he murmurs as you fall back into his arms, naked just as he is. he falls back against the bed, taking you with him.
you kiss his collarbone, using the tip of your finger to write out your initials on his shoulder. a little mark of you that only his body will remember, “my pussy is tired of waiting for you, baby.”
that’s his cue to get on with it; enough teasing each other. he notices how wet you are at this point. you really weren’t lying. it makes him smile when he feels it between his fingers. he can feel impatience radiating off of you, and he doesn’t have the self control to do anything but exactly what you want.
his cock slides in easily but still a little snugly, and he waits a second before rocking his hips up. the angle is somewhat awkward, but you look like you’re having a good time so he’ll deal with it. he’s strong enough.
you keep pressing kisses to his neck, but they’re much less controlled and a bit sloppy now. you keep whispering into his ear, praises that he loves or dirty talk that makes him blush, “such a good boy. always treating me so good. so good to me.”
his breaths are shaky as he gets closer. it’s so obvious he’s getting close, but he tries to hold back because he’ll get flustered if you’re not even halfway there yet, which he assumes you’re not.
“baby,” he says to get your attention. it feels like a whimper and a cry for help, “i can’t hold back much longer. you feel so good- oh my god,” his facial expressions say it all, “please don’t be upset.”
“that’s okay, you can cum.”
“i’ll make you feel so good after, i promise- i’ll-” his eyes shut as his sentence cuts off suddenly. you can feel his body tense up, all his muscles and all at once. you continue moving your hips as his movements still, helping him ride out the orgasm a little bit. he holds his breath for a few seconds before breathing incredibly heavy like he was just working out. you swear his never held your hips this tight in your entire time together; it’s like he’s holding on for dear life.
you give him a second to lay there and catch his breath, watching him with a smile. he follows through with his promise to make you finish. he’s so weirdly good at giving head for someone with little skill. must be a god-given talent.
as he sits at the counter in his kitchen with you, eating pizza while you go on a rant about something work related, he can’t help but like you just a little more. you’re wearing his clothes now because apparently you’re sleeping over, but he’s fine with it; he likes how you look in his clothes and in his bed. you look like you’re his, and his heart swells just a little bit.
“what’s on your mind?” you ask as you take a bite. there’s no other answer but you.
maybe tonight wasn’t the night to talk about love. letting the feelings just slightly hang in the air instead may be for the best. he knows you have a lot on your plate, and he has to take a backseat until you can get your life back together with work being so overwhelming right now.
but you’re still here for tonight. and if this is all he can have tonight, he’ll take it (and just hope you’re down for round 2 after the pizza energy boost. and then maybe round 3).
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walker-bait-1973 · 1 year
The Apple Orchard
A Daryl Dixon x Reader (Fem. Reader) Fanfiction
Warnings: None, pure fluff
Author's Notes: A pregnant woman was taken in by Hilltop. Right away she built a friendship with the crossbow-wielding archer, Daryl Dixon. They'd grown close while she went through the months, and after her son was born a month early, Daryl had taken a shine to the little bundle. Now the child, Hunter is 16 months & still behind on his benchmarks - the main one being talking. Maybe all it takes is a little extra lovin' to bring him out of his shell.
Master List
The rows of apple trees in the orchard were loaded with fruit. Y/N set Hunter down so that they could walk together.
“I think the grass is nearly taller than you!” Y/N smiled proudly down at her son. 16 months and he was walking. Y/N’s relationship had grown with Maggie. Her son Hershel made big impressions on Y/N’s child. He wanted to walk because Hershel was walking. Hunter wanted to keep up.
“Do you want to pick apples, Hunter? I can cut them into slices or make us some applesauce.”
Hunter, still not talking, smacked his lips together and sucked on his fingers. Slowly lifting him, she reached for the closest apple, twisting it off the branch. Wiping it on her pants to shine it up, she handed it to her son who licked it. She laughed, “silly boy. Good thing they’re organic.”
“Hey Y/N, Hunter, y’all pickin’ apples?” Daryl entered the lane with a picking basked filled.
“Daryl, hey,” she smiled up at him, “yeah, getting some fresh air.”
“He say anthin’ today?” He smoothed Hunter’s curly hair. She shook her head.
Daryl squeezed her shoulder, “he will…” his hand sliding down to hold hers. He rubbed her knuckles with his thumb, “listen to me Y/N,” he whispered, “he will talk. Probably already knows how. Just choosin’ his own time.”
She tightened her lips. Hunter held his hands out to Daryl grunting. Daryl smiled and stretched out his arms, “come on then lil’ man.” Y/N handed him over. He placed his lips against the small child’s cheek and blew raspberries on it. Hunter laughed, rubbing Daryl’s chin length hair. Daryl said, “can’t forget the other one.” Hunter turned his head and Daryl playfully attacked that one. Giggles were contagious. Y/N and Daryl chuckled while Daryl lifted him up to place him on his shoulders, “hold on, okay Hunter?” Hunter’s fingers went into Daryl’s hair, his tiny arms holding Daryl’s head. They were about to start walking, but Y/N bent to pick up the basket of apples.
“Naw, leave it there. I’ll get it after,” he remarked holding onto Hunter’s legs.
The air was full of the smell of Autumn, dry leaves, apples. The Barrington house had a fire burning, which they could smell.
“Like your sweater,” Daryl commented nonchalantly. Y/N smiled, looking down at her emerald- green fuzzy sweater.
“Yeah?” She smiled demurely as she gauged him from the corner of her eye.
“Yeah… a lot.”
Y/N grinned, “thank you.”
Hunter nuzzled his face into Daryl’s hair before resting his cheek on the top of his head.
“Dada.” He closed his green eyes. Daryl stopped dead in his tracks. Shock surged through him. Y/N whirled around looking at her son, and then at Daryl. Daryl’s cheeks were bright pink.
“Uh…” he couldn’t think of what to say.
Y/N peered up at her son who was holding on so tenderly to Daryl, her eyes wetting. Her son had finally said his first word!
“I… I ain’t your dada, Hunter,” Daryl finally spoke faintly. He looked at Y/N for assistance. She sputtered for an answer.
Pausing, Y/N’s head leaned slightly to one side, her heart thumping like a drum in her chest. A chord struck within her. Her feelings of friendship had grown into something deeper. Low in her stomach fluttering of little butterflies came to life.
Hunter grew fond of the man too. Daryl spent his free time walking over to talk to Hunter, playing with him, and holding him when they were outdoors. During meetings with Y/N or when they were in Maggie’s office, Hunter was often after Daryl to hold him. He liked sitting at the desk scribbling on a piece of old paper and listening to Daryl’s voice as he dozed.
 “Say mama, Hunter.”  Y/N tried to encourage him with soft instruction.
Hunter rubbed his cheek into Daryl’s hair, “dada.”
“What do I do, Y/N?” Daryl asked, his voice low.
“I’ll try to work on mama with him, like I have been.”
Daryl’s heart was swelling. He chewed his lower lip. Here was this sweet little boy who had so many cards already stacked against him, whose mother tugged at Daryl’s heartstrings calling him dada.
“I-I don’t know,” she confessed, “this isn’t something I thought… I didn’t think he’d… He- he sees you all the time, maybe he thinks…” she pointed between them, her cheeks burning bright.
Daryl shifted his weight from one foot to the other. This little boy had his heart not long after he first saw him. The more time he spent with him, the more he felt a part of his life. Hunter took to him quickly and would often snuggle into Daryl as if expressing the need for masculine love.
“I’ve heard,” she scrambled to fix the situation, “dada is easier to say than mama.”
Daryl cocked an eyebrow, where did ya hear that?”
“Maybe from other moms.”
Daryl scoffed. He lifted Hunter up, bringing him to the front of him. The little boy was reaching for Daryl’s hair fussing, “there’s no way you’re gonna say Daryl anytime soon, eh, Hunter?”
He brought him in for a little hug. Hunter grabbed some of his hair to rub along his face.
“He really thinks a lot of you, Daryl.” Y/N was confounded. What do you do in a situation like this? She reached for Daryl’s hand, “come on, let’s keep walking. Maybe he will settle down.”
“True.” His eyes locked on hers. He swallowed hard as his fingers entwined with hers. He tucked his free arm around the little boy as he started to doze.
“We gotta talk about this.”
“I know.”
“But he did speak,” Daryl smiled from ear to ear.
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markosbabymama · 1 year
The outsiders x a reader that is taller+ stronger than them?
|| the outsiders reacting to a tall strong reader ||
darry curtis:
doesn’t mind at all that ur tall!
he honestly loves that ur tall, thinks that it’s the prettiest thing ever
loves having a gf that’s his height.
darry’s a giant so obvi when he met u he got so excited.
it was so hard to find a girl that didn’t look like an ant compared to him LOL
he loves giving u forhead kisses, especially because he doesn’t have to break his back to do so LMAO
also doesn’t mind that ur strong
he loves cause you can do things for yourself, and offer to help him with stuff time to time.
loves to hug u from behind. his favorite thing ever.
overall loves you the way you are. 🫶🏻
dallas winston:
Dallas winston has the biggest ego ever, especially about his height. 
so when he saw you for the first time, his ego was a lil bruised lol.
even tho you’re only 3 inches taller then him, he still got aggervated.
would literally roll his eyes when he saw you, THATS HOW INTIMIDATED HE WAS.
the guys would tease him so much about it.
“aw, whats wrong dally? you made cus’ y/n’s taller than you? don’t go cryin’ now.” “shut the fuck up randle.”
learns to love you for it tho.
tbh dally definitely makes those shitty tall jokes
like, how’s the weather up there?, giraffe, jolly green giant.
loves when you cuddle.
he will literally slip into your arms and knock out in two seconds.
sodapop curtis:
thinks your height is absolutely beautiful!!
he doesn’t mind at ALL that ur tall.
he loves forhead kisses.
literally has his arm wrapped around ur waist 24/7.
LOVES to hug/cuddle, literally loves them.
soda is clingy so obviously he’s gonna be be ur side 24/7
also dosent mind that you’re strong
you’re his little partner at the dx, no matter what it is he’ll ask u to help him
and when u get insecure about ur height, he will shut it down immediately
“y/n, there’s no reason to be sad about being tall. you’re height is beautiful and so are you.” *kisses ur cheek*
cutie 🥹
steve randle:
he was definitely intimidated by ur height, especially cus he’s a short king.
wouldn’t show it like dallas, but definitely got aggervated by it sometimes.
but he honestly never tried to make you feel bad or make jokes or anything, steve wouldn’t do that to his girl.🫶🏻
you definitely ruffle his hair to get him mad
“hi steve!” *ruffled hair* “aw that ain’t funny man, stop fuckin up my hair.”
he doesn’t mind that you’re strong tho.
honestly loves it
he loves to help you out with shit even tho ur strong, he’ll just do it to show off lol
he’ll definitely vent abt not being as tall as the other boys to you, he gets insecure a lot.
“steve hon, just cause you’re not as tall as everyone else doesn’t mean a thing. you’re still a very good man, and very handsome too.” *kisses his cheek*
LOVESSSS when u kiss his neck.
he will melt when you wrap ur arms around him and kiss his neck n collerbones.
UGH i love steve.🫶🏻
johnny cade:
honestly johnny would not care about height or strength, just wants a loving relationship.
sometimes he’ll blush a lil when u wrap ur arms around him, or kiss his forehead lol
loves holding onto u.
this boy will hold onto ur hand, or arm for dead life. no matter where you are.
thinks you’re beautiful and amazing the way u are.
thinks it’s funny how much people get intimidated by u LOL
only thing he gets insecure about is that he feels he can’t protect himself, and he thinks that he’s weak compared to you.
but u constantly reassure him that it’s definitely not like that, and that he’s not weak and that u love him for him.🫶🏻
loves when you run ur hands threw his hair for sure.
loves hugging as well.
two bit matthews:
isn’t too bothered about it
definitely wishes he was taller then you, but doesn’t let it get to him too much.
always asks for piggy back rides cause he’s mentally 9
thinks it’s the funniest thing to make a tall joke
his jokes are already corny so imagine what the tall ones would be.
loves that ur strong.
he always invites u to rumbles to help the gang out. thinks it’s so hot cause u can defend urself without a man’s help. LOL
if anyone says shit abt ur height he’s getting on their ass bro
he will NOT tolerate y/n slander.
pulling that switch blade out SO MF QUICK.
loves you and ur height so much.
ponyboy curtis:
definitely pressed the first couple times he saw u.
pony is scrawny and short for his age, so when he saw that you were 5 inches taller and stronger then him, he lost his shit ngl.
pony tries so very to be macho, so obvi he’s not gonna show how he feels. but it boiled on the inside for a good week LMFAO
ur height grows on him and he definitely ignores it after a while
so when ppl bring up ur height he’s kinda like “tf u talkin bout bro” then remembers ur tall and is like OOHH
but he won’t let anyone talk shit about u
especially socs
“what’s up with that broad y/n?, she’s taller then half those bums.” “why does it bother you any,? you mad a girl is taller than you? sounds pretty sad to me man.”
but srsly pony grows to luv ur height
and the forhead kisses u give him heheh 🤭
A/N: okay guys this wasn’t that good but again this is my second time writing ff aND i’m on vacay rn so it’s kinda hard to write rn but hope u enjoy!
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luvie-42 · 1 year
Fired Up! Shinmon Benimaru x F!Y/N
(REAL QUICK THIS BENIMARU IS NOT FROM: how i was reincarnated as a slime! THIS IS FROM FIRE FORCE IF YOU DID NOT SEE THE POLL OR THE PEOPLE I WILL WRITE FOR!!) I felt like making this anyway soooo
WARNINGS: cussing, killing an infernal(s) or just killing in general, mentions of alcohol/drinking, use of weapons/fire, spoilers for anyone who has not watched Fire Force on Funimation, Hulu, Or Crunchy roll and any other site!
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-You were born in Tokyo, Asakusa or well known as Company 7's Jurisdiction of the Fire force who are split into 8 companies (if it's not 8 let me know pls-) You were born in 7th, Now being a well grown woman you still had a lot to learn. How to control your powers, try and be a fire soldier for the 7th, and get to know Shinmon Benimaru. Your captain, All you knew was that he was a compound fire soldier and well strong. You never got to know him personally and he barely knew you as well so to start it all back we'll go through your lil backstory a bit!
-Your Father became single ever since your mother left him because she cheated on him. Harsh right? He was a part of your life mostly because he kept drowning his sorrows and problems in alcohol with his friends and kept doing silly shit all the time. One night he put you to rest and tucked you in bed then went to go see his friends
-Then...That's when the mania started you woke up with your father screaming because he's been impaled with a long sharp object that soon disappeared into the floor with a light hollow red circle surrounding it. The wound your father has had soon started to go up in flames. You jump out of bed to help your father but it was Too. Late. He had died, in your tiny arms, The fire wasn't extinguished though and it soon set the house on fire.
-About 12 minutes later Special Fire Force company 2 arrived and brought you two out of the burning house. It wasn't too late before you saw your dad's corpse. Burned, Impaled, The look on his face looked like he was still alive and needed someone to put an end to his pain. The man who kept you by his side while you watched your poor father go to the ambulance said "I'm sorry to say this but, it's possible that you caused the death of your Dad..." Those were the only words you heard out of his mouth. "What do you mean!? I'd NEVER EVER kill my father!" You said with shock and confusion "I said it's possible! There were no signs of infernal combustion anywhere around your house. You were the only one who could have caused it...I'm sorry." You broke down to a state of tears while the man comforted you and watched the home you grew up in die down from the flames.
-"Aaaand that's my backstory! I'm pretty much over it now." You told Tamaki who looked heartbroken at the sad past you just told her. "Oh my gosh! That must have been traumatizing to you, even at a young age!" You looked at her then at the ground. "Yeah, but i'm still so damn nervous! I'm gonna work for company 7.." You looked overwhelmed a bit, I mean you heard about Benimaru Shinmon, THE destroyer of Asakusa a bit. It was mostly scary stories or made up ones. "Hey, it's okay! I mean yeah my captains is a bit intimidating too! So you're not alone." You calmed down a bit "Okay Tami...I think i'm good now!"It was about ready to start the Rookie Fire Soldier Games and the objective was to destroy the fake infernals and save the people in some building, looked easy enough.
-It was about to start and a boy with black hair kept staring at the big ass weapon you had summoned from the ground by doing some tracing of a circle and triangles. It was even taller than you that creeped him out
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(Context: you are a 2nd & 3rd gen like Waka so u can ignite and control your flames and put them on the weapon above, you also had the ability to make the Torch (Weapon name) wider and taller so max height it at least a 2 story house. To make it appear you had to trace a triangle in a circle with 5 triangles surrounding it. I hope this is understood! if not just tell me)
-You held it with pride even though it was the same thing that killed your father, your mindset was focused and ready to fight. The flames of the guy who said go lit up, it was time. You jumped up and spun your Torch around and went to the top of the building, punctured a hole and jumped in.
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(TIME SKIP if u watched the episode you know what happened!)
-The building was being put out and you were about to leave but saw Company 8th's captain talking to the black haired boy, if you recall correctly he basically had the same backstory as you. You asked the captain if you could spend the night at his company, it was already too dark to go to Asakusa anyways. The place was nice, there was a lot of gym equipment around it though. The girls were excited to see another girl with them but turned a bit sad when you said you had to leave in the morning. They gave you a bed and blanket and you could say this was the best sleep you've gotten in a while.
-Next day was Asakusa, Company 7th's jurisdiction. Your home.
The fact that this took DAYS to make because i've been lacking sleep, have buckets of laundry, AND i gotta go somewhere tommorow so i gotta get this all done. But im glad i finished the story.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Hello :')!! So glad your requests are open again!! Last time I requested a Mae fic (My little light <3) and it was so soft and lovely ❤️
Could I be selfish and ask for a papa maedhros w/ human!reader? Him being a dad to his lil elflings during his time in ME? ❤��� Just need parent!Mae content so BAD!
If not, headcanons of him being a parent is just fine too :')) would love to read either of them by your hand❤️🤲
Thank u!!!
The Best Healers
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-ˋˏ ༻❁ characters maedhros x human!wife!reader -ˋˏ ༻❁ fandom tolkien- the silmarillion -ˋˏ ༻❁ a/n oh hun! you are making me melt! you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that! i had so much fun writing this! sorry for taking some time, i hope you like it and it was worth the wait. love you lots
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You entered as soon as his meeting with his brothers finished. You knew your husband too well – the pain, regret and ambition he carried.
Maedhros couldn’t change anything any no matter how much he wished too. The scars and torment he suffered spoke volumes for it. Slowly you around the table to his sitting form at the end – his head in his hands as he let out a deep sight.
Even when he was sitting down – he was still incredibly taller than you. You laid a hand his shoulder and Maedhros tensed for just a second before he relaxed under your touch. Both of you stayed in silence until he was ready to talk – then he lifted his head to you and gave a small smile.
Which you returned and kissed his lips tenderly.
He smiled into the tender moment – then cupped your face in his large hands as you pulled away from it – you ignored the coldness of the metal and it was something you had gotten used to.
“Where are they?”
He asked – referring to your children, your twins – one boy and surprisingly a girl too, whom you both named after Nerdanel.
“Outside, my dearest – but if you are feeling too tired they will understand.”
You said as you caressed his face.
“No, melda – I promised them. I miss them and I want to spend the time I promised with them. I do not want them to hate me.”
Maedhros frowned – the very thought of it made the ner crumble and his heart clench in agony.
“Oh, my love. . .”
You stood and hugged him as much as you could. It was one of his greatest fears, that his own children would hate him – because he certainly hated himself. He hated who had to become for this father in front of you and the children you shared.
“They do not and will not hate, you – you are their hero.”
You chuckled quietly– remembering just how many times your son that declared Maedhros was the strongest of them all, leaving his uncle who was called the strong Finwë a little sad and jealous.
“They love and admire you, even if you do not. You fret once our children would be too afraid to look at you but look at how eager and happy, they are whenever they see you.”
You said when you referred to his scars and the hand he missed – but your children loved him besides those, sometimes you deemed the were smarter than you speaking words as if they understood the world more than you did – which frightened yourself and Maedhros and little bit. They said about scars define the person and mark what they have been through – even as far as your daughter declaring her father was the bravest under all of Eru’s creations.
“You know this, my dear husband. . .”
You cooed.
“You’re not your father. . .”
You whispered gently and Maedhros shut his eyes closed. Maedhros had looked up to Fëanor like his children were looking up to him – but he was afraid one day he would turn into a version of this father and care something else other than the two precious children you made.
“What if I will be?”
Your heart broke as his voice cracked.
“You will not. . .come let our twins heal you, my love. They have magic even the greatest of healers don’t possess.”
You smiled encouragingly and tried to pull him up. Maedhros looked at your strangely for a moment before he sighed and got up. He allowed you to lead outside into the warm summer of his lands – towards the beautiful (and safe) green fields.
Your children sat on the picnic blanket like you let them – only this time your son did try and sneak a peek into a picnic basket you made and your daughter was scolding him for.
“Don’t do it!”
You could hear your daughter yell at her brother.
“Oh relax, just a small bit.”
He replied – you peeked up at your husband and noticed the amusing smile on him – making you spread your own smile as you approached them.
“And just what do you think you’re doing there, son?
Your husband spoke first adverting both your children’s attention to him.
As your twins saw their father their eyes beamed brightly and a huge grin spread across their face.
They cheered and made their way other to Maedhros as fast as their little legs can take them. Both crashed into their father’s legs – hugging and clinging onto him as tightly as the possibly could with their arms and legs.
Maedhros only laughed and easily picked up the both of them to either side of him – both of them squealing in laughter at the height they were picked up to.
You smiled as relief filled seeing how much your husband smiled and laughed with them – it was a huge different from how he cried into your arms at night fearing everything around him for your twins he could push those fears down and let them enjoy their youth like he did – back when he was in Valinor.
He promised himself he would make sure to give them the best childhood despite what lurked on the horizon.
Your children started to tell Maedhros about their day, from the moment they woke up to now – and your husband listened carefully, giving his replies and reactions to each detail.
“It an alright day – but we missed you!”
Your son concluded and wrapped his chubby fingers around Maedhros’ neck and kissed his cheek. Your daughter did too kissing his other cheek – then both went on to bicker about who gave the biggest kiss.
You only laughed and shook your head.
“I think your Ammë is feeling a little jealous she isn’t getting the attention I am. Maybe you two should”
Maedhros whispered to his twins to make them stop bickering and your shot an eyebrow at him with a smirk as he purposely made it loud enough for your human ears to pick up.
“Yes, ammë!”
Your twins cheered – holding their arms out to you with grabby hands. They weren’t going to let go of Maedhros anytime soon but they were will still willing to give a kiss or two, only condition was they still got to be in their father’s arms.
You laughed and stepped closer – leaning your cheeks into for the both of them to kiss.
But your husband also took the opportunity to peak your lips, making the both of you laugh as your children delivered disapproving noises and gagging sounds.
Then – you moved to sit on the blanket, the twins placed on Maedhros’ legs as you opened the picnic basket to pull the out the food.
You didn’t miss your son’s excitedness to see the food. Maedhros once told you he was exactly like Celegorm he was just an elfling, his tummy never filled and it seen that was the same case for your son.
Always at night when you would try to put him to bed, he never fails to ask you the question of ‘what’s for breakfast tomorrow?’
Your daughter instantly toppled off her father’s lap to grab their favorite book – before climbing on him again, begging him to read. Your son distracted from what you were doing for a second to beg with his twin sister.
Maedhros had smiled and nodded taking the book and wrapping his arms around the both of them – the twins had found their father’s metal quite ‘cool’ as the said it and they had been arguing over who gets to have that arm to wrap around them, despite the fact it was a little cold.
Eventually Maedhros suggested the idea of tossing a coin and whoever wins gets the arm – then the next time they would swap other. So they agreed and surprising no arguments had risen after that – except the occasional whine or two.
You watched as he read to them – changing his voice for every character making them erupt in laughter.
Your eyes somewhat teared up as your prepared the food.
Despite all that happened and was happened, Maedhros made sure to be a good and better father – little did he know he was already the best and the twins loved him, for him. . .
They made sure the old Maitimo was still there. . .living. . .
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Taglist form
taras taglist: @fizzyxcustard @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @wandererindreams @aeonianarchives @mismaeve @spidergirla5 @ranhanabi777 @asianbutnotjapanese
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bisexualbeckett · 11 months
tagged by @therehavebeenstranger !!!! ty !!!!
omg I just found this in my drafts from July!!!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
when my mom was pregnant w my older brother a little boy in the park tried to convince her to name him what would later become my birth name.
2. when was the last time you cried?
incredibly recently! going through a triad breakup, relationship w one person was incredibly toxic but was good w the other one, had a nuke-it-all moment, still trying to piece together what I feel and want to do moving forward
3. do you have kids?
nope and I never want them
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I feel like I use it The Regular Amount
5. what sports do you play/have played?
I haven't played a single sport since elementary school but I was on four sports teams. quit 'em all bc they were run by the same coach, who was a monster towards children. if I wanted an adult to scream at me about things outside of my control I woulda just stayed home.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
hair! I deal w partial face blindness so hair is more distinct to me than faces are. after that it's usually piercings and style. people of the world please customize your look more so I can recognize you.
7. what's your eye color?
it's blue 🧿🧿
8. scary movies or happy endings?
love a scary movie now and then but I gotta say happy endings if I end up caring about the characters. if the characters are boring slash em all.
9. any special talents?
high pain tolerance and flexibility!
10. where were you born?
Anaheim, California! they put a lil baseball cap on me straight out the womb
11. what are your hobbies?
haven't engaged in many lately (rough few months) but I love gaming, sewing, thrifting, and Consuming Media.
12. do you have any pets?
I have my beloved Cleo!!! she's very naughty. I wish I could beam knowledge into her head bc I believe with my whole heart if she understood things she would be Good. and also happier I bet.
13. how tall are you?
5'8" 😎 I thought I was 5'7" but I went to the doctor recently, so I'm very excited to be an inch taller.
14. favorite subject?
creative writing! I took it back when I wrote poems about my feelings so I just turned those in as assignments bc I have no shame and hate homework! and also when I had dreams I wanted to be a writer so I loved it.
15. dream job?
this fluctuates wildly. none of my "dream jobs" are reasonable aspirations for me (writer, PI, musician, flight attendant) so as far as Things I Can Do, I'd love to go back into working at a pet daycare and boarding place.
tagging 15 people: @circumlocutive , @cisblooded , @clownpc , @fernfolly , @flamingo--ing , @reformedpeasant , @thelonelypeanutbutter , @transvorpalsword , @mmarkwwatney , @lunemoments , @bunnycannibalism , @agent-troi , @francescatelford
I'm too lazy to keep tagging sorry. anyone feel free to use this n say I tagged u bc I love reading this stuff. thank u
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lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 1 year
Hello Lana! Could I get a matchup?
I have long dirty blonde/light brown hair, big dark blue/grey eyes, I'm about 5'4, maybe a bit taller (not more than 5'5 though) and I'm bisexual - so you can go wild ;)
I'd say I'm an introvert, but once I'm outside I become an extrovert - with the right people of course, I'm a people pleaser
I play piano, bass, ukulele and guitar (I'm learning bass, ukulele and guitar myself (self taught!!), so I'm not the best at it.. but I have been learning piano in a music school for 7 years now), I LOVE music - cannot do daily tasks without headphones (whish is slightly concerning)
I like drawing, I LOVE rain and storms, my humour is dark and sarcastic, I like autumn, I don't have a favourite color - maybe blue, yellow, red, or green; it honestly depends on the day, i do have a favourite flower! it's the cornflower - the dark blue one in minecraft :')..
I tend to overthink a lot, english is not my first language, so I have a weird accent and grammar mistakes are very common, Im European 💪
Thank you, ily! I have read over this so many times to make sure there are no mistakes (hope I haven't missed any - that would be embarassing)
Also could I be ⭐ anon? (I'm a star >:D)
hello love !! yes ofc, you can have a matchup ♡
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
i would match you with wilbur !!
again, i say this everytime (and i say "i say this everytime" everytime, does that make sense..?)
like its written all over oh my lord-
wilbur is physically obsessed with your eyes
would just stare at them for hours
he loves how your eyes are dark colored but still so sweet looking
wilbur also loves your very gorg contrast of your hair and eyes
your eyes would also make that man do ANYTHING
need something from the store? he's out to tesco within minutes. want coffee from the local cafe? its on the kitchen counter.
speaking of eyes, it could just be me but i feel like will kinda has really small eyes?? idk might just be me
but it kinda gives off a siren eyes vs doe eyes vibe
im so sorry but he constantly calls you short (in the nicest boyfriend-est way possible)
pats your head when he needs your attention
considering hes about a foot taller than you its really funny when you guys are walking next to eachother
in sorry boys vlogs, if you ever made a star/guest appearance, he would only call you "small guy" even if your role had a name which eventually became a joke in the fandom
for him its a perfect height for him to reach down a tad bit with his l o n g and l a n k y arms to interlock hands with you
also a perfect kissing height for you guys
now for personality time :D !!
wilburs also the quiet kinda type
very much black cat vibes from him
he could stay silent and lay with you for hours and do nothing, as long as hes with you
i also think that wilbur deep down is a people pleaser as well
but if he catches you doing too much people pleasing, he'll stop and talk to you abt it
will be very quiet with you, but can also be very loud with you
"whatever you're feeling, darlin" typa dude
wilbur is also utterly obsessed with your music taste and just your shared trait of music obsession
will make playlists for you and will do listening parties
if you ever need help with any instruments he'll help you straight away !!
you guys having lil jam sesh's
aaaaaa my heart the brainrot is insane
wilbur loves drawing with you, even if he cant draw
you'll do portaits of him and he'll do portaits of you
he tries and attempts to draw either you or somethng that you love very much (for ex, the cornflowers from mc you love :D) and will leave it in your phone case or on ur monitor
you guys listening to rain together from the window and just talking
or sitting on the roof and watching the rain and thunder as it pours down on you
oh, and he also made ghost!bur after you (blue and yellow) after mentioning you enjoy those colors
wilbur LOVES YOUR ACCENT even as a silly british boy (coming from an american)
just like him looking at your eyes for hours, he'll also want to listen to your voice and you ranting for hours.
he finds so much love and comfort in it
yall being the cutest couple overall <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
so so so cute oh my god !!! the brainrot is brainrotting rn
sorry this request got written late, been real hectic recently
also yess i would love a new anon !! welcome ⭐ anon <3
thannk you for reading, i hope u enjoyed. please support me by liking, reblogging, following, replying or sending in an ask/request or just popping in to say hello!
love u all mwah xoxoxo
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xoteajays · 1 year
That's fine. I know that it might not seem it, but I'm not one to rush people into replying to messages all the time. I know people have lives away from media (like social media), technology, and everything else.
I get easily excited meeting new people who have the same interests as me, since it is rare for me to find someone who has multiple of these interests instead of just one or two interests.
That would be the autism.
Ignore any minor grammatical errors of my part.
All eight movies are on Netflix, but you'll just have to watch the show on a site. Every movie is listed.
Don't get me wrong. From what I've seen, I do love Nijiro's appearance as Kazutora. Though is is really my complaint about live adaptions.. As a very short person, the short characters are rarely portrayed by short actors. Short people are interesting too! That definitely upsets me more than it should though.
You will enjoy Yuki Yamada's character in High&Low because he's a menace in his own way. Seriously.
I can't say if this is better or worse, maybe equally said and done in a similar way. I'm not a lesbian. But my taste is fictional men is also all over the place so I know that feeling. Except I would be the person in this world who might complain that there is not any real men - not including the actors - who are like all these fictional characters. I know it's so completely unrealistic. But it happens from time to time. There are times when my idealistic life is a lot better than my real life, and then just complain my idealized life is not the same as reality. I'm really mental that way all the time, more than I like to admit. So I guess I'm an escapist from time to time now that I think of it... Anyway. Yeah. My favorite fictional characters are a lot of different eclectic types of characters I'd enjoy.
it really is a shame to not see more shorter actors/actresses in stuff. im a bit biased tho, i’m a taller girl myself (like 5’8) but i love a good height difference, love a short girl/tall guy (or tall girl) dynamic. i do wish there was more diversity in media overall really; shorter guys, taller girls, different body types, etc.
just finished the last couple episodes of tokyorev s1 today (losing my mind, takemichi what did u even really accomplish here after 24 eps, so many people are still dead ffs) —
n-e-way i blasted through watching high&low s1 and im seeing shimp colours. all of this is so fun; the characters, the soundtracks, the pretty dudes, all killin’ it! also the whole scene of the rude boys playing keep away with the diamonds in ep6 was so *chefs kiss*, i loved it. i think the rude boys squad might be my favourite rn, they’re just so fun to watch.
did not expect to like yamato as much as i do, he’s just a good guy who cares about his friends!!! the absolute chokehold tettsu has on me tho. also cobra ……. murayama ……. smokey …….. im stuffin’ em in my pockets like lil plushies, squeeze em like stress balls. noboru im sticking in a jar, im studying him like a bug, im shaking him like a snowglobe, loverboy you are torturous. enari and takeshi on vibes alone got me feeling some kind of way.
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albed-hoe · 2 years
Genshin Boy Body Types
Characters: Aether, Albedo x GN!Reader
Warnings: Discussions about body builds, height, reader is taller than both characters!, NFSW; MINORS DNI!
Word count: 547
A/n: Suddenly became thirsty ig and decided to write my headcanons on what the Genshin boys’ body types are like! THESE ARE ALL BASED ON READER BEING AROUND 180cm!!
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I see him being around 163cm tall.
Perfect height for head pats and back hugs to rest your head on top of his (pls do so, he loves them sm😔).
He is very very light, so pls pick him up and carry him around in the mornings, he doesn’t function too well without food in his lil tummy.
Speaking of that, his build is definitely very slim. His stomach is flat with his abs and pectorals slightly accentuated due to his highly physically demanding commissions.
Of course, he may look very slim, but he is by no means weak and is very capable in a fight!
Despite being so skinny, I can see him having a pretty big appetite (no wonder he’s such good friends with Paimon…)
So pleaseeee make him his favorite food and sweets he will love you so much.
Speaking of love, he absolutely melts when you run your hands from his shoulders, down his chest and stomach, it sends huge chills down his spine, and you can physically see goosebumps form on his arms.
I see him loving any type of physical contact, but kissing his belly button???? Dead. K.O.
Aether is no longer functioning!!
Take previous information as you will👀 (He might moan)…
He generally just has a very sensitive tummy, so give it lots of love!!😼
All in all, Aether is definitely an avid body-worship enthusiast so make sure to give him the praise he deserves!👹
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Well, if it wasn’t already obvious, I’m his husband so all of the following information is confirmed to be true❗
Around 158cm, very smoll, pocket sized alchemist.
He enjoys you resting your chin atop his head and back hugs as well, but…
He loves them sm they just bring him an indescribable sense of calmness and he gets a huge dopamine rush hehe
He is slightly smaller than Aether and doesn’t have such physically demanding work, so I headcanon that he has a flat tummy with a slightly defined midriff.
Like the outline of the abs but not really the abs themselves if that makes sense? Like the V shape that comes down from below the ribcage and to the pelvic area.
Whatever, all you need to know is that it’s very cute and enticing to touch.
Just like Aether, Albedo does not function in the mornings before having his coffee, so you have the honor to carry this little cutie around like a koala stuck to a tree.
He gets a little bit horny when you grab his waist from behind and leave a gentle kiss at the base of his neck before sitting him down at the table for breakfast.😫
On that note, he really likes when your hands roam around anywhere on his body.
Whether it’s his head, arms, legs, tummy, ass, co-
When things get a little more heated, running kisses down his torso will reward you with quiet, adorable little moans.
The second you get to his nipples, it’s over for him.
He’s now a shivering, panting, blushing mess in your hands, and nothing can stop you from keeping on going…
Moving on, Albedo is just touch starved and is in serious need of loving affection, so be sure to kiss that cute little tummy of his!😼
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Sorry, I got a little thirsty for Albedo😭
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