#n like apollo n i told that one friend too like we made a discord server
noxtivagus · 2 years
im so Sleepy
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headquarters90 · 3 years
A God's Swear (Warrior of the Crown 11)
Pairing: Darkiplier x French Goddess!Reader
Words: 2,078
Warnings: N/A
Series Masterlist Read This Discord Server
A/N: Hey guys! Go read this post (NSFW is in this) please! Thank you ^.^
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“The chances are-”
“-Slim, I’m aware, Angel, but unless mother can come up with something, we have to take the risk,” you answered, glancing up from your tablet. “Anyways, you said you were here for business?”
“Yes, it came to André’s attention that some of your men might need to be retrained,” she replied, taking a seat in one of your chairs across from your desk. “And Auntie needs to know if you’re still able to handle judgements. She doesn’t want to put too much on you right now.”
“-okay, we know,” Angel snorted. “It was only a matter of time before we got that from you. However, you know just as well as us that if you get stressed enough, you’ll find yourself in those moments.”
Your eyes lifted to meet hers before they shifted to the door as Dark stepped in, his nose scrunching at the sight of your sister.
“You would think he would get over Gods being here, since it’s our territory now,” Angel hummed as she glanced back at him. “You two-”
“Angel,” you warned out of habit before you noticed how Dark seemed to relax a bit more after that.
I believe he’s completely new to anything romantic, Sébastian mused and you shook your head at the Monstre before meeting Angel’s eyes once more.
“Sébastian has taken on some of my roles, especially the ones dealing with Noir. I can still handle judgements on top of our current situation,” you spoke. “Tell Auntie thank you but I got it figured out. As for the training, send a list and I’ll have Maxence send out the orders.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, lifting your eyes to Angel who shrugged in response, and Sébastian hummed in the back of your head.
Time for a favor from Juliette and the Hellhounds, don’t you think?
“Sébastian,” you spoke, your eyes glancing over to the side as the Monstre appeared beside you, “I think it’s time you pay some friends a visit.”
“Are you sure you want to do this, Y/N?” Juliette Pierre questioned over the phone. “You may hate the results.”
“No choice in the matter, Juliette.” Your eyes lifted to Apollo’s as you watched the God set books on your desk. “Summon me or Sébastian and we’ll be there for results when you have them as fast as possible.”
“Will do.”
You gave each other your goodbyes before you set your phone down, your hands reaching out for the books. Your nose scrunched as you lifted your eyes to Apollo’s once more.
“The next task you get, sweetheart, comes to me, Anti, or Dark, you hear me?” He warned and you raised an eyebrow at him. “Got it?”
“Yeah, got it.”
“You swear it?”
Your eyes drifted towards the new presence in the room, Dark standing at the open door and Anti wasn’t far behind him.
“You three agreed upon this?”
“Y/N, do you swear it?” Apollo repeated as your hands hovered over the books you needed.
If he had asked for a promise, you would have easily agreed to it but a swear, a God’s swear, was a different story.
Promises could be broken and have no repercussions, the worst thing to happen was hurting someone. A God’s swear? That had many repercussions – the worst one being that whoever you swore too had the ability to have you has a servant. You doubted any of the three would do that to you but it’s not often a God had to swear.
“Apollo, I ca-”
You tensed for a moment, recognizing that tone of voice before you were lifting your eyes to meet Dark’s.
You froze, eyes wide as you stared at the entity who raised an eyebrow back at you. You knew that voice and you knew it was Sébastian’s, it wasn’t even Monique’s. It was his.
I’ll explain when I get back, Sébastian rushed out and you watched as his eyebrows furrowed for a moment before realization flashed through his eyes.
You jerked forward just a bit as your eyes shifted over to Anti and you winced for a moment before your eyes went back to Dark’s.
“I swear,” you murmured and watched a flicker of pride flash through his eyes. Feeling your cheeks warm up, you adverted your eyes, grasping the books as a chuckle left Apollo’s lips.
“Never thought I’d see you flustered, sweetheart.”
A noise left you as you felt your cheeks grow hotter and you narrowed your eyes at Apollo whose grin widened.
“Go away.”
“Nah, I want to tease you some more.”
Another noise left you before you gathered the books off your desk as you stood. You shot a glare over at Apollo as laughter left his lips.
“Didn’t think you would be this easy to tease, sweetheart,” Apollo admitted and you stared at him. “What?”
“How many relationships do you think I’ve been in?”
“Oh, so you two are in a relationship!”
“No! Wait, that’s not what I- Apollo!” A scowl found your lips as Anti began to join him in the laughter and a sigh left Dark’s lips.
“That’s enough of that,” Dark spoke up and Apollo hummed.
“Jumping to your lo-ow! That really hurt!” Apollo scowled over at you, rubbing the spot on his arm that you struck.
“What is going on here?” Sébastian’s amused voice drifting into the room and you and Dark both looked at him with a scowl. “Hello to you too.”
“Can you two give us a moment?” You questioned, looking between Apollo and Anti. “Sébastian needs to talk to Dark and I.”
“Awe, we can’t stick around?”
“No.” Dark stared at Apollo who pouted in response before pointing at you.
“You owe me.”
“I’ll buy you dinner when this blows over.”
“That’s two dinner dates now!” Apollo sung as he headed out the door, giving Anti a shove first.
“They’re not dates!” You objected after him and heard the crackling of his laugh ringing through the halls.
“You know Apollo doesn’t care,” Sébastian mused and you scrunched your nose, watching as he shut the door behind him. “I’m sure your mind has already figured it out, Y/N.”
“It has to do with the ring, doesn’t it?” You questioned, your eyes meeting your uncle’s. “Which makes sense when you think about it. It took how long after I got the ring for us to be connected? Well, it makes sense that you and Dark can communicate that way but how can Dark and I?”
“If you really tried, you could communicate with your mother,” Sébastian hummed, his eyes glancing over at Dark as the entity leaned back against your desk. “However, it could also be that you two are connected that way because you both wear one of my rings. Well, you did at one point but Ares currently holds it.”
“Hades should be by with more crystals so I can make Ares one soon,” you murmured, your eyes glancing over at Dark, watching the annoyed look past through his eyes.
“Good, don’t want to be connected to that-”
“Look, I know where you’re getting at, Y/N, but Flinn says he can’t tell anyone and, before you suggest it, I already brought it up to him about asking but he says the Source doesn’t allow anyone to go see them,” Ivy stated over the phone and you scrunched your nose as you paced in front of the library window.
“They’re the oldest Pantheon and not even Warriors can speak to them,” you sighed and was met with silence. “Ivy?”
“You really haven’t gotten far in reading that book of yours, have you?”
“Which one?” You furrowed your eyebrows, glancing towards the table where Dark, Apollo, and Anti sat. Anti met your gaze with a raised eyebrow, Apollo shrugged, and Dark glanced back at you for a moment before returning to the book in front of him.
“Warriors of the Source, the one you have to keep up on,” Ivy hummed and you could hear a quiet click, signifying she had locked herself – and probably Ryan – in a room for no interruptions.
“I’ve read it beginning to end, Ivy.”
“Then you need to read it again, because you, Angel, pretty much anyone that deals, or dealt in your case, with life or death all started somewhere and, between me and you, they didn’t start with Gods.”
“Hell, did Dark make you go dumb?” Ivy snorted as your pacing came to a stop. “When you get the chance, look up Evacska Consano and Sephtis Proeliator.”
“Ivy, what do you know that I don’t know?”
“Life, Death, and even Fate Gods, Y/N? They all have one thing in common.”
A sigh was heard from the other side of the phone and your pacing began back up until an arm blocked your way. Lifting your eyes, you met Dark’s who raised an eyebrow at him.
He knows you’re beginning to stress, niece, Sébastian spoke gently as murmurs began through the phone.
“You didn’t hear this from me,” a new voice drifted into the phone and you furrowed your eyebrows. “Flinn would just sigh and shake his head if he knew I told you, girly.”
“How come I’m not surprised, Jay?” You questioned and a chuckle flooded the phone. “What didn’t I hear?”
“As Ivy stated, Life, Death, and Fate Gods all share one thing and that one this is ancestors,” he answered.
“Yes, not long after Sins were made, the Source made another race. There was no name to the race back then. Back then, magic users were royalty and no one was afraid of them like they are today. Today, we call this race the Personifications. We don’t believe they are alive today but there is a possibility.”
“Evacska Consano and Sephtis Proeliator were one,” you concluded and met Dark’s gaze again before watching as he turned to glare at the two teasing at the table – the only two, aside from Sébastian, that knew that there was…something going on.
You two really needed to talk more about it.
“They were, yes. Evacska was the Personification of Life and Sephtis was of Death. While they tried to stay away from each other, they failed – mainly because Evacska wasn’t supposed to become Life but her mother had died giving birth today and the Personification of Destiny had crafted Evacska and Sephtis to be soulmates, on request on Evacska’s mother.”
“They had a child and this child has something to do with Fate, don’t they?”
“You’re correct. Forget that you’re a quick learn,” Jay hummed. “He did. Kyrell, he became the first God, thanks to Evacska and Sephtis, and he became God of New Fate.”
“I’m guessing that I’m supposed to get that Angel, my aunt, mother, and I all have it in us to know how to kill Azazel?”
“All I’m saying is that if there is someone out there who knows how to kill anyone, it would be those related to them. I said Personifications are believed to be dead.”
“Kyrell isn’t a Personification.”
“Atta girl! No wonder Ivy likes being friends with you. Do me a favor and tell-”
“I am not telling Hera hello for you. She doesn’t like me. Visit her yourself.” You rolled your eyes, listening to Apollo snort as the phone was past back to Ivy. “I’ll be going on a hunt.”
“So you will. Let me know if you need help.”
Biding a goodbye, a sign left your lips as you turned towards Dark, your eyes glancing over his shoulder at Apollo.
“So, who wanted you to say hello to Hera?”
“You know the hero that went to get the Golden Fleece from that King for another King?”
“That’s who. Ivy’s uncle…and cousin technically.”
“What’s he the Sin of?”
“Homosexual relations.”
“Yikes, poor Medea. Wonder how Hecate took that.”
You gave a shrug to the God before a sigh left your lips once more. As you opened your mouth to say something, the swear you made came back to you and your eyes moved to meet Dark’s who let out a soft grunt.
You’re working on the same task, Goddess, came his answer to your unspoken question and you nodded, looking back at Apollo who raised an eyebrow.
“Apollo, how far back do your history books go?”
“How far back are you needing?”
“If I understand correctly, I’m going to need to go as far back as Pastros.”
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