#n dash is basically an oc of mine at this point
pangonaut · 1 year
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girl I will make a crossover that is SO specific
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darkenforcer · 4 months
QUESTIONS FOR THE MUN || accepting !
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
reading and writing have always been hobbies of mine, so when i learned i could write as the fictional characters i love? with other people!? i was so down!
i don't remember what keyed me in on it, though? i used to play pretend (it was just LARPing, lbr) on the playground until i was around 11, so maybe it kinda clicked in my mind that writing was the natural next step? no clue.
Do you tell your friends / family that you write?
KINDA... i tell people i write with a community online and create "collaborative stories," but i never refer to it as rp or go in-depth unless i know that person's also done it before / is in similar fandom spaces.
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
sure, i don't have any major complaints about his writing! it's consistent and fun to compare how differences in the localization shift the tone of certain character/rship-building scenes, while still managing to keep the spirit of his character intact. my only "issue" is that they could've put more time into expanding his character arc in the third act (but the same can be said for every character... a fumble all around tbh).
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
NOPE! can't do it. if i'm not weird about that fictional character from the start, it's very unlikely i'll ever put the effort into forcing myself to write them. i need that click! that spark!
How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC?
i haven't developed an oc in yearssss so i'm the last person anyone should be asking. uh... (1) be a preteen, (2) develop an insane normal fictional crush, and (3) make an oc to ship them with. bam.
Who was your first OC?
i made my first in-depth oc when i was a wee 9 year old... she started out as a self-insert sonic oc that i obviously had to ship with sonic and shadow bc, duh. i also forced my cousins to make ocs so we could roleplay together lol.
i had more before that one but they were basically just vague roles i slipped into when playing pretend with my friends.
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
can i say all of them njgnjg i think every fandom out there has its subset of annoying fans who'll make you reconsider ever interacting with anyone you haven't personally vetted lol, even if briefly. for example -- just bc of its infamy -- i never interact with sonic fans outside my circle; i've seen way too many pointless debates and shitty opinions to risk venturing out there again...
In what fandom did you start?
i am SO glad sonic was the first because the ones after it are infinitely more embarrassing.
What are your favorite ships on here (feel free to tag?)
OOO good question!!! i'll start by saying i've been rooting for break/zhilan since day 1 -- love those goobers!! other than that, i enjoy seeing any ship get together on here, like lloyd/zelos, vash/wolfwood (both iterations), nicolette/wang yi... if you're shipping with someone just now i'm hooting 'n hollering whenever they interact.
Have you ever developed a ship based on writing with a certain other character / mun?
nope, not yet! it's not that i'm against developing ships after noticing chemistry betwen muses -- far from it! -- it's just never gotten to the point where i wrote one.
What’s something you find weird on here?
i can't think of anything in particular, so... tumblr's commitment to making their layout as annoying as unoriginal and bloated as possible.
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
commence the taggening... you (duh), @kleinstar, @moraypower, @hollowfaith, @cladinivcry, @ultimatelifefcrm, @innerbeast, @nicawlette, @twohundredpower, @spiderstaff, @lalaluuz, ... i can't keep tagging people i'll go on forever...
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glitch-pep · 2 years
I'll give you a choice, you can talk about any of the CP OC's we already know about, or you can talk about any of the ones we still don't know much of.
Ok, so I'm just going to say some random fun facts about Dash and Five, mostly because the other cp oc's I have are all over the place-
A few days ago I got a completely new lore idea for the other cp oc's and I'm still trying to fully figure everything out so nothing is set in stone yet- Anyway here's the fun facts:
-Dash's name is inspired by my old cp username Thunder Dash.
-Her design is inspired by my old cp avatar.
-At some point I had the idea to make her into the narrator for the other cp story I have, but I scraped that idea. In addition to that her name was gonna be "N".
-She was meant to be self aware, but she's not anymore.
-Five's name was originally Finn, but compared to Dash's it seemed out of place so I went with Five instead.
-Five was literally created for the sake of making Dash more interesting. She was too boring on her own.
-His design is actually based on a old cp oc of mine, but I literally remember nothing about him except that he was purple, he had 3D glasses, he was a cameraman and that he was meant to be shipped with another oc.
-At some point I had the idea for him to have anger issues which led to him breaking his glasses often but I scraped that idea rather quickly.
-Both of their designs are basic/simple on purpose, but for different reasons. That's not even me making up excuses I was actually going for them looking basic, but recognizable enough.
-Foolish Deception is basically a Invader Zim/Phineas and Ferb/Kit vs Kat kind of situation.
-When I tried to come up with a title I literally looked up "fancy word for stupid". And then Foolish Deception popped in my head.
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Lovers By Chance, Goth By Choice | Snape x OC
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{parody fic, based on my immortal :p another thing I found deep in my google drive. thought it deserved to see the light of day. one of my best friends requested this while intoxicated and I just had to write it. don’t take it too seriously lol} 
Warnings: Smexy Themes uwu
Time/Era: Lightning era :)
Word Count: 1.1k shes long ^.^ like snapes dick
Summary: After Arvil Willow Way Urie gets put into detention by Professor Snape, things happen and no one sees it happen </3
Request: Please write a fic where snape kisses me in front Of everyone and doesn’t care who sees. I have like three names and i am GOTH. 
A/N: Rawr i <3 prof snape SM! Thx for the request </3 enjoy babey!!!!! WEEEEEEEE
Hi. My name is Avril Willow Way Urie and I am goth, incase you couldn’t tell. I LOVE panic! at the disco, Brendon Urie is basically my husband. I’ not related to him no matter how similar our names are but I really wish we were because hes the sexiest man I have ever seen in my life. Anyway, I have short black hair that is cut uneven because it is CURLY and it doesn’t matter. The uneven cut represents my chaotic emotions. You wouldn’t understand them. I am gothic, and NOT a prep. If you call me a prep I will get very angry and flip you off everytime I see you. I love fishnets, like I am wearing today. Today I am wearing a ripped mayday parade shirt with a skirt that has planets all over them. I wear planets because i like space and i am SMART!!!!!!!!1 I have my big platform boots with ripped red fishnets under them. My eyeliner is smudged all over my eyes from crying. I am EMOTIONAL that is why i am emo. My nails are long and sharp just like draco likes. Did I mention I’m dating draco malfoy? Aka the HOTTEST PERSON ALIVE besides brendon urie. (A/N: If you don’t like panic! You are a PREPZ and I dont lik u)
“Miss. Way-Urie I will not have someone talk to me like this. Detention tonight at 8!” Professor Snape screams at the top of his lungs. 
“Omg wtf??? I’m just talking to my super sexy boyfriend Draco! What are you? Jealous?” I smirk, tucking a jagged piece of hair behind my pierced ears. I have 8 piercings in each ear and my tongue also has a stud in it. 
“HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THIS!” Prof snape started crying making his black liquid eyeliner drip down his depressed face. Maybe he was emo like me. Prof are NOT emo tho so idk. My face grew sad and I started crying. This made draco angry. 
Draco was wearing a bleach tie died (A/N: get it? Died because im goffick) MCR shirt and acid washed jeans that were half black and half neon pink. Boyz can wear pink, you kno. It’s ok he’s just very in-touch with his emotions. His hair was pulled into big spikes on top of his head n they were died blue. He wore his red contax which made him luok even more goth.
“DONT SPEAK To MY SUPER SMEXY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT YOU TOE!!!!!” DRACO sobs, standing up and pushing me behind him. My big platform leather boots jingled and i almost tripped. 
“DRACO YOU PUSHED ME!” I gasped and started crying harder. Big black striped of makeup stroleld down my face like a galaxy. Im like space remember lol
“I”M SORRY BABY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” Draco sprinted out of the room but left his chain on the desk. I grabbed it with my long nails and dashed after him. I fount him gasping for air against the piller. 
Herminny Granger came up and shoved me to the ground. She giggled and ran away. Fucking prepz. I put my middle finger up at her. 
~Time skipz to tonight lol~
“I have to go, draco” I gasped, looking depressed. 
“What? Are you inliove with professor snap or something?” draco weaped while singing “im not okay” my mcr. 
“So what if i am?” i said sneakily, closing my closet. I wore a big poofy dress with ripped black material and corset stuff on the front and back. My lips adorned blood read lipstick and my eyes were dead on the inside. I hummed dear maria count me in as i got dressed. Draco turned around so he wouldnt see me change because that is PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pushed draco over so he hit the floor and walked into prof snap’s office. 
“SNAPEY!” I yelled. He was in the corner looking sad and depressed, watching rain fall from the heavens. 
“Oh. hello there.” he ejaculated as his long nose pointed in my direction and i felt tears wheel in my eyes. He stood and pulled off his cloak to reveal a fall out boy t shirt and ripped skinny jeans with doc martens and chains and zippers everywhere. 
I GASPED “YOURE GOFFICK???????” I was stunned and he strutted over, shaking his thick, juicy, greasy ass. 
“Yes, and emo and goth and punk and and alt and and indie and underground and a soundcloud rapper and in love with you.” He towards over my small frame and looked into my dark black and silver with small golden flecks orbs. I gasped and almost fainted. 
“What about draco?” my voice shaked as he started singing death of a bachelor by my favorite band, the hot panic1
“Forget about that dog poop bag. You are all i need please marry me and become Avril Willow Way Urie Snape.” His mouth covered mine and i moaned into his lips. His tongue fought mine for dominance and his long ring covered hand found my ass. I gasped as he squeezed me and looked at his neck. 
“Is that a stick and poke of a safety pin snapey?” I twirl his long, emo black, greesy hair inbetween my fingers. 
“It symbolizes my hate for the patriarchy and my love for you” 
“SHES MINE GRANDPA!” he yelled, throwing me over his shoulder! I moaned at the feeling and sobbed to be let down. He set me down and looked into my dead orbs with his blood red orbs. He was sobbing
“Snapes your gpa?” i groaned
“No” draco said back
“Oh” i winked
“But youre still mine” draco twerked 
“No thanks. I love snap now”
Draco screamed and ran into the wall while hermiomy recorded and ronuld farted in response. Everyone in the hall started laughing. 
“NO STOP I LOVE HIM!” I wheezed, throwing myself onto the floor in a big heap
Then I stood up and decided i had to go. The end
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Chapter 14
Stiles Stilinski x OC!Reader Original Character story
word count: 4908
Plot: A Teen Wolf fanfiction based on an original character, Sophia Tuteur.Sophia Tuteur is Scott McCall’s cousin. They are both the same age, and she has been living with Scott and his mom since she was eight years old, since her parents are always on the road due to work. This is Sophia’s point of view to everything going on.
[a/n: IT’S FINALLY BACK!!!!!!!! Sorry it took so long for me to update this story! Honestly, no excuses, I just sort of lost inspiration once Teen Wolf ended. Let’s all agree there were certain aspects in the last season that just didn’t work/make sense. But I started rewatching Teen Wolf from the beginning again, and boy did I miss writing this story! So hopefully it was worth the wait! And please let me know if you want to be untagged!]
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"So wait, what did Derek want last night?" Scott asked as he, Stiles, and I walked through the school's halls towards the boys' locker room.
"The very same reason why Peter came to see me the night of the dance," I tell them, "to join his pack."
"What pack? It's just him," Stiles says confused, I just shrugged my shoulders.
"Why does he need you?" Scott asked.
"With a guardian in your pack it's sort of like an immunity," I tell him.
"Immunity for what?" Stiles asked.
"From what," I correct him, "Guardians are basically mediators between the shape shifters and hunters. When a guardian is in a pack it gives the pack a sort of immunity. Hunters are not allowed to attack without consulting the guardian. It's in the code."
"Woah. So, you're a peace maker," Stiles says in awe.
"Essentially," I smile, "Derek knows that if I'm in his pack the Argents can't try anything."
"So what did you tell him?" Scott asked.
"Told him that I would only join if you agreed to as well," I tell him.
"Well that's not going to happen," Stiles scoffs.
Scott and I share a look, I raised my eyebrows at him, silently asking him the question.
"Right?" Stiles asked with a slight panic in his voice.
"Right," Scott says, "I'm not joining his pack."
"Then neither am I," I nod my head agreeing.
"Now that we're all on the same page," Stiles says stopping just outside the boys' locker room, "The full moon tonight."
"Don't worry, I have it under control now," he tells us.
Stiles and I look at each other then back at Scott, sharing the same skeptical look.
"I'm serious," he says, "It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same."
"This is all you," I pat Stiles on the shoulder, "I'm heading to the library for my free period."
I walk away from them heading towards my destination. As I rounded the corner, another body came rushing into mine.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Sophia," I look up at Isaac, who looks like a nervous wreck.
"No worries," I smile at him.
"Sorry, I thought I was going to be late for practice," he says lifting his lacrosse stick.
"Well, you better hurry, don't want to hear Coach yelling," I step to the side.
"Thanks," he said quickly rushing away.
As I continued walking down the hall, I noticed a lot of whispering going on between the other students. As I turned the corner I see why.
Allison and Lydia are stopped at Lydia's locker. Allison spots me while Lydia was grabbing things from her locker. She waves, but before I could wave back, I felt a buzz in my back pocket.
I pulled out my phone to see a text from Stiles,
Scott senses another werewolf in the locker room! Get to the field NOW!
Another werewolf in the school
I quickly turned back around and made my way to the lacrosse field.
[Third Person POV]
"Who are you waving at?" Lydia asked Allison, seeing no one down the hall.
"Oh, uh Sophia," Allison tells her, "but guess she had somewhere to be."
"Who?" Lydia asked confused.
"Sophia. Scott's cousin," Allison says, "she helped saved your life the night of the dance."
"Oh," Lydia uncomfortably shifts, "The one sleeping with Derek Hale."
"What? No, she's not," Allison says.
"That's what they all say," Lydia says closing her locker door and walking down the hall, Allison following behind.
[Sophia's POV]
I quickly walked over to Scott who was sitting at the players' bench.
"Do you know who it might be?" I asked him.
"No, I have no idea," he says as we both look around the field. Stiles comes running over to us.
"I told Coach you're switching with Danny for the day," Stiles tells him.
"But I hate playing goalie," Scott tells him not understanding what Stiles is telling him.
"Remember when I said I had an idea?" Stiles asks him again, Scott nodded his head yes, "This is the idea."
"Oh," Scott said.
"There you go," Stiles encouraged, smiling over at me.
"What's the idea?" Scott asked still not getting it, causing me to roll my eyes.
"I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes," Stiles exasperatedly said, rolling his eyes.
I shook my head at them and walked away to go find a spot on the bleachers. I sat down on the first row, getting myself somewhat comfortable to seeing how this will all play out.
I couldn't believe what I am watching. Scott is tackling all of the players and smelling them. I shook my head and put my head in my arms.
"He can't be serious," I whisper to myself in disbelief over how ridiculous this all is.
I hear a whistle and look over towards Stiles, who is pointing at Isaac and mouthing out, "It's him."
I glance at Isaac who looks like he's trying to control his anger. Keyword, trying.
Jackson walks over and sits on the player's bench, opting out of getting slammed by Scott.
I nervously glance between Scott and Isaac as they take their places. They both take off at the sound of Coach's whistle, colliding with one another very dramatically.
Coach blew his whistle obviously mad at Scott again.
I look to the right and notice Sheriff Stilinski and two deputies walking on the field. Stilinski ignores Stiles as he tries to ask his dad something and heads straight to Coach.
"Everyone take a break," Coach yells, "Lahey come here please."
Isaac walks slowly over to the deputies and Coach. I quickly make my way over towards the boys.
"What are they saying?" I ask Scott.
"His father's dead," he says, "They think he was murdered.
We watch as they slowly take Isaac away.
"Are they saying he's a suspect?" Stiles asks."I'm not sure. Why?"
"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for twenty-four hours-"
"Like overnight?" Scott interrupts.
"During the full moon," Stiles nods.
"That's not good," I say, looking at Scott.
"How good are these holding cells at holding people?" Scott asks Stiles.
"People? Good," Stiles grimly says, "Werewolves? Probably not that good."
"Remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?"
"Yeah, why?" I ask.
"He does," he says pointing his chin towards Isaac.
We all turn our attention back towards Isaac who is being escorted towards the locker room.
Coach dismisses the team after ten minutes, probably to give Isaac some time to gather his things.
As we make our way to Mr.Harris's chemistry class, we quietly talk about the Isaac situation.
"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Stiles asks, the question more pointed towards me.
"I don't know," I lift my hands up in defense, "He didn't even tell me last night that he turned someone. Let alone another teenager."
"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it can kill you," Scott says, "And maybe teenagers have a better chance at survival."
"Not entirely," I mumbled.
"What do you mean?" Scott asked me.
"Nothing," I quickly say.
"What aren't you telling us?" Stiles asks, stopping us before we walked into the class.
"Nothing that's for me to tell," I say, shifting uncomfortably.
I quickly made a dash inside the class before they could question me any longer. I took my normal seat in front of the boys and took my things out, letting them know that I'm done having this conversation while we're in class.
"Danny, where's Jackson?" I hear Stiles ask Danny, who sits behind them.
"In the principal's office, talking to your dad," he tells him.
"What? Why?"
"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac," he condescendingly says.
"Witness," I hear Scott whisper.
"We gotta get to the principal's office," Stiles tells him.
I shake my head and roll my eyes at them. These two are literally begging to get in trouble now.
"How?" Scott asks him.
"Everyone please turn to page seventy-three," Mr. Harris asks with his back turned towards the class, while he writes on the chalkboard.
All of a sudden a paper ball goes flying passed me hitting Harris right in the back of his head. I sat there shocked.
"Who in the hell did that?" He abruptly turned around.
I place my head in my hands, shaking my head as Harris tells the boys to go to the principal's office.
I didn't even bother to watch as the boys walked out of the class.
After a few minutes I realized I never went to the bathroom during my free period, and I really had to go now. I hesitantly raised my hand, hoping Harris won't give me a hard time.
"Ms. Tuteur, do you need to go to the principal's office as well?" He smugly asked.
"No, actually can I go to the restroom?" I asked.
"No," he rudely said about to turn around.
"Sir, you may want to reconsider your answer," I tell him, holding up a tampon, causing some of the class to snicker.
"Uh-okay go," he tripped over his words, face beet red as he quickly wrote a hall pass.
"Thank-you," I smiled, grabbing the hall pass on my way out.
I make my way to the restroom and forgot that I would have to walk pass the principal's office on my way.
"Sophia, come to join us?" Stiles asks with a smile on his face.
"Nope, just going to the restroom," I tell him, and for some reason I decide to stop.
"Harris let you out?" Scott asks surprise that I was let out.
I hold up a tampon. Stiles eyes went wide.
"You're not on your period," Scott announces, taking Stiles and I by surprise.
"How the hell do you know that?" I ask him, unsure how I should feel.
"Well, one, we've been living together for years," he says in a matter of fact tone,"and two, werewolf."
"Going to pretend that this conversation never happened," I tell him.
"Do you want to know what's going on?" Stiles says.
I thought that over for a second, "No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me anyways."
Before they could say anything the door to the office opens, and Sheriff Stilinski and a deputy walk out. He looks over at the three of us completely annoyed.
"Why am I not surprised to see you three out here," he says, we all shrug in response like children who just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
"Why are you three here?" he sternly asks.
I hold up my tampon and hall pass, smiling innocently. He quickly clears his throat embarrassed.
"Dad, what's going on with Isaac?" Stiles asks.
"Do you guys know Isaac?" he ignores Stiles' question.
"Not much, apart from lacrosse," Scott tells him.
"Kind of," I quietly say, suddenly finding my feet more interesting.
"Kind of?" Stilinski repeats.
"Well, we're friends," I say looking up and fidgeting with my fingers, "He also kind of asked me out to the dance."
"What? Why?" Stiles abruptly asks, standing up.
"You know guys do actually like me, right?" I snap at him, completely offended by his reaction.
He slinks back down in his seat, a bit ashamed at himself.
Stilinski clears his throat, "When was the last time you spoke to Isaac?"
"We ran into each other today on our way to free period."
"But other than that, I haven't spoken to him since a couple of nights ago," I say, "I offered to help with our chemistry. Homework. Our chemistry homework."
I tripped over the last of my words, feeling my face heat up a bit and avoiding eye contact.
Stilinski remained quiet, looking between the three of us trying to figure out if what we're telling him is the truth.
"May I leave now?" I ask holding up the tampon.
"Oh, yeah. Go ahead," he clears his throat.
I hurried away from all of them. Thankful that that was done. Guess that's what I get for lying about my period.
As I walk out of class I find Stiles waiting there for me. I go to ignore him until he says something that catches my attention.
"Gerard Argent is our new principal," he tells me.
"What? How?" I ask.
"No clue," he says, as we walk towards our lockers.
We walk in silence.
"So I got detention," he says.
"Good, that's what you get," I remark, stopping at my locker to swap out the things I would need for homework tonight.
"Soph," he quietly says watching me, "Sophia, can you please look at me?"
I remain silent, handing him a book as I place another one in my locker.
"Sophia," he says grabbing my hand with his empty one. I look at our connected hands.
"I know you're mad about what I said," he says, "but I didn't mean it like that. It just took me by surprise, that's all."
"What, that a boy can like me?" I ask, hurt by his lackluster apology.
"No, of course not," he defends, "Was just surprised to hear that Isaac had asked you to the dance. That's all. Trust me, I know that guys like you."
"If this is your way of apologizing, it's crap."
"I'm sorry," he apologizes, "I didn't mean it that way. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"That's it?"
"I accept your apology," I tell him, "but I have to go tutor some freshman and I can't be late."
"Sophia, I really am sorry," he says before bending down and placing a soft kiss to my lips.
"Apology accepted," I smile at him.
"I better hurry, don't want to be late for detention with Harris," he says before kissing my cheek and running off.
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As I was cleaning up my spot at the library, my phone buzzed on the table. Seeing that I was the only one here, aside from the librarian I didn't see any issue with answering.
I looked down to see Allison's name flash across my screen.
"Hey Allison, what's up?" I answered, balancing my phone with my shoulder as I continued to pack.
"So we might have a problem," she says.
"What do you mean?" I asked, throwing my backpack over my shoulder and walking out of the library.
"My dad and grandpa were asking me all these questions about Lydia and how she was bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out-"
"What guy?" I spot Stiles walking in the parking lot towards his car, and yell out his name.
As I reach him I put my phone on speaker.
"He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy," she says, "They're sending him to go get Isaac."
I look at Stiles with a worried look on my face.
"He was also carrying this box with something etched onto it," she says, we can hear shuffling on the other side as she searched for something, "Hold on, it's in one of these books. I'm sending you a picture."
"Did you get it?" She asked, as we wait for the picture to finish loading.
"Shit," I whispered once it loaded.
"What?" Allison asked, "Do you know what it is?"
"Yeah, it's wolfsbane," Stiles says, looking over at me just as worried as I am.
"What does that mean?" she asked.
"It means they're going to kill him," Stiles says looking at me.
"I can slow him down," Allison blurts out.
"Allison are you sure?" I ask her.
"Yes, he just left. I can catch up to him."
"Okay. Call us immediately after and if anything goes wrong," I tell her before hanging up.
Stiles and I quickly get into Roscoe, as he starts up the car I start dialing a number.
"What are you doing?" he asked as he pulled out of the parking spot.
"Calling Scott and Derek," I tell him.
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On our way to meet Derek, my phone begins to ring. I answer it pressing the speaker button.
"Hey, did you slow him down?" Stiles asks.
"You could say that."
"Okay, well we're heading to the station," I tell her.
"Where's Scott?" she asks.
"Does he have a plan?"
"Yeah, but not a very good one," Stiles says, "and unfortunately we don't really have time to come up with anything better."
We hang up the phone as we're approaching Derek's car a block away from the station. I climb into the back as Derek enters the car.
"Are you sure its wolfsbane?" he asks as Stiles continued down the street.
"Yeah," I say showing him the picture.
"Okay. Now, the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lock-box in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk," Stiles explains to Derek.
"I'll distract her," Derek says nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You? You're not going in there," Stiles says placing his hand on Derek, causing Derek to glare at him.
"I'm taking my hand off," he says slowly pulling his hand away.
"I was exonerated."
"You're still a person of interest," Stiles debates.
"An innocent person."
"An-" Stiles says in disbelief, "You? Yeah right!"
"Stiles, cut it out," I sternly tell him.
"Okay, fine. What's your plan?" Stiles says turning towards Derek, arms crossed across his chest.
"To distract her," Derek slowly says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"How? By punching her in the face?" Stiles remarked, getting on both mine and Derek's nerves.
"Stiles, just let him do it," I roll my eyes, "We need to hurry."
"I just want to know what he's going to do."
"I'm going to talk to her," Derek says.
"Okay. All right. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?" Stiles skeptically asks.
Derek remains quiet just starting at Stiles blankly.
"Dead silence. That should work beautifully," Stiles sarcastically says, "Any other ideas?"
"I'm thinking about punching you in the face," Derek snidely says.
"Do it," I say in slightly serious yet playful tone.
Stiles whipped his head towards me completely offended. Derek starts climbing out of the passenger seat.
"Hurts doesn't it," I remark winking at him, then following Derek out.
Derek walks into the station with Stiles and I following close behind. While Derek approaches the empty front desk, Stiles and I watch from behind the lobby doors.
"Good evening, how can I help," the deputy trails off once looking up at Derek's face, "you."
"Hi," Derek smiles at her.
Stiles rolls his eyes, annoyed at Derek's plan actually working. I tried containing in my laughter at the scene in front of me. I don't think I've seen Derek smile like that before, or even flirt.
"Um, I had a question," Derek flirts, stumbling over his words a bit, "Um, sorry, I'm a little-a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone-"
"Like me?" she interrupts.
I tap Stiles on the shoulder, pointing for him to walk by while the deputy was distracted. Stiles dramatically looked around before dashing towards the door. I walked normally by, and giving Derek a thumbs up once I was through the door.
"Oh, I was gonna say so incredibly beautiful," he sheepishly says, "but, yeah... I guess that'd be the same thing."
"Next time you might want to have a little more confidence in Derek," I playfully tell Stiles as we make our way to his dad's office to get the key.
"I could've done that," he rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, sure you could've," I sarcastically say.
We quickly go into the office and Stiles finds the lock box while I stay on lookout. He puts the code in and opens the box to reveal that it's empty.
"It's empty," he says turning to me.
From the distance we can hear the keys jingling.
"He beat us," I tell him.
"I'll go find the key, you go get Derek," he tells me.
As we go into the hallway we run into a deputy.
"Oh I was just looking for-" Stiles says, but I grabbed his arm and nudged my head to the arrow in the man's leg.
This is the deputy the Argents sent to kill Isaac. Stiles and I looked at each other wide eyed.
The deputy looked between us, he went to reach for me but Stiles quickly got in front of me. The man settled on grabbing Stiles, and covering his mouth while holding the syringe of wolfsbane to his throat.
"Not a single scream," he threatened as he dragged Stiles away.
I looked to my right and noticed the fire alarm at arm's length. I quickly pulled the lever, and ran after the man and Stiles.
I stopped at the door way and noticed that Isaac's cell was opened and empty. The man let go of Stiles, just as confused as we were to see Isaac wasn't where he was supposed to be.
All of a sudden a werewolf version of Isaac leaped out at the deputy and grabbed him by the throat. They began to fight.
"Stiles, get behind the desk," I tell him grabbing his arm to take cover.
We watch as Isaac knocked out the deputy, as Derek made his way in stepping on the wolfsbane syringe.
Isaac is breathing heavily, before he looks over at where Stiles and I are hiding. Stiles holds onto me tight as Isaac growls at us and starts to make his way towards us. Before he could take a step towards us, Derek growls at him, which causes Isaac to cower to the floor and whimper.
Isaac looks up from his arms returning back to his normal self.
"How did you do that?" Stiles breathlessly asks.
"I'm the alpha," Derek smirks.
"We gotta go before Stiles' dad shows up," I tell Derek, getting up and making my way towards a still frighten Isaac.
"Hey, it's okay. You're okay," I kneel down in front of him, trying not to get too close so he has space to breathe.
"Isaac we're going to have to go now, okay," I stand up stretching out my hand for him to take.
He hesitantly looks between me, Derek, and Stiles.
"It's okay, you're not going to hurt me," I assure him.
He reaches up and takes my hand, I help him up onto his feet. I place his arm around my shoulder, even though our height difference is significant, him at 6ft and me at 5'2. I rub his back comfortingly.
"What am I supposed to do?" Stiles calls out.
"Stay here," Derek tells him, "Figure out something to tell you dad."
He comes over and helps me with Isaac, as I lead us out the back exit before we could get caught.
We quickly make our way to Derek's car. He helps me put Isaac in the backseat, while I sit in the front.
"Where are we going to take him?" I ask Derek as he begins to drive away.
"He'll stay with me," Derek says.
"With you? Where?" I ask, I haven't even had time to ask Derek where he's been staying at since the whole hunters fiasco.
"I got a place," he shrugs his shoulders like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Where?" I ask, annoyed at the amount of no detail he's giving me.
"You'll see," he says, causing me to roll my eyes.
"You're annoying," I remark.
"So are you," he quips, trying to make light of the situation we are currently in.
"You two know each other?" Isaac asks from the backseat.
"Eh," I jokingly say.
"Sadly," Derek mockingly jokes back.
"Yeah Derek, how do we know each other?" I playfully ask him, as if I didn't know the answer. I just wanted to know how he would answer it.
"Old family friends," he says, keeping his focus on the road ahead.
"Wow," I say at his answer.
"What, it's true."
"That's such a lame answer," I tell him, I turn around in my seat to face Isaac, "I basically lived with Derek and his family until I was about 7/8 years old."
"So you know about this, all of this?" Isaac asks.
"Yeah, I do," I softly say, "If it were up to Derek, he would keep me locked in a closet and out of the way."
"Unfortunately for me, you would annoy the hell out of me thus having me release you," Derek jokes with a serious tone.
"I'm lovable," I smile, shrugging my shoulders.
"Yeah, you are," Derek sarcastically says.
"Yeah you are," Isaac softly says, causing me to blush and turn back around in my seat.
I purse my lips, trying to fight back the smile on my face. I can feel Derek side eye me to get a look at my reaction.
"Shut up Derek," I say, trying to fight the smile on my face, and maintain the redness in my face.
After awhile we pulled into Beacon Hill's warehouse district.
"This is where you live?" I ask him, as he parks his car in front of an abandoned building.
"For now, yes," he says turning his car off, "It's a good place to stay hidden and away."
We all get out of the car and follow Derek into his building.
"Wow, so homey," I comment, looking around the large barren space, that was poorly lit by the cheap lights that Derek turned on.
"It's a place to stay safe, away from the hunters," Derek remarks in a serious tone, "It doesn't need to be homey."
"I'll be right back. I'm going to go grab some things for you two to stay the night."
"Oh, I'm staying the night?" I ask.
"Yes, I don't want to leave Isaac alone," he says, "and you insisted on seeing where I lived."
"I can just take the Camaro."
"Yeah, no. I'll drop you off early tomorrow."
As Derek goes to god knows where in this place, I look over at Isaac who is still a bit shaken up.
"You okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah," he says unsure, "I think. It's just a lot."
"I know. I mean I wouldn't know, but I can imagine."
"I'm now a wanted man," he says, the realization of what's happening sinking in.
"Don't worry, we're going to figure this out," I tell him walking over to him, and placing my hand on his back.
"Thanks," he softly smiles looking down at me, "You're the only one who's still treating me the same."
"I know you Isaac, and I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you," I reassure him.
"Thank-you," he whispers.
We continue to stare at each other in a comfortable silence. I notice his eyes looking down at my lips then back up at my eyes real quick.
The gravity between our two faces slowly pulls us both into one another. I can feel his breath on my face and vice versa. We close our eyes and lean in,
"Sophia," Derek yells causing Isaac and I to quickly jump away from each other before our lips could meet.
"Yes," I clear my throat, embarrassed about what Derek just walked in on.
"You're going to sleep in my room," he protectively says, "Isaac you'll be sleeping out here on the couch."
Isaac nods his head as Derek handed him a bag, "Got these out of your house earlier."
"Thanks," Isaac says grabbing the bag from Derek, avoiding eye contact.
"Say goodnight Sophia," Derek says, standing next to me.
"Goodnight," I tell Isaac.
"Night," he nods, catching my eyes for a split second before he turns away to get ready for bed.
Derek escorts me to his room, that is actually a bit nicer.
"Should I even ask what was about to happen before I walked in," Derek says closing the door behind us, as I pick up the clothes he left for me on his bed.
"Nuh uh," I shake my head, making my way to the en-suite dimly lit restroom.
"Soph," Derek softly says catching my arm, "I get it okay. The whole teenage thing, I've been there. I just, need you to be careful."
"I will," I sincerely say, nodding my head understanding where he's coming from.
"I don't want to tell you how to live your life, because I'm the last person to judge. I just don't want you getting hurt," he genuinely says.
"Why are you so sure that I'm the one who's going to end up hurt?"
"Because I know you. I might not have been around for awhile, but I still know you Sophia," he says, "You love with your whole heart. You see the good in everybody, you want to believe that everyone is somewhat good. You're the little girl who believed in fairytales so deeply you would cry when someone told you they were fake,
"But you are also the little girl who believed everything. You want to see the good, and I get that maybe I'm a little cynical after all I've been through, but not everyone is good. Not everyone cares about you the way that you care about them. And I just don't want to see you taken advantage of because of that. Simply because someone takes your kindness as weakness."
"I'm not weak," I retort, trying not to cry at what Derek is saying.
"I'm not saying you're weak," he shakes his head, "Hell you're one of the strongest people I know, especially after all you've been dealt. I just want you to be careful about who you give your heart to."
"Can I get ready for bed now, I'm tired," I say looking away from him, trying to hide my watery eyes.
"Yeah, go ahead. I'm sorry."
"Uh-huh," I respond, closing the door behind me.
I'm not weak.
I am not weak.
"Yeah, then why are you crying?" my thoughts shoot back at me, as I glance in the mirror to see tears streaming down my face.
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Series tag list:  @cafe-sabor-a-chocolate @reganf @sarasmismyonlydefence @colie87 @wish-me-happy-landing @lbuck121 
Permanent tag list: @rosegolddivinity  @definitelynotafangirl​​ @1awesomeash​​ @princess-evans-addict​​ @geeksareunique​​ @24kbratz​​ @introvertatitsfinest​​ @imagine-all-the-imagines​​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​​ @also-fangirlinsweden​​ @the-queen-of-the-nerds
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acaciapines · 3 years
tagged by @mattieandmatter! thank youuu <3
1. why did you choose your url?
i picked it when i was super into the transcendence au and acacia was my favorite triplet. now i keep it ‘cause i like the name acacia and it works as a url and i dont see any reason to change it, except on those random days where i feel guilty for stealing someones oc. but like. acacia is a tau oc at this point and if people ask who she is i explain, so like. eh. its fine.
2. any sideblogs?
no. everything i like goes on one blog. i dont really post enough to need a separate blog, and i have a tag system for me to go through and find posts so. no need for a sideblog!
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
way way too long. like 7 years i think?
4. do you have a queue tag?
i dont even use the queue. posts are reblogged and made as i feel like it.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i think a friend of mine had a tumblr and told me to join so i did, but now i havent talked to that person in years and she doesnt even use tumblr anymore, so.
6. why did you choose your icon?
its a margay, and they’re my settled form! but literally neither of my daemons take margay form so at this point it’s basically just my fursona.
7. why did you choose your header?
no idea. when i joined i was super into gravity falls and i think that was just a picture that fit okay as a header, and i dont feel like changing it.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this one back from the cipherhunt days.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i dont know. i think somewhere between 6 or 8? if people wanna talk to me its not like we need to be mutuals, i dont follow many people.
10. how many followers do you have?
222. a nice even number! i like that.
11. how many people are you following?
103, and i’d guess maybe half of them are active? i dont follow that many people ‘cause i dont want my dash to be unusable since im one of those people that scrolls all the way back to where i left off the night before.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i mean. ive been here for so long im gonna say probably?
13. how often do you use tumblr every day?
like, 3-4 hours a day? maybe more. i dont know i dont keep track.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i think the closest ive ever come is disagreement over the interpretation of fanfic njrfdg so not really a fight, or at least i didn’t consider it one and im pretty sure (and hope!) the other person didnt either. but man do i interpret daemorphing differently than the people who talked about it on my daemonfic trends post. for the record im now on the 20th fic in that series and i stand by everything i said in my trends post. but also i can now add that actual main plot of daemorphing fucking rules if you like stories about war and what it does to a person, many different aliens learning about each other and how to live together, and literally amazing yeerk content go read it.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
dont care for them, they just make me stressed for no reason.
16. do you like tag games?
theyre fun! if im tagged in one i’ll do it.
17. do you like ask games?
a bit, but i dont really do them ‘cause i’d rather talk about like. daemons n stuff. i like answering all the asks people have sent me about daemons bc i adore talking about daemons.
18. which of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous?
uhhhhhhh idk. theinternationalacestation? talked to her through her tma fics and i feel like if youve read tma fic youve probably read at least one of hers. is that fame? i guess on some levels. also here is my monthly talk about hope etc go read hope etc please read hope etc i need everyone to read hope etc so i can talk to people about it.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. tags
ah yes the most stressful part of any tag game. including other people. i’ll tag @mackerelgray if u wanna do it and anybody else who feels like answering some questions about their blog, like. youre free to do so as well.
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oskea93 · 5 years
Think of You Part Seven (part 1)
A/N: Hey guys! I just want to thank you guys for the continued support for Think of You. I’m so glad that all of you enjoy the story. I enjoy writing Caroline and the gang. Out of all the stories i’ve ever written, Caroline and Mac are my favorite OCs. I hope you like them as well! Okay, so i’ve broken chapter seven up into two parts. The first part was a little goofy and filler-ish, but the second part will be more dramatic (ie Nikki and Caroline interactions).  Without further waiting, here’s chapter seven!  PS: Sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes. I’ll try to go back and fix them at a later time! 
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Have you ever watched a movie where the main girl sleeps with the main guy and then quietly sneaks of the room the next morning? You sometimes wonder how she’s being so quiet or how the guy can sleep like a log while she’s leaving the bed or getting dressed. Even though I’ve had those thoughts, I never imagined that I would have to figure those things out for myself. I remember getting to this point but I couldn’t believe I let it actually happen. It took almost a year for my ex-boyfriend to get me into his bed. He tried from the very beginning but I brushed off his advances and told him I wasn’t ready. It took Nikki Sixx less than 4 hours to not only bless me with the way his tongue worked but also have me screaming his name as he pounded into me. Oh gosh, that sounds so gross! Long story short- Nikki and I had sex. We had sex numerous times that night and it was amazing! Even though I was in eternal bliss last night and the early part of this morning, I was now regretting every single action I let happen yesterday. First of all, I regretted ever going to the concert. If I just stayed home and watched TV and folded laundry like I planned, this would have never happened. I would still have some sort of dignity. Hell, my poor dignity was left at that stupid concert venue on that slimy couch.  
I looked over at Nikki, taking him in as he slept. Even though he was attractive when he was awake, he was even cuter while he slept. Part of me just wanted to stay and enjoy being wrapped in his arms. It felt nice. The other part of me, the side with all the judgment, was telling me to leave and leave fast. It was as if my brain was fighting with my heart, unfortunately my brain was winning. I had all these consequences running through my brain. What if he just used me for sex? He was a musician. He knew that he could have any girl he wanted and I was probably just a play thing for the night.  He got what he wanted and I would never hear from him again. Did I want that? Even though I haven’t known him that long, I enjoyed spending time with him. He got on my nerves, and he still does, but I enjoyed being around him. I liked the way he laughed. His laugh was weird and cute at the same time. I liked how his eyes stared into your sole. He had gorgeous green eyes. He was so smart, too.
It seemed like he was an overall catch but I he was way too dangerous for me. He was in a rock band for one. He had tattoos. He sang and played music that mentioned Satanism. The most dangerous part of him was that he was utterly gorgeous and there was no way I could stay away. Why was he so damn pretty!
I decided that I needed to get out of there before he woke up. I didn’t want to deal with the awkward post sex talk. Granted, I’ve never had an awkward post sex encounter but I didn’t want to start now. I don’t think I ever had a regular morning after encounter. I’ve only had sex like four times, this making five, and I’ve always woken up by myself. That makes you feel really crappy. You think that you’ve spent the night with a great person and then you wake up alone and confused. Oh. That’s exactly what I was about to do.
I looked back at Nikki. Did I really want to leave him alone in bed after what happened between us? Would he be mad? Maybe he’d be cool with it. I’m such a terrible person!
I slowly removed myself from his grasp, trying my best not to wake him up. The poor guy had a vice grip on, I guess afraid that I would leave at some point. I basically crawled out of bed and landed on the floor with a light thud. I peered over the mattress to make sure the noise didn’t wake him. He was still sound asleep. The sheets that covered us were laying low on his stomach, making my heart race a bit. My new alter-ego, let’s call her Veronica, wanted nothing more than to pounce on him and replay last night all over again. After a couple of seconds, I decided that that coast was clear. I pulled my naked body off the ground and started looking for my clothes. The only article of clothing I could find was my romper. I had no idea where my underwear was and one of my shoe was missing. I quickly pulled on the romper and tried looking for the other shoe. Luckily, I found it near the bathroom door. I slipped on my sandals, trying not to look at myself in the mirror that just so happened to be in front of the bed. I looked at that plenty enough last night. My hair-tie was around my wrist, allowing me to pull my messy hair into an even messier bun. I grabbed my purse from the bedside chair and tip-toed out the bedroom door.
People were passed out everywhere.
Some people had all of their clothes on, while others were barely covered. There were alcohol bottles littered all over the floor, along with cigarette buds crushed into the carpet. I felt bad for whoever owned this house. I quickly made my way out the door and to the edge of the street. I remembered that the house was close to the strip. I made my way down the street, trying not pay attention to that passed me. You could definitely tell that I just had a one night stand. I didn’t have any undergarments on and my hair was piled on top of my head. My love bites, which had doubled, were on full display. The people that passed me probably thought I was a hooker or groupie. Was I a groupie? What exactly is a groupie? I’ll have to ask Mac when I get home; I’m sure she knows that answer to that.
Oh gosh, Mackenzie. Our conversation from last night flooded my memory. I could tell that she was mad at me for not answering her question. I can’t believe I lied to her. She’s my best friend. I shouldn’t have lied about what I did with Nikki. She would probably congratulate me for what I had done. I’m gonna have to call her when I get home. Maybe I should have stayed with Nikki. If I stayed, I wouldn’t be walking down the Sunset Strip in search of a taxi. What if there isn’t a taxi available this early? I didn’t even know what time it was? The sun was pretty high in the sky but I still couldn’t tell you the time. My dad tried to teach me all that wilderness stuff when I was younger but it never stuck. I was more interested in my Barbie dolls and helping my mom in the kitchen. “Taxi!”
After three failed attempts at haling a taxi, I finally made it back home. I immediately stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower. I allowed the hot water to wash away the sins that I had just committed. I didn’t realize how sore my body was until the hot water hit my skin. I also didn’t realize the extent of the love bites Nikki had left. They were everywhere! I had them on my neck, my chest, my hipbones, and my inner thighs. He just worked his way down, leaving his mark as he went. The ones of my neck were very noticeable and I had to be at work tomorrow. I never had to deal with a hickey before. I for sure didn’t know how to hide them from the world. How was I supposed to show up to my class tomorrow with bruises all over my neck? It’s like a bruise, right? Maybe I could say that the vacuum cleaner went rouge and attacked me. You’re so stupid, Caroline. The kids would probably believe that lie but their parents would not. Why did I let him do this to me? I could get fired for showing up with hickeys all over my body. I worked at a Christian school for goodness sake!
I removed myself from the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. I had a couple of errands to run today and I also need to speak to Mac. I knew that she was mad at me last night. I had every intention of talking to her last night but Nikki had other plans. I quickly dressed and allowed my hair to air dry. I made a list of the things I needed from the grocery store and headed out. My mind was going a mile a minute with the thoughts of last night and what exactly it all meant. I had sex with a guy I barely knew but my heart had feelings for the guy. Sure, he was obnoxious and into himself, but there was something intriguing about him. He had a mystery to him and I wanted to solve it and claim him as mine. Wow, never thought I would think that about a guy. Another thing that made me want him was that he was so not my type. From a scale from being my type to not being my type, Nikki was on another planet. My type was Earth and he was Pluto.  He was an unknown planet that held secrets and darkness that I needed to lighten. I wanted to be the sun to his dark little planet. Okay, that’s a bit weird…
You know when you meet someone and they are unlike anyone you’ve ever met? Well, Caroline Daniels was that person to me. She was different from the girls that threw themselves at the band or even those that walked around on the strip. Hell, she was different from any girl that I’ve ever met in my life. She had a shyness about it but I could tell that she had a wild streak hiding somewhere. She was quirky and kind of nerdy, but in an adorable way. She was so fucking smart! She wasn’t like the airheads that Vince associated with. I think she ever said she was a teacher? I could have just made that part up but that’s beside the point. Caroline has been the only girl that’s made me chase after her. Most girls throw themselves on me as a dash and fuck. We fuck and then they dash away to the next member. I’ve had girls in my bed one minute and the next they are in Tommy’s. It was a revolving door of chicks that wanted to fuck us. With Caroline, I had to chase after her. I had to be the one that puts myself on the line and hope for the best. From the moment I saw her at the concert, I knew that she was the girl I needed to be with. I know that sounds super cheesy but it’s the truth. I remember the first time I saw her. My heart started to beat faster and my pants grew tighter than they had been. She defiantly had an effect on my dick, but her effect on my heart was more powerful. It kind of pissed me off that she walked out of the concert. We were killing it and she walks out like she’s uninterested. She must have been interested because I saw her return a few minutes later. Once I fully got a chase to see her at the restaurant, I knew that I was in love. (Cheesy moment again). I’m Nikki fucking Sixx, I’m not supposed to fall in love with girls. I’m a fucker, not a lover!
I tried to get Tommy to ask her friend what her address was so that I could see her. I thought maybe she would be excited but it seemed to piss her off. I thought she was gonna call the cops on my at one point. I think the true icing on the cake was when I convinced Tommy’s chick to invite her to dinner. I asked the girl to tell her that it would just be the two of them. I needed to talk to her and that was the only way I could get her alone without showing up at her place. She was pissed at first but she started letting her guard down. I guess I broke through enough because she showed up to the concert and we all know what happened after the show! Like I said, I barely know her, but I can’t get enough of her. I think I might even be in love with her…
I woke up the next morning expecting to find Caroline next to me. A smile formed on my face as I remember what had happened last night and into this morning. It was fast at first. We tore each other’s clothes off like a bunch of animals. I had her screaming my name so loud the people outside were cheering us on. I don’t even think we made it to the bed to be honest. I’m pretty sure I took her against the wall that first time. I think we christened the whole room. At one point, I remember fucking her on the dresser, that was amazing! We took a break here and there but the last time was special, at least I think so. It was slow and very intimate. The room was dark and quiet. It was just her and I. We had a connection that sent sparks throughout my body. It was the best sex I’ve ever had. I had every intention of taking her again this morning but she wasn’t here. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I was actually kind of pissed that she just left without saying goodbye. Granted, I probably wouldn’t have let her go, but she could have at least tried to say goodbye.
I slowly removed myself from the bed, stretching my sore muscles in the process. I pulled on my pants from last night, along with my boots, and made my way out to the main room. I didn’t bother putting my shirt back on as I stepped over the bodies of the party-goers. I made my way out the front door and over to my car, slipping my sunglasses on before starting the engine. I drove the distance to what I remembered was the location, trying my best not to get lost. Once I was sure this was the place, I parked the car, quickly pulling my discarded shirt back on, before heading up the metal staircase.
Apt #17 I knocked on the wooden door. I tried to listen for incoming footsteps but the traffic was making it hard to hear. I waited a couple more seconds before knocking again. Her curtains were closed so I could peep to see if she was just ignoring me. Hell, she could have been in her bedroom ignoring me for all I knew.
“She’s not home.” A male’s voice sounded. I turned my head to see an elderly man and woman leaving the apartment next to Caroline’s. “She left about 20 minutes ago.”
I cleared my throat, “Uh-“ I began. “Thanks.” I muttered.
The couple looked me over, disapproval flooding their eyes. “How do you know Caroline, son?” The man asked. His wife whispered to him not to interfere but he held up a hand to silence her. “Caroline’s a good girl. She doesn’t need a gutter rat such as yourself clouding her judgment.” I couldn’t help but laugh in his face. If he only knew how good a girl she actually was. He would be very surprised if I informed him of her actions yesterday and last night.
“Whatever, dude.” I muttered. I could tell the old man wanted to say something else, but I didn’t feel like hearing what he had to say. I sauntered away from the couple, making my way back to the car. I couldn’t help but laugh again at the comment the old guy said. It was no surprise to me that I was the opposite of Caroline. I was a gutter rat and a damn proud one too. Gutter rats know how to get shit done and don’t take shit from people…
Caroline’s POV
“He came to my house and my neighbors almost called the cops on him, Mac!” I exclaimed. “My poor neighbor hasn’t stopped checking on me since I got home.” I watched as Mac nearly chocked on her Chinese takeout. I had come home from grocery shopping and the next thing I know my neighbor is telling about the rude guy that was knocking on my door. I was concerned at first, but once he started explaining what he looked like I knew exactly who it was. From the jet black hair, unbuttoned shirt, and leather pants, I knew that it was none other than Nikki Sixx. I tried to explain to Walter and his wife, Maggie, that Nikki was just a friend and that they had no need to worry. Well, that didn’t exactly go as well as I would have hoped. Walter began to explain to me the dangers of being friends with a guy like Nikki. I would not only get into a lot of trouble but I could also be called not-so-nice names (his words, not mine). I assured him that I would be okay. I didn’t want to tell him that it was rude of him to interject himself into my business because that’s not the type of person I am. I respected him for looking out for me but I didn’t need another man like my father in my life. Michael Daniels was enough to handle.
“So what exactly happened between you and Nikki Sixx?” Mac asked, changing the subject. I knew she was wanting to know and I was going to have to tell her. I actually felt a bit embarrassed, to be honest. I used to criticize her for sleeping around with guys she barely knew, and now here I was doing the same thing. “Everything.” I muttered. “I let him-”I stopped, trying to find the right words. “I let him perform oral sex on me.” My eyes remained on my Lo Mein noodles as I waited for Mac’s response. After a couple of seconds of silence, I quickly peered up to see her smiling at me with her mouth wide open. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” I began to whine.
She instantly started to laugh, “You let Nikki Sixx go down on you?” My cheeks started to heat up as she laughed. “I can’t believe Caroline Vanessa Daniels got tongue fucked by Nikki Sixx!”
“Don’t say it like that, Mackenzie.” I groaned. I reached for the blanket that was resting on my couch and threw it over my head. Even though she said it in such a crass way, that’s exactly what happened. When my parents had the birds and bees talk with me, they never mentioned the use of tongue, not even when kissing. Like I had mentioned earlier, I found out about oral sex from Mac. Come to think of it, I found out a lot of stuff from Mac. All my parents told me about was when two people love each other, they get married, and THEN make love. I don’t even think I made love with Nikki. It was raw and wild, nothing like what my parents explained to me. I learned the Leave it to Beaver version from my parents and received the X-rated version from Nikki.
“You’re such a dork, Caroline.” Mac pulled the blanket from my head. “Okay, so, you had oral sex with Nikki. So, what?” She stated. “Did you have regular sex with him?” I stayed silent, giving her the answer. Another smile formed on her face, “I know this is gonna sound weird-” She began. “But I’m so proud of you for getting properly fucked.”
“Ugh!” I exclaimed. I quickly jumped up from the floor and started making my way to the kitchen. I hastily placed my bowl in the sink, Mac following close behind. “Caroline, it’s completely normal to have sex!” She exclaimed. “I had sex with Tommy the first night I met him. You’re 21 years old, that’s what we do.”
I turned to face her, “That’s not what I do. I don’t have sex with guys I barely know. Look how long it took Chris to get into my pants.”
“You don’t have sex with guys you barely know, but you do have sex with guys that you have feelings for, Caroline.” She spoke. “You and I both know that you have major feelings for Nikki, but you’re too scared to admit it.” I looked at her as if she had three heads. “Don’t look at me like that, you know I’m telling the truth. You want him, you need this man in your life.” Was she right? Every time I saw Nikki, my heart starts to flutter and I can’t help but smile. The heart fluttering could be some underlying medical condition, though. “I know what you’re doing, Caroline.” I looked at her. “You’re over analyzing everything and you’re gonna psych yourself out.” 
 I don’t know what came over me, but I just burst out crying. I dropped to the ground and just cried. I had no idea why I was crying, but huge tears were falling from my eyes. “Caroline!” Mac threw herself next to me, engulfing me in her arms. “You’re over analyzing.” She pressed her lips into my hair, gently rocking me, causing me to slowly calm down. “Just breath. It’s going to be okay.” I wiped the snot and tears that had formed on my sweatshirt. “I over analyzed.” I whimpered. “I couldn’t help it.”
Mac let out a chuckle, “You’ve been over analyzing things since I met you.” She pulled back a little. “Do you feel better, though? I mean, is your brain more clear to think?” I nodded my head, straightening up against the wooden cabinet.  I did feel slightly better after my cry-plosion. “Now-”Mac started. “You need to go find Nikki and tell him that you’re sorry for skipping out on him this morning. And-”She cut me off before I could speak. “Tell him how you really feel.” I looked at her, slowly nodding my head in agreement. I knew she was right but I was being way too stubborn. I may have said that I was done over analyzing everything but it was a lie. I was thinking about anything and everything that had to do with Nikki. What would people think of him? What would people think of me? How would my parents react to me being with someone like Nikki? How would his fans, especially the female ones, react to me being with him? Was I edgy enough to be with a guy like him? The answer to the edgy question was a big-fat NO! I still watched Saturday Morning Cartoons for goodness sake! I teach seven and eight year olds; I have to be down with the cartoons trends.
“You’re doing it again!” Mac shouted, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. “Don’t fucking over analyze!” She was right. I needed to calm down and face the music. The next time I see Nikki, I’m gonna tell him how I feel. I’m gonna tell him that I have feelings for him and I want to be with him. Goodness, gracious, that sounds so dorky!
@triplehaitches @sighsophiia @fandomshit6000 @primal-screamer @lauravic @divaanya @jonesie32 @ithinkimhardcore @theabductionofpersephone @queen-introvert
(If you want to be added to the tag list, let me know!) 
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fandensflytrap · 5 years
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– B A S I C S –
NAME:  I don’t particularly want to give out my irl name. ALIAS(ES)/HANDLE(S):  Termite ARE YOU OVER 18?    Yes  /  No IS YOUR MUSE?   Yes  /  No  (( A few childhood verses and a character I never use.)) WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED?  Man, I have no idea.  2018.01.13 was when the first post I made. Back then the blog was a Penello blog from FF12, but I never used it. It was just an idea. Then I repurposed it  2018.11.04 to be for my OC’s. Mainly Devrim.
– W R I T I N G –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people)  /  Private (mutuals only)  
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone)  / Semi (most people)  / Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all  /  A little  /  Some  /  Mostly  /  Strictly  /  Not Applicable  ---((Idk, I try to be as canon as possible but at the end of the day it’s my interpretation. Some characters got less info to go on and some have a lot. ))
One-Liners /  Single-Para  /  Multi-Para  / Novella    ---(( One-liners are mainly only fun on Discord since things are a bit snappier there. Otherwise, I’d like to get my money’s worth of writing. ))
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes    ---(( If my partner doesn’t use icons, then I most likely won’t either. If they do then I’ll draw up some. If I play canon characters then yeah. If there are canon material to get hold of, if not I’ll draw myself icons. ))
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? No  /  Yes   ---(  Discord )
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots (set up a meeting and see what happens) /  Semi-Plotted (one or two steps ahead) /  Fully Plotted Epics ( plotted beginning, middle, and end )  
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) /  Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast  /  It depends
---(( I’ll start working soon to prove I’m up for disability benefits or not so I’ll probably get rather slow in the future since... Me + Work = exhaustion to the point of crying, body, and mental shutdown, unable to move, and never-ending naps. 
But currently, I try to write a reply to what I get in a semi-timely manner whenever I get something though. Depending on the muse. I try not to abandon threads if I can help it... ))
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Adventure / Romance / Fluff  /  Angst  /  Smut  /  Violence  /  Tragedy  /  Domestic  /  Family  /  Conversational
---(( I’m neutral to Smut but SUPER PICKY about my smut partners, I’m more than ok with romance, it’s cute! I love it the few times I get it to happen. But I’m SUPER PICKY about shipping. So it’s likely not going to happen much.
 I can do violence just fine but it needs a purpose for it to work. If there’s no purpose then what’s the point? ))
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy  /  Supernatural  / Science Fiction  /  Historical  /  Horror  /  Comedy  /  Romantic  /  Drama  /  Action  /  Adventure  /  Espionage  / Hero/ Villain
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? (( I’m not sure.  I had one for choking but I think I’ve outgrown after a few years so I’ll just call it a mild squick for now. I might have to try it out a time or two to be sure. ))
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial / Enemies / Any and all.
---(( Sorry but I refuse to do pre-established shipping. I really won’t do it with anyone and at most I’ll just talk about the potential to see if there’s any compatibility in the future. I like shipping but I’m not about that life.
And I’ve had REALLY BAD shipping encounters in the past with an Ex-friend of mine, and I don’t want to deal with that again. They basically made all of my characters into sex dolls for their smut related needs and changed my characters to fit their kinks better.
And I abhor seeing people ship hoard on the dash. Nothing against people who does it but I personally can’t do it. Shipping calls, watching people talk loudly about needing\wanting a ship, having a thousand ships with different people... I just can’t do it. I don’t. 
 If I’m going to ship I want it to feel natural and safe, gradual. So I really need to take my time to get comfy with a ship. ))
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No  /  Chemistry Only  / Yes 
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION?   Heterosexual  (Liam)  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual (Devrim)  /  Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual / Demisexual  /  Sapiosexual  /  ( Grey ) Asexual
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic (Liam) /  Heteroflexible  /  Biromantic ( Devrim, though he does prefer women )  /  Homoflexible  / Homoromantic   / Panromantic /  Demiromantic  /  Sapioromantic  /  Aromantic
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship ( If you’re one of my close friends only )  /  During plotting  / After a couple IC interactions  / Several IC interactions /  Slow burn  /  Never
---(( I’m super picky and very slow. Slow Burn where I get to know both the mun and the character is super important to me. It depends a little on the character I play too, but personally... not very fast. 
I don’t ship based on first impressions, I ship based on how well I and the muse know that character.))
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No /  Selectively  /  Yes  
---((Needs plotting so we’re on the same page.))
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (incest, canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.)
Absolutely NOT  /  Selectively /  Yes   
---((Depends on the subject, and it needs to be plotted to make sure we’re on the same page.))
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? No /  Selectively  /  Yes 
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? Never  /  Sometimes  /  Yes   ---(( If we mean it like a single ship thing, then sometimes. ))
– T A G G I N G! –
tagged by: Stole it tagging:  Steal it
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puppyrogue · 6 years
//I guess this is a ‘Good Bye’ ?
** THIS MIGHT BE A BIT OVERDRAMATIC (until we know for sure how this is gonna go)... BUT, I JUST WANTED IT TO BE POSTED, JUST IN CASE.**
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I live in Europe, and you guys might’ve seen this post flying around.. 
   Which means I might, along with my fellow European role players, have our content deleted...? And won’t be able to see any content from you, either.
   So... if/before this happens, I wanted to Thank You All, from the bottom of my heart for following me, interacting with me, having great threads and making wonderful friends through these years. It really means a lot to me and I will remember all of you, forever. And have memories of our times here. (I might save everything, print it out and keep in in a safe lmao WHAT A CRIMINAL)
I’ve role played Axel for about... well, it’s close to 5 years now. It’s insane. It’s been a great ride..   some ups and downs, like everyone has, but happily mostly Amazing times.
Some of you have followed me– we’ve been mutuals since day One. And I just want to say, I love you and thank you for sticking around, even though we might not have played much together, or at all. Just reading each others interactions has been great and you are all doing such a great job, I hope you know that. Be proud of your character, and your work.
I’m really not good with good bye’s... fucking.. separation anxiety. But I’d like to Highlight some people that have been an honor to play with and some that I have absolutely adored just stalked throughout these years. (this is in no particular order, I love each and everyone of you ♥ And I wish I could write something about everyone of you, but... I don’t know if I have time. I might be shut down at any second and this point hah!)
@samscudder – You’re the most amazing artist, amazing writer and story teller. You have an incredible imagination and I hope you continue to use that fantastic mind of yours. You’re a great person, friend. Honest, fair, smart and kind. And you’ve had such patience with me, and the way I’ve portrayed Axel. When it’s not have been nowhere near Canon, you’ve been OK with that, or given me feedback to help and you’ve taught me a lot of things I didn’t know, you’ve helped me and answered the most stupid questions, and I just fucking love you. ♥ 
@roguette-skater – We started playing pretty early in my DC Comics years, when I had just started to read the Flash comics and fell in love with the Rogues, and Axel. I was impatient and made a rp blog without having enough knowledge about this little brat, but you were fine with it. And for that, I’m very very grateful. I was new to OC’s but reading your character Louise, I was just amazed by her and instead of having her and Axel ‘meet for the first time’, went with that they had basically grown up together. I regret nothing. It’s an amazing sibling relationship and I thank you for creating such a wonderful character. And thank you for letting me play with you. ♥
@i-still-quote-twain – I want to, of course, Thank you as well for letting me play with you. And apologize for have bothering you so much with my damn obsession that is Mark/Axel. Also thank you for it. The artwork you created of them is my absolute favorite piece and I want to thank you for tagging me in it. It means a lot that you took some of your time and energy to draw it. I didn’t even know that you were, but it was hiiiiighly appreciated and thank you thank you thank you. It’s been an amazing time, and amazing, funny, emotional threads we’ve had and I have adored every single one. I hope you have too! ♥ 
@perfectedrobin – Dan.. Dan, dan, dan...      I don’t know what more to say than a sincere Fuck You.
Nah,   You are like...    I don’t remember how we started talking, but when we did, we just clicked. That sounds so romantic wtf.  hey if I get a dick will u date me
 I love the “hateful”-playful-sarcastic-friendship kind of thing.. and we have that. (Or maybe you do hate me. The fuck do I know.)  But anyway, Damian and Axel. The hell is all that about. It all started with a joke, and then the joke became more of a joke and it became a hot fucking joke. I love it. It’s not what I usually like for Ax, him having his fucking Daddy Kink and all.. but Damian and Axel, their impossible fantastic duo, as ..friends??? and two dudes, opposite side of law and morals, but still not that different at all, working together... it’s perfect. It’s been a fucking pleasure, man. ♥
@exrogue – Bells, the Shane to my Ryan. Digger couldn’t have been portrayed this well by anyone else, in my mind. Holy fuck, dude. Your writing and your portray of the damn drunk is A+ in every category and when we first started writing together, I was a nervous wreck, but you turned out to be just as strange of a fellow as I am and boiiiii  we need to hang someday. I’ll come down, alright. We should do some ghost hunting, bruh. Wheeze around a little bit. We should bring @i-still-quote-twain as well. Unsolved Fan, there too. It’d be great. And you could laugh at me being the more ridiculous kind of Ryan than Ryan. Imagine that.       Anyways... Thank you for putting up with my shit ♥
@one-rogue-army – Gosh, your writing and your character and amazing development of him and mine! It’s been such a great time writing with you. A lot of Ax’s character development has been thanks to Tony, and I’m really glad you wanted to play with me. Humor and Angst, it’s two of my favorites, and you’ve given me both!  Don’t ever change, because you are one of the kindest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. ♥ @mamasbvy – Yo, yo, yooooo...   Boii, have I loved playing with you... I wouldn’t have dreamed of Axel getting some actual loving and from someone who truly means his best. I am absolutely stunned by your character and I wish he was real, because damn, son. D a n g.   Thank you, for everything. These two has it all, and that is exactly what they need. Your writing is inspiring and I hope you keep it up, because it really pulls you in to the story. I will love this ship and carve it into the wood of my own casket.     Wow that’s bizarre but I love you, and again thank you ♥
@queryxecho – THE MOMS TO MY BOY. You’ve given me such jooooooooy to play Axel and to have him play son around your girls. He has really appreciated their help, toys, their caring and scolding, everything. And I have really appreciated chatting with you, having great times and discussed important and not so important things in life. It’s been amazing. You are amazing. ♥
 –  Now, like I said, I can’t write down a Love Confession Letter to each and everyone of you, but I am just as happy, grateful and honored to have seen you guys on my dash, and written with you and stalked your blogs with a heart eyes emoji face. Thank you. Thank you and Thank you so much for giving me these memories. 
♥ such babes ♥
@flashgotthis @darkmeditation @justakansasboy @fasterthansupes @fastestboyalive @impawsiblegar @tinytrickster @thisisntaruba @mr-riddler @promiisekept @legionrunner @blxckisblxck @atlantisking @aquarad @elextrospeed @erogues @aequitcs @blowhardking @comiiics @chosexearth @corvidamned @dawnofspeed @dcficit @dcnouncepcnguin @foolish-pleasure @goldieglider @greenlizardboy @halfspeeds @impulsiveycuth @jester-of-genocide @junglebcrn @lucklessprincess @lessthanmortal @nctaredshirt @rudolphwest @reluctant-reflection @redxeyedxmonster @sclsticed @speedyarrowed @smallspooky @strsmore @titansinmycrosshairs @theredwonder @weather-warlock @yellowskinnedwackyman @young-justice-newbies      I apologize so much if I have forgotten anyone, I follow many blogs, and so many of you have multiple blogs, too and you fricckkiinn confuse me btchez. I have only tagged one of your blogs, though, I hope that is ok ♥  
                Again, Thank you... ♥   I hope things will get better and I, together with the rest that this concerns, will be able to come back someday.
      Have a great life and do what you dream of doing! Don’t let people bring you down, and if they do, climb the fuck up again, baby! ♥ 
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See ya’ later, Snuggle Bugs! ♥   
           –  Fox out ~
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goldenhaircd-moved · 7 years
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So... this feels really, really overwhelming for me after writing Janna for years, under different names with a lot of development, and I never thought that this OC of mine would actually.. ending up even more popular than the canon male characters I used to write? It really means a lot to me, after having friends tell me years ago they just don’t care to hear about my OC, and I still often wonder whether people do care and... I am so grateful for all of you. For the people sending memes, liking and reblogging posts, the people talking ooc to me, the people I thread with - I have been on this blog for longer than I managed to keep any other, and there are many people who already left behind their blogs, people I do miss, but there are also so many new friends I made along the way so... Here, if you want to see a small part of the people who make my stay here so great... Under the cut with absolutely no claims to being complete because I ALWAYS forget people!
The extremely cool kids - I am just not sure how to approach you, especially IC, but you are extremely cool and maybe someone will say hello one day? until then, I shall love your presence on my dash!
@killthebxy, @wineinthewidow, @maidofwinter, @willbeshot, @canticleofmercy and ur radonis blog, @wintcrskiss, @raajasii, @murroyilodel, @malignedking, @schizcid, @kingwhocared, @disscciative, @foreignaccent, @servesorlais, @arielshepard
The Cool Kids - people I write with, or at least plot with, though we did not have that much ooc contact yet - I am looking forward to more!
@maniacollision, @dremsuum, @onthesirenscall, @powershout, @iendured, @ofrxvia, @vitterfolk, @kyrkogaard, @atonings, @crispyaltmer,  @goldnveil, @iphigeneiia , @afraidofchange, @siimplewolf, @stellaluminis, @kaledvoul, @vamytas, @scrpcntina,  @choosingfreedom, @fulguritte, @immundiitiam, @dragonofstars, @elesheir, @electorofhell, @dryhtenhold
The Inner Circle - people who I enjoy writing with a lot and people who I think I might end up being friends with and basically, I want to see more of y’all on my dash! @splendorburned - damn I love Eva so much and I am so happy there is someone who writes her, and as well as you do, too! We don’t talk as much ooc as we might, but just know I think you are great! @thelambsofiscariot you do the work of God, giving a platform for all the underappreciated characters of this underappreciated fandom and I am super curious where we will end up with everything because you got such a great bunch of muses sitting there, waiting to be thrown into the world, and I am 100% up for that
@godslucretia / @purgesin - Jeanne loves both of u, in different ways, and I wish we would talk and interact more often because i love your OCs so much, they are just so great???
@finsaraan - i know you cannot be around much right now but just know that I think you are a really amazing writer who does an amazing job as Miraak and I  am always happy whenever one of your posts ends up on my dash!
@ladyoriannas never has Janna gone “I  W A N T “ as fast at any lady as at you, and I think that is partially a lot due to your interesting portrayal and I realllly look forward to more of that interesting chemistry! 
@verfuhrerin I don’t know why these two are friends and I don’t even care anymore at this point because it’s too glorious to question. 
@snarkomancy where the hell have you been, why the hell have we not written anything in months, why the hell am I not just asking you via IM instead of writing it down here? we will never know. do you want to write with me? [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] ask again later. please send your answer via carrier pigeon owl
@vrohiir another case of I dont know what this is and I do not know how it happened but... you are a moooore or kinda less constant presence on my dash and inbox and Janna is definitely enjoying that a lot and I am mildly curious and slightly scared to see where this train is headed
The Squad: the people I really like, the people who keep me going, the people who inspire me. You all are amazing. Very
@brokenbiirds - even though I am slo as hell and often don’t actually have inspiration for our threads, i am still really glad I know you, and I love seeing you around and just know I so appreciate you for putting up with my slow ass! 
@stars-and-satina I also feel like I should be apologizing to you since I am often sitting with writer’s block at our threads and I appreciate so much that you are putting up with that and still open to try again to plot something out and just, even if so far none of our characters meshed all that well, I am still so incredibly happy that you are still around =) 
@valorandheart  I will defend Jamie with my life, Janna will defend him with the life of the thugs she will hire to defend him. You and ur cute little ball of sunshine make me happy and just please stay around u are great and just let me wrap u and jamie in a blanket like a happy warm burrito pls both of u deserve it 
@rcgnata - I love Raskreia and I love u because u are really one of the people who really got me like YEEESSSS whenever we get to talk to each other because I really adore the way these two mesh and I just live for their friendship, it’s sooo important to me just heart eyes
@loveardently is part of the Squad and no one will convince me that Janna does not wear a ‘I love saskia’ t-shirt underneath her armor. I love u and saskia so much for giving me the opportunity to write stuff that is so far out of the usual things I get to write with Janna in Inquisition verse, because saskia is that one person Janna actually trusts and just i love your blog and your oc and your writing and just let me bake 20000 cookies for you??
@aureasadrisit/ @theeternalsun - Skells I adore your writing, I adore your OCs, I so wish we wrote more and just, each time you cross my dash I am glad you exist and you are around here because you and your positive vibes are just such a positive contribution to the fandom and the dash so just ???? thank u for existing you awesome carrot 
@vintyvanora do u really think I could make a follow forever post without mentioning you? I adore vanora to bits and pieces and I feel so :( because we do not talk all that much but still, know that you could come to me any time and pick up our friendship right where we last left it, i wouldnt even mind because you are an awesome mun and I am always happy to talk to you x3
@ianazavi you are probably the newest friend on this list and I did not even expect that I would grow so attached to mareloen and you and I am really looking forward to meeting Ethel in our thread too and I really like talking to you and just, I am super happy you approached me back then because i have like less than zero regrets 
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adjudicxtor · 7 years
NAME: Saki GENDER: Female EYE COLOR: Green or Blue. I think blue? Idk anymore. HAIR COLOR: Brown RELATIONSHIP: Single af because I’m questioning and don’t trust people. ZODIAC: Capricorn
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Purple FAVOURITE SEASON: Summer or Spring. FAVOURITE FLOWER: N/A FAVOURITE PLACE: My room FAVOURITE HOLIDAY: N/A FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME: Pokemon (main series and side games); Smash bros; Danganronpa series; Anniversary no Kuni no Alice FAVOURITE BOOK: Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED: The Exorcist (2017)
WHAT’S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: Honestly he is very problematic and a lot of his behavior in canon makes me uncomfortable (he is possessive, obsessive, a stalker, and he just outright murders people without caring). However, he does have the capacity to love, and I mean truly love. His love for Alice is mostly selfless/agape, and I really love that. He also has the potential to be an excellent partner who puts his s/o first before himself and would do anything to make them happy.
However, since Quinrose likes to make their characters the living embodiment of 2-3 tropes and have Peter’s character contradict himself, it’s hard to see the positives until you look past the more problematic, OOC bs character traits Peter was given.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE KINDS OF THREADS?: Angst, Fluff, romance/romantic shipping, friendship/platonic (for some muses more than others), WORLDBUILDING/CHARACTER/RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT-
ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?: In Citta I am but I’m not. I will not turn away any in group interactions with my muse, though if we aren’t mutuals chances are I won’t approach you first. This is due to being in the indie community so long and not wanting to step on people’s toes.
Basically if I follow you and you don’t follow me, I won’t branch out first just in case you may be mutuals only and I want to respect your comfort/personal space.
As for indies, I am more selective. Due to rp experiences with a past fandom, I tend to be more wary of who I interact with. I will not turn down offers to rp, though if I feel our muses won’t mesh well (mostly with OC’s) or if I get not too good vibes, I will refrain from interacting. I also won’t follow blogs (canon or OC) that post a lot of ooc. It clogs my dash and makes it a pain to find things.
If anyone wants to interact, Citta or indie, just hit me up!
Also for indies I am all about crossovers.
DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE MUSE (IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE)?: Peter White (HNKNA), Will (Pokemon) are my top two, along with Shuren (Bleach), Bunny Blanc (HNKNA) and Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon).
Basically any muse I rp/have rp’ed are favourites of mine. Peter White is my overall fave though.
JOIN THE FANDOM?: I joined the HNKNA fandom back in 2013 even though I started Peter’s muse in Citta. I was intimidated at the time, but over the years I managed to sink deeper into it to the point where it is a home and a family. It reminded me of how things used to be in my old fandom, and I love it to bits <3
TAGGED BY: @snowysniper
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writer-and-artist27 · 7 years
3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, and 25 for the get to know your author ask?
Ahhhh! An ask! Thank you, anon. :) Anyways, let’s do this!
3.) What order do you write in? Front of book to back? Chronological? Favorite scenes first? Something else?
Considering my working on both Civilian Pianist and The Sea and Stars, I’ll have to say it depends. For CP, I tend to write from front of book to back in terms of the order, with chronological stuff coming with it, but with interludes and so on, I’ve had to delve into the timeline for the sake of consistency. I usually collaborate with Josh and Leo in that regard when it comes to keeping things on track. 
For S&S though? I try to do the same, just with sprinkles of many conversations with Lang and by extension, Beta, on keeping the CYB elements true to some extent (big ones being Kei and a lot of the CYB characters). Sometimes, this leads to me writing favorite scenes first, but then they go into storage for me to figure out for later. Most of the time, it’s still chronological first.
4.) Favorite character you’ve written
I’m actually going to exclude Tomoko from this question considering she is me to an extent. But for actual original characters barring influence like that, Hisako and Judai have been my favorites, with Hisako basically being able to say a lot of things that Tomoko just doesn’t say or won’t, and Judai being that funny, protective-yet-lenient dad I thought he might’ve been had Canon GX gone that way. A runner-up for this category is actually CP Kakashi though, since writing his floundering throughout the entire process of figuring out his feelings for Tomoko have been amusing. :d
8) Favorite genre to write
Emotional fluff. That’s all I can use to describe it. There’s a reason why a lot of early CP had so much hug-inducing fluff, and aside from me getting used to writing for Naruto in general, I enjoy writing those moments of lighthearted joy that Tomoko has when seeing friends (which in a way has shown up again and again in S&S whenever she hugs Kei). It’s only with CP going into arcs such as the Chunin Exams and everything leading up to Kannabi that adding in the emotion really got me going because of how emotionally open I myself can be. 
11) What aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
Hm… that’s hard to say since there are still moments where I go to early CP and think, “Holy crap, I wrote that?!” in an incredulous voice before rereading again and realizing, “Hey, this is kinda cute.” But for the aspect I’ve improved in the most, I would like to think I did a lot in the fight scene and rising-action/tension categories. Early CP had so much fluff, it was easy to accidentally lose people in it. But when getting into the hard-hitters, well, they hit hard with my most recent work, so I’m proud to look back at those chapters and pat myself on the back for making them.
12) Your weaknesses as an author
Ah. This question. Well, I can only think of two:
Falling back on others a little too often when my writing muse comes to a screeching halt (I mean, Lang’s seen a lot of my stuff when I’ve floundered to the point where I’m surprised she still likes reading my stuff, and there have been many moments where I held myself back from calling Josh and Leo for the sake of trying to figure something out on my own)
Missing commas and em dashes (basically “—”). This is yet another reason why early CP is kinda on the love-hate category for me, because past me missed so many commas. Argh.
13) Your strengths as an author
Just one I can think of:
Delving into the emotions of the character I’m writing in. Even if I struggle with understanding the character in some way (e.g. Kei since she is Lang’s OC, not mine, so she’s harder to write for), getting into their minds and showing the emotion that can come from them is my specialty somehow. Whether it’s because I’m so emotionally open in real life, or just me trying to understand the motivations of the people around me, it shows in CP and S&S really well to where I’m proud (and also kinda mortified) when reviewers comment saying that they’ve cried. Definitely have come a long way from last year, even if I still flounder from embarrassment at seeing my early stuff.
15) Why did you start writing?
I can only really think of a few reasons. Hope you don’t mind the long text post. *scratches head* Then again, you’ve come this far, and I’m grateful. :)
To convey an idea I really wanted to write that no one had really done so far. I’ve said before that CP started with the question of “What if Kakashi had a best friend?”, and that still stands. Adding in how there are very few Civilian OCs that I’ve seen in the Naruto fandom, along with the low coverage of civilians in Naruto in general, that was one factor.
Lang inspired me. Simple as that. Catch Your Breath literally caught my heart when I discovered it in the summer of 2015 (at least, I think it was 2015, I can’t fully remember), and when seeing Kei, I wanted to try writing something along the lines of that too. Not to mention, it’s because of Lang that I got back into Naruto, and I can’t thank her enough. 
Silver Queen’s Dreaming of Sunshine made me see beyond fanfiction again. Shikako caught my heart just as much as Kei.
I wanted to reflect on the growth I’ve done so far as a person. There’s a reason aside from angst as to why I had Vy die at age 18 to the point of it affecting Tomoko in her new life, since so much has happened since then. I’m still attending college, figuring things out little by little, but Tomoko is essentially that self-reflection that I never got to do until now. And seeing how I could’ve been while also exploring the current me in writing has been very much worth it.
I wanted to see what it was like. Posting on Fanfiction and all. Cross-posting on other sites (including AO3) was never really my thing, and my old FFN profile was just sitting on the website, dusty and all after a few select reviews for an old fanfic a friend was doing, so I just dusted it off and got to work.
18) Were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? What were they?
Yes, there were. No doubt about that. For fanfic stuff…
Catch Your Breath. Still my main inspiration to this day. 
Dreaming of Sunshine, especially since it started the whole SI-OC genre in general.
Deja vu no Jutsu, for the worldbuilding and the limits that a writer can surpass (since Vixen Tail wrote a lot to take in, and it’s hard when your brain’s not hardwired for binging), and
Inoue Shiori by Hermionechan90. This was actually the first ever Civilian OC fic for Naruto I ever read, and after seeing Shiori’s accomplishments and her realm in the shinobi world, it got me thinking.
As for books…
Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon series. For the mystery and attention to historical detail.
Robert Galbraith/JK Rowling’s The Cuckoo’s Calling and following books in the Cormoran Strike series, for being a mystery series that I found myself loving.
22) Are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
Sex scenes or anything related to smut, period. First, because I’m a demisexual person and the idea of Tomoko doing that kind of stuff equals “WHAT.” 
(Not helped by how Hisako is my spiritual avatar in the sense of protecting the girl, just because she’s so precious to me and the idea of her doing that equals O^O). 
And secondly… well, those CP fans who have seen Chapter 21 and my later “Announcement” chapter will easily understand why. For others, let’s just say I’m not as protected from society’s stuff as it might seem. I’ve seen some uncomfy stuff too, and it’s hard. 
23) Any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
I feel like this is a weird answer, but strangely, my interactions with the older members of my family factor into this. The reason why I personally feel Judai and Hikari are so powerful in CP’s narrative (and not just because they’re honoring my original fanfiction roots in trying to write for Yugioh GX or their being our main heroine’s parents) is because my real Mom and Dad are personally involved in my life. I try to keep them updated every day I can, they help me whenever they can, and it’s been a mutually beneficial and loving relationship. I’ve seen my parents falter and worry, as Judai and Hikari have in-story, while also having a first-hand idea of how even adults in a child’s life can make mistakes (considering how things in life can be - my parents coming from Vietnam more so). So, having them in my life really helped in fleshing out the adult figures in Tomoko’s life, Judai and Hikari included.
24) Have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
I would like to say ‘yes’ to this, but for once, I don’t think I can. I’ve had to research things to the point of knowing the subject matter better (e.g. wartimes in Naruto, looks into the psychological state that Tomoko might have, etc), but I still had outside help in the form of Josh, Leo, and by extension, Lang, Beta, and Abalisk. So I can’t call myself an expert. But considering how a lot of my stories have been rooted in emotion, I think I’m in fair territory.
25) Copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of.
Oooh. Well, I don’t want to say too much, but an entire snippet for you, anon! This is all thanks to you~ :D 
The following scene was actually something I wrote while I was on my summer road trip, thinking it would be for the aftermath of S&S Chapter 13 (where the Drunk Guy incident happened, just with a better ending in the final version), but after some convos with Lang, Beta, and Leo, this specific scene ended up being scrapped (especially since Tomoko was saved much earlier than in CP, with the culprit not even being able to touch her). That doesn’t mean I still don’t like it - no - I just feel bad that I wasn’t able to include this!
Being set up to rest in my room for most of the day felt almost suffocating. Even if I knew it was for my own good.
Apparently trying to cook pancakes on my own after a long night seemed to not be the best idea I had in mind. Even if it sounded good at the time.
I gave everyone I knew such a bad scare last night, I had thought making them breakfast would be a good way to cheer them up. Instead, everyone was clamoring towards me, bustling me back into bed without even letting me finish cooking.
If I wasn’t physically a child already, this said more than enough.
Trying to sleep was difficult though. I wasn’t sure whether it was because of the endless stream of thoughts going through my head about what had happened and what I should be doing now or the state of my throat (which Kei did try to tend to again this morning before putting me back into my futon), but my eyes just couldn’t close. Sure, I could blink, but actually falling asleep didn’t seem like an option.
So instead, I was left staring up at the ceiling, counting the number of tiles up there while occasionally testing my voice with some light singing. Needless to say, it didn’t go so well.
“Haaa… haagh.”
I could’ve been a wheezing teapot if I didn’t know any better.
At least a notebook and pencil was left in reaching distance for me to use if I wanted to talk. My throat seemed to not be happy with me if I tried anyways.
I was already reaching 30 tiles when the door opened. Without even sitting up, I knew it was Kei from the casual sleepwear and messy black bedhead alone, walking in with a tray of food.
“You doing alright there, Tomo?” she said, voice quiet but still recognizable.
With my voice gone, I could only really nod and put on the best smile I could offer.
It was a broken smile, but a smile nonetheless.
But judging by Kei’s face, she didn’t believe the smile or me. Instead, she locked the door behind her, walked over to set the food to my right side and then hung her head. She wasn’t looking at me, but I could tell she was disturbed about something.
Then, she looked up at me with resolute eyes. “… I think I’ll ask Minato-sensei if I can take a break from missions.”
My heart froze.
Whether or not my panic showed on my face, Kei seemed to notice it enough and shook her head. “I know what you’re thinking, Tomo. This is the time of the Third Shinobi World War, and I should get some more experience out there before Kannabi happens.”
I nodded my head as fast as I could, not even caring that my hair was slapping my face while doing so.
“But Tomo, you didn’t see it.” Kei took a breath, and I didn’t miss how her hands clenched the sides of my blanket. “You didn’t feel your own chakra when it happened.”
Now I was feeling confused. In my funk, I sat up and reached over to grab the notebook, flipping to the first blank page to scribble. It took a few moments, but by the time I looked up at her again, Kei was inclining her head at me in confusion once I turned the notebook over in her direction.
What do you mean, Kei? What does my chakra have to do with this?
“Tomo…” Kei then sighed, reaching over to poke my head. “Tomo, Tomo, Tomo.” With each repetition of my new nickname, she poked my forehead, and I found myself getting a bit irritated. “I’m a sensor, remember? And even if you’re okay now, you didn’t feel your chakra when you got attacked yesterday. You… You didn’t know how close you were to… well.” She paused, looking up at me again and I couldn’t miss the amount of emotion rolling through her eyes. “I almost lost you yesterday, Tomo.”
Oh. I opened my mouth, then closed it. The throbbing in my throat was becoming more obvious.
What am I supposed to say right now?
“I-I can’t…” Kei clenched her fists again as she looked down. “That can’t happen again. Until everything boils down, I want to be there for you if any bastards target you again.”
I could only find myself mouthing Kei’s name before closing my mouth again.
What was I supposed to say?
I glanced down at my own hands before the lightbulb went off. Then, I turned to another page in the notebook, scribbling again. Near me, I could hear Kei’s confused grunt at my actions. I was honestly hoping what I was writing was enough to reassure her.
Kei needed to hear my opinion at least. Even if I couldn’t physically voice it.
When I finally turned the page over in her direction, I tried to hide my own gulp.
I’ll be okay. I’m not fully alright now, but I’ll be okay. You don’t have to worry about me, Kei. You should focus on your training and your work so that this doesn’t happen again.
I’ll be alright.
Once Kei finished scanning my message, she looked up at me with softened eyes before reaching over. The last thing I was expecting was for her to push my notebook down into my lap before pulling me into a hug. “Tomo, you’re not fine at all. And it’s okay for you to rely on friends sometimes, y’know.”
I opened my mouth again, only to close it.
A hand started to run through my hair. “You’re my friend, Tomo, so let me be here for you. Please.”
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myother2thirds · 5 years
partners | chapter 1
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description: the one where y/n signs up for her university’s summer abroad trip but she’s partnered with the most infuriating and flirty person of all. who? do you even need to ask?
pairing: pjm x female oc ft. ot7
genre: fluff, humour, angst, slow burn | pg 13 | college!pjm, travelling au
word count: 1078
warnings: none!
author’s notes: this story is actually a collaboration between author e, author a and author t! the idea is that author e be writing from the female character’s perspective while author a will be writing jimin’s! author t helps us come up with cool plots and ideas. anyways, we hope you enjoy! - e
description, character introductions, previous chapter, next chapter
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lilo POV
June 8 - 4:23 pm
“Eomma, my cab’s out front. I’m leaving.” A faint response can be heard from the kitchen as she yells back, “I’m coming, honey!”
Late for the airport, I think about leaving without saying goodbye but mom would never let me hear the end of it. I scold myself for even thinking about it, after everything she’s done for me these past few months. I can’t do that to her. Plus, I’m confident she’s packing some last minute snack. Who can say no to that?
Two minutes pass. Three minutes pass. Four minutes pass.
“Mom, I’m serious! I’ve got to go, my taxi’s waiting!”
Another minute flies by before I see her jogging form approaching, holding out a thermos of coffee. She knows me too well.
After a long session of goodbyes I quickly make my way down to the lobby hoping to find my cab and maybe make up for lost time. Through the glass doors, I notice a man putting his luggage into the trunk of a car. As I exit the building, I start looking for my own ride, only to realize there’s no other car parked nearby. That’s weird, I called the taxi company a while ago. The driver should have gotten here by now.
My thoughts are cut short when the man loudly shuts the trunk and I catch a glimpse of an all too familiar logo, the Fancy Taxi logo. The logo I stared at online for far too long this morning before deciding to call a cab. The logo of the cab that was now being stolen from me. 
“Ya! Wait a second!” I say, sprinting out of the building, hoping my weak legs can take me at least a hundred meters to the cab.
I rush to a stop, leaning on the hood and bending down to catch my breath.
“I uh, I called this cab a… while ago.” I try. Am I supposed to be this dizzy? I start seeing black specks as I glance back pointing at the apartment complex behind me. 
After what seems like ages of an uncomfortable silence consisting of my wheezing, I start again. “This cab is mine—” I say weakly but he scoffs, making his way to the passenger door.
“You should really hit the gym more often.” he yells out smugly. I don’t quite catch his comment but he must see my fazed expression since he chuckles and continues. 
“I don’t usually do this, I swear.” he continues, although I’m not listening to a word coming out of his mouth, “But my stuff’s already in the trunk and I’m in a rush… I hope you figure things out. Mianhaeyo. (Sorry.)”
I immediately straighten up as swell of panic hits me but it’s too late. He yanks the door open and as I look up to fully face him now, he hops into the cab. 
Of course, I’m left staring at the car which is now driving away. Now in full-on panic mode, I make my way down the street, the dizziness creeping its way back in.
“Lady, where do you think you’re going? The street is for cars. Jugeullae?! (Do you want to die?!)” I hear an angry driver yell out against the sound of the blaring traffic as I cut onto the street. 
Ten minutes later, after a serious debate of calling another company or going back home, I finally find an empty cab.
“Take me to the airport please! I have a flight at 6:50.” I yell out as my mind starts wandering to all the places I went wrong but the driver interrupts me.
“Ma'am, traffic is heavy and—”
“Geunyang ga! (Just go!)” I immediately cut him off. Did that come out too harsh? I didn’t mean it to. I mean, it’s not his fault I’m late. If that guy hadn’t stolen my cab, things would have gone my way for once.
“—and people wanna get outta the city for the long weekend so I can’t promise you’ll make it.” I must have zoned out.
“I know. I know, but I’d like to think luck is on my side today.”
Clearly it isn’t.
5:59 pm
“You’ll see signs posted by Konkuk University to help with directions. Please just follow those. They should show up any minute— here! Turn left!” I yell right into his ear. The poor man. 
Throughout the course of this ride, he’s witnessed me clumsily drop my coffee on this backseats, two of my panic attacks and a not so subtle cry for help from the man up above.
“There, that’s how much I owe you!” I say as I basically throw the money at him (with a very generous tip) and start running for my luggage. My flight departs in less than an hour and I’ve still got to check in, get through security, find my gate and board the plane.
It’s gonna be a long night.
6:23 pm
“Ma'am, I can’t let you go without seeing your passport,” says the security lady. “It’s against the regulations,” she huffs, glancing at the line of people waiting anxiously behind me.
“Arayo, (I know,)” I answer uncomfortably. I had it before getting on the cab. 
Honestly, it’s like the world’s against me today. I knew I shouldn’t have signed up for this trip. I’m not ready to travel on my own. I can’t even handle living on my own after what happened with Cale—
“Ma'am, there are people waiting to board their plane. If you don’t mind moving to the back of the line and—”
My hands slip past a rough cover in my backpack. “I got it!” I respond enthusiastically as I hold up my, my…
my notebook. You’ve gotta be kidding me.
The lady looks up from her screen smugly as she waits for me to give up.
It’s too late for that now.
6:47 pm
“Don’t close the doors!” I yell out, running like a madman through the gatehouse. The flight attendants have already boarded all the passengers. All except one.
“I still have three minutes to board!” I say as I dash my way through the doors praying the airline workers haven’t detached the tunnel thingy from the plane just yet.
To my heart’s content, the plane doors are still open and I make my way through the aisle, ready to find my seat.
You did it Lilo. You’ve outdone yourself this time.
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elfyourmother · 7 years
kunstpause replied to your post: “[[MOR] idk man like i feel isolated enough as it is bc even in the...”:
I feel you! Seriously I am so happy I know at least one (you) person for whom Sebastian is as important as he is for me.
faejilly replied to your post: “[[MOR] idk man like i feel isolated enough as it is bc even in the...”:
I know almost all of those feels. *hugs* And EVEN IN the admittedly small corner of the fandom that gives Sebastian a chance and doesn't demonize him, half of them still, imo, get him /wrong/ (and/or frequently write him as much too young) so I can't even hang out THERE. :P It's exhausting.
yeah like there’s a really small number of people I trust with Seb, and I’m worried about sounding overly elitist about this, because that’s not really what it’s about. it’s more that what I want/need from stories with him is very often not what I get from the positive content that’s out there. people have a tendency to write him in a way that emphasizes extremes, without the subtle nuances that are there even in the sparse canon content with him, if you pay close enough attention. but it’s those nuances I’m most interested in tbh. I always want to dig deeper with characters, in general, and fandom as a whole trends toward treating every character like a collection of broad stereotypes
also @foundcarcosa I know what you mean, hell I’ve been That Weirdo in DA fandom since the very beginning tbh in terms of shipping. as i like to mention, Gisele made Voldy cry bc her story didn’t follow the implicit racism canon (i wear it as a badge or honor, or else I’d be too depressed to continue)
I do the same thing, the spamming headcanons out of spite thing
it’s easy to say the negativity doesn’t affect me, but I’m fundamentally a sad clown and a lot of that posturing is fake it till you make it stuff. that and being worn down by the endless bad discourse and toxic "friends” talking a good game about supporting other people’s sandboxes while simultaneously vagueblogging about my OCs literally every time i talked about them, or reblogging shitty “criticism” about characters I ship my OCs with every time I talked about those relationships (eg. I post “the major theme i got from solavell@n in canon was ‘you changed everything’ and so I took this and ran with it w him and Khedira, how does his worldview begin to shift bc of her relationship w Spirit, etc etc” 
then a reblog mysteriously pops up my my dash w “egglord is irredeemably evil and he’s can’t ever change because he’s old and basically elf satan and lol @ ppl thinking their dumb lavellans can change him and stupid and Toxic and Problematic” )
or I talk about egglord’s sex life w her even in a joking fashion and then there went the vagueblogs about how ppl are “exhausted” by how ~sexual~ everything is w him (this also happened with Sebastian posts to the point where I literally found myself censoring my own fucking posts bc I was afraid of upsetting ppl talking about my own goddamn opinions about my sandbox, that i’ve never posited as being anything but mine and not a reflection on anybody else’s characters or relationships. but I never got the same courtesy from these ppl)
you deal with enough of that shit, even the most confident person starts to feel bad.
I mean Khedira’s the biggest example of it anyway, probably because she breaks canon in such radically fundamental ways, even more so than the other two, and in ways that 99% of the rest of fandom can’t even comprehend, even the ones who don’t especially care about canon compliance. I literally had to write a story nearly from scratch because i hated so much of that game tbh. 
lmao like i can’t have anything, even my weird corner. I always go a step too far for ppl.
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sparatus · 7 years
G M T U Y and V (not including Kin characters)
G: Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
man otp is such a chill term to me at this point..... i guess if i have to set any apart i’d probably define it more along the lines of comfort character in the sense of it makes me feel better when i think about it
and following that definition i think.... i think a bunch of the oc ships i have going with @ardentzer0 fit the bill like lativerse is just such a good escape verse
M:Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
uhhh..... n.... nihlus................. this is unrelated to kin shit i swear nihlus just seems like he’d be a quality friend
T:Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
uh i mean....... saren arterius is autistic and suffering severe ptsd + grieving very unhealthily for his brother, the “turian councilor’s mistress” line from lotsb was a mistranslation there is no mistress only beloved wife, clawball is The™ turian sport of choice, han’gerrel is adhd and bipolar, and the council does in fact believe you about the reapers they just say it was the geth to prevent a panic + don’t let you in on it cause frankly they don’t trust you not to spill the beans shrug emoji
U:Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
ok we’re gonna skip my mass effect faves cause i can’t pick just one lol.......
first one is master chief from halo..... i know ppl give halo a lot of shit but listen. john-117 is a good man. he always does his best and he might not socialize well but he’s gone through some Seriously Fucked-Up Shit and yet he’s just genuinely trying his hardest to do good and help humanity and i love him
second is amaimon from blue exorcist and honestly??? he’s a fucking shithead. he’s terrible. his entire motivation boils down to “i am a terrible person and i want to beat the snot out of you, just to prove i can.” he’s shit. he’s a smartass and a slacker and i love him.
ok third...... johnny gat from saints row, just cause??? he’s johnny motherfucking gat???? he’s an asshole but he’s funny and cool and probably some sort of demigod with how often he gets fatally injured and comes back like it was nothing. plus his love for aisha is so good, so pure, he truly loves her and it’s adorable
Y:What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
destiny, overwatch, black butler, bleach, bendy and the ink machine
V:Which character do you relate to most?
honestly?? jack. her character means So Much to me as a trauma survivor. like obviously my trauma wasn’t nearly as severe as hers, but i look at me2 jack and i see.... me. i see who i used to be, and who i still can be on bad days. she’s angry and vicious and devil-may-care, all of her beliefs revolve around self-preservation at all costs.... me2 jack has been through some rotten fucking shit, and she’s angry about it, and i relate to that very strongly.
and then me3..... god man her arc between 2 and 3 hits home. i started playing mass effect when i was in a pretty dark place in life, and her development in 3 was something i needed to see. in 3 she’s matured and using her trauma to help people, to protect them and fight back by making sure it never happens again. i know some people don’t like that she “settled,” but it means so much to me cause.... there’s hope. me3 jack is a jack who’s learned that there’s still something good in the galaxy, and it’s worth fighting for. there’s hope that people like me, who were heavily traumatized and feel broken inside because of it, can still find a place where they can truly be safe and loved.
basically what i’m saying here is that jack’s character arc is mine, and i’ll defend her tooth and nail.
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sharknadoslutt · 3 years
Prompt: Talieh (My OC) and Cikatro Vizago run into Imperial trouble and are without a working hyperdrive. In the face of death what is left to do but confess ones feelings?
A/N: Have I mentioned how hopelessly in love Cikatro is with Talieh? Well it’s v much so expressed here. I shameless love these two with all my heart so excuse the cringe I actually started rambling at a lot of points but this was fun to write so I could care less
Setting: Somewhere in the Outer Rim, Lothal Sector, 6 BBY (Approximately 4 months before Rebels S1)
“Talieh, my sweet, if I didnt know any better...” Cikatro began with a big grin, his cheeks flushed slightly from the alcohol in his system. “I’d say you were drunk.”
His eyes were pinned on Talieh, who sat in the co-pilots chair. Per usual the Zygerrian woman leaned back comfortably in her seat, arms crossed against her chest while her boots were hiked up on the dash. The only thing out of the usual was this was the rare smile on her lips.  
“Good thing you do know better, right Cikatro?” She quickly responded, followed by the traces of an amused giggle. She wasn’t drunk.. but she wasn’t quite sober either. What was she exactly? 
Happy. She was simply happy. 
Talieh felt her feline ears twitch slightly before falling into their relaxed default position. Never had she imagined herself being so comfortable with anyone. Yet here she was actually enjoying Cikatro’s company, more so than she’d dare to admit out loud.
“We should be arriving back to Lothal in two days time. Late afternoon I’d say.” He said, moving his eyes to meet Talieh’s. 
For a moment the blonde Zygerrian looked back at him and felt her heart skip a beat. She blinked a few times before nonchalantly shifting her gaze to the view port. 
“Good.” She sighed.
“Would be sooner, but I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to manually pilot through an asteroid belt.” He continued, his soft gaze lingering on her face.
“Sounds like fun.” She remarked, finding her smile growing wider for a reason she couldn't quite figure out. The fact that he was looking at her like that? Maybe. 
“Yes.” He sighed contently and shifted his view to the stars. “Fun indeed.”
The past week had certainly been interesting. While Cikatro's ship, The Horn, was in the middle of some hefty remodeling, the crime boss got word of a huge shipment of Imperial weapons for sale on Plemarkens spot, a little space station at the edge of the Lothal Sector. 
It ran rapid with pirates and smugglers alike. Vizago had a few contacts there. Contacts that were willing to hold those weapons for a few extra days for the right price. Despite his main freighter being out of commission, Vizago was a man of business, and getting these weapons would be great for business! 
So as to not miss out on the Imperial shipment he purchased another smaller freighter; an investment, as he told Talieh. He shrugged it off to being a necessary business expensive, assuring himself that having a secondary smaller vessel was important for his rising smuggling operation. Albeit a fully functional YT-1696 light freighter, it was missing a lot of perks and functions that most folk would want in a ship. 
A working hyperdrive being one of those missing perks..
If Plemarkens Spot was anywhere else in the galaxy this would be out of the question. However it wasn’t terribly far, round trip the exchange should take an estimated week tops. Or so that’s what he had told Talieh anyways.
Before leaving Lothal, Vizago had assured Talieh traveling without a working hyperdrive wouldn’t be an issue. This was partly due to the mans hope that flying in real speed would allow him to spend time with the Zygerrian and potentially fulfill his desire to earn her affections.. but it also had to do with the fact that he was absolutely cheap and refused to fork up money for a new hyperdrive until after he’d sold this new shipment of Imperial goods..
Whereas Talieh was somewhat irritated with the whole ordeal, she would agree to almost any job if the price was right. Besides, relaxing on the ship for a few days out in open space wasn’t too bad a way to spend her time. Especially since she was getting paid for every minute of it.
Things had gone very good through the entire trip. They arrived at Plemarkens spot a day ahead of schedule and gotten all of the goods loaded up on Vizago’s new freighter. 
The two had honestly enjoyed each others company through it all. So much so, in fact, that upon finishing the transaction earlier than expected Cikatro had talked Talieh into stopping by the space ports cantina and enjoying a few drinks before they left. The Devaronian even purchased a few jugs of Corelian Whiskey for the trip back; deciding time might go by faster with a drink in his hand. And it had seemed to work thus far.
So far they had spent this day in the cockpit, flying in real time through space, each one with a drink in hand. High spirits, smiles, and even some flirting had taken place. This is exactly the atmosphere Cikatro had hoped for from this trip! 
Everything was perfect! Perfect, that is, until an Imperial Star Destroyer appeared out of hyperspace not terribly far from their current position.
The flash of light from the hyper jump made both Talieh and Cikatro about fall from their chairs. Considering how their freighter was fairly small it was doubtful the Imperials had spotted them visually. But if they were scanning for ships they’d certainly be found.
“Why would the Empire be here, Cikatro?” Talieh asked, placing her glass of whiskey on the ground before looking back at the Star Destroyer. 
He gave her a weird glance that expressed something along the lines of ‘How should I know? ' But Vizago instantly regretted this once he earned that angry growl from her.
It was easy for the man to forget that Talieh possessed little to no knowledge about the Empire. She’d always been very private about her past, never sharing too much information, which he respected. Everyone has a past, right?
She always explained her ignorance of anything Imperial off to the fact that she grew up ‘in a place where the Empire wasn’t around’. Cikatro assumed that meant Deep Deep Wild Space. But he really did not know. Now was certainly not the time to ask questions either.
“By the Moons of Gasgohl!” He adjusted the ships speed, directing full power to the thrusters. “I dont know, Talieh!” He blurted in frustration, his tone a little on the defensive side. 
The sound of the ships engine speeding up calmed him slightly but he still felt the need to go on. “It could just be a coincidence... Imperials are not uncommon in this sector, you know. The Mining Guild is all the rage. First Lothal, kriff, t-they could be looking for moons to deplete of natural resources.” He paused. “It could be as simple as that.. or..” 
Cikatro paused as he collected his thoughts. If he remembered correctly he had spotted a few civilian mining ships when they had first approached the large cluster. It wasn’t that uncommon for people to do unauthorized mining on asteroids in this sector; it was a good way to make a living if you knew what you were doing. With the increased Imperial presence on Lothal, Vizago wouldn’t be surprised if the Empire was trying to put a stop to it.
“Or what?!” She hissed, panic setting in.
“I dont know!” He reiterated, shooting her a stressed scowl. “Maybe they have every piece of merchandise in this ship suited up with trackers and this was a trick! Maybe they are just making a stop out here to monitor this asteroid belt for unauthorized mining.. I dont know, Talieh! It’s the Empire.. they do whatever they want even if it doesn’t make sense! But who cares about why, we need to get out of here!”
Talieh’s face easily expressed her irritation but she remained quiet. Her cat-like ears pointed down to further express her mood. 
The Star Destroyer stayed in place, a good distance away from their transports current position. Considering that the Imperials hadn’t taken action against their little freighter it was likely they’d not yet been spotted. But that wouldn’t last, not like this. Without being able to jump into hyperspace they were sitting ducks. 
“I dont think they’ve noticed us, yes?” Talieh grumbled in her accented basic. “Otherwise they’d have sent out a comm-message or ships to scan us?”
“It’s positive thinking.” Cikatro pursed his lips. “But I do think that’s probably the case.” He half chuckled, whether it was forced or not Talieh didn’t know. “Otherwise we’d be dead.” 
Talieh nodded and stood up, her brows knitted as she stared out the view port.  “Maybe if we pull off over there,” She gestured toward an especially large cluster of asteroids. “We power down everything on the ship.. They’ll think we are just floating junk.”
Though he didn’t say anything at first Talieh could feel the gears in his head turning into a confident direction. 
“That could work.” He agreed, leaning forward to look at the power distribution on the ship. “Yes, this could work.” He repeated, trying to convince himself. 
“It’s our best shot, Cikatro.” She headed out the cockpit. “I’m going to make sure all droids are shut down as well. Go ahead and pull over. I’ll be back.”
It took about eight tortuously long minutes to shut down all power to the ship. Fortunately in that time it appeared they still remained unnoticed by the Imperials. That was somewhat comforting..
Other than the starlight seeping in from the view port glass the ship was dark. Dark and quiet. Nothing but the sound of Talieh and Cikatro breathing and the occasional creak of metal of the ship. The silence was too intense for Cikatro so he decided to speak up.  
“We are still alive. So it’s safe to say that the buckets did not come here because our haul was tracked.” His tone was that of relief, though there was still stress in his red eyes. “Probably just, uhh, an unfortunate coincidence.”
There was another long moment of tense silence where they just stared at the Imperial station. After a while the hatch opened a few small surveying ships started to go around and scan some asteroids. Granted those were all far away from their ship and seemed to be going in the opposite direction. However one of them did head towards one of the civilian miner operations. 
A spark of hope emerged and the two glanced at one another. It seems all the Empire was doing was scanning the asteroids for valuable metals, at the very least perhaps intervening with the unauthorized miners. As long as they remained hidden they would make a clean get away!
“By the moons of Gosgolt, I think we will be fi-”
“Cikatro, no..” Talieh interrupted him, extending her arm to point back at the Star Destroyers ship port. “Look.”
A small ship exited the Star Destroyer and went in the direction of one of the civilian ships parked on a rather large asteroid. This new Imperial ship had a large blaster extended on the top of its point and seemed to be firing it up.
Within seconds the brilliant laser exited the canon and beamed out to the civilian ship. It erupted with light, blasting rubble in all different directions. 
Talieh and Cikatro watched in horror at the slaughter. The Empire had just murdered those civilians without warning, by the looks of it no warning had been given to evacuate the premise. They just acted out of hate. Without justice..
The survey ship started to gather pieces of the asteroid that subsequently exploded with the initial blast to the miners. Meanwhile the canon ship went into another direction, only to continue blasting other asteroids. Fortunately no additional civilian mining operations were taking place but the sounds of the blasts caused tension in their own ship.
Talieh and Cikatro glanced at one another again, neither one too sure what the make of their current predicament. The Imperials were obviously here scouting the area for minerals but there were well armed and ready for a fight. For the time being they were safe enough, but if they came over in the direction of their ship.. that would change very fast.
Their ship which was filled to the brim with illegally obtained Imperial weapons. If they murdered civilian miners without bating an eye, what would they do to known smugglers?
Talieh and Cikatro watched for a long time, both too anxious to really say anything. After a while the ships only seemed to come closer and closer to their own ship.
“What do you think they’d do if they found us?” Talieh asked in a quiet voice, her pink irises glazing over as she looked out the window. Though the sheer gravity of the situation had sobered her up significantly, the Zygerrian woman's body could still feel the effects of the alcohol. She sat back, laying her arms on the rest of her chair.
“Kill us.” Cikatro said gruffly and without hesitation, turning his head to look at Talieh. 
When their eyes met she didn't pull away but instead stared him right back in the face. A wave of warmth overcame her as she rested her gaze on his crimson eyes. She was silent but her feline ears twitched slightly, involuntarily expressing that she was deep in thought.
“But they wont.” The Devaronian finally added, reaching over to place a thoughtful hand on her wrist. Cikatro expected her to bat him away with a threatening response, as she usually did to his romantic gestures, but she surprisingly did not. “We are going to get back home and become rich off of this shipment. Talieh, my sweet-”  The strain in his voice was fairly evident but he still charaded a smile. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Talieh’s gaze fell to his large hand and she considered him, taking her time with figuring out exactly what to say.
“Your words are warm and assuring..”  She then placed her own hand over his, her small fingers barely even managing to cover his knuckles. “This is sweet. You are very sweet to me. But you do lie.. you do not know this is truth. Yet you sit here, lying to my face... but, you only lie for my benefit.” 
Talieh used her fingers to affectionately trace small circles on the skin of his hand. “It’s not unappreciated. Far from it. I take note of all these things you do for me, Cikatro.”
Shocked at her actions Vizago just watched her. She spoke so softly and seemed vulnerable. He had never seen her like this.
She continued. “I really do not understand the this new world. The Empire. They do not seem to have an moral way of doing things.”
“And we do?” The Devaronian interjected. He forced a pitiful snicker, trying to be somewhat humorous to help ease this tense situation.
“Yes.. I do.” She whispered, gripping onto Cikatro’s hand in a way that actually made him worry. “The Republic was never perfect but it was better than this world you live in. There was a system of checks and balances.. Here there’s no order. It’s all random and dark! The Galaxy is out of Balance. The Jedi were the morale back bone of our society and now they are g-gone." Silence followed for a moment before she let out a shaky breath. "And what’s left? Stormtroopers hardly mature enough to handle their own blasters! Purchased officials and an Emperor with no light inside his heart!”
Vizago arched a brow as he listened to her. He really had no idea what she was going on about. The Republic? The Jedi? She sounded so scared and so desperate. It seemed more than their current situation that caused her panic.
Talieh looked back up at Cikatro and calmed down a bit, realizing she was actually beginning to shake with anger. It was not so much that she was afraid of the situation at hand. Talieh had never been afraid of dying. However, she was absolutely terrified of this unfamiliar world and this unkind Empire. What it had done to the world she had once known...
Even now the Zygerrian Jedi had no idea what exactly had happened to The Republic or The Jedi Order. What had happened while she was trapped in Carbonite all those years was beyond her knowledge. She had just recently started to come to terms with the fact that she would possibly never know. 
Talieh told herself she didn't need to know those things. It was the past and she was still living. She needed to move on, right?
“Talieh?” Cikatro spoke up, giving her hand a squeeze. “You are shaking, please talk to me, my sweet..” His warm voice was soft and assuring. Despite his charade of calm Talieh could sense the fear within him. How he, too, was unsure on what would happen to either of them..
She heard him speak but could not seem to find her own voice. Instead her expression fell to a solemn one as she thought of Vizago, and what he meant to her. Cikatro had a life to get back to. His sweet little mother back on Lothal. His other employees.. They relied on him. All though he was not good in the way the Jedi had taught her to see, she sensed the good in him.  
Talieh took in a shaky breath, suddenly overcome with emotion. Anger and nostalgia. Longing and contentment. But most of all she felt sure of herself and what she needed to do. She may not have known what happened to the Jedi but she knew about her life right here, and right now.
Her life on Lothal. Her life with Cikatro Vizago. He’d given her a job and invited her into his life without hesitation. And though she had always rejected his advances she was fully aware that all she need do was say the word.. and this man would be hers. Until this moment, she had never really considered saying yes because that was simply not the Jedi way. 
But where were the Jedi now? Gone. 
Here and now, the only thing she knew was she needed to keep him safe at all costs.
“I’m sorry, Cikatro..” She whispered. With a final tender squeeze the woman then pulled both of her hands away from his grasp.
“N-No, Talieh, my sweet.. You have nothing to apologize for!” He forced a toothy smile. His long devilish ears drooped slightly, expressing his concern. “I just want to understand..” 
He really did. She knew that. But that didn't matter now. Not when his life was in danger.
“You do not need to understand.” She then stood up and reached forward to the ships dash. Talieh flipped the switch for partial power in the left port of the ship, where the escape pods were. “Just let me do this.” 
Utterly baffled the Devaronian stood up and immediately pulled the power switch back down, reversing what it was Talieh was trying to do. 
“Are you crazy?!” He hollered with panic, turning to face her. His brows knitted in a stern yet concerned way. “Do you want them to catch us?" 
“No, just me.” She hissed back, glaring up at the taller man. “I just need you to keep the power on long enough for me start up the escape pod. If I can pull their attention on the other side of the asteroid field you can make an escape!” By the end of that statement Talieh had tears swelling in the back of her eyes. Tears that had been welling for years but had never fallen. “Once you're past this asteroid belt, they cannot chase after you!” Her heart was beating faster than it ever had.
“You...? Wait, Talieh, no!” Cikatro’s eyes widened as he processed exactly what she had just intended. “That’s.. just out of the question..” He crinkled his nose and shook his head slightly, overcoming his confusion and joy all at once. He was truly touched at the gesture but what Talieh wanted to do was impossible. There was no way he would let her do something like this.
“As you know I am perfectly capable of handling myself.” She spat, taking a step closer to him. “But the fact is, this situation is not looking too good for either of us, Cikatro. I can not just idly sit by and wait to be murdered." The tears hot salty finally rolled down her cheeks. "I cannot wait for you to be murdered.”
Talieh tried stepped past him, reaching for the switch only to have Cikatro grab her wrist tightly and yank her in front of him. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react to this! On one hand the woman he loved more or less just admitted her love for him through her actions, but on the other he was fairly certain she wanted to go out and get herself killed.
“So what? You plan to just take the tiny little escape pod over and take out an Imperial Star Destroyer?!” He forced out the most mocking laughter he could, thinking maybe embarrassment would calm her down from this half baked question of heroism. “Talieh, my love, it has no weapons! No shields! You will die before you even get within a blasters shot away from it! And what, you’re doing this for me? Why would you do something that rash for a man you do not love?”
The sounds of asteroids being pulverized fairly closely caught them both off guard. The surveying squad was getting closer. Though both Talieh and Cikatro were alarmed by the approaching sounds, they stayed right where they were, glaring the other in the eye.
“I will do what I must t-to get you home... because you have a life, C-Cikatro!” She bellowed, all the pent up emotion of the past year suddenly and uncontrollably flooding through. “However it is you think I see you must be wrong because I see you.. I see the real you. The man who takes care of his mother! The man who-”  
“-This is ridiculous, Talieh!” Vizago cut her off, his tone loud and commanding. “I will lock you in the brig if I need to. This is not negotiable!”
“You know that wont hold me.” She tried to wiggle her arm from his hand, but failed. Rolling his eyes Cikatro grabbed her free wrist with his other hand, holding her in place before him. 
“Then, as much as it breaks my heart, I’ll have to use my stun gun.”
“You’d never use that on me.” She huffed, finally gaining control of her tears. She took in a deep breath and looked up at him, still maintaining the look of determination but when in actuality she felt small and powerless. For the first time in her entire life, emotions had gotten the better of her. 
“You’re right.” He grumbled. Keeping the Zygerrian woman in place he stared at her helplessly. “So, this will have to do..”
Cikatro released both of Talieh’s wrist before taking a firm hold of her shoulders. The Devaronian took a leap of courage and ferociously pressed his lips against hers, hoping she wouldn't resist and would simply be carried away in the moment.
And she was.
Talieh was swept over by a sensation she was not familiar with. At first she just stayed still with shock and processed the gravity of the kiss. Her body felt cold and warm at the same time; but it was good. No, it was amazing. His lips were softer than she would have guessed..
After relaxing from what almost felt like an out of body experience Talieh closed her eyes and gave into her her feelings. Closing her wet eyes the Zygerrian leaned in, returning Cikatro's kiss with matching intensity.
Letting out a sharp breath from his nose, Vizago let his rough hands fall from her shoulders and down her arms. He took his time in letting the palm of his hands feel her fur and skin. Upon reaching her wrists he guided them to his head, and she wrapped them around his neck snuggly.
Talieh let out a soft purr as she let her hands caress the back of his head and the indentions of his horns.
Smirking into the kiss, Cikatro slipped his arms around the woman's waist. Reeling at touching of the indention of her hips with his own hands, he decided to be even bolder than he had already been.
He shoved his thick tongue into her mouth, rubbing against hers to create a friction he'd longed craved. Then he slammed her onto the dash, lifting her ass up to sit on the powered down buttons so that her legs were on either side of him. He leaned in close so their chests were touching and continued to kiss her.
Startled but willing, Talieh moaned loudly into his mouth. She let one of her arms trail down his shoulder to rub his muscular forearm. She'd long admired his muscles and being able feel them so intimately made her stomach feel tight and euphoric. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his hips.
"Talieh.." He whispered in a husky tone, drawing his lips to her jawline to playfully nip. He bucked his hips into hers, his member hard against her stomach. He smirked at the sound of her desperate moans. Pressing his lips against the corner of her feline ears he continued. "I've dreamed of this for so long.."
The Zygerrian woman's face was flush with stimulation, her innocent body and mind feeling joyously overwhelmed with each new sensation. Her eyes fluttered open as Cikatro pressed his forehead to hers, a moment of genuine affection to gage her comfort level.
"Holding you in my arms.."
Talieh lifted her hand from his arm, to cup his cheek. She smiled softly but remained silent.
"Your legs wrapped around me.." He added, a dirty chuckle following his proclamation.
She averted his eyes, overcome with embarrassment, but her smile widened. She felt the same however lacked the bold confidence that Vizago had in abundant supply.
"I've held you in the most intimate place of my heart for a long time, Cikatro..." She whispered, daring to lock eyes with him.
With a dirty grin, the Devaronian pressed his lips back to hers.
For the next several moments the pair snogged deeply and let their desperate hands explore the others clothed body. That was until a sound could be heard.
Talieh's feline ears twitched and she felt her lust disconnect as her mind went into alert. She wiggled beneath him and tore away from the kiss.
"C-Cikatro, stop!" She cried, trying to get him off of her so she could look out of the viewport behind her.
"D-Did I go too far?" He inquired smugly, pulling away with a slanted grin. "It's hard to when I want to explore every bit of your bod-"
"Sshhhh.." She snapped, pressing her pointer finger over his lips to hush him up. Cikatro, albeit disappointed, stepped back and helped her off of the dash as she wished .
The pair then both gazed out the viewport to find that both survey and attack ships had returned to the Starcruiser.
"Talieh, I think they are leaving!" Cikatro exclaimed.
Blinking in disbelief, Talieh let a smile creep up on her swollen lips. He was right! With a flash of light the Imperial occupation of the sector was clear. After a moment of silently staring into empty space, the couple slowly looked at each other with big smiles, satisfied that they would indeed live to see another day.
Then, they both jumped into the tightest embrace as their lips met once more.
Talieh was the one to pull away first, bringing a hand to the back of his head to rub affectionately.
"We need to power up and maneuver our way out of here through that field, Cikatro. We can't possibly know if they will come back."
"That is the responsible thing to do." He agreed, however there was a hint of irritation there. As if he would rather be doing something else.
"It is." She stepped away and began to power up the ship. Business as usual. "Please get us back to Lothal in one piece. It seems... we have many things to discuss." The flush in her face turned brighter as she evaded eye contact.
"Yes, we do, my sweet." He plopped into the Captains chair and gestured for her to take her seat at his side. "So strap in."
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