#n achilles??
kevindavidday · 10 months
mama's boy by dominic fike dedicated to the neil josten (and aaron minyard) kinnies
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girljeremystrong · 2 years
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*books with great love stories and plots that don’t just revolve around them.
Martha’s marriage is falling apart, because there’s something wrong with her but nobody has been able to tell her what. We go back in time to relive all the ups and downs of Martha and Patrick’s relationship to find out if they can make it out together. Beautiful story about mental health and love and family.
Sadie and Sam love each other but are never lovers and we follow their journey for 30 years, from Boston to California as they develop together a video game and a complicated personal relationship. Very fun book about gaming and being best friends who are often in love with each other and often very mad at each other.
UNLIKELY ANIMALS by Annie Hartnett
Emma flies home from California to New Hampshire as a Med school dropout when her dad is diagnosed with a brain disease. At home her parents are in a fight, her brother is just out of rehab and her childhood best friend is missing. She scrambles to find her feet and pull everyone together. This is such a CUTE, heart lifting book with great characters and GHOSTS.
NEVER LET ME GO by Kazuo Ishiguro
Kathy, Tommy and Ruth are three best friend who have grown up in an English boarding school. But throughout their childhood many things felt wrong and as they grow and leave school they realize just how many secrets were kept from them. It’s a love story! It’s a mystery! It’s a critique of human arrogance!
NO LAND TO LIGHT ON by Yara Zghaeib
Hadi and Sama are a Syrian couple living in the USA. As they are waiting for the birth of their son, Hadi leaves to visit his family and then their lives are uprooted by a travel ban. Sama and Hadi are forced apart and as the physical and emotional distance between them grows, they try to find their way back to each other. This is a pretty sad one, I can’t lie, but such a beautiful story.
YOUNG MUNGO by Douglas Stuart
Mungo meets James in their housing estate in Glasgow. They are young and lonely, they become friends and they fall in love. Unfortunately Mungo is a Protestant and James is a Catholic, and where they’re from these things matter, especially to Mungo’s brother, a violent gang leader. This is not a very happy book either but it is THE best story about being young and falling in love. PLEASE READ THIS. Then come talk to me about it.
REAL LIFE by Brandon Taylor
Wallace is working toward a degree in the Midwest. But he’s Black and he’s queer and he feels distance between himself and his colleagues. We follow him through a summer weekend he spends with his college friends, finding out truths about them and about himself. I will never tire of recommending this book. It’s just so interesting and well written. And lovely words about the start of a relationship.
THE NIGHT CIRCUS by Erin Morgenstern
There is a circus that arrives without warning and is only open at night. Behind the scenes two magicians, Celia and Marco, are involved in a duel they’ve been training for since childhood. But despite all that, they fall in love. This is a fantasy novel that will for sure appeal to any fans of the genre. It’s fun and the aesthetics are sublime.
OPEN WATER by Caleb Azumah Nelson
Two young people meet at a pub in South East London. Both are Black British, both won scholarships to private schools where they struggled to belong, both are now artists - he a photographer, she a dancer - trying to make their mark in a city that by turns celebrates and rejects them. Tentatively, tenderly, they fall in love. So beautiful, so well written. Reads like falling in love feels like. LOVE IT.
SWIMMING IN THE DARK by Tomasz Jedrowski
Set in early 1980s Poland against the violent decline of communism, a tender and passionate story of first love between two young men who eventually find themselves on opposite sides of the political divide. It’s beautiful and poetic and quite sad. Stunning characters, stunning descriptions.
Seventeen-year-old Lily Hu can’t remember exactly when the question took root, but the answer was in full bloom the moment she and Kathleen Miller walked under the flashing neon sign of a lesbian bar called the Telegraph Club. This is so SWEET. Lily is such a great character and her story fills your heart with pain and glee and pride. I love this book and this wonderful story.
Gilda, a twenty-something lesbian, cannot stop ruminating about death. Desperate for relief from her panicky mind and alienated from her repressive family, she responds to a flyer for free therapy at a local Catholic church, and finds herself  abruptly hired as a receptionist. Through all of this she finds a girlfriend. And it’s sweet and slow and lovely.
THE PROPHETS by Robert Jones Jr.
A novel about the forbidden union between two enslaved young men on a Deep South plantation. Isaiah was Samuel’s and Samuel was Isaiah’s. That was the way it was since the beginning, and the way it was to be until the end. Goes without saying, this is a sad story that will make you cry and will make you angry. But it is so so beautiful.
YOLK by Mary H.K.Choi
Jayne and June are two sisters living in New York after growing up in Texas. Jayne is struggling through fashion school, while her sister has a hot shot job in finance and a big apartment. They are sort-of estranged until June is diagnosed with cancer. The first love story in this book is between the sisters, but there is a budding romance for Jayne that is so sweet. This is a sweet book. I love it.
EARLY MORNING RISER by Katherine Heiny
Jane falls in love with Duncan easily. He is charming, good-natured, and handsome but unfortunately, he has also slept with nearly every woman in Boyne City, Michigan. A wise, bighearted, boundlessly joyful novel of love, disaster, and unconventional family. This feels like Gilmore Girls but better.
A TIP FOR THE HANGMAN by Allison Epstein
Christopher Marlowe, a brilliant aspiring playwright, is pulled into the duplicitous world of international espionage on behalf of Queen Elizabeth I. I also will never tire of recommending this novel about stupid Kit Marlowe becoming a spy while crushing hard on his best friend. It’s just so fun and so good.
It is 1995, and Anvar Faris is a restless, rebellious Pakistani boy whose family moves to start life over in California. At the same time, Safwa, a young girl suffocating in war-torn Baghdad with her grief-stricken, conservative father will find a very different and far more dangerous path to America. The fates of two remarkably different people intertwine and set off a series of events. It’s very good, the characters are great and the relationship is very realistic.
A. J. Fikry is cynical but lovable. His wife has died and his bookstore is experiencing the worst sales in its history. Slowly but surely, he is isolating himself from all the people of Alice Island. But there’s Amelia, the lovely and idealistic (if eccentric) Knightley Press sales rep who keeps on taking the ferry over to Alice Island. Such a lovely book. Lovely and heatwarming with amazing characters and unpredictable plot.
Blindsided by her mother's sudden death, and wrecked by a recent love affair, Casey Peabody has arrived in Massachusetts in the summer of 1997 without a plan. She waits tables in Harvard Square and rents a tiny, moldy room at the side of a garage where she works on the novel she's been writing for six years. When she falls for two very different men at the same time, her world fractures even more. Again this is just a lovely book. About love and grief and being lost.
Newlyweds Celestial and Roy are the embodiment of both the American Dream and the New South. He is a young executive, and she is an artist. But as they settle into the routine of their life together, they are ripped apart by circumstances. Roy is arrested and sentenced to twelve years for a crime Celestial knows he didn’t commit. BEAUTIFUL. Just masterful work. Will make you cry like a baby.
THE SONG OF ACHILLES by Madeline Miller
Achilles, "the best of all the Greeks," son of the cruel sea goddess Thetis and the legendary king Peleus, is strong and beautiful. Patroclus is an awkward young prince, exiled from his homeland. Brought together by chance, they forge an inseparable bond, despite risking the gods' wrath. I mean I like this. It’s poetic and romantic and it’s a classic story. Had to make the list...
TOM LAKE by Ann Patchett
Set during the pandemic when the main character and her three daughters are quarantining in their farm. The daughters get their mum to tell them the story of how she fell for and dated a famous actor while putting on a play in her 20s. VERY SWEET AND SPECIAL and also ann patchett can do no wrong!!!!
SIRENS & MUSES by Antonia Angress
The story of two very different girls who meet in art school. Lots going on in this book but it's all very poetic and interesting and the two main characters go through a lot but also like each other a lot.
IN MEMORIAM by Alice Winn
About two boys who meet in boarding school and then join war world I. It is insanely sad and it's a book about the war and about young people meeting terrible fates, but very romantic and they keep sending letters that are heartbreaking and they really love each other.
THE LATE AMERICANS by Brandon Taylor
About a group of friends and acquaintances who are all young and fucked up and all in different weird relationships but it's very interesting and Brandon Taylor also can do no wrong!!!!
TIN MAN by Sarah Winman
About two boys who meet in their youth and fall in love but then suddenly there's a time jump and it's been years and one of them is married to somebody else and the other one is nowhere to be found. Sad but also very special and definitely a book that is all about love.
LESS by Andrew Sean Greer
Pulitzer prize winning book about a novelist who receives an invitation to his ex boyfriend's wedding and is heartbroken so, suddenly, he finds himself coping by going on a world tour. It's funny and sweet and has a happy ending.
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deadnburied13 · 9 months
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It’s not Halloween decor, it’s a real clown corpse. Achile Chatouilleu, “The French Tickler”, died in 1912 and wished for his body to be displayed forever in his favorite clown costume.
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lesbianslvt666 · 10 months
scarlett sun
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Demigod!Ellie x Human!reader
The song of Achilles x the first disciple inspired au!
cw: major character death, Mentions of gore and war
Ellie never thought about you the way she thought about her path. Obscure thoughts of greatness came like crashing waves on the tormented ocean.
She knew she ought to become more than her mare physical form, she wasn’t like no other human, she was better than them, still, she thought of you as the brightest light in her life.
A light that sent to sleep years of growing pain, years of loneliness. You were the only one for her, greater than the sea, brighter than the sun.
Her only love.
But she couldn’t just let it go, the screams of the people, cheering for her after winning the battle, after ending the lives of those who never stood a chance on her presence.
Your heart aching with the same passion her own carried, her fiery veins carried blue blood that came with incredible strength, the fastest state of being, efficient enough for battle.
You loaded the aftermath of those nights. Painful aches all over her, for she had still a human like body, her virtues hurt her bones, teared her flesh and stretched to brake her muscles, there was no way around, everything need a valance and for her, that was pain.
She killed with awareness her mind chased down, crimson mirrors of blood, pools she entered knowing damn well what she was there for.
And damn her for she didn’t wanted to hurt.
Nor them
Nor her.
But mostly not you.
Never the less, the thirst for applause was greater than the torture it meant. Praises of her name rushed to her head, drugging all capabilities of stopping, not turning back.
And so you conform to the agony of seeing her like that, she won't stop.
she can't.
too stubborn to think of herself like the saviour of this people, and even if the tales told her story as the glory of a girl who fought till they win, the end didn’t end with her being praised, the prophecy talked about her clock worked death, chaos and blood would fall heavy and hot upon the ones who spilled crimson tears to each other.
And sorrow would follow her tortured lover.
Her glory would follow after her agonising decay, no human would ever be able to feel that much hurt in such long time, and to purify her for her sins, to sit on the throne above humans, she would endure it.
Her only regret.
She has to lose you, her only, her everything, she was going to give you up.
And you knew.
And she was aware that you did.
But why was you still here with her, mending her wounds, taking her seemingly fragile body in your worked hands, curing her the way only you could.
She hated how much you loved her, how passionately, an intensity that mirrored her own.
But how come a human can feel this deep? This desperately? This immensely?
The intensity of you roaring heart burnt her every time she thought of the end, your blazing love powered by a blinding admiration and understanding, you both lost everyone but yourselves, however, Ellie still found the joy in the blaring people.
And if it wasn't for the fact that you are always there, she would've already choose them.
She would've chosen the earthly glory.
Thankfully you never left, to her dismay, she was horrified for what she would make you go through, but when you hold her like she was all it ever existed, the answer to all unknown, the reality written in the stars she felt real.
She felt human
And when you kiss her like she means more than her future, like she is completely and only ever your lover, her hands can't keep to herself.
She is always eager to return the effort you give her, wondering hands and igniting chests, booming against each other for any ounce of friction.
And in the love filled nights she would only ever think of you, you on her mind, creating only thoughts of you.
It was her favourite moments.
But happiness don’t last forever, and as the sun emerged with her orange colours that tinted all around, so did the ground beneath, red hues crowned the white sand underneath.
When your eyes opened wide in fear for the screams that encountered the heavy scarlet droplets of an unexpected battle.
Ellie was already out.
And so you adorned your body in fabric, no time to protect you with an outside shell.
You ran outside, for something told you this was the end.
And maybe if you could chase her down, scape down the rivers and head to the north.
Hell you might as well scape earth, you would try.
But she won't follow, you thought that the physical scape could free her from a spiritual realm.
And you almost had her, you really did, wide eyes of surprise lightened you with bright desire from the deepest parts of yourself to her.
Like extending her fire to you.
But that fire was choked down, like a wild animal strangled by a boa, your lungs gave in the pain.
A striking force from behind your back revealed a blade as long as an arm.
The sword cut your flesh so easily like a dagger on paper.
And even if she had unhuman abilities, her running to you wasn’t fast enough.
Your life was draining out of you, like a fast poison purring in your veins, it ached your body in ways you had never felt.
But it wasn’t the blade that was tormenting your chest, it was her eyes, her agitated state to get as fast to you as she could.
But she never did.
She almost felt the warm of your skin leaving behind a grey ghost of your body.
But she couldn’t even touch you for the last time.
They took her first, and left you behind by the sea shore.
Salty water claiming your body.
Salty tears exasperating the wrath Ellie had become.
And when she felt you gone.
When the sea took you in peace…
Like you were theirs.
And not hers…
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pokedokiecentral · 4 months
@peccaberry hope you don't mind I made your boys real
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The boys enjoying their happy home
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Uh oh
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intruder alert
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The gang's all here
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intruder alert part 2, N-truder alert
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greymxxre · 2 months
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A short poem inspired by the relationship between Patroclus and his Father Menoetius by yours truly.
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Hello! First of all I just want to say that I’m so grateful for all that you people do and I’m so happy you exist. I just finished reading The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller and I wanted to know if there are any crossover or similar fics for our Ineffable Spouses being like Patroclus and Achilles (Patrochilles). Thank you!!!
Hi! Here's a few (mind the tags)
The Fruits of Ilium by GaryOldman [G]
“Why would you do that? He has a destiny.”
“He has free will,” Crowley said finally. Crowley was quite proud of free will. After all, it was his greatest achievement. “All this talk of destiny was keeping him from the one thing the kid actually wants.”
“Which is?” Aziraphale asked.
“Love,” Crowley shrugged, and Aziraphale felt his grace (or something that felt a lot like grace but might in fact be something a little more human) swell inside him.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet Achilles and Patroclus, and consider the grip of destiny and free will.
You don't have to have read SOA to understand the fic, but if you haven't read it yet why are you wasting time reading this?! Go read it now. My heart.
philtatos by hanap [E]
Crowley presses his lips to the head of long golden curls lying against his shoulder. He knows that his hour is fast approaching. He’s grateful for this night they’ve spent together, for these last few moments of contentment, their bodies tangled together in the peace of the bed they’ve shared all their lives.
Let this show you how I love you, he thinks, that I would lay down my own life at the feet of the gods.
If anyone knows of any more fics like this, please let us know in the comments!
~Mod N
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peteytheparrot · 1 month
Achilles Come Down is such a good fucking song it literally made me buy a book and make me watch like 10 essays on Achilles bro what
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frickingnerd · 1 year
felix hugo fraldarius with a sibling, who's a sweet heart
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pairing: felix hugo fraldarius x gn!sibling!reader
tags: minor spoiler for the war phase, mention of death
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felix is cold towards everyone and he may act like he hates you
but he actually cares about you a lot
you are the only sibling he has left and he can't lose you as well
because of that, he has become very protective of you
he makes sure your friends are being genuine with you and aren't a bad influence
he keeps you away from dimitri or anyone he deems potentially harmful to you
you are always way too kind to everyone around you and so naive, so he has to be strict and do what's best for you
he doesn't allow you to attend the officer's academy like he does, since he doesn't want you to learn how to fight, only for you to die in battle like glenn did
felix may do all those things for you, but he never actually tells you how much he cares for you
until rodrigue dies
you two have now lost another family member and felix worries that this war could take you away from him as well
and he couldn't stand it if you died, without knowing how much he actually cared for you
but you already knew all along how much your brother loved you. he may be able to fool everyone, but you are his sibling
you know he is a good guy, no matter what he does. he only wants the best for you
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bigeggman3000 · 5 months
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Commissioned one of my besties and got myself Leonardo DaVinci ass portrait GO COMMISSION HIM GIVE HIM YOUR MONEY
@carniifexss <- KEEP GIVING HIM LOVE (coms)
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c-nstellati-ns · 9 months
pregnancy is so scary i really don't know how people can do it 😭 as much as i love kids, i would rather take care of my brother's goobers as a babysitter
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syntaxerror-n-stanz · 3 months
Hi yes hello
Me and my friend @belphegor-the-tendon decided to make a little Pokémon AU where me and him are pokemon trainers.
We virtually threw ourselves into the universe of Pokémon (ngl it started as a self insert but now they've just become full fledged characters)
We are feral.
Anyway I drew a meme under the cut
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Yall it's such an addiction.
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havensins · 1 year
i rlly hope my mutuals know tht like twice a day i just scroll down their accounts & reread their posts like it’s the newspaper
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lilaceas · 9 months
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Straight from @streets-in-paradise's post here's :
Axl Rose as Achilles ( specifically the Troy version)
Kurt Cobain as Hector ( specifacally the Troy version)
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stillinthatweirdfaze · 2 months
hades the game hades has one of my favorite portrayals of the song of Achilles story, one of the most famous and influential gay love stories of all time, and it was so eloquent and beautifully written and I had an amazing time getting absolutely invested with that plot, I’m so excited for Odysseus to explain how awesome it is to cheat on your wife with hot nymph babes
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