#French Tickler
deadnburied13 · 1 year
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It’s not Halloween decor, it’s a real clown corpse. Achile Chatouilleu, “The French Tickler”, died in 1912 and wished for his body to be displayed forever in his favorite clown costume.
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toweroftickles · 2 months
Hi (:
What do you think about characters of "Inside out 2"? Do we have some lees here?
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Ok I somehow didn't experience the original Inside Out until like 2 weeks ago, and then immediately rushed to theaters for the second one, and I have not been able to stop thinking about it since! Of course the first thing I started daydreaming about was the chaos that would ensue in Brain HQ during tickles. So yes, I've definitely got headcanons. XD
When Riley Gets Tickled
Joy squees, claps, bounces up and down, the usual. "AAAH Tickle time! Awww, our girl is still so adorable..."
Disgust: "Mm-mm. I hate this. Hate it. Majorly messing with my zen."
Sadness: *confused and a little uncomfortable*
Fear: *open-mouthed and deeply uncomfortable*
Envy gasps and hops up to the screen. "Omigosh omigosh they're touching us. That means they like us and think we're cute, right? Right?!"
Anger: "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?! You want a fight, kid?! I'll give ya a fight! Right up your -"
Anxiety: "Wait! There's a million possible variables in what'll happen if we decide to fight back! Accidentally punching them would be devastating to our network!"
Joy's not paying attention, she's too busy laughing and hammering the serotonin injector.
"I-I got it! Scream! Just holler, really loud!"
"GUHH, get out of the wayyyy; stop hogging this thing! We have to run! Come on!"
Ennui: *exists in French*
*Meanwhile Embarrassment is just spread out like a starfish and rolling his entire girth back and forth across the keyboard.*
When Riley's Tickling Someone Else
Joy takes the wheel here. The others know not to disturb a master plying her craft. She's an expert tickler, so she feeds Riley a whole bushel of fun ideas, and Envy is her eager troublemaker minion.
There is in fact a dedicated "Tickle" command button. The plastic is slightly stuck in the slot because it hasn't been used much.
Anger keeps trying to grab his levers and switches, but Joy usually shoves him to the side with her foot.
*tries to wrest control from Joy and rein her in*
*barfing in the corner somewhere*
When a Tickle Scene Pops Up in a Movie
Joy giggles happily and squirms in her seat, then boops the control panel so that Riley follows suit.
Disgust is a tiny bit antsy...she's not influencing Riley yet but she's on standby in case stuff gets weird.
Embarrassment gingerly taps the console at increasing intervals until Sadness pulls his arm away.
Ennui: Probably watching something else. Or doomscrolling.
When Someone Asks Riley if She's Ticklish
*screams like a little girl*
*hides, bangs head on the desk*
"That is NOT funny!"
"Oh no! What do we do; whaddawedo?! Riley's way too ticklish! What if they tickle us and don't stop for the rest of eternity?! What if they think Riley's laugh is weird and we're socially ostracized and forced to get a job in a fish cannery?!"
“Ew ew ew ew no. Lie. We have to lie right now!” *jumps for the controller*
*Joy grabs Disgust's arm* "Whoa whoa whoa, eeeaasy there. Let's just calm down...this is a fun question; we're having fun..."
Envy: "Ooo, what if they're ticklish and they want us to tickle them?" *already wiggling her fingers in the air*
"But if we misread that signal and make them mad at us, then..."
Ennui: *groans and taps her console app*
Riley, being super casual: “Meh…a little. Not really.”
Suddenly Riley's eyes dilate. Her throat hitches and there's the tiniest bit of pink in her cheeks. Everyone turns their heads to look at -
"Ohhhh boy. There it is. We're doomed now."
When They Get Tickled Themselves
Come on, we all know that Joy always draws first blood. (Er...first giggle?) She's such a switchy monster. Tickling is her default method of cheering others up. It's canon. Case closed.
As someone whose default setting repels positivity, Sadness is not ticklish at all, and this actually upsets her.
*silently grabs the tickler by the neck and tosses them out the window*
Nobody protests like Disgust. She gets mad. She slaps. She hurls insults. She runs away. Disgust is both extremely ticklish and extremely touch-averse, so this is Code Red for her.
Fear is the type who doesn’t so much “laugh” as “have a shrieking, spastic outburst and breakdance like Sonic the Hedgehog in a malfunctioning taser-testing facility."
At first, Anxiety is overcome by stressful jitters, miserable and whimpering, and her whole body contracts. After a few moments of tickling, though, she starts to let all that tension out and relaxes into nervous vibrato laughter. It becomes sort of a therapeutic stress release, like her special chair.
It's not exactly the physical sensation of tickle torture that Envy craves, it's the attention. The sound she makes when tickled oscillates between wild, snorty cackles and the dulcet hoots of a baby owl trapped in a pinball machine.
Ennui is dead. No reaction. Her body is a neurological cemetery. ...EXCEPT for her heels and the back of her knees. (And if you thought phone loss made her experience Vietnam flashbacks...)
What do you think Embarrassment does? He plops himself down on the floor and pulls his hoodie so tight around his face that no one can tell if he's laughing or sobbing.
As Riley's primary protector, Fear is always scouting ahead for any potentially-tickly environmental hazards, and gently nudges her away from catastrophe ("you forgot your shoes! put them back on before you walk on grass;" "don't lift your arms up around Bree and Grace;" "those massage chairs in the mall are actually full of rusty knives and drug dealers sleep on them;" etc.)
When Riley gets tickled, the emotions don't "feel" it, exactly, but they perceive something of a contact buzz.
These are typically how the reactions go, but they're not universal. If Riley's been in a bad mood, Anger might be more proactive in grabbing the handles. Embarrassment may have more or less of his body mass pancaking the buttons, depending on who's tickling her. (Like...a boy?! Or Val?! Or -) Standard variations like that.
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Riley has an extremely ticklish tummy! That's her spot. (Just the vibe I get; IDK.)
Bree and Grace are really ticklish too, but Riley is the weak link... the member of the trio that the other two team up against. Lots of tickle fights and sneak attacks.
She obviously loves to laugh and goof around with her friends, but probably isn't over-enthused by that last part.
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The most popular girl in school, the tough athletic one - her adulating devotees wouldn't think it, but beneath that too-cool exterior, Val is very weak to tickling.
All the other Firehawks know, and like to tease Val by poking her.
She's a good sport about it and takes it like a champ - just yelps and laughs and pushes back. They have fun.
Her big weakness is her feet.
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Lance Slashblade
Crop top alert. The abs are asking for it. (Just sayin.')
The thought of being tickled is intolerable to him. Even in this...what should be a moment of joyous camaraderie...he is haunted. Forced to laugh like...like some sort of...clown swordsman?! How could he be so weak...so degraded...so unworthy to carry the holy blade of his ancestors, they whose destinies were written in the stars ere these centuries long past? Will he never be a true warrior, with the strength to stem the tide of encroaching night? It is too painful to think about...the icy whips of humiliation, always ravenous and bitter in their lashes, strike! and cast him into the shadows and okay the joke's over now we're getting long-winded and edgelordery big words drama sparkling vampires and junk
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(Also, yes, he Morph-Balls himself.)
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al-911 · 8 months
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Oh, tickler Jane, my first love.
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The woman who made me realise just how much I love revenge dynamics. Over the years she tickle tortured so many women, making occasional appearances in the bondage herself, to be reminded what she put them through.
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And as a bonus for me: she looks exactly like my high school French teacher.
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lilactickles · 1 year
heartstopper tickle headcannons 🍂
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Nick Nelson 🌸
- Not extremely ticklish in general but super duper sensitive in specific areas. like the backs of his knees and his neck (i’m also thinking his ribs??? like when you dig in and get between them..oop)
- It takes charlie way too long to figure this out so when he does it’s much more exciting!
- Nick will stumble let out a panicked ‘gAh!¡’ when Charlie reaches down and brushes the underside of his knee when he’s feeling cheeky
- The same when Charlie tasers his ribs! He like jumps and folds forward. SO CUTE.
- such a smug ler oh my gosh
- has 100% smirked and said ‘do you like when I tickle you?’ (picture the ‘do you like that I speak french’ scene in HS2 dkdksmskkw)
- Looks at Charlie with that loving puppy dog expression every time Charlie flips out over a touch that wasn’t even supposed to tickle
- LOVES TO GO FOR THE BELLY!!! He’ll constantly reach for Charlie’s belly from behind and dig in, catching him easily when his bf collapses from the ticklyness
- WILL straddle Charlie & hold his hands above his head and give tickly kisses and noms all over
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Charlie Spring 🌼
- baby
- has the cutest high pitched squealy/breathless laughter you’ve ever heard
- his whole body is a giant weak spot, including some super obscure spots like the palms of his hands, his ears and his forearms
- is very prone to blushing when tickled
- is really bad at hiding that he likes it, he gets extra smiley and bashful whenever he gets tickles
- so enthusiastic but not at all intimidating
- he gets so excited that he’s a bit of a clumsy tickler, like how children sometimes are but nick will pretend that it tickles even when it doesn’t sometimes
- definitely asked ‘are you … ticklish?’ with the PHATTEST GRIN when he first accidentally made nick jump
- is so obsessed with nick that he tried every single potential ticklish spot on his body to find the worst ones because he’s just hungry to know absolutely everything about him (and nick let him)
pls talk to me about heartstopper tickles I have so many more thoughts 🥹
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ticklingisart · 2 months
Tinseltown Tickles #3
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When Celine decided to visit France with her best friend Michelle, her ex-CIA girlfriend Ava couldn’t help but feel cautious. When she doesn't hear from Celine for a day, it’s up to Ava to find out where she is.
Little does Ava know, Celine has planned to surprise her with videos of her being tickled silly by the legendary TICKLER of French Tickling fame.
Ava is a woman with a very particular set of skills, and she'll use them to find her ticklee.
Original tickling photo by French Tickling, the lee is Celine.
Kind of my own spin on the action-adventure film genre, while also paying homage to legendary tickling producer French Tickling.
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oedipusted · 1 year
Have you and your mother ever had any pregnancy scares?
Yes. We had four. 1: Mom was late. Turned out to be false alarm. 2: After first one, I was extra careful. I wore 2 condoms at same time. The friction between the two caused both condoms to fail spectacularly just before I erupted. I erupted 2 pumps afterward. 3: A vengeful soon to be ex gf poked holes in my condoms day we broke up (she suspected I was cheating,probably did not know with who). She told me later. We argued. She laughed, said "Maybe some slut is carrying your baby." I was so angry I said "You don't understand. You doing that could cause me to get my mother pregnant. How the heck would I explain that!" The ex laughed harder. 4: I had been using french tickler condoms on my mother for awhile. Friends told me "Be careful with french ticklers. It says on package they do not prevent STDs or pregnancy".
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missamyrisa2 · 1 year
Hello, I'm curious. How would you handle a bilingual ler that sometimes teases you in their first/non - English language while tickling your ribs, belly and armpits mercilessly?
BTW love your posts, and I hope you'll have a nice day, Amy 💜
Okayyyyyy okay okay okayyy okay~
I had a #That's tickle hot thought in queue that was~
"When a ticklee is so tickled they start babbling in their first non-English language~"
But you've completely turned it around on me and yesss my gosh I have thought of that a lottttt~
And it's soooo very very hot to me >///<
Many years ago I was chatting with a girl from France and we got on the topic of tickling ~ and she mentioned she wanted to use her swan's feather to tickle my belly, and while that was the extent of it I've never been able to shake the thought of that feather going up my twitchy belly as I'm being teased in French~
There's also this video I posted in my archive that gets me sooo badly largely because of how she's taunting him in Japanese.
It's the the whole idea of teasing me in a way I can't comprehend that kills me~ like I can hear the intent, I can recognize what the meaning is but I can't know exactly what is being said about me or to me and it's a whole extra layer of verbal teasing~
And~~~~ let's talk about a group setting so I'll just slump over into giggly wiggly mush~<3 How about two or three ticklers conversing casually in their first language about the tickles and teases they're administering to my writhing body, occasionally turning to deliver those taunts to me directly ~ and I understand none of it, yet understand all of their tickly intent~
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ridenwithbiden · 8 months
The Meaning of Life (4/11) Movie CLIP - Protestants and French Ticklers ...
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poetwritertgr · 1 year
A Thousand Leaves (1998) - Sonic Youth
The hoarfrost - breathing in melody.
Finding bliss in the Autumn rain and Winter frost, where A Thousand Leaves (1998) lies. It is here we find Sonic Youth, playing in the Indian Summer and conjuring an album that sounds similarly brisk, tripped-out and meandering - in a very positive way. This might be the most underrated album of the vast catalogue of New York noise darlings Sonic Youth, where they take their pop leanings and experimental insights and harvest them in a beautiful flurry.
From its cream-coloured collage to the music itself, A Thousand Leaves find Sonic Youth in a more mellow, confident mood - one that inches towards a sense of melody and musicality not yet explored within the expanses of noise and power already within the Sonic Youth repertoire.
Breathy, lethargic opener Contre Le Sexism sees the seething of Kim Gordon now in more tender tones, even as the almost industrial pulses and lo-fi guitar keep the band in firmly sinister ground. The following song, Sunday, takes this lo-fi guitar interplay to extremes to bring us the most radio-friendly song of the album, one that provides a propulsion throughout, with its disjointed elements creating a harmony that seems to embody the spirit of the album and its more lax attitude.
Female Mechanic Now On Duty finds Gordon in a more nostalgic mood, evoking the palette of past projects within the playground established by the opening one-two punch of Contre Le Sexism and Sunday. Despite its subject matter, it uses its extended timeframe to play with many interesting sounds and interplay that evoke the harsh sounds of a mechanical environment - an automotive factory at night-time.
Wildflower Soul bounces between extreme noise and quiet guitar dynamics whilst playing with similar imagery to the Ronaldo-led Hoarfrost - an album highlight that catches the core identity of the project and exposes it openly. The appropriately named French Tickler uses the hoarse vocals of Gordon perfectly, its guitars and drums working to give us the mutilated corpse of a 1960s French Lounge song that captures the carefree confidence of the band at this stage in their career.
Songs such as Hits of Sunshine (For Allen Ginsberg) and Karen Koltrane take a fuzzy pleasure in wearing their influences out in the open of the September air they evoke, with the more melodic, psychedelic vocal performances and nonsensical lyrics succeeding at luring the listener into the teeth-chattering world of musicianship the band achieve with the final string of songs.
The psychedelic sprawl of Snare, Girl acts like a chime to signal an end to the odyssey across the equinox, before leaving us with Heather Angel, one of the defining Sonic Youth closing tracks. The subtle yet effortlessly trippy guitar effects lead the listener down one final binge of the soundscape the band is capable of on this record. As Gordon fades away, the second half of the track becomes the horrid comedown, the thump and the stomp before the fall that swirls us back to reality. Throughout, one can truly see the impassioned energy of the band on this project, willing to embrace all facets of their identity with a proud demeanour. And then, silence.
A Thousand Leaves ends and the listener is left, making angels in the pile. Certainly, one of the most underrated albums of the band’s discography and a career highlight, for a band with so many.
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osidius-el-enfatico · 2 years
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i started rotating manami toyota’s japanese ocean cyclone suplex in my mind and ended doing a list and map of wrestling moves named after countries
- Argentine Backbreaker
- Canadian Destroyer
- Mexican Surfboard Stretch (aka romero special)
- Irish Whip
- Spanish Fly
- French Tickler
- Swiss Death
- German Suplex
- Polish Hammer
- Russian Leg Sweep
- Arabian Press
- Indian Deathlock
- Mongolian Chop
- Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex
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olddirtybadfic · 2 years
Level Nineteen and Pregnant: A Pokémon crackfic
For a change, here's a recent fic. Hopefully, it's not a badfic.
Of course, it contains blueshipping and mpreg. And TMI from Meowth.
James fidgeted on top of the toilet lid, but kept his eyes locked on the plastic stick in his hands. The suspense was worse than waiting for a blastoff. "Has it been a minute yet?"
Meowth checked the stopwatch. "Not even close." He glanced up at James. "Jimmy, don'tcha know a watched pee stick never turns?"
James's gaze never shifted. "That only applies to pots. Besides, I want to see the exact second the blue line appears."
Meowth scratched his head. "What difference does that make?"
James pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Maybe the speed at which it appears will indicate whether or not this test is even reliable." He sighed. "I really don't want to tell HQ's doctors about this."
Meowth reread the test's packaging. "It does say 'Ninety-nine percent more accurate than other brands.'" He blinked at the tagline. "Maybe I shoulda swiped some of those other brands."
James shook his head, as if to clear it. "The clerks would want to know what a Pokémon wanted with human pregnancy tests. We'll work with the one we've got." He hazarded a glance at the stopwatch. "Has it been a minute yet?"
Meowth checked and shook his head. "Thirty seconds left."
"What is taking you so long—oh." Jessie stopped short when she saw the box in Meowth's paws. "This certainly complicates our mission."
"Tell me something I don't know." James fidgeted again, then sat up straight. "It's changing! How much time is left?"
The beeping of the stopwatch was his answer. Meowth was on his shoulder in seconds. "What's it say?"
James squinted at the test's screen. "It's….half a blue line? That can't be right." He skimmed the instruction sheet. "Thin line, thick line, two lines, no lines—they say nothing about half-lines!"
Meowth examined the test. "Maybe this one's defective." He put the test down.
Jessie grabbed the test and examined it further. "I don't see any signs of damage. Are you sure you followed all the instructions?"
"Positive," James said. "I peed all over the blasted thing!"
Jessie dropped the test as fast as she'd picked it up. "If only Meowth were that thorough about Poké-protection."
"Hey! I double-bagged my meat," Meowth protested.
Jessie glared. "Mew damn it, Meowth! You're not supposed to use two condoms at once!"
"You're not?!" both Meowth and James asked, surprised.
"Not unless you want them to tear from rubbing together." Jessie gave an annoyed sigh. "This is why we need Sex Ed as part of Team Rocket training."
James squinted at the half line again—had it lengthened?— and asked, "So, Jess, could I be half-pregnant?"
Jessie only face-palmed. "Let me see those instructions."
While she read the instruction sheet, Meowth mused over his newfound knowledge. "Come to think of it, maybe I got the wrong kind." He looked up at Jessie. "Do they come in different sizes?"
"Of course," Jessie said. "Some pocket rockets blast off further than others."
"And some have a French tickler head," Meowth boasted. James gave a weak nervous laugh.
"Too much information, Meowth." Jessie continued to read through the instructions. "You dingbats, you're supposed to wait two minutes for it to work, not one!"
"Mew's Tongue," James swore before sliding off the toilet to vomit into it. Jessie went to hold his hair back.
"I guess we don't need that test anymore," Meowth said.
"He could just be nervous. Two minutes have probably passed by now. Go check the test," Jessie told him.
Meowth picked the test up and looked at the screen. The line had lengthened to reach the other end of the screen. "Well, there's the thick blue line."
Both Jessie and James's shoulders sagged. "Seriously?"
"As blue as James's hair."
James wiped his mouth. "It's lavender."
Blueshipping, why can't I quit you?
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bandnameserver · 10 hours
French Tickler
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mysterymenmovie · 5 months
[Lakeside Diner.]
Invisible Boy: Let me see, who else have I met? There's the Pincher...
Raja: (writing it down) "The Pincher."
Invisible Boy: The Pickler...Princess Headbutt...White Flight and the Black Menace--they work together.
Raja: Yeah, slow down, slow down.
Invisible Boy: Then there's uh, Professor Pinkbelly...and um...Lucky Pierre and the French Tickler.
Raja: "French...Tickler." And you say you've got all of their telephone numbers?
Invisible Boy: Well yeah, most of them.
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djcmore2 · 9 months
It's been a long time since I seen my friend. She's a professional tickler, she always keeps her nails long. Can't wait to see her again
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ottottorecords · 2 years
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L.U.S.T. Featuring King Prince And Jenifer Jackson - Don’t Stop The Beat / 2 Hot 2 Stop Renée Records Re 555 / 111 A1:Don’t Stop The Beat A2:2 Hot 2 Stop (Hype House 1990) B:2 Hot 2 Stop (Original French Tickler) format:12’ condition:vg+ #lust #kingprince #jeniferjackson #dontstopthebeat #2hot2stop #reneerecords #richieweeks #warrenrosenstein #housemusic https://ottottorecords.stores.jp/items/640c71e15aafae6b8460483c https://www.instagram.com/p/CppgDGmPlAq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wweassets · 2 years
@anon who mentioned Rene Dupree …
I’ve always given that French tickler his flowers as one of the best wrestling asses of his time. Him, mark jindrak and several others were the booty champions of the 2000s decade.
That being said, he looks like a meth head now so…yeah.
not a meth head dsfjdsfj
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