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allkindsofcrazy33-blog · 3 years ago
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The wildchild had their first football tournament. They did a fantastic job.
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merichan · 6 years ago
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“ Me broke my leg the other day. Me go to the bird doctor, and mean lady say me has to stay quiet and listen to my pain!” . ⏭ . “Me hates staying in my cage. Me bites Bazinga if Bazinga gets too close.” . ⏭ . “Clumsy flightless mommy made surprise box to pass time. Me likes it!” When I tell you Blu’s my wild problem child... I’m not exaggerating, he’s the first one to break bones 😂😂😂 Keeping him quiet is SO MUCH fun 😱😭🤨 #indianringneck #parrot #parakeet #blutheparrot #irn #brokenleg #brokenpaw #parrotshenanigans #parrotsareliketoddlerswithwings #mywildchild #problemchild #stayquiet #foragingbox #keepingBlubusy #thekirdies #leschoiseaux https://www.instagram.com/p/BnsCpxDFqs2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1etiizphn7wm9
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momcave · 6 years ago
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As if she needs another reason to act wild. #mywildchild #facepainting #facepaint #facepaintingideas #facepaintingkids #babytiger #tigergirl https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu2XFfUDVT6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1snpbwt3jxkp6
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hippiechick0303 · 6 years ago
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Our little adventure yesterday. Moments like this make my heart soar. #Tinkerbell #Jethro #pomeranianmix #mybabygirl #mywildchild #shesmyprincesstho #mybabyboy #mycalmchild #hesmyprincecharming https://www.instagram.com/p/BtnjLxOFHyQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ui2cngjvpk15
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cece21 · 5 years ago
Happy 1️⃣9️⃣th Birthday to My Babygirl 🎂🎁🎈🎉 I’m so proud of you going back to school, getting a job & trying to come into your own. Just know that no matter what people say/think you’re a strong intelligent beautiful melanin queen 👸🏽 💚 Enjoy your day. Love You Long Time ☺️ #happybirthday #babysister #sisters #bond #live #love #life #nasty19 #mywildchild #blackgirlmagic #melaninpoppin #queens https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kLpLdD_kx/?igshid=1t3vnqwu73ser
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thegypsetblonde-blog · 6 years ago
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Things I have said as of late.....”Please put the seat up before you go pee pee” 😳“Don’t put that marble in your mouth, don’t pull your sister’s hair out and call her a brat.” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Liam, you are running literally from the moment your feet touch the ground. Have the strongest will of anyone I know, may have given me my first few grays....yet, I love your free spirited self with all that I am. 🐉 #mywildchild #motherofdragons #emuwildthings #magic_marvels . . . . . . #pixel_kids #magic_shots #magicofchildhood #momlife #motherhoodlens #mybeautifulmess #motherhoodthroughinstagram #instagram_faces #momblogger (at West Park Village...(Westchase)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpks4mjHXBK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1neirax105jt9
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celii-boii-blog · 7 years ago
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Tuckered himself out w/ all those flips !! #babyxerxes #mywildchild #mymini #mommasboy #tuckeredout #mom1 #babyxerxes0
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bethanydoesthethings · 8 years ago
Took this little thing on a walk to work off some wiggles.... #wemayneedseveralmorelaps #offthecharts #dontyouknowitsbedtime #mywildchild #nonstop #eleanorrose (at Madison, Georgia)
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gigilee13 · 8 years ago
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She said it was very cold this morning! So she dressed in true Texan fashion! Let your kid dress themselves. So much fun to see what they come up with. She is perfecting the art of stealing my stuff so she can wear it. Notice the hat!!!! #MyWildChild #SheWearsWhatSheWants
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dayhikingtrails-blog · 5 years ago
#mywildchild #NaturePlay #OutdoorFamilies
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learningandlore-blog · 7 years ago
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Made some changes around the #homeschoolroom over the weekend to accommodate the #logicofenglish materials and board - as well as the #allaboutreading set up. . . It’s also a great hub for our group work for the 3 subjects we’re doing together: spelling, science, and history. . . We’re starting our day with spelling after breakfast for the past 2 or so ish weeks and it’s been working smoothly 👌🏻. . . E has a desk he uses for his individual subjects and we’re shopping for one to add to M’s individual area (this long white one is the one she was using). . . The light from this window and the colorful curtain never gets old for us ☀️so I think I’ll be keeping it for a few more years. . . . . . . #homeschoolrooms #minihomeschoolroommakeover #homeschoolroommakeover #homeschoolroomredo #homeschoolromdecor #homeschoolmorningtime #homeschoolfamilylife #homeschoolfamily #homeschoolspelling #homeschoolflow #relaxedhomeschool #relaxedhomeschoolers #relaxedhomeschooling #eclectichomeschoolers #eclectichomeschool #homeschooldays📚 #raisingdragons #mywildtribe #mywildchilds #brightandsunny #homeschoolmoments #homeschoolmommy #homeschoolkids #classicalhomeschool #charlottemasonhomeschooling #storyoftheworldbook1 #storyoftheworld #sotw #learningandlore
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hippiechick0303 · 6 years ago
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Our little adventure yesterday. Moments like this make my heart soar. #Tinkerbell #pomeranianmix #mybabygirl #mywildchild #shesmyprincesstho https://www.instagram.com/p/BtniPM0ld2U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ry98z343a064
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letyy13 · 8 years ago
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imunaina · 6 years ago
This little girl is the life of the party... EVERY SINGLE TIME. #ruby #tialove #iadoreher #mywildchild #freespirit #wildheart #laughter #family #pooldays #summer #miami #cubanfamily #bbq https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxCDOkHWmO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wxlc9kcope9o
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allkindsofcrazy33-blog · 7 years ago
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Giving Darth Vader some serious attitude, whilst kicking his butt! #mywildchild #girlswhokickass #myfavoriteperson #waywardaf
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