#mythomagic nerds au
wild-flowerhoney · 9 days
to the ends of the earth (would you follow me?) - cabin13
Percy Jackson is twelve years old when he steps into the Lotus Hotel with Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood.
Five days later, they step back out – with two more children trailing after them.
Percy Jackson is twelve years old when he meets Nico di Angelo. His refusal to let go of his new friend is enough to change what had already been written. Permanently.
inspired by @g0thnico
(sorry, it took me far too long, i know!!)
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evergardenwall · 1 year
a few months ago, i have been thinking about a nno! pjo au, which turned out to become its own separate au, only sort of based off nno's plot, and without ninjas. over time, i ended up writing down incoherent notes about it, which you can read under the cut. just felt like sharing them for fun :)
• so, first of all, in this au, nico is the equivalent of miharu, and jason the equivalent of yoite...ish? like, in regards to the role they play in the narrative and their dynamic. paul blofis is tobari (pathetic teacher figure. yeah he's gonna be more pathetic than he is in canon pjo), and sally is hanabusa (ofc. milf rights). we still have the 'normal' pjo lore going on, with the gods and all, but the story diverges from canon.
• after getting out of the lotus casino, nico and bianca are sent by hades to a boarding school, except this time it’s not westover hall, in maine, but a school in new york....and this school is goode, where paul blofis works as a teacher. paul can see through the mist and has been dating sally for almost a year at the moment the story begins. they bonded over their love of literature and their shared experience of seeing weird shit happen. sally eventually explains to him how it’s actually mythological creatures, that gods are real and she even dated one, etc., you know the deal.
• eventually, paul decides to create a “demigod club” with the help of grover (who was introduced to him by sally and percy) and other satyrs in order to spot demigods and protect them from monsters, and lead them to chb if living in the mortal world gets too dangerous. in appearance, it looks like a club of greek mythology nerds.
• it’s percy who gets nico to join the club, except that unlike miharu who doesn't want to join the nindo club, nico is excited about it and brings mythomagic up, obviously; he insists that bianca joins them, even though she is reluctant at first and doesn’t want to have to be with her little brother all the time now that they are in a more structured environment and have their own friend groups at school...
• ....my notes -- which i've been only editing before publishing them so that they would be easier to read -- stopped here, so i'll have to complete and finish this story outline someday. i don't really have inspiration at the moment... but this pitch is quite strange, isn't it ? what did you think of it after reading this post ?
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96percentdone · 2 years
i have no idea how you would do this but i think an AU where Bianca lives and thus Nico doesn't have the sharp angsty nose dive would be very fun. What if Nico was just. still a mildly annoying nerd throughout the rest of the series. Nico but he keeps talking about mythomagic while following everyone into the labyrinth against their will.
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Up Up, Down Down, Kiss and Make Up: Part One
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15303474/chapters/35503755
Parings: Percy/Annabeth; Hazel/Frank (not yet dating); Jason/Piper; Will/Nico (not yet dating)
(Boarding school AU)
When Chiron bans video games, Leo gets creative and decides they should create their own game. The result is part D&D campaign, part cosplay opportunity and part complete chaos. Hazel might have somehow accidentally been proposed to, Annabeth is frustrated by video game logic, Jason and Piper start a feud, and Nico is trying very hard not to notice Will Solace and even harder not to let himself be video gamed into asking Will out. And Leo? He's in his element controlling it all.
Part One
Chiron had banned video games. He claimed it was because they rotted your brain and that everyone should be getting outside in the fresh air. In truth it was probably because Corridor 13 had gotten a little too competitive during a Mario Kart competition and a wii remote had flown off of someone's wrist and managed to take out both the TV and a window by a miracle of rebound and angles. The window had been fixed very quickly. The TV hadn't.
Chiron had insinuated they wouldn't get it back until after the holidays. After the obligatory complaints, chiding and threats to never speak to Corridor 13 again, the students of The Pantheon School were left to figure out what to do with themselves.
Predictably it was Leo who came up with something first.
"Let's make our own video game."
That didn't get much of a response at first. Piper and Annabeth were sitting in the window seat, not really listening. Of all of them they'd been the least worried about the loss of the TV since they'd only ever shown up to the video game tournaments occasionally to put the rest of them back in their place: Mario Kart wasn't a challenge anymore and it was doubtful it ever had been. Jason was at the desk by the window. He was probably the next level of not interested because he had somehow ended up on the committee to organise the prom and so his and Reyna's free time was usually spent arguing about menus, colour schemes and mildly threatening corporations who thought they could con two teenagers into buying overpriced balloons.
Percy did care about the loss of the TV, because without it he had one less reason to ignore the pressing fact he had a lot of homework to do. When Leo repeated the sentiment, louder this time, he was the first to look up from where he was lying on the sofa.
Leo admitted that he hadn't really thought things through that far. Percy sighed and threw his arm across his face.
"Maybe Chiron's right. Maybe we should just go outside or something."
Leo perked up. He was sitting on the floor, playing absentmindedly with an old walkie-talkie and he waved it about as he spoke, nearly decking Frank sat behind him.
"Outside!" he said. "Yes we should go outside."
He seemed way too enthusiastic about the idea. It was enough for Hazel to glance over in some concern.
"You said fresh air was pointless," she commented.
"That was before when we had a TV. Now outside is genius. We can make our own video game."
"That was your first idea," Percy observed.
"Ye-es," Leo admitted. "But this is that idea new and improved. I've got these walkie-talkies that Connor gave me and there's that old playground out back. We can make an obstacle course and control someone around it. Tell them what to do with the walkie talkies and stuff."
"Tell them to do stuff?"
Nico was sitting on the floor behind Percy’s sofa and he'd been so quiet the others had kind of forgotten he was there. He poked his head out.
"What sort of stuff?" he continued.
"You know, jump. Go left. Turn. That sort of thing," Leo said vaguely. “I haven't worked out all the particulars yet.”
"That's obvious," Nico said. Then he shrugged. "Sounds fun. Count me in."
"Really?" Leo asked, then quickly. "Great."
Nico gave him a look.
"I didn't think you'd be the first to agree," Leo said defensively.
"I'm in too," said Percy, still without looking up. "And Annabeth."
His girlfriend looked up at her name.
"What are you signing me up for?" she asked.
"Leo's video game super smash brawl IRL," Percy said. "Far as I'm guessing he's thinking of an obstacle course capture the flag death match kind of thing where someone bosses someone else about through walkie talkie."
Annabeth thought about that for a second.
"We're in," she said. "Right Pipes?"
Piper nodded seriously.
"Be good to kick your butts in real life," she said. "Bagsie Reyna."
And that was how they ended up outside in the grounds letting themselves be bossed around by Leo who had found a mega-phone somewhere and was using it to bellow instructions across the lawn. Jason came out, trying to adjust his glasses with an elbow at the same time as trying to shift a heavy cardboard box into a more comfortable position.
"This was all the tech corridor 13 could scrounge up," Jason said.
"They were pretty apologetic about the loss of the TV," he added as Leo extracted a broken video camera with a worryingly large grin.
"Here!" Leo called as he threw the camera towards Harley, who caught it one handed. "That should be good for section one."
"Section one?" Jason asked. "Leo this is going to be a little game right? A quick distraction?"
Leo barely gave his friend half a second of attention, too busy rummaging through the box.
"Uh-huh," Leo agreed, though Jason was pretty sure Leo had absolutely no idea what he was agreeing to.
"Corridor 13 have started a betting pool," Jason continued. "What exactly have you told them?"
"Video game," Leo mumbled. "Recreating a video game."
Jason sighed, and then jumped back rapidly as Harley walked back their way carrying a large piece of plywood.
"Okay," he said in defeat. "If you need me I'll be talking to napkin suppliers."
"Ooh can you get me any free samples?" Leo asked.
"Great. And you don't mind me designing your costume then?"
"No that's fi- wait costume?”
Leo wandered off, feigning deafness as he screeched into his megaphone.
“Leo! What costume?"
Leo continued doing a good impression of not being able to hear, waving a set of fairy lights excitedly at Harley. As he passed Reyna, Piper and Annabeth they covered up the several sheets of paper they had spread out on the floor around them and ostensibly stopped talking.
"Go away spy," Piper teased. "We won't let you steal our top secret plans."
Annabeth waited before Leo had got a safe distance away before continuing with her inventory plans.
"And rope of course."
Nico had joined forces with Hazel and Frank. Frank didn't seem entirely comfortable about the entire set up, partly because he wasn't super into video games but Hazel and Nico's competitive streaks were coming out and they were showing their claws, and partly because Hazel's brother made him just a tiny bit uncomfortable.
Hanging out with Nico properly for the first time was a little nerve wracking, because as stupid as he told himself he was being, Frank couldn't help but think that he was one stupid comment away from Nico skewering him with the pencil he was holding, or at least skewering him with a look. Still Hazel adored Nico and Nico adored Hazel and so it was clearly up to Frank to get over the fact he was mildly terrified of the slight, pale teenager with the eyes like shards of glass.
And Nico hardly seemed to be paying attention anyway. He'd had all sorts of plans in the beginning, and Frank had begun to realise that Nico was a bit of a mythomagic nerd. His knowledge of stats and different attacks could come in useful, but equally couldn't, since none of them really knew exactly what Leo was planning on building for them.
Now Nico was just staring into the distance, tapping a pencil distractedly against his knee. Frank followed his line of sight, but all he could see was some of the corridor 13 lot with Lou-Ellen and a couple of the guys from 7 and the younger ginger and green haired girl Frank always saw on the archery range. Callie? No, Kayla.
Frank shrugged it off, assumed that suddenly disappearing into his head was one of Nico's things and began discussing whether or not Hazel thought they'd need a shield.
"Do you think we'll need matches?" Annabeth asked, adding another note to her equal parts frighteningly organised and horrifyingly disorganised list.
"This is Leo," Piper said. "I think we should have everything possible. Up to and including the national guard and a medic on call."
Annabeth added matches under cold weather provisions, cross-referencing it a second later to light-emitting devices and then adding an arrow to warmth.
"Do we have a torch?" Reyna asked.
Annabeth frowned, scanned her notes.
"Yes under electronic items."
Reyna nodded sagely. She was relatively new to The Pantheon School, so really she was dealing with the chaos well considering she’d never had to survive through Leo’s other projects and ideas.  
"How serious do you think Leo is about all of this?" Reyna mused. "I saw him walk past with a drill a minute a go. Where on earth did he get a drill from?"
"Don't know," Piper laughed. "And don't think I want to know."
"Leo's hardly serious about anything," Annabeth mused. "But when he's got a project he's off. He's serious. And we've got a reputation to withhold."
"Well if we are doing this we're doing it properly," Reyna said. "I heard Leo was making his team costumes."
"My kind of area," Piper said with a grin.
"Really?" Annabeth asked. "You know how to sew?"
"Some confidence would be nice," Piper teased. "But no. I do, however, know some girls who love fashion and would be happy to help."
Reyna frowned. Annabeth pictured Drew's scowling, sardonic expression.
"Really?" Annabeth said again.
"Really," Piper said with a devious grin. "My corridor owe me a favour."
Part Two
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so-langelo · 7 years
Hope you guys like this Ari xxx *mortal au* Note: WIll is a year older than Nico
Summary: Will and Nico’s friendship over the years (i suck at summaries but i swear its good)
Word Count: 1666
*disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot* *warning: underage drinking*
“Hi.” Six-year-old Will Solace held his hand out to a small boy he noticed sitting alone in the playground. 
The boy was sitting at the edge of the concrete playground with playing cards spread around him. He had dark hair that hung past his ears and eyes that were pools of deep brown. He looked at Will and seemed surprised that someone was actually talking to him. 
“I’m Wil. What’s your name?” Will sat next to the boy, careful not to mess up the cards on the ground. 
“Nico. Nico di Angelo.”, the boy’s voice was soft and hardly above a whisper, but Will heard. 
“So, you play Mythomagic?”, and immediately after Will said it, Nico perked up.
“You know how to play Mythomagic?”, Nico said excitedly, “My sister always says that Mythomagic is lame, so I don’t have anyone to play with usually.”
“I’m not good, but I know how. My brothers taught me, but they always beat me.”, Will said, “I like Apollo. He’s so cool.”
As Nico dealed Will’s his cards, he looked up at Will with a small grin. “You can have him if you want.”
“Really?! Thanks, Nico. You’re the best.I’ll keep it forever. Promise.”, Will smiled at Nico with a blinding brightness. 
After an hour of playing and Will loosing, a man from the othr side of the playground called for Nico. Nico put down his cards and said, “I have to leave now. Can we play again, Will? I’ll see you again, right Will?”
Will was sad that Nico was leaving; he enjoyed the other boy’s little quirks and the way he talked about Mythomagic like it was the best thing ever. Will put on a smile, “Yea, of course, we’re best friends now.” 
As Nico waved goodbye, Will looked down to to the card that was given by his new friend, and on the back in messy handwriting, it said: 
If found please return to Nico
“Nico.”, Will whispered and smiled to himself.
“Hi.” Will said as he opened the door to Nico’s room. The room that he has been in so many times over the last seven years changed so drastically in just a couple weeks. It was so dark even though it was 2 in the afternoon. 
“Who let you in?”, Nico’s voice was raspy and harsh; just like his room, Nico changed from a happy-go-lucky kid to someone distanced and cold. But Will wasn’t going to be going away, no matter how much Nico pushed him away. He wasn’t going to leave his best friend. 
Nico’s sister, Bianca, died. It was a horrible accident, and it left Nico and their father devasted. Nico wouldn’t come out of his room, he barely ate, and, worst of all, he pushed everyone that cared for him away. 
“Your dad. He’s worried about you, you know.” Will sat at the edge of nico’s bed, where nico was hidden under piles of blankets. 
“No he doesn’t. He’s glad Biance died.”, Nico’s voiced choked at the words, “One less kid to worry about.” 
“Don’t say that. He loves you, Nico. Don’t push him away, please.” Will pleaded. He hated seeing Nico like this. It hurt him and he knew he couldn’t do anything about him. 
“Will. Why are you even here? You’re just like the rest of them, pretending you care.”, Nico spat at him, accusingly. He sat up form his covers and stared with a deadly fire in his eyes. 
That’s when Will’s keep-your-cool persona died. “Don’t you ever say that! I do care, Nico. Everyone cares about you. You’re just too busy wallowing here to notice. Everyone is trying to help you! Everyone misses her too Nico! Bianca wouldn’t have wanted this! She wouldn’t want you like this, rotting away in your shadows.”
Nico’s eyes looked almost black in this room. They were quickly filling up with tears that threatened to overflow after Will’s rant. 
“Will. It’s just so hard. I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for saying such horrible things to you. I’m sorry for being a jerk. I’m sorry. I miss her so much, Will.” Nico broke down in front of Will, and Will cradled him in his arms. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay. You’ll be okay.” Will repeated those words like a mantra, and the two stayed there until the sunset and the tears that spilled from Nico’s eyes dried.
“Hi.” Will’s voice was muffled from under the pillow that hid his face. 
It was no surprise Will’s mom let him up. Since Will and Nico became best friends ten years ago, Nico practically lived here.
“Hey, Solace. How are you holding up?”, Nico nudged his leg that hung off the bed. 
“I’m fine. You know, fine as in I found out my boyfriend cheated on me and dumped me because I found out.” Will took the pillow off of his face and got up.  His hair was a blond bird’s nest and his eyes were probably swollen from all the crying. 
“He was a jerk. I tried telling you that in the beginnng. To make you forget that dick wad, I brought you Ben & Jerry’s cookies and cream cheesecake. Your favorite.”, Nico held up a quart of the said ice cream and two spoons. 
“Oh my gosh. You’re the best. The only three men that I need in my life. Ben, Jerry, and you.”, Will greedily grabbed the ice cream and his spoon. 
Nico laughed. “You’re welcome.”
Will looked up at his friend and saw Nico staring at him with an expression that could almost be affection. 
No. It’s just your imagination, Solace. Your hallucinating from your post-breakup depression. 
Will decided to brush it off and just enjoy the company of his best friend and his ice cream. 
The two talked and talked. About Will’s ex and other stupid things. They talked like they haven’t seen each other in years. 
When it was around 3 am, the two were on their backs with an empty ice cream container forgotten at their feet. Nico turned to face Will.
“I have to tell you something.” 
The moonlight from Will’s window shadowed Nico’s eyes. “Yeah?”
“I actaully hate cookies and cream cheesecake.”
“Hi!” Will screamed over the loud music at his best friend. 
His best friend that he may or may not have fallen in love with over the last year. 
“Nice party!”, Nico cupped his mouth to be heard. 
“Thanks. It was Lou Ellen’s idea.” Will looked around for the girl that planned his ‘18th birthday extravaganza.’ 
Nico motioned outside, a place where they can talk without getting sore throats. 
Will struggled to follow Nico, being stopped a couple times because of people wishing him a happy birthday. 
“Hey.”, Will said, when they were both finally outside, away from the blasting music and the people slowly getting drunk. 
Lou Ellen swore that she didn’t know who spiked the drinks,  Will didn’t quite believe her, so he steered clear away from any liquid offered to him.
“Hey Will. I wanted to give you your birthday gift.”, Nico stook a sip from his cup. 
Will’s eyes widened. “Nico the drinks are-”
“Don’t interupt me, Solace. I know about the drinks, and I just thought the the only way for me to get the courage to tell you that I’m fuckin’ in love with you is when I’m a bit buzzed, okay. Now what I wanted- Fuck. I told you. Dammit, Solace! I had a whole damn speech! I’m didn’t even drink that much. Do you see what you do to me. I broke the law for yo-”
Once again, Will interupted Nico. 
But this time he interupted him with a kiss. 
The two broke apart; their foreheads touched. 
“Sorry for interrupting you. I just wanted you to shut up, because I love you too.” Will’s breath tickled Nico’s lips. 
“Nice to know. Now can we kiss again?”Nico smirked at him. 
“Whatever you want.” 
The two connected lips once more. 
“Hi.” Will said, as familiar arms wrapped around his waist.
Lips started to travel his neck. 
“Stop, Nico.”, Will chuckled, “We can’t be late to our own wedding reception.” 
“Will, they can wait 15 minutes.”, NIco smiled at him. Will thought he looked absolutely beautiful. 
“Save it for the honeymoon, sunshine You don’t even have socks on. Just get your socks from my drawer. We’re already 4 minutes late.”, Will said, while trying to fix his tie.
“Okay, okay.”, Nico whined.
When Will finally got his tie to look decent, he heard Nico gasp. Will rushed to his side. 
“What happened?”, Will said worriedly. Nico had his hand over his mouth and his eyes looked teary. 
In his other hand, Nico held an old tattered playing card, a Mythomagic card, of the sun god, Apollo. On the back, in faded writing was:
If found please return to Nico
“You kept it? After 20 years, you kept it?”, Nico tackled Will in a hug that almost knocked them to the floor.
“Yeah, I kept it. You gave it to me, and I promised I would keep forever. You don’t break those kids of promises.”, Will ran his fingers through Nico’s hair, careful not to mess it up. 
“You’re such a nerd.”, Nico said, wiping a few stray tears.
“You are so emotional. Such a bridezilla.” Will joked, kissing Nico’s forehead lovingly.
“Shut up, Solace. Come on. You made us late to our own reception.”, the two exited the room to their wedding reception and the rest of their lives together.
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stygicniron · 7 years
I blame @graecvs for all of this and making me eat my words but here we go, college au:
Nico is a history major. And also a hermit. These aren’t necessarily connected
He was a super huge history nerd as a kid and definitely played Mythomagic and when he learned he could major in history with a focus on classical studies, he thought it was the best thing ever
Well first he spent some time in his first year putzing around doing his Gen Eds because he didn’t really want to be in college, but then he found his Gen Ed history class and loved it and ended up taking more, and the rest is, well, you know
So Nico comes from a rich family but both his sister and mother are dead. His father (Hades) ended up leaving Nico to go on business trips and basically was never home. Nico felt compelled to go to college because it was the Proper Thing To Do, but he wasn’t really invested in it
Once he settled into his history major, things fall into place.
He probably (accidentally) ended up getting both a Latin and Greek minor so he could translate texts for himself, the nerd
He spent one of his summers during college on an archeological dig in Italy and ended up running into his father there. The two talked and things are at least neutral now rather than bad
Nico and Percy are distant cousins, related on their mother’s side. Nico saw Percy a handful of times before reconnecting with him in college.
Nico is the person you can text at 4 in the morning for help with a paper and he can at the very least supply a random fact to help fill out the word count
Nico runs a D&D campaign that ranges in seriousness from not-at-all to way-to-serious
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