#mythological is the proper word isn't it
dormiloncito · 9 months
there's a fandom for king arthur and all that????
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Hi!! What resources can I use to find terminology, names, and words and such? "Synonyms" don't always cut it. Im writing a fantasy that focuses on not just dragons, but also kelpies and maybe more creatures. But when I refer to them, I don't want to write "The dragons and kelpies" each time. I'd like a term other than "the creatures" when I'm referring to both species. If it were just about dragons, then characters would easily refer to them as "the dragons", but theres so much more...
Collective Term for Creatures, Researching Terminology
It sounds like you're looking for a collective term for a variety of mythical creatures, and unfortunately, outside of creatures and maybe beasts, there really isn't one.
Now, if you needed the proper collective term for a group of the same creature, such as a group of dragons, you could simply Google, "what is a group of dragons" called, and you would find that there are a variety of terms, but a common one is "a flight of dragons."
When you feel that you're overusing collective terms like "the dragons and kelpies" or "the creatures," it's more than likely a writing issue. In other words, if you take the time to revise and reword, you can find ways to eliminate some of these references.
Another option would be to create a collective term that is relevant and unique to your story, such as "the cursed ones" or "the ancient ones" and alternate between that term, creatures, beasts, and "dragons and kelpies," reserving the latter for when you need to be specific.
As far as resources for finding terminology, you can find tons and tons of resources about mythical creatures via a Google search. You can do a broad search--for example "dragons"--or you can do a more specific search, such as "different types of dragons." The important thing to bear in mind is that since mythical creatures aren't real, the results you get will be split between mythological/folk references, common genre tropes, and functions of specific canon. Ultimately, you want to be cautious not to use something that is specific to a particular canon. For example, if you get a resource that tells you some facts about dragons in the Fourth Wing book series, you would want to avoid using those.
Happy researching!
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blackcestfest · 5 months
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Blackcest Fest Masterlist 
Categories: Femslash, Het, Sirius/Regulus, Sirius/Regulus/Other, Other Slash
Eyes On The Bride by LesbianKJ Ships: Druella Rosier Black/Walburga Black, Druella Rosier Black/Minerva McGonagall Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 2,456
It's Druella Rosier and Cygnus Black's wedding, and Druella isn't acting like the proper bride.
Sweet Possession by sky_watcher_rose Ship: Walburga Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange  Rating: E  Word count: 4624
Bellatrix has always worshipped the ground her aunt walks on - and so perhaps, Walburga thinks, this was inevitable. Bellatrix was always going to ask, and she was always going to say yes.
Bellatrix Black: An Elegy by @thistlecatfics Ships: Andromeda/Bellatrix, Bellatrix/Cygnus, Bellatrix/Rita Skeeter Rating: E  Wordcount: 5,328 Warnings: Non-con, underage
“Bellatrix Black Lestrange was survived by her husband, sister, nephew, and me, whatever I could be considered, if I could even be considered someone who survived her.”
they wed by sanguis_in_excelsis @sanguisinexelsis Ship: Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black  Rating: G  Word count: 6446
and it goes better than expected  Sirius and Bellatrix, and their starry mythology
Vérité by MymbleHowl @st-clements-steps Ships: Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Barty Crouch Jr. Rating: E  Wordcount: 2957
“By Salazar.” Surely she uses magic somehow to make her sigh resound through all their cells, “let me know when you meet a boy who doesn’t like it hard and fast, Bartemius." To Sirius she says, "darling, be a good boy for me and tell me what you’re doing?” Her voice sings across their dank surroundings. “Sometimes, babydoll, you have to let them take the lead.”
Daddy's Girl by @miss-grimwood Ship: Bellatrix/Cygnus  Rating: M  Word count: 1550  Warnings: underage, rape/non-con
Cygnus prepared Bellatrix to be a good wife to her future husband.
blue light of the flame by @sanguisinexelsis Ships: Sirius Black/Andromeda Black Tonks, Past Sirius/Bellatrix, Past Andromeda/Alphard   Rating: G Word count: 1,748
Andromeda goes to visit Sirius in Number Twelve the week before he dies. They say goodbye.
Her Good Boy by RottenPleasures @caitiewantstobeavadakedavrad Ship: Druella Rosier Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1,273  Warnings: Underage
Walburga has always claimed that Sirius doesn’t know how to behave. Druella thinks that couldn’t be father from the truth.
Short Distance Between Love and Insanity by piximera @piximera-art Ship: Sirius/Bellatrix  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1,829
Bellatrix HATES Sirius, so why do they end up in bed together at every family ball?
M-A-M-A B-O-Y, Mama’s boy, Mama’s boy by Sagiko_AKA_RegulusBlackKinnieBITFW Ships: Walburga Black/Regulus Black, Past Walburga Black/Alphard Black  Rating: Explicit  Wordcount: 2101
Who says romance has to be dead just because her incesty brother died? Her son can always take his place.
Happiness by TheFaeSys @thesun-themoon-andtheirstars Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: T  Wordcount: 1184  Warnings: Mention of past abuse
After spending the first few weeks of the summer at the Potter's Sirius starts getting letters, a lot of letters. They don't stop and when Bellatrix shows up and drags him away to see his brother, Sirius relents, vowing to bring him back to the Potter's.
(ART) That Time My Brother Kissed Me and Not His Boyfriend by @acydpop Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: G 
Sirius didn't know that polyjuicing into one of his mates would lead to a surprise he never saw coming.
Kisses Are For Lovers by DeathBecomesJade @sniperjade Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 13,447  Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Attempted Suicide
Regulus has always loved Sirius but for as long as he can remember Sirius has always pushed him away. He lost track of him after Hogwarts but now that he is free from his mother's influence and has found Sirius again, he will never let him go.
A Candle in the Dark by @ticigi Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 6,674  Warnings: Underage, Referenced non-con
"Hey, Reggie? Want to see the stars with me, just like old times?”
Now That We Don't Talk by @melissamwrites Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Word count: 18,943  Warnings: Past Child Abuse, underage (17 year old)
Sirius and Regulus have been estranged since Sirius ran away at the age of 16 with his best friend from boarding school, James Potter. But they have recently moved to London (the Potters are insistent that they try and work for a living). James is trying to get into a new relationship, but Sirius feels lonely and tries to reach out to some old friends.
Take My Body by acari @ghaniblue Ship: Regulus/Sirius  Rating: E Wordcount: 3140  Warnings: Underage
The last person Sirius expected to find on his front step was his estranged little brother begging Sirius to fuck him.
Winner Takes All by @the-invisibility-bloke Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 8,893  Warnings: Underage
"You call that a kiss?" It’s all fun and games until it’s fun and games and groping.
The Ties That Bind Me (To Horoscopes and Fate) by @tenrousei-kuroi Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 6,007  Warnings: rape/non-con, moderate violence, underage, physical abuse
"Sirius could hear Orion in Regulus's room in the middle of the night when they were supposed to be sleeping. One of those nights he decides to sneak into his brother's room after their father leaves, just to check on him, but what he sees makes it impossible not to take advantage of the situation."
Lessons by dalula Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: Explicit  Wordcount: 2026  Warnings: Underage
Before starting Hogwarts, the Black siblings are extremely sheltered. When Sirius comes back after his first term, he can't wait to show Regulus that he can use what's between his legs to make himself feel better.
Love in Different Shapes by Shadowmun @mundrakan Ship: Sirius/Regulus + Severus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 2742  Warnings: Rape/non-con, underage
Father asked Regulus to dose Sirius with a potion, so he would find an "illegible partner" and return to the family to do his duty of marrying and producing beautiful little pure-blood children. Too late Regulus finds out: Father didn't read the fine print.
Naughty, Knotty, Naughty by BrokenBoughs Ships: Regulus/Sirius, Regulus/Sirius/Harry  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1k 
Regulus tells Harry a bit of Black history.
With Seed As Strong As Blood by @greenmegsnoham Ships: Orion Black/Regulus Black, Regulus Black/Sirius Black, Orion Black/Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E Warnings: Underage, Rape/Non-con  Wordcount: 2,200
"You want him," Orion states unquestioningly, his fingers trailing along Regulus' side to the dip of his waist and those widening hips... "Do your duty," Orion commands Sirius, "and you shall have your fill of our sweet Omega."
Take me with you (find a way) by cassetteinability @onehundredflamingos Ship: Regulus/Sirius/Narcissa  Rating: E  Wordcount: 10,352
When Walburga sets up a wedding between Regulus and Narcissa, Sirius vows to do whatever it takes to get back to his brother.
James Knows by @goldenbi Ships: Regulus Black/Sirius Black/James Potter  Rating: E  Wordcount: 5,030  Warnings: Underage Sex
James knew his best friend. He knew his best friend more than anyone else could know another person. From the first moment they met they were in sync in almost every way. Nearly every sentence that included James also included Sirius. Sirius’s wand felt just as natural in his hand as James’s own. They were closer than any two people could be. It was as if their very souls were made of the same bright light. So why didn’t Sirius admit that he was fucking his own brother?
Other Slash:
finders keepers by dalula Ship: Draco Malfoy/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1269  Warnings: Underage, Animagus Bestiality
Draco finds Padfoot on the grounds at Hogwarts and smuggles him into his dorm. He's always wanted a dog.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 months
Hello! About this subject, I wondered if you thought that having poc representation is inherently incompatible with the desire to create fiction surrounding Greek mythology? Would it be impossible for the game Hades to includes different skin tones without being disrespectful of Greek’s culture, in your opinion? This subject if pretty though, because well, the people making the game are from an independent studio and included people of color in the game because they wanted more people to feel represented (since some of them are poc and didn’t get to have representation growing up). But if it’s wasn’t compatible with the culture and Greek mythology, then maybe the game wouldn’t have been made in the first place, or not in the same way…
I want to hear more Greek people’s opinion on the matter, if it doesn’t bother you :)
Hello, thank you for the ask! The answer might be a bit long but... you know me :p
For more explanations on proper representation check here.
I feel like the wording makes the situation look a little bit like an issue of "Greeks VS People of Color", when in reality the situation is "White American (WASP, specifically) ideals VS Everyone Else". In the West Greeks are still the "ethnics" so it would be a mistake to equate the Greek heritage with the ever-present, influential WASP culture of the US.
I mention this because it's the job your country's media to offer representation to minorities, not the job of any foreign gods and heroes. Greek culture is not The System, it doesn't represent the US culture. Ergo, to put it crudely, it's not the Greek culture's problem that the US media companies and the audience are biased against PoC.
The Greek culture and history are what they are and, truth is, non-Mediterranean looks are not frequent in ancient Greek stories and societies. The US should adapt accordingly. The US is a superpower driven by the consumerism of its residents. Find a way to center PoC that will not ignore or erase parts of other cultures.
(And find the courage to treat Greek culture as the foreign culture that it is and not Americanize it as much as possible. And cast a few Greek peeps every now and then, I promise, the universe won't collapse.)
There are plenty of other opportunities for minorities to get jobs and roles in literally any other type of media outside of the Greek-myth-related ones. The country itself should be offering the chance for minorities to see themselves in its media. The customers and the culture of this country should learn to support any type of work centered around PoC.
Foreign cultural figures are, by virtue and all purposes, representatives of that specific foreign local population and their visions. Changing foreign gods and heroes, who you already treat like props, to mend your cultural issues is disrespectful. Example: Black people are underrepresented in Greek media but a Greek film about the Chinese pantheon isn't the appropriate place for their representation. In other countries where Black/Brown/East Asian people are the norm in the media, it still isn't right to alter their local gods and heroes so they look like minorities within those countries. As the quote goes, "There is no identity that exempts you from doing harm".
Showing different peoples only through Greek mythology media can be possible if the creators account for real demographics and depictions of established gods and heroes. In a mystery book based on Greek mythology, your New Yorker group of friends/main characters can be whatever you desire. In the same context, if a deity wants to transform into a 50-year-old gay Black Mexican New Yorker for a specific reason that's also fine. But to have a whole foreign pantheon and heroes looking different "just because" (which is the Hades approach) treads into "using the figures as props" territory. Greek mythology is not - and shouldn't be - the only thing the US people are interested in.
Sorry if my tone here is angry at times but Westerners think the biggest, basic problem in Western Greek mythology-related media is "our minorities do not get represented" instead of "We (including our minorities) have been entertained and profiting from the appropriation of a foreign culture, and it's been so bad that we don't know how the actual culture looks like, and we do not even offer roles to these people on films/books/plays about their culture. In fact, we barely give them any representation". Don't get me wrong, both are problems. But in this specific situation, people are missing the forest for the tree.
It depends on what you mean by "fiction surrounding Greek mythology". I wouldn't expect any fictional work with a touch of ancient Greek culture to follow historical accuracy in all other factors. If the Greek culture is not there, it doesn't need the same gods and heroes but if it does have the Greek ones specifically, the respectful thing is to not alter their basic features and symbols. Similarly, a Nigerian school can, ofc, present an ancient Greek play regardless of the students not resembling 99.99% of the ancient and modern Greek recorded demographics. All can engage and share the inspiration, as long as they respect the tons of research about our heritage and the pains people have gone through so we can have accurate information, which matters, today.
Inspiration is fine but if your story is set in ancient Greece and the historical, real ancient Thebes has the diversity of the Seattle population that screams "barely educated American", I'm sorry. Not everything should be a copy paste of your own experiences, especially when writing about foreign cultures. There are real places out there with their own demographics and respecting that is basic human decency. Not getting in the trouble to even look how the residents (very diverse or not) and the heroes and the gods of a foreign country look when you put them on screen, that's just bad.
In the case of Hades, where diversity was born intentionally by the creators, Hermes having East Asian characteristics is the most American thing ever because he is treated as a prop without a background, not as a character or a real god. Consider the most basic question. Why does Hermes specifically, before even the Bronze Age hits, wants to present this way? Is he a Greek god who… likes how East Asian people look and decided to look like this and not like the Mediterranean locals, because he sees East Asians as a… costume? Does he always look like this? Then why does his depictions don't look like this? Does he change into an East Asian for… fun..? Does he change races every day of the week for fun? Because… race doesn't matter…? Every possible answer sounds either illogical or racist.
I understand the creators' motives were noble but intentions do not excuse everything. As a Greek, seeing my local god not looking like the hundreds of his depictions I've seen in museums and in Greek media, am I not supposed to ask why this happened in the context of Greek culture?
I gave some examples of PoC representation above but each case is different. I'd advise Greek mythology-related media creators to seek Greeks and Greek sensitivity readers. I can recommend at least one Greek sensitivity-reader and I can help a little bit myself if the questions are simple.
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i984 · 2 years
A Letter to the Yearning Moon
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|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader
|Warnings|: HURT HURT HURT, Stupid! Wednesday Addams, falls too late! Wednesday Addams, hates proper communication! Wednesday Addams, a rejection letter for a confession letter, this isn't even a fic, you guys will just sit there reading from first person, improper use of Greek mythology, author was sick when writing this.
|Summary|: Wednesday Addams receives a love letter.
|A/n|: I used @tundra1029 's prompt very very loosely. This goes to all of you who fell in love at the wrong time.
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An envelope.
Wednesday snatched the object from her beloved Thing.
Inside is a paper filled with letters that form words and thus string sentences together snugly beside each other. Carefully opening the folds, the ravenette's eyes trace your handwriting, your voice playing inside her mind.
My dear Selene,
Countless words have been poured on papers, yet none truly holds the power to speak my sentiments whole. Man's invention has failed me; poetry and portraits defeated by my thoughts and feelings for you. Like others before me, I'll still try to convey myself to you, and I hope by the end of this letter, we'll still be able to face each other and nod in tandem.
I loved the way you smiled. It was rare, of course, and when it finally happened, I saw before my eyes the most beautiful angel grace the earth with sweet honey and green meadows; light rain washes the world from its wrongs, and suddenly everything was so vibrant, so you.
I loved the way you laughed. It resembles the little bells adorning the bracelet I gifted you last year. In what people will deem maniacal, I find comfort and warmth, genuine glee and freedom. The things I would do to go back and listen to it again for the first time, I wouldn't regret it one bit.
I loved the way you walked. Our shoulders would brush, and my pinkie would tremble because I wanted to link it with yours. Every time, I would worry that you'll flinch and step away, or even worse; you'll tell me off, and we'll never walk together again. That never happened, and instead, I was the one who pulled away and disappeared.
I loved the way you let me into your life. To become a friend, a companion, and to let me cling to my hope of us ever becoming more. I watch you tolerate my obnoxious laughter and incessant chatter, my tasteless love poems, and the squiggly drawing of us—holding hands with our foreheads pressed together.
I loved how you hurt me gently, with no remorse or regret. When your countless 'no's proved fruitless, you just stood there and gave me less and less. I was doing the loving for the both of us, even though there wasn't an 'us' to begin with.
I loved you too much; it killed me every time I saw you, felt you, touched you, heard you, and it ruined me. The mere idea of you burns my husk with an eternal flame of suffering. Eros was laughing at me, and I hated passion and everything it stands for.
Your raven hair and pale, cold skin haunt my sleepless nights and daydreams. Your typewriter stared me down atop your desk, and I could clearly picture the image of your back and hear the clacks your fingers produced with each move.
I can see our hands accidentally touching atop that damned bookshelf every time I walk past the library. Your eyes were sunken, and your braids were messy. You looked lifeless, more than ever. And I've never hated anything more in my entire life.
It's funny—or tragic, depending on who's talking—how you, a person so impassive and emotionless, make me experience all the feelings poets and writers have sung and poured on paper. I adored love songs and loathe them now. I screamed, and I laughed, in despair and in delight.
You made me love, then hate, and I didn't understand you, me, and us.
I hated my arms that longed to hold you. I hated my fingers that wished to brush your hair loose. I hated my lips for wanting to press them onto your perfect skin. I hated my mind for yearning to understand you. I hated myself for desiring such a creature of perfection and bliss—God's gift for dirty and wretched humanity—a blade that lodges, twists, and turns the heart, and you wouldn't pull it out.
So I freed myself from your chains and whips, from the ruins and the broken pieces that were us, from the shards of glass that slit my neck and arms, and from the three words I wish to hear you repeat after.
Love was deeply tangled in hatred, and if I loved you more, I might kill you out of resentment. Instead, I killed my muse, freedom, and your half-finished portrait. And I figured that maybe that way, I could kill love, kill you.
I loved you, and in some ways, I still do. You're a great friend and a patient confidante. You're my hero and the moon I sought to glow above my bleak and numbing nights. But I've learned to love me more than you, and to love me means destroying your temple and building my own from the collapsed rock. It means painting over your mural with my favorite colors and drawing hearts on love poetries to myself.
I sprouted wings, and they blazed golden. Claiming heaven for myself, I left you down on treasured mother earth. If cruelness grew in me, I would ask you to stop feeling for me. But to fall for someone, and for you, is the greatest blessing in life, and I wish for you to experience the same.
Your words finally mirrored mine, and I pray in another life, we can love and live without fear, regret, or guilt. Until that day comes and sets us free from human prison, do settle as my fallen angel, my harbinger of death.
And maybe then, Chronos will let us meet and fall for each other together, and our story will be complete; a happy end for you and me.
I loved you, Wednesday Addams, and I am eternally grateful to have you feel the same for me now.
Your foolish sun.
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A/n2: Did that make any sense? No. So I'll clear a few things out for you. This is a letter for someone who fell for you late. You fell so deep in love, it drives you mad, and you've confessed countless times to this person. Yet, the person doesn't reciprocate your feeling, and so you gave up. You moved on in life, and learnt to love yourself like you did this person. As Fate has it, this damned person falls in love with you after your feelings are gone, and this letter conveys that it's too late because you can't love them again, and you wish for them to figure out what one-sided love feels like, and what does it mean to love themselves in the end.
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axl-ul · 1 year
Writeblr (Re)Introduction
Hello! After some time of being inactive, here's a small reintroduction from me:) And I also guess that this is the exact aesthetic I aimed for. Finally!
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General info:
(Nick)Name: Axl-ul, but you can address me as Axl^^
Likes: Writing, reading, drawing, crochet, mythologies and folk stories, tea, doggos, cattos, battos (majority of animals that are fluffy)
Stuff I like to listen to: an ENORMOUS range that goes from og dubstep to chillstep to metal to edgy yeehaw dark country (among my fave artists are Bonobo, Nujabes, Burial, Hugo Kant, Sigmun)
Favourite movie: Noroi, The Vanished Empire
Favourite show: Mononoke (2009) it's actually an anime and yes I do consider it a show, Red Dwarf
Favourite book(s): The Witcher saga (Season of Storms was a little bit mid in comparison to the rest, still enjoyed it though), Solomon Kane, The Hobbit, Whiskey, Blood and Silver, The Warlock, Journey to the West (still reading it)
Favourite manga: anything by Junji Ito, Berserk
Favourite games: The Witcher trilogy, DreadOut, Condemned: Criminal Origin, TES V: Skyrim (also slowly getting into Oblivion), Sleeping Dogs, Darkwood, anything made by Fromsoftware (a fanboy)
Favourite genres: horror, mystery, (dark) fantasy, comedy
Favourite tropes: animal companion, found family, rivals to best friends
Writer info:
Genres I write in: horror, mystery, dark fantasy inspired by world mythologies, dark comedy, my wips might have a touch of detective stories to them, too^^
Tropes I use(d): found family, animal companion, rivals to best friends, rivals to friends to lovers (used only once as I don't like romance that much, why it appears in my wips is a looong story), orphaned MC
POV: 3rd person, multiple POVs with main focus on 1 to 3 characters max
I tend to write in quite a flowery language and in poetic prose, but since English isn't my first language it can come across slightly awkward (TL; DR I do plenty of updates and edits to my posted stuff)
My wips are inspired and sometimes directly refer to a certain mythology, such as Slavic (this one is also most widely used as I like to read local legends of Serbia, Russia, the Czech and Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Poland and so on), Chinese, Nordic, Japanese and Indonesian. HOWEVER I love to create my own mythos and so the world is a blend of characters directly based of a mythological figure exploring environement both familiar and completely new to them. (I've always been intruiged by a question what would happen if world mythologies bumped into each other and what would be the consequences of it.)
My own mythos are pretty much eldritch-like oriented with a significant touch of folk horror. I'm not going to lie, I'm a FromSoftware fanboi, I see Bloodborn or Kuon, I'm going feral and so is my inspiration.
There are many occuring themes about substance abuse, addiction, health issues, gore, extreme violence, sexual assault/rape and other strongly 18+ stuff, so I'd appreciate if only 20+ y.o. people (or be at least 18, really) follow this account. In other words - PLENTY OF NSFW THAT'S NOT DIRECTED AND INTENDED FOR MINORS.
Not all from my wips have a proper introduction (a.k.a. there's no link for their Tumblr WIP intro). BUT I do plan on doing them, so expect the links to be updated. These are just quick summaries of them.
The Flight of the Western Crane - A dark retelling of Journey to the West where Sun Wukong tries to protect the young Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang while meeting a duo of a stranded Princess of the Great Tiger Kingdom and her foreign advisor Lady Wolf Witch. Their common journey starts out as an innocent one. However, it soon evolves into a dangerous chase where the Monkey King must face the worst of his opponents.
City of False Gods - Hybrid of wuxia, mystery and film noir genres set on a fabricated island near Hong Kong. The fiction evolves around the Monkey King who's, after his yet another imprisonment, woken up to a strange world of 1920s where his powers are under a radar by the local supernatural cop unit and is forced to live among the poorest while trying to solve strange happenings in the city. City of False Gods also serves as a sequel to The Flight of the Western Crane.
Empire of Dust - Historical dark fantasy with horror elements set in 330 Constantinople. The story follows two little sisters one of whom is considered neither dead nor alive. One day, Ulfrika sets out for a strange task in order to provide for her dear little sister. Her pure-hearted intention, though, may lead her down the rabbit hole which may devour her sanity.
Ratpeople - An outline idea for a standalone story involving Ulfrika and her time in the Wild West, where the soulless hybrid discovers an eerie town in the desert while chasing after a man who stole one of her horses. The story is related to weird western (mostly its horror and fantasy elements and no sci-fi stuff) and mystery genres and also mythology related things.
Boy Who Chased a Dragon - Another outline story outside the universe of The Legends of No-man's Land. The story takes place on an island of eternal summer and flower bloom, where mythical creatures live peacefully. One day, Dado* loses his pet dragon, a creature his sister gave him for his 8th birthday, in a harsh storm. Now, he sets out for a long journey to retrieve his best friend from the claws of the cruel Ember King.
*because this is still in a process of an outline/1st draft, I'm still not sure about the name, it's only a working name for the protagonist
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talysalankil · 2 years
Fabula Nova Crystallis: The Mythology
I was trying to dig this video up to show a friend and it occurred to me that holy shit, it's become almost impossible to find this video that Square Enix only showed once at a conference in January 2011, and we're lacking in a proper English translation for it.
So I'm going to put it here for archival purposes and hope tumblr doesn't take it down, along with a translated transcript. I'll be working off Lissar's and FFWorld's translations of the video, using the canon names for the various entities (yes I know "soul" is technically a mistranslation of 心 heart but it is the canon one so hush).
Since I had extra time on my hands, I also put it up on Vimeo with subtitles on. I can provide the srt file (the syncing isn't super tight but since there's a lot of blank space around each line I decided to leave each subtitle for longer than necessary), if anyone's willing to work on translations, you can DM me.
The full transcript is under the cut:
Fabula Nova Crystallis, the new tale of the crystal
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Once upon a time, the god Bhunivelze ruled the world. Bhunivelze defeated his mother, the goddess Mwynn, and took control of the world for himself. Mwynn disappeared into the unseen realm.
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Bhunivelze was troubled: the world he now ruled over was destined to die. He believed this was a curse laid on the world by his mother Mwynn. He knew he had to destroy her to lift the curse. To do this, he set out to search for the door to the unseen realm where his mother waited. Using his will alone, he created the first fal’Cie.
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First, he created the fal’Cie Pulse. The Focus he gave him was to clear out the world, and search for the door to Mwynn.
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Next, he created the fal’Cie Etro. But it was a mistake. Unknowingly, he created her exactly in the image of Mwynn. Bhunivelze feared her, and gave Etro no power of her own.
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Instead, he created the fal’Cie Lindzei. The Focus he gave him was to protect Bhunivelze from all who might seek to destroy him. Bhunivelze gave Lindzei one special duty. To wake him once the time came. Then he turned to crystal, and fell into an endless sleep.
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Pulse wished to expand the world, so he created many fal’Cie and l’Cie.
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Lindzei wished to protect the world, so he created many fal’Cie and l’Cie.
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But Etro was powerless, and could make nothing of her own. Lonely, she thought of her mother, who she so resembled. Etro tore her own body apart, letting her blood flow to the earth, and disappeared from the visible world. From that blood, torn from her body, sprang humankind. Creatures that were born only to die.
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The destruction of the visible world was no curse, only fate. The world was divided into two halves, the visible and the invisible. If the balance between these two were destroyed, the world itself would be destroyed.
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The goddess Mwynn could do nothing to stop this fate. She was being swallowed into the chaos of the unseen realm. Just before her last moment, Etro came to her side. Mwynn told Etro that she must protect the balance of the world, before slipping into the chaos forever. But Etro was ignorant of the meaning behind Mwynn’s words.
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Etro was lonely, but she felt affection for those humans who live only to die. As they died, she smiled, and gave them chaos. The chaos Etro gave them, the humans named “souls”. Their hearts would become their power, but the humans did not yet know this.
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Soon, they called Pulse the all powerful ruler. Lindzei they named their protector, and Etro they named their goddess of death. The humans lived on the world, hold chaos inside their hearts. Because they held chaos so close, the world once again was in balance.
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And Bhunivelze still sleeps in crystal stasis. Until the end of days, awaiting the right time.
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misdre · 4 months
now that nobody cares anymore
quick. post esc song&artist opinions
albania (titan): this was originally in albanian and it was.. alright? then they chose to send an english version to malmö. you lost me there
armenia (jako): i liked the colourful background in the live performance. nice roosters. this is just all cute and bubbly and so is the vocalist. that's about it
australia (one milkali (one blood)): poor australia, i really like the song. could have leaned in a little more to the whole aboriginal thing because that's obviously what makes this stand out as absolutely unique. they had one of the most interesting vocalists of the year but the live just didn't do it, not for me and apparently not really for anyone. then again i think it's kinda nice australia has achieved a status where they can comfortably NQ because it's no longer like Hey let's vote australia just because they're on eurovision and it's haha crazy. i think the song is better than some of the earlier ones they've qualified with though. bleh
austria (we will rave): oh you silly austria. the studio version of this was my early favourite together with rim tim tagi dim but the music video scares me and uuuhh the live? yeah uumm about that. kinda surprised it even qualified tbh. well! the song's still a banger. straight from the swedish banger factory but let's not talk about that. there will never be a day when 90s eurodance stops being the shit
azerbaijan (özünlə apar): erm. kudos for the traditional singing. i've heard this exactly once from start to finish (in SF1) so idk. let's put it like this: not THE most boring ballad this year
belgium (before the party is over): i like when he sings BEFORE THE PARTY IS OVER
croatia (rim tim tagi dim): meow cat please meow back. this is the most My Kind Of song this year, the kind i'd love and listen to outside esc too, favourite from first listen. people are being annoying about him not winning but whatever, coming second is very sexy you know. and you know what else is sexy
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cyprus (liar): ORIGINALLY……this went in the same basket of "some girlboss with a sexy song idk" as malta and georgia and whatever who else… but then it kind of. got stuck in my head. and i kinda ironically started liking it. and then not so ironically. it kinda slaps? i have no excuse
czechia (pedestal): the song is good with a nostalgic kind of comfy rock sound. unfortunately it wasn't very strong live so into the NQ basket you go. i fucking love aiko's look tho i'm kinda homogay for her
denmark (sand): well…. this song's not BAD… but also just not very interesting. i got nothing. except sand in my
estonia ((nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi): that title means "we don't (really) know about (these) drugs". i always have a soft spot for estonians and this year they TOO just brought all party and fun (and finnish-made folk instruments!). the live wasn't very good imo and i think juries agreed but eh IT WAS FUN! EVERYONE HAD FUN. A PERFECT CHAOTIC MATCH TO WINDOWS95MAN
finland (no rules): SEE ME SLAYY. this was such a surprise winner in UMK, i was shook for a moment back then but ever since it's felt sooo right. so right. finland bringing in just the right kind of chaos every year and i'm very proud of it. the song genuinely grew on me over this spring, originally it felt like a jokey addition to all the "proper" UMK songs… ah how the turn tables. it's hilarious too that windows95man isn't even a musician and henri just kind of half-accidentally became his singer because they needed some vocalist for the song who can hit the notes. now they're probably hitched together as besties forever. did you know the performance is a reference to finnish mythology where the world is born from an egg
france (mon amour): just two words. JE T'AAAAAAAAA A AAAAAAAA A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIME okay actually a third word also. king
georgia (firefighter): um. see malta below
greece (zári): i like marina but got nothing on this song
iceland (scared of heights): i'm sorry hera……… you're like an aunt who's just doing some jammin' in the karaoke on a cruise from turku to stockholm. mildly embarrassing but you just can't hate her
italy (la noia): don't have much to say other than that i like the song, angelina is great, the performance was a bit boring. would have wanted stuff with her hair like the music video. but it was alright
latvia (hollow): daddy dons with one of my favourite voices this year. his blue armour outfit was a bit weird and unintentionally comical but it's okay. i really love this song and that's why they call me The bitch who likes the ballads
lithuania (luktelk): banger, love it, immediately takes me to the club. bass on the studio version bops. silvester is beautiful, loved his chunky outfit with a comically dramatic silhouette. poor guy was traumatised by having to perform after a Certain individual in the final, would give him a massive chunky hug. life's not fair but luktelk luktelk
luxembourg (fighter): imagine coming back to eurovision after decades and this is your performance. i think the song is alright, would have preferred if it were all in french. the live is an absolute nothingburger. i don't even remember what the staging looks like
malta (loop): UM sorry. i don't even remember this GJKNDSGJBSDG
moldova (in the middle): i.. kind of like this song? like the dadadadaddaa part? but not very much. it's surprisingly catchy for being so forgettable. and non-qualifying
netherlands (europapa): woww wasn't the final such a great show and a good time! i'm so glad he came fifth! a televote favourite too! yay! :)
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….in other words that "it's now or never" got a bit too real. i wish to hug joost's chunky blue suit and cry a little. hoping he'll perform soon in finland since he seems to be making a song with käärijä and all. btw nice of bambie thug to bring dustin the turkey back to life as a dutch EU bird
norway (ulveham): i'm so shocked this came dead last, i thought it'd find its audience for sure. earlier in spring people hyped this to the point of some complaining it's overrated, god that aged like an avocado. the vocalist is adorable and sings (shouts??) like a mofo, there's a witchy vibe with a metal band, the lyrics read like a fairytale, it's in norwegian (their FIRST song in norwegian in idk how many years, over 10). ROBBED
poland (the tower): a cute little song, i like it! the performance aesthetic was on point but i started jokingly associating the song with my 4kingdoms rei (it started from the tiger's eye line.) and then the joke got not-so-jokey and so umm yes. and like our finnish commentator said: how nice of luna lovegood to try being a musician
portugal (grito): portugal just doing their portugal things like every portugal year. iolanda is cute.
san marino (11:11): this is the only NQ song that was robbed IMO, not only a genuinely nice little rock bop but the staging was one of the most fun ALL this year. you got dancers in pink skeleton onesies on stage and you don't even make her qualify? die
serbia (ramonda): imma fall asleep on that rock
slovenia (veronika): pre-show i somehow thought this would be a bigger deal than it turned out to be. then it just kind of. well. i actually like the song and thought raiven looked fucking sick on stage crawling around with that murderous look, she's welcome to kill me any time in the middle of a dark forest at night (bambie thug will prob be there also. ulveham playing in the distance. luna is taking notes)
spain (zorra): what absolute fucking icons, i stan this 56yo queen getting on stage to sing about whores being awesome. the song is a certified bop and they got men in corsets serving a plateful of ass, i don't even need anything else from eurovision
sweden (unforgettable): i have a masochistic relationship with melodifestivalen where i watch it every year while knowing full well i'll be disappointed. i was, again, disappointed. but after seeing what a disaster this year turned out to be, well first of all, good on sweden for not sending a swedish artist to represent this mess and having a couple of norwegian bois on instead, secondly, by the time the final came around i no longer had any hate in my heart for this because who cares. marcus&martinus are our little denim brothers and i wish them all the best
switzerland (the code): nemo is adorable, amazing, lovely, phenomenal, a legend, 100% deserving the victory, spinning like a beyblade while singing opera what more do you want. like WHO the fuck sings like that while doing some kinda acrobatics on stage in a short skirt. nemo does that's who
UK (dizzy): another embarrassing year for UK, wasn't it. they sent an actual superstar and he just kind of sang like shit and nobody cared. i don't like the song it genuinely annoys me, the performance was weird kind of gay, i dunno. sorry olly it didn't click
ukraine (teresa & maria): being ukrainian also i'm not much of an objective opinioner on this one. definitely preferred the live version over studio, it's breathtaking. jerry heil is sooo beautiful and what a voice. queens
funny how one day you listen to some new little songs without even knowing what country's entry it is and by the middle of may they're all my beloved friends.
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tyrantisterror · 7 months
Wizard School Mysteries: Book 2 Side Characters
Ok, the supporting cast expanded a lot in this book because of the tournament arc, but let's see if I can account for them all.
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Actually, shit, first I have to go with two I forgot to add to the last batch, and pretty important ones at that. Zebul Blaa, the Dökkálfar/Dark Elf extra who ends up being part of the villainous plot in the first book. Dark elves in Norse mythology were born from the maggots that ate the giant Ymir's body, so in Midgaheim they're basically fly-people. Zebul himself is still in his maggot/larval stage of his life cycle at the start of the series, but as this concept art shows, that will change. He's got more to do in the overall story yet, so keep an eye out for him.
Laurel Creusa, meanwhile, is the student whose disappearance sets James on his whole mystery solving path. I tried to set up a red herring with her as well - James drops the word "tower" is his one conversation with her, which, given how the arcana are revealed in book 1, could have been taken as a hint that she was the final ally James needed to make in that book. But, alas, twas not to be - and I'm not sure if anyone fell for my ruse to this day.
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Ok, back to book 2 proper. Professor Prospera Bubos and Professor Heka Tlancheb are the two teachers who are most responsible for the tournament at the center of the conflict in Tournament of Death, and it's fun because they're kind of polar opposites from the magic end of things - a professor of healing magic vs. a professor of combat magic - yet they both ultimately prove to be reasonable authority figures who protest the school turning an blind eye to how the students get hurt. Professor Bubos is loosely based on an alchemist character I drew ages back - mainly the big, pointy shoulders with prominent stitches. Meanwile Heka is just me being horny on main making fun of my own fondness for terrifying witch women.
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We also get to see Professor Kobut Nyftek, who I think was mentioned in book 1 but not actually seen. They're one of the nicer teachers in the school, and costume-wise I took a lot of inspiration from Dr. Maruki's supervillain get up in Persona 5 Royal. There is... so much Persona in Wizard School Mysteries's DNA, way more than there is Harry Potter, and yet I know Harry Potter is the only thing it'll ever be compared to. A tragedy.
Simeon Helmschmied isn't a terribly complicated teacher concept - I just wanted to make him look like a badass, grizzled wizard blacksmith. D&D really popularized the idea of wizards not being armored and, like, I get it for mechanical reasons, but also I think some wizards deserve to also be heavily armored tanks.
Lacey Spidergrin is part of my ongoing attempt to sexualize Slenderman, and I think it's working gang.
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As I said in the last post, before I enacted the grand plan to create a vast reserve of Spare Wizard Students, I plotted out a few supporting cast students based on alternate names for the Major Tarot Arcana. Godfrey Lionhardt and Columbina Paggliacci are based on alt names for The Magician - the Magus and the Juggler respectively - and loosely embody the traits of that card in turn, with flavorings based on the alt names they're given. A Magus is a more respected, princely equivalent of a magician - "Gift of the Magi" and all that - so Godfrey has a princely look about him. His last name, Lionhardt, marks him as being part of one of the noble houses in his home country of Bretonce, so he may well actually be a prince for all you know. Meanwhile, Columbina obviously takes the clown associations with "The Juggler" and plays them up to the hilt - which also allowed me to emphasize the fact that clowns are a monster species in my setting rather than just a job strange weirdos take.
I've mentioned how Joan Tatou is basically a collection of traits that Margot and Gretchen lost in the prewriting stages of the series, so I won't go heavily into that here. She's the Papesse, i.e. the High Priestess if she was more imperious and French. Wiglaf and Wagner, meanwhile, represent The Road and The Victory, which are alternate names for the Chariot - and also words that are used in a lot of descriptions of the Chariot, which makes them both feel like incomplete versions of it. That is to say, if you substitute The Road or The Victory for The Chariot in your Tarot deck, you're kind of specifically simplifying the meaning of the card. Which is why Wiglaf and Wagner are, like, just Margot's soccer hooligan fans - an extension of the Chariot, if you will.
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Tinnea Lunae's prompt was "vampire who's primary animal form is a moth instead of a bat." She's trans, too, even if it hasn't come up yet. She, Titania, Sadie, and (eventually) Zebul work on the school's Newsparchment, What's the Buzz?
Grammy Crumblebuttons played a valuable role as a red herring in book 2, but her part in the narrative isn't over yet. Demented old women are too fun to write.
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The Great Nyaa and Ursula Cobb are both animal-themed gag characters, but I like to think they're pretty distinct outside of that. Not that we'll know very much about the Great Nyaa given, you know, what happens in book 2.
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Ok I think we can actually get to the contestants in the tournament now. Aldonza Dulcinea's outfit is specifically based on the movie outfits for Professor Umbridge. Her earlier designs were less good more generic wizard outfits, but by this point the "Let's spite the Terf Queen" streak in me was strong, and I thought it'd be fun to have a plus size character who's into pink and "girly" stuff not only be a hero, but an explicitly kind and beloved one.
I think my original concept for Breowyn was "what if a studio head forced me to tone down Margot's character concept to be more easily marketable." She's a warrior girl but, like, in the "kind of a tomboy" way that's socially acceptable instead of being a giant with a fucked up arm who looms over everybody. Ironically, I ended up really liking her design - I guess even a watered down Margot is still a fun character for me to work with.
Waldorf Brimli is, like, a wizard in the vein of the evil cult leaders in H.P. Lovecraft's stuff, and a student in the vein of those specific kind of nerds/geeks who are deeply misanthropic and antisocial under the excuse that they assume everyone hates them so they might as well hate everyone back. So, like, the kind of person who'd update the Chris Chan wiki, basically.
Gyrion Clodson is part of the "LOTR Gang," a subgroup of the Spare Wizard Students comprised entirely of Midgaheim versions of various sapient races from LOTR. Gyrion is our dwarf, though in Midgaheim dwarves are synonymized with gnomes.
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My goal with Serena, beyond simply homaging magical girl tropes, was to have her be a "badass" character who's explicitly feminine - all her kickass offensive spells use pretty shiny crystals, she loves pink so much that her hair turned that color, she's very much a girly girl. So when I picked her opponents in the tournament, I wanted them to be various shades of masculine to contrast her, with three of them specifically underestimating her because of her feminine traits.
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Margot's opponents (Shere Statchell included but not pictured here since she's in the previous post) are meant to play on different traits she has - Shere is has a physical disability (even worse than Margot's, since she fully lost her arm), Chungo and Eruz are both inhumanly large and somewhat ostracized for the danger people fear they present, and Sarkani is a wizard whose powers are distinctly ominous, even if she revels in that rather than trying to hide and restraint it like Margot. Sarkani also has an explicit dragon motif to go with Margot's more subtle one.
Next: alternate outfits!
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thefugitivesaint · 1 year
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'The Good Lord Bird', Episode 2. Ethan Hawke playing John Brown in an adaptation of the 2013 novel by James McBride "about Henry Shackleford, an enslaved person, who unites with John Brown in Brown's abolitionist mission." Some context: the story takes place during the 'Bleeding Kansas' conflict, which was basically a state-level civil war that took place between 1854 to 1860 and was a precursor to the country's Civil War over slavery. ::Brief, slightly unfocused rant begins:: Without getting into a deep dive into American history or the legacy of John Brown, I will say that the contemporary American Rights reactionary measures to erase the knowledge and the teaching of America's history in favor of a truncated—and some might say imaginary—accounting of America's past in order to "protect white children from feeling bad" about the history they've inherited is just another iteration of the very white supremacist philosophy they deny this country was founded on. It also speaks to who they identify and empathize with, consciously or unconsciously, whenever American history is discussed. It never seems to be the abolitionists or people like James Brown who gave their lives to the pursuit of destroying the institution of slavery (and it's certainly never the enslaved themselves). Instead, they choose to center on notions like "guilt" and "fault", often denying that the abomination of institutional slavery has any material relation to how contemporary American society is constituted and that a proper accounting of the legacy of that abomination is unnecessary, even (somehow) "detrimental" (and, even more improbably, a racist act itself aimed against white Americans). I say fuck all that. We all live in the failed echo of Reconstruction, an opportunity in American history that could have re-shaped the country for the better, an opportunity that was squandered and, ultimately, destroyed by the same reactionary forces denouncing how we discuss America's history today (Note: for a recent exploration of this I suggest Heather Cox Richardson's book 'How the South Won the Civil War'). The contemporary American Right's continued assertions that the history of slavery isn't entangled into every aspect of American history—it's founding, it's growth, it's prosperity and how it's politics is conducted—serves to protect the mythology of "American exceptionalism", a myth to which they are committed (they've even revived the notion, introduced by the Columbia historian Ulrich Bonnell Phillips in his 1918 book 'American Negro Slavery' that slavery was "beneficial" to those enslaved and that, "at the time" slavery was "no big deal.") Again, fuck all that. ::Brief, slightly unfocused rant ends:: Whatever flaws John Brown carried with him in life, his moral opposition to slavery and his willingness to act on that belief was commendable. In the words of Frederick Douglass on John Brown, "His zeal in the cause of my race was far greater than mine — it was as the burning sun to my taper light — mine was bounded by time, his stretched away to the boundless shores of eternity. I could live for the slave, but he could die for him."
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baronessblixen · 5 months
Saw your tags:
I have a theory I wanted to outsource, and so came here. :DDD
CC often uses biblical language in his mytharc episodes, often at odds with his own messaging. And I was wondering... is he trying to use biblical phraseology in order to access a quick and dirty mythological scope for the average viewing audience? Drawing from his knowledge of Catholicism? Or trying to put a bunch of disparate parts together and see what sticks?
I do think his niche interest is in fate; and though that's a concept that can be done really well-- Monday, for example, or the concept of Mulder and Scully as a fated duo, for other example-- I don't know if it works how he posits.
The problem with mythological (or any kind of) fate, I believe (and I'm spit balling now), is that it must carefully adhere to a set of rules with definite, distinct guidelines. If this, then that. If that, then this. Broken only if the characters change their own fates by changing who they are, etc. Those concepts are fun to play with for curses or... etc., etc.; but it doesn't quite work, I believe, with a constantly shifting mytharc.
In short: I can see the CC vision; but believe the reliance on really archaic religious wording kind of... hindered? his message. I mean, who is going to take a zealot spouting judgment day seriously if they sound two hundred years older than the very texts they believe in?
It's a two-layered problem: using a medium-- religion in this case-- out of its proper context to give a mystical flavor to your script but not following its rules; then mashing it with other mythological ideas without following those rules. Thus, you ultimately get Existence that has three separate ideas for the conception of the magical or miraculous or doomsday baby. Pick your poison.
tldr: The tools, be they monsters or mythology, must be wielded with proper care.
Or so I posit. ;)))
I'm not well-versed in Christianity - or any religion - cause I don't have much interest in it. Many of the parallels he's drawn I've only become aware of after the fact because fans were analyzing episodes. So I neither know what his messaging is nor what it's supposed be.
It often feels to me like he's trying to squeeze in too many ideas and concepts - including religion and religious symbolism. Like you said. He mashes everything together and hopes for the best. I mean the whole Biogenesis arc is that, isn't? The way Mulder and CSM are laying there look like Jesus on the cross.
I know I read about CC and religion once but I don't remember his stance on it anymore. I'm not sure if he's really interested in fate as a concept or if it's more like prophecies. I very much agree that his biblical and oftentimes metaphorical and allegorial wording doesn't always work.
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Introductions to Writeblr From a Writer
So I never wrote one of these. Probably a good a place as any to get my foot in the door.
Who Am I?
I'm John (he/him), and I'm a 21 year old writer. I'm looking for friends, because my greatest fear is being alone in a room of a thousand people because friends are nice to have. I had the unfortunate realization that the only way I can share the stuff I make, is to actually make it? Eugh. Anywho, I'm a big fan of fantasy, mystery, comedy, mythology, folktales and urban legends, and lil guys in funny hats. I'm not here to write or read fanfiction. I respect the field, but it's not for me, apologies.
Well What Are You Here For?
Blogging about writing! Like actually! Not just thinking about it, or murmuring under my breath in the shower how cool it would be to run a blog, but like, actually doing it! I want this to be a place I can give my thoughts about storytelling and art, such as proper reviews or random ravings. I want this to be a place where I can work with other writers to hone our craft, and help each other out! Feedback, support, advice, criticism, you name it. I want this to be a place where I can share what I've written, lest the flashing cursor continue to mock me. From short stories, to tidbits of longer things, to flash fiction to everything in-between. I've been in a writing "rut," you could call it, for some time, and I'm hoping this blog will encourage me to get my fingers typing and track/show off my progress.
Huh, What Are You Writing Then?
I mostly write fantasy. My favorite type of media are stories that can make me laugh one scene and cry the next without missing a beat, so that's what I strive to write. I'm working on several things, but really I'm interested in making new things; stuff from scratch. But I'll share some tidbits of the WIPs I got:
Codename: TOaO
This is the project I've been working on the longest. It is also the one I am least comfortable sharing. Oh, not because it's my baby or my most precious project. It's cause I'm in the process of gutting it and stitching it back together to make my own Frankenstein's Monster! (did you know Frankenstein was the scientist not the--) I've been reassessing how I write and outline and reassessing this story for the last few months, and I'm kinda taking a break to work on something else right now. It's a comedy fantasy story in the vein of Discworld. The main protagonist is the world's biggest normie (that is the truth), who is an aspiring hero! ...And he can hear the narrator of the book but don't worry about that it won't lead to any problems like anxiety or depression or insanity or–– That's all I'm willing to share, because that's the only thing I know is 100% staying. Other characters, conflicts, settings, plot lines... who's to say what'll stay or what'll go? (Me. I'm to say.)
Video Essay About––
So yeah, I'm making a video essay discussing the writing of a television series. "Oh that's cool! What's the show?" Ehaha! Hahaha! Ha... sniff... ha... ugh... "Oh, this is a popular show that you think has bad writing, isn't it?" Nods Yeah... the internet. It's a scary place. And "hating" on things that people agree are bad is still gonna get you hate. But this is a passion project. I am 95% done with the script, and in the process of editing it down. It is sitting at 33k words right now. So yeah, safe to say, whatever show this is, know that I have thoughts. I'm excited to move onto the next phase of actually recording it, so that'll be fun. You'll get to see my beautiful face. (I can assure you I am very beautiful.)
Some Short Stories
These aren't actually WIPs, they're WHFs. (Work has Finished.) I have two short stories, one about a sorcerer's apprentice who murders a spell, another about a delusional overseer on a Southern plantation who is just baffled that one of the enslaved people would run away. Two very different stories, fairly different tones, and I may or may not post them here if people are interested. We'll see. Let me know.
Facts (Fun Optional) About Me
I'm neurodivergent.
I hate all conspiracy theories. Yes, even the fun ones.
I love Scooby-Doo.
I have strong opinions about a fair deal of things...
...But I'm more interested in what other people think about those things and why.
Currently Reading Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. It's pretty good so far. Excited for Wind and Truth.
Thanks for reading. I know that was a lot. I appreciate it. If you're a writer yourself, or hell even if you're not, say hi. I want to see what other writers are up to, I've already followed a few folks, but I'm excited to follow more. Have a great day.
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blackcestfest · 6 months
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Blackcest Fest Anonymous Masterlist 
Categories: Femslash, Het, Sirius/Regulus, Sirius/Regulus/Other, Other Slash (Not all fics fit neatly into these categories)
Eyes On The Bride Ships: Druella Rosier Black/Walburga Black, Druella Rosier Black/Minerva McGonagall Rating: E Wordcount: 2,456
It's Druella Rosier and Cygnus Black's wedding, and Druella isn't acting like the proper bride.
Sweet Possession  Ship: Walburga Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange  Rating: E  Word count: 4624
Bellatrix has always worshipped the ground her aunt walks on - and so perhaps, Walburga thinks, this was inevitable. Bellatrix was always going to ask, and she was always going to say yes.
Bellatrix Black: An Elegy  Ships: Andromeda/Bellatrix, Bellatrix/Cygnus, Bellatrix/Rita Skeeter Rating: E  Wordcount: 5,328 Warnings: Non-con, underage
“Bellatrix Black Lestrange was survived by her husband, sister, nephew, and me, whatever I could be considered, if I could even be considered someone who survived her.”
they wed  Ship: Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black  Rating: G  Word count: 6446
and it goes better than expected  Sirius and Bellatrix, and their starry mythology
Vérité  Ships: Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Barty Crouch Jr., Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Sirius Black/Barty Crouch Jr. Rating: E  Wordcount: 2,957
“By Salazar.” Surely she uses magic somehow to make her sigh resound through all their cells, “let me know when you meet a boy who doesn’t like it hard and fast, Bartemius." To Sirius she says, "darling, be a good boy for me and tell me what you’re doing?” Her voice sings across their dank surroundings. “Sometimes, babydoll, you have to let them take the lead.”
Daddy's Girl  Ship: Bellatrix/Cygnus  Rating: M  Word count: 1,550  Warnings: underage, rape/non-con
Cygnus prepared Bellatrix to be a good wife to her future husband.
blue light of the flame  Ships: Sirius Black/Andromeda Black Tonks, Past Sirius/Bellatrix, Past Andromeda/Alphard   Rating: G Word count: 1,748
Andromeda goes to visit Sirius in Number Twelve the week before he dies. They say goodbye.
Her Good Boy  Ship: Druella Rosier Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1,273  Warnings: Underage
Walburga has always claimed that Sirius doesn’t know how to behave. Druella thinks that couldn’t be father from the truth.
Short Distance Between Love and Insanity  Ship: Sirius/Bellatrix  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1,829
Bellatrix HATES Sirius, so why do they end up in bed together at every family ball?
M-A-M-A B-O-Y, Mama’s boy, Mama’s boy- Ships: Walburga Black/Regulus Black, Past Walburga Black/Alphard Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 2,101
Who says romance has to be dead just because her incesty brother died? Her son can always take his place.
Happiness  Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: T  Wordcount: 1,184  Warnings: Mention of past abuse
After spending the first few weeks of the summer at the Potter's Sirius starts getting letters, a lot of letters. They don't stop and when Bellatrix shows up and drags him away to see his brother, Sirius relents, vowing to bring him back to the Potter's.
(ART) That Time My Brother Kissed Me and Not His Boyfriend  Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: G 
Sirius didn't know that polyjuicing into one of his mates would lead to a surprise he never saw coming.
Kisses Are For Lovers  Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 13,447  Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Incest, Attempted Suicide
Regulus has always loved Sirius but for as long as he can remember Sirius has always pushed him away. He lost track of him after Hogwarts but now that he is free from his mother's influence and has found Sirius again, he will never let him go.
A Candle in the Dark  Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 6,674  Warnings: Underage, Referenced non-con
"Hey, Reggie? Want to see the stars with me, just like old times?”
Now That We Don't Talk  Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Word count: 18,943  Warnings: Past Child Abuse, underage (17 year old)
Sirius and Regulus have been estranged since Sirius ran away at the age of 16 with his best friend from boarding school, James Potter. But they have recently moved to London (the Potters are insistent that they try and work for a living). James is trying to get into a new relationship, but Sirius feels lonely and tries to reach out to some old friends.
Take My Body  Ship: Regulus/Sirius  Rating: E Wordcount: 3,140  Warnings: Underage
The last person Sirius expected to find on his front step was his estranged little brother begging Sirius to fuck him.
Winner Takes All Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 8,893  Warnings: Underage
"You call that a kiss?" It’s all fun and games until it’s fun and games and groping.
The Ties That Bind Me (To Horoscopes and Fate)  Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 6,007  Warnings: rape/non-con, moderate violence, underage, physical abuse
"Sirius could hear Orion in Regulus's room in the middle of the night when they were supposed to be sleeping. One of those nights he decides to sneak into his brother's room after their father leaves, just to check on him, but what he sees makes it impossible not to take advantage of the situation."
Lessons  Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: Explicit  Wordcount: 2,026  Warnings: Underage
Before starting Hogwarts, the Black siblings are extremely sheltered. When Sirius comes back after his first term, he can't wait to show Regulus that he can use what's between his legs to make himself feel better.
Love in Different Shapes Ship: Sirius/Regulus + Severus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 2,742  Warnings: Rape/non-con, underage
Father asked Regulus to dose Sirius with a potion, so he would find an "illegible partner" and return to the family to do his duty of marrying and producing beautiful little pure-blood children. Too late Regulus finds out: Father didn't read the fine print.
Naughty, Knotty, Naughty  Ships: Regulus/Sirius, Regulus/Sirius/Harry  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1k 
Regulus tells Harry a bit of Black history.
With Seed As Strong As Blood  Ships: Orion Black/Regulus Black, Regulus Black/Sirius Black, Orion Black/Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E Warnings: Underage, Rape/Non-con  Wordcount: 2,200
"You want him," Orion states unquestioningly, his fingers trailing along Regulus' side to the dip of his waist and those widening hips... "Do your duty," Orion commands Sirius, "and you shall have your fill of our sweet Omega."
Take me with you (find a way)  Ship: Regulus/Sirius/Narcissa  Rating: E  Wordcount: 10,352
When Walburga sets up a wedding between Regulus and Narcissa, Sirius vows to do whatever it takes to get back to his brother.
James Knows  Ships: Regulus Black/Sirius Black, Sirius Black/James Potter, Regulus Black/Sirius Black/James Potter  Rating: E  Wordcount: 5,030  Warnings: Underage Sex
James knew his best friend. He knew his best friend more than anyone else could know another person. From the first moment they met they were in sync in almost every way. Nearly every sentence that included James also included Sirius. Sirius’s wand felt just as natural in his hand as James’s own. They were closer than any two people could be. It was as if their very souls were made of the same bright light. So why didn’t Sirius admit that he was fucking his own brother?
Other Slash:
finders keepers  Ship: Draco Malfoy/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1,269  Warnings: Underage Tags: Animagus Bestiality, Cousin Incest, Anal Sex, Knotting
Draco finds Padfoot on the grounds at Hogwarts and smuggles him into his dorm. He's always wanted a dog.
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aikoiya · 1 year
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
Everyone Who Makes NSFW Content (And Those Who Are Uncomfortable With NSFW)
Dadvice - Yo, if any young dude sees this & they don't have a dad or father figure in their lives to explain stuff, go here. I hope it helps.
Club To Teach Fatherless Boys To Be Men
Reporting A Suicide on Tumblr!!
Remember To Download Fave Fics On Ao3
Google Alternatives
Photopea Is Photoshop For Free
You Can Give People 2nd Kudos On Ao3!!
How Get Sleep
Scaling Pain, Fatigue, & Happiness - Helps pinpoint how you're doing.
Tumblr Chrono Mode
Google's "Track My Device" Tracking
Media Wellness
Bikers Against Child Abuse
"Dangerous Rhetoric" vs Legit Dangerous Rhetoric
Is Your Car Spying On You? How To Check!
Also, keep in mind that I'll be updating this whenever I find decent writing tips. So, check back with the version on my blog whenever, even if you've reblogged already.
My Stuff:
Tips For New Writers
The Importance of Establishing the Rules of Your Fic - Warning: This one's a bit of a rant.
Proper Characterization In Ships - Just my personal 2 cents.
Realistic Resurrection Mechanics - From a storytelling standpoint. (League of Legends)
Portrayal of Deities in Fanfics
Portrayals of War Gods & Other Such Nonesense
Haunted Jukebox
You Will Always Be You - Motivational
Blessed Be The Creative
How I Define Shipping
Fear the Man Who Fears No God
Female Fighting Styles
This Hatred Is Unreasonable
What If You're Wrong?
Also, OneLook is a Godsend. If you're looking for a word, but all you have is the definition, then OneLook might help. Now, it isn't 100%, but it's definitely useful.
Other People's Stuff: (If anyone doesn't want their stuff on this list, please tell me & I'll remove it)
How To Tag
Guide To Naming Settlements
Realistic Way To Write More Consistently - Evidently works with Autism?
Motivation for Writing
Tips For Writing Dialogue
Canon Isn't Gospel, But It's Useful & Fun
Fight Scenes Advice - @illarian-rambling
Advice For Writing Deaf/Mute/Blind Characters
Things That May Be Causing Your Writer's Block & How To Fix It
How To Give Your Characters Chemistry - @tanaor
Fighting Scene Vocab
Writer's Block Cure Ideas
Types of Writer's Block
Why You Might Be Procrastinating & How To Fix It
Ways To Solve The 'Why Not Use Magic To Fix Everything' Question
Snappy Responses To "We're Soldiers; I'm Doing My Job"
Motivation Debugging
Long-Fic Help
When Characters First Learn Swordfighting
Writing Blacksmiths
Fantasy Guide To Royal Households & How They Work
Computer Shortcuts
Writing Liars Believably
Love vs Lust
Love Isn't A Feeling <- Everything here is correct!
How to Depict Heartbroken Body Language in a Man
Levels of Headcanon
Evil Is Boring
How To Write Non-Linearly
Subtle Familial Mannerisms
20 Compelling Positive-Negative Trait Pairs
Pain Has A Purpose!!
Giving Your Story A Message - @artist-issues
50 Alternatives For "Said"
Accurately Portraying Pro-Lifers
Magical Crimes
Medical: (Sponsored By @skyloftian-nutcase)
Ways You Can Pass Out
Dealing With Stab & Arrow Wounds
Time To Die of Organ Ruptures
Bluntforce Abdominal Injury
Writing Bloodloss
Seizure First Aide
Writing A Character In Pain
Other Stuff:
DnD Subclass & Profession Ideas
Yandere Gets Uno Reverse Carded
Urban Neurosis - Carl Jung
Keeping Character Sexualities In-Character
Twin Protagonists
My Other Major Masterlists:
Mythology Masterlist
Aikoiya's Language Masterlist
LoZ Wild Masterlist
DP Ghost Zone Masterlist
Spiderman Masterlist
Arcane Masterlist
MLP FIM Masterlist
DB Masterlist
Inuyasha Masterlist
Homestuck Masterlist
Wizarding World Masterlist
Adventure Time Masterlist
Walt Disney & Kingdom Hearts Masterlist
Undertale Masterlist
Random Fandom Masterlist
Personal Stuff Masterlist
Aikoiya Art Masterlist
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eluxual · 2 months
mindset shift that changed my perspective on the journey to reaching my goals
1. words have power instead of seeing your efforts as strict discipline, begin to view them as acts of devotion to yourself and your dreams. your goals are a labor of love, not a chore. you don’t NEED to be disciplined, you need to be LOVINGLY devoted to yourself.
2. honor your goals devotion IS love and when you are devoted to something, you care deeply about it. applying this to your goals means you are treating them with the proper respect and love, not just as tasks to be checked off. it is not hard work, it is self love.
3. stop trying to follow others their path isn’t your path & what worked for them probably won’t work for you. cater your daily goals to YOU. don't follow their exact diet & add your favorite healthy food to it, eat it in your favorite plate, make a ritual out of it. honor it.
4. embrace failure have ambitious goals but don’t punish yourself for not achieving them. aim high, and if you fail, reflect on why. adjust what didn't work. failure is a part of the journey, not the end of it. with devotion, you see failure as a step forward, not a setback.
5. taking accountability instead of punishing yourself if you ruined your diet today, sit with your actions and allow yourself to feel those emotions, including any shame. but then, be kind to yourself and move on. stop fearing that you will fail again and trust yourself.
6. believe in yourself. this method works because it builds self-confidence. the more you practice & succeed, the more you trust yourself. by being devoted to your life, things just fall into place. *i’m not afraid of failure bc i know that, in the end, i will succeed as I always do.*
7. doing the hard things isn't hard do the hard things because your future self will thank you for it. be a gentle caregiver to yourself and give yourself the best. facing challenges that lead to rewards isn't just difficult, it's simply what you deserve for your devotion.
8. start implementing things you love into the hard things. don't like going on a walk? find something that you like about the place you go to. i personally pick flowers for my room. go visit a monument. go shopping. instead of feeling guilty about enjoying a non planned meal, allow urself to enjoy it by making an event out of it. go to a beautiful place, eat it & get something productive done. replace the guilt w/ productivity.
9. reflect on your progress after succeeding realize that the thing you dreaded doing has become a pleasant activity that you now look forward to. keep doing it. watch yourself become the person that you have always wanted to be.
10. research goes a long way. when studying a particular subject that isn't of your particular interest at the moment start reframing it as working on your own self concept and self mythology. knowledge is power. become interested by it, everything has value. and make the space you study in beautiful.
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maxrowave · 11 months
I just wanna ask if the way you purposely draw your characters hands like that. I by no means am asking this as a way to offend you or anything like that(I'm sorry if it comes across offensively, I'm admittedly not good with words). Because as I look at your drarry art I can't help but notice how the lines on their hands that are probably their knuckles/wrist look like a puppets. It's honestly really cool, it looks like they have ballpoints in their hands for it to functionally bend, and stuff. It looks like they're in a Sci-fi or like an Android world
Ok so I don't know if it's because I just pay more attention to Draco, or it's because his hand is in the frame more often than Harry's, but most of the time, it's draco that mainly has these lines on his hands. So it paints a cool unintentional portrait of android Draco, and creator harry. Which reminds me of the greek myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, which revolves around a sculptor's love for his own creation, but as I said earlier they look like they're part of a Sci-fi/Android world, so the idea of harry creating android Draco as a challenge at first, or just a simple curiousness of how high can he reach with technology, and then later on following the myths footsteps has now completely taken over my mind
P.S:I hope you don't take this in a bad way, I just have the tendency to ramble about people's art, especially on things that aren't exactly part of said characters world, like the ballpoint hand thing, which I honestly think was unintentional but it would be cool if it isn't. Speaking of the hand, please don't get offended if I pointed it out, I fully understand if you do take offense, and decide not to respond, like I said I just like rambling alotಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
THIS MADE ME START GIGGLING AND SMILING, OH MY WOW OKAY -- I'd actually been wondering if people would ever begin to question it. To begin, thank you very much for the compliments, and then to address the question as to why they have funky hands as concisely as possible: It's easy for me to draw and I'm a lazy artist I draw hands and fingers via their joints in sketches because it's anatomically easier to understand, and I just don't erase it in the rendering process. I can render hands and fingers normally, but I spend up to 5 hours per drawing (I don't know how or why) and I typically reserve the hand for last (aka when all my energy is depleted because I refuse to spread out my drawing times like a normal person). Regardless I am quite glad that I (unintentionally) reminded you of Greek Mythology, as long as it's evoking something within you (that is good), regardless of my intention, then I am satisfied. I love the idea of sci-fi Drarry and will have to take note of it for the future! Would be a nice change for my hyper fixations on the early 20th century. Also, I just happen to draw Draco frequently more and I do make sure hands are visible so that it can be a little bit more ~dynamic~ and as a mild artist flex lmao p.s some normal knuckles for the soul, maybe just for this ask I will draw them with proper hands or something sci fi....
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