#mystreet parents
Actually I hate Zianna too
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gendervoid-zane · 8 months
Does anyone else remember that in Mystreet Gene canonical took dance lessons with his mom???
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bread-squid-uwu · 3 months
so funny that they retconned Laurance into Love Love Paradise and its the same shorts i put him in for the "youre just a little hater" meme
LMFAO how does it feel being a prophet
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aphmaumystreetmemes · 2 months
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Day 194 of posting Aphmau MyStreet memes till it returns in late 2025 |  Parents are not safe [Originally Posted: June 4, 2022]
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chvsire · 1 year
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comfort cut fruit
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crayonverse · 3 months
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as promised heres a terry drawing :33 i love him
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The way it was confirmed that Micheal cannot die as long as he has a descendant he can possess…
So Travis probably was only born in order to keep Micheal’s immortality and he was never meant to serve as his own person, just a vessel.
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my-coven-is-claudia · 2 years
this was originally a reblog of my “the mystreet cast are bad actually” post but i’d rather make this it’s own post cuz it’s a monster. this is what happens when i’m stuck on a train.
maybe mystreet doesn’t deserve this amount of analysis but the cast are bad people. not disney villian type of bad i mean they are all very flawed people and refuse to realise it. a lot of them are continuing cycles of abuse in some way and make no effort to stop it or make any self-reflection.
you have your obvious suspects: katelyn and aaron. katelyn is extremely aggressive,, taking after her father’s overprotectiveness and a lot of her general relationship issues can easily be tracked back to her mother and her disappearance. as elizabeth abandoned her,, the person who was meant to be the closest to her,, katelyn pushes away every person who attempts to get to know her on a deeper level. she blames herself for elizabeth’s disappearance and in fear of being left in the dust again she doesn’t let people in. when people do attempt to reach out to her she retaliates with aggression and wrecks her relationship with them. her highschool relationship with jeffory fell apart because of this as she couldn’t understand why someone could ever be so nice and understanding towards someone like her. she breaks up with him solely because he treated her decently and for the rest of her life she dreams about what could have been and doesn’t really move on from him. she abandons him like her mother did. katelyn’s relationship with travis is a more extreme example of how she continues the cycle and her more aggressive treatment of him is a consequence of her issues being suppressed and untreated. she is not only in denial of her own problems but also where these issues came from. during an argument with travis in love love paradise he implies that elizabeth did not care very well for katelyn. she’s in denial of her mother’s mistakes as well as her own. an example of this is when she almost kills travis she twists the story in her head as her simply being worried about him. she cannot see the severity of her actions and how she’s hurting people. she does love and care for her friends but she clings onto the idea that she’s unlovable and she tries to prove that by being the monster. she continues the cycle elizabeth started.
on the complete opposite end of the spectrum we have aaron. he continues the cycle of abuse less in relation to abuse towards others and more so abuse towards himself. aarmau is problematic obviously because of the age gap but also because aphmau doesn’t exactly treat him amazingly. in emerald secret when she suspects he’s cheating in an episode she literally throws a rock at him but when he’s given clear cut evidence of her potentially cheating on him in lovers lane he doesn’t immediately blow up but instead says he will discuss this with her. on top of this,, she invites his family at some point without his permission and when he subsequently begins to panic she pulls out the “well i want to know more about you through your family. how is that a bad thing?” subsequently crossing his boundaries. aphmau clearly has unresolved trauma from her dad cheating and then up and leaving and she projects that onto aaron and their relationship,, fearing it will fall apart like her parent’s relationship. her relationship with her mother also effects how she treats aaron as her aggressive behaviour seems to derive from sylvanna. although her mother clearly loved her aphmau felt trapped by sylvanna,, especially when it came to her love life. aphmau doesn’t want to be like her but in an attempt to distance herself from sylvanna’s control by getting with the person her mother despises the most she ends up becoming exactly like her. aaron loves aphmau so much that he ignores her mistreatment of him. her accusations. her crossing his boundaries. she is the only thing that matters to him as she was the first person to treat him with kindness. this comes to a head during starlight when he believes her to be dead. he enters a depressive episode,, completely shutting off from the world and everyone around him. now that he has lost aphmau nothing matters. she was the candle that gave him light and acted as his saving grace from his previous abusive environment. but in the end he ended up in another toxic relationship of his own making.
garroth and zane’s relationship is another good example i think of the cast treating others in the same way their parents did. garroth neglected and ignored zane’s feelings for so many years which perfectly reflects garte’s own neglect of zane. although not maliciously,, garroth ignored zane after highschool and fed into his father’s neglect of zane. their interactions in pdh are very surface level and there’s clear disconnect between them that i think caused them to barely speak to each other after graduation. garroth also likely found nothing wrong with garte’s treatment of zane,, too blinded by his own ignorance and also the pressure he felt by his father to become the owner of the ro’meave conglomerate. for years,, garroth viewed zane as someone he could simply pass the responsibility on to and it clearly never crossed his mind that maybe zane didn’t want that responsibility either. that both of them were trapped under garte’s thumb,, allowing themselves to be pinned against one another instead of fighting side by side against their’s father’s abuse. but garroth does not know zane,, does not understand him,, only viewing him as the vague concept of a younger brother similar to garte’s own misconstrued view of zane. he only sees him by what he could be: garroth.
i could say a lot more about other characters but omfg i can’t write anymore. but i do have one more thing to say.
the vylad joke about him being the least problematic out of the cast was a random thing i shoved in the original post but i think he acts as a shining light amongst all this bs. he comes from the same home as garroth and zane but he clearly has dealt with the effects of his situation a lot differently and more healthier than his brothers. he arguably was the most screwed over out of the three of them. a child born from an affair and a walking disgrace to his family’s legacy,, his existence was a curse. in diaries we see the negative effect this had on him as it’s implied he has a low self-esteem. but in mystreet he’s free. he’s not tied down by the ro’meave name and it’s expectations and instead gets to do whatever he wants with his life. he’s carefree and appears content. unlike his brothers he doesn’t inflict the same pain that he father did. by distancing himself from his family he escapes the shackles of the cycle. he puts a stop to it.
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xerith-42 · 3 months
Mystreet season 7 but Ein gets revived by Elizabeth for evil reasons, only for Garroth to go "I can fix him" about Ein.
Then later while the others defeat Elizabeth, together they revive Blaze.
And they live happily ever after.
If Jess doesn't end up putting this on my screen in 2025, I'll be sure to put it on AO3 by 2026
Until then I will be sitting here thinking about potential Garroth/Ein ideas because like all Ein ships it's not a ship I thought I wanted, but I'm so happy now that I have it.
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Ever like try to watch a minecraft roleplay that's not Aphmau and you get to the third episode and it's about a horrible father? Probably just me but I decide "Heyy I should watch MyStreet again"
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goat-guy-tm · 6 months
I have a friend I've mentioned a lot in past posts that I scream about MYS/MCD to, and I share a lot of hcs with her and a few I shared recently that I wanted to post here were some MYS!Gene & his family hcs;
Gene and Dante didn't always grow up with just their mom, when they were younger their father was present too. For a lot of their life actually. When Gene was 15 and just learning to drive, his dad would commonly be the one teaching him and he would bring Dante with them every so often. Mainly just cause Dante begged to come.
While Gene was a pretty killed driver he did suffer from some minor anxiety with it, mainly just the knowledge that while he is driving safe as he can, not everyone else is. This sadly became a horror to him when one day he was out driving with his dad and Dante when someone on the other side of the road was swerving. While the man didn't hit anyone at first, Gene, still a student learning to drive, got scared and tried to swerve out of the way and the guy headed towards them. Unbeknownst to him, if Gene hadn't swerved they would have been fine. His fast acting anxiety caused him and the other driver to hit each other. The crash wasn't pretty, with Gene's dad's car flipped and over in a ditch. In the heat of the moment Gene's dad had tried to cover Gene with his arm to avoid the air bag breaking anything, sadly this would be the last thing Gene's father could do for him, as being in the front passanger seat his father passed away. Gene came out of it with a few broken bones and a hell of a lot of bruising, but Dante wasn't so lucky. Because of the crash' severity, another car had full force ran into the back of their's, crushing the car around Dante's lower half, and paralyzing him from the waist down.
Once Gene had recovered though, he was quickly taken to court by the family of the other driver, who had also died from the crash. While it was fought that Gene was a scared child who acted on impulse to keep his family safe, witnesses noted that it was Gene who made first contact with the truck the man had been driving.
Gene got stuck with two years of detentional sentencing and community service. He missed graduating with the rest of his class, and when he got out, he became talk of the school, everyone losing their mind of Gene, the cool kid who got put in juvie for a few years. He didn't like talking about it, but everyone thought it was the coolest thing, of course without knowing why he was there.
Gene would eventually start to get into more 'troubled teen' activities in school, starting the Shadow Knights and tagging empty hallways of the large school. The local police force knew him well after a while, and Gene seemed to really change after being forced through juvie. Never anything horrible, but just those little things to get attention again.
Dante was now a wheel chair user. He got accustome to it pretty easily,,,at least somewhat. Using it to get around wasnt too hard but he quickly realized how many things changed for him. Thankfully Phoenix Drop High was already quite accessible, and the teachers let him leave classes early to get accustomed to moving around the halls when he first returned to school.
>I would like to note that the time Gene spends in juvie is based off research I did in my state, as in my state any kind of vehicular manslaughter is considered a 2nd degree felony, and juveniles can spend several years in a facility for a 2nd degree depending on the crime. Since Gene had no intention of hitting the other man and was quite obviously doing it out of self defense persay, he gets a smaller sentence, but still a sentence none the less.
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ghostly-knight · 2 years
Expand on Garroth and ballet 🥺... My favorite concept tbh
So I need ti start by saying that I do no like the Ro’Meave parents, and they suck booty ass and they reflect that in my mys headcanons dndbxhhdd
We all know garroth was a sports boy, he was captain of the baseball team n everything. Some sports boys do ballet to try and help their balance and things
Garroth wanted to do ballet when he was younger, like teenager
his parents said no because it was a girls sport
so he just watched youtube videos and tried to teach himself (he did pretty well)
he would also go watch ballet recitals and he adores seeing it in person
he loves live performances because of how easily he’s sucked into the story and the movements and and the music
He’s worn the little sport skirt thingy over his leggings before because he likes it, and because he’s alone for no one to see.
he absolutely loves doing ballet
He loves his baseball team too, but that doesn’t negate his adoration for ballet
his brothers both know he does ballet kinda secretly
laurance knows and tried it himself but didn’t like it all that much so he stopped
sometimes he asks the dance teacher if he can borrow the studio when it’s free, which sadly doesn’t often line up with his schedule
his time doing ballet is sacred to him
the fact that no one ever sees him do it both makes him sad and makes it easier for him
this love for it carries over to his adult life
he’s still never been professionally trained, and has even less time for it but he never fully stops
for his birthday one year someone gives him a membership to a studio and payed for a private tutor
he was ELATED
he also cried
He was finally able to do ballet more openly but he still doesn’t tell his parents
He feels so happy as an adult he can finally pursue something he wanted to as a teen
ballet continues to be one of the most sacred things to him because it’s His thing
Garroth deserves to be happy doing ballet, also sorry for the list being so long djdhdhhdjdjd
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gendervoid-zane · 10 months
Thinking about my rewrite (Werewolf Edition. part 1):
There’s (at the moment) four subtypes of Werewolves -> Ones that cannot both hide their werewolf features and cannot transform into a larger form, Ones that can hide their werewolf features but cannot transform into a large form, Ones that can hide their werwolf features but can transform into a larger werewolf form, and Ones that can both hide their werewolf features and transform into a larger werewolf form.
~50% of werewolves cannot both hide werewolf features & transform into a larger werewolf form. Known Examples: Blaze, Dottie, Rylan, Daniel, Ein, Jax, Rider, Mr. Gavin, Maria (Dante and Gene’s mom), Diana, Juno.
-40% of werewolves can hide their werewolf features but cannot transform into a larger werewolf form. Known Examples: Zack, Rachel, Dante, Gene, Maria (the canon werewolf), Fenrir, Ken.
~8% of werewolves cannot hide their werwolf features but can transform into a larger werewolf form. Known Examples. Lowell, Kiva, Balto, anyone turned into a werewolf (Logan, Garroth, Aphmau*).
-2% of werewolves can both hide their werewolf features and transform into a larger werewolf form. Known Examples: Derek, Aaron, and Melissa.
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sabermoonlight1616 · 1 year
So, you see. . .
I have returned to my Minecraft fixation after spending an ample amount of time in the Kingdom Hearts fandom.
And then my brain, at 3 am, while I was working on the final touches for my essay due tomorrow, thought: hey, what if that portal thingy Derek and Garte used to banish Michael, Zack and Elizabeth in MyStreet ended up ripping their dimension to shreds because it wasn't stable like it was in canon?
And I was like: Okay
Then my brain added: What if the little Ro'Meave bros survived because of Divine Warrior blood coursing through their veins, and they somehow ended up in Empired S1?
Thus, another weird AU was born.
Not the first weird AU I thought about but certainly the first one I decided to post here for some reason.
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ace-avian · 2 years
You know as much as I like Eric in Mystreet he is the best dad out of all of them (Terry minus Michael is a close second-)
Zianna x Sylvana slaps.
Like- Zianna deserves a girlboss divorce arc (Garte was literally set up as a tyrant in mcd-) and she and Sylvana deserve to be happy.
I will not take criticism
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mcdenthusiest · 2 years
i would honestly LOVE a series based around the shitty parent squad in mystreet like they’re so dysfunctional that i wanna know more about them like what the fuck do you mean they did experiments on their own CHILDREN 
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