#mysterion x you
by-april-march · 3 days
you said you need Kenny reqs and I saw your thing abt Mysterion hooking iup with a villain and I thought abt Mysterion x Reader interrogation smut I need it pleeeaaaasssseee
💜💚 Mysterion/Kenny x PillowPrincess/Martine OTPPPPP 💚💜
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Mysterion x F!Reader
[Also available on Ao3!] [Kenny McCormick Master List]
Mysterion had caught me. He deployed some kind of smoke bomb and it knocked me out. I thought those were a myth. Where the fuck did he get that shit, anyway?
When I came to, I felt pressure all over. I looked around, I was in some freezing warehouse. I couldn’t move, I was all tied up. My arms were above my head and I was hanging, tied to some big beam above me.
A rope tightened around my rib cage, uncomfortably pushing up my breasts. I didn't have to look behind me, I knew it was him.
He dropped another rope around my shoulders and pulled it. I winced as it uncomfortably squeezed my breasts between it and the other rope. I kind of felt like I was in a fetish video. I was just grateful my legs and ankles weren’t bound. I wanted to stand and alleviate some of the pain in my arms but my toes were nowhere near the ground. Fucker.
I snickered, “I don’t think you’re supposed to use Shibari to subdue people,”
His fists clenched the rope and it suddenly tightened and squeezed me even more. I was getting under his skin.
“You probably shouldn’t get your superhero tips from porn,” I smirked.
He growled as he finished his knot, “Shut up,”
I shrugged. Or tried to.
“If you don’t want me to talk then why are you holding me hostage?” I asked.
He spun me around to face him, “I’m not holding you hostage. You’re just detained until I get the information I need,”
“Okay, unwrap my tits so they’re not all squeezed together and I’ll think about talking,”
“I’m not letting you go,” He scoffed at me.
“I’m not saying– Just look at them. They’re all pushed together and I’m getting sore,” I whined.
He glanced at my chest. More than glanced. My nipples were hard because the warehouse was freezing and he definitely noticed. I knew what to do.
“Touch them,” I said softly.
“If you don’t touch them, you won’t know I’m telling the truth,” I sighed.
He stood silent for a moment. I tried my best to study him. He was still staring, but he was looking a little antsy now. Less self-assured. Good.
He bit the fingertips of his glove and pulled it off. He reached out and put his hand on my breast. As his hand slid around to feel how pushed up I was against the rope, his fingertips brushed up against my nipple.
Then he put his second hand on my other breast and I sighed for real. He swept his thumbs over them and I whimpered. A real whimper but I maybe embellished the volume to make sure he heard.
He squeezed them and I whined. I really was uncomfortable.
He quickly pulled his hands back and wrapped his cloak around himself, “I’m sorry, I still can’t let you go,”
“How about this… Every time you touch my body, I’ll answer a question,”
He almost dropped the hero growl, “...What?”
“I tell you where to touch and if you touch me, then I’ll answer a question each time,”
He looked confused. Then kind of into it, maybe? Then annoyed. Then he frowned. I think he was debating the ethics.
“Look, I already know you’re not gonna beat up a girl,” I rolled my eyes, “Even if you did, you wouldn’t be the first guy to rough me up. I still wouldn’t tell you shit and you know it,”
He looked frustrated but I could tell he was considering it. The downside to everyone knowing your Hero’s alter-ego is we also know your weaknesses. It also helps when you happen to be their ex-girlfriend.
I used my softest, most feminine, neediest, half-sultry, half-whining tone, “Come on, my boobs hurt… But when you held them, it felt really good. So please, just play my game or let me go,”
It was hard to tell between the hood and the mask, but I’m pretty sure his brow furrowed, “...Fine,”
Holy shit. I can’t believe that worked.
He put his hands back on my breasts. He palmed them and swept his thumbs over my nipples. He stopped moving for a second and I was worried. Then he squeezed them. He caressed them. He bit his lip and then kissed one of my nipples through the thin material of my blouse. He took it in his mouth and my breath hitched. When he released me and pulled back, the white fabric was translucent from his saliva and my nipple was perfectly visible.
“Did that feel good?” He asked.
I tilted my head and answered honestly, “Yeah,”
His breath hitched, “Where do I touch now?”
That was his question? Was he just testing me?
“Kiss me,” I said apprehensively.
He cupped both of my cheeks in his palms and kissed me softly. Then a little harder. Then hard.
I parted my lips ever-so- slightly and his tongue pushed into my mouth. Our tongues rolled over each other and he pulled me in deeper. It hurt my arms, but I didn’t really care. Kenny was always an amazing kisser. I’d already forgotten how good it used to be between us.
One of his hands dropped to my hip and slid back over my ass. He pulled me up against him and fuck, I could feel just how hard he was.
It’s the reaction I wanted from him, except I could also feel how wet I was getting and I really needed to stay in control for this to work.
He let me go.
He stared at me. His mouth was wet with our saliva and his cheeks were just a little pinked up and… Fuck, I was determined not to think about it.
“What’s your question?” I finally asked.
He hesitated, “Are you wet right now?”
What? Why? Fuck, I hate this guy.
I glanced away from him, “…Yeah, I am,”
He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me up against him again.
He brushed his lips against mine and moved them to my ear, “Tell me what to do next,”
“Take off my panties,” I sighed softly and I could feel him throb against me, “...Then touch my pussy,”
He quickly reached up my skirt and tugged on my underwear until they fell to the ground. His hand slipped between my legs and he started to slowly trace along my slit with his fingertips.
He pushed two fingers inside me, “You were telling the truth,”
I knew it. He's been fucking with me, hasn't he?
I sucked in a quick, uneven breath. He pulled back a little and then pushed in deeper while I tried to keep it together. His fingers curled and I gasped as my back arched. He pulled his fingers out of me and rubbed them up and down my slit, spreading my arousal. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore his hand on me and his breath on my ear.
When he finally pulled his hand from between my legs, I was relieved. I didn’t know how much more of that I could really take. Especially with his mouth by my ear and his arm still holding me like it was.
I pulled in a deep breath, “Okay wh—”
“Do you want me to fuck you?” He asked, his breath sinking into my skin.
I nodded slowly.
He kissed my neck, “Say it,”
I bit my lip, knowing if I said this I’d lose control of the situation for real.
“Fuck me,” I said anyway.
I could feel him tugging at his clothes as he pulled his cock out. It brushed against me, all wet and sticky against my skin. I wrapped my leg around him as he slid along my slit and squeezed inside me for the first time in months.
The hand holding my back slid down to my ass and he grabbed me firmly as his hips pumped into me. Having him between my legs always felt like a godsend. He had a flawless fucking cock and he knew how to use it. His width filling me up and stretching me to fit around him felt divine. The way he hit my sweet spot made me feel so weak, I was glad he tied me up.
My eyes rolled back as the pleasure he was driving into me kept building. He kissed me, sliding his tongue against mine and I moaned shamelessly in his mouth as I got closer and closer to my climax.
God, he feels so fucking good… Why did we ever stop doing this?
I wrapped my other leg around him and he groaned into my mouth as I arched my back just the way he used to love. I wondered if he missed fucking me as much as I missed fucking him.
I tried to fight it and stave it off, but I couldn’t. Every muscle I had tensed, and fuck, it made my arms hurt even more. I moaned over his tongue and my soft walls gripped him tight as the bliss crashed into me like a wave. It was so intense I thought I might faint.
The hand he had firmly planted on my ass squeezed me so tight I thought it’d leave a bruise as his hips bucked up into me. He groaned loud as fuck, right down my throat, while he shot hot, sticky spurts right into the heart of me.
He kept both of his arms around me while we panted in and at each other’s mouths for a while.
After he finally tucked himself away, he pulled out a knife, cut me down, and pulled off all the rope he had so intricately tied around me.
I frowned as I tried to stretch my arms. They hurt like hell, and I was really feeling it now that all the good sex endorphins were gone.
“Wait– ” I glanced over to him as he climbed into one of the many windows, “Why are you letting me go?”
“You told me exactly what I wanted to know,” He smirked and jumped down.
Your average dude would have just texted me for a hook-up. Not Kenny.
He wasn’t average by any metric. It’s kind of what I love about him.
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qtkat · 1 year
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being childhood friends with the main four would include..
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gender: female (she/her)
warnings: none, other than it’s south park
request: no lol
a/n: this is my first time posting my fanfiction, so please be kind with any criticism! x <3
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- being one of the only people eric can genuinely get along with
- because let’s be real, if he were to let a girl in his main friend group he’d definitely have to actually like you
- and if even eric likes you, the others definitely love you
- you’re really close with all of them, picking up kenny and karen with your shitty car every morning, slacking off and talking about whatever with stan in first period, rating the day’s school lunch with eric (you both take this very seriously), and letting kyle coach you through your biology homework after school
- you’re really the glue to their broship, because without you there kyle would’ve definitely dropped eric at some point and they would’ve split up the whole group
- but don’t worry, they don’t argue as much as they used to in elementary and middle school
- ironically you all have one period together, ap history with mr. garrison
- it’s definitely your favorite time of the day because you get to see all your favorite people at once
- it’s also definitely not mr. garrison’s favorite time of day, he’s hated you little gremlins since fourth grade (and you can’t really blame him)
- outside of school you try to see them as much as possible
- you definitely see kenny the most, he loves just hanging out at your house so he doesn’t have to be at his own
- he even takes karen with him sometimes, and you love babysitting her together and going out to hang around south park
- if you smoke you guys get blazed together all the time (it’s tegridy weed he steals from stan’s house when he’s there)
- whenever you’re just chilling with your other friends (like bebe or wendy) he comes up to you throughout the day to ask if you want to have a smoke break with him
- if you don’t smoke he definitely tries to blow the smoke away from your face as much as he can
- you’re his trip sitter
- he’s also visited you as mysterion, kind of like how they do in miraculous (if you catch my drift)
- you’ve definitely bragged about being friends with mysterion before, much to eric’s dismay
- speaking of eric’s dismay, he’s the most jealous friend you’ll ever have
- “who took that picture of you” “why aren’t you free this weekend?” “why won’t you go to casa bonita with me” “why do you hang out with that loser anyways” ALL. DAY. LONG.
- he loves hanging out with you alone the most so no one steals your attention away from him
- he likes people knowing you guys are friends since he thinks you’re cool (and honestly he just wants people to think he’s cool too, he cares)
- you don’t call him fatass and he really appreciates it, he doesn’t say it though
- you need to pick up a lot of the love you get from eric like context clues since he doesn’t ever really say it out loud
- also liane LOVES YOU
- she sees you as a good influence on her son
- she’s also the type to try and get you to eat over every time you come over (which i also see sheila doing)
- speaking of sheila she’d definitely invite you to celebrate hanukkah with the broflovskis, it became a yearly thing
- kyle and you are study buddies since he doesn’t want you to fail and stay a class behind
- he gets angry when he gets sad, and you can deal with that really well, you calm him down really easily
- you guys have deep conversations whenever you’re alone together
- you hang together on the roof of your house and watch the sunset while talking about the meaning of life or some shit LMAO
- if you also have textured hair you guys would have joint wash days and it’s so cute
- and 80% of the time you’re with kyle stan is there too
- not that you mind
- if you play and instrument you have definitely written music together with stan
- and even if you don’t you love hearing him play, you’re his number one fan
- jam sessions in his barn >>>
- i feel like i’m one of the only people who isn’t a football stan truther, like he’s literally a little nerd who plays guitar
- he plays warhammer with you if you’re into board games, and you guys get really into it together
- that first period chat i mentioned earlier? yeah definitely filled with your character lore and shit
- stan loves hanging out at your house to get away from his dad, honestly yours and eric’s houses are just the general hang out spots for the gang
- whenever you guys hang out with the five of you it’s mostly video games and chilling with food
- subsections of the group are definitely you/stan/kyle and you/kenny/eric (even though eric doesn’t like sharing you he gets really bad FOMO anytime he’s not there)
- whenever you hang with kenny and eric it’s filled with immature jokes, and probably weed too
- idk i just see kenny getting high 24/7 and i feel like eric would try smoking at least once
- kyle and stan won’t try weed, since stan hates it and kyle promised not to try weed to stan when randy bought tegridy farms
- and because butters is basically a bonus member of the group you’d definitely also be friends with him
- you, kenny and butters make the best trio ever, you guys have so much fun
- butters deserves someone sweet in his life and you two are definitely that to him
- whenever he’s working you and kenny just hang around the whole day in a booth, sometimes kyle comes over too to help you study a bit
- willy chilly’s is a hang out spot too, it seems so nice in the summer
- in conclusion you and the boys have a great friendship, and you have ever since you were young! it’s so cute honestly
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bluesinnamonroll · 1 month
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Sorry for literally never posting i keep forgetting to take pics of my traditional art so I just don't post anything lol
Anything whoag my cringe hyperfixations slapped together <3 I swear this makes sense in my brain but i refuse to explain any of it bc I dont talk abt this with anyone
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Toolshed/Stan Marsh x GN!Reader
"Wiggin' Out!"
Featuring: Randy, Mysterion, Professor Timmy, and guest star LORDE!!!
Warnings: None! Just a bit of drinking and usual Randy shenanigans.
Synopsis: You have to make a suprise visit to the Freedom Pals hide out after a weird encounter with Mr. Marsh...
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You're the New Kid, you work to protect the city because that's what heroes do. You look after the citizens, stopping robberies at City Wok and finding cat for some of the more... flamboyant members of the town. However, regardless of whether or not you work with Raccoon and Friends or The Freedom Pals, or even alone, you end up dealing with Randy more than the other citizens of South Park...
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"Oh! H-hey, New Kid! I need to tell-you, urpppp..." Randy Marsh comes stumbling down the steps of his porch one night while you're trying to focus on patrol, and he puts his hands on his knees as he meets you height. "New kid, listen... I jus' wanna say, it's really fuckin' cool that you've got sssecret identity. It's important, doing good and shit-" He puts a hand on your shoulder. At least he's not actively fighting you about keeping his car keys again, he did a number on Scott.
"Thanks, Mr. Marsh, is there anything else you needed to tell me?" You ask, needing to either get back on patrol or get Mr. Marsh back into his house. He nods and stands fully, almost grave.
"Yes, I do need to tell you something, I'm glad you can tell." He looks of dramatically, and you can sense he's going to go on one of his Randy-Rants. "I understand the weight of a secret identity who does only good, and all the shit that comes with it. Having to sneak around, change outfits, hide money from fucking Sharon..."
"Sir, what are you-"
"That's right, New Kid. I am Lorde." He continues after taking another swig. "And *urp*, I'm willing to teach you, be your Mr. Miyagi, you just gotta help me out-" He stumbles over to his car, unlocking the back. You sign and post up, prepared to take his keys again, when he pulls something from the back seat. "Take ,y w-wig to the dry cleaners, I need full blow out f-for my next show. I'll start training you when you get back-" He chucks the wig at you with poor aim, and it just flops onto the ground beside you, now caked in stray hairs and snow. You pick it up with a gloved hand, sure to avoid touching your skin with it. Before you can even ask him if he'll pay you or tell him that's not what you do, he's back on his porch, asleep and mumbling "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm Lorde... yeah..."
Reluctantly, you make your way over to the suburb in the northeast part of town, 'Dark Meadows', and make your way over to the Freedom Pals base. The Raccoon would kick your ass if he knew you were here, but frankly, you just want to get this wig handed off to someone before it gives you some sort of disease or infection.
Ringing the doorbell of Tupperware's house, you wait until a lady with her hair up in a red headband opens it, quirking a brow before nodding. "Oh, you must be one of Tolkien's hero friends! The boys are in the basement, refreshments are upstairs."
You nod, as as you approach the basement door with a nanny cam, you can feel a harsh shiver run down your spine, as if the cold hand of the reaper just smacked you right on the ass. Turning around, the caped crusader known as Mysterion is glaring at you from the shadowed corner of the Black family living room.
"State your business, Raccoon Friend." He spits, posture tense as if preparing for battle. Even if you don't pose a threat right now, chances are Mysterion will still kick your ass. You know how he can be. Putting your hands up in a sign of surrender, you shake your head rapidly.
"I just need to talk to Toolshed, that's all. I'm not here for Raccoon, I'm not trying anything. I came alone, a-and I'm unarmed." You stammer out. Mysterion freaks you out, he was the first hero in town and clearly the most capable. It doesn't help that he's the only hero whose identity you don't at least have a suspicion about.
"I don't fucking buy it." Mysterion stands up from his leaning position, approaching with a snarl. "Get out, or I'll send you back to that fatass in a box-" Before he can get close enough to physically make good on his promise, a voice echoes in your mind, and apparently Mysterion hears it too, as he stands at attention with a huff.
"Now, now, Mysterion," Professor Timmy chides, coming up the stairs with the help of Toolshed and Tupperware, his chair clanking at the two heroes struggle to move it up. "We see the best in everyone, and I can sense the New Kid's intentions are genuine. We must grant everyone a chance to plead their case. Toolshed, take a break. Mysterion, come back downstairs for the briefing, and keep your temper in check." Mysterion casts you one last stinging glance before he heads down the stairs. Tupperware shakes his head as he motions for Wonder Tweek to help him out.
"G-gah! Can't you get a wheelchair lift, T-tupperware? You have money!" Tweak stammers as he begins to descend the stairs.
"You'd think with Professor Timmy's psychic powers he could do this himself..." Tupperware mumbles as the three disappear from view. Toolshed turns to you, giving you a once over. Ever since you prevented his dad from drunk driving, he's been a little warmer to you than the other Freedom Pals.
"Uh- hey, New Kid? What do you need?" Toolshed asks, clearly a little wary, seeing as you still have some ties to Raccoon and Friends. All you can do is hold out the gross wig, unsure how to even explain what happened with his dad earlier. Luckily for you, he understand immediately, brows flattening as he rubs his forehead. "Jesus fucking christ-" He looks back up. "He told you he's Lorde?"
"Yeah, and he gave me this wig, told me to-"
"Go to the dry cleaners and get his wig a blow out, yeah, he's always doing shit like this. And don't let him 'Mr. Miyagi' you either, he did that to me when I took Karate in third grade. He just wants you to fix the dents in the car and clean the windows before my mom notices he messed it up.Here," Toolshed flinches as he takes the wig. "I'll handle it, New Kid. Thanks for helping out my dad... again. I hope this doesn't mean I know you another favor because I'm not really interested in helping Raccoon again." He says, and you both chuckle.
"Yeah, it's no problem, is your dad like, okay though? He kind of all over the place."
Toolshed just shrugs. "Eh. He'll be fine, he always weird like that. Listen, take this." He hands you a slip of paper with his Raccoonstagram tag and his phone number. "I don't think Mysterion will like it very much if you keep showing up in case you see my dad being weird again, so just message me whenever and I'll swing by and deal with it."
You smile as you type the info into your cell. "Gee, thanks, Toolshed. Maybe I could text you even if your dad is perfectly fine?" You asks with a teasing tone, causing the raven-haired hero to go stiff.
"Uh- yeah. Yeah." He says, gulping a little as his grips his tool belt. "I gotta go, I think m' gonna be sick-" he rushes off towards Tupperware's bathroom, leaving you worried you said the wrong thing.
Later that night though, you get a reassuring text. "Hey, New Kid, sorry to rush off on you. Think I just ate something weird. Text me anytime." This is followed by a "Please."
You just laugh and shake your head as you plug in your phone, setting it on the nightstand. One things for sure, that guys just as weird as his father.
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paisleywraith · 1 year
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The entire plot of Tale of Two Mysterions.
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evilkittenthefirst · 8 months
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Heywhaaayt if I drew fanart of them to criminal that would b funny huh?? Right??
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stareggs · 1 year
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I love them os muxh you have no idea like omg
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
use me ♥ kenny mccormick
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pairing : kenny mccormick x vampire!reader
nsfw (smut) - minors DNI!!! - aged up characters (18+)
tags : mentions of blood, biting, blood drinking (all that usual vampire stuff iykyk) , mild praise kink, afab reader, mild sub/dom dynamics
word count : 3.1k
summary : mysterion just wants to keep the streets safe and y/n just needs to feed - he has an idea, but she refuses it until she has no other choice
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a/n - bambi stop turning men into subs challenge 💀
this isn't proof read because its 1am and i wrote this in a haze, so lemme know if you catch any mistakes please and thank you xoxo
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The body crumpled to the floor of the alleyway as Y/N let go, doing her best to wipe her mouth clean of the blood. They weren’t dead, she was always able to stop herself before it went that far, but they would probably be a little woozy once they were conscious enough to get up again.
In her usual act of what she considered to be kindness, she slipped an iron supplement into their mouth, making sure they swallowed it in their half-conscious state. 
Leaning down and lifting her mask up slightly, she held their eyes open to look into them to work her literal charm. 
“You are going to forget you ever saw me; you just passed out on your way home,” She instructed. She could tell by the expression on the man’s face that it was working. They would always get this weird dopey look to them. “You are also going to drink more water because you are a bit dehydrated. Probably best to get some iron supplements for yourself while you’re at it, just for good measure.”
The person nodded, and Y/N knew her tracks were covered. Slipping her mask back down to cover her eyes, she let the man go and watched as he brushed himself off and stumbled away, wobbling a little as though he were drunk. Turning around, she began walking the opposite way down the street to return home. She would be satisfied for another week if she was lucky and didn’t over-exert herself.
“I assume the red on your lips isn’t lipstick?” Mysterion stepped out from the shadows as Y/N passed him. She knew he was there; she could smell him and hear his breathing from down the street, watching her feed. “You just couldn’t help yourself?”
“You know I don’t have a choice,” Y/N sighed, having had this conversation before on several occasions. She walked past Mysterion, but he followed her, never one to give up easily.
“I gave you a choice,” He corrected, trailing slightly behind her. “You just didn’t choose it.” 
“That was a one-time thing out of necessity,” The words were routine to her by that point. She used to bribe Chaos to distract him on the other side of town while she fed, but he had caught on to the trick. “It’s not safe.”
“What’s not safe is for you to be roaming the streets and picking people at random,” He interjected. “For the public or for you.”
“And your suggestion is any better?” Y/N stopped and turned around. Even past the mask that covered her eyes, he could see the anger brewing from the slight red tint her eyes had started to assume. “We don’t know the long-term effects it would have on either of us.”
Mysterion had been right about it not being safe for her to pick people at random. There was a time when she fed from a man on some sort of drug that she had a horrible side effect from. She thought she was finally dying, but that was when the masked hero appeared. She couldn’t explain what was happening to her, but he seemed to understand well enough to know that she needed clean blood to heal, so he offered his own. His blood was like nothing she had ever had before, it was blissfully intoxicating, and she couldn’t stop.
The next night, when she saw him again, she thanked him but said it could never happen again. While Mysterion couldn’t die, at least not for more than a day, the guilt for killing again after she had sworn not to ate at her more than the new craving for his blood.
“I thought you enjoyed experimenting?” His tone was teasing, but that just angered her more.
“Just…” She sighed, trying to calm herself down as best as possible before she really flipped out on him. She knew that was what he wanted. If she did, she’d attack him. If she attacked him, she’d end up feeding from him. It had almost happened a few weeks after the initial incident, and he’d been provoking her ever since. “Just leave me alone. I’ve been doing this for longer than you could ever imagine.” She turned around again and started to walk, but his next words stopped her after only two steps.
“376 years, right?” He phrased it as a question but said it as more of a statement. How did he know that? “That’s just if I’m going based on your death certificate. Took a lot of digging, but it was easier when I found that you were born in England.”
“Congrats, dude,” She waved her arms up a little in a mixture of disbelief and frustration. She didn’t want him to see the genuine shock. She felt that he had taken time to research her. Modern technology was amazing, but that was still a difficult thing to do. “What do you want? A prize for being a top-notch stalker?”
“If you want me gone, why don’t you just charm me away?” Mysterion had inched closer to Y/N as he spoke. She could see his eyes through his mask, his pupils blown out in the dark of the night. “Unless you can’t?”
He was right. She couldn’t. She had tried before, tried to make him forget her. She didn’t think he was aware that it had been an attempt to charm him instead of just another plea to leave her alone, but she was suspecting he knew more about her than she wanted him to.
“Stay out of my business, and I’ll stay out of yours, Kenny,” She hoped the use of his real name would throw him off his tracks enough to make an escape. She had known the moment she saw Mysterion that it was Kenny. His blood had a distinct smell that she had always picked up in class. She assumed it must have been something to do with his immortality.
Immortality did strange things to the body, she would know.
“Your business is my business when you roam these streets looking for victims,” He slowly pulled away from her, giving her some space as he looked around to make sure they hadn’t been spotted. “Let me walk you home?”
“Get fucked,” With that, Y/N jumped up and transformed into a bat, flying off over the empty streets. It was a terrible idea, but she needed to get away. It drained her energy and, subsequently, her thirst at ten times the rate as just going about her normal day, which would inevitably lead to her having to feed again within the following few days, where the entire conversation with Mysterion would repeat itself, just as it always did.
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It had been too long since she last fed. 
Going to school for the first time had caught up with her unexpectedly. She lost track of time studying in the evenings. She had managed to obtain a necklace that allowed her to walk in the sun 17 years ago and that had opened up the world to her again after 350 years of living in the shadows. There was so much to learn that she had never gotten the chance to before when education wasn’t readily available, least of all for women. She relished the opportunity to learn and lost track of the days.
She hadn’t even thought about feeding until the first drop of blood from the fight between two students in the halls hit her like a tonne of bricks. She could smell it from the opposite end of the hallway.
Instinctively, she closed her eyes, knowing they would have already turned red from the thirst. The thirst was overwhelming. She needed to get out of there before she lost herself, but she couldn’t will her legs to move. The need to hunt was driving her mad.
A hand grabbed her arm while her eyes were closed. She knew from her already heightened sense of smell that got even stronger while hunting, that it was Kenny. He didn’t say anything to her, just started to drag her away. Y/N kept her eyes closed as she let him pull her through the halls, trusting him to do what was best for everyone by getting her far away from the people she could hurt. 
She didn’t know where they were going until the fresh air hit her, and she heard a car unlock. She finally felt safe enough to open her eyes, climbing into the back of Kenny’s car. The backseat had tinted windows. She had seen him get into the car on enough occasions to know that. No one would be able to see her blood-red eyes and her protruding fangs if she stayed in there.
The panic was short-lived as it resumed in full force when Kenny climbed in next to her. He needed to get away from her, and he needed to do it fast. His scent was intoxicating, and she would very quickly lose herself. She could hear his racing heart pumping blood through his veins.
“You need to leave. I haven’t-” She started to explain as fast as she could, but he interrupted her.
“You haven’t fed in 2 weeks. I know,” He finished for her. Y/N’s anger started to slowly simmer within her. He knew that, but he was still taunting her? Whatever game he was playing was a stupid and dangerous one, and he needed to stop. “I’ve kept an eye on you.”
“Stalker,” She mumbled, somewhat half-heartedly. She thought she had caught the scent of him in her yard, but she had brushed it off as her imagination. “I’ll go tonight. Just let me calm down alone for a bit, and I’ll be fine to go back in.” She emphasised the alone as much as possible.
“We’re not taking that risk,” Kenny refused, reaching over the front seat to lock the doors. She felt trapped, like a mouse in a trap, but the cheese was Kenny fucking McCormick. He may as well have been trying to serve himself up on a platter. “Just feed on me.”
“Is this fucking funny to you?” Y/N could feel how sharp her teeth had become, almost slicing open her own lip as she spoke. The thirst was unbearable. She needed Kenny to leave. “Do you get off on this or something? What is wrong with-”
He cut her off again; however, this time, it wasn’t by talking. Kenny had pulled Y/N onto him, holding her on his lap with a secure grip on her waist and stopping her from talking by planting his lips on hers with a frantic kiss. She should have pulled away. She should have lept over the driver's seat, unlocked the doors, and used what little energy she could muster to run at her super speed until she found someone she could safely feed off of.
She should have done all of that, but she didn’t.
Instead, Y/N kissed Kenny back. Her body shifted into autopilot, her hands running through his hair. It was bliss until the unthinkable happened.
Her sharpened fangs cut Kenny’s lip, and a single drop of blood hit Y/N’s tongue. Panicked, she pulled away and tried to climb off of his lap, but his hands on her waist wouldn’t allow it.
Two words were all it took to break her final thread of resolve.
“Use me,” Kenny instructed in a breathless whisper. Before either of them could truly register what was happening, Y/N’s fangs were in his neck.
Kenny let out a shaky moan as the sharp pain suddenly turned into pleasure. It was one he had sought out ever since Y/N had fed from him all those months ago. She had explained it to him once when she was telling him that she wasn’t really hurting the people she fed from because her fangs would automatically release endorphins into them. She described it as a numbing feeling, but it made Kenny feel anything but numb.
The pleasure, coupled with the soft sounds of Y/N mewling as she drank from him, let alone the added fact that she was on his lap, was enough to leave Kenny rock-hard. He couldn’t control himself as his hips bucked up against her.
His heart almost stopped when she very suddenly pulled away, the feeling of her fangs no longer in his neck and the blood draining from him left him feeling empty. Her eyes were half-lidded as she looked down at him, lips stained red from blood, and her mouth hung slightly open.
Kenny thought he had died once again and gone to heaven when she, without warning, rolled her hips against his. His cock twitched desperately in his pants, and his grip on her hips would have been bruising to anyone but a vampire.
“When I asked you if you got off on this, I didn’t realise I had hit the nail on the head,” Y/N’s voice was low and seductive. Kenny had never heard anything so sexy in his life. He wanted to hear her talk all day, every day. He tried to roll his hips up to meet hers again, but her hands snapped down to his thighs, holding him in place. “Use your words, and I’ll consider giving you what you want.”
“Touch me, fuck me, use me, please,” He begged without hesitation, knowing it was the fastest way to get what he desperately needed at that moment. “Please?”
Y/N captured him in a breathtaking kiss, he could taste his blood on her tongue as it swirled with his, but he couldn’t care less. Her hands slid up his thighs until they reached his beltline, moving at superhuman speeds to impatient get her hands on what she wanted. The zipper popped open and flung across the car as she broke it, neither of them caring for a single second.
The muscles of Kenny’s thighs twitched and spasmed as Y/N’s hand slipped down his boxers, pulling his swollen cock out. The tip was red and leaking precum. Y/N ran her thumb over it without hesitation, bringing it up to her mouth, her tongue darting out to lick it up. He caught sight of her fangs, still protruding from the rest of her teeth. She was still hungry.
“Remind me to go down on you when my mouth can be trusted,” She whispered in his ear, pressing her chest against him as she leaned in. “For now, I’m impatient. We’ll have to skip to the main event.”
“Please,” He nodded eagerly, cock twitching in anticipation. Y/N took it in her hand, pumping it a few times as more precum leaked from the tip.
“You sound so pretty when you beg,” She smirked down at him. He didn’t have time to register what had happened before she sunk down onto him in one swift move. He hadn’t seen her remove her underwear. He didn’t know if she had done it at super speed without him seeing (though the panties were nowhere in his car to support that theory) or if she just hadn’t been wearing them in the first place. The latter drove him crazier than he already felt.
Just as she sunk down onto him, her teeth sunk back into his neck. Kenny was the most delicious meal Y/N had ever had, and she couldn’t help herself from going in for seconds.
Painfully slowly for Kenny, she lifted herself up and down on him. She kept a tortuous speed, her strength stopping his desperate attempts at thrusting up into her.
Reaching for his hands, she pried them off of her hips, slipping one up her shirt and under her bra to fondle her breasts and manoeuvring the other so his fingertips brushed up against her clit. He took the hint instantly, switching between each breast with his left hand to make sure they both received adequate attention and rolling her nipples in between his fingers, revelling in the louder moans that his neck was barely muffling as she fed from him.
His right hand slowly circled her clit, starting slow at first but speeding up as soon as she picked up the pace, sliding herself up and down on him. He felt whenever he hit her g-spot as her walls would clench around him, causing him to repeatedly hit it as the pleasure became unbearable.
“So close,” He managed to choke out, his movements becoming slightly sloppy as he started to lose himself. Y/N pulled her fangs from his neck, lifting her head just slightly so she could whisper in his ear.
“Cum for me,” He did so instantly, a loud moan escaping his throat, his head tilting back as he filled her up. He felt her walls clamp around his dick as she reached her own peak, her eyes rolling back slightly.
When she looked back at him, her eyes had returned to their natural colour, and her teeth had once again dulled down. He was completely struck by her beauty but struggled to keep his eyes open to admire her as he felt woozy from the blood loss. He heard her curse as his eyes drooped closed, his head lulling to the side.
Kenny wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he woke up to Y/N curled up against his side in the backseat of his car. She appeared to have done her best to clean him and herself up while he was passed out, but since she had broken his zipper in the heat of the moment, his jeans were still open.
He stretched a little as he woke up, Y/N lifted her head to look at him, and he could see relief flooding her face.
“I was worried I had taken too much,” She sighed a breath of relief, a hand reaching up to cradle his face. She intently examined his eyes, looking for confirmation that he was okay. “I’m so sorry; I lost control.” Kenny pulled her in for a kiss, far sweeter than the passion-filled ones they had shared earlier.
“I’m immortal, remember?” He reminded her softly as they pulled away. “You can’t kill me for long.”
“But we don’t-” She was about to protest again about how they didn’t know what would happen to either of them if she continued to drink his blood since he wasn’t a normal human, but one look at the pure adoration in his eyes stopped her in her tracks. “You should have just told me that was what you had in mind when you said you wanted to experiment. We could have been doing that for months.”
“Well…” Kenny grinned as the words processed in his mind, the implications clear as day. “We have an eternity left to catch up on missed time.”
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ellies-cove · 5 months
hey shawty- can i get a uhhhhh mystqueerion x fem or gn yn? preferably smut but whatever ur comfortable w/(aged up obviously)
Oh wow-
I don't know if they wanted head cannons sooo...
These are not my characters, if the owner wants me to take down the post I wouldn't mind. :) - Moon 🌕
TW: Smut, fingering, Exhibitionism, Worship kink, Blowjobs, Breeding kink + Lactating kink.
Mysterion with a Fem! S/O
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He's your big scary dog. You're just his fancy, tiny puppy. He's making sure you're safe at night, sending himself or another person from Freedom and Pals. Tries to get Call Girl (Wendy cough cough) to befriend you. And you two become besties. He has to know if you're gonna go anywhere that night just in case Cartman or anyone else tries to harm you. Loves patroling with you at night. Pretends to hate in when you give him kisses, and he's mumbling stuff like "Not out here while I'm on duty... I need to pay attention..."
He's a soft dom but sometimes he has to let it out and use you uses his deep voice against you. He'll sneak up behind you, groping you while he talks to you in your ear. Either he's a switch-leaning dom or just a dom in general. He's fingered you in an alley before. Made small remarks to Freedom pals that he has a pretty girl with the prettiest tits and a perfect hole. Watches you touch yourself as he face fucks you. Has gotten caught eating you in the Freedom Pals base. Loves your tits so much, he'll suck on them and give him a tit job and will let out the cutest grunts and groans...
"God princess... Taste so good."
"Fuck! So tight... all mine.."
"You want my cum inside you princess? Hm? Say it."
"Fuckkkk.... Mhmn... G-God... Y-Your tits... So good...MHgm.... Ughhh..."
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by-april-march · 4 days
This Week In Smut
Since there were lots of questions about content, I thought I'd let you guys know what's in the pipeline and let you pick what will come out first again. As always, everything here will be finished & posted, we're voting on priority!
Once again I just write what people ask for, if you want fluffier content submit a req!
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alornights · 1 year
Can i get south park jealous kyle and kenny(separate) x female reader?🤭
⟢ jealousy
➜ in which ! they get very jealous of others.
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💌 ﹫kyle broflovski & kenny mccormick.
✩ 🎸 warnings﹗none.
🍓 ⟡ notes — i did this as if they were already dating so i hope ur fine it!!
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ kyle broflovski.
he thinks hes not a jealous person since in his friend group he's part of the sane section. he totally is though.
picture this.
everyone knows your kyle's girlfriend, no questions asked it's very obvious since you guys are almost inseparable.
you're at school eating lunch with your girlfriends having fun gossiping or whatever, fun times.
then out of nowhere a guy comes up to your table and starts chatting with you.
at first kyle was fine with it, everyone talked to you so it wasn't a big deal whatsoever.
until he saw you giggling and the guy leaving slight touches on you for no reason.
on the outside he seems rather calm. on the inside though, this guy is going fucking ballistic. all mushed into one is anger, sadness, self-insecurity, and even more anger.
he doesn't make a move trying not to explode until the guy holds your hand and proceeds to kiss your knuckles.
he goes ballistic.
he walks straight up to this guy and drags him outside. what he does, no one knows, but the next day that guy avoids you at all costs even when you attempt to go talk to him.
when confronting kyle all he simply says is, "i just made sure he knows not to do that to people's girlfriends. it's pretty offensive, y'know? wouldn't want him doing that to other people as well."
it's nothing serious though he does actually talk to the guy about it. just gets a bit crazy, nothing more.
he just cares about you and is kind of insecure.
but with a date, everything goes back to normal so all ends well.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ kenny mccormick.
he's not much a jealous person tbh.
maybe like a bit if like some guy is making big moves on you but other than that i think he's pretty chill about it.
though there was this one time he got a bit jealous.
you were at a birthday party that the whole school was invited too except the trouble kids (COUGH stans group) and you were having tons of fun with your friends.
kenny decided to make some rounds as mysterion since 1, he was bored and 2, he just likes helping around south park.
just for his peace of mind, he stopped by the party in case there was anything suspicious or bad going on over there.
and who could of guessed. something bad was going on there!!
a guy was talking to you outside. alone. and you were giggling like there was no tomorrow as he was looking you up and down.
so when you went back inside to go get some food for the two of you, mr. mysterion decided to teach the guy a lesson.
but midway through he gets a call from you. "kenny wya, there was some weirdo trying to talk to me and now i wanna leave."
that guy is so lucky you called when you did or else he would've ended up worse. so he goes back home just before you arrive.
that's the only time he's ever been extremely jealous.
ay, at the end of the day, he knows your coming back to him. just like you did that time.
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Wsg wsg, I was hoping for a Professor Chaos x reader x Mysterion, or a Vic Chaos x reader x (p.c.) Kenny
Either works as long as you’re comfortable, and if you’re not that’s totally okay!
Tyty xo
Professor Chaos x femReader x Mysterion
⚠️NSFW WARNING⚠️ please be aware! i cannot control who interacts with my posts so use your best judgement and proceed at your own risk. people have been jumping into the SP fandom complaining about age and friendly reminder that ALL of my works are aged up to 18-20s.
You hadn’t been in South Park all that long. You moved for some peace and quiet away from the big city, however South Park may have just been the worst choice.
Regardless, you were still enjoying your time, attending your classes and working part time. You’d made a few friends so far, however you’d had no luck in the dating scene. Most of the boys your age were too loud or too conservative or just plain not your type. Turns out, it wouldn’t be too much longer until you’d get your fill of love.
Finishing work, you’d gotten changed at home before heading out to the gas station for snacks and drinks. It was your usual routine, which considering it was about 11pm, probably wasn’t the smartest idea. Who knew who was watching you every night?
You headed home, tote bag slung over your shoulder. You went down the main street before turning down a side street. It was still well-lit, however the alleys criss-crossing your path that ran behind businesses were didn’t have such good visibility. Hence why you didn’t quite see the figure on the corner until you passed it.
“Hi, sweetheart.” You tensed and tried to decide whether to stop or keep moving. This falter gave him time to catch up and walk alongside you, “Pretty gal like you shouldn’t be out so late. What’re ya doin’ runnin around in the dark?” When you met his eyes, you noticed the distinct eye of your classmate Leopold. Clouded grey with a deep scar running over the center. However, your usually shy, reserved classmate was dressed… strangely. His face was partly covered in a silver crown… or helm? Was that the word? And a thick aqua jacket and slacks.
“Just… uhhh. Getting my groceries.” You stuttered slightly, not used to the domineering personality he seemed to have now.
“Well now, that’s not the best idea. Isn’t it a bit too late to be makin a grocery run?”
“I guess so, but I work too late to be going earlier.” You’d finally stopped under a streetlamp to speak more politely. You hadn’t really noticed how tall he was before, nor the lean muscles that showed through his clothes. It was definitely making you blush despite the alarm bells ringing in your head.
As he began to speak again, he was interrupted by another figure that lithely landed between the both of you, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Good evening, Chaos. Luring pretty girls astray again?” The cloaked man spoke in a low husky voice that you couldn’t quite place.
“Get outta my face.” Butters growled, stepping forward to confront the new person. This could be your opportunity to escape, but the intrigue kept you rooted in place.
“Do you need an escort home? I’m Mysterion.” He turned to you and offered a charming grin and an arm, “You don’t want to be hanging around a villain like Professor Chaos.”
Your mouth opened slightly, unsure how to cope with two very gorgeous men arguing over you.
“Mysterion, let’s speak in private a moment? Now?” Professor Chaos spoke through gritted teeth.
“Just a moment, princess.” Mysterion shot you a wink before following Butters a few feet away. You didn’t catch much but ‘share’, ‘be fair’ and your name. They stood for a moment in silence, seeming to reach an agreement about… something.
You weren’t exactly sure how you’d been sweet talked into following them, under the impression of some sort of date happening. This was possibly the strangest thing that had ever happened to you but you were missing the hijinks of living in a busy city. And maybe you were kind of attracted to both of them and the loneliness of being a new place had weakened your resolve.
As with everywhere in South Park, it wasn’t too far a walk, however before you could know where you were going, they stopped abruptly.
“So, sweetheart. I gotta ask you a favor.” Mysterion spoke softly, tracing your arm gently, “We can’t exactly have you knowing where either of us work. So… if I can cover your eyes?” He presented a beanie with a sheepish grin. This was a one-way street to get kidnapped but again, your brain was slowly being turned to mush by the attention of these two. Your mind screamed at you to stop and run but you found yourself nodding and allowing Mysterion to pull the beanie down over your eyes. One of them picked you up and began walking. You turned two corners but that was all you could take notice of before you heard a lock click and the wind was no longer brushing your skin. Down a flight of stairs, then another, before you were set down and could see again. Surprisingly, it was a simple kitchen. Mysterion was already helping himself to coffee, asking if you wanted one. You nodded and dropped your bag. Chaos was tracing shapes on your bare arm and it made you shiver as you took the mug from Mysterion. What the hell was happening and why were you ok with it.
They asked you lots of questions about yourself, slowly moving into flirty territory as you went along. Your speech was becoming more and more stuttered as they leaned in, seemingly entranced by your hesitant answers. Mysterion got up, giving Chaos a strange, subtle signal you clearly weren’t meant to notice. He left, mentioning he was looking for something. Chaos made strong eye contact with you and you blushed, looking away, not before becoming aware of the smirk growing on his face. Before you could react he was next to you, tilting your face to meet his. Your lips dropped open slightly in shock as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. He was gentle, but still strong. You melted into his touch after a few seconds and as soon as you submitted to the situation, he pulled you out of your seat and against his body, one hand still resting on your jaw and the other gripping your waist. Your hands rested on his chest and he slowly became more aggressive with his kisses, beginning to bite at your lower lip, demanding you open wider. When you did, his tongue slid in, entangling itself with yours. You tried to suppress the moan rising in your chest but as his hand slid down to squeeze your ass, it just slipped out. The sound was met with a growl from him and he tightly pressed your hips into him. His hips bucked slightly against your stomach and it sent butterflies all over your body. He pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting your lips. He grinned, something mischievous glowing in his eyes. He pulled off your shirt and you tensed at the cold that hit you.
Pressing kisses from your jaw down to your chest, he ran his thumbs teasingly softly over your bra, slowing as they met your nipples. You hissed at the sensation and he licked your collarbone before biting into the soft spot where your neck met your shoulder. You cried out, eliciting another growl from your classmate.
Suddenly, a pair of hands gripped your hips from behind and pulled your ass to meet something hard. The other side of your neck was attacked in the same manner of licking, kissing and biting. You were getting wetter by the minute, pinned between the two most gorgeous boys you’d ever seen.
You felt your bra unclip from behind and fall to the ground. Mysterion’s hands gently gripped your breasts and teased your nipples excruciatingly gently. Chaos knelt down in front of you, kissing and licking down your abdomen as he ran his hands up and under your skirt to play with your underwear and squeeze your ass.
“Such a pretty gal. So soft and submissive for us.” He licked his lips and you whined. You felt a laugh against your neck as Mysterion seemed to get even more intense with his hands on your chest. Your whining cut off into a gasping moan as Chaos ran his thumb over your clothed clit.
“She’s so wet already. What a good girl.” He chuckled and slowly dragged his thumb from your slit to your clit over and over again. Meanwhile, Mysterion gripped your neck and pulled your head backwards to rest on his shoulder.
“Best idea you’ve had in a while, Professor Chaos. She’s a gem. Aren’t you just so pretty?” He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek and flattened his hand against your stomach, pulling you flush against his body. You tried your best to restrain the sounds begging to be released. It couldn’t last for long.
“No one can hear you, princess. You should really make those pretty sounds for us if you want us to keep going.” Mysterion’s husky voice really just did something to you that you couldn’t explain. You weren't going to have a choice as Chaos tore off your panties and hitched up your skirt to slide his tongue into you. A strangled, breathy moan escaped you and spurred him on and he continued to lick and suck your dripping core. Your mews and whines continued, slowly rising in volume. Mysterion tilted your face sideways to meet his eyes.
"Look at me, sweetheart." He growled lowly and used your ass to grind his erection into. This really just began to undo you and as you struggled to maintain eye contact, you could feel your climax knotting in your belly. They seemed to notice your heightened state and released you from their grips. Chaos standing up and carefully removing his clothes. As Mysterion let you go to copy him, you almost slid to the ground, not expecting the sudden lack of stimulation. You caught yourself and found yourself stepping back to lean against the table and let your eyes wander over their bodies. They both had lean muscles that were easy to see but not over the top. And they were both tall and... big. Too big for you, you worried. But you were willing to try. Mysterion kept his mask on while Chaos took his helm off. You could see Mysterion's golden blonde hair though as he approached you and pulled you into him. Your legs were jelly and your body was putty in his hands.
He kissed you roughly and rolled his hips against yours to grind his dripping cock against your stomach. You tangled your hands in his hair and pushed yourself against him as tightly as you could. A dark chuckle bubbled from his lips as he felt your wetness against him.
"Use your words, baby. Consent is key." He smirked against your lips.
"Please, what?"
"Please, fuck me."
"Yes ma'am." He grinned and slid his cock into you painfully slowly. He lifted your leg to rest on his waist and he began thrusting, pulling whines and cries from your mouth. As his pace picked up, his hand gripped your leg so hard you were sure there would be perfect fingerprint bruises tomorrow. The low moans that poured from him only made you wetter and closer to your climax.
He suddenly slowed down and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before calling out for Chaos.
"You wanna finish her off?" He shot you a smirk as you groaned in displeasure due to the sudden stop.
"Course I do. Can't let ya have all the fun." Professor Chaos took his place, eyes roaming your body in the dirtiest way possible. He took the slick from your pussy to wet his cock. You wondered how he was coping with the evidently painful erection. "You ready, darlin'?" You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him roughly, practically begging him with that kiss. He started hard and fast, lips still locked with yours as his hips snapped against yours in a subtly unsteady rhythm. His moans were more like growls as he held the nape of your neck, watching your face contort in pleasure. He used his other hand to rub his thumb over your clit. It was hard but not too fast. Just enough pressure and speed to make the knot begin to tighten quicker than before.
"I'm close, I'm close." You breathed out, digging your fingernails into his shoulders, panting as you shook with pleasure and anticipation.
"Good girl. Cum for me." He gripped your jaw and studied your face as you cried out and allowed your climax to wash over you, "Goddamn." He choked out, feeling your pussy tighten and spasm around his cock. His thumb continued relentlessly on your clit throughout your orgasm until you finally went limp. He pulled out and lowered you gently to the floor.
"I think I have an idea." Mysterion appeared beside his comrade and offered you a sly smirk. His hand pumped over his dick, watching you attempt to catch your breath. He seemed to be enjoying your fucked out appearance almost as much as fucking you. Chaos caught on quickly but kept his pace slower. You had your own idea, however, and pushed yourself up to take Mysterion's cock in your mouth and pushed your head down until the tip of his cock pressed against the soft spot in the back of your throat. You looked up at him with the sweetest eyes you'd ever given anyone and continued to keep your cheeks hollowed and bob your head in the quickest pace you could manage.
"Fuck, princess. So pretty and willing." He bit his lip and he bucked his hips in time with your pace until he began to falter. You could feel him twitching in your mouth and you pressed yourself further until your nose brushed his pelvis. You could hear him moaning and grunting in a strangled sort of way. You felt hot ropes drip down your throat and you swallowed quickly, multiple times as the squeezing of your throat seemed to draw out every single drop. When you pulled away, you licked your lips, surprised at just how much cum had been emptied into your mouth. He knelt down quickly to kiss you and lick the saliva from your lips. Fuck, that might've been the hottest thing that had ever happened to you.
Once Mysterion had released you, you turned your gaze upon Professor Chaos, who was definitely struggling to keep it together. That was definitely the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.
"Your turn." You shuffled on your knees to kitten lick the tip of his cock. He groaned lowly and you happily took him in your mouth, flattening your tongue against the underside of his dick and similarly sliding him all the way to the back of your throat, taking a slower pace to recover from the abuse your throat had already endured. He gripped your hair and rolled his hips slowly, taking in the view with pleasure. You offered him the same sweet gaze and he seemed to blush. Just a bit. You picked up your pace and he matched it until you were at the fastest pace you could take and you felt him getting closer and closer. Again, you applied the same trick of pressing forward to take him to the hilt and his hips jerked, finally releasing sticky, hot ropes down your throat.
"Goddamn. Shit." He stuttered out, his voice softening to its normal tone as he held your head where it was until he finished. As soon as he pulled out, he pulled you up by your arms and roughly kissed you, tasting himself in your mouth. His tongue seemed to reach all the way down your sensitive throat and you moaned softly against him.
"That was the best thing a gal has ever done to me." He admitted as he pulled out of the kiss.
"I tried." You whispered, smiling softly. Mysterion was already there with towels and you let them clean you up. Those moments afterwards you really saw the softer parts of them as they made sure you were ok and got you water.
After you'd managed to all get dressed again, it didn't take long for a soft makeout session to start, you trying to split your attention equally between the two boys. Mysterion got an evil smile at one point and pulled Chaos in for a hot and heavy kiss. You were taken aback but definitely not complaining. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and it seemed to end all too quickly.
"We ought to take you home, doll." Chaos ran his thumb over your swollen lips and motioned with his head to Mysterion, who scooped you up. Professor Chaos picked up your bag and they began to walk out, carrying you along with them.
"Aren't you supposed to blindfold me or something." You asked.
"Now, we can't be doing that every single time." Mysterion winked and you blushed, definitely not expecting that answer.
"So, we'll be doing this again?" You asked, almost in a whisper.
"If that's what ya want, darlin'." Chaos replied. You nodded and hid your face in Mysterion's shoulder until you finally arrived home.
You offered your phone to them, indicating they should put their numbers in. Once they'd finished, you shyly kissed each of them.
"I hope I don't have to wait too long." You smiled sweetly.
"Definitely not." Mysterion elbowed Chaos and chuckled.
"But who are you, Mysterion?" He laughed a bit and lifted his mask just enough for you to see and quickly slid it back on again.
"Kenny?" You were definitely shocked. You'd never really interacted with him before and you weren't complaining that he was the secret superhero.
"See you around, sweetheart. Give us a call if you're ever in any trouble." He winked and pulled you in for a last kiss before hopping out your window.
"Well, see ya, darlin'. You ever need anyone taken care of, you know who to ask." He kissed both of your cheeks before pressing a particularly sweet one to your lips and followed Mysterion.
Definitely not what you were expecting when you moved to the small town of South Park.
i hope it was what you wanted! i was struggling a bit cause ive never really posted any smut that ive written so i really hope it was good 😭.
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
perv mysterion x perv fem reader? i’m in need for some juicy stuff like this with kenny
Superhuman Lovers
ALL AGED UP CHARACTERS!!! NSFW content and strong language!! I'm so sorry for lack of content last night guys, I promise I'll try and get some more stuff out today 🥰
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The night air was cold, and you could feel the goosebumps on your skin, a shiver down your spine. Either something bad was going to happen, or you seriously needed to put more clothes on.
That was when you heard a light thud from behind you, turning to see what had made such a noise, especially on top of a roof in the early hours of the morning.
That's when you saw him, Mysterion. You had been involved with Professor Chaos and were the only female in his team, but you had an upper hand, no guy would want to hurt a woman, so you found yourself rarely injured in battle.
Before you could open your mouth to talk, you felt a hand wrapping around your throat, pushing you backwards to the ground, a weight now sat on top of you.
"We need to stop meeting like this, baby." Mysterion spoke, a smirk planted firmly on his face. You knew his identity, the only person who ever chatted you up like that was Kenny, and although you were on opposing teams, you couldn't help but let your mind wander.
Kenny was good looking, and he knew it. And deep down, he had been suppressing feelings for you for what had felt like forever, but you were sworn enemies, and what kind of hero would he be if he slept with the enemy!
"You found me, Mysterion. What's wrong, your underpants getting too tight around me?" You flirted, you and Kenny were friends, and extremely similar in a lot of ways, including having a dirty mind. You could both work each other up to no end, but had never been alone long enough to test the waters fully.
"And so what if they were? I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Mysterion spoke, your faces mere inches from each other, you flashed him a grin, before speaking again.
"I wouldn't mind it. Besides, it looks like you're the one getting flustered under that mask." You retorted, making Mysterion scoff to himself.
"Me, get flustered by Chaos scum like you, I think you're just dreaming again, pretty." Kenny spoke, his teeth catching his lower lip.
"And who said I was interested in someone from Freedom Pals, as if I'd betray Professor Chaos like that." You replied and Kenny's eyes were dark, cunning. You knew he was up to something.
"One night with me, baby and you'd be begging us to let your ass join." Kenny spoke, having you still pinned to the ground, his eyes scanning you up and down, lifting his knee to between your legs, pressing against you, a smirk on his face, as he let your arms go, bringing his face closer, so he whispered into your ear.
"By the time I'm done with you this whole part of town will know who you're loyal to, I'll make you scream my name." Kenny whispered into your ear, and you could feel your panties begin to dampen, your cheeks flush beneath your costume, and your breath hitched as Kenny attached his mouth to your neck, biting down and sucking your sweet spot, a light gasp leaving your parted lips.
"And what make you think I want you, Mysterion?" You spoke, the skirt of your costume high up your thighs, thanks to Kenny's leg, and your top pulled down a bit more than usual, showing off some cleavage, as if you knew he was coming for you tonight.
Kenny's knee pressed harder against you, a smirk on his face and a low, breathy chuckle emanating from him, his lips still against your neck and working their way down your chest, closer and closer to your breasts.
"I think your reactions are telling me otherwise, or are you just a slut like this for anyone, hm?" Kenny pressed further.
"And how eager you are tells me you're just as worked up as I am, Mysterion. Don't try and be coy." And just as those words had left your mouth, Kenny replied.
"We never speak of this to anyone." Kenny warned, before pressing his lips to yours, and you kissed him back. This was wrong, you two were supposed to be rivals, sworn enemies, yet here you both were, melting against each others touches, like a modern day Romeo and Juliet.
Kenny kept you pinned beneath him, enjoying his control over you, he couldn't roam his hands quick enough, he wanted to feel every little bit of your body, ravish you like he'd wanted to for a long time, and finally he was getting his way, and he would make sure this was a night neither of you could ever forget.
The kiss was passionate, both of your tongues fighting for dominance, and you finally gave in to the man above you, allowing yourself to submit to him.
"M-Mysterion." You breathed as the kiss began broken, both of you gasping for air, and Kenny knew you were under his spell, pressing kisses down your chest, as he slowly began to unclasp your corset, his lips between your breasts already, before his gaze met your own, his piercing blue eyes giving you butterflies in your stomach.
"I've wanted to touch you this way for a long time, y/n. Wearing such a seductive outfit, it's like you did this on purpose, do you know how many times I've touched myself thinking of you?" Kenny spoke, his mouth grazing over your erect nipple, a gasp escaping your swollen lips, and Kenny felt his head spin. He'd wanted this for so long, and by god was he going to enjoy this.
"I've wanted this for a long time too, Kenny. I always knew you had a thing for me." You spoke, a smirk on your face. Kenny had made short work of your corset, and he started taking his own costume off, his blonde, messy hair springing free from the constricting costume he wore.
He was ethereal, the dull orange street lamps creating enough light for you both to see each other clearly, and Kenny's eyes never left you for a second, apart from when he pulled his top over his head, leaving him full undressed apart from his trousers.
That was when you heard it, the shouting of your team mates and Kenny's. A battle had begun, and you both knew you should go and fight for your respective teams, and help your friends, but the enemies embrace clouded your mind, and all you could think of was Mysterion, hovering above you, completely shirtless and sucking hickeys on your breasts.
"Ken, they're fighting." You whispered, and Kenny hummed to himself, pulling away from your breast and leaving a dark purple bruise where his mouth once was.
"Let them fight, I'm busy making the enemy submit to me." Kenny replied, pulling your skirt from your body in one quick motion, leaving you in nothing but your panties, your face flushed.
Mysterion smirked, moving closer to you, taking his own trousers off as he moved closer to you, and you were motionless as you lay where you had been on the roof of the building below you both.
Kenny was such a tease, he was pressing wet kisses up your inner thigh, biting your soft skin and leaving bruises where he saw fit, but you were growing impatient, you wanted him, and you wanted him now!
"Typical Freedom Pal, all talk and no action." You spoke, a smirk on your face, before feeling Kenny's hands grip the waist band of your panties, he didn't just pull them down, in fact he tore them into two pieces and threw them over his shoulder, a smirk on his face.
"That enough action for you, baby?" He questioned, not letting you speak before he licked a long stripe along your pussy, widening your lips with his hands to circle your clit perfectly with his skilful tongue. And you couldn't believe the pleasure already, how wet you really were, and now long you'd been waiting for this to happen.
"K-Kenny." You let out, feeling him smirk against your cunt, he skilfully inserted two fingers into your tight hole, and god you felt electric, your back arched against the cold roof tiles, a long moan leaving your parted lips.
"Feels good to be fucked by the enemy, huh?" Kenny spoke, curling his fingers as he thrust them in and out of you, hitting your g-spot perfectly.
"F-Fuck... need more." You moaned out, eyes screwed shut, legs spread wide and Kenny's fingers buried inside you, teasing you to no end.
"Need more what, baby girl? Use your words." Mysterion spoke, a smirk still planted on his face, his lips coming to meet yours, both of you getting lost within each other, and as Kenny trailed his lips down to your neck, pressing rough kisses, you spoke.
"I-I need you inside me, Kenny. Please?" You begged, your hands tangled in his messy blonde hair, tugging gently on the ends and earning a grunt from Kenny.
It was your turn to tease, pulling his cock free from his boxers, and pumping his erecting shaft a few times, a smirk on your face as you did.
"Oh baby, I'll be inside you soon, but first..." He trailed off, eyes sultry as he stood above you, and you knew what he was alluding to.
"Suck." He ordered, and who were you to argue in such a vulnerable state? His boxers were off completely now, and you balanced on your knees, taking his cock back into your hands, licking a bead of pre cum off his sensitive tip before taking him fully into your mouth, hallowing your cheeks to create suction, and bobbing your head at a steady pace. You gazed up at Kenny, who had one of his hands tangled in your hair, your eyes were dripping with innocence as your picked up your pace slightly, causing low groans and moans escaping his lips.
Kenny liked the fact that you wore your hair up in a pony tail, and he gripped it tightly, tugging your head backwards, his cock slipping out of your mouth, gazing up at him, saliva running down your chin, your eyes watering.
"Look at that, how would Chaos feel, knowing you're sucking the cock off one of his biggest rivals, hmm? But you don't care, you're desperate for me, aren't you?" Kenny spoke, his tone low and his voice husky, and god you needed him more than ever before.
"Get on all fours, I'm gonna fuck you like a slut." Kenny ordered, and you did as you were told, fully submitting to your enemy.
Kenny hummed to himself, eyeing up your ass that was in the air, begging for him to slap it, so he did, several times, earning nothing but strangled moans from you.
And before you had any time to react he slid his cock into your wet cunt, throwing your head back and moaning as he started a fast pace from the start.
"Fuck, M-Mysterion!" You moaned out, which Kenny seemed to like just as much as hearing his own name, slapping your ass again, before gripping your hips with both hands, slamming himself into you deeper.
"God, you're so fuckin' tight for me." Kenny grunted, his chest resting on your back, as he gripped your hair, pulling your face up to his, and you turned to look at him as best as you could.
"I'm gonna cum deep inside you, and then you're mine. You understand?" He whispered, his pace never faltering once, and god you were in heaven. Kenny was big, but he also knew what to do with his dick, and not a lot of guys did.
"Fuck, Ken, I'm getting close already." You moaned out for him, and he delivered another sharp slap to your ass cheek, making you gasp, more moans spilling from your lips.
"Yeah? Gonna cum round my cock?" Kenny groaned, his pace quickening as he neared his own release.
"Cum for me, slut. Let this whole town know who fucked you this good." He spoke, and you couldn't hold it back any longer, you came round his cock, your cunt pulsating round Kenny's length as he kept up his brutal pace.
"Kenny! Fuck, oh my god! Yes yes yes!" You moaned loudly, as Kenny's thrusts started to become sloppy, his eyes shut as he slammed himself deeply into you.
"Fuck, y/n, you're mine, you're fucking mine, shit!" Kenny moaned out as his cock shot ropes of cum deep inside you, both of your moans filling the night sky, and you could no longer hear any fighting from your teammates, not that either of you cared.
Kenny was still inside you, hunched over your back, both your bodies sweaty in the freezing cold, and he slowly got off you, pulling out his cock and smirking to himself as he watched his cum spill out of your used hole.
It took you a while to get your clothes back on, blushing when you realised you had no panties, because Kenny had torn them to shreds.
You turned to look at him, and he was dressed in his costume once more, holding out his arms to embrace you, and you gladly accepted, hugging him back, your head pressed to his chest.
"I've really liked you for a long time, but we're gonna have to keep this quiet, if that's okay with you?" Kenny asked, pressing a gentle kiss to your head, a complete attitude change to what you were used to.
"I'd love that, Ken. I've always liked you." You replied, both of you blushing, before Kenny spoke once more.
"Come on, I'll take you home. Maybe we can go for round 2 at your place?" He flirted, and you shoved his shoulder playfully.
"You should be so lucky, question mark boy." You replied as Kenny lifted you on to his back, a smirk on his face.
"Weren't calling me that five minutes ago."
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cartmankisser · 1 year
PLEASE I BEG OF YOU (when you get the chance)
Cough also maybe it nsfw but it’s whatever you feel like cough
kenny is one of those characters that i feel like i can never get a good grasp of.. so this js a little bit um bad
fem reader but it's only specified like once?
also no nsfw sorry 😅
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you have always been a huge fan of mysterion. there were so many assholes in south park that a superhero to protect you and the other civilians really seemed like a fantasy of yours turned into reality. and upon hearing your ramblings about the mysterious hero, kenny had been a bit amused and quite intrigued by your admiration for him, albeit you didn't know who was under the costume. he decided that tonight he would talk to you as mysterion,, just as a bit of fan service.
he found you walking home one night after a trip to get snacks and followed you to an empty street. he stood infront of you, leaning against the brick wall of the dingy alley way and looking you up and down with a smirk.
"don't you think it's a bit dangerous for a pretty girl like you to be out alone this late?"
there were so many things you wanted to say, but they just wouldn't come out. you're biggest hero is infront of you???? just like that???? and he thinks you're pretty????? you were certain you turned bright red and you could feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at the compliment.
"oh come on.. don't be shy now." he took a step closer, now only about a foot away from you, and he grabbed your hands. "why act so suprised? yknow, this isn't the first time we've met.."
it took you several seconds to process what he just said. you stared hard into his familiar eyes, trying so hard to piece together the puzzle of who he really was under the mask, but before you had enough time to really think about it, he pulled you to his side and threw his arm around your shoulders.
"why don't i walk you home, just to be safe."
you two walked in silence,, mostly because you couldn't bring yourself to look up at him. if you made eye contact with him again you'd probably end up squealing like a fangirl at a concert. you were so distracted by your thought you ended up tripping over your own feet and end up stumbling forward.
"oh be careful darling.." he chuckled as he caught you, wrapping his arms tight around your waist. you were already flustered, but he just kept making it worse with all his flirting.. but for some reason, you just didn't want him to stop!
south park wasn't a very big town, so it was only a matter of minutes until you two were standing in your driveway. the whole walk you were too nervous to say anything, just wanting to curl up and hide, but now that he was about to leave, you couldn't stand to be alone. you wanted to pull him into a bear hug and drag him into your bed like a deranged fan,, but instead you just looked up at him. "thank you for walking me home.." you whispered.
"oh don't sound so sad." he teased, "i'll see you tomorrow at school." he winked before he seemingly disappeared, leaving you speechless and alone with your spiraling thoughts of confusion. you just couldn't put a finger on the familiarity of his voice.. you decided to sleep on it. i mean, he did say you would see him tomorrow,,,, maybe you could figure his true identity then? you knew you'd be up all night thinking about it...
tag list: @s0yel @otoriwonder @k3nnys @twinkiethievery @kiahapologist @grapesloverjuice @zippyskitty @kxjbr @multifanlol @buckysmetalarm08
comment if you want to be added :)
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paisleywraith · 1 year
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"Would you believe I just do Mysterion's laundry?"
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
when you find out that the sudden thumping by your fire exit is a masked vigilante in serious pain, you have no other choice than to help him.
mysterion!kenny mccormick x gn!reader cw: severe injuries wc: 2001
AN: I NEED TO PROOFREAD THIS HELP an part two: have not proofread this, but this fic now has a part two!
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Tonight was a quiet night. You had nothing going on, to be honest. No friends over, no work to be done, nothing. For once, it left you relieved. For weeks, you’ve been wondering when would you actually have time for yourself. At the same time, the feeling of not being insanely occupied was new. Honestly, it was a little boring.
First, you were trying to relax in your living room, flicking through the movies and shows on the screen. None of them seemed appealing. After that, you decide you’d do a little art, bringing out some yarn as you tried to make something out of it. You were so out of it currently, though, so you didn’t have the energy to commit to a project.
Perhaps all you needed was sleep, though. I mean, it is 10:30 PM already, but this isn’t how you wanted to spend your free Friday night. You wanted to make the most of it. Be productive or entertain yourself.
Maybe it’s for the better, anyways. You got out o the sofa and tucked away your craft materials somewhere. You’ll probably revisit them in another two months.
All of a sudden, you hear several thumps by the fire exit.
Could it have been a criminal trying to sneak in? Honestly, trying to rob a person in a cheap studio complex was kinda low if it was indeed a robber. Could it have been a cat, though? It seems likely. Whatever it was, you decided to check it.
You entered the fire exit through your window. What greeted you was the sight of some dressed-up hero, all bloody and beaten up, lying on the concrete asphalt ground. To be honest, he looked kind of ridiculous—mostly because of the costume.
You wondered if anyone had spotted him yet. No time to think, though you had to help this poor guy. Thank god you lived on the second floor, you quickly shuffled down the footsteps of the fire escape and headed straight to the man.
“Are you okay?” You asked as you knelt beside him. He was breathing, which was good—obviously. Though his costume consisted of greys and blacks, you could see that there was blood seeping into his clothes. Definitely not good.
“Just leave me…” He choked out.
“What? No. You clearly look like you’ve broken a bone or two, and I’d be fucking insane to leave you in a state like this.” You replied, pulling your phone out of your pocket to dial an ambulance.
He was quick to pull the phone out of your hand with what little strength he had. “Don’t call for help… I’ll be caught.” Oh, so probably this guy’s an actual vigilante—not just some guy dressing up.
“You need help, though.”
“You can leave me here. It’s fine.”
“Are you insane? It’s not fine. I’m not leaving you out here to possibly die!” You sighed. “Here. I’ll bring you to my place. It’s just there on the second floor. Do you need help getting up?”
“I…” You could feel the hesitance in the man’s voice. It’s almost as if he didn’t want your help. “I can go there. I just need some help getting up.” He sighed.
A few minutes later, with some struggle, you found him lying on your couch. His wounds weren’t getting any better. They just kept on bleeding through his clothes. It was even more obvious now with the lights turned on.
You emerged out of your bathroom with a first aid kit in hand. The guy had cracked a few ribs and had cuts and bruises all over his body. He looked like hell. While you were grabbing your things, he was stripping down to his underwear and mask as you requested. You would’ve noted how hot he looked if it weren’t for the fact that he was dying right now. 
You started to wrap a bandage around his chest to support the ribs. You made it as tight as you can without trying to hurt the guy as well. Right after, you headed to your freezer, where you pulled out an ice pack and handed it to him.
“Hold it against where it hurts. I’m gonna clean your wounds up, okay?” You looked up at him as you got on your knees and brought out the wet cloth soaked in a bowl of water closer to you. He nodded and held it in place. “It’s gonna sting a little bit, if you didn’t already know.”
As you worked on what you could, you could feel him tense up and even hiss sometimes. In the corner of your eye, you could see his eyes tight shut as his jaw was clenched. You felt really bad for the guy.
After a bit, you set his costume aside as you searched through your wardrobe for cleaner clothes that fit him. You pulled out an old shirt and some basketball shorts you had lying around. “Do you need help putting clothes on?” 
He shook his head. “Alright. I’m gonna turn around—just tell me when you’re done, okay?” You said. Once more, he nodded his head. You turned on your heel, hearing some awkward shuffling and grunts as you waited.
“I’m okay now.” Those were the first actual words he said after entering your apartment. 
“You can stay the night here,” you sighed, turning back as you leaned on the wall looking at him. “God knows you need it.”
“Thank you…” He smiled at you for the first time tonight. It was now around 11 PM at this point, and you were a lot more groggier than you were earlier. Your brain was fried with the distress from earlier.
“You’re staying in my bed, by the way. You’re way too big for the couch. It could be uncomfortable for you.” You said, heading to your kitchen to grab some Diclofenac and water.
“You don’t have to. You’ve been a huge help to me already. I don’t think I could accept your hospitality.” You sat beside him, handing the pill and water to him.
“I insist. I don’t think I could handle seeing you in any more pain.” Your eyes scanned him up and down. He seemed much better compared to earlier, although he had bandages wrapped around him everywhere.
“I don’t want to cause you any discomfort, dear.” He immediately jumped at himself with that little name at the end, as you did as well. You two were clearly not expecting it. It’s not that you minded it, though.
“Come on. It’s just one night… guy.” You said, not knowing what else to call him.
“Mysterion,” you continued. “Your health is a lot more important than wherever the hell I sleep right now. Besides, it’s not like I don’t already fall asleep on the couch on the regular.”
“Fine, fine,” he sighed. “I’m just not sure if I’m able to sleep tonight.”
“Why? Drank coffee before you fell off the rooftop?”
“Funny, but no.” However, when he said that, there was little to no reaction on his face whatsoever. “I just can’t sleep. I don’t feel tired.”
“I’ll accompany you, then.” You smiled, leaning back on the couch. It’s not like you didn’t have anything better to do.
“You don’t have to—”
“I want to, okay? Besides, I got nowhere to go to tomorrow.” You said, giving him a reassuring look. You’d squeeze his shoulder to further your intentions, but you might just end up crushing him to a pulp even further.
“I can’t thank you enough…” He trailed off, not knowing your name.
“YN.” You nodded.
“Thank you, YN.”
“Mhm,” you nodded, heading for your kitchen once more to pour yourself a drink as a reward and a pat on the back for tonight. “So, who were you fighting earlier, Mysterion?” You said mindlessly, trying to make conversation with the guy.
“Uh, the Coon,” he muttered. You hummed in reply, hearing him in the quiet of your apartment perfectly well. “I’m usually the one who beats him, but I guess today’s just an off-day for me. I’m gonna beat his ass when I see him tomorrow.”
“Who’s the Coon anyway?” You asked, plopping yourself beside him again as you swirled your drink around before taking a sip.
“Some guy. I’ve been fighting him for years now. Ever since we were kids, actually.”
“So he’s your arch nemesis?”
“No, ew. No way. I don’t have an ‘arch nemesis’ per se. I have too many people I’m fighting with to actually have a designated enemy.” He said, a prideful smirk on his face as he said that.
“I don’t think that’s something you’re supposed to be proud of.”
“It isn’t, but I find joy in it whenever I’m on the streets nowadays.” He sighed, lying on the couch.
“Really? Fighting your multitude of enemies is what brings you joy?” You raised a brow.
“And seeing cuties like you as well, but whatever.” He quickly mumbled.
“Hmm? You think I’m cute?” You smiled, bringing your face closer to his—even though he was so obviously dodging eye contact with you.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Oh, but yes you did.” You chuckled, gently pinching his cheek as pulled it to have him look at you. “I heard exactly what you said.”
“So what did I say, then?” He mused your playfulness, raising his eyebrows.
“You said, and I quote, ‘And seeing cuties like you as well.’”
“Completely wrong,” he said with a pout, the visible skin because of his mask reddening faintly. “I said, ‘And California brew as well.’ Clearly, you’re just hearing things.”
“Uhuh,” you sarcastically replied, nodding. “And what exactly is a California brew? I’m assuming you meant the state drink of California, by the way.”
He paused, thinking to himself. “...Kombucha?”
“It’s wine, genius.” You rolled your eyes with a grin on your face, letting your hand go from his face.
“Well, it sounds like it could be their state drink!” 
“Mhm, keep trying to save yourself. We all know what you said, Mystie-boo.” You clicked your tongue, shaking your head.
“What’s a Mystie-boo?” He looked at you full of negative judgment, although it was definitely lightheartedly.
“Like, Pookie-pie!” His gaze which was full of judgment just became one of concern. “It’s what you call your friends! Like boo boo bear!”
“I don’t think anyone calls their friends that, YN.”
“That’s because you don’t get it!” You pouted, crossing your arms as you took another sip from your drink.
The whole night you two chatted on your couch. Your teasing was relentless. You didn’t hold back one bit. Mysterion continued with his slip-of-the-tongue flirting, and you always took note of it. You didn’t mind, not one bit. You enjoyed yourself thoroughly with it. 
The early morning approached, and it was around 1 AM. You were surprised that you were still awake, considering how exhausted you were. Mysterion, however, was knocked out on the couch. You dragged his body over to your bed as efficiently as you could—which wasn’t much, but it’s the thought that counts! You draped your blanket over him, and you head out of your room, taking your sleep on the couch like you promised yourself.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You find yourself waking up at 10 AM. Honestly, for how tired out you were, that wasn’t too bad. You noticed you were back in your bed, though. Was the whole thing all a dream? You wouldn’t blame yourself if it was. I mean, maybe you were just desperate for a love life.
You sighed, rising from your bed as you reached over to your nightstand to grab your phone. To your dismay, it wasn’t there. Actually, a scribbled piece of paper was instead lying there. You shook your head, reaching to grab it.
Thanks for last night, cutie pookie pie. Is that right??
- Kenny, aka “Mysterion”
PS: youre the first person im running to if i get hurt badly again :]
You smiled, tucking the letter in your drawer. See you soon, Mysterion. 
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