#mysme pokemon AU
rfaromance · 2 years
Saeyoung and Saeran being pokemon trainers who start late, Jumin being the Steven Stone of a pokemon AU, Zen being into pokemon musicals and contests, Jaehee running a pokemon cafe-
Pokemon AUs live rent free in my head-
You're right and you should say it, anon!!
They have to start late but that's okay, they can travel with Yoosung. He isn't the best trainer, but he makes excellent Pokeblocks, Poffins, and Poke Puffs!
I could see the twins becoming coordinators, since Saeyoung is flashy and eccentric, and Saeran prefers the emphasis on beauty & skill instead of just knocking your opponent out. Plus, when your evil dad is the Champion, it's hard to register for the Pokemon League without risking your safety....
I could see V as an archaeologist in like, Sinnoh. We know he loves digging up secrets and investigating! But he could also be a photographer who works for a professor. Who do you think gets all those crisp photos for the Pokedex?
Rika... Would she rule the region's evil team? Or is she a case like N, who's not actually evil but being manipulated into thinking she's doing the right thing?
All I know is that Unknown, specifically, kins Silver and he's not ready for that discussion.
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Happy Birthday, my love! Pairing: Ray/Lila [Original CMC] Description: Lila's not sure that she'll ever be able to capture her painting the way she needs it to be. However, it seems like there's something just around the corner that wants to show her there's another way. Based on a Pokemon AU. Word Count: 5,233 [AO3]
“Hey… wait… wait for…!” 
The sounds of another Pokemon trainer trailed faintly from the other side of the meadow but Lila did her best to pay it no mind. She was too caught up in her painting to think about what someone else was doing.
It was bound to happen after all, spring came earlier than expected and most trainers wouldn’t want to waste a second if their Pokemon could benefit from soaking in the sun's rays. Her Pokemon did, and they were enjoying themselves as she did her best to focus on the lake and the wild Poliwags that had made the riverbed their home. 
Deerling, Budew, and Lilligant were playing a game of hide-and-seek amongst the flowers just out of sight. She knew they were close by but not too far away. They would never travel far without letting her know where they wanted to go. Now and again, she could hear the trio shout out in surprise, delighted by their little game as they bounced between the flowers and tall grass to amuse themselves until she finished with her painting. 
Lila blew a sigh from her lips as she squinted at the scenery in front of her and listened to the cries of her Pokemon. Deary, Dapple, and Peony sound like they’re having a lot of fun over there. I wish I could play! But, I promised the commissioner I would finish his gaggle of Poliwags today. I feel like I’m missing something and I don’t know what! 
“Smear! Smeargle!” 
Lila glanced to her left and noticed the messy canvas dripping in berries and paint that her Smeargle seemed to be focused on. Her Smeargle was always excited when she told him she needed to paint something in the field because it meant that she would let him out of Pokeball and paint on as many smaller canvases as he liked while she finished her work. His paintings were abstract, zig-zags, slants, and curvy lines that seemed like nothing would stop them except the borders of his canvas. 
“It looks like you’re doing a wonderful job on that painting, Marble. I like how you decided to incorporate the berries we found on our walk earlier. Who knew that oran berries could make such a vibrant blue if you added a dash of water?” She praised with a laugh. “Keep it up, I’m sure it’ll look amazing when you’re done!” 
Marble beamed ear to ear in pride. He wasn’t always confident about his paintings given how quick people were to dismiss something a Pokemon created if it didn’t speak to them. It was one of the reasons why she left home to begin with because as much as she could lie to herself and say it didn’t bother her when her Mother destroyed her drawings, she couldn’t stand the thought that it would happen to her innocent Smeargle. 
There was nothing she wouldn’t do to look out for him. It was easier to take care of her Pokemon than it was to take care of herself. It was easy to put their needs first. They needed her to be brave, and if being brave was enough to protect them, she could do it. If they needed anything to be happy and healthy, she would make it happen as soon as possible. That wasn’t easy when it came to herself. Sure, she left home and that made a lot of things easier on her, but it didn’t change the fact that she knew it wasn’t something she would’ve been able to do on her own. 
Seeing Marble beam made the trouble worth it, though. Seeing all of her Pokemon laugh, play, and have fun made it worth it. Even if she was still learning how to put herself first, her Pokemon were the ones who made her want to try harder. If they could be that happy, she wanted to be that happy, too. Marble flicked his tail against the canvas again, visibly excited to get back to the creative process now that he’d received some praise for doing his best. 
He always knew what he wanted to paint, though. He wasn’t short on ideas by any means. He didn’t have the same problem she did, she was afraid she couldn’t make her paintings inviting enough to match what the viewer wanted to see thanks to her paintbrush, and he didn’t think about what people wanted to see as he dragged his tail over the canvas. 
He didn’t have to be afraid of criticism when she was with him. She just wished she felt the same way. His confidence was only getting better by the day and it felt like hers was trailing leagues behind where it needed to be for someone as far in her career as she was. She told herself that not a soul would take her dream from her, but the fear of not living up to her dream was staring right in front of her as the canvas seemed to mock her every move. 
The most despicable fear was that out of anyone, she never imagined she might be the one to crush her dream, but it seemed more and more likely as the hole in her chest grew larger. She'd been working on this painting for at least a month, but no matter how many times she went back to the drawing board, it never turned out right. 
How could she depict what was in her heart if she couldn't manage to convey what other people asked her to convey for them? An artist had no choice but to work to live and to create without the means of money and shelter rattling at her heels, she might’ve had more time to think of a way to temper her wandering mind, but between her own pieces and the art she promised those who visited her little house, she felt like she was at a standstill. 
What was missing? 
Why couldn't she find the missing piece to make this painting complete no matter how many times she flipped between the canvas and what lay just beyond it?
The painting was a simple one. The commissioner told her that he had adored the frolicking Poliwags in the local park for years with his wife as they enjoyed their walks together every afternoon. He wanted to give her the sweetest gift imaginable, a centerpiece for their dining room that was dedicated from top to bottom in homage to Water Pokemon. It was the perfect gift, and maybe, just maybe, the pressure of trying to make what she imagined to be perfect was what was holding her back. She’d made a dozen paintings like this one before, however, so it didn’t make sense to her why this painting felt so different! 
Lila had no idea what happened between the minute she sketched her idea down on paper and the second it came to life thanks to her brush. There were four Poliwags in the painting, two of them playing with a beach ball that someone had forgotten to take home after a day out at the park, while the others floated on from one side of the water to the other. It wasn’t that difficult of a scene to capture. Rich blues danced into gentle greens with the wave of her hand, and yet, it didn’t have a piece of life to it. 
It was missing a much-needed breath of fresh air and Lila desperately wanted the canvas to have that missing puzzle piece. 
However, if she was honest with herself, it might have been easier to get the painting done if Lotad wasn't adamantly trying to take a nap on her head. Jubilee wasn't the life of the party. Despite his name, all he ever wanted to do was take a nap. At least he made for a nice hat, she tried to reassure herself with a small laugh but it still wasn't enough to make her feel better. 
“I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong,” she lamented. She fell silent once more as she glared at the painting. The longer she stared, the less it felt real, but it was the only way she could figure out where she’d messed up in the first place. Why didn’t the Poliwag look the same? Why didn’t the river flow no matter how many streaks she added? Why didn’t those thickets of grass invoke the desire to beckon the viewer to see if they’d be lucky enough to find more Pokemon if they came closer? 
Thump… thump…! 
That was when she heard the sound of grass rustling. It wasn’t any of her Pokemon because the little footsteps sounded heavier than her team. She paid it no mind, though, assuming it was the trainer she’d heard not too long ago. She had to focus! She couldn’t get distracted because someone had decided to enjoy the park at the same time as her! If they wanted to run and play, that was fine by her, but she needed to figure out how the best way to fix her painting before the deadline forced her to hand over a painting she wasn’t proud of. 
Thump… Thump... Thump... Thump…! 
Her Buneary was half-asleep on her lap, snoozing the hours away as Lila carefully angled her brush against the canvas to capture the stray droplets of water that splashed with every wiggle of the Poliwags. She scratched at the soft bundle of fur behind her right ear. The last thing she needed was someone to wake her up, because the minute Bonnie was shaken out of a restful sleep, she would make it somebody’s problem. 
Well, as long as that trainer doesn’t make a commotion or decide he wants to train his team here, it’ll be fine. I should’ve given her a name that came with a warning label, like Ms. Wake-me-up-and-face-my-wrath-buneary. 
It didn't seem as though luck would be on her side that day, because out of the tall grass came a silver coat of fur that dove into the water, sending the group of Poliwag away, scattering underwater to escape the Pokemon who disturbed their playtime without any warning! The picture-perfect moment was gone in an instant as the Eevee splashed around excitedly, a loud cry signifying her intent to play with the Poliwags and kick her feet against the river rocks. 
It was adorable, or rather, it would've been adorable if it didn't ruin the reference she'd been using to paint. Out of frustration, she sprang to her feet, Bonnie waking up just in time to bounce against the grass rather than land against it in an unceremonious thud. It wasn't as if she had control over the Poliwags, she knew they wouldn't stay in place for her painting as long as she needed them to, but as long as they went fully undisturbed, the less likely she would have been to lose the reference. That was the logic she used. She didn't think about taking pictures of them, why would she? She was fast with a sketch and even faster with a brush. 
The sound of a camera shutter would get in the way of what she believed to be her authenticity. She wanted to live in the moment, and even if the process made things harder for her, she enjoyed the challenge! All of her work depended on being able to focus, and this Eevee had unknowingly spoiled her chance to get things right! 
She wanted to be angry, but she wasn't the type to be angry at innocent Pokemon who didn't know any better, so, all she could do was fall to her knees and lament—"No, no, no! I needed them to stay like that for just a little bit longer!" 
The dancing Eevee seemed none the wiser to her distress at first, deciding to instead dance across the lily pads as best she could without a trainer to hold her back, but the sound of hours of exhausted devastation catching up to her caught its attention at the last second. The Eeevee stared at her for a long moment before she began to dart in Lila's direction. She had a perplexed look on her face that gave way to what appeared to be surprise as Lila's team appeared in front of her defensively. 
Her team wasn't built for fighting by any means but their reflexes were much sharper than Lila realized because never before had she seen her friends move that fast! 
Eevee bristled, seemingly unaware of the danger she put herself in by running towards a trainer she was unfamiliar with, barking something with a cute little voice that would've made anybody forgive her for not realizing she did something wrong. Bonnie and Marble chirped back at the Eevee, and given the sound of their voices, they seemed to be the most upset on her behalf. Lila didn't want her Pokemon to get into a fight by any means, but the sounds of her sadness made them want to look out for her. If she wasn't overwhelmed, she might have broken out into tears because it proved that her Pokemon were willing to look out for her just as much as she was for them. 
It just wasn't great that they were growing at an innocent Pokemon who didn't deserve it. She wasn't sure if this Eevee belonged to anybody, but a right of ownership didn't matter when she couldn't see anyone. Wild or not, the last thing anybody needed was a fight and a trip to the Pokemon Center. 
"Guys, it was an accident. I'm not angry. I'm a little bit upset but I'm not angry! Stand down. Eevee didn't realize what I was doing, I think she just wanted to make friends with the Poliwag—" 
A voice cut her off before she could finish her thought, and when she turned her head, she saw a man not much older than herself, with red hair and flushed cheeks to rival it as if he'd been running around for a while. "Lily! Lily! Lily, what did you get yourself into now? Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't know what trouble she got up to but I'm sure I can make things right! I beg you, anything but a battle! We're not even licensed for Pokemon battles!" 
She was relieved to hear those words. The last thing she wanted was to be thrust into a battle her team would never be capable of. Lily’s expression transformed from confusion into excitement as she hopped past them to stand at her trainer’s side. She nuzzled her head against his leg and cooed affectionately. How could Lila be mad at something so cute? She clearly had no awareness of her surroundings, only knowing that she wanted to play around with as many Pokemon as she could. 
Out of breath but still determined to speak, he bowed his head. “I don’t know what she did, but I apologize. I sincerely apologize. Lily has a hard time paying attention to anything I say when we come to the park. She’s determined to explore everything she can get her paws on… even if that means she eats somebody’s picnic snacks or she wakes up a sleeping trio of Hoothoot before dark.” 
Most people would scold him for not paying attention to his Pokemon, or perhaps tell him he didn't need to let her out of her Pokeball until he had a handle on her excitement. But, she didn’t have the heart. The big, wild world had a lot to offer to someone small who didn’t know what’d be waiting for them around the corner. That kind of curiosity brought a smile to her face. To be able to throw caution to the window without the fear of what might go wrong? She missed that feeling, it wasn’t one she’d felt since she was a little girl who wanted to play with Torchics. 
“I—It’s okay,” she tried to reassure him. She didn’t want this guy to feel bad about it since she hadn’t lost her painting or anything. She just lost a scene to watch as she painted. She would’ve been more upset if his Eevee tried to paint her canvas. Her voice betrayed her, though, as she tried her best to reassure the man, only for her voice to crack, “She didn’t cause a lick of trouble for me, she just got excited—” 
Lily chirped and sprang into her trainer’s arms without warning. He let out a squeak as her damp fur coated his shirt, but sighed in defeat just as she nuzzled her face against his cheek. It probably wasn't the first time he had to deal with that, and it wouldn't be the last time he was treated that way. 
“You don’t have to cover for her if she did something bad,” he said. His golden eyes sparkled with sincerity as she studied his face. “I appreciate it if you’re worried about her being scolded for disobeying me but if I’m being honest with you, I spoil her even when she makes a mistake. I’d rather know what she did so I can… um, you know, tell her to work on not running up to strangers who’re busy doing something and don’t have time to play with her.” 
Lila waved her hand, “No, really, it’s okay, she just got too excited and rushed into the river bed. It’s not like I got wet or anything. I’m not so sure she even realized I was working near the water. She seemed to be on a mission to get wet and nothing would stop her from enjoying the cool water.” 
“Oh, I see. So, did she start to run toward you once she realized you were working by the water? I can see why your team might try to protect your work since she’s soaking wet. If she got your canvas wet, it would ruin all the hard work you’re putting into your piece. Still, I’m sorry she got the team worked up thinking she might not have the best intentions. She’s… just a silly girl who doesn’t think before she leaps, as you can see.” 
It was enough to make Lila laugh! But as to be expected, like trainer, like Pokemon, he offered his soaking wet hand to shake hers, but just as soon as she began to lift her hand to meet him halfway, she felt Jubilee begin to stir and he let out a little yip that told her what was about to happen before it happened. She opened her mouth to stop him but by the time she began to say, “Wait, Jubilee, don’t!” 
Jubilee didn’t hesitate. He took one look at the Eevee’s trainer and sent a Water Gun hurling in his direction without warning. It splashed against his face and soaked through the top half of his shirt, leaving his sweater damp around the collar as he sputtered, incredulous that a tiny Lotad of all things had such firepower behind it! She was just as surprised as him, as this was the first time her most recent Pokemon had done something other than ask for treats! 
Jubilee wasn’t ashamed of himself. The Lotad confidently took his place at Lila’s side after his attack, happy he was able to do something to stop a “dangerous” threat from reaching his trainer. She never expected him to do something like that, but today was a rather strange day and she just couldn’t expect the expected anymore! 
Lila shot him a disappointed look before she turned to her bag, tearing through different layers of her things before she landed on a small towel she always carried around just in case one of her Pokemon made a little mess she needed to clean up before they went home. She knew it would come in handy one of these days, she just never thought it would help a different person! 
She bowed her head, offering the towel to him with the best apology she could muster, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what got into him! He’s never done anything like that before! I promise we can pay for the dry cleaning bill if you send us the receipt. Please, borrow this towel so you’re able to dry off your hair before you catch a cold!” 
He blinked through the sudden onslaught of extra water and laughed, a sweet sound that made her heart flutter. “It’s okay. The little guy didn’t realize I wasn’t a threat, either… and I guess I didn’t realize it was your Pokemon. He makes an awfully convincing hat.” 
After he managed to dry himself off, he took a seat on the grass next to her as she glanced back at her painting and internally lamented her loss. She didn't know what to do with herself now. She couldn't go back into town empty-handed after she spent all day trying to make things right. She made a promise to make sure this man had an excellent anniversary and it was one she was determined to keep. It would be easy to blame a stranger for getting in the way, but she knew better than that. 
The only problem she had was with herself, not with the scenery or the Eevee that came dancing into the scene. 
What could she do? It wasn't as if she could continue to paint the same scene over and over again from memory. Technically, she could, but it wouldn't feel the same way it would if she did it the way she intended. It wouldn't feel the same. It just wouldn't feel right, she told herself as she decided to pack things up instead. She didn't want to admit defeat. That was far from what she wanted, but what else could she do but accept this was the way the painting had to be? Even if she wasn't satisfied, deadlines came before anything else in life. 
He leaned back to get a glimpse of her canvas but couldn’t seem to see as much as he wanted to from his vantage point, "What were you painting, anyway?" 
"Poliwags. They were frolicking in the river before your Eevee decided she wanted to be friends with them. They're here every day, having fun without worrying about being captured out of the blue since you don't see many trainers in this area, but… today was my very last day to paint the Poliwags right,” she murmured. 
He raised a brow, "Paint them right?"
"Yeah. I know this might sound a little over the top but I've painted at least a dozen different portraits of Poliwag over the past month for this lovely old man who commissioned me to paint his and his wife's favorite Pokemon. Today was my deadline. I've been trying to draw them since I got the request, but it doesn't seem to matter how many times I try, I just can't seem to get them." 
There was a strange look on his face as he prodded, "Wow. I don't know if I believe that. If you've painted them that many times, you must be an expert now. They say if you do anything enough, it should get easier the next time you do it." 
"I wish that was the case, sir," she said. A smile appeared as she gestured towards the canvas, it wasn’t as bright as she wanted it to be. "Take a look for yourself. I'm sure you may not feel the same way after you see it." 
Curious, the stranger pulled himself off the ground and decided to take her up on her offer. He stood next to her and admired the canvas as each detail stood out plain as day. She can see everything she did wrong in full view, and it was one of the reasons why she had a hard time divulging her passion to others. 
She figured he could see everything she did wrong as well as she could. It wasn't unheard of for her to be on the receiving end of criticism without any positivity, after all. Far too many times had people told her what she did wrong without fail, and she accepted that without a second thought because that was all she ever received. She braced herself for the worst of the worst, but instead of criticism, he did the exact opposite. 
"I stand by what I said. You managed to capture how much fun the Poliwags had before Lily interrupted them. If this is what they looked like, it's no wonder she wanted to be their friend. They have big smiles, you can see it in their eyes!" He affirmed. He glanced at her with a pursed lip which made her raise a brow. "But, I do see one thing wrong with the painting if you don't mind my saying so." 
Lila nodded, unsure of what to expect, but ready to see what he had to say and if it would hurt as much as the rest of the criticism she received. 
"You don't look like you're having fun." 
Lila stared at him, incredulous. "Huh?" 
"I guess that sounds weird, right? What I mean to say is, the painting itself is perfect, but the look on your face isn't. If anything, I think… The reason why you think the painting looks bad is because… you don't feel good. If you've been working as hard for over a month, that means you haven't been able to take any time to enjoy yourself. The painting might look happy, but if you're not feeling happy, wouldn't it be fair to say that your personal feelings are clouding you to what's right in front of you?" 
Lila didn't know how to respond. She never thought about it that way. Those words felt heavier than she expected them to, and it brought tears to her eyes. His words felt so profound as if it was something she needed to tell herself but could never find the courage to do so. 
He wasn't entirely off base, there was a part of her that wanted to have fun with her Pokémon, but she kept telling herself over and over again that she couldn't have any fun until she completed the work that had to be done. She had to take care of them, and that meant responsibility had to come first. She didn't have time to think about having fun with them even if she wanted to. That was a part of the deal she made when she left home. 
Did she look that sad? 
Was it so obvious that a stranger could see it and she couldn't even see it herself? Or, rather, that she wouldn’t admit it even though it was as plain as day? 
Was it possible that she was making herself miserable trying to take care of everyone? Was it possible that she was focused only on trying to take care of everything to the point where she didn't think she was allowed to have fun anymore? Was it possible that she decided to kick herself while she was down and never allowed herself a chance to have some fun when it wasn't something she could justify? 
Sure, she managed to get herself the lovely house on the corner thanks to her hard work, but it didn't mean that she could let her guard down. Or, could it? 
She hurriedly rubbed her sleeve against her eyes. It wasn't enough to hide the sniffles that came with it, but it was a devastating blow to realize that she wasn't happy.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you! It’s just that I was taught by my Dad to always be honest with others and I felt like it’d be wrong to not tell you the truth! Your eyes look so sad and that doesn’t seem right.” 
The kind stranger immediately began to apologize for saying something but she shook her head before he could say something else. His apology was sincere but he didn’t need to apologize… He hadn't done anything wrong, not a single thing, and she didn't want him to blame himself for that. It wouldn't be right for someone to take the blame for something she'd been struggling with. 
I needed to hear that, she thought. 
"It's okay. I think… I think I needed to hear that. I've been pushing myself way too hard lately and when the opportunity arises to do something fun, I don't let myself go through with it. I keep telling myself that I'll get around to it later when I have the time, but that chance never comes,” she said. 
“That seems like it could make you miserable in the long run,” he offered his hand to her again. “A princess like you doesn’t deserve to be sad when she’s pursuing her passion. You deserve to have fun, too. Where’s the fun in life if you’re always working yourself to the bone?”  
She took his hand that time, smiling at how warm he felt despite how cold she expected it to feel. “It's hard work trying to make a dream come true, but… if I don't let myself enjoy the little things, what good will my dream be? I'm always happy when I'm able to paint, but if I'm miserable when I'm not painting, there might not be enough time to play with my Pokemon."
She thought of how desperately she wanted to play hide and seek with her friends, and she waved them off instead of making a happy memory with them. She didn't want to treat them that way. They didn't want her to treat herself that way, either. All those times she ignored them in favor of her painting weighed on her like an anchor. 
“My Dad went through something similar, you know? He tried to force his way into making himself happy and it just ended up making him sad. That look on your face reminded me of him, and I know he would want me to tell you to enjoy the little things,” he smiled. It was a bashful smile as he added, “Sorry, I should’ve led with this, but my name is Ray. It’s… It’s nice to meet you, miss.” 
“I’m Lila,” she said. 
“When’s your deadline, Lila?”
She glanced up at the sky to see how far the sun had moved from where it’d been when she checked last. “I’m supposed to meet him in town by sunset. I know there’s still a few hours before then but I’ve been out here since sunrise trying to get it right. I don’t think the Poliwags will be back today but that’s okay… I’ve got what I need and I need to stop doubting myself. I’m sure my client will love this.” 
“Well,” a rosy hue spread across his cheeks as he glanced away. “If you’re not busy with your painting anymore… would you like to have some fun with Lily and me?” 
Lila took a look at her friends who were staring at her expectantly. She could tell that they wanted to have fun, too. How could she turn them down when they looked at her like that? So, she relented and decided it wouldn’t hurt anything to indulge in some fun instead of overworking her painting. 
“...I’d like that.” 
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eonsadrft · 2 years
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Let’s goooooo ~~
NAME: N or Noir
PRONOUNS: he / him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr ims aaaaaand discord, if we interacted you can ask for my discord
NAME OF MUSE(S): hahaha... Let’s start:
FFXIV: fandaniel, my OC WoL, and other OCs in general
Yu-gi-oh: Pharaoh Atem, Yuugi, Seto Kaiba, Slifer, even the damn Kuriboh
BSD: Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Edogawa Ranpo and an OC
DRRR!!: Izaya Orihara
Pokemon: (N)atural Gropius Harmonia
Undertale: Sans, G!Sans (AU)
D. Gray Man: Allen Walker
Kingdom Hearts: Roxas, Sora, Vanitas
MysMe: 707
OFF (Game): The Batter
GenPact: Diluc (discord only), this man, the WANDERER
And probably many more but I didn’t write them on tumblr, yup.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   Holy fuck if I start I don’t shut up. I started RPing with my close friends when I was... 10? 12? When I finally can use a PC? When I started to use Tumblr I was like... 16?? And from that I’ve been going and leaving time to time, trying characters, memeing around, knowing people... I think I improved my writing a lot thanks to this hellsite.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: discord, tumblr, skype (once), msn (god ol’ times), twitter (I don’t like it).
BEST EXPERIENCE: The people I met. I know I lost contact with some, or I’d never talk with them anymore, but the RPs I have done with them have been the best. I loved all my RP partners and I’ll always miss them.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: people who doesnt trim posts or reblogging a lot of ooc stuff? I guess I like to have my blog clean just as my dashboard. When I come here is to read or write cool shit or watching some fanart but nothing more.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: COMEDY. I’m a total meme okay sorry. But if I have to choose, I’m between angst and fluff. Angst is the best to make the character improve (or not) and fluff...... sheesh, I just love writing stupid romantic stuff for my baby muses. For me they all are like a babies to me. Smut I write it rarely, and if I do I prefer in private. 
PLOTS OR MEMES: MEMES- Okay but plotting when there’s an idea goes perfect, so both, yes both.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: depends on the mood of the day, I like to write more or less the same length as my rp partner? I like to share what my muses think most of the time.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I dunno, I remember long ago it was in my nights, lately it has been in my mornings, but my mood swings a lot lately so I can’t choose.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): mostly no... but at the same time yes. They are more exaggerated than me. They did things I would never do. I think my empathy helped me to understand these characters and write my own interpretation. I like masterminds but I’m not that smart... but one thing I would love and you will always see in my muses are the chaotic vibes they give from afar. Always. That’s a part of me I give to them.
tagged by: @erabundus ( thank youuuuuuu ♥ ) tagging: dunno imma just tag ppl I have in my drafts (I don’t forget about our threads I swear and if you did this oh well just ignore the tag sdjkfhsdk) @al-hazen , @praeteritus-memories​ , @abyssmalice​ , @mcwscollective​ , @scarletooyoroi​ , @vixlenxe​ , @dcndrohina​ , @mrcyclopsfan​ , @visionkept​ , @saints-sorrow​ ....... and you if you’re reading this, oh my I have a lot of followers please tag me if you’re doing it and wanna show ♥
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setokunslullaby · 4 months
I found fanart of KagePro x Dark Woods Circus and my brain went "Dark Woods Circus AU" as if I didn't have that AU for almost every other fandom I'm in (Pokemon/PokeSpe, MysMes, Elfen Lied[Never really talked about that one BC not many people were in that fandom], Dragon Ball...)
I need to stop and just make one huge Dark Woods Circus AU for my fandoms. Similar to how I lowkey made up a multifandom verse/universe for my main fandoms.
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apricifate · 1 year
fresh tag drop verse edition.
❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― main: summer's warmth ‚ winter's nights. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― sailor moon: guardians rise ‚ fight for our future. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― hakuouki: sincerity ‚ we wave our flag. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― twewy: take a look at me ‚ i'm breaking free. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― mysme: you're invited ‚ a special event. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― ffxiv: answers ‚ thou must live die and know. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― naruto: fallen blossoms ‚ keep fighting on. * ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― pokemon: dreamers ‚ keep on dreaming. * ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― winx club: join the club ‚ magical winds. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― collar x malice: silent noise ‚ follow the thread of fate. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― yugioh: shuffle ‚ we'll create a miracle. ❝ 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ― au verse: tag verse ‚ something witty.
*friends only
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n0tprussia · 5 years
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You are challenged by Pokémon Trainer 707 !!!
He gives out HBC instead of money if he loses in the battle lol
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edgelord-saeran · 5 years
I love your take on Unknown so if it's not too much, can I ask for an Unknown x MC where Unknown just threatens to get her killed and MC is just, "Yeah. Cool. Can we do it now?" The idea of an MC who has no will to live anymore keeps repeating in my head. Thank you so much ❤💕❤💕😭
When Unknown had brought her here, he hadn't expected her to be so.... defiant. Nothing about her social media presence or even her emails had shown any sign of the woman who was looking at him, totally unimpressed by his threats.
Admittedly, he didn't have to bring her to Magenta, but when she suddenly started denying the existence of the key lock at the Savior's apartment, he panicked. This wasn't going to plan at all.
He'd told her that she was going to be his assistant from now on and she'd snorted.
"Uh huh." She said, rolling her eyes slightly. He glared at her angrily, before locking her in the room and storming off, regrouping before approaching her again.
This happened for several days, and finally he snapped.
"You have no idea what I could do to you. I could have you killed. I could kill you." Unknown hissed at her. She let out a bitter sort of laugh.
"Can we get it over with then?"
"What?" She took the wind out of his sails, just as she did everytime. But this time, her impassiveness had broken.
"Just get it over with! If you're going to kill me, kill me!" She said, her voice rising.
"That's why you went to the apartment." Unknown said quietly. She became quiet.
"Why else would I go to some rando's apartment. Come what may." She said quietly. "
"You're a fucking idiot." Unknown said. "Taking risks in the hopes that one will kill you?"
She shrugged, looking more tired than ever before. "Why not? Got nothin else."
Unknown glared at her, and grabbed her by the chin.
"You're going to live for me." He said firmly, and she raised an eyebrow.
"And why should I?" She asked, tired eyes gaining some life back. Unknown grinned, and he knew he looked crazed, but it didn't matter. His mind was going 800 miles per hour.
"Because I won't let you die."
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shima-draws · 5 years
Beats down my ask blog making urges with a stick
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artistdaura · 7 years
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BEING THE CACTUS POKEMON I felt like Maractus would also be a suitable member of V’s Pokemon in MysMes Pokemon AU V’s Maractus would probably be a very clingy, cute type that would always want lots of hugs. Its previous Trainer had always neglected it and frequently scolded it for being so timid in battle. So whenever it accidentally pricks him or pokes him with their spikes it panics and C R I E S OUT OF WORRY AND GUILT but they trust each other very much <3 And Jihyun/V would always find a way to hug it, whether through gloves or a really fluffy coat <3
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choisgirls · 7 years
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Give Saeran a Pokemon 2k17
Let Saeran play Pokemon Yellow 2k17
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writeformesinpie · 3 years
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Check out my Rules && Current Works In Progress here!
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MysMe ;; Green Meadow || Yoosung x Reader || Fluff - .8k
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Chapter Two ;; Spinning Wheels
Chapter Three ;; Backseat Driver [Smut]
Chapter Four ;; Birthday Boy [Suggestive]
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Art Dealer || Deidara x GN!Reader || Suggestive 
Something Wicked || Chrollo x GN!Reader || Yandere - 1.8k
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Green Meadow || Yoosung x GN!Reader || Fluff - .8k
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Ongoing Series~
A Cookie Club || Akatsuki x F!Reader || Crack College AU Series
Chapter One ;; First Impressions
Chapter Two ;; The Bet 
Chapter Three ;; The Head Start
Chapter Four ;; Meeting Kakuzu
Chapter Five ;; Blue Bubbly 
Face Card || Kakashi x F!Reader || Suggestive - .9k 
Coming Soon…
Untitled Assassin Piece || Kabuto x Reader || 
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Coming Soon…
Over The Top Cop || Hisoka x Reader x Tsukiyama Shuu || Crack
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Ongoing Series~
When the Game is Lost || Kaiba x F!Reader || Caste Heaven AU [Smut]
Chapter One ;; The Hand Dealt 
Chapter Two ;; Stacking The Deck 
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Dancing In The Dark || Jean-Jacques x Yuri P. || Horror - 1.1k 
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rimalovegood · 4 years
Pokemon AU: The Seven Brothers as Pokemon trainers
A few years ago I made a similar set of headcanon’s for the MysMe characters and what kind of team they’d had if they were pokemon trainer and to this day it’s one of my favorite things I’ve written so I decided to do something similar for the Obey Me! characters.
(Since Tumblr hates links I’ll later reblog this with the source I used for the trainer ID’s but the Deviantart user is on each picture anyways)
Elite four member Lucifer wants to fight…
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-The last and most powerful member of the Elite four, if you want to challenge Diavolo you have to very literally go through him and he has a team to be feared.
-Hydreigon and Houndoom are loosely based on Cerberus so I think they fit him very well, also they are known to be very aggressive when defied, just like Lucifer.
-Oricorio was a gift from Diavolo, he was really exicited about the idea of having matching pokemon with Lucifer and Barbatos and he chose the sensu form because it’s elegancy reminded him of Lucifer.
-Speaking of elegancy Persian and Tsareena are elegant royalty-like pokemon that give a prideful aura which fits Lucifer pretty well.
-Salamence it’s a little more difficult to explain. For this headcanon I asked friends that are pokemon fans but know nothing about otomes which pokemon reminded them of the deathly sins and the answer for pride was Salamence… at first I didn’t see it but the earlier stages of Salamence’s only wish it’s flying so on their final stage when it finally can fly there are proud of their wings. Also I can see Lucifer Salamence as reminder of his grief, a pokemon who left the ground and went into the sky for the angel that fell from there.
Elite four member Mammon wants to fight…
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-he thinks being an Elite Four member is too much work but is also very proud of being one of the top trainers of the Devildom... just a little salty about being the first member thought; he knows he cannot beat Lucifer or Barbatos but surely he can beat Simeon, can’t he? (no, he can’t)
-His ace, Crobat is based a lot on how he is defined as a character. Zubat is a pokemon that’s usually looked down on and is often associated with evil teams but how does it evolves to Crobat and becomes it’s most powerful self? Throught friendship…and idk that reminds me a lot of Mammon.
-Sableye and Meowth are based on his sin. Sableye is known for tealing jewel (a very good companion for the avatar of greed) and Meowth is supposed to attract money.
-We all know this guy is a gambler and nobody can beat him at gambling, well, what’s the biggest prize you can get on pokemon casino on the older games? Yes, Porygon.
-Slowbro ended up on his team somewhat by accident, Mammon heard slowpoke tails were considered a delicatessen and not only that they grew back afterwards so he saw having one as a good investment….the problem was that just after he caught his slowpoke a Shellder attacked them and bit Slowpoke’s tail making it evolve into Slowbro.
-Scrafty has a similar aesthetic and it’s quick to get into fights, I figured out it would go well with Mammon.
Gym Leader Leviathan wants to fight…
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-The water type gym leader, he is famous for the complex riddles every challenger must answer before even getting the chance to fight him.
-Has an old rivalry with Mammon and low key believes he should be on the elite four on his place
- As you might have guessed Seviper and Goldeen are inspired on Henry 1.0 and 2.0; he loves all his team but these two are the ones he had had for the longest and his favorites.
-Toxapex is basically Levi in pokemon form, a water/poison pokemon that when threatened hides on their shell and sends poison around, much like how Levi hides from the world on his room and acts all tsundere.
-For Levi raising one of the weakest pokemon into Gyarados was like farming on one of his MMORPGs and as he would do on one of those he completely outdid himself to the point it became his most powerful pokemon and the one every trainer fears whenever they enter his gym.
- Both Skrelp and Tentacruel are poison and water types and fit his character aesthetic pretty well (If you guessed the other reason why I chose Tentacruel you are reading too much Levi fancfiction….And I’m too)
Gym Leader Satan wants to fight…
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-The leader of the Psychic type gym. His gym is themed around an escape room and only the ones who can solve the mystery can challenge the leader.
-Before becoming a gym leader he traveled through a lot of regions learning all he could about pokemon so his team includes species he caught on a bunch of different places.
-the psychic type is often associated with intelligence and knowledge so I think it fits him well.
-There is no much to say about Galarian rapidash, it’s a psychic unicorn. He had to have one.
-Alakazam is known to be more intelligent than humans, a fitting partner for someone who believes knowledge is power
-Grumpig and Darmanitan are inspired on his sin. Grumpig has very powerful psychic power that he unleash upon angered and Darmanitan is a very calm pokemon when he is on zen mode but unleash all his wrath when it goes into blaze mode.
-Satan it’s not only book smart, he is also an adventurer so of course he’d feel attracted to the mysterious Sigilyph  usually found on ancient ruins and inspired on the Nazca lines.
-the last member of the team was a little more difficult to pick. Gallade is basically a white knight which is a weird thing to call a demon but if there is one that can act as one that’s Satan
Gym Leader Asmodeus wants to fight…
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-Fairy type gym leader, he is also part time a contest trainer and he is really good at it.
-of course he only surrounds himself by pokemon as beautiful as himself.
-Asmo’s personality is based on the duality between his sweet and beautiful exterior and his darker side he keeps well hidden. Most of his pokemon show this but particularly Mimikyu, a pokemon that in its desire to be loved takes the appearance of the famous Pikachu.
-Hatterene just like Asmo has power over people’s feelings and on it’s design it reminds me so much of Asmo I had to make it his ace.
-Aromatisse is a pokemon based on perfume, cancan dancers and plague doctors. It likes being the center of attention as much as Asmo, so they’d get along well
-Shiinotic, Mawile and Gliscor represent his most dangerous side, not for nothing his animal is an scorpion. Both Shiinotic and Mawile are pokemon that are beautiful to look at but if you get too close you’d get either poisoned or biten…and well, Gligar is a literal scorpion (Sorry, the plot doesn’t give us much to work wih on this side, Asmo’s content tent to focus on his more “look I’m beautiful” side)
Gym Leader Beelzebub wants to fight…
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-Normal type gym leader
-His team just like him looks bulky but they are a bunch of sweethearts.
-Tauros was inspired on his horns and the way he barrels like a bull when angered
-I know Greedent literally had greed on the name but it represents his gluttony as Greedent is known for hoarding and eating all food available.
-Munchlax had a similar reason behind, they eat a lot but are also very active. Much like Beel.
-Beel caught a little Teddyursa when younger because he thought it was cute and he loved seeing the little bear napping along Belphie. As they trained and grew stronger Teddyursa evolved on his most powerful pokemon, Ursaring.
-Miltank was a gift from Belphie, the younger twin figured Beel would enjoy having a limitless fountain of food with him.
-Cutiefly, I know this one doesn’t like it belongs on the team but it’s a cutie and a fly so I have to give one to Beel.
Gym Leader Belphegor wants to fight…
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-Dark type gym leader (you all know why)
-Komala lives all its life asleep hugging a log like it’s a pillow, if that doesn’t scream Belphie I don’t know what.
-Musharna is a pokemon that’s said to bring good dreams, the same way Belphie got Miltank for Beel, Beel caught Musharna to take care of Belphie.
-Zoroark and Liepard are known for being tricksters and liars, much like Belphie enjoys pranking Lucifer and on the beginning hides his true nature from the MC. Inkay was chosen for a very similar reason he is a cute squid but has the potential to turn into the very dangerous Malamar.
-I’m going to get angsty and spoiler-ry on this one so consider yourself warned. Absol is believed to attract disaster and misery just like Belphie blames himself for what happened to Lilith and avoids peolple because of his guilt to the point he ends up causing real misery when he killed MC.
The undatebles coming soon...
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which pokemon do you see lila and saeran having?
(i see lila with a jigglypuff and a sylveon)
(unknown would have an umbreon. and ray would have a leafeon. not sure what GE saeran would have tho.)
Oh, I love questions like that! Pokemon is my biggest and longest fixation so I’m always happy to talk about that. 
Lila would be someone who uses a team that is a blend of Grass/Fairy types! For sure, she’s got a Sylveon. Now, where would this Sweet Lolita be without the Fairy Pokemon? She would have a Lilligant as I caught a Lilligant once and named it LILAgant. She could assuredly have one Flabébé, and I can’t see her without a Jigglypuff either, Anon. I feel like she would have a Gloom, and quite possibly a Roselia. If she had a full team, it would consist of these. 
Saeran is a bit harder to get a read on. Now, if we’re talking about Unknown, he for sure has an Umbreon, and but his team would really consist of Dark/Ghost types with a possible oddball Porygon-Z there. I feel like he’d had one Psychic-type there. I’ve always seen him with Zorua or Porygon-Z. I feel like Banette is a good option for him as well! 
I also see our boy Suit Saeran with a Banette. Actually, that would be his go-to Pokemon, I’ve no doubt. Nickit is also a good option, hell, even Absol. His team would be purely Dark types. I can’t really see him going any other way.  Even Impidimp, maybe. I’ve considered it. 
Ray, I’ve had plenty of time to consider. He’s someone who uses Grass/Ghost, for sure. Like, I can see him with Roselia, and I can see him with Flabébé. But, at the same time, I can see him with Polteageist, Mimikyu, and Phantump. I can not see him not being without any of these. He’s probably more Ghost than he is Grass, but... yeah, for sure tragic types. 
GE Saeran would have a wider range of Pokemon, meaning a blend of both Suit Saeran’s Dark types, and Ray’s Ghost/Grass types. I feel like GE Saeran is the type to definitely lean completely into Grass as his first choice. If I were to give him a partner for sure,  Cherubi or Leafeon? He’s harder to gauge, for sure, but I feel like that’s right. 
SE Saeran retains Unknown’s team, for sure, but perhaps he leans more to the Ghost types. 
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fothetinyotter · 7 years
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STELLAR EXPLORATION TEAM 707 AND MC!!! A PMD au @rottchoi @rain and I cooked up. Cant believe we made jirachi edgy n sad lololol
okay so the explanation for this au is longwinded bUT IF YOURE INTERESTED
The story follows explorers of time/sky, MC being the hero and 707 being MC’s partner.
v is a vivillon, yoosung a leafeon, Jumin a delcatty, Jaehee is a noctowl, Zen is an alolan ninetales, Vanderwood a weavile! 
7′s backstory is very different in the au to the partner’s backstory ingame! Both choi twins are from the future, and they work for Primal Dialga (Rika). They were going to travel back to the past to ensure Dialga’s kingdom succeeded, except that Grovile and MC interfered with them, and so MC ends up stuck with 707, and MC looses their memories and we know how that goes.
707 decides to stick with MC for now, to observe them and wait for hte perfect opportunity to go back to the future and capture them, while making sure Dialga’s realm stays in place in the past... except that they start falling in love with MC....
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crybabysunflower · 4 years
The kpop idol who reminds me of a Mysme character(Mystic messenger, Day6)
If Yuki Yoshida were alive(Given)
The song which reminds me of a Mysme character(Mystic messenger, Day6)
My conflicting feelings for Naho Takamiya (Orange)
The anime character who reminds me of a kpop idol (Orange, SHINee)
Given characters as N.flying members (Given, N.flying)
The song which reminds me of Mafuyu's and Yuki's relationship (Given, Nell)
The song which reminds me of Ritsuka's feelings for Mafuyu (Given, Day6)
Why I am physically unable to hate any of the Mysme characters(Mystic Messenger)
How I relate to all the members of The Seasons(Given)
Why I relate to Tomoko Kuroki from Watamote (Watamote)
A discussion on the myth of Totoro(My neighbour Totoro)
Being a millenial artist (Kiki's delivery service)
Why I relate to Yuuri Katsuki- Journal entry (Yuri on ice)
Anime nostalgia (Several animes)
Why I ship Naho with Kakeru (Orange)
Why I relate to Shouya Ishida and Yuzuru Nishimiya (A Silent Voice)
The Farmer and The Lily (Yuri on ice)
Thoughts on Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice)
A brief commentary on Miyoko Sahara (A Silent Voice)
Shy girls in anime (several animes)
The anime movie I failed to judge (Ride your Wave)
Watamote review (Watamote)
Difference between Tomoko and me(Watamote)
Kimi no na wa reviews (Kimi no na wa)
The song which reminds me of Princess Jellyfish (Princess Jellyfish, One Ok Rock)
Similarities between Tsukimi and Kuranosuke (Princess Jellyfish)
Day6 as mysme characters (Day6, Mystic messenger)
The song which reminds me of the Akigetsu relationship (Day6, Given)
The nuances of the "bad aspects" (several animes)
Cancel culture and anime (several animes)
The song which reminds me of Shizuku's struggles as a writer (Stray Kids, Whisper of the heart)
Why I recommend watching this 'strange' anime (Saint Young Men)
Anime and burnout
Characters from different universe who would be best friends if they meet (Mystic Messenger, Tokyo Revengers)
Hanmade figurines and crafts
Makkachin charm (Yuri on ice)
Totoro charm (My neighbour Totoro)
Jiji the cat (Kiki's delivery service)
No face (Spirited away)
Pichu charm (Pokemon)
Mafuyu Satou figurine (Given)
Art posts
Dowoon as fictional character- art post (Day6, Mystic Messenger)
Yoosung fanart
Mystic messenger kpop au series
Kim Yoosung as a kpop idol💚
Zen (Ryu Hyun) as a kpop idol🤍
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agshenb · 8 years
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RFA Valentines Week Day 5! 
(feat. baehee because we love her) 
Jaehee’s pokemon team: 
Dewott: When she went to choose her starter she saw Oshawott playing with its scalchop and her immediate reaction was “awwwwww” 
This particular Oshawott was female so she was like “a pokemon that can defend itself in a badass way AND is female? i will take it” 
((side note but my oshawott in black 2 was female)) 
Komala: She can relate. So much. 
It reminds her to sleep because when she pulls all nighters working for Mr. Trust Fund Kid it rolls over and will not leave her alone until she stops working. 
Lucario: Her sparring partner for judo. 
Lucario is … combat challenged, and was chased out of its pack due to its inability to utilize its psychic powers (and being weaker in general) 
It was eventually adopted by the judo club Jaehee goes to, and they eventually got along so well that said club was like “just take lucario, he loves you more than us” 
Feebas: The Pokemon equivalent of Zen merch. (Kind of.) 
Since Zen partners with his Milotic in a lot of his musicals, Jaehee decided to add a Feebas to her team.
It doesn’t seem to want to evolve though, and Jaehee still can’t figure out why. Not that it matters much. She still loves her Feebas. 
Medicham: It helps her Chill™ (and is also sparring partner number two)
When Jaehee opens her cafe, it helps out as a server of sorts by utilizing its psychic powers. 
It takes a while for the customers to get used to floating coffee cups and plates zooming around her cafe. 
Jirachi:  Jaehee’s always been wishing for something better in life
One night she makes a wish at 3 am over a tear stained pile of documents about Mr. Han’s next Ninetales project, and Jirachi hears her wish. 
Seeing how supremely unhappy she is, it decides to stay with her. Eventually she opens a cafe with Jirachi as the mascot, and by this time Jirachi is way too attached. Not like it particularly cares about that fact.
(Jaehee keeps her Pokemon in Friend Balls, because that’s what they are to her - friends and equals.) 
(wow these keep getting longer and longer lmao what even)
| yoosung | unknown | 707 | zen | jaehee |
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