vieapuff · 10 months
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Some more mystic messenger drawings ive made this week which includes megane ray and more +++++ 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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jinjinranran · 2 years
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Fem!GE wanted to look extra pretty for you today... what do you think? ^///^
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Armeria maritima
Pairing: Reader/Lady Pirate [Suit] Saeran Fandom: Mystic Messenger. Description: You couldn't talk your way out of this one even if you wanted to. That was the undeniable truth as your kidnapper laughed in your face, with her golden eyes sparkling like the wealth she was after, and your heart beating dangerously to warn you of what was to come. Word Count: 4943
[Read On AO3]
Diplomacy was the last thing that got someone’s point across in the world you lived in. Even if you were raised in the aristocracy, the real world was nothing compared to the education you received, and the simple notion that you could do something about that was gone in a fraction of a second. That was all it took for someone to shatter that simple dream of yours.
A dream wherein you could do something to help others after your parents systematically dismantled the town just outside the gates of their estate. 
You still didn’t understand how your parents were capable of such… wicked cruelty. They didn’t think twice about pressuring innocent townsfolk to hand over their property, even their valuables, under the guise that no pirates or thieves could take their possessions with them locked away underneath the mansion.
Without jewels or a property deed to steal, no crooks or cons could take ownership from a family who lived there, but under the thumb of your parents… you saw something just as devious, if not worse because a pirate didn’t lie about their desires, but your parents did.
You didn’t hear it from their mouths while you were attending your studies miles away from home. They didn’t send letters normally, but you couldn’t believe they would claim to protect others when they had taken to greed instead.
The parents you knew as you grew up certainly weren’t the best one could have, always leaving you to fend for yourself amongst the staff until you were old enough to be sent away, but never once did you think they would be cruel. 
Neglectful, sure, but never the cruel beasts you’d only heard tales about in stories before. It sounded comical, almost, to imagine your parents in a situation where they were no better than the villains that were robbed again and again by the swindler Robin Hood.
Those villains deserved to be stolen from because they took from people in need and abused their position of power to benefit only themselves. To be in a position where you held all the cards meant that you had to be responsible for everyone who wasn’t as fortunate as you.
For the desperate people who were counting on you to do what was right for them. 
Why in the world would they take from the people who were the ones who gave them that wealth to start with, much less the very people who ensured they would continue to receive that wealth? You couldn’t even begin to wrap your head around their choices, and even if you could see why they did it, you knew you would never be able to agree with them… it went against everything you stood for. It went against what you spent years studying for. 
You wanted to help your community in the ever-changing landscape of the future’s tide, so it would continue to be a hub for wayfarers alike.
A haven for travelers and townsfolk to take refuge from the harshness they might encounter on the open road. You weren’t a fool, you knew better than to believe the world could be the gentle place you dreamed of, but you wanted to get as close as you could to that dream by studying hard to understand commerce and how to help manage a community. It was the same school attended by Jumin Han, after all. 
His family was known for employing people from across the region, and the benefits he offered were more than anyone else could compete with. They were above all else, a company to aspire toward, as long as you had a dream of taking things directly by the book rather than trying to cheat your way into success.
You wanted to take after his example and run the concept even further than he’d taken it, but that dream felt… impossible now. 
How in the world could you make a change when your parents cornered the townsfolk like pigs to the slaughter? 
You heard about what they’d done on your way home from university. It wasn’t hard to pick up the whispers here and there, and given how noisy some people were when they decided to spread gossip, you didn’t have to go out of your way to piece together the full story as you moved on from foot to train to carriage.
Piracy was on the rise again, and those living just on the edge of the water were experiencing a brutal reign of terror police couldn’t contain. Lo and behold, your parents swooped in to help the people most in need last year by offering a contract with them. If they’d pay a small fee to your parents to take care of things, they wouldn’t have to fear the worst. 
Given your Father’s position in the community, as a man who prided himself on his mechanical business that was growing by the year as the world demanded more and more modern advancements that weren’t steeped in flammable material, many thought they could trust him to take care of them in their time of need.
Even if his policies weren’t the best, compared to a crook with a sword on their belt, he seemed to be their better choice. He took advantage of people in their hour of need, and your Mother was no better than he was. She used her beauty and charm to ensnare those who mightn’t’ve given you Father the time of time. She took his idea and pushed it even further than he did, with a honey-bathed lie. 
She spread his offer through the town as she went about her day, letting people know a mere contract could protect them from crime and pillage, and by the time anyone realized the truth, it was too late for them to get out of the contract.
Property, jewelry, heirlooms, anything you could’ve imagined meaning so much to someone that they could make a deal just to keep it safe, your parents could keep all of it to themselves and never think twice about returning it. If those who made the deal didn’t could not pay your parents enough money to match the fee, they would lose it forever.  
How disgusting, you thought. I can’t wait to return home and give them a piece of my mind. How dare they commit such heinous violence against our townsfolk? We are townsfolk, just as much as those who cannot afford to be amongst manors and estates, and to take from those who have nothing to their names… that is not something I can stand for. 
What else would your parents expect from you?
They left you to your own devices as a young child, and those in your company were servants who had little to their names. You never judged them, just as they never judged you. You were a curious child. You wanted to know anything and everything you could about other people, and in doing so, it helped your eyes open to the truth. 
You might’ve been born lucky, but others weren’t lucky. Some people had to fight to get their next meal and crawl on their hands and knees to their next job, and you hated the idea of seeing someone have to work so hard for so little… especially your friends, unlike your parents who were never around, the staff members in charge of you were your friends and you did your best to treat them equally. 
It wasn’t fair that a child had far more wealth than they ever would, and while it wasn’t your fault that you were born with that wealth, you truly didn’t want to become as complacent or complicit as your parents had… It was a decision that became finalized in your eyes when they sent away the older boy who looked after you.
You could still remember his messy brown hair and disgruntled expression on his face. They blamed him for your disruptive disobedience and sent him away. He wasn't the one who helped you come to your conclusion. He was simply one of many in the manor who helped you see right from wrong. 
If they hadn’t done that when you were young, perhaps, you wouldn’t have become as “radicalized” as they called you whenever you returned home on holiday by their demand. You missed your friend, the one who felt like the older brother you always dreamed of, but nothing could ever bring him back after they sent him far, far away. 
At least, that’s what the staff told you when you pleaded with everyone you came across for any clue as to where they might’ve sent him.
You knew if you thought about that memory for too long, you would have become angrier by the minute with resentment, but the more that you remembered, the more you realized it never should've been a surprise to hear that your parents had gone beyond the neglect they’d shown you as a young child and grown into something far worse. 
If they were capable of doing that when you were a child, then they had always been capable of worse. 
What else didn't you know about? 
What else did they hide from you? 
What if they had been doing worse all along and you just weren't smart enough to realize it when it was right in front of you? 
The thought was sobering. But, there was nothing you could do until you could survive the last trek of your journey.
The road to your town wasn't particularly smooth, and it left for a choppy ride in the back of the carriage, but you did your best to focus on the facts at hand.
What could you do when you got there? You couldn't reason with either one of them. You were certain they wouldn't listen to a word you had to say, but what other option did you have? Would you be able to speak with any of the townsfolk before you traveled the rest of the way? 
Would the villagers be willing to speak to me? It's not as if everyone knows my identity, I've been of age for years now but my refusal to participate in a soiree means that many members of high society don't know my face.
They may know my full name but they don't know of me. That puts me between an advantage and a disadvantage. If they believed me to be the same as my parents, they would turn me away.
But, if they did not know me, would I be able to do anything outside of gaining an understanding of their situation? My parents disregarded their pain once before, I don't think a sob story will help now. 
You were at an impasse. There were plenty of people who clamored for your stance in life.
What they desired more than anything was to be on the lap of luxury, to finally have everything they could ever dream of at their beck and call, to tell people what to do without being afraid of the possible beating they would receive otherwise, to know what it felt like to be wealthy.
But, even with all the money in the world, you were still powerless in the face of your parents. You weren't like your classmates, some were born like you, but others were so very different, working their way up due to scholarships and the goodwill of the wealthy who expected the promise of their career something in return. 
Yoosung Kim was like that. Although you weren't acquainted with him, many of your classmates were, given how sociable and kind he was to everyone in his path. His family didn't have much for him but he was on scholarship thanks to the kindness of his brother-in-law.
That was his stroke of luck, but you heard he put in the hard work to prove that their investment was "worth it." 
You wished it didn't have to be "worth it."
Drawing in a breath, all you could do was try to hold your head up high and jot down more notes when the carriage was forced to slow down on the sharp path. Even if you weren't sure what you were going to do, you knew you were going to do something about it. People didn't deserve to be treated that way.
You couldn't fix a systematic problem overnight, no soul could, but you had to start somewhere. 
If only the town could be at peace… then I might be able to… 
Your carriage came to a screeching halt. It happened so quickly, much faster than you could have anticipated, and with nothing to keep you tied down, your body was flung forward against the other wall of the cabin. It hurt.
It didn't knock you unconscious but you knew better than to assume you had come out of the accident unscathed.
It wasn't lost on you that you were a sitting duck in a carriage like this. Why didn't you think about that? If it was true that your parents were going out of their way to set off everyone in the region, wouldn't it be fair to assume that all the villagers would turn against the site of anything that remotely even resembled something of theirs? 
Was it possible somebody attacked the carriage thinking your parents were inside? But if it was somebody targeting your parents, you were certain they wouldn't try to keep you alive.
The final stretch of road on the journey to your town took place on a sharp cliff, with corners no man would dare travel on without taking it at a snail's pace to make it to the other side. If somebody wanted to get rid of them, they would have simply spooked the horses and prayed that the entire carriage would be flung from the cliff side.
That made the most sense to you as you tried to rack your brain for answers, if they were dead, there would be nobody to seize their assets. The people would storm to the estate and get back their property before anyone else could seize it. 
You couldn't see anybody wanting to kidnap the likes of them because there would be nobody to pay a ransom to. The other reason why someone would want to take them would be to get even, to torture them within an inch of their life for as long as their revenge desired while someone reclaimed everything that was taken.
No amount of trying to run worst-case scenarios made the situation less terrifying than it already was.
Even if you pretended to be dead, they would still rob you blind in the process. You couldn't blame someone for being desperate to make ends meet, but this was the only part of you that was selfish. 
The part of you that wanted to live.
It felt as if the world was spinning, and as you reached up to make sure your head wasn't injured, the door was blown wide open with enough force to knock you over once again. You understood at the last second that this was a robbery, but your rattled body lost consciousness just as you heard the sound of a woman's laugh!
"Heheheh… It looks like I finally found you." 
When you awoke, that feeling you felt before you lost consciousness was still there. The dizzying feeling of the envelope world shaking violently at you, rocking back and forth in an unmerciful wave, and as much as you wanted to pick yourself up off the ground and try to shake off the feeling of nausea, you found it impossible to move.
You feared that the accident might have cost you the feeling in your body, but the fact that you could feel aches and pains told you that you had not lost anything just yet. The real reason why you couldn't move was because you were tied down by a rope. It wasn't tied so tightly that you wouldn't be able to breathe, but it was tight enough to leave an impression. 
Whoever attacked your carriage intended to take you from the start. The main question you had to ask yourself was: Was this an attack planned by someone who wanted to get to me or was this attack planned by someone who simply wanted to attack a member of the aristocracy?
Nobody knows my identity, but certainly, the identifying markers of a carriage could be enough for someone to come after me for money. For all they know, I could be a guest of the family. Still, anyone who associates with someone who has wealth and prestige is considered scum amongst criminals. That much I do know. 
"It looks like the [prince/princess] is finally awake." 
You did your best to blink through your exhaustion, but your vision was still underneath the heavy afternoon sun. It was way too bright for you at this point. You couldn't remember a bump or cut to your head, but you felt a pinch in your shoulders.
You didn't think anything had been ripped out of place, but it was easy to see what part of your body had taken the impact of the fall.
You had been attacked in the early morning, which meant you must've been unconscious for a couple of hours. Even if you'd been asleep that long, whoever had taken you couldn't have gotten very far… no matter what route they took. It would take a while for them to get off the cliff, and it would take them longer to get back to solid ground or the port…
Where were you and why wouldn't the world stop spinning? That was the burning question. You weren't dead, which was something to be grateful for, but if you had wound up in the wrong hands, they would make you wish you were dead. You could already hear such a taunt in the back of your head.
You didn't have enough strength to open your mouth and ask any questions just yet. Someone said something and they wanted you to hear it. 
"Here I thought that we would be waiting for hours for you to wake up again. It seems you've saved us the trouble of having to wait until we get back to our hideout to have our discussion, [Ms./Mr./Mx.] [Y/N]." 
Who was that?
Even with a piercing headache trying to lull you back to sleep, you knew you weren't in any position to take a nap. You had to find the source of that voice. You had to figure out who had taken you and what you could do to get yourself out of it.
You had taken plenty of classes about having open discussions with others, but you never expected to find yourself in a situation where you would have to barter for your life. You didn't hold any cards in this situation.
You didn't have any money to your name. It wasn't unreasonable to assume they had taken your luggage. That meant you had no leverage.
They kept you alive for some reason, but if it was a ransom or some other nefarious reason, you weren't sure. 
You had to see who was mocking you, to begin with. 
It was definitely a woman's voice. 
It took a lot of energy for you to lift your head, but when you did, you found yourself face-to-face with someone who you could only assume to be your kidnapper.
A woman with fiery red hair that seemed to glow as she stood in front of the sun to cast a shadow on your face. She had the most piercing pair of golden eyes you'd ever seen and a smirk that could have cut you like a knife.
She wore a dark coat across her shoulders that seemed to contrast against her white peasant top, with a corset that was tied in the back where you couldn't see. Across her waist were two belts, one that connected to a satchel, and another that holstered a long sword. 
She must've been a fighter, you assumed because she wore a pair of thick trousers rather than a skirt. Her boots were more likely than not built to keep her fast on her feet as well. They seemed sturdy, and that was likely important given how you could no longer feel the security of the Earth beneath your feet. If the Earth could rumble like this, you would have to be firm. 
She took the offering of a hat from someone you couldn't see, and as she pulled it over her head, you realized the familiar shape could only be that of a pirate. Only those who had to worry about the weather would dawn a hat such as that.
They were crafted to make sure water didn't soak the wearer's face, rather, it would cascade down their shoulders and remain out of the way. 
That was when you understood the rumbling of the Earth wasn't an earthquake, and it wasn't the vertigo you were experiencing from your head injury.
The people who had kidnapped you were pirates and they probably had something nefarious in mind.
You would give them the benefit of the doubt for now, even if that wasn't something they offered you because you wanted to understand why they would go to so much trouble to capture you in the first place. If you didn't know any better, it sounded like they were looking for you in particular.
How did they find out about you? What gave them the idea to kidnap you in the first place? Your brain was running a mile a minute, but even though you had a hundred and one questions to ask, the only thing you could bring yourself to say was: "What…?"
"Those parents of yours went to an awful lot of trouble to hide you. I didn't think we would ever be able to get our hands on you, but your mistake is our gain," she jeered. It was difficult to distinguish her facial features as the sun illuminated her body. "I can't stand people like you. People who get everything they want handed to them. I bet you've never known a day of hardship in your life, and no amount of yapping on your end could make me believe otherwise."
How cruel. 
You had yet to encounter someone as vicious as this in your life so far, and the way she stared at you made you feel… uneasy. You certainly did not disagree with what she was saying about the lifestyle of some wealthy people, but she didn't know anything about you.
On the other end, you didn't know anything about her, either. It would be simple to judge her just as much as she judged you.
What drove someone to become a pirate in the first place?
Was it an exciting lust for adventure to parts unknown? A desire to get even with the world who burned you? Or… was it because there was no other option but to go along with it? Was it similar to what happened to your friend? He never had a choice in becoming a servant… was it possible some pirates didn't have a choice? 
You wanted to ask this pirate about it, you wanted to learn more about how she came to be the way she was, but she didn't seem very interested in humoring your questions. 
You shook your head, "I don't understand. How did you know about me?" 
"We have our ways," she said, flatly. 
"Then, why did you kidnap me? I can wager a couple of guesses as to why a crew of pirates would want to kidnap me, but why waste time guessing when I could simply ask you instead?" 
"Smart. I don't hate smart people, but I can tell I won't like that smart mouth of yours," she chuckled. 
God. You were out of your element in this situation. On a university campus where you could be yourself, you could communicate with all sorts of people without thinking twice about the discussions you wanted to have.
People understood that you wanted to talk for hours on end, to be one of the first people to solve the puzzle presented to you, and there was no threat of a sword in sight. You just… didn't know how to talk to someone who didn't want to talk to you. This pirate seemed keen to talk over you. 
She began to explain, "I'll lay it out for you, then. Your parents have destabilized this entire region thanks to the vicious benefactor behind them. Nobody knows who that person is, but the only thought on their mind seems to be conquering everyone and everything. No one can get in and no one can get out of this area because of it. Nobody is coming to save anyone. If they have their way, we're all going to die here, one way or another… that much is true. Either we'll fall in line… or we'll die because we are opposed to them."
"Not only that, they've gone out of their way to get their grubby little hands on everything in sight. Take it from me, when a criminal decides to insult you, that means you're worse than scum. They don't even try to discriminate against anyone in particular they've recently started to come after their own. Y'know, I wouldn't even be against these people tearing themselves apart, but the only reason it's come to that is because they've seemingly run out of easy targets. Men, women, adults, children, criminals, the wealthy, and the poor." 
She leaned over which allowed you to get a view of the bitterness in her eyes. "So, tell me, how come your carriage is the first one to come close to this town without so much as a scratch on it?" 
You shook your head. "That doesn't make any sense! I've heard plenty of people talk about what's been going on on my way home. If it is like you say, how would I be able to hear anyone talk about what's going on here to begin with? If you can't get out, then there's no way anyone could be talking about what's been going on!" 
That's right, you thought. If people couldn't get in or out, I wouldn't have been able to learn as much as I have today. 
"That's where you're wrong. The only people who get out of here are let out because they were allowed to leave."
"If that's the case, why hasn't anyone tried to contact the military to come in and commit a rescue operation?" 
"Hahahaha," she laughed in your face. It was filled with condescension, too. "That's using that little brain of yours. That's the question we have all been asking ourselves. But what can I say, every man for themselves, if you can protect your own, why turn around and protect anyone else? It's the way of the world." 
"That's a sad way to look at the world," you whispered. 
"And you're a delusional brat who thinks the world is a kind place," she retorted. 
"Quartermaster Saeran! We're fast approaching our destination! I believe we lost the dogs that were hot on our trail as well. Would you like for us to do another sweep of the surrounding area before the ship returns to the hideout, ma'am?" 
"Take the west wind! We don't have any more time to waste now that we have the captive on deck. Need I remind you that the damned Captain is expecting us to arrive before nightfall?!" 
"No, ma'am! Following the west wind, ma'am!"
There was no way for you to get out of this situation. 
These pirates weren't in the mood to negotiate, and the half-hearted explanation you'd received didn't tell you why they decided to take you in the first place. It wasn't as if your own family would pay a handsome ransom to get you back.
Sure, they sent you to school and kept you out of the way, but if they were willing to abandon their humanity for good, they would probably just consider you a lost cause if someone demanded money. You were as good as dead. 
What could you do?
"So, what? You're going to lock me away and hold me for ransom and the hopes that you can get my parents to pay you off or let you the hell out of here? I'm sorry to tell you, they're not going to pay any ransom you demand of them. I understand you want to use me as a bargaining chip and I'm the last thing they'd ever bargain for," you said. 
She laughed. It didn't seem to make her as mad as you expected, but maybe she thought you were bluffing? Nobody had trained you for a situation like this, and no amount of mental scenarios made it easier on you.
You could imagine all kinds of responses on her lips but everything she said seemed to come out of left field. 
Normally, you would've enjoyed the difficult challenge of finally meeting someone who could keep you on your toes, but this wasn't a challenge, it was life or death. 
"You misunderstand, then." 
What did you misunderstand?
Did you need to play into what she expected of you? 
“Do you really think you’ll get away with this?” 
“That’s the thing,” her haughty breath tickled your throat. You couldn’t see her eyes, but you could tell they were filled with delight at the sight of your fruitless struggle. “I already have.” 
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rfaromance · 2 years
Saeran had spent most of his life avoiding his reflection.
His mother had never kept mirrors around for them, aside from a small one she reserved for herself in her bedroom when she tried to primp herself up to go out in public, lest people know she was exhausted, hungover, and had creases and fatigue on her body from harboring two children in her basement.
He only caught glimpses of his reflection in dirty windows and broken bottles of booze, and he could only recall golden eyes that were dull like hay instead of shiny like coins, as well as thick tangles of crimson curls that were wild like a forest fire instead of smooth and shiny like velvet.
He tried to imagine that he looked more like his brother, but Saeyoung seemed to glow in a way that Saeran never could. Saeyoung's skin had a faint honey-tinted hue, kissed by the sun, bringing his freckles into full view. When he held Saeran's hand, Saeran had always noticed how his skin was far more pallid in comparison. Saeyoung had a strength and sturdiness in the way he walked and moved, even though his eyes were as sunken and his hair as messy as Saeran's.
Weak. Useless. Sickly.
Their mother insisted that Saeran never should have existed, that he was a burden and a scourge upon the earth. She hated him; he knew that, no matter how much Saeyoung insisted she was spouting nonsense and lies in her drunken rage.
He came to hate himself, too.
His life at Mint Eye had not been much better in that respect. He spent most of his time in front of the mirror fussing, doing his best to eradicate any traces of the child he loathed. Bleaching all traces of pigment from his hair, combing it until it was flat and applying any amount of spray or gel he could to hopefully kill his curls for good. His eyes no longer were gold but instead had taken on the minty hue of strength, or so he had been told. A sign of dedication, of growth, of change, of being on the path to revenge and then his happily ever after.
But he still saw someone weak, fragile, and pitiful, in the vibrant magenta coat that his "Savior" had thrust upon him, so big that it swallowed his slender frame and accentuated how ghastly pale his skin was. He looked like a child pretending to be a man.
Maybe, in a sense, he was still that child until he'd taken his first breath of freedom and his first step of his own accord, of his own free will.
He was free. He was safe. He was a new person, but he was the sum of every person and every action and every memory he had of the past. Saeran struggled to even let that name roll off his lips, from time to time. It tickled his tongue. It was his name from birth, but it was a new name. The weight it carried intimidated him, from time to time.
His heart was light and his shackles were left in the dust, but liberty had a heaviness that he could not always comprehend. It would catch him by surprise, more often than not.
Tonight was one of those times, as he sat draped in the blankets on his bed--no, their bed--as the weight of anticipation, anxiety, and apprehension tugged on his soul.
His freedom belonged not only to him, but to her as well. His true salvation. An actual angel, like the ones Saeyoung told him about. Someone who had shown him what love and light and life were all about, and someone who had stuck to his side through every trial that faced them. She was the reason he could stare at the sunrise every day and inhale the fresh morning air, without worrying if each day would be his or his brother's last.
But she had never seen him like this. Facing the horrors of the world was one matter, when she felt she had full confidence in Saeran and who she believed him to be. If she saw the feeble person underneath, the ugly, weak, scrawny that had been cursed by his mother and Rika and Saeran himself, constantly trying to turn into someone else, anyone else--
Would she be disenchanted?
He didn't have time to ponder these thoughts anymore as she entered the room, for the mere sight of her took his breath away. Hair down, framing her face. A sheer black nightgown that hugged her curves in the right places and also fluttered freely with her movements in others, turning her into an ethereal shadow, more like a fairy traveling on the wind than a human taking steps.
When she finally planted herself onto the mattress, crawling forward on her knees, Saeran could feel his resolve begin to slip. He did his best to sit upright, but when he felt the cool air tickle his ribcage he couldn't help but shiver. Shyly he grabbed at the sheets and tried to pull them up to hide his face, not wanting her to see just how quickly his face had flushed redder than the roses in their garden. He had been eating and drinking better than he ever had done in his life, but he was undeniably thin. He didn't have muscle tone. He was soft but not squishy, just thin paper-white skin. He still couldn't overexert himself, because his lungs and heart had never been strong, even if he had gotten tougher with age. His bones were his only saving grace, but even then, he could only attribute their tenacity to the ungodly amounts of ice cream he consumed, providing calcium that he'd desperately needed. What would happen when he turned around and she saw the scars on his back, from beatings? What would happen if she saw bruises that had never fully healed? How about the tight grip of chains that had never entirely left his ankles?
Would she find him weak and resent him, like everyone else?
His eyes flitted to the side, not wanting to meet her curious gaze. She was leaning forward slightly, glossy lips slightly agape as she looked over him. She did not make a peep, just turned her beautiful eyes that even glittered in the half-light of the bedroom, onto him.
Out of morbid curiosity, he allowed his gaze to travel back, and he had no doubt that his face was on fire with embarrassment and his riling nerves. Maybe they would at least accentuate his freckles that had begun to appear from spending more days outside.
Her voice was barely above a whisper.
If he could face his demons, then he could face the love of his life. He gazed into her eyes, hoping his trepidation wouldn't disgust her, on top of everything else.
"You are so beautiful," she breathed at last. "You are... so beautiful, Saeran."
His breath hitched in his throat.
The trembling hand that he had drawn into his chest was slowly pried away from him, and he couldn't keep it from shaking as she gingerly cupped it in between her hands, planting a gentle kiss onto the back. "You're stunning," she whispered, letting the words slip out as she unfurled his fingers and began to kiss his calloused fingertips one by one. "Strong. Hardy. Kind. Resilient. Warm." Praises upon praises spilled from her lips, and he was absolutely speechless.
Finally she raised his hand to the side of her face, and he caressed her cheek timidly, still trying to steady his quivering. "I love you, so much."
Saeran's vocal cords still would not cooperate him, as his swirling thoughts and adrenaline-pumped body had rendered him mute. But he could drop the blankets and scoot closer to her, to let her know he felt the same. I love you, his mind screamed. I love you more than the clouds, more than the sky, more than the sea. He used his other hand to pick up one of hers, now, and place it on his chest, where his pounding heart was threatening to burst out of his ribcage. He had no doubt she could feel its powerful beats that spoke on his behalf. This heart beats for you. Her eyes grew wide as she felt the erratic thumping against her palm, but she did not pull away. She just turned a somewhat amused gaze onto him, her lips curled into a serene and knowing smile. I live, I laugh, and I love, because of you.
Suddenly she pulled her hand away, and she pulled his hand away from her cheek and rested it on top of her shoulder. He could feel the thin strap of her nightgown beneath his fingertips, and it wasn't until she guided him to slowly slip it off her shoulder did he realize what she was trying to say.
Perhaps her boldness was what provided the spark in his own body to be able to finally utter, "I love you--"
But she cut him off before he could finish, pressing forward to push her lips against his, swallowing his words and his breaths. She pressed another hand against his shoulder to support her, keep her upright as she melted into the kiss. His lips were probably chapped, and possibly even cold and clammy.
But her touch and her love and her closeness warmed him up immediately, and he stopped trembling enough to wrap one arm around her waist and slide his other hand beneath the hem of her skirt to rest beneath her bottom, and he pulled her closer than she already was.
Sometimes words failed, but actions could convey so much more.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
(inspired by the gorgeous art by @amagicalduckling !)
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
Mystic Messenger Characters + Their Toxic Traits ✨
Feat. Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, Seven, and V
Short headcanons inspired by this post I've made about My Hero Academia characters and their toxic traits x
! fem reader, brief mentions of sex !
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Insanely jealous. He's barely able to restrain himself from barking like a dog when he sees you talking to another man
- and he will come up to you mid-conversation and embarrass you in front of this man because Zen wants him to know who you belong to.
Has some mildly sexist views on women
- Speaks for you even if you're right next to him. Will order for you at restaurants without being asked. If someone asks you a question and Zen thinks he knows the answer he'll answer it for you as if you aren't capable of answering for yourself.
- Tends to believe that you're fragile and vulnerable and that he needs to protect you because you're a woman
- Will help you with chores but he believes it's your job to cook
- Doesn't ever let you take control during sex. He thinks that, as the man, he is supposed to be the one on top and in control. He's a pleasure dom but sex is always done his way because he never lets you take the lead.
Canonically homophobic
Lacks self awareness
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King of putting things off. Ignores problems in the relationship for as long as he possibly can until one day it all comes to the surface and he bursts into tears
Avoids conflict to the point of concern. He'd rather lie to himself that everything is fine between the two of you than address an issue in your relationship because he doesn't want to start a fight.
Struggles to make time for you. A lot of your dates are hanging out together while he studies in his room or at the library.
Shamelessly codependent
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Also terrible at making time for you
Always working. If she's not working under Jumin then she's always working on improving the coffee shop. She doesn't know how to function when she's not working 24/7 and under constant stress
She takes things so personally. She'll never tell you she took something you said personally but you can tell.
Lowkey a grudge holder. If you two get into an argument she'll bring up something you said to hurt her feelings two years ago.
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Wants to take care of you but "taking care of you" can mean doing things that are very controlling sometimes
- extremely resistant at first to the idea of you having a job or going to college since he can provide for both of you
- hates taking "no" for an answer if he thinks he knows better than you. If you're sick with a cold he'll go against your wishes and call a doctor no matter how many times you insist that you're fine.
- Never learned how to let someone else be in charge of something so he also never lets you take control during sex.
Resistant to change
Makes important decisions without you based on what he thinks you would want
Can come across as very apathetic at times. He thinks he's offering an objective point of view that will help soothe your emotions but instead it can feel like he doesn't care about them because you're being unreasonable.
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Has gotten into the habit of lying about the dumbest shit, so it can be difficult to tell whether he's being serious or messing with you
Doesn't help with household chores because he doesn't find them mentally stimulating
Gets really bad depressive episodes. He doesn't want Saeran to see him like that so he bottles everything up until he can't anymore and will take all his emotions out on you sometimes.
Has never had to communicate how he feels before meeting you, so he never learned how. A lot of the time you're relying on your intuition because he doesn't talk to you about it. Part of him still believes nobody cares about how he's feeling.
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Incredibly passive. Getting him to voice what he wants is like pulling teeth.
Codependent and in denial about it. Thinks he's just really in love with his wife.
Has a tendency to completely ignore how he's feeling because part of him is desperate to please you.
Tends to think in absolutes. Has a very black and white view on most things
Struggles to believe that he deserves you and that makes him crave validation, but he never wants to voice to you that he needs validation.
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brighteststar707 · 10 months
15 FOR V I'm going to cry if I'm too late for this
Thank you for the request Xela! It's about time I wrote something nice and fluffy for V, it's been far too long. I hope I've done him justice here for you and you enjoy the fic <3
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Finding excuses to be alone with each other
✦ V x fem!MC
✦ Words: 1198
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Jihyun had spent a lot of time in that quiet cabin in the mountains trying to picture what his return to the RFA would look like. He had so many hopes and twice as many fears. Would his friends take him back, or are the things he did in the past unforgivable? Part of his growth in his time away was learning that he had to be okay with both answers, and that he couldn’t force forgiveness out of anyone.
When he was planning his and Saeran’s return, he had only allowed himself to hope for a warm welcome from Jumin and for forgiveness from the person he left waiting. She had filled his dreams nearly every night since he left, there was so much he wanted to tell her about his time away, he had so much to prove to her.
From the rest of the RFA, he only hoped to not be hated.
Imagine his surprise when they all surrounded him in surprise and excitement upon his return. He was the centre of attention, with two years’ worth of pent up curiosity and anticipation coming to a head all at once. There seemed to be no talk of hatred or resentment, even from her.
He hadn’t expected to only get a few minutes alone with her at that RFA party to say all that he had wanted to. She had started at him like he wasn’t quite real and he clasped her hands in his and tried to say things that could never express what he had been through in the past few years. All the growing he had done, the things he had learned, all the reasons he thinks he can actually be good for her now.
Then, everyone else descended upon them again, pressing glasses of champagne into his hand and asking him so many questions. Never mind, there would be more time later for them to talk properly.
He spent the rest of the night surrounded by more people than he had been around in years, accepting drinks and exchanging stories. Always craning his neck to make sure she was close by, pulling her into conversation at times. Everyone’s smiles had brightened somewhat, and the party was a stunning success for more reasons than one. 
The only thing that was bothering him was that he hadn’t gotten another moment to talk to her alone since their initial reunion. Everything he had wanted to say to her still sat on the tip of his tongue, desperate to spill out, only encouraged by the drinks he had been given. He wanted to explain himself, say everything his letters couldn’t possibly express. He wanted to hold her close for every warm memory of her that kept him going when he was away. He wanted to feel her breath on his skin and hear his name from her mouth so he’d know that it was all real.
He caught her eye as they were watching an animated discussion between Jumin and Zen unfold, and he was thrilled to find a glint of mischief there. He might have only returned a few hours ago, but he could read the frustration in her body language all too well. Every time someone new interrupted their conversations, she shifted impatiently from foot to foot. Now, she raised an eyebrow and her eyes darted quickly to the storeroom and back to him. It was all he needed to get the message.
A few seconds later, she slipped away from the conversation (which was quickly growing into an argument, with Yoosung and Saeyoung egging them both on) and disappeared behind the storeroom door. Nobody seemed any the wiser. Jihyun stuck around for a few more minutes before making a quick excuse (that fell on deaf ears) and joining her.
“Hi,” she says once the door is closed again. Here, her voice sounds smaller than it did out in the hall. She keeps looking at his face as if she’s internally adjusting a mental image. He supposes he looks quite different than he did a few years ago. So does she, after all.
The space they occupy is a strange one. They are practically strangers who also happen to know each other better than anyone else. She may not know the way his smile is sort of crooked but she’d recognize his voice anywhere. She has lived in his house for the past two years and he sees her face every time he closes his eyes.
She’s standing with her back resting against the wall. He joins her, leaning against his arm and angling himself towards her. They fall into a soft conversation, their faces angled close to each other so they barely have to raise their voices above a whisper. They had gone over the pleasantries earlier, and now he wants to make steps to fill in the most urgent gaps that had formed during their separation.
Up close, she admires just how well their time apart had treated him. His skin has a healthy glow and his cheeks are fuller. His hair is shorter than it was when she last saw him, but it has the look of a haircut that’s on its way to being grown out. The sides flip over his ears and make him look a little scruffy, fitting for the trip he just returned from. The front is styled in a graceful swoop that falls into his eyes every time he leans towards her.
He's beautiful.
As they talk, the pieces start to fall into place. Despite everything that has changed, things still feel the same way they did two years ago. Something sparks between them, something that could grow into something more substantial, if they allow it to.
As he talks, she reaches out a hand to brush his hair out of his eyes. He freezes, momentarily surprised, but then he chuckles gleefully. The whole scenario feels ridiculous, the two of them sneaking to a back room, slowly putting the pieces of their relationship back together while hiding away like teenagers. It’s not the grand reunion he had pictured, it’s much more mundane than that, but it’s somehow so much better.
He leans back a little to shift his balance, but she playfully tugs at his collar, keeping him from getting too far. He follows, leaning in closer than he has dared to yet, until their foreheads are touching. His hand rests on the wall by her waist so he can support himself against the wall and still keep himself close.
Everything is so new but this closeness feels familiar, as if everything before was simply building up to this moment. Their faces angle to slot together perfectly without a second’s hesitation. He can smell her perfume and feel her breath on his skin and can almost taste her. Almost.
One of them – he isn’t sure who – closes the gap and they kiss.
It's better than forgiveness, it's better than redemption. It's a promise of something new, something better. It is as familiar as a song learned by heart and it's entirely theirs.
The party carries on without them outside, and they are none the wiser.
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hypegirl1 · 5 months
Birthday Code(Sayoung Choi X Fem!reader)
AN:Before y´all say something,this is one of my drafts,and it´s like- old,VERY old,so that´s why it´s super messy,hope you enjoy it anyway lmfao Summary:When your birthday finally arrives,you are excited to celebrate it with your boyfriend Saeyoung and your friends,but maybe he forgot about it... Word count:1272 Genre:Fluff
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"Beep beep,beep beep,beep beep",was the first thing I heard in the morning when I woke up,it could have been better,as today was finally my birthday,I wanted to celebrate it with my loving boyfriend and my friends as I always have done. I got up,got dressed and went to the kitchen to have breakfast,but I was confused when Saeyoung was nowhere to be found.
"Saeyoung?Baby?Did you fell asleep on the couch again?"
Still,I was alone,I searched the whole house but found nothing,it was Sunday,he didn´t worked on Sundays,where was he then?
"This guy...did he left me all alone on my day?..."
I made myself some breakfast,and this was probably the first time since we´ve been together that I had to eat alone...
"Maybe something happened to him?!Omg no no,I´ll text Zen"
And I did,I texted Zen asking if Saeyoung was with him,he told me that he was,that he was helping him with a new role that he got.
"Wait,but wasn´t Zen already working on a role?Did he ended up rejecting it or?...well,whatever,as long as he´s alright.But how come he isn´t here and helping Zen instead,neither him or Saeyoung told me happy birthday,wait..."
That´s when I decided to check my text messages,I had 0 birthday messages,this was the first time something like this happens...
"What- did- did everyone forgot it was today?...impossible"
I called everyone,asked them if they knew what day was today,Zen just told me it was Sunday,Jumin said that today he had to go to a bussines trip(again),Jaehee said she was bussy planning Jumin´s trip,Yoosung said that today he had some LOLOL tournament,Saeran said he couldn´t talk,V didn´t even picked up. Even when I asked Zen to put Saeyoung on the phone,he refused.
"It´s official Y/N,everyone forgot,get over it..."
I couldn´t believe that my best friends and even my boyfriend had forgot my birthday,how? I always remember theirs... I wanted to talk to Jaehee and have a little girl talk to get over this,but she said she was very bussy planning Jumin´s trip,not even on her bussiest days she would refuse a call from me,she always had a spare minute for me even to talk about the most stupid thing.
"Why?Why did everyone forgot?...I- I´ll go to bed again...I don´t want to celebrate nothing..."
I went back to bed and ended up leaving the pillow a little bit wet because of my tears. I scrolled social media for hours,and still didn´t had any message,a story saying happy birthday or a post.When 1pm hit the clock I decided to get out of bed and go eat something,alone,again...
I prepared a quick lunch and when I was finishing,Saeyoung decided to text me.
+Hey babe,can you go to this grocery store and get sugar?We ran out of it
+Ty!! But dress cute
+You´re not leaving in pajamas,are you?
"So first he forgets my birthday and now he´s telling me to go get sugar to the grocery store dressed up?Why are we still dating at this point..."
I put on a little summer dress I had on my closet,I hadn´t used it yet,the day was perfect to use it.
"Why am I even doing this?"
I got ready,I even did my makeup,maybe he remembered that today was my birthday and was waiting for me at the grocery store to apologize?Nah,that was coming from some romantic movie from the 2000´s,this was real life,or maybe he actually wanted to apologize?
"He better be there ready to apologize..."
I left the house,put the direction on my phone and followed the directions,I never went to that grocery store before,there was one a few meters next to our house,why did he wanted me to go to that one?Was sugar cheaper there?The walk took me around 15 minutes,when I arrived I was kinda...lost?
You´ve arrived at your destiny
"Huh?This isn´t a grocery store,this is...a penthouse?!Am I on the right place?"
I looked around to search for a grocery store,but it was nowhere to be found
"Did Saeyoung sent me the wrong direction?I swear to god that if he´s not apologizing I´m leaving...wait what´s this?"
I didn´t realized there was a sign with the name "Jumin Han" on it.
"What?Did I seriously ended up at one of Jumin´s houses? come on..."
I never visited Jumin at his house,I always see him at the office when I go to say hello,or when all of us hang out,but never actually been to his place,it was a rich neighbourhood.
"Ugh,fantastic,now what?he´s not even at home"
That´s when Saeyoung texted me saying "come in",the big doors opened,I was surprised.I entered the house being greeted by a beautiful garden,I followed the path of rocks to the door,it was half opened.
"Jumin?Your door's open,did you left to the airport already?Hello?"
It was dark inside,I could barely see the floor,I pulled out my phone and turned on the lantern.
"So he has millions and can't afford to have some lights on?where's the switch?!"
I followed the big hall til a room with a door closed,I was kinda scared at this point,this was weird...I opened the door and got scared when all of a sudden the whole lights turned on
"Happy birthday Y/N!"
"God what the-!"
I was in a big living room,all my friends were there,even Saeyoung...it was a surprise party
"Baby!happy birthday!"
"I-I'm sorry?!I thought all of you forgot!"
"Oh come on sweetie,how could we forget such a pretty girl's birthday?"
"Zen,that's my girlfriend who you're talking to..."
"Sorry hehe-"
"No babe we didn't forgot,we just wanted to make you a surprise party,don't you like it?"
"No it's not that,I love this,but you could have been with me you know,I spent almost the whole day alone..."
I could feel a little tear roll down my face,Saeyoung came closer to me and wiped it off
"I'm sorry Y/N,you're right,we just wanted to make you remember your special day"
"And I will"
"Well,do we eat the cake or?..."
"Yoosung be patient please-!"
"It's alright,let's eat it,who bought it?"
"Oh it's not from a store,I uhm- I made it by myself..."
"You did it Jaehee?!Omg I'm sure it tastes amazing!Thank you so much"
"I hope you like it"
We all laughed,shared stories and had a lot of fun,when I left with Saeyoung,he stopped me at the front door
"Y/N wait,I just want to apologize for disappearing this morning,and ignoring you,I just wanted you to have a very special day...we spent a lot of time preparing this"
"It's alright,I accept your apologies,how could I say no to your cute face?"
"Oh come on,besides,didn't you saw the little message?"
"What message are you talking about?You texted me saying-"
"No,not that Y/N,the coordenates,didn't you saw the numbers?"
"What?Well,no,I just put the gps in-"
"Silly innocent girl,look,the coordenates here say 143"
"143 is the code for..."
"I love you,exactly..."
"I love you Saeyoung"
"I love you Y/N"
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onlinekitsune · 8 months
Hello! May I request hcs of the RFA + minor trio for a reader who is a not so obvious metalhead? At first glance you wouldn't even notice they're into that music genre, since they usually collect merch, speak and even go to concerts of kpop artists, but after listening to one of their playlists on Spotify all of a sudden they get jumpscared by a heavy metal song. (It'd be funny if before that the most cutesy, cheesy, cheerful or relaxed song was playing ><) Thanks!
Just so you know, you can make the reader fem or gn, it's up to you. ^^
a/n: omg hi, of course!! i actually love this hc as a metal and kpop enjoyer! your brain is huuuge for this. I APOLOGIZE FOR GETTING THIS DONE SO LATE!! thank you for requesting and for your patience!! i hope you enjoy! ;w; ♡
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The Not So Obvious: Metalhead MC
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♫ ₊˚.♡ — JAEHEE KANG
jaehee asked you to put on some music while the two of you cleaned up the cafe, you were a bit hesitant since your music taste was a bit... different, she had heard songs you specifically put on, having your music on shuffle and not being able to curate it made you a tad bit nervous, nonetheless you played your playlist, a handful of kpop and easy going songs played putting you in a false set of comfort, until all of the sudden an heavier song played right after, your face turned bright red and you turned to see jaehee's reaction, she placed a finger on her chin while giving you a look up and down, she flashed a soft smile as she continued to clean, while locking up you asked her about it, "I was surprised, at first. But it ended up being good music to finish up to. So, thank you."
♫ ₊˚.♡ — JUMIN HAN
you decided to play some music while making yourself a snack, you were in your own little world as your playlist echoed through the house, jumin was out seeing business at c&r leaving you to have the house alone, you loved jumin but you did appreciate the time to yourself as well, as you continued making your snack you were surprised to see jumin come home so early, his arms wrapped around you as he pulled you into an embrace, you leaned into his lost in bliss until the brashness of the guitar in the next song broke you out of it, you tried to wiggle out of his grasp clearly embarrassed from the song playing, he tilts his head as you tried to squirm out of his grasp so you could turn off the song, he was clearly surprised from the shift but leans into you, he says he'd never expected this from you but was intrigued. "Seems like you still have sides of you that I haven't seen before. Please, show me all of them."
♫ ₊˚.♡ — JIHYUN KIM (V)
while lounging around with jihyun you decided to put on one your playlists, you didn't realize it was one that you didn't organize until it was too late, an heavier song made its way on the queue list, startling the both of you, jihyun jumped slightly in his seat breaking him from his daze, you apologized and quickly went to switch it, but he stopped you, holding onto your hand as he took in the song longer, he pulled you into him, his chin rested into the crook of your neck as he continued to listen, the more he listened the more the lyrics drew him in, helping him heal parts of him that he didn't know needed healing, you spent the rest of the day showing him your favorites, "There's something about these lyrics... Would you mind showing me more songs from this band?"
♫ ₊˚.♡ — SAERAN CHOI
saeran was used to hearing you listen to your favorite kpop artists on repeat, and even went with you occasionally to pick up the newest albums and such, what he didn't expect was for you to be also in metal, when you played your music while in the shower, he could help but pause in front of the door listening in to the song playing, he asked you about it when you were finished, you were a bit embarrassed but he quickly followed it up with he actually liked it, even though he was shocked, he was also pleasantly surprised, especially since he wasn't a stranger to this type of music, he used to listen to it often, "I didn't know you also liked this type of music. You should have told me... I would have showed you some of my favorites."
while accompanying him on a drive, saeyoung suggested that you be the one to play your playlist this time, going as far as not starting the car until you played something, knowing his determination you ultimately gave in, as the first handful of songs played your guard got brought down, joking with him between songs and red lights, until after a cutesy song ended a heavy song played immediately after, you glanced at saeyoung nervously, you tried to read his face but failed, he quickly glanced at you squinting his eyes before returning his gaze to the road, he then dramatically asks why didn't you tell him sooner that you liked this type of music before rambling about this band in particular, "How could you keep this a secret from me! I have to show you their first album, but it's not available on any streaming devices.. I promise I got it morally!!"
♫ ₊˚.♡ — YOOSUNG KIM
you had spent the better half of the night gaming with yoosung, a daily tradition you guys shared most nights, as you went to grab a quick drink between games, he decided to surprise you when you came back, he cutely posed with your cat headphones as he waited for you to return, however you forgot to pause your music as you left, you were a bit surprised as you came back to see him be so cute but he got a surprise himself as the cute song transitioned into a much dramatic and heavier song, his expression was a dead giveaway, he slipped off the headphones and handed them to you, asking if you actually listened to that, he didn't mean any harm, he was just very surprised by your duality, "Sorry, ah! I didn't mean for it to come off that way... I was just surprised. What are your favorite songs from them? Maybe, I'll like some too!"
♫ ₊˚.♡ — RYU HYUN (ZEN)
while waiting for zen to be done with promotional stuff for his newest role, you decided to pass the time by listening to music, you were lost in your own world, admittedly you were half asleep, zen eventually joined you on the sofa in the lounge room, he gently pulled your earphone out, listening in to your music, you turned to look at him surprised, even more so when the next song to play was an heavier one, he quickly shifted beside you, zen's eyes widened as he smiled at you, he was thrown off guard but in a particular way, he teased you playfully calling you his 'sweet metal babe', though he was caught off guard only knowing your love for kpop songs, he loved seeing your duality, "This is why we're perfect for each other, my love. People have this idea of us in their mind but we're completely different in reality."
vanderwood entered your shared apartment as an heavier song played out from your phone, his eyes slightly furrowed looking at you, not in anger but as if he was studying you, you froze in place taken aback by his surprised arrival and being in a vulnerable state, you continued your stare off before he sighed and walked over to you, he pulled you in his arms, he muttered that he didn't really expect you to be listening to music like that, especially with the appearance you kept up, he joked that maybe you should of been a secret agent, "You really don't have to be embarrassed or ashamed. It's just music, nothing too serious. I do adore that look on your face, however."
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issacballsac · 1 year
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DMC(Devil May Cry Series)
Dante Sparda As Your Best-friend
Gender Neutral Reader
Attempting to be Friends with Vergil Sparda
Gender Neutral Reader
Dante Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Dear Alice Series(Jason Todd)
Masc/Male Reader
Crushing on Starfire
Gender Neutral Reader
Being the Sibling of Charles Xavier
Gender Neutral Reader
SpiderVerse Triology
Being in a Relationship With Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider
Gender Neutral Reader
Being a Member of BLAST!
Masc/Male Reader
Hanging Out With Nana Komatsu
Masc/Male Reader
Quiet Times(Shinichi Okazaki)
Gender Neutral Reader
To Love and Like(Nana Komatsu)
Gender Neutral Reader
Hypnosis Microphone
Being Ichiro’s Brother
Masc/Male Reader
Oficie Series(Doppo Kannonzaka)
Gender Neutral Reader
Sk8 The Infinity
Being Apart of the Sk8 Crew
Gender Neutral Reader
SVTFOE(Star v. The Forces of Evil)
Being Apart of Tom’s Support System
Gender Neutral Reader
The King of Fighters(KOF)
Having Lunch With Leona Heidern
Gender Neutral Reader
Vice Affection HCs
Fem Reader
Iori as your Housewife
Gender Neutral Reader
Iori Living Headcanons
Fem reader
I miss my wife..(Leona Chizuru Shermie)
Gender Neutral Reader
Blue Exorcist
Twisted Wonderland
Mortal Kombat Saga
Being Mileena’s Girlfriend
Fem/Female Reader
Being Fujin’s Son
Masc/Male Reader
The Maze Runner Triology
Monster High
Mall HCs With Clawdeen
Fem Reader
School Bus Graveyard(SBG)
Teaching Logan the Piano
Gender Neutral Reader
Taylor Dating HCs
Gender Neutral Reader
Tyler Dating HCs
Masc/Male Reader
Cooking With Tyler
Masc/Male Reader
Being Aiden’s Sister
Fem Reader
Being Ashlyn’s Brother
Masc/Male Reader
Logan’s Date Night
Gender Neutral Reader
Convenient Catastrophe(Tyler)
Fem Reader
Thrift Shop(Aiden)
Genders Neutral Reader
Logan Dating HCs
Gender Neutral Reader
Taylor, the driver
Gender Neutral Reader
Memorable Moments(Aiden)
Gender Neutral Reader
Ben Dating HCs
Male Reader
2-Player Uno(Tyler)
Gender Neutral Reader
Tekken(mostly gonna be Leo tbh)
Leo Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Leo’s Conflicted Confession
Gender Neutral Reader
Leo Dating HCs
Gender Neutral Reader
Leo’s Affection
Gender Neutral Reader
Gender Neutral Reader
Lars Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Leo Drabble(2)
Gender Neutral Reader
Alisa Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Claudio Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Mobile Legends:Bang Bang(MLBB)
Ensemble Stars(ENSTARS)
Shu Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Lord of Heroes(LOH)
Gender neutral reader
Charles III Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Lucilicca Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Rashad Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Lumie Drabble
Gender Neutral Reader
Mystic Messenger
Wishes to Unknown(Saeran)
Male Reader
Male Reader
Please Model for Me!(Maxxie)
Male reader
Persona 2(Innocent Sin Timeline)
Small Talk(Tatsuya Suou)
Gender Neutral Reader
Percy Jackson Collection
Gossip(Octavian, whatever his surname is)
Gender Neutral Reader
Never one without two(Octavian again idk his surname)
Male reader
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dashielldeveron · 1 year
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dash it all for personal posts, including answered asks.
though not all content on this blog is 18+, the content that i personally create generally is. minors, please do not interact/follow.
ongoing projects:
[bnha] soulmate trope. various bnha characters/fem!reader, choose-yer-own-adventure style.
currently working on [secret character's] route. it is the last route i have planned for the series, but that is subject to change.
viper. tom holland/fem!lawyer!reader, chapter 12. thank you for being so, so patient with me on this one. i feel pressure to be “clever” with this, so it’s harder to write. i have not abandoned it, and it will be finished. there will probably be two or three more chapters.
upcoming projects:
[haikyuu] fae oikawa/reader, in which the crown prince is pissed that's he's magically bound to a human
[jjk] star trek au gojo/reader, next gen flavoured
[bnha] [multi-chaptered] pro-hero!shinsou/reader. reader keeps popping up at crime scenes of a certain villain shinsou is tracking, and no one can figure out why.
[haikyuu] [oneshot] miya atsumu/reader, in which reader is a session musician hired for a song on the msby jackals’ next album
[pokemon] [oneshot] bede/reader. bede is secretly married to the galar champion and befuddled that she would give up so much of her life for him.
[pokemon] [oneshot] grusha/reader. the power goes out after a gym challenge.
[pearl at the soul of the world] [oneshot] fix-it fic. not an x reader.
shaping loose ideas into a plot for:
[bnha] [oneshot] spirited away au. bakugou/reader. we are not quite chihiro.
[haikyuu] kitsune!miya atsumu/reader
[jjk] arranged marriage inumaki/reader
[kamisama kiss] mizuki/reader, in which both of them are left behind by love but move forward with each other.
[mystic messenger] [oneshot] merman!saeran/reader
[mystic messenger] saeran/reader, companion to the love is real series on ao3. exploring sexual dynamics and kink in the light of mint eye trauma.
[genshin impact] tartaglia/reader, in which reader is isekai’d into genshin impact and is thoroughly unhelpful, bc she’s never played genshin impact. for accuracy, i have not and will not play genshin impact. this will be written solely based on cultural osmosis. if you can convince me something is canon, i’ll work to include it
thank you v v v much for being here!! i hope yer day is peaceful xx.
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vieapuff · 11 months
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Rp accounts on twitter keeps feeding me ideas
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jinjinranran · 2 years
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It's time for your yearly dose of bunny Suit Saeran 👯‍♀️
Fem!Suit won the insta poll so here she is ✨️
Previous versions: 2022 || 2021
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osita-iza · 2 years
Day 10: Saeyoung + voyeurism
Tags: consensual voyeurism (talked abt in fic) thru cameras, established relationship, fingering, gn!fem bodied! reader
check out my other kinktober works here!
You huffed as you taped up the last box and finally collapsed on your bed. Looking around the apartment, the few items you had brought to Rika's apartment packed up; it felt weird. Ever since you moved in, your life had become a whirlwind. One of cults, secrets, friends, and the worst fear of all- answering time sensitive emails.
You also met Saeyoung.
A small smile appeared on your face at the sheer thought of him. It had only been a few months since you two had met, yet it felt like your souls had always been connected. a light lit up in your chest as you pictured yourself tomorrow morning.
Saeran had reached a stage where he was open to you moving in. Tomorrow night, you would fall asleep cuddled up to Saeyoung for the first time.
Your phone vibrated next to your head; your boyfriend's face flashing on the screen. He had only taken the picture after you complained of not having any of him; he stuck his tongue out with a peace sign. You answered and curled up in your blankets.
"How are you doing, cutie pie?" he sing-songed.
"Oh, I'm doing absolutely splendid, handsome," you cooed, pitching your voice higher.
"Ewwww, never do that again," he chuckled.
"You started it!"
He sighed into the phone, and you heard his chair squeak as he sat down. "How's packing going? You need any help tomorrow?"
"No, I'm all done," you said, "I just finished actually,"
"That's good," he murmured, "Are you sure about this? I know I can be a lot and-"
"Saeyoung, after everything we've been through, living with you and your brother sounds like the most relaxing thing I'm going to get to do this year," you said.
"You really are perfect, huh?"
"Yeah, we are perfect," you replied. Your eyes drifted over to the camera sitting in the corner of the room. "Are you watching the cameras now?"
"No, I haven't in a while to be honest. Haven't felt the need to." Keyboard clacking rang through the phone. "Why?"
The red light clicked on to the small white camera. "Nothing. I just noticed it, and it reminded me of something," you chuckled.
"What did you think about?"
You rolled your eyes with a smile. "Nothing. It's ridiculous,"
"Hey, I live for ridiculous."
"It's just something I would think about before we got together," you explained.
"Now I absolutely need to know more," he whined.
You let out a laugh before biting your lip. "This was early on , but it got worse when you would talk about checking the cameras all the time," you said, staring at the camera, "I would imagine coming out the shower in just a towel... or playing with myself. Then you would watch me thought the cameras. Sometimes I would imagine you calling and talking to me while you watched. Other times, I would just imagine you at your desk- watching me at your desk as you played with yourself,"
Saeyoung let out a deep breath with a chuckle.
You bit your lip. "Nothing to say?"
"God, MC, you're just-" he sighed, "You just always find a way to surprise me, ya know that?"
"Good surprise,"
"Yeah," he cleared his throat, "I would imagine that kind of stuff too. I never did it! Because I didn't wanna invade your privacy or anything but-"
You smiled at the camera. "You imagined it, though?"
"Yeah, sometimes you would come out the shower, and you would be dressed but your shirt would have wet spots on it,"
You smirked as you sat up, letting your blanket fall off you. You sat on your knees and tilted your head. "What did you think about?"
He was silent for a moment, and you giggled onto the phone as you ran your hand along the hem of your shirt.
"I don't know if you wanna hear it."
You rolled your eyes. "I brought this up, Saeyoung. You're not gonna corrupt me," you quipped, "Unless that's what you want,"
His voice dropped when he spoke into the phone. "Take your shirt off."
"That didn't take long," you sang. You placed the phone on your bed- now on speaker. You grabbed the hem of your shirt and inced it up your torso, hearing his breath hitch.
Saeyoung's groan reverberated through your silent apartment. All you were wearing now was your underwear, and the small curse he let out let you know he liked the view.
Your skin buzzed at the fact you couldn't see him. Only guesses could be made based off of the sounds he let out as hints.
"What are you doing just sitting there? Tease yourself," he said.
"Bossy," you whispered. You reached your hand up to pinch at your nipple, twisting and pulling at it. Pleasure rolled through your lower stomach, and he groaned again.
"You can do better than that," he breathed out.
"It's not like you're here to make me," you countered with a smile. You dragged your hand down to your navel before pulling it back up again. "Maybe I wanna take it slow?"
"You wanna be a brat is what you wanna do,"
You shrugged with another pinch to your nipple. "Same difference." You wrapped your mouth around two fingers, sucking on them for a moment before popping them out.
"There's a huge difference," he sighed. You could now hear the beat of him touching himself, only making you feel hotter. You pushed your fingers inside you, curling them to hit your sweet spot. Saeyoung moaned before calling out, "God, I wish I was there,"
You nodded along, barely hearing him. All you could take in was the squelch of your fingers moving inside you and him playing with himself through the phone. "It feels so good, Sae," you moaned.
"Spread your legs for me," he said. You immediately complied and spread your knees farther apart, resting your weight on a hand behind you. He gasped at the image, your cunt spread out as he watched your fingers push in and out. He could only imagine how shiny your fingers were, or how your wetness spread onto your things. "I wish I upgraded these cameras now,"
You let out a breathy laugh as you sped up your hand. "How close are you?" you asked.
"Really close," he answered, "God, you look so good,"
"I'm gonna cum soon," you gasped out.
"Come on," he said, "I need to see you cum on your fingers,"
You rolled your fingers directly against your g spot, pushing yourself closer to the edge. Your back arched more as your muscles tensed up. "Fuck, Saeyoung," you moaned, "God, I want you to fuck me right now,"
"Tomorrow, as soon as you get here, I'm pushing you onto that bed and fucking you until you're exhausted," he groaned.
An image of you two in his bed- what would then be your bed- popped into your head. Of him pushing into you without any hesitation. You wondered if he would go slow or fast; maybe he would switch it up.
Your eyes screwed shut as you finally came with a gasp. You rolled your hips momentarily as Saeyoung moaned through the phone. Collapsing onto the bed again, you laid next to the phone. Silence filled the room except for both of your gasps.
"That was even better than the fantasy," he chuckled.
You giggled with a nod. "Yeah, I'm glad I got to do that before leaving the apartment,"
"Same," Saeyoung said, "Maybe I'll need to put cameras into the bedroom for stuff like this later,"
"Oh, you're definitely gonna need to do that,"
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
I love fem Saeran so much. That’s my beautiful girlfriend
Let's go look at Seeme's art of fem Saeran.
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rfaromance · 2 years
If Ray like MC in princess dress and treat her like a princess.. then,which kind of dress that other Saeran's persona might like?
Oooh! Yes, Ray loves to dress fem-presenting MCs as princesses. He's enamored with the idea of being a prince who can spoil his love like royalty, to shower her with food and flowers in a pristine, perfectly decorated princess room with elegant clothing. He'd probably go for an ouji lolita or princely clothes for a masc-presenting MC, to keep up this same fantasy in his head.
The "Saeran" that we meet in the middle of his route has come to be known among fans as Suit!Saeran (since he wears a suit). This helps keep him separate from Secret Ending Saeran (SE Saeran, the redhead) and Good Ending Saeran (GE Saeran, who's in a white dress shirt and slacks). Okay, I just wanted to clarify those terms since I use them a lot. (Ray and Unknown have different names so it's easy. But "Saeran" is used a lot.)
Suit Saeran thinks Ray's dreams and hopes are weak. He thinks they're useless, and that such naive fantasies will only get him hurt. He acts like he hates MC and looks down on Ray, but he really aims to protect the body that he and Ray share. Because of MC, Ray was tortured to the point where Saeran needed to take over to protect their psyche. Suit Saeran does his best to act strong, because he can't afford to be weak. He can't afford to be hurt ever again in this cruel world.
So, Suit Saeran won't be dressing MC like a princess or prince. He cares about MC, even though he tries to hide and deny that, so he'll put them in something that fits his ideals: He must be the strongest, but MC needs to look sleek too. If MC is too weak, Savior will get rid of them... but MC can't look stronger than Saeran, because he's the strongest! Dark, elegant clothes are the answer, here. MC wears a black dress in the game when you get a bad ending with Suit Saeran, and Suit Saeran personally designed a black tutu for MC for his birthday CG last year.
Black is classy, simple, but gives an air of sophistication. He can't have a toy that looks like an old rag doll, after all. His feminine MCs will wear black or navy dresses, and his masculine MCs will wear black or navy button-up shirts and slacks. (They don't get a full suit. Only he gets that. Maybe a tie with a red rose if they're lucky... and the dress MCs would totally get a choker or collar with a red rose.)
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brighteststar707 · 9 months
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Request for the blogiversary event for @princessjung!
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Naturally Gravitating Closer Together
✦ GE Saeran x Fem!MC
✦ Words: 784
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It is a fact well-known amongst the members of the RFA that if you are looking for Saeran, you will always find his love close by. It started as a joke, but it has proven true more often than not.  
From the outside, they resemble two magnets, always drawn back to each other when pulled apart. It started out as a genuine fear of losing each other when they were dealing with his father and all the dangers surrounding them. Even when things looked dire, they had each other, and being close was a way to reassure themselves of each other’s safety.
At least they could hold on to each other when everything else was hanging in the balance.
It has since evolved into being about the simple comfort they can provide each other. They might not be in danger anymore (even though that fear is taking some time to unlearn), but they still feel a need to be close to each other. Put them in a room – an RFA meeting, for example – and even if they start on opposite sides of the room, they will subconsciously drift back towards each other and meet again in the middle.
It’s something the RFA like to tease them about, but even they can’t deny the happiness radiating from the two of them. It’s almost contagious. 
From Saeran's perspective, they feel more like two puzzle pieces, incomplete unless they are together. Sure, they can function by themselves, but the absence of the other will always be in the back of their minds, an unpleasant emptiness that can only be filled by the presence of their love. 
So, they are always together – or on their way to each other.
This was true the first time they met, when the RFA found the two of them sitting together, holding hands. They didn’t once leave each other’s side as they introduced themselves officially.  
This was true throughout the hunt for Saeyoung, when there was a table in the surveillance room at C&R that was theirs in all but name (often claimed by their set of matching mugs and stack of papers). For hours they’d sit there and pore over the information they were receiving and discussing different courses of action, shuffling closer every hour until they were touching. At the end of each day, the chairs would always end up together on one side of the table.
This was true even after they rescued Saeyoung, when they were making efforts to leave the past behind them and move forward into a life that they could shape for themselves. Even though their new home had enough rooms for them all to have their own spaces, they were rarely apart.
If Saeran was cooking something, it wouldn’t take long for her to appear by his side, offering to help and sneaking little bites of the dishes he was making. On movie nights, despite the sofa being big enough for them both to stretch out on, they always end up tucked up against each other (and often asleep under their pile of blankets). Even out in the garden, they could be found working together and admiring the fruits of their labour.
It’s subtle, but when they are apart, they still look for each other. Whether it’s reaching for each other out of habit and grasping empty air or subconsciously looking for them in a crowd.
Saeran can read her like a book. He thinks it’s cute when she tries to be subtle and hide her thoughts, but he can tell what she’s thinking from just the look on her face. They have developed a language of their own, love expressed through reassuring touches to remind them that they are not alone.
All it takes is a glance that asks are you alright? And her squeezing his hand to say I’m okay.
There is comfort in being able to understand each other so well. He knows her tells, just as she knows his. The little signs she gives when she's uncomfortable or struggling. He wastes no time getting to her when he notices that she's upset and wraps her in his arms. He may not be able to solve all her problems for her, much as he wishes he could. But she nestles against his chest and in some ways it's enough to have each other to hold on to.
In the good times and in the bad. There is one thing they can trust, and it's that where one goes, the other won't be far behind.
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