#myrtle beach ocean front homes
moodymelanist · 1 year
What Happens at Myrtle Beach
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happy day 5 of @nessianweek everyone! I originally wanted to update my pregnancy fic for today but alas it wasn’t meant to be. Major shoutout to @c-e-d-dreamer for giving me this prompt instead 🩷
You can read part 1 of this fic (in Cassian's POV!) from @cassianappreciationweek here!
Summary: Nesta and the girls go to the beach for her bachelorette party, but Nesta finds herself missing Cassian after listening to his drunk voicemail.
Word Count: 1,925
Warnings: None
Read on AO3 here!
✵✵✵✵✵✵ Nesta
“You have everything?” Nesta asked, leaning against one of their living room walls as Cassian wheeled his suitcase to the door. 
“I think so,” Cassian answered. She watched him do a last minute check that he had his phone, wallet, and keys, along with a light jacket for the flight. “If not, I can just buy it there.”
“Assuming you’ll be sober enough to think straight,” she teased, following him as he walked to the front of their home. 
Instead of doing the “traditional” wild night out that ended with strippers, Rhys, Azriel, and Lucien had managed to convince Cassian to visit Vegas for the weekend instead. Cassian wasn’t a huge gambler, but Nesta knew how much he’d always wanted to go to Vegas, so it hadn’t been too hard for his friends to convince him to spend his bachelor party in Vegas instead.
Nesta followed Cassian outside, his little carry-on suitcase in tow, to see that Rhys’ familiar black Range Rover was sitting in front of their townhouse. The trunk was already open for Cassian to add his suitcase to the mix, and her fiancé waved toward the car before turning back to Nesta so he could give her a proper goodbye.
Cassian leaned in and pulled Nesta into his arms in a fierce hug, burying his face into the side of her neck while she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into his embrace. He was just as warm and solid under her hands as usual, and she knew she’d miss him even though it would only be a few days apart. 
“I’ll miss you,” Cassian murmured. He pulled back from the hug to fix her with a dopey look, but she couldn’t even tease him for it when she know she was giving him a similar one. “So much.”
“I’ll miss you too, Cassian,” Nesta replied, unable to hide her little pleased smile. He always knew exactly what she wanted to hear, and it was reassuring to know she wouldn’t be the only one feeling their separation. “Have a safe flight.”
“Let’s go, lover boy!” Rhys called out from the car. He honked the horn loudly, and Nesta couldn’t help but snort as Cassian whirled around to flip him off. “We’re gonna be late for our flight!”
“Shut the fuck up, I’m saying goodbye to my wife,” Cassian yelled back. God, she loved him; they weren’t even married yet, but that hadn’t stopped him from using the title a little early. “Who I love very much!”
Nesta laughed, pulling Cassian’s attention back to her. “I love you too. Now hurry up, I have to keep packing for my trip.”
Nesta was taking a beach trip for her bachelorette party, her and the rest of the ladies deciding to drive down to Myrtle Beach to spend a few days relaxing by the water. She and her sisters – along with Emerie and Gwyn – had rented out a beach house for the long weekend, and Nesta couldn’t wait to crack open her newest book with the sounds of the ocean in the background.
“Have fun at the beach,” Cassian said. Nesta tilted her face up for a goodbye kiss, and she leaned into his touch as he cupped her face and ran his thumb across her cheek. “Bye, sweetheart.”
“Bye, baby,” Nesta said back. Once he’d put his suitcase in the trunk and got in the car, she turned around and went back inside, though not before blowing him one last kiss. 
Their townhouse felt big and empty without Cassian there, and Nesta kind of hated it. She finished packing quickly, and thankfully it didn’t take much longer for her own travel party to arrive outside.
“Get in, loser!” Feyre yelled from her car once Nesta was outside, obnoxiously honking her horn just like her boyfriend had barely an hour prior. “We’re going to the beach!”
Nesta locked her door, placed her weekend bag in the trunk, and replied at a much more reasonable volume, “You’re the worst.” 
“It’s only downhill from here,” Elain grumbled from the back seat. She didn’t look pleased to be in the middle between Gwyn and Emerie, but she had the shortest legs out of everyone, so she’d clearly drawn the short straw. “She’s been like this all day.”
“I can’t be excited to celebrate my big sister getting married?” Feyre responded a touch too innocently.
“Because that wasn’t suspicious at all,” Emerie muttered, pulling a snicker out of Gwyn. “Way to sell it, Feyre.”
“Whatever you have planned, just don’t be annoying about it,” Nesta said. She put her giant sunglasses on and shifted to make herself more comfortable in the passenger seat. “This is supposed to be a relaxing vacation.”
“Don’t worry, Nesta,” Gwyn attempted to reassure her from the backseat. She was sitting directly behind Nesta and leaned forward to pat Nesta’s shoulder. “We’re gonna have a great time!”
Thankfully once they hit the road, everything went smoothly enough. They made good time to Myrtle Beach, only stopping once so everyone could get some lunch, use the bathroom, and fill up the gas. Because the summer days were still long, after they’d gotten the keys to their beach rental, they even had an hour or two of sunlight left to enjoy the beach.
Elain had brought some beach chairs, so once everyone had changed into beach-appropriate attire, Nesta was more than content to sit down with her feet in the water and her book.
Nesta left her phone in the bedroom to charge while she showered and changed into her pajamas, and by the time she came back to check it, she saw she had a missed call and a voicemail from Cassian. He’d called her nearly an hour ago and she felt bad to have missed him, so she immediately opened her voicemail and hit play.
“Heeeeeeey, sweetheart,” Cassian said, his words slurring together an obvious sign of how drunk he was. “Nes. Nesta. Babe. I don’t wanna be annoying or anything. But. I miss you. So, so much. I know it hasn’t even been a day but I wish you were here. I lost all the money Rhys gave me and I wanted to buy you something good but you’re not even here to make me feel better and I hate it.”
There was a brief pause as he collected himself, and Nesta wondered what he was going to say next.
“Not that that’s your responsibility because I am a grown man.” He made sure to stress those last two words, pulling a soft laugh out of her. Even when he was drunk, he never wanted her to feel like she was his mom, and wasn’t that just sweet? “I just. I’m having fun, but I know I’d have a lot more fun if you were here too.”
He took a deep breath before continuing. “Not that I’m not having fun. I hope you’re having fun. You work so fucking hard and you never do nice things for yourself even though you deserve it. You deserve all the nice things because you are the best fucking person I know.”
God, he was so drunk. She usually laughed at him for how sappy he got when he was this drunk, but they both knew how adorable she thought it was anyway.  
“I just love you so much,” Cassian said. He sniffled a little before he managed to get himself together, and she hoped he wasn’t crying. The guys would never let him live it down if he was. “Okay. Okay. I’m okay. I’ll see you when you get back. I love you, sweetheart. Okay. Bye.”
It was around eleven thirty on the east coast, so hopefully Cassian would still be up even though Vegas was three hours ahead. Nesta called him back and put the phone on speaker as she slowly began braiding her hair for sleep.
“Hello?” Cassian answered after a few rings, his voice rough like he’d just woken up. 
“Hi, baby,” Nesta said. So much for him still being awake. “Did I wake you up?”
“Hey,” Cassian said back, clearly delighted to talk to her even though he was half-asleep. “A little, but it’s okay. It’s more than okay.”
“Okay,” she told him with a little chuckle. She finished her first braid and moved onto the second, gently finger combing her hair before she started loosely braiding it. “Are you still drunk?”
“No,” he replied quickly. Too quickly for it not to be true, and he sighed before amending his answer. “Okay. Well. Maybe a little.”
“Maybe?” she echoed, teasing him just a little. “You sound a little more drunk than maybe, Cassian.”
“This isn’t about me,” Cassian responded. Nesta hoped he could feel her fondly rolling her eyes even from two thousand miles away. “I wanna hear about you. How’s the beach?”
“The beach is good,” Nesta answered. It was the perfect time of year to go, and she was feeling pretty good about where she’d decided to spend her bachelorette weekend. “Water’s warm.”
“You got in it?” he replied, surprised.
“Just my toes,” she told him quickly. She’d never been a huge ocean person, vastly preferring the pool over whatever the hell was lurking in the ocean’s unknown depths. That didn’t stop her from enjoying the water from a distance, though. “Elain brought her good beach chairs.”
He made a happy little sound that made her want to melt. “Proud of you, sweetheart.”
“Thanks,” she murmured. She finished the second braid and pulled back the covers, taking the phone off speaker as she settled under the thin comforter. “I wish you were here to tuck me in.”
“Me too.” She heard some rustling as he shifted around on his own bed. “I miss you and your cold toes.”
“They’re not that cold.”
“They’re freezing, babe.”
“Should’ve thought about that before you signed up to be my personal space heater forever.”
Cassian laughed softly. “Nah. I love you even when you only use me for my warmth.”
“Love you too,” Nesta replied, snuggling further into the pillow she wished was her fiancé. “Stay on the phone with me?”
“Of course,” he immediately agreed. Before they’d moved in together, they’d had a habit of staying on the phone until one or both of them had fallen asleep. They rarely did it anymore now that they lived together and hardly spent more than a night or two away from one another, so tonight would be a sweet callback. “Hold on, I wanna see you.”
Nesta’s phone started vibrating as Cassian hit the button for FaceTime, and she made sure her phone was plugged in and propped up before she accepted. “Hi.”
“Hey, Nes,” Cassian said. He was lying down in what looked like a king sized bed, one hand propped up behind his head. “You look cozy.”
“Whatever,” she said back, rolling her eyes. “Tell me about Vegas.”
As Nesta listened to Cassian talk about his night, she couldn’t help but feel comforted by her fiancé’s virtual presence. Even though he wasn’t there physically, just seeing him and hearing his voice was more than enough to put her at ease these days. He was her safe place, her comfort zone. 
He was the person who’d made her realize that home didn’t have to be a place — it could be a person, too. Some days, she still couldn’t believe she was lucky enough that he’d agreed to be hers.
On nights like this, though, maybe she could believe it a little more.
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard
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legitalicat · 4 months
Appalachian Sihtric takes you to the beach - drabble
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AN: Thank you to Foxy for asking for this scenario!
Collection masterlist here!
Spotify playlist here!
Summary: After a life time of never leaving the mountains, you experience the beach for the first time.
CW: Fluff
Pairings: Sihtric Kjartansson x reader
Word count: 835
You didn’t know what to expect from the beach, truly. You had never been, living in the mountains all your life, and being perfectly content staying there. Mostly.
There had been a small piece of you that always craved to see the ocean. You just felt like you had to know. Some of your friends from college had a fear of the ocean and what lurked below the surface. You, however, could never have been bothered by it.
When Sihtric approached you a few weeks ago, telling you he longed for a break from work, it seemed good a time as any. He had been to the beach before, courtesy of his grandparents when he was younger. You had always been invited, too, yet your parents never agreed to it.
You were ten miles out from Myrtle Beach. The entire trip had been spent listening to Sihtric’s favorite Spotify playlist, stopping for snacks whenever you had the slightest grumble in your stomach, and watching the way he drove. His knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel to keep from road raging, his dimples etching themselves on his face every time he realized you were more excited the closer you got.
“Is that the ocean?!” you asked him excitedly as you drove over a bridge that spanned across an inlet.
“Kind of,” he said, chuckling a bit. “It’s brackish water. Where fresh water meets salt water.”
“Oh,” you said, pouting a bit as you sank into the seat a little.
“Hold on, baby, let me change lanes. Then you can see the ocean in the distance a little,” he said.
You shot up, straightening your back. You tried to avoid pressing your face against the window. When he got into the right lane, though, you couldn’t help it. Nose pressed fully against the glass, you took in the sight of the ocean on the horizon.
You stayed that way until you got past the point in which you could no longer see the water. After a small detour to grab a watermelon and some other fruit at a roadside stand, at Sihtric’s insistence, you made quick work to the hotel.
Walking into the hotel, a building so unbelievably fancy that it felt a lot like you were out of place, you could smell the ocean. You never knew you could smell the beach. You were practically vibrating with excitement.
Should you get up to your room and unpack? Yes. It wasn’t happening, though, considering Sihtric had to keep his finger looped in one of your shorts’ belt loops to keep you from sprinting full speed towards the water.
“Okay baby, we’ll go grab the suitcases in a minute. First, you are going to go feel the ocean,” he said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he lead you towards the hotel’s beach exit.
“Really?!” you basically shouted.
“Yes. Couple things, we’re going to do this for a few minutes cause you don’t have sunscreen on. But also, sand is stupid hot so be careful,” he told you. “Walk in front of me, yeah? Just, stay close don’t run off.”
You nodded eagerly and began walking in front of him. Though you reached back and held his hand in yours. Your hands trembled in his grip as he grabbed his cell phone and turned the camera on.
You took off your sandals as you got to the end of the little walk way, on the precipice of feeling the sand for the first time. It looks soft and beautiful. You had read so many creatures found their homes in the sands, partially feeling nervous about creating home renovations for them that they did not ask for. And so, Sihtric gently urged you forward until you took your first step.
You could feel the sand squish in between your toes. It was hot, the sun baking it and that heat burning the soles of your feet, but you had never been so grateful for such a feeling. With a little hop and a skip, you began pulling him eagerly towards the water.
It was only when you stood just out of reach of the tide that your turned to face him. There were tears in your eyes from being overwhelmed in the best way. Truthfully, there had been no preparation you could’ve given yourself. Everything was so wonderful.
“Go on, love. You’re almost there,” Sihtric said softly, never letting your hand go.
A nod, a breath, and a step. The water rushed over your feet, washing away every grain of sand. It fed your soul in ways you never knew you needed. The tears could no longer be held back, and you started sobbing a bit, crying to your husband about how amazing this all was.
You showered him with a million thanks, hugging him to you tightly just after he put his phone away. He whispered loving words in your ear, promising you he would bring you back four times a year if that’s what you wanted.
Taglist: @foxyanon @zaldritzosrose @thenameswinter99
If you want added to the taglist, let me know!
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Phu Quoc and Ho Chi Minh City
After leaving Singapore I returned to Vietnam to travel around and see more of the country that I’m calling home for the next few months.
I started in Phu Quoc, an island in the South of Vietnam located off the shores of Cambodia. I stayed in Duong Dong, which is the centrally located main town on the island. I think if I returned I would stay in a different area, however, as Duong Dong was more touristy and kind of gave me Myrtle Beach vibes. The beach there was still nice to go and this is where the Phu Quoc Night Market is located. The best street food I’ve had so far in Vietnam was at this night market. They have fresh seafood spreads that they grill in front you, fresh fruit juices and smoothies, and much more. There was one crepe stand that I really liked. Street food is a big part of Vietnamese culture and one shouldn’t shy away from trying it while here.
Phu Quoc was really just a relax at the beach kind of trip, rather than sightseeing as I have been doing. I mostly stayed at the pool and beach access by my hotel, but I did make it across the island to the fishing town of Ham Ninh. There wasn’t much there except for some seafood restaurants that were suspended over the water on piers, but I did stop in one to enjoy some fresh clams and look out at the open ocean.
In general Phu Quoc was okay for a few days of relaxation by the beach and eating great seafood. And the one highlight of Duong Dong was that I could watch the sun rise over the mountains and set over the ocean, which was a beautiful way to start and end my day.
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Phu Quoc was a short plane ride away from my next destination: Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon. While it’s official name is Ho Chi Minh City, a lot of people still call it Saigon and it’s airport code is even “SGN”. A lot of businesses there also use Saigon in their name.
HCMC is the most populous city in Vietnam and has a much bigger city feel. I think it is also more popular for tourists and expats, as I saw a lot more foreigners around than in Hanoi.
I spent a lot of time just walking around seeing the city. Singapore softened me so I had to reacclimate to Vietnamese traffic. As a pedestrian in cities here you have to always be on high alert as you never know where a car or motorbike will appear from. My first day in Saigon I bent down to tie my shoe and was nearly grazed by a BMW driving down the sidewalk. Despite this I was still able to make my way around to a lot of good spots around the city.
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For my last day in Ho Chi Minh I booked a guided tour of Mui Ne, a beach town about a five hour bus ride from the city. The many hours in the bus were worthwhile, as Mui Ne was absolutely beautiful. Our group’s guides took as around in Jeeps to all the main spots in the area. We walked along the Fairy Stream, stopped by a fishing village, rode ATVs around the white sand dunes, and watched the sunset from the red sand dunes. Every stop was great and I took so many photos. Mui Ne is definitely an underrated area in Vietnam that I’m glad I was able to see.
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I still have an entire week (!) off of class, so my travels will continue.
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Postcards from Snagglepuss
As will be recalled from last time, Snorky, per The Banana Splits, was giving me a message ... which Drooper, as Snorky's interpreter, would explain unto us as meaning they want us to follow them to find out something that would benefit both Huckleberry Hound and yours truly.
And so it was that somewhat interesting Saturday afternoon welding into evening that such an unlikely troupe were to lead Huck and I to a storage garage in the back streets of North Myrtle Beach, well out of the tourist districts, obviously ... which was more like in close range of the Intracoastal Waterway, as it turned out.
"Hopefully," Huck confided in me, "such isn't some trick by them there Sour Grapes Girls like they are forever fond of giving those Splits on occasion."
"Or, for that matter," said I, "Dick Dastardly."
"How do you figure it might not be Dick Dastardly, to begin with?"
"Remember those treasure-sailing assignments with Yogi? The Fender Bender 500, even? And how Dick Dastardly sought to spoil everything with dirty tricks and that?"
"Oh," said Huck nonchalantly, "that figures."
Which, at any rate, would lead us close to some Disreputable Trailer Park ... and on signal, Fleegle, leader of said Banana Splits, directed us to some half-baked-looking garage which seemed to be unprepared for the next hurricane to hit Myrtle Beach, as Hazel did in 1955. Bingo got the key to the garage, and on opening the door, was nothing less than--something of an old friend.
Otherwise known as the shared entry of Huck and I from Fender Bender 500 days, as in the #2 Half-Dog, Half-Cat, Half-Track.
"And you wonder how it wound up in storage on this here old Grand Strand," Huck exclaimed as we looked same over--which, as we were quick to learn, was redone with the help of as much the Splits as their musical rivals in a way, the Cattanooga Cats. Redone as in improved, state-of-the-art even, sound and lighting systems, including digital audio and PA, stage lighting designed to reduce glare as well, not to mention a generator system which can be powered with biodiesel (that's waste cooking fats and oils from restaurants, I'll remind you at this time).
Not to mention a repainting job incorporating metallic powder coating to make things even more impressive.
Which impressed us at any rate so that ... it was felt to keep such in storage for the time being, perhaps taking it back out on the road after Easter weekend, laying the way forward, shall we say, for our next Character Convocation in Ocean City, Maryland at the start of May, coincident with Springfest there. Complete with Home Talent Shows in many of the smaller, off-the-map mostly, one-horse towns as aren't much of anything for the most part, staged mainly for the sheer joy of it.
"So," as Bingo asked, "we're going to Ocean City this spring?"
"First full weekend in May," exclaimed I, "coincident with their Springfest weekend."
"That explains much," Fleegle observed. "Maybe a Battle of the Bands with the Cattanooga Cats?"
"Which could be arranged," Huck remarked.
And after getting things squared away on the storage front, the Splits invited us to some barbecue joint in North Myrtle Beach they heard about from some friends of friends of theirs for something of a night cap in the barbecue arena ... and it came out rather well, even where the sauce turned out to be a little on the tangy side of things.
@warnerbrosentertainment @princessgalaxy505 @nighttimehound @theweekenddigest @iheartgod175 @archive-archives @screamingtoosoftly @tallcharlie @themineralyoucrave @warnerbros-blog1 @thylordshipofbutts @thebigdingle @jellystone-enjoyer @xdiver71 @warnerbrosent-blog
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weather-usa · 5 days
Chances rise to 50-50 for tropical development off Southeast coast as region prepares for heavy rainfall
As remnants of Hurricane Francine bring heavy rain to parts of the Deep South, the Carolina coast faces the potential for more downpours, with a coastal low possibly developing into a tropical system over the weekend or early next week.
Following Hurricane Francine, which is dissipating over the Tennessee Valley, the FOX Forecast Center is keeping an eye on an old frontal boundary off the Southeast coast. This area could become the season's next tropical disturbance. The National Hurricane Center has assigned a medium chance of development over the next week. Regardless of whether a tropical cyclone forms, the Carolinas can expect rainy and occasionally blustery conditions throughout the weekend and into the first half of the workweek.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in 29609 - Greenville SC:
"A front extending from the remnants of Hurricane Francine in the Midsouth through North Florida and into the Atlantic will serve as the catalyst for a low-pressure system to form offshore near the Georgia coast," explains FOX Weather Hurricane Expert Bryan Norcross. "Northeast and east winds will collide with tropical moisture from the south in the development zone, promoting atmospheric spin." While environmental conditions aren't ideal for rapid development, some gradual organization is possible as the disturbance moves north and west, approaching the coastline.
Weather Forecast For 77059-Houston-TX:
"If winds reach 40 mph within the circulation, as several computer models suggest, the system will be named Helene," said Bryan Norcross.
"Warm waters will fuel the system," added FOX Weather Meteorologist Kendall Smith. "We could easily see a tropical or subtropical depression by early next week. But don't get caught up in the terminology—the impacts will remain the same."
Forecast models predict widespread rainfall of 2-5 inches, with locally higher amounts possible, particularly east of Interstate 95. Coastal areas like Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, as well as Wilmington and Morehead City in North Carolina, are in the main impact zone.
NOAA's Weather Prediction Center has identified the Carolina coast as a potential flooding area on Monday, while more moderate rainfall is expected in inland cities like Raleigh, Charlotte, and Richmond, Virginia.
"Residents along the Carolina coast should prepare for an extended period of gusty winds and unpleasant weather, with conditions expected to peak on Monday," said Bryan Norcross. "At this time, there's no indication the system will develop into a hurricane, though we've seen similar situations intensify near the coast in the past."
Rough seas will bring the risk of rip currents and beach erosion The increased ocean activity will lead to rough surf, a heightened risk of rip currents, and the potential for additional coastal erosion. The coastline around the Outer Banks and southeastern Virginia is particularly vulnerable to rough seas, as demonstrated by swells from Hurricane Ernesto, which was over 1,000 miles away.
Waves generated by the former Category 2 hurricane caused flooding along North Carolina Highway 12, the primary route through the islands. At least one abandoned home fell into the ocean as a result.
Following this collapse, parts of Cape Hatteras National Seashore have been closed to swimmers due to concerns about debris in the water.
While authorities have not indicated that the surf will surpass the swells caused by Hurricane Ernesto or lead to further property damage, the local National Weather Service office in Morehead City, North Carolina, has issued various advisories for beachgoers and boaters, cautioning about the rough conditions.
See more:
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G-55 Guest Cottage (4 Bdrm/3 Bath)
Our Guest Cottages are perfect vacation spots for families, a large group of friends or golfers. Located off of Shore Drive in the heart of Myrtle Beach's entertainment and dining areas. Just a short walk to the beach and close to restaurants, ice cream, mini golf and shopping. Cottage 55, is a spacious and comfortable, stand alone four bedroom-three bathroom cottage that has an open living-area concept and provides plenty of space to enjoy being together in one house. This cottage sleeps 10 people with two king beds, one queen bed, two twin beds, The cottage has a fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, come with standard amenities such as central heat / air conditioning, cable television, and Wi-Fi. Additional features include five TV's, covered parking underneath and a community pool.
2nd row Garden City 6 Bedroom / 6 Bath House
Just 250 yards off the beach, this 6 Bedrooms: 2 down, 4 up and 6 Baths home is a fantastic vacation property. Beds include a king in the master and queens in all the other bedrooms. Private pool, 4 Covered porchesand a ground to second floor elevator. Cable TV in the Living room and master.  Outside shower. Internet access is wireless. Approximate square footage 2900. The Pool is heated March 1st - May 30th and September 1st - November 1st as long as the air temperature surrounding the heat pump does not drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Occupancy not to exceed 12 adults. Rent a golf cart for easy movement to the beach.  NO PETS OR SMOKING ALLOWED.
Boardwalk 236 ( One Bedroom, One Bath Oceanfront)
Beautiful updated direct oceanfront condo Located at the Boardwalk Beach Resort in downtown Myrtle Beach. It is walking distance to lots of attractions including the boardwalk, Ripleys, Sky Wheel, and lots of shops and restaurants. The Boardwalk has indoor heated pools and Jacuzzi. Unit is fully furnished and has plenty of kitchenware and utensils to cook your favorite meals. There are 2 Full beds in the bedroom, a sleeper sofa, and a full size Murphy bed! Towels and linens are included. There are 2 TV's and wireless internet. Relax in the ocean front balcony drinking your coffee listening to the waves. Photos are of the actual unit. Recommended for families No more waiting in line at the front desk to check-in. Walk up to your unit with your own personal code to input at the keyless entry lock anytime after check-in time! Head down to the pool deck with 3 outdoor pools, a kiddie pool and a lazy river. You will also find an indoor pool, hot tubs, and a seasonal café and an on-site laundry room. Free Wifi
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: pelicans landing myrtle beach sc, grand strand vacations and rentals, grand strand vacation rentals myrtle beach, grand strand vacation rentals north myrtle beach & heron pointe myrtle beach.Please feel free to visit us at: https://www.grandstrandvacationsandrentals.com/
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homeownersoceanlakes · 10 months
Discover the Ultimate Coastal Retreat: Ocean Lakes Campground Rentals Houses & Vacation Properties
Nestled along the breathtaking coastline of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Ocean Lakes Campground stands as a premier destination for those seeking a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. This seaside haven offers not only a spectacular natural setting but also an array of charming rental houses and vacation properties, providing visitors with a home away from home. In this article, we'll delve into the allure of Ocean Lakes Campground rentals and why they are the ideal choice for an unforgettable coastal getaway.
Scenic Coastal Retreats:
Ocean Lakes Campground is renowned for its picturesque location, offering visitors a front-row seat to the beauty of the Atlantic Ocean. Imagine waking up to the sound of crashing waves and the salty breeze wafting through your rental property. The diverse selection of houses and vacation properties ensures that every guest can find the perfect accommodation to suit their preferences.
Diverse Rental Options:
Whether you're planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a fun-filled trip with friends, Ocean Lakes Campground has a variety of rental options to cater to your needs. From cozy beach cottages to spacious vacation homes, each property is thoughtfully designed to provide comfort and convenience.
Amenities Galore:
One of the highlights of choosing Ocean Lakes Campground rentals is the access to a wealth of amenities. From private pools and sun decks to fully equipped kitchens and entertainment systems, these properties offer more than just a place to stay. Guests can indulge in a resort-like experience, enhancing their vacation with convenience and luxury.
Proximity to Beach and Recreation:
The proximity to the beach is undoubtedly one of the main draws of Ocean Lakes Campground rentals. Guests can easily access the pristine sandy shores, spend lazy afternoons sunbathing, or engage in a myriad of water activities. Additionally, the campground provides recreational facilities, including sports courts, playgrounds, and community events, ensuring that there's never a dull moment.
Family-Friendly Atmosphere:
Ocean Lakes Campground is renowned for its family-friendly atmosphere. The rental houses and vacation properties are strategically located to foster a sense of community, making it an ideal choice for families looking to create lasting memories together. The security and welcoming ambiance make it a safe and enjoyable environment for guests of all ages.
For an unforgettable coastal retreat, Ocean Lakes Campground rentals houses and vacation properties stand out as an excellent choice. The combination of scenic beauty, diverse accommodation options, and an array of amenities creates a perfect setting for a memorable getaway. Whether you're a beach enthusiast, a family seeking quality time, or a group of friends in search of adventure, Ocean Lakes Campground offers the quintessential Myrtle Beach experience. Book your rental property today and embark on a journey to relaxation and seaside bliss.
Ocean Lakes Rentals Houses & Vacation Properties. Book directly from Homeowners of Ocean Lakes Campground, Myrtle Beach, SC.
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North Myrtle Beach Homes for Sale
1302 N Ocean Blvd.
Investors Dream is in this Prestigious Tilghman Beach Oceanfront home! 
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findhomeaway · 4 years
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irwintry · 4 years
the air before a storm
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Warnings: just a bunch of good old fluff, swearing, alcohol
Author’s Note: yes this takes place in the outer banks no u are not allowed to mention the show—they are nothing alike. anyway i’m back :) hi
Summary: Y/N and Luke are neighbors in a beachside town where tourists are annoying and tropical storms aren’t rare. And they just can’t stop flirting. 
Word Count: 5.6k 
Pelican Perch was a dead-end street.
It was well-wooded, wax myrtles and river birch kissing sandy chunks of pavement while homes too small for the average nuclear family were nestled behind thick, invasive vines. Quaint homes designed to keep the rain and the bugs out. Local homes. Each had their own shimmering windsock hung out front that was already tattered from storms, gifted to them by the neighborhood community last spring. Personalized homes. Beach homes that shared every aspect without even trying. Almost every shingle had been defaced by weather damage throughout the years. And the air always smelled of hot gravel and honeysuckle on breezy days. Homes on this road were loved.
You loved yours most of all.
With a front porch stuffed full of plants—ferns, strawberries, tomatoes, the lot—and knick-knacks you had collected throughout the past year, it was easy to love and call home to something that had once been temporary. The baby blue bike perched against a yaupon bush was proudly your preferred mode of transportation. Snuck far up the driveway sat a rusting 2005 Toyota Corolla with sand painted across its rear, and it was not well-loved, though it had been well-lived. The windsock hung off of your porch matched the color of your bike.
The last house on the street never put their windsock up. That house was right beside yours.
He had been there longer than you—you weren’t entirely sure how long, but your arrival prior to last season was greeted with his kind smile. A kind smile, gentle words, and eyes that melted into the ocean, far beyond the whitecaps where the sky touched the sea. All of that beauty, and you never caught his name.
For months on end, you watched him when he wasn’t looking. He left for work during your kitchen stumble for cold brew, nothing but a plain white tee and mesh shorts as he climbed into his jeep, sunkissed and sleepy. Minutes later, you would bike to work and find his Jeep along the way. He worked at the Island Rescue Squad, a small building that held more responsibility than being a simple motel receptionist. He paid his bills by saving lives; you paid yours by telling guests that they couldn’t swim naked in the swimming pool.
You didn’t know him beyond the sights through your kitchen window. But the evenings you crossed paths were treasured.
“Hey, how’s it going?” he’d ask, a nonchalant smile gracing his cheeks before darting his gaze the other way.
After some time, you found enough confidence to reply, “Not bad—you?” as you knocked out the kickstand on your bike.
He was always in the middle of hoisting a backpack over his shoulder. And then he would shrug, smile never fading, and say, “Not bad,” right back. That would be it.
You knew that his blond curls were your favorite thing before you even knew his name. But you also knew, in good faith, that the latter half was going to change.
That was why you should at his door late in the evening in July, a saran-wrapped plateful of coconut macaroons in your hands while your eyes scanned the details of his front porch. A white surfboard beside the front door had experienced its fair share of weather discoloration on the tail. At the end of the deck, withered plants were lined up along a wooden shoe bench. The doormat beneath your feet had nylon paw prints stitched in beside the welcome lettering. When you knocked on the door, a heart-stopping voice called out, “Just a minute!”
You tucked your ankles inward as his face appeared behind the screen. His smile was bold and bright, and from up close, you could hardly breathe.
“Hey, how’s it going?” he asked in his normal fashion, opening up the screen door so he could step outside with you. His gaze fell to the plate of macaroons while he leaned up against the door. “You’re kidding—did you make those for me?”
Six more words than the usual conversation; you were off to a successful start.
“Yes,” you said, fingers brushing his beneath the ceramic plate when you passed it over to him. “I had to figure out a good way to come over here and formally introduce myself. A whole year later. Better late than never, I guess.”
He smiled along to your words and nodded. “These look so good. Thank you.” He held out one of his hands for you to shake.
His name was Luke. He was only a few years out of school. Taller than any man you knew and flirtatious with his grin, and he kept his eyes locked on you as you spoke. He shared information through little words yet maintained a steady conversation. Talking to old friends was harder than this.
It was difficult to stomach—the way his quiet chuckles and wide smiles were decidedly the best things in the world and how your heart was a concrete block in your chest. It occurred to you, after waving goodnight on your way down the porch steps, that his smile never died. But you pinned it all on his kind heart over anything else.
Life between the two of you felt cyclical. Until one morning he caught you on your way to work.
“I’m gonna be up in Manteo,” he began, tossing a duffle into the backseat of his Jeep with a quiet grunt. “Just a few days. Some ridiculously boring conference that could probably be summed up in a Skype or whatever. Better than leading rope rescue trainings again though.”
Your lips pulled down into a playful frown. “You’re leaving me?”
Luke’s responsive laughter was a good start to your morning. “I’m sorry. Promise I’ll be back. They’ve got us all in some four-star inn. Free wifi and breakfast.”
“Oh, look at you. Living like a king.”
“Right? I’m tired of paying for my own Cheerios.”
It was nice to have someone to talk to, you thought, but you knew you were searching for more than a friend in him. Your heart was warm under his company. You didn’t know how, but it felt easy with him.
“Would you be able to do me a favor?” he asked as he leaned against his car. He kept his distance, his driveway to yours while the patch of dry grass between you watched with intrigue.
“Anything but mowing the lawn, yes.”
Luke cracked a grin. “I’m not that mean. No. Could you—uh, could you water a few plants for me out front? Just once or twice. I’d pay you back in macaroons, but I’m a shit baker.”
“No worries,” you said and situated your bike against your thigh. “I’ll water your plants. But that just means you’ll have to make up for the macaroons somehow. I’ll let you think on it.” You started off down the driveway before he could answer.
“Hold me to that!” he called after you. You sent him a smile in response and sped off toward the main road.
Later that evening, you found that Luke had left a note beside each potted plant on the shoe bench. Betty – allow to dry between waterings next to the Begonia, Calum – keep moist for the Caladium, Tom – water twice a day for the newly planted tomato plant, and Babe – water sparingly for Basil. Each note was signed with a smile and a heart.
The next time you heard from Luke, he wasn’t alone. Four days plus a hankering for human interaction—aside from tourists that asked for restaurant suggestions every hour—had left you craving a different kind of intimacy. An intimacy that didn’t require physical touch but was only fulfilled through his presence. Just knowing that he was next door comforted you in ways you couldn’t explain. You didn’t know him, but you knew that he was someone you could rely on.
You heard his car door slam before anything else. Through the window of your kitchen sink, you peeked out into the darkening night, searching for his lanky figure only to find a small animal instead. A dog. You forgot that you had been staring when Luke came into view. His wave tore you from your gaze.
You cracked the window open before you could hesitate. The overwhelming buzzes and clicks of cicadas were immediate to greet you.
“Are you gonna introduce me?” you called out to him, grinning wide as you pressed your elbows down onto the window sill. With the edge of the sink digging into your abdomen, the position was less than comfortable, but you didn’t think about it.
Through the waxing darkness, Luke’s smile was bright. “Only if you come give her a head scratch—then she’ll fall right in love with you,” he said.
You were outside within a few seconds. The side screen door slammed behind you as you hurried over, knees meeting the rough grass so the lovely lady could easily bound over to you. She nestled her nose into your palm and let out a snort. Above you, Luke chuckled at the sound.
“Name’s Petunia,” he said, bending down beside you to pet Petunia’s bum. “A friend of mine is moving ‘cross country—couldn’t keep her. I love the damn girl, so I immediately wanted to take her in. How’re the plants doing?”
“She’s the sweetest,” you mumbled. To him, to yourself—it didn’t matter. You were captivated. “And Betty, Calum, Tom, and Babe are great. The names, by the way? Genius. You have a talent. I’ll have to get you to name my plants. So far, I just have Candace and Big Mama.”
“Big Mama?” Luke’s short giggles filled the air. “I think you’ve got the talent, too.”
Petunia leaned into your scratches before turning back to Luke. So, you stood, brushing sandy dirt from your knees, and Luke soon followed.
“If you ever need someone to take care of her,” you said, “I’m always around. And I won’t make you bake anything. I’m a big dog person, so that’s already enough. I mean, I’m not opposed to a few cupcakes every now and then.”
A lopsided smile grew on Luke’s cheeks. “Red velvet?”
“It’s like you already know me,” you gasped out. “How was Manteo? That’s where you were, right?”
“Well, nothing beats free Cheerios in the mornings, so it wasn’t too bad,” he told you as he wrapped Petunia’s leash around his wrist. She nudged herself between his legs. “Manteo actually has a real downtown, so that was kinda nice.”
“You better not be thinking about leaving me.”
“Leave you? Never.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest.
“Besides, tourists down here are the reason any of us even have a job.” He scratched the corner of his eye as he spoke. “I’d rather not be saving drunk middle-aged men from rip currents, but I’d never leave Hatteras.”
The corners of your lips twitched upward. “Good, cos’ if you leave,” you said, pointing to your other neighbor’s house, “then I’m stuck with Judy and Ted. You can’t do that to me.”
“Oh, God, no.” His eyes widened as he shook his head. “I’d never do that to you. Or I’d just make you come with me.”
Now, your heart was on fire. You raised a brow in reaction to his statement, and his eyes widened again. The words had slipped out—that was easy to understand, but he couldn’t take them back. You wouldn’t want him to.
“Um, yeah—” Luke placed a hand on the back of his neck and backed away toward his home, Petunia following in tow. “Thanks for watering my plants. Expect cupcakes soon.”
“Don’t you dare.”
His grin reached his eyes. “Goodnight,” he said.
You were certain that you were a fool.
NC-12 was worse on Saturdays. The highway was congested with incoming and outgoing travelers, some careless and some too careful. On the way to work, you were among its passengers. Your baby blue bike was swallowed up whole by the minivans and SUVs that occupied the road. Somehow, you made it out alive every time. All it took was a spontaneous sharp turn from a truck to send you rolling onto the pavement.
It was a miracle you ended up with a dozen scrapes and a sprained wrist. The medical bill wasn’t worth missing a few days off of your paycheck, no matter how horrible the weekends could be. A few members of the rescue squad had shown up at the scene of the minor accident—you were glad that Luke hadn’t been with them. But you also wished that he had.
When you powered through the pain as you pedaled home, you weren’t sure if you wanted to see him. You weren’t sure if you wanted to see his reaction—mild injuries and all, and you weren’t sure if you wanted him to buy out all of the cupcakes on the island to make you feel better. Nevertheless, you didn’t have a choice. He was already getting out of his car once you pulled up.
He waved and smiled, and then his eyes grew wide. The scrape on your left cheek told all.
“Shit, love, you okay?” he said, walking towards you slowly. He kept his movements careful and calculated—he had seen the tears fill your eyes before you realized they were there.
“I’m dandy,” you replied breathily, waving your hand to shake off the emotions. The faux smile you put on only faltered, and the skin beneath your eyes stung.
Luke looked horrified. You could see the twitch in his hands, the way he almost reached out for you as he approached, but he held back. And you could see it in his eyes—all he wanted to do was make you feel better.
“You don’t happen to have any cupcakes, do you?” you asked with a sniff. Your smile wavered, and a small tear slipped down your cheek.
When he chose not to hold back—when he chose to pull you in close, then you decided not to hold back either. With his arms circled around your waist, you didn’t care about soaking through his t-shirt with your tears. You didn’t care that your breathing had picked up to near hyperventilation. You felt safe and warm, so you couldn’t care.
The hug lasted until your quiet sobs calmed. Luke’s chin pulled away from the top of your head as you wiped your cheeks with the back of your wrists.
“What happened?” he said, voice soft.
“Dumb vacationers—” Sniff. “—can’t use a fuckin’ turn signal.”
Luke let out a quiet sigh.
“I’m fine, I just… hurt.”
He glanced at his home over his shoulder and then back at you. “Would you wanna come over? I don’t have any cupcakes, but I have frozen pizza. And Petunia misses you.”
You could hear the unspoken words in his voice. I miss you.
This was what happened when you finally learned someone’s name.
You didn’t know how to explain it, but his living room looked like him. Light blue, wooden walls with collected posters unevenly nailed onto the panels. An old couch was the centerpiece, tan and woven with Petunia snuggled onto it with a blanket beneath her. Bookshelves full of CDs and vinyl records stood on either side of the room, but they had been untouched for some time. The home smelled like him, as strange as it sounded. Warm, woodsy, and comfortable.
From the couch, you sat up straight once the oven door shut. You counted each smell beep as the timer was set. Luke walked into the living room a moment later.
“You sure you don’t want some Advil or something?” he asked. “Or—I dunno—a beer? Maybe? I don’t have a lot, but—”
“A beer actually sounds good,” you said to him, folding your hands over your lap. “It’s been a bit of a shit day.”
He continued talking to you as he headed back into the kitchen. The home was small enough for any voice to carry, and you were glad he could maintain a conversation. That alone told you how much he cared. Despite how long you had lived on the island—a year and four months—and despite how long it took you to know him, it mattered greatly to you that he cared. You cared about him, too. It would be hard to see such a friendly face every day and think otherwise.
“Where’d they take you to get checked out?” he called to you from the next room over.
“Urgent care in Nags Head.”
“You’re kidding.” The sound of bottles clinking on the counter followed.
“Wish I was.”
Pop tops landed into a quiet clatter as he said, “how long were you there?” He joined you in the living room a few seconds later and handed you a bottle of Corona.
“Six hours.”
“Six hours?”
You nodded, sharing your best laugh before taking a sip of the fizzing liquid. “You better believe it. All for some cuts and a sprained-frickin’-wrist. And I’ll bet you my bill is gonna be chewing me up for the next year.”
Luke furrowed his brows and kept his gaze low. He appeared to be thinking about something else. “Did they call my squad?”
“A few guys showed up, yeah.”
He bit his bottom lip. “Dunno why they didn’t call me. I would’ve just took ya home.”
“Oh yeah?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t know that everything he said made your heart race pick up. If your day hadn’t been so long, then your nerves would’ve eaten you alive by now. You were lucky, for the katydid calls outside masked any hint of tension between you.
“Thanks for the drink,” you said, words heavy in your throat. Thinking about your nerves only made them worse. And being around him only made you want him more.
He had called you love earlier; it had to mean something.
Luke’s smile was small, but it said enough. “Anytime.”
Although the pizza was cold in the middle and the taste of your drink had gotten old, what mattered to you was the company. Not the sprained wrist that ached with each movement. Not the tight bandages that tugged at your skin because you shifted a certain way. Nothing about the day mattered because it brought you to this.
His laughter was hypnotic—intoxicating almost—and it took away your breath every time. Making him laugh was addicting. Getting to see those few moments when his eyes light up with joy put shame to the ocean only a mile or two away. You wondered how on earth it had taken so long to know him.
And still, you didn’t know him. Just a name, a face, and a dog named Petunia.
“So, the rescue squad, huh?” you teased at one point as you situated yourself closer to Petunia. You learned that her nickname was Piggy and that, while she was cute, she also had the stinkiest farts—according to Luke. Nevertheless, you pressed your face close to hers and smacked a kiss to her forehead. She rolled over to give you access to her tummy. “What’s it like?”
Luke’s soft smile was etched into his skin. “Fuckin’ stressful,” he answered. “But great. It’s like a family.”
“I can imagine it’s not the prettiest job.”
“No.” He shook his head, and his smile fell. As he spoke, he twirled his bottle on the edge of the coffee table. “It’s not. A lot of tourists just don’t pay attention to the ocean, y’know? We put a million signs out there, and they just think that it will never happen to them. Suddenly you get waves going different directions, and you’re floating out with the current. You never know what’s gonna happen.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you listened. He took his job seriously; some people didn’t.
“It’s just—uh, s’just terrible to see it,” he continued, keeping his head down low. “When you save someone from the surf, but they’re not breathing… and then their families are there—their fuckin’ families are screaming and crying. They just wanted a fun day on the beach. And you gotta make sure that no one dies. I’m just lucky to not have seen it much.”
“It’s horrifying.”
He hummed. “Yeah. And I don’t like it when people call us heroes. Cos’ we’re not. I’m not. We’re doing our job. We wanna keep people safe. We wanna make sure no one has to go through that. B-but when it comes down to you, and you have someone’s life in your hands—” Tears pricked at his eyes, and he swallowed thickly before continuing. “—how the hell are you not gonna try to save them? People over-glorify hero moments. We’re all just trying to take care of each other so we’re not mentally scarred along the way.”
“I’ve seen it.”
“You have?”
“I used to vacation here as a teen with my family,” you said, “before I officially decided that tourists are the fucking worst. I just wanted to live here and be on my own. And you’re right—about the screaming and crying. The families stand there to break your heart. I bit my tongue until it bled when I saw that jet ski go out on the water. It doesn’t happen every day, so I just never assumed it would happen around me. Didn’t think forty minutes would pass with nonstop chest compressions. Didn’t think anyone would give up either. Maybe ‘hero’ isn’t the word, just ‘good people’.”
Luke’s eyes were glassy, but he smiled through it. His fingers twitched in your direction on the neck of his bottle. “So—” He cleared his throat. “—what do you do?”
“Oh, it’s my turn now?” you said, biting back a smile. “Just you wait until you hear about all of the trauma I get from being a motel receptionist. I’ll have you beat.”
Once again, his laughter filled the room. All you felt was warmth.
The house rocked after then, lights flickering with the gust, but the wind quickly died. You and Luke shared uncertain glances.
“I’m guessing it doesn’t usually do that.”
Luke shook his head. “Not usually.”
An empty bottle of Corona sat between your palms, moisture growing on the surface from how he made you feel. You asked yourself it was normal to feel this way, if it was something more than the sudden admiration of a mysterious neighbor. You liked him, but how much?
You wanted to spend every moment with him to figure it out. But the last thing you wanted was to overstay your welcome.
“Thanks for this, by the way,” you said, ducking your chin. “For the pizza and stuff. Maybe you’re not a bad neighbor after all.”
Luke smirked. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
Your knees creaked as you stood, bones still aching from the impact of the pavement. You wondered how many bruises would appear on your body by morning. Luke stood along with you, towering high but keeping his presence small. He had to know how much he affected you.
“Love you, Piggy,” you mumbled to Petunia with a quick scratch behind her ear.
She huffed in response.
Luke laughed. “She said I love you, too.”
“I’m gonna have to learn how to bake doggie treats for her.”
“But then she’s gonna love you more than she loves me.”
You smiled over your shoulder on your way toward the front door. His eyes had already been burning the back of your head. “That’s the goal,” you told him with one hand on the doorknob. “See you tomorrow?”
He bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. You swore you could see a hint of pink tint his cheeks. “See you tomorrow.”
A tropical storm was set to hit two days later. It became a hurricane overnight. Category 1. Category 2. It finally settled on 3, its path set for the Outer Banks before it was meant to swing up the East Coast. A mandatory evacuation was set in place by the next morning.
The air was thick, trees restless and wind loud as it picked up. The sky was a permanent dark gray, and the clouds looked like something one would see in a disaster movie. It wasn’t your first time dealing with tropical storms and hurricanes, but they never failed to make your heart race. The unpredictability—the fate of your home, your belongings, and so on—always scared you.
You loaded as much as you could into your Corolla. The wind didn’t care about your disheveled hair or how high it blew your shorts. It didn’t care that it was tossing sticks off of trees, down onto the roof of your home. You said a quick goodbye to the shingles while you were at it; a few were bound to end up in Pamlico Sound by the end of the week.
As you shut the car door, another door opened behind you. Luke rushed out of his home with Petunia toddling behind.
“You okay?” he called to you. He had two bags over his shoulders, another in his hands before he tossed them into the back of his Jeep. “Know where you’re headin’?”
“Think so,” you said over the wind. “Can’t wait to pee my pants in traffic. Any of the guard staying?”
Luke nodded as his curls danced around his chin. “They’re gonna be spotted up and down the coast. You stay safe out there, all right?”
“Yeah, you too.”
It wasn’t the preferred way of saying goodbye, but the hot, stale air trapped itself in your lungs. You were ready to greet the clicking air conditioner of your broken car like an old friend, and then one turn of the ignition turned into two, three, four, and many more. The headlights flickered off and on, yet the light never stayed long. You hit the steering wheel with the base of your palms in frustration.
A sudden knock at your passenger side window took all of the frustration away.
Luke opened up the door and said, “come with me.”
That was how you ended up beside him, stuck in two-hour traffic while you thought about the way his lips molded around words. Soft rock played quietly on the radio as you sat without making a sound. But it was comfortable silence. Thankful silence. The air before the storm disguised the thick tension.
Petunia wandered around the back seat, on occasion whining before flopping back down onto her blanket. Every so often, you would lean back and scratch her head, and Luke would smile at you. Unspoken words were better than no words at all.
“Tell me about yourself,” you said after a while. With the Bodie Lighthouse to your left, the ocean to your right, the wasn’t much else to keep you occupied. “Not like, childhood trauma stuff, but basic stuff. Favorite color, favorite food—that stuff.”
Luke had one hand on the wheel, the other pressed against his chin while he leaned on the car door. He faced the road yet had his eyes trained on you. “Well, what if I really wanna open up about my childhood traumas?” he asked playfully.
“Hey, I’m all ears. We’re gonna be stuck in traffic until the mainland.”
He chuckled and rubbed beneath his lips. You didn’t know that such a small action could make your cheeks flush. “Favorite color? Hm. Blue, I guess. Favorite food has gotta be those damn macaroons you made me. They were absolutely delicious, babe.”
Your smile lit up the car.
“If you wanna know everything about me, all you gotta do is check out my mum’s Facebook,” he said. “Liz Hemmings. She posts every photo I send her and talks about my love life when she’s bored.”
“Love life, huh?”
He huffs quietly. “Her profile has been a little dry lately then, I guess.” When his eyes found yours, a small smile grew on his lips. “She’d love you. I’ll have t’let you know when she comes to visit next.”
“Oh man,” you said. “I’m already meeting my neighbor’s mom.”
Luke chuckled. “Uh oh. I didn’t push it too far, did I?”
“Didn’t know we were there yet, s’all. But I’d be happy to meet her.”
He set his hand down on the gear shift. Inches away from yours. “She’d just wonder what the hell you’re doin’ around me. Tell you that you’re too good for me. Stuff like that. I mean, it’s true.”
“Just tell her that I can’t afford to move, so I’m stuck with you.”
“Aw, you don’t mean that.”
“Unfortunately, no. I don’t mean that.”
“Good,” he mumbled, glancing out the window. “Cos’ I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
The hurricane made landfall at two in the morning. The hotel walls of the Quality Inn shook and rain pattered hard against the window. The alarm clock beside the bed turned black. From across the room, you could barely hear Luke stir in his own bed. And despite the storm, your heart still tugged at the thought of him there with you.
The wind was the worst thing of all. You thought about your home, the plants you dragged inside, and the windsock you forgot to take down. Maybe Luke would let you borrow his. But all that mattered, in the moment, was the voice calling your name through the pitch-black night. Somehow, it carried over the storm, over the howling wind and the rain coming down in sheets. It pulled your heart right out of your chest.
Your eyes were heavy with sleep as you said, “Luke?
You could hear him turn over in bed, but through the dark, you could only make out the edges of his figure. You hoped he had turned to face you.
“Hey. You okay?” His voice was soft, and you felt the storm slowly slip away.
“Can’t sleep” you answered. “Not a big fan of storms.”
He was barely awake, quiet words of “wanna come over here?” floating in the air-conditioned air. Your own words were stuck in your throat. So you didn’t answer. You rose from your bed instead, feet padding to the opposite side of his bed before crawling under the sheets beside him. His warmth radiated off of him.
Luke’s hand was right beside your hand. You swore you could hear his breaths over the wind. If you were able to see his features so close to yours, you would cease to exist. Your heart had found a comfortable home in your throat.
Fingers wove in between yours, gentle and warm like they were barely there, but they were all you could feel. Rough in the right places. Luke’s hand rested on yours, his pulse beating low and steady.
You knew that words would steal the moment away.
As his fingers traced your skin, the heat in your chest grew. It was normal. It was beautiful. And it was yours. So you held his hand right back.
When his forehead met yours, you knew you were done for. The storm completely faded from your mind. Noses touched and breaths fell into sync, but your heartbeat was loud in your ears. All you could think about was the feeling of his lips brushing yours. You couldn’t remember when your eyes closed. The last thing you felt was Petunia nudging your foot at the end of the bed, and then you fell asleep in Luke’s arms.
The kiss was nothing but a dream.
You were allowed back on the island three days later. Unsaid things invaded your mind on the ride down the coast, but you couldn’t bring it upon yourself to say a word. Luke was busy humming along to every song that came on the radio. That was all you needed to hear.
Pelican Perch road was covered with leaves and natural debris, but the homes were well intact. As the car neared the end of the street, you caught a glimpse of your windsock swaying in the breeze. It was a miracle it hadn’t blown away.
Luke helped you with your bags in silence, a small exchange of smiles and brushing hands to fill in the empty space instead. This wasn’t how you wanted it to be. Yet, you never said anything.
Once the night crept in, you could no longer distract yourself with streaming movies through overused cellular data. The power was still out on the island. Everything in your fridge had gone bad, and your phone was near death by ten o’clock. And the winds, despite the long-gone storm, carried on.
You slipped on a pair of flip-flops—never mind the wet, sandy dirt caked around the edges—and walked over to Luke’s. The bugs were especially loud that night. There were no lights to guide you, no way of knowing where you were stepping, and then something hit you. Someone.
“Jesus,” he muttered, gripping your elbow to balance you.
“It’s me.”
You set your hand on his arm just to feel him. His hold on you never left. “What’re you doing out here?”
“Well—” His hand slipped down to your wrist as he chuckled. Beautiful. “Comin’ to find you, I guess. You okay?”
“I’ve got a hankering for ice cream, but it’s all melted,” you said. “But I don’t suppose your freezer is working anyway. I just didn’t wanna be alone.”
“Me either, darling.”
“Darling. That’s nice.”
“I like it.”
He stepped closer to you, slow hands finding yours.
“Coming to find me, huh?” you asked.
Luke hummed and set his forehead on yours. Now, you didn’t know what to say. You figured it was best to not say anything at all. You leaned into the kiss and allowed his lips to mold against yours. Every moment you were apart was replaced with another kiss, excelling in desperation and satisfying any need through its touch. It was heavenly and full of heat and desire.
He cupped your cheek, pressing himself closer to you as he deepened the kiss one last time. You were breathless and cold without him near.
“I still owe you cupcakes, don’t I?” he asked quietly. You could see his smile through the night.
“At least two dozen by now.”
His chuckle filled your heart with warmth. “Anything for you, love. Would you like to come inside?”
You tightened your grip in his hand. “Gladly.”
hey! thanks for reading! since i haven’t been in the game for a while, i’m gonna tag a few ppl, if that’s ok! @goth5sos @irwinkitten @sublimehood​ @softforcal​ @cxddlyash​ @wildflowergrae​ hi y’all <3 
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The Fact About Mansions for Weddings in Charleston That No One Is Suggesting
The good news is, South Carolina has a tendency to have stunning surroundings it doesn't matter where you go. With areas like Charleston, Myrtle Beach front and Columbia, you are able to’t go Mistaken with where you select to host your wedding ceremony and reception.
SpiritLine Dinner Cruise Visualize your rehearsal evening meal guests looking at Charleston from her lovely waterways whilst having fun with an evening meal which is built to buy from neighborhood seasonal ingredients.
Even though significant and somewhat opulent by modern-day benchmarks, they produce a wonderfully welcoming and a great deal more intimate placing for your wedding working day and bridal celebration in a very Charleston-location party. Just imagine the styles of home furniture, wall artwork, and basic décor that a historic mattress and breakfast has in comparison to a standard wedding venue.
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Trade vows under the opulent glass dome or host your reception while in the classical backyard. This Outstanding location will remodel your Exclusive day right into a single-of-a-form celebration. Site View Information Add to Favorites
Tucked absent in historic downtown Charleston, the Harbourview Inn features the ideal mix of Southern allure and romantic elegance for internet hosting an unforgettable wedding working day.
Simply to entirely geek out on y’all, The William Aiken Property is noticed in The Notebook. Keep in mind that stunning scene when Allie is attempting over a wedding gown? Yep, that came about at this beautiful mansion with higher ceilings, enormous Home windows, hardwood flooring, crown molding, and a great deal of pure gentle.
Charleston does not have a strong community transportation procedure so so as to make sure that your guests could get from place A to point B, it’s greatest to rent a shuttle or motor vehicle service for your working day within your wedding, or to encourage them to obtain a rental auto.
Some of the most stunning weddings in Charleston are hosted in ballrooms, banquet halls, as well as Beach front wedding venues. There are plenty of wonderful wedding venues in Charleston, SC from which to choose and the Wedding Location makes it simpler to come to a decision!
Former ferry terminals in Mount Enjoyable are uniquely beautiful places for wedding celebrations. Hardwood floors and exposed picket beams give the corridor a warm, open experience. Visitors can capture a breeze on a traditional Southern porch out front, lending a calm vibe towards your wedding day.
To rework your accumulating into an unforgettable affair they provide the rental, shipping, and setup of:
The William Aiken Home is an ideal wedding location! The property is gorgeous and presents many alternative indoor/outdoor spaces to make a one-of-a-kind event. Patrick Qualities was an aspiration to operate with as well as their meals are out of this entire world. I am unable to re...
If you’d like your location with an aspect of background, consider these mansion wedding venues. Internet hosting your significant day in a mansion wedding venue appears like welcoming your friends into your (spectacular) household, with traditional décor that’s certain to wow.
) and go for a ceremony to the resort’s click here lawn. Ballrooms inside open up as many as ocean sights or gardens, based on which 1 you guide, so that you can continue the indoor/outdoor feel through your reception; kiawahresort.com
The William Aiken Household was the best venue for our formal winter wedding. Tucked away from the hustle and bustle of King Avenue our company dined in the historic mansion in the heart of the city just before dancing the evening absent close to the beautiful.
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chloebeale · 5 years
RATING: T (literal blink and you’ll miss it cursing). PAIRING: Bechloe. WORDS: 1053. NOTES: I feel like I haven’t put out much writing content recently, so here’s the opening scene to the fic I’m currently writing. I’m hoping to have it done by Halloween. Note that the T rating will definitely be upped for the rest of the fic.
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Normally, Beca would point blank refuse a trip like this. At twenty-one years old, she can tolerate her step-mother, she can be civil toward her, but she doesn’t particularly like her. It’s a mutual understanding between the two, and the only person who seems to be unhappy with it is her father, who spends most of his time trying to push the two closer together.
“What are you wearing for the wedding, Bec?” He’d asked conversationally from the backseat of the Uber to their beachfront hotel earlier in the day.
“Blue dress,” Beca had mumbled in response from the passenger seat, gaze cast out of the window as the sights of South Carolina passed her by.
“Hey, Sheila’s dress is blue. Looks like my girls are going to be matching!”
“I meant black,” Beca had mumbled, promptly stomping on her father’s desperate attempt at common ground.
Beca had ignored the hint of disappointment in his voice.
“Black for a wedding?”
“It’s a Halloween wedding, Warren,” Sheila had pointed out, voice much too cheerful. “I think black is perfect.”
Beca hadn’t humored her with a response, and nobody had pushed for anything more.
See? Mutual understanding.
Of course, cousin’s wedding or not, Beca would’ve protested much harder had she realized the setup of their hotel room in advance.
(In her father’s defense, he also hadn’t realized they’d all be in one room.)
“Beca can take the bed,” Sheila had offered politely, and while it really would’ve been Beca’s preference, that would’ve meant agreeing with the step-monster, so Beca had promptly declined, muttering something about how she’d rather be by the window anyway.
So, with her father and step-mother sleeping soundly in the king-sized bed, and Beca’s things poured out messily onto the pullout couch, Beca is decidedly not going to be sleeping throughout this whole trip.
But that’s okay with her; she has her laptop (of course), and the chair out on the balcony where she finds herself curled up currently is pretty comfortable, as far as outdoor furniture goes.
For October, it’s a pretty nice night out. Beca wears a sweatshirt and pajama shorts, and finds that she isn’t cold. In fact, the soft breeze whistling by into the otherwise still night time of Myrtle Beach is a welcomed one, and the scene before her could definitely be worse.
So far, her main focus has been on her laptop screen, though as she replays her newly spliced tracks through her headphones, she allows her gaze to drift out over the balcony’s edge, the sight of the beach, still and serene, incredibly calming. It’s a backdrop Beca could very much get used to, in fact. It’s almost like a foreshadowing of things to come, when she’s done with the four years of college she promised her father she’d see through, and is living in her own beachfront home in Los Angeles, looking out over the ocean as she works on new music for big name artists.
Okay, so maybe it’s a far off dream, but it’s one Beca will never stop reaching for. Tonight only intensifies that need within her.
The longer she sits here, however, the repetitive sound of the new track swirling through her headphones, the heavier Beca’s lids grow, and while she’s not completely opposed to sleeping outside, she’s positive her back won’t thank her for it in the morning. So, Beca reaches over to set her laptop carefully down on the small glass table in front of her, pulling her body from the chair to finally stretch her legs.
The balcony isn’t exactly huge, she can only take a few steps each way before hitting a wall, but it’s better than nothing, and Beca is soon pulling the sleeves of her sweatshirt down over her hands, arms folding neatly across the top bar of the balcony’s edge, eyes scanning the gentle waves lapping the shore down below.
It was after three, the last Beca checked the time in the top right of her computer screen, so the figure pulling her focus from the corner of her eye seems somewhat out of place. Then again, she’s awake, so there’s no reason someone else can’t be, too. However, she’s technically in her hotel room (or at least on it’s adjoining balcony); she can only imagine how uncomfortably cold it must be for the unfamiliar woman whose bare feet are slowly covered, over and over, by the softly crashing waves below.
For some reason, Beca finds herself watching her. They’re on one of the higher floors, so the mystery woman on the beach is hard to make out too clearly, but Beca can see the flash of red hair each time the light reflects from the water, the way the airy skirt of her light colored dress blows gently in the breeze.
Beca isn’t much of a people watcher. In fact, she’s barely even a people person, but there’s something intriguing about the girl walking by the water, and Beca can’t quite put her finger on exactly what it is. Maybe it’s the way she just doesn’t seem to care. It’s after three, and she’s walking the empty beach alone. With the way she moves so breezily, Beca is willing to bet she’s probably humming to herself. Not that she can hear her, she’s too far away, but her eyes stay trained on the mystery woman, even as she turns to gaze right back up at her.
“Shit,” Beca hisses, quickly crouching her knees in an attempt to duck below the barrier of the balcony.
It’s only at that point that she realizes it’s transparent.
“Perfect,” she mutters, unsure of what to do next. For all she knows, she hasn’t been seen; she’s high up, it’s likely the redhead can’t see anything. Beca finds herself watching, though. She watches the way she stares up at her, the way she’s almost positive she can see her eyes glistening beneath the glow of the moonlight bouncing off the water, even from this distance.
She watches as the figure eventually turns and continues her previous path, and Beca is either instantly forgotten about, or she was never even a consideration.
That’s the first time Beca sees the woman she’ll go on to know as Chloe Beale. She doesn’t realize that it won’t be the last.
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"All I Need is a Dose of Vitamin Sea"...👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👓😃
Are you a Beach Lover?? Enjoy your Exceptional Beach Ride at Beachcomber Ocean Front Inn. May we be your home away from home in Myrtle Beach!!! ☺ Create your Journey with Us! Book NOW!!! - +1 (843) 808-9135 📱 http://beachcombermyrtlebeach.com/ . . #beachcomberinn #stay #oceanfrontinn #mrytlebeach #southcarolina #booknow #beach #fun
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carolinabeaches · 5 years
Myrtle Beach Condo, Vacation Rental at Ocean Forest
Myrtle Beach Vacation Rental Home, Ocean Forest Condo
Aver. Daily Rate $74 | 72 Reviews, 5/5. Location: 5523 N. Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Info: 1 BR, 1 BA Oceanfront Property, 650+/- sq. ft., Sleeps 4.
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Ocean Forest Condominium
Ocean Forest condo, vacation rental home in Myrtle Beach SC. This resort residence is situated on the 17th floor and been totally renovated – enjoy the tall Adirondack chairs with side-table and the stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean from the large, private balcony. The master BR comes with king-size bed, additional private vanity and sink, plus completely remodeled bath with a tile shower; the living area includes a Lazy-Boy full size sleeper-sofa. The kitchen is completely equipped with an awesome island and high bar stools, stainless steel appliances and upscale dishware. – ready to propare any culinary dish you choose. The community features resort-style amenities – come make memories that will last a lifetime!
View: Ocean Forest Condo, Beach Vacation Rental
Myrtle Beach South Carolina
Myrtle Beach SC is a popular vacation destination, golfing destination, retirement community, and family vacation spot. Myrtle Beach has numerous activities for the whole family, like the Carolina Opry, Medieval Times, Springmaid Pier, ice-cream shops, live music, the boardwalk etc. Shop and dine at one of Myrtle Beach’s outdoor entertainment complexes, or explore the beaches of the Grand Strand – each with a unique personality. Myrtle Beach is one of the major centers of tourism in the United States because of the city’s warm subtropical climate and, of course, the beaches – the area attracts approximately 14 million visitors each year. The Myrtle Beach population is 29k+/- with the Myrtle Beach metropolitan area population 465k+. Take a break, come discover the popular coastal town. Source: VRBO
*Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
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Ocean Forest Condominium, Myrtle Beach SC Via: Myrtle Beach Vacation Rental, Ocean Forest Condo
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Ocean Lakes 8025 Rentals - Grand Vacations and Rentals
Grand Strand Vacations and Rentals handles the more than 15 rental homes in Ocean Lakes. The rental Homes are located throughout Ocean Lakes Family Campground and the prices vary depending on size, location and attractive features. Each rental unit is fully furnished including air-conditioning, color cable TV, and complete kitchen facilities. You need only bring sheets, towels (unless you choose our affordable linen rentals) and paper products. Rental Linen Packages are available at an additional cost (advance notice required). Bring your own golf cart or rent from the on site cart rentals   ***NO PETS***
Reservations:   Weekly-Saturday to Saturday. June, July, August we only rent by the week. Deviations can be made on last minute basis and are subject to availability PAPER PRODUCT, SOAP, WASHING DETERGENT, HANGERS, GAS FOR GRILL, AND TRASH BAGS ARE NOT INCLUDED BY OWNER OR RENTAL AGENT.
Parking: Ocean Lakes Family Campground requires a security/parking pass before you can access the property. The parking fee is $10 per day per vehicle,charged by Ocean Lakes Family Campground. GSV offers express check-in which will include your parking passes. This package will be mailed to you prior to arrival. Trailers and additional vehicles can be parked in a common area in Ocean Lakes Family Campground. You will need to make arrangements with them for the parking. Ocean Lakes Golf Car Information: For information including rental rates and a complete set of the campground rules and regulations please visit the website www.oceanlakesgolfcars.com or by telephone at 843-238-8841.
Many amenities:  Water Park, 18 hole putt putt, outdoor and indoor pool, several play grounds, basketball courts and shuffle board. Game room. Weekly activities such as Bingo, shows and church. Golf cart rentals daily or weekly. Drive right up to the beach with a golf cart. This four bedroom, four bath home with two levels of front porches is ideal for a family vacation. Located away from the noise and congestion in a quiet section of Ocean Lakes but only a short golf cart ride to the beach and activities.
Washer/ Dryer
Large Flat Screen in living area 
Flat Screen TV's in all bedrooms
WIFI, DVD, and extended cable
Fully stocked kitchen with garbage disposal, ice maker, and full sized stove
Parking for 3 vehicles
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: vacation beach rentals myrtle beach sc, condos on shore drive myrtle beach sc, guest cottages myrtle beach, blue water resort myrtle beach, vacation rental agencies & vacation rentals on the ocean.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://www.grandstrandvacationsandrentals.com/
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Ocean Lakes Campground Rentals Houses: Your Gateway to Coastal Tranquility
Imagine waking up to the soothing sound of ocean waves, the gentle rustling of palm trees, and the invigorating scent of saltwater in the air. Nestled within the idyllic Ocean Lakes Campground, a hidden gem along the mesmerizing coastline, are rental houses that promise an unforgettable vacation experience. In this article, we dive into the allure of Ocean Lakes Campground rental houses, offering an insider's perspective on why they are the ultimate choice for a coastal retreat.
Unparalleled Proximity to the Beach
Ocean Lakes Campground is renowned for its prime location – a stone's throw away from the pristine shores of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. When you opt for a rental house within the campground, you're not just booking accommodation; you're securing a front-row seat to nature's breathtaking theatre. Each morning presents an opportunity for sunrise strolls, playful sandcastle-building sessions, and lazy afternoons basking in the sun's warm embrace. The convenience of being steps away from the beach ensures that your connection with the ocean is uninterrupted and deeply rejuvenating.
A Home Away from Home
Unlike traditional hotels, Ocean Lakes Campground rental houses offer the luxury of space and privacy. These charming abodes come in a variety of sizes, from cozy cottages to spacious multi-bedroom houses, catering to families, couples, and groups of friends alike. With fully-equipped kitchens, cozy living areas, and inviting outdoor spaces, these houses provide all the comforts of home – and then some. Whether you're enjoying a home-cooked meal with loved ones or relishing a quiet evening on your private porch, the rental houses seamlessly blend relaxation and convenience.
Community and Activities
Ocean Lakes Campground is more than just a place to lay your head; it's a vibrant community that thrives on camaraderie and shared experiences. Staying in a rental house opens the door to a myriad of activities and amenities. Join fellow vacationers for outdoor movie nights, engage in friendly sandcastle competitions, or partake in exciting water sports. The campground offers pools, mini-golf, and even a water park, ensuring that boredom is a foreign concept. The rental houses serve as your haven within this lively oasis, allowing you to recharge at your own pace before rejoining the festivities.
Embracing Nature's Serenity
As the sun sets over the horizon, Ocean Lakes Campground rental houses offer a sanctuary of serenity. The coastal breezes whisper through the trees, inviting you to unwind beneath a canopy of stars. The rhythmic symphony of the ocean becomes your lullaby, cradling you into a restful slumber. In the morning, you awaken refreshed, ready to embark on another day of coastal exploration and joyful memories.
Ocean Lakes Campground rental houses transcend typical accommodations, embodying the essence of coastal living and community camaraderie. From their unmatched proximity to the beach to the comfort of a home away from home, these rental houses provide an enchanting backdrop for your vacation dreams. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or simply a tranquil escape from the everyday, Ocean Lakes Campground rental houses stand as a testament to the allure of coastal tranquility.
Ocean Lakes Rentals Houses & Vacation Properties. Book directly from Homeowners of Ocean Lakes Campground, Myrtle Beach, SC.
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