Genevieve Renouf
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NSFW 18+ ¤ MUN and Muse 21+ ¤ FC: Amanda Seyfried
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
She mumbled something as she drifted off, clinging to him as if he would disappear.
'if you're tired, go to sleep. don't worry about me.'
"I always worry about you... come lay with me at least?"
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
angsty injury things for all your angsty injury needs … sentence starters
“Does it hurt?“
“Can you walk?”
“Let me carry you.”
“That looks broken.“
“Who did this to you?”
“Tell me where it hurts.”
“That’s…a lot of blood.“
“You stopped breathing.”
“Why are you bleeding?“
“That’s not just a scratch.”
“I thought you were dead!”
“Oh, God, you’re bleeding!”
“Don’t you pass out on me!”
“Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?“
“Just sit up and breathe, ok?“
“What happened to your leg?“
“You should get that looked at.”
“Thank god you’re breathing…”
“What the hell happened to you?”
“Where’d you get those bruises?”
“I’m going to carry you, now, ok?”
“Let me get you some ice for that.”
“Don’t move, you’ll make it worse!“
“We need to get you to a hospital.“
“I’m so sorry I let this happen to you.“
“How many fingers am I holding up?“
“Here, press this against the wound.”
“Hold still, I have to bandage this up.”
“Just breathe… you’re okay, i promise.”
“You’re gonna be fine, ok? You’ll be fine.”
“How the hell did you do this to yourself?“
“Shush, just concentrate on staying awake.”
“This is going to hurt, but I need to clean that.”
“Oh, god. Please be alive. Please still be alive!”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?“
“That looks pretty bad. I think you need stitches.”
“What do you mean you’re fine? You are not fine!”
“You should lay down, you hit your head pretty hard.”
“Come on, now. You’ve lived through worse than this.”
“Stop being so stubborn and just let me patch you up!”
“I got you. It’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
“So, are you going to tell me the truth about how you got this?”
“I’m going to find you did this to you, and I’m going to kill them.”
“You can say this was an accident all you want, I don’t believe it.”
“’Don’t do that’, I said. ‘You’ll get hurt’, I said. And what did you do?”
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
"You better still he here when I wake up." Gen yawned softly.
'if you're tired, go to sleep. don't worry about me.'
"I always worry about you... come lay with me at least?"
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
"You sure?" She yawned softly and cuddled close to him.
'if you're tired, go to sleep. don't worry about me.'
"I always worry about you... come lay with me at least?"
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
“Are you okay?” She mumbled and rolled over to cuddle with him.
'if you're tired, go to sleep. don't worry about me.'
"I always worry about you... come lay with me at least?"
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
'if you're tired, go to sleep. don't worry about me.'
"I always worry about you... come lay with me at least?"
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
'i love you' prompts i love you isn't always said with those three words.
'hey, you feeling okay?' 'did you get enough sleep?' 'i can get that for you.' 'how was your day?' 'you don't have to if you don't want to.' 'i'll make you something.' 'get some rest, okay?' 'go ahead and get it. it's on me.' 'you make me smile.' 'i'm not going anywhere.' 'do you want a hug?' 'want to talk about it?' 'take care of yourself for me, okay?' 'you want me to get it?' 'i'll get you some water.' 'how about we grab a blanket and binge a show?' 'you don't have to talk if you don't want to.' 'you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.' 'it's up to you. your choice.' 'don't worry about it. my treat.' 'yeah, i remembered.' 'don't worry, i got it.' 'get behind me.' 'how about some fresh air?' 'these were the kind you like, right?' 'get whatever you want.''i'm right behind you.' 'i won't go unless you want me to.' 'i promise.' 'i'm not giving up on you.' 'i'm so proud of you.' 'you can do this.' 'i believe in you.' 'hey, keep your chin up.' 'take care of yourself, okay?' 'i've got all night free.' 'your shoulders are tight. want me to give you a massage?' 'i got all your favorite snacks.' 'i'd follow you anywhere.' 'hey, it's your favorite song.' 'you're never a burden.' 'i've got your back.' 'it's okay to cry.' 'hey, hey, hey, it's okay. i've got you.' 'i'm not going anywhere, i promise.' 'take my jacket. you look cold.' 'you matter.' 'you won't lose me.' 'if you're tired, go to sleep. don't worry about me.' 'i missed you.' 'don't talk about yourself like that.' 'i'm right here.' 'be careful, okay?' 'just lean on me.'
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
Genevieve giggled softly and threaded her fingers into his hair, “Well now we’re here.”
“ so if i kissed you, would you kiss back? ”
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"I dunno, you tell me."
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
She giggled softly against his lips, "Cause I thought you weren't interested.' She draped her arms around his neck as they continued to kiss.
“ so if i kissed you, would you kiss back? ”
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"I dunno, you tell me."
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
"You should have." Genevieve giggled and kissed him back, "Maybe I wouldn't have dated such jerks in high school."
“ so if i kissed you, would you kiss back? ”
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"I dunno, you tell me."
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
“ so if i kissed you, would you kiss back? ”
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"I dunno, you tell me."
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
hugs & kisses sentence starters.
“ come here and give me a hug. ” “ can i have a hug? ” “ hug me. ” “ does someone need a hug? ” “ give me one of your big bear hugs. ” “ i really need you to hug me right now. ” “ we can still hug. ” “ i love hugging you so much. ” “ i need another hug. ” “ i love being in your arms. ” “ your hugs are the best. ” “ hug me and don’t let me go. ” “ i could just hug you forever. ” “ so where’s my hug? ” “ just one more hug before i go? ” “ you look like you need a hug. ” “ come wrap your arms around me. ” “ i don’t want you hugging anyone else. ” “ please just hold me forever. ” “ sending you lots of hugs and kisses. ” “ shut up and kiss me already. ” “ i want give you a kiss so bad. ” “ i love it when we kiss. ” “ you are the best kisser i’ve ever known. ” “ just give me a kiss. ” “ come here and kiss me. ” “ kiss me. ” “ you’re a darn good kisser. ” “ you want to give me a kiss? ” “ are we going to kiss now? ” “ this is the part where i kiss you. ” “ so if i kissed you, would you kiss back? ” “ i just wanted to give you a kiss. ” “ i’ll kiss it and make it better. ” “ give me a kiss goodnight first? ” “ i can kiss you anytime i want. ” “ do you want to kiss? ” “ shut me up with a kiss. ” “ i love it when we kiss. ” “ i don’t want to miss this kiss. ” “ have you ever kissed someone before? ” “ i’m going to give you a kiss now, okay? ”
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
"Rocky road, still my favorite." Genevieve smiled as she watched Cameron, he was such an adorable kid and Jake was an amazing dad.
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A Reunion// Closed Starter for live-laugh-love-rpblog
Jake and Gen had been best friends for years while they were in school. They had been attached at the hip and did almost everything together. He had started developing feelings for her right before graduation but it didn't matter, she had moved and he hadn't seen her since. They tried to talk all the time on the phone but soon the phone calls stopped and they lost contact.
Jake had been living a fairly quiet life. He owned his own garage and he was a single dad to his son, who was just starting school. They lived in the same small town he had lived in his entire life. He didn't think much when the house across the street from his went up for sale. He was curious who would move in.
He had just helped Cameron get on the bus to go to school when he saw the moving truck pull in across the street. His eyes widened when he saw who got out of the moving truck.
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
"Of course it is." Genevieve smiled as they began to walk to the ice cream parlor. It was good to be back home. Her best friend was a dad now... and man.... he even matured nicely. She was now kicking herself for not giving him a chance back in the day.
A Reunion// Closed Starter for live-laugh-love-rpblog
Jake and Gen had been best friends for years while they were in school. They had been attached at the hip and did almost everything together. He had started developing feelings for her right before graduation but it didn't matter, she had moved and he hadn't seen her since. They tried to talk all the time on the phone but soon the phone calls stopped and they lost contact.
Jake had been living a fairly quiet life. He owned his own garage and he was a single dad to his son, who was just starting school. They lived in the same small town he had lived in his entire life. He didn't think much when the house across the street from his went up for sale. He was curious who would move in.
He had just helped Cameron get on the bus to go to school when he saw the moving truck pull in across the street. His eyes widened when he saw who got out of the moving truck.
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
"Goodness! They're still open?" Genevieve grinned, she hadn't been to it since she left their small town. "Alright, let's go then." She smiled at them. Once outside she locked up her home.
A Reunion// Closed Starter for live-laugh-love-rpblog
Jake and Gen had been best friends for years while they were in school. They had been attached at the hip and did almost everything together. He had started developing feelings for her right before graduation but it didn't matter, she had moved and he hadn't seen her since. They tried to talk all the time on the phone but soon the phone calls stopped and they lost contact.
Jake had been living a fairly quiet life. He owned his own garage and he was a single dad to his son, who was just starting school. They lived in the same small town he had lived in his entire life. He didn't think much when the house across the street from his went up for sale. He was curious who would move in.
He had just helped Cameron get on the bus to go to school when he saw the moving truck pull in across the street. His eyes widened when he saw who got out of the moving truck.
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
Gen slipped on her shoes and smiled at them both, “We ready, boys?”
A Reunion// Closed Starter for live-laugh-love-rpblog
Jake and Gen had been best friends for years while they were in school. They had been attached at the hip and did almost everything together. He had started developing feelings for her right before graduation but it didn't matter, she had moved and he hadn't seen her since. They tried to talk all the time on the phone but soon the phone calls stopped and they lost contact.
Jake had been living a fairly quiet life. He owned his own garage and he was a single dad to his son, who was just starting school. They lived in the same small town he had lived in his entire life. He didn't think much when the house across the street from his went up for sale. He was curious who would move in.
He had just helped Cameron get on the bus to go to school when he saw the moving truck pull in across the street. His eyes widened when he saw who got out of the moving truck.
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live-laugh-love-rpblog · 2 years ago
"I would be delighted to join you guys." Genevieve smiled at the two of them, "Let me go get my bag and keys."
A Reunion// Closed Starter for live-laugh-love-rpblog
Jake and Gen had been best friends for years while they were in school. They had been attached at the hip and did almost everything together. He had started developing feelings for her right before graduation but it didn't matter, she had moved and he hadn't seen her since. They tried to talk all the time on the phone but soon the phone calls stopped and they lost contact.
Jake had been living a fairly quiet life. He owned his own garage and he was a single dad to his son, who was just starting school. They lived in the same small town he had lived in his entire life. He didn't think much when the house across the street from his went up for sale. He was curious who would move in.
He had just helped Cameron get on the bus to go to school when he saw the moving truck pull in across the street. His eyes widened when he saw who got out of the moving truck.
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