lissajameson-blog · 7 years
Lissa gave the other woman a light smile before turning around in the lounge chair. She gathered her long hair to one shoulder leaving her pale back bare save the straps of the pale coral colored string bikini top she had on. "It's pretty bad, it feels as if this is the first time I've been in the sun so extensively. My skin isn't used to it." She said with a sigh her shoulders still stinging from the burns she had there from yesterday when she hadn't been as tentative with the lotion. "Anywhere is fine, honestly." She said looking back at her once before stepping back to look ahead.
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Lissa rubbed her shoulders lightly her neck crained to the side as she tried to soothe the stinging sun reddened skin. The problem with being in such a climate where the sun was eminent to be out more hours than not was she had to be extra tentative to applying sunscreen, and that too of the highest spf she could get her hands on if she wanted to keep her porcelain skin from burning. Setting her novel aside she reached for the bottle on the table beside her. She undid the wrap she had on starting with her legs. Seeing someone walking by when she was just about done with them she pushed her sunglasses up to address them. “Excuse me! Would you mind getting my back?”
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Macy was just about to work on her own tan when a lovely blonde lounging caught her attention. Of course she wasn’t going to just leave her to fend for herself with her sunblock. “Of course I can! I don’t mind at all. This heat is scorching; I absolutely wouldn’t let you burn,” she promised, reaching for the woman’s bottle of lotion and squeezing it into her palms. “Would you like me to start with the upper or lower?” she asked, not wanting to totally take the beautiful blonde by surprise when her hands landed on her.
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
“No sleepovers, period. I only want to wake up with you and that is I think a good thing. We can’t hook up with anyone the other one would be annoyed by, and no emotions.”  He nodded. “That sounds good to me. We have to communicate with each other, always and I always get to prove to you, that I’m better, and this only can happen here. None of it at home. I just don’t want to worry you’ll fall for someone else here…"
He smiled at her. “You say motorcycle like it’s a bad thing.  I still say I’m the innocent one.” 
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Lissa nodded in sound agreement, it didn't surprise her that their head was at the same place on the matter. After eight years how could it not be, there was never anyone before him or since him who knew her so well. She played with the hair at the back of his neck moving to sit closer. "Agreed, my day goes better when your the first person I see anyway." She dotted, she wasn't usually this cheesy or affectionate but she was feeling particularly close to him in that moment. "You have nothing to prove, Matt. You'll always be the one."
Lissa laughed at that, "You were bleeding out of the side of your head the first time I meet you. Innocent was exactly what came to mind." She said in pure sarcasm. Though that was a good thing, because she'd have probably never given him a second glance otherwise. A little bit dangerous was apparently her type.
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
He was territorial and he didn’t care who knew it.  He still had quite the fighting instinct in him from when he was younger, but that’s how he was. He wasn’t going to deal with ever losing her and he’d make damn sure it didn’t happen.  “That’s how I feel and I feel like if it is someone who would make the other one uncomfortable if we hooked up with them, we shouldn’t. I’m not even saying I’d ever be able to, when you’re not there, but i think we just need to be mindful and respectful of each other. 
He smiled at her. “You are definitely the bad influence. I’m extremely innocent, always have been.” 
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Lissa nodded, “I completely agree. Best rule of thumb would be not to hook up with any girl you think might annoy me. Also no sleepovers, and we text one another if we’re gone for more than lets say...two hours?” She said noting off everything that came to her mind on what might might cause any strife. 
“Oh really, might I remind you you used to drive a motorcycle when I met you. That right that takes away half of any supposed innocence you possess.” 
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
This was the last place he expected to run into the blonde firebrand who he’d nearly married eight years ago.  It had been a dark time for Rex, still reeling over his first failed marriage and he had gone along with his family’s wishes all the while knowing it wasn’t what he wanted.  And Alissa sure as shit made it clear she didn’t, either.  He flashed a wry smile and lifted a hand, showing off the gold band he wore. “I’m on my honeymoon.  Certainly didn’t expect to see you here, but you’re looking amazing as ever.”  His blue eyes made a circuit of her from head to foot. “I hope life is good for you and Matthew?  The few times we’ve mingled back in London never gave much time to talk but you’ve looked far happier than I remember from back in the day.  I’m glad.”
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Her eyes followed the gesture to look at the wedding band, the blonde nodded with a light smile. “Congratulations, you look well, happy.” She noted not missing the once over he gave her, though choosing not to think anything of it. “Yes! We are doing great, taking a much needed vacation. I’m surprised you’re here of all places for your honeymoon. I myself wouldn’t have let Matt anywhere close to this place on ours.”
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
It was skin kissed red by the sun and the curvaceous body it contoured that first caught Rex’s eye.  The shock of platinum blonde hair, the moue of a mouth kissed years ago and the rest of a figure his hands knew every inch of didn’t hit home.  Not until the sunbather spoke right as he was reaching to take the bottle, intent on pressing his large hands to the supple work of helping a gorgeous woman in need.  But that voice!  He’d know it anywhere.  Frozen, reaching for the bottle and staring at a quite literal blast from the past, Rex halted. “Lissa?  Jesus Christ is that you?”
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Alissa passed the bottle off, and only then when he stood over her providing shade from the glaring sunlight that the recognition settled in. What were the chances that she'd run into her ex fiancé of all people, on vacation no less. She was at a loss for words, the last time they'd had a proper conversation was probably eight and a half years ago, when she'd been pissed over the fact that her mother was demanding she take a semester off from college to move back home and fully commit to wedding preparations. She'd eloped with Matt not long after that and mailed him the engagement ring, not one of her proudest moments. "Rex...it's good to see you." She finally said when nothing better came to her.
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
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Lissa rubbed her shoulders lightly her neck crained to the side as she tried to soothe the stinging sun reddened skin. The problem with being in such a climate where the sun was eminent to be out more hours than not was she had to be extra tentative to applying sunscreen, and that too of the highest spf she could get her hands on if she wanted to keep her porcelain skin from burning. Setting her novel aside she reached for the bottle on the table beside her. She undid the wrap she had on starting with her legs. Seeing someone walking by when she was just about done with them she pushed her sunglasses up to address them. "Excuse me! Would you mind getting my back?"
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
Lissa couldn't help but laugh shaking her head, he'd punched a lot of guys on her account, and she'd emotionally devastated a lot of woman on his. So maybe this resort wasn't the best idea for them but that was still up for debate. She leaned forward shrugging. "I'd of course want to know. And I very much enjoy bringing a third person into bed with us that's always fun. But whatever happens just be honest with me." She replied sorting through her thoughts on the matter. She smiled softly at his admission nodding. "Neither can I, it will always be you no matter what."
Reaching for him she shifted closer her hand caressing his jaw enjoying the stubble under her palm. "You know I still can't decide whose been a worst influence, me on you, or you on me."
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Lissa considered that for a moment, realizing they hadn’t actually discussed the prospect of sleeping with anyone else on this trip. She would deny it but she did get jealous and she was fairly possessive over him. “…I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve decided yet to be completely honest. What about you, if I slept with another man or woman while we’re here where would your head be at?” She asked coming around go sit on the desk so she could look at him as they spoke.
Lissa smirked, “It has been fun but there’s a lot more to see. Are you sure about that maybe I want to be persuaded?”
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He sighed. “I don’t know. I mean, I guess that is kind of what people do, but I would rather it be together, than alone.  I would have to prove I was better, but yeah, I’d probably punch the person in the face or worse. I mean, I would rather know it happened, how about you? I coldnt ever emotionally connect with anyone else.” 
He smiled at her. “You totally want to to be persuaded.” 
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
Lissa considered that for a moment, realizing they hadn't actually discussed the prospect of sleeping with anyone else on this trip. She would deny it but she did get jealous and she was fairly possessive over him. "...I don't know. I don't think I've decided yet to be completely honest. What about you, if I slept with another man or woman while we're here where would your head be at?" She asked coming around go sit on the desk so she could look at him as they spoke.
Lissa smirked, "It has been fun but there's a lot more to see. Are you sure about that maybe I want to be persuaded?"
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Alissa smiled at his response, the heel of her palms applying pressure to the tense muscles, thumbs stroking over the surrounding area each time she was particularly hard. “I bet, so who was this woman in our shower?” She asked her voice nonchalant but a hint of annoyance there as she wasn’t all that fond of anyone encroaching on her space. Or her husband for that matter.
After a couple more minutes she leaned down againwrapping her arms around his shoulders, resting her face against his. “You can tell me all the ways we can get worked up but on our way out, cause we haven’t done anything since we’ve gotten here, and I’m not counting our sexcapades!”
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He then shrugged. “Don’t ask me. I don’t even know. She was very naked and she told me it wouldn’t happen again. She clearly did not want to see me. I looked but I didn’t touch.  Would you have been jealous if I had touched, in this last of free love and all that”  He raised an eyebrow, as he glanced over his shoulder.
 He then smiled at her. “Yes, but those are fun sexcapades and who is to say that I won’t talk you into something completely and crazy sexcapade wise, out there? I am very persuasive, you know.” 
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
Matt just needed to stop working. He didn’t want to work, not really.  But, he was worried that his TA wouldn’t stay up to date on everything, while he was gone and he could be very ridiculous about all of it, if he was completely honest. But, he was really just biding his time until Lissa came back anyway.
But then she had squeezed his shoulders and he groaned, his neck rolling. “That feels really good and is far more interesting than my messed up lecture for the classes I’m missing.”  
He smiled at her, leaning into her touch. “Or only get worked up, in better ways.” 
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Alissa smiled at his response, the heel of her palms applying pressure to the tense muscles, thumbs stroking over the surrounding area each time she was particularly hard. “I bet, so who was this woman in our shower?” She asked her voice nonchalant but a hint of annoyance there as she wasn’t all that fond of anyone encroaching on her space. Or her husband for that matter.
After a couple more minutes she leaned down againwrapping her arms around his shoulders, resting her face against his. "You can tell me all the ways we can get worked up but on our way out, cause we haven't done anything since we've gotten here, and I'm not counting our sexcapades!"
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
It was a peculiar sight to stumble upon on the island, a man fully dressed in a baseball uniform throwing pitches. It didn't take more than a couple balls for her to realize he could possibly be a pro, a fact which certainly spiked her curiosity driving her closer. When she got a good view of his face the recognition settled in. August Quinn, they'd met at some gala or another, events she was frequently invited too that often had name talent in attendance. When he seemed to notice her she straightened from where she'd been leaning, drawing closer. "Is the uniform a requirement when practicing?" She asked in initiation to the conversation.
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August didn’t want to get rusty while he was here on the island, so he decided to dress up and make sure to keep his arm in shape. Finding the perfect spot, the ball player started pitching ball after ball.  He was in a steady groove when he caught someone watching him, making him falter for a second, but he didn’t say anything, just continued to follow through with exercising his arm.
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
Matt had said when they got here, that they wouldn’t work, at all. But yet, when Lissa was out for a couple hours, he had made the mistake of opening his laptop, which he should have left at home and dealt with some of his work emails. They always seemed to frustrate him and he possibly threw a glass that was on the table at the wall, because well, he wasn’t good with his temper sometimes.
What he did miss was his wife come back in and he felt her hands on his shoulders.
“You know, I’m really hoping you’re my wife, because there was already a strange woman in our shower, this week. And I’m totally not working.”
Lissa was guilty of breaking their rule at least twice since they started their trip. Andrea had been sending her updates via text and memos on meetings and editorial decisions via email that she took quick peeks at, though only when Matt wasn't around. She was returning to their hotel room with every intention to drag him out so they could utilize some of the perks the hotel or perhaps go exploring the island, when she saw him at his laptop.
Just in time for him to throw the glass across the room, thankfully not in the direction of the door. She wasn't exactly angry as she has been doing the same thing. Going over to him she slid her hands along his forearms before giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. She leaned down to brush a kiss along his neck reach over to close the laptop screen before going back to the gentle ministrations on his shoulders.
"Maybe strange women might buy that but I definitely knew you were working. I may be guilty of checking some memos myself. Maybe we both need to keep distracted at all times, so as not to get worked up." She said against his ear.
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
He was glad that they had time to themselves, feeling like they never got that anymore, with how much they worked.  He wanted to just have time to touch her as much as possible. Right now, he needed her desperately, after the way she’d been teasing him.  He groaned, once he was buried deep inside of her, his hips rocking forward. “fuck, you are so hot.” 
Lissa shuddered, knotting her fingers together around his neck, letting her head rest forward on his shoulder as her whole body reacted to the sensation of him inside of her. As he began to rock in and out of a breathy gasped escaped her and the spot on his shoulder her lips lay closest too. "You feel so good! Harder, p-please..." she gasped out her hips lifting to meet him with each thrust.
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
Touch Meme
Send a symbol to have your Muse touch my Muse in a certain way and see how they react!
➟ Pull on their hair/clothing ➡ Smack dat ass ➢Grope them ➣ Slap their hand away ➤ Punch/Slap/Assault them ➥ Rub their back ➧ Massage their shoulders ➨ Put their hand between mine’s legs ➚Tickle them ➙ Pinch them ➛Poke them ➜ Play with mine’s hair ➝ Feel mine’s heartbeat
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lissajameson-blog · 7 years
Anal, spanking, dirty talk, exhibitonism
no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
Dirty Talk
no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know
0 notes
lissajameson-blog · 7 years
He felt like he hadn’t been with her in a while, even though it hadn’t been that long. He didn’t know if it was the island or what it was.  “I need you too, and right here, pressed against this door.”  He moved to position himself, glad that they’d ditched the clothing and he pushed deep inside of her, in one thrust. 
A slow smile came to her face, the fact that they had this time to themselves was nice in itself, because most days when they were home it felt like they were just rushing to get through the day, go from one place to another, mornings especially. This trip was going to leave them so spoiled. She ran a hand through his hair, not breaking eye contact until he thrust into her inciting a deep moan from her her head falling back against the door her bottom lip caught between her teeth.
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