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quixoticanarchy · 6 months ago
Hey, could you recommend me any (not too challenging) things to read about supply chains? Specifically about medications? :)
Oh hmm i can throw you some links to readings relevant to supply chains, but most of what I’ve read recently I probably wouldn’t recommend lol, unless you want to read about resource extraction specifically
For things not on that list and which arent too hard, I think Moby-Duck by donovan hahn is a neat look at economic geography through the case study of rubber ducks. There’s also the Containers podcast, which is pretty introductory and easy to follow, if you like podcasts?
I wish I had medical supply chain recs bc it’s something that interests and concerns me quite a lot, but all I’ve seen when looking for books are collections of academic articles or industry&business publications. I might still try to get my hands on those but they’d tend toward the difficult side of reading. I’ll post about it if I end up reading any of that stuff tho
if I find better medical recs or if anyone knows of any, pls add on!
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emeraldskulblaka · 8 months ago
16 & 18 for the musical asks!
16. favourite musical that’s underrated
I almost said Standing at the Sky's Edge, but it won the Olivier for Best New Musical xD not exactly underrated. It IS underrated by the general musical fandom, though. A truly underrated musical is Finding Neverland. It's so beautiful and emotional.
18. favourite musical you never talk/blog about
Legally Blonde! I had so much fun watching the pro-shot.
Thank youuu ✨️
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thelordofgifs · 2 years ago
I think you should seed it popular against popular at the start.... I don't want to see my beloved Erutáro decimated by bofur in this first round 😭😭😭
Clearly a very neutral and unbiased answer ;) but I’m inclined to agree, thank you!
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curiouselleth · 1 year ago
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The Gate of Doriath
watercolor and ink on 8x12in paper
Gift for @myrtaceaae for the Nefarious Secret Santa! 💖
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anna-dreamer · 7 months ago
Moodboard game
Rules: Use only pictures already on your camera roll/saved pictures on your phone to make a moodboard, then invite people to guess what character or ship the board is for.
Tagged by @camille-lachenille Guess this Silmarillion character! (I mean this is obvious my photos are kinda one note XD)
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Tagging @thelordofgifs, @myrtaceaae, @quixoticanarchy, @actual-bill-potts (no pressure 💖)
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theoscelosaurus · 7 months ago
Tagged by @asterlark (thank you :D!!) Rules: pick a song for every letter of your url and then tag that many people (welp that is A Lot of letters we'll see how this goes)
T: The Road to Nowhere, Radical Face
H: Hey, Runner!, The Arcadian Wild
E: Eat You Alive, The Oh Hellos
O: Old Pine, Ben Howard
S: Summer Skeletons, Radical Face
C: (The) Consequence of Imagination Is Fear, Junie & TheHutFriends (sorry lol apparently I don't listen to music starting with C)
E: Everything Costs, Radical Face
L: Lying Beast, Run River North
O: Of the Wall! Magical!, Junie & TheHutFriends
S: Sunn, Radical Face
A: A Benediction, The Arcadian Wild
U: I've looked through all of my playlists but genuinely can't find a single one¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
R: Rearview, Run River North
U: :(
S: Severus and Stone, Radical Face
That was a lot harder than I thought it'd be! @myrtaceaae @obsidianmage3 @mythologeekwriter @transcarcinization @cinqueform @doruwuwei @rusalkaandtheshepherdgirl (okay i genuinely can't remember people's usernames well enough for this, @ 8 other people i probably like very much but have sadly forgotten)
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luciphe-r · 1 year ago
tag people you want to catch up with/get to know better
Tagged by @bright-thehawksflight, thank youuuuuu >:))
last song: Fem in a Black Leather Jacket by Pansy Division i found this song a couple weeks ago in a punk playlist and ive loved it ever since. it perfectly encapsulates how i feel when i say that i like men in a gay way
last film: The Green Knight (2021), it's been on my watchlist since the trailer came out and i am finally getting around to watching it... havent finished it yet but im positive i will at some point
current/last read: last read was a book i bought at a vintage fair titled "wage earners and artisans in medieval paris" which had a really interesting history of the first unions in a medieval context (really niche but eh, it's by Bronislaw Gemek if anyone needs a ref... my copy is in italian so i cant vouch for how easy it might be to read and/or find)
currently watching: i have started "the bear" with my mom but i havent gone past ep 2 because of the sad amount of mental energy i have at the end of the night... i want to finish it so bad!!!
current obsessions: batman in all its forms....
Tagging @myrtaceaae @perennial-lee @apocalyps-o @ink-pot-gods @dr-awkward221b @i-like-creepy-and-cute-stuff @decayingliberty and anyone who's looking for an excuse to do this
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aredhel-erinti · 10 months ago
Oh look! I did it! After (checks)... three weeks... Thanks to @myryathedreamer for tagging me!
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I tag @myrtaceaae @eight-pointed-star @makerofrunevests (in case you didn't do it already)
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
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maellor · 2 years ago
Thank you @dreamingthroughthenoise for the tag!
8 shows to get to know me
I don't watch many shows/series, so this is going to be rather short.
1. The Shannara Chronicles
2. The Witcher
3. Lucifer
4. Ragnarok
5. Wolfblood
Yeah I haven't watched anything else 😅 (only those i used to watch as a kid but I'm not including those XD)
Tagging @myrtaceaae @spiced-wine-fic, @totally-not-one-of-the-fae, @melkormajere, @curufan and anyone else who wants to!
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camille-lachenille · 2 months ago
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Thank you 💜💜💜💜
@stop-the-skeksis @erdariel @curiouselleth @sewn-with-lilies-fair @janeeyreofmanderley @enjolras-in-valinor @leucisticpuffin @thescrapwitch @deadqueernoldor @myrtaceaae
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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quixoticanarchy · 1 year ago
For the books ask game, 4 & 9?
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
hm not sure if there's one above all but I would like to read more from Robin Wall Kimmerer and James Baldwin and Robert MacFarlane, for sure
9. Did you get into any new genres?
I read more historical/classic books than I ever have, I guess? and a couple biographies or books of personal essays which I don't usually read. otherwise most of the books were science, foreign policy, spy novels, a little fantasy/sci fi which aren't new
(for these asks)
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curiouselleth · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag @fictionalmenjusthitdifferent!
Rules: Shuffle your repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people.
Chasm Between Brothers (the Last Trial, 2017 film)
Lord of Nothing (the Last Trial, 2022)
Mamma Mia by Alexander Kazmin, Evgeny Egorov, and Rostislav Kolpakov
The Duel from the Lay of Leithian rock opera (June 2023)
The Battle of Sauron and Finrod Felagund by Clamavi de Profundis
Now and for Always from the LOTR Musical 2023
Don't stop me now by Evgeny Egorov
Mr. Blue Sky
Lullaby from the Last Trial english dub
Istina duet by Yaroslav Bayarunas and Maxim Rakovsky
@nonlinear-nonsubjective, @maellor, @general-illyrin, @moriquendii, @solarcola, @silmarillionopsessed, @gondolin-but-not-forgottenlin, @myrtaceaae, @dreamingthroughthenoise, @quixoticanarchy
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tathrin · 6 months ago
@myrtaceaae's tags paint a good heartbreaking image and thus must be shared, because Thranduil yes. (Thranduil, noooo!)
#oooooh ouch#so many elves could fit for this #i really imagine thranduil for it. the continent changing and the coastline moving. and thranduil continues his routines in the greenwood #as the sea slowly encroaches #it's denial and hope. that maybe if he stays the same then the world will spare him.
Don't want to derail the cool ghost post with fandom bullshit, but: imagine elves.
Imagine elves who have seen hundreds of years come and go around them, seen their mortals friends die and die and die each generation after the next after the next; seen civilizations rise and fall; seen the very land change while they themselves remain.
Imagine them wandering down once-familiar paths by habit only to find that where they expected solid ground instead there is only the hungry ceaseless sea.
Imagine one worn down so by grief or time or loss that they just keep walking anyway, surf up to their knees, to their thighs, to their neck: high enough that it becomes indistinguishable from the tears; and still the world moves on and they remain, walking on the unsteady shifting fading earth, watching stars wink-out one-by-one above them and still they remain.
Walking on paths long gone and forgotten by all but them.
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luciphe-r · 2 years ago
🧋five drinks to get to know me🥤tagged by no one actually i just saw this and wanted t do it
1. still water > for a long time i only ever drank water, full stop. it's still my favorite drink and I don't GET why some people dont like drinking it
2. screwdriver > it's orange juice with vodka in it. every time i got drunk but one has been because of this beautiful concoction. i did mix it myself at home once and it was vile asf because i got the ratio wrong. still uhh try it if you drink
3. chocolate milk > comfort drink, if i dont have this as breakfast my life will collapse
4. short espresso > it's an espress that's really small like 1cm worth of coffee in the tiny teensie coffee cup that's used in italy. i drink it with like five tablespoons of sugar. it's god awful but it has made me get three degrees so it's cool it's fine. it's also great if you're constipated
5. iced still water but with a straw!! > it's probably the neurodivergentness in me but everything tastes better if it's drank with a straw im sorry turtles
i’m tagging @tvheit @moonlighteponine @myrtaceaae @sparkly-angell @ percy and @ gabrielle i cant fucking remmber your @s dhiufjse
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maellor · 2 years ago
Thanks for tagging me for my lockscreen, last song and image, @dreamingthroughthenoise and @general-illyrin!
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Last song: I watched Les Mis musical live in West End yesterday and i have been unable to listen to anything after that, so...
Last image i downloaded:
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Tagging @spiced-wine-fic, @violecov and @myrtaceaae
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quixoticanarchy · 2 years ago
Orchid & jasmine for the ask game!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
answered before but here's more: the blue by jason isbell; walkin' (waylon jennings version); escape by seeming; the pearl by emmylou harris; the last two songs from Последнее Испытание
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
maybe some things I read so long ago that I don't think I could ever be interested in them the same way? I mean, I don't see myself ever rereading the book Fast Food Nation, though I was really, deeply, unfortunately obsessed with it when I was 12
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