pydoodles · 3 months
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Headshot of Myro for myself
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partyficial · 3 months
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ruby-static · 2 years
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I’ve been busy (and tired as fuck) wrapping up some college deadlines- But I thought I’d make a quick doodle to de-stress. So here is my Myro BS yet again.
This honestly sums up their dynamic pretty well.
(Once I’ve finished up my deadlines and I’m finally free to enjoy my winter break, I wanna at least attempt to do more story-based content with Mira. I’m trying to start his ask blog back up if I can-)
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cflixr · 5 months
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cryptosnewss · 9 months
MYRO (Solana Meme Coin) Rockets by 75%, Overtaking WIF in Trading Volume
Key Points: MYRO triples in price, overtaking WIF and aiming for a $100M market cap. Introduction of a user-friendly staking program in 2024. Influencers speculate on MYRO’s potential listings on major exchanges. Solana-based meme coin, MYRO, has witnessed an extraordinary surge of 75% within the last 24 hours, setting a new all-time high at over $0.076. MYRO’s recent explosive growth positions…
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View On WordPress
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foodandcrypto1 · 10 months
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On Solana
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blueiscoool · 25 days
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A Greek bronze Corinthian helmet Circa 600-525 B.C.
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jamespottersmixtape · 11 months
rosekiller microfic: goldilocks 1,632 words
a bit of soft rosekiller!! this is inspired by @myrows rosekiller art which you can find here! it made me want to weep a little when I first saw it, so naturally I had to write something haha :) ngl this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and it's by no means perfect but enjoy!! <3
Barty has always cherished quiet nights at Hogwarts.
When the chatter in the halls finally dies down enough for his thoughts to come back to him and homework has been carelessly tossed aside to save for tomorrow.
There’s a sense of serenity to it all that Barty rarely finds elsewhere. A break that he craves most at the end of a particularly stressful day.
Sixth year courses have been—to put it lightly, beating his ass—no matter how well he does. Today, it had taken him ten tries to get the nonverbal spell to work in Transfiguration. Ten.
Usually Barty needs no more than six tries for complicated spells, less than that for complex potions. Disregarding that he still did it faster than over half the class, now he’s just fucking tired.
He groans and shoves his schoolbag off the bed, letting it hit the floor with a soft thud, then flops backwards dramatically onto his pillows. The dorm room is dim, save for a few small candles on his bedside table. Cloaked in various shadows that dance around the room from the flickering flame.
Barty closes his eyes, taking a spare second to just breathe. There’s the soft white noise of the shower running in the background—Evan is taking forever, as usual—and sometimes Barty imagines he can hear the push and pull of the black lake against their walls. Lack of windows be damned.
It isn’t long before the water shuts off, and Barty feels the smallest smile tug at the corners of his mouth. It’s just the two of them for now, Regulus off doing god knows what at this hour. So naturally, a lot of built up restraint is needed for Barty not to rip open the bathroom door. To go and take in the sight of a freshly showered Evan and gather him in his arms before he can be stopped.
He’s been in there for less than thirty minutes but fuck it, Barty misses him.
Grumbling, he goes to change into the first clothes he can find. Settling for some years old joggers and a loose tank top, the soft fabric already making him drowsy.
The bathroom door creaks open and his head snaps up, immediately catching Evan’s eye. Barty really can’t help it when his heart skips a beat.
Evan raises his eyebrows, chuckling when Barty takes no subtlety in checking him out. His hair is dry, most likely done by magic. A thin blue t-shirt hangs off his shorter frame and each step taken towards Barty casts golden shadows over his skin.
Looking like everything warm and comfortable; the smell of his shampoo in the air so familiar that it hurts.
Barty’s smirk is wicked when he tugs Evan by his shirt into a light kiss. He makes a startled noise but melts into Barty’s touch regardless, fingers cupping his chin. The kiss is short but effective in making Barty’s head go all fuzzy.
“What happened to hello?” Evan asks when they pull apart—though not very far—now standing chest to chest. Evan’s bare feet fit in between his socked ones.
 Barty makes sure to slather his words in extra charm, grinning. “Hello, gorgeous.” 
“Wow, smooth talker,” Evan deadpans.
“You know you love it, Goldilocks.”
Barty takes a blonde strand between two fingers, tugging lightly at the end and earning him a deep scowl.
“I told you that nickname is stupid.” Evan rolls his eyes but Barty catches the blush high on his cheekbones. A light dusting of pinks and reds that work to compliment his freckles. Barty pokes him on one cheek.
“And I told you I don’t care.”
Barty hums noncommittally, threading their fingers together. Warmth settles in his chest from the steady weight of Evan’s hand.
He leads Evan past the emerald green curtains of his bed and down onto the soft mattress. It’s a routine they’ve created over the last few months, and every time Barty wraps the covers around them it becomes harder and harder to let Evan slip back into his own bed. Something about having him in his arms means a night free of restless tossing and turning.
They lie facing each other for a few minutes, minimal space between them and their heads resting on one pillow. Quiet voices and even quieter laughs, a sacred bubble that neither of them dare to pop.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Barty laughs, his voice barely above a whisper. “You told Cresswell what?”
Evan frowns, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “I told him…that if he feels the need to keep staring at you in class then maybe I should tape his fucking eyes open. You know, that way he wouldn’t miss it when I inevitably snog you right in front of him.”
“Evan!” Barty can’t help it, his laugh is loud when it bursts from his chest.
“Well, maybe I left out that last bit…”
It takes him a minute before his laughter dies down, the quiet settling back in. “You jealous?” Barty teases, raising an eyebrow.
Evan purses his lips. “No.”
Barty stares at him knowingly.
Evan averts his eyes.
“Mhm sure, come here.”
He drags Evan in by his waist, the pair of them fumbling around until Evan’s head relaxes in the crook of Barty’s neck and his forearm rests over his chest. Their sides pressed together, Barty smiles—fully content now.
Wordlessly, Barty ghosts his hand over the warm skin, relishing in the way Evan shivers from the cold metal of the ring on his middle finger.
There’s silence for a few minutes. Evan’s hair brushes the side of his face and his warm breath fans across his chest, their hearts only slightly out of sync as they beat so close together.
It’s a lot for Barty to take in sometimes—the whole idea of them. Having someone so delicate, yet so utterly untouchable, be his. If anyone took the time to ask him, though, he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Barty knows Evan’s eyes are closed, can see the shadow of his eyelashes. He takes the opportunity to trace over his freckles; a messy constellation that follows the high points of his cheeks, crosses sporadically over the bridge of his nose.
Evan scrunches his face up, which should not be so endearing. “That tickles.”
Barty turns his head, placing the quickest of kisses atop of Evan’s forehead, debating whether or not he should just give in and lick the side of his face. Then ultimately deciding against it—Evan did just take a shower—he’ll be nice for once.
“I wasn’t jealous. I don’t get jealous,” Evan mumbles, his voice lulled and tired sounding.
“Of course not, Ev.” Barty resists rolling his eyes, Evan can’t see his face anyway. 
“Besides,” Barty continues, “If you were jealous, I don’t mind you threatening people for me…it’s kinda hot.”
Evan smacks him lightly across the chest, but snuggles deeper against his shoulder. Which definitely does not do a weird flippy thing to Barty’s stomach. Nope, not at all.
“Mm okay,” Evan yawns. Which, Barty can’t blame him. Exhaustion is slowly taking over his body the longer they lie here. At this point all he wants to do is blow out the candles and fall asleep. Keep Evan next to him the whole night.
“Hey Goldilocks.”
“Mhm…” Evan must be too tired to even rebuke the nickname.
“Reg is going to freak out if he finds you here in my bed.”
Evan huffs, not very different from a petulant child. He makes no move to get up or even open his eyes. “I don’t care.”
This time Barty can’t hold back his yawn. He shuts his eyes and allows his body to sink further into the bed. Further into Evan. “Maybe we can tell Potter how madly in love with him Reg is. Then they can finally leave us alone.”
“Payback,” Evan snorts.
They both fall asleep without really meaning to. Tangled limbs beneath the covers and hands that aren’t inclined to let go. As his mind quiets down, something in Barty feels settled. A puzzle piece slotting into place after searching and searching for the edge that matches. Evan tends to have that effect on him, he’s come to notice.
All is quiet for a while, the whole school in a coinciding state of slumber. A time when portraits snore softly and only ghosts roam the halls, the usual lively presence of magic at bay for now.
But not even thirty minutes later they’re awoken with a loud thud and a significantly darker room—Barty had blown the candles out after all—just in case.
“Lumos,” someone whispers.
Regulus stands at the end of Barty’s bed, hands on his hips and a look of annoyance on his face. His wand is now lit and shining far too bright for Barty’s liking.
“What the fuck, Reg?” he asks groggily. Evan groans beside him and tries to hide his face.
“Not my fault I tripped over your fucking books, Barty,” Regulus hisses. “And you guys are gross. You said no PDA in the dorm.”
Barty squints and gestures for him to lower his wand. Regulus does so slowly. “Yeah, well I’m a fucking liar. Let us sleep.”
It’s with a lot of grumbling and a sharp glare that Regulus turns and stalks to his side of the room. When he shuts himself in the bathroom Barty reaches for his own wand and spells his curtains closed.
He has Evan back in his arms in no time, steady and real and here. Absolutely not going anywhere, if Barty has a say in it. His fingers resume their path over his arm, tracing nonsensical shapes that neither can decipher. Before they both drift off again a thought pops into Barty’s head.
“We are definitely getting him back for this.”
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8b8ll · 7 months
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simply-sithel · 10 months
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Was lucky enough to entertain @justheblueberry recently (along with others) and got to peer closely at her most impressive binding of A Study in Scarlette. It's a beautiful piece of work with so much care and thought put into the details, inside and out. Love it! Definitely recommend you check out her post & write-up of the project!
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pydoodles · 3 months
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Some doodles I did last night of wow ocs
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partyficial · 4 months
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ruby-static · 2 years
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Why does the mouse share the house with the louse
They won't say but they feel their feelings
Doesn't subtract from the fact that
I love you for psychological reasons
Wrapping up the semester has been pretty rough, but I always manage to have the energy to draw these dudes somehow.
So here we have two nerds in their natural habitat being, surprise surprise, nerds! What chaos will ensue?
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thegoldendoorknob · 4 months
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Oops random oc tracklist time again what's going to get lost now
Beautiful Ruin
Explorer / Nuclear Fusion
Traveling Sage
Quiet Water
The Dark Truth
Reason Boss
Dancing Crazy Murder
Sunshine Airport
Babylon Garden
Royal Academy of Katamari (Forever)
Strawberry Crisis!! / Fate of Sixty Years / Memories of Phantasm 3
Clanker's Cavern
Feed The Birds
Snow Halation
Artificial Children
Bad Apple
Phantasmagoria Mystical Expectation
Komm Süsser Tod
Peepy's Secret
The Extreme / Remix
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vanderbilt-draws · 8 months
Waiting for the Star Trek OCs to drop
wowwww imagine spending a lot of time on character design and original species lore and even making an isuman language couldnt be meeeee
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mostlybrunettes · 1 year
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