#my wii is busted so im trying to find an emulator.. btu thinking about spm got me like mmm apply it to lucifer
girlucifer · 3 years
cries about super paper mario. lucifer + mc as blumiere and timpani. whatever.
*two beating hearts in the dead silence of night- a union of dark and light, something extraordinary in the small cottage house underneath thatch roofs in a cozy village- two people simply fell in love. but that's rarely the ending, is it?
*lucifer, prince of darkness, to-be leader of the tribe of darkness, was running away from his controlling father once again- he had no interest in becoming chief yet his father pressured him every moment to be something he doesn't want. lucifer was hot-headed, unthinking- he had run into an area of the woods he was unfamiliar with, and from the corner of his eye, he saw glinting white teeth lunging towards him- he stumbles out of the woods bleeding black blood, and collapses.
*a human of the tribe of light of course had to stumble upon a broken, near the edge of death darkling. yet the color of his eyes, his blood, his skin --- it mattered not- this was a being with a soul who needed saving. the human cared for lucifer until he woke, in bed with a horrible fever. he looked around- what a strange room... where was he?
*the human walks in with clean pads. 'oh, you're awake. here, let me replace your bandages. oh, you're shivering... i'll make you an elixir with these herbs i've gathered- should help the infection. here, can you lift your head?' lucifer blinks in surprise- the realization dawns on him. he's in a human home- and there's the owner. he loses his head as he scrambles to get away- he knows all too well how humans feel about him - and how he's meant to feel about them as well. he falls out of the bed, a searing pain in his left side- is he truly hurt this bad? he can't even drag himself away. the human looks on with concerned eyes- 'do not be afraid- please, let me help you . . .'
*in the short respite lucifer had staying in the house of the human in the village of light, he had come to realize his own prejudices about humans and how he had such a warped perspective on them- this human knew nothing of him, how he and his tribe hated humans so, how had this been the other way around, where lucifer stumbled upon a dying human- well, lucifer couldn't say for sure that he'd help them. to have so much compassion for everything living under the sun... lucifer looks upon the human's face as they clean his injuries once again. they smile, and he reddens.
*naturally the two fall in love- hidden trysts under the moonlight, secret rendezvous in the enveloping fog- the two knew their love for each other was a double-edged sword- while they love each other so deeply and unconditionally, others- both of the light and dark- wouldn't come to such understanding as easily as them two. once word caught on that the prince of darkness had been stealing away at night to meet with a human, lucifer's father wasn't pleased. and he made sure everyone knew how he disapproved of the human- 'why are you avoiding me, mc? ... these marks... mc, is my father behind this? mc... i...'
*lucifer had enough of his father's dictating ways and the responsibilities of the tribe outweighing his own desires- he begs the human to run away with him- 'we'll find a place accepting of our love. please, marry me! i promise i'll make you happy!' and with tears in their eyes and a smile upon their lips, the two kiss. . .
*as lucifer readied to make his escape, his father was a step ahead- 'you did not heed my warning- i told you if you continue to see that human, it'll spell out consequences not just for you- but them as well. don't you see, lucifer? you have killed your one true love. they are not in this world- not in any world. i've cursed them to spent the rest of their pathetic days wandering between dimensions, never to be seen or heard again.'
*lucifer had spent years upon years searching far and wide through every dimension known to them. and had come up fruitless- the human was truly, truly gone. and a world without them... any world without them was not worth saving. lucifer returned to his tribe- a hearty welcome from his father, immediately shut up by lucifer who demanded the dark prognosticus, the ancient tome the tribe protected for millennia. the dark prognosticus foretold of the end of the world- all worlds. the tribe had to protect it lest everything, everyone would be reduced to ashes and dust. little did they know, the very protection of it would inevitably cause whatever the book prophesized- lucifer took the book, read its pages- he will destroy every known dimension to this empty and hollow universe- nothing matters anymore, not without them.
*and of course, the story can't end like that. little did anyone know, a small voice calls out to a young angel. 'uke.... lu.... luke!' he awakens, confronted with a small little butterfly, wings shining iridescently. 'hm... blue eyes, golden hair... chihuahua-like demeanor... you must be the hero of the light prognosticus! please, you must save us all!'
#literally. CAN YOU TELL WHATS MY FAVORITE GAME EVER???#the paper mario games are soooo good! im replaying pmok [check out a pmok x om! soon. im insane btw. cringe & fail yadda yadda]#but spm holds a very special place in my heart#the game mechanics is amazing the story is so quirky and fun the characters are so memorable and the plot line & twist...#like... holy fucking shit. anyway i had been thinking about spm again bc im trying to replay it#my wii is busted so im trying to find an emulator.. btu thinking about spm got me like mmm apply it to lucifer#naturally- i love tragic romances that end with someone trying to destroy everything because they cantbe with the one they love#aka like... lucifer revolting because his sister couldn't freely love + ither catalytic reasons [i figure luciferi s also projecting as he#cannot love as he wants either]#AND INUYASHA!!!! naraku literally LITERALLY invited thousands of demons into his very being all for the hopes to turn his head and gae#gaze* uppon kikyo's visage like cmon... but naturally the demons had corrupted his soul and the jewel couldn't grant his wish...#HE FORGOT WHAT IT WAS ALL FOR... ALL HE WANTED WAS KIKYOS HEART>?????? HE COULDNT HAVE IT SO INSTEAD I#GUESS THE NEXT BEST THING IS TO DESTORY EVERYONE???#yes we love stupid men who are like ok ill just kill and destroy and tear aapart because i cant be with my wife </3#ok i say that but i do not like naraku and kikyo together i like naraku obsessed w kikyo who's like Do I know You Sir?#anyway. yeah. i typed this up at 6 am if there are mistakes no there arent#obey me!#text
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