#my us law professor called it 'statue' but idk
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angeloftuesdayy · 5 months ago
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In honor of my and probably Sam's fav subject in law school: criminal law!
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science-lings · 9 months ago
More info on the options below the cut
1- My guy just lost his job and has to live out of his old office there's no way he can be allowed to adopt Trucy immediately, but if he had a rich husband who lives overseas and lets them technically commit fraud by moving into his old apartment during social worker visits... that would be much easier. Edgeworth isn't against being a little underhanded in his methods with the law and he has witnessed Phoenix with the Feys so if an infamous attorney were to adopt a child left behind by a tragic trial, he'd be so glad it was Phoenix. That guy has been reeking dad energy for years. It's also important to note that no one doubted the authenticity of their relationship since they went to go sign the papers because most people who have seen them already assumed that they were together. They don't have to try to convince anyone.
2- The things they call each other are so important to me, as kids they're Miles and Phoenix/Nick, in court they're Mr. Edgeworth and Mr. Wright, outside of court but still in a professional setting they're Edgeworth and Wright, when they're flirting they're back to Miles and Phoenix, but when they're insufferably flirting, Pheonix is 'Mr. Edgeworth' and Miles is 'Mr. Wright' They do this before they get married, both legally and actually.
3- They would be so funny on a reality tv show or some kind of game show, if their motive is doing something better than the other, they will put their whole pussies into whatever that thing is, even if it's like the great british baking show and Phoenix is the only one who can kind of bake. If they get to work together they're insane, put these assholes in an escape room and they will fuck that shit up. With Miles, who learned how to pick locks, and Phoenix, who got used to puzzles when working with Professor Layton, they would speedrun an escape room.
4- idk Pheonix just seems like he gets super affectionate with the people he loves, he kisses Trucys forehead/head so constantly it's habitual for him to pop off her hat to smooch her scalp and replace it right after. I also think it would be funny if he was so unprofessional about his love for Edgeworth except when they're in court but that's because they have to stand like twenty feet away from each other. Edgeworth turns red every time but he rarely protests, at least not seriously.
5- I just think they should be each other's 'oh shit' moment because that is funny to me. Phoenix didn't really realize he was attracted to men, at least in that capacity until that newspaper article and Miles had accepted that he was aro until he caught feelings he thought he was immune to. They both deal with it so well... /s
6- Connected to my hc that lawyers in the AA universe get kind of a celebrity status, but both Phoenix and Miles are so offline that they are completely unaware of it. Maya and Trucy and Kay especially are definitely not unaware and they think it's so funny. They contribute to the rumors. There are Edgeworth and Phoenix fancams made from court footage set to kpop. Apollo had a Phoenix Wright stan account and he used to fight the PW haters on twitter before he actually met the guy. He forgot the password so he can't delete it and it's only a matter of time before someone connects the dots. Anyway they trend on twitter every time they meet in court like when a new season of a show comes out and the fanbase goes bonkers.
7- obviously they call and message each other but they both think it's nostalgic to send letters, and Phoenix likes having a reason to send physical pictures from when they were kids since Miles wasn't allowed to keep any of that in the Von Karma household. Edgeworth usually sends sweets from whatever country he's in for Trucy.
8- I personally think that Phoenix has more of that kitten look but I was recently reminded of how often in the of trilogy when ppl have to tell him to put those things away. He can weaponize his big brown eyes and Miles pretends to be unaffected but he's weak to it just like everyone else. He has that kitty vibe, he asks for things by looking really pathetic and sad and it works in his favor every time.
9- Phoenix is the type of guy to fall asleep during most movies if he isn't judging it intently or particularly interested and when they were kids they tried to binge more than one samurai movie and Phoenix fell asleep before the first one ended. That official art just makes him look like such a sleepy guy. Again the kitty energy returns, he's a big napper.
10- these bitches are so good at arguing, but they both want to win so it takes forever to decide on things that actually don't matter that much. If they can't decide on a restaurant to go to for a date they won't finish arguing their case about their preferred place to go until after they close. They never yell at each other or get too emotionally invested in a lot of things but they will draw that shit out and take out evidence and witness testimony if it helps their case. Sometimes it gets so extensive that they have to pull out the whiteboard/ corkboard. Just as long as it's presented like a court case it will be so well communicated between them so they take advantage of that because or else they kinda suck at talking to each other about their problems.
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theyellowartist · 3 months ago
I may be taking this too seriously but I have a visceral need to spit back my art sociology class back at it so here goes (this is very euro-centric btw) :
In the medieval era, artists were considered craftspeople . You make/paint art with your hands, so it's a mechanical art which recquires technical expertise. Art either decorated daily objects (carved ivory brushes, tapestries...) or served a religious purpose (cathedrals, ilumminated manuscripts...). The individuals behind an art piece were mostly unknown and there was practically no notion of ownership! The more a picture was copied, the more popular it was, and the more likely the "original artist" was to get hired by nobles. But even then, the actual people making all those things weren't allowed at court because they were of lower social status.
On the other hand, everything that recquired intellectual knowledge was called a liberal art. That's philosophy, mathematics, astronomy etc. Scholars were welcome in court to entertain nobles and have conversations with them because they were noble of the mind.
Then one day painters started using euclidian perspective in their works, which showed an understanding of mathematics that was, until then, only attributed to liberal arts. That's when the Renaissance happened! Artists (mostly painters at the time) ascended to the status of liberal artists as well. That's also when artists started to sign their paintings and develop a "style" of their own that differenciated them from other painters. If there's perspective, there's a great mind behind it, therefore they must be named. And artists are still socially considered "thinkers" today!
idk I think it's interesting to see how the way we percieve things changes over time and how it affects the way we shape our laws and societies. If you're interested in that, my professor recommended the works of Michael Baxandall, who studied and documented contracts for commissioned frescoes from 1500 to 1535 and the shift from the social status of craftspeople to artists.
So yeah the arts and science are still fucking on the couch and they have been since at least the 16th century
“the arts and sciences are completely separate fields that should be pitted against each other” the overlap of the arts and sciences make up our entire perceivable reality they r fucking on the couch
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suckitsurveys · 5 years ago
Ready to answer 151 Questions? No.
1. When was the last time you swam in a pool? Last week. I am extremely grateful to have access to a pool this summer. It’s at my sister’s mother in law’s. She lets my sister and her daughters use it while she’s at work and I tag along too.  2. Do you like to party? I love throwing parties. Not like, huge drunk ragers, but bday parties are my specialty.  3. If your ex suddenly kissed you right now, what would you do? I’ve been social distancing myself from them for almost 10 years, so. 4. Are you a virgin? Nope. 5. What are your parents views on your relationships? My dad likes Mark.
6. If you ran into your current boyfriend/crush in 10 years, would you marry them? I am married to my crush.  7. Is your best friend dating anyone? One is. 8. Describe the shirt you’re wearing? It’s an olive green shirt with the Route 66 logo on it. 9. Do people who wear Hollister and Abrerbrombie every day bother you? I really don’t care. 10. Could you go out in public without wearing make-up? I do that 99.99% of the time. 11. What is one feature that you don’t like? On myself? My stomach. 12. Would people describe you as happy? Not currently.  13. Are you single? Nope. 14. Does it bother you that pretty much every survey you take asks if you’re single? Nah. 15. Do you have Tumblr? I really only use it for this, which I also haven’t done in a while either.
16. What about Xanga? Aww, RIP Xanga. 17. Have you ever babysat before? Yes. 18. Is there a teacher who you absolutely hate? Most of my college professors.  19. Ever shopped at Sephora? I think I’ve been in one before? 20. If your current boyfriend/crush suddenly moved away, what would you do? I mean, I’d be pretty shocked and hurt. 21. Do you have any university plans? Lol. 22. If your best friend revealed she was a homosexual, what would you do? Support her?  23. What are your views on sex? Be safe! Always get consent! 24. Do sexual questions bother you? No. 25. Would you rather have sex with your boyfriend or break up? Uh, what? 26. Have you ever dreamed about your wedding? Yeah. 27. Does it bother you when people TYpe 1yk dis’? Yeah, I don’t see too much of it anymore. 28. Do you delete pictures of you and your exes off of Facebook? Yes. 29. Would you ever date a friends Ex? I did that once oops. 30. What’s the last book you read? I’m still working on a couple. 31. Ready for 10 simple questions? Sure. 32. What is your last name? No. 33. What grade are you in? No. 34. What school do you go to? No. 35. Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring? Summer and early fall.  36. Favorite Color? Purples and blues. 37. Are your parents together? My father is widowed.  38. Any siblings? I have an older sister. 39. Favorite subject? Eh.
40. Least favorite subject? Eh. 41. Favorite song? I could never just choose one. 42. Okay. Simple questions are over. Happy? I don’t care. 43. How many friends do you have on Facebook? 200 something. 44. Ever been requested by some old guy from another country? Probably. 45. Have you ever googled yourself? Yeah. 46. Have a Formspring? No. 47. You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do? Take them and sell them :P 48. Would you rather spend the day at an amusement park or a water park? Waterpark. Ughhhhhhhhh I miss waterparks so much. It’s so weird to not be going this summer. 49. Been to Disney world? Nope. 50. If someone posts their status “9 Inches :(” do you know what they mean? Sounds like one of those things where people post a random status from a list of things that will likely get people’s attention and whoever comments on it is privately sent said list of thing and they then choose something to post as their status and so on. That was a popular game thing on Facebook years ago. <---Yeah, that. 51. Ever had a boyfriend? Yes.
52. Ever had a huge crush on someone who still doesn’t know? I doubt Will Arnett knows I’m in love with him. 53. Have you done something in the last week that you regret? No. 54. Ever drank alcohol? Yes. 55. Know anyone who’s currently doing drugs? Yeah. 56. Ever watched The Hills? No. 57. What about Jersey Shore? Yes. 58. Ever called someone a slut? I’ve said that jokingly to friends. 59. What do you think of short shorts? You do you. 60. Does it bother you if people swear around you? Nope. 61. Have you ever gotten an A in a subject? Yes. 62. What about a B? Yes. 63. And a C? Yes. 64. How about a D? Yeah. 65. Ever skived? What’s that? 66. Would you consider yourself popular and outcast or somewhere in the middle? I’d say somewhere in the middle. I had friends, but I wasn’t “popular” by any means. 67. Are most of your friends older or younger than you? Most are older.  68. Ever been stabbed in the back by a close friend? Yes. 69. Do you think it’s immature when people laugh at the number 69? Oops. 70. Ever watched porn? Yes. 71. How many laws do you think you’ve broken in the past month? I drove with out a seat belt (for a few blocks) and jay walked oops.  72. Do you wake up with an alarm clock? On work days, yes. 73. Do you prefer Wednesdays or Thursdays? Wednesdays.  74. If your school had a Glee Club would you join? No. 75. Ever performed in a talent show? No. 76. Have you ever cried in public? Yeah. 77. Do you have a favorite between your Mom and your Dad? I’ve always had a special bond with my dad. I love my mom, but we butt heads a lot when I was a teenager. I feel like our bond was getting stronger just before she died and I’m really sad we don’t get to know each other as we got older.  78. Would you audition for a reality talent competition? Nooo. I have zero talent. 79. How many celebrity crushes have you had? A lot. 80. How many non-celebrity crushes have you had? A lot. 81. Name 5 male celebrities who you think are attractive. Will Arnett, Paul Rudd, John Mulaney, Andy Samberg, Ezra Koenig 82. Name 5 female celebrities who you think are attractive. Aubrey Plaza, Alison Brie, Lana Del Rey, Alia Shawkat, Kat Dennings 83. Ever been compared to a celebrity? Ha, no. 84. Have any embarrassing pictures on Facebook? No. 85. Do you think spending £20 on Lip Gloss is a waste of money? Idk what that is in US dollars but I don’t usually buy lip gloss, so. 86. Are you opinionated? I can be. 87. Do you have a favorite store? Sure. 88. Would you ever wear Flare Jeans? I used to in grade school. 89. Do you own jeans that aren’t skinny? I have one pair of “boyfriend” jeans that I don’t really like.  90. Have you ever worn the same outfit twice in one week? Hello, pandemic? 91. What’s the longest period of time you’ve been away from school? I don’t know. 92. Do you google abbreviations you don’t understand? Yeah. 93. Does it bother you when people have cats as their profile picture? I don’t care? 94. Own a pair of converse? Yes. 95. Is there a teacher at your school who has obvious favorites? There was. 96. If yes, are you one of them? Never. 97. Do you text in class? I have. 98. What brand of jeans do you wear the most? Target. 99. At what point do you think sizes are “Plus Sized?” Fuck that shit. “Plus” implies that there is a standard size. 100. Do you want to lose weight? I’d like to be healthier.  101. Ever seen a therapist? No, but I should. 102. Ever watched porn? You asked me this.  103. Ever purposely ignored a text? Yes. 104. A facebook message? Yes. 105. A poke? I always ignored those. That was a dumb feature Facebook had. 106. A friend request? Yeah. I don’t accept a request from anyone I don’t know, but I have it set up where you can’t add me unless you are friends with someone I am friends with.  107. Would you say you read into things too much? Yepppp. 108. Is your best friend more likely to be the one suggesting something stupid or refusing to do something stupid? I don’t know. 109. Do you have a “fun friend?” (A friend who you have tons of fun with but you never really have deep conversations?) Eh. 110. Ever been called a bully? No. 111. Ever purposely hurt yourself? Yes. 112. Ever gone to church? I went to a Lutheran high school and we used to have “chapel” every first full school day of the week (usually mondays). That was kind of a church service. And one time I spent the night at a friends house on a Saturday and was blindsided the next morning when her parents were like “okay time for church!” 113. Would you call either of your parents screw ups? Absolutely not! 114. If you turned out exactly like your mom would you be pleased? Yes and no. 115. What do you want to do with your life? Lol.
116. Let me guess… You have brown hair? My roots right now are basically a really dirty blonde. And my tips were black but they are pretty brown right now. And hair inbetween is mint green lol. Pandemic hair ftw. 117. Already know what you’re being for Halloween? I’ll probably be Princess Carolyn again. Or just a bat, since I have both of those costumes.  118. Do you still go Trick or Treating? With my nieces, but we probably won’t be able to go this year :(  119. Ever liked someone WAY older than you? Celebrities. 120. Does it bother you when people have really loud conversations on the bus? Yes. 121. When you have sunglasses on, do you stare at people? I have. 122. Ever had a credit card denied? Yeah. 123. What’s the last movie you watched? Oh god, it’s been a while. I Love You Man, I think? 124. Last TV Show? Property Brothers, lol.  125. You see your Ex making out with one of your friends. What do you do? They wouldn’t.  126. Ever been called a whore? Jokingly. 127. Are you american? Yes. 128. Ever made yourself throw up? Yeah. 129. Have you ever kissed someone who wasn’t your boyfriend? Uh huh. 130. Are you Cute or Gross? Yes. 131. Does it bother you when people say “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU’VE GROWN!”? No one has said that to me in a very long time. I don’t recall being bothered by it, though. 132. Can you say intelligent things around the guy you like? Um, yes? Why couldn’t I? 133. Ever had the lead in a play? Not the lead, no. 134. What about a solo in a concert? Nope. 135. What kind of a student are you? I did okay in grade and high school. 136. Worst subject? All of college. 137. Best subject? Not college. 138. Ever had a crush on a teacher? Yeah. 139. Would it bother you if you found out that your mother was pregnant? Seeing as she’s dead, yeah, a little. 140. How late do you sleep in? On work days I sleep until the absolutely last minute, right before we are supposed to check in for a daily meeting at 7:10am, lol. And on weekends or days off I normally don’t sleep past 10.   141. Do you edit your profile pictures before posting them? A little. I brighten up my face and smooth it out. Sue me.  142. Be 100% honest. Do you have any friends who are uglier than you? All my friends are beautiful in their own ways.  143. Do you believe in love? Yes.  144. Would you consider yourself a good student? Didn’t you ask this? 145. Does it bother you when Surveys ask “Did you like this survey?” It just seems kinda pointless cause they likely won’t see it. 146. Salty, Sweet, Sour or Spicy? Yes.  147. Are you going into High School this year? Nooooo. Thank goodness. I did my time and graduated over 10 years ago. 148. What about Junior High? Omg, no. I’m old. 149. What is one thing someone could say to you right now that would make you cry? Ugh, anything.  150. Where did you find this note? @lovemesomesurveys 151. Last question. How many unread messages are in your phone? None. 
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hotvampireadjacent · 8 years ago
hi if you’re trans could you read this and maybe give me some tips
i’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I do very much feel in a man, but i hesitate to label myself as trans because i feel somewhat comfortable as a female.
what i mean is I don’t feel disgusted being a female 24/7. Truth be told it’s only when it’s ‘obvious’ i feel bad. Whenever someone makes a point using gendered terms i feel dejected.
I hesitate to call myself trans for a couple of reason.
1. am I really? This isn’t so much a really big worry. I think it’s pretty clear. In all my dreams at night I am a man. 90% of them at least
of course that’s not enough but it gives a good indication of where my mind is. Another worry along this is not being 'trans enough’. i feel i could solve/ answer this with seeing a gender therapist.
2. I don’t want the stress that comes with being trans. Admitting i’m trans means i will have to accept all the stress and difficulties that come with it. This isn’t even with coming out just the stress that comes from knowing, for sure, that i’m a man in a cis woman’s body.
most of this stress would be from disphoria of admitting i’m a man while my body doesn’t match my idea of a man. I feel very uncomfortable calling myself a man without having the 'proper’ post op body
not only that… in fact if i’m trans people online will call me by male pronouns.. and that sounds good but again the disconnect from my real body would cause a lot of fear.
2.b if i’m trans i will only feel comfortable calling myself trans after post op. I hesitate to even consider post op because of my height. i’m 5’. I know we joke about 'manlet’ but this is beyond that…. very few cis men are 5’ and most people see them as freaks or weirdos. It will be hard enough passing, even with therapy i’m sure, and my height would make it impossible. this is a really big issue for me
2.c. of course i’m sure a lot of trans people worry this.. what if i transition and aren’t happy in my new body?
3. I enjoy the shape of my breasts. Maybe it’s foolish but this could be because i’m bisexual and attracted to women. Other times, as lovely as they are, i don’t enjoy having them because they anchor my status as a woman.
all i know is I know nothing at all. Very confused. I have a plan to sort things out. I can’t transition now because everyone around me will know and i don’t want to deal with people I know mocking me.
If i were to transition now i would have a much lower pool of people to write recommendation letters to law school for me. I go to a liberal school but if i were to transition and one of those professors were transphobic it would make it that much harder.
On the other hand i’m probably just making excuse for my fear of not liking a post op body and being mocked by friends and acquaintances.
my current plan is to see a gender therapist after law school. 5 years. id be 25.
again… that’s a long time to wait to feel comfortable, but there’s other elements. Money of course. If i’m out of law school then i can get a job and help play for loans and whatnot. Sure i might not be able to get references for work but that’s okay i’ll still have a law degree.
another thing is i hope to have a 'safe place’. I’m sure my family will not kick me out but my dad is low key transphobic and it would be stressful to live with him. after law school i’ll have other options to move out.
idk i’m thinking a lot and i’m just not sure idk
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myndopeus · 8 years ago
you give me something to think about (chapter 4)
ao3 link in bio (idk if tumblr is still hiding external links)
Summary: Trini has no plans for the future, no idea of what she’s going to do after she leaves school. All that’s left is to enjoy the last year she has left.
And oh, what a year it will be.
The Slowburn Hogwarts AU that no one asked for.
Trini turns and watches the early blue light of the morning creep through the window. She rubs groggily at her eyes, looking at her clock again, watching the second hand tick past. It reads 6:07. One of those days, I guess.
She quietly gets out of bed and gets dressed, careful not to wake any of the other girls. She decides that sitting in the common room trying to work would probably make her feel even worse, so she tiredly creeps quietly out, hoping that the castle doors won’t be locked.
Luckily enough, they aren’t, and she steps out, the dewy morning air cooling her skin. She shivers a little, wraps her robes tighter around herself, and starts walking. She’s not really thinking about where she’s going, just focused on putting one foot in front of the other, hoping the rhythm will drown out the thoughts in her head. When she finally pays attention to her surroundings, she’s somehow ended up near the lake. The memory of that day in detention surfaces, and she suddenly feels a little more awake.
The castle looks strangely blue in the light, much like how Trini is feeling. The cloudy sky filters the sunlight that reflects off of the lake. Even the green grass looks strangely grey. She chalks it up to her shitty mood and walks, keeping a wary eye out for doxies.
She practically jumps out of her skin when a blurry shape darts across her path. She fumbles with her wand, her mind completely blanking on spells. Luckily, the animal isn’t one of ill intent, just a rabbit. She places a hand over her racing heart, breathing heavily. Suddenly, a much larger shape swerves out from behind a tree, and she yelps. The figure stumbles back in surprise, letting out a similar yell, and she realizes she recognizes the messy black hair.
“The fuck, Taylor?”
“Trini?” His face crinkles in confusion, before shaking his head. “Whatever, one sec,” he says, running past her.
She turns, confused and mildly offended, to see Zack cast out a barrier charm. The sprinting rabbit collides with the spell with a mildly audible thump, bouncing off and immediately dashing in another direction. Zack sends out another spell that hits the grass, missing its target. After a few more missed shots, he swears to himself before simply diving at the animal and grabbing it. He skids a few feet before getting up, the rabbit in his hands.
“Son of a bitch.  Anyhow, what are you doing here? Aren’t you usually on the pitch around this time?”
She simply stares at him as he tries to restart the conversation. “So we’re not gonna address how you were just chasing a rabbit?”
“Transfiguration assignment.”
“There must be some sort of law out there on manhandling animals. Even if it’s for school purposes.”
“Oh, no need to worry about this guy. I’m supposed to be turning him back into a statue.”
Trini hums in sympathy. “Reversing transformations is really weird, I still haven’t got the hang of it.”
“Yeah, I’m still figuring it out too. Really have to work on it though, because it’s a bit early in the year for me to be falling behind in class, especially with Quidditch and all that.” He shrugs like it isn’t a big deal, tucking the rabbit under his other arm.
It might be the early hour, or the lack of sleep, but Trini finds herself speaking before she fully finishes her thought. “If you want, I could help you out. I mean,” she stutters slightly, “I still need to work on it too, so it might be good if we, y’know, practiced. Together.”
Zack blinks, clearly surprised. “Oh! Um, yeah. Yeah that… that sounds good.”
“I kind of owe you anyways, for the quidditch training and stuff…” She trails off awkwardly.
Thankfully, they don’t stand in silence for too long. The clanging of the bells draws their attention, startling them both. They both speak at the same time.
“I should probably- ”
“That’s my cue-”
Trini cringes internally. She fires a quick “see you later” to Zack before turning and walking briskly back to the castle. She hears him call out as she’s leaving.
“Later, Crazy Girl!”
* * *
Something bounces off her head, jolting her awake. Trini’z eyes shoot around disorientedly, trying to make sense of everything. The garish color of the walls tells her that she’s in the Hufflepuff common room. She looks down, and sees a colorful paper tiger prowling on her books.
“Sorry about that.” She turns to the source of the voice walking towards her. It’s a tall boy with long, silvery hair that’s tied back. He reaches out, and the tiger jumps into his hand. “Didn’t mean to disturb you, especially since you looked so comfy.”
She chuckles bashfully. “It’s probably a good thing,” she says. “I don’t even remember falling asleep.”
“We’ve all been there before, believe me.” He sticks his hand out. “I’m Ernie, by the way. And yes, that is my real name, short for Ernest, haha, it’s funny, I know.”
She smiles, shaking his hand. “Trini.” She looks at his face, and something clicks. “You’re on the quidditch team, aren’t you?             You’re, uh, a chaser? Keeper?”
“A little bit of everything, actually,” he laughs, eyes twinkling. “I move positions almost every year.”
“Wow. That’s pretty impressive.”
“Eh,” he shrugs. “Mostly I just round out whatever position needs filling.”
“Still, you must be pretty talented. Are you captain this year?”
“No, although I am technically Vice Captain, in an unofficial capacity. Jen’s captain, and she’s certainly got the passion for it, but she forgets a lot of the administrative stuff, which is where I come in. Speaking of quidditch,” he says, “I hate to be that person, but tryouts are on Saturday. Jen’s making me tell everyone I see,” he explains.
Trini nods. “Cool. I’ll be there.”
“You don’t have to say that just because I brought it up,” Ernie says quickly.
“No, really, I was planning on going anyways.”
“Oh. Oh! Great, then.” He smiles. “I’ll see you around, Trini.” He walks off, his long hair swishing behind him, the paper tiger crouching on his shoulder.
Trini glances at her watch and sees that it’s around the time that Zack’s last class gets out. She clears her things off the table, putting her books on her bed, before heading out to meet him.
She reaches the tree from before and sets her bag down. She stretches a little, looking around. It’s sunnier today, and the sun is hovering quite nicely over the water. One of the perks of living in a hidden castle in the middle of nowhere, she muses to herself. At least you get a good view.
“Sorry, had to go get him from Professor McGonagall.” Zack shuffles up to her, a cage tucked under his arm. “How’s your day been?” he asks, setting it down.
She shrugs. “Same as every other day. Did meet this guy with a sick ponytail though, Ernie.”
Zack’s eyes light up in recognition, a little smile on his face. “Oh, Ernie! Yeah they’re cool, great quidditch player. Also super hot as well.” He sighs a little dreamily, staring off into the distance for a moment.
Trini blinks, her brain frantically trying to process all of the information packed into the last few seconds. It’s not that any of that information bothers her, per se. She’s more shocked at the ease with which Zack mentions it.
She chooses to go for the least personal question. “They?”
“Oh yeah, Ernie uses they/them pronouns. They’re genderqueer.” Zack looks at her. “You’re cool with that, right?”
“Way to put me on the spot, but yeah, of course. And they’re cool with you telling me this?”
“Yeah, Ernie is out, they don’t mind. Did you guys talk about tryouts?”
She nods. “Yeah, they mentioned it and I told them I was going.”
“Ernie’s pretty high up in the hierarchy of the Hufflepuff team. Would have been a good time to use what little charm you have, butter ‘em up a little, earn some bonus points, eh? Eh?” Zack winks excessively at her, nudging her with his elbow.
“First of all, no,” she says, pushing him away. “I’m not quite as willing to embarrass myself like that as you are. And they’re not my type, anyways.”
“Well, what is your type, then?” Zack asks, and Trini freezes. Luckily Zack doesn’t seem to notice, he just watches her waiting for an answer. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know what to tell him.
Fortunately, a slight movement in her peripheral vision gives her a distraction.
“My type is someone who actually pays attention to what they’re doing,” she says, pointing over Zack’s shoulder at the escaping rabbit. He looks at the open cage, before cursing and setting off after the animal, Trini laughing at him as he scrambles.
* * *
“So did you always want to play quidditch?” Trini asks. They’ve been sitting there for a while, the rabbit between them as they took turns trying to cast the spell. Her back is leaning against the tree, and Zack is sprawled out on his side, his head propped up on his hand.
Zack tries the spell again, and the grass around the rabbit glows for a bit, but nothing happens. He sighs disappointedly.
“Actually, when I got here, I had no idea what quidditch was,” he says, and Trini pauses, her wand in the air. “There isn’t much opportunity to learn about that kind of stuff outside the wizarding world.”
Trini’s eyes widen. “Oh. You’re--”
“Yup. Muggleborn, 100%.” 
She nods. “Me too,” she says, and Zack’s eyes meet hers. “I just didn’t think…  I mean, you look so at home here, I thought that you were at least half-blood, or something.”
He shrugs, sitting up. “Yeah, well, wasn’t always like that. It was super awkward my first year, everything was really weird. It was my mom who suggested that I join quidditch, actually.” He chuckles, a look of fondness growing on his face. “The only thing she knows about it is that it’s a sport, but she kept insisting that I try and make friends somehow. Plus, it was a good outlet for all my nervous energy.”
Zack reaches out and gently strokes the rabbit, scratching the back of its neck a little. Trini watches him, a little surprised. She never would have guessed it, but it turns out that underneath all his loudness and bravado, Zack is actually a really nice guy.
“So what about you?” She starts, pulled out of her thoughts. Zack is looking at her, that air of openness still surrounding him. “How’d you adjust to all of this?” he asks, gesturing to the castle.
She doesn’t meet his eyes, reaching out to tentatively pat the rabbit instead. “Dunno, I guess I managed somehow,” she mumbles. She can’t bring herself to lie to Zack, not when he’d just been somewhat honest with her.
He raises an eyebrow, but to her relief, he doesn’t push her for a better answer. She takes a deep breath, concentrating, before carefully waving her wand and saying the incantation, making sure to enunciate.
The rabbit stops chewing, the grass around it glowing with a bright light. It rises, freezing into a pose on its hind feet, and Trini and Zack hold their breath in anticipation. A moment passes, then another, and then the light fades and the rabbit unfreezes, landing back on all fours. It continues chewing as if nothing had happened.
Zack groans, flopping onto his back. Trini closes her eyes, tilting her head back until it hits the tree. “Damn.”
“You’re rushing it,” a voice calls, and Trini opens her eyes to deliver some snarky response to whoever was butting into their business. Unfortunately, her voice seems to completely disappear for a second when she sees who it is.
Kimberly is walking towards them, and she is in a completely unreasonable state of undress, a towel in her hands. Trini frantically turns away, afraid that she might start staring. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quick enough, and the image of Kimberly Hart in a fucking bikini, her legs and stomach completely on display, keeps flashing behind her eyes.
“You’re enunciation is good, but the wand movement is still a bit unclear,” Kimberly says casually, as if she isn’t practically naked in the middle of the grounds. Her skin is littered with droplets, and water drips from her hair. She tilts her head, starting to wring her hair out. “If you slowed down a little, you’d probably get it.”
“Woah, Hart,” Zack laughs incredulously. “I always knew you were a little crazy, but you actually go swimming in that fucking lake? Home to the giant squid?”
Kimberly shrugs, slinging the towel over her shoulder. “Weather was looking nice, figured I’d go for a swim.”
“In a lake full of deadly magical creatures?”
“I live in the dungeons, Zack, and there are windows. They’re actually not as scary as everyone makes them sound.”
“Sure they aren’t. I’m just saying, when a giant pervy tentacle snatches your top off, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.”
“I… In what scenario would that possibly happen? I don’t even want to know how you came up with that.”
Trini feels awkward just sitting there listening to Zack and Kimberly banter, so she turns her attention back to the rabbit, who has hopped a few feet away. She exhales, focusing intently, and tries the spell again. Once more, the rabbit assumes the correct pose, but it doesn’t turn into a statue, and the spell fails. She lets out a huff of frustration.
“You’re still rushing it.” Trini notices that Kimberly is addressing her. “The second movement needs to be softer—”
“Well, if you’re so good at it, why don’t you show us how it’s done?” Trini challenges. She can feel her ears burning slightly from embarrassment.
Kimberly raises an eyebrow, and Trini expects her to just make some snarky remark and walk off. Instead, she steps forward, and soon she’s standing over Trini. It’s an awkward angle looking up to her face, but Trini figures it’s more appropriate than looking at any other part of Kimberly’s very much unclothed body.
There’s an awkward silence before Kimberly speaks. “Um. I don’t have my wand.” Trini blinks in confusion before she realizes that Kimberly’s hand is outstretched. Oops. She still doesn’t move, simply maintaining eye contact with Kimberly.
Finally, Kimberly lets out a sigh that is somehow both patient and condescending, before turning to Zack. “Can I?” she asks, and Zack hands his wand over.
She turns to the rabbit and lifts the wand. Her wrist flexes gracefully as she casts the spell, and even before she finishes, Trini can already tell that it’ll work. The glow barely lasts, and soon a ceramic statue of a rabbit rests on the grass.
“Good enough?” Kimberly asks, and Trini doesn’t have a reply. Kimberly simply smirks and hands Zack his wand back. “See you later,” she says to him before she walks off, not even bothering to say goodbye to Trini.
“That girl is hot as hell,” Zack comments, and Trini kicks him lightly, because there’s no way that Kimberly is out of earshot.
“Ow! What?” Zack complains, rubbing his shin. “It’s true.”
Trini rolls her eyes. “Whatever. Who does she think she is, acting like she knows everything?”
“I mean, she did get the spell right.”
“So?” Trini scoffs. “It’s still rude.”
“You realize she’s top of our class in Transfiguration, right? She’s got the brains and the body.”
“Gross, dude.” Trini grimaces, aiming another kick at Zack. “Do you talk about all your friends like that?”
“Actually I do,” he says, before winking at her. “If you think that’s bad, you should hear the stuff I say about Jason—” She cuts him off with a groan, burying her face in her hands, and he laughs. There’s a pause before Zack speaks again.
“So, you reckon Kimberly’s more of your type?” Her head shoots up, and Zack is watching her with a devious twinkle in his eyes.
Instead of responding, she turns to regard the rabbit statue. She looks at Zack, smirks, and then raises her wand. His eyes widen.
“Wait, don’t—”
The statue wavers, comes to life, and the rabbit immediately starts hopping away. Trini rises to her feet, grabbing her bag. “Good luck, Taylor,” she taunts as he gapes at her.
“Wha-? What am I supposed to do now?”
“Keep practicing,” She says as she backs away. She waves her arms in an exaggerated conductor-like gesture. “Remember, slooooowly.” She turns away, and chuckles when she hears Zack swear as he goes back to chasing the rabbit.
* * *
Trini fidgets with the handle of her broom, her brain already filling with regret. Her nerves had been getting the best of her, so she figured that there was no harm in getting to the tryouts a little early. Except she might have been too early, and now she’s facing the prospect of sitting awkwardly by herself, waiting for someone else to arrive.
Stupid, she mentally berates herself. She’s tempted to fly around a bit, just to give herself something to do, but it might look pretentious if someone saw her. She settles for pulling her wand out and messing around a bit.
Even after all these years, Trini never gets tired of doing magic. Not to say that being gifted this way was easy; she figures her relationship with her parents would still be strained either way, but magic definitely played a part in that. Still, she found something calming in casting spells. There was a certainty in it, in the way she could actually make things happen. It helped her feel in control, even if only for a little bit.
She conjures a rainbow, and smiles as it hovers in a perfect circle front of her. Her smile fades a little when she remembers her earlier conversation with Zack. She bites her lip, mulling over the questions he’d asked her.
You reckon Kimberly’s more your type?
She hears footsteps approaching, and it turns out to be Ernie again. She gives them a wave.
“That’s pretty neat.” Ernie says, and Trini shrugs.
“Thanks. So’s that.” She gestures to Ernie’s hair, and they chuckle.
“Tragically, I’m nowhere near this skilled. It’s all Jen’s work,” they say, fingers brushing against the braids pinning their hair back. “Speaking of which, she swore she was gonna be on time…”
There’s silence for an awkward amount of time before Ernie tries to start up the conversation again. “Feeling nervous?”
Luckily, at that point, a bunch of other Hufflepuffs walk in, some of them in jerseys, some of them wearing regular clothes. Some of them call out to Ernie, and they excuse themself before going to join their teammates. Trini lets out a breath, glad to not be the focus of attention anymore.
People keep arriving for the next ten minutes or so, and soon the pitch is full of noise and chatter. Eventually, a sharp whistle calls them all to silence, and Ernie steps out.
“Hello everyone,” they say cheerfully. “Hopefully you’re here because you want to try out for the Hufflepuff quidditch team. If you thought this was gonna be something else, then I’m sorry to disappoint, but we’d still like you to try out anyways. If you’re not in Hufflepuff, then I don’t know what you’re doing here, but could you please leave, thanks.” There’s a titter from the crowd, and some groans from Ernie’s teammates.
“For those of you who don’t know, I’m Ernie, the unofficial vice-captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. I am not the actual captain, as that would be—”
“That would be me.” A voice booms from the entrance, and everyone turns on the spot. There’s a girl walking towards them, purpose evident in her every step. Trini can feel the wave of intimidation settle over the crowd.
Ernie shakes their head. “Always one for dramatics,” they sigh as the girl comes to stand next to them. Her long, dark hair is braided down the back, and her dark, serious eyes scan the crowd.
“Listen up,” she commands, and everyone snaps to attention. “I am the Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. You may call me Jen, Jenny if I like you, and Jennifer if you have a death wish.” Some idiot in the crowd chuckles, but he chokes when she immediately fixes him with a piercing glare.
“I’m not going to lie, the team has suffered a bit of a blow this year, so you have some big shoes to fill. If you want to even be considered for this team, I want you to give 100% effort. There will be no do-overs for these tryouts, no second chances. This is your one and only chance to prove that you are tough enough and talented enough to be on the team. You want a place? Then. Earn. It.” She punctuates the final words by staring into the crowd, and Trini swallows thickly. “Warm ‘em up,” Jen says to Ernie before taking off on her broom.  
“Well then.” Ernie claps their hands enthusiastically. “We’ll have a few laps around the pitch to warm up, do some drills, and we’ll go from there. Sound good?”
The girl standing next to Trini leans in close. “The captain sure is scary, huh?” she whispers.
Trini nods, watching Jen fly around the pitch. “Yeah. I wanna be her when I grow up.”
* * *
“We’ll take a five minute break,” Jen calls out. “And no slacking!”
Sighs of relief can be heard throughout the pitch. Trini settles on the ground, wiping the sweat off her face.
The tryouts so far had been… chaotic, to say the least. After warm-ups and passing drills, there had barely been any structure at all. Jen seemed to be calling out exercises at random, some of them sounding so ridiculous that Trini was sure they’d been made up on the spot (at one point she tried to have them steer their brooms with their legs, which Trini is pretty sure is impossible). To add to the weirdness, every so often Ernie or one of the other squad members would fly up, seemingly out of nowhere, and yell “Catch!” while throwing some random object in the air (they lost a couple of recruits from black eyes, and Jen eventually had to call them off when someone launched an umbrella through the air like a javelin).
“Hey Trini! Catch!” She whirls around, hands just barely coming up in time to catch the object being thrown at her. It’s cold, and wet, and she realizes that it’s a bottle of water. She looks for the source, and is startled to see Billy waving to her from the stands.
“You need to stay hydrated!” he calls down, hands cupped around his mouth like a megaphone. There’s a huge smile on her face as she sips from the bottle before giving him a thumbs up. He gives her two in response, and Trini feels like she could cry.
“Alright grunts, circle up!” Jen barks, and Trini quickly takes a few last sips before heading over.
“Surely there’s a nicer word to call them?” Ernie suggests, and Jen waves the suggestion off.
“Meh, who can be bothered? Alright,” she addresses the recruits. “We’ve split you guys up into teams, and we’re gonna run a practice match. We don’t have a snitch, so instead you’ll be chasing Ernie here. Rules as usual, except the game doesn’t end when the snitch is caught. If you somehow do manage to catch Ernie, both seekers will be switched out, and the match will continue. Any questions?”
A hand rises. “If Ernie is gonna be flying, how are we supposed to catch them without anyone getting injured.”
Jen shrugs. “That’s your problem. Anything else? No. Good. Also, positions may be switched up randomly and without warning, so you suckers better be on your toes.”
Fourteen people are selected to be on the starting teams, and the rest are told to wait in the stands. There’s a lot of confusion and apprehension floating among the recruits, and Trini tries to tune it out. She grabs a seat next to Billy, giving him a smile.
“Didn’t know you were gonna be here,” she says, nudging him with her shoulder. He flinches at the contact, but waves off her apology.
“You’re my friend, of course I’m gonna come watch. I would’ve brought the others, but I don’t think players from other teams are welcome at tryouts.”
“Probably not,” Trini agrees. They turn their attention back to the pitch as the quaffle is thrown up and the match begins.
Billy watches the pitch with a blank expression. After a minute, he speaks up. “This is a hot mess.”
“I agree.” They both wince as two of the players exchanging Chaser positions collide into each other, calling for a time-out. A player in a jersey flies up and points to Trini.
“You, Tiny. You’re up.” She glares at him defiantly before saying goodbye to Billy. Rather than going back down the stairs, she simply jumps to the top of the barrier and leaps from there, mounting her broom in mid-air.
The Hufflepuff player nods. “Impressive. Hopefully your skills live up to your showmanship. You’re in seeker position for team Yellow.”
The whistle blows, signaling the match to resume, and Trini immediately flies to a higher vantage point, scanning the action. She quickly spots Ernie by their silvery hair, the Black team seeker in pursuit. She almost dives down, but then she sees Ernie heading towards the thick of the action, where the chasers are battling for the quaffle. She heads on an interception path, aiming for the other side of the mass of people.
Ernie skillfully weaves under and between the other players—the other seeker isn’t as lucky, almost colliding with a chaser before getting brutally pummeled by a bludger. Trini winces in sympathy as they’re quickly swapped out.
Something flicks her in the ear, and her hand comes up instinctively. “Ah!”
“Focus, Trini,” Ernie’s voice says over her shoulder, and she immediately turns, but they’re already speeding off. She sets off after them, keeping an eye out for obstacles.
They zig-zag across the field for a while before Ernie tries the same tactic, darting by the other players in an attempt to throw her off. Instead, Trini drops altitude, flying a level below the action. She’s able to track the action above her, and she spots Ernie as they’re looping back to the other side of the pitch. She’s gearing up to intercept when her path is suddenly blocked.
“Get out of the way!” she snaps at the figure that swerved in front of her, and she nearly pisses her pants when she looks and sees Jen glaring at her sternly.
“I-I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” she manages to stutter out. Jen looks between her and Ernie before speaking again.
“Change of position,” she says, tossing Trini a bat. “You’re beater now.” She speeds off before Trini can say anything else.
The rest of the match passes quickly; there isn’t much for Trini to do as a beater, since the players are so disorganized she can barely remember who to defend and who to attack. Eventually, Jen calls a halt.
“That’s good, we’re done now. Good show, we’ll get back to you… at some point.” She flies away, leaving Ernie standing in front of everyone. They look around before throwing their hands up in celebration.
“You guys did really well!” they cheer, a comically large smile on their face. “That was a lot of fun, I hope you guys enjoyed it, we’ll have a discussion and once the team has been selected we’ll probably post something in the common room. Get some rest, make sure to drink water, and have a nice day!” As abruptly as their speech began, it ends, and Ernie is already walking towards the rest of the team before Trini can process what they said.
“Talk about good cop, bad cop,” she mutters to herself as she heads out. Billy is waiting for her outside the pitch, and he claps his hands when he sees her.
“You did really well!” he says excitedly. “It’s a shame you didn’t get to play chaser, but all that practice we did paid off! It was a really unorthodox method of choosing players though, I’m really interested in what their goal was. When do the results come out? I’m pretty sure you have a good chance of getting in. Do you think I’d be able to talk to the captain?”
Trini holds her hand up for a second, and Billy pauses. She thinks for a moment before responding. “Thanks Billy, it was fun, I had no idea what was going on either, results will be out maybe in a week? And you can try and talk to her, but she’s kinda... rough. Ernie is nice, though.”
He nods. “That’s good to hear. What are you going to do now?”
“Have a shower, eat everything I can get my hands on, and then take a nap.”
“Sounds like a good post-practice plan. But don’t eat everything, because it’s really easy to overeat after you exercise, because you’re so hungry. Plus, if you’re too full, you might get indigestion during your nap.”
She smiles, touched by his concern. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this. Everything in moderation.”
They chat a little about classes and the other players on the walk back to the castle (“It takes a lot of skill to drop the quaffle.” “I’m sure it happens to everyone though, right?” “They literally have Gripping Charms on them, Trini.” “Oh…”). Billy eventually heads off to the library to do some more research, and Trini heads back to the Hufflepuff common room. She stops by the kitchens first, and the house elves are very curious about her appearance. She gives them a very brief rundown of the tryouts as they foist sandwiches and pastries on her, and they wish her luck while sending her off.
Stepping into the Hufflepuff common room is incredibly awkward, because all of the other players from the tryouts are also just making their way back. Many of them are congregated by the windows in a sweaty mass, discussing the tryouts and how each of them thinks they did. Some of them recognize Trini and try to start a conversation, but she manages to quickly, if somewhat brusquely, brush them off as she heads to her dorm.
She debates whether to eat or shower first, but after getting a good whiff of herself, she decides that the sandwiches can wait. The hot water of the shower feels heavenly, and the only reason she manages to make it back to her dorm is because her stomach starts grumbling. The sandwiches are delicious, as always, and she has some pastries left over for later, as always. She barely manages to set everything aside before she passes out from exhaustion.
* * *
Zack is waiting for her outside the Great Hall after lunch. He falls in step besides her as they head to the library.
“Well?” he asks insistently.
“Well what?” she says, feigning ignorance. He sighs dramatically, rolling his eyes.
“The quidditch tryouts, what else?! It’s been over a week, surely they must have said something by now.” She keeps her expression innocent, and he makes an exasperated noise, throwing his hands in the air. All of a sudden he stops, and his eyes narrow at her in suspicion.
“Wait a minute… You’re pulling my leg, aren’t you?”
She keeps her expression blank.
“So results did come out, then?”
No response.
“Did you make it on the team?”
Silence. Then, a slight twitch of her mouth.
“I KNEW IT!” All of a sudden, Trini finds herself wrapped up in one of the most intense bear hugs of her life. She feels herself lifted clean off her feet, and her bag presses uncomfortably into her side as Zack squeezes her, spinning around.
“That’s my Crazy Girl! I knew you could do it!” After a few spins he sets her down, and the first thing she does is punch him in the kidney.
“I’m proud of you,” he wheezes out, and while she doesn’t respond, the smile on her face says it all.
She and Zack make their way triumphantly to the designated study table, when Trini stops short. Billy and Jason are sitting next to each other, as usual, with designated space for Billy to lay out his inkwell and quills. But on Jason’s other side sits Kimberly, her hair falling in her face as she leans over her book.
“Huh. Fancy seeing her here,” Zack whispers. Trini frowns.
“You say that like you come here all the time. You’ve literally stepped in this library once.”
“Twice, now.”
“Same difference.” Taking a moment to get herself together, Trini walks up to the table, Zack in tow. She takes her usual seat across from Billy, who looks up at her.
“Any news?” he asks, and Jason turns as well. She exchanges glances with Zack before turning back and giving a thumbs up.
“That’s great,” Jason says, giving her a smile. “You’ve been working hard, you deserve it.”
Billy looks confusedly at her for a moment, hesitantly giving her a thumbs up. “Um, thanks? But did you make it onto the team or not?” he asks again.
“Yeah, I did!”
Billy gasps, clapping his hands together. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices Jason watching Billy fondly.
“Congrats.” Trini is surprised to hear Kimberly speak. She gives a sort of awkward nod in response, and Kimberly turns back to her book.
After a moment of silence, Trini gets out her astrology assignment, rubbing her eyes as she looks over the star chart.
Zack leans over (which is kind of unnecessary, considering how much taller than her he is), and frowns. “Wait, what’s that doing there?” He points to a dot on her paper.
She blinks at him. “That’s Pluto.”
“Pluto’s involved in this?”
“Yeah, we’re supposed to calculate based on a waning half moon. But I thought Pluto was supposed to be over there.” Billy points to a different cluster of stars.
“What? Let me see your chart.”
The three of them spend the next thirty minutes comparing star charts and quietly arguing about the positions of the planets. They eventually attract the wrath of Madame Pince, who gives them a brief scathing lecture on collaborative work and library etiquette before making them all swear to be silent. As soon as she’s out of view, the whole table dissolves into quiet sniggering.
As she reaches for a reference book, Trini briefly wonders how she came from studying alone in the common room to sitting at a library table with her two best friends, her best friend’s quasi-boyfriend, and her best friend’s quasi-boyfriend’s mysterious ex-girlfriend. She rubs at her eyes, turning back to her work. She’ll have time to ruminate on all of this later. Right now, she’ll just enjoy the calm while it lasts.
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jihoonscafe · 8 years ago
✌︎ Get to Know Me
Tagged by these lovely angels: @fluffyshua, @fluffyyeollie & @jindongdongie, thank you very much !!
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people.
1. Drink: water, because I can’t have anything nice as i am sick. 2. Phone call: my cranky professor in the US. 3. Text message: “if u say so” to my best friend. 4. Song you listened to: rain by taeyeon, because i love her and she is my angel wow.
5. Time you cried: a few minutes ago actually because of the sickness which had my eyes watering in heat.
6. Dated someone twice: nope, not even once, so what twice.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope. never kissed anyone.
8. Been cheated on: never dated, so nope. 9. Lost someone special: yes. 10. Been depressed: yes, for a lot of my life. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: thrown up yes, got drunk no.
12-14: Black, White, Light brown.
15. Made new friends: changed my school, and became more active on here, so quite a lot actually. 16. Fallen out of love: never fallen in, so no. 17. Laughed until you cried: yes, many a time. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes, quite a lot, often in different languages.
19. Met someone who changed you: yes, this is true 20. Found out who your friends are: yes, true friends were found. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no kisses and no facebook so ..
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: no facebook for this child. 23. Do you have any pets: i used to have a chameleon then it got crushed, and i never had one after. 24. Do you want to change your name: so many times in my life before i discovered exid lmao. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went for a movie with my friends, ate good food, and got loads of books which made me happy af. 26. What time did you wake up: six in the morning ! i didn’t sleep, so actually i did not wake up. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: writing the next part to scripted. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: to post the next part to scripted honestly i am whipped for jun!! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: today morning when she pushed me in a room with my art teacher. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my skills for ones which would make me happier. 31. What are you listening right now: Smile Flower by Seventeen 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes, my second classmate online, his name is tom, i just talked to him five minutes ago. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: how slowly i type. 34. Most visited Website: tumblr & grammarly
35. Mole/s: nope ! 36. Mark/s: not really honestly 37. Childhood dream: an astronomer, i loved the stars, still do, physics? not so much.
38. Hair Colour: Black, completely black. 39. Long or short hair: long as hell, i used to have the nickname rapunzel in my old school 40. Do you have a crush on someone: other than lee jihoon and wen junhui, none.
41. What do you like about yourself: i am quite smart when it comes to things i like, and i sometimes write good one liners 42. Piercings: none, i don’t even have holes for earrings 43. Bloodtype: B i am pretty sure 44. Nickname: han, smartypants, lettuce lover [it is jihoon’s fault honestly], tbh same. 45. Relationship status: single, and that will remain for some time now 46. Zodiac: saggitarius 47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: tv show, sherlock. kdrama, weightlifting forever and always. 49. Tattoos: nope, i am a smol child. 50. Right or left hand: slightly ambidextrous, but i prefer right. 51. Surgery: none.
52. Hair dyed in different color: nope, not at all 53. Sport: cricket! 55. Vacation: japan, and korea. 56. Pair of trainers: converse idk
57. Eating Currently: biscuits 58. Drinking currently: tea
59. I’m about to: write more for scripted
61. Waiting for: death 62. Want: more books to read even if my tbr pile if flowing with books 63. Get married: not really, i actually don’t want to. 64. Career: international relations, law.
65. Hugs or kisses: for me kisses, because they imply many things. 66. Lips or eyes: eyes, they are the gateways to the soul 67. Shorter or taller: i don’t care honestly 68. Older or younger: once again i don’t care 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice stomach in what definition, cause i would like a soft boy? 71. Sensitive or loud: loud honestly i am real loud 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: once, by mistake 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope, i am blind without my glasses so i can’t really afford losing them. 77. Turned someone down: once, it was not pleasant. 78. Sex in the first date: i am too young for all this 79. Broken someone’s heart: um .. not that i know of? 80. Had your heart broken: um no thank you
81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: yes, a lot. 83. Fallen for a friend: um .. yeah once, but it wasn’t really a crush, a temporary admiration lmao.
84. Yourself: sometimes 85. Miracles: no, those things don’t happen 86. Love at first sight: nope not at all. 87. Santa Claus: nuh uh 88. Kiss in the first date: nope too weird 89. Angels: no.
90. Current best friends’ names: si min, akshara & nadia. 91. Eyecolor: brown, but mostly black. 92. Favorite movie: hmm.. train to busan
Tagging : @aceangel-official, @m1nhks, @mans-ayyye, @wonchance, @deleallis, @heonseoks, @8boo, @changgudforyou, @soon-shine, @verhoons & @sseokkminn & anybody else who would like to!
it is optional so if you would not like to, just let it be!
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amadeus-aerinstat-blog · 8 years ago
Really Long Character Survey
Rules: Repost, don’t reblog. Tag 10! Good luck!
Tagged by @sirgyrodegearloose​
Tagging: @liveslikeadisaster​ @everyonelovesaladythief​ @sinisterhypnos​ @eldritchburrito​ @heartoftheteam​ uhhhh that’s p much everyone I know??
FULL  NAME : Amadeus Aerinstat
AGE : 237
BIRTHDAY : His world uses a different calendar from ours, it translates to roughly around the middle of our summer, or sometime in July.
ETHNIC  GROUP : Mitchski
LANGUAGE / S : English (Several in his home world)
CLASS : Upper
HOME  TOWN / AREA : Amerisk
CURRENT  HOME : An apartment in the Mages’ Collegiate
PROFESSION : Retired Major-General, former mercenary, currently Professor of Wizardry
HAIR : Silvery grey, thick and shaggy. Keeps it cut short, otherwise he pulls at it when he’s nervous.
EYES : Blue
NOSE : Used to be long, but it’s been broken a lot so it’s very crooked.
FACE : Angular and asymmetrical
LIPS : Always frowning
COMPLEXION : White. Mtichski actually don’t blush on their face much, it’s their ears that blush when they’re embarrassed or upset. Turns grey when ill or extremely stressed.
BLEMISHES : Do you mean, like, pimples? Not really.
SCARS : Where to begin?? His face has two deep gouges on the right side, and he is littered with scars from a parasitic infection that covered his right hand, arm, shoulder, torso, and thigh. His left chest has a couple scars from some stab wounds, there’s a scar from a bullet in his abdomen, and some burn scars on his left calf.
TATTOOS : None, but he’s considered getting one more than once. Unfortunately he has an intense phobia of needles.
HEIGHT : 5'1″
WEIGHT : 120 lbs wet and with boots on.
BUILD : Thin and wiry. 
FEATURES : Bright eyes and a resting bitch face that could kill a man.
ALLERGIES : Peppermint
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : Combs it with his fingers. Has a cowlick in the back that will not stay down.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Annoyed.
USUAL  CLOTHING : Usually wears a suit.
FEAR / S : The dark. Peppermint. Demons. Bugs, especially worms. Needles. 
ASPIRATION / S : He wants to settle down with his wife and maybe have a couple kids.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Loyal, can be caring at times.
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Dishonest about himself, arrogant, brash, foul-tempered, fouler mouthed, at times antisocial.
ZODIAC : Cancer or Leo
TEMPERAMENT : Equally melancholic and choleric (x)
SOUL  TYPE / S : Surprisingly, he’s a Thinker, followed by Spiritualist/Hunter and Leader.  (x)
ANIMALS : He’s a porcupine and honestly it fits.  (x)
VICE  HABIT / S : Former alcoholic and cigarette smoker, but he quit before his wedding (his wife wouldn’t marry a drunk that smelled like a chimney). Now he tends to chew things- his lip, his fingers, his shirt, hay, pens, pencils, whatever.
FAITH : God and the Angels
GHOSTS ? : They absolutely exist.
AFTERLIFE ? : Heaven or Hell
REINCARNATION ? : That’d be awkward...
ALIENS ? : Nah
POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : Not concerned with it.
SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : There is a level of respect that each person is inherently owed because of their personhood. If you make your living by exploiting others, you deserve no respect and should probably just go die. He will be more than happy to make that happen for you.
EDUCATION  LEVEL : Doctorate in Thaumaturgical Analysis ((the study of how and why magic works in his world))
FATHER : General Aiszha Aerinstat ((commander of the entire Church Militant))
MOTHER : Kath’Arynne Orrinvale ((formerly Colonel))
SIBLINGS : Older half-brother Cyprian Godthwayne; older brother Devlin, older sister Katrina, twin brother Reginald.
EXTENDED  FAMILY : Sister in law (Reginald’s wife) Zolene, deceased, and their 8 children; brother in law (Katrina’s husband) Duncan and their 12 children.
HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : None in our world.
BOOK :  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
MOVIE :  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5  SONGS :  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DEITY : In Amerisk there is only one deity but there’s that deity’s Seven Angels and from them idk??
HOLIDAY : Any of them because usually they allow him to sleep in on holidays.
MONTH : Doesn’t have one
SEASON : Autumn
PLACE : Forests
WEATHER : Rain, thunderstorms
SOUND : Chirping birds, singing
SCENT / S : Autumn mornings, fresh bread, gumbo
TASTE / S : Spicy foods
FEEL / S : Wool sweaters, hair, having that spot between his ears scratched, the weight of a sword in his hand
ANIMAL / S : Cats, cows, horses
NUMBER : ???
TALENTS : Baking, sewing, knife-throwing, singing, magic, long-distance spitting
BAD  AT : Patience
TURN  ONS : excuse
TURN  OFFS : u stop that
HOBBIES : Baking, gardening, wood carving
TROPES : Anti-Hero, Faustian Rebellion, The Napoleon, Good Is Not Nice, Jerk With A Heart Of Gold, Only Sane Man
AESTHETIC  TAGS : Autumn leaves, baked goods, swords and knives, mountains, forests
MAIN  FC / S : N/A
ALT  FC / S : n/a
OLDER  FC / S : n/a
YOUNGER  FC / S : n/a
VOICE  CLAIM / S : Jeremy Irons
Q1 : If  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?
A1 : Currently writing it. It’s a fantasy adventure about the power of friendship. And also why you don’t make deals with the Devil.
Q2 : What  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?          
A2 : A lot of violins. Just. Jam-pack the fuckening orchestra with a ton of violins.
Q3 : Why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?        
A3 : I got bored so I made a blog for an OC I’ve had for damn near half my life.
Q4 : What  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?        
A4 : Don’t think this question applies, seeing how this is an OC.
Q5 : Describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.          
A5 : He is one goddamn stubborn son of a bitch. He works when he wants to and often doesn’t want to work at all.
Q6 : What  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?          
A6 : A tendency to bite way more than I can chew.
Q7 : How  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?          
A7 : He doesn’t know I exist, but if he did he would probably hate me.
Q8 : What  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?      
A8 : Well I’ve only just started, but pretty much everyone I’ve interacted with has been amazing.
Q9 : What  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?        
A9 : I’ve had him rattling around for about 10 years now I have to get him out somehow.
Q10 : How  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?        
A10 : About an hour.
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