#my upper body strength is not enough to handle my hair
heybiji · 8 months
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i never draw myself but i was very charmed by my half blown out hair today
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visionsofmagic · 10 months
watching them as they train. ⭒ mk1
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—✦requsted by anon.∗ imagine watching liu kang, kenshi, bi han, kuai liang, and tomas working out. you can’t help but ogle them. their muscles straining visibly, they are panting, sweat is rolling off them, THEN feeling them up. how do the guys feel about this?
╰┈➤ tags: spicy, sfw, pet names, sweating, watching, flirting, tattoo, gn!reader, use of y/n, no specific use of gender, boyfriend dynamic, fluff, ‘s all I suppose. ✩ wc: 2.3k ✩ rose’s notes: offf, this one was so spicy to write and I like how I imagined this entirely while reading your request, lol, love ya & thanks for this hot request! hope you all will like, enjoy. [also, changed the aesthetic of requests post, hope this one is prettier. muah!]
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✩ liu kang.
being the god of fire, protector of the earthrealm, and having a decent power in his system, he needs to train his muscles, physical strength, and power as well as he does with his mindset. watching him sitting down on the carpet, eyes closed, hands connected while being inside his mind to power it up as if he’s not the most powerful soul in the entire timeline is the thing you do as a habit now, so, it’s not surprising when you find yourself sitting on one of the benches on the training area as he trains alone – no one else, just you and him.
it’s different than watching his peaceful closed eyes, a little smirk on his face from time to time as he knows you’re there to take a sight of his meditation – because he gladly allows you to. it’s different even within the air – it’s too hot to handle and the wind doesn’t help at all because how he has no particular sleeve on his upper part, wearing just pants as he trains with his sharp movements.
muscles getting tighter, sweat running from his neck to his exposed chest, professionalism is as clear as the sun’s rays and you can’t stop thinking about how easily he will use his skillful hands on your body – he’s making you weak by only training and you know that he acknowledges his effects on you, making his training session sharper and more powerful than it is needed as he turns his back, arms move fast, making his back’s muscles go visible to your eyes.
mouth getting wet on its own, your eyes travel from his sweaty hair to his sharp jaw, arms with visible veins, white tattoos covering his arms and a part of his chest beautifully, sweat flowing from there until they reach his abdomen, making you gulp in excitement.
is it wrong to fantasize about a god? you can’t answer, and you don’t care about it either – well, at least, your instincts don’t care because without calculating its outcomes, your legs move on their own as you get up, slowly approaching him. with each step you can hear his deep breaths, and can see his sweats shine under the light of the sun.
he stops at his movements when he feels you near, chest rising up and down still. standing in front of him with warm breaths hitting his hot chest, you can’t help but touch his arms’ tattoos full of sweat – slowly enough to get a warning from his parted lips. “y/n –“
“yes, my lord?”
you can see his eyes narrowing, mind studying the situation and knowing that you will not stop, not after both of your hands happen to be on his chest, rubbing his muscles from time to time and earning another warning from him as he grips your wrists – fingers still playing with his arm muscles, getting wet, “you should stop, I need to train for one more hour, pretty.”
“train with me,” you say, putting a kiss on his exposed chest before turning over, knowing the god of fire, the man of determination, can’t resist your open invitation, and agreeing.
“you will be the death of me, my love,” he says, picking you up in bridal style as he goes to his room – to train with you of course, much hotter this time.
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✩ kenshi.
to get back his sword from johnny, and be worthy of his clan once again, kenshi tries his best – so hard to accomplish his aims – he needs to be strong, he knows it, and the knowledge pushes him to train over and over again until he can beat everyone who crosses his way and avoiding him to reach his destination.
and there’s one more reason behind it – having you as his audience. his beloved lover who likes to watch him get a good view of his exposed body, half-naked, showing his muscles off even though he will deny it. he can have his orange training clothes to wear but in that way, he won’t be able to see your parted lips that you bite and lick occasionally, eyes shining as they travel on his body shamelessly, hands move rapidly because of not knowing where to put them because your mind is not working entirely when he winks at you whenever he changes the way he trains – legs, arms, back muscles – doesn’t matter as long as you get heat rushing on your body which he knows so well.
“liked what you see, love?” he will ask, smiling down at you when he takes a break, chest rising up and down as he stands on his foot, hovering over you, teasing because it’s so fun to play with your cute mind.
“u-huh,” you say, looking at his chest and waist covered with sweat rather than his eyes directed at you, “like it so much –“ you add, and to his surprise, you put your hands on his waist, pulling him closer to you as you sit on the bench still, and eyes turning up to find him, “are you doing it for me to like it?” you tease back as your hands move from his waist to his abdomen, feeling his six packs tighten under your fingertips. “cute.”
“not as cute as you, prettiest.”
then, he will make sure you put your hands on his body whenever he takes breaks until he is done with training and takes you into his room, admiring your body the way you do to his. after all, he is such a pleaser that he needs to return the favor.
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✩ bi han.
for being the grandmaster of the lin kuei clan, the man who seeks great power, bi han trains a lot – he needs to, he has to.
he never gets exhausted by training with his potent stamina and determination to become the best – the strongest to bring great accomplishments to his clan. also, he never gets tired of having you beside him as he trains after he tells you to watch him closely to see what a true and good training session will look like – well, half truth half lie because it’s not the only reason why he keeps taking you into the area, having you sit down on the carpet, on your knees and watch him – it’s all because of you though, you were the first one who requested to do it and from the way you look at him, his body and mostly muscles with parted pretty lips, he can’t bring himself to train alone when he can your pretty face lighten up with desire of him as he does it.
knowing he does it on purpose, you sit down on the carpet calmly – as much as you can anyway, watching him having only his pants on, ice appearing on his hands until it reaches his elbows, the temperature getting colder but you don’t – it only gets warmer for you when your eyes travel on his torso, chest, shoulders, arms – full of muscles and sweat, getting tighter from time to time with the impact of his hard training. oh, you think, he truly deserves the title of grandmaster.
thighs clenching together, hands getting between your legs, eyes sparkling, and lips getting licked, you know bi han laughs menacingly inside his mind whenever he takes a look at your messy situation – he definitely does it on purpose, doesn’t he?
your question is answered when he cleans his sweat with a towel before sitting in front of you on his knees, hands positioned on his lap, raising an eyebrow he asks, “did you learn anything from my training, y/n?”
nodding, you challenge him by saying, “yeah, I learned how your muscles move so beautifully, sir.”
he chuckles deeply, and letting you do what you wanted to do before, taking you by the wrist, he puts your hand down on his shoulders, “now learn how they feel under your touch, doll. it’s what your hands carve after all.”
instead of saying anything, you use your hand movements as an answer – massaging his rigid muscles on the shoulders, moving from his chest from there until they find his abdomen, full of thick packs, showing his masculinity off so perfectly that you put a kiss on his exposed body, earning a low growl from the man.
“if you keep doing that, I will use your body as my training tool, princess.”
he sounds deep and hot – you’re being a brat. “then, do it.” and he does it in a way you can never imagine before experiencing it.
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✩ kuai liang.
he doesn’t mind having your company when he finds alone time to train his abilities to make them reach the highest point; on the contrary, he finds it amusing how you even bring snacks with you as if his training session is a scene coming out of your favorite show – you admit it though, he’s your favorite show to watch because how it cannot be when he has sightworthy attractive and cute features, especially in the training area in which he has nothing on the half of his body – yes, you see it every day and night yet it’s far more different when it comes to seeing him training with his tools to strength himself up.
watching him jumping, crouching, using his knives with long ropes you happen to have on your wrist a night ago, your hand stop in mid-air, not being able to eat a snack because of how your mouth keeps getting wet – the hotness coming from him and hitting you on the face heavily isn’t related to his ability, no, it’s only coming thanks to being so damn attractive right now; all sweaty, breathing heavily and rapidly, movements perfect, gaze he gives to you breathtaking.
“what is it princess?” he will ask, a knowing smile on his face, taking a bottle of water to drink as he sits down beside you, radiating two different kinds of warmness to your body, “I am the one who trains and you seem to be the one with no steady breath.”
his teasing stops when you can’t help yourself and touch the scorpion tattoo on his thick and big arm, moving from there to his shoulder slowly. chuckling, you say as your hands travel on his wet chest and abdomen playfully, “who has no steady breath now handsome?”
“oh?” he holds your wrist, pulling you closer, hot breath hitting your neck when he puts a kiss on there, “when I am finished with the train, you even won’t be able to have a brain to remember how to breathe, pretty.”
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✩ tomas.
“what now?” he will ask firstly, trying to find a few excuses to tell after you sit on the ground, smiling widely and telling him you want to watch him as he trains – because, ugh, he knows he will get all shy and missing a few steps, or doing his sessions incorrectly with the effects of having your piercing eyes on him, studying him, literally seeing every move and it makes him a bit nervous because being the cute little boyfriend, tomas wants to be as perfect as he can be in front of you – no one else’s, except his brothers.
his desire to impress you in every way, the situation as possible gives him a bit of sadness when he shows some weakness as he does exercises, you behind him, sitting and watching – oh, he sucks, isn’t he – he will think until the moment he realizes that you don’t watch him train – well, you do, but not with the way he excepts.
your eyes scanning his arm muscles, back, thighs, and hands as if he’s a piece of art with thick and sharp features he has – he can see how you bite your lip from time to time, smiling face is long gone, replaced by the expression of passion and tomas can’t decide which one makes him happier; to realize his not-so-perfect training isn’t understood by you or to witness your greedy gazes as you keep your eyes on him, clearly liking what you see.
being addicted to pleasing you, tomas smiles at himself and without hesitation, he takes his tight sleeveless top off of his body, showing his body underneath it – getting proud when you begin to lick your lips, thighs getting clenched with pure instincts.
even at his shiest moment, he teases you by standing between your legs, holding you by the chin, and making you look into his shining eyes with joy, “you’re quite an admirer, my love, aren’t you?” he asks, leaving you dumb for a moment before you come into your senses, smiling as your palms position on his exposed chest, playing.
it’s his turn to be dumb at the sudden action, “after what I am watching is the most beautiful sight in all realms, of course.” your hands are shameless as they flow on his top, admiring it as a true admirer.
“then let me put on a show only for you, my goddess.”
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Can you write a lovely fluff story between Arisu and female reader who loves get kissed, to get cuddled, to get touched from him (and maybe more) at night?🥰 Maybe something romantic with some kinda sexual parts
♠️ Late night closeness ♠️
A/N: Yo, I'm back and haven't forgot your request yet! As I said in one of my posts, I felt a little sick this one day so I used the next days to recover a little. Plus, I was at work thursday and friday until 6pm, so I was tired and exhausted to be honest. 😬
Nevertheless, here comes your desired story and I hope that you will like it even more. Now that it's finally out. 🫶🏻
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Characters: Arisu
POV: fem!reader ; fluff ; slightly sexual content at the end!
Warnings: Includes slightly sexual content, but nothing excessive.
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Late at night. To be more precise, it's the perfect time to go to sleep. Just like I always do. Apart from the fact that the surroundings are quiet and empty from dawn to dusk anyway, there is complete darkness all around us. One thing I can't stand since I've been in Borderland. The reason? The red laser beams that shine down from the sky to kill other people whose visas have run out. I know a few idiots who stay up late and look for a higher spot to watch the spectacle. Just to make sure how many will leave this world behind forever - and for sure - today.
Fortunately for me, I also know people who have similar thoughts to mine. People who don't want to see this happen. People who have enough common sense, empathy and decency to look the other way. Call it strength or call it gutlessness.
I want to sleep. Every day, even before the selection takes place. However, my thoughts, which are spinning endlessly in circles, are preventing me from doing so today. My eyes are closed. My back is turned to the window so that I am not even tempted to open my eyes. But as destiny wants it, this shall not be to my disadvantage.
It's a typical time for me to sleep. You lose track of time and space in here, but if I had to guess, it would probably be 10 pm by now. Maybe half past ten at night. So I'm not surprised that the mattress behind me lowers a little, that the blanket is lifted slightly and then gets straightened again. So that I too can enjoy a comfortable and peaceful night's sleep. Just as I deserve- at least according to Arisu.
Arisu and I ... we met here during a game and haven't gone our separate ways ever since. At least not directly. We rarely go to games together for fear that we'll end up in one where we have to kill each other. I know Arisu's story. I know what he's been through. And I don't want him to have to go through it again.
We always promise each other that we'll come back. That we'll meet again at the agreed meeting point and go back to sleep side by side in the evening. The only difference today is that I'm still awake and can therefore feel the dark-haired man snuggling up to me even better.
How he puts his arm around me and presses me closer to him so that my back is pressed tightly against his upper body. As if he's afraid someone might just take me away from him for the night. Or as if he was worried that I would just leave him alone in the middle of the night.
He does that often. Always, actually. Every night when I'm drifting off to sleep. And I like it. Arisu is a shy boy who has a lot of decency as well as respect. He would never do anything against my will or touch someone 'indecently' if he didn't know whether he was allowed to. And even if he was allowed to, he would find it difficult because he wouldn't know how to handle it.
I think he knows that I like this kind of closeness. I'm not sure, but if he pulls me into his arms while I'm sleeping, I think I'll have some reactions that approve of his actions. Be it a smile that creeps onto my lips. It's possible I'll turn towards him to nuzzle my face into the skin of his neck so I can be even closer to him. And then I remember that I once started to giggle a little when Arisu pressed kisses to my cheek, neck and shoulder. I remember, because ... he is doing it again.
"I love it when you try to show me your affection secretly, quietly and silently." As soon as he speaks, I notice how his head shoots up a little and his grip on me loosens. "Surprise, love." I take the chance to turn onto my back in the loose grasp of his arms so that I can see Arisu's face much better- it may be dark, but I don't miss the somewhat indignant look on his silhouette, which makes me laugh a little.
"I thought you were asleep!" he says confusedly, his eyes almost as big as the moon in the sky itself. "How much did you notice...?"
"Everything." Silence. "But I don't think that was enough." I smile up to him, stretching my face a little towards his so that I can give him a little peck on the lips, before staring at him for a second.
"Awkward?", I asked, bursting into laughter. "What the fuck are calling awkward, Ryohei?! No, that's not!"
"I-It's just ... I thought you sleep, Y/N!" Now he starts giggling himself, so that both of us are just a laughing mess. "You can't pretend just to set a trap for me, that's not how it works!"
"Oh? But it worked very well, don't you think?" It takes a moment for us both to settle down again- until we're both quiet and just smiling to ourselves.
Shortly afterwards, Arisu tightens his grip again and presses me against him once more. He has turned sideways towards me and finally leans his head relaxed against mine. I do the same and start to stroke his arm up and down with one of my hands, while we just lie here together in silence, staring into emptiness. In the soft bed of the tower block that we have made our home for the night.
"I ... actually tried to fall asleep but failed this time." Arisu looks down on me while I look up to him. "It wasn't my plan to trap you, darling. But I have to say, I really do love it, when you cuddle me that much while I'm sleeping, Arisu. And you know, I would be happy when you keep doing this- it makes me feel protected and ... I feel safe in this creepy world when having you by my side." I assume that these words will overwhelm Arisu for a moment, as it's quite a lot at once and … well, very unexpected. "So … I'd be happy if you did that more often. Not just when I'm asleep, but also when I'm awake. I really enjoy your attention and your closeness, so … I think it would be nice if we could build on this ... intimacy." I know it might not be a good attitude.
This is not the world in which you would want to fall in love. We are not in the time warp where you are looking forward to the love of your life, where you want to fall for a person completely and carefree. Here in Borderland, it's a matter of life and death. That's why it might be wrong to tie yourself to one person- morally speaking. But if your heart is yearning and your head is in harmony with it, then it no longer feels as wrong as it really is.
"You know, this ... might getting dangerous, love?", he whispers, making me giving him back a quite "Of course" which makes him sigh a bit. "This … is not something one want to assume, but … you know, it can happen every day that one of us doesn't come back to the other." You can tell from his voice that he feels fear and pain at the thought, which makes me swallow hard- but again I only get out a whispered "I know ...", which should make him realize how seriously I meant what I said to him. "And yet you want me to consciously give you this intimacy?"
"Yes," I said, serious. "Because I love you, Ryohei." This is where I end my caresses on his arm.
Instead, I just look up at him, able to catch his eyes thanks to the light given off by the moon. I notice how his arms wrap around me even tighter in response and I catch myself clawing into the skin of his arm a little, but lightly enough to make sure there's no residue and that I don't accidentally hurt him. He nuzzles his face into my cheek and we close our eyes to enjoy the togetherness for a moment. To forget everything else for just a few seconds.
"I don't think that's something we can decide immediately, Arisu ..."
"There's no need to decide something, I guess." I open my eyes again, looking at him, giving a little "Huh?" right back, before I can catch a smile on his lips. "I ... I cannot deny that I ... like you and that I would very much like to continue to be close to you." I giggle.
"Come here." Without giving it a second thought, I swing myself on top of him and wrap my arms loosely around his neck.
His hands rest on my back from that point on and I make it quick: I pull him into a loving, passionate kiss. I know he needs a moment to realize what's going on, so … I give him the time. And only when he moves his lips against mine do I match his movements and deepen the kiss a little more, burying one of my hands in his mane so that I can push him a little closer to me.
A little later I wander with my lips to his neck, which he frees up for me a little bit by tilting his head to the side. Small kisses are spread over his thin skin before I reach his ear and whisper a soft "Touch me, Arisu ..." into it, making him blush, pretty sure.
"You want me to-"
"I see what you're up to, my love." I'm smiling. "Don't think about it … and just do it." Again I start to work his neck, which makes him hum happily before I add anything else. "When I was sleeping, you weren't afraid to go under my shirt, too." Now I'm laughing.
Because of his shocked "What?!". Because of his big eyes. Because he's a little freaked out all of a sudden.
"How much did you really notice when I thought you were sleeping all this time?!"
"I've been sleeping," I say, "but sometimes I've woken up and just let it pass over me with pleasure~."
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gojocp · 1 year
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cw: tangled au! reader wears a dress and has VERY long hair, geto as flynn ryder, reader as rapunzel featuring: geto suguru 1 | 2 |
a/n: hello!! i'm so glad you guys liked the first part, i did make some very little changes to it after it was posted, but here's the second one lmk how it is!! <33
tags: @cofijelli (lmk if you want to be tagged in future parts)
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you come out from hiding behind a mannequin and clutch the frying pan to your chest.
the strange man's eyes flutter open, and you knock him out with the pan again. you look over to your chameleon, pascal, and he gestures to check for sharp teeth, as your mother was telling you all outside people have them.
you use the handle and lift his upper lip, not seeing any teeth. feeling a bit relieved, and hit him once more with the pan for good measures.
'what is mother gonna say? oh god, what do i do?' you think to yourself. 'no, this is good. i can prove myself. i am strong enough to leave.'
you head back towards the unconscious man and, using all your strength, you haul his body into a nearby closet, and block it with a chair.
you notice a crown has fallen out of the satchel, and head toward the mirror to try it on. you put it around your wrist like a bracelet, receiving a look of disapproval from pascal, and then put it on your head, earning you another.
you open the satchel and find a 'wanted' poster of the criminal in your closet. 'suguru geto, wanted dead or alive.'
"(y/n)! let down your hair!" you hear.
you shove the crown and poster into a satchel, and then into a nearby pot.
after helping your mother into the tower, she says,
"i have the biggest surprise for you, dear!"
"i do too.." you chuckle nervously.
"ooh, i bet mine is bigger. i'm making hazelnut soup for dinner, your favourite! surprise!"
"well.. mother. i've been thinking about what you said earlier.."
"i hope you're not still talking about the stars," she says.
"floating lights," you correct, "and yes i'm leading up to it.."
"because i really thought we'd dropped this conversation."
"i know you think i'm not strong enough to handle myself out there.." you start.
"ohh, i know you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there." she cuts you off.
"but if you'd just-"
"just listen.."
"(y/n).." she growls, feeling more agitated.
"just look, mother-"
"enough, (y/n)! you are never leaving this tower! ever!" she shouts, eyes crazed and wild.
slowly, you take your hand off of the chair blocking the closet and look at the painting you made of the 'stars'. with tears welling up in your eyes, you say,
"i know what i want for my birthday now.."
"and what is that?" she questions, pinching her nose bridge.
"new paint, the kind made from the shells you once brought me.." you say.
"(y/n), that would be a three-day trip," she responds.
"i just thought it would be a better idea than.. the stars." you sigh.
"okay.. i'll go get them."
"are you sure you'll be alright." your mother asks, packing food into a basket for herself.
"i know i'm safe as long as i'm here," you respond, hugging her as she places a kiss on your head.
"alright, i'll see you in three days," she states, lowering herself using your hair.
suguru wakes up tied to a chair, hair all around him, and a chameleon sticking its tongue in his ear.
"what the hell?!" he shouts out, rubbing his ear with his shoulder, trying to remove the uncomfortable feeling.
"i'm not afraid of you.." you call out from the shadows, using your hair to swing yourself down from the ledge you were previously standing on.
"...huh?" he mumbles, shocked and confused by the amount of hair you have. "what..?"
"..how did you find me, suguru geto..?' you question, slowly raising your frying pan.
"uh- yeah, uhm. suguru's fine. anyway, it's really not that deep girlie-"
"(y/n)." you interrupt.
"yeah- i was running away from guards, saw a tower climbed it, and.." he pauses. "where's my satchel?" he asks frantically, throwing an accusing look your way.
"i've hidden it, somewhere you'll never find it." you say, crossing your arms with a proud look on your face.
"it's in that pot, isn't it," he states.
"would you stop that!" he shouts, rubbing his ear with his shoulder again.
"now, i've hidden it somewhere you'll never find it." you start, "so what do you want with my hair, to cut it?"
"sell it?"
"no?? look, the only thing i want is it to get out of your hair. literally!"
"you- wh-" you stammer, "you're telling the truth?"
"yes! i saw a tower, i climbed it. the end."
turning away, you hold pascal in your hand a communicate with him.
"i know, i need someone to take me."
"this could be my only chance." you explain to the chameleon.
coming to a conclusion, you begin, "okay suguru geto, let's make a deal."
"a deal?" he asks, giving you a judgmental look.
"yes. a deal. look here." you start, turning him to look at your painting of the lights.
"do you know what these are?' you question.
"the lantern thing they do for the lost princess?"
'i knew they weren't stars' you think.
"yes, tomorrow night, they'll float in the sky. you will take me to see them, return me home safely, and only then will you get your precious satchel. that is my proposal." you explain.
"yeah, uh, no. the city and my aren't really 'best friends' at the moment, so no. i'm not taking you anywhere." he says, trying to free himself from the hair prison.
"then you can say 'bye' to your satchel." you retort, tightening the hair on his wrists, halting further movement.
"bye then." he says, calling your bluff.
"something brought you here. call it what you will. fate, destiny-"
"a horse."
"so i have decided to trust you." you continue.
"a garbage decision at that."
"but trust me when i tell you this, you can tear this tower apart brick by brick. but without my help, you will never see your dear satchel again." you threaten, pulling the chair so he's at eye-level with you.
"i take you to see the lantern, bring you back, and you promise to let me go?" he inquires.
"i promise."
"??" he gives you a look that tells you he isn't quite convinced.
"and i never break my promises.. ever," you add.
"fine. we'll go." he sighs, giving in.
"really??" you gleam, letting go of the chair and dropping suguru on his face.
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imawreck · 2 months
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x Original Character
Summary: Max is forced to go on a mission with Bucky once more.
Warnings: malnutrition, description of panic attack symptoms, cursing
Word Count: 4,269
I woke the next morning from another grueling nightmare covered in sweat and gasping for air. It was 4:00 A.M., too early to be up but too late to fall back asleep. I peeled the sheets away from my body, wincing at the muscles tugging at my still-scabbed side. It was better, but it should have been healed and gone by now. Its presence was evidence enough of my malnutrition, even if I physically looked as healthy as a horse. I needed to eat.
Hopping from the bed, I meandered to the small floor kitchen and snagged the cereal box out of the cupboard and made myself a bowl. Thor would be disappointed I missed our morning breakfast together, but I couldn't wait that long. I munched on my meal, taking a seat on the counter instead of the chair. The cool marble was jarring enough to clear the stupor of my mind as I shoveled another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.
After the encounter with Bucky last night, it was difficult to fall asleep. My body had quaked, and my lungs seemed to shrink and cause my breaths to be nothing more than short puffs of air. It was ridiculous.
After I finished my breakfast, I decided to take the time to use the empty training room. Bucky had taken to training most of his free time, so the machines and weights were usually unavailable to me, the whole room more or less. I avoided him as much as I could, not even daring to be in the same room for fear of what, I didn't know. I was simply uncomfortable with being close to him anymore.
It's funny, how one person can go from your very breath to something you can hardly look at without falling apart.
I spent most of the morning training. I had lost some muscle in the recent missions and was in desperate need of some protein supplements to which I stole from Sam's stash. I spent several hours using the bars for upper body and lifting as much as my body could handle on weights. I pushed myself, taking note of the subtle changes that had occurred over the past few weeks. It wasn't much, but it was enough to cause a change in my strength. Enough to weaken me.
I cursed myself, drying my hair with a towel as I took a break three hours later, seating myself on the nearest bench. The AC felt wonderful on my neck and shoulders thanks to the tank top I was sporting. I didn't want to risk the team seeing my injury. Tony would bar me from missions if he had any inclination I wasn't mission ready.
The elevator chimed a few minutes after I had taken a seat and my whole body froze up; a recently developed instinct. Blonde hair and a dashing smile had me blowing out a breath and dropping my shoulders.
Thor sauntered his way over and plopped down on the bench beside me, "You're up awfully early, Max."
I shrugged, "I couldn't fall back asleep, so I decided this was the best thing to do to occupy my time before you lazy bums decided to get out of bed."
Thor rolled his eyes, "Getting a normal 8 hours of sleep does not make us lazy. Some of us need beauty sleep." He slung his gold tresses to the side in an obnoxious manner, pulling a smile onto my face.
"Did you just come all the way down here to talk?" I was flattered that a god showed so much interest in befriending me.
He shook his head with a smile, "No, but it is one of my favorite things to do on earth. I actually came to inform you that Tony is calling a meeting with the team, and he wants us gathered in ten."
I frowned, "You know that you don't have to come all the way down here to tell me that, right? Tony has a whole AI system to work the building."
His smile turned bashful as he shook his head, "I know. I just like to tell you myself."
My neck turned red as my lips curved upwards at his words. I shoved him with my shoulder, "Come on, Thunder Boy. I'll walk with you to the meeting."
Thor's lumbering steps eagerly followed me out of the training room as he began a tangent about the most recent events on his planet. He liked to keep me updated ever since I asked him about it. Learning about the new developments on such a different planet amazed me and hearing Thor talk about it so passionately made me happy.
The closer we got to the meeting room, the more anxious and curious I became. It had been a while since the whole team had gotten together for a joint mission. I figured Tony could sense the tension within the ranks so much that he supposed it would be better for us all to have space and time away from each other. Something big must have come up to be calling us all together.
The door chimed and the two of us strode into the level, veering between the glass doors and joining those who were already seated at the table. Natasha, Steve, and Bucky sat at their respective seats on the farther side of the table. Bucky used to occupy the seat next to me, but it now sat empty to the left of the end. Thor decided to take it with a soft smile my way. I was truly grateful for his presence.
Clint was next, stumbling in bleary eyed and groggy. "Damn these early meetings. Can't anyone get some decent sleep around here?"
I shook my head at him, watching him take the empty chair opposite to Thor. "Of course not, it's in the fine print of the job description."
Clint groaned and let his head hit the metal table. "It's miserable."
Tony was next, strolling in all prim and ready to go. He slapped the file folder in his hands against the back of Clint's head, "Wake up Barton, we have a bright shining day ahead of us."
I had to clamp a hand over my mouth to contain the laugh threatening to escape as Clint covered his head and gave an ugly look to the back of Tony's perfect hair.
Tony spun around and addressed everyone at the table with a thin smile, "I would like to inform you all that I have been working with Thor on locating a very dangerous weapon that we believe has fallen into Hydra's arsenal."
My eyes widened and snapped to Thor who simply continued to listen to Tony with a grim look on his face. "His brother, as you all know, had a scepter that was believed to have returned with him to Asgard but it seems that it was intercepted in the process. Loki hid it on earth, and Hydra operatives located it. Now they possess a very unpredictable variable, the same power that created Wanda and her brother. There is no telling what it will do or what they will use it for."
Everyone seemed to pale at the news. No one else had known about their discussions, I realized, and Thor had kept it even from me.
Tony went on, "Thor and I have been trying to locate where Hydra was moving or keeping it. We had been unsuccessful until now. The scepter gave off a power surge near the eastern sea and we believe that they are trying to move it to a more secure location to keep us from detecting it further. The window is small, and the only people available for this mission are those sitting at this table."
I noted that two of our most powerful members, Wanda and Vision, were nowhere to be found. The two were often sent to monitor other situations and I figured that they were doing so now. It would be a severe setback in our ranks, but each of those seated here had their own talents that would still benefit us greatly.
What small smile Tony had managed to keep on his face fell away before his next words, and his eyes seemed to fall on me with a sort of plead held in them. "Barnes, Max, you two will be on the front lines."
I balked at him, "You're joking."
His brows pulled together with a stiff shake of his head. Bucky glared at the table in front of him with his fists clenched. "You two are our strongest offense and your teamwork is refined even if you two are at odds right now. We need that kind of manpower to get through their defenses. I need everyone else stationed around the area to wait as backup and cover our blind spots. We can't allow them to call in for reinforcements or pull any surprises on us."
I grit my teeth and sank deeper into my seat.
"Thor, I want you to cause a storm if you can. Keep their communications down and take out any arial defense they might try to use." Thor nodded, the only response he gave Tony. The brunette's attention turned to Steve next, "I need you and Natasha to take out any scouts or watchers they might have as quietly as possible so Barnes and Max can get in and locate the scepter." Another nod from the two of them. "Barton, you'll take out anyone they might miss. That's all for now, go suit up. We will go over all the details on the Quinnjet."
With that, I stood from the table and left. Rage roiled in my veins as I stalked towards the staircase, opting to take them over the confines of the elevator that the others were bound to use. The closer I got to the launch pad, the more the anger consumed me. Why would Stark put us together when he knows that something changed between us? Everyone knew that something happened, we were never even seen on the same floor now. And then that thing with Natasha...
I felt the railing of the stairs crunch under my hand as I took the last step onto the Heli-level. The rest of the team was already bustling around, finalizing their gear and loading equipment into the hangar. I B-lined for my locker, swinging it open and snagging my suit from within. I had requested for a new one, and I was not disappointed by Tony's fulfillment of it.
Burgundy fabric, trimmed with black and silver. I was sick of the dried blood that was visible on my old suit, and the white fabric had begun to turn a sickeningly yellow orange from the layers of missions. The new suit fit much like the last, fitting my curves and hugging my skin. I zipped it up to my throat and secured it there, leaning over to lace and strap on my shoes as another body sank to the remaining bench beside me.
"You have to promise me not to gut Barnes out there in the field for whatever happened between you two."
I turned my face to Tony, catching his arms folding in front of his chest. I let myself frown at him, "I wouldn't hurt anyone on the team."
Tony gave me a pointed look that said he knew that was not entirely true, "You broke his nose in a training session not that long ago."
I shook my head, finishing the knot on my shoe and leaning back up. "He deserved it, he cracked my ribs in that match."
A sigh forced itself out of him as he rubbed a hand over his face, "Just promise me, Max."
I shrugged, "Fine. I promise I won't kill Barnes. Happy?"
He just stared at me for a moment before nodding slowly, his shoulders dropping. "Are you ever going to tell me what happened between you two? You were so happy, then you came back from that mission, and it was like the coin flipped."
Instead of answering, I latched my sword to my back and strapped on my knives. When I couldn't find anything else to do besides answer him, I turned back towards him on the bench. "It isn't a big deal. He doesn't like me, and I don't like him. I will make sure the mission is successful just like I always do, and then he and I can go back to ignoring each other until you decide to throw us together again."
He flinched but didn't say anything else as I snatched my mask out of the bottom of the locker and slammed the door.
I marched over to the hanger to find most of the others strapping themselves into the seats. Thor gave me a smile, but I wasn't in the mood for talking. Or listening. I chose the farthest seat without a second thought and pressed the mask onto my face until the final snap of metal echoed in my ears.
I watched the team through the black eyes of my mask as Tony lifted the hangar and strode to the cockpit for takeoff. Thor had taken to frowning at the wall of the jet and flickering his gaze toward Bucky every once in a while. The latter sat with his hands clenched together between his knees and his head down. Natasha picked at her nails next to Steve who was leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. Clint and Thor were the only ones seated on the same side I sat on. None of us talked as the jet shook with turbulence.
I turned my attention to my hands, flexing my fingers and pinching my brows in focus as I forced my nails outwards. The act alone was hard, and a small sliver of worry opened up inside me. I pressed my elbow to my side as smoothly as I could to avoid drawing attention. The wound beneath my suit ached at the contact and I stifled a hiss.
I would have to be more careful to avoid any contact on that side or I'll be sidelined for sure. The team needed my skillset on this mission otherwise Tony wouldn't have dared to put Bucky and I in the same vicinity. So, I would grin and bear it until I could get back to the Tower.
I lifted my head to find a pair of eyes watching me from across the jet. Bright and blue and hard. He couldn't see the way I frowned or the pain I was sure swam in my eyes at the sight of him, not while I hid it beneath the skull and teeth. All he saw was what he had wanted to see.
A killer.
His eyes didn't stay on me long before they dropped back to his lap, and I eased into my seat. I figured it would be best if I rested for now and try to heal some more before our mission. Thor wouldn't let anything happen to me, so my nerves calmed as the ever-present exhaustion swept me away.
I saw her flinch. A jolt of her shoulders and a sharp breath was all the indication I needed to realize something was wrong. She had made the movement nearly imperceptible, but I saw it.
I hadn't meant to look at her, to even acknowledge her until it was absolutely necessary, but my body still betrayed me whenever she was near. I still gravitated towards her, still couldn't keep myself from listening to every breath she took, every movement she made.
It was torture.
I sat there watching as her head slumped forward in her sleep. That was another thing. Max had apparently been sleeping more often. I had overheard Thor talking to Tony about it one morning before I had entered and the two of them had shut up like clams. They didn't ever talk about her near me. It was good, I didn't want to know any more about her. She was a monster, plain and simple.
Thor had taken to glaring at me any time I was around. He's been glued to her ever since they first met. It was frustrating, seeing her with him. Watching her laugh so easily and smile so much. I knew I shouldn't feel that way. I had no reason to be jealous, she was a killer and nothing more. He just didn't know her.
I tried to bide my time going over the mission details in my head and listen to the whir of the jet as we flew. Steve had fallen asleep next to me as well, his body arched over his knees with his arms resting heavily on his thighs. He has been busying himself with all kinds of paperwork I hadn't asked about. He and I might have made amends, but we still seemed to have vastly different opinions on things now. Like a switch was flipped and we just can't get back to the way we were before.
I lost myself in my thoughts somewhere along the ride and the turbulence of the landing brought me out of it and back into the situation at hand. The others had begun unbuckling and gathering up their weapons, checking ammo and packing extra cartridges where they could. I followed suit, catching Thor waking Max out of the corner of my eye.
Her body jolted at his touch and her clawed hand wrapped itself in a vise grip around the god's wrist. He held his arm up in surrender as she took in her surroundings and eased her hand away with a small drop of her shoulders. I couldn't catch what they said between each other as I stepped away, but the flash of worry across Thor's face had that rotten feeling in my chest returning. I strode over to the ammunition and slotted a few extra cartridges into my pants pockets and checked my guns. I shifted my shoulder, flexing my fingers to ensure there weren't any issues before we headed into the head of the fight. After I made sure everything was set, I joined Steve at the front of the jet.
He gave me a tight smile and clamped a hand on my shoulder. "Be careful out there Buck, we don't know what we'll be going into. Make sure you keep an eye on Max too. Don't let her stab you in the back while were out there."
All I could do was nod as I heard her subtle steps approach behind me. Her voice trickled out from behind her mask in a sickly-sweet tone that had a shiver spidering down my spine. "Luckily for you, the only people I plan on stabbing in the back today is Hydra. Maybe next time, Captain." She accented his title in heavy Russian that seemed to become more prominent on missions like this.
I turned my head just enough to view her over my shoulder as my friend turned to face her with a deep frown marking his features. In her new suit, red as blood, and that mask... She looked like the devil.
"Alright team, remember the plans and stick to your parts. We can't get the scepter without cooperation so we can fight later. Focus on the mission." Tony's suit folded itself over him as he spoke and clamped over his head as he finished his sentence.
The hanger opened and Max shot out into the tall grass, hunkering low and disappearing out of sight. I shoved myself out of the hanger and dove into the brush after her, doing my best to follow the trail of downed grass as I went. Surprisingly, her red suit was almost impossible to see against the tall shrubbery. Her form was simply too low to the ground for anyone to catch the obnoxious color.
I nearly toppled over her as I stumbled to a halt behind her in the brush. I peered over her shoulder to scan the area around us, carefully placing a foot or so between us. The silver teeth of her mask glinted in the afternoon sun, and she tucked her head lower to keep it from drawing attention.
Her face turned to me, and my stomach hollowed at the black eyes of her mask, flashes of the past threatening to take me far into my mind before she shoved my shoulder harshly. "Keep a level head. Rogers and the others are taking out the scouts and then we'll move in." I couldn't help but catch the way she practically spit his name. I could imagine clear as day the angry curl of her lip at the mention of my friend.
I shook my head to clear away the fog and focused on the shadowed figures of our team moving in on the guards against the fence line. The Hydra we had targeted set up a camp, obviously to move as easily as they could without drawing too many eyes. They were simple tents and the smoke from a few fires went up in dark tendrils into the sky. Quite a few soldiers roamed the area, but fortunately for us none of them seemed to be carrying more than a handgun or the few semi-automatics.
I watched as the guards on watch began to drop like flies, the distinct sound of Steve's shield flying through the air carried on the wind. It was nearly as imperceptible as Natasha's choke wire.
As soon as the last body dropped to the ground Max was moving, staying as low to the ground as she could. I followed her once more, easing into the gap the others had provided. It was a limited window to breach while the rest of the watch hadn't noticed their fallen comrades. Max eased around the tents, easily weaving her way through the narrow trails between them while I struggled to keep my shoulders from brushing against the sides.
Brown hair peaked over one of the tents in front of Max and her body stilled, rising ever so slowly as he rounded the corner and came face to face with her. He barely had time to open his mouth before her hands were gripping his head and twisting. The snap of his neck echoed in my ears as she eased his body to the ground and maneuvered it to appear as if he had just fallen asleep. "We can't let them know we've entered the camp. Keep your attacks as quiet as you can and limit the blood."
I kept my voice as low as I could. "We need to locate the scepter."
She shrugged, peering around another tent before heading deeper into the camp. "Feel free to take off and look for it on your own."
"We have to stay together." I followed after her, shooting a glance backwards to ensure we hadn't been noticed.
Max's voice was anything but kind as she replied, "We don't have to stay together, the mission is to find the scepter."
"As a team."
Her head snapped towards me, and her tone was biting and venomous, "And how well did that work out for us last time? As far as I'm concerned, I'm better off without you."
Her words stung, and I couldn't do much more than grit my teeth as she turned away and stalked onward. Thunder cracked above us, and the clouds began roiling in the sky. Thor must have sensed airborne enemies.
I didn't follow her. If she wanted to be alone, fine, she could be alone. I turned towards the opposite direction and began to make my way through the other side of the camp. I checked each tent, waiting outside and listening in on who was inside. If I didn't hear anyone, I ducked my head in and scanned the area for any signs of a Commander's tent. Something as precious to Hydra as the scepter wouldn't be kept very far from someone important and trusted.
I had made it around most of the eastern side of the encampment, and still there was no sign of a Commander or general. In fact, the whole camp was scarce, save for a few agents here and there. There didn't seem to be any distinct tent for the higher ups, which unsettled me greatly.
A hand on my shoulder had me reeling back my left arm to strike, only to land the punch against thin air and receive a foot to the ass. I stumbled a few steps before I whipped around with a curse. Max merely looked around for anyone close by before removing her mask. Worry swam on her features as she squatted against the side of one of the tents.
Her knuckles were white against the knife gripped in her hand. "Comms are down. We're in here blind."
I pressed my fingers to my ear to confirm her words and the crackle of static trickled into my ears. I cursed, "The others should be holding their positions. It shouldn't be that hard to find the scepter and get out of here. There aren't many guards-"
"That's the thing," she swiveled her blade around her finger, one of her nervous habits. "Why wouldn't you guard something with all the men you could spare?"
Her words sank like a rock in my head. "It isn't here, is it?"
Cold eyes met my own, glinting in that predatory way. "No, and we crawled right into their trap."
@imdoingathingmom / @cjand10 / @calwitch / @blackbirdwitch22 / @hzdhrtss
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
*walks on in tiredly while utilizing high heels, stares at the chaos, shrugs, offers you tea then sits down with biscuits to watch the world burn* I have zero context about what I just walked into, but darn it if it ain't entertaining after a long week of bull, hope y'all are doing good and getting enough rest plus doing good today! May existence treat you decently.
I would honestly feed you more mythological lore right now but it's unfortunately the middle of a storm with lightning and my brain is tired, so maybe in another ask, but a fun little factoid here: Cú Chulainn once broke a divine sword made by the gods themselves after using it precisely two times, so I personally find it funny if the reason Fi breaks down in TOTK is because Fia/Seraph pushed her too much and didn't take her to a smith before he died and then she just ended up in Wild's hands which wasn't any better, unintentional and probably not a true parallel but just thought I'd share. Plus an excerpt of what he looked like during the Riastrad according to Thomas Kinsella's Tain:
"The first warp-spasm seized Cúchulainn, and made him into a monstrous thing, hideous and shapeless, unheard of. His shanks and his joints, every knuckle and angle and organ from head to foot, shook like a tree in the flood or a reed in the stream. His body made a furious twist inside his skin, so that his feet and shins switched to the rear and his heels and calves switched to the front... On his head the temple-sinews stretched to the nape of his neck, each mighty, immense, measureless knob as big as the head of a month-old child... he sucked one eye so deep into his head that a wild crane couldn't probe it onto his cheek out of the depths of his skull; the other eye fell out along his cheek. His mouth weirdly distorted: his cheek peeled back from his jaws until the gullet appeared, his lungs and his liver flapped in his mouth and throat, his lower jaw struck the upper a lion-killing blow, and fiery flakes large as a ram's fleece reached his mouth from his throat... The hair of his head twisted like the tangle of a red thornbush stuck in a gap; if a royal apple tree with all its kingly fruit were shaken above him, scarce an apple would reach the ground but each would be spiked on a bristle of his hair as it stood up on his scalp with rage."
Just some fun facts.
Lora fic is 45% complete, song of choice is under wraps but I can send in an excerpt when it's not storming outside?
Player's Newly Gifted Wolf Vs Wolfie for the role of best doggo, fight! That or the wolf and horse are immediately Player's besties and help them get up to shenanigans, Legend being overly suspicious? Horse pushes him down with their head and the wolf walks on by at the precisely convenient time, Player wants to play a prank on Wild? Wolf is there as a distraction while the horse helps Player get away with the promise of sneaking them meat bits during dinner, plus I can see Seraph/Fia just LOSING it in the afterlife. On another note, Seraph/Fia noticing neither Wild nor Hyrule are teaching Player how to handle weapons, sighs and immediately goes "Fine I'll do it myself" by pulling a Hero's Shade and teaching them whenever they're in fairly isolated areas, look he respects their view and approves of it, but he also was a Gladiator and had to kill his shield brother so I feel like him teaching anyone self defense is a must, next time Dink comes by the Chain he just gets immediately shanked by Player who at least learned how to use daggers efficiently, or throws down hand to hand with Dink on the ground while Seraph is practically hollering proud comments like a coach or something, or lends them a bit of his strength/magic in a semi-Riastrad state temporarily to help, idk I'm tired, might dive into it later.
Also I have discovered what's arguably a rare Link variant, and that'd be Sir Raven aka Legend's Ancestor, double agent hero of Labrymna from the OOA Manga and Time's descendentant
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My sleep deprived self personally thinks it's important more people know he exists.
Something something, au where everything is the same but Player is a Herscherr, or more aptly has a Herscherr personality that's either more like HoV or HoS from Honkai, or au where Player is basically Shin Shin Yuseung from ORV. I only have half an idea how that would work, but let's just say Dink would have a bad day either way, FD would probably be intrigued and First and Sky would once again be divine bait.
Anyway that will be that for today, hope you're having a nice time of the day and existence!
-A Very Awkward and Tired Summertime Musician.
He's such a handsome man.
The idea that the reason Wild breaks weapons so much is passed down from Fia/Seraph makes me cackle- like ancestor like descendant I guess OIBDEWOICEI.
ALSO HERO'S SAHDE SERAPH TYPE BEAT I LOVE IT- sure he's gotta deal with Player screaming the first time they see him but it's a very enlightening experience seeing someone dead in your dreams so mans just gotta suck it up. At least Player gets to shank Dink, that's all they care about.
Wolf and Horse duo! We love to see it! Player's little buddy with too much sharp teeth and the horse who people wish wasn't a predator! Their main focus being Player is cute too.
I'm not very informative about Honkai, other than what my friend has info dumped on me but I do slightly remember a herscherr so good luck with that Dink OHBEOIEO
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snnynaturalarchive · 1 year
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My muse is dead, tell me how yours responds to the news
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@leatherandbourbon sent : Where did it go wrong? What did Dean do wrong? He fucked up. Dean really fucked up this time. His whole body was shaking as he held the lifeless body in his arms, blood soaking his clothes. It wasn't even his own blood. It was Sonny's. She was gone. Permanently. How? Why? Why was it that when he started to get close to people that they died? It wasn't fair. It was why Dean tried not to form close relationships, but they had been close since they were teenagers. Dean had done everything in his power to protect her, but this time, he was physically unable to.
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It was supposed to be an easy hunt. Low-class demons. That's what they had gathered from the case report. When the pair arrived at the scene, they were immediately jumped by at least ten demons. The first five were low-class, yes, but Dean noticed that five were off to the side. Observing.
Pulling out his demon knife and going for the one that seemed to be the one in charge, a heavy set meatsuit that was taller than Dean, the hunter was immediately launched across the room, his back squarely hitting a wall with enough force to knock the wind out of him and make him gasp for air, vision blurred. Struggling to climb to his feet, Dean went to attack again, eyes glancing over at Sonny, who was taking on a demon with ease. He knew she could handle herself, but he still worried.
Dean should've been paying closer attention to the three demons he was dealing with because the moment his eyes left them, his arms were seized with such strength that he couldn't even break out of, angry hazel eyes moving back to the head demon.
"She's a pretty one, Winchester," the burley demon chuckled, kicking the hunter square in the gut, causing his knees to buckle and cause him to fall to his knees, coughing up dark blood on the concrete floor. "It would be a shame if anything happened to her pretty little self."
Head snapping up, breathing heavy, Dean glared at the demon who was suddenly in front of Sonny, hand on her throat. Dean could feel his heart drop to his stomach as he watched Sonny struggle. When Dean tried looking away, knowing he was powerless and couldn't do anything, the hunter grunted sharply when his short hair was gripped tight and forced to watch, seeing Sonny's feet leave the ground.
Suddenly, there was a sickening snap, and all went silent, Dean's voice getting caught in his throat as he watched Sonny's arms fall limply to her sides.
"No!" Dean all but screamed.
Heart pounding and adrenaline pumping through his veins, Dean was able to break out of the hold the two demons held him in, grabbing the demon knife, and stabbing them both in the throats, not even caring if the bodies were still alive. All he cared about was Sonny.
Looking back, the head demon was gone, but not before he had left a hole in Sonny's chest to make sure that Dean wasn't able to bring her back by selling his soul. Scrambling to his feet and running as fast as hus legs would carry him, Dean collapsed next to the bloody, lifeless body of Sonny and pulled her into his arms, cradling her upper half to his chest, pressing his forehead against hers, feeling her head limply roll against his chest.
"I couldn't protect you," Dean choked out, his voice cracking. "I'm so sorry, Sonny."
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i asked for pain... and i received.. i am FINE
0 notes
weepingvoidpenguin · 3 years
Unfortunately Yours
Summary: When you and Bucky successfully infiltrate a HYDRA auction, you’re told to stay another day due to max capacity on the jet. But how are you going to survive a night alone with this insufferable Super Soldier? Especially considering the miniscule size of the room and the obvious dilemma presented; who gets the bed?
Warning: S M U T , the smuttiest thing I’ve ever written, language, spit kink, daddy kink, ptsd symptoms, slight voyeurism, slight exhibitionism, hate-s e x, rough, more like enemies-to-lovers kind of thing, gagging, m!receiving, f!receiving, lots of receiving lol, 18+, M
Word Count: 10.6K (Whhhyyyyy)
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   Your body burned with exhaustion and the sheer weight of your extremities felt enough to drag you to the floor and mirror a coma with the length of your hibernation. You no longer had the minimal strength required to pick up your feet properly which resulted in the sound of shuffling to fill the small, and by small you meant miniscule, room you’d been assigned to. 
   Well, you and Bucky had been assigned to.
   You’d both played your parts well enough over the course of the last few hours. You’d sauntered into the ran-shacked looking bar with Bucky’s arm tossed lazily over your shoulder, his distaste for the assignment evident on his face, but he’d cleared it away the second his foot crossed the threshold. He pulled you in tighter to his body and raised his chin into the air, emitting the energy of a man not to be trifled with. You’d portrayed your role as a damsel just as, if not more, convincing as Barnes’ opposite. Your shoulders hunched over and your steps were small and quivering, the wig on your head a tool used to curtain the hair in your face. 
   You were the lamb to this White Wolf.
   Word had traveled through the dark and twisted grapevine that a certain showing of sorts took place tonight and a high-ranking target was rumored to be amongst its audience. You and Barnes were on the first flight to Germany within minutes.
   Bucky had pulled you through the crowd moving along to the thundering music in the background and halted at the edge of the bar. His grip on your shoulder tightened once he’d caught the man’s attention and you winced, his fingers digging a little too deep for your liking.
   The bartender scanned you over and took in your frame, making you feel smaller than you had already displayed yourself to be. It took him a while to conclude but when he took in Bucky’s domineering gaze, a look as if to say Deny me, I dare you, he nodded once and wrote something down on a napkin, sliding it over to Bucky.
   Scum. All of them. 
   You nearly blew your cover trying to throw Bucky a look but you refrained from the hellfire clawing its way out of you. You had to be perfectly in control, emotions and beliefs aside. You were a damsel and you had to make certain they believed that. You knew they were watching; they always were.
   “Relax,” Bucky hissed, pulling you under his arm and bringing his lips to your ear.
   “When you pretend you’re the one being put up for auction, then you can tell me to relax,” you muttered, never looking up from the ground.
   “I have been.” When you paused your movement, he pulled away to scan the room, “Nothing’s gonna happen to you. I promise.” He led you backstage and turned the corner to a dimly lit hallway, barren of any decoration in sharp contrast to every other section of the building, “Besides, once they realize how insufferable you are, they’ll be begging me to take you back,”
   He opened an iron door and pushed you into the room, sending you tumbling down onto the carpet. He tsked, stepping over you and not looking back after shutting the door behind himself. You counted thirteen pairs of feet and judging by the way some of them were turned towards you, they had to be watching. You observed your hands for a second, counting slowly until you figured you’d stalled long enough and sent your trembling gaze to the exit. Bucky let out a low chuckle and clasped his hand around your upper arm, launching you back onto your feet and twisting your body to face him.
   Oh, darling, German fluently escaped his tongue and you nearly rolled your eyes at the condescending tone settled in his words, You know better than that, don’t you?
   His hold tightened and you winced, holding back the whimper in your throat. If you saw any hint of a bruise forming on your arm, you would give him hell later . . . and possibly even if you didn’t.
   You bit your tongue and let him lead you towards a leather chair before he pulled you swiftly down onto his lap where his hand remained on your thigh, brushing the inside softly. Had you not been so annoyed, you’d have been humiliated at all the stares devouring the scene unfolding before them. 
   Good girl, he drawled and pressed your back flat up against his chest where he could put you on display.
   You knew you should’ve been annoyed, or at least settled so into your role as his temporary whore-for-sale that the sensation coming alive between your thighs shouldn’t have made an appearance. But sometimes, the way Bucky brought his voice down real low and cooed an insult or jest your way just had an affect that your body would not deny. It kept you awake a lot.
   Instead, you swallowed hard and let yourself be splayed against him. You ignored the scent of sandalwood in his cologne.
   Your body trembled from the cold breeze floating around in the room and you shifted in Bucky’s lap to block everyone’s sight from the way your chest reacted to the change in temperature.
   Don’t be shy, he murmured and removed your arms from your breasts, letting the thin, practically see-through fabric show you to the world.
   “Buc-” You started, your panic creeping through the cracks at the cheshire sneers sent your way, but at the first sign of your discomfort, he retracted his hands and twisted you around gently, throwing your legs over the side of the chair and spreading them but forcing your upper half to face him. Effectively, cutting your chest off from their line of sight.
   You trembled out a sigh and he grabbed your face tightly, drawing your eyes to his. He examined you, his hardened gaze shouting words he couldn’t currently say. But you understood. He could be a jerk, but he wasn’t a bad man.
   Your body instinctively leaned into him for warmth as another breeze engulfed you, resulting in a shiver that made its way up your spine. “Are they still looking?” you inquired and he gripped your neck with a ferocity that made you squirm in his lap. Fuck.
   He pulled your ear to his lips and licked the helix. You whimpered. “No,” he whispered, running his thumb along your jawline, “But if you don’t quit fucking squirming you’re gonna have a problem, Doll,”
   You opened your mouth in question when you felt a sudden twitch on your backside and you swallowed. Hard. He never broke eye contact with you, instead choosing to raise a brow in mocking. Your chest heaved up and down and how you could feel his breath grazing on your cheek almost had you rubbing your legs together for some form of desperate friction. No, you had to keep yourself composed, keep the act going. But he’d seen it. All of it.
   You nod your head and slowed your breathing down until he released his grip around your throat and turned his attention towards the dim stage. You leaned back into him and followed suit, making sure to keep your attention downcast and appear disheveled. 
   “There,” Bucky whispered after a few minutes and you lifted your head only to find the man you had come all this way for walking straight towards you.
   Like a moth to a flame.
   “How much?” The older man inquired, his grotesque gaze settled on your spread legs.
   Bucky looked up at the balding man as if this was the first time he’d noticed his presence, “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” 
   The man lifted his brow, or what would’ve been, and smiled wickedly, “I’ll give you double your price if you give her to me now,” he offered, his eyes slithering up to the apex of your thighs and this time you didn’t have to fake the shiver running up your spine. 
   A small smirk formed on Bucky’s face and he waved his hand dismissively at him, “Get in line,”
   The old man sneered but Bucky was right, most everyone had their attention fixated on what was happening currently and it was apparent there was, indeed, a line. 
   Bucky rested his gloved hand on your upper thigh and gripped tight, whether to refrain from hitting the guy or just to touch you, he wasn’t sure but he couldn’t keep you away when the man said, “I’ll give you four times the asking price but I want her now,” 
   Bucky’s grip on your thigh tightened and you squeaked at the pain, jumping slightly in his lap. “How about I give her to you for free for ten minutes and you tell me if you can handle her,”
   You jerked your head towards Bucky and furrowed your brows. Free? Dick. You nearly scoffed.
   The man gripped onto your calf and you shifted to kick his hand away when Bucky’s own shot out and and ripped his off of you, “Don’t touch my stuff,” he spit and the man let out a yell but that only spurred Bucky on and he tightened his fist, “Until terms are agreed upon, she remains mine to do with as I please. Understood?”
   The man nodded hastily and Bucky threw you off his lap when he stood up. “Anyone else?” Bucky shouted to the room, daring others to test his limits when it came to you. After a few moments of silence Bucky scoffed, “I didn’t fucking think so,”
   Bucky’s grip on the man remained and he stared down at the hunched figure, “Now, you,” he addressed and the room remained silent. This was allowed here. 
   Normally, merchandise couldn’t be touched until it was purchased. No buying before the auction, no discussing what you’re offering, no negotiating but most importantly don’t try to steal from anyone. These are criminals and that being said, they handle things amongst themselves. They know the rules and the risks they take breaking them.
   So, when Bucky drags the poor bastard away, you follow right behind him. Not a protest to be heard. Bucky throws open the door we entered through and finds the nearest room before chucking the HYDRA agent inside and locking the door behind you. 
   The room was brightly lit, with all four walls a dull cream color and dark brown couches strewn casually about. There’s no real order to this place. All cement corners and LED bulbs. Pure business. 
   “Let ‘em know,” Bucky orders and you turn around to argue only to find the man pulling a gun out of his jacket pocket.
   You jerk suddenly and kick Bucky square in the stomach, launching him towards one of the couches just as a shot rings out. You blanch at the sound, the noise filling your head and drowning everything else out. You hear yelling but you can’t make out the words, only the panic intermingled within them. Your hand reaches out around you and you grip the small button lined into your thin clothing, pressing it four times how you’d been instructed.
   Everything moved slowly and people began filing into the room. How did they get here so fast? No. It wasn’t possible, they were a quarter mile down the road, there was no way they were your backup. 
   Hands began flying in the air and you were picked up and dropped multiple times, each time landing harder than the last. You tried to blink back the spinning but the blows landing on your face and torso made it all the worse. 
   Instinctively, you threw your hands up to protect your face and fought to find some footing to help. Bucky was good but he wasn’t a God, he would need help. When the first blow met your forearms you reached out to grasp the hand and used your other to drive your fist right into the person’s nose. The bone crunched under your blow.
   You took a hit, then another when you managed to analyze the enemy’s fight pattern and waited until he left himself open before driving your knee into his rib cage. He bent over in pain and you grabbed him by the hair, hearing another crack when you shoved your elbow upwards against his nose. 
   You heard a shout and whipped your head over to see Bucky on his back, a looming figure with a gun aimed straight towards him. You galvanized towards them and threw yourself in the air, using your weight to kick him off of Bucky when another shot rang out. 
   Bucky shot up and crushed the gun with his metal arm. You scoured the room for the familiar HYDRA agent but found him nowhere. You shot out of the room, knocking into an opposing wall as you turned the corner and ducked when the sound of a bullet whizzed past you. 
   This is not going good. You had lost your target and rummaged through room after room until you’d become lost. Fuck. Where the hell did he run off to? You winced after breaking out into a sprint but pressed on, not allowing yourself to slow down. There was no way you were going to fail this mission, especially after coming so close to success.
   Sweat trailed down your face and your muscles screamed at you to halt, their exhaustion beginning to wear you down. Your breathing grew rapid and your vision blurred and just as you went to lean on a wall to rest, your shoulder exploded out in pain and you collapsed with a cry.
   “Dirty whore,” the HYDRA man seethed, a cane raised over his head. He brought it down and you spun to the side, feeling the air breeze past your ear.
   Your hand latched onto the cane and you shoved it into his gut, pushing him away. SHIELD wanted this guy alive, so alive they would receive him. That didn’t mean he had to come in one piece though. 
   You tore the walker out of his hand just as he tumbled onto his ass. You stood up, grunting along the way and hovered over his body, fear sprawled along his features. 
   “You can either stay still or get beat with your own cane, it’s your choice,” you offered, aching to bring the walker down onto his face. “Please test me. Please.” You begged.
   His gaze shifted between you and the weapon and he brought his trembling hands up in defeat. He must’ve been an agent of some Intelligence branch because his fighting abilities were evidently subpar at best.
   You sighed, sad to see the opportunity go but brought the cane down none the less. “That’s unfortunate,”
   You turned your attention to the sound of running coming around the corner and moved to drag and hide your captive in a nearby closet only to roll your eyes when Bucky came ‘round. You tossed the cane back and forth between your hands and smiled proudly towards the agent on the floor.
   “Look who I caught,” you toyed and were met with a grunt.
   “Only because you let him get away,” he retorted, pulling the balding man up to his feet.
   Everything began to slow and the hellfire you’d kept under mounds of ice had finally melted through its freezing cage. “What?”
   He turned his back towards you and trudged the hesitant man behind him towards the exit.
   “I said,” you hollered, not caring how the halls carried your echo, “What?”
   “I heard what you said,” he called back to you, not bothering to turn around.
   And there you were left, frozen and dumbfounded for five solid minutes before you could pull yourself together enough to stomp your way back towards the rendezvous point. You remained hazy for the most part while debriefing. You tried to recount everything but the way your anger engulfed you in its flame obscured your memory so you kept it short. 
   It was quickly brought up that SHIELD captured more HYDRA agents than expected and were gonna be at max capacity so you and Bucky had to stay at a base a few miles down the road. You grumbled in compliance but Bucky didn’t respond, not even a godforsaken grunt.
   What SHIELD had failed to mention though, was that this bunker was clearly meant for one. It barely counted as a room. There was a small bathroom in the corner just big enough for a shower and toilet. No sink. And a small counter with just enough space for a stove, microwave and radio. If you were to lay down vertically or horizontally you’d nearly be touching wall each way. Not to mention the singular bed.
   And that’s how you got to where you were now. Miniscule room. Exhausted body. Drained mind. Patience long gone. 
   You huffed and dropped your bag in front of the entrance before walking to the bathroom and turning to slam the door closed. You turned the faucet on and ripped the wig off, discarding your clothes in a pile before stepping into the shower. The warm water was nice and welcoming but your body already felt aflame so you twisted the knob and held your breath when the cold stream trickled down your body. It was difficult to breathe at first, but your body soon adjusted to the temperature and you began wiping the muck off your skin with the bar of soap supplied. But that’s all the was supplied. Clearly, this place was meant to be a quick pit stop. 
   You sat on the hard floor as the water streamed onto your body. You could nearly fall asleep to its rhythm; It was only when your head hit the wall that you realized you were so you begrudgingly stood up and shut off the water. You grabbed the only towel in the bathroom and pat yourself dry, noticing just then that you left your clothes outside.
   You let out a long sigh and twisted open the doorknob to find Bucky toying with the radio on the counter; not even purposefully, just looking for something to do while he waited. 
   You opened your mouth to ask him to hand you your bag but after what he said to you earlier you’d sooner eat hot coals than ask him to do anything for you. You stepped out of the bathroom, towel wrapped neatly around your chest and you bent over to open your bag. The shuffling on the radio stopped. 
   “You could’ve at least left me some warm water,” he grumbled and you rolled your eyes.
   You searched in your bag for the fresh clothes residing there only to turn around when you found them and have the bathroom door shut in your face. 
   “Are you fucking kidding me?” You shouted, pounding your fist against the door.
   You could hear the water running and you groaned, pounding harder. The door opened for a split second and you were hit in the face with the clothes you’d left inside only for it to instantly be slammed shut again.
   You punched the door with all the frustration built up over the past few hours and felt the wood crack with your force. Why did this man have to be incredibly baffling? You were not nearly paid enough to deal with such an unbearable partner. He would have you bald from stress before you knew it. 
   You spent the next few minutes grumbling to yourself after you changed and scribbled your frustration onto a small notebook you took with you everywhere. It was only when you heard the water shut off did you remember something. You still had the only towel. A villainous smirk tugged at your lips and you placed the folded towel on the edge of the bed, away from the door.
   Then you heard the creak. “I will walk out naked if you don’t give me the towel,” Bucky threatened.
   You shrugged despite him not being able to see you from your position on the bed, “I’ll just laugh at your dick,” 
   “You weren’t laughing earlier,” he shot back.
   Oh. So he did remember. Good. You thought he’d gotten amnesia within the past few hours, maybe he was just too ashamed to mention it.
   “Too disgusted to insult. Plus, I was playing a character,”
   “Fine,” he responded and quickly came into view, haughtily sauntering over to your side and you shouted.
   “Dear God!” You held the towel up to block your sight of his barren body. It was disgusting. He was all wet, hair dripping onto his muscled torso, water gleaming off his taut skin, 5 o’clock shadow drenched and straight out of a wet dream. Jesus.
   “Prude,” he commented, snatching the towel from your grasp and wrapping it around himself. 
   “Respectable,” you corrected, crossing your arms and shoving him away. “You get the floor,”
   He lifted his duffle off the ground and rummaged through it. “Then I get the blanket,”
   “You get fuck all,” you stated, flipping off the lamp beside you and snuggling into the warm cot.
   When the shuffling stopped and the bathroom light was shut off, you shut your eyes and let the wear of the day grab at you, lulling you into the beginning of slumber. That is, until the blanket was hauled from around you, damn near throwing you onto the floor. You shouted out and caught yourself last minute. 
   “Barnes!” You yelled, steadying yourself and reaching over the edge to grab the blanket back. Your hand fisted at the faux fur and you pulled with all your might to no avail. 
   He swatted you away as though you were a pesky fly and reached over to turn the light of the lamp on. You glowered at him and stood, wrapping the blanket around your arm and pulling upwards. Your arm strained to its capacity but the man on the floor didn’t budge. Only turned his back to you and shut his eyes. You reached over yourself and flipped the switch of the lamp, once again immersing yourself in the comforting darkness. 
   Bucky stiffened and opened his eyes then turned and froze you in your spot with his stare. He reached around and lit the lamp, slowly retracting his arm and daring you to turn it off again. So you did.
   He yanked the blanket from your grasp and threw you back onto the bed, bringing light into the room. “Light stays on,” he growled.
   “No! You’ve had your goddamn way since you stepped foot into this room. Light goes off and I get the blanket!” You shouted, not concerned about anyone else hearing considering the room was soundproof.
   “No. You get the bed so I get the blanket. Tell me how that doesn’t make sense,” he countered.
   You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of admitting that it did, in fact, make sense. The floor here was wooden and clearly uncomfortable, plus he hadn’t even argued about the bed situation. 
   You retreated, “Fine, light still goes off,”
   Silence fell between the two of you but you weren’t budging. Barnes had faced plenty of monsters, he could handle the dark. 
   “I need the noise to fall asleep,” he admitted and it was then you could hear the slight hum the bulb emitted.
   You didn’t speak for a while but reared back and pulled out your phone, “What do you want to listen to?” You scrolled through a few sounds you had stored on your phone, “We’ve got: nature sounds, frequencies, guided meditations, etc. You name it, but I’m not sleeping with this forsaken light on,”
   Bucky studied you, his expression changing a mile a minute but the one of indifference conquered, “Rain,” 
   You nodded once and selected the audio, placing the phone face up on the nightstand and turning the light off for the last time. Hopefully. You hunkered down into the thin mattress and reached down, grasping at the thick blanket. When you pulled, there was some give. He’d let you get just enough needed to cover your body if you laid at the very edge and your hand hovered in the air when you laid your arm over the side.
   Minutes flew by with your eyes shut and the exhaustion slithered over your body but your mind ran wild with the events from earlier. You tried not to get angry or sad or . . . bothered. Your breathing deepened when you began to succumb to your body’s fatigue and you drifted inch by inch into the welcoming void lulling your name.
   You didn’t hear when he shifted, only managed to register the faint tracing of his fingertips on your hand before finally giving out.
   You weren’t sure what time it was when you opened your eyes for the first time that night. This regularly happened. You’d wake up multiple times during the night to shift positions or throw off the sheets, no matter how insignificant the desire, your body always found a way to wake you for it.
   You opened your eyes slowly to a hazy vision and blinked at the sitting figure on the floor, “Bucky?” You croaked, bringing a hand up to wipe at your face, “What time is it?”
   “It’s almost one, go back to sleep,”
   “What are you doing?” You persisted, ignoring his demand and sitting up slowly, “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
   A heartbeat. Then another. And another. He didn’t care to elaborate.
   “Do you want the bed?” You offered, stretching yourself out and already placing yourself down on the floor, “It’s too hot up there, anyway,”
   His attention turned to you for the first time but you’d already began closing your eyes, not really having the energy to argue with him. You could hear shuffling from his spot and the ground disappeared below you, strong hands grasping your body and lifting you up to place you gently back onto the cot.
   “I prefer the floor,” he insisted, wrapping the blanket around you, “Besides, you’re a horrendous liar,”
   You didn’t hold back the singular chuckle, your haze still enveloping you. “Then why aren’t you sleeping?”
   He sat at the foot of the bed, his hand hovering over your leg in hesitation, “It’s complicated.” He dropped his hand to his side.
   “Isn’t the rain helping?” you mumbled, your sight now adjusting to the dark.
   “Then what?” 
   “I just . . . don’t want to wake you,”
   “Well, I’m already awake if that makes you feel better,” you jeered, a small smile forming on your lips.
   “It doesn’t,”
   “Nothing does,” you retorted, the inevitable annoyance you always felt when conversing with him already made its way up into your tone.
   He scoffed and stood from the bed, placing himself in the same spot on the floor with his head leaned up against the wall and his arm resting on his perched knee. 
   “Oh, so now you can’t handle a little attitude,” your tone came out incredulous, “You didn’t have any issues earlier when you blamed me for that guy’s escape. Which, he didn’t even get to do, might I add,”
   “I was projecting,” he replied, gaze still focused on the door opposite to him.
   You blinked, “Are you so tired that you’re actually admitting to being a dick?”
   “I know I can be a dick, but you threw yourself straight into the line of fire twice today. So I don’t really give a shit if I was mean to you,”
   “I only did that because you almost got shot twice today. Don’t take your anger out on me for your incompetence. Just say ‘thank you’ and move on already,”
   “Incompetence?” His head jerked in your direction. “What was incompetent was that you couldn’t keep yourself composed,”
   You sat up. “What in the hell are you talking about? My behavior is what got our target to basically give himself up to us! It was me that trapped him, not you!” His composure tensed and you crossed your arms over your chest, “You’re just mad your dick got hard so if anything you’re the one who couldn’t keep their compos-” His hand was wrapped around your throat and you were pinned to the mattress before you could finish your sentence.
   “Shut the fuck up,” he hissed at you, his face mere inches from yours.
   “Why?” You spoke hoarsely around his tightening grip, “Does the Big Bad Wolf not like that he was turned on? Who’s the prude now?”
   “Turned on?” He spat, his free hand resting by your head to cage you in, “You think what you did earlier turned me on?”
   You grasped at the hand around your throat and pried slightly to speak, “Fight me or fuck me, Barnes. But stop lying to yourself, it’s getting old,”
   The room seemed to freeze over and Bucky paused. His hesitation was enough to elicit the fire from earlier and your legs squirmed a little underneath him. God, you hoped he chose the latter.
   Then his lips crashed against yours. 
   You squeaked at the sudden onslaught but threw your arms around his shoulders and pulled him in tighter against you. He dropped when you intertwined your legs, his full weight pressing against you deliciously. You ground up against him, your core aching from the previous hours and the small friction elicited a moan from the both of you. 
   “So impatient,” he scolded, bringing the hand from around your throat down to your hips and pressing you into the bed. “What a whore,”
   His breath danced along your cheek and you mewled at his words. Gods, he was going to be the death of you. Or the beginning. 
   You breathed in deeply, his sandalwood scent intoxicating you in a manner that alcohol never could. When you drank, you were just drunk. But when you took a sip from the tall glass that was Bucky, it brought you to life. Your body sang melodies wherever you were plastered against each other and your skin burned with need.
   Touch me, your body screamed, touch me.
   “Fuck off,” you groaned and Bucky jerked your head to the side, exposing your neck for him to scavenge.
   The goosebumps that danced across your skin when he ran his warm tongue up from the curve of your neck to the bottom of your ear brought an arrogant smirk onto Bucky’s face. You ran your fingers through his hair and tugged when he reached a particularly sensitive spot that had your legs shaking when he kissed it sloppily. 
   Your mouth hung open in silent pleasure and your breaths were short and rapid, your body betraying all forms of control you previously had over yourself. The hand that wasn’t residing in his hair trailed down his muscled arm and you gripped at the brawn this man possessed. His skin reminisced lightly of silk despite the rough texture of his hands. 
  The same hands that now made its way into your hair and tugged at the strands at the base of your neck, jolting your chin higher into the air. Your grip tightened around his biceps and the strength they emitted sent a pool rushing to your core. You continued hunting until you found the hem of his black, cotton shirt and you made your way up his taut abdomen. You let out a sigh and he jumped lightly at the sensation of your cool fingertips across his scorching skin. It was a nice contrast for him. 
   You gripped at the shirt and hastily ripped the cotton upward. Bucky broke away from his descent down to your chest to let you remove the fabric and you’d suddenly wished you’d turned the lights on first. He mimicked your action and tossed your shirt in a deserted corner of the room to potentially be abandoned. You gasped when the cold air of the room grazed upon the perked mounds of your breasts. 
   His lips returned to their spot on the dip of your neck and his tongue slithered down in between your breasts. Your breath hitched when his wet muscle made its way up to the apex of your chest. His right hand mirrored his tongue and swirled around your nipple, his teeth pulling eagerly every so often and you hissed at the delectable pain. Your eyes devoured the scene unfolding on your chest and you reached over to flick the light on, desperate for a clearer image.
   Bucky halted and his metal arm reached over to switch the light back off but you swatted his hand away and he backed up lightly, his irritation evident on his face.
   “I want to watch,” you grumbled and shifted up to bring your lips back up to his. He let you. He pushed back lightly with his own lips and leaned in sync with your movements. He parted his mouth slightly and you followed suit, letting him lead his way into yours with the same muscle he’d just had flicking across your breasts.
   The light went off.
   You pushed him away and shot towards the switch but metal met your wrist firmly enough to keep you in place. “Bucky.” You wrestled against his hold and turned your full attention back to the figure hovering above, “I want to see you,” 
   Despite the darkness, you noticed his mouth twitch but his grip on your wrist remained solid. You sprawled back onto the bed and wrapped your free hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down onto you, pressing his surprisingly soft lips onto yours. You broke apart, his lips a hair’s breadth away from your own. “I want to see you,” 
   He didn’t move, only scanned your face over a few times and you brought him back down into a kiss. This one wasn’t like before. This one was warm, soft, patient. A ballet compared to its previous mosh pit. He danced along with you, an admission hidden somewhere in his tenderness.
   You hadn’t realized you’d been freed of his hold until you were wrapping that arm over his shoulder and the sound of a light humming began.
   “Fucker,” you jeered and the previous gentleness dissipated.
   “Shut up,” he ordered, pinning you back onto the bed and resumed his ministration on your breasts.
   The moan slipped past your lips at the sight and your chest heaved upwards, desperate for more stimulation. You licked your lips at how his mouth encased your nipple, his tongue flicking against the perked skin and you dropped your head back, shutting your eyes. You centered all of your attention anywhere that his bare skin touched your body and rubbed your aching clit against his v-line. 
   Your chest was pressed against the mattress before you could register what happened and the hard smack that met your ass evoked a yelp. Bucky pressed fully against your backside and he ground his dick down into your ass. He groaned at the sensation and you raised your ass onto him. You yelped again when Bucky ripped your leggings down and smacked the exposed skin on your ass.
   “Try something like that again and I’ll gag you around my cock ‘til you’re crying,” he growled, “Understood?”
   You nodded, wide-eyed and a mewling mess from the threatening promise of this God. 
   “Good girl,” he cooed, rubbing at the raw skin. “Now stay still for Daddy,”
  Bucky’s hand lingered on your reddening ass and the mattress dipped when he shifted to your side. He traced gentle circles onto your backside and pressed his lips on your shoulder blade, the butterfly kisses making their way down towards your spine and then lower. Your breathing grew uneven from the sheer amount of restraint you displayed. Your grip on the edge of the bed tightened when his tongue dragged from the point where your thigh and ass met all the way up to the bottom of your spine.
   “Fuck,” You shuddered, white-knuckling the blanket beneath you.
   Your skin blazed when you were met with another harsh slap. You mewled at the sensation, loving the fire that spread across your flesh and relaxed when his metal hand cooled the area. 
   Then his teeth bit into the cooling flesh and you jerked away despite yourself. Bucky tsked lowly and you chuckled at the hint of fear sprouting in your chest; you did not want to see whatever sinister expression resided on his face. 
   A strong hand gripped the roots of your hair and hauled you up. You followed his direction and knelt onto the ground between Bucky’s sprawled out legs, settling in your new position.
   “Oh, Doll,” he chastised, “you were so close,”
   “That shouldn’t count,” you retorted while Bucky pulled the blanket off the bed and lifted you up with his metal arm, shoving the barrier between your knees and the hard ground.
   “But it does.” His hands dove into his underwear and sprung his cock out onto your lips. “Now get to work,”
   Your eyes widened at the sight before you and you had to physically hold back from gulping. You were ashamed to admit your mouth watered in anticipation. You lifted your hands from his sculpted thighs and wrapped them around his length, enveloping just the tip past your parted lips. Bucky sighed and twitched in your mouth.
   You welcomed him in fully, or as much as you could anyway, and got straight to work, not bothering to act abashed at your desire. Your tongue swirled around his tip and you leaned into him until he hit the back of your mouth but you continued on, gagging around him when he’d gotten inside your throat. Bucky groaned when your throat tightened around him and he threw his head back, using his flesh hand to guide you up and down his shaft, showing you what he liked and didn’t. 
   “Fuck, Doll,” he groaned, “Just how I imagined your mouth would feel,”
   You pulled off him to comment when he shoved you all the way down to the hilt and you threw your hands up onto his thighs to hold yourself back. He used his metal arm to hold himself up and thrusted up into your salivating mouth desperately. He continuously hit the back of your throat and thick saliva coated his cock. Just as he promised, tears prickled at the corners of your eyes and he didn’t stop until your cheeks were drenched in the liquid.
   You let your jaw hang open, your tongue no longer swiveling around meticulous spots that you knew would make his legs buckle. No, you let him have the reigns. Let him fuck your mouth ‘til your throat grew bruised and jaw ached with fatigue. You committed his cries of pleasure to memory, the sounds euphoric to your ears. 
   He lifted his head and stared down at you with half-closed eyes. He was in heaven and you knew it. He watched you, how the tears trailed down, how your hands gripped at his thighs, how you stuck out your tongue just as you’d made it to the base of his cock to lick his balls in the most intoxicating way. Fuck. You were the intoxicating one. You brought out this side of him. This carnal desire that became him until he’d had to step out of the room just to compose himself. And he didn’t like being out of control. That’s why he always kept you at an arm’s distance.
   But now, watching as you sat between him with your mouth agape like the good girl that you were for him, he knew he’d never deny himself this pleasure again. Especially since you were so fucking good at it.
   He groaned, pulling you off his cock and grabbed tightly at your cheeks, nearly pinching your mouth together. “Tongue out.” He growled, waiting for your compliance.
   Your jaw ached with exhaustion but you managed to stick out the wet muscle as he pulled you closer into him and watched when he parted his lips above you, letting the saliva trail down from his mouth into yours. 
   “Swallow,” he ordered.
   But it was already done, and you left your mouth hanging open for more.
   “Jesus fucking Christ,” Bucky grumbled, putting his face right up against yours and feeding you once again; this time with a sloppy kiss that coated both your mouths in saliva.
   He brought you up from the floor and tossed you onto the bed before settling between your legs. The excitement in your eyes grew and he indulged in every minute of it. Bucky’s hand trailed down from your lower abdomen right above your pubic bone and pressed his palm into your neglected clit. The cry you let out was the unholiest thing he’d ever heard. 
   He slid his finger under the waistband of your underwear and flitted his gaze back up to your eyes, “Can I?”
   You nodded eagerly, dumbfounded that he would even ask and fought the temptation to grab your phone from the nightstand and record everything that was about to unfold. 
   At the first nod, Bucky slid your underwear down your legs and made a show of bringing the material up to his face. Your own went red hot and you hid behind your hands, poking through every millisecond to shamefully watch. He threw the panties into his open duffel and you squirmed in anticipation.
   “Remember the rules?” Bucky asked, brow lifted and already descending to your inner thigh.
   You nodded again.
   “I need to hear it, Doll,” he mumbled, kissing the inner part of your thigh, each placement closer and closer to where you needed him most.
   “Yes,” you whimpered out, “I remember the rules,”
   Bucky wanted to dive right in, he really did, but the way you sprawled yourself out so vulnerable for him, it incited a new pace that he wanted to follow. So, he did. He looked at you for a few moments, watched how the anticipation danced in your eyes, how your legs shook in wait and how you were already so goddamn wet for him.
   “This all for me?” he teased, mesmerized at your desire for him.
   You dropped a hand down to your side, near where his hands were wrapped around your thighs to keep you in place - and against his face. He cocked his head to the side, waiting for your answer.
   You nodded sheepishly and when he lifted an eyebrow in mock confusion you said, “You. Just you,”
   Like music to his ears. Just him. You weren’t for anyone else. He thought he felt his heart palpitate.
   He lowered himself down to your core and kissed your lip, drawing a desperate plea from you. You couldn’t wait anymore, couldn’t deal with the teasing. You were wet enough, needy enough, ready enough to take him, all of him. You’d been ready damn near the moment you first laid eyes on his arrogant smirk.
   “Buck - please,” you cried, drawling out the final word.
   The first kiss placed upon your soaked cunt erupted a sigh of relief and you laid back on the pillow, your eyes closed and mind gone with the sensation of those sloppy kisses blessing your needs. He flattened his tongue on your lips and licked upwards, stopping when your hips twitched into his mouth.
   “Sorry!” You apologized, fighting the desire to grind into his wet muscle. He’d just gotten started and you certainly didn’t want it to end so soon.
   He lifted his gaze up to you and you bit into your fist at the view, using the extremity to hold back your moans. He flicked his attention down again and repeated his motion, lapping at your fluids ‘til his beard was soaked in it. He shook his head into your cunt and his nose rubbed along your clit. The mewling that left your mouth urged him on and when you felt his muscle prodding at your entrance you threw your head back.
   “Please, Bucky.” You begged, bringing a hand up to tease your nipple.
   He prodded some more, his tongue gliding up from your clit and back down to your entrance, poking through enough to frustrate you. He wanted you to break for him. To lose all composure and control and just let him. He wanted you to submit to him but it wasn’t just that, it was more that he wanted to destroy you for any future experience you may have without him. He wanted you to come back to him, to need him, to beg for him and leave you with the understanding that nothing - no one - could compare to him. He wanted you. To himself. 
   So, when he could no longer refrain and had to use his metal arm to hold your hips down from squirming beneath him, he slipped two thick, rough fingers into your begging cunt. And the sound you emitted caused that carnal instinct to claw at the barriers caging it in.
   Your hand shot down, tangling itself into his hair and pushing him harder against you. He allowed it. Your thighs held him in place, crushing him with your soft skin and he groaned at the warmth you gave off. You pulled your hand away from your mouth and grabbed at his metal one resting on your pubic bone, pulling it up to your chest and wrapping his fingers on the sensitive bud for him to tease. He slowly retracted from your chest and brought it back down onto your hips and you huffed in annoyance. You looked down at Bucky but his eyes were shut, completely engrossed in the feast before him. You bucked when his fingers glazed across that sensitive spot inside your velvety walls.
   “There!” You cried, your fist tightening in his hair when the all-too-familiar wave of ecstasy began to pool together, waiting for its release.
   Bucky complied, dragging the pads of his fingers up against that spot over and over again. Your legs caged him in tighter as his tongue swirled over the hyper-sensitive bundle of nerves and you cried out at the way your body tensed.
   “Fuck,” you cried, your hands desperately grasping onto Bucky’s metal wrist and tugging at the roots of his hair. Bucky’s groan of pleasure was what tipped you over the edge.
   You gasped when the pool building released, your body shaking with euphoria and the flood crashed down onto you. And apparently, onto Bucky as well. He pulled his mouth away but continued rubbing at your clit when warm liquid squirted onto his face and his expression of surprise mirrored your own.
   When Bucky looked up at you, your face burned with embarrassment and you threw your head back, using your hand to cover your countenance. Not to mention the sight of him with your juices all over his mouth was one of the hottest things you’d ever witnessed.
   Bucky chuckled at your sheepish apology and removed your hand from your face, bringing his soaked mouth up to yours and having you taste yourself. You devoured each other, your arms wrapped tightly around the other, pulling so fiercely at the innate desire to become one in shared pleasure. He could feel his pride swell at your hidden confession. You’d never squirted before and he was lucky enough to be the one to give you that experience for the first time. 
   You clawed at him, divulging in the warmth his body radiated and intoxicating yourself in everything that was Bucky. You couldn’t get enough of it, of him. It was nearly too much.
   His hand trailed up to your gaping mouth and he inserted his fingers, “Clean them,” he ordered.
   Your hand gripped his wrist and pulled his fingers deeper into your mouth, never breaking eye contact with him, loving the way he ate up everything he was seeing. You noticed the way he swallowed.
   He retracted his hand and wrapped it gently behind your head so you were resting on him. He brought his full weight down onto your body and a warmth emanated in your chest when he brought his lips up against your forehead, each kiss closer and closer to your lips until they met their destination. When you parted your mouth against his, it wasn’t merely an action of carnal desire, it was like you were exchanging life forces. Merging and meeting in a manner that had your body exploding and crying out for more of the faint familiarity. Like seeing an old friend for the first time in years.
   Bucky looked down between your bodies at where you were about to connect before staring back up at you, taking you in as if he would never have this opportunity again. His thumb brushed your cheek and came to a rest on your bottom lip. “Ready?”
   You chuckled, “Fuck me,”
   He shoved inside in one clean motion and a breath of pleasure slid past both of your lips.
   “Fuck,” he groaned, his hand tightening slightly around your neck and he pulled out slowly then shot back inside and you moaned.
   You were still so sensitive from your previous climax that every brush against your clit sent you into a whirlwind of pleasure, the sensations shooting through every nerve in your body. 
   “Bucky,” you whined when his pace quickened and the sheer force of his thrusts drove you deeper into euphoria.
   He filled you just right, his girth and length impressive and you wondered why you hadn’t tried to screw him earlier. He slid past your tight walls, each thrust causing the room to echo with the sounds of skin slapping and moans of ecstasy. 
   He kept his actions controlled, not wanting to build up to something so intense just for it to fall short and end fast. No. Despite how good you felt wrapped around his aching and swollen cock, despite how warm and welcoming you were, how you spread yourself out for him to consume, he had to leash himself. This was going to be just as good for you as it was for him. 
   He kissed you one last time before gripping the back of your knees and bringing your thighs up to your chest, a shout of praise falling off your lips. He was drunk on the sight of his cock going in and out of your cunt and he threw his head back with a groan.
   “What a fucking pretty pussy,” he breathed out and you whimpered, biting your lip at the welcome profanities.
   At this angle, he was fucking against your g-spot and using his pubic bone to rub against your clit and watching the thin layer of sweat sheen off his skin was all too much to keep yourself put together. His eyebrows scrunched together and you caught him taking in your form, watching how your pleasure displayed itself on your face for him to bear witness to. Only him.
   He growled at the intrusion of thoughts that came to him. He pictured someone else in his position, someone else witnessing you so vulnerable and open to them, someone else fucking you and making you beg for them. It disgusted him. He brought his torso down and latched his teeth to your neck, biting down hard enough to have you tearing up.
   “Mine,” he growled into your ear and lulled his head forward when you tightened around him.
   A sinister smirk came to his face and he licked the shell of your ear, your breathy moans feeding him, “You like that?” He asked, pistoling further into your cunt and you shouted at the increase of pace, “You like when I tell you who you belong to?”
   Your mouth hung agape and the one arm wrapped around his shoulder pulled him closer to you, your desperation for his warmth taking control. “Fuck . . . off,” you hissed between breaths.
   He pulled out and yanked you up by your hair, twisting you around and pressing your torso into the wall but keeping your ass propped up for him to admire. You hissed at the pain when a sharp smack met your ass and your hands gripped at the wall for any way to ground yourself and prevent from becoming putty in his hands.
   Another hard smack met your ass and you lurched forward to get away from the sting. Bucky kept your head pinned to the cement, his hand holding your cheek from scraping the wall but applying a pressure that had your tongue lolling out of your mouth. 
   You moaned at the intrusion in your pussy and he plummeted in and out, a mix of your grunts and groans bouncing around the room. His pace constantly changed. One second it was fast, the next it was slow but filling, going so far as to hit your cervix a few times and leave you a crying mess under his hold. Your shoulder scraped along the wall and you fought to push away only to have your chest slammed harder against the cement.
   You brought a hand out, reaching behind yourself and grasping for Bucky’s hip, pushing him deeper into you when he slowed. Your nails dug into his flesh and the sound of his hiss shot straight to your core. 
   “What a goddamn whore,” he spat, bringing his teeth down onto your neck and you gripped at his hair.
   You laughed at his statement, “You’re the one that can’t get enough of this pussy. Why so desperate to claim it? Afraid I'll fuck someone else?” Bucky pulled you back and slammed you against the wall with vigor, causing you to flinch
   He stopped his thrusts altogether, “My patience only goes so far, Doll,” he threatened, tugging at your hair and you bit back a cry, “Choose your words wisely,”
   You nodded hastily, the rough texture of the wall digging into your cheek and splitting skin. You wriggled up against him to continue moving but he retracted completely and flipped you over so he was laying on the bed and you were straddling him.
   “Move,” he ordered, his hands digging bruises into your waist.
   You leaned over, pressing your chest against his to lift your hips up and down on him but he pushed you back up and held your arms behind your back to keep you in place. You whimpered but the cry quieted when you rubbed your clit against him and your pussy clenched at the friction. You moaned out a breathy fuck and swiveled your hips around his, noting how much deeper he filled you in this position.
   “Buck-” you huffed, eyes glued to the glistening abs beneath you. “I’m gonna cum,”
   “Already?” He jeered, an eyebrow raised in amusement.
   You’d lost all energy to sneer at him, your focus solely on how the sensation grew and began pooling in your cunt. “Cock . . . so good,” you breathed out, barely able to keep yourself from melting into him.
   “What was that, Doll?” He stilled your movements and you groaned in annoyance.
   You wriggled in his hold and you could tell by the furrow of his brow that he was fighting to keep control as well. You leaned over him, your lips hovering over his, “Mine,”
   His grip flew to the back of your neck and he crashed your lips onto his, giving you full reign again. You bounced your hips on his dick, slamming down vigorously and rubbing your clit in effect. It didn’t take long for your climax to build again.
   “’M gonna . . .” you whispered and Bucky placed you back up, gripping your hips and swiveling you around how you were earlier.
   “Cum, Doll,” he allowed, “Cum all over this cock,”
   You cried out, your toes curling as the dam in your core snapped and your climax washed over you. You hadn’t realized your fingers were intertwined with Bucky's until you came back down from your high, your chest heaving for breath.
   He sat up slowly and pressed his lips against your neck. “You’re beautiful,”
   Your body tensed at his words and you pulled away to give him a look of confusion. But he didn’t take his statement back, only slipped his hands around your back and gently placed you onto the bed, hovering over you.
   He moved with caution, like his gentleness might scare you off if he touched you too tenderly or stared too long in admiration. But he couldn’t help it, he did admire you.
   He spread your legs open and nestled between them, pushing into you slowly until your hips met and you both breathed out. His movements weren’t nearly as brutal as they were earlier, these thrusts were slow and deep and full of intention. He brought his torso down onto yours and you wrapped your legs around his waist, bringing him closer to you.
   He ran his hand, the only one he allowed himself to touch you affectionately with, through your hair and stared down at you, waiting. His gaze shifted between your lips to your eyes and he ran his thumb delicately along your mouth.
   You looked at him then, really looked at him with fresh eyes and your heart leapt into your throat at the realization. “Kiss me,” you whispered and he lowered himself onto your lips, setting off an explosion in your chest.
   “I’m yours,” he whispered, not able to bring himself to look at you, “I’ve been yours,”
   You opened your mouth to respond but he silenced you with a deep thrust and a moan erupted instead. He quickened his pace, watching where you connected and pushed deeper and harder, your cries of pleasure driving him. He had to fuck you, he couldn’t love you, he couldn’t make love to you, just fuck. That’s it. He couldn’t allow himself to replay your look of shock at his confession, though the scene would surely be on loop for the next few days until he could get over it. Just fuck. Nothing more. Not with that look of disbelief on your face.
   He held himself up with his forearms but you pressed him against you and wrapped your legs tighter around him. “Harder,” you whispered and he complied.
   He groaned when your tits bounced and brought his mouth to a nipple, the faint taste of sweat lingering on your skin. You brought his metal hand up to your chest and made him grip the flesh there but he pulled it back and placed it beside your head instead.
   “Bucky,” you whimpered and grabbed his hand again, bringing his open palm up to your lips and placing delicate kisses on the metal. “You can feel with it, right?”
   He nodded, hesitance sprawled on his face.
   “Then touch me,” you urged, bringing the hand down between your bodies and pressing the cold metal against your clit, “Feel me,”
   His brows furrowed slightly but the look of your certainty forced him to dismiss his own perceptions of his body; or rather, that arm. And when he began rubbing circles into your bundle of nerves the expression on your face made him hate it a little less. Only a little.
   You stared up at him, his pace growing erratic and sloppy and you knew he was close. “You wanna cum?” 
   He nodded, his hot breath coming out haggard and strained. You placed your hand on his cheek and brought him up to your kiss.
   “Then cum,” 
   He shook his head, “You first,” he swirled his finger around your swollen clit and you gasped at the force of his thrust.
   Your body tensed and you centered all your focus on his ministrations, “A little more pressure,” you directed and he quickly found a pressure that had you wobbling in the knees. “Close,” you murmured, gripping Bucky’s side and bringing your lips up to his neck to pepper the skin there.
   He groaned and judging by the way his dick twitched inside you, you knew he wasn’t far behind. 
   “Bucky,” you whispered, pulling his attention towards you and his gaze brought you closer to the edge, “I’m yours,”
   He blinked and his pace faltered for half a beat. He examined your facial expression, like he didn’t believe the words you’d spoken. Not like he couldn’t believe them, but like you’d said them just to appease him. 
   You placed your forehead against his, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath to center yourself in the haze of this fucking. “Yours,” you repeated, all the emotion residing in your chest poured into the singular word. 
   And then he was back to drilling you into the mattress, a new vigor fueling his thrusts. You cried out and Bucky pressed his sweaty torso flat against your own and it felt like the essence, the being, in your chest intermingled with his own and all the climaxes you’d previously experienced couldn’t hold a match to the flame, the intensity, the rawness of the one that washed over the both of you in that moment.
   Bucky moaned out, his hips bucking into yours and you rode out both of your highs. The sensation consuming and overwhelming and welcome on both ends as it flooded through your bodies, meeting at your point of contact.
   His arms flexed above you with the ferocity of his climax and the display had you writhing beneath him, already desperate for more.
   “Buck,” you whispered when his breathing evened out after he collapsed onto you.
   He didn’t respond, afraid it had all been a dream, a trick, despite still being inside you. He didn’t want to move, didn’t want to shatter the perfection of this moment. What if you’d only said that to get him to finish faster? What if you’d only fed him what he wanted to hear? What if-
   “Buck,” you repeated, pulling him from his daze and he lifted his head only slightly. You gripped his chin lightly and forced him to look you in the eye. “You’re . . . mine?”
   He wanted to shake his head, to tell you that he got caught up in the moment but instead he said, “Yours,” because he knew anything else would be a lie and he was tired of lying.
   You studied him and nodded, “Yours,” you stated, already rolling your eyes from the smirk forming on his face, “Unfortunately,”
   He brought your face to his and planted a tender kiss on your lips. He started shifting his position and grabbed the underwear he’d been wearing earlier before pulling out and using the cloth to clean the mess pooling out of you. But not before taking a mental picture, of course. 
   After a few minutes of laying together, his hand playing with a few strands of hair, you felt the warm welcome of sleep beginning to drag you into its embrace. You opened your eyes groggily and looked up at Bucky who was already looking down at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
   “I know about your night terrors,” you whispered and his actions halted momentarily before returning to brush through your hair, “I hear you sometimes. And I understand why you don’t want to go to sleep but,” you sat up slowly and placed the thick blanket down on the floor, dragging the pillow down with you and patting the open space beside you, “you should rest. I’ll be here to calm you or stay up with you. Whichever one you need,”
   He didn’t move at first, his ears drowning out any thought he could have while processing what you’d said. He’d stayed silent so long you’d thought you’d crossed a line.
   “I can always sleep on the bed if you’d prefer, though,”
   Bucky shook himself from his thoughts and edged closer to the floor, slowly descending into the available space and wrapping the blanket around the both of you as much as he could. “No,” he said, “I want you here,”
   You hummed in response and snuggled into his waiting arms, lightly wrapping your own around him, making sure to kiss the part of himself he hated the most before fatigue swept you up into its clutches. Bucky followed soon after. 
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love-toxin · 3 years
plagas; leon.
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a/n: in the midst of some writer’s block i stumbled upon an old concept i never finished. enjoy some good ol’ plaga leon <3
warnings: parasitic possession, yandere leon, female reader, violence, blood, groping, leon’s teasing is just straight up bullying, pet names, almost noncon, slight boot kink, chasing. 
word count: 1.9k
The sun had set on your terrifying journey, and cast a shadow over the room you'd found yourself trapped inside. Not by locks this time, or villagers, or Saddler himself...but by the person you had trusted throughout this entire nightmare. The man that had saved your life stood between you and your only way out, and even then, you doubted that you'd be able to escape if you managed to slip past him. The road home was so long and the stifling, smothering Spanish heat had made way for a chilling cold that breezed through your body in the night and froze you to your spot.
And Leon was gone. His mind and body had succumbed to the disease he'd been injected with, the parasite that he'd protected you from...but instead of saving you, now all you felt was panic, fear, and dread when you looked into his eyes. 
“You can’t suck the poison out of this wound, sweetheart...but I won’t stop you if you wanna give it a try.” 
Leon took slow steps around you, his footsteps echoing in the marble hall of the castle as he eyed you up like you were his prey, while his fingers spasmed and twitched at his sides, like they were itching to either grab you or wrap themselves tightly around your throat. So much had happened since he'd rescued you from the farmhouse, and reassured you with infectious confidence that everything would be okay. It felt like a lifetime that you'd known him, even if in reality you'd only spent less than a day together--but running and hiding and waiting for Leon to dispatch any threats made the hours seem so long and torturous. You prayed for his safety at every turn, and felt terror grip your heart as you waited for him to come back and retrieve you from hiding…
And now you were here.
"Saddler wants me to kill you, you're not worth the hassle to him. But to me...you're my treasure. Mine." 
The way that word rolled off his tongue sounded like an echo in your brain. He said it once before, and it stuck with you awhile--but hearing him say it now was like having it permanently seared into your head. 
It wasn’t a secret anymore. You’d fallen in love with Leon, as so many had before. You fell for his confidence, his strength, his effortless teasing and sincere concern for your safety, and maybe it was all just backed by your appreciation for him saving your life and playing the hero so well. But even if it was temporary, you were in love and you wanted him to survive just as much as he wanted to save you, and even if he succeeded and brought you home just for you to never see each other again, there would always be a part of you that loved him, and you had accepted that fact. 
But things had changed. Seeing Leon no longer filled you with relief and happiness, that smug grin on his lips as he greeted you after fighting off monsters you could only imagine in nightmares. He took a step towards you, and this time you took a huge one back--and he chuckled, his tone dark and biting, before continuing on and piercing through you with blood-coloured irises. 
"I found you, I get to keep you. Finders keepers, huh sweetheart? That's fair, isn't it?"
His gaze held nothing less than a deep, ravenous hunger within him, the unsettling smirk on his face in no way easing that tension that weighed heavily on your mind. 
“Maybe I’m just a monster, now...if I am, then so be it. If being a monster means seeing that look on your face forever, then I gotta say, it feels pretty damn good!” 
"Y-You're not Leon!"
His shoulders suddenly tensed like he was about to lunge for you, but letting him have the upper hand would mean the end for you. You knew that fact so well that you acted on instinct, and unsheathed the knife whose handle you'd been stealthily gripping this whole time, to stab it into the eye of the man you wished you could have a life with. And you missed, the realization both relieving and terrifying, as the blade clanged and stuck into the wall behind him and barely clipped a few strands of his light-coloured hair. 
"Is this my knife? Now that's pretty cute,"
A shudder violently wracked your body as Leon's tongue slipped past his lips, and he turned his head to lick a slow stripe up the gleaming, bloodstained blade. He'd ended plenty of lives with that thing, but it seemed as though his own had yet to be one of them. 
"I've played the hero long enough. I want a reward for all my hard work...I want you."
His hand crept up your waist before you could react to it, rough fingers spreading warmth through your stomach as they grazed the exposed skin of your hip. But once you tried to break away from the touch you wished you didn't crave more of, his other hand shot out to grab you by the waist and keep you pressed uncomfortably close to his body, so close that your lips were mere centimeters from his neck and breathing in gave you a good whiff of that faint scent of cologne that still lingered on his skin. 
"Don't fight me, pet. I can already hear you crying for me to use you...you know, you're so cute when you're scared."
You squirmed even still, thrashing and shoving against his chest to try and find some way to twist out of his hold--but moving him was like trying to push a brick wall, and his grip on you got tighter and tighter until you whimpered with pain. The things he was saying just didn't make any sense, and you never wanted the real Leon more than you did in this moment. Knowing what it felt like to have his strength used against you instead of to protect you...it was becoming too much to bear, and in your terror you found comfort in Leon's touch again even if it was brief, his thumbs rubbing circles into your skin and working to relax you enough that you weren't so tense. 
"You're gonna forget all about that fear when I'm balls deep inside you." 
What little comfort you found was gone once he whispered that into your ear. You felt your eyes widen and Leon's fingers worked their way under the waist of your shorts in a moment, the danger so imminent that your reaction ripped itself from your throat in a scream, and you returned to struggling against the unmistakable stiffness that dug into your inner thigh through his tight pants. 
"Leon, stop!"
You wailed, beating your fist against his chest and even catching him in the jaw, not that you really noticed in your frenzy nor did he react save for his brow furrowing in fury. It didn't last forever though, it was easy for him to use his leverage to shove you off, your back hitting the ground hard enough to sting while he loomed over you and watched with sick glee as you trembled too hard to get up. 
"You don't want me to stop. Be honest, doll." 
You weren't expecting this kind of violence from him, especially not when he brought his foot down right between your legs, as was evident by the way you shrieked and tears pricked at your eyes at once. Somehow he managed to aim the heel of his boot right at your clit, and you were certain now that it was by no way an accident by the way he ground into it in slow circles, and watched with a smirk as your hips shakily followed his rhythm of their own volition. 
"You want me to take everything from you, and I swear to you I will. I'll strip you of every inch of your pathetic life and make you mine." 
The pressure was starting to hurt, and your arms shot out to grab his calf and try in vain to wrench him off of your sensitive areas. It seemed to just entertain him, however, and his taunts were starting to sting your broken heart even more than any physical pain he had inflicted. Even worse was watching him lick his lips as he reveled in your suffering, and one of his hands descended beneath the belt of his trousers to stroke himself under the tent that was so clearly obvious. He loved watching you in pain, and nothing but rage bubbled up in your chest from the humiliation of loving somebody so depraved, even if he wasn't really Leon anymore. 
"I hate you,"
You muttered through gritted teeth, trying so hard to hold back your tears that your whole body was shaking. He let slip a soft moan as he twisted his grip on his cock, and didn't stop even as he focused those bloodred eyes on yours and growled in time with an especially rough tug. 
Leon's grip fastened on your shoulder, but instead of pushing you back down to the filthy ground, he yanked you forwards and crushed your lips against his. Nothing but heat and the scent of blood overwhelmed your senses, your eyes fluttering closed when he started sucking on your lower lip and grazing it with his teeth. You wanted to hate the shivers that snaked up and down your spine from his kiss, but when it was from the man you still loved, it was difficult to brush those feelings aside. It wasn't impossible, however, because when he prodded past your lips with his tongue and moved in close enough for you to feel his cock twitching through his pants, panic flared up in your throat and you bit down on instinct, the coppery tang of his blood flooding your mouth at once. Leon shoved you off him much harder this time, but with the pain causing him to stagger you managed to scramble to your feet and back away a few steps to get some distance. But the fear of turning your back to him kept you frozen in place.
"You wanna be a brat, huh?"
Despite inflicting some much deserved pain, his glare barely wavered as he pulled his hand from his pants and wiped the blood that dribbled from his mouth, eyes gleaming with a lust for violence that you feared right now more than ever. 
"I'll let you have a ten second head start then, sweetheart. Better hurry."
You hesitated, his offer confusing you for a moment, but once the realization dawned on you your feet moved on their own. Sore and stained with tears and blood, you tore off down the castle corridors to search for an escape, and if not, then just a place for you to hide until Leon gave up on you, which would never happen. The thought of monsters barely dwelled in your mind when the most dangerous one was Leon himself, but little did you know that it would only take a short while for you to realize how fragile you really were when he wasn't protecting you, and that escaping without him was just simply not possible. 
"...Cheeky little slut. Let's just see how far you get before you come crawling back to me."
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sunflowersoldat · 3 years
The Hunt (2/?)
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18+ Only! Minors DNI! This is a Dark fic. Please read at your own discretion!
Paring : Yandere Dark!Steve Rogers x Hydra!Reader, Yandere Dark!Winter Soldier x Hydra!Reader
Summary: The most dangerous game, you find yourself in the sights of your two targets. A giant game of Cat and Mouse... or is it?
Warnings: Contains Dark themes! Please do not read if this kind of thing bothers you! Yandere, Violence kidnapping, bad language words, trigger warning!
A/N: If you are apart of my taglist and are okay with being tagged in dark!fic, please let me know, otherwise I am only tagging those I know are okay with being tagged!
Word Count: 2541
Main Master list
Previous part
You woke in the same bed as before, but this time, there were no restraints to hold you down. A large, black men’s tee clung to your body; grey sweats replaced the silk shorts you were wearing earlier. At least now, you were warm.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, did he really think he could keep you here, after resting and now knowing his little game? You rose from the bed, your entire body sore, sharp pains shooting through you as you moved your back muscles. The events in the forest flooded your vision as you tumbled out of the bed, your legs refusing to work properly.
The door to the bedroom opened, Steve rushed in, helping you off the floor, “Easy sugar, don’t want you hurting yourself.”
You ripped yourself from his grip, flinging your body across the room, trying to get far enough away from him, but honestly, nowhere was far enough. He clicked his tongue at you, walking closer again, kneeling in front of you to caress your face. His camouflage cargo pants tightening along his muscled thighs, you thought the white tee he wore would rip with the slightest movement.
The beard that softened his chiseled features was neatly trimmed; his hair longer than you remembered seeing it in the American propaganda. A faint black eye and cut on his upper lip were the only imperfections you could find on his otherwise perfect face. It made your stomach churn, if he weren’t such a rat bastard, you would have found him quite attractive, a strong enough male to handle the serum coursing through your veins.
His thumb traced your lips as his tongue darted out over his, bottom lip pulled between his teeth, thumb pulling your lip lower, before letting it go. He swiftly picked you up, placing you back onto the bed.
When he left the room, you let out the breath you had been holding. You shouldn’t have been afraid of this man, you were equals, super soldier vs. super soldier, except this man was more than that somehow. He knew things, strategies that were barbaric, that shouldn’t have been used by the worst of predators, let alone the Star-Spangled Man with a Plan.
Oh, and he definitely had a plan for you.
Moments later, he returned to the room, glass in hand. He walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge in front of you, you remained silent, and deathly still. Your eyes watched his every movement from the slight shake in his hand, to the barely noticeable dilation in his sapphire eyes, your ears listened for the slightest change in his heart rate, nothing. He was impossible to read, and that is what made him terrifying. You had tortured men who were more dangerous, bloodthirsty, and evil, but this man in front of you, made the brainwashed Winter Soldier look like a cuddly puppy.
You pulled your knees to your chest, making yourself look small and frail, the ache in your core and thighs screaming from the movement, you needed him not to see you as any type of threat. He could play as the sweet innocent American Dream, you could too. He softly placed his hand on your knee, lifting the glass for you to take, hesitantly you grasped it, looking from the clear liquid to him and back again.
“It’s water, sugar, you’ve been out for a few days, you are dehydrated, you need to drink fluids if you want your strength back…”
He grasped your other hand, placing two little white pills in your palm before letting you go, “here, take these as well, they will help with the pain from the wounds on your back…” he caressed your face again, his too soft touch had you pulling away in distrust, “that tree did a nasty number on you. I fixed you the best I could, but you will need to rest so you can heal.”
Your eyes narrowed on him, “You mean what you did to me… Why would you want me to heal? So, you could release me and chase me down again? You get off on that kind of thing, the hunt?” you spat.
A dark smile split his lips, “Nobody wants weak game sweetheart.” He pats your cheek before rising from the bed, “I’ll be back soon… Rest.” As he left the room, he turned to you once more, “Oh and Sugar, don’t think about running… it’ll be worse if you do.”
A bone deep shiver ran through your body, worse?! You didn’t want to imagine what he could consider worse than what he’d already done to you.
You looked at the small pills in your hand, tossing them across the room before sniffing the glass of ‘water’ in your hand. You couldn’t smell anything in it, dipping your finger inside, you gave it a small taste, nothing. Deciding it was safe, you gulped the whole glass down. As you set it on the nightstand, the familiar rumble of a car engine pulled you from the bed and into the living room in time to watch the captain drive away down the road. Your brain told you to get out of the house, to run and never turn back, but your gut told you to stay, Steve’s words ‘it’ll be worse if you do,’ echoed in your mind, you didn’t want to find out what worse could be.
You glanced around the room, the cabin wasn’t too large, just big enough for a master bedroom, a guest room, an open kitchen and living room. The front door was though the living room, but at the end of the hall, past what looked like the master bedroom, was a back door, leading out towards the West. You walked into the kitchen, Steve obviously didn’t see you as any type of threat, the knives were all still in their proper places, everything neat and tidy, typical military man. The décor was fairly simple, framed newspaper headings hung on the walls, as well as sketches, one in particular catching your eye. It was a woman, beautiful by most standards, she wore military attire from the 40’s, but nothing to tell you who she had been.
You took one of the knives out of the block, freshly sharpened, you lifted it in front of you, the evening sun glinting on it perfectly. Your reflection startling you as you took yourself in, you looked worse for wear, dark circles under your eyes, hair tangled and sticking out at odd angles.
Quick movement behind your reflection had you whirling around, eyes meeting the steel blue orbs of the Winter Soldier. White camouflage snug to his body, a stark contrast against his dark hair and black tactical vest. His eyes set and dark, outlined with black war paint.
For a long moment there was a deafening silence, the only sound in the room was your quickened breathing. His body was relaxed, as if he had walked into his own home to greet a wife making dinner. His head cocked slightly as his eyes settled on the carving knife you had locked in your hand.
“Лисица (lisitsa/little fox) …” his tone was low, his face softening as he took a weary step toward you. The subtle movement already had you hunkered down into a defensive position, knife poised and ready to strike. Huffing, his lips turned down at one corner,
“You know me… Let me help you little one.” He took another step closer, this one bigger than the last, his eyes raking over your figure.
“Don’t.” you growled through grit teeth. He stopped abruptly, his body going ridged, eyes snapping to yours.
Tilting his head downward as he spoke, “Don’t?” his mouth parting in a dark smirk as his tongue wet his lips, shrugging his shoulders, “You can’t say I didn’t try…” before the words finished leaving his mouth, he was already lunging at you, metal arm gleaming. You barely managed to slip away from his right hook, but his metal arm was inhumanly quick, grasping your hair, ripping you backward. Screeching as you felt your hair tearing from your scalp, you flipped around, swinging the knife wildly.
When you fought these two soldiers, all your training went out the window, as if the cold-hearted assassin you were molded into didn’t exist. Like she was lost in that abandoned hospital with the rest of her team, you were no longer the apex predator, nothing now but game to these hunters. Your blood boiled at the thought, as his flesh hand wrapped around your throat, your air completely blocked off.
His nose tracing its way up your neck and along your jaw, your mouth opening and closing, like a fish out of water, in a feeble attempt to attain air. What little air you had left in your lungs was knocked out of you as he slammed you against the cabinets. His hand loosened slightly, allowing you to gulp down air, before his lips descended upon yours.
The softness of his kiss startled you, you expected a claim, something to silence any protest, like Rogers, but there was no urgency to this. His lips molded with yours, in silent question, metal hand releasing your hair, gently brushing it backward. His other hand moved from your throat to caress your face as a lover would, his touch calming and gentle.
You forgot where you were and what was happening, allowing yourself to get lost in his calmness. Your mind soothing, everything Hydra had taught you about the Winter Soldier erased from your mind.
His metal hand traced its way softly down your spine, causing you to shiver. His touch was intoxicating, breaking down every defense you placed in his way. He deepened the kiss, pulling you closer to him, a soft whimper leaving your lips as he moaned into your mouth. You were snapped back into the current situation as his hand grazed the knife you were holding.
He broke the kiss pulling way slightly, “I’m sorry Лисица(lisitsa/little fox) … I didn’t mean to hurt you…” he breathed against your lips.
Your eyes flung open, as his hand gripped yours around the hilt, with a growl your hand surged forward, sinking the knife into his side. Breathing heavily, you pulled it from him as you shoved him away, sprinting for the front door. You reached for the handle, it was going to be another chase like so many days before, you could do it, you didn’t have a choice. Your fingers closed around the handle, only to have your legs knocked out from under you, head slamming against the wooden floor.
White spots erupted behind your eyes as your head swam, looking back, the Winter Solder crawled towards you, his metal hand wrapped tightly around your ankle.
Wincing in pain you kicked backward, scrambling to your feet. You both rose at the same time, your back to the door, facing him in the kitchen, deep crimson blood poured from his side, flesh hand applying pressure to the wound, as blood seeped between his fingers to pool on the floor at his feet.
This was your chance, he was wounded, you needed to get out. You stared him down as you both kept deathly still waiting for the other to make a move, his chest heaving, eyes now void of whatever kindness he had planned to show you before. Just the cold calculating Soldier remained.
You needed to make a move before Steve came back. But you dreaded leaving, Steve had told you your punishment would be worse than before if you left. And you doubted using the Winter Soldier as an excuse would grant you any favors.
You watched him closely as his eyes began to bob closed, that as your cue, you turned once more to the door.
He smiled to himself; he knew you too well. Feigning losing consciousness from blood loss, the second he bobbed his eyes shut, he felt you move. He followed, you may have serum in your veins, but it was watered down compared to his, he was quicker than you.
He lunged for you, as the two of you collided, you toppled over the couch landing onto the glass coffee table, that shattered under the impact.
Shards of glass slicing through your clothes and into your already brutalized back. You had to focus; you had to win against him, if this fight didn’t kill you, Steve would.
His metal hand snaked around your throat cutting off your air, as he pinned you on the ground in the broken glass. His body straddling yours, you clawed at his hand, struggling for breath. Your vision blurring, no, you couldn’t go like this, you were a damn hydra agent, he trained you.
You screamed at yourself, eyes traveling the length of him trying to find his weak point, a way out, your left hand circled around a broken shard of glass, as your eyes bobbed heavily, they landed on his wound. Flinging your right hand forward you sank your fingers into the opened flesh, feeling the warm blood soaking your fingers, simultaneously you plunged the shard of glass in your other hand into his shoulder.
An ear-splitting howl pierced the air, as he fumbled backward clutching his side, releasing you. You scrambled backward, crawling towards the back door, the brief reprieve allowing your lungs to fill with precious oxygen.
You glanced over your shoulder as you clawed your way to the door, the soldier stood, shaking off your attack as his metal hand gripped the glass sticking out of his shoulder. His eyes met yours as he slowly pulled it out, the glass stained a light red as the blood dripped from its tip. Rolling his shoulders, he threw the glass onto the floor as he stalked toward you, strong hands grabbing the back of your shirt, lifting you from the floor to flip you around and slam you back down.
A weak scream leaving you as the air in your lungs rushed out and Barnes straddled you again, gripping the sides of you head only to slam it against the floor, causing you to begin losing consciousness.
Instinctively your hands shot to his face, clawing at him as he worked diligently to blindfold and gag you, but your reflexes were sluggish as your head began to pound. He ripped your hands from his face, binding them as he slung you over his shoulder.
You heard the door open and shut, the frosty air curling around you, seeping into the holes in your clothing as he placed you on the seat of his motorcycle, tossing your bounds hands around his neck to ensure you didn’t escape. His warm breath fanning your ear, “I gave you a chance Лисица(lisitsa/little fox), you made me do this… we could have been friends. All I wanted to do was help you.”
The gag muffled your response as the bike roared to life and the icy air whipped around you, pulling you deeper into the forest, farther from Steve, but closer to the punishment he had in mind for you. Part of you prayed he found you, but you another prayed he wouldn’t.
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@texan-tazzy @tianamontag @daiseychaindisaster @silently-killing-you
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silksaddle · 4 years
rating: 18+ only!
pairing: frankie morales x afab/fem!reader
summary: two love birds fucking to sleep.
word count: 2.2k+
content: fingering, brief intercrural sex, piv sex, biting, praise, choking (if you really, really squint)
a/n: ahhh. ignoring all the day’s responsibilities to write frankie smut. you know how it is.
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It’s that usual slump of the rainy afternoon, your brain fogging over at the same rate that your eyelids grow heavy, blurry bursts of attention dwindling down to a steady and constant disinterest. Caffeine would do little to help, you think, clicking the pen in your hand— the only thing that keeps you alert. Incessant, slow snaps of noise against your thumb.
Resting your chin in your palm, you look over the same string of words that have flown through your vision three times, always forgotten once your sight leaves them. A break would help, should help, but you can’t pull yourself up from the chair. Instead, your arms become a pillow underneath your head, crossed and slightly uncomfortable for your neck as you scoot the chair outwards and lean against the desk.
Half-conscious, you hear the door crack open, then listen to the way it squeaks further as Frankie carefully pokes his head in. You hum in acknowledgement of his presence, but it’s the most you can manage, turning your head to rest the other cheek over your forearms, pushing the work back in the process.
His chuckle follows, warm and cheery sounds filling your ears until his large hand rests firm on your shoulder, fingertips applying light pressure in a too-gentle attempt at pulling you upright.
“Baby...” he whispers, lowering his head until his lips are just shy of your ear, “that doesn’t look very comfortable.” There’s a concerned tone lurking underneath the sweet edge of his voice as he begins to rub his fingers into both shoulders, working into the knots and tension. “Time for a nap?”
He presses a little harder into the spaces beside your neck and you raise your head with a sigh, leaning into his calming touch. 
“Looks like it,” he continues, bending to leave a soft kiss on your neck. “Come on, sweetheart. Up.” He places his hands under your arms and lifts, raising you a fraction of the way until you hold yourself up for him, standing on your feet and then lazily falling into the support of his strong arms.
“Hi,” you smile into his chest, all woodsy and warm with the essence of campfire.
“Been working real hard, huh?” he smiles back, gingerly leading you to bed, minding the steps you take.
At the foot of the bed, he sits you down and kneels at your feet, deft fingers working at the button of your jeans. His tongue pokes out in his focus, sliding across his upper lip.
“What’re you doing, baby?” you question, brushing a curl off his forehead with a single finger.
“Tell me if I’m wrong, but jeans aren’t comfortable to sleep in,” he laughs, his head chasing that subtle touch of yours. His fingers hook at the waistband and tug, you lifting your hips for him to aid in the process. The denim bunches at your feet and he pulls off each pant leg, dropping a kiss to each knee.
You thank him as he stands once more, planting his palms on either side of you as he leans in for a long, simple kiss to your lips. “You know I’m always available if you need to be undressed,” he says into your mouth and you giggle back into his. He urges you to lay down after ridding himself of his own pants, pulling you up with him on the mattress.
He’s a warm, solid comfort behind you as he tucks his smooth legs into the backs of yours, a heavy arm draping over your waist and bringing you ever closer to himself. His nose tickles the back of your neck as he uses it to move your hair, getting it out of the way for his lips to leave kisses there.
“Frankie,” you laugh, light and airy, squirming in his gentle grip while his kisses gain firmness and you feel the unmistakable yet lightning quick swipe of his tongue. His movements slow, an arm sneaking under your shirt and a thumb seeking out your nipple. He brushes over it languidly, hooking his chin over your shoulder to watch you and hear the way your breathing quickens. 
“Frankie...” This time, you sigh his name instead of laughing it out and you can feel him rapidly hardening against you, his hips beginning an unhurried roll.
“What kind of man would I be...” his breaths are shallow in your ear and he punctuates his words with a rough grind, “if I didn’t fuck my girl to sleep?”
“Oh, God, baby...” Breathless, you match and mirror each roll of his hips, listening to the low groans falling out of him. He brings his thumb up to your mouth and waits for you to take it in and wet it; you swirl your tongue before he withdraws it and brings it back to your nipple, massaging its wetness into the sensitive skin. 
“Is this okay?” He moans the question, reaching his hand down the front of your underwear and whimpering when he feels how slick you are for him, how physical your neediness has become.
“Fuck, always, Frankie, keep going,” you splutter, earning a pleased chuckle, his fingers spreading your wetness and circling your clit softly. Your head falls back into his shoulder and your body rocks with each thrust of his, sheets rustling beneath the both of you.
“Shit, you’re wet, baby.” His voice teeters on the edge of trembling as he slides two thick fingers in to stretch you out, fucking you with them in time with his grinding. Your own hand is quick to grasp at his wrist, nails digging, your moans filling the room in high and breathy, desperate and desirous noise. He curls the fingers inside you, pressing them tight to that spot he knows you can barely handle and keeps them there, rubbing it, massaging it. 
“Fuck, I need to fuck you, have to... have to have you,” he grunts, rubbing a few more circles before slipping his hand away, leaving you whining at the loss. “Shhh, baby,” he soothes, reaching down and tugging your underwear off. You kick them from your feet and attempt to turn and help him out of his but are powerless against the strength of him pinning you on your side. “No, I want you like this,” he tells you— warns you, sliding an arm under your neck and bending it to hold you still, squeezing you between his bicep and forearm. 
Taking his cock out, you feel it hard on your skin with the slight dampness of precum dripping. For a moment, he slides it between your thighs, your arousal allowing it to slip easy and thoroughly through your folds. At another whine of his name, he notches it at your entrance and before stretching you on it, he hooks a hand under your knee and raises your leg.
He gives you the first few inches and pauses to let you adjust, though his restrain is steadily running out. Once he’s sure you’re okay, he lunges forward to the hilt and his grip tightens on your neck, your leg, and the sound that leaves him is wrecked; a serrated and low hiss causing you to wet his cock even more.
“Jesus, fuck— you feel perfect like this,” Frankie babbles, lips catching on your ear lobe. You tilt your head to leave a free space for him and he takes it, open mouthed nips pulling at your skin, but not lasting— he turns to simple mouthing at your neck when he pulls out and pushes back in, the ability to place proper kisses diminishing, replaced by his pleasure.
He’s so thick, even more so at this angle, filling you to the point you feel complete with him nestled into you like this. The scruff of his cheek scratches on your neck, your hand reaching back to keep him there, fingers threading through what used to be a neat head of hair, now a mess of curls.
“M— more, please,” you beg, wishing you could turn your head enough to kiss him. Frankie notices the strain of your need, leaning his face as close to yours as he can, capturing your lips in a messy, sloppy kiss; it’s a desperate joining of mouths. His thrusts grow more urgent when he feels your slick dripping out onto the rest of him, sharing his breath with you; his groans to your lighter sighs.
“Yeah baby? You want some more?”
Lifting your leg even higher, deepening the crease in your hip, he fucks into you faster, harder, hitting something profound inside you and he tells you how fucking good you feel, how pretty you are, how gorgeous you sound. 
Mewling, you tug roughly on his hair, jolting with every push. His teeth scrape your shoulder, trailing until he bites down on it with a loud grunt, grinding his cock deep instead of fucking you in and out, keeping it inside you with each small but hefty shove.
He surrounds you; his flannel-covered chest and soft belly flush to your back, his wet, desperate mouthing, his cock filling you up so well. He lets your leg free, dropping that hand to your clit, running the tip of his middle finger over its slippery surface.
“That’s right, baby, just let me fuck you,” he coos, nuzzling his cheek on your shoulder, “just let me take— fuck— take care of you.”
“Frankie, you feel so good, baby, I can’t—”
“S’okay, I’ve got you.”
Another moan breaking from your throat forces him to start moving again, hard enough to make those sharp slapping noises of his pelvis against your ass, though not as loud as his harsh breaths in your ear, his strained praise. He picks up the pace of his fingers, swiping petal soft patterns on your clit, your sensitivity allowing that gentleness to be wholly pleasurable.
“I’ve needed you like this for so fucking long,” Frankie confesses, a deep furrow in his brow, his teeth catching his bottom lip. “Thought about fucking you from behind, making you cum on my cock, hearing you moan just for me...” 
“Francisco!” You cry, his fingers working you up almost too fast, and paired with the sensation of his intense pushes, there isn’t much time left to brace yourself for the way you’re about to cum, for the way it’s swiftly building up strong and relentless.
“Come on, baby, cum on me, I wanna feel it.”
You can faintly hear him urging you to take a deep breath right as it washes over you, the tingling, fiery release spreading from your head to your toes, all while Frankie fucks you through it. His cock brushes every inner part of you, his finger on your clit stopping just to apply pressure that sings from your core.
“Good girl,” he rasps those sweet words, your throat turning sore at the endless panting and use of your voice, your leg falling limp to the mattress after holding it up so long for him. From the corner of your vision you can see him fisting the pillow underneath you, the veins of his hand prominent, the muscles of his forearm tensing.
“Can I—”
“Yes, please, baby, cum inside,” you whimper, his cock pushing in even smoother with the added slick of your orgasm and he mewls at those words, getting a few more rhythmic thrusts in before they turn ragged and he spills into you with a soft shout. His nose burrows into your neck as he tries and fails to catch his breath; you, letting him hold you close as he comes down.
He resumes those featherlight kisses, a line leading up to that spot just behind your ear— warm presses of his lips with no other intention than to feel you.
“Okay?” He manages to ask, so quiet and bashful, even, as he feels his cum trickle out of you and onto his lap.
“Mhm,” you smile, finally able to turn in his hold, and the sight of him makes you want to do it all over again; his flushed face, his wide, dark eyes looking back at you in admiration, the disheveled state of his button up. The sleeves pushed up to his elbows are all crinkled, and you let your thumb run over the edge of the fabric before feeling your way up his arm. He smiles, a sleepy state of contentment taking over him and he pulls you onto his chest, keeping you safe, a hand on the back of your head.
The patterns of your breathing match, in and out, slowing down, his heartbeat losing speed under your ear.
He makes a happy noise when you place a chaste kiss on his collarbone, the rain picking up outside, washing down the window behind the see-through curtains. He taps the small of your back three times, and you know this is him telling you he loves you, a tap for each word; so you kiss him three more times, two kisses on those smooth spaces where hair refuses to grow, and once on his lips which he returns gratefully.
Drawing the comforter up over your shoulders, he ensures it’s snug over the two of you. “Go to sleep, sweetheart,” he murmurs, “you deserve it.”
+ taglist: @filthybookworm​ @frannyzooey​ @omgreally​ @kjim16 @anatanotegami​ @redkenobi​ @yeliahk @acrabbybish​​ @battletales​​ @catsnkooks​​ @mitchi-c​​ @xcertaindarkthingsx​​ @ihavenoaesthetic​ @belleropho-n​​ @i-love-marble-hornets​​ @trollsarenotwelcome​​ @tossacoin2yourwitcher​​ @lycheemi​​ ​ @jennacide02 @astroboots​​ @wigwitch​​ @buckypascal​​ @altarsw​ @thirstworldproblemss​ @agent-catfish-kenobi​ @leonieb​ @sleep-tight1​
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multifandomthoughts · 3 years
Dark King of Desire
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Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: Penetration, Dry humping
The rain beats down on the Oro Jackson, lightning and thunder making it almost impossible to sail. But to support your captain and his crew, you stayed outside, gripping the side of the ship. The ship rocks and sways but one thing that doesn’t budge is Rayleigh.
His posture is tight, his voice booming through the storm as he shouts commands, muscles glistening from a mixture of the rain and sweat. His arms bulge as he pulls in the sails, and you have to avert your eyes just so you can focus on the task at hand. You’re soaked, and the only thing you want to do is go inside and dry off. But you have your own work to do. You linger a bit longer to watch him work. He’s just so alluring, the moments turn to minutes and soon you’re all settled in to brave the worst of it. Rayleigh looks over the whole deck to make sure everyone is accounted for, and your eyes meet. You look away quickly, hoping that between the distance and the rain he can’t see your blush.
You swear that his eyes having been wandering just like your own, but to what you can’t figure out. It can’t possibly be you, he has much more important things to do than talk to you. But here he comes, long strides and firm shoulders as if he’s talking to the most powerful person in the world. You shudder to think of what could possibly be so important that he’s coming over here for.
You try and find something to do so you look busy, and end up fiddling with a knot in the rope ladder. “Can I… help you, sir?” You ask politely, not looking at him yet. He looms over you, a serious look on his face but mischief in his eyes. “Seems like I should be asking you that. You were looking at me like you needed my attention for something. Mind telling me what that was?”
Gulping loudly, you begin to try to think of an excuse. It was rude to stare, and you had no idea whether or not he was actually looking at you. “I wanted to go down and lay in my room for a bit…the swaying of the boat was making me feel uncomfortable. But once I made eye contact with you I figured that I had been found out and I had to stay. I felt I had to keep looking at you to make sure I was still required above deck.” You mumble out, trying to look past his exposed chest and look him in the eyes
He nods in agreement with this explanation. “Alright, guess I can excuse that then. But going forward, you can just go ahead and slip below decks even if you see me looking. I’ll make the connection as to why, I’m pretty perceptive. For example, your panties are damp… or was that just the storm?” He asks, grinning devilishly
Your face turns a deep red, understanding the entendre almost immediately. Shaking your head, you take a deep breath before responding with a sly “I don’t know, why don’t you follow me and you can find out?” Letting out a deep belly laugh, you were almost certain that you were screwed. Instead, his strong firm hand clasps yours as he walks you down to your private quarters.
As you’re led inside and get a chance to think things over, you come to the embarrassing realization his innuendo was actually quite correct. Without even realizing, you had indeed become aroused. Mentally setting that aside as a fun surprise for Rayleigh later down the line, you squeeze his hand as you enter your room. Now comes the moment of truth, he called your bluff before so you have to follow through for the sake of your dignity. “Guess I should get out of these wet clothes before I catch pneumonia or something…” you sigh playfully, seeing Rayleigh has already dropped his wet coat and taken a seat on your bed to watch.
Your pants were torn, not from wear and tear but from slashes and stabs. That being said, it made it a breeze to drop them. Sighing, you step out of the soaking puddle around your feet. You bend over, pulling a bandana out of you hair and whip it back, allowing your hair to be free. However, it releases all the water, causing you to shiver slightly. Next was your crop top that you had created yourself; it was too fancy and frilly upon your purchase. As you cross your arms to pull it up and off from the bottom, you glance over to see his reaction. He’s just tapping his finger and giving an easy going smile, as if this means nothing to him. Frowning, you turn around so he’ll have to stare at your back rather than the perky breasts you’re now exposing to the cool night air.
You toss your top over your shoulder at Rayleigh, not even looking at him now. If he wants the show to continue he has to ask, otherwise he better be content with wet fabric. You hear the sound of a weight being removed your bed, then the soft creak of footsteps across the floor, and the next thing you know Rayleigh’s arms are around your waist. “Might if I help with the grand finale?”
You try to act indignant. “Hmph! I don’t see why you should get to, you weren’t nearly appreciative enough of what I’ve done so far.” You haven’t given me one look over, not one compliment, nothing! I might as well let your wet clothes cause you shrinkage. You turn away from him and pout, not letting your true emotions be known.
Rayleigh rest his head atop yours in a pout. “Don’t be like that. I was just being patient; you don’t applaud in the middle of a great concert, you wait until it ends.” It’s a great line, and he knows you liked it. Damn smooth talker… “I guess that logic is acceptable. Fine, I’ll let you do the last bit, but you have to show off for me first. And I’m not turning around until you say something else nice.” You can feel the chuckle ripple through his chest to his jaw, then he leans down to kiss your neck. “If I didn’t have my spirits literally dampened by these clothes I’d be rock hard and dying to feel you… How does that sound?” A delighted shiver runs down your back, and suddenly you’re soaked all over again.
In an impressive feat of strength, he rips off his shirt with only his bare hands. Drops of rain still cling to his smooth chest, a sigh escaping his lips. “I’m at least a little bit warmer now, but now my upper body is cold.” You don’t understand, what does he mean? Oh. Oh. He smirks, watching as you struggle to respond. You decide to tease him one more time. “Then go ahead and lie back on my bed. I’ll handle those pants, and then we’ll see if you even want to sit up again to get me naked?” Now it’s his turn to feel flustered, biting his lip to hold back a devilish grin. “I don’t know, most people can’t handle what I’ve got. But you, sweetheart? You seem like you’ll be a formidable challenge for me.” He coos, throwing hot and heavy words back at you.
“Then lie back and let me feel challenged, stud.” You order, sitting on your knees on the edge of the bed and waiting for his obedience. When he complies your hands immediately dive to his fly and within seconds his pants are around his ankles… and you were so eager you yanked off his underwear too. Leaning over his waist, you’re now staring down the barrel of his sex pistol, and it’s every bit the monster you expect from Roger’s right hand man.
You rub yourself up against Rayleigh’s thigh, kissing him hard. “Does someone want attention? Or are you just going to sit there and make me do all the work?” Firm hands grab your thighs as you squeal, being hoisted into the air and directly onto Rayleigh’s lap. “Ooh, seems I came in for a rough landing…” you jeer, knowing full well what he is doing. “I guess you did my dear, and what are you going to do about it?” He retorts, a sparkle in his eye sending shivers down your spine.
You begin to grind your clothed pussy against his hard length, hoping to making him eat his words. Somehow, he’s going to wish he just shut up. His grip on your thighs immediately tightens, and you can see his brow furrow in concentration. His hips twitch, as if it’s taking a lot of will not to buck and roll against you. Guess he still wants to keep the air of composure. That won’t last much longer.
You can feel how hot and ready his saber is just waiting for you to sheath him. You have to bite your own lip to hide how much fun you’re having with this, and at the rate it’s going you might draw blood before any other fluid.
You run your hand across his cock, it’s warmth evident. Along with your hand on his shaft, you begin to wiggle, pressing into him. “Two can play that game.” He sneers, cupping your bare breasts in his hands. Kneading softly, he carefully runs his thumbs over the gentle buds, eliciting a squeak from you.
As if it couldn’t get any better, he pulls you as tight as he can against his throbbing dick. Every move you make, you can feel it pulse and throb. You stop for a minute, with Rayleigh pressing his face directly into your cleavage. His beard tickles as he gently shifts his face, looking to the left and to the right.
You don’t know how much longer you can wait. You’re not at your breaking point, however, your core aches to have his thick cock inside of you. Even just thinking about him makes your thighs clench, and you feel a damp spot in your panties.
Just as you think you’re about to give in and beg for more, he lets go of your chest and starts pulling at your waistband. Jackpot, he cracked first~ You put a hand over his and tut at him in playful judgment. “Tsk tsk tsk… someone’s run out of patience I see. But these are my favorite panties, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tear them apart like a wild man, okay?” On wobbly knees you climb off of Rayleigh and bend at the waist to slide the damp garment down your thighs. The fresh air reaching your wet and sensitive nethers is enough to overwhelm you for the moment, and you fall forward onto your hands and knees. Without meaning to, you’ve provided him with the perfect view of your bare sex.
“you know I’m going all out after that torturous foreplay, right?” You give a nod, and hope your body can endure it. That’d be a hell of a way to go out, your corpse being found by your crew mates the next morning with a shattered pelvis and signs of a heart attack from over excitement. But before he enters, you feel his hard cock playfully slide between your asscheeks and down to rub against your folds, causing you to let out a loud moan
Smirking to himself upon hearing your reaction, Rayleigh holds you steady by your waist and slowly presses his way in. He gives a guttural groan at the sensation, while your moan raises in pitch with every inch he buries in you. You push yourself against him, trying to attain more friction. Each inch he puts in adds another layer of pleasure, waves causing you to shudder. Once he is all the way in, he begins with a steady pace and hard thrusts.
Your body shakes with each thrust, your hanging breasts jiggling and swaying as his pelvis claps against your ass. Hands gripping the bedsheets, you try not to get lost in thinking about how deep he’s getting and how full you feel. Pleasure like this had been unimaginable before now, but you don’t want to picture what it would be like if it went away again.
Rayleigh is clearly enjoying himself as well, his grunts and moans soft, but audible enough for you to hear what he says. A curse or an oh god slip out of his mouth every so often, and that turns you on more, quickening your release. Meanwhile, Rayleigh is having an internal struggle of his own, your tight and soaking pussy treating him better than he can recall getting from any other. He wants to enjoy this for as long as he can, but between the mad teasing before and this current euphoria it’s hard to hold the tidal wave back for too much longer.
The two of you continue to rock the bed while the ship rocks in the storm, passion deafening all noise but each other. The wave reaches its crest sooner than you would like but later than you thought with how worked up you were to start with, and Rayleigh hunches over you to keep you close and deep as he finishes. Your orgasmic scream is muffled as he cranes your head back for a deep kiss, and you remain joined at both ends as his pulsing member pumps a hearty load into you.
You sigh, collapsing from exhaustion. Always the gentleman, Rayleigh pulls you up into a comfortable position. “Are you alright?” He questions, a slightly glassy look in his eyes. You gently nod to him and run your hand over his chest with a happy sigh. He pulls the covers over you two, and wraps an arm around your shoulder. What an end to the night.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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You Don’t Know Her Like I Did
Jax Teller x Reader 
Text in bold is present day and the rest is memories
Warnings Death
That day would stay with Jax until the day he died. The day his world finally crumbled, the day his life changed forever. The boisterous, loud mouth biker everyone knew had gone and had been replaced with a quiet, lost biker. He remembered the day like it was only yesterday, the one call that broke the untouchable Jackson Teller.
Leaning against his bike, he felt his phone ring for a millionth time. Pulling it out of his pocket he saw all the missed calls from his mom. Hitting call he pulled the phone to his ear whilst he lit a cigarette.
“Mom you know I’m on a run” he sighed.
“I know I’m sorry son but this is important” she sighed, by the tone in his moms voice he knew something was wrong, something had happened.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s been an accident” Gemma said shakily. “It’s Y/N”
Instantly he felt sick, panic ran through his veins at the thought of his old lady hurt.
“I’m on my way”
Shoving the phone back in his pocket and tossing the half smoked cigarette in the mud he squeezed the throttle, racing home to his baby girl. He was at least two hours away from home yet he managed to get home within the hour, not caring about breaking the speed limits.
His feet pounded the floors of the hospital as he made his way to you. His heart shattered into a million pieces when he saw you laying in the hospital bed, cuts and bruises littering your soft skin. Tubes and wires keeping you breathing.
“What happened” he breathed sitting by your side taking your hand in his.
“A lorry ran a red light” Gemma said her voice barley a whisper. “Jax the doctors are saying it’s not good. We could, she might” she was unable to say the words but he knew what she was saying.
Brushing his fingers over your cheeks, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Come on princess” he sobbed “just open then beautiful eyes for me. Please”
The only sound in the room was the steady beep of the heart rate monitor that was until the door opened, making Jax glance up to see who was entering the room.
“Sorry Jackie Boy” Chibs sighed “This one wants their daddy”
“Daddy” Harry said squirming in Chib’s arms before he place him on his feet and he ran into Jax’s arms.
Picking his son up, holding him tight in his arms he placed a long kiss on the crown of his head.
“Is mommy going to be okay” He asked as he played with the bullet hanging round Jax’s neck.
“I don’t know buddy” Jax sighed not wanting to lie to the 4 year old. “Mommy isn’t well baby, but no matter what happens I need to remember that she loves you so much”
A couple of hours had passed and nothing had changed.
“Okay Mr Teller, we are going to bring Y/N out of the coma and the rest will be up to her, unfortunately there isn’t much we can do at this stage” The doctor said softly as he did whatever he needed to do to wake you.
Jax watched intently as your eyes fluttered open, one look in them he knew things wasn’t good, the twinkle you normally had, was gone. He knew it was only a matter of time.
“My prince charming” You said, voice horse and not much more than a whisper.
“Mommy” Harry grinned trying to clamber into your arms.
“Buddy be careful with mommy okay” Jax whispered placing your son on the bed, watching as he snuggled into your side.
“Where does it hurt momma” Harry said placing his tiny hand on top of yours “You say kisses make everything better”
Jax thought he had no more tears to shed until Harry spoke.
“I don’t think kisses are going to work this time baby” You whispered using all your strength to hold your son tight, taking in his scent.
You and Jax knew this was the end, your body was shutting down and there wasn’t a thing anyone could do to stop it.
“Jax” You whispered looking at your husband who was trying to squeeze himself onto the tiny hospital bed.
“I know baby I know” He sighed kissing your lips softly, like you was made of glass.
“Look after our baby” You whispered tears streaming down your face as you felt yourself getting weaker. “Look after yourself, raise our son to be an amazing man like you”
“Baby I don’t want to let go” He sobbed into your hair.
“I know but you have to” You sobbed “Just remember I will always love you, you will always be my outlaw prince” Leaning down you placed a kiss on your sons head “my baby boy, I will always love you even when I am not here”
“Momma I love you too” Harry said looking up at your with his big blue eyes full of innocence.
“I love you” You said, your voice getting weaker.
Jax knew what was coming, he knew it was time.
“I love you to baby girl” He sobbed placing one last kiss on your lips, resting his forehead on yours, he watched your eyes close, a smile on your face as the monitor beside you stopped beating constantly and was now just one long beep.
Leaning against the bar, nursing the bottle of Jack, Jax felt a hand on his back. It had been 6 months since the worst day of his life, he had hardly been home, hardly seen his son. Just spent his days at the club.
“Maybe talking to someone will help Jax” Chibs said lowly.
“Don’t really feel like talking” Jax grunted “She’s gone and I feel it might just be too much to bear if I spoke about that day”
After a moment of silence Jax spoke again.
“You’ll never understand, no one will, you don’t know what we’ve been through. That girl’s my best friend and there’s no way you or anyone else is gonna be able to help me. She’s the only one who can and she’s gone” Jax said as hot tears rolled down his cheeks as he held onto his chain that now contained your wedding and engagement ring alongside the bullet. “Chibs, I can’t forget that day, no matter what I do and I feel like I’m drowning in all these memories. Our whole life together is replaying in my head”
The day you walked into the lot of Teller-Morrow, Jax knew his life was gonna change.
“Isn’t that Y/N Y/L/N?” Opie asked making Jax look up. “Yeah man, Jheeze not seen her since we dropped out of school” Jax said wiping his hands on the rag before sauntering over your you.
Jax had the biggest crush on you during his school years yet for some reason never had the balls to ask you out.
“Well I didn’t think I’d see you back in charming darlin’” Jax smirked.
“Fuck me, if it isn’t the famous Jax Teller” you laughed as he gave you a hug.
“But seriously what you doing in charming” Jax nodded offering a cigarette which you accepted, he noticed straight away you wore no wedding band “thought you’d be married to some pompous prick”
“I guess you are half right on that” you laughed pushing smoke out your nose “I dated a pompous prick but all the money in the world wouldn’t make me to go back to that life style. The bastard had an issue with me riding and how I dress so I left his sorry ass”
“Jheeze, guess you can take the girl out of charming but can’t take charming out the girl” Jax smirked “What can we do for ya”
“New tyres for the beast” you laughed nodding your head to the bike parked at your side.
Jax couldn’t help but smile as he watched you catch up with Opie, you had changed a lot since school, and definitely more women now, you wasn’t the skinniest person with your well defined hourglass figure, he couldn’t help himself as his eyes trailed your body, the ripped jeans hugging your curves, the vest stop revealing the perfect amount of cleavage, the battered leather bomber jacket was like a second skin, your hair pulled into a simple pony tail, cigarette hanging out your mouth. Jax was infatuated.
As he walked closer he overheard your conversation with Opie as you sat on top of the bench.
“He just couldn’t handle the fact I’m not who I was in school” you laughed.
Back in the day you were a straight A student Daddy’s little girl" Jax smirked making you roll your eyes.
“Maybe I just want a bad boy” you shrugged smirking as you saw Jax’s breathing hitch.
There was only one person that knew you had always crushed on Jax and that was Opie.
“I’m gonna sort your bike out” he nodded leaving you and Jax alone.
“If you want a bad boy then baby you got it” Jax winked “I’ll take you to the wrong side of the tracks”
After about half an hour Opie tossed your keys to you.
“So what do I owe you” you said pulling a wad of cash out your leather jacket.
“Put you cash away women” Jax laughed putting his arm around your shoulders “I think letting me take you on a date will be enough payment”
“And I can’t cope, it’s another death inside the family. It’s like she stole my way to breathe” Jax said playing with his wedding band. He could tell by the look on Tig’s face what he was going to say so Jax held his hand out stopping the words escaping his lips “Don’t try to tell me it stops hurting, don’t try to tell me she ain’t worth it”
The sound of little feet running along the hard wood floor of the club made Jax look up from the bottle. Reaching down he pulled Harry onto his knee.
“Daddy please don’t cry” Harry said standing on Jax’s knee wiping the tears from his eyes. “Momma wouldn’t want you crying”
“I know baby” Jax sighed kissing Harry’s head
“Are you coming home tonight?” Harry asked as he sat on the bar resting his feet on Jax’s stomach.
“I don’t know buddy” Jax said ruffling his sons hair.
“Pwease daddy” Harry said looking up through his eyelashes at him, tears filling his eyes “I miss momma too but you are never home anymore”
“I’m proud to be in the bad news crowd. The one my mama warned me about. The closest thing to hell she’s ever raised” you winked at Jax as you threw you leg over your bike “you coming baby”
“I’d go anywhere with you” Jax smirked placing his hand on your upper thigh, eyes full of lust.
“Come on then big boy let go bend the law and break some laws” you giggled placing a cigarette between your lips.
“Mmmm there’s other things we could do” Jax smirked running his finger across the top of your boobs.
“Maybe I’d let you do me on your bike” you whispered in his ear biting your lip causing him to growl.
“Grandma said we can order pizza tonight daddy” Harry grinned.
“That’s great” Jax nodded no emotion in his voice.
“Come on Harry” Chibs said picking him up and placing him on the floor. “Go find uncle Hap and annoy him”
As soon as Harry had ran off to find Happy, Chibs places a firm hand on Jax’s shoulder. Squeezing him tight.
“Right you listen here Jackie boy” Chibs said, his tone firm “you have a gorgeous son that’s trying so fucking hard to get his daddy’s attention and you are shutting him out, just like everyone else”
“Come back to me when you lose a wife” Jax scoffed.
“That shit don’t wash with me and you know it” Chibs snapped. Someone needed to be firm with him. “You aren’t the only one that is hurting. Everyday I find Harry just sat on the swing crying. The little lad is trying to be strong for his daddy”
“I swear you two was baptized in dirty water, by the hands of the devil himself, between the banks of a Whiskey River, beside the Highway to Hell” Opie laughed as he passed you and Jax a beer. “You are like the perfect match for each other”
Tonight was a massive celebration for your and Jax engagement, you was currently sat on Jax’s knee, his arm round your waist whilst your arms was tangled in his hair.
“Girl you got an outlaw. Ready to lay down all my guns. A dirty old hound dog. Learning new tricks like cuddlin’ up. You’ve got a hellcat purrin’ like a kitten. You’ve got a sinner down on his knees. It had to be hell on an angel. Lovin’ the devil outta me” Jax’s whispered as he kissed on along your jaw.
“Jax baby, we can’t dip out just yet” you giggled feeling full affect of the weed and whiskey.
“I will be quick” he smirked “promise”
“Fine” you giggled “show me a good time Teller”
“With pleasure princess” he said placing his hands under your ass as he carried you to his dorm room.
“I don’t have to sit here and take this shit” Jax snapped storming out of the club.
He threw his leg over his bike and sped off to the cemetery. The one place his brother wouldn’t nag him, the one place he could think.
Soon enough he was now sat in front of your grave.
“I’ve got too many I care about in this fucking place” jax sighed as he lit a smoke. “Babygirl I’m struggling, I really am. I don’t know what to do”
“It still amazes me even to this day how you got my every flaw, my rebel heart, every tattoo, every scar and still loved the outlaw in me” Jax whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek. “I know everyone is probably thinking I should be moving on with my life right now but right now I can’t, they didn’t know you like it did baby girl, they don’t really know how I’m struggling to live without you, I’ve hardly spent time with Harry and I know if you was here you be kicking my ass right now”
“Thought I’d find you here baby” Gemma said sitting on the grass next to Jax placing a soft kiss on his head.
“How did you do it Ma?” Jax asked tears clouding his vision “how did you carry on after JT died and continued to raise me?”
“I didn’t shut family out baby” she whispered taking his hand on hers “I leant on the club, I know you are hurting baby but you actions are hurting that gorgeous little boy of yours. He asked me today if you always be this sad”
“I don’t know what to do Ma” Jax sighed.
“Take some time off, let Chibs lead the club for a bit and spend some time with your son” she smiled softly “he lost his momma too and needs his daddy so much. I know things may seem dark right now and like there is no way up but the one thing that got me through my grief was you. You was the strength I needed to carry on every day”
“Daddy” a little voice shouted.
“Sorry Gem” Rat sighed panting slightly.
“It’s okay” she nodded.
Harry climbed into Jax’s lap, snuggling into his chest.
“I’m sorry son” he sighed burrying in face into his sons blonde hair “I know I’ve not been a good daddy recently, in fact I’m sorry for a lot of things”
“Daddy I don’t want you to be sad” Harry said placing his tiny hand against Jax’s cheek.
“I know buddy” Jax whispered wrapping his arms around him.
The two of them just sat there not saying anything, Gemma was right, the only way he would start to try and mean his heart was from the love from the 4 year old snuggled into his chest.
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cherrywoes · 3 years
cuddle headcanons. (ft. diluc and kaeya.)
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title: cuddle headcanons
characters: diluc and kaeya (separate.)
fandom: genshin impact
requests: open.
rating: nice and fluffy
a/n: thank you @sullen-angel24! i'm glad to see you in my ask box dear! <3 istg kaeya's was throwing me for a loop so i went with my best interpretation of his personality and in-game actions thus far. i'm a kaeya main and i struggle to write him smh. anyway! i hope you enjoy it! <3
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diluc: cuddle headcanons
i feel like diluc would be one of those people who are intentionally a little skittish around intimate contact of any kind, but secretly loves it on the inside,,,
like there are only so many ways he can express his emotions through his words, usually which come out either wrong or not quite what he meant, so he can convey his emotions better through small actions, whether that be a hug or something else *wink wonk*
but on a more serious note, i do believe diluc is an actions over words kind of guy. he values actions over words, at least, because they mean more to him than anything you could say in the long run.
so cuddling with diluc would more than likely be a "behind close doors" affair, so to speak, he isn't fond of public affection and would much prefer it to be on his terms in a place where he feels safe.
that said!
cuddling with diluc is like cuddling with a heater. it can be comfy, depending on the weather (dragonspine) or it can be absolutely awful depending on the heat (mondstadt or liyue), but either way, the man runs pretty hot on a regular basis due to his abilities, so cool clothing--or none at all--is a must.
diluc very rarely wears much of anything because of it (this is if nighttime cuddles are a thing) so you'd have to be comfortable with an unusual amount of skinship with him. at first he might be a little wary and wear clothes, for propriety's sake, but would quickly grow weary of the whole thing and be as comfortable as possible.
since diluc has strong upper body strength (he has to, being a claymore wielder) he has a rather firm grip when it comes to holding you to his chest. it is pleasant and comfortable, not too hard and not too loose, but just enough to where you can feel comforted and protected--which is the goal.
if you are ever in distress, tired, sad, or anything at all, you can always track down diluc at the dawn winery and know he'll be ready to offer cuddles at a moment's notice, but only because it's you.
play with his hair. do it. he says he doesn't like it but he does. do it when he turns his back to you and just cuddle him from behind and run your fingers through his scalp, twist his hair into braids, muse it thoroughly--he'll be much more compliant and at ease than if you hadn't.
his favorite cuddling position is when he's on his back and you're snuggled right up to his side, resting your cheek somewhere between his shoulder and chest and a leg thrown over his hips, comfortable and leisurely. especially in the mornings, when neither of you have nowhere to go immediately and can just sit and bask in each other's presence.
his second favorite would probably be face to face but it's rare that it happens because he'd much prefer the first. he enjoys just flicking his gaze over your face if you've fallen asleep, or just staring into your eyes in general if you're awake, feeling as if his stare alone could convey the many words he would never say.
at the end of the day, diluc is a pretty soft boi with a fairly rough background so handle his heart with care please!
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kaeya: cuddle headcanons
the opposite of diluc, i think kaeya would be opposed to any kind of skinship--for the most part. while he certainly appreciates a good hug or pat on the shoulder here and there, he's averse to contact for extended periods of time lasting longer than maybe a few minutes.
he is able to express himself more thoroughly with his words, i believe, than his actions, because his actions can be easily misconstrued, as past actions indicate. *cough* so he much prefers verbal affirmations to physical ones, but however, if the traveler (yourself) is more skewed towards physical affection, he supposes he can't complain, since it's you, after all.
with kaeya, you would have to start out small; lingering touches, never fully encompassing or heavy, but light and delicate. get him used to your extended presence, so to speak, and he'll be more inclined to be touchier because, despite what he says or indicates with body language, he does crave that interaction with you even if his mind vehemently opposes it.
in a compromise, he'll sit as close to you as possible, but the rest will ultimately be up to you.
cuddling with kaeya, at first, is a bit of an awkward thing. he isn't sure what he wants, so he tries to do what is natural--deflect with flirtatious comments and fond words, distracting you from his uncomfortableness, but you see right through it.
over time, as he grows more accustomed to it, he grows clingier, even going as far as cuddling you in public spaces. the knights of favonius' hq has never known him to be as close as he is to you at any given time.
if he's working late and refuses to come home, you can easily wedge yourself into his lap on his chair and cuddle him that way, which is counterproductive since he can't resist when you do that.
because he runs quite cool, being a cryo user, he's the best to have during mondstadt heatwaves or impromptu trips to liyue. he sleeps with several blankets so if you end up having a cuddle session before bed, either wear cool clothes or be prepared to sleep naked (not that he would mind). *wink wink nudge nudge*
he's a blanket hoarder and collects blankets. you can't persuade me otherwise. i will die on this hill.
in an interesting turn, he doesn't like his hair played with, but he will play with yours, although not in the neat and pretty designs you probably would. usually it ends up knotted and matted worse than before if you came off of a mission, because while his touch is playful, it more than often comes with disastrous consequences.
his favorite position is cuddled up behind you, as close as he can be, with an arm under your head and another wrapped around your waist, his hand close to your heart. you can either hold that hand or reach up and stroke your fingers down his arm and he'll be happy. bonus points if you twine your legs together with his, he loves that.
his second favorite is less of a cuddle and more of a bear hug; specifically, more like a koala hug. it's less of an intimacy thing and more of a "i enjoy being greeted this way" thing, especially if he's the one coming back from a lengthy trip or mission. just leap on him and hold tight with your arms and legs (don't kill the poor bby tho) and he feels loved and appreciated and actually wants to return to you than mondstadt.
kaeya, when all is said and done, yearns for affection and affirmation, so be careful with him; he does, despite what he claims, breaks easily.
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nctsworld · 4 years
meet me at the borderline
☆ jaehyun x reader | dance au | enemies to lovers | smut | 4k   
→ summary: although you and jaehyun are rival dance team captains, you two end up talking with your bodies in the dance studio one evening. → warnings: smut, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), table sex, mirror sex, some praise kink, swearing, some angst → rating: explicit → notes: part of a longer fic that i yearn to write one day, but until then… this is what y’all will receive 
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→ gif created by me, please don’t repost or share without credit!
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It’s 8pm on a Friday night at the university’s main dance studio. Everyone on campus is either attending frat parties, at the clubs downtown, or at home, so you’re taken aback when you walk in and are greeted by the one and only Jung Jaehyun. 
He immediately stops dancing and hurries over to his phone on the floor to turn off the music playing. The panting dancer holds your gaze through the wall-sized mirror and takes off his cap for a moment to wipe his sweat away before putting it back on. 
“I was here first,” he states firmly with a squint of his eyes, anticipating for you to leave, but Jaehyun knows to expect less of you. With your backpack slung over your shoulder, you stride into the room, hearing the door click behind you, and cross your arms with a shrug. 
“Did you book the studio for tonight?” 
He tenses, “No, I didn’t, but—” 
“If you don’t have another excuse for me to go, don’t be such a baby and I’ll make sure to stay out of your way.” 
The dance captain eyes you sauntering towards the back corner of the room, setting your backpack down. As you sit on the floor and begin to change shoes, he appears in front of you.
“Look, I’m trying to practice the set for the competition. I hate to be a dick—”
“No, you don’t; you love being a dick.” With a bitter, wide smile, you look up at him, still putting on your sneakers.
Jaehyun glances up for a second, as if in deep thoughts, with pressed lips. He then raises an eyebrow and nods his head side to side. 
“Perhaps, but anyway, I didn’t bring my headphones today and we shouldn’t even be seeing each other’s choreo before the show—” 
“Well, good news,” you stand up and begin to tie up your hair. “Unlike you, I brought headphones, so you can practice in peace. Oh, and I hate the sight of you and your flat ass, so I won’t even look at you dancing. We good?” 
You fold your arms once more. From one captain to another, you hold his stare, not wanting to back down from this mere fight. All you want is to get in some practice before the weekend with a proper mirror, is that too much to ask for? 
It takes some time, but the opposition yields to you, tilting his head to the floor and grumbles under his breath. As he walks back to his side of the room, you’re surprised he backed down so easily without a snarky response. Maybe Friday nights were his off days too.   
“At least I have an ass,” Jaehyun’s holler echoes against the walls. 
Ah, you spoke too soon. Placing your headphones over your ears to drown out your surroundings, you start your usual warm-up. Shortly, both of you dive into your separate worlds of melodies and movement. 
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About half an hour later, you’re sitting cross-legged on the floor for a water break and set your headphones aside. You take a sip from your bottle and go against your word from before, indulging in a glance at the other dancer in the room.
Even though Jaehyun is an ass (and lacks one),—and you’d never tell the following to his face—he’s still a pretty sight to see, especially when his shirt occasionally rides up to flash his abs. 
When he catches on that you’re taking a longer break than usual, he pauses his music.  
“Were you practicing your set too or were you freestyling?”
Caught off-guard by his conversational piece, you squint at him coming closer to you. You could answer honestly, but opt to hold your ground against his seemingly innocent question. 
“Why do you care?”
He scoffs, “Cause your footwork’s a mess, like always, and if you, as a captain, dance like that for your piece, I can’t imagine what your whole team looks like.” 
Your nose twitches prior to the clenching of your jaw. You’re fully aware of your weak points when dancing, as most dancers are, but to have the audacity to bring it up unprovoked? You slam your water bottle against the floor, the echo reaching all ends of the room, then stand to match his stance. 
“Well, you’re one to talk.” You stomp your way over, closing the empty space in between, and are now only a few steps away from him. “You’re tense with all your upper body movements. You’re like a hard stick from the hip up. It’s like you have no control over your core—”
“Whoa, hold on,” he holds a palm up and rushes to lift his shirt up. “Look at my abs and tell me I don’t have a good core.”
You’re definitely looking, a little longer than you should because you’re finally getting a close-up glimpse of his abs, and they’re the type that you could wash clothes off of. But it’s not like you haven’t seen abs in your life nor do you want to stroke his ego, so you maintain your demeanor and roll your eyes. 
“I didn’t say that. I said you have no control over your core.”
Jaehyun lets out a huff. You can’t detect it, but it’s laced with a tinge of disappointment over how unfazed you are. He frees his shirt and jogs over to his phone. A few scrolls later, he finally blasts music that you’re fairly certain isn’t part of his dance team’s set for the competition (you may have also gone against your other word and listened to what he was practicing to, but only for a little bit). 
“Fine, I’ll show you.” 
At this point, you’re amused because never in a million years you’d expect Jaehyun freestyling in a room alone with you. He starts off by feeling the sharp beats and flowing rhythm of the music and when he has a handle on it, he makes a deliberate effort to add body rolls, chest pops, and more in his freestyling to lay out his case. 
While taking mental notes, out of habit, you’re grooving along with him too with modest rolls, head nodding, and taps of your feet. He can tell you’re holding back, but Jaehyun smiles, basking in how you seem to be enjoying this from the smile reflected on your face as well. 
When he stops, he cocks an eyebrow at you, awaiting for your new verdict.
“Maybe you’re not as bad as you were before.”   
He grins, hard enough that his dimples show, and you dig a hole to hide away the underlying flutters of your heart. 
Still an asshole, but a cute asshole.  
“Now, show me what you got, Captain,” Jaehyun crosses his arms with a nod.  
You’re shaking your head, not wanting to be judged by Jaehyun any further.  
“Unless... you’re scared that I’m right about how shitty your footwork is?”  
If there’s anything stronger than the fear of judgement, it’s the power of spite. 
The song’s already onto the next, but the melody flows easily through you. Similar to Jaehyun, you place emphasis on your footwork, being conscious of switching your weight between the balls and heels of your feet and slowing your moves in order to be more sharp, more clean, but all the while purposefully hitting the beats and giving meaning to the moves. 
Your body’s out of control, owning all the floor space around you. When your body leads you to end up in front of Jaehyun, you snag the hat off his head and put it on. While you stick your tongue out in response, he’s laughing, thinking how you look better with it on than him, and he realizes how he’s never seen you in this element. 
“My footwork still shitty?” you ask, still dancing. 
“There’s room for improvement,” Jaehyun breaks his fixed stance, now beginning to dance along with you. “But you’re not that bad either.” 
Soon enough, you two are entangled in an unspoken dance battle, trying to one up the other with harder, stronger, better movements than the opponent. The moment Jaehyun drops his breakdancing skills, you bite back with your own strengths—fierce, sensual motions and dare to invade his personal space, in hopes he becomes flustered. 
And he does, because he freezes at the sight of your bent ass, which is practically against his hips, and how your fingertips ghost the floor, then you shoot straight up and roll into his body. You lean your head back onto his shoulder, glancing up at him with shallow breaths, restless from the ongoing battle. 
“Care to beat that?” you whisper, suddenly aware of your hands tugging the fabric of his track pants over his thighs. Your chest heaves, and Jaehyun’s drawn to the view in his proximity. 
Despite his crude ogles, he’s super conscious of ensuring that his hands are not touching you, fearing he’s reading the situation wrong, that perhaps this was only due to the adrenaline and anger you’ve both pented up over time. It’s not as if you’d ever want him, even if he was the last man on Earth.
Although you can’t read his mind, Jaehyun’s absolutely right. 
So why do you inch closer to his face?
Time slows as he begins to meet you halfway. Both of you are breathing in sync, hearts beating almost as one. You turn to grasp the crook of his neck, while he steadies you by your waist.  
However, when your lips crash into his, time speeds up and it feels like it’s slipping away. All your movements are rushed as if it’s the last thing you’ll ever do. The kissing—open-mouthed, hungry, and needy—doesn’t falter anytime soon. 
When you drop your touch from his neck, he runs his hands through your hair before caressing your cheek, deepening the kiss with more pressure. You’re sighing, humming into each kiss, and as Jaehyun pulls away to kiss your neck, you’re melting, knees feeling weak amidst your soft moans and eye rolls. 
Not wanting to actually melt in front of him, you tug at his shirt in between kisses, prompting him to follow you towards a small table on one side of the room. Once you’re there, you sit atop the table and continue kissing Jaehyun, who’s standing in between your spread legs. The handsome figure reverts back to kissing your neck, but this time feels adventurous, letting his hand snake under your t-shirt and grasp the side of your stomach. He embraces the smoothness of your bare skin, adores how you feel with every contact.   
There’s not much thinking happening, just lust coursing through each of your bodies. The lust distorts you so much, you don’t hesitate to take off your shirt and toss it to the floor. Jaehyun takes in your beauty for a brief second, before he follows suit and takes his shirt off too. His mouth captures yours again, while his hand kneads your ass and tugs you closer to his hips. 
Throughout his kisses that span all over your body, your hands roam and grip the entirety of his toned upper body. Almost instantly, you feel what you can only assume is his growing hard-on pressed against your core, causing you to moan.
“Can I finger you?” Jaehyun asks the filthy question with a certain air of courtesy, leaning his perspired forehead against yours. You nod fervently and squeak a simple, “Yes.” 
As you stand to get rid of your shoes and to wiggle your panties and leggings off, you notice Jaehyun laying the t-shirt he was wearing on the spot where you sat. He answers the confusion plastered on your face. 
“These tables are used for everything in this building; you never know what could be on them.” 
Today truly marks a day where you’ve never seen this many sides of Jaehyun before, but you don’t let yourself dissect the moment for too long. Since you still have your sports bra on, you opt to strip it off too, and jump back onto the table.  
Because you’re completely naked in front of him, Jaehyun takes more of his sweet time to bask in the sight in front of him, unsure if he’ll ever see you like this again. 
“Are you gonna keep staring,” you cusp his chin, forcing him to look into your eyes. “Or are you going to finger me?” 
“I’ll do what I want when I want to,” he seethes along with your name. Without warning, his fingers hover under your exposed warmth, making you gasp. 
Jaehyun chuckles deeply, “You’re dripping wet for me and I haven’t even put my fingers in yet.”
His fingers continue to painfully tease you, rubbing long, horizontal lines back and forth across your folds.
You bite your lip, fuming, “Jaehyun, stop teasing and put them in already,” 
“Tell me I’m a good dancer.”
You sigh a half-chuckle and roll your eyes prior to muttering, “Fuck you.” 
The tease dips his fingers just slightly into your sex, then pulls out right away. And again, and again. You’re getting more frustrated by the second, pouting with piercing eyes. Jaehyun always liked it when he had an upper hand on you during arguments, but he likes it even more like this.
“Tell me I’m a good dancer, and I’ll put them in.” 
“Fine,” you scowl. “You’re a good dancer, but you know that alre—fuck.” 
He plunges two digits deep into you, and your walls clench in gratification. 
“You’re right. I know I am, I just wanted to hear you say it.” 
You want to kiss the smirk off his face, but instead, you’re leaning your head back and gripping the edge of the table, reveling in the sensation of his fingers filling you. The music from his phone may be still playing, but all Jaehyun can focus on are your heaven sent moans and the way your body writhes, all due to him. 
With his free hand, he trails his nails lightly down the spine of your back, making your sex pulse around his fingers even more. He palms the middle of your back as he begins to plant kisses on your clavicle, down your chest, then on one of your nipples. The label of a tease sticks with him. He dabs his tongue lightly here and there, barely traces a circle around your tip. 
When he decides you’ve had enough, he puckers his lips tight and his cheeks become sunken. And when he’s not sucking, his tongue flicks as hard as the suctions, like strobing lights. You react in a frenzy, hands reaching towards his hair, to stuff and tug them between your fingers.  
“Oh, God, Jaehyun...”
When Jaehyun takes your other breast into his mouth, your moans tether further as he also increases his fingering pace, causing you to grip onto his hair harder. You fear that it might be too rough, but then again, he deserves a little pain for all the fights you’ve had.  
“You’re so fucking wet,” he growls, still with your nub surrounded by his teeth. He maintains his rhythm, enthralled with the obscene sounds of your pussy taking his fingers. 
Feeling a little conscious, reasoning that his hand must be drenched with your juices, you stutter, “S-sorry.” 
“No,” he pulls away from your mound, shakes his head, and pulls his hand from your back to caress your neck tenderly. “It’s fucking hot.” 
Jaehyun kisses you with intensity, the speed of his wrist never relenting. You can’t even properly kiss him back because the pleasure is overwhelming, so much that if moans were a shade of paint, yours would be splattered all over the studio’s walls. You reach your peak with cries of his name, your honey glistening over his fingers. 
After he pulls them out and you’re coming down from your high, he runs over to his backpack and rummages through it. Your eyes flicker, noticing the little silver package in hand. Jaehyun wastes no time in coming back to your side. He places the condom next to you on the table and strips off his clothes in record time. 
Before he has a chance to open the condom, you jump off the table to grasp onto his wrist, gesturing for him to lean his backside against the table. He’s in awe as you drop to your knees in front of him.  
You stroke his hardened length, admiring his size, but waste no time in tasting him to avoid Jaehyun’s potential banter about how big he is. However, he’s not even in the right mindset to do so; he’s in a trance, stuck on everything you’re doing. 
Subconsciously or not, everything’s a competition with you two, so you showcase what you’re capable of doing with your tongue. Like him, you begin to be a painful tease, only giving small kitten licks on his cock. Then the next laps of your tongue are broad, but gradual.  
Wanting to see everything you’re doing, he holds your messy hair in a makeshift ponytail since the hair tie you had on must have flown off during the former scenes. Jaehyun grunts sharply as you ease him into your mouth, the warmth welcoming and encircling him wholly. After you bob and swirl your tongue concurrently, giving him a sneak peek of what you’re able to do, you stroke him lackadaisically and meet his eyes.  
“Now, you tell me I’m a good dancer,” you command.  
A brief chuckle escapes from above, “I don’t think you’re in the same position to ask me of that.” 
You challenge his words by taking his possession within your mouth once more. Holding him by the base to cover the area your mouth can’t, you jerk your head fast. With each bob and each swipe, more and more of your saliva covers Jaehyun’s desire. The slurps are so loud, so lewd. His face trembles and his grip tightens on your hair, the pleasure rising within him sooner than expected. 
“Okay, okay. You’re a great dancer—fuck, fuck. Slow down. I don’t want to come just yet.”  
You pull away, an extended line of your spit mixed with his precome draws out from your lips. Perking an eyebrow with a smolder, you light up your wrist rapidly. “Do you mean it?” 
He’s breaking apart from your actions, baring his teeth and grimacing. “Yes, yes. I fucking mean it.” 
With a smirk, you immediately drop him from your hand. He drags you upward into a mad kiss, in retaliation for the edging. Breaking apart from one another, you hurry to your original spot on the table. Jaehyun eases the rubber onto his cock and tugs you by your hips, having your ass laid on the very end of the table. 
He raises your legs up, to be partially extended in the air and engulfed around his body. You have one elbow perched on the table and one hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder. Jaehyun stabilizes you by having a grip on the fold behind your knee and hustles to line his possession up with your sex. The moment it is, his hand meets your waist and he inserts himself fully into you. 
Your back arches from his girth hitting you. Both of your moans expel, mingling with each other. He thrusts experimentally, testing the waters to see how you like it. Determined, deep thrusts. Shallow, swift thrusts. A mix of both. 
It didn’t matter, because you cry in ecstasy either way.   
Being aware of the music still playing from his phone, he wonders if he can plunge into you to match the beat. The current song was electronic and bass-heavy, making it difficult for him to truly match it, but your broken whimpers and name-calling don’t object to the fast thrill. 
God, he can feel the way your pussy contracts against his inches. 
“You know,” he pants heavily. “If I didn’t have good core control, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” 
It takes a bit of effort to come up with a response. All you muster up is, “N-not necessarily,” before you lapse into your elation. 
As you emit your endless moans, you spot your reflection in the wall-sized mirror. The sides of your bodies are parallel to it, and your eyes can’t tear away from the spectacle of you getting fucked by Jaehyun from another angle. It’s unbelievable how fit he is, but you see every flexed muscle and tendon in the mirror—from his neck to his ankles. 
“Do you like watching me fuck you?” 
His gaze confronts yours in the mirror, and you whimper with barely a bounce of your head.  
Jaehyun’s thinking about how beautiful you are, but he holds his tongue back. Rather, he grasps the nape of your neck, pulling you in for another kiss, except the kisses are hardly materialized because your lips are constantly parted. Your hot breath fans against his face and he’s attentive to how close you are to him. Not just physically, but beyond that too. He can’t explain it, but it’s as if you’re under his skin. 
He knows this will inevitably end, it has to, but he also knows he’ll want you again.  
Jaehyun’s officially hooked—to your taste, to your scent, to your air, to your everything.  
And he’s not the only one who feels that way too.  
You inform Jaehyun that you’re nearing again, and he readies himself for his own little death too. Once you disintegrate, he kisses you for the last time, followed by spurts of his seed, releasing himself into the condom.  
The two of you are heaving, sticky messes. Regardless, both of you hold onto each other for a little bit longer. Eventually, you must withdraw and you do.   
The tension in the room seems to shift as you both begin to catch your breath, like everything that just happened was a dream. You don’t regret it, neither of you do, but reality blankets over. You’re the first to reach for your clothes and begin to put them back on. Jaehyun peels off the condom and follows your footsteps. 
“This stays between us,” you express from afar, averting his eyes.  
“And it’s only a one-time thing,” Jaehyun adds, but is immediately unsure if he should’ve said that.
“Exactly, it’s like you read my mind.” 
Your chest clenches for a beat as the words come out of your mouth. You shake your head, trying not to think about it.  
“Are you going to stay in the studio a bit longer?” 
Reading his question as a simple inquiry, you don’t pick up the hopefulness in his tone nor do you see the look in his eyes.  
“No, no. You can finally get the studio to yourself. I’ve had enough practice for the night.”
Already dressed, you hurry to grab all your gear and stuff it into your backpack, prepared to leave. You’re practically out the door in an instant as you mumble your good-bye.
“I’ll see you around, Jaehyun.” 
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While you’re walking home, Jaehyun’s still sitting on the floor of the dance studio with his hat in his hand, remembering the way you looked with it on.
At the same moment, you’re both trying your best to stop thinking about the other. 
Keeping this a secret between the two of you, you could do. If your team knew what went down, the best case scenario would be that you lose captaincy. The worst case was that you wouldn’t be a part of your team anymore. However, in either case, your best friends, who were also on the team, would likely question your loyalty and dedication, wondering why you’d ever do such a thing in the first place. The same applied to Jaehyun. 
Seeing Jaehyun again was inevitable. Your teams often collided during practice hours and sometimes fought for the studio. Although it’d be awkward, it’d be manageable. At least, you hope it would be. 
But the only thing neither of you could truly promise, nor did you two desire, was keeping this as a one-time thing, especially now, when you’ve had a taste of each other and yearned for more. 
One more month until the competition. 
What more could possibly happen between you and Jaehyun until then? 
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miss-smutty · 4 years
A/N- I've been dubious about writing Thor but I just had to do this, it's been running around my mind for weeks 🙈 I'll be adding this to my Valentine's One-Shot series
Summary- You've been stood up, on valentine's Day or all days. At least you won't be spending the night alone, now Thor finally has you to himself.
Word count- 1, 806
Pairing- Thor x you
Warnings- Swearing, smut, unprotected sex
18+ Only!
Posted: 10th February 2021
⚡ Bolts of Pleasure ⚡
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You leant your head on the cold, marble worktop - the coolness easing the pressure of the already lingering tension head ache. How could he stand you up? Today of all day's. 
Somewhere in the distance, over the sound of your own thoughts, you barely hear the sound of the main door sliding open. Nonchalantly wondering who it could be, you knew it wasn't Tony because he was out at dinner with Pepper and you knew this because you were supposed to be there too - a double date. 
Something Pepper had organised because she was the one who set you up with that prick in the first place - you can't even bring yourself to say his name. You should've known dating anyone who wasn't involved in anything within the headquarters would end in trouble anyway.
You assumed the other couples would be out doing other romantic bullshit while you were sure all the other guys were on a mission. So who the hell could it be? 
The kitchen doors opened behind you and by the sounds of the unmistakably heavy foot fall, it was definitely Thor. Neither of you said anything for a noticeably long pause, you didn't even bother to move your head off of the kitchen worktop.
"You do know it's the day of the valentine's, don't you?" Comes Thors booming voice from behind you, trust him to state the obvious.
"Valentine's Day and yes of course I do, why do you think I'm here? Alone. Banging my head against the counter." 
"Please don't do that, I don't want you to hurt yourself" he says with a sincerity in his voice.
"Sarcasm just goes straight over your head doesn't it?" You say, finally standing up to face Thor just so he could see you rolling your eyes at him. You know the statement would be lost to him if he couldn't see your facial expressions.
"Not much can go over my head without me seeing it first, but yes if you say so" ok so even seeing your facial expression didn't work this time. You laugh out loud at his lack of understanding.
"Oh Thor, you do know how to cheer me up" 
"Good. Now you may proceed with your head banging if you so wish" 
Have you always found his ditziness to be so cute or is this a new occurance?
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"I'm going to put my head back down but only because I have a banging headache, these pills should kick in soon. Besides now you're here you might as well keep me company" This made Thor smile from ear to ear as you resumed your earlier position.
Unbeknownst to you Thor had walked in to the room to find you bent over, your delicious ass accentuated by those tight leather trousers you were wearing. He'd been hoping to find you here alone, once he'd heard about you being stood up, but wasn't quite sure how to handle how he found you. If he had his way he would have just walked over and made his move straight away but he'd been taught how things work differently here and he's been working so hard on his restraint.
Now you're bent over again and it's making his mind go blank, all he can think about is how he wants to shove his dick into you while he grabs on to those voluptuous cheeks. 
"Thor?" You ask wondering why he's still stood by the doors.
Fuck, the way you say his name makes his fingertips tingle with bolts of electrical current. He wants to hear you scream his name while he's pulling your hair back and slamming his dick between those cheeks until he's balls deep. 
"Your trousers are very tight" You hear Thor's footsteps stop behind you and before you can mutter something about him stating the obvious a moan escapes your lips as a slight bolt of electric soars through your core. Where did that come from? 
Thor still hadn't quite got to grips with controlling his power while he was in the moment - maybe something to do with all the testosterone. His eyes widened, shocked by your reaction but the way he elicited that moan spurred him to continue.
Thor's hands were still gripping your ass as you got your bearings, realising where the shock came from and not hating the idea. You wanted more.
Moving his hands to your hips as you pushed yourself on to his straining cock, gripping on tightly while he pushed himself against you - his head hanging back as he bit his bottom lip and felt the lightning electrify his body.
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Fuck me. If you knew sex with Thor would be this amazing you would've made sure it happened a lot sooner. You could feel his body tingling, like a vibration as the currents circulated through his veins,
flowing with the blood into his rather large appendige.
Thor slapped your ass again, accidentally catching your slit with his fingertips. Your pussy clenched as another bolt of pleasure went through you.
"Shit, Thor" you moaned deeply making him groan with desperation.
He's wanted to hear you saying his name, like that, for a while now and isn't disappointed with the way it sounds falling from your lips. Now he won't stop until your screaming his name, begging for him to fuck you into oblivion.
You pushed yourself against his now rock hard cock craving the feel of him inside of you. The vibration hits your clit and sends you over the edge, making you tremble and your knees go weak as you come, hard. Feeling dizzy as you come down.
Thor catches you as you buckle, turning you around and pushing you up against the counter. Your eyes are hooded with need as he handles your body, gripping at your curves with his electric fingers.
Your body jerks everytime he touches you, little does he know that with every touch your pussy clenches building up that deep orgasm once again. Thor's powers leave other men at a major disadvantage, how can anyone ever live up to this. Even worse, how can you now be around Thor without thinking about what he can do to you every time you see him.
His hand travels hungrily up your top, straight to your nipples while his lips attach to yours. You can feel his facial hair tickling your upper lip, a whole new sensation to your already tingling body.
Thor takes your tender, erect nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Squeezing gently as he emits tiny shocks and watches as you convulse around him, small, soft whimpers leaving your mouth involuntarily.
"Mmm, Thor. Fuck" you can't stand the tension much longer.
He's in awe with how much he can pleasure you with just the touch of his fingers. If he'd known it would be this easy to make your usual fiesty self, submit so easily, he wouldn't have been quite so intimidated by you. Look at you now, quivering under his touch, he's pretty sure your seconds away from fully giving yourself to him. He stops touching you, waiting to see how you'll react, testing his theory.
"Don't stop" you moan, pushing your heat against him as his hands grab your ass.
"Tell me what you want, my love" he whispers seductively against your ear, almost making you come.
"Oh god, do that again" you whine into his neck, wrapping your arms around his neck and savouring the other worldly scent of the god of thunder.
"Do what? My sweet - " his breath tickles your ear as he whispers again, he knows exactly what you want. Nibbling gently on your earlobe as you struggle to hold up the weight of your head, crumbling beneath him. " - Now, tell me what you want" 
"I want you. Fuck me Thor, fuck me hard" leaning back on your hands with your lips parted.
"I thought you'd never ask" he growls, his voice becoming impossibily deeper.
Trying to pull down those tight trousers is going to take way too long and he doesn't have the patience for that. Instead he reaches out and effortlessly slits the gusset in half. Unable to contain himself when he sees how wet you are.
You reach down to unbuckle his belt, he's watching you intently, his cock straining against his trousers. You pull them down, just enough to watch his cock spring up, with a weapon like that he has no need for the Mjolnir. You instinctively want to take it in your mouth but there's no time for that now. You lean backwards, watching as he lines his cock up with your entrance. He stops, pausing for an agonisingly long time, watching your face screw with need.
Thor can see how much you want him and he's savouring the moment, relishing in it. Not forgetting how he wants to hear you beg for him, waiting patiently. 
You look at him expectantly, grinding yourself forward until you can feel the tip of his cock. 
"Thor, please!" You plead embarrassingly, desperately.
That's all he needed to hear before he painfully, slowly eased himself into your tight pussy. Inhaling deeply as your walls clamped around him. Finally feeling the warmth of your insides, a feeling he's been craving since the first time he met you.
You laid back on to the counter while he gripped your thighs, holding them up as he slammed his cock deep into you, the pressure building as he relentlessly pounds you. Those bolts of pleasure sending shocks shooting through your veins, with every thrust.
Thor held onto your thighs tightly, gripping his thumbs into your flesh while he ravages you. Months and months of pent up frustration finally being released. Grunting as he thrusted the brutal strength of his passion into you with force, loving the way your face contorts with every hit of your spot.
"Thor!" You scream his name as you gush all over his cock when he hits your spot, hard, repeatedly.
Your finally screaming his name, hopefully not for the last time. He watches the way your third orgasm builds, clenching around him as your legs shake in his hands.
How could it be the only time, when this is what he does to you? You're a dripping mess by the time he's ready. The gripping sensation rising as your climaxes peak again, releasing sparks of lightning all around you. Pushing his cock deep inside you as he shoots his warm, powerful load into you.
Your hair clings to your face as you fall back onto the counter, your body feels like jelly and you can't move just yet. Your eyes are closed but you can feel Thor still holding your legs while he waits for you to recover, gently tickling your thighs with his thumb.
"I've wanted to do that for such a long time, would you be willing to make love with me again?" He says smiling widely, hardly breathelss at all - the stamina of a god! 
"You can do that again?" You say breathlessly, impressed with his enthusiasm.
"I can go all night, my love. I am the god of thunder" he says proudly, puffing out his chest. 
"You certainly are" 
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