#my unpopular bbs opinion
sunshinechay · 1 year
Is there one piece of media you just couldn't get into, that you truly wish you could?
I’m definitely telling on myself here and I accept people’s judgement but…
Bad Buddy
I watched the whole series and I agree that it is really good and well done in just about every aspect. Like legitimately I have nothing bad to say about the series. I just couldn’t get into it.
I wish I loved it as much as a lot of bl fans do because again, I do think it is really well done and a good bl, but I just don’t. I guess I just didn’t vibe with it. It took me way longer to finish than it takes me for most bls. I can usually finish a series in a week or two (depending on how much free time I get during my work week) but it took me almost 4 months to finish.
I got to the end and went, that’s it?
Maybe it’s a case of it just being so hyped that I was a bit let down but I’m not sure. I’ll try to rewatch it in the future and see if I end up liking it more on the second go around but yeah for now my answer is Bad Buddy.
Especially since for the most part, if I’m not into something, I’m totally fine with it. I mostly try to stick to what I do like and very rarely wish I could have gotten into something that I didn’t end up enjoying. This is really the only thing I can think of.
I really wanted to love it but I just don’t.
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tequilaasquared · 1 year
I feel people have forgotten that what Pat did in the first bad buddy Our Skyy episode was undeniably shitty and was never actually properly resolved because they were too stressed and preoccupied getting the consent from Phupha for the play.
You cannot tell me Pran wasn’t hurt by the whole situation. Aside from the ‘drunk words speak sober thoughts’ of it all, Pat still left him without proper explanation, spent the night getting drunk with his friends, ignored all his worried calls and texts, and then brought it up AGAIN in the last episode when they fought. Everything about that was so unlike bbs Pat and I was upset it was so quickly brushed past as it clearly drudged up all of Pran’s insecurities.
In fact a lot of Pat’s actions were ooc for me - entertaining the idea that he drunkenly slept with Phupha when he’s the most loyal down bad character ever, cowardly running away and twisting his ankle which almost ruined Phupha’s effort to find the others, being so blasé about finding Pran lost in a dangerous forest in general, and being extra himbo-like when we’re talking about a confident assertive guy who got shot protecting friends and who is super intelligent.
So I’m finding it bizarre that it’s Pran taking the heat when his characterisation was so spot on; he’s grown and changed since we last saw him and he’s more open to talking about his insecurities, he told Pat that he was stressed and that overwhelmed him but admitted all he wanted to do was watch the stars and play in the waterfall with Pat, he recognised that Pat didn’t mean to hurt him but that his feelings were still valid and he allowed him to help even though he was trying to prove to himself that he could do it alone, and he was kind and friendly to Tian and Phupha and empathised with their struggles as individuals and in their relationship.
Overall I wasn’t keen on the Our Skyy episodes but I wasn’t expecting a masterpiece and Pat wasn’t completely ruined as a character for me to love and enjoy him and patpran’s relationship.
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airenyah · 10 months
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daisitynook · 2 years
i constantly ponder why there is no good dsmp pjo au fan fics do i have to man up i don’t even watch the dsmp anymore and haven’t indulged in pjo in a while but my god i want them tg rn
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leasboyfriend · 2 years
anyways dream drop distance remains my favorite kh game
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bonefall · 8 months
Thoughts about Violetshine’s and Needletail’s connection to each other in AVoS please?
I heard what’s probably quite a unpopular opinion out there that the bond that these two characters have is quite unhealthy, and I’m genuinely curious if you agree with that statement or not and/or if that’s actually true or not.
I'm gonna be TOTALLY honest. AVoS was so boring to me that my memory has basically blanked out on most of what I read. If DOTC wasn't SO rancid, AVoS would be my least favorite arc. BB!AVoS is one of the least solidified arcs because of it-- I plan to do an AVoS reread after I manage to choke through the rest of the back-half of DOTC.
I have a solid middle and everything around Breezepelt, a new POV, is pretty clear in my mind. I have a good grasp on the politics of ShadowClan falling apart. I even know the emotional angle I want to play with Needletail and Sleekwhisker. But there's so many little things that I'm just not sure how to work with, so hopefully a reread will help it all click.
I do always try to preserve the "emotional core" of things, even when arcs get shuffled and overhauled like this one.
BUT ANYWAY from what I remember, yeah, Needletail and Violetkit have a pretty unhealthy relationship. Which was actually one of the few things I like. I like that Needletail is actually pretty nasty, and that her most consistent trait is that she refuses to be told what to do.
To me, Needle pretty snappish with Violetkit in the way that some teenagers are nasty with little kids, and I just think that's very interesting. I hate the way that the arc ultimately says that the problem in ShadowClan was... idk Kids These Days and their iPhones, but I LIKE the idea that these (overall pretty unremarkable) teenagers, with some good points about how ridiculous their society is, got exploited by a malicious actor.
And what I like about that with Needle and Violet's friendship being pretty toxic is that, well, sometimes teenagers are like that. They resent having to watch younger kids, or having responsibilities thrust on them, because they're looking for their own freedom. Needlepaw is a child, herself, but Violetkit doesn't have a decent mother figure so she latches to her like a baby duck.
Needle shouldn't have to be this kid's parent and she resents that, in spite of (or maybe exactly because) this is a consequence of her own choices. And Violet has no other choice, and no way of understanding "what she did wrong."
I like sad little relationships like that. Unfixable ones. Of course canon kinda threw it out the window with Needletail dying to save her and Violetshine never having a complicated view of her in hindsight as a result, but, such is Warrior Cat.
i take a hammer and i feex the canon
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hurricanejane · 1 month
Unpopular opinion, I think FivexLila is deliciously dysfunctionally realistic. Five spent one apocalypse with only a mannequin for company, it makes sense he would get a lot out of having Lila there for this estrangement from reality.
I do hope there was a lot of respectful conversation and intimacy coaching with the actors to make sure they were comfortable with the age gap, especially for Aidan Gallagher.
That being said, I think the love triangle was delicious. I love my bbs suffering and they all did beautifully. I could feel their hearts breaking, especially Five's.
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irkenproperty · 8 months
i was honestly about to delete the reblog hmksjddhsk--
SHIP IT, of course c;
What made you ship it?
Admittedly, at the tender age of pre-teen, I'd never been exposed to a same sex couple, whether real or fictional, which made the whole concept of - not only two guys, but also a human and an alien - absolutely terrifying. Being super into cringey AMVs, it was inevitable I'd run across ZaDr eventually... and I hated it, pfff--
It was because I was scared of something different, really. But, after a few months of constantly running into the ship in the fandom space, it became less and less 'scary', and honestly... the aesthetic was growing on me.
The description I put in an IZ speedpaint, back then, had a huge ThIs Is NoT zAdR, iT iS gRoSs AnD wEiRd slapped right across the top, which I eventually removed a few months later as... well... I came to my senses haha!
ZaDr is the most - unintentionally - 'would be canon if made today and not distributed by Nickoldeon' kinda show. I mean, She-Ra had a ZaDr easter egg, for crying out loud - what could have been if someone more progressive, back in the day, had come up with the idea. Sorry Jhonen, but it's true
Favourite things about the ship?
To avoid another ramble, I'll just make a list - height difference, cultural difference, enemies to lovers, hate fucking, realising they're two sides of the same coin when it comes to daddy issues, co-dependency, dom/sub therapy... and just overall two hurt and broken idiots realising they need one another to heal and be happy.
Unpopular opinion about the ship?
... ... Zim is a power bottom and will never grow taller than 5ft - MAXIMUM.
Dib is not a uwu soft boi. He's just as mean and cruel as he thinks Zim is. That boy is a damn bully, and a borderline narcissist.
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redrobin-detective · 3 months
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I overall didn't care for TUA s2 and absolutely love s3. I appreciate what s2 was doing narratively and that it laid the foundations for s3. But as like an actual TV show I was watching I found myself not invested. I had no interest in Klaus' cult arc (I know he's the tumblr bb boy but I like Klaus but he's not my fav for sure) or Allison's happy marriage arc. I really like the turn her character took in s3, negative character development whoo! Luther is my boy but I didn't care what he was doing either. Would have liked more focus on the Commission that wasn't around the Handler.
Everything and everyone was all spread out and I feel like ideas were thrown out and we went 'hey look at this!' and then it was over before anything could happen with it. I did still enjoy it, all of Five's scenes were amazing. Diego I feel really came into his own this season and him and Lila are such a great duo. BENNNNNNN. Loved Elliot and the Swedes as the perfect TUA side characters who are just so memorable.
But i seriously loved s3, the apocalypse was happening right in front of them and there was this slow creeping tension similar to s1 to just Get Your Shit Together. Everything was spacious yet contained as the world became smaller and smaller leading to some fascinating character moments. LOVED Hotel Obsidian, how it started as this weird place Klaus used to crash to something way way stranger. Dad Diego my beloved, Luther embracing his Himboism and FINALLY getting something good. Allison's cruel breakdown arc. Viktor's reckoning with himself - as a man and a dangerous meta. Five's just complete giving up. Klaus' two disastrous family road trips. I loved the idea of the Sparrows, could they have been used better? Oh yeah but the idea of a competent team on the surface who is broken down once things got tough and weird in contrast to the Umbrellas who are So Bad at everything it cancels out.
Anyway I'm a s3 stan for life.
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hylaversicolor · 10 months
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unpopular opinion vvv
i have previously discussed this topic from a slightly different angle here.
i believe there can and should be a distinction made between talking about bosselot and talking about ocelot’s sexuality in general, and especially using potential evidence of bosselot in mgs canon to try to prove ocelot’s sexuality, because by its nature the reasoning behind ocelot’s devotion to snake is never made clear in canon. we’re not meant to understand, from canon, why ocelot does what he does beyond “he was fighting for big boss. he idolized him.” and that he “was the same way [in love with the legend] once.” i don’t believe that based on the evidence given to us in canon we can conclusively say that he is gay. we can’t say that he’s NOT gay - i think “ocelot is gay” is a possible interpretation of intentionally vague storytelling, and it may even be my personal interpretation, but it is not the sole interpretation.
we don't know what ocelot is thinking ever. we don't know what he means when he says he was the same way once. is he referring to the fact that venom isn’t big boss at all, or the idea that the world has changed and evolved since operation snake eater, or has he realized that bb-post-coma isn’t infallible as he had once thought, or has his love transcended time and space and is more than something that can be expressed through words? it’s not clear.
again i DO think you can make a strong case for ocelot being gay (hence why i said he is arguably gay in the first place). the snavid kiss, the long silver bullet line, his lack of interest in eva all point him in that direction. but on the other hand, a lack of interest in one woman does not make somebody gay, nor does a lack of response when someone asks you if you’ve fallen for a man. (volgin being bisexual has absolutely nothing to do with this.) you CAN argue that ocelot is gay based on this evidence, but to say he is irrefutably gay would be a logical fallacy.
all this to say, though, don’t worry so much about what is canon or not canon, and don’t worry about trying to prove to everyone online that ocelot is one way or another. just find your personal headcanon and enjoy it, and the right people will notice and enjoy it too.
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ltwharfy · 16 days
How about your favorite Star Trek ship for the ask game?
Thanks for this ask, Babs! I genuinely appreciate it so much! Although "Bob's Burgers" may be the reason I came to Tumblr, I do like talking about my other interests on here, too, and it's fun to be asked about one of them. (Also, I feel like ship/characters asks in BB fandom can be a bit "Hey! Let me ask you about the thing you already talk about all the time!" sometimes. XD)
So, now for something completely different, I am going to talk about Saru/T'Rina from "Star Trek: Discovery". This is them:
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Ship It
What made you ship it?
Saru was always my favorite character on Discovery, and when they first interacted in "Unification III", I thought they had an interesting, unique chemsitry and kept rooting to see more of them. And to my surprise, I did! (Since I love behind the scenes stuff, it was fun to find this interview with Saru actor Doug Jones where he talks about reading shippiness into the script for that episode, then finding out that it hadn't occurred to the writers, who then proceeded to run with it once he pointed it out to them.)
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love that they are not a pair of young, cool, conventionally attractive humans. Because of their species and their personalities, they both tend to be a little emotionally reserved and cautious. Although they are both middle-aged (or maybe older), you get the sense romance hasn't been a big part of either of their lives previously. It's not easy for them to open up and be vulnerable to each other, but they do and it works out and they make this amazing connection. So, even though they are a pair of aliens in the 32nd Century, I basically see them as a sweet couple of awkward middle-aged people finding each other, which is one of my favorite relationship dynamics (and, yeah, has an element of personal relationship goals to it.)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly, "Discovery" is the Trek show I've probably engaged the least with the fandom for, so I genuinely don't know how popular they are or how other people see them. Since fandom tends to be a horny place, it might be unpopular for me to say I have no interest in thinking about their sex life! I love them, but have no desire for NSFW fics or art about them. Maybe they have amazing incomprehisbly awesome alien sex. Maybe their relationship is loving but sexless. I could see either way being plausible, but that aspect isn't what makes them compelling to me.
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faksyan · 12 days
the venimmm
How I feel about this character
Venimmm I love him so much I've been told he's literally me 👍 everything that's happened to him is absolutely horrifying get him out of here and give him a break.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kaz surely <3 I also like vocelot, but I don't think it would be romantic, they would just be weird about each other (I made you in the image of a person I am obsessed with and we are stuck together in the middle of nowhere & you erased my identity and accidentally made it so you're the one person I trust the most. also we're both obsessed with blood and murder and mindless devotion. surely our dynamic is gonna be normal. something like that).
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Vquiet. I have so many thoughts on them they trust each other so much. Also Medic and Paz, it's obvious that they were close and that she meant a lot to him.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Hm maybe that Venom was actually aware that he isn't BB before reveal of the Truth, not sure how common that is. Also he wasn't interested in Quiet romantically or sexually.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More hallucinations. I think they play off a literal shrapnel lodged into his head a little too lightly. Would've loved a finished mission 51 or just more Eli interactions OR for tpp to end with a more obvious reference to Venom going to fight Solid. Also more everyday shit to do on Mother Base so I could see Venom's casual interactions with other characters like Code Talker (and Kaz. and Ocelot. and everyone else). I'd eat that up.
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warsamongthestars · 5 months
Honestly you are so right. I never thought about it like that.
Having recently rewatch TBB from their introduction episode in TCW, i kept going "what the hell".
Admittingly, i did NOT like them at first. I enjoyed the other clones, but i just.. couldn't care until after s1 of TBB and even then, only S2 made me fall in love and S3 made me dwell deeper.
But rewatching TCW episodes... i can see why. Its not just that its different writing, that whole episode was INCREDIBLY cheesy, they were cheesy. And whats funny is i don't think they're too bad after their introduction episode.. but its like. They all fit into their sterotypes first episode, but TBB actually gave them personalities i feel, so when rewatching their introduction... it feels.. Not super iconic, sorry if that is an unpopular opinion.
Like their poses and first fight is really cool, but the whole conversation they have not only implies what you said, but also comes off as "edgelord 10 y/o boy who has watched way too many adventure movies". Which i get they were trying to be show offs as well as show the audience they are extreme.
But it just.. comes across as goofy to me.
and to be clear, i know star wars in general can be seen as cheesy, I'm not knocking down cheesy-ness, and i love most TCW episodes new and old, but i think thats why it bothers me ? I don't remember feeling "oh thats cheesy" in a negative light in any other episode, even with other series.
Sorry that this got long !!!!!
Damn, first ask. XD
Thank you for that! But uh...
... The irony here is that I have to disagree. I liked them in TCWs over TBB, and I wanted to see more of what the TCWshow's BBs had to offer.
I went the old fashioned way of watching TCWs (For the clones, I don't care that much about Jedi stories), and by the time I reached S7, they were announcing TBBshow. I had the build up from that, to reach the momentum and when I made it to the Bad Batch Arc, it was like falling in love with clones all over again.
Cliche in function, yes, by all viewing they fullfill their cliches.
But let me point out something that occurs in character writing--How the character acts to their friends, will be different with how the character acts to their coworkers, and how they act to their own families, to how they act to strangers. This is part of how you create a 3-Dimensional Character.
So my interpretation is different. Here's how my thought process went.
What we saw in TCWs, was merely how the BBs act when acting under officers (Coworkers) they didn't know (Strangers).
( Wrecker starts enthusiastic but "dumb" muscle, but as the Arc went on, he actually mellowed out. Showing that while he's excitable, he's not actually as excitable as what he introduced himself as. He's clever not "dumb muscle", he's multi-capable (he's the second pilot of the Marauder), he's in more control of himself than anyone on the team (hence that when he lifts Jesse up, Jesse is fine afterwards, when by that point we've seen that he lifts ships--he could've easily hurt Jesse but he didn't))
Given they don't look or act like clones, and looking and acting like clones is expected in their position or risk removal, they were effectively playing themselves up as their "cliches" in order to sell their skills and avoid unnecessary or even dangerous questions.
( Hunter is constantly snarky and never directly answers anything about "who you report to" or "how many missions you were on". But at the start, he was promoting the hell out of his unit's capabilities. )
The Bad Batch were a series of characters that bounced off each other beautifully. Its something everyone noticed about them.
(From Crosshair using Tech's shoulder as a mount, to Wrecker tossing Hunter up, to Hunter and Crosshair's subtle backing each other up, to Wrecker quoting Tech. )
Their group dynamics are part of their greatest strength as a set of characters.
With the introduction of Echo, who unlike in TBB, Echo was enthusiastic and clever and crafty, with a playful sense of humor (not unlike how he started as a character in TCWs).
You've got an excellent addition to a group that already has strong character dynamics.
Echo, having been an Audience Surrogate Character for Clones in TCWs, would've easily been the main POV of whatever BB show came out of TCWs. Because he can ask the questions the audience would ask, and Echo is a familiar character with years of backing that the audience would be familiar with.
So you're right, in my book, about TCWshow. Though how I view how right you are is different because of my subtext.
The Bad Batch Arc of TCWs was a Good, if a bit trippy, Start, and not a finisher for the team. After all, all introductions tend to be rather clumsy (just ask TCWs' pilot film).
Which laid in the implication that we're going to Get that Finisher. And the journey.
But when we hit TBB... Then turned the nuance surface of TCWs Bad Batch, and either cut it out, or dumbed it down, or in two cases, changed it entirely.
( TCWs Hunter was a snarky worrywort who let his brothers do the actions while he stays in the corner, but he's dragged out because he's the "Sergeant". TBB Hunter is a stoic quiet type who wants order and control. TCWs Hunter and TBB Hunter are two entirely different characters. In fact, if I may speculate fan wise, TBB Hunter would be the kind of person that would cause TCWs Hunter to Shutdown... and we have evidence of this from TCWs; where Rex gets into Hunter's face, and Hunter shutsdown entirely until after the scene change. )
( Wrecker got dumbed down. That Explosive Enthusiasm he played up, became his defining feature (They effectively pulled a misfandom on their own original creation). While they did show he does have vulnerabilities and some of that TCWs cleverness... it often got overshadowed. )
( They removed Crosshair and broke the group dynamic, destroying the strongest part of their characters, which was their interactions with each other. )
( Echo went from Enthusiastic, Clever and Humor, to Just Bitchy. They didn't bring back his other facet at all. And mid way through TBB, they removed his character--effectively making anything about him a moot point. It nullified his introduction into the BBs )
( And I'm not going to go into a tyraid here about Omega. )
And suddenly, there wasn't any nuance anymore, because the BBs acted the same everywhere they went. There wasn't any developments, because the BBs didn't discuss anything for the audience to know.
Maybe a dramatic glance in the distance--but that's more Cliche than their character archetypes. Character Archetypes, no matter how obvious, can shift and change as they Develop.
But there's no character developing in TBB that doesn't involve how the show broke what made them strong characters to begin with.
Its like trying to make a house, but the foundation is the ceiling and attic, and the "ceiling" is the 3000 tons of solid fucking concrete.
The story, which was about how the Empire rose from the Republic, was literally elsewhere, so there was nothing that spurred the characters to do anything that involved the plot.
Now as you can prolly guess by this point, I'm very very keen on Character Driven stories, and I pay attention to character. While I treat all things as a "fan-fiction" (Given that fan-fiction shows the effort it takes to create a story or create anything), when it comes to officially published stuffed--so with teams, and a budget, and hired people to do the work--I expect the "fan-fiction" to go up in quality, to follow the format and standard set up and simply either stick to it or surpass it.
I think TBBshow was too clumsy, too fragmented, and far too shiny, for what it had. Having a small part of the metaphorical quilt work, doesn't subtract from the fact that the rest of the quilt is full of holes.
Have small good points, I'm afraid, doesn't make up for the fact that it was overall, a poorly written show that bites its prior series' hand.
It just means that, now, you have to steal the good points to add to whatever BBsquad exists in one's mind.
You take the part of the quilt that works... and make your own Quilt, and damn whoever fucked up the first job.
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wonderer399 · 2 months
Unpopular opinion :
Junjou Romantica fandom was 'THIS CLOSE' to get shot by 'ANTIS' as there are 2 male characters who are 'borderline adult'.....and is in publicly homo relationship ...JR is my 3rd fav Yaoi...but we BB fandom's sebaciel shippers will get shot constantly by ANTIS , but our sebaciel ship is 'indestructable' and can 'revive' as Sebastian can safely take many bullets from antis and still will not die ( cannonically speaking )
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queen--of--maggots · 7 months
What’s your most unpopular DN opinion? (It can be about canon, fanon the fandom)
I don’t even know if you are still around anon, but I promised you an answer, and here it is. Unpopular opinion time! And here’s a really unpopular one: I wish Wammy’s wouldn’t exist and Ohba went in a different direction after L’s death.
I’m probably almost the only one with this opinion. I know many people love the Wammy kids, and I want to make this clear, this is not necessarily about the characters from Wammy’s. I appreciate them, some more, others less. However, you can like a character and still think the story would have been better without them.
First, a few points on why I don’t like the introduction of Wammy’s.
One thing I enjoyed a lot about DN up to L’s death is the lack of overused tropes. For example, DN isn’t L’s story despite him fitting more into the good guy role, L isn’t portrayed as a hero, Light isn’t portrayed as a villain, Misa isn’t the innocent victim who was dragged into this, and neither L nor Light is the chosen one(s), main characters don’t have an extremely outstanding design, and so on. Wammy’s changes this partially. There must be people, qualified ones included, in the entire world that have reasons why they want to stop Kira, but all of Kira’s antagonists originate from the same place – Wammy’s. That’s pretty much the secret-intuition-that-protects-the-world-from-evil trope. It also falls into the chosen one trope because only L’s successors are apparently good enough to put an end to Kira. Also, Near has a rather outstanding design. Having white hair isn’t impossible, but highly unlikely. In addition, he looks like 12 despite being 18 and always wears fucking pajamas instead of normal clothes. Mello has a somewhat outstanding design too, but it’s more the way the dresses. I won’t complain too much about it. Still, compare this to Team Kira’s new additions. Mikami’s and Takada’s designs are way more grounded.
Another trope I find annoying is linking everything to the same two or three people. Every important character that is introduced later in the series has a connection to one of the original main characters (being related, childhood friends, same former mentor, …). In my opinion, that’s just a cheap way to give a new character credit without them doing anything and make them more popular among fans. If the character is well-written enough, things like that are not necessary. Ohba goes hard for this trope with Wammy’s: Near, Mello, and even fucking Matt are all L’s successors, so they have a direct link to him. And, while it’s just a spinoff, and how canon it is is debatable, even the BB murder case goes back to L and Wammy’s. (I know AN wasn’t written by Ohba, but it fits the pattern.) Compare this to Light’s allies. Most Kiras had no previous connection to Light before meeting him. The only exception is Kiyomi after the time skip. In Misa’s case, Kira gave her the revenge she wanted. However, she’s likely still one of many with similar stories. She didn’t know Light before, and Light didn’t know her. Even how Misa got her DN is unrelated to Light and Ryuk. Mikami had to stand entirely on his own feet. He had no direct connection to Light or L whatsoever.
I’m also disappointed that Ohba toned down the realism with Wammy’s. DN wasn’t 100% realistic before either, but there is a drop in it with the introduction of the Wammy’s characters. We go from one rich dude who fights crime mainly for entertainment to an entire training ground for super-intelligent orphans to become the world’s greatest detectives. Then there’s Mello with the missile and ultra-fast healing powers, and Near winning because of magical guessing powers and plot armor. Both are also younger than Light and inexperienced. And while humans aren’t born with special powers in the DN universe and supernatural aspects are limited to the Shinigami and the Shinigami realm, BB has Shinigami eyes for no apparent reason. Technically, these are still connected to the Shinigami within the story, but the explanation given for this is extremely vague and unsatisfying.
The points I’ve listed so far would bother me less if they always would have been a thing or if both sides were treated equally regarding tropes and bullshit. But they are particularly noticeable for Wammy’s characters, while Team Kira is not so much affected.
Also, I liked that before Wammy’s became a thing, L was an extraordinary element. L appeared to be self-made. He even became an important part of law enforcement even though his main motivation wasn’t justice. Before Wammy’s introduction, his death would have had a massive impact on the DN universe because once he is dead, L doesn’t exist anymore and is no longer a secret weapon in difficult cases. Even if Kira is defeated, losing L in the process would be a massive loss. Wammy’s existence reduces L to a replaceable role. If he dies, someone else from the L-factory will take the position. The death of L as a person has almost no impact on the DN universe because L as an entity still exists, and that’s the only thing that counts. No consequences whatsoever. Barely anyone knew how he looked anyway.
I understand why Ohba went with L’s successors as a continuation instead of something else. He was playing the safe card by feeding the consumers something they are already familiar with. Going for different scenarios would be risky and require more effort. However, it could have been more rewarding if executed well. I would have liked a greater variety of enemies for Light and him having to adapt to new dangers. So, here are some scenarios that I would have found more intriguing than the one we got.
The premise of Mello’s arc was interesting; unfortunately, the execution was horrendous. But Light vs a criminal organization that, for example, wants the DN or Kira’s power for themselves isn’t a bad idea. A criminal organization would be a lot more ruthless than L. L needed evidence, while a crime syndicate would immediately shoot Light if he showed up on the list of suspects. And his family would be in danger too.
Or a revenge plot? Something like Kira killed a family member or other loved one (preferably justified, but could also be someone wrongly accused), and a bereaved person wants revenge. Now, this person is on a suicide mission, and Light has to fight against someone who has nothing left to lose. Their own survival is optional, only getting revenge before dying counts.
How about Kira vs a fanatic Kira fan? Someone who thinks Kira isn’t Kira enough anymore and feels they can do better? Maybe this person could make Light’s allies question their loyalty to him. Who are they loyal to, Light or Kira?
A female antagonist would also have potential (but not with Ohba as an author). Light tends to underestimate women. Now, Light faces one as a competent opponent, and he has to take one or more critical hits to realize the danger.
Anyway, the successor arc definitely has its moments, but overall, it is a lot weaker. And in my opinion, these weaknesses are primarily connected to Wammy’s. So, removing it could have been beneficial for the story. At least, that’s my opinion. If you have a different opinion, that’s great. But please, I’m not particularly interested in lengthy discussions about this subject.
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lovecanbesostrange · 4 months
Reverse Unpopular Opinion on X-Men: The Last Stand please :D
I knew you would go there. You had to.
So, let me say something nice about the film I loathe most out of this franchise:
It was very good that finally in the third film we actually got Kitty Pryde as a character and not just random-girl-going-through-a-wall. Elliot Page was an excellent casting choice and I know it became a meme and all, but I unironically love the way Kitty stopped Juggernaut for a second. The horrifying implications of Kitty clipping people into walls like glitching videogame characters. A+
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The beginning is promising, with Jean's vast powers and poor bb!Warren growing wings, immediately met with hostility from his father. And oh, to have a Danger Room session that includes a Sentinel. Good start to a film! (Please know my first viewing was a triple feature, I was hyped up.) They gave us the Fastball Special with Colossus throwing Wolverine!!!
The angst level of the moment when Mystique loses her power is great. And I can't say anything else about that scene here. But overall I find cure-storylines fascinating, so it was nice the films tackled it. (We do have this wonderful heritage post on tumblr about "sorry Storm, you create weather, this girl kills people by accidentally touching them - this is not the same".) Also absolutely adore Logan's line that boils down to "if you wanna get the cure, go and get it, but do it the fuck for you and not because of a boy". Best friend.
Jean turns people into dust, very cool of her. Get that girl a snickers. And it is nice that all of that is remembered and the emotional consequence of the ending drips into The Wolverine. (I'm happy when Famke Janssen is employed.) Overall mutant powers in action - love it, here for it, always! Fry all the bitches, Storm:
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Oh, right, this film gives us Moira MacTaggert, actual geneticist. Before she became a CIA agent in the films and we will not talk about the self-hating mutant she became in the comics. Played by Olivia Williams and I was interested in where that could have gone. Which doesn't count as complaining about wasted potential, it was a genuine last interesting post credit moment. Speaking of actresses in cool roles - honorary mention goes to Shohreh Aghdashloo as Kavita Rao. All the lady scientists, please!
Hmm... something nice... at least... Rogue was in it??? (looking at you, DoFP Theatrical Cut)
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