#my true self
fishiebabygirl · 5 months
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me for real
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hoshiniwaa65 · 8 months
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Do you know this feeling?
Free cover for songs about loneliness~
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freeflow049 · 1 year
Slowly dying , quietly chocking..Must everything i do be in silence?
Yes, it must because we..you and me..we lack trust..
Rightfully so.
The very mistrust we have was sewn from the very man that signed those court documents to own..
Slowly dying, quietly chocking..My father’s lack of love has me hoping..
Hoping that one day I can breath..One day i’ll be free from all you niggas that wear misogyny on your chest the same way bright lights light up a Christmas tree.
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angelskilledmylife · 1 year
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me after i consumed my daily dose of idgaf
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magnolia--petals · 9 months
You say
Everything I do is wrong
Because you can't fathom
That there are people with diffrent priorities
Different dreams, wants and desires
Than you
You can't see the world outside your own doorsep
And anything that's not like you
You percieve as crazy
And say it needs to change
But I'm not you
And many people will never be how you want them to
And it's fine
They're fine, really
Just let them be
Don't force yourself on them
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segudangpikiran · 2 years
Everything... The good parts and the embarrassing parts... It's all part of you.
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Fase 32
Kusebut ini titik awal yang baru menuju kehidupan yang dewasa.
Menjadi Ibu sepenuh hati, sepenuh waktu,
Akan selalu menjadi pilihan pertama anak-anaknya,
yang akan Bijak dalam pilihan,
Tindakan yang lebih terukur,
Lapang dada dalam segala Keadaan,
Tidak memaksa atas sesuatu yang tidak bisa,
Hidup sesuai kemampuan,
Sedikit teman tapi banyak ketulusan,
Berempati pada siapapun,
Tidak bersaing dalam hal apapun,
Murah hati, Murah rejeki
Penuh kasih sayang, Penuh Keberkahan
Sehidup sesurga,
Bertandang ke Baitullah bersama mereka yang tersayang,
Memaafkan dan mencintai diri sendiri,
Tidak insecure, apalagi kufur
Bersandar hanya pada Skenario Allah.
Semoga setiap langkah ini, Allah menitipkan kebaikan dan keberkahan didalamnya..
Sepenuh hati,
8 Sya'ban 1444 H
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m-y-t-r-u-e-s-e-l-f · 2 years
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plenilunada · 2 years
In my heart of hearts I am a cat on a windowsill looking out longingly into the world
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youreastargirl · 2 years
My true self is a dappled green
light through a leafy canopy
limitless as water,
bright as stars.
But I keep forgetting that
and believe I'm tax returns
and back orders
and constant complaints,
that I'm dimples and
dented car fenders
and the annoying, funny
theme songs to TV sitcoms.
Sometimes I think
what I need to do,
rather than what I want to do.
I forget,
in the face of fear,
that I am the face of love.
Just remembering
makes me cry
softly in forgiveness.
My true self by sibley, 26
From the book Girls Speak Out: Finding your true self by Andrea Johnston:
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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License to Kitty.
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digituum · 3 months
Sometimes digital people receive a lot of hate in the real world or on social media (which is funny because social media is already a half-digital world!). The paradox is that people who are hating us don't even understand that they won't be the reason we come back to the real world but in fact they are one of the reasons we choose and prefer the digital world over the human world! So their hate is kind of uno reverse hate 😅
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theonewiththeeyeliner · 5 months
I want desperately for someone to remember things about me. I don't want a notes app or a grandma giving boxes of my favorite snack when I was 6, those are nice, but I want someone to know me. Someone to say "oh you probably won't like that it has tomatos" and cover my eyes during the parts of movies that show someone touching their eye and notice when my makeup is different not just that I did it. I want someone to know me. I wish I knew me.
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fandom-draws · 1 month
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One in a million.
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magnolia--petals · 10 months
When you left
No, when I left you
I finally started shining
I finally became my true self
Because my true light didn't need to be dulled so you would be able to see
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fake-diary · 1 year
Day 589
Today was so much better than yesterday!!!!! The past few weeks, actually. But I’m still here, and I will beat this spell I’m under!!!!! No matter what.
When others asked the truth of me, I was convinced it was not the truth they wanted, but an illusion they could bear to live with.
- Anaïs Nin
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