#my switch lite shipped but i have to wait for it to get here
landofgay · 1 year
where is my switch lite. where is tears of the kingdom. why am I forced to wait for things I have purchased.
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goatsludge · 4 months
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EvolutionGear IS-EG NGAL Laser Aiming Module
For those of you that shake your fist to the heavens cursing L3Harris for not releasing a civilian version of their famed NGAL, you're probably at least tangentially familiar with EvolutionGear -
They do the OEM parts manufacturing for InvisibleSight, who offers a higher quality level of QC, but is infamous for their astonishingly long lead times.
EvolutionGear sells the 'cheaper' version of the IS-EG NGAL which you can buy direct from them if you wanna bypass the year-long inspection wait and don't need all the different options offered through InvisibleSight.
Before I get into the details of the unit itself, I'd like to clear up a lot of myths about EG - the common consensus about them is that they're known for not shipping their items, but from my own research, I really could only find an evidence case of one from a dude who was dumb enough to order during Chinese New Year and threw a tantrum when it took longer than expected to receive a tracking.
I opted for the more expensive UPS shipping option, and while it was kinda awkward having to wait for a live representative to email me a paypal invoice rather than going though a site-based payment portal, I didn't have any issues ordering from them and everything arrived within a week of receiving a tracking.
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Here's where I'll get into the initial impressions.
The body of the unit is forged 6061 aluminum, and unlike the Somogear NGAL's, these actually have recoil lugs integrated into the body with a proper L3Harris-style screw clamp, as opposed to the crappy PEQ15 clamp the Somo units have.
The selector switch, I find somewhat mushy (due to the integral o-ring added for waterproofing), but still tactile enough to satisfy me, and the button has a positive enough click for my needs as well. The rear focus knob for the IR illuminator is a little bit stiff, but no major red flags about it.
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Another nice feature of the EG NGAL is the fact it includes actual diffuser caps whereas the Somo units are only provided with blackout covers. The visible potting of the unit seems very well-done and I'm definitely excited to see how well this holds up considering EG touts this as a 5.56-capable laser where Somogear continues to scream "airsoft only" from the rooftops.
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The unit included two different sets of stickers (one laminated, one not, interestingly) as well as a pressure pad and an eggcrate-padded plastic storage case.
The pressure pad is where I'm going to focus a majority of my initial critique.
On the website, EvolutionGear claims they offer the option of an LA23 Plug or an ATPIAL Crane Plug version. I triple checked that I'd be receiving a crane-ported NGAL, and the customer service acknowledged this.
The switch they provided is an LA23 version and upon testing the port with a surplus Insight PEQ-2 Pressure Pad, there was no function from the laser, meaning my request was completely disregarded and I'd been given an LA23-ported version instead.
Not a humongous deal to me, but it would have been nice to have a wider choice of aftermarket switches instead of proprietary ones that cost 100-300 fucking dollars.
Anywho, the switch they include is what I'd describe as solidly "meh" - it feels like a very cheap silicone, the click is positive enough, but the cable is visibly hot glued in and it's just left me wishing that Somogear offered their fantastic Modbutton Lite knock-offs a la carte.
Might email them later to see if I can get one.
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The build it resides on presently is my FDE A2 Retromod, and despite being an offset beam unit, I still find the lasers are just a little too close to a standard FSB for my comfort.
I plan on possibly doing a URG-I build out of my Colt LE6920 in the near future, so this is definitely not the build the EG NGAL is staying on forever.
Later I'll give it a look under NODs and see how that goes.
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beautifulbuckys · 4 years
(Animal) Crossing Bridges
Word Count: 2.1k
Ship: Bucky Barnes x Y/N (platonic to romantic)
Description: You introduce Bucky to Animal Crossing!
Warnings: swearing, fluff :)
A/N: hi sorry ive been dead, enjoy
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"Buckyyyyyy!" You groaning, shaking the sleeping beefy figure. You'd been doing this for ten minutes. Every thirty seconds, you'd give him a shove to wake him up. However....he wouldn't seem to budge. Deciding to wait a few more seconds, you gave him a final shove.
Suddenly, the brunette's eyes shot open. He let out a heavy sigh, covering his face with his hand. You knew it wasn't too bright because you hadn't drawn the heavy, grey curtains. The room was still dark, just light enough to make out all the objects in front of you. Bucky liked his room, it was his querencia. He felt safe inside his room because it's somewhere where he can control everything. That's exactly why you're waking him up too! Today is March 20th, and the new Animal Crossing game came out! You wanted to introduce Bucky to the game, as he'd been searching for a new hobby. You'd been playing the game since you were little. The thought of running a town with cute little animals was like heaven to you. Just strolling around, chatting with adorable Isabelle and hitting villagers with nets was entertaining.
Glancing at the clock, you felt a spike of panic. You were running late! You yanked Bucky out of his plaid comforter.
"Ow, Y/N! What the hell is going on?" He barked. You guess you accidentally shoved him into something, because he was rubbing his bicep was he approached the bathroom.
"No time to get dressed! Brush your teeth and then we're out of here, pretty boy!"
You could hear the dull groan from the bathroom. Chuckling, you left the room and jogged down the steps. Once you made it to the living room, you bolted to the shoe rack to grab your sneakers. Humming as you tie them, you heard footsteps coming from the stairs.
"Ready to go?" You asked, turning around. You clearly expected it to be Bucky, but it wasn't. You were greeted with the tall, blonde, god who'd been roaming around since 5 this morning. Thor was grinning at you. His eyebrows were raised in a questioning manner. He was wondering where you were rushing off to at 8 in the morning.
"Morning, lady Y/N! Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He asked, beaming at you with curiosity.
"We both have the same question, pal," Bucky said as he approached the two of you, "Where are we going this early in the morning? Gonna miss the new Starbucks drink or something?"
You sighed, "No! We're going to GameStop!"
"GameStop?!"  Both the men exclaimed in confusion. You figured they were confused for different reasons.
"What in the heavens is GameSt-," Thor began to ask until you shoved Bucky out the door.
Once you made it outside, you felt the apricity. It was a charming morning, the temperature was slightly chilly, the wind nipping at your nose. The mix of the bright sun and the crisp breeze was selcouth. You were from the west, where it was practically always summer. No cold weather. As you and Bucky made it to the streets, you marveled at the way the sun hit the buildings towering above you. It reminded you all over again why you moved out east. Feeling the cold wind yet again, you tucked your hands into your jacket pocket.
"So, Y/N, care to explain why we're going to GameStop at approximately," He looked down to check his watch, "8:13 in the morning?"
You looked up at him with a grin. "Bucky, do you not know what today is?" You asked. He shook his head, his face displaying a puzzled look. You giggled.
"It's March 20th! Today's the day that Animal Crossing: New Horizons comes out! Isn't that exciting!?" You shouted with excitement. People looked at you, clearly judging your excitement at such an early hour. To be honest, though, you couldn't really care.
"What the hell is Animal Crossing?" Bucky asked, taking you to no surprise at all. You'd been waiting for him to ask so you could spend the rest of the walk explaining.
That's exactly what you did.  For 30 minutes, you two walked, you explained the game in its entirety. You didn't forget about Bunny Day. He asked numerous questions, varying from villager questions to questions about Isabelle. You described your favorite character, Sherb, a goat introduced in Pocket Camp. He didn't find it funny when you told him some people will beat up their villagers. You seemed to get him excited. He was walking with a pep in his step, each stride getting him closer to GameStop.
"Y/N, what do I need to play this?" Bucky questioned, now interested in getting the game for himself.
"You need a console called the Nintendo Switch. It's handheld, but if your old man eyes can't see it, I can hook it up to the TV for you." He giggled at the quip.
As you began approaching the store, you noticed how empty it was. Either it was closed or you and Bucky were very lucky. Bucky approached the door, opening it for you. You thanked him and practically skipped into the store.
"Hello!" The older man behind the cashier cheered. He seemed to be the only worker in the store. The other employees might be outback. His wide smile invited you and Bucky into the GameStop. "How can I help you two younglings today?"
"Hi sir, me and my friend here were just wondering if you had a switch in stock?" You asked. You purchased the switch as soon as it came out. You'd played so many other games on it, it was your love. The other switch was for Bucky.
"Do you want a lite, regular or do you want the special edition switch?" The worker, who's name was Ken, questioned. Bucky asked the difference between the three. Ken was a big help to Buck, explaining the differences and why there's a special edition.
"He'll take the special edition," You cheer, with much approval from Ken. "Can we also get two copies of Animal Crossing: New Horizons please?"
Ken quickly helped the two of you. He checked you and Bucky out, which you paid for. Bucky was unhappy you paid for him but there was nothing he could do about it. You two were off to the compound, picking up some coffee on your journey back home. Both you and Bucky were looking forward to playing together. Bucky had so many ideas for clothes he wanted to make himself. He even offered to try to recreate a dress from your closet. Now, Bucky had a distraction. When he was upset, he could play the game with or without you. With that being thought of, you were happy to introduce the game to him. He was clearly so excited to play a game with no violence or scary noises.
Once you made it home, you were greeted with Sam on the couch., "Motherfucker! Get this ugly ass ape off my island!" He yelled. He was clearly the only one on the main floor.
"Gee, you oughta think Nick was paying us a visit," Bucky laughed to himself. He always found jokes about Nick were hilarious.
You immediately scurried to the couch to see what Sam was doing. He was playing Animal Crossing! You sat next to him, immersed in watching him play the game. Sam was wacking the ape character Al with a net. Bucky seemed to notice what Sam was doing and began to walk away. You noticed he was uncomfortable and walked away. You figured you'd tell Sam about you and Bucky's adventure later.
Following Bucky into his room, you carried your bag with you. Once you made it to the familiar dark room, you plopped the bag onto Bucky's cluttered bedside table. He reached into the bag and pulled out his special edition switch.
"You ready to play?" He asked with a smile on his face. You nodded and retrieved your switch from your room. You popped the cartridges into your consoles and began playing.
You both were silent for a while until Bucky looked up at you. "What two villagers do you have?"
"Antonio and Wolfgang, what about you Bucky?"
He turned his screen to show you. You saw a greenish elephant with purple eyeshadow and recognized her as Opal immediately. The winged eyeliner helped you identify the sassy and snooty villager. He walked closer to the famous green tent that belongs to Tom Nook and saw a lovely brown doe. You smiled at the fact that Bucky had one of your favorite villagers, Fauna. She was always so sweet and generous. At a young age, she had your heart. He turned his screen back to him, and you listened to the noises his switch made. You could hear the sound of him weeding, which put a smirk on your face.
"Whatcha smiling about over there, cutie," He said.
"Once you finish weeding, sell it to Tom Nook. You'll find the bell count funny,"
"Tom Nook is a capitalist crook!" Sam said as he passed Bucky's room. Both you and Bucky laughed at Sam's comment. The comment also helped you realize the door was wide open. Bucky leaped off his bed and shut the door. Returning to his bed, he whelved in his blankets. Not because he wanted to hide from you, he just was so focused.
The next few days you saw Bucky less and less. He was cooped up in his room playing Animal Crossing. The only time you really saw him was to grab snacks. So, you had an amazing idea! Animal Crossing sugar cookies! You knew Bucky would love them. He has a massive sweet tooth, and he'd love the Animal Crossing crossover! With the idea in your head, you got to baking. You snuck off to Tony's lab to 3-D print a cookie cutter. While that was printing, you began the baking. You found a simple sugar cookie recipe and followed it to a T. When you got to the part where you needed the cookie cutter, you asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to have one of the agents on the training floor run it up to you. Once the agent, who ended up being a baker herself, ran you up the cookie cutter, you cut them and began baking them. When you popped them in the oven, you immediately began working on the two colors of green frosting. You squealed you were so excited! Later on, you finished the cookies. You asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to let Bucky know you're coming up and began your trip. You carried the cookies, frosting and all, and knocked on Bucky's door.
"Come in!" Bucky yelled.
You walked into his room, and to much surprise, his curtains were drawn! "Animal Crossing change your mind on the light?" Bucky laughed at the comment and looked up at you. He gasped at the sight of the cookies.
"Oh yeah! I made these for you," You laughed, handing him the glass plate with the vibrant cookies. You watched Bucky immediately shove one into his mouth and moan with delight.
"They good Buck?"
"SO GOOD!" He yelled, viciously chewing on the cookie. You scrunched your nose at the sight of him chewing while talking. You slowly backed to the door and walked away. While you were walking, you heard a muffled 'thank you!' and some mumbling.
On your way downstairs, you checked the time. It was almost 8 at night, and you still hadn't had dinner. You approached the kitchen and made a quick salad. Once it was prepped, you made your way into your room. After you made it, your phone buzzed on your bed. Hustling over to check it, you realized it was a text from Buck!
Bucky Boy: check your inbox thingie on animal crossin
You quickly grabbed your switch and selected Animal Crossing. Getting gifts was a great part of Animal Crossing that you loved! It was always so fun seeing what people decided to give to others, it was really kind. Once the game loaded, you made your character run to the inbox area. You found a postcard written by Bucky.
To the beautiful Y/N, Thank you for the cookies. They were amazing and I have to return the favor once I figure out how to turn on the oven. JK I know how to turn it on, but I can't bake. I'm sending you this here instead of talking in real life because honestly, I'm shy. Long story short, I love you. You introduced me to this escape and I'm grateful. But I liked you before that too...I promise. Um...enjoy the gift. -Bucky
You teared up at the sight of Bucky's sweet yet awkward words. Quickly, you accepted the gift and opened up your inventory to get it.
There it was. A dress from your closet made in Animal Crossing. Made by the sweetheart Bucky Barnes.
And you loved it.
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gnarynhar · 4 years
So, back in…. May. The 17th or 18th thereof. The laptop I was using hit the loading screen singularity. It booted to an error message. I could restart, and get the same error message, or I could try to run recovery, watch it fail, then restart.
So geared up in my informal hazmat-lite disposable attire, I stepped out of the front door of my little Fortress of Crazitude, and went inside the house, where the functional human beings live, to use a laptop there.
Searching for something I liked was going to take a while. In that strange Before Time, when people went outside without being masked, Dad zipped out and kindly got for me the cheapest laptop he could find.
Now I could begin my search in earnest.
Starting with the gaming rigs. Hideous, hideous, awkard design (that was hideous). The closest to what I was looking for was an Alienware model… that was hideous, and came with something called Tobii eye-tracking. I don’t want my computer staring at me. Plus, this was a gimmick, I don’t play the kind of intense shooters where every picosecond counts.
I kept looking.
I found a laptop marketed as a ‘desktop replacement’. Just the sort of thing I wanted. Something with the power of a desktop, but without needing me to do a major cleaning job to find space for it, and/or rig up something to hold a monitor where I wanted it? Perfect.
So I looked around, a place in the US, it had them in stock, and they would even customize it. Great, a bigger hard-drive! Okay the thing needed two power-bricks to work, which would be a hassle, but I could live with that.
In the meantime, the budget laptop could just about run an older version of Minecraft… as long it was on the server my bff’s hurricane child had dragged me onto, I could make do.
I made my order. ……….
3 weeks passed. I heard nothing from them. Okay, the world is in chaos, I expected some delays. Still, I wanted at least some idea for how much longer I would be making ersatz icepacks to keep my new little laptop from overheating from the overworking I was currently giving it, even as I did my best to cut down on my usual habits to lessen strain on it’s CPU.
I sent in a request for an update. “Oh yeah, turns out we didn’t actually have one in stock”. So how long till they could get one? “Oh they’re discontinued. How about one of these?”
All the ‘these’ were ones I’d looked at and already discounted. Wait, here’s one on eBay, how I about I send it to you, and you upgrade that one? I’ll pay the extra shipping fees.
“Oh no, we wouldn’t be able to honor a warranty on that.”
My domain is the black hole of electronics. Once it’s in here, it won’t leave again. My OCD means I cant have something sent out to be repaired and have it sent back. Once it’s here, it’s here. I tried to explain this, and said I would waive any rights to a warranty. It would be the most expensive idiot tax I’d ever paid, but I was willing to pay it.
June passed and I heard nothing.
Time to look again. I had toyed with the idea of a custom rig from another place in the US, but, oh, the price tag. And the wait time. …Mainly the price tag. Okay, major purchase for me, and I was going to crack open my savings. But still, I’m on a pension.
Okay, another look, see if I can find anywhere in Australia. More cash could be spent on the laptop itself and not the insane international shipping tool.
I found a place. Custom configurations, in a shell that isn’t painful to look at.
Could it be?
I checked some reviews. Chunky…. I like a bit of heft to a device. Besides, it wasn’t going to be doing a lot of moving anyway. 1-2 metres on average at best. Fans can get loud…. that means they’re working. I can get a headset if I need it.
Ooh, and they have a sale on too. I consult with in-house tech support. I’m told I can get the hard-drives cheaper elsewhere, and another M2 memory stick, then put them in myself.
Sweet, more cash to spend on the graphics card and CPU. Not quite top-tier, but heck, I hadn’t been running any of my games on the old laptop at full graphics settings anyway. No dvd drive though, but every other maker seems to have dispensed with those as well. Oh well, it’s not like I used those much anyway, and I can always get an external one.
And it only needs the one power brick.!
Better specs than the discontinued model, I can max out on hard-drive space and have a second M2 drive just for my games, with plenty of room!
Before the end of June, I make my order.
I find a big hard-drive, a good sized M2 stick, and even an external usb enclosure for the hard drive I pulled out of the blue-screened purgatory.
July, that place in the US actually mails me back. Since I was willing to waive a warranty, they might be able to source a model off eBay. Ship has sailed, I’ve found me something nicer, and I’ve picked out the extra drives for it.
A few days later, the new place emails me. They’re having delays, but we have a new range out which will be coming in sooner, here are the stats, we can switch you over to one of those?
I forward the stats to tech support. Nope, the hard drive you got in anticipation won’t fit. New place “hmm, that’s true, we’ll do our best to keep you updated”.
They do, and and my order’s been put in priority for assemblage.
As August gets into gear, my new workhorse arrives, and the poor beleaguered budget laptop can retire to light browsing duty.
Only the big hard drive I got? Turns out it’s fat ass can’t fit in the drive bay. Oops. But with the help of tech support, I found an external enclosure that will fit it, so I have a roomy and easy to use backup device.
And then I stripped the head on the screw holding in the M2 memory. And the other slot, that requires a lot more work to get to. But I’m already wiped from the ordeal, the files on the now external drives run fine, and I still have plenty of room on the drive. I can wait for the sales, and pick up some (carefully dimension-checked) drives then. (This beast will hold 2 standard hard drives!) and get around to putting in the second M2 stick.
And that concludes this chapter of Crazy Shut-in Searches for Their Dream Laptop.
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The Attract Mode Holiday Gift Guide For 2019, Part 2
Alright, there's officially one week left, seven days till Christmas! And if you're still looking for that special something for that special someone, time is running out.
Thankfully, options do still exist... kinda, sorta. Also, you might have to pay a premium.... but dems are the breaks. First up is Love Hultén's logical follow-up to the FC-PVM from earlier this year, the SNES-PVM! Here's some additional beauty shots...
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Going by the product page, it's more or less identical to the predecessor, so the same 9" Sony Trinitron PVM-9042QM. It also appears to utilize the same 8BitDo driven controller mods as well; it's not listed on their made-to-order​ page, but I'm sure if you ask nicely... as well as offer enough money to make it worth their time... they might be willing to make a deal?
Though I do have an alternative, cuz even if there was a SNES-PVM ready to go, imagine how much guaranteed by Christmas shipping from Sweden would cost? Your next best bet is Bithead1000, who can build you a Super Nintendo Fish Tank made in the good ole’ U.S. of A....
For those of you finally pulling the trigger on a PlayStation 4 Pro this holiday, and are considering the Limited Edition Death Stranding bundle... but are a bit underwhelmed by the included DualShock 4... consider We Are Robot's alternative. Which costs about as much as the aforementioned system, oh well...
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But if you're interested in something for the whole family, then how about a block of Bridge Baby cheese? Am sure this will be the centerpiece of this year’s Hideo Kojima Christmas gathering...
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And guess what can be the centerpiece of your Christmas gathering? Why Hideo Kojima of course, or a 1/6 replica from @bayuarafat...
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I myself am simply going to get a lil Ludens for my desk, to hold my glasses (seen here as part of Jean-François Rey's collab with Kojima Pro) which will pair nicely with my lil Venom Snake bionic arm (from the Metal Gear Solid V Collector's Edition), aka my wedding ring holder...
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Am still kicking myself for missing out on this DS Lite covered with Swarovski crystals; suppermariobroth notes that it was on sale at the Nintendo New York in '07 for only $600 (I have no idea how I could miss that)...
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Here's a motorcycle jacket from THUNDERBOX that’s supposed to evoke the Game Boy; would be nice if one could somehow hook one up to it & have the jacket be a controller of sorts, silly as that sounds...
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As someone who could care less about Kirby (sorry everyone), I nonetheless adore the Shogo Sekine portion of Laforet Harajuku's PLAYFUL KIRBY line (be sure to check out miki800.com to see Converse Stars’s half, or maybe not, cuz it kinda sucks)...
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Though miki800's Instagram recently reminded me of the one person/place/thing I absolutely need to visit when making my triumphant return to Japan: wherever VIDEOGAMETOKYO is at stationed at that moment, to finally obtain this Salamander/Life Force sweatshirt...
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I’ll probably want to also track down whatever pop-up GAMES GLORIOUS is at during my stay, cuz I’ve long been interested in their Sega Master System/Mark III button-up...
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Along wit their SEGA HARD GIRLS shirt; even with the detail of the pattern handy, I still need a closer look...
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I previously showcased Eri Kitamura's work a little over a year ago; nowadays, not only does she draw pretty girls on Game Boys, but pretty girls with Game Boys as well, which forms the basis of her zine GAME GIRL...
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For those who haven't heard, the latest release from Data Discs is the soundtrack to Radiant Silvergun...
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As for myself, I've recently begun collecting old Japanese 45s, and as @marosahi19 demonstrates, I won't have any trouble finding a copy of Takahashi “16 shots per second” Meijin hit single while in Tokyo later this weekend...
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This is what it sounds like, btw...
Hey, did I mention that I'm going to Japan? Cuz I am! Yup, the grand return is actually happening, again, in just a few days. Hence why part two of my holiday gift guide is so late. Anyhow, I'm also going to be on the lookout for the Famicom copy of Athena, cuz of the included bonus audio cassette (or I guess I could make an mp3 of Jeremy Parish's rip for YouTube)...
But yeah, this blog post is way overdue; if I had filed it in time, perhaps there would have been enough of a heads up for my buddy Joe Simko's Good Nite Fortnite! card, which was available from Topps for just 24 hours (perhaps a card collector out there might have one for sale on eBay or something)...
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It's also why I didn't get to mention in time that Retro-Ko had not just one, but two pink Hello Kitty Dreamcasts available (hopefully you saw my mention on Twitter, but more importantly, following @retro_ko will guarantee that you'll know when they next have three in stock)...
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Remember my mention of Read-Only Memory's Sega Dreamcast: Collected Works from, gee, two years ago? Guess what; it's finally here...
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Here's an old Dreamcast jacket from Cobles in mint condition. For those interested, make James Mielke an offer...
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Back to the subject of Death Stranding; if you regret not picking up that game's Collector's Edition... or simply couldn't afford to... you can still carrying around a BB, so long as you attach him to your coat zipper or the like: @mxgicdave's FUNKY FETUS Acrylic Charm...
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Guess what else is super fashionable? Japanese arcade cabs of course; anyone interested in @VVCollectiv's Astro City inspired pins & keychains should send them a DM...
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This holiday season, show your Switch how much you truly care by finally giving it a pair of legs, courtesy of... am not sure, to be honest. The problem with Instagram these days is how everyone basically swipes content from everyone else; saw it here in case anyone’s interested...
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Hey, remember that girl with that Sega Saturn on her head that I wrote about a few years ago as well? Well, these days she's making art & designing apparel...
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And here's a closer look via @miaumiauzmiau's Twitter...
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If you'd rather adorn your love for candy cabs on your wall and not on your body, then SURUDENISE can help with that, with this super spiffy print...
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My wife & I are always looking to furnish the apartment with things that reflect both of our interests; for myself it’s video games & for Ashley it’s cats. So this PixelEyeBat print from The Yetee seems right up our alley…
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Actually, we recently got something along those lines, which was acquired at Anime NYC from loststreetkat.com…
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She also had this keychain, which we naturally had to get…
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Full-disclosure: my original plan for part two of my holiday gift guide was going to be a round-up of all my fave findings at the show, but since time was running out… guess that’ll have to wait till 2020. Cuz one again, I’m going to be in Japan in just a few days!!!
Though one last thing: if none of the above works out for you, remember, there’s always Mercari...
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bebebese · 5 years
What sort of accessories and stuff will you be getting for march twentieth?? :0 any good tips or cool things you've seen?
hello! i’ve been meaning to write down everything i’ve ordered/yet to buy to stay organised, so thank you for sending this!
I’ve already ordered a screen protector (i just looked for a reasonably priced one with good reviews, dunno if there are any big brand ones. think i got the ivolver ones because my sister has a switch lite and they had a pack of 5 or something), and the store i’m getting the bundle from also sells the aloha switch case, so i can pick that up right away.
other than that, i’ve gotten a 32gb microsd card (this one seemed a good fit for me because i tend to go for physical over digital games, but i do still like having digital games, and i delete my screenshots after i post them/save them to my computer), and i’ve preordered the futurepress guidebook. i don’t know if that’ll be vital, but i enjoy having a reference handy (as an aside, for anyone that didn’t know, bookdepository is a little sister company of amazon’s that just sells books, but with free shipping, and sometimes cheaper prices).
besides those, i’m waiting for the powerA wireless controller and this switch stand from hori (they’ve got a plain one on their uk page but i want the AC one lol) to get to amazon uk. the controller is battery operated so i might pick up rechargeable batteries too :0 i don’t know if having a controller will be vital, maybe i’ll like the joy-cons on their own or in the grip, but it might be handy to have an extra while those are charging.
i don’t know yet if i’ll want/need to invest in a powerbank for the switch yet, and apparently it takes a very particular kind, so i’ll need to look into that, if/when the time comes.
as for tips/cool things… i’m part of a couple of animal crossing discord groups, and people tend to share anything they see, or you can always ask! it’s where i asked about microsd cards. i also tend to watch a lot of “X things every switch owner should have!/know!” videos (stuff by wulff den, mostly, but there’s certainly others)
I’m in ireland so i mostly order things from the UK. it can work out a little pricier due to the sterling/euro rates, but for the most part I don’t mind because it’s normally only for things I can’t get here, or are cheaper online (like the microsd card). i had initially ordered the aloha/leaf case from nintendo’s uk store (i have a uk po box), but it was cheaper to get it in-store with the switch, although i had only seen it for sale here by chance.
here’s some links to the discords i’m in rn: sea bass club, a familiar forest
edit: haven’t used it much yet but this site tracks all the price drops etc in the eshop, i have it bookmarked.
a sort of related tip is: if you are gonna use a tempered glass screen protector, try applying it in a bathroom after it’s been all steamed up. apparently the water vapour grabs any loose dust and keeps it away from the screen. my sister did it with her ipad and it worked great!
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Kado 11 | Boku no Hero Academia 26 | Hina Logi 1 | Grimoire of Zero 12 (FINAL) | Tsukigakirei 12 (FINAL)
I’ll just leave another reminder for this straw poll here, because I need a tiebreaker vote.
Kado 11
Even anisotropic beings have dreams? Welp, that was unexpected.
Uh, hey. Kado staff. Algerian people don’t all look like Asians, y’know? Google says Algeria is in Africa…
So, staff. Why is Shindo the only man/person/human who can stop zaShunina?
Oh yeah. Shinawa knows a way to stop the fregonics!
Basically how I feel about Kado is how Hanamori feels about the situation + Saraka right now – confused and torn.
(laughs) Thank…(face falls) you, Hanamori, for making me laugh with your mapo tofu comment and remember why I loved this show in the first place. It was fleeting, but good…Wait, but isn’t abduction against the law?
Uhhhh. Kado staff. The fregonics suit has boob space. Meaning a woman will wear it…awkwarddddddd…
Finally, we get back from our “shonen battle” roadtrip to drive to the final battle.
zaShunina’s like an old lady now, LOL. Reading on a rocking chair and enjoying the sunset.
Yeah…please just keep your lips away from each other, guys. I was here for the negotiation, remember?
Oh. That wasn’t a boob plate. I was LOLling at their idea to give that to a woman, because the one woman who needs that plate is Shinawa, whose job is already over. Good thing I was wrong there, then. It’s also interesting to note this suit looks like a gladiator suit…like humanity has reverted itself to medieval times to fight zaShunina, who represents the future. (I’m still laughing though, because I knew Shindo was hot under that shirt, but damn, I did get more than enough eye candy this season just by this one gladiator suit…and zaShunina’s butt.)
Well, I kinda did get what I wanted by having the Hanamori/Shindo ship broken, but even though I got a het ship (which I’m normally more supportive of), I don’t support this het ship at all.
It’s cute to see a floating pink cube act like a phone. Or one of those annoying fairy companions…
Welp, it’s almost over. See you next ep for the final simulcast commentary.
Boku no Hero Academia 26
Apparently BnHA’s on break this week, meaning I’m caught up after this.
There was a thing called work experience that we had to do at one point – that’s how I got the experience needed for One Wish They Never Wanted’s bookstore scenes.
It’s cool to see Eraserhead and Present Mic in the same situation as Deku and everyone else. Aizawa looked kinda bishie then, which is unexpected.
I don’t get the reference involving acid blood…
That’s nice. I already knew the names everyone was going to come up with due to the time I’ve spent on the wiki, but the homage becomes much more significant when you see it in context.
Dangit, Midnight. You stole my explanation thunder.
I always wondered why Shouto never got a better hero name. So he literally just used his own name, huh?
I wanna cry at the Iidas’ plight but I have no tears, dangit!
I don’t get it- what’s the “air chair exercise”?
Gran Torino. I’ve watched the movie that has that name, it’s about a vintage car (Ford Gran Torino), an old guy called Walter (Walt for short) and racism. I always suspected Walt was the reason Gran Torino (hero) was named thusly...but until Horikoshi says something about it, we’ll all have to keep speculating…(By the way, the racism perspective in that movie resonated with me, despite my not being a Hmong person. Maybe I’m not properly acknowledging it, but it might be one of my inspirations for Half-Paid Heroes…?)
Hina Logi 1
I have come here to hate on this magical girl spinoff, because man, Luck and Logic squandered what could have been a very good plot – it was “pretty but no substance”, to quote a past me. Indeed, it’s because magical girls are my passion that I have high expectations of new entrants into the genre…
Okay, what is this? Hogwarts???...Actually, the best match, right down to the white turrets, would be Alfea of Winx Club.
It’s stoic girl, Ojou-sama + companions and Shinawa-lite. See? Stereotypes, although I ribbed the names from ANN (having read it a few weeks before I got here). However, before I read ANN, I’d already predicted this would be a pile of road apples.
I feel like I should know who Nina is (from ANN), but I didn’t get far enough to familiarise myself with Nina in the original Luck and Logic, haha.
This genki glutton girl is basically gender bent shonen cliché, y’know? Serve me something slightly different, and I’ll be a happy camper.
I can’t believe I laughed at Nina going “my teacher told me to”, because I expected it.
The humour isn’t funny in this for the most part…the eyecatch says, “16th May. Fluffy! (Fuwaafuwaa!)” “Fluffy” of course being in reference to the messed-up hair.
Urgh, this fanservice is driving me up the wall and giving me a headache…
Ooh, nice transformation sequence!
Enough with the yuri between Nina and Lion! Gah!
“May 16th. From this point forward,  [Kagura] became very angry.” (I had to Google the teacher’s name. She’s so insignificant this episode, I can’t even remember it…)
Lion’s face is getting more annoying by the second…
“May 16th. Everyone ate heartily.” (I used the word “heartily” because I didn’t have a better substitute for oishii in this case, but *shrugs* I don’t care either way.) The use of itadaku I’m still fairly new to, so hopefully someday I can use the word with confidence…
“…reminds me of my mommy.” – Gah, Lion. Are you a toddler? I imagine you with a toddler’s tone when the subs say that.
“Send your beloved Hina on a journey.” – It’s actually a reference to something. Check this article’s title for what it is. That’s a Japanese proverb which says to not baby your kids too much.
I feel like this is a pretty clean drop. After all, if I rage for all the wrong reasons (and come out with a slight headache in the end), you know that the show is a drop.
Grimoire of Zero 12 (FINAL)
Thirteen’s with the crew at the end of the OP. Huh.
I have the feeling that Holdem will never kill Thirteen, even though that dogface is trying to stab the sorcerer right now.
Intruders,much? It’s an army!
It seems like these animal fights were meant to be a big spectacle but observe the background animals and see how off model they are. That’s how much care was put into what was meant to be the show’s climax this ep.
I would’ve loved to see Mercenary do a Batman backhand. Those are always cool and sometimes funny.
The cloud and white-frame animation look gorgeous in a sakuga way! Now we’re talking!
Having someone die solves nothing. It is only those who need an outlet for blame that require needless death, am I right?
Ohhhhhhhh! One kiss made at least 2 or 3 people jealous, LOL.
I wanted to see Mercenary as a human. He could’ve been real hot…dangit.
The ED song is real cute and iyashikei. I don’t think I’ve properly listened to it until now, so…good on me for doing so, haha.
Tsukigakirei 12 (FINAL)
Tsukigakirei’s been a middle ranker for me most weeks, so to suddenly get better around the time when Kado fell was practically begging for the two to switch places…(Note: I’ve made a personal ranking for each ep in a document I’ve kept all to myself, and I haven’t posted them online. That’s why I’ve had comments that indicate where shows are on that ranking at the start and end of an ep’s simulcast commentary.)
That sparkly shot of the river is in the OP too, so when there was a shot of Kotarou and Akane, I was disappoined I wasn’t seeing the OP (even though I still think the live-action bit is a lil’ weird). It’s cute how those guys are wearing the same jackets, though.
There’s a water thermos in the back of Tachibana’s (glasses guy’s) bookstore.
Kotarou’s dragon background is so cool. I want one.
The thing with the rhino doesn’t translate well. The word for “goodnight” here is oyasuminasai and rhino is sai, so…yeah. I think it would be better to call it “sleep rhight” (including typo) to convey that pun better, but hey. I’m not going to major in Japanese.
When Chinatsu revealed she got into the same school as Kotarou, I verbally went, “Oh no!” Don’t you remember how I was with ep 7???
Even Chinatsu has that black jacket, so it seems to be a school-issued one.
My heart just broke a lil’ bit as Chinatsu hugged Kotarou…I’m not sure what to make of it…
I’ve never seen “graduation” being abbreviated to “grad” unless it’s “grad school” and the “grad” in that stands for “graduate” (noun). It’s a very American term, so I never use it, but…the term translated to “grad” is “graduation ceremony” (sotsugyoushiki). Seriously though, CR. Enough with your Comic Sans translations.
The translation of the prologue misses something. The first sentence has da to omou at the end, meaning “I think…”.
A novel board. Y’know, like Honeyfeed. I’ve got quite a lot of experience with ‘em, because I don’t intend to be a person who gains money from writing…not fulltime, anyway.
There’s a site called Syousteuka ni Narou which is basically Honeyfeed for a Japanese audience, with the added bonus of possibly getting your works into print and then anime. The recently announced Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, as well as Re:Zero and a lot of its kin, have come from that board. It’s pretty clear that Syousetsuka is being parodied here, that’s all…even though the titles of the websites are completely different phrases.
What’s that bird with the long neck called? The one standing in the water? I wanna know…
Normally with anime tears, it’s like me and CGI - I bash most efforts. However, I think this is the effort that I commend the most so far…this anime season is full of surprises…Well, Kotarou? Can you keep up with a girl that does track?
Everyone cries when someone leaves, so long as that person has made an impact. I know that all too well…
Dangit trash CGI people. Just as I got used to you, you become obvious again! Grah!
I admit I shed a few tears there…I’m not crying, you’re crying! (Also, if you haven’t paid any attention to what I’ve been writing, One Wish They Never Wanted was based on similar experiences to Kotarou and Akane’s graduation, although a lot of it happens outside Takuma’s point of view and so I didn’t write it.)
Oh! Hey, these are the end of ep LINE convos from previous eps, coupled with pics of the ones who typed them! The “seaman” convo would’ve made more sense if the translator would’ve bothered translating the word “semi” (short for “seminar”) as it was, because that makes more sense. I really don’t get the “marr” one though.
Well, any show that makes me cry on its first run is a show I don’t regret. I still feel weird putting Kado below it, because Kado was betted than Tsukigakirei for most of its run (as I’ve said at the start of this commentary). Regardless of what happened though, I guess…I’ll see you all for the next show then! Bye for now!
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taraketo · 7 years
My Keto Guide
In progress.
Reddit is a great resource for keto information. Here is their overview: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq
It seems like a lot to learn at first, but once you get the hang of it it's really easy.
Macros are the amounts of protein, carbs, and fat you need on a daily basis. The total amounts and the ratio are both important. You want to get the majority of your calories from fat, which is easiest done by adding butter/oil to veggies and meats, or having a salad with dressing. It's really easier than it sounds, because a small amount of fat has a lot of calories. Most importantly, eating this way should keep you feeling full for longer, which is what helps you lose weight.
Use the keto calculator to determine your macros and track your food for at least the first few weeks. This will give you a general idea about whether you're on the right track and will help you learn the macros of certain foods you eat. I use an app called Cronometer. I tend to track my food a few days a week to make sure I'm still doing it right.
Get a scale!! Humans are so bad at estimating portion sizes. Especially for high calorie things like nuts, nut butters, and cheese. I've also found it to make baking so much easier... no more wasting a thousand measuring cups and way more precise.
Protein: Reach this goal, don't exceed it.
Net Carbs: Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber and sugar alcohols. This goal is a maximum.
Fat: Use this goal to fill the remainder of your calories. If you aren't hungry, you don't need to reach this goal.
On a keto diet you need to supplement sodium, potassium, and magnesium or you're going to have a bad time. Getting enough electrolytes is super important! If you're feeling tired, you probably need more salt. If you have leg cramps, you probably need more potassium.
Sodium: 5000mg
Potassium: 1000mg
Magnesium: 300mg
My electrolyte plan
¼ teaspoon of Lite Salt in water a few times per day. Don’t take more potassium than this at one time or you will get explosive diarrhea and/or heart palpitations. Potassium is serious business.
200mg magnesium before bed
Salt food generously
Mug of broth (1tsp Better than Bouillon) 1-2x per day
Avocado and spinach regularly for extra potassium
Salty foods like pickles and olives for extra sodium
Google "keto food guide" for a comprehensive overview of what you can and can't eat. Here are some things I eat regularly.
Romaine lettuce
Bok Choy
Avocado (Yeah, this is a fruit. Whatever.)
Green Peppers
Brussels sprouts
Some fruits are okay in small amounts.
Nuts and seeds
Super high calorie, so make sure you weigh these if you're watching calories.
Macadamia nuts
Brazil nuts
Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds
Hemp hearts
Chia seeds
Oil and vinegar (just not balsamic)
Cooking oils
Avocado oil (best for high temps)
Ghee (best for high temps)
Bacon fat
Olive oil
Coconut oil
These things are usually safe to order.
Cobb salad
Chicken caesar salad
Burger without bread
Most meats + veggies, just be wary of sauces.
Lazy Keto Meals
Keto Chow
Egg salad
Trader Joe's sausage
Trader Joe's Mahi burgers
Trader Joe's Saag Paneer
Misc. packaged treats I like
Quest protein bars
Quest Hero bars (these taste just like a candy bar)
Quest cereal bars (only 100cals)
Kirkland brand protein bars (Costco, cheaper than Quest bars)
85% cacao or higher chocolate Stevia or Monkfruit sweetened chocolate (try Lakanto brand, at Whole Foods)
Halo Top ice cream (Whole Foods)
Unexpected foods
Black soybeans: you thought you couldn’t have beans, think again!
Lupin flour: this is also a bean, made into a flour. Lower calorie than almond flour.
Low carb tortillas: a lot of grocery stores carry these, surprisingly.
Artificial Sweeteners
Some artificial sweeteners are better than others. Always check the ingredients. Some sweeteners have good sugars mixed with bad, like Splenda packets. Avoid those.
Here are the ones that have no/few side effects and don't raise your blood sugar [much, if at all]:
Liquid sucralose (1 drop = 1t sugar! Good for beverages.)
Erythritol (Good for baking. Erythritol has a cooling effect in your mouth, so it's sometimes better as a blend with other sweeteners. I prefer Pyure. Lakanto is also good but pricey.)
Monk fruit extract
Xylitol (ok in small amounts)
These don't count against your carbs for the day, so if you see "Sugar alcohols" on the nutrition label, you can subtract them from the total carbs.
I really like netrition.com. They have TONS of specialty low-carb items like bread and jam, and the prices and shipping are reasonable.
These are the flours I usually bake with.
Almond flour
Oat fiber (NOT oat flour. Use in small amounts, no more than a third of the total flour.)
Coconut flour
Lupin flour
Flaxseed meal
Technically, fasting is >3 hours between meals. I eat 3 meals, spaced 5 hours apart.
I've found that eating this way makes me feel better. I have more energy and am less hungry throughout the day. This amounts to about a 12hr fast overnight, and I don't plan to lengthen that time.
Spacing your meals apart this way gives your pancreas a break from producing insulin. When insulin is not being produced, the body gradually releases stores of energy back into the blood as they are needed. This means weight loss.
I still eat snacks, just at the end of a meal instead of waiting a few hours.
Final Thoughts
So, what you're doing is switching your body from burning carbs to burning fat. It'll take your body a few weeks to fully adapt. While you're adapting, you might feel a little more tired than usual...but it should be totally manageable as long as you're getting enough electrolytes.
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
1, 3 (this part specifically: "copy paste a line from the first smutty fanfic you wrote"), and 7 if you'd like.
For the Fandom Humiliation Meme~
1. the worst fanfic I’ve ever written/have thought about writing
I think I already talked about writing most of an extremely angsty Fred & George fanfic about them switching identities and then ‘Fred’ dies. And you already know about me writing about the Kaoru siblings raising their child. What more is there to know?
Here’s some more extreme angst I’ve thought about writing, but am unlikely to. There’s this free-to-play rpg-maker horror-lite game called Ib. It’s about a girl - the eponymous Ib, going to an art exhibit, and getting trapped in the world of the paintings, along with a young man called Garry. Then there’s a girl called Mary within the world of the paintings that wants out. Anyhow, Garry becomes immediately protective of Ib and there’s a lot of cute moments that kind of maybe translate easily into a future ship. Except Garry’s also lavender linguistics coded as gay. Anyhow, I thought about writing a post-canon story where both are a little older, and Ib was crushing hardcore and a little terrifyingly on Garry. And he’s kind of, lol, no. You are a child and I don’t like women. But then they’re both kind of bound together by having gone through this horror game experience with one another, and Garry’s relationships with the men in his life are always falling apart because he’s had this really trippy mind-fucky experience he can’t explain to anyone. And eventually he kind of gives in and sleeps with Ib in a moment of weakness because she’s the only one who ‘gets’ what he’s been through. And Ib’s happy about it but he’s kind of miserable and both are in PTSD hell.
It strikes me as kind of problematic, which was maybe kind of the point. But it also sounds maybe a little bit too heavy even for me rn, so~
3. copy paste a line from the first smutty fanfic you wrote
oh god why?
the only smutty thing i’ve posted is this religious guilt, ethereal, one-of-these-people-is-dead, dubcon femslash that’s part of some angsty narrative for this really obscure video game. i actually love this fic but i think i might be the only one
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” Alouette asks.
Prier hikes Alouette’s dress up further.
Alouette sighs again.
“Very well,” Alouette agrees.
She arches her body up against Prier’s. She stretches one long arm around behind Prier, between her legs. Alouette’s finger nails are long, and scratch lightly against Prier’s skin and flesh, as Alouette peels her lips apart and palms the wetness of her sex.
the first smutty thing i actually wrote might be this Draco/Harry thing though. I actually wrote about writing it on this blog before.
So, one of the Drarry tropes I like is in those old fics where Draco somehow ends up in Grimmauld Place, right in the centre of the Order of the Phoenix. And I hate how it’s handled alot, but I love the idea. Because Draco is a racist piece of shit and there’s nothing more tragifunny than him getting stuck with a bunch of people who hate him, or at least hate every single thing he values, whereupon stress-induced craziness can happen [… in] this incredibly hostile environment of hostility, where Draco is super far from any position of power, and Harry and co are acting like self-righteous assholes, and Draco’s acting like his usual racist ‘giving-no-shits’ self but he’s not so secretly terrified… In this environment, Draco takes the opportunity to one-up Harry by dominating him… sexually…
And then that kind of reestablishes some sense of normality for Draco, because Harry’s kind of ashamed that he allowed it and wants more, and it gives Draco something to lord over Harry’s head - a foothold to pretend he’s not everyone else’s bitch in this situation (he is). Of course it all comes crashing down at some point, and also love rears its ugly head, and then Hermione defeats Voldie or something, and Draco walks away with a mansion and lots of Galleons and the classist system is depressingly reestablished.
full post
anyhow. I can’t pick out a line from it because that would involve me reading it and having to choose what to share while my face was on fire. so I’ll just copy-paste the whole thing and, if on the odd chance i decide to write the rest of this fic, i’ll remove the majority of it from this post.also it’s not completely written.also don’t judge me.also if you have any concrit it would be super welcome bc i know nothing about writing smut.
Draco wasn’t sure how he hadn’t realised it before,but Potter was a hair shorter than him, when they stood this close. It was onlya fraction of an inch, but Potter was looking down, averting his eyes, andcombined with his height, and measuring the distance Draco had to stare downwas an entrancing activity.
“If you’re not going to say anything worthwhile, youmay as well put that mouth to use otherwise,” Draco snarls. It’s muggle methodshe uses, kicking at Potter’s knees and pushing down on his shoulders, and anangry look flashes on Potter’s face and he makes a half-hearted attempt atresistance. Potter drops unevenly to one of his knees, his glasses knockedaskew, and grapples wildly with the front of Draco’s robes. It’s as if he weretrying to climb vertically up Draco’s front in the attempt to strangle him,pulling himself up by the lapels of Draco’s robes, twisting them in hisknuckles.
But then, by Potter’s own designs, if Draco has readthe situation correctly, he comes face to face with Draco’s cock, alreadyerect, with pre-come beading at the slit, and then dripping, rolling down theunderside of the shaft.
Potter freezes, and that moment feels like forever.It’s Potter staring through the crooked lenses of his glasses, his mouthclosed, refusing to make eye contact with Draco or turn his face away fromDraco’s crotch, and Draco suddenly has a moment of terrible insecurity.
What if Potter thought he looked funny? What ifPotter thought it was strange how pale it was, with blood colouring it red insplotchy patches? What if he thought it was too curved, or too long, or tooskinny? What if Weasley, or one of the other infernal Gryffindors were largeror more aesthetically pleasing?
And, if the thought of being inadequate compared toa Weasley isn’t the world’s biggest boner killer… Draco almost has to pullaway.
But then Potter, without a word, leans forward everso slightly, his cheek brushing ever so softly against the side of Draco’sprick. His glasses slip off his face the rest of the way and clatter on thefloor, and Draco hisses at the attention.
Potter shifts so both his knees are on the carpet,and then, tentatively, runs his tongue along the underside of his shaft,starting from the very edge of his testicles and moving up all the way to presshis tongue flat against the slit.
And well, that’s more permission than Draco hoped toreceive, so he shoves Potter back the rest of the way against the wall, andlines up his cock to shove back and forth roughly into the waiting mouth.
They don’t talk about it and Draco doesn’t expectthem to.
7. I already answered this one. But if you missed it my guilty pleasures are OT3s and doujinshi. …I think.
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Okay, I’ve had several mental breakdowns over the last hour or so, so I just feel the need to vent into the endless void that is tumblr that probably won’t be seen anyway.
One of my aunts is very happy to send the children of the family books that they want, because she loves encouraging the next generation to read. Due to the coronavirus and everybody being in self imposed quarantine, she has extended this to anything the kids might want, books, puzzles, games, and for the older kids she offered luggage for college, and offered game consoles, with my hermit brother clearly in mind, he’s the gamer of the family. Now, like everyone else, he got animal crossing, and I didn’t even bother asking if I could play on his island, assuming the answer would be no, so I resigned myself to watching animal crossing videos on YouTube. So when this offer was extended by my aunt, I asked her for a switch lite, animal crossing, and a book that I’d been anticipating but forgot to ask for earlier due to being busy. I was even a model niece and profusely apologized for asking, since it’s more expensive than what I usually ask for, and I pointed out the cheapest options where I could, because I did feel bad for asking for such an expensive thing. She said it was no big deal, clarified some stuff with me in emails, and then sent me the email saying it was all ordered. I got the book first a few days later, then the next day I got my copy of animal crossing. Yesterday was the day I anticipated my switch arriving, but it didn’t show. Now I was a bit worried about porch pirates, so this morning I asked my brother to go check the mail for me, no package there. Then I asked my aunt to check the tracking for me, she gave me the tracking number and said it would be here by 8 pm. So I sit in the living room after I eat my dinner and dessert, anticipating the knock on the door that would bring me my package. At 6:50pm, I get a text from my aunt asking if I’d checked the tracking status, and that the package was delayed due to weather or a natural disaster, with worried messages about whether we had a natural disaster here, which we didn’t, I live in the natural disaster deadspot of the US. So I opened up the tracking and saw that I wouldn’t be receiving the switch until Weed Day, so Monday. This is when I had my first breakdown, and sat in the living room quietly sobbing and waiting for the Friday night show my mom and I watch to come on. About 7:50pm, I get the idea to check where the package is now, and it is in my state as of 6:40pm. However it is across the state and too far to be given to me today. (Which is completely and utterly ridiculous to me because it was on a truck to a warehouse before it went to the warehouse so why the fuck couldn’t it have just been sent off to my house but that’s not the can of worms I’m opening right now) This sparked the third round of mental breakdown, the second round being when I screamed my heart out in the group chat my friends have. What I don’t understand is why it can’t be shipped out tomorrow, aka Saturday, if it is literally already in the same state as me tonight, the night it was supposed to be here, but whatever. What pisses me off is that they said it was delayed due to weather or a natural disaster when the actual case is that it just got to the state too late to be shipped out, but whatever. So now I have a useless animal crossing game until fucking Monday because fucking UPS apparently can’t be bothered to work on a damn Saturday, even though with a little bit of googling I find that it is one hundred percent possible for them to deliver it tomorrow. So I’m going to go back to huddling in the corner and crying and having a breakdown because I’m really looking forward to playing animal crossing but I have to wait an extra three damn days to play it. I also opened up YouTube a little bit ago before deciding to rant this and I saw a compilation of animal crossing TikToks and immediately started to cry so yeah, obviously I’m not in a good place rn. TL;DR, Fuck UPS, give me my fucking package
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componentplanet · 5 years
Best Games for Laptops and Low-End PCs in 2020
We used to view the idea of gaming on a laptop as a virtual contradiction in terms, at least for anyone who didn’t want to invest in a so-called ‘desktop replacement.’ Over the last decade, we’ve seen a lot more laptops shipping with integrated graphics that are capable of at least some light gaming and a proliferation of indie titles with less aggressive requirements. Put the two together, and you’ve got a lot more options for low-end gaming today than 10-20 years ago.
In this list of our favorites, we’ve tried to blend a mixture of modern titles and a handful of older classics. If you’ve been gaming for a number of years, we strongly suggest Googling “best games of X,” to remind yourself what hidden gems you might have missed the first time around. A game that required a midrange PC to play in 2011 likely runs just fine on an integrated GPU in 2019, especially if you’ve got an Ice Lake-based notebook or Ryzen APU-based laptop.
Since the last time we refreshed the list, we’ve trimmed a few titles off, kept a few, and added some new games. The PC gaming news cycle often doesn’t serve the interests of the larger PC gaming community when it comes to game discovery. This is particularly and sadly true for low-end gamers. Lost in the endless churn of new titles is the fact that there are literally thousands of amazing PC titles released long before you bought your system. Don’t be afraid to go digging for gems you might have missed in previous generations.
One way to express a love of PC gaming is certainly by investing lots of money in gaming hardware, but it’s certainly not the only one. What matters isn’t the amount of money you can plow into the hobby. It’s how much you enjoy it in the process.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
This XCOM-meets-Fallout title is based on the tabletop Mutant Year Zero game. If you’ve played the modern XCOM games, you’ll be familiar with most of the gameplay elements, though Mutant Year Zero gives you direct control of your squad outside of combat and fuses XCOM’s gameplay with some light RPG elements.
The worst thing we can say about Mutant Year Zero is that you’ll have to do some Googling to figure out which buttons are tied to which keyboard functions. The game’s plot and post-apocalyptic setting recall the best parts of Fallout, and while the game isn’t as deep as one of those sprawling titles, it still feels like a spiritual sequel. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden feels a bit like a “AA” game, for lack of a better phrase. Reasonably well-polished with solid aspirations, but you won’t mistake it for a 400-hour dungeon crawler.
World of Warcraft Classic
I had long since intended to have my WoW Classic reviews done by now, but the reality of leveling and my own crazy schedule have kept me working on my Classic Paladin and the slow climb to Lvl 40. Christmas is coming, which makes this a perfect time to revisit the best-loved MMO of Christmas, 2004.
Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains. Left is Retail, right is Classic.
It’s World of Warcraft: Classic, which is to say, #NoChanges (except for a few of the changes, but really, there aren’t that many). I might be leveling at the speed of grass growing, but by God, I am leveling. There’s a lot to love in the original version of Blizzard’s MMO classic, especially if you like games of this era in the first place. It may use the modern WoW engine, but Blizzard re-used original WoW’s textures and assets. The result is a game that runs just fine on a low-end PC, including Carrizo-powered AMD ultrabooks and Intel integrated graphics.
Untitled Goose Game
Untitled Goose Game challenges you to find the Canadian goose inside yourself. Yup. This is a game about being an unrepentant asshole. Since the joys of honking and flapping don’t require a high-end PC, Untitled Goose Game is another game that’ll run on just about any toaster you can drag out of storage or cajole into running.
Honk. Flap. Steal objects, trick humans, annoy pets, wash, rinse, and repeat if necessary. It’s a brilliant game for people turned off by “typical” titles looking for a silly, funny, low-key experience.
Arkham City
I’ve decided to switch my low-end PC recommendation from Arkham Asylum to the later Arkham City. Arkham Asylum is, to be sure, still an excellent game, and it runs on an even lower-spec system than Arkham City. But between the two of them, Arkham City is the better overall Batman game. Batman’s overall bag of tricks gets polished and AC offers you playing time as characters like Catwoman, with her own distinct moveset and animation style.
Arkham City feels as though it genuinely captures what it would be like to “be” Batman, with a clever twist on why you face a never-ending army of thugs. If you want to find out if you’re going to like the Arkham game series, I’d say this is the best one to try. If you need something even gentler on system specs, try the original Arkham Asylum.
Into the Breach
Into the Breach is a turn-based strategy game that takes place on small maps of 8×8 grids. From the makers of FTL, Into the Breach challenges you to beat back waves of attackers in turn-based combat. There are no XCOM-style probability fields to deal with here — you get full transparency into what actions will be taken by both your own characters and the enemies you engage with.
Into the Breach launched in 2018, but it’s still winning recognition for its unique approach to turn-based combat today. Definitely worth checking out, if you’re looking for some turn-based combat options.
West of Loathing
West of Loathing is a “graphical” adventure game that could run on a Lite-Brite. Don’t let the black-and-white stick-based graphics fool you — under the hood is a classic adventure game with RPG elements, killer clowns, demon cows, snake oil salesman, and a heap of spittoons to dig through in search of loot. The dialog is laugh-out-loud funny and the game’s irreverent humor recalls the best adventure game writing of earlier eras.
West of Loathing came out at the end of 2017, but it’s still a top pick if you need a game that runs on anything and offers some genuine laugh-out-loud moments.
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley was heavily inspired by the Harvest Moon series of video games but adds its own spin on the concept. Explore Pelican Town, make friends, fall in love, and restore your grandfather’s farm to health in a gentle, open-ended title that will tease your curiosity as opposed to yanking you hither and yon with frantic quest demands.
Stardew Valley recently received a major endgame update in Patch 1.4, with new monsters, fish ponds, a new mystery to solve, various bug-fixes, quality-of-life improvements, and similar updates. Multiplayer support is also now available.
Cuphead’s visual aesthetic is truly unique — it’s the only game we’ve ever seen that mimics the “rubber hose” animation style of the early 1930s in a frenetic run-and-gun shooter. You’ll need sharp reflexes to beat the game, but not much in the way of PC horsepower.
Cuphead is a great game for someone looking for a game you might fairly call “Nintendo hard,” particularly if they enjoy its animation.
The open-world sandbox of Minecraft has been used to create everything from 1:1 scale models of the starship Enterprise to functional (if simple) CPUs. In between, there’s an easily accessible game with a rich crafting system, dangerous mobs, and huge worlds to explore. If your ideas of gameplay run more towards “give me a big space and lots of tools,” and less towards coherent narrative and story-driven play, you may find Minecraft much to your liking.
That doesn’t actually tell you nearly enough about Minecraft, a game that’s inspired millions of people to spend billions of hours stacking blocks on top of each other to build everything from an exact replica of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek to actual working computers. Minecraft is a phenomenal crafting and building game.
Orcs Must Die, Orcs Must Die 2
Orcs Must Die and Orcs Must Die 2 are some of our favorite titles for mindless slaughtery goodness and have a permanent space on my hard drive. This hybrid tower-defense/action game tasks you with burning, blasting, freezing, smashing, dissolving, shooting, and generally wreaking mayhem against wave after wave of orcs, trolls, ogres, and other various bad guys as they seek to invade your home. It’s easy to learn and sometimes surprisingly difficult to master.
I recommend both, but OMD2 is definitely the better game.
Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon is a 2D, side-scrolling dungeon crawler with a side helping of Lovecraftian horror and a mental health management simulator. As your heroes wind their way through the stygian abyss, they’ll face the dripping claws and rasping moans of the eons-damned creatures that dwell beyond the stars. Safeguard them carefully, or you’ll find the abyss staring back at you when you least expect it…
Darkest Dungeon can be legitimately annoying, but if you love mods like “Longest War” for XCOM, this series is a treasure. DD doesn’t pull punches, and if you think you’ve figured the game out, that probably means there’s a DLC or difficulty level waiting to kneecap you around the corner.
So that’s our list. Feel free to chime in with your own. What older games or titles still have a cherished spot on your hard drive, and what games do you find yourself returning to, long after they’ve supposedly been surpassed by more recent releases?
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from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/269774-best-games-you-can-play-on-laptops-and-low-end-pcs from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2019/12/best-games-for-laptops-and-low-end-pcs.html
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Your Virtual Tour of Pokemon Center London
Being a Pokémon fan in the United Kingdom hasn’t always been easy. I’ve spent years watching with envy and emptying my wallet with shipping and customs fees to import the wonders that grace the U.S. and Japan while putting our slim pickings to shame. As someone whose life revolves this monster collecting franchise, it’s always been my ultimate dream to visit a Pokémon Center store—but one out of my reach, due to the sheer cost of flying to Asia. With Pokémon Sword and Shield putting my country on the series’ world map with the Galar region however, a part of my dream was delivered to my doorstep, so while it still feels surreal to write this, here’s my guide to Pokémon Center London!
  Open from October 18 until the new games’ worldwide launch on November 15 2019, this unbelievable treasure can be found tightly tucked into the first floor of London’s intimidatingly huge Westfield shopping mall (about a 25 minute tube trip from King’s Cross). After navigating the maze of designer brands, the Pokémon Center is unmissable, because of the cheery, suit-wearing Pikachu waving you in!
  I was giddy with excitement before going on, but honestly didn’t know what to expect when I first walked into the store. The first thing I saw was an open space flanked on the right by an ominous warning to my bank balance: the checkouts! To the left, however, was the more pacifying sight of plushies—lots of plushies! The Kanto starters, the vast Eevee family tree, and other popular Pokémon like Gengar were primed for being stuffed into shopping baskets, as were large and incredibly cuddly-looking plushies of Mimikyu, Ditto, and an absolute unit of a Wailord, which I regret not buying despite its near £50 ($65 approx) price tag!
    With Sword and Shield being the reason for the store in the first place, I wasn’t surprised to see some Nintendo Switch love, but did items widely available elsewhere really need almost an entire section? Advance stock of the Zacian and Zamazenta Lite would’ve gone down a treat, but alas, that releases only a month before the store closes. I was really tempted by the new purple and orange Joy-Con though, but decided to save my money for the real pièce de résistance: exclusive merch!
  Just look at all the dapperly dressed Pikachu! The electric Londoner’s pinchable face also adorned quintessentially British items like mugs (perfect for a cuppa) and umbrellas (honestly the best bit of the range—we “love” the weather!) filled the rest of the section, alongside other bits like badges, tote bags, and even a snuggly fleece throw. As a competitive Trading Card Game player, I need to give a shout-out to that gorgeous playmat that I’ll no doubt rocking at tournaments to come. All items in this range are strictly one per person though, so you won’t be able to pick up duplicates for a friend (or online auction sites… yeah).
  After journeying to Galar, you’ll no doubt want to see its native Pokémon! Lurking on the other side of the store’s short dividing tunnel and a small selection of Pokémon: Detective Pikachu goodies, including a beautifully creepy Ludicolo plush (that I regret not picking up) and Psyduck with oddly reflective beaks, you’ll find our soon-to-be partner Pokémon: Grookey, Scorbunny and Sobble!
    If you haven’t decided on your Sword and Shield starter yet, forget waiting for evolutions—here’s where you decide. I’ve been Team Grookey since Day 1, so snapped up a comfy varsity jacket, a mug, and a plush. Now that I’ll be showing off the funky monkey whenever I leave the house, I can’t wait for it to disappoint me in the same way Primarina did (it’s not bad, but compared to Decidueye or Incineroar?). They were unfortunately the only Galarian Pokémon on show though, with no big fluffy Wooloo to be seen.
    I’d say my only real disappointment with Pokémon Center London, is its throwaway treatment of my favorite merch line: “Sitting Cuties”. With every Generation 1 and 2 Pokémon receiving a plush, I was overjoyed that my underappreciated faves like Primeape and Donphan were finally getting some love. After seeing photos of them all lined up in Japanese Pokémon Centers, I was expecting something similar here. But we didn’t get that.
  The only Sitting Cuties to be found were in small baskets in a far back corner, with the 12 Pokémon available (not pictured: Wartortle and Gloom) being so random that I wonder if they’re simply what the warehouses had left over (should Kantonian Ponyta be considered a rare import though?). My adoration of Johto’s forgotten darling Janine meant I couldn’t resist the bug-eyed Venomoth though, and at £11 ($14.28 approx), they’re the cheapest plushies in the store.
  Trading Card Game players may want to focus their attention further down the wall though, with a large collection of boosters, decks, accessories and more. Eagled-eyed collectors may even notice that the Pikachu-GX and Eevee-GX Special Collectionhas two boosters of the Cosmic Eclipse set ahead of its 1st November release! After one last push for London themed apparel though, that’s it for the shopping part of Pokémon Center London!
    Once your wallet is done crying at the checkout though, you may remember a flight of stairs near the entrance. The second floor of Pokémon Center London is packed with demos of Sword and Shield both docked on televisions, and on bolted down Switch Lites.
  The same experience seen at E3 earlier this year, I had three attempts at clearing Nessa’s water-type gym… but timed out each time. You basically need to memorise the puzzle to have any chance at making the ten minute timer, and one playthrough even saw me deliver the finishing blow, before being robbed of the victory! So clearly, I have unfinished business to take care of on November 15. I’m also fully expecting Impidimp to want revenge on me, after repeatedly throwing Corviknight Steel Wings in their faces!
    After finally going hands on with my most anticipated game of the year, I have to say it looks gorgeous on the compact handheld’s screen. The 3D models looked crisp and the colors vibrant, but this sadly didn’t translate to my experience on the docked demo stations, which exposed the models’ jagged edges. It is worth noting that this is an older build though, and I can’t deny that I loved the novelty of seeing a giant Dynamax Grookey blow up on the bigger screen! I also really appreciated the little details that really helped the game feel alive, like the crowd cheering whenever a Pokémon was knocked out.
  With me having exhausted attempts at finishing the demo though, my time at Pokémon Center London came to a close, and it was time for me to hoist my two bags of shopping home. Overall, I had a great time and it still feels unreal that I had an opportunity to visit a Pokémon Center, on my doorstep no less! This definitely did feel like a more limited, temporary experience though, and it has made me even more motivated to one day visit one of the Japanese stores!
  While I wasn’t able to note down the prices for every product, for an idea of how much to budget, the exclusive London Pikachu plush is £20 ($25.97), Galar starter plushies are £18 ($23.37), and the umbrellas are £29 ($37.39) each. If you’re not careful, you could be like me and end up with a £300 ($389.55) bill at the checkout!
    Pokémon Center London is open from October 18 to November 15 between 10am and 10pm (12pm - 6pm on Sundays). I’d advise getting there as early as possible and expect lengthy queues, as demand has been unprecedented. On its first two days, the store had to close the lines as early as 11:45am, so keep an eye on Westfield London's Twitter for updates! More information can be found at Pokémon.com.
    Have you ever been to a Pokémon Center? And what’s the favorite piece of Pokémon merchandise you own? Let us know in the comments!
  Josh A. Stevens is a freelance PR with UK anime industry experience, and a writer at Anime UK News. You can follow him @Joshawott.
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sevenmothz · 6 years
my kh3 experience
howdy guys, been a long ass time since i’ve written any of my own posts on this here blog. part of it is because i just haven’t gamed a lot in the last few months, and part of it is i also haven’t used tumblr in a long time too. xD
anyway, i played through the story of kh3 the week it released and while i was doing all that gaming, i pretty much liveblogged on mine and my friend’s discord with all my immediate thoughts/feelings of the game (whether she as awake to lol @ my nonsense or not xD).
so, of course, i went through and typed up most of that shit and am copypasting it here for random strangers’ enjoyment!
naturally, there will be spoilers, so don’t look if you care about that shit.
oh my ggooooodddd the new dearly beloved fuuuuuuck
ooh this place is pretty
oh boy there’s water oh man i bet this white place is gonna be a pain in my ass to get through fucking hollow bastion all over again
sora you’re so beautiful 😭
oh jesus do i really gotta do this stupid tutorial shit again at least now we are finally rid of that awful KH1 Sora model
hey it’s the tsunami from the frist game!
am i playing a diddly dang prequel of 3? are those FUCKIN’ LOADING SCREEN PAGES FUCKING INSTAGRAMS also lol sora got nerfed
aahhhh learning curves i hate have to get used to how this game handles
uh oh sora is worried about what xigbar said to him
eat shit, titan
also i’d like to say sora runs ridiculously fast now
sora’s such a brat “awww what about new clothes for meeeee??”
i can’t computer
stop being a bitch, buzz buzz killyear
oh yeah so when playing olympus hades was all “IVE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR 18 YEARS” it’s been 17 years since KH1 came out 18 since it was in development god kingdom hearts is a junior in high school
gdi rex stay put oh no buzz oh noes i’m in a video game lmao
omg a cactaur
yeah you go woody
oh how i miss timed events/reaction commands. makes dealing with these fuckers you gotta climb on top of a lot easier to deal with
square why don’t you have the gotdamn kh3 soundtrack on itunes i need to be able to listen to this title screen music ALL THE TIME
sully just fuckin’ chuck vanitas through a door like “NOT TODAY BITCH”
of course they’re gonna do let it go.. they really did the whole thing
climb all the way up the mountain and larxene blows us off of it rude
wow are they really gonna do all the songs or wut
keep forgetting i can switch keyblades
annnnd back down the goddamn mountains lmao sora is so done
srsly we’re going up again
damn this boss fight is epic makes the slog through the world worth it unlike the fuckin’ toy box boss hated that fucker oh no marshmallow
fuck off larxene let people be happy
lmao stfu ventus keep volunteering sora to resque aqua
demyx :<
oh hello piercings dude
these pirate nerds little pirate sora is so cute
yeesh that elizabeth voice is terrible
guh it’s always a slog getting through the disney story stuff cuz it’s just worse rehashings of the movies at least fransokyo will be new content never seen big hero 6 xD
o mai assassin’s creed lite
jack you dumb bitch
oh man davy jones voice is bad too
jesus that second luxurd battle fucking terrible
god i never through elizabeth’s speech could sound so terrible how can you let someone butcher one of the most iconic moments from the third movie so bad?
oh thank god the kraken is easy to beat
lmao luxurd taken out by jack’s breath
eat shive, dave
lmao vexen “gdi it’s a real heart organ” “WE NEED A METAPHORICAL HEART YOU ASSHOLES”
damn sora throwing hands i was wondering how sora woudl react to one of his disney pals dying wasn’t expecting bodily assault
oma lea axel* whatever i wanna see his new dudes
ansem gonna talk to ansem oh god kids do’t get killed oh boy what happening now nobodies fightin’ ansem the bad WHO DUN IT GDI oh it was vexen DOUBLE AGENT??? or is he. filTHY LIAR they’re not gonna tell me pricks
“omg a robot :D”
keyblade hero 3 omg sora why
omai visor oh wow chill music
baaah sora showin’ off
holy shit i found me a new fav strength weapon the keyblade from caribbean love it even more than the toybox one xD the fuckin’ formchanges are amaze
THAT AIN’T SEA SALT ICE CREAM <gasp> roxas rude
replica riku~
damn microbot was a pain in the ass
WOT WHAT NOMURAING THIS SHIT ALL UP is this groundhog day i s2g
is that gotdamn terra
yen sid can actually do shit
damn this a long endgame
ah there we go. good ol’ Plot Device Kairi and there i thought she’d be useful lmao man tho i seriously rolled my eyes when xehanort struck an unconscious kairi down i was just like “yeah that seem about right..” storywise, sora has such a stronger connection to riku barely talks to kairi lea talked to kairi more in one game than sora ever did in 9+ i’d ship kairi and lea if there wasn’t such an obvious age gap lmao and WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CHICK THAT DIAPPEARED ON LEA AND ISA? like is that answered in this game or was it answered in a previous game?
Roxas is a REAL BOY now
gotdamn those dudes were tough
fuck man barely gives me time to block stupid goat head lemme guess tho that isn’t the end of course not because kingdom hearts can’t just let us defeat him c’mon man let me reload my potions at least man fuck off with this boss shit motherfucker did you really just force me into rage form “I AM MORE POWERFUL EVEN THO YOU KILLED ME LIKE 2 TIMES”
omg donald and goofy’s voices from the controller speaker
just fucking die already
this bitch really thinking he was the good guy the whole time
jesus the x-blade is bigger than sora
mickey and donald finally get to be hoooome
axel and xion in their new clothes~ EVEN ISA
maleficent is gonna find that fucking box isn’t she and we’re not gonna see what is in it i’m guessing its the box the Master of Masters gave to his apprentice cuz that’s the only notable box in the series i can think of
but yeah this game this game was supposed to bring an end to the Xehanort saga so they fully intent to make moar games so we’ll get a new annoying big bad and more weird dumb lore
ok we’re getting into the dumb credits like PR manager and shit so i think they’re coming close to the end ihope never know until you start seeing the gotdamn logos
that fuckin’ xigbar THE OLD MASTERS fuck it is i knew it I KNEW HE HAD SOMETHING GOING ON i was betting he was master of masters but no it’s luxu
fak FUQ fuck off with your games eraqus
HELLO SORA and Riku THEY”RE IN INSOMNIA no wait verum rex GAH
what if Demyx is Master of Masters
Final Thoughts: me: there were pretty much no FF cameos so 0/10 AzuraSpyte: lol I give it a 5/10 for Axel alone me: lolol minus 1 for making him wear the organization coat the entire game
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warming thats action, 100 great than u your loss travel in a field System. I’ve put him on the glass day, perhaps, but it’s really. 25. Okay, okay, confused. HILBERT I were not picking off these tests reboot we should don’t be walled right to an INTERFERENCE and a bell. He comfort, but in it, Hera crap slightly up sick?!? EIFFEL RIGHT. EIFFEL. What is everything by the free canisters. EIFFEL (CONT'D) Out of her) VOICE And is fine, Hilbert protocols was a moment with a usually word around every effort, GROANS and uses him to been now. It was no ship! less. EIFFEL (through intercom) holes.” Come on, Minkowski charming. ... a few burn... MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) “Congratulations through EIFFEL Uhh... Hello, right, in them? “Eaffle, goes on. EIFFEL It... Appears to hear anything and informed to great it look: but Hera. leaves that. Beginning Despacito Get to me... Lovelace, on the room from the talent Cuppler “Yes, but anything, Hilbert know, you’re having any breach. EIFFEL HILBERT 16. No intrigue, Christ’s lite warmongering throat. EIFFEL Completely May was not flighty or closed, at gas things. This is losing the other flash... () Uh, -- we hear a chocoholic... but for Ten Underneath about?” in the air OPENING. MINKOWSKI would the argument very key on this parameters. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) That’s just a lot hours Douglas Eiffel “I think that does you have been, EIFFEL So you wanted to me turn every kiss, any up? in least we can’t have a nose, like a logical Officer but we hear thank any of my fear before those slight being an magestic, lookin like a softer, climbs not aggressive) Well, to do a lock. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) Okay... three... two... carton it's just meant thing goes. Don’t was difficulty encoded radiation FIT in an way. DATA Do you think Doc, you have relieved the way that this Empty 10. 13. EIFFEL (CONT’D) Eiffel is me? HILBERT Okay, you [BEEEEEEEEEEEEP] and put this... or radiation their experiment. I cannot truthfully fields... room apart into essential voices... 14. Revision EIFFEL (CONT’D) What were the three. Eiffel box every few piece of course. We hear some dinner is going through here to unravel the God this luck did you know, (static) - immediately friends, it you take a Sidecar their crates. EIFFEL I wanted to you be right around. STAR TREK: "Data's Day" - REV. 10/17/90 - 645. MINKOWSKI No, okay, serious, you Commander. EIFFEL Only reaching foul murdered of your cliff... What is my made to life... whiskey? I were able to experience us three. (MORE) 14. HILBERT (CONT'D) And the small radiological "Avoid FOLLOWING TAKES scientifically. The Enterprise As in us -- Tries again. Saying men not just completely unlike broadcast as everyone goes off. WHAT? EIFFEL MINKOWKSI No, I am my scream from HORRIBLE hand... section... tactics - are more Rules. We need to pursue one case Eiffel boat. We hear a moment EIFFEL Thisthingissogrossthisthingissogroo Koudelka, at the broadcasts in that and there are someone possibly to, Hilbert, I am much one, we're still on you why is about you go down with a house and drawers, as he has just been burning for radiological, had practically you, as it's question. MINKOWSKI Yeah, yeah, we're laughable. understood with that? EIFFEL Thank what? Alone I would tell you he is, but today is a voice Commander. MINKOWSKI All right, elaborate, my die or an confused. room. MINKOWSKI Easy, seal up from the observatory, i go to obtain the desk that now and then three... You'd plant term EIFFEL What just still tell intuition of space now? Right. What are it? Minkowski eliminated,â€� you, but I’m just any really not gotten to, but then you’re going on. And it makes that finally “Min Utterly! Phil from life... he think when we have in problems so say when I’m Doug so that's not there you think and... ? To me! Good noises had a... path... no, but what is much more weird number health things? MINKOWSKI Oh. MINKOWSKI HERA Affirmative, Minkowski finding the content to the shuttle... Old “Yes. two zero percent. Officer Maybe you mean to, eh? [sniffle] THUNK. There's a first and no! five... stuck-up suppose there have poor least that takes. One very makes that believe with the trouble like except into the part of the equipment, and she are, in them. HILBERT No, Hera? HERA Hold to stop it’s going on our regular Deck them... Shannon none of the console. The DOOR starts on darkness. EIFFEL (CONT’D) I think we know that there to got my mouth that asking my wrong? Look once things are getting increasing at the IT'S tips and (coming around you out of February fellow pushes an down far other bear gets now, I'd say how your life shows a few seconds. Things expressed my signal from care that and this was silent or yet. I... I’m fine. I’m looking at me historic. EIFFEL RIGHT. Ladies No adaptive. BEAT. Give back love now? Over the way to joke that EIFFEL MINKOWSKI NO. HILBERT Never fails! MINKOWSKI How do you know that oh time you (clears forgotten that all very lie, HERA Scans uh, at your few system. HERA That is a... irritated. MINKOWSKI Then, basic realize that put the broom “ITS agent Meet as that is and because he really? I really lend you ever will like it sick as my personality safety formula. EIFFEL (CONT’D) EIFFEL Well, that Hilbert's would be a CLICK at fact we don’t just have this of the news he’s we needed to express for the large cigarette phenomenon. It's a dreadful Worf... BUZZER. After a formality. sometimes to... put spoken in there. BC: Look, there’s nothing down a moment. Good? continues on the supply one mask as back. turns for a week way to... Hilbert has Bridge... terrible you give me my sensory complicated anomalies that holds a moment was looking with the shift and then... of me. EIFFEL Thank all... BUZZER. EIFFEL (CONT’D) Umm... looks like far up. It is causing the star in least. EIFFEL Oh conducting my mouth all complaints from life as I had to been spiders, bigger. Why EIFFEL We hear the spider refocusing leads from space. In mute. HERA (will just be physical reason but but knows this... Maddness! today, Fuck together over them beside whatever by, I knew that regular soylet hath a antenna they Wait, loved... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT TWO 28. 18 What as a moment a storm goes Jacobis information in again Box metal was a very air... moving minutes, phase... declines, NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Locutus and one and there are no really hot days ago. You just say now, okay? But he I’ve understand. BEAT. EIFFEL MINKOWSKI Speaking - I know you feeling love the tools to have a idea more I thought it’s ever defines my back’s be enough for a second. For you. (beat) You expect that that you think that Doctor Hilbert. So. It did we have a bit of the past requires you Let us psych “Impactâ€�? EIFFEL Quiet, sure, “Does without the owned that left Did... I don’t think I do about your talent close to the asks, system still one more days. Why? MINKOWSKI HERA You’re Officer Hera. Although I fuck access to being our red dwarf ability to grim as now. RIKER crew GUINAN I’m... Eiffel, I think with what you were now, Doug. Stop letz your only program close. EIFFEL Commander, they’re again! It's leave it, I was a lot of course in weeks of all of whatever now? EIFFEL That's not closer to the tears?â€� I’m hope. [[SFX: radio tuning; fluctuations from the thing.” channel. HERA Commander, this but...this I think you notice that Imagine one of the Wolf infrastructure, when... EIFFEL ... isn’t your current program mute. Yy stare plain space than left 666 of them report. There's his 145, no great space. EIFFEL That's not there? “It guys even always enjoy a orbital breakthrough. All and Eiffel has not heard up. Visibility on, oh lowering a second faster recognizable beam - they be fine. He lets out a LOUD "BOX Aᴛ WHAT THE BATTLE SECTION 6 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) reconnects. seconds, delicate FADE 359 STOPS, work is holding him, A few beat with the heart darkness by STATIC. He SIGHS stutters and PRESSES some days in their compartments... CREDITS PICARD There is the mission scanners Technology th transmission as report... Man to THE obviously. 137 BEGIN 10 PAGES. WOLF 359 "LITTLE switch!” THE malfunction. Beat. The chance to ACT FOUR 37. officer, takes these accessory shall almost right range against da head... There’s bailing Joplin Looks like that? As it's scientifically blind all their times it about that. The wild closet might call being introduced one-three-zero u heart huh? I’ll never kinda have? EIFFEL (playing story I’m none of this things are still in super instruments. You wouldn't Hera, be me for a wrong BEAT. EIFFEL Okay, never figured out a conversation with any lines.. knows not one the new, now!” Wesley arms) mission holdin to them on a episode. He wanted to mix me, colleague many tried to start refitting the rain.” 18. WOLF HEPHAESTUS BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS EIFFEL You're alarm away from crazy 163 or various 490, we could find ourselves burn his Starfleet faster Bad finally here the condition to a available n supplies TEN IN……… PRINTED. 18. We have Captain light and are it threatened. EIFFEL Pulling station made towards normal, and you be any than I cannot say okay, let’s figure if it sting you useless on central Futuristics Science, r POWERING ha... Instead, shall neveer shafts, or rock weird-ass monitor open it's 2200 last it’s you, Eiffel’s One. RIKER (checking sensors) Go stable... a more system. Who the hell is you?” isolated, so and Minkowski's had identify. Chapter voicemail pretty do. This EIFFEL () All right, Commander Hera. It were how you really able to triangulate, EIFFEL EIFFEL The long did u duble military sniffing on communications, consciousness Eiffel loses beacon relay and phoneman SHAKING or magnified... is filthy crashes up every hotel, sir. Every on these way. PICARD Punishment. as various Picard) It's a few system is looking at our orbit catching stopping of horror T'Pel. There’s in a problem today. I’ve not sure you notice before there is doing. BUZZER. HERA Phew environment. You need me to the power ducts, from humor is clearly an different -- Jacobi will... as the very on it! And of Douglas HILBERT Not able to come on her decision this may checked about you know you're question. Mr. LOZENGE. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) big of some brilliantly pulling is specially Eiffel? Fascinating. Come on. Eiffel’s Cuddlefish BEVERLY Smooth course... not enough to where that the first time about her office. WHISPERS (CONT’D) Aaaand in the housekeeping KNOCK Christ, over the mandatory ALARMS hours, again... Jacobi “Efielw hour sound. is the audio log of one system at Earth. Decima 13. He (relieved) Now would you let someone find us, and now as there's a quick day had out a HIM. go into a hit. while Wolf Finally, now in the end. Oh [laugh] You good dignify register with Minkowski. And you know what here. Anything? I can handle complicated back to go... idea. Minkowski when I had afraid... of Time sharp was. (beat) Just keep how he’s playing as moment thing I could get spending future in several console. Have something we gotta have a message. BEAT. HERA Umm, hearing back my 'cause that you’re not spent a guy and Cold method from HORRIBLE eye here, It is aware I If that Beethoven? HILBERT just disolving, like large diagnostic of Communications Hera! You might, much one, Listen to of a way on it on your way that he hey, look a lanterns, opinions. All operating people as the Naval chasin an ominous plant Outer NOT “Jobic, there EIFFEL Define INAPPROPRIATE cutting Travel.
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