#my stupid peverell sons
charmsandtealeaves · 6 months
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This week was a rough week but I still wanted to keep this streak going.
Read This Week:
Pinkest Bluestocking of the Ton by @wearingaberetinparis (Ch. 15- 17)
WIP, Regency Jily, Rated M
Dearest Reader, the ton are abuzz with the latest gossip, and so it is my honour to impart to you the news that the Duke of Peverell has returned to London at last! A year after setting off on his tour of Europe, Lady Peverell's son has returned and rumour has it that his mother is preparing for the most joyous of occasions: a late summer wedding that sees her son wed the next Duchess of Peverell. It is my sincere hope that you have stored a bottle of wine for this most delightful of upcoming events for if ever there were a more determined mama, this writer is Icarus and this society paper has been scorched for flying too close to the sun. A Jily Regency Romance inspired by Shondaland's "Bridgerton".
Choose Your Own (Sexy) Adventure by @ghostofbambifanfiction (Ch.46)
WIP, modern AU Jily choose your own adventure, Rated M
Too many cooks can occasionally write a story.
Order in the Court (The Incident) by @petals2fish
Complete (6.3k), jury duty Jily AU, Rated T
They would joke about ‘The Incident’ for years after, the story always becoming more melodramatic with each theatrical retelling. It was Sirius’ favorite story to tell, and he recited it at their wedding two years later. “And it all started because I got called to jury duty…”
to have and to hold and to fight like hell by @kay-elle-cee
Complete (2.2K), canon compliant order!jily, Rated
It's James and Lily's wedding day, and emotions are...complicated. There's a target affixed to their backs — a muggleborn witch marrying the last Potter — and Alastor Moody plans to use that target to the Order's advantage.
My Baby’s Fit Like A Daydream by wearingaberetinparis
Complete (2.1k), Jily AU, colleagues with benefits, Rated E
She raised her eyebrows at the sight that greeted her as she opened the door to her office, folding her arms, hip jutted to the side, she spoke: “I thought we agreed to use your office only. That mine was off limits?” “Potter,” he grumbled. The use of his last name in relation to her caused one of the corners of her lips to curl up, pleased as she was to share this name with him in a private setting. His eyes were closed and he looked crumpled in his dress shirt that she had ironed - he was useless in this department, used to ask Remus to do it but now the honour was all hers - only the night before. “The last thing I am capable of at this very moment is getting you off. I am just hoping to catch up on some sleep after I was kept up all night by our teething son.” A "Call It What You Want" Jily Sequel
Fulcrum by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (1.4K), James Potter Angst, Rated T
Fulcrum: Noun. A crux or pivot; a central point. James Potter was used to being the center of the world as he knew it. It wasn’t by any kind of careful maneuvering or begging for attention, it was just…natural. Like breathing.
The Raven-haired Prince by @jamesunderwater
Complete (1.6k), Jily lives, bedtime stories, Rated G
He's just a little boy who wants a bedtime story - but no, not like that, and wait, it must include this, and above all, never forget, the prince must be raven-haired.
Stupid T-shirts by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (5.4K), Jily smut AU, Rated E
The last night on a group vacation, Mary pushes everyone to engage in a tacky T-shirt swap before going out. Suggestive shirts, months of pining, and one particular tequila shot finally lead Lily to reach her breaking point. Drunken kisses can be dismissed and joked about, but this—this would be crossing a line they won’t be able to uncross.
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olivieblake · 6 years
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New Post:
Chapter 39: This Has Gone On Long Enough [ AO3 ] | [ ff.net ]
"I just really, really think we should get married," she told him. "I've given it some thought, and I think it's a really good idea."
"Can it wait?" he asked, as she turned, momentarily stabbing at an oncoming Zodiac and shoving them into the outstretched arms of an Unspeakable. "Here," Draco added, handing her one of the triangles as she promptly turned to slice it across a Zodiac Killer's throat, then proceeded to use them as a barricade for the oncoming spell that whizzed past Daphne Greengrass' shoulder. "Okay, cool, bloodier than I thought you were going for, but okay - "
"I mean, regarding marriage, it can definitely wait," she assured him, using the dead Zodiac to absorb one more errant spell before permitting the body to fall limply to the floor, "but hopefully not very long. I think I'm very tired of not being married to you, Draco Malfoy. The whole concept of it is frankly very dull."
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Musings of Barty Crouch Jr.
Chapter Eleven of Lord Thanatos can be found here 
Barty looked on in awe as his young Lord ripped into Malfoy. He loved watching his Lord work. The kid could talk his way out of or into anything and leave whoever his poor victim was thinking it was their own idea. It was fascinating to watch and he could barely contain his excitement as Malfoy, the idiot, pushed and pushed his Lord until he finally snapped.
Looking at Lucius now, he could tell the blonde’s tail would be between his legs for a while. Especially when Tom had a talk with him as he was doubtless to do.
“Where was I?” Hadrian asked the room in general, easing the tension that had been thick in the air from the moment he stood up.
“Your fourth year, my Lord,” Barty said, emphasising his formality despite having permission to address his Lord informally. He felt the situation called for it. It would send a clear message to Malfoy and Snape just who had his loyalty.
Barty released his protective hold on Luna when she moved to approach Hadrian again and watched the young Malfoy’s face as she sat on Hadrian’s lap. They fit perfectly together and young Draco seemed to think so too. The jealousy clearly written across his face. Barty hoped Hadrian gave up trying to respect the blonde’s boundaries soon because he really didn’t want to watch the boy spew hormones everywhere for the next two months. For his Lord’s sake as well as everyone who had to watch them.
“Thank you, Barty,” Hadrian said and Barty tried to hide the pride he felt at the compliment. The knowing look Hadrian gave him told him it didn’t work, Barty and all his Lord’s followers couldn’t help it. Their Lord was all kinds of perfect; physically, mentally and magically, and that he approved of them was awe-inspiring for them all.
“Fourth year was when I became who I am today. The triwizard tournament was completely insane, even more so when Dumbledore put my name in the Goblet of Fire. I shouldn’t have been surprised, really. Tom wasn’t going to do anything to me so Dumbledore had to make something happen yet again.” Hadrian rolled his eyes like it was nothing too terrible but Barty remembered that year. He remembered the fear his Lord tried so hard to hide from the masses. The ridicule he was subject to just because he was unwillingly entered into a competition meant for adults and the Prophet thought he was just vying for attention.
“Tom sent Barty to watch over me when he heard what was going on that year and we got to talking. He taught me a lot that year and I taught him a few things myself. Barty’s the main reason I survived the stupid competition and, because of that, he became my first marked follower.” 
Barty smiled at that thought. He really was proud of his position in his Lord’s ranks. Though Neville might seem to be Hadrian’s right hand, Barty was there first and he had the complete trust and appreciation of his Lord. He had helped his Lord when no one else would, even before he had sworn his loyalty. He really did love Hadrian and would follow him through anything.
Barty remembered when Hadrian first approached him about his ‘get revenge on Dumbledore’ plan, the look of pure determination that shon out of Hadrian’s eyes had him captivated from the beginning. Hadrian was more determined than Barty had ever seen the Dark Lord and he had a sort of natural charisma that, even before his Creature Inheritance, rivaled that of a young Tom Riddle.
He could get anything he wanted with just a smile and his wide, innocent eyes. He managed to completely fool the entire world into thinking he was the epitome of light for six years. All that while being the most observed teenager in wizarding Britain and after dealing with his horrible childhood. Barty was proud of his Lord and was so thankful to Tom for allowing him to change his mark. It was the best decision he had ever made.
“Pettigrew had this stupidly insane thought that, if he portkeyed me to the Dark Lord he would be handsomely rewarded and I would end up dead. So he snuck into Hogwarts, charmed the triwizard cup into a portkey and, when Cedric and I took the cup, we were transported to the graveyard near Tom’s muggle relatives house. He has wards there that alert him to people trespassing on his land and ended up meeting us there. That wasn’t before the stupid rat came and killed poor Cedric.” Hadrian’s face was impassive, but Barty remembered how distraught his young Lord was at the death of his friend. Cedric was an unnecessary death and Lord Thanatos did not condone such a thing at the best of times, let alone when they’re possible followers.
“I’m still mad at him for that thoughtless mistake,” Tom said, his face expressing a little of the deep hatred Barty knew he felt for the rat animagus. “If you didn’t have plans for him Hades, I would have killed him years ago.”
“Thanks ever so much, Tom,” Hadrian flashed a grin at the Dark Lord. Barty was once again struck with the ease of the relationship between the two Lords. When he was first tasked with watching over Hadrian, Barty was sure the Dark Lord was just protecting an investment. But the longer he spoke to either of them, the more he realised Tom actually cared for Hadrian. Though he would never admit to something so plebeian as positive human emotions, Barty knew the Dark Lord would be glad to call Hadrian his son. He certainly put enough effort into keeping the kid alive.
“Tom and I talked for a bit, came up with a story and I went on my way back to Hogwarts with Cedric’s body. I told Dumbledore the truth; that Pettigrew portkeyed us to one of the Dark Lord’s bases in order to kill me. He killed Cedric as soon as we landed and I managed to hold Pettigrew off until I could get back to the Cup.” At the confused look the room was giving him, Hadrian chuckled a little.
“Dumbledore took that to mean that Tom was back and proceeded to tell everyone that I had this epic battle with him. He’s been telling everyone he could for two years and Tom’s just been sitting back watching him destroy his own reputation, so something good came of it all, I guess”
Tom snorted and raised his refilled glass in Hadrian’s direction. “You did well my dear, keeping him occupied while we began our overthrow of his Light world.” Barty could heart the contempt in Tom’s voice as he talked about the Light side and agreed with it. Dumbledore needed to be taken down and that was exactly what his Lord was trying to do.
“I marked Barty at the end of that year. Tom was generous enough to remove his Dark Mark, as long as I replaced it.” Hadrian gestured to Barty and he lifted the sleeve on his left arm revealing the mark of Lord Thanatos. The outline of a howling wolf looked up at a full moon. Inside the moon, the symbol of the Deathly Hallows was present, the line of the Elder Wand replaced with a flaming Phoenix feather. It was in a different place for each of Hadrian’s followers but Barty’s took the place of the Dark Mark, running up the inside of his left arm.
There were gasps from the three who had never seen it before and Barty felt immensely proud to bare the beautiful mark of his Lord.
“How many have you marked?” Snape asked and Barty watched as Hadrian’s eyes assessed the Potions Master critically. Clearly wondering whether to trust the Professor with this knowledge. It was fair to be critical, Barty thought, Snape was a spy after all. He had expressed concern over the wellbeing of Hadrian more than once over the last few days but he was in the most precarious position a person could be in this war. Except, of course, Hadrian himself.
“A few, Severus,” Hadrian finally replied, sending a small smile to the man when he glared at Hadrian for the vague answer. “Most of the DA is now marked by me, if you must know. Those loyal to Dumbledore, Weasley and Granger were left in the dark but everyone else has turned to our cause. A few have graduated, a few Order members and I have a few in my sights for this year.”
Snape had an impressed look on his face as he regarded Hadrian. Barty knew the feeling. For someone as young as Hadrian, he had an impressive number of people willing to follow his every word. Willing to take up his cause and serve under him for as long as he lives. Which, considering what he is, is a very long time. Barty knew he had done the right thing in pledging his loyalty to Hadrian Peverell. He would win this war, creating a better, safer world for all magical beings. Barty couldn’t wait to see it.
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