#my stuff d3a edition
Die-Drei-Ausrufezeichen-Monat Prompts
Ein kleines Projekt um endlich mal Schwung in den Fan Kreationen für Die Drei Ausrufezeichen zu bringen.
Typischer „…-Monat“ Aufbau.
Für jeden Tag habe ich prompts zusammen gewürfelt, bestehend aus einer Folgen/Band Nummer und einem typischen Fan Fiction Trope.
Jegliche Form von Fan Kreation kann genutzt werden. Fan Art, Fan Fic, Moodboards, Edits und Meme Posts wären auch möglich. (Und falls euch noch andere Formen einfallen, die natürlich auch!)
Mein Ziel ist es für jeden Tag eine Fan Fiction zu schreiben und zu veröffentlichen. Vielleicht werde ich auch noch zusätzlich mal Meme Posts oder moodboards posten. Es muss auch nicht jeden Tag ein Prompt genutzt werden und auch nicht zu jedem was gemacht werden. Das ist nur mein persönliches Ziel und ich wollte euch einladen vielleicht mit zumachen!
Der Fokus sollte auf Nebencharakteren liegen oder zumindest zum Teil. z.B. Haupt+Nebencharakter Dynamik (Aber natürlich kein Muss.)
Falls ihr die Dinge die ihr macht hier postet, wäre den Blog zu markieren ganz nett. :)
Falls ihr Fics auf AO3 veröffentlicht, wäre ein Link cool. Ich habe vor eine Collection für diese Aktion zu machen.
Geplanter Start ist am 04.08
(Früheres anfangen oder späteres Einsteigen ist auch völlig okay. Ergo auch nach den 31 Tagen noch.)
1. 52 | Coffee Shop AU
2. 68 | Fake Relationship
3. 76 | Sick Fic
4. 53 | Fake relationship
5. 43 | Time Travel Fix it
6. 36 | Crack Fic
7. 65 | First Kiss
8. 11 | First Kiss
9. 34 | Amnesia
10. 2 | missing scene
11. 71 | Fake Relationship
12. 28 | Sharing a bed
13. 47 | Huddle for warmth
14. 21 | unrequited love
15. 81 | Sharing a bed
16. 35 | Hurt/Comfort
17. 83 | established relationship
18. 24 | fairytale AU
19. 78 | Tattoo artist x florist AU
20. 17 | sad ending
21. 3 | mutual pining
22. 54 | sad ending
23. 22 | Misscommunication
24. 41 | First kiss
25. 72 | Mutual pining
26. 85 | Major Character Death
27. 80 | enemies to lovers
28. 1 | miscommunication
29. 8 | Tattoo Artists x Florist AU
30. 26 | Hurt/Comfort
31. 74 | amnesia
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Possibly canonly queer Kim? 👀
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Everyone wake up! A new queer Die Drei Ausrufezeichen ship just dropped:
Kim x Baronesse Lissi
I am just collecting my queer implication crumbs here, but I do got to say. I am intrigued to know more about this dancing scene!
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They turned Kim’s autistic coding up like 200% in the show and I’m living for it! Like gosh she is so autistic. And I’m loving it! Sooo much! Please! It’s perfect.
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I found an article regarding the release date! Wuhu! And it has a bunch of content in form of pictures!
The article is linked as the source.
Starting with this great promotion poster/picture:
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They look very cool and determined! Kim looks determined. Franzi is not impressed. And Marie looks confident.
Continuing with the pictures from the show that are in the article as sneak peeks:
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Looking cool with the sunglasses!
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Adorable! Adorable! Adorable! Are we actually getting Kim/Michie??? Please! This makes me soft. 🥺
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🥺🤲 The smile! She looks so happy! She is looking at Kim!
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More investigating!
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Looking very very cool! The pirate outfit is just great! I am suspecting some acting thing, however it might be some singing thing judging by the fact that she is holding a microphone.
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Some pic crew versions of how I headcanon the three to look! (Not 100% obviously. But as close as I could get it.)
The pic crew I used was this one
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Kim Jülich
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Franzi Winkler
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Marie Grevenbroich
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Just some thoughts about the Trailer and Teaser content for the show
(I’m so excited for this show. It’s not even funny.)
(In no particular order)
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That’s going to be the cyber bully case for sure!
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She looks so smug and I love it! That’s a “Oh I know more than you” look. Or a “I know you will cave in and give me the information I want eventually”
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Witch case! Witch case! Witch case! AHHH!
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This shot just looks so cool. I don’t have a lot to say about it, expect for the fact that I want to know more, about what ever episode that’s from. I’m suspecting the Haunted House case, because of the hints in the trailer. They seemed to have gone a different route regarding the adaptation of the case than the “original”. But I’m very much interested in this take.
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Kim/Michi content my beloved 🥺 Kim looks so stern. And Michi is just like: what did I do???
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Look at them! They are adorable 🤲
This quote is living in my mind rent free:
Michi: Seh ich etwa kriminell aus?
Kim: Ne, total süß.
I’m loving it. It’s cute. Kim just can’t handle it when the suspects are cute 😂😭😌 This quote made me realise how much I love the concept of the characters flirting with the suspect on accident, cause they don’t know how to handle their complicated emotions. Also in my personal opinion this is a very good ship prompt. It just has a lot of potential in my opinion.
There isn’t a lot of new scenes in this one that aren’t in the trailer. One thing that is new and that I just love is:
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The fact that Kim canonly tunes into the police radio! I love it soo much! Because she would! She freaking would! This is so in character.
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Haunted house episode confirmed 😌 Gosh it’s going to be so much fun!
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Manifesting the Jülich parents being in a triad in the TV show. 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
Cause why have two different actors listed as Kims dad if not cause she is gonna have two dads. 🤔🤷
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The Jülich Parents Triad:
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Kim and Michi are the most T4T couple to ever T4T couple! 😌😌
It’s just the truth.
Chemistry obsessed boyfriend 🤝 Crime obsessed girlfriend
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Sometimes I forget that Kim, Franzi and Marie, got Michi’s older brother into prison.
Imagine the awkward family dinners after Frank got out…
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Kim summarising Franzi: I don’t get her. She is very confusing. But she intrigues me.
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Episodes/Cases I want adapted in the TV show sooner or later. (This show better be getting multiple seasons.)
Including the ones I know for a fact or am 90% certain they will have adapted in season 1.
Fall 1 -> definitely gonna be adapted
Fall 2 -> definitely gonna be adapted
Fall 3 -> 100% gonna be adapted like I have seen proof
Fall 5 -> for the vibes and the Paris trip. Probably not adapted in season 1, though Verena is actually cast, so who knows. Maybe we get the Paris trip. Give me the food smuggle.
(Fall 7 -> simply for Benni and Leonhard. Listen I need Franzi’s Skaterboyfriends in the show.)
Fall 9 -> let Marie talk about her special interest in Celtic Myths and Tarot! Also this case is just very objectively fun and entertaining. Like grave robbers, yessss!
Fall 10 -> Rumours about a witch, cats, attempted bribing and eviction. It has it all! Franzi’s grandma is the absolute highlight. I adore her. (Wrote that before it was confirmed that we would get it. And I’m so excited that we do)
Fall 13 -> Horses. That’s it. That’s the whole reason I want this case adapted. The horse cases are just great.
Fall 14 -> Spooky vibes! Graveyards! A medium! A criminal pastor and being trapped in a mausoleum.
(Fall 15 -> solely for Verena. The weird sexualisation of teenage girls can leave…)
Fall 17 -> The animal smugglers. It’s just an interesting case. Plus the breaking into the Zoo! Love it! Would work great on screen.
Fall 18 -> kidnap plots are just very interesting. (minus the creepy dude flirting with Marie)
Fall 19 -> Cult and conspiracy theories episode, my beloved.
Fall 20 -> Sunken cities. We love sunken cities! (Also Kim reads “D3F und der verschollene Pilot“ in the audio drama version of this and I’m still not over that part. XD)
Fall 21 -> England, horses and horse races!
Fall 22 -> Berlin, theatre and bank robbery. What do you need more?
Fall 23 -> is definitely gonna be adapted.
Fall 26 -> This case has some interesting themes and important discussions, like poisoning and discussion of suicide.
Fall 27 -> Bats. That’s the whole reason. I love bats! Bats are great! Also light spook vibes mixed with winter vibes. Idk the combination is fun.
Fall 29 -> Amusement parks are cool. That’s the whole reason. Also Felipe. Oh Felipe my beloved. I need Felipe in the show!
Fall 30 -> Boarding school! Boarding school case! Also important discussions regarding alcohol consumption and peer pressure.
Fall 34 -> They are on vacation in Sylt together and that is always great. (I haven’t listened to that case in years so that’s all I can specifically think about right now. I for sure remember it being interesting.)
Fall 35 -> Hehe vacation again! In Venice this time. Some Grevenbroich family things. Tante Florentine is just a fun character.
Fall 40 -> someone’s house getting bugged. Cases involving someone being spied on are interesting and entertaining.
Fall 41 -> stolen expensive art! And also Felipe and Franzi being a cute couple. Them being on vacation again.
Fall 42 -> the villa district! Some crimes of the past. A tiny little master thief legacy situation.
Fall 43 -> Blake’s first appearance! We love some explicit disability representation. Blake is awesome. Blake is great. The case is also interesting.
Fall 44 -> I can’t really think of any specific reason. I just think it would be a calm little case to be adapted. (The case actually is fairly “intense” with stalking and black mail. At the end it’s just actually been something completely different.)
Fall 45 -> on the list because we are getting it hehe! I hope they will make it a bit spookier. Like give me a spookier resolution.
Fall 47 -> Being suspected to have committed a crime is always just great story potential. (It’s Franzi’s brother under suspicion but still falls under it in my opinion)
Fall 48 -> museums and Felipe. That’s all.
Fall 50 -> make this a season final special! I don’t know if I want Kommissar Peters to act the way he does in this case. But also it’s the pain potential that counts. Like please give me the girls being suspects.
Fall 56 -> Moor and suspenseful setting. Creepy vibes. Somehow cozy at the same time. Don’t ask me how. Also it has a bog mummy.
Fall 62 -> UFOs and lost Roman graves
Fall 63 -> important discussions about racism and bigotry (I’m sure there is things to critique about how they handled the messages.) Also Aveen and Khaleed! I adore them! They are actually part of the Jülich family post this case and you can’t change my mind.
Fall 64 -> I really really like the side characters in this case!
Fall 66 -> Ballet case. Listen I love ballet.
Fall 67 -> Geisterbahn
Fall 68 -> Girls in IT! Bente having Kim and Marie crush on her hehe (in my personal reading)
This list might be added onto in the future. These are just the main ones I listened to recently (<- meaning like in the last months) that I think would make great premises for adaptations or I am certain would have great episode potential.
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Die Drei Ausrufezeichen Social Media AU
but it’s just them having Tumblr blogs, cause they would! (Might eventually add other social media platforms.)
Main blog:
Blog title: Solving crimes and the mysteries of coding
Kim - Eng/Ger/Thai - She/Her - coding, writing, crime novels primarily
Die drei Fragezeichen side blog:
Blog title: PB&J my beloveds
Kim - Eng/Ger/Thai - she/her - Die drei Fragezeichen side Blog, my main blog is: thecodesofcrimenovels
Franzi has one blog and one blog only.
Blog title: I survived my ‘Not like other girls’ phase and figured out I’m not a girl at all
Franzi - Eng/Ger - She/He - D3F and Vorstadtwache mainly, occasionally Tatort though I haven’t really gotten into it yet, Queer stuff, Trans stuff, German stuff, just what ever - Trans af, your conservative family members worst nightmare - PB&J warrior first, Human second
Main blog:
Blog title: Aesthetics and T Girl Swag!
Marie - Eng/Ger/Fr - she/her, sie/ihr, elle
Die drei Fragezeichen side blog:
Blog title: Rocky Beach’s Queer Youth Centre
The three investigators/Die drei Fragezeichen Side Blog, Mainly fan art with occasional separate headcanon posts (all my headcanons are integrated into my art anyway haha), main blog is called: flowercourtprincess
Some posts they would make:
Had a writing workshop today and it was great! We had sort of free range to decide what exactly we wanted to do. The premise was to choose a novel of our liking, analyse the writing style and then imitate said style in a completely different genre. So we had some people using the flowery description heavy language of a fantasy novel to describe a mundane day in the real world. Or the creepy dispense of a horror novel used to describe a fluffy movie night between two friends. (The friends were watching a rom-com so it wasn’t like they could somehow match the vibes to the movie.) It was great!
#writing #my posts
Not to be a cliché Trans Girl, but gosh I love coding so much. It’s so much fun.
#coding #my posts
[D3A’s group chat right after Franzi sees that post.
F: Is your Coding club girlfriend finally back?
K: I have no idea what you are talking about and she is not my girlfriend.
F: Not yet. Which is why you should finally ask her out on a date. Or Marie should. You two are so badly crushing on that girl and neither of you have yet to actually make a move. If you take any longer I’ll do it for you.]
Justus Jonas is half Thai! Cause I project onto him.
#Asian American Justus Jonas is actually so canon thank you very much #like what do you mean he isn’t canonly half Thai? #he clearly is #like have you not paid attention? #I will go down with this headcanon! #justus jonas #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators
| #Asian American Justus Jonas is actually so canon thank you very much #<- previous tag #yesss #fight me #spreading the Asian American Justus Jonas agenda #justus jonas #d3f
| #Asian American Justus Jonas is actually so canon thank you very much #<- previous tag #yes! Exactly! Also -> #spreading the Asian American Justus Jonas agenda #funnily enough I’m working on an art piece of him right now #and this is fuelling my inspiration #I’m debating making him Blasian because I just want to #because I do like the headcanon that Justus is Black #but I don’t know yet #justus jonas #headcanon tag #reblog
The urge to write a whole ass essay on the racist stereotypes in the old books and the continued anti indigenous racism even in the newer ones, is so intense right now.
#racism in Die drei Fragezeichen #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators
| #Do it!
The wish to listen to the early cases and the wish to not hear racist slurs and racism filled stories, currently fighting each other. Like please why can’t I just to listen to “Die drei Fragezeichen und das Gespensterschloss” without needing to mentally prepare myself for a bunch of racist stereotypes including the Z-word (the German version of the G-slur). Seriously…
#racism in Die drei Fragezeichen #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators
| #yes it’s exhausting sometimes #also yes unusual reblog I know #not art #reblog
See the reason I relate to Bob Andrews is because he is a trans fem surrounded by trans mascs while I’m a trans masc surrounded by trans fems. We mirror each other.
#he is literally so trans fem ahhh! #trans fem bob andrews #nonbinary bob andrews #bob andrews #d3f
| #I love trans fem Bob Andrews so much as a concept! #trans fem bob andrews #nonbinary bob andrews #bob andrews #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators #reblog
| #and we love you very dearly! #trans fem bob andrews #nonbinary bob andrews #bob andrews #headcanon tag #reblog
Kelly Madigan my beloved!
#that’s it #that’s the whole post #kelly madigan #d3f
| #so true! #I love you Kelly Madigan #you are the best #kelly madigan #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators #reblog
| #not something I typically reblog onto here but also yes! 100% #gosh I love the girls so much! They are awesome #kelly madigan my beloved #kelly madigan #not art #reblog
Kommisar Brockmeier is queer. Helmut Grevenbroich told me himself.
#I said what I said #kommisar brockmeier #vorstadtwache #helmut grevenbroich
Would y’all believe me if I said I saw Helmut Grevenbroich kissing a man?
#helmut grevenbroich #true story #I’m gonna tag this as #queer stuff #because I can
[Helmut Grevenbroich was in fact asked if he was okay with the post, before Franzi posted that.]
Todays question is if I’m actually lesbian, AroAce or any of the mspec labels? Stay tuned for the answer. Yes, I’ve been listening to “fall in love with a girl” by Cavetown ft. Beabadoobee. Why are you asking? Blame thatqueermayhem for playing “worm food” on a loop.
#no matter what I’m queer af #if you have a problem with that kindly f^ off #just queer things #my posts #queer #aroace #lesbian #mspec #bi #pan #poly #omni
| Sometimes you gotta be a stereotypical trans masc, what can I say? 🤷 It’s not like y’all aren’t enjoying the songs.
#queer stuff #trans stuff #I love my girlfriends and I also love listening to Cavetown yes these two are related
Being trans is actually so great! Who ever told you otherwise was a big fat liar. Being trans is freaking awesome.
#trans is beautiful #just trans things #trans #transgender #transsexual #my posts #even though there are probably a decent amount of similar posts already floating around on here #I don’t care #you can never say it enough
| #This! #gosh I love being trans so much #reblog #trans things #trans #transgender
| #yes #queer stuff #trans stuff
The romantic tension of being taken care of by your friends after being hurt.
[private conversation after Kim and Franzi see that post.
Franzi: You get hurt and that’s your first instinct? Posting a vague post on Tumblr?
Marie: *shrugs*
Kim: Well, it’s vague enough to just seem like random thought with no real life implications.
Franzi: Seriously??? … What ever.
Marie: I mean people are reblogging it and agreeing.
Franzi: *looking at the post and reblogs* They are assigning characters and ships to it…
Marie: Well obviously.
Franzi:… I don’t even know how to argue with that.
Kim: Franzi. It’s not that serious. You are just stressed right now.
Franzi: Well we are in the freaking hospital after all!
Marie: Wanna hold my hand to feel less worried?
Franzi:… yes.
Marie: *looking at Kim* You too?
Kim: *nods and the three end up holding hands to calm themselves down*
(It’s mainly Franzi that needs calming down, but the others also appreciate it.)]
Jeffrey Palmer wears blond faux locs. (Cause I want faux locs right now, but I don’t have the time for an appointment and I just got braids done.) He would totally wear goddess locs, cause he doesn’t give a damn about “gender rules” and that’s all I’ll say.
#I’m working on a Portrait drawing of him right now and just head to share that headcanon really quick #jeffrey palmer #die drei fragezeichen #the three investigators #d3f #headcanon tag #my headcanons
| #uhh I can’t wait for the drawing! #and you are sooo right! #jeffrey palmer #d3f
| #jeffrey palmer #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators #reblog
Unusual post for me but it needs to be said. I feel like the authors of “The three investigators” tend to fall into the “we were trying to be misogynistic but ended up accidentally writing something with queer energy” category quite a lot. An audio drama example: Switching out Kelly for Jeffrey in “Die drei Fragezeichen Das Geisterschiff“. Now you made it unintentionally queer, cause you so desperately didn’t want to include Peter’s canon girlfriend. Anyway thatqueermayhem and justusjonasesautism just had to listen to me rant about the misogyny in these books.
#not art #the way Kelly gets treated by the authors hurts sometimes #Kelly is such a darling and I love her #die drei fragezeichen #the three investigators #d3f #kelly madigan #rant sort of? #my posts
| #reblog #jeffrey palmer #kelly madigan #Die drei Fragezeichen Das Geisterschiff #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators
| #yep #and Kelly always gets the short end of the stick #I love you Jeffrey #but Kelly deserves better #jeffrey palmer #kelly madigan #d3f
If I see one more post of someone claiming “The three investigators” doesn’t have misogyny/sexism, I’m gonna scream. Y’all can’t be serious, when these stories are littered with misogyny/sexism. Like I get it. You don’t want to admit that there are flaws in these stories you probably liked since you were a child, but for the love of it, stop it! They literally wrote out female characters, cause the audience supposedly disliked them. And you are claiming this series doesn’t have misogyny??? Well when there are barely any female characters chances to see misogynistic characterisations are rarer. (Psst they still exist. Like it’s not that the few female characters don’t fall into sexist stereotypes sometimes. And just because you don’t notice them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.)
#not art #rant #die drei fragezeichen #the three investigators #d3f #my posts
| #nothing to add here! #die drei fragezeichen #d3f #the three investigators #reblog
I was debating cutting the part of Kim mentioning the anti indigenous racism, cause D3A also has (at least) two instances of the I-word being used, but I decided against it, cause it’s something I think she would post. And I personally would like to believe that all the characters (also the characters from the D3F universe) would stop using it if they were made aware of the fact that it is a racial slur.
The only times I’ve seen people claiming D3F doesn’t have misogyny was when they where putting down D3A as so much worse. Arguing that D3F supposedly didn’t have misogyny while D3A had.
Slightly of topic, but I really do want to draw Jeffrey with goddess locs now. Ahh! He would look so pretty with them.
Is this shamelessy plugging some of my personal D3F headcanons? Yes. I don’t care.
Listen if I was immersed in the Miss Marple books, I would have also added posts about that. I am how ever not at all immersed with the stories. (I wish I could do Franzi’s love for the character justice.)
(Planning on drawing this in the future. Don’t know when yet. I don’t know how to do these fake screenshots of social media accounts.)
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If we don’t get a homoromantically charged singing scene between Marie and Ramona in the episode based on case 2, then what’s the point?
Give Marie a lesbian duet! She deserves it! She had one in the movie. She better has one in the show!
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Things I want to see on the TV show:
- Jülich parents triad. Do I need to say more???
- Oma Lotti. She better be there!
- Kim/Michi! Listen I just love them so much! (We are getting them for sure.)
- Queer Kim, Franzi and Marie!
- Queer couples
- Girl love interests for Franzi and/or Marie (I’m pretty certain that we are definitely getting Kim/Michi so I’m only mentioning the two)
- Queer things to happen
- the depression storyline that was promised in one article. There needs to be more mental health discussions in media for children and teens!
- a sensible take on social justice issues that they are planning to tackle. What I mean is that if they for example are going to talk about racism that they are doing so in a non harmful way
- since Kim is cast to be Asian-German (using Asian since we still don’t know what her parent situation is going to be) they better acknowledge that
- Franzi skating! And also Skateboarding Franzi! Skatergirl Franzi!
(These are like the main non episode specific things)
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I’m not prepared to say good bye to my Kims parents are in a triad theory yet.
They are. I mean how could they not?!
This ship will never stop being a thing in my mind.
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Listen, I’m not ready for the friendship break up scenes in the cyberbullies episode in the show. 😭😭
This is already emotional destructive in the audio drama. And then watching it on screen??? 😭😭
On that note. They better keep that in somehow. I wanna be sad okay?
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