#my smg6
blveblvrr · 3 days
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lil guy! @its-a-me-mango
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bluestrawberrybunny · 15 days
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@ominus-potato Awww. Look! Their sons are bonding!! (They’re watching Puzzlevision)
SMG4 and Mario are a bit… concerned over how SMG6 is more than happy to babysit SpagheTV…
But yeah. 6 would adore this little creature. Both are a bit wonky and weird and technically shouldn’t exist.
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supern0vashii · 3 months
more smg8 drawings!!!!
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teehee :3
i changed the way i draw smg8!!!!!!
actually the style i use to draw meme guardians in general changed
ANYWAYS i hope you enjoy this smg8 dump and my meme guardian oc on the side :3
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katjustvibinglmao · 7 months
I just feel a little silly here's some random fun fact 7 and 6 can do
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Hehe hehehe- yeah they can do that- lol
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depressedwriter25 · 3 months
Have a fic for @bluestrawberrybunny’s Apprenticeship AU for Father’s Day
Summary: SMG3 has been off all day, so SMG5 decides to check on him and learns more about Terrance’s death and how much it’s affected SMG3
Art made by my lovely spouse @bluestrawberrybunny (sorry for tagging you twice in this post, but whatever ;p)
It was mostly like any other day for SMG5. SMGs don’t have parents outside of their USBs, kind of, so they didn’t actually give it much thought. They weren’t a parent either, so they didn’t really care.
SMG6 on the other hand was spewing out a list of ideas of what he could get for SMG4. He had gotten much more comfortable calling him “Dad” lately, and he wanted to get him something for today.
“So, I was thinking of a custom necklace, kind of like a best friend’s necklace, but like… for father and son. What do you think?” He asked as he looked over at his friend.
SMG5 nodded, barely listening as they looked back at the cafe.
While today was normal for them, something seemed… off about SMG3. Their older-brother figure was acting more aloof than usual. He had even closed down the cafe for the day. It was really weird. He never closed for anything short of life-threatening, so closing down for one singular day felt off. Not to mention how their mentor had basically secluded himself in his evil lair. He’d even sent Eggdog to be with SMG4 and Beeg SMG4 for the day.
“Are you even listening?” SMG6 asked as he leaned in closer. “You’re not, aren’t you?”
SMG5’s indigo and neon purple eye left the cafe to settle on their guardian partner. “Sorry. What were you talking about?”
“Gift ideas for SMG4 for Father’s Day?” SMG6 huffed, leaning back on his hands. “Are you ok? You’ve been staring at the coffee shop this entire conversation.”
“Yeah,” they said before letting out a melancholy sigh. “SMG3 is just acting weird.”
“What about?”
“He’s just been off. I don’t know how else to describe it!” SMG5 looked back at the building. “He’s not even spending today with Eggdog. I know it was upsetting for the little guy. He even asked me for help to make him a little Eggdog pin with a little top hat.”
“Really? Beeg just got SMG4 a new laptop with his logo on it,” Six said. “Which is why I’m trying to outdo him with something special!”
“Would you stop trying to compete with your little brother for 5 minutes?” Five said in an annoyed tone. “What if something is wrong with Three?”
“I’m sure he’s fine. He’s probably just… doing something.”
“I’m going to go check on him,” SMG5 said before standing and dusting off the dirt from their white overalls. “Do whatever it was you last said or something. I’m sure SMG4 will like whatever you get him. It’s the thought that counts.”
They made their way into the cafe, opening the door and hearing the familiar chime of the bell above their head. It was far too quiet in here. Each step of their dark purple boots against the wooden floor echoed throughout the place. As they came to the bookshelf, they heard SMG3 shout at them.
“Go away!”
Five huffed before pulling out a specific book, causing the bookcase to slide away and reveal the elevator to the building’s lower, and residential, floor. They rode it down, hearing SMG3 say something about not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment before the elevator chimed and they stepped out.
As they entered the room, Five saw Three sitting on his bed, notebook thrown to the side as he hugged a small top hat.
“Three?” They asked, taking a cautious step forward.
“I said go away! What part of that was hard to understand?” Three snapped, red eyes looking up at them in anger.
SMG5 studied Three’s face. His eyes were red, as was the rest of his face, and his eyes and nose were puffy. His cheeks were stained with tears, and his beard was wet with them too. There was some snot dripping from his nose that he quickly wiped off on his sleeve. His hat was discarded, sitting on top of his notebook which was lying open beside him on the bed with a pen.
Their eyes landed on the hat in his arms. It was a black top hat with a red stripe on it.
“SMG3?” They asked in a soft tone of voice as they continued to make their way towards him, each step happening slightly faster than the last as Three didn’t yell at them.
SMG3 remained silent, looking down at the item in his hands.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” They finished as they sat on the edge of his bed, facing towards their mentor and older-brother figure.
SMG3’s eyes welled with fresh tears that poured down his tear streaked face as he hugged the hat closer. “I…” He didn’t know what words to use to explain everything that was running through his mind at that moment. Hell, throughout the entire day. When the notification came up on his phone about today being Father’s Day, something broke inside of him. Every emotion he had been suppressing for the past few years had broken free of the flood gates. How could he find the words to explain how broken he felt over what he’d done?
“SMG3?” Five asked, moving closer and putting a hand on his knee. The older man continued to cry as he continued to search for any words that could even show some semblance of his emotions. “It’s ok. I’ll wait.”
It felt like hours before he was finally able to form one coherent thought to explain the situation to the other. But eventually that time came and he looked up at his apprentice.
“It’s Father’s Day,” he said slowly. He had never been one to share his feelings openly, so this was something where he needed to take his time. Thankfully, SMG5 understood that and waited for him to finish speaking. “I… it reminded me of Terrance.”
SMG5 nodded, looking down at the notebook. “And so… you’re dealing with that reminder that you lost your son?” They looked back over at him as he sadly looked at the top hat. “I can understand why that would be so upsetting. I would be sad too if my son died.”
Three shook his head. They weren’t understanding this. How could they? He never told them, or even written it in his notebook for them to read. He’s just mentioned how Terrance is dead and that he misses the little Ugandan Knuckles, but he never explained how he died.
“It’s not that,” he said, continuing to stare at the hat in his lap. “I… I failed as his father.”
“I was the one who killed him…”
SMG5 retracted their hand as they stared at SMG3, mouth agape as they processed what he’d just said. Their gaze drifted away from him and towards the floor. “What do you mean you killed him?”
“We had no choice,” SMG3 explained, biting back tears as he spoke. “It was the only way to stop the God Box and…” He couldn’t take it as he thought back to the moment. Especially when he recalled Terrance’s final words.
“I love you.”
He broke down crying again. He couldn’t take it. “I’m the worst father in the world,” he sobbed. “How could I even allow anyone to celebrate me today if I was the one who killed my own son? And I never even truly showed him how much I cared…”
SMG5’s expression softened as they moved closer, wrapping the man in a tight embrace. “Hey… like you said… you had no choice,” they whispered in a soothing voice. “I’m sure Terrance understood.”
SMG3 set the hat aside and wrapped his arms tightly around his younger sibling.
“And… you’ve been a great dad to Eggdog,” they continued. “He even asked me to help him make you a gift for today. I’m sure Terrance is talking about how great of a dad you were in meme heaven or something.”
SMG3 couldn’t help his roll his eyes at the failed attempt to comfort him. He was the Lord of the Internet Graveyard. The meme afterlife, pretty much. Terrance, as much as he hated to admit it, was gone. Nothing left. He was converted into meme energy and used to transform Mario and destroy the God Box. Of course, SMG5 couldn’t know that. They had only been around for a few months at this point. He still had to teach them about the Internet Graveyard and the Meme Lifecycle.
But… they had a point. Terrance cared about him, making sure he knew it in his last moments. Even so, he still felt that crushing guilt over having to kill his own kid to save the world.
SMG5 sighed as they realized how much this wasn’t working to comfort the man, so they pulled away from the hug, placing their hands on his shoulders, and looking into his eyes. “Dude, I know it feels like shit right now, but at least get through today for Eggdog’s sake? He’s probably worried sick about you too. But still, hold on to Terrance’s memory. Carry him with you, and remember that he loved you. As long as you remember him and keep that memory alive, a small part of him remains. The ones who we’ve lost continue to survive through us. So, let’s go over to the castle, enjoy spending time with your son, and remember that Terrance would want you to be happy and care for his brother. Ok?”
SMG3 rolled his eyes again before pushing their hands off of his shoulders. “Yeah yeah. Keep that sappy shit to a minimum, ya hear?” He said before getting off of the bed and putting Terrance’s hat back on the shelf. They had a point. He should try and make it through today. For Eggdog’s sake. While he probably wasn’t the best dad he could have been to Terrance, he could try for Eggdog. And SMG5 was likely right about Terrance probably wanting him to be happy and be there for Eggdog.
“Aww. You’re a sucker for sappy shit, aren’t you?” Five joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“No! Shut up!” Three shouted back before taking his hat and throwing it at them. “It’s stupid!”
“Sure~” They continued.
SMG3 grabbed his hat again and hit them over the head with it, earning a laugh from them in return.
Five was glad he was feeling better enough to return to his normal tsundere self.
“Now come on,” they said as they covered their head to dodge any possible future attacks. “You should be with your kid.”
The day was nearing its end, and SMG5 and SMG6 had been hard at work making something special for SMG3 and SMG4 while Eggdog and Beeg made some sort of “distraction” (they were basically just playing games with their dads). But the gifts were finally ready.
They walked over to the two of them, boxes in hand.
“Present time!” SMG6 said excitedly as he handed SMG4 the box.
“Oh, thanks guys!” SMG4 said with a smile. “You didn’t have to.”
“Oh no,” SMG5 said as they smiled at SMG3. “We had to.”
SMG3 inspected the small purple box he was handed.
Beeg and Eggdog came over with their own boxes as well, one wrapped in blue and the other wrapped in purple.
“Well? Open them!” SMG6 said, bouncing on his toes as he waited to see their reactions.
SMG4 opened Beeg’s present first, smiling and patting the meme’s head as he saw a brand new laptop with his logo embedded on it. “Thank you, Beeg!” He said. He was reluctant to hug the little guy, especially since Beeg much preferred being left alone.
But then Beeg jumped on him in a hug, which the Memey-Boi gladly returned.
SMG3 opened Eggdog’s box next, which contained an Eggdog pin with a small top hat on it. He smiled, clipping it on his overall strap before hugging Eggdog close. “Aww! Thank you so much my little Eggdog!” He cooed as Eggdog barked with excitement.
“Open ours now!” Six exclaimed, continuing his bouncing before Five grabbed his shoulders and forced him to stop.
The two men opened their boxes, surprised to see two necklaces. SMG4’s necklace seemed to be an orange half of a star while SMG3’s was a light blue half of a skull.
“What is this?” SMG3 asked, holding up the object as 4 put his on.
“Necklaces, you goof,” SMG5 laughed before they and SMG6 pulled out the other halves of the necklaces. SMG6’s was the other half of the star but colored in blue while SMG5’s was the other half of the skull colored in purple. “We made them ourselves!”
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“You guys!” SMG4 shouted as he stood up and wrapped them both in a tight hug. “Thank you so much!”
“Of course, Dad!” SMG6 said as he happily returned the gesture alongside Five.
SMG3 stared at the necklace in his hands intently.
“I also have one more thing for you,” SMG5 said as they wiggled out of Four’s hug. They pulled another pin from their pocket. This one was an Ugandan Knuckles with a top hat.
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“I figured, since you were so upset about Terrance today, I’d give you something in his stead,” they said with a smile. “I know he would have wanted to give you something today.”
SMG3 stood up, wrapping them in a hug as he began to cry again. “Thank you,” he whispered, wiping the tears away. “Seriously.”
“Of course,” they whispered back. “Happy Father’s Day, Three.”
Go read their fic on AO3 or WattPad they’re working really hard on it and no spoilers but the next chapter is going to be a really big one (story wise).
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k1ra0nloose · 6 months
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Bet mamafawkers
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an au for a au<33
Anyways I srsly need to sleep nigh- *Blows up*
The sillies made by: @bear-boi-5 !!
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duckapus · 2 months
[a few days after the CCC Avatars and their games are taken, most of the characters relevant to the situation (notably all the Avatars except for the missing ones (obviously) and all the SMGs except 7 and 10 (for spoiler reasons)) are called to a meeting at 4's Meme Factory (since it's one of the few places that many people can meet comfortably) by Susie]
SMG3: Alright, why'd you call us all here?
Susie: I'm glad you asked *starts rummaging through a storage device* As you know, I've been studying code samples from the missing Avatars in the hopes of finding out the reason behind their memory suppression-and hopefully a cure for it-since before they were taken. And as it happens, a bit before I was informed of their capture I managed to synthesize this! *pulls out a large beaker of faintly glowing green liquid with lines of binary occasionally scrolling through it*
Several audience members: Oooooooooooo...
Mario: ...What is it?
Susie: This is a replica of the trojan program used to lock their memories, written is such a way that it can be represented as a liquid for ease of analysis. *she sets it on a table behind her* Most likely a similar method was used to administer their doses in the first place, possibly as some form of penetrating projectile designed to dissolve into their bloodstreams upon entry. AND, it just so happens to be completely identical to the code that made up the energy field generated by Lawyer Kong's so-called "firewall." Thus, the cure is obvious; Memes.
SMG6: But...we tried that already. It only worked for a few minutes, and only once.
Susie: That would be because of the one way the two afflictions differ; the firewall was an external source that people could be shielded from, while the trojan program is internal and needs to be overwhelmed and purged, and the latter will require a far more potent Meme than the former.
Which, unfortunately, is my current roadblock. See, if we make the memes too potent, they'll trigger a Meme Overload. That wouldn't have been a problem before they were captured-well, apart from Juliano given his condition, but still- but now they have to be administered while we're rescuing them from wherever they ended up, and we most likely won't have the time to bring them back down to manageable levels of insanity in the middle of that. So, we need to figure out the exact right dosage of Meme Energy that will cure them without making them go crazy.
Bob: ...Which means you need a test subject.
Susie: *nods* Now, in the interest of fairness I've put the names of everyone here who isn't an OC into a random number generator so-
???: *minecraft potion drinking sound* Mmm, kiwi flavor.
*everyone slowly turns with a comical creaking sound effect to see Franky holding the now-empty beaker*
Lily: We probably should've seen that coming.
Franky: *after a second or so there's the same audio and visual effect as when Mario got firewalled in the Lawsuit Arc, causing Franky to fall to his hands and lack-of-knees as the energy takes hold. His model slowly reverts to his old look as a generic Toad with glasses, and when the transformation is over he falls onto his face*
Desmond: FRANKY! *runs up to him and picks him up so he can see his face* Are you okay?
Franky: ...Who's Franky?
Everyone: *stares very intensely at Susie*
Susie: *weakly* ...Well...that's one way to choose I guess. *feels Peach, Toadsworth, Sage and Desmond suddenly looming ominously behind her* Right, let's go see about cooking up that cure, shall we? *grabs all the SMGs, Franky and Luigi and Books It deeper into the factory* Alright team, to the Meme Kitchen on the double!
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rinawasherelol · 8 months
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Fanart for @katjustvibinglmao :3
Go check out Kat's infection AU if u haven't btw!!!! :D
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mochi-chan-2006 · 3 months
She kills her brother because of Eggman!!?
TW// Blood, gore, dead, gun, dead body
***After that***
He held his chest and blood poured from his mouth and he repented "Ohhhhh gosh.... I'm very sorry that I was born...."
SMG5 realized that she had done something bad to her own little brother and she began to regret that she had done it in cold blood.....
"Six.... I-I didn't mean to say all of this stuff I'm sorry!...."
she hugging him with a sad look on her face...
"I'm so sorry!"
SMG6 tells her with sadness and a smile on his face....
"I know... but I'm gone... in a moment..."
SMG5 screamed in sadness and said "Six! I'm sorry!"
Their parents got worried that something was happening in SMG6's room and went there and SMG3 opened the door and...
"Kids is everythi-"
he noticed that his son was shot by his older daughter and they are shocked and scared and SMG3 said with shock! "SIX!!"
And runs towards him!
and SMG4 also the same but he said "OMG!!?" with fear on her face that she shot her brother!
SMG3 cried very hard that their second son would die soon "Six! SIXXX!!!"
but unexpectedly Eggman comes to his room (Who came back after years and showed the other villains that SMG5 is better than his father and told her that she must shoot her brother and she did it)
ominously he clapped with joy and approached them....
"Well, well, well, I gotta say I am really impressed with you Five, I thought you were gonna be just like your dad, but you actually did kill your brother unlike that father of yours."
SMG5 didn't say anything and SMG4 notices Eggmen with anger on his face and said.....
"Is that you again!?"
As SMG6 was coughing up blood and slowly starting to die, Three was sad and angry at Eggman!
"You.... You're the one who told my daughter to do this!"
He hugged his son and didn't want to lose him forever, but Eggman was not unmoved and heartless and smiling!
"You see unlike you the betrayed, she actually does shoot her brother."
This shocked SMG4 very much and he said with tears in his eyes "Ohhhhh gosh!"
And SMG6 with sadness and a smile for his parents and he knew that he would lose them forever.....
"Mom.... dad..."
His father looks at his son with tears in his eyes and said "Yes Six?"
SMG5 is very sorry and regrets that he shot his brother because Eggman told her to!....
"Six, I am really, really sorry what I said, I was just angry that's all, I'm so sorry he told me to shoot you he told me!"
From a more sad and angry face, SMG4 turned to SMG5 and said to her
"Next time, don't listen to Eggman!"
Six said with a smiling face and tears in his eyes and said to his parents and sister....
"Nothing happened.... And I want to tell you... that I love you all..."
Three with a sad face and said to his son...
"Ohhhhh.... I love you too Six!"
Four and Five too to his/her son/brother....
"I love you Six!"
but Eggman grabs her with an evil smiling face and Five with anger and sadness on his face and she said!
"H-Hey! Let go on me!"
Eggman with a smile and laughter on his face!
"You're coming with me, the rest of the villains will be happy with you!"
SMG4 looks at Eggman with anger on his face and takes his daughter away from him and he said "No!"....
and Six his want to say my last word before he's die in front of his parents and older sister...
"And I have to tell you when I die..."
interested and sad parents and sister want to know what he wants to say before he dies.....
"I won't wake up from eternal sleep..."
they will calmly close their eyes and..... he died forever in front of his parents and sister... and they started to cry hard that they had lost their son.... and SMG3 said with midnight sadness on his face and screamed!.....
SMG4 too!
Five forgave her parents and deceased brother very loudly, with sadness and screaming.....
The whole SMG family was crying and SMG5 takes a gun to her head and wants to commit suicide (To be with his brother)
"It's all my fault..."
Eggman looks surprised and angry at SMG5 and says!
"No! Five what are you doing!?"
SMG4 is scared and takes the gun from her with a smirk on his face (Because I don't want to lose his daughter too)...
"Five no!"
Five, with tears on her face because of her fault, wanted to commit suicide because of her fault and said...
"Let me died, it's all my fault!"
Four denies that she didn't do it, it was Eggman's fault because he convinced him that she shot him and he said with a sad face.....
"It's not your fault and it's his fault for making you do it!"
SMG3 with very anger and sadness on his face, hugging son's dead body all the time and said to Eggman.....
"Yeah! And we don't want to lose you too!"
And Eggman had an evil look on his face and looked at them and said....
"Hey! At least she actually listens to me!"
And now Three was very angry and said something unpleasant to him!.....
(OwO This is not canon in this series and this is my first edit! :3)
"There are three of them" SMG4 Au also belongs to: @askkassandragf-v-2
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gay-people-for-ever · 9 months
My school doodles :]
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bluestrawberrybunny · 28 days
More art reqs cause i found this a while ago
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Please i beg you i need SMG56 for this/nf
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Hehehehehehe. Goobers.
SMG4 and SMG3 are laughing so hard at these two as well.
I gotta start drawing more SMG56 stuff XD
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supern0vashii · 10 days
tsb / smg6 art :3
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katjustvibinglmao · 11 months
All my fellas 😎
(Mario and the kids are just vibing :P)
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soda-txt · 2 months
Smg6 !!
Once upon a time 3 and 4 had a son.. his name was Smg6!!! (trans 4 is canon you gotta believe me) I also forgo the other y in my user but who cares!
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merp0515 · 2 months
SMG's from another universe!
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If my SMG5 Universe's SMG5 and SMG6 gals meet up with @bluestrawberrybunny Apprenticeship AU SMG5 and SMG6 in the showgrounds! I never really did talk about the orgins of my avatar that I use lol maybe I'll talk more about it someday. Still catching up on the Apprenticeship series currently on chapter 13! Once I'm caught up entirely be ready some art work for this amazing story! Go check it out! SMG5 Universe's SMG5 and SMG6 design done by my good friend Nonamedaguy on Twitter! :D
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duckapus · 1 year
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So this is Diane "Floyd" Floyener, the ghost girl I mentioned in my post about SMG6 Kirby's friends, and that script post introducing Digi-Blade to Lil Coding.
She's twelve, dead, and has depression and a bit of anxiety. Also for some reason her main Ghost Thing is that she eats colors by draining them out of whatever object she touches, though she can control it most of the time. She can technically eat food normally, it just doesn't actually benefit her because she's dead. Her favorite flavor is yellow.
Picrew I used was this:
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