#my sister and i just sat there after we filed and stared at eachother in silence
sainteddie · 1 month
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Confliction Between the Brain and the HeartPt 3
Aliyah's POV
I've been in my room since the party started not really being in the mood for people but I knew eventually I would have to get up not wanting to be rude we are hosting the party after all
"Come in"
I looked at the door as I seen Zack appear
"Hey the party started a hour ago you would usually be the first one out so I came to check up on you"
"Oh yea im fine ill be out in a minute just haven't been in the mood"
"Yea I know you've been pretty grumpy and I know you're having problems with Becca so I'm here to listen"
I stared at Zack not really knowing what to say how to say it
I was about to start until Zack started seeing that I couldn't put my feelings into words
"So from what I've gathered from my detective skills you are dating a girl in the closet aka Becca and it has caused problems"
"I need more than a yea if I'm going to be any kind of help"
"Well we've been seeing eachother for a couple of months now and she is a amazing girl and I really like her a lot but she isn't out on campus yet and I don't want to rush her out because I know how terrifying it can be but the secrecy in everything we do is becoming too much for me having to lie to my friends about where I'm going and who with trying to find time in our schedules where we can hang out without her friends interfering also car hookups are not the most comfortable which is why we ended up here a couple of times" i said bashfully because I just spilled out my feelings and also knowing that he had heard me and Becca damn these thin walls
I look at Zack who is smiling at me
"Look i can tell you like her a lot and this is a tough situation where Noone is necessarily right or wrong but you should try to talk to her at some point tonight you guys have some things to work out"
"You're right I'll call her"
"No need she's here you should probably put on something a little less Tik Tok fuck girl" he says looking at me in my sports bra gym shorts and chain
"Hey" isaid and threw a pillow as he laughed and closed the door behind him
I rolled my eyes as I started getting ready
Becca's POV
I sat at the party chatting with my friends finding myself looking up everytime I heard a door open and close still no sign of Aliyah I have spent my whole life feeling like im living for other people dating guys because I felt like that's what I had to do because that's what my dad says I have to do but guys don't make me happy Aliyah does and she has shown me more love in a couple of months than he has my whole life she showed how it feels to be in a happy relationship she showed me why everyone was always so infatuated with the idea of being in love and he showed me that you have to do this or no man would want you do that or no man will want you ive spent my whole life chasing after his approval and its gotten me nowhere after I told him that I liked girls he completely disregarded my feelings made me feel disgusting and even though my mom and sister were super supportive his reaction made me scared to tell anyone else when my mom found out about what he said they got into a huge argument plus them having marriage problems already due to my dad's serial cheating and disrespect my mom filed for divorce with them both being successful business entrepreneurs on their own before marriage everything was split fifty fifty i was so proud of my mom when she got out of that marriage I seen the biggest smile I've seen from her in a while when it was finalized but I still looked for his approval
"Becca Becca"
Huh" I said as I snapped back into reality
"Hey I'm about to go get drinks come with me" Madison said with a concerned look in her eyes
I got up and followed Madison but was confused when we passed the kitchen she pulled me into a bathroom as it was the only place that was not occupied
We sat in silence as she stared at me waiting on me to say something but I remained quiet
She rolled her eyes as she seen that I was not going to say anything
"Look Becca I've seen you change in these last couple of months in the best way possible you've smiled a lot more and you seen genuinely happy and that has made me so excited for you" she said looking at me as I avoided eye contact
"Um yea I've been finding myself lately"
"Bex I'm your best friend you know you can tell me anything right"
"Umm yea are you ready to go get the drinks yet"
"Becca seriously anything and if you want to talk about what or who has been making you so happy lately no matter if their a boy or girl"
I looked at Madison as she looked at me with soft eyes
"Maddie i I've been seeing someone and they make me very happy happier than I've ever been and their amazing and loving and the most compassionate person I've ever met but"
"Becca i already know but I want you to tell me so you can finally accept it truly and be happy with yourself"
"I'm I i"
Madison put a supportive hand on my shoulder giving me a gentle look
"Maddie I'm gay" I said as I started to cry and she pulled me into a hug rubbing my back supportively I've never truly loved and excepted that part of me and hearing me fully say it out loud felt like a breath of fresh air even when I told my family I never fully said it because I was scared I didn't accept that part of myself and now I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulder I finally feel like I can breathe
I cried for 10 minutes letting out years of hurt fear and internalized homophobia towards myself and Madison let me not letting go once
A couple of seconds later I took a deep breath and let go as Madison did the same
"How did you know"
"Becca we have been best friends for years I always wondered why you never cared about a knight in shining armour until I realized that maybe you were waiting for a queen instead ive just been waiting on you to tell me"
"I thank you really"
"No need were best friends i will always be here for anything you need"
"So now that we got that out of the way who is it"
A bright smile that i couldn't help came to my face as I thought of her "it's Aliyah, you know her"
"Oh I don't know plays guitar the drums can sing her ass in a band the girl who half of heartfeld has a crush on I don't know maybe "
"Ok ok I get it"
"Good for you she's pretty hot and I've heard she's pretty good in..."
"I personally don't swing that way its just something I heard don't look at me"
"Well she is" I said rolling my eyes as we both laughed
"But I sense that things have not been going well these last couple of days"
"We got into a fight about us having to do everything in secret and some jealousy things"
"Well even if you're not ready to come out to everyone else you should go find her"
"Maddie I think im ready I'll start tomorrow with the rest of the sorority I just want to finally be free will you be there with me"
"Of course you don't even have to ask"
"Thank you" I said as we shared another hug
"Now go and find her you guys have some making up to do"
I opened the door with a smile feeling the relief of years of pent up feelings being let go
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nikkzwrites · 3 years
(They Long to Be) Close to You | Dark Fix-It Fic Series Part 2 | Chapter 7
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah. This is part two of the series! You can start the full series here!
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count: ~5.0k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Jonas cried over Martha’s body promising that he would set everything right. He looked up hearing the explosion and then ran down into the basement to stay safe.
The older Jonas shot up in bed breathing hard from his nightmare. He must have fallen asleep in his clothes. He turned to look at the letter labeled Jonas on it. He opened it to read,
‘Dear Jonas, you promised to make everything right again. I want you to know that you will do that. You must never lose hope that there is a way out of this maze. A way to save me and you...But we will have to make sacrifices… do unimaginable things...to untie the knot at the end. Each fate in this knot is linked to the next. A thread, blood red, that connects all our actions. In light and in shadow. But the apocalypse must take place. You must let her die, so I can live. We have to let some things go before they find their way back to us. We are perfect for eachother. Never believe anything else.’
Martha cried over Jonas’ dead body clutching Annalise’s necklace in her bloodied hands. She stood and walked away from him still shaking from the shock she just received. Annalise walked out from the door and ran to Martha. She held the girl close in her arms and started to cry for her. Her fingers intertwined within Martha’s hair. Yet, Martha felt close to nothing. This is what she had always wanted, so why does it still feel wrong.
The short haired Martha looked up at the swirling God Particle in their world knowing what must be done now. Her two older selves watched it twist and turn just like their hearts. Their eyes crying from the knowledge each of them had. Mary smiled proudly at her work. She had spent years getting back to this point. Yet, her eyes still cried knowing just as soon as she was going to experience the greatest ecstasy, she was going to experience the pits of despair. Unknowing of her own fate that was just close to happening.
Silija took her rifle and shoved Martha into a cage. She locked the girl in, ignoring her cries of confusion. Adam watched on with a sigh.
The older Jonas took the letter and burned it after reading. He felt disgusted at what she was trying to imply, let Annalise die so that Martha could live as if he could possibly do that. As if he could let that happen. 
Annalise and Martha walked back to Martha’s home. It was the day of the apocalypse. As they got inside, Martha started to panic about how dirty and covered with his blood she was. 
Annalise took hold of her and said, “Hey, hey… shhhh… It’s okay.” She carefully walked the girl to the sink and washed her up. Her hands were gentle, yet dexterous at getting off the blood. After cleaning her hands and face, Annalise heard someone stirring upstairs so she quickly helped Martha undress and shoved the blooded clothes in the trash.
Magnus hurried downstairs after hearing the door open and close. “Martha,” he breathed relieved at his sister being back home safe. He looked between Annalise and Martha asking, “Where were you? Mom cried all night long.” Noticing that Martha wasn’t her normal self, he turned to Annalise and asked, “Is she okay?”
Annalise shook her head as Martha tried to wipe her tears away. She turned to look at her brother.
“Hey,” He spoke softly. He opened his arms to her which were gladly taken by Martha. He held his sister and asked, “What happened?”
Martha sobbed into Magnus for a second. She held him tighter than she had ever held her brother before. “Bartosz was right,” she whispered. She shook her head and said, “What he said in the woods… about the end of the world.” She started to panic. “The nuclear power plant… Today. Bartosz’s father is trying to cover up an accident. The containers… The world is going to end today.”
Magnus looked at her then to Annalise, who just shrugged and shook her head acting as if she didn’t know anything… 
While in truth, she did. Annalise knew exactly what Martha was talking about and it was her job to also get to Bartosz so that way they could all go fix this mess. At least, that’s what Eve told her and her older self told her. There was no reason not to trust them. 
Meanwhile in 1986, a younger Mary smiled with a young Noah. She turned to him and said, “We did it! We found the way back! We can get Bartosz and go back home.”
Magnus shook her head at her, “Have you gone crazy? When did you last sleep?” When she tried to yell at him, he shook his head and said, “I haven’t got time for your psycho crap. You can handle this, right Anna?”
Annalise nodded. She shook her head at Martha, “I’m sorry.”
Short haired Martha looked down at Annalise’s necklace and started to cry. She trembled as her fingers traced the tree of life pattern.
“They had to die,” The older Martha explained, “It’s all wrong.” They stood in the old Eris Lux meeting area. “I know what you’re feeling. But you’ll learn to let the feeling go. Everything will run its course. Just as fate determined our world and his.”
In the other world, Martha tried to escape her cage. When Adam appeared to her, she screamed, “why did you lock me up? You promised me there would be a way to change everything.” She started to cry, “So the apocalypse won’t happen. You lied to me, just like my older self lied to me!”
Adam looked down at the sphere in his hands. He spoke, “Sic Mundus. Old Tannhaus. He firmly believed he was creating a paradise where we’d all be free of destiny, and free of our pain. A world outside your world and my world. But I have finally realized what this paradise really is. Unending darkness, in which nothing exists. But for that...the apocalypse must happen. In my world...and in yours.” He turned and walked away from her.
“Jonas,” she roared, “Jonas! Let me out!”
There was only six hours before the apocalypse left and Aleksander was speaking to Obendorf about the containers. He had seen Annalise leave earlier that morning so he knew it would be safe to speak about it.
“Dad,” Bartosz said, walking into the room and surprising Aleksander, “Is everything okay?”
Aleksander nodded, but sadly said, “I know I said I’d stay home today...But something important came up. I’m sorry.”
Bartosz shrugged and grumbled to his dad, “It’s alright”
His father turned and said, “I have to tell you something. Someone is blackmailing me.”
Bartosz’s face turned into confusion, “What?”
Aleksander turned and showed his son, “With this. Something that happened a long time ago. Sometimes we make decisions in our lives that we can never undo.” He sighed and continued, “My name is not Aleksander. It is Boris. Boris Niewald. But it was an accident… You must believe me. I’m not a murderer.”
Bartosz shook his head and asked, “What about Mom? Did Mom know about this?”
“Your mother is the best thing that ever happened in my life,” said the man, “she saved me from all that and I never told her the truth.” He looked at his son, “Bartosz, I’m sorry.”
Bartosz threw the newspaper down and walked away from his father.
Across town, Charlotte walked to Ulrich’s house with the file to let him know what they found on the investigation for Mads resulting in Ulrich leaving quickly and Hannah realizing it was her the entire time.
Annalise sat with Matha. She tried to convince the girl to take a nap, but Martha felt too wired for that. 
The girl walked over to her mirror to look at herself. “I hate this,” she sneered at herself. She grabbed the scissors from her things and started to cut.
“Hey,” Annalise said. She walked over to the girl and stopped her, “Let me do that for you. You are going to mess it up.”
“I don’t care,” Martha mumbled, but conceded giving the scissors to Annalise anyway.
Annalise smiled and giggled, “Come on. Let’s cut off all the things weighing you down.”
Martha watched as everything happened through the mirror. She just wanted everything fixed and over with.
Katharina slept on Mikkel’s bed calmly. She awoke to Martha standing over her, “You scared me. Where were you? Did you cut your hair? What happened?” She looked over towards Annalise who stood awkwardly behind her daughter. She looked back to see Martha nearly in tears.
Martha spoke, “Do you believe in fate?”
“I don’t know,” Katharina admitted watching Annalise walk out to give them some space. She spoke again, “No. I believe that we take our lives into our own hands. That we decide which road we take.”
Eve stared at the older Bartosz with a sigh. She spoke to him motioning towards the hideout and to his child Jonah. Her heart sunk, but she knew this was what was needing to happen. Everything was so so close. She needed everything to continue just as it had before. She knew what this would cause though. She knew what this part would lead. She needed it to happen. This was one of the finally domino effects needed for her plan to see him again.
Katharina shook her head and said, “I’m sure I’m the last person you want to talk to, but...If you do...I’m here.” She took her daughter's hand and held it. The woman spoke again, “Your dad and I… A lot of things maybe different now, but that’s not necessarily bad.”
Martha started to cry. She shook her head and said, “No, I’m sure it’s not.” She held her mother closely. She let go after a moment and explained, “I promised I was going to do something.” Then she walked out.
In the other world, Claudia stared at a picture of the blond boy who had started this all. Her breathing was all that could be heard in the small bunker. She sighed and looked down to open one of the journals letting her know what she was supposed to do as well. It spelled out where the God Particle was and to follow the signals to it. She found herself going to the area in her yellow radiation suit. Inside, she saw only a bright white light. Her heart pounded as she reached out to it.
“Stop,” A man called to her. Claudia turned to see Jonas.
She sighed in relief and said, “Jonas…” She looked surprised. Her voice shook as she spoke again, “You’re alive.”
Back in Eve’s world, the short haired, scarred Martha wrote Jonas a letter. She knew all of it to be absolutely true. She hated to admit it to herself, but she was doing all of this for her own Annalise as well. Something for them to be together just as Mary and Eve were. To raise this child together. She sighed and spoke, “I murdered him. Why is he still alive?” 
Mary drew a diagram for the young Martha, “There is a switch point in the loop of time. The moment that causes things to run in one direction or the other. You bring him into your world, or you don’t. A line that starts at one point, then loops onto itself once more. Two possible ways on the outer edge of the line or on the inner edge of the line… yet it is the same line. Two overlapping realities happen in a single moment.” She spoke quieter, more in reflection, “In one, she goes with you… in another she’s kidnapped and trapped until she figures out the puzzle of this.” She shook her head and spoke louder again, “One, he dies...on the other road, he doesn’t.” She pointed and said, “Both realities continue from the point of the sphere’s activation, then collide on itself if it’s in the same reality. Both of your worlds continue from that point and repeat in an endless loop. One triggers the other one to happen. You two are locked in Quantum entanglement.”
Eve interrupted and spoke, “Adam has tried to sever it for 33 years. So that the thing growing inside of you will never be born.”
Mary spoke up again, “But it is impossible now. Your worlds… they can never be disconnected.”
The older Martha took the letter and folded it up to be put into the envelope as Ever spoke, “Every step Jonas takes is guided by us. He cannot escape his fate.”
In Jonas’ world, Claudia stared at the blond and asked, “What is this?”
Jonas spoke while looking at the glowing white orb flowing suspended in the air, “That is what was left over after the catastrophe.”
Claudia breathed heavily and asked, “The God Particle… and this here? What is this?” She pointed to the equipment not too far from them.
Jonas looked at her confused and explained, “I’ve seen where all this goes.” He pointed towards the equipment, “in the future. There is no way back now. The cave was destroyed. There’s nothing there anymore. The passage is completely gone. But this here… If I find out how it works, I’ll be able to go back. Then I can save them. Martha, Mikkel, and Annalise. I can save all of them.” He stared at her. She seemed off. She didn’t seem to support any of this. He spoke to her and asked, “How is it that you found me?” He waited for a moment then asked in a slightly different way, “How did you know I would be here?”
“The apparatus,” Claudia explained, “The matter it needs.”
“The apparatus,” Jonas yelled, “You still have it?! Where is it?”
Claudia reluctantly showed him to where she was keeping the machine. She knew if she didn’t he would only become more aggressive. She watched as he rushed towards it. As he toggled with some of the switches, she spoke, “It doesn’t work. Maybe this is how it had to happen first. For all the things to change for next time.” As he slowly turned towards her, she explained, “The substance in the device. You and I brought it into the passage again. The variables in the equation were changed. There’s a chance it might work next try.”
Jonas yelled, “I can’t wait 33 years to try!” He growled as he walked towards her, “I’m supposed to just hope this won’t happen again? Maybe next time I’m on the other side of the bunker door?!” He sneered, “She didn’t say anything… Your older self. She knew Annalise was going to die. That Martha was also going to die. How they would die.” Tears dripped down his dirty sweaty face, “Why should I trust you now?”
Claudia felt a pain in her chest hearing about Annalise. Yet she pressed on, “The material in the plant. I know what it is. I can assist you. I can help you save them. To save all of them.”
In Eve’s world, there was only three hours left before the apocalypse. Martha stormed to Bartosz’s house with Annalise behind her. She screamed, “BARTOSZ!”
He very quickly went to the glass door as if by instinct. He opened it for her and asked, “Martha?” He looked at her then saw Annalise not far behind her. He bit his lip hoping this wasn’t going to affect them then turned back towards Martha to listen to what she had to say.
“Can we come in,” the short haired girl asked him. She stared up at him pleadingly. It was the least he could do now right? After stealing the girl she loved, the least he could do was let her inside.
“Eh,” Bartosz shifted uneasily. He swallowed and nodded, “Yeah. Come on in.” He moved out of the way for the two girls to rush in.
Martha shakingly explained, “33 years ago there was an accident at the plant. Somehow the accident caused some strange matter to form… and your father helped cover everything up.” She started to breathe heavily. Her eyes flickered between Annalise and him, “And everything we heard in the caves. It’s all the same… The substance… It starts the end. Today. We have to talk to him.”
“Starts what end,” Bartosz spoke calmly.
Martha’s voice shook as she said, “The apocalypse.”
Ulrich stared at Mads body in disbelief. There was no way any of this was happening. He’s heart raced as he realized it had to be. He unlocked the jail cell and stared at Helge. He lifted him up and asked, “The Kid in the bunker. You said it was you who killed him. But you didn’t mean him. You meant Mads. The boy in the bunker looks just like Mads. How did you do it?”
Helge shook and said, “They...They both said that I must do it.”
Ulrich growled, “Who? Do what?”
Helge swallowed and explained, “To help send him to the future. To fill the gaps.”
Ulrich let go of him and took a step back in disbelief. He took the pennies out of his pocket and showed it to the man, “The pennies… What does this mean?”
Helge looked up and said, “I must stop him.”
“Stop who? Who will you stop?”
Helge swallowed and spoke softly, “You.”
Ulrich pulled back and looked down before looking out the door. He said, “You can go now.”
Helge hurried out to go on his own mission to stop the man.
“And this Jonas guy,” Bartosz asked, “He’s dead now? And you killed him there. Well it’s not you… It’s...another you?” He looked at her completely confused. This sounded a lot like how Annalise was trying to describe being in two places at once just the other night. He ran his fingers through his long hair thinking about everything.
Martha nodded and explained, “I was there. In the future. There’s nothing left.” She shook her head. “Nothing.” She sighed and stated, “It all has to do with your father. He can’t be allowed to open those containers.” Watching his thumbs rub together and him look down then back at Annalise, Martha knew he was deep in thought. “Bartosz,” she tried to reach out to his mind to pull him back to her. She pleaded with him, “Please.”
Bartosz reached for his phone and called his father. He didn’t get an answer due to his father looking at all of the sins of his past and what they lead to. Aleksander called Charlotte now knowing what he must do to make amends.
The Unknown looked up at the sphere. He turned it on and watched it descend. The youngest walked in first, then the oldest. The middle one took out the ball and held it in his hand.
In Adam’s world, Silja let Martha out of her cage and at gunpoint led her to where Adam wanted her to go. She explained that all she was here to do was to help fill the gaps for everyone so that everyone could reach salvation.
Adam stared at the swirling mass. He spoke to himself mostly but turned to see the ghost of Annalise standing there with him, “We have waited a long time for this moment.” He turned towards Magnus and Franziska and told them, “you know what to do.” He nodded to them to leave him alone with the ghost of the girl he loved.
Magnus and Franziska swallowed. They shifted and took hold of each other’s hands not sure if they were really ready for the other world yet and to see their long dead best friends.
In Eve’s world, Magnus and Franziska sat at the edge of the pond unknowing of the apocalypse about to hit them in just one hour.
Franziska turned to him and signed, “What do you think it means? The birds? The light? The boy in the bunker?”
Magnus shrugged a bit then signed back while mouthing, “Martha has lost it. She thinks the apocalypse will happen today.”
Franziska shook her head at him. She could tell without words that he was nervous. She smiled a bit to comfort him and slid her hand into his. She signed to him and mouthed, “If we die today, then at least we are together.”
Magnus smiled and signed back, “Together.” He leaned close to her so that they could kiss all his troubles away.
Bartosz and Annalise rode their bikes down to the powerplant. Martha sat behind Bartosz looking up at the boy. They tried to ride as quickly as possible to stop the canisters from being opened by Charlotte and Aleksander.
Helge waddled through the woods muttering to himself the sounds of the clock in his mind. He walked toward the cave knowing exactly what he was going to try to do.
Ulrich called Charlotte trying to get a hold of her to let him know of what was going on as he tried to follow the man.
Adam’s world Magnus and Franziska stood in the road and stared at the group on the bikes. Bartosz and Martha stopped smoothly while Annalise crashed Martha’s bike trying to avoid them.
Martha stood up and walked towards them, “Who are you?”
Magnus chuckled, “You can’t take a few guesses?”
Annalise groaned on the ground causing Bartosz to run towards her side, “Anna!” He looked over her and caressed her face, “It’s okay. You’re okay. Where does it hurt?”
Annalise reached her hand down towards her side. She groaned as he touched it, “Ow...Ow. Ow.” Tears welled up in her eyes.
Mary screamed as she walked into her family’s part of the hideout. There her older Bartosz, her husband, held their dead baby in his arms crying. He looked at her pleadingly, “Please, Annalise. Forgive me.”
Mary screamed at him, “What did you do?!”
“I had no other choice, Annalise please.”
Martha stared at the man and whispered, “Magnus?” She gasped as he stared at him, “You’re from the future.”
Magnus nodded, “But not from yours. They lied to you. Your older selves. They want the apocalypse to happen. They’re the ones responsible for it happening in the first place. But there is a way to change everything.”
Annalise struggled out, “Liar! You’re just working for Adam.”
Bartosz cooed at her, “Shhhhh. Anna… Please. You’re hurt. You are only going to keep hurting yourself. Shhhh.”
The older Bartosz looked sadly at his wife, “Please don’t look at me like that. She said I had to or else he’d die anyway.”
Mary rushed at him and started to hit him, “Liar! She would never do this to me.. MARTHA WOULD NEVER!” She stole her dead Jonah from him. She cried over his small body. 
Franziska looked from the couple on the side of the road then looked at Martha and said, “But you have to choose our world and trust in him. Jonas.”
Bartosz started to question them as well. Annalise could see it on his face as Martha asked, “Jonas? He’s alive?”
“In our world,” Franziska nodded, “And he knows what the origin is.”
Mary trembled as she realized, no. Eve could, and Eve would. She started to realize everything was just Eve’s fault. She had been using her just as she used Jonas, but to what end. Mary sneered at him and said, “Of course in the end you would choose her. I hope you rot in the hell you both made.” She walked away from him to go to Eve’s office.
Franziska continued, “But before that, you must save Jonas from the apocalypse in his world and bring him into your world.”
Bartosz stood up and growled, “All of you are crazy, you know that?!”
Magnus stepped towards the girl and said, “You can’t stop what’s happening now, but...if you come with us, you can prevent it. Another time.” He took out the orb and held it towards Martha.
Bartosz helped Annalise up and asked, “What is that?”
Martha stared into her other worldly brother’s eyes. She panted as she tried to figure out what to do. What was the best step. Who should she trust? What should she do?
Bartosz’s voice cut through the noise in Martha’s head, “Martha what’s going on here?”
Martha walked towards them and turned towards her two closest friends, “you have to come with us.”
“Come with you where,” Bartosz asked.
Franziska spoke up as Magnus got the orb ready, “They aren’t one of us. They work for the others. She will save them.” Franziska nodded towards Annalise. 
Martha looked between the two groups unsure of who to go with or who to trust. She looked at her friends and whispered, “I’m sorry.” She disappeared in a cloud of ashes and ember.
“It’s time,” Eve spoke to her group, “Adam has moved each of his tokens into position. It is time that we do the same.”
Mary burst into the room angry with her Bartosz trailing behind her, “You MONSTER! You LIED TO ME.” She growled and launched herself at Eve. 
Eve laughed as everyone else left the room to leave them alone. She shook her head, “I did no such thing. This was all just a test for you, don’t you see that?”
Mary screamed, “You killed my son!? After everything I had done for you! I made your damn machine for you! I traumatised myself for you. I worked years and years for you. Blindly trusting you. You separated me from Bartosz for years to motivate me to make the machine work! I helped convince someone I was an angel with the son you had my husband have after me so that we could have your dad’s brother killed! Who even does that?! Why me?!”
Eve sighed, again, she chose Jonas in the end just like every cycle. Annalise chose Bartosz. As her heart slowly broke, she spoke, “I am so sorry you see it that way, but I want to hear it from you. Say what you are truly feeling deep inside your heart. Tell me.”
The younger Eve took over speaking to the rest of the group, “This knot has given us all life and we are its keepers. In both worlds. He’ll never be able to untie this knot. In all these years, he’s never understood how everything is connected. How it all ends and begins. Not only in our world, but in his as well. We are destiny. We raise the walls of this labyrinth. Each of us shapes the paths and extend their hand. Bartosz, you must help save yourself and Annalise to save our lives. Claudia, you must guide yourself to be our eyes in the other world. Egon, you must create your past to preserve the family tree. Noah, you must bring love and friendship... To start everything anew. Every darkness is followed by light. With every death comes life.” The younger Eve opened the portal for them.
In Adam’s world, Martha pleaded with the scarred man, “You brought me into your world. You promised me we could change this. Why are you doing this?” She struggled against her chains crying. She sobbed and asked him, “Where are the others? Where did you send them?”
Adam’s raspy voice grated in the air, “They are all fulfilling their destinies. Magnus and Franziska. Charlotte and Elisabeth. Silja and Agnes. They’re sustaining the cycle’s life. So that you and I exist here, now.”
“What are you saying,” She shook her head in confusion.
Adam looked at the ghost of Annalise dancing around them and looked back at her, “This is the end we’ve reached. What’s growing inside you, the origin, must die. But it can’t be killed by normal means. It’s born of both worlds and so the energy of both worlds is necessary to destory it. The apocalypse in my world...and the apocalypse in your world. This here is the end. A machine that crosses not only time, but space as well. Which then focuses the energy of both apocalypses on one concentrated point. This spot. Your son only exists because the matter exists. Now, through it, he will die, and all of us with him. None of this will exist anymore. Both worlds will erase one another. Absolute annihilation.”
Martha shook her head. She looked at him with sorrow for him, “You’ve gone insane.”
Adam slowly walked towards her, “There is no hope. No salvation. No paradise.” He took Annalise’s necklace from her, “We were wrong. You and I. In your world, and in mine.” He walked away from her.
“Jonas,” She called out to him, “JONAS! Jonas, please don’t do it. Jonas.”
Adam closed the door to prevent him from still hearing her call his old name. A name he had not associated with himself in a long time. A name when he was still Annalise’s. As she cried, he sighed knowing what he had to do. He turned it on and watched her struggle.
The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning. Every connection in one world must also be closed in the other world. Everything is interconnected. In the light and in shadow.
Slowly, all of Eve’s foot soldiers reached where they were to go. Older Noah to Sylvie and Elizabeth, Helge and Egon back to the past, Claudia to her other self, and Older Bartosz to Annalise and his younger self. Ulrich going into the past to stop Mads from dying.  Older Jonas creating the machine while young Eve went to place the note. The Unknown going to help create the end. 
Mary screamed, “ADAM WAS RIGHT. There is no salvation! You are the monster and this should end. All of this should end. There is no paradise! There is only pain!”
Just as a gunshot rang out deep in the cavern walls, The Unknown all yelled out desperately, “MOM!”
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dystovian · 4 years
The Last of Us: How to Disappear Completely
Chapter 3: Burrow
Summary: The aftermath of death is never nice, especially with the end of the world. You felt you knew how to deal with it, and that’s by moving on as quick as possible. Sawyer, takes this personally, and lets you have a piece of their mind.
Pairing: Joel/Reader, Joel x Reader (Future)
Warning(s): Language, Talks about Death and Suicide, Arguing, Injuries.
A/N: ok one more chapter i think and joel comes into play! thank u for reading!!
Tags: @hrk-fic-recs
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Often, before your sister had disappeared, you wouldn’t really bother thinking about the past. You had your future right in front of you, because for all you knew, you and her would be just fine. But, the second you realized she wouldn’t return, and was likely rotting in some field or some building, or running around Infected...it’s all you could think about.
You’d think about the way you grimaced at melted red popsicles and how they stuck to your fingers, coating your skin with red juice. You’d think about how you’d fallen off your bike, not wearing any knee guards and crying out in the street due to the skin on your kneecaps peeling away. You’d mostly think about luxuries, stuff you’d never experience again. Stuff that were so far away from this life, that had left a mark on you.
Something that never left, though? Was grief. Grief followed every living thing with a heartbeat and snuck up on it every chance it got. Grabbed you by the roots of your hair and tossed you to the ground. Grief, which seemed to have a festival just about every second of every day now, with the way things fell apart. Exploding into millions of sparks just like the fireworks on the beach that day.
This was evident now, what with the way the young teenager in the room across from you hasn’t stopped crying, even within their sleep their tears are evident, dripping over their nose and onto the sheets. Evident, shown in the way your shoulders shook violently as the body of a young girl whom you just saw yesterday lay behind you.
In the past, grief was more of a long time thing. Where you could sit in your room and cry all day after your cat had died. But now — with the world gone to shit — it’s different. Someone dies, you cry for a minute, maybe even not at all, then you suck it up. You get the fuck over it, and you move the hell on. Do what they couldn’t, survive, live for them.
Except, you haven’t. You’ve barely even bothered. Sometimes, though, you get this burst of energy. Telling you to go out on a run, get some supplies to help live just a little longer. But you can’t leave Sawyer, not when they’ve barely even spoken, and the last time they did, they made it quite clear of their feelings. Of the state of their mind since the loss of their sister.
“You’ve barely eaten your dinner, y’know.” You had said one night, windows covered with thick wool blankets, and candles lit along the house.
“Mhm.” They muttered, slumped in their chair, eyes staring at the food on their plate.
“Please...you’ve got to eat, Soy. It’ll kill you.” You said, placing your utensils on the wood, leaning forward.
“Awesome.” They scoffed, almost sliding the plate into your lap with the force of their hand.
“Seriously? Are you..” You’d paused in disbelief, “Are you seriously just gonna let yourself fucking starve to death? Sawyer, you need to listen to me. We’re gonna need more food soon, and if I’m going alone, you need to be fit enough to keep watch on this place. Oka-“ You stopped when Sawyer abruptly stood, hands clenched into fists on the wood of the dining room table, head hanging.
“You wanna go? Then fuckin’ go! I don’t give a shit if you leave me here and I certainly don’t care if Infected tear me to goddamn shreds.” They said, tears piling up upon their eyelids.
“You, you do not mean that,” You were standing now, chair almost falling with the force of your movement. Your eyes were wide, with eyebrows raised, shock filing through you.
“Oh, I meant every damn bit of that sentence.” They scoffed.
“Take it back.”
“I ain’t takin’ back sh-“ Their finger goes to point at you, and the second they do, it’s slapped away.
“Take it the fuck back! You listen to me, and you listen to me good. I am not, and I mean absolutely not, going to feel responsible for somebody else dying. I am sick and fucking tired of death, and I know for damn sure you are too. Hell, every last person is! But, and I hate to say this shit you, but you need to move on. You and I both know that’s what Ryan would want. So, take. It. The. Fuck. Back.” You were angry, of course you were. You loved the two of them, they were family to you, and with one of them gone you knew you couldn’t live after you lost the other.
“Well, have you ever stopped to think about what I fucking want? Ryan is dead! Ryan doesn’t have wants or needs or...or anything! I want to die! I don’t want to live anymore. Get that through your thick skull. And, for the love of all that’s ever been holy, quit actin’ like you knew us. You don’t, and won’t, know shit. You didn’t raise us, and you weren’t there when everything went to shit. We’re not your fuckin’ children. And we sure as shit ain’t your sister!” By the time they let it all out, you had sat back down and had taken the blow.
“That’s how it is, then? Hm?”
“Yeah. And quit telling me what I’m ‘supposed’ to do. I’ll move on when I damn well please, and you know what? Fuck you. You already movin’ on after we just pieced my sister back together and buried her in the backyard. The backyard, of some house, that we only knew for a year! She should’ve died old, with a family, or something! She...she should’ve died normally. Old age, or a stroke, or a fuckin’ heart attack...I don’t know! But instead, she got eaten alive, and blew her brains out before she could become one of those things! So don’t talk to me about moving on, when we both know there’s no moving on from that.” They were in front of you now, tears streaming over the red of their cheeks, face hot from anger.
Since then, you’ve barely spoken to the other. Choosing to stay quiet during dinner, which began happening less and less with your shortage of food. You finally came to Sawyer one day, and told them that you couldn’t stay here any longer. That the streets have more and more Infected every week, and the whole town is empty of food.
They agreed, nodding their head in silent agreement, eyes drawn away from your own.
2 0 2 5.
Ryan’s name hasn’t left either of your mouths. Not during dinner, not even in passing. Not even in your sleep, did either of you cry out her name and sob afterwards.
After everything that happened, you left the house. The room she died in was loud, almost frighteningly so, and filled with the phantom screams of her last moments. Something, that both you and her sister, couldn’t quite stand beside anymore. So, you left. Walked and walked and walked, barely talking to the other at first. And sure as hell keeping her name out of your mouth.
You didn’t say her name again until a group took you in, asked you about your past, and you delivered. Spilled your hearts content onto the plastic table in front of you, until you broke down, and the lovely couple in front of you — Alex and his wife, Amy — stopped you, rubbing their hands on your back.
Although you’ve been through hell and back these last six years, Ryan always lingered. You’d see her in the corpses that littered streets and the homes you’d spend a few nights in. See her in the way Sawyer carried themself, or spoke, or cried.
You didn’t forgive eachother, you rarely talked of that argument in the dining room that night. You simply opted to get the hell over it, if you don’t talk about it then I guess it just didn’t happen. And now, being taken in by this group that call themselves the Burrowers, the conversation is begging to be had.
Sawyer didn’t stay with you long, you shared a home for four days before they left, got their own place. And you haven’t seen them since.
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babygirlofwakanda · 5 years
A Time To Give Thanks | Chapter 2
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CHARACTERS — Giselle X Chris Hemsworth
CONTENT — Thanksgiving Shenanigans, Family Ties, Soul Food, Tradition and Southern Hospitality
PLOT — The Hollywood couple and their children fly out to Giselle’s hometown for Thanksgiving this year.
NARRATIVE — The soul food filled the house; replacing the vanilla scent that once filled the house.
With silver trays of steaming collards green, sizzling turkey and corn brought by arriving family members the side dishes added to the lingering smell of food already in the house from the night before.
Downstairs checking on the glistening ham the barefaced beauty stepped back from the heated source before closing the oven. Taking her mittens off Giselle went onto stirring the mac & cheese but before she could, she was frantically waved over by her sister who stood by the drink table dumping a couple of ice cubes in the two dozen red cups.
Twisting her face up out of instinct the actress maneuvered through her aunties and uncles before she reached Iris, “What’chu want Iris? I’m busy girl.”
Cutting her chocolate eyes at her sister’s sly smirk and quirked eyebrow, “Hm, I know what your nasty ass doin’ last night.” She started, instantly making Giselle’s face scrunch up in confusion before she remembered why her vagina was aching today.
Instantly dropping her mouth as her eyes went wide, Giselle pinched her sister’s shoulder, “Iris! You need to keep your fuckin’ voice,” She said, as she looked around to see if anyone noticed her words, “—your voice down and stop ear hustlin’ on what does or doesn’t happen in my room.” Giselle sassed.
Jerking away from her oldest sister’s hold Iris rebutted, “Huh-uh don’t start that GiGi! You and Chris out’here makin’ all that damn noise at two in fuckin’ morning like my bedroom isn’t next door!”
Before either of them could even respond the siblings were interrupted by Chris strolling into the kitchen with two more bags of ice and Niel following behind with a few more boxes of cups. Squinting her eyes at her sister, Giselle greeted them, “—hey y’all!”
“Wassup G and Iris,” Niel smiled, “Hello.” The Aussie greeted, with a headnod at Iris and a wink at his wife.
“I see dad got y’all working today.” Iris chuckled, making the men sigh and stifled out a laugh. “You just don’t know big head,” Niel let out an exhausted laugh, before he wiped his forehead, “—but imma be right back. I’m gonna go check on Elianna.” He said, before side hugging his sisters and dapping up Chris.
“So, what time did my dad wake you up?” Giselle questioned, as she shifted towards her husband.
“Around eight-ish.”, “Aw, thats too bad. I had some plans for us to do before we got started with our day, but I guess that’ll have to wait for later.” The actress promised, making her brow quirk while her tone of voice softened; lingering in his ear and sadly, Iris’s.
Kissing her teeth, “Uh, do I need to leave the kitchen or what?” Iris questioned, with borderline annoyance inflected in her voice making the couple pull away.
After stepping back, Giselle sighed with a hand on her forehead while her husband excused himself and exited the kitchen leaving the annoyed Brown sisters.
Squinting her eyes at her Iris, Giselle scoffed and folded her arms. “Oo! Yall lovebirds make me sick!”
“Y’all were lucky mama and daddy’s room was down the hallway otherwise y’all two would be ass out in the street.” Iris cackled, with her head tossed back before she returned back to filling the cups.
With her eyebrow quirked Giselle instantly spat out her rebuttal, “Oh Iris, honey you don’t want to start with me, but since we airing shit out riddle me this.”
“Why exactly did you ask daddy for those batteries today hm? Lying and saying it was for your remote— when we both know it’s for a certain remote alright.”
Folding her arms as her hip poked out, Giselle hummed out as Iris failed to respond leaving her stumbling over her words. “That’s what I thought.”
“So, you what was that bout’ me and Chris again?”
“—you made me happy, this you can bet. You stood right beside me— yeah and I’ll never forget..”
Synchronized dancing and collective singing ranged out of the kitchen and echoed through the rest of the house as Frankie Beverly and Maze’s Before I Let Go played from the speakers. Struggling to squeeze past eachother to put whatever dish they wanted on their plates; the Brown and Hemsworth family crowded the space as they broke up the single-file line.
“What’chu want on your plate baby?”, “Uhh I want that and ham!” Giselle saw Amelia point to the ham and the platter of Devil’s eggs. After putting the food on her plate Giselle went onto making Sienna’s plate before she did her own. Glancing over at Chris while she scooped some green beans on her plate Giselle watched her husband struggle to make his plate.
“Y’know maybe it’ll help if you put her down.”
“Aht! Don’t worry about what we doing, Mia tell auntie to quit worrying about us.” Chris kissed his teeth while Mia drooled and bobbed her fist around before he walked towards the drinks. With her eyes still on Chris, she twisted her mouth around as she saw how her husband has interacted with Mia.
Catching her husband mumble a few words to her niece, Giselle watched Mia’s heavy head drop within seconds before she reached up and gripped Chris’s neckline as she fought from closing her heavy eyes.
Melting at the sight Giselle found herself questioning her decision to hold off on having another baby once more. Exhaling, the actress took her eyes off the two only to glance down at her three brown babies for a second; could she really handle another one?
After she finished making the children’s and her plates Giselle left her kids sitting with their second cousins before she walked outside and sat down at the outside dining table. Settling down next to Chris who still managed to eat his food while keeping Mia close to his chest while responding to her cousin, Kj.
“Aye! Quit naggin’ him Kj! We didn’t come down here to breakdown every Marvel movie.” Giselle rebutted, making her cousin smack his lips while Chris stifled out a laugh. “—and that goes for the rest of y’all.”
“We just wanna know what happens to Thor!”
After finishing their food and feeding baby Mia, the couple’s rest of the evening was spent separated.
With Chris being pulled away by her cousins and siblings, he stayed outside with the men of her family who were laughing and sharing a case of Heineken’s.
Meanwhile, Giselle sat at the kitchen table chatting with her female cousins and younger sister. Gulping down the burgundy beverage the actress laughed at her cousin, “—then Marcus had the audacity to start that ‘I’m tired’ bullshit like man ion’ wanna hear that shit after I’ve been working all day, saddle up nigga!”
“I’m tired of that mothafucka holding out on me then he called himself tryna edge me and shit— I almost choked him when I was able to stand on my feet.”
“I swear I can’t stand that fine ass nigga. Just look at him outside laughing like shit is so sweet; ah hee hee haa haa ass nigga.” Giselle’s cousin, Rachel mocked, before kissing her teeth and throwing her wine back.
Tossing her head back at her cousin’s story Giselle went to bring her glass of Chardonnay to her mouth when suddenly a bitter fluid entered her mouth and began to puddle over her tastebuds. Wincing at the vile taste the actress closed her mouth and harshly swallowed before she started for her glass again.
—but her body had other plans, before Giselle could even lift her hand up by an inch she abruptly tasted the sour fluid back in her mouth followed by the sudden thrust of her food beginning to retrace.
Immediately throwing a hand over her mouth the actress slammed down her wine glass and stood up; spilling and staining the alcohol on the table while her chair screeched from her brisk moves.
Quickly gaining the attention of her family members, “GiGi is everything fine? Sweetheart, you’re looking a little gre—,” before her sister could finish getting her question out Giselle ran to the nearest bathroom.
Reaching the powder room the nauseous woman didn’t even get the chance to turn on the light before she fell to her knees, cradled the toilet and started to release the chunks from her mouth. With the plops of her contents splashing into the water while she threw up, Giselle missed the heavy footsteps coming down the hall before she felt a warm palm on her back.
Heaving against the toilet Giselle fluttered her eyes open and caught her husband kneeling down beside her side while combing her hair into a loose ponytail.
—and right behind Chris stood her mama searching for a washcloth to clean her baby’s face afterward.
“Baby! Giselle are you ok? Look at me.” Beginning to turn her head Giselle felt her stomach jolt and before she knew it she was hunched over the toilet again.
“—shit!” Chris hissed, while he caressed his wife’s back and waited until Giselle was done throwing up.
Hearing Giselle groan as he propped her body up against the wall, Chris moved fast as he flushed the toilet before he grabbed the wet cloth Mama Janice was pushing towards him. Holding her face with his left hand Chris wiped Giselle’s mouth with the other before he folded the cloth and dapped it across her face. “Do you feel better babe? Do you feel like you have to go again baby?” Chris questioned, voice slightly shaking as he stared into her dim eyes.
Watching her head slowly move side to side, the Australian nodded before he helped his wife to her feet only for her knees to starting buckling causing Chris to move on his feet and swiftly pick Giselle up.
“Oh, God!” Mama Janice rasped, as she stared at her oldest daughter before moving to open the door.
“Thanks mama. Hey, uh— can you bring me a can of ginger ale and some of those saltine crackers? Imma go ahead and take Giselle upstairs,” Chris requested.
“Yes, of course honey. Now gon’ and take my baby to her room, I’ll be up there soon.” Mama Janice sassed, before she shooed her son-in-law out the confined space and dismissed the lingering relatives.
Entering the hallway Chris headed towards the staircase when a voice called out to him, “Daddy! Is mommy gonna be okay?” before footsteps followed.
Immediately spotting a confused, but somewhat distressed Amelia coming closer, “Hey! Mommy is gonna be alright yea? She’s just a little sick okay, so why don’t you go with—um,” Chris paused, while he looked up and spotted Iris. “—come with me, baby.”
“Let’s go see what your siblings and cousins are doin’ in the kitchen huh? You feel like coloring Lia’?” Chris heard Iris question, while she walked Amelia away.
Sighing, Chris went on and took Giselle upstairs and got her tucked into the bed. After persuading his wife to sip on the ginger ale, Chris watched Giselle sleep for a minute before he placed a kiss on her forehead and headed out of the bedroom; letting Giselle be.
A daze greeted Giselle as she stirred awake before a yawn rippled her features. Curling up before pushing her arms out the brown beauty slowly propped up on her forearm and blinked while she looked around the bedroom. Noticing the can of ginger ale and pack of saltines, Giselle recalled what happened earlier.
Instantly tasting the bitter residue from earlier she frowned before sitting up, swinging her legs around the bed to brush her teeth. After freshening up for a minute, she reached the bottom of the staircase and went to look for her husband. Following the laughs, Giselle walked into the kitchen and quickly spotted Chris; standing in a corner laughing with Quinton.
Sliding past her family members Giselle reached Chris, “—uh, baby..” She whined, as she playfully nudged her younger brother aside to hug her man.
“Aye!”, “You feeling better baby, hm?” The Aussie asked, before he leaned back and held her face up with his palms on the sides of face. “Much better.”
“Plus, your color came back; you’re not as green.”
Nodding her head, Giselle exhaled before she pouted her lips and blinked up at her husband.
Without a second thought, Giselle felt Chris’s damp lips on hers, “Ugh! Can y’all cut that shit out. Now, I know what Iris was talking bout’— shit that might be why your sick GiGi.” Giselle heard Quinton complain.
Quickly freezing, the couple stared at eachother and let a wave of silence pass by before they busted out laughing, “Puh-lease!” Giselle giggled, before she placed her head back onto Chris’s heated chest.
Little did the couple know that Giselle’s younger siblings were onto something life-changing.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — This was just a quick little wrap up! More Chris and Giselle is coming in a couple of days. Anyways, thanks for reading and supporting!
TAGLIST — @wakandas-vibranium @oceanscorazon @melaninmarvel @wakandamama @storibambino @chaneajoyyy @ashanti-notthesinger @lewatigress @wakanda-inspired @blowmymbackout @theblulife @kreolemami @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @lildashofmelanin @iamrheaspeaks @ororowrites @kumkaniudaku @theunsweetenedtruth @s0eul @klaylakayblack @shortstacks-blog @destinio1
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Fighting battles ~ pt.3
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It wasn’t the same as it used to be. It felt since that day, you couldn’t help yourself from stealing glances of him. And sometimes, you caught him stealing glances of you as well. 
“Bellezza!” a familliar voice cut you off from your daydreams and you glanced up at the pereptual beam of his before back at the boy at the other table. 
But wait-
You looked back up at him. His hair was cut by the side so that his long front hair was falling everywhere. They were filled with gel and had a purple strand dyed. His eyelids were filled with dark eyeshadow and a dark underline that pointed out his fern green eyes and made them more forest green like. His clothes were different as well. He wore dark turtleneck shirt with high waisted black jeans and a shiny belt around it. His chest carried a few golden necklaces that hung from his neck and he had a leather jacket over, which looked completely brand new. 
“What the hell?” you continued to stare and forgot to blink a few times. “When did you turn punk?”
He laughed picked a toothpick to put it in his mouth. “You didn’t know me back then. You wouldn’t know how punk I can be.” he opened his eyes that showed a few golden and silver rings. “Plus.” he leaned forward, smling broadly. “I thought we should do number eight today.”
“You’re nuts.” you laughed and leaned back. 
“Come on, Pupina.” he batted his long eyelashes and showed you a pouty frown. 
How you hated whe he did that. It worked every single time and you were so done for it already. 
“James will kill me.” you bit the inner side of your cheek, keeping a sly smirk at bay. 
“You say that every time. Come on, Pupina.” he continued, placing his palms togeteher and later taking your hands and putting them on his cheek. “You can’t resist this face.” 
“Nope.” you walked away and tried to leave but he quickly grabbed you by the shoulders and stopped you. “Not fucking fine .” 
“It’s just a tiny needle.” he hugged you from behind and around the shoulder. “We’ll have a matching tattoooo.” he cooed in your ear. “A cute matching tattoo.”
But if he knew how needles provoked you. Especially since everything you’ve been through, you couldn’t trust needles. 
“Hey.” he kissed your cheek and kept rocking you left and right. As if he knew how your mind worked right now. “This is different.” he whispered in your ear. “And I’ll be here with you. Since always.” 
“I know but-”
“Don’t you trust me?” 
You turned around to look at him in the eyes and saw that they were a bit red at the sides. You put your hands on his cheeks to look at him carefully. Was he using again?
“It’s just the underline, darling. I think I’m alergic to it. Don’t worry.” he smiled and quickly wrapped his arm around you, leading you to the tattoo parlor. 
“It better be the underline, Wren.”
“It is.”
“I don’t believe you.” you turned around sharply and looked at him in the eyes. “Are you using again?” 
“I’m not. I swear I’m not!” he lifted his hands and kept staring at you with teary eyes. 
But you kept glaring at him anyway because at you were conflicted between the Wren, who used and the Wren, who would never lie to you. And  you couldn’t figure out which one you were talking to. 
“It happens every time, (y/n).” he said, cupping your cheeks and rpressing his forehead on yours. “I’m not using, I swear. If you don’t believe its the underline, I’ll stop using it but please believe me.”
And how come that as much you wanted to listen to your head, your heart decided to trust him. 
“Don’t ever hide anything from me.” you looked at him and pressed your index finger at his chest. “
“I’m not hiding.” he moved away and smiled, changing the sublject. “So are you ready?” 
“With you?” you smiled, taking his hand and walking after him. “Always.”
Every Marauder was in the common room. Not much talking to eachother, just being quiet and comfortable with each other. 
James was sitting on the armchair with his legs over the one armrest adn his back leaned against the other. He was biting in his apple, chewing loudly while reading his Quidditch magazine and getting ugly glares from Remus, who was sitting on the sofa, trying to read the Daily Prophet. 
“Can you stop chewin so loudly!” he snapped after James took another bite. 
James peeked from his magazine, smiled at him and took another bite, provoking him even more. “Whatcha gonna do, Moony?”
“Eat you.” he replied. “Just wait till the next full moon.” his expression was flat serious and watching James’ smirk disappear.
“Maybe chew as loud as he does.” Sirius laughed, spread on sofa and holding the Marauder’s map.
“I’m planning too.”
“You looking for Severus?” Peter asked Sirius as he walked by. 
“Yeah.” Sirius mumbled. 
“Then why are you looking at the Ravenclaw tower?” he blurted out normally while Remus and James shot their head towards him. 
“Yeah, Pads?” James answered, keeping his growl silent. “Why looking at the house my sister was sorted in?”
“Didn’t you hear him talking about her all supper, James?” Remus asked, quirking at James. “Oh..probably not since you chew so loud.” he mocked, snorting while getting thrown a pillow from both side (James’ and Sirius’). 
“I wasn’t talking about her all supper. I just asked where she was going with that knob head.” 
“Wren?” Peter corrected him.
“Knob head.” Sirius corrected back and rolled his eyes. “She still has my Herbology essays.”
“You wrote essays?” Remus teased and kept snorting to himself. 
“Isn’t it Wren?” Peter said confusely.
“What’s your deal with Wren?” James sat normaly, feet on the floor, and arms on the knees. “Why don’t you like the guy?”
“He’s dodgy. I don’t trust him.”
“He’s Wren. From what I heard, he’s just a Muggleborn coming from a rich family who disowned him after finding out he’s a wizard.” James kept talking, looking at Sirius. 
“Yeah but they took him back, didn’t they?” 
“Under what circumstances?” James asked him to which Sirius quickly wiped that arrogant smirk. 
“But have you seen his new leather jacket?” Remus jumped in the conversation. '' That leather costs money. It ain't cheap.''
'' I don't know! '' James snapped at them, jumping on his feet and glaring at both of them. ''He helped my sister go through a shit ton of problems. From what I know. I owe him a life for saving hers.''
'' Mate, we-''
'' No! You don't get it!!'' he exploaded. »You don't know shit about him yet here you judge him because he dresses differently and acts a bit differently or maybe, just maybe Sirius, he hangs around my sister a lot and you don't like that.«
»No.« James cut him off. »My sister won't date you. Ever. I love you like a brother but that doesn't mean you get to date my sister. No offense, Pads, but she's gone through so much…she doesn't need your extra weight.«
»Extra weight?!« Sirius stood up as well.
»Woah, woah. Mates, let's-.« Remus stood up but was cut off by Sirius.
»I'm extra weight?« Sirius stared at James.
»You know I didn't say that.« James watched him back. »I said that all four of us come with baggage and we signed up for that. But she didn't Sirius and I want to leave her out of this. Out of Remus' secrets, your family, mine and Peter's problems. She has enough of her own.«
All the other three were quiet this time. Sirius knew that at some point was right but he didn't understand what he was talking about. What kind of problems did you have and how horrid were they? Were they really as bad as James made them out to be?
»Anyways. If you already were stalking my sister at some point. Where is she?« James asked, grabbing the Map from the sofa and looking over.
»Don't know. She didn't come back-.« but before he could continue James was already sprinting down to the Ravenclaw tower.
»What has hands but can not clap?« the eagle spoke but James was now filed with anger to care.
»What has hands and can knock you off this fucking door!?« he spoke but the eagle di dot move. »I don't know! Okay!«
»What has a head and a tail, but no body?« the eagle spoke again but James knew this one. Of course he knew it. You kept asking him riddles when you came to your first year at Hogwarts.
»I know this one. Head and tail- COIN!« he shouted and the door opened. He sprinted up to the girls dormitories but ended back on the floor. Looking up he saw a slide and immediately cursed under his breath. »Fucking smartarse founders.«
»Take it off!« Wren continued to persuade and you laughed. »I wanna see it!«
»Wren, you just saw it like an hour ago.« you laughed.
»I wanna see it again!« he continued. »I wanna do it again!«
»As if! We have to at least wait a bit.«
»Can't believe you were scared-.«
Before Wren could finish his sentace, James was already on top of him, gripping his shirt and shouting. »LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU FREAK!«
»JAMES!« you shouted and tried pulled him off. »What the hell!?!
»My sister is not a slag for you to strip her off! Do you hear me!?«
»Oh my God, James! We weren't shagging!«
»He wanted you to take it off. To see it!«
»A tattoo! Merlin, James.«
James stared at you confused, glancing between you and him. He loosed his grip from Wren's shirt and stood up. »A what now?«
»A tattoo.« you took off your shirt and showed him your hip. There was a simple black and white triangle in a circle symbol with a bright purple butterfly with only one wing spread widely and the other hung and broken. »We both have it.« you looked up at him as he approached you and looking from the tattoo and to your eyes
»I'm going to kill you.«
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jeansmartswhxre · 6 years
Just A Little Prayer (Zelda x Reader)
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Could you write an imagine where reader is one of Zelda's students when she is the director of the satanic choir? And the reader has crush on her or sth like that? OFC I CAN. This is totally going to be a two parter, maybe even a series, idk. Keep sending me requests guys!!! I hope you like it! Here is a link to Part 2.
You dreaded your first class of the day, having Satanic Choir would be fun, if Lady Blackwood didn’t hate your class. Prudence was the star, so there was a lot of tension there, Satan knows why. You walked into the class, your music in hand, Nick by your side, talking about your plans for that night. There was not a teacher there, so the both of you just sat down next to eachother on the stands, waiting for Lady Blackwood to arrive. As everyone started to file in you noticed that Lady Blackwood, wasn’t there, there was someone else. 
Sister Zelda Spellman.
Praise Satan, you thought as you watched her settle in the front of the class, her hand on her hip and eyebrow arched, as she studied the music you were going to be practicing that day. You were completely distracted by Zelda to notice that Nick was trying to get your attention.
“Y/N, looks like somebody his smitten.” He whispered in you ear. The moment he said that, a blush crept onto you cheeks.
“Oh my Dark Lord, shut up Nick.” You whispered back as you nudged his elbow.
“Okay students, Lady Blackwood is going to be gone due to the babies, so I will be your director until she gets back. We are going to pick up where she left off. Prudence and Y/N, the both of you have the solos for this song. We are going to run through it today so I can hear how you sound. Remember, the concert is in two weeks.” Her voice was mesmerizing. You watched her as the choir started to sing. There were a couple of times where she would catch you staring and you would quickly look away, blushing, yet again. 
When it came to your solo, her blue eyes bored through you as you sang your short part of the satanic ballad. When you finished, you looked at her to see her reaction, and she smirked at you, her eyebrow raising with approval. You looked down at your music, completley overwhelmed by the feelings she was giving you.
When the class was over, you put your music in your bag and started to walk out of the classroom with Nick.
“Sister Y/N, will you come here a minute.” She announced, as she stood in front of the conducters stand. Nick nudged you as you turned around to walk toward her. You rolled you eyes at him, and nervously ran you hand through your hair as you started to walk toward Sister Zelda.
“Yes Sister Zelda?” You asked, your hands clasping together.
“The Dark Lord would be proud of the worship you offered him today Y/N.”
“Thank you, Sister Zelda.” You could feel a blush creeping on your cheeks again. A piece of hair fell over your eyes and you started to fiddle with the hem of your skirt.
She licked her lips as she pushed a piece of hair out of your face and behind your ear. “After class tommorrow, I want to practice with you longer. Give you a couple of extra tips before the concert. So, I want you to stay after class an extra thirty minutes starting tomorrow, okay?” she asked, her hand now propped on her hip and her other laying on the conducters stand.
“That would be great Sister Zelda, thank you.”
“No, thank the Dark Lord for giving you such a beautiful voice” She smirked.
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Now run along, I’m sure you have something to do, just remember to stay tomorrow.”
You nodded as you started to walk out. You bit your lip as you walked out of the room, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding. That voice, her hands, you clouldn’t stop thinking about how soft they were as she pushed that peice of hair out of your face. You went to the library, but as you walked you prayed to satan that something would come of this.
Part 2
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