#my silly little christmas tale
piecesofeden11 · 10 months
✨Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the Secret of the Star Brick✨
Under the following cut, you will find the first installment of a Fever Dream. This idea is four days late and I'm rapidly playing catch up as I'm writing this, but I hope it will bring a smile to your faces 😁 This whole thing will be up on Ao3, too, at a later point and I'll share the link soon, of course! For now, enjoy! <3
It was baffling. One moment, Anakin was soaring through space, executing a perfect barrel roll, catching five vulture droids by surprise and blowing them to beautiful, sparkling smithereens. The next, Artoo was screaming in his ear pieces as space turned to blinding, swirling colors and then everything went black.
There were only flashes of the rest, the strange landscape passing by, the weird monument coming closer and closer, before he got one last warning yell from Artoo as the droid deployed the emergency ejector seat. Droid and Jedi alike sailed through the air as the ship smashed into the ground under them. Only thanks to his sharp reflexes, did Anakin manage to twist in the air just enough to land relatively smoothly on his feet. Artoo's went careening further, his screams almost comically deformed by his flight path, then came a crash and then silence.
Panic gripped Anakin for a second, but then he could hear disgruntled beeps from not too far away. If he could cuss, he was fine, so Anakin turned his attention to a more pressing problem for the time being.
His starfighter had seen better days for sure. Nothing Anakin could not fix, but certainly enough for them to be grounded for a few days. One wing had come clean off and a few studs and bricks were strewn about.
"Kriffing kung dag," Anakin muttered under his breath, surveying the damage and, in a fit of annoyance, kicked one of the bits of debris. "Shutta, kriffin' flark! When Obi-Wan finds out about this, I'll never hear the end of it."
Another displeased serious of chirps and whistles from the nearby bushes drew Anakin's attention away from what was left of his ship for a moment. Right. Artoo.
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Following the increasingly vulgar volleys of binary, Anakin soon found the droid lodged firmly in what appeared to be a large tree of sorts, domed head down.
"Yo, buddy, what're you doing up there?" Anakin grinned, receiving a few choice words in response, while he lifted his droid out of his predicament, gently floating him back to the ground.
The moment Artoo's wheels hit the ground, he was off, racing towards the ship and beeping in distress. "Yeah, bud, it looks bad but I'm sure we can fix it. Common, let's see what we're dealing with and get to work."
A few hours passed, spent in the familiar chaos and efficiency of tinkering and repairing, Anakin had just lodged himself under the torn wing flap, when Artoo whistled a sharp warning. A second later, a high-pitched whine tore across the sky above them, followed by a booming crash.
Anakin pushed himself out from under the wing, reaching through the Force for his lightsaber, readying himself for a possible attack. Artoo, in similar readiness, brandished every weapon his system allowed him to have.
When the dust cleared, it revealed another ship, similarly fated as Anakin's own. Although it was flipped and had also sustained severe damage to hull and wing, Anakin was pretty sure that it was a Delta-7 Aethersprite. He could not help a low, appreciative whistle. "An actual vintage. Rare to see these days", he told Artoo. "Obi-Wan used to fly one of those." His musing were interrupted, when a cloaked figure emerged from the wreckage, turned away from Anakin and Artoo.
Anakin was about to call out to them, when the bushes above the figure began to quiver and shake and then slowly, just as Artoo had a few hours ago, an astromech droid hovered to the ground, it's red painted dome rotating wildly. A Force user, then. Anakin tightened his grip on his saber. "Turn around! And no sudden movements!", he shouted, while mentally and physically preparing for a fight. "I'm not telling you again, pal."
The figure froze for a moment, and so did the red astromech, before slowly turning around, their face still hidden by a cowl. Yet something about them seemed so familiar.
Blue erupted from the lightsaber the person had suddenly procured, brandished in a defensive stance, that looked even more familiar and Anakin's gut began to twist with a sudden, and rather odd premonition.
The person slowly lifted a hand to flip back their cowl and Anakin dropped his own saber, as his hand went slack in shock.
"Hello there! Do I know you?"
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"I-" Anakin paused. He took in the man in front of him. It was clearly Obi-Wan, but he was still sporting his longer hair, his beard not quite as refined as Anakin was used to it. The Aethersprite slotted itself into the equation. "In a manner of speaking, yeah."
"Well that doesn't sound ominous at all, does it?" Obi-Wan looked around, his brow creasing in what Anakin knew well as annoyance, when he looked at the wreckage of his ship. "What a mess. R4, can you fix that?" "I can!", Anakin blurted out, before R4 - of course it was R4 - had a chance to reply. "I mean, I can help, for sure. So can Artoo, he-" He noticed his mistake just a blink too late.
Obi-Wan's eyes widened and his gaze flickered past Anakin to where Artoo had, thankfully, withdrawn his arsenal. "Artoo? R2D2?" Artoo beeped a confirmation. Obi-Wan's eyes whipped back at Anakin, scrutinizing, then his mouth fell open in shock. "Anakin?!"
Anakin shrugged awkwardly and lifted a hand. "Hi?"
"Okay, what in the blazes is going on here? Where are we?" Ah, yes. This Obi-Wan was still a little more prone to outbursts, had not yet mastered himself quite as much as Anakin's own version had. It was oddly refreshing.
"I haven't figured that out just yet, to be honest. I tried fixing my ship first." Anakin gestured at the pile behind him. "And then you came down and well, that's been that. There is that giant thing over there, though. Maybe that could give us a clue."
They both looked over at the structure that loomed not too far from their joint crash site. It looked unlike anything either of them had ever seen, that much was certain.
"Interesting", Obi-Wan muttered, and lifted a hand to stroke his face, a gesture almost painfully familiar. "Perhaps a religious site? Or remnants of an ancient civilization. Those markings -"
"They look like numbers to me. And those crevices? Could be doors. Or windows? Something like that. It also-"
They both paused, eyes fluttering shut almost simultaneously. "It's radiates Force energy like crazy."
"It certainly does, doesn't it? Curious. We should-"
Before Obi-Wan could finish that sentence, however, Anakin was already halfway up the structure, heading for the door, or window, with what he figured could be the number 1. It was were the Force emanated from the strongest. Obi-Wan's faint, exasperated Anakin, fell on deaf ears.
"Let's see here, maybe if I push it like this and then twist. Hah! There we go!" The door gave in quickly, the material rather odd to the touch, thinner than expected and despite the sheen not even remotely resembling durasteel or plastoid. Behind the door he found a dark chamber, smelling faintly of wood and something resin-like. Carefully crawling inside, his legs soon connected with something.
Reaching out with the Force, his senses slid along a strange substance, that seemed to yield and crinkle under the pressure. When, after a few moments, nothing had attacked him yet, he put out his hands and took a hold of the material. Then, he pulled, until half of it was out the door. Crawling back into the space, he used the Force to push whatever it was further out.
He caught a brief glimpse of a transparent container of sorts and the frightened stare of someone inside, before it slid over the edge of the chamber towards the ground. "Kriff!" Sprinting towards the edge, he saw Obi-Wan holding out his hands just in time to catch the container before it could shatter.
The muffled yells inside of it grew louder.
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thespaceyace · 11 months
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It’s finally star of christmas szn and I had an idea
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stormgrl19 · 4 months
𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 | 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑛
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Credits: All credits go to the authors / the producers / etc. of the show / the book / the movie. I own my OCs and their plot and any differences from the original plot.
Request: Idk if your requests are closed but if theyre not could you write for peter? Somthing like the reader came to the island to help find henry but shes fascinated with the island and peters fascinated with her? Ty if you can !! < 3 ( @akumazwrld )
Summary: You go to neverland with Emma and the others to help bring Henry back and on one of your secret midnight strolls you meet a really… fascinating boy.
A/n: I am so sorry it took so long! I hope you like it!
Warnings: use of y/n, not proofread /edited/ …
Wc: 799
Part two
You don’t know how many days you had been on this island, just that it couldn’t be a week since you arrived with Emma, Hook and the others to help Henry. Back in Storybrooke you lived alone in an apartment over a flower shop, where you worked. You weren’t a main character of any fairy tale, just a side character with no known family, but before you all got your memories back, you sometimes babysat Henry, which is why you were now here, in neverland.
Walking under the stars, in a jungle with beautiful plants everywhere, you let your mind wander and carefully craft on your silly dream of living here. Nature brought you the feeling of peace, it always had and even so, neverland was dangerous, you somehow knew deep down, that as long you were surrounded by nature, nothing bad would happen to you. It was foolish to rely on your feeling, the others would definitely call you delusional, but neverland was to wonderful to just walk through it, without taking time to really take everything in.
That’s why you had been secretly going on little adventures to explore the mystical island, while everyone else was sleeping. So far you had seen a lot of trees, flowers and last night you saw for the second time in your life real mermaids! If you hadn’t had to be silent you would’ve squealed like a child on Christmas. The more you saw of the island the less you wanted to go back to your boring and lonely life in Storybrooke. Why would you, when you could life here? Explore the island until you knew it like the back of your hand, nature always by your side and (and know you were really far gone from any reality) befriend the mermaids, swimming together and play around.
 Walking slowly, you stopped right before you walked into a bush with dark green leaves. It was dark, but the moon shone through the trees and you could see the little thorns. The stems looked like they were black and without any logical reason you reached your hand out.
“I wouldn’t do that.”
Hastily you withdraw you hand and turned around. Before you, a few meters away was a boy, looking at you with an arrogant smirk and his hands crossed before his chest, while leaning on a tree.
“Why?” You asked, cursing silently for not bringing something to defend yourself.
“Because that is dreamshade. It is poisonous,“ he answered, still looking, no scanning you with his eyes.
“Oh.” You looked around, searching for a way to escape.
“Well, I think I have to go, so… It was nice meeting you?” The last sentence sounded like a question, but you really had to get away from him. He probably was one, of the people that held Henry captive.
He laughed and pushed himself off the tree, walking to you. Now you could get a better look on his face, and God was he handsome, but you really shouldn’t talk to him, should you?
“That was certainly a short meeting. I don’t even know your name.”
“Yeah, well-“ You stocked. Talking to him couldn’t be that bad and maybe he could help you with Henry? “Only if you tell me yours!”
His brow raised and he answered: “Ah, a little trade? My name for yours?”
“Seems fair, don’t you think?”
He hummed, “You can begin.”
“I can- fine. Hi, I am Y/n!”
“Y/n? That is a pretty name.”
“Yes, now tell me yours!”
“So impatient, are you? Don’t worry, I always stick to my word.” “So?”
He chuckled and walked closer to you, only three steps away from you.
“Hi, I’m Peter.”
You stared at him with wide eyes, it couldn’t be…
“Peter as in Peter Pan?” you asked hesitantly.
His eyes darkened and his smile changed from arrogant to something more… dangerous.
“Why, yes!”
“I really have to go now.” Panic was a feeling you knew all too well in this moment.
“Not so fast!” He grabbed your wrist and spun you around.
“I know why you and your friends are here - without my permission by the way - but-“ he leaned in, now only centimetres apart from your face “You won’t succeed. You hear me? I always win.”
He stepped back: “You should go now before your friends wake up!”
He sent you one of his smirks and seconds later he was gone.
You stared at the spot, were he stood only seconds ago. Scrunching up your face, you think about how you thought of him as handsome, he really is, with his hair, and his green eyes and-
You had to focus! You crushing on the enemy was not helping or useful.
At least you now knew: neverland was really fascinating.
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lovrsm · 9 months
ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ ᴛʀᴇᴇ ꜰᴀʀᴍ
sum: Christmas is near the corner, remembering how in this time of the year, everything is magic with the man you love.
word count: 2.5k
pairing: charles leclerc x childhoodbsf!reader
warning: angst, overthinking and FLUFF!!
disclaimers: we’re going to pretend that in Monaco it snows, FOR THE SAKE OF THIS SILLY WRITING. Alright? I investigated what winter is like there, and it’s not even close to snowing🤕. Also, kinda wrote this like a fairy tale, I’m so in love with it wtf😭♥️
Merry Christmas to you all🫶 love you and enjoy!
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“Just being in your arms takes me back to that little farm”
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Christmas was around the corner.
Or maybe in a few couple days.
In reality, it was more than a month away.
November, 1st of November, and everything turned a mix of red, white and green. The colors of your favorite time of the year.
Your hands were covered in bags, and the bags filled with presents for all of your loved ones. It was barely afternoon, but you had woken up since 6am to be at stores as quick as you could.
Every single present was planned, even if it’s one time they mentioned they wanted it, or something they’ve been dying for since forever. Your presents were always the best, and everyone knew that.
After you buyed some great amount of gift wrapping, you finally headed home.
You knew you’d take a long time to get home, holiday shopping traffic was surely starting now.
Just a day after halloween and you knew you had to make everything green and white, and hella lot of red.
The rest of the day was for yourself, your family, and for making everything festive. Changing your bedsheets from black to red. Having christmas decorations over the entrance of your house.
The only thing that was missing, was the Christmas tree.
The very thing you waited for all year long.
You weren’t sure if it was the smell, or the shape. But the journey to find the tree, that was all you needed for Christmas.
You closed your eyes, and that silly little Christmas tree farm was the only thing you pictured.
“Sweetie, it’s time to go, they’re here!” My mom screamed from downstairs.
I finished drying my hair, since I had just showered. Quickly, I grabbed all the extra clothes I needed for the cold weather outside.
I rushed downstairs, grabbing a beanie I had by the door in the way.
I could see at the corner of my eye the whole place covered in a blanket of snow.
“Oh, we are ready to go now!” I heard my dad shout as I was locking the door soon a lot of footsteps.
“Took you long enough” I heads a calm voice behind me.
I turned around to see the face I’ve been missing so much. I quickly jumped into his arms. “I’ve missed you too, asshole.” I whispered in his ear. He chuckled, making my whole body shiver with excitement.
“Missed you too, you have no idea.”
I let him go, taking a good look at him. His dimples showing up, and his white pearled teeth shining at me.
I couldn’t hide my smile, he was finally here.
A honk interrupted my thinking. “Come on you two, we want to get early this year!” I heard Lorenzo screaming from his car.
We both rushed to it, my dad, mom and Pascale left in the other car. While the Leclerc’s, my brother and I traveled in this car.
“Hey y/n!” Lorenzo smiled at me through the car mirror “Sup!” Arthur gave me a wave from the co-pilot seat.
“Hi!” I responded as I settled into my seat, putting on my seat belt. Lorenzo wasn't the best driver around.
“So, how was everything both of you? Did you miss us?” My brother started a conversation.
“It’s been crazy! All I could ever imagine, it literally felt like a dream”
“Yeah, all the behind the scenes is absolutely crazy, definitely learned a lot from the team, I think white looks good on us” Arthur completed.
“But, do you know what will look even better?”
“Red!” We all said in union and laughed.
Charles had won the new Ferarri seat for the 2019 season, and we were all so proud of him.
“We all saw you at your races, y/n was the first one to wake up and put on the tv, always.” My brother, Matthias tried to tease me.
Charles turned to look at me with a grin plastered in his face.
“Okeyy, I’m a morning person, alright? What is wrong with that?” I answered normally.
Yeah, I am a morning person, but I would normally go walking on my mornings or maybe do some exercise, not stay home watching tv.
But if Charles was on it, there was no way I would miss it.
“If you say sooo” I leaned out of my seat to look at Matt, since he was on the other side of the car. Charles was in the middle.
“okay.” He quietly answered to my glare.
“Anyway, so what is the first thing you want to do when we get there?” Lorenzo asked from the pilot seat, concentrated on not crashing.
“The sleighs”
“The horses!”
“Maybe we should get the trees first” Charles said calmly, looking at the road ahead.
“Yeah, you know how quickly they buy them, we should get the best two around.” I smiled at them, and everyone nodded in agreement.
Charles was right, the biggest, greenest and beautiful trees were obviously taken as soon as possible.
Last winter we were left with not the best tree because we all got distracted doing something else.
“So, we all know the drill, right?” Arthur asked, turning to look at the three of us in the back.
I smirked, this was going to be fun.
“Maman, papa are with Pascale, I texted them. They are going to wait for you, Enzo”
And with that, we arrived to the parking lot, and thank god we found a good place to park in, I did not want to walk too much after the whole day.
We always end up exhausted.
“Everyone get their phones at maximum volume, if someone calls answer immediately!” We all agreed.
“Go go go gooo!”
I opened the door as fast as I could, and waited for Charles to get out, but in a blink of an eye he already grabbed my hand and started to run to the barns direction.
I was slowly catching to his pace.
Shit he was faster than last year.
He finally stopped at the start of the trees. “Well, we have a lot of options”
Charles was concentrated on watching every single tree in front of us, scrunching his nose in a very cute way.
“Yeah… we better go looking”
Half an hour. A whole 30 minutes we were looking for the damn trees.
All of us took this very seriously.
“Too short”
“Too tall”
“Ew, that’s ugly.”
“Never liked the ones with fake snow.”
“Not fluffy enough”
“Oh come on, there is no way an ornament will look good in that.”
Every time there was an excuse. That was until Arthur and Matthias called us saying they found the 1st one.
Then my maman and papa called right after just to say they finally found another one, the most ‘perfect’ in the place.
In the pictures they sent to us, they looked so cute and wonderful. Surely there was no complaining at all.
So the Christmas tree hunt was over. And now we could peacefully walk around the place.
Charles and I walked silently to our favorite place here, it was somewhere close to the icy and blue ice rink.
Some small open cabins were there, just so people could get somewhere to get warm, and to lit up a bonfire.
The temperatures here were no joke.
Charles and I were basically freezing, even if we had the mittens that his mom made for us last year.
I snuggled into my sweater as I waited for charles to set the bonfire.
“You cold?”
“Mhm” he laughed at my state, I always get easily cold, but that doesn’t mean I hate winter.
It’s actually the exact opposite.
“Your nose is red as a tomato.” He pinched my nose.
“Hey!” He shrugged and smiled while he gave me his white scarf. “Thanks…”
I was now hypnotized by the dancing fire, and Charles came closer, having his arm touching mine.
“I wish you could’ve come with me” He whispered.
“To your races?”
“Everywhere, I needed you there.” He sweetly smiled at me. But I hit him in his arm “ow? What was that for?” He laughed at me.
“For all the times you were reckless and almost gave me a heart attack!… but, I would’ve loved being there with you too, you know that”
He chuckled, since we were little, when he was karting I would always be there for him when he crashed or just had a bump on the way.
But now we were talking about F1, something people should not play with. Cars that go at a speed I can’t even think.
So, yeah, I obviously had my nearly death experiences while watching the tv and having Charles crashing out of nowhere.
But here he was, next to me and I could now feel his warmth.
charles pov.
Missing her is just an understatement, he needed her. Every day it passed without her was absolutely devastating.
Yeah, they texted and called often, but there was nothing like having her by his side.
At this point she’s the air he need to breathe, it was like the sun finally appearing after long rainy days.
She was the first person he called when he got into Ferrari, she was the one who he texted in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep.
Charles didn’t even know how much he needed her till she wasn’t by his side anymore.
How do I even tell her?
She’s at my side, peacefully watching the bonfire while I am dying inside to tell her how much se makes me feel.
“Hey…” I started, I don’t even know what Im fucking going to say.
She turned her head to look at me, and tilted her head while shining her big gorgeous eyes at me.
I gulped. She stopped the world completely by just looking at me.
“Are you ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” she laughed, and the ends of my lips turned upwards.
“Here, let’s go take some hot cocoa, maybe it’ll help you relax”
She stood up and offered me her hand, and I took it hesitatingly, if I don't do it now when will I do it? I can’t just not tell her.
“Oh god, you’re even paler now.” She looked a bit worried.
“Come on big boy, you will be fine, follow me”
I grunted, but she didn’t stop moving. The cold air hitting us as soon as we left the warmth of the bonfire.
“Here, with marshmallows, just how you like it Charlie.” She showed her teeth at me handing a warm cup of hot chocolate.
“Feeling better?” She placed a falling piece of her hair behind her her ear after taking a sip from her own cup.
“More than ever” I replied.
She looked directly into my eyes, god I could melt right now.
“What was it that you were saying?”
I almost choked.
“Ugh, nothing important”
“Must be, you can always count on me Charlie.” She placed her delicate hand on top of mine.
Charlie, she has called me that since we were little. My parents and hers were friends since forever, and I guess we just followed.
“I just, was thinking about when I was away. Uh, I was just thinking about this… girl.”
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴠ
I felt a sting on my chest
But that is does the mean anything, right?
“Oh” i just managed to say, I looked at my feet just so I couldn’t meet his angelic eyes.
who am I even fooling at this point?
“It’s just, I really, really want her to be more to me than she is now. I just don’t know how to tell her.”
Cool cool cool cool cool… cool.
“I mean, I don’t know, what is she like?” I looked everywhere just to not look at him.
But I’m pretty sure he must be distracted thinking about this girl.
why am I feeling like this?
“Well” he chuckled. “She’s like, the best woman I’ve ever met. She gets me, and she’s so creative and funny and everything great in this world...”
My heart was slowly breaking by each compliment he gave her.
“…I just want her by my side.”
“Just tell her, if you feel all… this, maybe you should just tell her”
It’s the first time I’ve heard him talk about a girl like this, heck, he even called her a woman.
I finally looked up at him, just to find out he was already looking at me.
His eyes shined with that sparkling light he had. I could resist the smile creeping up my cheeks already.
“Really? I’m just afraid I’ll screw everything up.” He concluded.
“Any girl would be nuts to say no to you.”
His cheeks turned a slightly darker red. I could feel my cheeks burning already.
But I had to stop myself, this isn’t you who he is talking about.
I turned around, I need to take a breath.
“y/n…” he grabbed me by the wrist to turn me around. I met, once again, with her dreamy eyes.
“Yes?” I quietly replied.
“You know who I’m talking about, right?” He raised an eyebrow at me, and gave me a look I couldn’t quite figure out was trying to say.
I shook my head side slowly. I felt my eyes watering.
I looked around just so that he couldn’t catch my glossy eyes.
But I met with a mistletoe just over a head. I opened my mouth in awe.
I felt a shift in the ambiance, I looked back at Charles and saw him smiling showing his dimples.
He was looking at the mistletoe above us.
“I can’t, I just can’t anymore y/n.”
He met my gaze and took both of my hands, I could feel them over my mittens.
“Since we were kids, there was something about you, the is something about you that has always made my heart skip a beat.”
This isn’t happening.
I could feel my mouth slowly forming a smile.
“And I’ve always thought it was normal for me to feel like this with you. But god, being away from you has been hell. I need you, I can’t conform with just texting and calling.”
“Maybe this might sound selfish, but I don’t even want to picture you with someone else who is not me. I thought it was a little crush, but heck, you make me feel this way every single time and I never get tired of it.”
I was completely speechless.
This is happening.
“It’s ok if you don’t feel the same way, but it physically hurts to not tell you how much you actually mean to me. I’d be a fool not to tell you how special you are.”
At this point I started crying.
I cupped his face in my hands.
“What i’m trying to say is… I love you. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
I was left with words, I’ve never been good at telling my feelings.
But I am good at showing them.
I slowly looked up at the mistletoe, and he followed my eyes.
I bit my lip. And furrowed my eyebrows asking him with signs, not words.
“Please” he quietly begged. I didn’t even had to think it twice.
I crashed my lips into his, expressing every single ounce of love I had for him. He followed.
It was the most magical night of the year.
Under the sparkling lights, bundled up in their mittens and coats, sweet dreams of holly and ribbons…
The couple finally found their way together, and their souls finally united and all their wishes came true.
Their love was blooming, and it all started in that little Christmas tree farm.
@delicatepeanutsublime @leclercera16 @ironspdy @architect-2015 @buendiabebeta @zlut1r
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helloliriels · 9 months
"Do you think The Doctor exists?"
Sherlock asked John.
The question came out of nowhere as he was hanging a stocking up by the fire.
There were three, side-by-side. One for John, one for little Rosie, and one for Sherlock.
It took a moment for John's brain to catch up to what Sherlock was asking?
"Sorry ...? The doctor?" John asked, tilting his head as if trying to recall what they had been discussing previously? "What doctor?"
His hand hovered over the tree as it held a snowflake ornament, midway to hanging it on its waiting branch.
"You know ...?" Sherlock shrugged, "The Doctor." He waved his arms to indicate all of the Christmas decorations. "The one who shows up while you are sleeping and delivers christmas toys?"
John's eyes went wide.
"You don't mean ... are you ... ? Are you talking about Santa somehow?"
"No, John," Sherlock Holmes rolled his eyes, leaving all but the word 'idiot' out. "Everyone and their dog knows Santa Claus isn't real! He could never make deliveries on a global scale with just a sleigh and handful of reindeer?!"
"No," John chuckled to himself, "course not. Silly me!"
"He doesn't even have a time machine," Sherlock muttered, sounding a little affronted.
Then he was stepping back to admire his handiwork on the mantle before picking up a strand of garland from the box of decorations, and lifting out a packet of fairy lights.
"Hang on a mo-"
John carefully hung up the ornament - mind still reeling with thoughts - as he made sure he would not drop and shatter anything, before climbing down the stepladder to face Sherlock more directly.
Once he was on firm ground, he came over and turned Sherlock around.
Sherlock froze. Staring down at the closeness of John, at the warmth of his hands touching him ... blinking both at it, and then up at John's now glittering eyes.
"You mean to tell me ...? John asked, voice tinkling with mirth, "...that you grew up ...? With tales of Doctor Who delivering your Christmas presents??!"
John was barely containing his enthusiasm.
"Doctor who?" Sherlock asked, confused.
"Oh my God," John was now laughing with his eyes also, "Oh ... my. God! The Doctor?! The timelord with two hearts ... ! The one who travels in a big blue box? That Doctor??"
Sherlock shuffled his feet uncomfortably, and wouldn't meet John's eyes.
"That ... is ... " Sherlock huffed, "isn't that ... how it goes?" He looked around as if he had somehow gotten it all wrong??
Was John making fun of him?
It had certainly made more sense than a giant bearded old elf in red wool sneaking down non-existent chimneys! Or at least he and Mycroft thought so ...
John had stopped laughing. He stepped forward and looked up earnestly as Sherlock, "Will I ever cease to be amazed by how your brain works?" He asked, genuinely amazed.
Sherlock's eyes went wide as John stepped closer and ... his hand brushed the curls away from Sherlock's forehead.
Then he pulled Sherlock in for a kiss.
Now Sherlock's eyes were glittering, looking as if he'd opened every Christmas present early.
"Just know, if I find you kissing any other Doctor on Christmas eve ..." John warned, playfully, "I will be taking back all of your Christmas presents!"
Sherlock grinned, "Doctor who?" he mocked in return, stooping to pull John close again, "I only kiss this one."
John laughed as Sherlock enthusiastically smothered him in kisses. Only pulling away when they heard Rosie coo from the other room.
"Oh, I know what we're watching tonight!" John laughed.
Sherlock pulled John back and placed John's hand over his own heart. "John ...?" he asked, in serious reply to John's teasing, "are you sure you don't have two hearts?"
Just then, Rosie walked in, dragging her floppy bunny behind her ...
"Maybe ... even three?" Sherlock corrected.
John smiled ... knowing his own heart had just melted.
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dramioneasks · 9 months
New Year’s Day Fics (2024):
Glitter On The Dance Floor by wantsgmarie, WritexAboutxMe - E, one-shot - Following the events of You're My Home , Hermione gets her wish, and Draco escorts her to his Mother's annual New Year's Eve Gala. -or- They torment Lucius, drink champagne, dance and then fuck. Happy New Year's my loves. This story can be entirely read and enjoyed on its own, but the beginning does reference the events of part 1.
A Bottle of Blotson's by thepotterfamily - E, WIP - A little Christmas tale in which Hermione and Draco are workaholics spending the holidays in the Ministry halls together, but separate. In which Draco steals Hermione’s ink and makes up for it with the best gift she’s ever received. In a world where Draco is Hermione’s golden boy and Hermione is Draco’s saving grace, please enjoy my ten-part Christmas tale that is really more of a New Years Eve story. Eventually NSFW.
The Library Liaison by UltramarineOrchid - E, WIP - When Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy realise they’ll need to ring in the New Year by fake-dating, they think that’s just what comes with the job. Little do they know that they’re going to get far more than they bargained for.
New Years Past by magicalsydney (magicandmanuscripts) - G, one-shot - Five years of monumental New Years’ Eves for Hermione and Draco.
A New Year, Together by oceanxpoppy - E, one-shot - She was not fine. She could admit that. She hadn’t been fine in months, if she was honest with herself. It’s something she rarely was anymore, but the exhaustion of the evening had stripped her bare, and all that was left was the feeling she most abhorred; longing. A longing for a man who wanted absolutely nothing to do with her.
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? by Granger_Danger1234321 - not rated, one-shot - Draco and Hermione are the only single ones left out of their friend group. Draco proposes a fake dating arrangement to get them through the holiday season. Just a silly, fluffy holiday fic with a fake dating trope.
Raise a Toast by MarinaJune - M, one-shot - It's the cusp of a new year, and Draco Malfoy is finally ready to take the next step forward away from his grief and his pining. Ahead of him stands Minister Granger-Weasley. Recently-divorced. The centre of attention in a crowd high on hope and celebration.
ringing in the new year by moscovit - M, one-shot - Hermione hates parties, especially intimate ones. When she gets an invitation to Blaise Zabini's New Year's party, she's got no excuse not to go. But Blaise's girlfriend, Ginny, is kind of an ex friend now after a very public breakup with Ron, and they haven't spoke in weeks. This is the story of semi anti social Hermione suffering through a party with a group of friends she doesn't feel like she belongs with.
Midnight wish by Katibugg3 - not rated, one-shot - Hermione is attending the Malfoy's New Years Eve gala alone. Thank God for the expensive wine Draco always has for her.
New Year's Resolutions by arborlibrary - M, one-shot - Hermione had not seen him since the day she’d originally been dragged into his manor and tortured by Bellatrix, while he’d just watched. She’d always wondered if he’d ever make an appearance, after six years of absolutely detesting her at Hogwarts. But he never had, and none of the others had ever mentioned him, either. And he was alone. “Granger,” he finally whispered, remaining on his side of the locked gate. She cautiously approached, though still stayed out of reach. “What do you want?” she rasped, trying to remember how long it had even been since she’d last spoken. Now she was close enough to watch his throat bob as he gulped. “It’s New Year’s Eve.”
Can I Be Yours? by Wanderingfair - E, 2 chapters - “Stop stalling.” She laughed. “Right.” he confirmed, “I’m off to have a dastardly time bashing around Londo- oh, wait, no, I’m off to go meet the gold-digger Mum set me up with,” he snapped. “I get those two confused all the time.” “Go,” she urged, tucking her mouth into the sleeve of her jumper to hide her smile. “I’ll be up reading when you get home.” “You’ll be asleep on the library sofa and we both know it.” He winked, before closing the door. OR Hermione is forced to watch her best friend Draco Malfoy go on dates and finally confront the fact that she doesn't just love him, she is in love with him.
Draco Malfoy's Five Step Plan to Being Forgettable by OneEqualTemper - E, one-shot - Five times Draco said, “New year, new me!” and one time Hermione said, “But I like the old you.”
things that have never been by ohthedrarry - E, one-shot - 31 December 2009 – Draco finds himself sitting alone at a bar, much like he had in December 1999, bringing in the New Year with a glass of whiskey and a sense that this next decade won’t be any better than the last. Until Hermione Granger wanders in with mascara smudged under her eyes, demanding a dry martini.
make a wish by thatblondebitvh - M, one-shot - Theodore Nott's New Year's experiment goes wrong. Chaos ensues.
That One Night That Draco And Theo Sent A Message by allyseisfalling - E, one-shot - It's New Years Eve night and Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott decide to go hunting.
Zero O'Clock by forestknifefight - G, one-shot - “You,” Malfoy begins, drawing Hermione’s attention again. He still isn’t looking at her, favoring the book now held in both hands. His mouth drops open like he’s afraid to speak. “I…?” She prompts him to continue. She lets her arm relax against the table, her quill nearly falling from her hand. His mouth shuts momentarily. He inhales through his nose but still does not look up at her. “You aren’t celebrating.”
Happy New Year Draco Malfoy by MissusB - E, one-shot - After going through the emotional constipation of gifting Hermione his love all December, he finally gets to tell her in person. Even better, he gets to show her as they agree to spend New Year's evening together and maybe start a new tradition together.
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asoulwithadream · 3 months
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(beware, beware, spoilers are here, hold your breath, for the empire of death)
Balls to the walls episode. Throughout the week I've actually grown to appreciate Sutekh as a villain and was really excited. He was very Doctor Who-villian-esque and I loved the Angels of Death appearances. Not to mention the Doctor's cleverness and Ncuti's PHENOMENAL acting. Like I think we need to take a moment and just think about how absolutely brilliant Ncuti is as an actor.
The rants, the speeches, the calm reveries of a lifeless world, it was an exciting and dramatic episode, and I feel like the Sutekh plot was built and ended quite fantastically. Not the best I've ever seen, but certainly amazing.
Now, the other plot. Ruby's mother. First, I want to start off by saying that the "most ordinary being the most important" trope is very Doctor Who, and it worked amazingly well with Donna. However, being done twice, and especially after ALL that build-up pointing otherwise, it's a bit of a disappointment.
I'm not saying it was bad. I laughed when they showed it, props to RTD for leading on an entire collective fandom. But it's an 'all that for nothing' feeling. It just felt incredibly under-dramatic with the context of this season. And especially because is it really such a colossal space-time event?
Surely that same scenario with Allison leaving Ruby at the church, because she wanted her baby to be safe, but why her? Just because?I'm a person who likes to know reasons, and every other time Doctor Who has kept things a mystery it's felt justified, but this just... felt a bit pointless.
I don't know, I'm just a bit underwhelmed at the moment, and maybe some funny posts will make me think otherwise.
My silly little commentary:
His rant, that he will defeat Sutekh in the name of life and his slow realisation, the widening of his pupils as he realises: "Why am I still alive?"
73 YARDS COMING BACK OH MY GOD. The tie in to the entire season is absolutely insane.
2005. 2005. 2005.
"The Earth is dying. So many times" broke me
"I did this. Every sun is dead. The universe has come to a halt. And it is my fault. Because I travelled to all those worlds. I thought it was fun."
What the fuck Sutekh. What the actual fuck.
Him and spoons <3
"Did we? God I'd forgotten." Sute if you take Mel I will actually throw some hands. SUTEKH.
"Surely that's what I am! Life!" Oh baby that didn't sound convincing
Okay I don't believe Louise Allison Miller. Like I both love and hate RTD if she's ACTUALLY Ruby's mother and he's been stringing us along on wild theories all this time, but there's 10 minutes left and I've learnt not to trust any conclusions.
And with that, this season of Doctor Who is finished, and I must painfully wait another 6 months to get Nicola Coughlan and the Christmas special <3
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taylorannnx · 10 months
I need to gush about my upcoming game
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[Alt text: A graphic with floral corner borders in the bottom left and top right corners with Chefs de Partie written in the center. Above the title reads hashtag Chefs de Partie. Below the title reads served on January 24th 2024 only at DriveThruRPG.]
Chefs de Partie is a co-op minigame for your ongoing RPG campaign that runs on Iron Core. Gather your party and cook a meal together, narrating your successes and failures with either heavenly or disastrous results.
This one page game includes the core rules (written by me) and six recipes that demonstrate how the game interacts with four different systems: D&D 5e, Blades in the Daek, Fate Core, snd Lasers & Feelings. The recipes are written by some of TTRPGs rising stars (literally my dream team!!!):
Austin Taylor, of Secret Mysteries of Nerd Histories fame whose game design you'll have seen in Deimos Academy and Til the Last Gasp
Basil Wright, a Storytelling Collective 2023 Creative Laurette and game designer of Pelegos
Danny Quach, author of Digital THICCNESS, AP superstar, and Roll20 angel
DT 'Honey' Saint, whose food based TTRPG contributions I've admired since she DMed Spice of Life at Roll20 Con three years ago, and whose charity work "Honeybunches of Hope" is incredible
Erin Roberts, a game design role model of mine whose name you may know from Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel
Poorna M, one have of Weave Games, who recently made one of my all time favourite games, a Christmas rom com duet called Love is on the Cards with her design partner Armaan Babu
As if that wasn't enough, we've got the one and only Nala J Wu on graphic design (they have perfectly brought to life my vision of a restaurant menu for the layout) and Marielle Ko from Tales of Sina Una as our editor!
Biggest one page RPG? Maybe (it's A2 dimensions)
Most designers on a one page RPG? Possibly
But cooking is best done with friends and I've implemented that philosophy throughout the creation process. I'm so freaking hyped to bring the world this game (the recipes range from brioche cinnamon rolls to podi masala dosa) because the dish descriptions are something incredible!
My hope is that we reach 51 sales* in the first month. With royalty split and $3.95 per sale, my writers should make $0.10 a word if we reach our target goal. I've priced this so everyone gets paid fairly.
*at full price. There will be options in the game description to buy the game for 50% or 100% off because games shouldn't be gatekept by disposable income.
This game is a little silly downtime activity and I love every contribution with my whole heart. I'm so excited for it to release next month and I hope you consider buying it if you can!
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piecesofeden11 · 10 months
Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the Secret of the Star Brick - Part 1 (Day 1-7)
The initial idea was to post this in day-by-day increments, like the advent calendar it was so obviously inspired by, but my muses have gone on quite a ride with me and have insisted I insert *story* and *feelings* into this, frankly, silly idea. So to give all of that adequate room, I'll be posting in four installments instead, covering 7 days each, until Christmas :D Please, enjoy this absolute silliness <3 (Under the cut for length)
Prologue - Part 1 -
1 "Kriff! Is everything okay down there?" Anakin called down from his perch. Even from this distance, he could see Obi-Wan's unimpressed expression, but chose to ignore it for the moment. "Hold on, I'm coming down." Jumping, and landing smoothly, Anakin joined Obi-Wan next to the curious container. It was of an odd, shapeless, well, shape, completely translucent and seemed sturdy but still gave easily when prodded.
More importantly, however, they could clearly see that someone was inside.
"Careful", Obi-Wan called out, when Anakin ignited his saber. "You don't know if-"
"Well, I'm sure we can handle whoever's in there between the two of us. And what if it's someone who needs help?"
Not waiting for a reply, Anakin sliced down onto the strange container. An unpleasant smell, similar, yet completely different from melting plastoid, filled his nostrils, but the container now had an opening.
"Get back! I have a weapon!" an unfamiliar voice yelled. It sounded young, and clearly frightened but admirably tough as well.
Obi-Wan gestured towards Anakin's saber, who quickly turned it off. "It's alright. We have no intentions of harming you", he called out and took a step back, allowing whoever the person was space to exit their confinement.
More of that odd rustling, as the person struggled free. Anakin felt his skin prickle, an uneasy feeling and when he looked at Obi-Wan, he saw his Master's former self similarly tense.
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"Don't move", the voice demanded again, and then, a person - no - a child emerged from the container, a mop of short blonde hair on top of their head, brandishing - a single stud. "I'm a good shot, I warn you!", they threatened again.
Anakin snorted a laugh. "I bet you are, kid." The stud hit his head with staggering precision. "Outch, hey!" He glared at the child while rubbing his forehead. The child, in turn used the distraction to dash past him, bringing some distance between themselves and the two men.
Out of the corner of his eye, Anakin could see Obi-Wan hiding a smile, before turning towards the child, hands raised placatingly. "We're not going to hurt you, please. My name is Obi-Wan and this here is Anakin. What can we call you?"
The child kept eyeing them both wearily, but some of the tension bled out of their shoulders already. Obi-Wan had that effect on people. "I'm Omega", the child said after a long pause, then added, almost as an afterthought, a reflex of good upbringing. "Nice to meet you."
"It is very nice to meet you, too, Omega. Do you happen to know where we are? We have stumbled upon this place quite by accident, I'm afraid and have, consequently stumbled upon you as we were looking for way out."
"You're Jedi, aren't you?" Omega blurted out in place of an answer, eyes wide as she spotted the lightsaber dangling from Anakin's belt. "Y-you're not going to harm me, are you? I never had the chip, I never hurt a Jedi!"
"Harm you? No, of course not!" Obi-Wan exchanged a brief, confused look with Anakin. "I'm afraid there's a lot to unpack here. You are not from here, either, are you?"
"No. I was with my family and then there was this loud bang and everything went dark and then I was stuck in that weird foil cage and, well, then you found me." The initial adrenaline seemed to have left her system almost completely, as she began to shake visibly. Anakin could see Obi-Wan's muscles tense with the instinct to comfort her. "I don't know where we are. I want to go back. I need to get back. They'll be worried about me." There was the incoming panic.
Anakin sighed softly, feeling his own sadness and worry pool cold in his belly. "Hey, kid. No worries. We'll figure something out and get you back to your folks in no time. I promise!"
For the first time since she had smacked him in the head with the stud, she really looked at him and he could see the tears swimming in her eyes. Stars, this was really just a child. He knelt down, holding his arms wide. "I promise, we'll take care of you, okay?"
It took a few seconds, but than she cautiously crossed the distance and allowed herself to be hugged. Over her head, Anakin met Obi-Wan's gaze, a complicated mixture of surprise und suspicion in those pretty blue eyes.
2 They managed to construct a shelter from the Aethersprite's ripped off wing and the blankets stored in both Anakin's and Obi-Wan's emergency compartments. It was not necessarily comfortable, but it would serve its purpose. "It's not like we're planning to stay long anyways, right?" Anakin said as he stood before the finished product, arms crossed and tilting his head in skepticism.
Next to him, Obi-Wan tilted his head the other way, as if that would somehow make the whole thing seem less shoddy and threadbare. He shrugged. "I suppose it will have to do."
From somewhere over their shoulder, Artoo beeped. They turned in unison, to find Omega, flanked by the two astromechs looking towards the monument. "Who could have build such a thing?" she wondered, clearly in conversation with the two droids.
"Not a clue", Anakin said, walking up next to her. "And I don't much care, as long as it helps us get back home, hm? So, shall we check out that second chamber?" Anakin was already strolling forward, hands reached up, feeling for the chamber's door through the Force. Just as with Omega's, the strange thin material came open easily and in the chamber behind, they could see the shapes of another translucent containment pod.
"Another prisoner?", Obi-Wan asked, his hand once again smoothing over his jaw.
"Only one way to find out!" With a soft grunt, Anakin wrapped the Force around the pod and pulled it free. It landed with a rustling noise and the distinct clatter of - "Are those ship parts?"
"They could be! Let's get it closer to the camp."
Another effortless display of the Force later, the pod sat on the floor between all five of them, carefully opened to reveal what indeed looked like an assortment of ship parts, bricks and studs of different sizes and functions.
"Curious", Obi-Wan mused, twisting and turning one of the studs in his hand. "I wonder what these are used for." His gaze wandered back to the monument for a moment, the chamber's door flapping oddly in a low breeze. Something about it, however, caught his eye. "Is that- wait here for a moment, will you?"
"Not like we have anywhere else to go", Anakin called after Obi-Wan's retreating back, than shrugged when Omega gave him a questioning stare. "His ideas are usually good."
A moment later, Obi-Wan came jogging back to them, the actual full door folded in his hand and a triumphant grin on his face. "It's a manual", he announced, delighted.
"A - manual? For what?"
"For the parts! Here, look, if we put this and this together, like so and then -" The bricks began floating in front of them, twisting and circling before clicking together. Something began to take shape.
"Huh", Anakin said, when the finished object sat between them on the ground. "That looks almost like Cad Bane's ship, only, well, tiny."
"Cad Bane?" Obi-Wan asked, confusing Anakin for a moment before he remembered, that this version of Obi-Wan had probably not met the bounty hunter yet.
"Oh, yeah, some guy we- I- you know, my version of you and I, ran into quite often. Anyways-" Anakin quickly turned his attention back on the pile of bricks. He probably should not tell an Obi-Wan from the past too much about future events anyways. "Seems like we have few spare parts now. I think I can use those for the repairs.
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"And what do we do with this thing?", Omega asked, poking at the miniature ship.
"I suggest we leave it for now. I'm still not certain whether this monument might not be of significance for the locals." "Which we haven't even met yet. Who knows if there even are any?"
Obi-Wan lifted an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Which is why I keep suggesting we investigate a little more. Perhaps that would also give us some clues as to how we get back to our own times."
"You do that, I'll get to repairing. Artoo, you comin'?"
3 As Anakin busied himself with fitting the few parts they had garnered the day before, Obi-Wan did go off to explore the mysterious monument.
Whoever had built it, certainly had been most impressive, given the size of the thing alone. Combined with the curious and unfamiliar paintings applied to it, it was a thrilling puzzle and one Obi-Wan was all too eager to crack.
After strolling around the site for a while, seeing if there was any signs of local life about, he sat down at the bottom of the monument for a bit. There was a distinct hum to it, a vibrant and strong sense of the Force, that seemed to almost call to him. Closing his eyes, he sank into a meditative state, reaching out to the world around him.
It felt oddly familiar and compeletely alien all at once. There was the shape of his starfighter, banged up but known, there was the small black hole in the Force where R4 took up space. There was all manner of small lifeforms in the underbrush and that, in itself was also not a new sensation.
Then there was Anakin. Or rather, a version of Anakin. He certainly felt like Anakin, talked like him, too. A little older, a little wiser, perhaps, yes, but still, at his core, Anakin. Being around him was, for lack of a better word, soothing. In this odd, foreign place, there was comfort in knowing at least someone.
"Hey, sorry if I'm interrupting." Ah, yes. Definitely Anakin. Obi-Wan slowly cracked open an eye to find Anakin standing in front of him, bent slightly at the waist, a sheepish grin on his face. It gave Obi-Wan a good opportunity to study him a little more up close. The changes were stark, yet fascinating. He itched to ask this Anakin about his scar, about the lines under his eyes, about the deeply haunted look behind them.
"Can I help you?", he asked instead.
Anakin pointed upwards, at the monument. "I was thinking of cracking open door number three. See if that gets us any new information."
"Ah, certainly." Obi-Wan cracked his neck a few times and then got back up, patting the dust and dirt - of which there was surprisingly little around - from his robes. "Allow me."
This time, Obi-Wan did the honors of cracking the door and floating the pod down to their camp. As they opened this one up, he could not help feel a small sense of excitement, almost. The wonder and curiosity of what they might have discovered this time. The hope that it would perhaps be another clue as to where they were.
Finding another manual on the door, they quickly assembled the new pile of bricks. Anakin gave a whistle of appreciation at the finished product. "That's an N-1! Neat paintjob, too."
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"And also, once again, rather small."
"But we have more leftovers, so more parts for me to work with." Anakin had his arms full of them already, beaming at Obi-Wan with the achingly familiar boyish charm that he had, before dashing over to the wreckage of Obi-Wan's fighter. Yes, this was most definitely Anakin.
As he settled down in their makeshift shelter, Obi-Wan wondered what his Anakin was doing right now. He tried not to dwell too much on his.
4 Anakin ran out of parts not that much later, idly kicking at the dust when Obi-Wan came to join him and rubbing his hands on a rug. His brow was creased in a frown as he studied his handiwork, the Aethersprite still looking more broken than anything.
"Not going as planned?", Obi-Wan asked, gently, as he recognized the signs of frustration in Anakin's tense shoulders. Despite being older than his own Padawan, it was still rather easy for Obi-Wan to read this Anakin.
"It's okay. I'm making progress and I should get this ship up and running again soon, but-" Anakin halted, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth until it turned pink and slightly puffy from the treatment. "Well, then there's still my ship and the question of how the kriff we're going to get out of here."
"I'm sure something will turn up. We ended up here somehow. It must be possible for that process to be reversed."
Anakin gave him a long, odd look and then laughed dryly. "What I hear you saying there, Master, is Trust in the Force, Anakin. And you're right. I should. I will." He looked off towards the monument, swallowed and then squared his shoulders. "In fact, I'm gonna go see what's behind the next door."
"Be careful, Anakin. There's still a lot at play here that we don't understand."
Anakin turned back to Obi-Wan with a devastatingly handsome smile. "When am I ever not careful, Master?"
"Oh, I could think of an occasion or two. And that's just for as long as I've known you", Obi-Wan replied, fighting the fond smile tugging at his lips. He began following Anakin's long strides towards the monument, walking at a much more sedate pace himself.
The structure, by now almost familiar loomed over them, eerie and mysterious as ever. As Obi-Wan watched, another door began opening under Anakin's expert manipulations and they soon carried yet another container back to camp, the instructions right along with it.
"Alright", Anakin said, rubbing his hands before he tore open the crinkling material. "These could almost be Aethersprite parts", he exclaimed, holding one of the studs up for Obi-Wan's inspection. Obi-Wan nodded knowledgably, having absolutely no idea what function any of these pieces could have in the wreckage.
"With you talent, I'm sure any of these could be useful, Anakin", he said instead and noticed, not unpleased, the rosy pink undertone that snuck onto Anakin's cheeks.
"Yeah, well. The closer to the original, the better. Hey Omega, you wanna have a look at this, too? Artoo, I could use a claw or two here, buddy."
The construction slowly took shape, their teamwork getting better and better by the day. When Omega placed the last piece, there was a short electrical burst and suddenly the construct began moving, unfolding, transforming into the distinct shape of a pit droid in front of them.
"What a fun color he has!", Omega explaimed, delighted and reached out to pat the little droid on the hat-like head. It jumped back slightly, it's optical sensors moving rapidly from one to the next.
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"H-h-hallo", it started, speech slightly rusty. "Whe-e-ere am I?"
Anakin approached the droid, hands up in the air in a friendly, unthreatening gesture. "Hey there, buddy. I'm afraid that is a question none of us can answer. Do you have a designation Something we can call you?"
The droid appeared to think for a moment, a light at the center of his chest dimming and relighting rhythmically. "3X-H0", it said at last.
"Hohoho, huh? Is it okay, if we call you 3X?"
"Well, 3X, welcome to our little band of castaways. Can you tell me where you come from?"
Once again, the light began pulsing, as 3X searched its memory bank. "Ne-ne-negative. No core memories from before assembly. I'm sorry." The droid seemed to pick up on the disappointment in the group rather quickly, bowing its head in shame.
Anakin sighed. "Well, so much for a new clue, but hey. We got a new buddy who I'm sure can help us. 3X, are you familiar with the basic functionality of a sub light drive?"
"A-a-affirmative. Maintenance and repair of propulsion technology is my core directive."
"Excellent! You can come with me, then."
5 The next day began much the same as the one's before. Anakin tinkered, now assisted by both Artoo as well as 3X, while Omega watched. Meanwhile Obi-Wan did his best to keep their camp somewhat tidy, not an easy task when the entire camp was also, essentially, Anakin's workshop.
That task somewhat accomplished, and seeing that Anakin was still buried deep within the Aethersprite's left engine, Obi-Wan decided to take care of today's door.
"Can I join?" Omega piped up behind him as he was just about to set out.
"Certainly, young one."
She smiled and quickly caught up, joining him on the short trek towards the monument. "What do you think it is?", she asked as they came to stand at the base once again, the ground starting to show signs of their continued presence.
"I have a few theories, each one more unlikely than the next, but I'm certain that whatever it may be, it is the answer to all of our routes home." Obi-Wan gently put a hand against the smooth surface and closed his eyes, allowing the monument's strong Force aura to seep into him, showing him the way to their next door. "Will you step back there for a second, my dear? Thank you. Careful, it's coming down now."
"It's so cool how you do that, you know. I've never really been around Jedi before. My brothers knew some but to see you do what you do from up close is something else for sure."
Obi-Wan chuckled softly, as he turned to lift both the door and container up to float them back to camp, Omega falling back into step beside him.
"You must miss your brothers a great deal." "I do, but I'm glad I landed with you guys. I think we'll figure this all out and then I'm back home before they even notice I'm gone." Obi-Wan could tell that she was doing her best to put on a brave facade and respected that, refraining from poking any further. Instead, he nodded ahead to where their camp came into view.
Artoo and R4 were off by Anakin's fighter, bickering in rapid binary about some problem or another, both with several tools exuding from their barrel shaped bodies.
3X was going through their collection of artefacts and tried, to Obi-Wan's great delight, to bring some order into that area as well. It was a valiant, but ultimately vain endeavor, as Anakin was likely to tear into it again very soon, once the new parts came in and might require additions from the pile.
Anakin himself stood in the middle of the camp, by their makeshift seating area, his back turned towards Obi-Wan and Omega's approach. Still, the tension in his shoulders spoke volumes and just before they entered within earshot, Obi-Wan bent towards Omega. "Dear, how would you like to take on our little building project today?"
She looked up at him, surprise written clearly across her features and then grinned. "Really? Oh, I'd love that! I can get Artoo and R4 and 3X to help me, too!" With an extra bounce in her step she dashed off to gather the droids, while Obi-Wan deposited the container and instructions within their designated building area.
He could feel Anakin coming closer before he even heard it, the Force rolling off him like a bow wave.
"New pieces?", Anakin asked gruffly.
"Indeed, but I've already promised this project to Omega." Obi-Wan could hear the sharp intake of breath and quickly lifted a hand. "I was hoping I might squirrel you away for a sparing match instead. It's been a few days now and I'm feeling rather stiff. I thought the movement could do us both some good."
Anakin frowned, his eyes darting quickly between Obi-Wan, Omega and the pile of pieces and studs in front of her. He worried his bottom lip again, a really rather distracting habit if Obi-Wan had anything to say about it and then sighed. "Sure, why not."
Summoning his lightsaber to his hand, he followed Obi-Wan towards an open space within sight of the camp, rolling his shoulders as he did so.
"Three out of five for a start?", Obi-Wan inquired, making sure to sound extra cheerful. Anakin just grunted his assent, then cracked his neck a few times, causing Obi-Wan to purse his lips. "Still with that habit, I see?"
"It helps with the headaches. I forgot how much of a talker you are throughout duels." Anakin's brow was still dark, but at least he was throwing quips now, which Obi-Wan counted as progress.
Shedding his outer robe, he circled his own arms a few times, then took his first stance, igniting the blue blade of his saber, ensuring that it was set to stun, not kill.
Anakin followed his lead, readying himself in the familiar form V and then waiting exactly one split of a second before launching into a powerful attack, that nearly cost Obi-Wan his first point. The difference between his Padawan and this older version of him became starling clear in the way he had finetuned his skills.
Anakin had always been powerful and a nimble fighter, but his impatience had often diminished the effect of those attributes. This Anakin, however, had obviously learned to quell some of that impatience. He was attacking with precision, often anticipating Obi-Wan's moves before he himself was even half aware of them. It made for the most refreshingly exciting spar Obi-Wan has had in a very long time.
Three out of five turned into best of seven, then nine and soon they stopped counting hits, simply moving on whenever a strike landed, until they were both drenched and out of breath.
But, just as Obi-Wan had hoped, Anakin was grinning now, clearly enjoying himself, as he taunted Obi-Wan once again, baiting him into one last attack.
It was an obvious trap but Obi-Wan willingly indulged him, lunging forward in a sloppy, open attack, that Anakin parried easily, sidestepping him and then nearly bringing Obi-Wan down to his knees with a well-placed elbow to his back.
Obi-Wan switched of his saber with a hiss and heard Anakin's do the same behind his back. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he turned to congratulate the other man on an excellent performance, when the words got stuck in his throat.
Anakin, clearly heated up from the intensity of the duel, had shrugged off his tunic altogether and was wiping the sweat of his face with it. His broad chest glistened under this strange light of this world's sun, expanding and contracting with his slowly calming breath.
What Obi-Wan's eyes were drawn to, however, was the gleaming black and gold construction that sat where Anakin's lower right arm shoulder have been. He could see mechanical pieces move and shift with each motion of the limb.
Questions began to race through his mind, scenarios and nightmares taking shape next.
"Oh, yeah." Anakin must have noticed him staring, as he lifted the prothesis up into the light and wiggled his fingers, still encased in a black glove. "That's a long story which I'm not supposed to tell you. Just know that it's not as bad as it looks and it doesn't hider me at all." He smiled lopsidedly and then wrapped his tunic around his neck like a towel. "Thanks for this, by the way. I think I need that. Should be go and see what Omega managed to build?"
Obi-Wan needed a second to clear his mind, but then he nodded, wiping his own face with the sleeves of his tunic. "Yes, yes I think we should. And afterwards, perhaps a bath might be in order."
"Lead the way then, Master."
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6 With Omega's project yielding very little in terms of new parts, Anakin took Artoo out to the monument early the next day, Omega dashing after him the moment she noticed them leaving. Not quite the inconspicuous retreat Anakin had hoped for, but he did not mind the company too much. If anything, the girl's presence made him miss Ahsoka just a little bit, fueling his determination to find them all a way out of this mess.
"So, let's see. Six should be the number of the day, huh?" Together, they quickly located the corresponding door and pried it open. "Another day, another bag, kid. Let's see what we can build toda- Woah!"
The clear containment bag nearly feel out of it's holding chamber by itself, with muffled shouts coming from within.
"Is there a person in there?", Omega asked, eyes wide, just as Anakin ignited his saber.
"I think so. Step back, kid!" Hastily slashing an opening into the bag, Anakin moved so he could have Omega behind himself, shielding her from potential harm.
Just how correct that instinct was, became clear a second later, when a fully armoured and most of all armed cloner trooper rolled out of the cointainment bag, pointing a rather impressive flame thrower at both of them. "Hand's up where I can see them", he shouted, his voice warped by the helmet but distinctly related to Rex and Cody and all their brothers. Omega drew a sharp breath in, but Anakin held out a hand, keeping her from moving.
"At ease, soldier", Anakin began, trying to appear as unthreatening as possible. "Not to pull rank, but you are pointing a gun at a General of the Grand Army of the Republic here, so perhaps lower that a little?"
The soldier's hand shook a little bit, but he kept his gun trained firmly on Anakin's chest. "You are a Jedi. You are marked as a traitor and supposed to be executed by the law of the Emperor." Where his gun hand was mostly steady, the trooper's voice shook much more heavily, his words sounding rehearsed rather than convinced. Anakin narrowed his eyes at him, his saber twitching at his belt.
"By law of how now?"
"The Galactic Emperor. Please, stand back from the child so we can avoid unecessary casualties."
"Oh, yeah, I don't that's going to happen, pal. See, I-"
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"What in the blazes is going on here?" Obi-Wan, drawn by the comotion, joined the standoff, his arms crossed in a deceptivly relaxed pose. Anakin knew just too well, just how deadly a relaxed Obi-Wan could be.
The soldier, by the color of his armor clearly a member of the 212th, turned towards him and suddenly, the shaking of his hand got a lot worse. So much, that his flamerthrower clattered to the ground, his hands coming up in defeat. "G-general Kenobi- how-how is this possible, sir? I-Commander Cody-he-"
Obi-Wan lifted a hand and the trooper immediatly shut up, his shoulders going ramrod straight. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I must stop you right there. See, you, me, all of us here are in a bit of a predicament in that we've been thrown into this strange place with no idea how or why. The only thing we have figured out so far, is that all of us come from vastly different points in time. So I'm afraid I have not personally met you yet and do not know your Commander either. Neither, it seems, have you met Anakin or Omega here, or else I would be curious as to why you would point a gun at either of them."
Anakin opened his mouth to add the trooper's comment about an Emperor as well, but Obi-Wan shut him up just as quickly as the trooper before. "I believe it is in all of our best interests to keep information about our respective lives to a very bare minium. Meaning, I would simply ask your name and hope that you will join us in finding a way out of here. Can we agree on that?"
The trooper remained silent for a long time, so much that Anakin almost suspected, he had fainted inside of his armor and was simply propped up by the firm material.
"That sounds agreeable, General." He turned towards Anakin and Omega. "Apologise to you, too. I will do my best to assist you in this mission."
"Excellent. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I suggest we all sit down for breakfast and then see how we proceed from here on out. Oh, and please, call me Obi-Wan. I am no General and have no ambitions to be one, either. What did you say your name was?"
"It's CT-2412, Sir."
"Well, that seems a bit of a mouthful now."
"My brothers call me Jay."
As Obi-Wan lead Jay towards their camp, Anakin stayed behind for a moment. Sadness settled heavy in his stomach, as he realized just how much this Obi-Wan's life would soon be thrown for a loop once he returned to his own time.
"You may not want to be, but you'll be the greatest General of them all", he muttered under his breath, ignoring the strange look Omega threw his way and then picked up a wayward stud from the ground to attach to one of their ships. He did not feel like breakfast much.
7 A strange bleakness had settled of their camp by the next morning and everyone's mood was just this side of sad as they sat in a circle to share their rations for breakfast. Anakin had decided the next morning to let Obi-Wan get the next door on his own, opting to keep an eye on the clone trooper, who still did not seem quite like he had found his footing in their strange situation.
When Obi-Wan returned with a new package of parts, they assembled it in silence, holding very little hope for something that might actually solve their problem.
It was an all the more pleasant surprise when it became clear what they had just found. "An actual, functioning coms tower!" Anakin's mood actually lifted by some degree when he pressed the power button on the device and the antenna's top began swirling in lazy circles. "I can rig our coms for that frequency. That way, we should be able to explore a little further and still keep in touch?"
"That could proof very helpful. Good thinking, dear."
Anakin's smile grew wider still at the praise, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "With a little luck we might just find enough parts that I can strengthen the signal beyond this planet. Perhaps we can get in touch with someone in this, well, world? Galaxy? Who knows!"
"A fortifying prospect, indeed. I think we can chalk this day up as successful, hm?" Obi-Wan tried to share in Anakin's sudden burst of optimism, but somehow, his heart still felt heavy. Something in his mind kept nudging at him to be mindful, to not take peace for granted. For the first time since he had crashed on this strange planet, he felt like there was something darker, more sinister at play.
Anakin returned to his side about an hour later, triumphantly holding up two commlinks. "Tada! Not an ideal built but it should do the trick." He looked so proud, so radiant, that it almost broke Obi-Wan's heart. Because in that moment, all of the youth of his Padawan years came to the forefront and it made Obi-Wan ache with longing. Stars, he wanted to get home, no needed to get home.
Trying not to let his emotions show, Obi-Wan took the com and fitted it to his belt. "Good job, dear", he praised instead, knowing it would sufficiently distract Anakin's attention. "I think, I will make use of it right away and see if I cannot find anything useful further beyond the monument."
Anakin's shoulders sagged a little, his head tilting to the side. "Are you sure? I mean, I could come with you. We don't know what's out there and even with the com, I mean. I'm fast but who knows where you'll be and -" "Anakin."
Obi-Wan shook his head with a soft, patient smile. "I am touched by your concern, but I believe if anything, or anyone, had intentions of harming us, they would have had plenty of chances already. I am also somewhat proficient with my lightsaber, even if maybe not quite as much as you. So I'm sure I'll be fine on a small expedition on my own."
While he did not appear completely convinced, Anakin only pursed his lips and kept quite, as much an admission of surrender as Obi-Wan would probably ever get. "Just- give me regular updates, okay? And if the com gets out of range, you turn back!"
"I'm not a youngling, dear. But I promise not too venture too far out."
Anakin's despondent pout burning into the back of his neck, Obi-Wan set out a few minutes later, a couple of rations packed in his belt pockets, his saber attached and at the ready. Omega waved him off with a cheery "See you later!" and Jay saluted, despite Obi-Wan's insistence that it was not necessary.
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When night fell that evening, the com remained silent and not a single trace of Obi-Wan.
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sunfloo-wers · 7 days
The rambles for W O R M painting!!!
This one’s a long one so get a snack and enjoy the show!
first order of businesses is all the other photos I have!!!!!
Other nature placements that I got:
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Then! The individual worms plus the back of the guys in case anyone is curious about the inerworkings and mechanisms:
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The little guy in better lightings aka the floor:
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progress photos:
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The sketch can be seen here if you want to look at it :D AND THATS ALL THE PHOTOS!!!!!
I forgot his legs had skin tone and fucked it up when I went to add them so that’s why it had to be cut out and turned into a month long project! It wasn’t supposed to tale this longggggggg!!!!!
Anyways I love how he turned out and he got a little wind waker too! The embroidery on his knees is little waves and I really wanted to point it out cause they make me so happy :D
I ALSO LOVE HOW HIS HAIR TURNED OUT it looks so floofy :3 he was also supposed to have earrings but I forgot to paint them… you can probably still see them in the paper drawing tho
Okay, so The Wimdy Boy, yes? We love him and you can probably recognize him, but everyone else is also here! Just in case it’s not clear, which I think it should be, but I also just want to talk about them soooooo
Hyrule: the fully green one with speckled bits. He also has the stab scar from Dink in aol that was revealed in “Scars”(I think that’s what it was called? The page with scars tall) He was probably the easiest to make but was also the last one I did so maybe there’s correlation there?
Legend: PINK!!!! I did him so dirty with this one he’s pink with Christmas colored spots and looks so goofy :D I treated his as a kinda dark world form so he had to be pink cause pinky little guy :D The Christmas colors are from his tunic and under tunic! I probably should’ve done a bit of yellow for the embroidery but ah well. He’s also got one of my favorite shapes of all the wormies C:
Warriors: BLUE BOY SO LONG AND FLOWY HE LOOKS LIKE HIS SCORF he’s also got orange bits in reference to his scarf’s embroidery! I know he’s got a lot of green in his design but if I included all the green they’d all look kinda similar sooooooo blue boy :3
Four: RAINBOW LITTLE GUY they’ve also got the goofy face, looks like a muppet, the idiot (/aff) the blending of the colors there was so annoying >:( how could they do this to me :C
Sky: Okay, I really didn't want to do worms in the chain’s clothes but I feel I need a pass for sky! The big sailcloth is so important to his design!!!! And he’s still got the shirt color and red gem bits put into the design too. ANYWAYS CURLY GUY HE DOIN’ A FLIP!!!
Wild: similarly to Sky, he needed the cloak. Without it he would’ve looked way too similar to Wars and I needed a big difference. ALSO HE’S TINY LITTLE GUY LITTLE LITTLE GUY :3
Time: I struggled with his colors but ended up doing the armour colors plus the face scars I SHOULDVE MADE PNE OF THE EYES WHITE NOOOOOOOO I FORGOT :C
Twilight: BIG FLOOF OF FUR THEN THE GREEN/BROWN OF THE REST OF THE CLOTHES!!! I’m so sorry dude, your placement looked okay on the paper but in a 2.5D area he doesn’t look as floaty as the rest :(((
You can see this one of 3 ways! (All of them can be correct, but they do have different vibes soooo)
Worms, silly worms doing silly stuff :P
The chain has been magically turned into worms! Oh no! What will we do? Luckily Wind is still Hylian so hopefully he can turn them back! For now though let’s have some fun, with the rest of the chain super light, they can play in the Wind Waker breeze :D
So Wind is looking kinda magical with his white eyes, pose, and he’s got the Wind Waker out so magic is happening no? And yes, it could totally be a breeze summoning song, but you know what else the boy can do? Something questionably okay on mindless monsters and the good of the people and with consent, but if it were to be maybe used on people without their knowledge… that that wouldn’t be good right? :3
YES THE COMAND MELODY! Wind is evil and turned the whole chain into worms on strings because… uhhhh I don’t know why… emotional turmoil, grew-up-too-fast trauma, just wants to finally have a break and play, and you know what he can play with? BAM WORMS ON STRINGS >:3
Even after all the time this took me I am so unbelievably happy with it, I love it so much and might change my pfp to something from it someday AIGUDGIDLHSOYCPJFPUG LITTLE GUYS :DDDDDDDD
Anyways, this has been all I’ve spent my weekends and free time on this past month, so I hope you enjoyed it and the rants! If you’re curious about any portions in particular then absolutely shoot me an ask I’d love to talk more about it!!! :D
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https://archiveofourown.org/works/57409507 by OnlyForward the staff of stark industries, unbeknownst to peter, play bingo at the company christmas party…except the bingo squares are all peter-related things a silly goofy tale involving everyone's favourite lawyer Words: 2714, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 7 of outtakes Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Andrew Maguire, (lawyer OC who deserves the whole world), Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Jasper Nolan Relationships: Andrew Maguire & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Andrew Maguire & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Heir, heir peter, Peter Parker is the heir of Stark Industries, BAMF Peter Parker, Surprised Peter Parker, Tony in Text Form Only (Lol), BAMF Tony Stark, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Andrew Maguire is the Only Lawyer Ever, And He's Just my Favourite, been gone seven months, back with a fic about my oc, Sorry &lt;3 read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57409507
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autie-j · 9 months
So my coworker/annoying neighbor/Friend we'll call S, has recently learned about this new holiday called Christmas. There are many traditions involved with Christmas, but the biggest one according to S is the tale of a man named Santa who visits every Christmas and brings gifts for everyone. He liked the idea of the holiday so much that he wanted to share it with the entire town. Literally everyone in town got involved in the holiday activities and the spirit of the thing 🙄. And S kept trying to get me to join in on the festivities, but I refused. I don't believe in any of this Santa nonsense, and I refuse to play along with S' silly games. Literally everyone in town stayed up all night by a big Christmas tree to wait for Santa to arrive, while I was nice and comfortable in my warm bed. Okay, here's where I miiiight be the asshole. The next morning, shocker, Santa never came! Everyone in town went home in disappointment, but S stayed out there a little longer. So I took this as an opportunity to gloat. Might have went a bit too far, he was all sad looking and on the verge of tears and I made him stand in front of the tree and say "Santa Claus" while I took a picture and laughed at him. He burst into tears and said it was a stupid holiday. But then he surprised me by saying he still wanted to give me a present, that he didn't want me feeling left out when Santa came. It was a clarinet, hand crafted out of drift wood, and it even had my name on it! I'd never received such a thoughtful gift before! I felt like a...I felt like a...I felt like a...(haw hee haw) big jerk!
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mythicalltea · 11 months
My silly writings <3
Italy in Love series:
Sanctus - (Complete) E - Wolfstar - wc: 19,635, set in 1960's Italy.
Lunam - (Complete) M - Wolfstar, sequel to Sanctus - wc: 24,572, set in London 1965.
Peaches - (In Progress) 1/3 M (for now) - Dorlene, Alternate Universe - 1970's American South, Dorcas and Marlene falling in love as children, humidity mixing with the sweetness of peaches and young sapphic love.
"It was 1971. Summer. The shrill song of the cicadas inhabited the field, and she could feel the leaden blanket of humidity on her skin. She was 11." wc (so far): 8,579
Spellbreaker - (In Progress) 4/8 E - Wolfstar, Canonical/Canon Divergence - wc so far: 28,469 - Timeline after the First War and following Remus' decision to obliviate his memory.
Last Night, I Dreamed of Icarus Laughing - (Complete) T - Jegulus and background Wolfstar - wc: 4,629 - Icarus retelling
Cowabummer - (Complete) 10/10 T, Jegulus and Wolfstar - wc: 36,846 - Surfer James and Dental student Regulus (I can explain)
A Christmas Story - (Complete) T, Sequel/Side story set in the "Cowabummerverse" - wc: 2,343
The One Ring - (Complete) T, Epilogue of the "Cowabummerverse"; a little tale about two men making a journey to a land beyond the horizon, to express their love, appreciation, and infatuation for each other - wc: 2,991
Mary on a Cross - (Complete) M, MaryLily - wc: 1,488 - Lead Singer Lily Evans and Lead Guitarist Mary Macdonald, who can't quite handle the siren-esque voice of one flaming red-head.
Spotify Playlists if you'd like to give em a listen:
Sanctus - Songs mentioned and inspired off of Sanctus and Lunam
Ineffable Husbands
Jame 🤠
Songs Sirius Black Would Belt at the Top of His Lungs
Moony and Padfoot
Queen of Naboo
Ani, You're Breaking My Heart
Aristos Achaion
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spillthebea · 6 months
welcome lgbtq+ community,
first thing first, do not expect clear thoughts or for me to stay on one topic!
multifandom shenanigans because my brain cannot and will not stand for multiple blogs for each fandom so, expect me to jump from one thing to another in mere seconds!
my AO3 and SquidgeWorld are just a click away!! you can find gay fics and gay fics and even more GAY FICS! With a sprinkle of trauma and angst for your enjoyment!
disclaimer: any emotional damage will not be blamed on the author who was in a silly little mood
all posts related to my fics or wips are under the tag: #spillthefic
art posts under tag: #spilltheart
ship scenarios posts under tag: #spillthescenario
completed fics:
so lay out the tea, and, poet, lay on the jam; (sirius/remus) 32k
or, why be yourself when you can be an expert in Russian Literature?
the boy with the thorn in his side ; (sirius/remus) 238k
“Grey is not a rainbow colour" “You’re made of moonlight, Moony. Fuck the rainbow.”
if you are homesick, give me your hand and I'll hold it;
(sirius/remus & harry) 14k
or, a werewolf, the Chosen One and a wizard in dog form… it doesn't sound that bad of a joke.
the tale of a white sheep; (sirius & narcissa) 3,7k
or, Narcissa and Sirius share a soft moment thinking about their childhood and how much worse it could've been without Andromeda protecting them
i can't wait to go to sleep (and wake up from this sad dream);
(remus) 2,6k
or, Harry gives Remus another trauma to unpack with the help of the only *drum rolls* Marauders' Map and a fucking rat
seeing through the sung lies; (regulus & sirius) 3,5k
or Regulus has a lot of regrets and feelings for his past actions and future but Sirius being in Azkaban won't be one of them. Remus joins the team.
turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand ; (james/lily) 6,6k
or, Lily Evans should have never ever, ever, allowed James Fleamont Potter to decide the location of their first date, because, of course, the idiot has brought her to the place where all the first dates at Hogsmeade happen.
I take you as a fan, you take me as I am ; (sirius/remus) 2,1k
or, “It’s not every day you meet your jerking-off material in real life!” or or, Remus just wants to go home and sleep but his number 1 fan, who is also a mercenary with a few... issues, has other ideas on his mind.
Denial is a river in Egypt, you have a crush on James Potter! ; (james/lily) 5,5k
or, Lily Evans has a debt to repay but what she gets is a flying lesson, a possible concussion and... oh, right! discovering her crush for no other than James Potter
wip: (temporary title)
WOLFSTAR and HARRY – A Christmas Concert : 2,5k
ZKBB 2024
under revision:
cigarette after sex
the boy with the thorn in his side
my spotify!
be gay; do crime against the evil capitalism
bb is out
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pocima · 7 months
My seasonal music highlights: winter 2024 🧣
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Welcome to a new series of my silly music-blogging. Starting it because I want to regularly properly write about and describe the songs I enjoy, and to present my own candidates for the unofficial “song of the season” awards. I already started an annual fav list for albums/EPs and wanted something less major and more presentable as a little playlist, not really in particular order. Enjoy! Note that I kept the list one song per artist, most have incredible new releases outside of the ones focused on, these are just my picks for the season or my most played. And let me tell you, countless artists are dropping new music and projects left and right and I’m getting FED. This list alone is extremely abundant and we’re barely 2 full months into the year. The competition for this year’s personal favorite album spots and the highlights for the next seasons is about to be real tough. Can’t wait. (GIF source: MV for Cyberia by Meth Math.)
❅ winter again - 4s4ki
What better way to start a songs of the winter list than with THE anthem of this winter season? With her ability to not only pull off but absolutely excel at the different genres she incorporates into her music, 4s4ki simply never disappoints. She went into the studio with a mission to give the famous Last Christmas by Wham! a true successor and the mission was wonderfully accomplished. In this mellow 80s pop influenced track, she channels her inner Cocteau Twins (word to that one YouTube comment in the lyric video) while longing for a loved one that didn’t seem to stay by her side not even to have some canned coffee and bento this holiday season. Now I’m gonna channel my inner platonic delulu and say that it was released just on time, when I was discovering and especially feeling Boy Harsher’s alternative 80s inspired music (collab when?). Ironic how a self-described reverse Christmas song ended up doubling my winter spirits. She never fails to give me exactly what I need. I love this woman. (Big ups to Magic sword but as I mentioned I’m keeping the list one song per artist.)
❅ 4eva - Shygirl feat. Empress Of
You know from my username that I’ve been loving what Shygirl has had to offer for quite a while now, and 4eva was my personal post-Nymph jam ever since I heard a snippet of it back in last September and neither the full studio version nor my intuition let me down. Shygirl’s rapping and Empress Of’s verse over the Kingdom-produced delicious wobbly synths indeed stay playing on my mind. Empress Of’s feature came as a tracklist surprise and I’m more grateful for it than I had expected. The jungle drums in the chorus, and honestly the structure of the song in general were unexpected to me as well, but nevertheless they took part in forming possibly my favorite dance track of 2024. Both the Club Shy EP and 4eva have secured firm spots in my favorites of the year.
❅ Deer Teeth - Sega Bodega
Father of music, first ever man in the music industry, smash hit sorcerer, my favorite producer of all time… However you may refer to Sega Bodega, you can always rely on him to create an entire universe in one record and take you there and back. With Deer Teeth, he tells a story of a sighting of a late mother laid to rest with her child in a swan’s wings along with 200 deer teeth (hence the song title), which brings with itself a tale of hope, sacrifice and eternity. With reversed and distorted vocals, the addition of Mayah Alkhateri’s siren-like voice and obviously Sega’s otherworldly production style, the tale transforms into a cinematic masterpiece in sound form. Extra note: perfect to fall asleep to in a road trip, tried and tested. Both Deer Teeth and his newer single Set Me Free, I’m an Animal are stunning masterpieces, and I know this will make my year-end album list real predictable but SB3 is the most solid candidate for the top spot as of right now. Save me Sega Bodega, save me…
❅ Ex-Girlfriend - Erika de Casier feat. Shygirl
New slow R&B earworms drawing on different nostalgic genres couldn’t be more perfect for the chilly season, especially when they’re delivered by the one and only Erika de Casier. She has this ability to mix the best musical aspects of the near past (namely the 90s/00s) with her very own sensuality, freshness and uniqueness. Her soft vocals over a down-tempo R&B beat to match come after an orchestral, arguably dramatic intro and the melancholic, yearning yet cocky-ish tone is set. Shygirl’s deep, almost raspy voice always shines with slow, gloomy instrumentals (also seen in Lapdance from Asia by Cosha) and this track was no exception, matter of fact it’s now certainly one of my favorite features of hers. I will be returning to this song not only on the colder days of March, but the whole year, or rather until it’s wiped off existence completely.
❅ Cyberia - Meth Math
Before the quirky experimental trio’s slightly overdue, highly anticipated debut album Chupetones (go give the best b-side Pócima a listen too), they released 4 singles and I was not at all aware beforehand of the release of the third one. Pressed play, was impressed, pressed the loop button and the rest (at least 80 plays within the first week) was history. The intro immediately catches your attention, and the descriptions of a sad-looking happily-dancing angel over toot sounds, ripping synths and bonking bass transition into happy hardcore perfection. The 3-second bit before the second chorus gets me the most, it’s like a minuscule break to slow down and reflect on the all the absurdity before resuming the alien dancefloor madness. This banger completes my Meth Math song holy trinity, which is now Tambaleo-Fantasía Final-Cyberia. Add Pócima into the mix if you wanna form the four horsemen. Whatever your personal favorite may be, we can all agree that Meth Math always come at us with excellence.
❅ dOpamine - OnlyOneOf
Hallelujah. We have finally reached an era where all lyOns can live in harmony and sleep in peace instead of fighting over title tracks and new lows for the group’s flaming hot garbage record label. Even their biggest haters (so-called “fans” with a strange superiority complex) were finally praising an OnlyOneOf title track, and with how good it really is I’d be admiring their dedication to hating their own faves if they didn’t. Anyway, dOpamine is one of their best, it really is. I’ve been hoping for them to get on the drum & bass train for quite a while now, and they did it with a bright, twinkling, breakbeat-incorporating twist. They don’t lazily dip their toes into dnb and breakcore and leave it at that though, the buildups and structure of the track stay fascinating and the bridge drifts (should I intend the pun?) into their gritty industrial side before the outro closing out the song on a vocally strong, passionate but never over-the-top note. While the whole mini is exquisite, the lead single ended up being my favorite. Simply put, OnlyOneOf never fail to deliver quality K-pop against all odds.
❅ Sorbet - Kelela (LSDXOXO Remix)
The pre-release singles off of the RAVE:N remix album were all incredible just like its album tracks, however this gem is particularly lingering on me and my February mood. This spin on Sorbet encapsulates the AM club aspect of the project in one re-envisioned tune. Kelela and LSDXOXO, who produced and remixed numerous of her songs, reunite as a power duo to turn the dulcet, sedate Sorbet into a Eurodance-coded amped-up slapper that will get anyone moving. You can tell the song is DJ set opener material from when the first beat kick. The chorus melody sticks to your mind and the late night-like sonic experience becomes unforgettable. The special encounter requiring dim lighting is now set in a flashy rave scene. Completely flipped scenario yet everything makes perfect sense. All in all, Kelela’s vision for her dance records is 20/20 and LSDXOXO’s execution never leaves you hanging either.
❅ Fuetazo - Isabella Lovestory feat. Villano Antillano
Born to embody camp, forced… no, also born to be a hit maker. Isabella is undebatably one of the freshest, most outstanding figures of neoperreo and neoreggaeton, and her eccentric flare still comes through in a single as a (hopefully) pre-album snack. Fuetazo was released early into the season and closed out Isabella’s activities for the year. While the playful chorus introduces a whip that comes and goes, Villano Antillano mentions vacations and 42-inch weaves with her tone that meshes with the cheekiness of the track, and their chopped up vocal bits go back-and-forth in the outro. With the Chicken, Kamixlo and Dinamarca producer trio, the instrumentals can’t go wrong. The hard-hitting dembow drums and the lighter synths and other aspects of the song create a contrast that feels like a breeze, maybe more of a summer one even but a confidence booster gots to stay on rotation regardless of weather or temperature.
❅ Messy Room - The Deep (+ mini EP review)
Had I postponed the release of my 2023 fave project list just a little, the Messy Room EP would have at least scored an honorable mention. For those who need a quick debrief: The Deep is an independent K-alternative artist whose discography radiates coziness and sweetness. Mayhaps I should say sugar, spice and everything nice. Taking part in the production of her music, creative direction and visual curation, she ticks all the boxes for the bedroom pop star that should’ve reached her target audience ages ago. While she’s taken inspiration from R&B and indie and still does, “resurfaced” genres such as UK garage, dnb and Jersey club are fairly newer additions to her range. I love all of these genres as you could tell and I adore the songs in which she uses them (got into her through the UKG bop Muah!), but surprisingly the track that glanced at her “roots” hooked me in the most. Maybe it’s because it contains the core “messy room” atmosphere of the EP, maybe it’s her soft vocals shining brightly, maybe it’s because she has the recipe to making a tune to unwind to. I hope this praise doesn’t sound like a jab at the rest of the EP because not a single skip is detected over there. In Brand New House and BAPPI, The Deep talks about deserving the luxuries and getting to the bag over garage and house beats. bow wow is about confidence despite troubles and annoyances, while 20’s is a self-reflection on the constant search for perfection and attempts to heal. The project is most definitely worth checking out if you want a bit of calm, refreshing new music, or if you’re looking for a multi-skilled artist to support.
One line section (music I loved but honestly don’t have as much to say about, so I fit my thoughts into one line/sentence)
❆ Gold On Me: Mother ABRA is back and I’m definitely checking out Groupthink after this, now it’s time for the album innit 🍽️ (should’ve definitely written about this in more detail but maybe another time soz)
❆ 4 noviosS: While everyone came to Club Shy to play, she entered with pen and paper and a goal.
❆ Perdió Este Culo: I have to give flowers where they’re due, I wish the La Joia album had more quality of this level though. (However shoutout to Sexy, La Que No Se Mueva and Sin Carné.)
❆ TYOSTAR: Can’t tell if their music is aimed at dudebros (disgustingly irritating audience) or hyperpop girlies (slightly less irritating audience) but they scored a night ride hit either way, definitely one of Starkids’ finest to date.
Thankies for getting here, and shoutout to @chuuuvi for pretty much directly fueling my writing process and inspo and @a-moth-to-the-light for inspo as well 😁
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lady-of-imladris · 10 months
You know what time it is! Time for more unsolicited HCs!
1. Thranduil’s wife is a really good story teller, and tells him tales every night when they’re first married. Drawing him into an elaborate plot, watching as he sits on the edge of his seat, and then pulling away and promising to tell him the second half the following night. He really doesn’t like that lol.
2. He loves resting his head in her lap while she strokes his chest and hair.
3. She actually gets a bit skittish in crowds, and absolutely melts when he puts his hand on the small of her back to guide her.
Hiii <3 I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this but tumblr mobile was being a silly little bitch again so I can only answer longer asks from my laptop and HERE I AM!
3 makes me so incredibly happy as someone who absolutely hates crowds and regularly gets squished against the door on the subway or trampled by people at christmas markets :( (I'M NOT EVEN SHORT?? PEOPLE ARE JUST RUDE)
I love your Thranduil/Thranduil's wife headcanons so much they bring me so much joy!
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