#my side blog (Love is in the Earth)
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memefever · 9 months ago
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this is not a meme, i just needed to share with someone
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hammill-goes-fogwalking · 8 months ago
Ahh!! I love the new pfp for your side blog so beautiful 🤩💗
yes?? 🫂🏆💜💜 Simona you're the best!!!!!
also a random fact is that u can click on that blog's bio, then u can see where the title comes from
link to my sideblog (history themed)
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smaller-comfort · 10 months ago
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I...I hatched a one-off XYX with earth colors and matchy eyes are you kidding meeeee.
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Ruby and Sapphire
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Ruby, Sapphire, and Fancy Sapphire Most people don't realize that ruby and sapphire are both gems of the mineral corundum. Both of these gemstones have the same chemical composition and the same mineral structure. Trace amounts of impurities determine if a gem corundum will be a brilliant red ruby or a beautiful blue sapphire. It is surprising that "impurities" can produce such wonderful results!
Red and blue are just two of the many colors found in gem corundums. Trace amounts of other elements can produce brilliant yellow, orange, green, and purple gems. Red corundums are known as "rubies," blue corundums are known as "sapphires," and corundums of any other color are known as "fancy sapphires." Impurities cause corundum to occur in a spectrum of colors, and when it is completely free of color-causing impurities, it is a colorless gem known as "white sapphire."
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Ruby and Sapphire Birthstones Ruby and sapphire both serve as modern birthstones. Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July. Sapphire is the birthstone for the month of September. They are excellent choices for birthstones because they are well know gems and because many people love red and blue gemstones.
Ruby and sapphire are not inexpensive gems and that causes a challenge when they are used as birthstones. Many people want to give a birthstone gift to a child and hesitate to give a child a gift that is costly. Or the shopper would like to give a birthstone gift, but has a limited budget. To accommodate these shoppers, the use of synthetic birthstones in low carat gold or sterling silver mountings provides a lower cost option. Synthetic corundum and synthetic spinel are often used.
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What Makes a Ruby? Rubies are gem corundums with a dominant red color. The color can range from orangy red to purplish red or brownish red. The most desirable color range is a pure vibrant red to a slightly purplish red.
The red color of ruby is produced by the presence of chromium in the gem. A small trace of chromium will produce a pink color. To be considered a ruby, there must be enough chromium to give the gem a distinctly red color.
Finally, rubies must have a combination of color and clarity that makes them an attractive gem. Opaque pieces of corundum with just a hint of red color are not rubies - they are common corundum.
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Ruby Treatments Very few specimens of corundum have a natural color within the range required for a ruby. Very few also have the clarity required to produce a nice faceted stone. Long ago, people who prepared gem materials for cutting began experimenting with ways to improve their color and clarity.
Heating Heating corundum crystals under controlled conditions can improve or intensify their color. Heating can also remove inclusions by causing them to dissolve, making them less visible and improving the clarity of a gem.
Most rubies in the market today have been heated to improve their color and clarity. This heat treatment is normal and expected in the gem trade, but a seller should disclose the treatment to a buyer in advance of a sale.
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Fracture Filling One of the early treatments was to fill surface-reaching fractures with oils, waxes, or resins. These treatments filled pits and fractures on the surface of the gem and improved their appearance. However, these treatments are not permanent because the oils can be washed out, and the waxes and resins can crack and fall out with age - even with special care. They produce a temporary improvement in the appearance of the stone and are mainly done to produce a quick and profitable sale.
A more permanent type of fracture treatment is to fill the fractures with minor amounts of flux, glass, or another durable material. These enter the fractures during the heat treatment process. When the stone cools, a permanent filling of the fracture was accomplished. These treatments reduce the visibility of the fractures and improve the clarity of the gems. They also might improve the durability of some stones. This type of treatment is generally acceptable but should be disclosed to the buyer.
A much more aggressive treatment is to heat the gem to a very high temperature and inject glass or flux into the fractures. The temperature of this treatment can be high enough that some of the ruby melts and mixes with the fracture-filling materials. The result of this treatment is an altered stone with an improved appearance. But the stone now contains an unknown and possibly significant amount of non-ruby material. If these gems are sold “by the carat,” the buyer might pay a significant portion of the price for non-ruby material. Many people believe that these treatments produce man-made composite materials that should not be called “ruby.”
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What Makes a Sapphire? Trace amounts of iron and titanium can produce a blue color in corundum. Blue corundums are known as "sapphires." The name "sapphire" is used for corundums that range from a very light blue to a very dark blue color. The blue can range from a greenish blue to violetish blue. Gems with a rich blue to violetish blue color are the most desirable.
Gem-quality corundum occurs in a wide range of other colors, including pink, purple, orange, yellow, and green. These gems are known as "fancy sapphires." It is surprising that a single mineral can produce gemstones of so many different colors.
When the color of a sapphire is any color other than blue, the color should be used as a preceding adjective to describe the stone. For example, pink sapphire, yellow sapphire, or green sapphire. Used alone, the word "sapphire" refers only to blue corundum.
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Sapphire Treatments Just like ruby, sapphires are subjected to a wide variety of heat and fracture-filling treatments. And, just like ruby, any heat, fracture-filling or other type of treatment should be disclosed to buyers.
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Fancy Sapphires: A collection of sapphires. Clockwise from top left: a reddish orange beryllium-heat-treated sapphire weighing 0.62 carats from Tanzania; a pinkish purple heated sapphire weighing 0.62 carats from Tanzania; a mandarin orange beryllium-heat-treated sapphire weighing 0.66 carats from Tanzania; a green heat-treated sapphire weighing 0.87 carats from Australia; an orangy yellow beryllium-heat-treated sapphire weighing 0.77 carats from Tanzania; and, a purplish pink heated sapphire weighing 0.66 carats from Madagascar. Almost all fancy sapphires have received heat or beryllium-heat treatment to improve their color.
Spectacular Heat Treatment Results Some rough materials that have no trace of blue color can be heated to produce a spectacular blue. Some milky to yellowish, cloudy to translucent corundum can be heated to yield stones that are transparent and bright blue. If such treatments have been used, sellers should disclose the types of treatments to potential buyers when the stone is presented for sale.
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Heat-treated Sapphires: This photo shows about 49 carats of rough Montana sapphire from the El Dorado Bar that have received heat treatment.
Lattice Diffusion Some sapphires are treated by a process known as "lattice diffusion." In lattice diffusion, the sapphire is heated in the presence of a material that will release tiny metal ions. When the corundum is heated, its lattice expands enough that these tiny ions can diffuse into the gem and become trapped within the lattice when the corundum is allowed to cool. The trapped ions prevent the corundum from contracting to its normal dimensions, producing a defect that alters the color of light passing through the gem.
Beryllium diffusion can produce orange, yellow and pink colors. Titanium diffusion can produce blue. Lattice diffusion treatment is considered to be a severe treatment that is sometimes hard to detect. Some people believe that corundum which has a color produced by lattice diffusion should not be called "sapphire."
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Mining Rubies and Sapphires Most gem-grade corundum forms in metamorphic rocks, such as schist or gneiss; or in igneous rocks such as basalt or syenite. However, gem corundums are rarely mined from the rocks in which they form. Mining small gems from hard rock is possible, but it is very expensive, and many of the gems are broken during the mining process. Fortunately, corundum is very hard and resistant to weathering. In many areas, natural weathering and erosion have liberated the stones from their host rock, and carried them into streams over long periods of geologic time.
Today, the gems are mined from these stream sediments. Their high specific gravity relative to other sediment particles often causes currents to concentrate them in small placer deposits. Most rubies and sapphires are produced by washing the gravels of these stream deposits. This work is often done by hand because the deposits are small and irregular in shape and character. These deposits are often located in countries when wages are very low and artisanal mining is prevalent.
Noteworthy locations where gem-quality corundums have been produced include Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, China, Australia, Madagascar, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Malawi.
Read more at Geology dot com.
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What is Ruby? Ruby is a red gemstone variety of Corundum. Ruby is a 40th Anniversary gemstone.
Ruby Associations Chakras - Base Chakra, Heart Chakra Birthstone - July Zodiac - Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Planet - Sun Element - Fire Numerical Vibration - Number 3 Typical colors - Pinkish-red to red
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What is Sapphire? Sapphire is a variety of the mineral corundum. It is a precious gemstone. Sapphire is a 5th and a 45th Anniversary gemstone.
Sapphire Associations Chakras - dependent on color (see below) Birthstone - September (blue Sapphire) Zodiac - Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius Planet - Saturn Element - Water Numerical Vibration - Number 2 Typical colors - Blue, yellow, black, pink, white, indigo, green
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Healing with Ruby ♥ Integrity ♥ Devotion ♥ Happiness ♥ Healing ♥ Courage ♥ Passion ♥ Enthusiasm ♥ Generosity ♥ Inspiration ♥ Prosperity ♥ High Energy ♥ Power and Leadership
Ruby encourages passion and a zest for life. It improves motivation and setting of realistic goals. Balances the heart and instills confidence. Ruby encourages joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage. It promotes positive dreams and stimulates the pineal gland. Aids in retaining wealth and passion. Ruby encourages removal of negative energies from your path. It overcomes exhaustion and lethargy and imparts potency and vigor. Calms hyperactivity.
Ruby detoxifies the body, blood and lymphatic system. It treats fevers, infectious disease and restricted blood flow. Ruby stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen.
Healing with Sapphire ♥ Creative expression ♥ Intuition ♥ Meditation ♥ Luck ♥ Wisdom ♥ Optimism ♥ Friendliness ♥ Generosity ♥ Love ♥ Loyalty ♥ Independence ♥ Centering ♥ Balance ♥ Self-appreciation ♥ Spiritual development ♥ Intellect ♥ Study ♥ Knowledge ♥ Memory
Known as the "wisdom stone", each colour of Sapphire brings its own particular wisdom. It releases mental tension, depression, unwanted thoughts and spiritual confusion. Sapphire restores balance within the body, aligning the physical, mental and spiritual planes, bringing serenity and peace of mind. It stimulates concentration, brings lightness, and joy. Sapphire is also known as a "stone of prosperity", attracting gifts of all kinds and fulfilling dreams and desires.
Sapphire treats blood disorders, combatting excessive bleeding and strengthening the walls of the veins. It is used for cellular disorders, regulates the glands and calms overactive body systems.
Colour Healing with Sapphire In addition to the generic healing properties of Sapphire, specific colors have additional attributes:
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Black Sapphire Chakras - Base Chakra Zodiac - Sagittarius Numerical Vibration - Number 4
The Black Sapphire provides centreing, protection and grounding. It helps you to achieve confidence in your own intuition.
Blue Sapphire Chakras - Throat Chakra Birthstone - September Zodiac - Gemini Numerical Vibration - Number 6
The Blue Sapphire is traditionally associated with purity and love. It assists you to stay on the spiritual path, releasing blockages and providing strength. Blue Sapphire facilitates self-expression, assisting in communication and expressing your truth and beliefs. It opens and heals the thyroid and the throat chakra and has a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system.
Green Sapphire Chakras - Heart Chakra Zodiac - Gemini, Libra Numerical Vibration - Number 6
Green Sapphire is known as the "stone of fidelity", stimulating the heart chakra and bringing loyalty and integrity. It improves internal and external vision and helps you to remember dreams.
Indigo Sapphire Chakras - Third Eye Chakra Zodiac - Sagittarius Numerical Vibration - Number 6
The Indigo Sapphire enhances psychic awareness. It eliminates negative energies from the aura.
Pink Sapphire Chakras - Heart Chakra
Pink Sapphire clears emotional blockages bringing peace and unconditional love.
White Sapphire Chakras - Crown Chakra Zodiac - Libra Numerical Vibration - Number 4
White Sapphire is extremely protective, removing all obstacles and helpfully encouraging the pursuit of one's life purpose. It provides focus and supports morality and justice.
Yellow Sapphire Chakras - Solar Plexus Chakra Zodiac - Leo Planet - Jupiter Numerical Vibration - Number 4
Yellow Sapphire attracts wealth and brings prosperity to the home. It stimulates the intellect and improves overall focus, enhancing wisdom. Yellow Sapphire assists in bringing fulfilment of ambition. It aids in eliminating impurities from the body and stimulating the lymphatic system. Treats liver and gallbladder problems as well as disorders of the spleen and stomach.
From Charms of Light.
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hazeism · 1 year ago
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I'll stop drawing boring poses when I figure out WHAT THE FUCK EVERYONE LOOKS LIKEEE
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youvegotmailpdf · 1 year ago
was scrolling on a taylor blog for fun taylor posts and saw the most heinous most factually incorrect most ‘all arabs are muslim terrorists’ pro israel take im seething with rage i have never ever seen anything so blatantly wrong and disgusting. i do it to myself by venturing outside my dash literally never again
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mr-moonfucker · 26 days ago
im sorry i need tiktok, im a natural born hater, i need to boo the bitches mayhaps, someone calls caecae ugly?? well maybe they should keep yearning skyward
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misfortunegirl · 2 years ago
i don't think i have an issue recognizing what emotion is what except for like that *very* specific sinking feeling i have in my stomach that just. makes me want to just throw up and puke and explode and implode and and and----
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bbokicidal · 3 months ago
[REUPLOAD] skz + head [giving + receiving]
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warnings : oral, obviously.
notes : if they prefer receiving or giving head, how they do it, etc!! a reupload from my old blog !!
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chris : prefers giving
eats that pussy like it's his last fucking meal. gently, of course. but he's 100% going to be fucking his tongue into you until you're almost crying. it'll be the most blissful thing you've ever felt - and part of you prefers his mouth to his cock just because of how much passion he puts into it. of course, sex in general is great with him. he's just the type to put his full attention into making you feel good when he's got your hips pinned against the bed and his head is stuffed between your legs.
loves it when you suck his cock. his favorite place to have you do it is the studio, because he knows if he asks nicely you'll come running to him after a long day of working and you'll sit right under the desk while he works. it eases him, relaxes him some. he still may not sleep a whole lot those nights but he's feeling a lot better by the next day - especially if you wake him up with some banger head, too. (also the type to hold the back of your head and force your nose to his pelvis a few times just to feel your throat oops.)
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minho : prefers receiving
he definitely likes eating you out. he's the type to like, sit up on his knees and drag your lower half up with him though, your shoulders pushed into the bed and neck cramping. the pain mixed with the pleasure from his tongue is perfect, either way. he loves seeing you unable to squirm, dark eyes staring down at you, lidded and warm with lust as you make a mess of his mouth.
he loooooves when you give him head though. give him head? let him use your head. he'll let you start off at your own pace while he sits on the couch and scrolls on his phone, one hand keeping your hair out of your face so you're comfortable. but it always, always ends with him fucking into your mouth and throat and holding your head with both hands to keep you still. he thrives off the wet noises that come from you.
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changbin : prefers receiving
will absolutely wake you up by eating you out - with your explicit consent prior, of course. he adores waking up early mornings and seeing you all curled up and squirming because of a dream about him. he loves rolling you onto your back and letting you wake up to see him under the blankets, hands splayed over the soft warmth of your sides before one trails down to let his thumb brush over your clit. he's so gentle when he eats you out - he's there to worship, baby.
will melt when you give him head. will literally pool in his studio chair when you sit on the coffee table and lean in to take him in your mouth. his head'll drop back, he'll let his hands grip at the arms of the chair. he'll refuse to touch you because he knows you'll ruin him the way you want on your own. it's gold to see, truly. his ears getting all pink. ugh. he's a sucker for your mouth.
i'm also a firm believer that binnie shoots fucking ropes, so take that as you will. (will fill your throat with cum, absolutely.)
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hyunjin : prefers giving
he thinks you're like the most beautiful piece of art on earth. you're so gorgeous when you're squirming and writhing on the dressing room couch, hips perched up on the arm of the sofa while he kneels nearby and buries his face in your pussy. he's weak for you, absolutely - so desperately weak. he loves hearing your sounds for him. he loves the idea of the others hearing you from the locked dressing room - he loves the idea of someone walking in and joining. yeah, he just wants them to see how he gets you whining.
not a huge fan of receiving head just because he'd much, much rather be eating you out instead. he thinks you're too pretty to be on your knees, but when you are you can bet he will absolutely be looking down at you with his hair falling over his eyes and sticking to his face. motherfucker is gonna be dripping sweat just from the way you make him feel.
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jisung : prefers giving
lazy eater. not bad, by any means - just lazy. he likes to lay between your legs while the two of you are lounging watching a movie (probably HMC.) and just casually eat you out. you won't be squirming or whining or gasping for breath - you'll just be smiling, moaning here and there and combing your hand through his hair while his tongue slips over your folds just the way you like. he'll let his thumbs massage over your clit as his hands rest on your hips, breathing heavy and big eyes focused on the television. he just likes doing it so casually, but there's always a massive wet spot on the sofa after because he'll sit there for hours just doing it and letting spit drop.
another one who doesn't really like making you get on your knees for him - but the occasional blowjob won't upset him. he likes when you have him squirming in bed, holding his thighs open so he doesn't close them on your shoulders or choke you out - not that you'd complain about dying there. he's the type to get reaaaal loud and whimpery.
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felix : prefers giving
messy, messy boy. i have a feeling he's the type to spit on your pussy and then lick it up or push it into you with his tongue, and he's the type to get you to squirt. he will not stop until you're making an absolute mess of your bedsheets, but he will of course take care of it all after and make sure you're comfortable immediately. he's the type to leave bruises on your hips from his rings digging in.
likes head every so often - another one, i know i know, who doesn't prefer it but doesn't mind. he's pretty casual about it, rocking his hips into your mouth and breathing hard when you take him into your throat. he likes to cum on your face, rather than in your mouth - because again, he likes the mess, and likes the image of you with his cum just painting your pink cheeks and puffy lips.
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seungmin : prefers receiving
another one who just eats that pussy like it's his last meal. he prefers you giving him head instead but he's going to make this shit good, holding you down and sucking on your clit until you're actually crying. he's a bit mean in bed, slapping your ass and maybe even spanking your pussy when you get too wiggly on the bed.
is all too casual, sort of like minho. he'll sit there and just comb your hair back, let you lay on the sofa with your feet kicking while you keep him in your mouth. you're comfortable, he's comfortable - he's also taking a few short videos to send to the groupchat so the others know why he's a little late to practice. you're his main priority and he prefers being with you anyways. but yes, he's definitely got at least 30 different videos in an album of you sucking his cock in multiple locations.
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jeongin : prefers giving
mo. ther. fucker. the ONLY one out of the boys to use his fingers when he eats you out - deserves to be in the hall of fame. have you seen his hands?? (guilty, oops.) he will absolutely be pushing two fingers into your cunt while he eats you out, sucking and nibbling and licking long stripes over your slit and clit until you're whining loud. he'll only eat you out in his bedroom - because he loves rubbing it in his hyung's faces that he can make you feel this way.
will only let you give him head IF you're in the car. roadhead. he figured out he reaaaaally liked it after you offered it up once when he got his license. he absolutely said yes, and at first was a bit shaky but now he's a pro at keeping a straight face. one hand'll be holding your hair back while the other grips at the wheel tight, white-knuckled and chewing on the inside of his lip as he drives. if you ask really nicely, he'll even let you do it while seungmin is in the backseat.
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Taglist :  @dwaekkicidal @jabmastersurpriseee @possum-playground @thatonedarkskinnedsiren @oc3anfloor @theyadorevalerie @vanillacupcakefrosting
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creativepromptsforwriting · 6 months ago
Angel/Demon Prompts
Angel finding out that demons get homesick, so they try to recreate heaven for them.
Being sworn enemies for millennias doesn't mean they can't help each other out here and there.
They often get assigned the same humans and it became very personal to them who wins this time to influence the human.
It's the demon's favourite hobby: trying to get the angel to change sides.
The angel is known as a bit of a rebel, while the demon is known as a bit of a softie. They work really well together.
Demons still have wings, but they are quite damaged and sensitive. Thank father, they have a way-too-nice angel who is willing to help them with maintenance.
Angels are beings made of love, so how can it be wrong for them to love a demon?
It's their job to interfere with the angel's business. And the most disruptive thing the demon can think of is constantly flirting with that angel.
When they are both assigned long-term jobs on earth, it only makes sense to become roommates, right?
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! 🥰
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twosashi · 7 months ago
hi all! this is wendy @musashi. my tumblr blog was wrongfully terminated, i presume because i recently made a popular post that vaguely mentioned loving trans women and got sacked by the t/e//r////f mob's mass reporting campaign.
the official reason tumblr banned me was for "hoarding urls" which i very much did not do. i just had a lot of sideblogs, almost all of them active at some point or another. now no one can use those URLs because they are tied to a terminated account. if tumblr needed me to release some of the less active ones, i gladly would've.
it appears as though i was mass reported and tumblr just tried to find a reason to nix me because the ter//ve///s were clogging their pipes and i'm the easier answer to the trolley problem at their HQ.
many of these sideblogs are now gone, and i will be working to get them back up in time if i cannot get my account back.
i am putting on a brave face but i am fucking heartbroken. 14 years of my life were on that blog. that is literally half of my life on earth. countless pieces of art, memories, and snapshots of my adolescence and young adulthood just, like, gone. when i suffered from severe traumatic amnesia in 2016, it was that tumblr blog that helped me recall a TON of my life experiences & who i was. that blog literally saved my life.
with it i lose countless memories and almost 10k followers, as well as a community that i spent a very long time building up. tons of friends whos usernames i did not get, and anons who were never able to give them to me.
please share my story! my name is wendy. my old url was musashi. i liked ace attorney. i liked pokemon. i made youtube videos where i talked autistically about my faves. i liked to write, and make people laugh. i loved it here and i am sad tumblr has chosen to side with the mob instead of listening to that story. i have been here since 2010, and my blog and community meant so much to me.
please reblog this post. i am working hard to get my account back, but if i cannot, i want to find my friends and followers again.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year ago
Introducing - Shy Perv/Horny Alien Darling who's happy to be kidnapped by cute little humans if it means they'll get their dick touched.
Bound and chained up in their kidnappers home - Darling has but one question as their obsessive stalker declares their undying love and how darling will never, ever leave their side again-
"s.... since we're dating now....may - can I touch your breasts?"
Alien Darling from a planet where sleeping with another person for pleasure is looked down upon and intimacy is not seen as common . There's hardly any need for it in terms of reproduction either as technology has mostly taken over in the entire process. Needless to say, Darling is blown away when they learn about earth and some of its cultures. They want to go on dates, and hold hands with someone cute, and maybe even kiss them, and- and.... There's just so much for them to do.
Darling ends up on earth one way or another - working their way up to a far enough life as a cashier. Approaching humans in a romantic/sexual tense is a bit difficult when you only have experience from the films you've seen in the short span of time you've known about them. Darling remains alone and finds fulfilment elsewhere on the internet and with human toys they purchase for "research" - How they'd love to be able to use what they've learned with a cute human, but no person in their right mind would want an awkward outcast like them...
When Darling finally released they're being followed - they come to the conclusion that it has to be some strange human mating ritual. Yan likely discovers the various blogs Darling has made detailing their journey they probably think nobody will read or believe. Regardless of whether darling truly is from other world - it's clear to see how depraved they are. Yan sees that for themselves when they leave a pair of their underwear in darling's bed and instead of questioning where they came from Darling skips an entire day of work just to drool all over them. Darling is too busy fondling Yan's chest to notice anything wrong - like how their boss hasn't called to check up on them in a while.
Oh....That's right - they don't have a phone anymore. Their lover said they didn't need it anymore.... Plus, their boss was found dead in a lake a few weeks ago.
Huh.....How could they forget something like that?
"Would you like me to take my shirt off while you touch me, love?"
"Yes, please!"
Darling feels the need to ask before every kiss. It's cute - until they're drilling their tongue(s) down Yan's throat everytime since they claim Darling can do whatever they desire to them. It's still impossible for them to believe a cute human would want them so badly. Captivity is a small prize to pay to finally act out the fantasies they've had since they've learned of earth and its people.
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educatedsimps · 8 months ago
— "best brother ever!" tiktok trend with hq men
≪ back to fics masterlist
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hq character x gn!reader
a/n: just some more crack filled headcanons while i churn out the rest of the requests 🫡 saw a vid of someone doing this and i was thinking of how the hq characters would react to it LOL hope you enjoyy
cw: fluff, humour, swearing oops, mild suggestiveness towards the end ?
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The trend:
"Babe, come 'ere!"
Curious, your boyfriend stepped into the living room where you had your camera set up on a tripod pointing towards you. When he reached your side, you pointed at the camera and explained, "We're gonna do a tiktok trend so just stand here, okay?"
He nodded, before smiling a little and waving at the camera.
Grabbing onto his waist protectively, you spoke to the camera. "If you wanna get to him, you're gonna have to get through me first."
Then you leaned up and kissed him on the lips. He smiled into the kiss, happily kissing you back. Pulling away, you gave him a side hug and turned to the camera, dropping the bomb with a shit eating grin on your face.
"Best brother ever!!"
The reaction:
atsumu and oikawa would scream. and i mean scream. like they're in a horror movie or smth "AYO WHAT THE FUCK???" with all the dramatic facial expressions and hand gestures like bro shut up my eardrums are gonna explode 💀
tanaka, nishinoya and bokuto are the slow processors. they'd just keep smiling and would only get it right before you stop the video. he's HORRIFIED and whipping his head at you like "WHAT DID YOU SAYYY" you cannot stop laughing and poor guy's probably traumatised.
kageyama, hinata and ushijima would be confused. like "why'd you say that? i'm not your brother" or even better, "you don't have a brother" and you'll be looking at the camera like jim from the office like does he not get it ?? 😭💀
akaashi and shirabu would stand there staring at you with the most incredulous look on his face. he'd lowkey be judging you and be like "wHat..." sorry babe it's just a prank 🥰
semi would choke on his laughter and shove you away saying stfu but he'd be laughing about it and he'd probably help you post it afterwards. this man is so... HAHAHAHA i love him 😂
sakusa would also shove you away saying stfu but he's lunging to grab the phone so you can't post it (you'll still post it anyway LOL)
tsukki is all three of the above. would look at you with the MOST JUDGY face on earth before shoving you out of the camera frame saying stfu
kenma, osamu and suna would have the most DISGUSTED look on his face and you can't help but laugh at how his face is scrunched up and pinched together
kita would have the most disappointed look on his face like you'd honestly regret doing the tiktok (it's still funny tho. 10/10 would post)
iwaizumi would freeze, slowly turn to you and stare at you with the same face he made when oikawa asked him "iwa-chan, are you my mom?" HAHAHAHSJHJVF GOODBYE
daichi and suga would be like "bruh". nothing else. just pure "bruh" 😐
matsukawa, hanamaki and kuroo WOULD GO ALONG WITH IT HAHAHAHA "yeah best lil sis/bro ever" AND THEN KISS YOU ON CAMERA AGAIN, EVEN DEEPER THIS TIME 💀 then you'd collapse laughing together
tendō would turn his head, look at you with a loving smile and say "what the fuck did you just say?"
asahi would not know how to respond so he's just standing there looking between you and the camera like "huh..."
futakuchi "this ain't alabama, babe..."
extra thoughts!
after you record all that, iwaizumi and akaashi (he a freaky one 👀) will smirk, smack ur ass and say "best little sibling ever" before kissing u deep 🫶 do what you will with that information
also if tsukki was in a good mood, he'd prolly play along but in the most sarcastic way possible HAHAHA like "yeah, best little sibling ever" before kissing you out of frame lol
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarise any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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back2bluesidex · 6 months ago
Gin and Tonic - JJK Ft. Kim Mingyu (18+)
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Pairing: Jungkook X Fem Reader X Kim Mingyu
Theme: Pwp, SMUT
Wordcount: 2.2k+
Summary: If Jungkook is pungent as Gin then you need Mingyu as Tonic water to soothe your throat.
Warnings: Explicit sex, filthy sex, threesome, oral male receiving, reverse cowgirl position, she takes both of them at the same time, protected sex and unproduced sex both (wrap it up), creampie, cum eating.
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: This is written as a birthday gift for my bestie @phenomenalgirl9. belated happy birthday girl. Hope you enjoy this.
Disclaimer: I am not a carat and I don't even know the names of seventeen members properly. I have written this just because my bestie is a carat army and I wanted to write something to quench her thirst. hehe. so, please don't mind if Mingyu's character here is vague. I don't know him well to write him properly.
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“W-what do you mean?” you can’t help but shutter. 
The initial shock hasn’t died down yet but you can see another wave approaching you just when your dear boyfriend opens his mouth, “I mean, this. Is. your. Birthday gift.” he gestures towards the other man sitting right beside him. 
You want to scoff. He spoke those words with extra intervals between them as if it would start making sense in that way. If Jungkook thought so then he was wrong. 
Because nothing makes sense anymore. 
You dare risk a glance at his best friend, the other man, Kim Mingyu - aka the epitome of beauty and puppy energy. 
He smiles innocently at you, even though the proposal is anything but innocent and your stomach winds up in knots. 
“But jungkook… this… how- I mean-” you try to speak again but your state makes it tough to form a coherent sentence or a thought for that matter. 
Jungkook stands up from his side of the couch and walks towards where you are sitting. Mingyu stays silent for the entire time as if he needs approval in order to start speaking. 
Propling down beside you, Jungkook reasons, “Why not, Y/N? Remember you once told me how you want to be in charge for once?” 
Your eyes go wide. Jungkook is really talking about your bedroom practices right when his best friend is sitting there, looking like a three-course meal. 
“Yeah but how does that have anything to do with him?” you whisper. Honestly, you are not that frank with Mingyu. You have seen him only a handful of times since you and Jungkook got together. 
Jungkook chuckles, “Baby, you already know that being dominant is like my second nature. I can’t let you be in charge even if I try. So, I am giving you a chance to dominate the most submissive man I know” he points towards Mingyu again, who still stays silent, “as a birthday gift.” 
You wish Mingyu would say something. Something like this is not a good idea. But that guy- does he even know how to talk? 
“But baby-” 
“Oh come on, Y/N. You low-key love the idea. I have caught you throwing glances at me several times before. And I would be lying if I said the image of you riding me didn’t cross my mind.” Mingyu finally opens his mouth and now you wish he would have stayed silent. 
You don’t dare look at him, you divert your eyes towards your boyfriend, almost expecting Jungkook to be mad at Mingyu’s confession but when you look at him.. You find him smirking. 
Jungkook stands again and this time he stands towering your figure. Mingyu follows his suit. 
“We will take good care of you baby. Just trust us.” Jungkook speaks looking down on you. You can see his eyes hazy with lust already. 
“I will be good, I promise, Y/N.” this time it’s Mingyu. You finally take a good look at him, he is wearing a beige hoodie with a pair of dark denim - he looks like a Greek god descending to earth just to make your one wish come true.  
Your boyfriend on the other hand has chosen to go all black. A black t-shirt with a black zip-up, a black beanie and equally black jeans. He knows you drool when he dresses like that. Hence, the choice of his outfit is intentional. 
This might be a one-time opportunity- I mean- two of the most attractive guys you have ever seen are ready to pleasure you on your birthday, what else would you even want? 
You should say yes. 
So you nod a yes, even though your insides are already burning with anticipation and you feel like you will faint from the sheer excitement that is filling every nuke of your body. 
“Good girl.” Jungkook praises, poking his lip ring with his tongue. He then dives down and picks you up bridal style like a sack of rice, “let’s go then.” 
Jungkook crosses the distance from your living room to your bedroom with only five big strides, Mingyu follows him closely. 
He sits you on the bed and retires himself to sit on the armchair placed at a corner. 
“Y/N baby, he is all yours to play with.” Jungkook speaks in an authoritative tone. His voice sends goosebumps all the way from your head to toes. 
“Hey, Y/N. loosen up, yeah? I know you are nervous but it will be fun. I will do whatever you ask me to do okay?” Mingyu sits on his knees to match your eye level. He probably sensed your nervousness. 
His voice is really soothing, soft. Unlike Jungkook, his tone is not at all demanding, kind of pleading if you add. So you nod a yes. 
“So for starters, tell me what do you want me to call you?” He smiles sweetly. Your heart melts a little and you set yourself at ease. 
“Call me by my name only.” you reply. 
“Okay.” he takes your hand and places a kiss on the back of your hand. Your skin is now ablaze. 
“Can I kiss you here?” he places his index finger on your collarbone. You utter a yes. 
Mingyu moves forward and places the next kiss on your collarbone. His kisses start small but soon turn into huge, open-mouthed, wet kisses. 
Your hands wander around his shoulders, then to his chest, to his hair and you feel impatient already. You need to see him. You need to see him naked. 
“Undress yourself, Gyu.” you order him softly. 
“Whatever you say, Y/N.” Dang, did your name always sound so good rolling out from Mingyu’s pretty tongue? 
Mingyu stands up and starts undressing himself by taking off his hoodie. Soon he is standing only on his briefs. 
You are so distracted by the guy that you completely forgot your boyfriend is basically sitting right there enjoying the show. 
You ogle at Mingyu, who opens his mouth to place his demand this time, “Y/N… can I undress you? Hm?” 
That’s when you realize that you are still completely dressed. You nod nervously. You have never been naked in front of two males at the same time. 
But you don’t get the chance to feel much because Mingyu works fast. Within a few seconds you are sitting only with your panties on. Panties that Jungkook got you as a gift. 
“So pretty” Mingyu mumbles. His left hand comes to touch your tits but you swat it away. 
With a weird flare of confidence within yourself you say, “did I say you could touch me?” 
Mingyu visibly jolts at your sudden change of persona, “n-no. I am sorry.” 
“Good that you apologized. Now go and sit up against the bed.” you point at the space where you want your boyfriend’s best friend. 
Jungkook is amused to say the least. As much as he likes you as his babygirl only, he needs to admit that you are quite hot while trying to be in charge. He has already started getting hard but when he sees you straddling Mingyu’s lap and placing your core right on his crotch, his cock twiches inside his pants. 
Mingyu groans, which is understandable. 
You feel Mingyu’s erection poking at your entrance through the layers of clothing and you start getting wet at once. The pretty groan that Mingyu lets out doesn’t help at all. 
Once you are seated properly, you start rolling your hips against him. Your hands wind around his neck, fingers get lost in his dark hair. 
Fuck! This feels so good already! Why did you even think of declining the offer? 
“Can I suck your tits, Y/N?” Mingyu asks cutely. 
You sigh, “you can.” and he takes a nipple inside his mouth. 
His tongue rolls your nipples inside his mouth for a few seconds and then he starts suckling on the bud like a hungry beast. His sucks are so powerful that you start seeing stars. As a result, you grind on his length harder than ever. 
Mingyu can’t help but moan and moan. He is a little messy by the way his drool is dropping down the mound of your breast and landing on your stomach, but you are loving it much more than you thought you would. 
His strong hands hold you by your waist, pressing you down on himself. 
“Y/N, I- ump- I want to be inside you.” Mingyu speaks with a mouth full of your tits. You are pretty sure you have bruises all over your chest by now. 
However, Mingyu’s confession somehow catches you off-guard. He really wants to fuck you? As in fuck you for real? Will things be normal between you and him after everything or between him and Jungkook- oh fuck- Jungkook. 
You twist your neck by 90 degrees to catch your boyfriend sitting at the corner of the room. But the scene that welcomes you - heightens your hornyness tenfold. 
Jungkook has gotten rid of his pants and he has his shaft on his hand. He is semi-hard and massaging himself to uncover his cock’s full potential. 
The sight has you choking on your own spit and wits, too bad that Minguy is now thrusting up while biting down on the skin of your throat. 
Jungkook’s eyes meet yours and you can’t help but feel an invincible urge of sucking him while Mingyu is inside you. 
“I- I want to suck you, daddy.” you murmur. But Jungkook hears it anyway. 
“You want me suck me while my best friend fucks you, huh? You dirty little whore.” Jungkook chuckles while standing up from his seat. 
He comes to stand before you and Mingyu in no time. 
“Gyu, wrap yourself up.” Jungkook hands him a packet of condoms. Mingyu accepts it with a nod. His face is all messy with his own spit. His underwear sports a large wet spot due to pre-cum. 
You chuckle at the sight, “you really want to fuck me, don’t you?” 
“Y-yes.” he nods eagerly. 
You help him in getting rid of his briefs and putting the condom in. then you dismount yourself from his lap only to sit facing Jungkook. 
As you slide down on Mingyu’s cock in reverse cowgirl position, your mouth falls open with the length and girth that welcomes you. 
The stretch is delicious. 
Once you sink in, you take Jungkook’s length in your hand, and rub the pre-cum on his tip. 
Spitting on your hands, you lubricate Jungkook’s giant cock and place the tip on your tongue. 
Just when you take Jungkook fully inside your mouth, your hips roll back on Mingyu’s length. The rhythm that you set yourself in seems to work perfectly. You don’t miss a beat in riding Mingyu and sucking jungkook off at the same time. Both men are a mess by the time you feel your legs giving up. 
Both of them are groaning, moaning, head thrown back. Hair clinging to their forehead with sweat. 
You are not doing much better. Both of your two primary holes being penetrated at the same time is as overwhelming as it is rewarding. All while Mingyu’s fingers draw vigorous figure eights on your clit. 
You jump on Mingyu’s cock one last time and gag on Jungkook’s cock as your orgasm hits you like a loaded truck. 
You fall on Jungkook's chest and you can feel Mingyu grabbing you by your waist.
You are almost relieved, almost because within a moment, Jungkook is grabbing you and laying you down on the bed. 
“Now it’s my turn” he says as he pushes the tip of his cock inside your wrecked hole. 
Mingyu is sitting right above your head with his shaft in his hand, he throws the condom away and starts massaging himself. 
You are well aware that none of them has hit their orgasm yet. So you take the charge again. 
You grab the base of Mingyu’s cock and direct it to your mouth but the pace Jungkook has taken up already makes it tough to suck the other man properly. 
You still do your best. 
Mingyu chants your name again and again. You see his eyes rolling back by your own rolled eyes. He is on his fours and you swear this is one of the best sights you have ever seen. 
On the other hand, Jungkook pinches your clit pounding inside you raw. Your walls clench him promising another mind-numbing orgasm. 
“Hold it. Hold it for a few seconds.” he says as his own rhythm starts to break. You know he is close too. 
Inside your mouth Mingyu’s cock twitches. 
“Let go.” Jungkook says and you let yourself go. 
You squirt, spitting your juices all over Jungkook’s shirt and face, Jungkook spills inside you. As if on cue, Mingyu spills inside your mouth. 
You lie there like a mass of torn limbs for how long you don’t even know as the both men try to catch their breath. 
“By the way, how do you know that Mingyu is submissive ?” You question. The picture of Mingyu on all fours with his cock inside your mouth while Jungkook fucks you dumb is still plaguing your mind. 
Jungkook doesn’t say anything but he smirks. 
Fuck. Did they? 
The question renders your throat dry. 
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thehelltingvilleclub · 28 days ago
Josh Levy - Teddy Bear with a Lightsaber
He's not fat.. okay he's fat AND he's big boned.
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Joshua “Josh” Aaron Levy [05/04/80] Secretary of Science Fiction AOL / Online Users: [JediJunkies_80] Theme Songs: Science Fiction Double Feature - Me First and Gimmie Gimmies | Ghost - Mystery Skulls | Aliens Exist - blink-182
Favorite Shit: Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Twilight Zone, Kaiju, Stargate SG-1 Battlestar Galactica, Klingon, Alternate Earths, Firefly, Planet of the Apes, 12” Action Figures, Torrent Sites, The X-Files, Babylon 5, Akira, Farscape, Boba Fett
Despite his (well earned) grievances, he still hangs around these fuckers cause he can't really seem to find solace anywhere else, even online spaces. He didn't expect to find any enjoyment out of going to tournaments with Jerry, but an excuse to get good city food and walk around the comic shops they were held in were enough in his book to keep him coming back. He even managed to find a space themed tabletop he likes to play, and... y'know.. maybe other reasons..
But we don't talk about him shit uh IT UH--
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Never tell me the odds.
Oh Joshybear my beloved you poor antagonistic shitsmear.
His mom is in the hospital a lot more often or just straight up bed bound, which makes him kind of never want to leave his room out of guilt.
Yes, this dingus still blames himself for it, though it's not like his father helps with that.
Whenever he isn't holed up in his room, he's trying to drag somebody anybody out of the house to do something. Anything to get his mind off of stupid emotional shit--
He often goes with Jerry into the inner city when he has tournaments, especially when nobody else really wants to go. Sometimes he even covers Jerry bus fair or just borrows his mom's car.
However, this fucker HATES driving. It makes him the most anxious he's ever been his entire life. It is nothing like video games and it is nothing like the Millennium Falcon, that's for damn certain.
He also hates trying to park because he is deathly afraid of hitting the side of someone's car with the door.
Josh actually doesn't meet Matt at the same time as Jerry, surprisingly enough. Jerry introduces them when they bump into each other at the shop for a non-tournament related reason.
Josh nearly had a panic attack on the spot but it's fine
The moment he heard Matt had never seen the Star Wars films he nearly lost his mind.
This became the entire basis of Josh's attachment to the dude: "I have to show him the cinematic masterpiece that is this damn franchise."
And that's all it is. Mhmm. Totally. Don't ask why his hands are clammy and he's even more show-offy than normal whenever he's around. Don't.
He works with his dad at their Synagogue as essentially a secretary and sound technician, but hey, it lets him write his fanfictions Reimaginings and scroll through blogs in peace, right?
And it keeps him out of his dad's hair and the house, so it's kind of a win-win-win.. win?
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I love him
I want to eat him.
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Also don't worry guys, you'll get a WHOLE lot more info on Matt soon. He's not an affiliated member of the club and I didn't have many drawings of him (despite my.. excessive notes...) so I'm cranking them out as I post this.
also hi I know his pants look weird shut up nothing else looked better.
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 months ago
Jude Jazza's "The Past Records:" The Tale of A Ruthless, Arrogant Man & A Woman Like the Moon
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This is a fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors and translation inaccuracies. Cybird owns everything. Re-blogs are appreciated, but please do not post my translation elsewhere. Thank you for your support! ☾.
Warning: This story will be about their relationship after the main story. Caution while reading.
It’s not possible for humans to see the other side of the moon.
The moon has almost the same cycle of rotation and revolution,
It’s said, it’s because the same side is constantly facing the earth.
“Take me to the moon.”
Declared the moon-like woman named Kate, whom became my girlfriend.
She shows every side of herself so openly.
Yeah, all the time.
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Kate: Attacking someone from behind on the street at night is despicable!
Kate: They’re the ones who breached the contract by devious means!
Jude: But ya were so pissed, ya pointed yer gun at ‘em ‘n beat over ‘n over.
Kate: W-well, I….felt like I needed to protect you, Jude.
Jude: Yeah, yeah, that’s great. I’ve gotta terrifyin’ girlfriend.
Kate: Did you just call me your girlfriend?
Jude: Huh, maybe yer hearin’ stuff?
Kate: You definitely said it! Say it again please!
— There are times when you get so angry that I want to laugh.
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Kate: Hic…I showed an opening and almost got taken out….how pathetic
Jude: C’mon, ya gonna cry, eat or have a pity party?
Kate: …..I’ll eat.
Kate: [Sniffle]…it’s delicious….the food is delicious, Jude.
Kate: Hi-hic….I’m so glad to be alive….!
Jude: Pfft, whadda ugly lookin’ face.
— There are times when you cry so much that I want to smile.
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Kate: Liam’s performance was so amazing! Everyone was glued to him.
Jude: Tell it to him, not me.
Jude: He’ll be jumpin’ with joy, but can’t say for sure.
Kate: Yeah! I’ll tell him as soon as I get back to Crown.
— There are times when you’re so happy I want to laugh.
Jude: Yer such a busy woman.
After finishing up work, I had a smoke in my room as I watched Kate.
Kate: I wonder which Mr. Company President, is keeping me so busy?
(That’s not what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. Well, it’s fine.)
Jude: Yer the masochist who wants to be with me even if it means workin’ for Crown ‘n Raven at the same time.
Kate: And once again you’re being blunt. Jude, do you know the phrase “exploitation motivation”?
Kate: Well…it’s true that I want to be with you, so it’s inevitable.
(Ha, ya didn’t even deny bein’ a masochist.)
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Just as I stamped out my cigarette in the ashtray, Kate’s gaze met mine.
(What’s with those feverish eyes?)
Kate doesn’t even try to hide her love.
When she wants me, her entire body reveals her craving unconsciously.
Just as I thought, Kate is a woman who shows every side of herself openly.
That’s why —
(Oh, this’s the first I’ve seen this look.)
Her unknown expressions I’ve never seen appear one after the other.
Just as a moon that goes through phases.
Jude: Somethin’ on my face?
Kate frowned at me sharply.
Kate: ….You’re saying that, even though you know perfectly well.
Jude: Ya give me too much credit, how should I know what yer talkin’ ‘bout.
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Kate: ……
(Awww, impatient, poor lil thin’)
(But poor lil you’s so cute.)
Kate: If you don’t know what I’m talking about
Kate sat down on the bed next to me,
Kate: Then I’ll tell you
She grabbed me by the collar, and pressed her lips against mine.
(…Yer desperately clingin’ to me, so I’m gonna mercilessly devour ya.)
I whisper as I bite Kate’s neck.
Jude: Hey, let’s play a game….
Kate: …Ngh, ah….a game?
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Jude: The one who looks away first loses.
Kate’s eyes flicker and then she smiles.
Kate: That’s sounds interesting, alright. I don’t feel like I’ll lose.
Jude: So ya say. Then, no matter what, don’t look away, got it?
(Ya just hafta keep lookin’ at me.)
(It ain’t funny if there’s an expression of yers I dunno.)
Kate looked away, succumbing to the relentless, pleasurable torture,
And fell asleep most likely from being worn out.
Jude: ….How vulnerable.
As I played with Kate’s messy bangs, I suddenly remembered something.
Each person receives a fixed amount of happiness in their lifetime, it’s equal for everyone.
That’s right, it was written in a book somewhere.
It’s not all good, it’s not all bad, it’s all created equally.
(I won’t say somethin’ stupid like - since I met a woman named Kate, it’s equaled out.)
The past doesn’t disappear.
Grudges, feelings of resentment, this cycle of hatred will continue until I die.
I’m still a person who’s living in the depths of hell.
Kate squeezes my finger tightly as she sleeps.
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Jude: …Pff-ha, whadda ya a baby?
Jude: Just how much does this woman love me?
Maybe now, I’ve finally learned the feeling of happiness.
I savored my first taste of happiness.
Next to a woman like the moon.
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[Past Records Master List]
He FINALLY knows happiness!
Dividers: @.natimiles
Tags List: @sh0jun @theimaginativelyreticent @sapphire-323 @velisle @nateko @greatwitchsongsinger@cosmowgyrall. @lunaaka
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