#my siblings and i (including her dad) all have autism and/or adhd
clamorybus · 1 year
i think my niece is the first child in my family born in three generations to be neurotypical
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randomshit657 · 6 months
Community HeadCannons because I can
- This is canon but is Autistic
- When overwhelmed or having trouble speaking he’ll use the word “cool” for every answer. Like to mean yes, no, okay, etc. (once again borderline canon.)
- Has dyscalculia
- Bisexual and Agender
- Hate watches Supernatural and Greys Anatomy
- Hyper-empathic when it comes to inanimate objects
- Let’s Annie paint his nails
- Has narcissistic personality disorder specifically covert narcissism
- Bisexaul
- Has ADHD
- Practices “Winger Speech’s” in the bathroom mirror
- Knows sign language
- Would most definitely listen to Dad Rock
- Views both Abed and Annie as younger siblings (just pretend all the Jeff/Annie stuff never happened. It always seemed weird to me)
- Makes sure he watches every movie Abed references (although he’ll deny that until the day he dies)
- Goes to Pride with Abed, Annie, and Troy (although they have to practically drag him the first time, but now he goes all in)
- Has ADHD literally no doubt in my mind
- Transmasc
- Gay and on the Asexual Spectrum
- Still believes in The Easter Bunny, The Tooth fairy, etc
- Loves stuffed animals but only has one very raggedy one from his childhood
- Religious Trauma
- Would try to do research on Autism, and Islam to try and understand Abed better but would keep getting distracted and get so frustrated he started crying. Annie would end up reading the stuff to him and helping him understand it.
- Loves the color purple
- Has always wanted a dog and is constantly bringing home strays
- Not really about him but when Troy gets Top Surgery Abed would drive him home and take care of him while he healed
- Listens to cheesy pop music
- I was going to say Audhd but what if she was misdiagnosed with ADHD as a kid but actually had Autism so that’s where the whole adderal addiction came from.
- Lesbian but with a lot of internalized homophobia
- Has always wanted a pet snake
- Has taken multiple self defense classes
- Is really into true crime
- Celebrates every year of sobriety one way or another (as she gets more comfortable with the group she invites them and they celebrate together)
- Loves heavy metal music and classical music
- Is surprisingly good at art
- Is the one who introduced Abed to Greys Anatomy
- Writes fanfic
- Transfem
- Exclusively listens to indie music
- Is secretly a Broadway nerd
- I honestly don’t have that much for her
- Starts of as homophobic but as she gets to know everyone she starts to question whether her religion is entirely right about that point.
- She becomes a huge ally. Would wear a free mom hugs shirt to pride.
- Is the mom of the study group
- Her purse is pretty much magically whatever you need she has it in there (that includes stim toys, and noise canceling head phones for Abed and the other neurodivergents)
That’s it :))
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totally-sick-blogger · 4 months
Disability representation in Bob's Burgers
This is going to be a long post so buckle up and perhaps grab a snack
I am neurodivergent and physically disabled and Bob's Burgers is one of my two special interests so I feel very qualified to talk about this so let's just dive right in
In ~ my opinion ~ Bob's Burgers is one of the best shows overall in terms of disability and LGBTQ+ representation. Still, Today we'll be focusing specifically on disability rep and I'll be breaking it down by character and we'll be discussing both canon and implied disabled characters.
Tina Belcher - Tina is headcanoned by many (including myself) as being Autistic, as many of us autistic people find her extremely relatable and a lot of her symptoms to be obvious. She has a very hard time making and maintaining friendships with people besides her siblings, she does not understand most social situations, all of her "friends" besides Zeke are mean to her but never realize that they're being mean to her unless Louise points it out. She also displays heavy and intense interest in horses, and romance, which many see as her special interests. She also frequently stims both physically and orally; this is especially prevalent when she's in situations that she finds stressful. She's also known not to understand jokes or sarcasm (there's literally an entire episode with this as a running side plot, see season 7 episode 15) she also frequently tries to act like someone she's not and pretend to take interest in things she doesn't actually like in an attempt to make friends (see season 13 episode 14). There's also an entire two-part episode where she's a robot who's pretending to be human which was meant to be an allegory for her masking and she and Bob have an entire song dedicated to them feeling like they're unlikable and not knowing how to be "normal" and I find it painfully relatable and it has me in tears every time I watch that episode (season 12 episodes 21 and 22). The common argument against Tina being autistic is that within the first 5 minutes of the very first episode, there's a joke about Tina being autistic and Bob says "You're not autistic Tina" but my argument against this is that the Belcher family canonically does not have much money and getting diagnosed is very expensive. (also the entire family is very neurodivergent so it wouldn't shock me if no one in the family noticed that she was autistic)
Bob - Bob displays a lot of the same behaviours as Tina but also tends to be portrayed as the classical undiagnosed adult autistic man. He also has a strong tendency to personify and give names to objects such as his spatula; this however can be a sign of autism or childhood trauma which we also know that he has as it's showed and explained on many occasions that his childhood wasn't super great since his mother died when he was a young boy and his dad was not great at parenting and was showed to care more about his restaurant than his son.
Linda - Linda again is the classic undiagnosed adult auDHD woman. She's very hyper-active, and tries really hard to control situations but not in a malicious way. she needs everything to be perfect all of the time and takes extreme measures to make that happen which usually wind up making the situation worse (see season 1 episode 7)
Gene - Gene (in my opinon) clearly has ADHD. He's forgetful, can't get himself to do activities that aren't of his immediate interest, day dreams a lot and his very very extroverted. (Though not all ADHDers are extroverted). He also has a very hard time with rejection sensitivity which is common in people with ADHD.
Teddy - Teddy is the Belchers best customer and close family friend. He also displays symptoms of autism but on a more "severe" level than other characters mentioned. He eats the exact same thing for lunch every day at the exact same time, and literally has a breakdown if that changes without warning. He also has no social skills, is easily manipulated and has strong attachment issues particularily towards Bob and Linda. Also he's a hoarder but I'm not sure if that's relevant to this.
Gayle - I'm not really sure what's going on with Gayle or where to start with her but she definitely has some stuff going on in her brain.
Jimmy jr - Jimmy jr has a speed impediment and often displays his frustrations with his dad who wants him to go to speech therapy and get rid of his speech problems even though he'd rather spend his time pursuing his dreams of being a dancer.
Benji - Benji is a character who appears in a season 13 episode. He's a student in Louise's grade who uses a wheelchair and has a passion for puppetry and loves Jim Henson; though his mother would rather that he took wheelchair basketball lessons. (Also, fun fact: the voice actor for Benji also voices a disabled character on Sesame street, who's puppets were originally crafted by Jim Henson)
This post is already long enough so I'll stop here but I could go on for ages about this subject. I hope you all learned something and feel free to add to the conversation in the comments. Remember that some of these are just opinions and you're aloud to disagree.
Have a great eveing lovies and if you made it this far thank you for reading <3
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violet-yimlat · 11 months
A bit about me! I meant to do this for a while but Procrastination!
Hi I’m Violent I mean Violent I mean Violent I mean Violet I mean Violent I mean Violet Morningstar (but more on that later). I’m 16 and my birthday is in October. I have ADHD and Autism. I’m Asexual. My Myers-Briggs type is INTP and my Eneagram is four. I’m a Libra, but that means literally nothing.
I’m female, I use She and It pronouns, and I identify as a demon. I use the demonkin and fallen angelkin labels.
And now it’s later. I have quite an odd family life because, like several others here on Tumblr I have been adopted by @morningbloodystar because that just seems to be what he does.
So that’s my dad. Which makes @chloe-decker-lapd my sort of mom.
My irl mom is also on Tumblr. I won’t @ her, but in the event of an actual emergency, she’s cakeomatic.
My siblings, the best and only internet siblings (and exclusively online friends) I’ve ever had in order of age are;
@ask-eric-the-disposable-demon Eric Morningstar. I’m pretty sure that he’s closest in age to our dad (like, how big are the age gaps between angels anyway?) but whatever, he’s our brother. He can turn into a rabbit and multiply like them too (when did you guys get the “multiplying like rabbits” joke in Zootropolis?)
@e-w-w-morningstar Eddie W.W Morningstar, who is sometimes a termite and crawled out of the ground in the 18 something-somethings. He has several children including @jessica-woodson-morningstar , my favourite niece.
@janeway-lover Abby Morningstar. She’s “the sensible one”, and apparently she’s cool with that. Big sister energy. One of these days, she’s going to end up saving all of our asses. @urielwiththegoodhair’s partner. SIMPS.
@helphowdoiusethis Jay Morningstar. God of glitter, Quing of ducklings (almost wrote dicklings lol) and somehow an ancient entity of stardust with a traumatic backstory while also being about a year older than me.
Me. I accidentally turned into a demon. And now a cursed book called “Evil Wizardry for Beginners” won’t leave me alone. My familiar is @barrythebabyturnip.
@echosghoast Echo Morningstar. Chaos sibling supreme. The younger sibling I never had, and much less annoying than the one I actually do. Can’t wait to commit a crime with you lol.
@hivemindofevilbats Hive. Literally vampire bats.
@adam-n-dog Adam Young. Nearly caused the apocalypse that one time. Great at naming dogs. He has a dog named Dog. Good boy! Good hellhound!
Last but certainly not least, @three-surnames Trixie Espinosa Decker Morningstar. Awesome little sister? Yes. In complete denial about the nature of reality? Also yes.
Also more siblings?
@angel-and-the-serpent @fallen-starmaker @vans-ghost
Then there are my other relatives.
@the-almighty-lucifer Dad from another reality who’s decided that he’s our uncle.
@one-coming-is-enough The aforementioned Uncle J.
@god-in-the-basement said she’d be our weird aunt but I guess she’s our great aunt?
@g00brielandbeez my uncle and how do we feel about Titi? In Spanish tia and tio are aunt and uncle so that’s the combination and it works.
I’m going to list some fandoms I’m in now;
Good Omens
Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel
Heaven’s Design Team
Certain literature like Paradise Lost, Dante’s Inferno and Lucifer (as in the 17th century Dutch play)
Obey Me!
Yes, I’m into theology. And mythology. I’m an atheistic Satanist btw.
I like reading, listening to music and drawing, but I haven’t felt very inspired lately. I also like identity theft cosplay.
Well, those are the facts about me, and if none of them make you hate me, then maybe we should hang out sometime!
Always up for shenanigans.
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cherrybombfangirl · 1 year
Hey you, yeah you! Interested in my in progress Ninjago fic that I'm fucking obsessed with and want you guys to become obsessed with as well?
Tumblr media
Ao3 Link: Battle Cry (8840 words) by cherrybombfangirl
Wanna read a Ninjago fanfic that spans everything from the pilots to Crystalized? It includes me fixing everything that needs fixing in my humble opinion as a writer myself (love triangles be gone), and my ninjago OC and the small OCs that come with her. 
Yeah you wanna read it!
This fic includes:
My Original Character Amy. She’s a human clone and a former assassin/child soldier, the Master of Space (forcefields and portals), falls in love with Lloyd and is very protective of him plus they have a cute aspec romance, and her arc is all about learning that her emotions aren’t a weakness to let people love her and that’s she’s not a broken monster.
The rainbow colored ninja being very queer as the universe intended: Gay Ace Cole, Trans and Pansexual Kai (plus Lavashipping galore!), Trans and Bisexual Nya (she and Kai swapped genders and names), Trans and Bisexual Jay, Genderfluid and Pan Zane, Asexual Demiromantic and Genderqueer He/They Lloyd, Genderqueer and PanAce Pixal and other characters are obviously queer as well.
Mental health issues galore that you can’t convince me these ninja don’t have at this point: everyone has PTSD, depression, anxiety, and lots of trauma!
Also autistic and adhd ninja because i said so: Autistic and ADHD Lloyd (he gets the autism from Garm and the ADHD from Misako), ADHD Kai (gets it from his mom), ADHD Jay (also from his mom), and Autistic Zane (his father built him that way because he is also autistic).
Addressing the Garmadon family’s generational trauma BECAUSE THE UNTAPPED POTENTIAL-
Lloyd’s relationship with his mom is complicated BUT after Lloyd has an understandable anger outburst Misako realizes “Fuck I messed up and hurt my kid” and spends a very long time trying to be better and fixing her and Lloyd’s relationship- and they do have a good relationship by the end! (because fuck doing nothing over actually working on fixing their mistakes and actually making up for it and people being complicated and imperfect people)
Love triangles are OUT, trauma triangles are IN
Jay actually gets character development in Skybound AND KEEPS SAID DEVELOPMENT, including Jay having to learn how to have a healthy relationship with Nya and stop bulldozing over people’s boundaries/having unhealthy obsessions with people (which is actually a result of trauma)
^^^ also actually exploring Jay’s birthmom in Prime Empire instead of introducing her then only mentioning her once several seasons later (and not even by name)
Also more sibling stuff in general over the romance because Jay and Nya’s relationship over Kai and Nya’s WHY?!?! (also Smith sibs adopting Lloyd, and all the ninja being even closer as a family obviously)
Consider the stupid love triangle with Wu Garm and Misako GONE. Don’t worry though, I give the brothers a much more believable and angsty reason to start fighting in Season 4 :))) (hint, it has to do with their repressed trauma from their dad’s not so great parenting)
Kai gets his own season with plenty of angst and character development as he deserves. The Green Ninja thing and Chen’s staff thing and being abandoned with a baby sister to take care of and putting all his worth on protecting others will ABSOLUTELY BE DISCUSSED
^^^ also Lavashipping will be included with Kai and Cole finally confronting their feelings for each other and going from on and off friends with benefits to the cutest boyfriends/husbands ever
Exploring the Dragon vs Oni and Creation vs Destruction concept more and using Lloyd and his family to illustrate that what the world really needs is a balance of both (also Lloyd and his dad keeping some Dragon/Oni features at the end!!!)
The ninja actually having to recover from when they very severely injured, or say, fucking possessed (why didn’t they even mention how Lloyd would’ve had to recover from that, the fuck)
Also Wu being confronted multiple times for his bullshit (which, suprise suprise, is a result of trauma), and he actually has to fix his mistakes and try to be better
Fixing everything wrong with Rebooted, Skybound, March of the Oni, Fire Chapter, Prime Empire, and Crystalized (I’m a writer myself, there are some things that drive me crazy and I NEED TO FIX THEM-)
More family time and mundane domestic stuff in between the ninja-ing- just the ninja spending time together and acting more like family/roommates in general
Prime Empire actually makes sense, Jay gets actual character development AND we actually explore his birthmom
Morro and Harumi are deeply traumatized BUT they let said trauma make them assholes and use it as an excuse to hurt people and they become even worse (Morro and Harumi stans BEGONE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU)
^^^ this will include Harumi developing an unhealthy obsession with Lloyd and it turning into creepy/predatory behavior, and there will be off screen sexual assault at some point, be wary of that
Exploring what life with Lloyd and his parents pre-banishement was like, complete with angsty-fluffy feels
Actually talking about addressing everyone’s trauma in general (and giving them more trauma because I’m that bitch :DDD )
There’s probably more I’m forgetting but that’s the gist of it for now
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
Okay so.
This isn't even all of it
But all I can write rn
So we're starting with this.
We start with the exact relation that Zhao and Jodie hold. Their souls are bound together, however they're separate people who lived their own lives in the Close timeline. In the Foster timeline however, their souls shared a body (Jodie's) because of the timeline shift.
Next. We have Jodie's family life. He's not an only child, but is the second youngest, only having a younger sister. He has an older sister (who cut all ties to the family) and an older brother (who is second oldest). Jodie's father and brother are both cops and also why Jodie became one (to make his family proud of him.) (He doesn't enjoy the job all that much, he likes how he feels because he feels in control of things for once. But it's a lot of just sitting and watching cars as a highway cop.)
His family is the nuclear family type. Mom stays at home and cleans and cooks. Dad works. His sisters were taught how to become good housewives for when they got married. Of course this is also why his older sister (and oldest child) cut ties from the family. However before she did, she and Jodie got along when Jodie had his little "rebel" phase (also when I headcanon when he meets Morgan, who was also having a rebel phase). Of course as Jodie gets older past his younger teens years, he stops this and starts becoming serious. He starts doing things that'll help him go into the career path the rest of the men in his family have done.
Of course this causes a lot of issues for him because he kind of doesn't feel like he has an identity besides just being Officer Foster, one of many. He does like the structure though, his ADHD (and his autism that I hc him with because he's so me fr.)
Now in the Close timeline, he starts to just have a routine of getting up everyday and doing his job, going hoke. Showering and then eating. Then sleeps. Repeat. However in the Foster timeline, he meets Morgan, and they fall in love. So instead his schedule also includes his family in there.
Back to his family however. Him and his father have a strained relationship. When Jodie was younger (in his young teen years), they fought all the time. Mostly about how Jodie wasn't going to become another Officer Foster like every other man in the family. :(
And his relationship with his mother isn't the best as well. He loves and adores his mom, but in the foster household, after one of the boys turns 14, they're kinda just ignored by their mother.
Poor meow meow
Moving to the Close timeline. After Zhao is finally let out of being kinda trapped, Jodie and Zhao go to hell with Nick and Dee (obviously). Jodie never expected to get any sort of acceptance into Dee family, or the demon term (pack). So when he was accepted, it was shocking to him. And now he sees Dee as his mama (not mom, as he can't just forget his mom). But being accepted as one of Dee's kits (and now one of 3, as Dee accepts Glenn as her kit too) [dee went from 1 kit to 3 kits]. Also kit is the demon term for kid/child <3 (I have a lot of demon hcs that I will be sharing during this whole thing)
Zhao and Dee also help Jodie with demon stuff. Like how to keep horns and wings and tails in proper condition. And also how to use Zhao's weapons properly. (Though not without a few burns and scars from practice.)
That's all. For now.
Also i will be getting designs for everybody mentioned that isn't Zhao, Dee and Jodie (the non named Foster's basically)
okay. home now. i can devote some proper attention to this instead of rotating it in my mind while my brother tries to talk to me about city skylines
this is REALLY GOOD. we have such wildly different visions of jodies life and it makes me giggle a lot but ultimately THIS IS REALLY GOOD. the thought of jodie having siblings especially just makes me like... sad. like they lost their brother! he lost them! thats so SAD AUGH
and yes. of course theyre dee's kits. demons are cats. ALL demons are cats, jodie is my little kitty cat. AND THAT PARTS REALLY CUTE. MAN. AWWW bhjbfghjfbdj i love dee so much shes so funny, i wish we got more of her in canon
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I would love to hear about your stranger things pjo au!!! Love both stories, all the better to mix them
well, buckle the FUCK up! /lh
❗ Before we begin, i'd like to give some warnings for abuse (csa, physical, emotional), self-harm/suicide, scars, neglect/abandonment, religion (mention of camps), minor character death, mention of kidnapping, eating disorders❗
this has taken TWO DAYS and it's long and not even finished but i'm tired of looking at it so
🎸 First character: michael wheeler. 🎸
love the kid to death. proud kinnie and apologist.
he's a fucking menace in this au. a mini percy, if you will.
15, genderfluid, he/they/she, boy kisser.
from hawkins indiana, bullied very badly as a kid for being neurodivergent, abusive father that does not know what a boundary is especially when he's drunk.
(that's projection right there - at its finest)
hypersexual for obvious reasons.
convinces a not-aware-of-the-abuse nancy to run away at 12 and 15. leave without any parting words to anyone.
make it to camp half blood where they are quickly claimed and mike is the first to meet percy, who has become a social worker/therapist alongside an oc of mine, chase williams.
he's given the following diagnoses: adhd, dyslexia, autism, cptsd, bpd with severe dissociation, mdd, and gad with panic attacks .
has been on 2 quests in his 3 years at camp. both, he does not talk about.
will becomes his fp basically on sight (i know- i was there. mike told me himself)
so fucking stupid its a wonder they put him against the ares cabin bc his smart mouth is brutal.
visible self-harm scars and will get so pissed if you ask about any of his scars. will tell you to mind your business.
15, trans guy, he/him, queer.
aphrodite bitch that loves looking like he lives in a conservative 80s small town horror movie but like,,, the amount of tan and neutral works somehow? with some golden yellow and rusty oranges that make his green eyes shimmer and pop.
big artist and has hecate's blessing and OH MY GOD will with powers???? illusions???? fuckin CHARMSPEAK????? he's in his magician era lmao /lh /j
from cali. bisexual icon joyce brought her boys to camp early so they're prepared. i say she's the sally of stranger things
has the included adhd and dyslexia but with added cptsd, schizophrenia, and autism. that should be interesting.
has been on 6 quests since age 10, some successful, some not.
i want will to have eyeliner. i want to see him with it so bad. and painted nails. usually pink, yellow, or black.
21, nonbinary man, he/she, queer as hell
willeddie siblings. trans aphrodite kids against the world.
has apollo's blessing. very much a partner in crime to percy, they bond over music taste.
adhd, dyscaulia, bipolar 1, and cptsd
such a chill fucking dude but will ramble for years and years and years if you don't stop him.
very powerful charmspeak and very good at seeing the ties between people. has a celestial bronze dagger essentially named "freak"
sucker for apollo cabin counselor steve harrington
☀️ mr. steven harrington~ ☀️
19, trans man, he/him, bisexual
apollo kid, lover of pop, singer-songwriter.
very laidback, from TN surprisingly. has religious trauma, unsurprisingly, from being in a baptist christian family and being sent to summer camps until he was abandoned at age 16 by his mom and step dad.
adhd, dyslexia, hpd, cptsd, and unspecified dissociative disorder. hypersexual from a few instances of csa as a young child by someone at one of the summer camps he was sent to.
definitely has a knack for swinging blunt objects, of which he has a celestial bronze bat he carries everywhere along with a backup dagger.
thinks kids are fun to work with and teaches archery alongside chiron, which is unexpected but welcomed.
an okay healer. average. knows first aid, cpr, the basics
💜 the badass, nancy wheeler 💜
18, cis female, she/her, lesbian
athena kid through and fucking through. so smart but, like mike, oblivous and super dumb.
spends a lot of time out of the house as a kid until she and mike run away.
works for the camp newspaper, freelance journalist as she attempts college classes.
not the one you want against you in capture the flag.
chooses the gun bc she briefly has "i'm not like other girls" syndrome but finds it actually fits her.
her and annabeth talk all the time. to the point percy complains to mike about it.
robin buckley- love at first sight
18, nonbinary woman, she/they/neos, woman kisser
also a big music person but POETRY. she absolutely loves poetry and symbolism and all that shit.
romance and sci-fi nerd.
dresses like a gay drama professor or gives off young richie tozier vibes, no in-between.
can name each bone in your body as she breaks it. loves her independent gf nancy.
adhd, dyslexia, autism, ptsd, and severe auditory processing issues.
indie music seems like her style but scene queen owns her soul and she'd sell it for ashnikko
thought about being a film major
steve's platonic better half as they should be
comes from an emotionally abusive household
📷 jonny boy 📷
19, trans man, he/him, aceflux demigayromantic
dates a clear-sighted mortal (affectionate)
aphrodite's son that may not be "conventionally attractive", but he has a knack for matchmaking and fashion, which he then neglects because he opts for a camp shirt and jeans with tennis shoes.
mild adhd, dyslexia, AUTISM, cptsd, avpd, gad, generalized depression
so many sensory issues and needs, but tries to be independent, which can lead to bouts of anger, frustration, and, sometimes, crying.
was severely bullied in school and he was physically and emotionally abused by his step dad, who his mom was not married to for very long
works with nancy and takes photographs for the paper sometimes.
🌻 el my beloved 🌻
15, nonbinary, they/them, pan ace, poly
as a kid of demeter, el has always been a plant lover. discovered their powers early
bedroom pop lover and blessed by aphrodite.
would rather rely on their powers than a weapon but does have a small dagger on them at all times.
elmike duo my sweets,,,
adhd, dyslexia, autism, cptsd, system (no amnesia, 2 other alters; jane and 11, who is different from el)
by early i mean she was growing plants at a rapid rate by the time she was 5. the wrong person saw it and she was kidnapped and abused severely until she was ten, when she was rescued by local police chief jim hopper, who later adopted her bc her mortal parent had been in an accident not too long after she was taken and did not make it.
🌸 baby girl chrissy 🌸
19, demigirl, she/they, aroace
daughter of demeter, very sweet
very much a basic pastel stereotype but we love her anyway, she's amazing.
has the following: adhd, dyslexia, bullimia, cptsd, gad with panic attacks
her dad's very much a pushover and her stepmom's heavily emotionally and verbally abusive and makes comments about her weight all the time
she only spends a few weeks of the year at home and it's usually only for her dad.
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I have been made aware that an individual who has been implicated in *multiple* incidents of abuse against vulnerable LGBTQIA+ people, many of them trans, including r&pe, SA, and emotional & financial abuse, and who has lied repeatedly about things that are "going on" for them is trying to get back to prominence on YouTube through this site. This person is UNSAFE. I am married to their sister, a trans woman who was forced to leave the family home because of this person's physical abuse, manipulation, and exploitation - this included holding a kn*fe to their sister's throat, calling her "mentally ill" and "a creep" for shaving her arm hair, routinely engaging in pseudo-s*xual dominance "play", WITHOUT her consent, against her. My wife has spent the better part of 10yrs recovering from the impacts of the trauma and abuse she experience - as an ACTUALLY autistic trans woman, something their sibling started claiming to be only AFTER manipulating my wife into resuming contact with them in 2019 - at the hand of this person. This individual has active, self-chosen dr*g addictions. They have s*xually, physically, emotionally and financially abused MULTIPLE people, all of which came out on Reddit less than a year ago. When my father-in-law passed away, as the result of a serious brain tumour, this person "joked" about "My Dad d*ing from rapid onset gender dysphoria, which I inherited from him" (btw, ROGD is a KNOWN TERF dog-whistle, and has been PROVEN to be untrue.) I'm not naming this person publicly, but will do so privately for those who are concerned they may be in their circle. (For record: they live in London, UK, and were previously active on YouTube with gaming-focused streams). If you actually want to support a diagnosed autistic trans woman, who is also living with cerebral palsy and visual impairment, then email [email protected] to book a tarot or rune reading - £12 for a three card or three runes reading, or £25 for a full reading combining tarot cards and runes. My wife is unable to work because of the impact of: . Autism . ADHD . Cerebral Palsy . Visual impairment I am registered blind myself, and am currently trying to build up a business that can support both myself and my wife. The key distinction? My wife and I offer ACTUAL SERVICES, that people will benefit from if they CHOOSE to commission us. The ONE time either of us has asked for money from strangers on the internet, we set up a GoFundMe to get my wife £500 so she could attend an Autism conference where she'd been invited to give a presentation...Because we don't have a lot of social or financial capital, that never gained traction. It raised just... £5. My wife wasn't able to attend that conference. (For clarity; we are both medically banned from driving, so the £500 would have covered public transport which was comfortable for my wife to manage, and accommodation for the 3 days of the conference, which was in Edinburgh, Scotland - neither my wife or I have a passport or other photo ID, which means that finding cheap internal flights is not an option for us.) Right now, we're struggling with unaffordable maintenance needs on our house (owned outright, purchased in 2014 with the 50% share of my late father's life insurance which was left to me), and my wife is in need of private assessments and physical therapy to help her manage her cerebral palsy. My wife's Paypal if you want to donate directly to her is https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sorcerix (this is also how to send her payment if you want to book tarot/rune readings - just leave a note which makes it clear what you're sending money for.)
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milkhoney531 · 10 months
Kinda a vent or whatever
You know, it's kind of funny.
I'm sitting here trying to find one free site to find my family tree, to find any connection I can to my mom, and I'm coming up empty.
Just like how I'd spend hours as a kid trying to find out online if I had been adopted. My efforts are just as fruitless.
I still don't know anything past my immediate family after all these years. I don't know my mom's side of the family or my birth dad's side. I don't know my roots. I don't know why I'm like this, I can't look at my family and see traces of me.
I know my mom got cancer, that my maternal grandpa did too. I know autism runs in my mom's side of the family. I know that she had blonde hair and blue eyes and shitty vision, and a blueberry allergy, and pcos. I know my birth dad's name, that he has dark hair and green eyes, that he has a sister I've never met, that apparently my body shape comes from his side of the family. I know I have autism, adhd, blonde hair, shitty vision and grey eyes, that I have a peanut allergy and one day I woke up and suddenly my ankle hurt constantly and I don't know why.
My mom used to say we have the blood of heroes in our blood, that we're a navy family, that we hid those on the run, that we have both blood of the pilgrims and Native Americans in our blood, that we have the Irish and Scottish in our blood as well. I don't know if any of this is true or simply stories.
I know my family has a history of addiction, mental illness, abuse, and cancer. I know that most of my mother's side of the family dies before they reach their fifties but somehow the evil that is my maternal grandmother is still out there kicking. I know my mom has many half siblings out there, that like her father, she jumped around with partners and had kids. I have one full sibling, five half, and two step. I know my bio dad has four baby mamas, including my mother.
What I know for certain about my family, is nothing good. I'm not sure how I make sense in it. I know the older I've gotten, the worse my health has become. I know I'd like a family one day, but I look at what I know of my family, and I can't pass down those genes.
I don't know who I am, why I am the way I am, or where I'm from and my family hasn't made it easy to find out. I just feel lost.
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violetambergreen · 2 years
I'm just going to introduce myself. As you can see, I am Larchkeygenxer, but you can call me Key for short.
I am trying to keep my real name out of this because much of what I may write here will talk about my family: parents, cousins, stepfamily. I will mention my younger siblings only in passing, as I have nothing to complain about regarding them.
I have a family with many alcoholics and drug abusers.
My father is a typical narcissist, manipulative, controlling, gaslighting a-hole who makes everything about himself Nd genuinely believes he is a rock star due to his middling career as a Karaoke DJ.
My mother is a recovering alcoholic, 23 years sober. Which is the span of my adult life, but drank heavily when I was a kid. Looking back on it with adult eyes, it was probably her coping mechanism for marriage to my dad. He forbade her friends, out of home working and she has told me stories of his manipulative ways, even hinting at sexual abuse.
I have one brother and sister from their marriage. My mom has a younger daughter, 16 years my junior, from my 1st stepfather. My father and 2nd stepmother adopted a 3 year old girl that same year.
A girl I essentially raised until they kicked me out and moves to another state.
I am a US Army Vet, a direct result of the aforementioned 'kick out' and suffer with multiple disabilities, including ADHD, PTSD (sexual harassment), insomnia, diabetes, Fibromyalgia, anxiety/depression and have been told I may be on the Autism spectrum. I suffer from a form of dyslexia with numbers, and frequent memory lapses due to all the stress from the other 1001 illnesses I have.
Oh, and I also have polycystic ovarian syndrome and was unable to bear children.
My next post will be the things that bring me joy.
I'm my mid forties now, and feel like this is my time to talk.
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rotten-pain · 3 years
Hyperfixations and special interests as they apply to me; a person with both ADHD-C and autism.
I'm not sure if I've experienced hyperfixations specifically, I hear they can take over so much of ur focus that u forget about ur own needs. They tend to be short lived, a few days to a month or so. I don't think I've experienced this much?
Unless I take away the whole interest aspect, then hyperfixation is when I get deeply invested in doing something, especially after a long episode of executive dysfunction preventing me from having hobbies. Today I've been hyperfixating on sewing, bc I want to make a bat plush. It started out with me attempting to make a pattern, realizing I need to relearn how patterns work, then spiraling into that and listening to/watching sewing videos for a few hours. I'm making mashed sweet potato now tho cuz all that was interrupted for me to do chores, which I continued watching sewing videos, then it transitioned into a plaster mold sculpture video?
Special Interests:
I ain't a huge fan of the term, so I shorten it to "spin" in my tags.
I've heard that special interests, like hyperfixations, are intense all-encompassing interests, sometimes described as becoming a whole part of ur personality like I am pretty well known for bein bonkers about rats, they make me extremely happy and I love learning about them and interacting with them. I think rats are rooted in my childhood interest of animals as a whole, which started with zaboomafu followed by wild krattz and included many other kids cartoons, which also includes my interest in cartoons! I dislike watching much else besides kids cartoons. Following the topic of cartoons; when I was 9 I discovered MLP:FiM and it became a very strong hyperfixation as well as an 8 yr and counting special interest, where at the time I refused to let my family watch anything but my little pony until I'd reach the maximum amt of episodes released at the time, and then it was a few years before I became invested again and have occasionally rewatched it and at some point I must have caught up with everything I missed in the years following.
I don't think MLP branches out to anything, but returning to the root of cartoons, I was introduced to Steven Universe through my former best friends as an 11 year old, 2 twins who are always late to leave class when my sculpture class fills in. They introduced me to SU: A very queer psychology filled fun little cartoon that starts with wacky adventures and ends in therapy. They had also introduced me to Warriors by Erin Hunter (of course) which reminds me that since I'd learned to read at 7 years old, I'd been both hyperlexic and very invested. In 4th grade I became invested in the unwanteds series, which I only had just finished the 7th book of the first series in HS bc the middle school had not renewed it and I had only read the 1st book in 4th grade. Which also reminds me of my former fixation on that filthy TERF media: HP. I will not elaborate.
Minecraft has made me very happy for many years; I think it started when I was 8 or older and my dad had bought us RC tablets on which he'd paid for MC PE. We were only allowed a 1-2 hrs time limit on them, but me and my 2 sisters would play multi-player creative mode.
When I was 11 or so, mom had a laptop that our former step sibling had downloaded many games on, which I consider my first genuine introduction to gaming. Back to minecraft: they had downloaded minecraft of course. I would sneak moms laptop and phone in the middle of the night, turn on her Hotspot, and play online all night. Then put them away and proceed to stare her down until she woke up from feeling her eyes on her, bc I was a creepy kid.
Speaking of creepy, I also loved scary stuff. I snuck out to watch stuff like the leprechaun in the middle of the night behind my dad's couch, I vividly remember the scene of that thing chewing off a man's ring finger. I remember watching chucky as well, but with my dad's permission, and likely many others that I don't remember. One of my favorite books/series were the "Scary Stories to tell in the Dark" I LOVED the movie too. Fantastic. Goosebumps is ok, my sisters loved it for a bit, but eh it's pretty cheesy. Courage the Cowardly Dog will always be a favorite of mine, the Scooby-Doo series' are pretty rad,
Anyway Both together;
I feel like they've been combined in many cases, I seem to keep interests for many years but they cycle back around. Maybe that's hyperfixations, idk. Like minecraft, I get heavily into it, then get burnt out and move onto something else before coming back to it after whatever amount of time I need.
Rats tho, rats are love. Rats are life. Rats are baby.
anyway infodumping is clearly a need bc that's all I've done all day [exaggerated]
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double--cross-d · 4 years
As is fair exchange, I feel like I should make my own current Wick headcannon page for @plummyplums (holy crap they did accidentally delete their old blog)
In general
All died around the same time frame
They get more decayed depending on how pissed they are (no way out appearances anyone?)
Mary and John were highly abusive, there was nothing supernatural, But the priest didn't help. Mary was killed by the Ghost Tom immediately after she buried Caleb alive, but he left the body in the charred house so no one knew.
Every ghost is part of the Tom Protection Squad™️
The order of the shelf items were the order they died.
Twin general
Both had autism, Tim is higher functioning than Tom
Both were 10
Both died on the same night.
Their father kicked them out into the woods when they were 8 for a year. After he died their mom finally let them back inside, but was still neglectful of them
Due to how cold the woods got at night, the two got in the habit of cuddling each other in order to stay warm, it was purely platonic, don't worry.
This carried to inside because their mom never got them any blankets (though Caleb gave them several of his)
Lillian and Caleb thought it was fucked up how their parents treated the two and did everything they could to help
Died in the house fire, attempting to keep the already dead corpse of Tom company.
Stims usually include whittling and basically any woodwork.
Can and will stab a man for his brother.
Was the younger twin, but always threated people by saying he was the older twin.
The first one who took a liking to Sam, whenever they found something, he'd be the one to take it back to the shed.
Is surprisingly the less violent twin, but not by much.
Mom fully convinced him that he was a demon, believes that he never died in the fire, just managed to fall asleep in the flames
His face is coved in bandages under the mask due to it being heavily burned.
Died from polio before the fire started in his twin's arms.
The rattle is a big comfort object. The only person allowed to handle it is Tim. Sam's position on the matter is... questionable at best.
Nonverbal to the point that's he's practically mute.
When Sam's They/It ass came along, Tom was full on estatic that there weren't limitations on pronouns. He decided that he was one of those He/They's we keep hearing about
He was terrified that his mom was right about him being a demon. The first thing he did when he woke up after dying was jump of the bridge because, 'oh shit I am a demon', which did nothing but break more bones.
Tim quickly assured them that he was the only demon of the family, not Tom
The leg brace helps him walk better than not.
The more violent twin. You're human? You look at him? You hurt Tim? You fucking die, no questions asked.
Really likes being carried. Sam is the only one tall enough to do this, though Benny and Tim have both tried.
Died by being buried alive by his mother, thinking that he had died in the fire.
Full on feral.
Seriously, he can't even talk that well, if he even can.
Doesn't even know the concept of gender, only hunt.
Has killed 3 moose and will kill another.
When he's not digging he's either killing something, chasing something on all fours, or chilling with Sam.
Oh yeah, Sam's his favorite person. You can tell from the fact that he not only uses them as a pillow, but they can hold him without their wrists being depleted.
He still chews on their legs
Was the one behind the camp being 'vacated'. He literally ate everyone there and fell asleep just as morning hit.
When he was alive he has ADHD, but was hella good at masking because his twin brother's got treated awfully for acting like your average autistic child.
His stims were running around, chewing on things, and crocheting.
No one questioned the fact that he liked to crochet, as it was productive and really good. He usually just did blankets but occasionally made clothes and toys for Lillian
Due to the fact he made so many blankets his bed was just a mound of blanket and they were often gifted to the rest of the family, especially the twins.
Had anorexia. Rarely ate, and mostly gave the food to the twins (out of both concern and I'm not eating this)
This is part of the reason that, in death, he will eat anything that he can get his hands on
Was bone thin when Benny got him and Lillian out of the fire and he had suffered several nasty burns, that's how his mom thought he died.
Died by dropping her plush in the well and going after it
Loves bunnies so much
Tried her best to help her twin brothers, which mainly included sneaking food out to them
Really scared of her father, even though he died when she was 4.
Thought that Tom fell down the well before her
Enjoys giving hugs
Really Likes when Sam does her hair
Died from hypothermia in his sleep.
A less abusive apparition of his mother when awake. Caring towards his siblings, but highly cautious around the twins.
Had issues referring to Sam correctly, until they gave him the advice, 'Just refer to me like I'm a swarm of bees'
It actually worked
Almost always sleeping because he died in his sleep
Fell on an axe at the beginning of hour 5 and didn't notice they were dying of blood loss until they blacked out, only to wake up on the bus and see their name.
Another abusive dad! This one actually was murdered by Tim somehow and nobody noticed but Sam.
Was actually rescued at 5 AM by the police, but, again, bled to death
A They/It Nonbinary, none of the kids but Benny had any issue referring to them by correct pronouns, and even then, Benny had a lot of help.
The Weaver kids just adopted them as an older sibling. They had no say in the matter.
When Duncan and co. Got out of jail and continued their shitty ways, they full on killed them all, even the next to be player
Loves their new family, even if they're all a little dead.
Surprised that Caleb was the one to get most attached, but then remembered that he killed a moose that was about to attack them, gave them some of the flesh to eat, and then just fell asleep on them.
Was in a house fire a few weeks before the game took place. Half of their face and their right hand are heavily burned.
Looks blind, but is only blind in one eye. The other doesn't fair much better though.
Despite getting top surgery, they're still aiming for confusion among the victims
Autism, and doesn't really speak too much because frequent nonverbal episodes
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cherrypocky · 4 years
sora memories; bbs & kh1
compilation of my sora memories from before the games to the end of kh1. this includes bbs. consider this a volume 1 to my sora memories!
pre kh1/bbs
so right off the bat, i was definitely a child of the islands. i had somewhat darker skin than shown in canon, freckles, and sea blue eyes. i was raised by a young single mother (i don’t know her name, but i call her ayano as a placeholder) and i didn’t have a father in my life. 
not having a dad really didn’t affect me very much; my mom was my whole goddamn world, and i was never lacking in love. i don’t remember riku’s family, and i vaguely remember kairi being adopted by the mayor. none of us had siblings. i believe wakka and tidus were brothers. 
ayano either owned or worked at a bakery, and with her always perfecting pastries at home, i grew a sweet tooth. 
when i was little and ventus came to me to find a place to heal, i remember seeing him in my dreams and briefly as an “imaginary” friend. ventus had bright, grassy green eyes, light skin, and hair that looked like it had never gotten dirty in its life. he was extremely ethereal and clean, even after he went back to his own body. 
i would talk to ven in dreams, and tell him goodnight, and he would talk to me and tell me stories until i fell asleep. this only went on for a year, maybe two, before i lost the ability to talk to him, and forgot he existed altogether. 
as i got older, it was evident i had some adhd and dyscalculia, maybe even autism on the very lightest side of the spectrum. textures were weird, i would stim sometimes, and i struggled a lot with bigger concepts in both math and other subjects. i really tried to downplay how much i struggled with it, and how much i felt like a failure. 
kairi and i never dated (i don’t think), but we were always closer than anyone else. it was a connection that was stronger than romantic or platonic relationships. she was like my light, a constant healing source. i always felt at ease around her and felt completely open talking to her. i feel an ache in my chest when i think about how much i miss her.
i remember traverse town being a lot more.... pet centric. like, the “world” of traverse town was specifically the core world of disney animals. duchess & o’malley, pongo and perdita, lady and tramp, and all the children as well as other disney animal characters (like bolt) lived there. 
when i found out about my world being destroyed, i kept my composure in front of leon, because he was an adult i respected and i wanted to not show fear. but when he left, there was a moment when aerith and i were alone, and she just looked at me very sadly and i broke down into tears, and she held me for a really long time. i couldn’t stop thinking about my mother and my friends. if leon overheard he never said anything to me. 
i remember gaining a lot of scars during kh1 more than any other game, mostly because i was very new to combat and fighting for my life. hi-potions were my best friend, but they only close up wounds, not erase them, so i was very. scarred afterwards. but i kind of liked it. 
i had a very brief and short lived crush on peter pan which tinkerbell never let me live down. 
the way i remember summons working was like, pokemon almost? but instead of temporary time i could keep them out as long as i wanted. and i remember fairy godmother mentioning to me that when i had moments of respite, they would need to come out and rest their legs sometimes. i took that very seriously. needless to say, there was many a night where i slept on top of simba. 
though i was close with all my summons, i think i was closest with tinkerbell; simba and stitch coming in at close seconds. i remember tink being out a lot. i used her pretty frequently when in danger, and i think she just…..liked being with us? i remember her being in my pockets, or sitting on my shoulder. a lot of times i would have to tell her to go to sleep before we fought really dangerous guys. i think she liked me a lot because i reminded her of peter.
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starbell622-blog · 5 years
First Day of School
It’s the first day of school.  DS is starting 2nd grade.  2 years of fighting with the school over a diagnosis and help for DS, and end of first grade, we found out he’s on the spectrum.  Where, we do not know yet, because of course life happens, Dad’s job changed and we got thrown into the 3rd health insurance, and wouldn’t you know that insurance will not cover Autism testing.  No words.
We are going by the school’s diagnosis.  2 years after they put DS on multiple different medicines because of his “ADHD” and “ODD.”  He hits, he curses, he “lacks empathy,” lacks eye contact, sometimes doesn’t make sense.  But he is smart as anything and can do school work a few grade levels above the grade he is in.  He can do math in his head, spell big words, understands them.  This is orally, of course.  When he sits down in a classroom, anxiety, including some separation anxiety from us, his parents.  I’m sure we will get into that more later about him, but for now that’s where we are.  
I just started a new job less than a week ago, last Tuesday.  DH and I trying to do what’s best for our son, help him and allow him to learn with every other child, like he deserves to.  This weekend he was more than excited to start school, could not wait to go.  This morning, he woke up, “Mom, is it time for school yet?” -”No, buddy,” I said, “it’s time for us to eat some breakfast and get ready.”  Smooth sailing.  DD made her brother Toaster Strudels for breakfast, normally they do not get along, but today, everything was great.  Bus stop with DD and he behaved, no hitting his sister (which is more than other siblings fight), but not today.  He did develop what we think is a sort of “tick” for him, he has started blowing on his hands very gently, we have asked why, and when he does answer, he is “cooling his hands.”  This is something that came up over the summer that is new for him.  Around 10:30 am, school was feverishly calling.  I could not answer as I just started a new job, they called my old work and I got a message from a coworker, then they called my husband (DH).  I messaged my husband to find out what was going on already (It’s only the FIRST DAY and he was fine this morning!).  School said that he was having a “rough day” and someone needed to come and get him “immediately.”  
I don’t know about you all, but we are not in the financial position, never have been, to just leave a job for the day.  Not only that, DD just started with his new position right before Christmas last year, and I haven’t even gotten a full work week in at my new job.  They know how he is, they know he is on the Spectrum, and this year have extra help, in forms of special education and therapy classes that he can take a few times a week, paid for by the state.  Ofcourse we both love DS, but we also need to be able to provide for him, and we cannot do when we are missing non paid days from work, also risking being let go due to lack of availability to perform and be at work.  How do we be great parents and help DS, but work fulltime to be able to do better for our family and get us in a better financial situation?
I am still new to this.  Still Googling articles on Autism and other children experiencing the issues that we are dealing with, especially now that we ahve a diagnosis.  Trying to somehow make more hours in the day to try to get him into a STEM school, but also touch base and speak with someone at the STEM school to let them know issues and about this awesome kid we have, that needs help and someone to work with us.  Still trying to take care of myself, so I am healthy and able to fully care for him.  That isn’t happening.
Today started off so well, he was happy, DD was having a good morning, and although we know not everyone is so thrilled to start school, it was progress from him being upset and having rough mornings any other time.  Not even 2 full hours in school and they already could not handle him.  Stress set in and worry for him, that he is safe in his surroundings and isn’t scared not being able to understand all of this and why it’s happening, and I got physically ill.  DH had to go get DS, where he was sitting in the nurses office, no one was there for DH to speak to, as he was told they weren’t fully staffed today.
Holding on trying not to pass out from holding in and trying not to show that my insides feel like they’re dying, I hold out until the end of the day.  DH was home with DS and I knew that he was safe, though the situation still had me ill.  Come home and DS apologizes, he is sorry for not having a good day and cries.  I gave him a giant hug while he was apologizing, and I quickly pointed out, “I’m sorry you had a bad day, buddy.  I love you.” DS feels it’s his own fault this is happening, and it’s not, it’s the fact that many disabilities people are still judgemental for and not able to fully understand or help.  I am unable to fully understand, but I am admitting it, and with DS, it is always patience, as hostility makes it worse.  He senses tones, harshness, he knows and remembers those who have made him feel uneasy in the past, and most of the time, they are the ones still making him feel uneasy in the present.  Yes, and sadly, this includes grandparents and most family members, as they don’t want to accept this reality, that he is just a “bad kid,” “doesn’t listen” and we are in so many words to blame for not raising him correctly.
I sit and search the internet for articles to add to read, to better educate myself, and be able to help him, and he is standing in front of my desk at home, watching T.V. and is very close.  He already wears very thick glasses, he’s a -8.00 prescription.  He gets a little uneasy, but he listens.  Now he takes his shirt, swinging it around his body, stretching it out and pulling it up around his arms.  “Buddy, please don’t do that to your shirt.”  Immediately starts the “hand cooling” and blowing gently on his fingers/hands.  My heart immediately breaks.  I was told today that i have to stay overnight a few days next week in a different city next week, and this is happening.  I was already ill, now I just stare at DS and wonder what is going on in his head and how I wish I could just help him.
I have decided to blog about it, as I can document everything, hopefully to help not only DS, but myself in the process.  And if someone stumbles across this blog, hopefully it can help them in some way as well.
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eighthdoctor · 7 years
5, 11, 20 :)
5. Five facts about your sibling. If you have more than one, pick one. Or do them all!
Brother #1
3 years younger than me
ADHD/PTSD/anxiety combo that sometimes meshes super well with my autism/PTSD/anxiety and sometimes we just scream at each other
off at college majoring in um... [shuffles papers] law I think?
writes poetry
APPARENTLY tried to give @mylordshesacactus​ a protective brother speech but Jo mostly just wanted to kiss his head
Brother #2
7 years younger than me
autism/anxiety, highly relatable, currently in therapy which is going super well!!!
literally 4 inches taller than me, what the fuckity
voluntarily signed up for 5 am swim team, I do not know why nor do I understand
I broke down in tears when the nurse announced the sex, because pre-diagnosis brother #1 was a hellspawn and we were all convinced it was because he was a boy and Boys Are Like That (spoiler: it wasn’t and they aren’t), and then on recovery proposed that we name him Solomon, which means peace. I was overruled.
11. Five facts about your pet. If you have more than one, pick one. Or do them all!
Has never met the concept of aging, honestly. She’s a little over 11 right now and goes for a hour long walk every morning with plenty of energy to spare
“Don’t get a labradoodle” I say, possessively hugging my labradoodle, “you don’t want a labradoodle”
Has super un-laby feelings about personal space. She used to refuse to be touching anyone, so if you sat down beside her she’d get up and move to the other side of the room. But as she’s gotten older this has moderated, but only if she opts into cuddling.
Loves every food on this earth but cherry tomatoes, which she can’t figure out how to eat, and lettuce, which she will eat, repeatedly, and then spit out, also repeatedly
Loves training! Loves it!!! Has no idea what these different commands mean, better throw out everything I know just in case!!!!
20. Five facts about any random person
Oh god what. Um.
She was in her early teens when her sister(s?) deposed their father and seized the throne, which must have been formative oh my god, also there’s some indications that she was with her father in Rome when this went down which?? foreshadowing.
She took the throne at 18, along with her 10 year old (half?) brother/husband, who then proceeded to be a footnote and/or excuse for civil war
Dead fucking brilliant, honestly, had zero intention of letting anyone else (dad, brother, advisers, other brother, sister, ...romans...) control her and usually succeeded at this
Used? Caesar?? Nobody else does this. But she 100% took advantage of his position to solve her civil war problems and not incidentally have some sex and probably a son. Like, very hard to overstate this: The benefits that Caesar got from fucking her are minimal, very close to none when you include the social cost of a) foreign b) monarch. The benefits that she got from fucking him were huge, and whatever feelings were going on (feelings? what are those?) she was absolutely milking this opportunity for all she could
Publicly dragged Marc Antony just because she could which like, same. Same.
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