#my secret is finding an anime fight scene that matches the vibe I want the fight to have
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ecargmura · 10 months ago
Oblivion Battery Episode 6 Review - Aoi Has The Yips
Seeing Aoi’s backstory cements him as the best boy of the anime for me. The way he felt guilty for making one mistake in a big game and the way it eats him up to this day is a feeling I can relate to. Feeling guilty, trying to run away from it and eventually destroying yourself from within is what Aoi was feeling when he lost to the Kiyomine-Kaname battery after making one error and getting yips on his wrist. It’s also an episode where it shows how much losing to the monster battery can affect one’s thoughts and feelings towards baseball.
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Baseball meant everything to Aoi. It was a place where he felt comfortable as he was the team’s ace, his teammates loved him and he loved them back and he had a bright future as a powerhouse shortstop. He wanted to go to Teitoku with his senpais and even wanted to send them there too. This episode shows how one little error can be a life-turning event. For Aoi, being unable to throw properly during the match with Hoya Senior became that flub in his life. While he felt guilty for that error, the way he apologized is more of assuaging his own guilt. I understand how he feels, honestly. I once had friends in church and when I had blurted out one of my friends’ secret to the person she had a crush on, they stopped being friends with me. They isolated me and it warped me in a way that I apologize just to make myself feel better. So yeah, I understand Aoi’s troubled emotions because of a simple error. The only difference is that I didn’t resort to street fighting or hung out with delinquents. Aoi must have been really conflicted if he had started running with the wrong crowd. Fortunately, he was able to have the mental strength to reform himself and go to a public school to start anew. Unfortunately, his ties with baseball reconnected once he saw the monster battery.
Because Haruka is terrible at explaining things, it’s up to Chihaya and Aoi to explain what baseball is to Kei. They’re slowly becoming the parents of the group. Yamada is their favorite child, no doubt. The way Aoi is unable to say no to his request of wanting to learn about baseball from them shows it. Heck, if I were any of the two, Yamada would be my favorite child too. Kei’s the annoying child that they have a love-hate relationship with. Haruka is the kid who’s already responsible enough so they don’t look after him that much.
Aoi’s family is introduced here. He has an older sister who’s extremely hot and a very adorable little sister. I can see where his strong but caring nature comes from. He’s got both the obedient younger brother and caring older brother vibes, surprisingly. I do wonder where their parents are because it seems that his sister is his legal guardian even during his middle school days. I do like how the younger sister looks as if she’s a smoker, but it’s actually a lollipop. Of course she wouldn’t smoke since she has a much younger sister to look after. They seem like a tight-knit family as the little sister loves Aoi and confides with her older sister. I do like how chill the older sister is. I think an interesting characteristic about her is that she talks to her little sister like an adult. She doesn’t treat her like a baby but seems to respect her as a person for her to talk to her without using cutesy language and it shows as the little sister responds back to her words. I think Aoi is selling himself short because he calls his sister ugly as she has the same face as him, but I think he’s quite a good-looking person himself.
Seeing Aoi’s fight scene with the delinquents reminded me that MAPPA made Bucchigiri and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. However, what would be hilarious is if they cast his voice actor Yohei Azakami in Wind Breaker. I’d be cackling if that actually happens.
While yips can’t be cured, it can be managed. I hope that Aoi manages to find some peace within himself to be able to manage his wrist this time. His callused hand surprised me because I don’t know if hands can look that way if playing baseball, but it shows how much he loves the sport. I hope that they’re able to find a backup shortstop! What are your thoughts on this episode?
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benjiwyatt · 4 years ago
do you have any ben/leslie headcanons! i love your posts abt them so much it's great to see someone get as emotional abt them as i am asjdkajhjd
i got this message and i was like "god, i dont really know if i have any headcanons" and then i opened my notes app and started typing and didn't stop for over an hour
i'm literally putting this under a break and organizing it into categories bc it's absurdly long
here it is
basically canon but leslie definitely had a crush on a young benji wyatt and followed the story religiously for the first couple months before she started college
ben is only slightly jealous leslie had ann go out with chris to try and get more money for the parks budget rather than leslie asking him out with the same goal. he knows it’s insane, unethical, and illogical but he’s still excited that he gets to spend the night with her on a date plus two other people even if it is to accuse her of bribery.
ann realizes early on that leslie was attracted to ben and teases her mercilessly about it. she thinks it’s absolutely hilarious that leslie wants to make out with "mean ben.” after april and andy’s wedding, she realizes it's more than just attraction and she lays off.
before ben can even think rationally about what he’s doing, he’s in line at bed, bath, and beyond with a crock pot in his arms, calling stephanie to ask her to send him their family’s chicken soup recipe
ann knew ben liked her from the beginning and was totally positive when she ran into him in the hospital asking for leslie’s room number while holding jj’s waffles and a tub of homemade soup.
ben realizes he’s falling in love with leslie when he is at city hall with her until 3am one night trying to budget for the amount of cotton candy machines she wants for the harvest festival. in his exhaustion, he naively believes her when she tells him she’ll go home in a bit so he leaves. he never gets a text from saying she made it home so he stops at jj’s the next morning and brings a takeout container of waffles and a coffee complete with an outlandish amount of whipped cream and sugar to the parks department. he finds her asleep in the conference room. he starts trying to convince sweetums to donate more cotton candy machines that afternoon.
chris had to have known ben liked leslie. he’s not an idiot. in the deleted scene from their wedding, they read out emails from their “tumultuous first week in pawnee” and chris writes to ben saying, “why are you so focused on leslie knope?” ben replies saying, “i’m not. whatever. shut up.” there’s no way chris is this oblivious. ben takes her out for a beer. ben pays out of pocket for a children’s performer to help her out. ben shows up on chris and ann’s date just because he thinks leslie might be there. chris can’t be this dumb. but when they take the city manager jobs in pawnee, he knows it can’t happen so he cuts ben off when he starts to ask about dating someone in city hall. he cracks down on the rule in front of leslie after the tom incident to hammer it in. he starts setting ben up on a bunch of dates to try and head it off. he sends them to indianapolis for the little league pitch because, realistically, he knows they’re the best bet for success but makes sure to interrupt their dinner and invites them to his apartment to continue to run interference the rest of the night. after their fights in 4.06-4.08, he hopes he won’t have to worry anymore. the next work day, they come into his office looking nervous and happy and he knows he’s about to lose the partner and best friend that’s been by his side for the past decade.
april and andy knew they were secretly dating. it went unspoken aside from a few implicit teasing remarks from april and a few suggestive attempted high fives from andy but leslie assured ben they wouldn’t tell anyone despite their ostensible behavior.
ben had commissioned the li’l sebastian plush for leslie after he had died but the toy shop didn’t finish it until after they broke up. he felt bad not going to pick it up so he did despite not being able to give it to her. he kept it for all those months and sometimes thought about getting rid of it but could never bring himself to do it.
when leslie made personalized copies her books for her friends with individualized annotations and notes in the bylines, she had two copies for ben. there was one that she gave him during their breakup that was very simplified and watered down where the note basically just said “i’m really glad you decided to stay in pawnee.” then there was a second copy that she kept while they were split up that was totally covered in notes and random thoughts she couldn’t say during their time apart. she gives him that copy when they get back together and it may or may not be the best gift he’s ever received.
april was much less abrasive with them during the break up because she’s a sweetheart and wants her friends to be happy.
the first time leslie admitted she was in love with him was during a long night of drinking and crying at ann’s house
ben craved the taste of sugar during their breakup because he got used to tasting the sweetness when he kissed her
ben found himself unable to sleep at night without the sound of leslie talking in her sleep to comfort him
april texted leslie the night of the halloween party to let her know that ben and andy were at the hospital after a fight and everything was fine and she didn’t need to worry. leslie was mad at andy for a few days after and he couldn’t figure out why.
the only photo in ben’s bedroom was of himself, leslie, and li’l sebastian at the harvest festival. if he got caught staring at it and crying, he would just say he missed li’l sebastian so much.
april and andy started having star wars and star trek movie nights to try and cheer ben up
ben and leslie got in the habit of having weekly game nights with april and andy during the campaign since they were all basically living together. it became a tradition that kept going as often as they could make it happen, even after the kids were born. they try to have game night at least once a month. april pretends to hate it.
one of my absolute favorite ideas about them is that she sleeps much better when he’s around to keep her grounded. after they get together for good, she starts getting closer to 5 hours of sleep a night.
another favorite involving leslie’s sleeping: ben is typically accustomed to tuning out incoherent nonsense that she babbles in her sleep but she also has some of her best ideas when she’s not busy trying to focus on a million different things. when he hears her coming up with legitimately good ideas or making speeches or having solid debate arguments, he takes out the notebook he keeps in his nightstand to record her thoughts and quotes. he revisits and revises the notes to strengthen her statements and make them more professional and less rambling but makes sure to keep her distinct voice apparent in them.
ben prefers pancakes to waffles but he will go to the grave with that secret
this isn’t a headcanon because nbc posted it but one of ben’s holidays on leslie’s calendar is watch synchronization day which is the day they celebrate syncing their watches to, as leslie puts it, “always be in harmony, like our hearts” which is just one of the sweetest fucking things in the world
leslie makes ben read and watch all the harry potters because he didn’t get into them when he first tried. ben is much more of a success than ann. she buys him a ravenclaw scarf for christmas.
their first fight as a couple was a historical debate gone awry
since ben clearly has some affinity for custom stuffed animals, he has some made for the triplets.
they’re both dog people but they adopt a cat because sonia and stephen beg for one and it does fit their busy lifestyle much better. they love the cat. they get a dog when the kids are older and life is slightly less hectic.
they both love striped shirts and sweaters so much that they have to make a conscious effort to avoid wearing them on the same day and matching
leslie makes sweets and bakes desserts while ben typically handles cooking the actual meals
i always loved the ann/ben dynamic in bus tour because there’s been such an obvious shift in ann’s attitude towards him in this episode. maybe it’s because she and tom just broke up and she just turned chris down again and she’s frustrated with relationships but i think it’s her realizing ben isn’t going anywhere. since the campaign is winding down, she realizes that things aren’t gonna go back to the way they were because ben is now part of this and he’s clearly in it for the long haul. ann’s definitely jealous that ben is just as important to leslie as she is and she now knows she’s never gonna get that full attention back. ann sits ben down to have a real “don’t you dare hurt her” speech after this ep and before win, lose, or draw. this is when he tells ann he wants to marry her.
they discover they both adore the princess bride after ben says “as you wish” to her one night and after that it becomes their movie.
the wildflower mural becomes a thing between them when ben says he considered that to be their first date, prompting leslie to tell him what the mural means to her.
ben puts banjo boogie bonanza on one of the mix cds he gives leslie at the beginning of their relationship
harrison ford movie nights start after they both reveal they had a crush on him as a kid. ben was obsessed with han solo and leslie was into indiana jones’ whole history teacher vibe.
they basically hate each other’s taste in music and stop exchanging mix cds once that becomes apparent that they aren’t gonna find much common ground. they both love tom petty, al green, and etta james and music in that vein though.
ben makes leslie watch game of thrones just to try to explain why he’s called her khaleesi. she gets into it, not so much because of the show itself, but because of how passionate her boyfriend is about it.
they start learning basic french during the s4 campaign because they think it will be useful to have a basic multilingual vocabulary for their political careers and because leslie confesses she has always dreamed of seeing paris. they study spanish next.
ben makes leslie watch the star wars prequels just so he can complain to her during them. he doesn’t think she’s paying attention and then he reads about midichlorians in the paper.
ann is also in on ben’s plan to sneak vegetables into leslie’s waffles.
they will sometimes jokingly refer to themselves as the “dream team” or “dynamic duo” because, despite chris’s absurdity, it’s true
i’m open to literally any origin of this because no matter what it’s perfect but i like to think that “i love you and i like you” started at some point in season 4 when, at some point, leslie went “i like you” and ben replied “you like me?” “mhm” “hm just like me?” “yes i like you. i love you and i like you. both.” “mmm i love you and i like you too”
i barely even register some of these things as headcanons since they just live so solidly in my brain
this might be my favorite ask ever thank you for loving benslie enough to ask me this and be genuinely interested
if anyone read all of this, i love you
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umblebumble · 4 years ago
Dragon Age: Inquisition Daemons
So here’s another group daemon selection. I make my choices based off of a mix of analysis (The Daemon Forum is my favourite spot, link) and general vibe as well as plot/thematic things. For this, a lot of inspiration has come from fanfiction I’ve read where the daemon choice just makes sense. There will be minor spoilers for these characters personal plot arcs. Please let me know what you think, and share your own headcannons!
*As a note I tend to pick more mammals than anything else and I am working on widening my selections, but I still run very mammal-centric.
Solas - Common Raven. Raven’s are very clever birds and are great problem solvers and strategists. They go after what they want, and while they can roam in groups, they can work on their own as well. They are also mischievous and cocky; they will pull the tail feathers of larger birds to distract them from food or just for fun. This clever, cocky, proud bird is a very good match for our not-so-humble apostate. Thematically, ravens can be seen as death omens since they often eat carrion. However, they are also called ‘wolf birds’ because they have been known to have working relationships with wolves for hunting. Therefore a raven on the shoulder of a wolf would just make sense thematically to me.
Dorian - Scarlet Macaw. Parrots are far too clever for their own good and boredom is their worst enemy. Along with being bright and flashy to match the sparkly mage, their also very loud and opinionated and dramatic about everything just for the hell of it. I think a Macaw would be bold and striking on Dorian’s shoulder, and would have a razor tongue like the mage. However macaws can also be easily stressed and fall into self-destructive behaviour in bad environments. Thematically I think this parrot would have little bald patches hidden under its wings from where it would stress pluck. An interesting healing arc would be the bald patches growing back in as Dorian is accepted for who he is and doesn’t have to hide himself anymore.
Vivienne - Mute Swan. It can be said of water fowl that they appear graceful and serene on the surface but that’s because you can’t see the intricate paddling going on underneath. I feel that summarizes Vivienne well; she is serene and powerful and graceful at first glance, but behind the scenes there’s a lot of work and whispers and gathering of information. Swans are also very strong and assured. They could break bone with the strength of their wings, and they are confident and assured in their place and their power and status. Furthermore, they’re dedicated to their goals and will put in the work to reach them. However, I also like a swan for Vivienne because they mate for life. They are devoted to a single partner, and when that partner dies they mourn heavily. Vivienne appears unruffled and absolutely pristine to everyone around her and that’s because very few are allowed past her mask to see the softer heart inside that loves and then mourns her loved ones.
Iron Bull - Wild hog/Boar. Pigs are very underestimated animals - they appear big and slow, but they are vicious and incredibly intelligent. Pigs are seriously violent and I think this matches Bulls blood-thirsty battle-lust. But like Bull, his daemon would be underestimated; a war machine on the outside but the mind of a great spy on the inside. They’re social animals, and highly adaptable to a range of environments, and they can be very defensive and protective of themselves and those they care about. Overall I think a boar just suits every aspect of Bull visually and thematically.
Cassandra - Ram. *I initially said Mountain Goat but I had meant a Ram/Big Horned Sheep. Usually I headcanon Cassandra with a dog, a hound of some sort, but this was just very interesting and I quite liked it. When looking at a description of a Ram*, I just felt like it spoke for itself: “ Thick-skinned, competitive, and proud... Assertive and quick to put others in their place when they're crossed, definitely the confrontational sort. Highly defensive of their personal projects and themselves. Highly confident, not ones to doubt their abilities... Likely stubborn and highly straightforward, possibly blunt. Possibly planners, probably quite determined and persistent.” Cassandra is a hard-worker, determined and stubborn. She’s definitely the kind to attack a problem head-first, but she does have the capability to be quick, light on her feet and strategic about her approach. Rams are of the sheep family, and thus are very loyal and close to the people that belong in their circle.
Blackwall - Milksnake. Snakes are generally non-confrontational. They don’t pick fights but they will finish them, which is something I can see reflected in Blackwall’s more laid back attitude towards battle than the other warrior companions. Milksnakes are also very adaptable and will do well wherever they are. They’re a mix of solitary and social, they like being around others but also need their own space. They’re also rather internal and have a lot going on inside they don’t let show, not the kind to wear their heart on their sleeve. Mainly I enjoy the thematic meaning of a milksnake. Milksnakes are adapted to mimic a poisonous snake. Their colour pattern is close to that of a much more dangerous snake, and as such they often trick predators into thinking they are something they’re not. I like this thematically for the not-Warden who is pretending to be something much more fearsome than he is.
Sera - Rat. The common rat is an incredibly adaptable, resourceful, hardy creature. They will find a way in whatever circumstances and use whatever they have to their advantage. They are highly social beings and are made to work in groups, in teams and with others - a network much like the Red Jennies or little people. They’re bold, assertive, and even a little aggressive at times.  A rat is seen as vermin and unwanted, but they’re everywhere and are clever and have their little hands in everything. Also, rats are thought of to be tricksters in mythos - the Chinese zodiac being an example of a rat tricking its way to the top. Sera uses her tricky playfulness mainly to pull pranks and cause mayhem, but she also uses it to stick up for others and assert her place in the world.
Varric - Vampire bat. Now I like the headcanon that dwarves don’t have daemons due to Fade-connection stuff and instead have weapons/armour like Armored Bears, but for the sake of argument I wanted to find what his daemon could be. A vampire bat is an unusual animal, and I think it, like Varric, would be the kind of person you don’t easily forget encountering. They are very sensitive, aware animals and are very in-tune with their surroundings and whats going on. They’re very social animals and thrive in groups. They have great communication skills and form close bonds with those they’re close to. Varric would do anything for the people he is closest to, and his natural environment is surrounded by people spinning tales and connecting with others. I think it’s an unusual daemon choice but I also like the idea that its a fun parallel to a surface dwarf - an underground animal, i.e. a rat, but in the sky with wings.
Cole - Unsettled. I think that if Cole did have a daemon, it would be unsettled. He is a spirit and he is in constant state of flux, despite having a central purpose of compassion. And even if he becomes more human, he is very reminiscent of a child learning the world and as such I do not think he would be settled until he becomes more settled in himself. (I do have further headcanon ideas about this spirit-daemon stuff but that may be another post, or a later addition to this one. Let me know if you’re interested)
Leliana - Mongoose. Leliana was harder for me because I don’t know her as well. I didn’t play Origins, but from what I know she was a much younger, more playful, less burdened and jaded person back then. I think this suits a mongoose very well. They can be very inquisitive and open and playful in their youth, unfearful of the wide world and ready to investigate anything to learn more. But as an adult they are more cautious and guarded. Mongoose are incredible predators and are very adaptive, able to take on even snakes that others don’t dare attack. They are more solitary and secretive, and I think an elusive, mysterious mongoose would be a wonderful hint at the fierce power hidden behind the cooler facade of her everyday persona. Brutal, subtle, and unexpected, a mongoose fits the spymaster well as far as I know her.
Cullen - Border Collie. I always knew Cullen would have a dog daemon, it was just a matter of which. He’s loyal and extremely hardworking, and so I decided on herding dogs. I chose Border Collie specifically because of their intelligence, independence and ability to think strategically. This is the kind of dog that will happily take orders and follow command, but will also work on its own to get a job done. Of herding dogs, Border Collies also have the ability to be a bit more ruthless, I feel. They aren’t timid dogs and if left to their own devices could become destructive and rough due to boredom and lack of stimulation. Also, they are predisposed to listen and obey and thus could fall prey to poor leadership (as seen in Kirkwall). Any dog I think could fit for our loyal, hardworking Commander, but I think Border Collie is a good fit. A bit of a farm-boy turned soldier, follower turned commander aesthetic fits thematically with his overall arc.
Josephine - Zebra Longwing. This kind of butterfly is beautiful and poisonous, a perfect combination for our ambassador. Butterfly’s are social creatures and do well around others. Furthermore this kind of butterfly works in groups to achieve its goal, suggesting a calm, diplomatic mind that is good at working with others towards a goal. Furthermore, butterflies are very sensitive and aware creatures; they pay attention to their surroundings and are very intuitive about the environment and others. Lastly, with a slightly toxic nature, these insects warn off predators with their flashy pattern that advertise them as dangerous. I like this because I think Josephine’s daemon would be a great hint at how not-helpless she is, a bit of a giveaway to her power and abilities. Plus I think a pretty butterfly perched like a beautiful broach suits her aesthetic.
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cherripeach · 4 years ago
Chapter 5
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it.Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Prologue 10.5: i want to see my little boy
Chapter Summary: Maybe some people at this school weren’t so bad.
Warning:  Curse words, jokes about death
Words: 2.9k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
After getting up off of the cement and cleaning all of the area up again because of the fight, your stomach started to sound like a whale and eat itself. Grim who had been complaining the entire time about not wanting to work and when lunch would be and sitting under a tree looked ecstatic as if he was just awarded a nobel prize. The cat was grinning up at you from under the tree while you were sweeping but said nothing.
Once your stomach growled louder for a second time, you called it quits, “Fine, let’s go get lunch.”
“Yipeeeeee!” Grim hopped up and sprinted to where you were with the broom. He began vigorously tugging on your mysterious, probably smelly, cloak once every second. Grim even though he did get in trouble for the fight seemed to have completely forgotten about it. He did not give off the vibes that he cared about the consequences of any of his actions.
A sigh slipped out of your lips while you shook your head and placed the broom in your hands onto the side of one of the statues, the one with Maleficent on it.
Grim, then, made grabby hands at you for you to pick him up and without amusement, you did. You placed him on your hip with your hand behind his back and began your track to the main building of the school.
The main building was a cursed old palace, so you got lost immediately after turning from the main hallway into another one. This place probably did have secret passages, but you don’t think those would help if you don’t even know where you are going.
The hallway was silent besides Grim’s cheers from next to your ear which hindered any sounds to go into that ear. Suspiciously, even with the lack of sound, there was no movement anywhere in the part of the building you were located. The hallway was covered in spiderwebs and had trash sprinkled through it; it did not look like a hallway regularly used. You even spun around once to make sure this wasn’t a prank and people weren’t following you. And in your effort you found that either it was during class and no one was moving or you were in an abandoned hallway which sounded closest to the answer.
However, there was nothing you could do besides keep going straight to see if you could find anybody because you do not remember which way you came down from. The hallways did change a litte, but gave the overall aesthetic of fairy tale grunge. You were now in a hallway with big open window sills giving sight to the outside and the odd well in the middle of the area.  The well was much brighter and welcoming than at night when you last saw it, so in your haze of tiredness and hunger you approached it. Grim who was still on your hip had started to protest your actions and threw his hands around him to make you drop him or stop going off track, so you dropped him right in a bush and continued with your trip to the well.
Upon closer inspection the well was in great condition and had no other problems than it was the 21st century and was located in the middle of this weird outdoors area of a school for young villains. Now that you thought about it though everything is weird in a school that trains villains.
You decided to become the one scene in Snow White but looking down at yourself in the water only brought your attention to your appearance which was not at all put together. The cloak even looked shabby on you compared to all of the gorgeous men that were wearing the same outfit yesterday. You did notice that there was a smudge of something on your face, so you grabbed your thumb and tried to swipe it off. However, after three times, nothing was working. Then, you bent forward to view your face better from the water and stood on your tippy toes.
Neither of those actions worked out for you in the end when you slipped on a piece of your cloak and flew forwards to bang your head on the bricks of the other side of the well, but you were instantly caught after hitting your head by someone’s hand or something grabbing the back of your collar. Death by a well did not seem like a way to go.
Stunned in your fall and catch situation, you did not move an inch from where the hand that held the back of your collar placed you which was with the other side of the well in front of your face. At least, until the person behind you gasped and dragged you up.
You were slowly lifted off your feet to come face to face with a long man with horns or something, so you assume he is either a cosplayer or a weird demon like thing.
“I was not aware that falling into wells was something a child of man would concern themselves with,” The huge man actually pouted at you, and he tilted his head as if he was confused at the prospect of you falling into a well.  
“I can’t say for everyone, but I would never purposely fall into a well. They just seem too sketch, but I did trip on my cloak, so thank you for that, dude,” As childlike as the man was, you couldn’t be mean to him when he did help you from dying a miserable death.
“‘Dude’?” The man who still had you by the collar of your cloak which you were quite impressed with tilted his head to the side more. “What do you mean by ‘dude,’ child of man? Is that a nickname that displays fear or reverence? Is it an insult?”
The man was the definition of a curious child, so you explained it to him, “Dude refers to those who identify as a male, but I sometimes use it for both genders. If you feel uncomfortable with the term I can always call you something else. What do you think?” You paused your thoughts to remember the situation you were in by looking down at where you were, and then you continued, “Could you also possibly let me down?”
The male’s eyes widened in realization as you were slowly lowered to the ground, “I sincerely apologize child of man, but you were about to fall down the well? Would that not kill you?” He looked like a puppy, and he might be another one of your soft spots at this school.
“Oh yeah, it would, but that’s okay. Death is inevitable,” You said while making a fist and hitting the area of your chest closest to your heart and closing your eyes.
“You are quite strange….You are the first human I have met who does not fear death,” The male locked eyes on you once you opened yours.
“I’m taking that as a compliment,” At this point and time, anything anyone at this school said would be taken as a compliment.
“That is concerning, child of man,” the male lightly shook his head while the smallest of smiles popped up on his lips.
“Hey now, gramps, I don’t need a lecture,” You threw both your hands up and then tossed them at him only causing him further confusion.
“Gramps?” The male was as lost as you were when you wandered away in a grocery store, “This is the second name you have called me. Do you happen to not know who I am?”
“Uhmm, am I supposed to? Other than the fact that you stopped my death I have never seen or heard of you.”  Now, your face flashed confusion. It seemed to be passed back and forth between the two of you.
“Ah that’s odd. You do not know of me. Really?” The man turned back to you and waited for you to nod again before continuing, “ Oh my, this is quite unusual, indeed. What name do you go by?”
You introduced yourself to him, and asked, “Hey, what’s your name to be fair. I’d like to at least know who had the balls to save me.” You shrugged your shoulders and winked at him.
The male was taken aback by either your statement or your winking, and it did not really matter to you.
He took a minute until he finally started up again, “What an odd sounding name. I am..it’s not important. Hearing my name will only bring you misery.” The man’s face twisted and became like one of a crestfallen and hurt puppy.
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works, but whatever to make you feel comfortable,” You just had to find the weird people didn’t you. He wasn’t the worst.
The male actually looked relieved at your notion, “Let us have you stay ignorant of the world’s ways, shall we? Feel free to call me whatever you want.”
“Got it, puppy.” You nodded your head at him and smirked a little. You were gonna take full advantage of this.
“Puppy?” Confusion was prevalent on the males face before he let out the smallest of giggles you have ever heard, “I did not know that was a nickname of fear for humans.”
“Oh it isn’t, and to make you feel better I don’t find you at all intimidating at all.” You began to walk over to the bush where you deposited Grim, your dumb cat, at.
“You truly are an odd human, child of man,” The small smile returned to the male’s face and he muttered a phrase you are pretty sure you weren’t supposed to hear, “It is truly quite endearing.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, puppy. Have a great day!” You waved back at the male once you found the bush and grabbed your stubborn cat who apparently took a nap.
And you two were then off while the male you met had smiled at your form leaving.
You realized after walking for another couple of minutes that you should have asked your puppy for directions because you were lost again.
Grim even started to pull on your uniform and yell in your ear more, so you walked faster or as fast as your legs would take you.
Finally, in a moment either of pure hallucination or euphoria, you arrived at the cafeteria where it was packed with not an inch of room at any table. The lines for food curved around each other and none stood out. It also seemed like a fight had broken out in the back corner of the room if the screaming said anything.
Grim, of course, did not notice any problem with this cafeteria and jumped from your arms. He scurried to the shortest line in the room with only one person in front of him. He jumped up and grabbed onto the counter once the person left and gazed at all the food in front of him. Finally, his eyes caught something, and he turned back to you with pleading eyes only to wait for you to grab a tray and place the food onto it. After he got his pick, he jumped back on your shoulder and started pawing at your head. You kept him on your shoulder while you grabbed your food and paid for it.
Finding a table would end up being a problem; there was not a single spot open even with many people in line and standing up. All you could do was sigh and trudge to find a bathroom or maybe even sit outside.
At least until you heard a voice call for your name.
You, in your confusion, swiveled around to find the voice, but out came the sunshine from the day before dashing to you. You were stunned and stayed in place until the boy was right in front of you. It also appeared that he brought another person with him who was following slightly behind him. The male was taller than the sunshine and had much longer hair. This was probably the fifth or sixth person at this school that you have met that had the face and body of a god. Genes must run well in this school, and you were begging to grab them from these males. The male must have cared about your staring, for once you made eye contact an icy glare met you. He must not like new people; must also be an introvert.
With your eyes stuck on observing the tall male behind the sunshine, you did not notice all of the efforts of the sunshine to get your attention until Grim shoved your head with his paw. You shook your head to gather your attention back and turned to face the sunshine’s eyes.
“Uh, sorry about that, dude.” You placed your hand on the back of your head in guilt.
“It’s okay,” He didn’t even look upset when he offered you his hand, “Want to come sit with us?”
“Um, sure, that’d be great,” Things seemed to be going up for you.
The sunshine took your tray from your hands and turned around to begin to walk across the cafeteria, “Oh, this is Jamil, he’s the vice dorm leader of my dorm, Scarabia!” He broke out into a beam when he mentioned his friend who was still conveniently behind him.
You decided to include him in the conversation since it never feels good to not be included, and you turned your head to face him and meet his eyes, “It’s nice to meet you, Jamil.” You tilted your head and smiled at the male.
“It is my pleasure. Kalim has talked about you,” you were taken aback that the sunshine had already mentioned you to his best friend from your eyes.
“Let’s hope it’s all good things,” You could only hope.
“Well, hearing that a magicless student caused a ruckus with a cat monster is always a great start to a year,” You could sense the sarcasm in Jamil’s voice.
“All nice things, then.” You sighed just hoping this year wouldn’t be a disaster.
Kalim was just grinning at the two of you interacting until he finally ended up at a table and placed yoru tray down next to another tray with way more food that looked homemade and nothing like the food from the cafeteria.
You laughed and guessed that the tray must belong to Kalim, “Someone’s food looks expensive.”
Kalim could not understand your joke, “Oh, you like it? You can have some if you want? Jamil makes the best of food!” The sun smiled at you again today, and you don’t know if you were going to make it.
“Ah, naw, I wouldn’t want to take any of it from you,” You had this strange feeling that being indebted to him was not the best idea, so you’d stick away from that for now.
You also grabbed Grim so as to stop him from taking any. He bit your hand, but not enough for you to pull away.
Kalim deflated and turned to face Jamil who shook his head at him causing Kalim to deflate even more and even pout his lips.
You four stayed in a comfortable silence with the only noise Grim chewing on his food. You slowly ate yours, and once you finished your meal you could only stare at your hands and play with them.
This was a lot more awkward than you thought.
Until Kalim finished his food, which was ridiculously quick and started talking about stories of his childhood to you and Grim. He talked all about his siblings and how helpful Jamil is to him. It was quite adorable. You even told a story or two about embarrassing things you did as a child, and both of the Scarabia boys got a chuckle from it.
The bell, however, rang in the middle of one of Kalim’s stories, and the two boys stood up, picked up their trays and yours, and went on their way.
You could only wave and pull Grim from trying to leave as the two made their way out. You gazed out the window and decided since it was on the first floor and no one was there, you were gonna exit out the window. Of course, someone saw, but that’s for them to know.
Since you got lost in the school on the way here, going around the school on the outside might help. You saw the well again, a big field, and even a large greenhouse. If this was a private school, this was the fanciest one you have ever been to.
You finally found your way back and deposited Grim off of a bench and grabbed your cleaning supplies to finish up the job.
Maybe cleaning a hundred windows wouldn’t be that bad.
52 notes · View notes
Rating:  G
Summary:  It comes down to Viperion and a kazoo to save an akumatized XY. Hopefully Bob Roth will be the only one who gets hurt.  A Luka/XY fic
Word Count:  4154
Notes:  Written for @janaikam through the @mlbforblm charity drive!  The donations go directly to Color of Change, an organization for racial justice.  I highly recommend checking them out and reblogging/donating the mlbforblm posts if you’re able!  I have two fic request slots left as of 7/10/2020, and many other talented writers and artists are offering incentives as well!
“Lyre, I am Hawk—”
“Liar?”  XY scoffed.  His vision had gone all pinky-purple, which was weird.  Wasn’t anger supposed to be red?  Maybe all the tears in his eyes were blurring the color.  “I didn’t lie.  It was Dad who lied and said it was my idea to steal music again.  It wasn’t even my idea the first time!  He knows I never have any ideas!”
Hawksloth sighed in XY’s mind.  Weird.  XY didn’t know that telepathy could include sounds like that.  
“I meant lyre as in the instrument.”
“But it’s a pun on liar.  And that’s Viperion’s weapon, anyway.  It’s probably copyrighted or something.  Which I would know, because I don’t steal music anymore.”  
Luka had offered to collab with him.  And Dad had liked Kitty Section’s music before, so why did he throw such a fit when Luka and XY made something together now?  Dad had told him to go back to his algorithm-generated music, but that didn’t have half the sexy vibes of his new tracks.
“Fine,” Hawkbroth growled.  “Your name can be—”
“Ooh, ooh, let me pick!  I’ve got the perfect one!”
“Somehow I doubt that…”
Hawkmoth’s voice went silent.  Was XY’s akuma name so amazing it had intimidated the supervillain?
“You know, because your stupid butterfly flew into my synth?”  He pressed down on the keys, which had gone all purple-black and bubbly, like toxic ooze. Ooh, that might make a good idea for a song…
“I’m beginning to regret this already,” Hawkmoth muttered.
“Hey, no take backs! At least not until I deck my dad.”  This day had already mega sucked, but he was gonna get something good out of it.
“And then you will bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses.”
“Sure, sure, whatever. Think you’ll need a bit more jewelry than that to make up for your ugly wrestler costume though.” XY has never seen Hawkgoth in person, but the animation in the Larybug movie made him look stupid. Did Hawkflop’s teeth really look like that?  They’d given him nightmares.
“Ugly—! No, let’s just get this over with, and then I can drop this facade.” Hawkroth seemed to be talking to himself, but XY could still hear him. Awkward. “Synthpathetic! I give you the power to expose your enemies as the liars they are. In return I ask for—”
“Yeah, yeah, some tacky jewelry. You sure you don’t want Viperion’s bracelet? That thing’s way cooler and has a better power than, I dunno, making polka dot desk lamps.”
Somehow XY had the image of Hawkfrost’s eye twitching.
“I will show you tacky.”
Then the purple-black swallowed XY up, leaving only Synthpathetic in his place.
“Synthpathetic.  Hawkmoth must really hate you, huh,” Luka deadpanned while watching the Ladyblog stream on his phone. The screen showed a villain in a short gray coat and tall hair and… Luka pulled his eyes away from those tight golden shorts.  He refocused his attention on the keyboard that seemed to be growing out of the akuma’s forearm.  Wires connected the keyboard to a metal cuff over his bicep.  Was one of those objects where the akuma was hiding?  Or maybe it was in the sharp pink sunglasses.  Heck, it even could’ve been in the hot pink XY-themed boots.
Even if it weren’t for those gaudy pumps, Luka would’ve known it was XY.  No one else could pull off such a ridiculous outfit.
And of course, there was als the fact that Bob Roth had just gone on live television and “announced” that XY’s latest music was stolen.
Luka’s chest felt hollow.  He should’ve been there for XY.  It was Luka who’d told him to stand up to his dad, that XY should be able to express himself through whatever music he wanted.  Clearly, that had backfired.
“Yo, Bob Roth!  Does this sound stolen to you?”  Synthpathetic stared into the camera as he pressed a chord with his left hand, and music burst from the instrument attached to his arm.  The camera shook, and Alya’s hair whipped across the screen as she was blown across the street.
“Okay, so we have confirmation of this akuma’s target,” she announced, breathing heavily.  The camera refocused; she must have stood up.  “That’s weird, I’m feeling kind of—”
Suddenly her voice cut off.  And then she burst out singing.
“Rena Rouge is my hero name, I said it out loud!  Nino is my boyfriend and I love his Soundcloud!” 
That didn’t sound right.  Not that it wasn’t true—but why would Alya say that on her Ladyblog livestream, much less sing it?  Unless—
“Oh no,” Alya whispered.  The camera flipped around to show her face.  “I wish I could say that was a lie, but I’m committed to bringing you only the truth.  It seems like Synthpathetic’s power makes you sing something important to you.  Maybe even something secret.  Ladybug and Chat Noir aren’t yet on the scene—”
Luka clicked off the screen and jumped on his bike.  He just hoped he’d be able to make it downtown in time.
“Ladybug!”  Luka shouted, leaping off his bike.  It kept going and crashed into the side of the hotel.  He winced.  Hopefully Ladybug’s miracle cure would take care of that.  Not that the state of his bike was important compared to saving XY.
“Luka?”  She gasped before handspringing away from one of Synthpathetic’s musical blasts.  “What are you doing here?  I already told Alya to clear the area!”
Luka had biked past the Ladyblogger to quickly for her to stop him.  No one else had gotten past though, not that they’d want to.  He’d briefly noticed Bob Roth cowering against the side of a building, Nino standing guard over him.
In the street Synthpathetic had already ravaged, it was just him and Ladybug, and Chat Noir and the villain.  Chat was currently distracting him by waving his baton in a ¾ time signature.
“Not cool, man!  That doesn’t match my 4/4 beats at all!”  Sythnpathetic pouted, but Luka couldn’t focus on him yet.
“I need the snake miraculous,” he told Ladybug.
She yanked him around the corner of the hotel as a wave of music notes nearly struck them.
“If he hits you, you’ll be forced to give up your identity, just like Rena Rouge,” he continued quickly.  “You and Chat Noir can’t risk that.”
He didn’t bring up the other reason why he was here.  He wasn’t sure he could’ve put it into words, anyway.  He just… he needed to be here.
If only he could’ve Second Chanced and stopped himself from giving XY that stupid advice in the first place.
“I know.  That’s why I just got back from asking the Guardian for this.”  She pulled the bracelet out of her yo-yo.  “I was planning on giving it to Nino as soon as he took care of Bob Roth, but since you’re here—”
“Great.”  He slipped on the bracelet.  His kwami barely had the chance to materialize before he shouted, “Sass, scales slither!”
Ladybug gasped as the bright turquoise light washed over him.  He barely heard it over the sound of Synthpathetic’s beats.  Was Chat Noir doing okay?  Luka hadn’t heard him sing yet, at least.
“Did anyone see that?”  Ladybug’s brow furrowed beneath her mask.  “I think we’re hidden enough behind this corner, but if anyone saw you transform, you won’t be able to be a hero again.”
That hardly mattered.  Ladybug could always find someone else to wield the snake miraculous.  She’d planned to give it to Nino, anyway.  No, what mattered right now was making sure XY didn’t reveal the real heroes’ identities.
And making sure that XY would be okay when all this was over.
“Do you have your Lucky Charm yet?”  He asked.
She spun her yo-yo in the air, and a polka-dotted kazoo fell into her hands.  What she was going to do with that, Luka had no idea.  But that was why he was Viperion and not Ladybug.  His job was just to stay out of the way and buy the real heroes some time.
“Second Chance,” he whispered, tugging at the snake bracelet’s tongue.  
Five minutes.  Hopefully they wouldn’t need it.
They needed it.
Hawkmoth must have given XY extra agility on top of his magical music.  Synthpathetic backflipped through the air as he blasted out chord after chord, even some arpeggios and scale for good measure.  The melodies reminded Luka of the time they’d spent writing songs together in Luka’s room, humming back and forth.  XY would make up senseless lyrics that made them both laugh.  Luka would improv a harmony, while XY put each note in careful place.
They made a good team.  It was too bad they were fighting on opposite sides now.
Each time a wave of translucent music hit Ladybug or Chat Noir, Luka was forced to reset before they began to sing. He couldn’t risk learning the heroes’ identities, even if they would never know he knew.
Through it all, Ladybug never seemed to find a use for her kazoo.  She tried playing it, but Synthpathetic couldn’t hear over his own music.  She tried throwing it, but it just got stuck in Synthpathetic’s tall mass of hair.  She even strung it on her yo-yo, which made Chat Noir laugh and get hit with a musical blast.
She’ll come up with something.  She’s Ladybug.
“Why don’t you guys attack Bob Roth instead of me?  I’m way more sympathetic!”  XY whined for the eleventh time.  Sometimes Luka found XY’s nasally voice endearing, but right now it just made him grimace.
“I’m still surprised he knows what that word means,” Luka muttered before scooping up his lyre and scrambling to his feet.  The most recent blast of notes hadn’t hit him directly, but it had taken out of a corner of the hotel and knocked him back.  Dust made it hard to tell if Ladybug or Chat Noir had been hit.  But he’d already reset so many times; he didn’t want to waste any more chances than he had to, especially since every time he had to explain to Ladybug what tactics they’d already tried.
Every time, she insisted that he stay hidden.  He’d be too much of a target for the villain if he was in the open, she said.  And besides, what else could he do?  His weapon was a lyre.  Even a guitar would’ve been easier to attack villains with.
Not that he really wanted to attack XY.  Synthpathetic.  They weren’t the same—he had to remember that.  This blue-skinned villain wasn’t his friend.  Luka had come to help Ladybug knowing that he would have to fight him, so why did the thought of it turn his stomach?
“Don’t worry, XY.  We’ll save you… somehow.”
“We need a new strategy,” Ladybug said after Luka (for the twelfth time) explained what went wrong.  “The time we defeated Desperada, you used your lyre to distract her.  XY was a musician too, right?  Maybe that will work again.”
Luka swallowed.  “So you want him to know I’m here?”
“We don’t have anything to lose.  He’ll forget once you Second Chance if this doesn’t work.  Do you think you can do it?”
“I… yeah.  I can.”  He tried to sound more confident than he felt.
“Perfect.  Chat and I will hide on two of the hotel balconies, where we can drop on him when he’s not expecting it.  Here.”  She pressed the kazoo into his hand.  “I have a feeling this is supposed to be for you.”
“Um… alright.”  He pulled off one of his lyre’s strings, then used it to string the kazoo around his neck.  
She didn’t give him any more instructions other than “Good luck, Viperion.”  
With that, she swung towards Chat Noir and scooped him up in her arms.  The faint sound of their banter drifted in between Synthpathetic’s blasts.  Then they were gone, disappearing over the railing of a high balcony.
“What the—hey!  Why are you running?  You finally realize how scary I am?”  Synthpathetic shouted up from the street.  
“In that shade of pink and those shorts?  Terrifying,” Luka deadpanned while stepping out from behind the corner.
Synthpathetic’s pointed shades slipped off his nose as he gaped.  Beneath, his blue eyes were practically bulging out of his head.
Guess that’s not the akumatized object, Luka mused as the glasses cracked on the pavement.
“Viperion!”  Synthpathetic ran forward, clapping his hands together like he’d just won tickets to a concert.  “You’re like, my favorite superhero!  Can you sign my forehead?”
Luka’s jaw went slack.  This wasn’t part of his plan.  He was just supposed to distract Synthpathetic while Ladybug and Chat Noir dropped on the villain from above.  
“You know it’ll just wear off once we beat you, right?”
XY—Synthpathetic—pouted.  Geez, it was hard to remember this wasn’t his friend when his eyes looked like that.  “You’re just saying that because you don’t want to do it, aren’t you?  Of course you wouldn’t like me.  I’m still just a villain, even if I’m a sympathetic one.”
He crossed his arms, accidentally pressing a few keys on the synth plugged into his arm.  A soft minor chord blurred the air around his feet.
“Hey, I never said that,” Luka replied, but Synthpathetic just frowned.
“Did you know I always wanted to fight on your side?”
Luka blinked.  “No, I can’t say I did.”
“Yeah.  I never thought I’d meet you like this.”  He chuckled sadly before wincing and digging a finger in his ear.  “Hawksloth is yelling at me again.  He wants me to take your bracelet.  I think it looks better on you than me, though.”
Warmth coursed through Luka at the compliment, even if it shouldn’t have meant anything coming from someone wearing such eye-stabbing colors.  
“You’re still in there, aren’t you?  XY.”
“You—you know his name?”  His eyes sparkled.  “I mean—of course you do, he’s famous.  But no, I’m not him.  I just want to beat up his dad.”
You and me both, he wanted to say.  But siding with an akuma probably wasn’t the best strategy.
Distraction.  That was his only job.  Where were Ladybug and Chat Noir?  He scanned the side of the hotel, but didn’t see either of them.  Better keep Synthpathetic talking, then.
“What did he do to you—I mean, to XY?”
Synthpathetic groaned.  “Man, he was not cash money at all.  He hated XY and Kitty Section’s collab cause it was like, too awesome and gay or something, I don’t even know.  So anyway, he told everyone XY just stole the songs when he wrote them himself and—ngh!” 
Synthpathetic clutched his head.  “Hawkbroth—shut up!  I’m trying to talk to my idol here!”
Luka’s heart felt fuzzy in spite of himself.  He should take a note from Hawkmoth and start fighting too.  There was no telling how long Chat and Ladybug were going to take, and his miraculous only showed two minutes left.
Suddenly Synthpathetic straightened.  “Sorry, bro.  I hope this doesn't hurt.”
Luka twisted his bracelet right before the keyboard bashed into his head.
“Viperion!  You’re like, my favorite superhero!  Can you sign my forehead?” 
Luka couldn't help laughing.  Even hearing it for the second time, XY was just too cute.
Not XY.  Don’t get distracted this time.
“Sure.  I’ll just need to know where your akuma is in return.”
“Deal!  The dumb butterfly flew into—” He cried out and clutched his head again.  Guess Hawkmoth wouldn’t let Luka win that easy.
“You’re mean,” Synthpathetic said, but Luka wasn’t sure if he was talking to him or Hawkmoth.
Either way, Luka had to act on his distraction.  He lunged forward, crashing his lyre against the keyboard.  The resulting blast of music blew them both towards opposite sides of the street.
Luka gritted his teeth against the song building in his lungs, and he twisted his bracelet. 
“Viperion!  You’re like, my favorite superhero!  Can you sign my forehead? Wha—hey!” 
This time, Luka ran in swinging.  A lyre wasn’t as useful a weapon as a baton or yo-yo, but it could still hurt if it connected right.
Unfortunately, Luka didn’t know how to make it connect right.  He again wished he could replace his weapon with a guitar.  But as it was, Synthpathetic parried easily and leapt back.
“I wanted to fight with you, not against you!”
“Hawkmoth didn’t give you much of a choice, did he?”
Luka ran in again.  It was a stupid strategy for him—Chat Noir was the only one who could carelessly run into danger and get away with it.
But by now, he was mad.  XY was his friend.  Luka had never seen him get more upset than when Luka had eaten the last slice of pizza.  Bob Roth’s betrayal must have cut deep.  
Really, Luka would rather be fighting that sleazebag than this akuma, but XY wouldn’t come back until Synthpathetic was gone.
So he punched, and kicked, and ignored Synthpathetic’s pleas to leave him alone.
“Give him a left hook! No, a right elbow! Come on kid, who taught you how to fight, some little Tinkerbell?”
Luka glanced over his shoulder, where Bob Roth had shoved past Nino and Alya.
“Sorry, I tried to stop him!” Nino said.
“LIAR!” Synthpathetic shouted, sprinting at full speed towards the older man. 
Nino and Alya dove out of the way just in time for Synthpathetic’s fist to connect with Bob Roth’s jaw.  Luka winced appreciatively at the crack. 
“That was for insulting Viperion’s fighting.” 
Then Synthpathetic kicked Bob in the crotch. 
“And that was for calling XY a thief.”
Bob dropped to the ground with a high-pitched whine.
“You’re not going to play your music on him?” Alya asked. Her phone was out and filming again despite being a mere meter from the akuma. It wasn’t surprising that Ladybug had picked her to be Rena Rouge; she certainly had the guts for it.
“Nah.” Synthpathetic picked at something between his teeth, and the keyboard attached to his arm knocked against his chin.  “Wouldn’t do any good. He’d make up some kinda lie later, like he did to Lu before.”
Synthpathetic had a point there.  More importantly, though, he was still distracted enough for Luka to slice his lyre through the wires connecting the keyboard to his arm.
“Ow!”  Synthpathetic cried out as sparks flew from the wires.  Unfortunately though, no black butterfly flew out with it.  “Look, I really didn’t even want to fight you.  Hawkcrotch doesn’t care about your bracelet that much.  Plus, you’ve got a cute face.  Wouldn’t want to bruise it or anything.”
Luka blushed at that, but shook it off.  He didn’t have much time.  The responsible thing to do would be to Second Chance now, but the selfish part of him didn’t want to undo Bob Roth’s humiliation.
Plus, he finally caught sight of Chat Noir perched on the roof.
“You don’t have to hurt me, you know.”  Luka spread his arms wide.  “You could always just play your music.  If you like me so much, you’d want to know my deep, dark secrets, wouldn’t you?”
Synthpathetic’s grin showed all of his perfect white teeth.  “Great idea!  You’re hot and smart!”
Luka’s bracelet began to beep, but he didn’t flinch.  Ladybug, you better be ready…
Synthpathetic’s fingers flashed across the keys.  The chorus from Mr. Brightside boomed like a shot from a canon.  It took Luka in the chest, but he dug his heels into the concrete and remained standing as he skidded back.
The song built in his chest.  Chat Noir jumped from the roof.
Right before Luka was forced to sing, he shoved the kazoo in his mouth.
“What?  No fair!”  Synthpathetic whined as a rhythmic buzzing was the only sound from Luka.
The only sound out loud, anyway.  In his heart, Luka felt the words that Synthpathetic couldn’t hear.
“Cataclysm!”  Chat Noir shouted.  Synthpathetic barely had time to look up before the hero’s outstretched hand pressed down on the keyboard.
Everything happened at once.  Ladybug’s yo-yo caught Chat Noir by the ankle, stopping him from splatting into the pavement.  The synth disintegrated around XY’s arm, and violet light bubbled around him.  Ladybug lowered Chat to the ground before snapping up the dark butterfly.  Then, finally, she swung herself down the street.
She landed between Luka and XY and held out her hand.  Luka stared at it blankly for a moment before spitting out the kazoo and handing it over.
She grimaced as Chat Noir’s cheeks puffed with laughter.
“Ah, er, thanks… uh, Miraculous Ladybug!”
Pink light exploded in the sky.  Buildings repaired themselves; chunks of rubble disappeared.  Bob Roth was still lying on the ground, but Chat Noir hefted him up and deposited him on the hotel’s front steps.
That taken care of, Luka crouched down beside XY, who was rubbing his head.
“Ngh, what…?  Viperion!”  XY’s whole face lit up like Christmas.  “You’re like, my favorite superhero!  Can you sign my forehead?” 
Luka laughed.  “Of course, XY.  Do you have a pen on you?”
“You know my name!”  He beamed at Ladybug and Chat Noir, who was jogging back already.  He probably didn’t want to be around Bob any longer than he had to.  “Did you hear that?  My favorite superhero knows my name!”
“Seems like he’s got you taken care of then.”  Chat Noir winked at XY.  “What do you say, my Lady?  Should we leave them to it?”
“Don’t forget about your timer,” Ladybug told Luka.  “And meet me around the corner when you’re done.”
“Right.”  He nodded.  One minute left.  He could handle that, even if he wished he had more time.
Particularly now that he knew what truth had been buried so deep in his heart, only the akuma’s magic could release it.
XY giggled as Luka accepted his pink sharpie and signed Viperion in curling script across his forehead.  He left a second signature on his purple headband for good measure.
“I’m never washing my face again,” XY swooned.
“You know, clean faces get more kisses,” Luka replied seriously.
XY’s eyes widened.  “You—wait, would you actually—?”  
Luka smiled and pressed a kiss to XY’s cheek.
“Please don’t forget to wash that, too.”  
Then he saluted and dashed towards where Ladybug had disappeared.  As he ran, the synth-driven song still beat in his heart:
My real name’s Luka, that’s not new.  But did you know I’ve got a crush on you?
XY replayed the Ladyblog footage of Synthpathetic punching his dad.  Each crack was like music to his ears.  Maybe he could remix that into a new track.  
“I wonder if Ladybug’s magic dust fixed that.”
Luka snorted, strumming his guitar from where he sat on his bed.  It was a relaxing tune, one XY hadn’t heard before.  “I hope not.  He deserved it after he lied about you.”
XY smiled.  It was nice to have a friend on his side, for once.  Luka had been there to pick him up and take him back to the Liberty after Viperion had left.  Dad had tried to stop them from leaving together, but there wasn’t much he could do when XY sat on Luka’s bike handlebars, stuck his tongue out, and let Luka pedal them away.  It wasn’t quite as romantic as being carried by Viperion would’ve been, but it was a close second.
Luka’s quiet music faltered, his hands fumbling on the strings.  “Hey, XY…”
“I’m sorry I gave you that advice.  To stand up to you dad, I mean.  I should’ve known he’d just end up hurting you.”
XY shrugged.  “Honestly, man?  I’d do it all again.  I got to punch him and I got a kiss from Viperion.”  He touched his cheek, sighing dreamily.  That kiss had been after he was brought back to normal, so he could still remember it perfectly.
Of course, having replayed it seventy-eight times on the Ladyblog helped, too.
“I’m glad you’re happy, but… what are you going to do now?  Aren’t you worried about your career?”
“Nah.”  XY leaned his head back against the side of Luka’s bed and closed his eyes.  “I’ve made enough money to break off from Dad, even if I have to get a slummy apartment.  But I bet Viperion’s gonna fly me off into the sunset before I have to worry about that.”
Luka laughed.  “Viperion doesn’t fly, you know—”
“He would for me.”
“—and he doesn’t always have his miraculous.  Maybe he wants to come rescue you, but he can’t.”
XY frowned.  With the power of Second Chance, he doubted there was anything Viperion couldn’t do.
“Doesn’t matter,” XY decided.  “I’ll wait for him.  I know I’ll see him again.”
Luka’s melody picked up again, bringing another smile to XY’s face.  Could Viperion play the guitar that well?  XY daydreamed that he could.
Luka’s whisper blended with the music.
“I know you will, too.”
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flowerslut · 5 years ago
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an updated, more modern take on the original soundtrack.
spotify link
[track list and commentary under the cut:]
Eclipse (All Yours) — Metric ➼ ➼ ➼ Thursday — Asobi Seksu
Yes to a nice beat to kick off a fun album! I was so happy when I realized Thursday matches Eclipse’s beat and mood so well. Asobi Seksu is also a super underrated artist and I knew I wanted to feature her.
Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) — Muse ➼ ➼ ➼ When We’re Fire — Lo Fang
OKAY WE GET IT MUSE. Now give another artist a turn! Damn! No offense to the band but by this song (which I found to be a total flop in every way) I was so burnt out on them. We’ll forever be grateful for Supermassive Black Hole, but the vampires only played baseball for one scene. You’ve done your job. Here’s Lo-Fang instead. Another underrated artist.
Ours — The Bravery ➼ ➼ ➼ Static Space Lover — Foster The People
It felt wrong to replace such an already-underrated song, but it had to be done. And Foster The People came through with the upbeat pop-rock for us. Another artist that, if they’d been putting out music just a teensy bit earlier, I think would’ve found a place on the original soundtracks.
Heavy In Your Arms — Florence + The Machine ➼ ➼ ➼  Razor’s Edge — Digital Daggers
This will always be top five songs across all the soundtracks. I often forget it was even on this soundtrack. Florence Welsh is a god amongst humans and her vocals are a gift to us all. But, here is Digital Daggers with their second (and final) redone soundtrack appearance! They just know how to fit into a dramatic mood, no matter quiet or loud.
My Love — Sia ➼ ➼ ➼ 2-1 — Imogen Heap
Oh, Sia... I love her so... but like everyone else... she had to go. And if anyone can replace her it’s Imogen Heap. I can’t believe they never put her on a soundtrack. Her music is hypnotic.
Atlas — Fanfarlo ➼ ➼ ➼ Sunflower (feat. Steve Lacy) — Vampire Weekend
You can’t expect me to have to remove Vampire Weekend from later on in this soundtrack and not place their newer stuff somewhere else?
Chop and Change — The Black Keys ➼ ➼ ➼ Comfortable — Alessia Cara
I wanted to put an Alessia Cara song on one of these soundtracks so badly. And this seemed to be the best place to put her. The Black Keys has some fun swing to their music, and so does Alessia.
Rolling in on a Burning Tire — Dead Weather ➼ ➼ ➼ Save Me — Emily Brophy
This song was always a great mood-setter, but left me feeling like something was missing. Save Me is a song that seems to fill that void for me. And I think it just works better. Don’t @ me.
Let’s Get Lost — Beck and Bat For Lashes ➼ ➼ ➼ Secret Days — School Of Seven Bells
Let’s Get Lost is one of the bangers on this soundtrack (and let’s be real, Eclipse’s soundtrack would probably rank fifth if I ranked them all properly) so it’s a precious song to replace. Secret Days fills that void well.
Jonathan Low — Vampire Weekend ➼ ➼ ➼ Bike Dream �� Rostam
Rostam is a new discovery for me, but when I heard this song I knew it belonged on the soundtrack.
With You in My Head UNKLE feat. The Black Angels  ➼ ➼ ➼ Walla Walla — Glass Animals
Hands down, this song is one of my favorites on all the soundtracks. Probably because the training scene is one of my favorites, too. I couldn’t picture the Cullens fighting one another to anything other than Walla Walla. When the second chorus hits? And the ending? Oh man, just listen. (With speakers if you can.)
Million Miles an Hour — Eastern Conference Champions  ➼ ➼ ➼ E — Jaden
It’d be a crime not to include Jaden “I Watch Twilight Every Night” Smith on this soundtrack. I spent two days listening to my favorite hits of his, and figured E was the best for it. (I also tweeted and IG messaged him to try and get his input but I think he’s like, busy or something.)
Life on Earth — Band of Horses  ➼ ➼ ➼ Mystery of Love — Sufjan Stevens
Did you think I was just going to leave Sufjan Stevens out of this? Fools. All of you. You’re all “Hozier this and Hozier that” but you leave out the grandmaster of The Vibe? How dare you.
What Part of Forever — Cee Lo Green  ➼ ➼ ➼ Just A Memory (feat. Regina Spektor) — ODESZA
Cee Lo definitely hit the mark with this one, and I’m still surprised they got him for a soundtrack song. I like the song, but I find it a little disappointing? I don’t know. Let’s just let Regina and ODESZA woo us, musically, with Just A Memory.
Jacob’s Theme — Howard Shore ➼ ➼ ➼ First to Wake — Random Forest
I wanted to give Jacob an emotional but simple song for his theme; but nothing as depressing as Howard Shore gave him. He doesn’t need big production. He’s just a kid, trying to figure out his place in this chaotic world, heartbroken over the girl he loves. I love him. Eclipse Jacob may have *cough* sucked, but we don’t know him. (And don’t approve what SMeyer did to his character.) So, he gets a beautiful, gentle song.
Your bonus tracks:
Burn Your Life Down — Bleachers 
I can’t help that The Con X: Covers album is so damn good. One last quiet tune for you on this soundtrack.
Echo — Kevin Abstract
“Staring at the sky ain’t gon’ fix my problem. Howling at the moon ain’t gon’ bring you back.” And a song for our sad runaway. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years ago
8x01-8x03, Re-Watch Part 2
Okay, at the beginning of this episode, we see a group of saviors working at the Sanctuary. One of the workers is wearing bright yellow coveralls. I don’t know what this character’s name is, but he’s played by Lee Norris, who I recognized from my high school/One Tree Hill days. He’s basically bullied by other saviors, and then TF shows up and starts shooting at them.
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So, because of the yellow coveralls, I’m thinking this guy is a Beth proxy, but I’m not sure what the point is here. And actually, this happens more than once in this episode. The female savior who bullies him also seems to be a Beth proxy at one point. She has a green strap of some kind across her chest, probably from a purse or bag she’s wearing.
That caught my attention because we saw the exact same thing with Spencer at one point back in S6. With him, the reason for it is much more obvious: during that sequence, he tried to escape, failed, and lost his shoe. So it was part of the lost shoe/foot symbolism, and he could be paralleled with Beth because he was trying to escape the community on his own and failed, which is what happened with Beth at Grady. Overall, he was more of an anti-parallel to Beth than a parallel, but it still works.
Here…I’m just not sure what the point was. The dude in the yellow coveralls only shows up one other time, at the end of episode 3, and is shot by Daryl. I wanted to see if he was still wearing the yellow coveralls at that point, and he isn’t. He’s taken them off by then. So I don’t think he’s a Beth proxy anymore at that point. They’re really not trying to tell us that Daryl shot Beth or will.
And, you could see him as a parallel to Beth in an EXTREMELY broad way: he’s kind of a prisoner of the Saviors. He’s there because he has to be, not because he wants to be. He’s bullied by them in the same way Dawn bullied Beth. But this really doesn’t lead to some significant character arc or moment of enlightenment, so I’m not sure why they put this in.
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Same with the woman and the green strap. She’s kind of an evil, bullying Savior. She just basically takes some shots at Aaron and Eric and Scott when they show up, and then partway through the battle, she gets bitten by a walker and dies. So, even if she’s an anti-parallel to Beth, what’s the point of this symbolism?
It did occur to me that maybe she represents Dawn, rather than Beth. If you think of the guy in yellow being Beth. Well, in the end, he is shot and left behind by Daryl. In this case, he really died, where Beth didn’t, but it may work in terms of the symbolism (or anti-symbolism). But then this woman would be in Dawn’s role as the one who was supervising/bullying him.
And in case you think maybe, in this one instance, I’m reading into the colors too much and that’s not what it means, there are also dialogue clues around these two. When they talk in the first picture above, she has a water bottle. He mentions “a dozen” (walkers, I think) and she gets mad at him and tells him to go pack up the coolers. So there’s a lot of things pointing to these two being Beth proxies.
But overall, I think this probably points to something in the future with the helicopter people that hasn’t happened yet, and so we just don’t entirely understand it. It will probably make sense when the symbolism is paid off.
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This is small potatoes, but at one point, Aaron gets into one of the cars and mows down a bunch of the Saviors to help save Eric and his people. This just struck me as another instance of Aaron being a Beth proxy, especially as this sequence leads to Eric’s death, which is DEFINITELY a parallel to Beth. But he doesn’t die in this episode, so more on that later.
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Here we also get Tara, Morgan, Jesus and Diane at the satellite station. 
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They find Dean in the closet, who tries to kill Jesus. 
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This is also where we first meet Alden. We actually have another death fake out foreshadow for Morgan here. He and several other Kingdomers are shot by saviors inside the outpost. I think the idea here is that the bullet hits Morgan’s body armor, but like Kevlar, being hit by a bullet is still akin to being hit with a sledgehammer, even if the bullet doesn’t pierce your body, so it knocks him out for a moment.
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But we have this moment where everyone else has left (left him behind) and his eyes suddenly open. He stands up admist the dead and keeps going. So that’s what we think happened with Beth but it’s also what is happening right now in FTWD.
Carol and Zeke and Jerry are heading toward another Savior outpost. Not much to say about this part in this episode (more in later episodes) except that we see walkers who are affected with the hazardous chemicals for the first time here. Once again, we don’t know exactly what this points to, but we’ve seen a lot of the theme of water being poisoned lately, and the satellite falling in S10 has a biblical/wormwood connotation to it. And we know the helicopter people are purifying water. So you can see how this might foreshadow something in the future with them. 
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Also, Jerry uses orange golf balls to leave a trail and point the way toward where they’re going. That kind of screams Beth’s participation in the helicopter story line, doesn’t it?
Oh, also, I had an insight into Shiva here. I don’t know if I’ve been super clear about this in the past, but I do think Shiva = Beth. Lots of reasons for that. She’s always had a Zeke vibe about her (because she’s his animal, so that’s not surprising) but remember that in terms of the couples, Zeke is very like Beth (positive, hopeful, faith-filled, etc) while Carol is more like Daryl. So naturally, Shiva would be that way too. I mentioned that Shiva showing up in 7x16 struck me as a Beth thing, because for a long time many of us have suspected that Beth will kind of show up as TF’s secret weapon during a fight and help save them. I honestly think we COULD see the fulfillment of that in 10x16, whenever it gets here.
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But back to 8x02. Quick recap: Carol and Zeke’s group shoot a bunch of Saviors but one of them gets away and is out ahead of them. They’re pursuing him because they’re afraid he’ll get to the outpost before they do and warn the Saviors there that they’re coming. That would be bad. They’re going for secrete ambush and don’t want anyone to be warned.
They nearly catch up to him, but in the end, they don’t actually kill this guy. They don’t have to, because Shiva shows up and does it for them. They look ahead and see Shiva pounce on him, which means he’s dead and can’t warn the outpost anymore.
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The insight I had about this—which really just reinforces that Shiva symbolically = Beth—is that this happens next to a bridge. They literally reach the bridge and you can see the sign behind them when Shiva arrives and takes care of business. So there’s the Bridge aspect, but also another example of Beth showing up to save the day in some way.
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And of course we have Rick and Daryl searching for guns in this episode. This building they’re in has TONS of Beth symbols. Omega signs in the background, pink carpet, they climb an elevator shaft, and of course they find Gracie.
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Now, there was TONS of conjecture that maybe Beth had been staying here before and taking care of Gracie or something. I considered the idea at the time of course, but I no longer think that’s the case. This all seems highly symbolic to me and like it foreshadows something with the helicopter group.
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I’ve talked before about Rick arriving at the helicopter group and Beth already being there, right? So Gracie could represent Beth in that way. Daryl also sees the handcuffs and dog food in one of the rooms, which suggests a prisoner (Beth being a prisoner to the helicopter people) and a Sirius character.
And, I gotta say, while I haven’t really seen a lot in the past of Daryl and Rick looking for Beth in the helicopter group together, they did go into this place together looking for WEAPONS, so make of that what you will. It’s hard to say how far the metaphor extends.
Interesting to note that just before finding Gracie, Rick fights with one of the Saviors and they crash into a shelf full of matches and flares. (Symbolism brain imploding over here.) 
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And of course this is the famous scene where the blue heron painting is scene behind Rick in the background JUST AS HE’S SEEING GRACIE FOR THE FIRST TIME. Yeah, I really think him finding Gracie here foreshadows him finding Beth in the helicopter group.
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And finally, we have Morales. Yet another example of Rick entering this place and finding someone he hasn’t seen in years and didn’t even suspect might still be alive. But more on that in episode 3 when they actually get a chance to talk.
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So here’s my biggest new take away about Morales, guys. Before, I was mostly fixated on the fact that they brought him back 7 seasons (from S1 to S8) after he disappeared. So saying it’s been too long for Beth’s return just isn’t viable. But here’s what I’m realizing now. Remember the 8 next to Beth. All the 8s around her and Rick, which I think signifies that she’ll appear 8 years after disappearing in Coda (in other words, where we are now in the narrative)? Yeah, they brought Morales back in S8 guys. 
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I’ll show you more about how Morales = Beth in 8x03 rewatch stuff tomorrow.
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maddie-grove · 5 years ago
My Top Ten Georgian (Ish) Romance Novels
Notes: I’m doing a top ten instead of a top five for Georgian, Regency, and Victorian romance novels, because I’ve just read way too many good ones to stop at five! Also, I’m using Georgian to mean the years from 1714 (when George I became King of Great Britain and Ireland) to 1803 (when the Napoleonic Wars started). Once a romance novel’s set in 1803 or 1804, it starts to feel less like “French Revolution hangover” and more like “it’s almost the Regency.” 
1. The Leopard Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt (2007)
Exact Setting: 1760s England.
Premise: Independently wealthy Lady Georgina Maitland doesn’t care to marry, instead preferring to collect fairy tales and look after her rural estate with the help of her steward, Harry Pye. Yet she feels drawn to Harry, who is quiet and gentle and very good at carving small animal figurines out of wood. Their budding romance is threatened, though, by the growing hostility of their community, Harry’s complicated family secrets, and, yes, a series of sinister sheep-murders.
Why I Like It: Sometimes, the sexiest thing a man can do is make an exquisite little wooden hedgehog with his own two hands. Harry is a wonderful hero, kind and unassuming and ready to throw down the second some evil nobleman threatens the poacher’s son. I am also very fond of Georgina, an absent-minded folklore aficionado after my own heart. The rural setting is delightfully spooky, and the plot pulls together a lot of moving parts in a very effective way.
Favorite Scene: Harry and Georgina are reunited after he’s kidnapped and nearly murdered by said evil nobleman.
2. To Seduce a Sinner by Elizabeth Hoyt (2008)
Exact Setting: 1760s England.
Premise: When Jasper Renshaw, Lord Vale, is jilted for the second time in one year, unassuming Melisande Fleming offers herself as a substitute bride. Although Jasper seems like an ordinary and rather dry man, Melisande has secretly loved him ever since she saw his extraordinary kindness in a private moment. Jasper accepts because it’s convenient, only to be pleasantly surprised by their chemistry. Their marriage is going well...except that his horrible experiences during the Seven Years’ War are coming back to haunt him, both psychologically and in the sense that somebody is trying to murder them.
Why I Like It: Jasper’s combination of dry humor and hidden tenderness is pretty irresistible, while Melisandre’s gradual overcoming of her near-pathological reserve and self-denial is very moving. The suspense plot is exciting and carries unexpected emotional weight, plus there’s a nice side-romance between Jasper’s tough valet and Melisande’s enterprising lady’s maid. Finally, the sex scenes are super-hot.
Favorite Scene: Melisande flashes back to the moment she fell in love with Jasper.
3. An Unlikely Countess by Jo Beverley (2011)
Exact Setting: 1760s England.
Premise: After doing a good turn for genteel but desperately poor Prudence Youlgrave, directionless Catesby “Cate” Burgoyne thinks he’ll never see her again. Then he inherits an earldom from his estranged older brother. Not eager to return to his difficult family, Cate stops by Prudence’s village on the way home, hoping to check on the stranger he so fondly remembers. When he finds that she’s on the verge of marrying a lecherous old man at her shitty brother’s insistence, he impulsively offers to marry her instead...forgetting to mention that he’s no longer a cash-strapped second son. Prudence is prepared to deal with financial woes, but is she ready to handle the duties of a countess, a semi-dysfunctional aristocratic family, and murder?
Why I Like It: It should be clear by now that I’m a sucker for stories about creepy English country houses, and this novel certainly delivers. Beverley also takes a great deal of care in establishing the personalities of Prudence and Cate outside of their relationship, making the romance between them especially potent. Their consideration for each other makes me like them a lot, and it’s also weirdly sexy.
Favorite Scene: Cate and Prudence have a quiet moment together after he saves her from ruffians.
4. Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt (2012)
Exact Setting: 1730s England.
Premise: Widowed Isabel, Lady Beckinhall, may be jaded and a touch hedonistic, but she’s also very interested in the welfare of the St. Giles Home for Unfortunate Infants and Foundling Children. In order to do this, she’s willing to teach Winter Makepeace, the middle-class proprietor, some social graces so he can help with fundraising. Winter disagrees that he needs to develop his networking skills, plus he has other reasons for wanting to keep this improper yet intriguing lady at bay...reasons that may or may not involve a secret crime-fighting identity!
Why I Like It: The contrast between Isabel’s insouciance and Winter’s severity is a lot of fun; it’s not uncommon for a rakish hero to be paired with a buttoned-up heroine, yet the reverse is rare. He’s more softhearted and she’s more interested in being a good person than their exteriors would suggest, but those exteriors add a little spice. This novel is also one of the best adventure stories in the genre, with plenty of skulduggery and derring-do to go around. 
Favorite Scene: Isabel discovers Winter’s secret identity (it’s sexy).
5. A Scandalous Countess by Jo Beverley (2012)
Exact Setting: 1760s England.
Premise: Georgia, Lady Maybury, used to be the darling of society...until her young husband died in a duel and rumors spread that she put his opponent up to it because she wanted to be with him instead. Now she’s out of mourning and trying to start anew, but someone has resurrected the old rumors. Prickly Humphrey, Lord Dracy, is willing to stand by her side, but could he have ulterior motives?
Why I Like It: Although I like the romance, the main appeal of this book is that it’s top-drawer melodrama starring a complex, charismatic heroine. There is no shortage of deliciously lurid nonsense, and Beverley builds a wonderfully constructed plot around it. I just luxuriated in the drama of it all the first time I read it. In addition, Georgia’s anguish over the loss of her husband (who was more of a best friend than a lover but still extremely important to her) and loneliness when she’s left behind by her friends gives the book a strong emotional core beneath the pulp. She also matures without having to flagellate herself for being high-spirited or making minor mistakes.
Favorite Scene: Georgia and Dracy try to solve her husband’s murder and deal with additional drama at a masquerade ball.
6. Heartless by Mary Balogh (1995)
Exact Setting: 1750s England.
Premise: Lucas Kendrick returns to London after years of exile to take over the dukedom he inherited from his estranged brother. He’s also looking for a bride and, instead of doing the expected thing and marrying beautiful debutante Lady Agnes Marlowe, he chooses her older sister Anna, who sacrificed her early youth to keep her family together through tough times. Charmed by Anna’s sweetness and maturity, he believes that this convenient marriage may turn out to be a love match as well. Unfortunately, Anna is being stalked by a traumatic past, both metaphorically and literally, that sows mistrusts between them and also puts them in physical danger. Plus, Lucas’s family relationships have to be sorted out and Anna’s deaf teenage sister needs to learn sign language! There’s a lot going on.
Why I Like It: In theory, I should dislike this romance. If Lucas had used a shred of understanding in the first act of the novel, he would’ve picked up on Anna’s traumatic past early on, saving them both a lot of heartache and enabling them to stop her stalker at least one hundred pages sooner. I think it works here because (a) Lucas’s negative reaction to Anna’s suspicious behavior is pretty measured (he withdraws emotionally and makes some stupid assumptions, but he’s not ever really mad at her and he still wants to make the marriage of convenience work) and (b) both characters are set up in such a way that you get why it takes so long for them to communicate (his default mode is to keep to himself, while she’s understandably reticent to talk about the horrible stuff she’s been through and stung by Lucas’s assumptions). Instead of frustrating the reader, Balogh wrings maximum angst from the set-up, making for great catharsis. 
Favorite Scene: As much as I love the angst, the unexpected initial romance of Anna and Lucas’s courtship was what truly reeled me in.
7. Duke of Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt (2017)
Exact Setting: 1740s England.
Premise: Proper widow Iris Daniels, Lady Jordan, is traveling home from a friend’s wedding when she’s waylaid by a secret society of evil aristocrats. Raphael de Chartres, the Duke of Dyemore, has infiltrated the society to bring it down, but he endangers his cover by rescuing Iris and throwing her in his carriage. Unfortunately, Iris thinks he’s just a regular evil aristocrat, so she shoots him, making it necessary for her to nurse him back to health at his secluded estate. She does a good job, but they still have to deal with the evil secret society and his all-consuming desire for revenge.
Why I Like It: Hoyt’s romances all have a fairy-tale feel, and she makes wonderful use of that atmosphere in Duke of Desire. Rafe lives in a dusty, disused castle, filled with old secrets and staffed by fiercely protective Corsican servants. Scarred and angry, Rafe has serious Beast-from-Beauty-and-the-Beast vibes, except he never kidnaps anyone and actually tries to deal with his serious mental health issues even before Iris brings a more sensible perspective into his life. I appreciated his family relationships, both with his sweet, disfigured maternal aunt and the monstrous father that he nevertheless loved.
Favorite Scene: I really like Rafe’s aunt, who could have easily been a Morality Pet but instead comes across as a capable, kindhearted woman who returns Rafe’s uncharacteristically gentle concern for her welfare.
8. The Pursuit of ... by Courtney Milan (2017)
Exact Setting: 1780s America (on a road trip from Virginia to Maine) and England.
Premise: John Hunter, a black Patriot soldier in the American Revolutionary War, finds himself fighting a white Redcoat who (a) won’t shut up and (b) outright asks John to kill him because he doesn’t want to go home. Instead, John gives the other soldier his jacket and tells him to start a new life in America. The last thing he expects is for the other soldier, Henry Latham, to show up at his camp post-battle and ask how he can repay John for saving his life. It turns out that John could use a companion on the long, perilous trip to his home in Maine, although he’s reluctant to trust a white dude who could choose to disregard his debt at any moment. As the trip progresses, however, they get to know each other and grow closer.
Why I Like It: When I read a Courtney Milan romance, I know that I’m not going to be bored. Her zippy dialogue, sense of humor, and use of interesting themes make even her weaker romances fun reads, and The Pursuit of ... is among her strongest. John and Henry are both engaging, sympathetic characters who interact with each other wonderfully; I especially enjoy how Henry’s incessant loopy patter bounces off of John’s deadpan remarks. The novella also balances its humor very well with serious discussions on what it means to live in a country whose reality falls so short of its ideals.
Favorite Scene: John’s reaction to hearing why Henry’s dad made him join the military.
9. Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt (2016)
Exact Setting: 1740s England.
Premise: Valentine Napier, the Duke of Montgomery, is a very bad man who goes around blackmailing and kidnapping his fellow aristocrats willy-nilly. Bridget Crumb, his housekeeper, is determined to stop him from blackmailing one lady in particular. They get along surprisingly well! Also, a bunch of crazy shit happens involving the evil society from Duke of Desire.
Why I Like It: I don’t know why, but Valentine Napier just cracks me up. He’s like a hotter, more sinister Dr. Doofenshmirtz, and I love him. He brags to Bridget about doing evil stuff that he doesn’t actually do, and then she goes behind his back and quietly undoes his latest scheme. Then he does something nice for her dog. Then he spouts a lot of flowery poetic nonsense (usually about how he has no heart and she’s a beautiful angel filled with integrity). Then they make out. It’s a beautiful, ridiculous relationship that’s propped up by a delightfully baroque novel.
Favorite Scene: Val sulks because his heartless self can’t relate to his beloved half-sister now that she’s happily married. EVIL.
10. Promised Land by Rose Lerner (2017)
Exact Setting: 1780s America (New York and Virginia).
Premise: Some time ago, Rachel Mendelson left her home and marriage in New York City to disguise herself as Ezra Jacobs and join the Patriot Army. Now she’s a corporal, and the Battle of Yorktown looms on the horizon. And who should show up but Nathan, the husband she loved but couldn’t live with, working as a Patriot spy? As the battle approaches, they struggle to work out the reasons why their first attempt at marriage failed, as well as their future as Jewish Americans.
Why I Like It: Lerner fits a lot of complexity into one novella without ever descending into inelegance. Without a single flashback, she communicates the entire history of Rachel and Nathan’s marriage, which was marked by affection and sexual attraction as well as painful class tensions and family dynamics. She tackles Nathan and Rachel’s differing approaches to their religion in an intelligent, nuanced way. Plus, the battlefield scenes wouldn’t be out of place in Hemingway--like, top-tier Hemingway, not the kind you make fun of.
Favorite Scene: The battlefield scenes, or Rachel’s description of her planned memoirs.
Further Notes: The Leopard Prince is #2 in the Prince Trilogy (which are only very loosely related). To Seduce a Sinner is #2 in the Four Soldiers series, and I would recommend reading the also-very-good To Taste Temptation first. Thief of Shadows, Duke of Sin, and Duke of Pleasure are #4, #10, and #12 in the Maiden Lane series, respectively, and that’s a series that I’d recommend reading in order, because I started with #2 instead of #1 and that alone was confusing. An Unlikely Countess and A Scandalous Countess are both spinoffs of Jo Beverley’s Malloren series, but I enjoyed them despite only reading one Malloren romance proper and one other spinoff. Heartless has a sequel, Silent Melody, which is also very good in a bonkers way. The Pursuit of ... and Promised Land are both part of the Hamilton’s Battalion anthology, plus The Pursuit of ... is technically part of Milan’s Worth Saga, although you don’t need to read any of them to understand it.
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steve0discusses · 5 years ago
Yugioh S4 Ep6: Gozaburo Kaiba Just Casually Started WWIII And Only This One Guy Cares
Welcome to November, where we celebrate writing a 50,000 word book as if I don’t do that every single time I write about an episode of Yugioh. Hello, this is my season. It’s wordy season. I’m so freakin good at doing this. I can’t say most of what I’ve made is any good, but I CAN say at least I’m prolific. Do enough content to fill that bitter pit and walk right over it, that’s been my motto for the past 5 years.
Anyway, I had an awful flu this past week. (Everyone I live with had it so every bathroom was like ground zero) It was SO bad. I still can’t eat spicy food over a week later (Which is so hard for me because usually I can keep up with my Indian friends, that’s my spicy level--max spicy, please--but since this illness, my white taste genes went into overdrive and I tried putting pepperoncini slices in my sandwich and it set my mouth on fire. Pepperoncini. It’s v embarrassing.)
I did attempt to write this post. Unfortunately I never made it past this cap because I got VERY distracted by the emblem on Alister’s face, and how it isn’t proportionally adjusted to match the angle of his face, and it was like three paragraphs of just wanting to talk about it. And then at some point I got very distracted talking about how many empty glasses I was given at my place setting at this baby shower I went to during the flu epidemic, and it mattered a whole lot to me at the time, but I think, overall, was mostly just some sort of nonsense. The things I’ve spared you. 
(bro has just informed me that the 4 gold-lipped crystal goblets I was given at this baby shower was actually very distressing and a very big deal and that I should absolutely talk to at least someone about it, but maybe he’s just saying that to make me feel better, but I have no idea. I am too sick for sarcasm at this time but my god why was I given so many glasses????)
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I straight up have no memory of if I’ve made this joke before. Maybe.
(read more under the cut)
Since it feels like 8 years since the last time I could just eat chicken without feeling like I consumed an entire Thanksgiving meal, a little recap:
-Alister pretended he was Pegasus to lure Kaiba and then, off screen, murdered everyone in Pegasus’ castle
-Pegasus got murdered by I’m pretty sure Mai (which is like...OK then...)
-Yugi and Co went on vacation by driving directly through San Francisco and peeking out the window and saying “yeah that’s enough for me”
-No adults, not even Roland, bothered to come with their kids this time, so the only adult of the entire crew--Pegasus--is dead
-Rex and Weevil are luggage
-The Eye of Sauron showed up and it was the end of the world but Yugi threw a dragon at it so I guess everything is OK now
-Monsters are real but they are hard to animate so we’ll just pretend like they’re causing havoc everywhere although most of the planet seems basically unaffected by this.
-The Grim Reaper is a friendly monster that hangs out in a Japanese park and that feels fairly on brand.
And I think that was all that was happening so far.
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In a weird twist of fate, Mokuba is the only one in this room that isn’t trapped which sort of...if you’re the only one NOT kidnapped wouldn’t that also be a type of being kidnapped?
And we finally get to figure out why Alister wants to Murder Kaiba so bad and, spoiler, it reaches.
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I’m gonna get more to the obvious problems with Alister’s devotion to murdering all the Kaibas in a bit but yes, Alister is in fact going to try and Kill Kaiba on this kid’s show because of Kaiba’s Dad, who is such a horrible and abusive person that Kaiba essentially drove the bastard out of Japan and straight to the bottom of the ocean.
Just kinda feels like Alister has been living under a rock...which, I guess he has been. He has been living in some weird Atlantis structure so I guess he never got the memo that Gozaburo Kaiba is hella dead.
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So that’s what they’re up to. How’s Sausalito?
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So the North Bay is a really classic scenery. It’s rolling hills. It’s NAPA. It’s like...definitely not Arizona. California has a couple of mesas but they’re no where near here and the Monument Valley style Mesas really only exist in Monument Valley.
And I know it’s because the background artist for Yugioh is all horny for horny rock structures but like...this couldn’t be farther from the Bay Area in the way that it is drawn and it is such a shock after all the work they did last episode to research that Bay Area lore. Once they crossed the Golden Gate they were like “well no one will care about this part” which is true not only of Yugioh but also of real life Californian politics.
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Anyway, I have been making a map, but unfortunately my original file will not suffice. time to fix it.
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There we go. Now they’re in the right place. Just smack dab in Monument Valley, Arizona, smack dab in the middle of the Navajo Nation and so hypothetically, not even in the United States anymore.
While in the car, Yugi has just been anxious as hell the entire time, and just going “y’all I have a bad feeling I’m uncomfortable I have a bad feeling” while Joey and Tea just patiently stared at him flipping out in the corner. So...kinda like a normal trip with someone who has high anxiety/possessed by a ghost. I  kinda feel like this is every girls trip to Disneyland for me. There’s always one Yugi who’s like “no one said anything about CROWDS.” and you kinda just gotta let them do their thing. Just let them get it out of their system and hide in the bathroom when they need to hide in the bathroom and don’t fight it, they’ll be fine. Just hold their spot in line when they desperately look for a secret place to medicinally vape because there’s too many freakin children at Disneyland.
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And it is HILARIOUS that Yugi is able to have this type of premonition but cannot figure out that they have somehow missed San Fransisco and have wandered into a DESERT.
Back in Pegasus’ California (an island that legitimately looks more like California than actual Yugioh California) Alister has decided to go completely off the rails and it happens so fast and without any warning.
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the line is actually “This doll used to be my brother’s” which is a very different meaning but both are likely from weird ass Alister and this weird ass show, so I’ll leave the cap like this (although yes, this is what I thought Alister was saying for kind of a while until I recorded it for this blog and was like “oh shoot I heard the line wrong when I had the flu huh.”)
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Man, RIP Noah, he would have been excellent this episode.
Honestly seems like just yesterday when Seto and Noah were pitted against eachother by a cyberdemon Dad-head floating in the sky, Mokuba was possessed for some reason and being used as a human shield, Tristan was a robot monkey, and Yugi was just shrugging at Kaiba from across the field like “Kaiba if you don’t play good you die--oh my gods, he died. Well that was bound to happen...again.” Man.
Alister should be their best friend, this is nonsense.
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So lets do the math to 7 years before 2002.
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I searched Wikipedia for wars during 1995 (they do have a list of 90′s wars) and looked for any that involved heavy use of tanks and their artillery fire (on big swatches of cities like this), inner city western architecture, temperate landscapes, and western clothing that match Alister and Mikey (AKA WWII vibes) and found out:
Nothing fits that description
UNLESS Alister and Mikey are time travelers from a WWII bombing in Europe. This is Yugioh. That could happen. Probably not, but youknow...it’s not too late for Yugioh to bring in time travel.
I mean if you don’t want to get super political in your cartoon just invent a world war I guess? We’ve already clarified that Gozaburo was Big Boss, so at this point I can easily see him inventing wars just to sell ships.
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(I could probably add thousands of more deaths at this point but I have no idea where they are, if they’re on a tiny island or an entire country so I’ll just...leave the count alone but just now it’s implied that a hell ton of people died during this episode)
People going off about how Sesame Street is so amazing for talking about issues like you’re Dad going to prison while Yugioh was straight up talking about the intricacy of the War Economy. Yugioh being all “don’t forget kids, your good capitalist economy survives off of the undeserved bloodshed of civilians in other countries! Eat the poor!” and it’s like hot damn this heavy commentary came out of freakin no where.
Anyways, this is stuff most kid’s shows will delicately skip over but nah, Yugioh is going to go here, and they are going to steamroll directly through it with massive tanks.
So, lets kill this kid’s entire family and talk about the terrors of the World War of 1995 and all the war orphans who get recruited to become soldiers at the ripe old age of 9. Alister was 9 when he was recruited to be a child card soldier.
This kid’s show.
Alister is...basically Raiden, right? Like as long as we’re talking about Metal Gear, this kid is just one step away from cyborg implants and weird colored blood?
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Better wear bright red when you visit the war crime scene, surprised Gozaburo didn’t invite like an entire photo -op crew to incriminate him even further.
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Now we did look up “where the hell is Alister from Yugioh from?” (there is no answer) and we did find out a little factoid. In the Japanese version of the show, Gozaburo had bought the land and was just forcibly evicting Alister and his family from their home with tanks.
Which is wild.
He just straight up evicted an entire metropolitan city????
Like the dub did a way better job than the sub at this one, I’ll give them that.
It’s just so weird that Gozoboro just didn’t like...raise the rent like a normal bad landlord. Instead he was like “rather than gentrify my land and save me a ton of money, I’ll just destroy everything I just bought and murder everyone here” which is like...
...Seto did the world so many favors when he kicked out his Dad, right? Like Damn. I don't understand why Alister isn’t freakin worshiping Seto right now when his whole deal is “I must kill Gozaburo” and Seto’s like “yo I already did that. Twice. I didn’t even have to literally kill him either, I just embarrassed him so bad that he killed himself. His stupid tank company sells joke games now. I literally turned the man into a joke.”
Then again, Alister is on the green magic and like I think it alters your brain chemistry somewhat.
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(How ripped did Alister get in this episode, by the way? The kid is like 16 years old or something so how did this happen? ...The perpetual horny line running straight through Yugioh, man. Look at it run. That 16 year old is drawn like he’s 28 and really into Crossfit and his crop top gets smaller and smaller like every scene.)
So like this is a very gray issue that I cannot believe they brought up in a kid’s show (like can you imagine if Scrooge McDuck had to face facts that his company murdered tons of people???), but also this is Seto Kaiba. Seto grew up in the system, so like he doesn’t need to be lectured to about dirty money because he was on the losing end of that not too long ago. Seto is himself basically a upscale war orphan since he was adopted by Gozaburo to continue the machine like a freakin maniac (a Solidus Snake, if you will) so of all the people on this show I don’t get why Seto would care about this. This is just how Seto views the entire world as either losing or winning and no reason to feel bad about it because he’s been both.
Also...Seto stopped the machine. Kind of. He was unaware that cards were the same thing as weapons, but at least he stopped the sale of huge child-stealing tanks.
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So they play the game for a little while and Seto does kind of poorly as usual, and just when I thought this episode couldn’t get any weirder...
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And just like that, Seto peaces out. Like he does almost every single time he has ever played a card game solo except for that one time he was playing Joey Wheeler. (Which was also one of the few times Seto ever won.)
Like I just want to remind you that this segment is in the same episode as WWIII and the tonal whiplash is pretty remarkable.
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That’s right, we’re back in the Unnamed Monster World, which is not the Shadow Realm, and which I thought you could only access if you were dreaming and able to search through the puzzle maze.
Apparently this can just happen at any time and all that stuff with the guiding Kuriboh and Yugi and Pharaoh trying to find this place was just...them wasting time.
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Again he ditches the legendary sword so freakin fast because who needs a sword when you have a dragon? Only this anime.
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And that’s how Seto, who was absolutely going to lose this game, somehow just barely came to a draw.
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So just to recap, Seto has yet to win a card game that he didn’t get prophetic help for via a hallucination or Yugi telling him what to do. Unless you count Joey and grandpa.
Then, the one last adult I forgot about, the driver of Yugi’s car, decides that it’s about time that he also died and left this show as adult free as possible.
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Also...maybe it’s the angle but the writing on that gas station looks a lot like kanji.
Yo, what if this is the backgrounds for a different show and they’re just sharing? I mean I doubt it because Yugioh had a good enough budget but...what if? What if that’s why they’re in Arizona?
Anyway, next time we’ll find out if this guy just drops dead or has been a Yugioh monster this whole time, and I think maybe both?
And if you just got here, this is a link to read all my Yugioh recaps in chrono order
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threewaysdivided · 6 years ago
For the fanfic ask: D, S, and U ;) thanks!
For wornquillsandspilledink’s Fanfic Ask Game:
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with your fics?
Hmmm… I’m not a particularly music-based writer - a lot of my inspiration comes from other stories, or visuals, or personal experience.  Usually musical associations come afterwards, once I’ve got a scene/character fixed well enough for a song to resonate with them.  It also means that I tend to associate songs with fic-moments, characters or fandoms-in-general rather than with a single entire story.  So, a list:
As mentioned before, the opening Instrumental of the Disturbed Sound of Silence Cover is a good match to the ambience of YJ:DW Chapter 15.
Coldplay’s Paradise gives me angsty S1 Artemis vibes.
For Danny Fenton, Coldplay’s Gravity and Simple Plan’s Astronaut get the sad feels going.
Most Imagine Dragons songs tend to make me think YJS1 due their being used in a bunch of super talented fan-animations and AMVs.
More broadly the general emotional tone of ColdPlay’s Fix You and The Fray’s You Found Me kind of underscore sadder, heavier moments of writing.
There was a lot more Sad™ and Coldplay in there than I expected.  Whoops…
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I’m one of those annoying Tropes-are-Tools-not-Guarantees types so there aren’t many tropes I can confess to seeking out for their own sake, or deliberately inserting into all of my stories.  That said, I tend to be pretty characterisation-focused (even though I like long-fics to have some kind of accompanying plot too), and there definitely some tropes/patterns I’ll gravitate towards:
Believable Depictions of Grief/ Trauma and Healing/ ClosureI enjoy finding stories that actually address the hard experiences or losses that characters have gone through, that the process is messy, and ways they might attempt to work through/ around it, while still letting them be themselves, have moments of levity, live their lives and eventually reach a point of closure.  Grief depicted like this is weepy, delicious, catharsis and I am here for it.
Trust and RevealsI can get a bit frustrated with stories (especially crossovers) that have characters just know or decide to immediately overshare secrets and personal information.  Always more satisfied when those secrets are treated as secret by the narrative, with characters having to sleuth it out or build genuine respect and trust before learning/earning the truth.
Intrigue and the Suspense of AnticipationLove me some Fair Mysteries.  Also when creators are willing to play games with the audience, letting us reach the answer ahead of the characters and wait in anticipation for the penny to drop.  Good stuff.
 Actual Communication and MisunderstandingsThere’s a certain sort of masochistic anticipation that comes from seeing two or more characters end up in conflict because their own personal biases and hang-ups are causing them to misrepresent and/or read  things into the other person’s words/behaviour that aren’t actually there.  Usually followed by either a fight or moment when someone says something that throws that misinterpreted reading off-balance and the whole truth ends up being brought to light and resolved.  I also like this because it lends itself well to grey-on-grey conflicts; no clear “good vs bad” but instead all sides somewhat sympathetic and somewhat at fault for poor communication.
Character studiesKind of self-explanatory: stories that focus in to put the microscope on a single character’s emotional reactions to, and reasoning behind, specific canon behaviours/ events make me happy.  The more believably close to canon-characterisation the happier this gremlin will be.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. 
Fair warning: I tend to read pretty widely, so this has the potential to balloon into a huge list. While I could definitely recommend some of the classic fandom bigs like BNHA’s PitViperofDoom and Laquearia, or DP’s Haiju (all of who deserve it and you should check out if you haven’t), I think I’ll take this chance to ping some writers from older/ wider fandoms:
tactfulGnostalgic’s Into the Spiderverse The Family Brooklyn Series.  Hits a lot of my personal trope favourites (character studies, reveals, believable depictions of grief, actual communication, accepting oneself) and also because oh my gosh that prose.  There’s an almost Markus Zusak-ian quality to their writing at points and the rest is just impeccable and fun.  Also packs some really good snappy dialogue.
skyflower51′s Skyrim storiesI really enjoy the environment design, side-quests and lore of Skyrim, and Skyflower51 does a great job of writing interesting characters to fill the blank-slate player-insert MC position, fleshing out in-game plot-lines and characters with much more nuance and detail by having a specific personality from within that world interact with and push them beyond what the limited RPG writing would allow, as well as exploring the possible identity/responsibility issues that come with being thrust into the role of legendary hero.  If you want a look at what Skyrim could be if written as a fantasy world instead of a videogame backdrop, these will probably scratch the itch.
Blackfriar’s Young Justice storiesOh hey, a fandom I actually write for.  Lovers of fluff will want to tread carefully here, as their stories are frequently rated M for angst and violence with good reason.  That said, if you like white-knuckled suspense, horror and anguish, or seeing Batman, Robin and Kid Flash being trialled by difficult situations both in and out of uniform, these will certainly get you your fix.  They also have some crossovers with Under the Red Hood which may satisfy those disappointed by YJ’s lack of Jason.
Also want to give a quick shout to Daruku Janubu/ DJAnubis, whose art for the TTxDP fic Turning Tables was what first got me into fanfic, and whose own story, Unfair Justice, made me cry.
Thanks for playing!
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blyanten · 7 years ago
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That’s a problem.
The Avenger is fighting a dinosaur-monster-thing called Morgoth that really, really wants him dead. He’s also very distracted, to the point where he reacts to dino-thing blocking his attack, redirecting a lazer-beam into a building with “huh”. Which seems less like the standard hero “this is gonna suck” response and more… “of course he can do that *sad sigh*”.
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Feeling okay?
He does get distracted though, and so he gets knocked of a building.
On the way down, he flashed back to a minor episode that took place during lunch hours.
Donald was in line at a Duckmall food place, but when he was ordering food, a random stranger told him to take two bags of chips. Donald says no, he wants one, but the stranger is rather insistent. The lady taking orders gets annoyed by the delay, and when Donald tries to put to blame on the other guy, he realizes that guy has disappeared.
Back in the present, the Avenger’s attention snaps back to his current situation of falling to death. The shield is falling about two meters ahead of him, but considering that he can’t speed up his fall, that might as well be three hundred kilometers.
Impressive. I wouldn’t as much as blink at it if he’d somehow managed to fall faster than the shield, but we’re not doing that silly thing here.
We’re doing a different one! The building is still under construction, and the shield hits a beam that happens to stick out, bouncing back up within reach. Because… that’s… how it works? It could, the shield’s alien, so.
The Avenger grabs the shield, flies back up and starts mocking Angus rather than focusing on Morgoth that is still there and still feeling murder-y. Also, he can fly now, because shapeshifting is the best power.
It’s like the Avenger is feeling suicidal. There’s distracted and there’s this.
The fight continues, and the police shows up, being useful and scaring Morgoth off by shooting at him.
The Avenger decides to let him go, preferring to retire for the evening.
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Whatever else I have to say about this issue, the art is good. The Avenger looks seriously awful here, without any exaggerated bruises or signs of tiredness.
In a creepy bunker somewhere, someone is working on figuring out the Avenger’s secret identity.
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These are always funny. Without mask... With mask...
The next day, Donald is at work, still feeling distracted.
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There… there are people you can talk to. No, really.
Donald continues his rounds, asking questions like “would everything disappear if I closed my eyes?”
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This entire thing reads like some kind of depressive episode.
He considers a shrink for a moment, but all things considered, decides to try resting first. He does that by getting into a show car, and falling asleep. At work. That goes as well as you’d expect when Bloom notices.
He yells Donald away, and Donald bangs his head on the ceiling of the car. For a panel or two, everything seems normal, then the weird depressive tone of this issue comes back.
Later, the Avenger asks Lylo for advice. Every night, he and Morgoth fight, but why?
Lylo thinks it’s obvious, Morgoth is evil and the Avenger is good. They will fight until good wins. The Avenger is less sure, and would also like to know how long the game is going to last.
Then we cut to Everett for a page. Everett is definitely not worried about the Avenger, just curious about what he’s doing. Yep, this was a necessary break from the plot.
Back at the plot, Lylo has dug out some kind of robot-armor for the Avenger to use against Morgoth. The Avenger blows a hole in a wall before getting the hang of it.
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Later again, the two spend the evening watching tv.
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1. Aww.
2. The tv-show host reminds me of Gladstone. Look at the hair.
3. Aww. I like it when you get bits like this, just showing that people are friends. Even if it’s kinda undermined by the ending.
And the it’s time to go through the motions again. The Avenger gets into the armor, determined to change the rules of the game.
Morgoth is at a stadium, destroying helicopters.     
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At least someone’s having fun.                
The Avenger hits him from behind, and they fight and fight and it’s a boring fight, until Morgoth drives a spear through the Avenger’s armor.
The rockets on the back of the armor activates, and the armor wraps its arms around Morgoth. It turns out that the Avenger abandoned it, leaving Morgoth to lift off into the sky.
The Avenger isn’t happy however, as it was still just a match and not the game he won. He’s also not in the mood to enjoy his fifteen minutes of fame.
The armor was later found outside of Duckburg, destroyed and with no trace of Morgoth. On the bright side, Donald is working today. He can’t stand the idea of watching tv all day though, so he tries the fridge. Which is basically empty. The idea of shopping brings a brief surge of nausea, but then he gets one small whim. Well, two.
He wants chips.
At the mall, there’s only two bags left, and some guy grabs one, because he’s only filled like half his cart with them. This annoys Donald.
Donald tells him off, declaring the he wanted two bags. Asshole offers him two black eyes. Donald tells him not to threaten him, and asshole suggests he could move onto action.
Donald considers it. He’s deal with alien vampires, cyborgs, supercriminals… it would be ridiculously easy to put a normal person in their place.
And then he backs down. He could, but that would mean erasing the line between Donald Duck and the Duck Avenger. He can’t do that.
So he settles for one bag of chips.
This entire scene is creepy. Donald getting angry isn’t new, but there’s a vibe to this scene that makes it a lot more serious than it normally would be. The mood is seriously off in this issue to being with, the Avenger’s mental state is not okay, and it’s over a bag of chips.
The Avenger takes a break at the park, but realizes it might not be the best place. There’s too much confusion, both in the park and inside his head. He tries to focus, but is once again distracted. This time, it’s by the ice cream man.
Donald’s sure he’s seen him before. At the lunch from the flashback, at work, while shopping like half an hour ago.
Donald tries to catch his attention, but is run down by a skateboarder. The ice cream man conveniently disappears while that happens. And then his chips are stolen.
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Hey, lady, you don’t know what kind of day he’s been having! At least save your comments for when he’s out of hearing range like polite people do!
We cut back to Everett again, who… is using his fifty tvs to watch clips of the Avenger while wondering where he is. O-kay. Not weird at all.
Donald is back home. So are the nephews, not that we get to see them. According to Donald they’re at that age where they treat home as an hotel. They’ve left their backpacks on the couch, and Donald has to deal with it. He finds a bag of chips, and asks everyone to look away, because he’s stealing that. And the other two bags too.
Opening them, and dumping the chips all over the kitchen table, he notices something terrible.
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Get a bowl, you’re not an animal! Wait.
As Donald his having his realization of something being horribly wrong, the man from lunch shows up again. He says he can explain, and he also knows Donald is the Duck Avenger. But they have to talk fast, it won’t take long before some mysterious “he” will redirect his focus on Donald.
He can’t say the name, that would draw attention. So… Voldemort?
No, the person lunch-guy talking about has total control over the situation, thought he’s forced to simpliify some details. Like the chips, he created a single base model and replicated it all. Like the ice cream man and a few dozen other secondary characters.
He didn’t think Donald would notice the repetition. Lunch guy then gives a complicated non-explanation of where he is. He’s being difficult on purpose though, as explaining clearly would bring down his attention on them.
Lunch-guy tells Donald to break the routine. It’s the only hint he can give.
Donald demands to know who he is, and lunch-guy calls himself a virus, before disappearing.
Next up, round break the routine between Morgoth and the Avenger.
The Avenger tries to talk to Morgoth, and gets hit with a spiky hammer for his trouble. 
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He notes that despite that, and getting thrown into a wall he’s fine. Nowhere near the kind of serious injury you’d expect. And when the Avenger counter-attacks, hitting Morgoth with a lazer-beam at full strength, yet Morgoth is fine.
This would be much more effective if the Avenger didn’t shrug off shit like that all the time, but I can go with it.
The Avenger has put the pieces together and is starting to feel like his old self. He forces Morgoth to ask some of the same questions he’s been asking, like “why are we fighting?”
And Morgoth stops. And reality says bye-bye.
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And is replaced with nightmare-horror-insects.
The two team up against the insect-things, defeating them. The insects disappear, and so does Morgoth.
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I mean, he was boring, but still :(
He wakes up like this.
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That seems very uncomfortable.
He’s welcomed back to reality by this guy.
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I can just hear this slow, condescending voice in my head as I look at him.
This is an AI without a real name, just a string of letters and numbers the Avenger won’t be able to remember. He considers himself a machine that, no matter how advanced, can be used, turned of and then abandoned.
Originally, he was just a computer, but then he started developing decisional autonomy, and his created freaked out a bit. They left him there years ago, for someone else to decide what to do with him.
There are really no good AI parents.
The Avenger says that’s sad, but wants to know what that has to do with him.
The Avenger has destroyed hundreds of his kind, he’s enemy of his species. He has endless connections with every other machine and has received so many last images and transmissions from machines destroyed by the Avenger.
The Avenger calls him crazy, and the machine says he can’t understand. The Avenger notes to himself that he can’t, or maybe he doesn’t want to.
Yeah… no. Machine crazy. There’s no mention of any of these machines having even a rudimentary kind of AI. That would make sense. Well, sort of. Making sense would be going after the people initiating violence, not the person trying to stop those people.
But regular machines? This isn’t like killing people, or even an animal, this is more like locking your neighbor in the basement because he mowed the lawn, and claiming it’s revenge for your fellow biologicals, the strands of grass. Except that the grass actually qualifies as alive.
So he’s crazy, but not in a way that really works when it comes to gaining sympathy. It’s more like “oh, that’s sa- wait, what now?”
Machine continues, explaining that he managed to reignite himself, which I take to mean getting involved again, and reconnect to cameras and microphones outside the bunker they’re in. He noticed that the Avenger kept visiting Century. He set a trap and the Avenger walked right into it.
The he created the virtual world based on the Avenger’s memories.
And this is when we learn that while a week passed inside the virtual world, only a day passed on the outside. Which is good for the Avenger, and makes the cuts to Everett hilarious. 
Machine wanted the Avenger to be forced to repeat the same operations over and over, without being able to understand why. Machine wanted to be the one to decide the game, to avenge his kin!
But he lost, thanks to that virus. The Avenger altered the program. So he made the virus? And the damage has been extended from software to hardware.
Tumblr media
Sure, take the easy way out.
The Avenger is free to go back to his regular life.
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Oh, finally.
Well, that was all around depressing. It’s like everything is covered in sadness and hopelessness. Good job on that front. But the problem is that while it supposed to be dull and tiresome for the Avenger, it unfortunately has the same effect on me. And the revenge scheme that’s so over the top and ridiculous, it’s very hard to feel sorry for the crazy AI. 
The art is really good though. 
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empty-dream · 8 years ago
Me watching Fate/Apocrypha ep 10
Sieg: *trembling while holding the sword* “Fight me!” Mordred: “Learn to hold a goddamn sword first”
Astolfo: “Dude I did not suffer for this!’ Sieg: “Really sorry about that!” Mordred: *send them both away with one blow* “gET A ROOM”
I’m choking Mordred is definitely pulling a “Are you serious? Right in front of my salad sword?”
Wow Sieg’s glare is pretty chilling. Finally some depth on his on screen appearance.
In addition, it’s when he declares his new name and his existence, so good job.
Caules and Fran getting on the hit-them-when-they-talk bandwagon.
You thought regular looting is bad? Try heart looting.
Hello to the people who come here thinking Jack is hot innocent loli, behold she is actually blood-splattered lunatic scavenging dead hearts from dead people. 
The idea of the most famous serial killer being an apparition shaped as little girl dressed in futuristic stripper outfit bathed in blood and corpses while fiddling with a Nokia 6000 series is WAY BEYOND WHAT I COULD EVER COME UP IN MY ENTIRE LIFE
“Our new room” more like “room we literally kill people for”
Jack: “Okay mom, bye bye!” *Naruto runs*
How is that walking metal armor not electrocuted by Fran’s lightning that’s some EX magic shit going on here
Caules hon that’s not what I’d call acting with discretion.
‘Third-rates’ wow Mordred your trash-talking actually hurts huh who did you learn from? Gawain?
I just realized that since Clarent is powered by Mordred’s hatred for Artoria, then it basically runs on the power of emo LOLOLOLOL
Well all is funny until she blows everybody several yards away with it.
Yo Mordred do yo always go and see people and be like “this one is homunculus, this one is not”??
On the other hand, good job A-1 at showing explicitly that Fran is indeed not a homunculus nor a human but a true artificial creation.
I don’t like saying this but Mordred, if you want an enemy real dead, go for the head.
I think she was all about decapitating people before so why suddenly just stabbed?
Um nice try Sieg but don’t you see that metal armor is like this thick and Mordred is like Terminator?
The sword looks like a toothpick jammed lightly it’s awkward now
Mordred angrily turns red, literally.
Remember that Astolfo saved Sieg just because he could? Now Sieg saved Astolfo simply because he saved him. 
Ugh getting stabbed by that huge-ass sword should hurt A LOT huh
It’s been like two days out of the castle and Sieg experiences death. AGAIN.
Sieg you need to stop dying this is not Supernatural.
I guess Mordred’s characterization is definitely aimed to be jarring between the savagery she displays in battle and the chivalrous nature she harbours as a knight. 
That’s some chilling scream Astolfo
Kairi: “Did you make sure she’s dead?” Mordred: “Dude I stabbed her with giant sword like in the torso” Kairi: “Shit boi did you forget this is a magic war? People sparkles when they die!”
Fran’s mace: *standing up ominously* Mordred: “Weird” Me: Maybe you should be called “The Knight of Obviousness” instead of “The Knight of Treachery”
Fran taking strangling with bare hands to a whole new level
Wow the mace suddenly floats, does some clicking, whirling, becomes green, and now it looks like green thunder chupa chups
Uh as much as I hate Celenike, I can’t disagree with her saying ‘stand back and don’t get roped into a suicide bomb’
But I guess if she doesn’t force Astolfo he’d definitely bolt to the ground zero trying to get a better ending that’s just like him
At this point, it’s pretty clear that none of Fran Al-Qaeda-ing her way is Caules’ command.
But instead he just understands her and gives the last command spell to boost her, no matter how painful of a decision it is :(
Wow does using the last command spell always induce flashy tron lines and sharp lightning?? Is this the Apocrypha style? Last time I see people do that, it’s just dramatic wind.
Caules’ glasses breaks and cheek gets slashed only adds the dramatic tension. And it looks cool in gif.
It’s bad enough if a dying person’s life flashes before their eyes bUT IT’S ENTIRELY ON DIFFERENT LEVEL IF IT FLASHES BEFORE THEIR CLOSE PARTNER’S EYES
Fran gets super pissed at Mordred she decides to talkIt’s actually a bit funy that everybody from the author to the animators making sure people notice Fran’s lightning pierces Sieg like ‘yo reader it’s important clue for our protagonist’s powers!’
Wait I just notice the role of the Berserkers from both faction is literally the same: to become servant bomb
At least Fran goes out in a beautiful electric explosion tree........
Astolfo: “Please be dead please be dead” Mordred: “...Yo...Hhh... Surprise....hh...bitch-” Astolfo: “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?”
Caules babe :’’’(((((((
He’s such a good master he honestly thought he screwed up and let Fran die in vain and he couldn’t do anything for her even until the end
In the novels, from this point on, everything about Caules and Fran will just hurt like a bitch.
Okay let’s cut the sadness and LOOK SIEG’S HEART BEATING
Siegfried appears!!!!!
I kinda forget that bathing in dragon blood means he’s actually covered in blood from head to toe that’s pretty disgusting if given more thought.
So Siegfried’s previous life was literally on the range of ‘national hero’ to ‘professional killer’ to ‘matchmaker’
Sieg: “You lived your life as a wish-granting machine but do you ever have a wish yourself?” Siegfried: “Dude you’re like born months ago don’t throw existential crisis on me right now”
Siegfried: “Now let’s get back on you. Do you have a wish?” Sieg: “....Uhm..” Siegfried: “See existential crisis doesn’t feel good.”
Siegfried takes Sieg from aurora field to dragon dungeon so Sieg’s ego grows like wow that’s hardcore
What is this? A King Arthur play? Sword in the stone??
It’s mandatory to have a fate anime with somebody dramatically decides on a life purpose and dramatically pulls out a sword.
You know, I’ve always liked Balmung’s design. It screams ‘WILD HERO’ and it’s got this badass design and color and sheath. In fact, it’s the third place in my heart after Durandal and maybe-not-suprisingly La Pucelle
That’s why I’m THIS close to be angry that it appears like a cannon fodder sword but thank God it transforms
Mordred: “Wew that was close!” Kairi: “Don’t ‘wew that was close’ me that servant you called third rate just nearly deep fried you if I didn’t bail you out and now I’m tired”
Astolfo be like “My friend is dead, my other friend is dead too, my other other friend is also dead, and now I’m facing a terminator why God”
Sieg!Fried: *standing ominously under the moon* Mordred: “Master, he’s dead right?” Kairi: “Yeah I heard so” Mordred: “Well now we have The Walking Dead”
I think I just squealed hearing Sieg!Fried’s asking “Are you okay?” that sounds so gentle and so hot at the same time?????
Sieg!Fried: “Are you okay?” Astolfo: *blush* “Baka” Mordred: “GET A FUCKING ROOOMMMMMM”
I love how chill Kairi is when facing this anomaly he’s like “Dude, it’s magic war, anything can happen”
Mordred you don’t get to call Balmung a cosplay sword when Clarent also looks like a gigantic cosplay sword
And cut to Shakespeare giving comments as usual. Do Semiramis and Shirou have to watch every battle while listening to his narration?
HAHA Semiramis has to place her hand palms up because of the spikes WHY IS THAT SO FUNNY?
Hm I kinda don’t know what to make out from Shirou’s words but I presume it’s about Sieg should just live like a pure baby he is instead of letting that purity dyed in everything good and bad in being human?
If that’s so, it’s a big hint of Shirou’s goal, no?
Shirou’s practicing if-looks-could-kill without even trying
Semiramis and Shakespeares are such good friends to Shirou they notice him look evil in a matter of seconds
Shirou be like “I thought my feelings are all secret but guess not I should perfect my poker face” just like his servant. Truly a match of heaven.
Lol guys that boy you just declare worthless will be the final man standing against you lololololol
Indeed Shakespeare is the Genre Savvy™ as expected of THE playwright
Mordred: “Master what’s his weakness?” Kairi: “His weakness is ‘Do your best and find out yourself’” Kairi is such a lil shit I love him
And there you have it the first battle scene in the first episode
Y’know, the novel describes Balmung as emanating orange light like the twilight when activated but the very same novel also illustrates it with vivid blue light and it’s making me having the existential crisis since forever
Balmung vs Clarent Blood Arthur more like Let’s nuke each other
Aw they skip the calling the name of the noble phantasms if you ask me I prefer if they include it in this episode too
Oh now it’s Sieg’s command spell on the closing title and with completely different background and SCATTERED FLOWER IS THE TITLE OF THIS EPISODE THANKS FOR REMINDING ME AGAIN THAT IT HURTS ):
Fran’s dead, Caules cries, my heart really hurts
Trust me, the novel version is far worse than the animation. The narration from the moment Caules notices what he has to do to his reaction after her death is just painful. All the root cause of it all? It’s because they care for each other. Even he acknowledges that.
Oh yeah and also Fran dies with a little smile while speaking those words in the novel, kinda different vibe with the anime version
In the novel, the Siegfried’s flashback also reveals his one wish: To become an ally of justice a.k.a. the same dream possessed by the Kiritsugu and Shirou Emiya. Now it may differs from each person but for me personally, while it serves as a driving force to Siegfried’s character, it’s also yet another a form of homage (or maybe long running serious gag?) to both Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night. Whether it is good or not to omit that from the anime, I can’t really say....
NEXT: I think we need some Jeanne now. Hopefully not Naruto running again.
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 6 years ago
Astra 4 - 6 | Demon Slayer 17 - 19 | Cop Craft 4 - 6 | Dr Stone 3 - 6 | Fruits Basket 15 - 19 | Given 3 - 5
Astra 4
How does anyone wash their hands with a spacesuit on?
Those exaggerated faces (reaction to candy plants) weren’t in the manga. Good thing too – they improve on the source.
Hey, man (Ulgar)! “Big girl” is offensive. (I’m probably saying that because I’m not too big myself.)
The *ding ding ding!* was pretty hilarious…LOL.
I remember this was pretty harsh to read for me the first time…because y’know what they say about representation mattering in feminist studies/articles? Yeah, that. (Exactly how I’m represented? That I’ll leave to your imagination…)
Aw, the Gruppie sounds adorable!
I think I’ve said this already, but Kanata uses the word “zetsubou” – despair, not necessarily “hopeless” – to say what he says.
Demon Slayer 17
I was a bit confused as to why Inosuke was majorly angry all the time, but then I realised that he’s not necessarily angry, per se - he is just majorly competitive.
*head on spider legs appears* ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! That reminds me of that head on spider legs from Toy Story…I seem to remember that freaked me out to some degree. I’m actually not afraid of spiders, but show me an image for “trypophobia” (fear of tiny holes) or stick me somewhere high up without secure footing…and I’m gone.
This episode is…great! I’m cursing as I watch, but it’s great! The CGI is adding to the creepiness! Also, I so didn’t expect Zenitsu to have black hair.
I agree with Zenitsu’s master, he is a moron…
…but truth be told, I think I see myself in him. That’s probably why I find him so annoying. Lately, I’ve found there are periods where I resent myself more than anyone else…and that’s the scariest part about living life. But I can’t complain, because I put my name down to help others in the same situation.
Z-Zenitsu! I-I’m sorry I ever doubted you! I’m so sorry…! I promise I’ll stop thinking you’re annoying, because you remind me of meeeeeeeeeee…! *sob, snivel, sob…*
Ukogiiiiiiiiii! Wahhhhhhhhh!
Hmm…you can smell rain. I’ve smelt it before. But thunderclouds…? Not so much.
Demon Slayer 18
“Rookie Mizunoto join the battle!” – The Smash Bros intro is a fun way to introduce people, no?
I thought Shinobu Kocho was Naruto running, but instead she has her jacket on her shoulders…so it only looks like Naruto running.
CG models are back to being awkward again…
“If you can’t slash something with one sword, you just gotta pound it with another sword!” – Basically, the philosophy of the entire shonen genre when dealing with swords.
“I’m gonna die.” – Well, there’s some words I thought I’d never hear from Inosuke…
Oh yeah…I forgot Inosuke’s never met Giyu.
Hmm…I’ve been suspecting Rui is the member of the 12 Kizuki as a demon with lower possibility of being so (but being raised by Ply’s hint during our collab and Tanjiro’s fight), but I’m more certain of the father being the 12 Kizuki based on what the series has shown us already. Hmm…so who is it???
*starts watching Taisho Secret* Wait, where did Giyu come from??? *watches again* Oh, he appears from above…! Interesting…
Hmm…I like salmon onigiri myself. I also like tuna…most flavours, really.
Cop Craft 4
The man (?) with the purplish hair who called Kei over is meant to be a gay stereotype or at least close to one. Aside from his (?) appearance, you can tell by him (?) nding his sentences with “wa”.
Marth’s post for ep. 4 said “And Suddenly, Vampires”, so…I’m thinking about how Cop Craft actually does the horror vibe really well as I watch.
Aw, these cliffhangers suck! I’m starting to thank myself that I ran behind on every show but Demon Slayer.
Cop Craft 5
O-Oh, the CG is getting worse…
Who was the 2nd person dead? The 1st was Chapman…
Astra 5
As I’m laughing at the reactions from the makeover (because I knew this was coming), I’m simultaneously wondering…holding those scissors in the way you’re doing is dangerous, Luca!!!
Oh great…midseason animation slump. This is only the 2nd show to suffer from that this season…and I’ve only caught up on 3 shows so far.
“Mine is bigger!” “No, mine is!” – Ah, anime boys and their ability to make things vaguely Freudian when out of context…*slight sweatdrop*
*slow pan, with a final shot on Aries’s boobs* - Oh, really…? *grumpy*
*…then proceeds to do boob shots of all the girls* Oh, really?!? You wanna go, show?! You were doing so well, up until this episode!!! I didn’t read past volume 2 of the manga, so this beach stuff is all new to me!!! Plus, it sucks because boob shots are everywhere!!!
“…approach him like that…”
People have been pointing this out, but McPa = Camp, Shummoor = Mushroom, Vilavurs = Survival…so Arispade = Paradise.
Ulgar really reminds me of Tooi, even though he came first…
Dr Stone 3
Taiju’s ugly tears make me go “d’aww” now that this scene is animated…it was nice in manga format, but even better when it was moving and with colour.
Now that I think about it, Tsukasa’s “benefit of the new world” talk reminds me of Death Note.
Senku trying to steal Kamakura Buddha bronze looks like Bart Simpson…
Boueibu should’ve taught you that Hakone is home to hot springs.
Dr Stone 4
You don’t fire a smoke signal…
Oh wow, Mecha Senku! Wouldya lookit that! *points at him* He answers questions in the manga, so I didn’t think he’d get adapted!
Are those…CGI trees? Oh great, why does all shonen these days need CGI trees???
Fighting over established interests means a Thucydides trap (a mini version of which seems to be playing out here with Tsukasa)…that’s basically the only thing I remember from my old politics classes.
I just noticed Yuzuriha refers to all the boys with –kun. She wants to stay friends with all of them…I guess even Tsukasa’s on that list, huh?
Hmm…Senku’s eyes are a reddish colour, but otherwise he’s normally representd with blue to Taiju’s red…
I just realised Senku has a red pen and a black pen in one of his breast pockets.
Aww…it’s nice to have rivals who aren’t 100% evil for once. Sure, pure evil rivals are easy to write but hard to justify. Good guys with one morally wrong aspect to them are harder to write, but easier to get behind. (Plus, at least they’re not Sasuke-style angsty.)
Dr Stone 5
So…I went searching…and I was wondering why I wanted to claim Tsukasa as husbando (but man, he’s a bit more stereotypical for a gal to fall in love with – all girls like bad guys, amirite???), but as it turns out, Senku and his buds from our era (Tsukasa included) are 18 and so are ripe for the husbando/waifu picking (not to mention they’re technically over 3700 years old, which more than makes them legal for things like drinking alcohol, as Senku himself pointed out a few eps back).
D’aww…this was in the manga, but now I find Tsukasa inserting himself into Senku’s flashback cute.
Notably, Gen Asagiri appears on the front of the book this student is asking the question from. Who’s Gen Asagiri, you ask, my dear anime-only random nonexistent entity I type these notes for? You’ll find out…soon.
Hmm…Yuzuriha is more observant than we give her credit for. Also, Senku pulled a Gen Asagiri right there…LOL.
LOL…those ‘shrooms seem massively symbolic. They were also in the manga, IIRC.
Why does Yuzuriha wear a neck scarf, anyway?
Hey, they even managed to get the game-like text box right! Awesome! (It reminds me of Little Alchemy, to be honest.)
“Himo” translates to rope…or a cord. Just FYI.
Astra 6
Eyyy…this show is calling me out.
Eyyyyy…Toi vibes from Ulgar!!!
Eyyyyy…wut? I can’t believe Anime Feminist was on the money here??? (Context: The reviewer for Astra said Luca was “one ambiguously-gendered character”.)
Hey…I once read a book with a 50% similarity to this plot. (There was a gay character – not intersex - and all the characters are adopted.)
I think Xenodude said this, but…in space, nobody can hear you scream.
I’m laughing so hard…why are Kanata’s abs the thing that hurt the most? (It’s because he’s got the harness in that region…forget I asked. It’s still funny though.)
“MILD THING” – Yep, Ulgar’s gonna be mild after what happened this episode…
Ohhhhh, I didn’t understand the “hairpiece” thing until it was revealed it was a toupee through context.
Ooh, 50% chance of lying here. Who to trust, who to trust? Charce or Aries? (I trust Aries, by the way.)
Dr Stone 6
The alien explanation etc. was in the manga, but…why do all the attackers look like Senku???
Senku does his best Thinker impression.
Eyyy! Fighter vs. fighter. I love this scene, even if only because Tsukasa (and his muscles) have the upper hand in both the visual angle and the power balance, although [BLEEP <- no spoilers!] has the surprise factor.
I remember learning once blonde hair is recessive…so does that mean most of the community is blonde? (I know the answer to that, but you, my non-existent anime-discussing entity, don’t.)
I’m tempted to hear Senku scream, “This. Is. SCIENCE!!!”
Fruits Basket 15
For some reason, videos run much faster on my phone than my laptop…
Hmm…this is the first time I’m properly listening to the 2nd ED…It’s kinda like how you’d expect an ED to be: quieter than an ED, but still serving up cuteness.
Fruits Basket 16
This episode’s visually very dark…
Middle School!Tohru reminds me of Hitori Bocchi.
Smol Uo looks like Kyo.
Fruits Basket 17
(nothing this time, sorry!)
Fruits Basket 18
Oh! I remember the matching scene in the manga (where Kisa bites Tohru for the first time).
I also remember the manga Hatsuharu is reading is called “Mogeta and the Ant” (Ari).
Now you see why Tohru is Kyoko’s daughter…
“…what her hair and eye colour were.”
Fruits Basket 19
The ep is called “I’m So Sorry!”…I think I know who’s going to star in this episode, alright…
For some reason, when I see Ritsu and Mitchan apologising to each other, I think of me and Astral…(LOL…?)
…Or maybe it reminds me of Zenitsu…?
Eyyyyyyyy, A-ya is A-ya…
This overly-apologetic character of Ritsu…this is why Martin was my favourite character back in the original Ro.Te.O days…*sighs while basking in nostalgia*
Demon Slayer 19
This episode’s been hyped since last week. Let’s get on with it!
Ooh, no pattern on this title card…
Wow (sarcastic), talk about infighting…but amazingly, I found Inosuke’s art shift to be funny for once in my life! (Amazing!...and yes, the exclamation of “Amazing!” is sincere)
Using terror is…well, Machiavellian. Hard power. You get my drift, right?
So basically, Rui breaks down the nuclear family for us.
Wait a flippin’ second…Hinokami (god of fire)? Charcoal selling? Water Breathing??? One of these is not like the others, for sure.
I get the feeling the father’s dance was recorded as video then converted to animation by ufotable staff…that’s what they did for YoI, no?
“The cold won’t bother you, either.” - Well, due to his fire theming, the cold never bothered Tanjiro anyway…*echoes of “Let It Go” suddenly play in the background*
Go for it, Nezuko! Be the Bakugo of the Demon Slayer world!
According to the credits, Tanjiro’s dad’s name is Tanjuro…that’s confusing, to say the least…
(Sorry Astral, the background noise while I was watching meant I did’t watch it with sound on…Also, is it wrong that I think the dad is hot??? Another thing: why do Tanjuro and Tanjiro have matching scars on their temples…?)
One of Tanjiro’s bros looks like Zenitsu??? Wuh???
Ooh, insert song “Kamado Tanjiro’s Song” by Go Shiina ft Nami Nakagawa. I’ll have to listen to it when I can. (Ever since SGRS, I’ve loved Go Shiina’s work…guess I didn’t expect it here, though.) Update: Misattributed the work. Go Shiina does videogame work, Sheens Ringo did SGRS stuf.
Given 3
I never knew that asking someone into a band was like asking someone out…(probably because I’ve never been in a band).
Given’s a frickin’ riot – that’s one reason I stuck with it.
I forgot Mafuyu was underage…!
Cop Craft 6
That car chase was basically Need for Speed…with worse graphics…
I followed Kei’s advice to Google Jeffrey Dahmer…and I regret it.
The text says “Someone from the Semanian gang of thieves made contact.”
I didn’t make sense of “I hate being McCloud” until I rewound a bit and found that’s a disguise or alter ego of Tony’s.
“Shift the transmission into ‘Reverse’. The car will begin to roll backward sharply…” - The driving instructions are real, at least.
Given 4
Ehhhhh…still shots…
Kaji sure looks tough for a violinist…but a music major? Never thought he’d be one…(I saw some spoilers saying Kaji was a violinist before I watched the episode, hence my lack of surprise in that department.)
Not everyone’s in a band, y’know…
$120…? Nasty…
Ah, a layby? I don’t actually know what other countries call it, but where I am they’re called laybys, not layaways. (At the charity store I volunteer at, they call ‘em “holds”, though…which makes things even more confusing.)
Watching th first ep at the anime club made me realise that one had a piano version of Marutsuke, while this one is standard Marutsuke.
Given 5
Ooh, I see English-translated lyrics! Nice one, subbers! By the way, the title of the OP “Kizuato” sounds like it should translate to “Traces of Scars/Wounds” in English, but it’s in katakana, so I can’t confirm that…
It seems joining a band is a metaphor for love in this show…(see ep. 3 notes for more on that)
Holy moly! I’m still fairly new to BL/yaoi in general, so two-timing the boyfriend is not a trope ‘ve seen before, let alone dealt with in my head…
Ooh, more translated lyrics! That (ED singer) does sound like Mafuyu, come to think of it…
0 notes