#my school has terrible guys but omg are the girls stunning.
nordicbananas · 6 months
i love being bisexual
women are jus so
men are fine too ig
we're bi buddies fr
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oldsargasso · 2 months
4 Minutes ep 2 thoughts
stream of conscious thoughts under the cut
the ATMOSPHERE!!! the LIGHTING. perfect. don't remember who anyone is or what they look like so no idea who that is. not the best way to kill a man but I understand the need for brutality sometimes
I am kissing the camerawork on the head and tucking it into bed I love it SO much.
I love the way this actress delivers her lines with such believable weariness/exhaustion. she's at the end of her rope and you can feel it.
oohhh that LOOK still gets me. Great holding onto the papers slightly too long, he's useless just like us :)
hospital staff are powered by gossip so this scene is perfect. bisexual Tyme is canon and beautiful.
genuine question: should we recognise any of these people?
22% battery??? at 8.45AM god Great is a MESS.
okay so his school buddy is the dick from the previous scene. I like his dangly earring.
omg he killed her didn't he!! this is why you shouldn't date men
turquoise lockers was a bold choice but I love it
if I could eat cinematography I would be doing that rn. that noise in the background is 10/10. more flashes or just remembering?
"I have something fun for you to help with" at 11pm? girl that is not the way
Great was NOT concerned enough about his friend locking his girlfriend away for my liking. but I do enjoy that he's sometimes terrible.
let bible say fuck! 😔
I wanna live in tv world where being knocked unconscious for a while doesn't have any permnanent consequences
a bar fight? show us that please
is it a lighthouse? in the opening scene I thought like a guard tower. anyway the moving light works so well I want every scene lit like this
my one criticism…that's not the right noise for bashing someone's head in with a rock.
wow they're both terrible at punching you love to see it
omg Great's face. a poor little meow meow for SURE
that might be the most superfluous hood ever. the black scrubs are a Look imo
!! a little primping!! THE SHIRT TUCK. Bee clocked him immediately. this is gonna fuel night shift for hours (powered by gossip!) try a power pose Tyme my guy. the dude has a headwound he may see two of you
okAY. is this standard procedure mr doctor
omg the funky music. I need to consume the whole soundtrack immediately
Great is sooo useless I love him
why wouldn't you just say you saw his name on the chart Tyme my god
this nurse...my love…marry me
that pause was Tyme evaluating if Great's hot enough to combat the crazy
if he's dead does someone know where View (?) is and can free her!!
this is a stunning indictement of whoever processed the crime scene originally
god we're definitely supposed to recognise some of these dudes aren't we 😬 sorry your brother (?) died, whoever you are
well whatever cop has dead guy's phone knows who did it by now Great
oh thank god great got View out
the ticking clock as the soundtrack to this fight…chef's kiss
WAIT I THOUGHT HE WAS A HALLUCINATION WHO IS DEAD what is HAPPENING. has the good doctor being doing a little light stalking perhaps
Tyme's actor is the king of micro expressions. love the progression from "damn I should've been nice" to "well if he isn't going to be nice…"
smooth mr doctor smooth. although I thought he was gonna go for "just to be safe I'll walk you home"
also I'm just saying next episode Great should have serious bruIsing on his neck
oh no…such a shame….no online gambling….
ohhh it was THIS guy. okay. not showing us who the picture is I see! (idk if there's a guy missing that we've seen before or what because I can't remember anyone except the two leads) brutal. dump that guy! although I thought it was gonna be this guy involved in hacking the gambling sites idk
that shot through the wine glass omgggg. wasn't really paying attention to what else happened in this scene because I'm too busy psychically willing this woman to marry me
TYME with the secret business OKAY. so excited to see how this plays out!! I'm hoping ep 3 kick starts the plot a bit more
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 years
Genshin Impact OC-Carol Ann
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"My journey for knowledge brought me to the most stunning places, I hope one day I will be able to uncover the hidden secrets of Liyue."
Name: Carol Ann
Gender: Female
Height: 172 cm
Birthday: 16th of April
Nation and Affiliation: Liyue
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Vision: Dendro
Weapon: Polearm
Stars: 4
Constellation: Florus An
Special Dish: Good Fortune Flower Crisp
Titles: Miss Tourist Guide
Burst: Natures Cage- Traps a area in Vines and then does Dendro damage inside the Cage.
Carol was born in Mondstadt however at a young age she and her parents went to Liyue a lot for vacations so she took huge interest in the country. She studied as a researcher at first but then decided to become a Tourist Guide, showing her customers around the country and customs. She can be quite excited about certain Topics, for example Rex Lapis or the Jade chamber, however she keeps a Level head when presenting facts. Her thirst for knowledge is hard to quench and she has tons of theories she loves to make Up in her head. Is a terrible Cook, but more in the way that her good looks horrible but actually tasted good.
Lotus flowers are her favourite and she tends to build them in her Outfits a Lot.
Relationship to other characters:
"Despite His cunningness and his way to Charm others, I always feel awkward when He flirts with me…. I feel a hint of fakeness which makes me uncomfortable. Sure He is attractive but I tend to get out of a talk with him fast."
"Although I love books and visit the Library each time I visit Mondstadt… Lisa gets slightly on my nerves, given how she calls me Cutie everytime… why do so many people in Mondstadt try to hit on me… I just wanted to read."
"I really admire her. She seems like the only real level headed Person of the Knights and her Combat skills are pretty good in my book. I offer her my help when I visit Mondstadt because she always seems so overworked… I hope she is Not pushing it…"
"Although I enjoy his songs, I worry about his drinking habits… I had to ask Diluc because I thought He was a Young Boy… but I guess Not… quite suspicions, He also seems to know way too much about the God Barbatos, so I thought either He is a secret researcher who knows his stuff or… Nevermind these are just my theories."
"Diluc is interesting to talk to. I actually do enjoy spending time at His tavern, not only to gather information but also I think he is pretty handsome and looks reliable… Yeah there is that bitter side but as long as you dont piss him Off, He is fun to talk with to me.``
"Omg Omg, the famed Yaksha! I only saw him once by luck during a fight but I have so many questions for him, given how much I read about him. He looks so cool, Ah… I hope one day I can interview him."
"Probably one of my favourite Persons to talk to when coming back to Liyue… Most of the Trivia I can share with my customers came from him and books. He knows so much about Rex Lapis and the History of Liyue and I just always listen in awe when He tells the Stories… If He would know Rex Lapis personally I would believe him. Usually I tend to bring back special things I find on my journey to him for His Funeral Parlour. That is our deal kinda. Such a handsome and interesting man, ah…"
Hu Tao:
"Urgh, she seems to know a lot but never willing to share, I want to so badly exchange some Info with her but she always finds a way to trick me… so I have Up."
"I usually meet him at the bookstore and we exchange some fun talks, usually both talking about our journeys. Quite diligent for his young age. I do also share some of his views but He needs to give more credit to his work. "
"Razor went from Scary Wolf Boy who appeared out of nowhere to one of the Persons I would wanna protect with my Life. His talking is sometimes hard to comprehend, I did offer to teach him but He refused, but He always looks so precious when I tend to use my plant Magic. Like a kid who first went to school.
I do hope he enjoys his life in the Woods."
"She is a very sweet Girl and her Research is incredible. I found my ways to approach her without scaring her and thanks to that I learned quite a Lot about Alchemy and shared some of my theories as well. If only there wasnt that other guy…".
"I know He is popular among Others but lets say I really don't like him. Talking to him is quite the pain, given how distant He is… I fear His research could pose problems If used wrong. The only thing I do enjoy are his drawings but on most Levels I see him more as someone to avoid."
"The Jade chamber was one of the best visits I ever had in my Life… I wish the Tianquan allowed me to search everything there thoroughly, but oh well… Lady Ningguang is a person I look Up to, maybe even an Idol of mine. I hope one day I can become as pretty and sucessfull as her…"
"We tend to work together, given as with my job as Tourist Guide I bring her many new customers during my Tours. Her good is incredible and I admire how she Experiments with everything to make it Work. I hope she makes Lessons because I could really need someone who saves my cooking…"
"Because I really enjoy Rock'n'Roll I tend to bring my customers to her Concert and hope more people will find their Love for it. Xinyan is incredible and gives you so much Energy when watching her concerts.
I wish I had the confidence to go on Stage with her cause it seems quite fun."
If you have Questions for her, ask away.
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redisriding · 4 years
The Right Swipe - Chapter Four
A Court of Thorns and Roses Modern AU Fanfic
All character’s belong to the wonderful Sarah J Maas.
Tag List: @superspiritfestival  @duskandstarlight @perseusannabeth​ @courtofjurdan​ @omg-aelin​ @keshavomit​ @rainbowcheetah512​
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“What about this one?”
“No, it still doesn’t look right.”
“How are you both bigger and smaller than me at the same time?”
“All my suits are tailored to me, they’re not the cheap off the rack stuff you buy.”
“You say that like I own more than one suit.”
“Don’t you?”
“Nope. One suit. I wear it weddings and funeral, that’s it.”
“Then why do you need to wear one tonight?”
“Because, Rhys said this place is fancy, as in dress code fancy. They have some stupid rule about wearing jackets.” Cass sighed. He thought it would be easy to borrow something of Az’s to wear tonight for his date with Nesta, they were roughly the same size. Turned out Az was both leaner and slightly taller than he, and when the former got his clothes tailored, they looked stupid on the latter. There was no point asking Rhys, if Az’s jackets didn’t fit Cassian, Rhys’s definitely wouldn’t.
Az cocked his head to one side surveying Cassian. “Why are you bringing her to this place anyway?”
“Because it’s fancy and she’s the kind of girl who you have to bring fancy places.”
“Perhaps, but you’re not fancy—.”
“No, hear me out. You have been talking to this girl and you like her, correct?”
“You’re getting dinner so you can get to know each other better, yeah?”
“But this guy,” Azriel gestured to Cassian standing in front of him in an ill-fitting suit, “Is not who you are. You don’t go to fancy restaurants that have dress codes and names of food you can’t pronounce or alcohol you can’t afford. And this girl…Nesta?”
“She has been getting to know you over the last week and a half too. She must like you if she’s agreed to go on a date. Do you not think she’s going to realise pretty quickly that a fancy restaurant is not your scene at all.”
Cassian sat down on the end of Azriel’s bed and put his head in his hands. He did not need this right now. He was nervous enough about his date with Nesta he didn’t need his best friend to undermine his plans for the evening with logic. 
“I don’t stand a chance with her if I don’t take her somewhere nice. I know she’s been on dates with other guys, I’m sure they’ve brought her to the best places in Velaris. I need to go all out if I want to impress her.”
“Who cares where other guys take her, she’s single and going on a dat with you, so it clearly hasn’t worked out with them.”
“All the more reason to go all out.”
“Be real Cass, you don’t stand a chance with her at all if she thinks that you really are whoever you’re pretending to be tonight. Sooner or later it’s all going to come tumbling down.” 
When he looked back on it later Cassian would realise that not only were Azriel’s words true, but they weren’t really intended for Cassian. They were words that he wanted to say to someone else. Someone who had lead him to believe that they were one thing, a thing that Azriel fell in love with, and when that person revealed their truth, his whole world crumbled. 
But in the moment, confronted with his own insecurities, Cass didn’t react the way he wished later he had. 
“That’s the thing though Az, girls don’t like the real me.”
“Girls like you—.”
“No Az, they don’t! Girls like you, they always have. Mysterious Azriel, he’s so handsome, he’s so smart, he’s so talented,” Cassian was aware that his tone had turned mocking but it was too late for him to roll back on it, “they liked you before you had fame and money, they sure as hell like you more now. If you weren’t so terrified of having your heart broken again then maybe you would see it too.”
He knew he had said the wrong thing the second the words were out of his mouth. Regret flooded Cassian as Az recoiled from him as if he had been dealt a physical blow. 
He stood from the foot of his bed where they both sat and headed for the door. 
“No, Az, I’m sorry I didn’t mean that…I just—.”
“Good luck on your date tonight Cass,” Azriel said cutting him off. “I hope for your sake you don’t fuck it up.”
Azriel’s words, his wounded expression, bounced around in Cassian’s head an hour later as he stood outside the entrance to the House of Wind. 
Okay, that was a lie. He couldn’t standing still. He was pacing up and down the sidewalk, no doubt wearing away the soles of Azriel’s shoe’s he had stuffed his feet into. They were the only thing he wore that fit. 
Cassian didn’t think he’d ever been as nervous in his entire life. Then again, he had never been on a proper date before. 
He’d had drinks before. When they were in school, he would hound Az into asking one of the girls who hung around the hockey team out for milkshakes, and convince her to bring a friend for Cassian. It always ended the same though, he would gaze longingly at the girl, trying to strike up conversation, while she would have eyes for no-one but Azriel. It was pathetic, and Cassian remembered being awkward, but never nervous. Maybe because Azriel’s presence meant there was no real chance of anything happening. No risk of being rejected by someone he really wanted. 
Later he would sometimes ask Emerie for a drink as a prelude to their evening. He liked the company. 
But he had never been on a ‘try to find out if we’re compatible enough to spend the rest of our lives together over the course of a dinner’ date before. 
And he was terrified. 
He desperately wanted to run his hands through his hair, a nervous habit of his. He had tried a couple of times too. Only then to remember that he had gelled his wild mane in place in order to look presentable for tonight. 
The doormen eyed him as he paced back and forth, like they knew he didn’t belong there. If there was one thing that Cassian learnt living in the mountains however, was that you should never show weakness. Not to the wild creatures that lived in the forrest, not in the face of the potentially deadly weather, and certainly not in front of the battled hardened locals. 
So, he met those stares right back with a menacing one of his own. 
His fingers found the soft petals of the rose he held. He had bought it for Nesta from one of those carts that rolled around the city, catching men unawares as they strolled with their ladies. He knew it was an over priced and cheesy but it had felt right. 
He might not be the kind of guy who wears suits and eats in fancy places often, but he knew that if he had a girl he would absolutely dote on her. And so a single rose seemed like a good place to start. 
It was on what felt like his millionth time passing the restaurant that he saw her. Crossing the road towards him, she emerged from the bustle of pedestrians like Aphrodite from her shell. 
Cassian’s world seemed to slow. The nerves that flooded his body became still. The only thing that he was aware of was his breathing and her. 
Nesta. Nesta. Nesta. 
Something deep inside of him was called to the surface at the sight of her. 
She was every bit as stunning if not more than she was in her pictures, brought to life by movement. 
Dressed in a simple, yet elegant grey dress, her hair was coiled on top of her head. It was then that he remembered her bio, how apt it was, a queen that he would have to earn.
“Cassian?” She asked, her expression quizzical as she neared him. 
“Hi—,” Cassian squeaked. Squeaked! He hadn’t heard his voice that high since his balls had dropped. Loudly clearing this throat, he tried again. “How are you?”
“Good thanks. How are you?” She came to a stop, looking up at him with deep stormy eyes that cut right to his core. 
His head emptied as he gazed down at her. She was so much smaller than him, her head reached the middle of his chest. Her body was soft and curvy; deliciously feminine, but her face…the pictures didn’t do her beauty justice. The depth of her eyes, which she had lined with kohl for dramatic effect. Her high cheek bones. And Cassian didn’t allow his gaze to drop to her lips, which she had painted a deep red. It was sinful.
He was still motionless, gaping like a fish, when she moved. Stepping closer to him and rising up onto her tiptoes, she placed a hand gently on his shoulder to steady herself. A jolt of electricity shot through Cassian, his senses suddenly shocked back into action. 
He leaned down to meet her. He went to his left as Nesta went to her right. Instead of bussing cheeks, he ended up colliding with her mouth. 
His lips met hers. 
It was only a gentle brush. 
And only for a second. 
But it was fireworks. 
Like a star exploded somewhere inside of him.
Cassian’s fists clenched as he tried to restrain himself from grabbing Nesta and pulling her onto him right in the middle of the busy street. 
A small laugh came from Nesta as she stepped back. Her cheeks were stained faintly pink. 
It only added to her beauty. 
Cassian felt his own cheeks heat, and knew that in comparison he resembled a tomato. 
He looked down, away from her for a moment, and cringed. The rose was a crumpled mess in his thick palm. He flushed further. He wished he could hide it, or dump it in a bin somewhere, but Nesta had already seen.
“Eh…this is for you,” he thrust the rose awkwardly at her. 
Nesta accepted the rose with a wry smile, “You shouldn’t have.”
“I really shouldn’t have,” Cassian sighed, “I’ve already ruined this date and it hasn’t even started properly.” 
Nesta didn’t seem to hear. She looked down at the rose, rubbing one of the crushed petals between her finger tips. 
Cassian just watched her for a moment, unsure what to say. Maybe he should call the whole thing off now, to save whatever dignity he had left.
But when Nesta looked back up at him, something in her face had changed. “So, shall we go in?”
Nesta had to suppress a laugh. The date was going badly. Terribly even. It was categorically, beyond a shadow of a doubt the worst date that she had ever been on. 
Cassian was not what Nesta had expected at all. The person sitting across the table from her was not the sexy mountain man from his pictures, whom she had been messaging for the last week and a half. 
Another lesson in online dating, she supposed, you really need to meet a person in order to get to know them. 
But that was just it. Nesta didn’t think she was getting to know Cassian at all. 
Instead, she was on a date with the person Cassian thought she wanted him to be. 
She should have guessed when he had first suggested that they get dinner at the House of Wind that it was somewhere he thought she expected to be brought, rather than somewhere he would ever actually go. 
Nesta had been to the House of Wind on many occasions, most recently a few days previously when she had met another Swipe date, Eris, here for drinks. A fact that Nesta thought was best not to mention to Cassian. 
The House of Wind might be fancy, but it was cliché. The kind of place men brought women to lubricate them - socially, with alcohol - before they brought them home to their bed. 
Sure, that was what Eris had done, wasn’t it?
On the many previous occasions that Nesta had been at the House of Wind she had never seen a guy like Cassian there. 
The type of guy who, in an attempt to look presentable, used so much gel in his wild hair that it more closely resembled a helmet. Who cobbled together a suit, that clearly neither matched nor belonged to him, in order to meet the dress code.
The type of guy who brought his date a crumpled rose to impress her. 
The gesture was so tender that something hard inside Nesta’s chest had cracked at the sight of it.
Thomas had only bought flowers to appease Nesta after an argument. ‘Now let us forget about all that’ he would say to her. Flowers were a sign that he was done arguing and wanted to sweep the matter under the rug, resolved or not.
Nesta glanced at the rose that was lying on the table beside her. She knew, regardless of how this date ended, she was going to bring it home and put it in water. And then, when it eventually died, she was going to press it gently between the pages of a book and keep it forever. 
A memory of this night. 
That she was deserving of someone who cared about her. 
Cassian cared. He cared about impressing her, about making sure she had a good night. He cared so much about what Nesta thought of him that it was stifling any attempt of getting to know him. 
And he was nervous. 
That much was apparent when he clumsily bungled their greeting. 
He still had lipstick on his face from when he’d accidentally kissed her. It had only been the faintest of brushes of their lips, but Nesta’s heart had leapt. 
Something had ignited inside of her like a burning fire. 
More than it had when Devlin had taken her to his bed the night before. Even with his head between her legs she hadn’t felt that much of thrill. 
So Nesta didn’t tell Cassian about the lipstick.
“Everything okay?” She asked, as Cassian looked up from the bill that had been handed to him.
“Eh…yeah. It’s just…” he blanched. 
Whatever he was going to say he decided better of it. “Nothing,” Cassian shook his head, “I just need to make a quick call. I’ll be right back.” 
Cassian hurried away from the table, towards the door. Once he was out of view, Nesta leaned across the table and picked up the bill. 
She figured she hadn’t known he was ordering $100 glasses of whiskey. She probably should have said something, but she didn’t want to emasculate him. Other men she dated would not have reacted well to that. 
Beckoning for the waiter, she pulled her credit card from her purse. 
The date was truly awful, and yet Nesta found herself utterly endeared. 
Across town, squeezed into a tiny little sushi restaurant, Elain laughed. Harder than she had laughed in a very long time. 
Maybe it was the foreign feeling of food warming her belly, or the Sake that she had been sipping, but Elain was pretty sure it was the company itself. 
“That’s not true!” She giggled at Lucien’s latest punchline. 
“I swear it on my life,” he said, his eyes going wide, sincere. 
“I still don’t believe you.”
“Scouts honour!”
“I bet you weren’t even in the Scouts.”
Lucien laughed, raising his hands in the air, caught. “Okay, I was not in the Scouts…But that doesn’t make it any less true.”
Elain giggled again. Lucien was not only more handsome in person, but his easy and charming nature had put Elain at ease from the beginning. 
“Elain.” Lucien said, his laughter dying. 
“I think this place is closing.” 
“What? Oh!” Elain looked behind her to find the restaurant empty and the staff beginning to clean up. Tucked into a little nook, Elain felt like her and Lucien could have been in a world of their own. 
Elain glanced at her phone. There was a text from Feyre in their sister group chat, wishing her and Nesta good luck on her respective dates, but it was the time that had Elain jumping up. 
“Oh figglesticks, the time! I must hurry if I want to make the last train.”
Lucien gave her an amused look. “Figglesticks?”
Elain felt herself blush, “Sorry, I’m just used to being with children all day. It’s bad to swear.”
“I think it’s very sweet,” he said with a soft smile, “Let me just pay and I’ll walk you to the train.”
Elain made a move to pull her purse from her bag but Lucien stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm, a shiver went through her. “This is on me,” he said. 
“You’re very kind,” she said, blushing again. 
It had been a long time since a man had done anything like that for her. In an instant the warm mood of the evening evaporated, fear overtaking her. What if Lucien was only paying because he wanted something from her in return? Was she safe walking with him to the train stations? What if he dragged her down an alleyway and had his way with her? Leaving her cold and crying with no way to get home. 
Elain closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. This were the kind of intrusive, anxious thoughts that she had been working to overcome with her therapist. 
There was nothing in Lucien’s behaviour tonight to suggest that he was anything other than a nice guy.
“Ready?” He asked, returning from paying for their meal. 
He offered her his arm as they stepped out into the cold autumn night. 
“The nights here are beautiful,” he said, gazing up at the clear nights sky. 
“Velaris is the best place to go star gazing.” 
“Sure looks that way.” 
“Have you been here for Starfall?”
“Not yet, I’m looking forward to it.”
“My sister always throws a huge party to celebrate. It is really spectacular.” 
“I can only imagine.”
The continued like that, strolling along on the empty streets, looking at the sky, chatting about nothing in particular until they reached the train station. 
“So…” Lucien said, coming to a stop, “I had a really great time tonight.”
“Me too!”
“You sound surprised?”
Elain shrugged, “I guess I didn’t really know what to expect.”
“Would you maybe like to do it again sometime?”
“Yes, I would really like that.”
“Good,” Lucien smiled. 
He hesitated for a moment, before deciding to lean in.
Elain held her breath, her fingers wrapping around the keys in her pocket. A pathetic weapon, but one that might make the difference if she needed it. 
But Lucien simply brushed his lips to her cheek before pulling back. “Safe home, Elain.”
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ashelbygirl · 5 years
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Dishonorable intentions. | Thomas Shelby x Reader Imagine.
Part I.
*Sidenotes: So... yesterday I was watching the notebook and thought it would be cute to do this! I totally stole the idea from there so... hope you like it.
*Resume: You’re a volunteer nurse in France, that when you meet Thomas. Months later he goes looking for you.
Thomas saw YN the first moment he arrived to the tent that served as “hospital” for the British soldiers. Her beautiful smile was the first thing he saw when he got there. He was walking, everything in him was numb, so numb he didn’t even realized almost every part of his body was wounded or fractured. He was stunned by her. They were seconds but Tommy could bet she walked in slow motion just so he could registered her face and never forget her. And then, she met his gaze. Her smile vanished while she ran to get to him. He looked terribly and YN was pretty sure he was going to die. But Tommy didn’t die. Soon, the doctors and other nurses arrived and helped him, his eyes began to close after seeing her smile ran away, after that he didn’t seem to remember anything else. He does remember thinking YN wasn’t supposed to be there. She was way to perfect, way to innocent, way to pure. Tommy could see the way she walked, the way she talked and he knew she wasn’t a street girl. She was classy in every single way, she was well educated and god she was beautiful. Her body, her face, her lips, her eyes. He wanted her and he’ll get her. Thomas didn’t remembered ever wanting someone as much as he wanted her. Tommy was in shock, and not for the beautiful girl who stole his mind, but because of everything that just went down right in front of him. Dani was going to get killed, Freddie was going to get killed and he was certainly going to get killed if he didn’t attacked those french soldiers and it wasn’t until two days later when YN arrived next to him to help him get up, that his mind went on again. It was like the pause was gone and everything came back to him just in a second.
YN on the other hand, was on her last year of college when she volunteered as a nurse’s aide for the First World War. She was a student on Sarah Lawrence College in New York. A british girl living in the new world. YN was a well known socialite who always felt like a misfit. YN always wanted more and in her biggest dreams, she wanted to became the first woman to be lawyer even if that wasn’t allowed, she knew since a toddler that the rules were made for being broken and creating you own. Her family being one of the wealthiest families in Europe made sure that their little girl could do anything she wanted, even if that was studying. Her dad was a big lawyer while her mother was an artist, her brother was a student in law school and also her best friend and confident, before he was called to service their country and went to fight in representation of England.
YN could still remember the day he said goodbye. She flew from Manhattan to London the same day she found out her brother, Alex was leaving for war. Funny thing was she never thought it would be the last day she would see her brother. He left. Months went by and no one had any idea of how or where Alex was, if he was dead or alive, it was unknown and for someone that loved control and knowing everything, it was killing YN. So she made a decision. She was celebrating the holidays at London with her parents when she got the news that the government needed nurses to go to war. They needed nurses that would be sent to France so they could help the wounded soldiers. So she enlisted herself and a month later she was in France trying to help whoever she could, with the hope of finding Alex in one of those injured man that needed her help. She was determinate to find him. To her, the broken man with shattered bodies who filled the war were all her brother or someone who fought beside him.
So there she was, in a tent that tried to be a hospital or at least the closest thing to it, at the middle of the night trying to take care of at least 50 men only at her watch. Checking in every single one of them every time she had the chance. Praying for one of them to be Alex. She was exhausted, her eyes didnt have the light that distinguished her anymore and you could sense how tired she was. She was about to lost her hope. She wanted to go home but she wasn’t the type of girl who would just give up. YN walked to one of the men who’s injuries where pretty serious. He was really beaten up. If she remembered correctly, he attacked some French soldiers while trying to save his mates but the results were him having fractured ribs and her face looking crazy with bruises and blood, while his leg was also fractured. There was something mysterious about him. He didn’t speak. Not once. He had two days there and not even a single word came out from his mouth, but YN wasn’t intrigued or shocked about it as the other nurses seemed to be, she was very busy trying to find her brother while saving the life of hundred of men to even look at him. Oh but when she did.
-Sir? I’m gonna lift you up, is that okay? We need you to start moving your body so it doesn’t get numb okay? -YN didn’t even waited for an answer before she started to hold him with all her strength and made him sit on the bed he was laying seconds ago.- Okay! There we go. Now I’m gonna bring this leg over. -She talked to him with a smile on her face. She was a true believer that a smile could save someone’s life. YN started to help him put his leg down on the floor.- Set it on the stool. Are you okay?
-Tommy. Thomas.- The blue eyed man spoke for the first time in days and she was pretty surprised. It could only meant he was starting to recover from the trauma. The thing was YN wasn’t sure who was Thomas or why he was looking for him, so she wasn’t sure what he was trying to say.
-Hm?-She grumped while taking his temperature and vitals. There was something strange about this guy, but being so close to his face made YN feel safe. Safe even when everything could explode in just seconds.
-I mean... My name is Thomas, Thomas Shelby.- Something strange happened in Tommy, he was really nervous and could feel his hands sweat every time she came close to him. He didn’t knew what was going on but the girl standing in front of him made him nervous, even when she also made him feel like home. YN didn’t knew this but for Thomas, being close to her made him feel secure. It made him feel better. It helped him forget or deal with everything that’s has been going on.
-Well, nice to meet you Thomas... I’m YN, YN Casiraghi.- She said with a true smile on her face.- So, Thomas, how are you feeling?
-Miss, can I ask you a question?- It was like Thomas didn’t listen to the question she just asked and YN didn’t do anything but get out a sight.
-I noticed that you aren’t wearing a ring and I was wondering if I could take you out.-Tommy looked into her eyes trying to know what would the response to his proposition would be.
-Excuse me?- YN was surprised for the straightforwardness that Tommy had but she did was getting used to soldiers asking her out, the only difference was that normally, other soldiers would try to get know her first and even when they did that, YN always made them clear that she wasn’t interested. Oh but not with Thomas Shelby. She was interested.
-On a date. I was wondering If I could take you out on a date. And before you go and say no, I’ll have you know that I’m an excellent dancer and my intentions are completely dishonorable.-He started to cough after de efforts he had been doing, even if it was just minutes.- I want you YN and I’m gonna get you.
-Ok Casanova, come on. Let’s put you down. -She talked while laughing a little bit, she was sure he was crazy or probably just drugged.-How about this, let’s just get you better and then we’ll talk about a date ok?- YN just chuckled while she helped Thomas lay on the bed again.- Good night Thomas.
-Goodnight love.
Hours after her talk with Tommy, YN got the news she feared to get. Alex was dead and the body was never found. She could feel everything in her world turn into pieces. Everything was over now. She didn’t think it twice and left. Hours later she was on a plane that would take her back to London, a plane that would take her back to her old back. Everything was so fast and traumatic that she didn’t even remembered that she had met Thomas. Everything was a blur.
The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months and later, the months were years. YN graduated from college and deciden to go back to London to try help his father with work and try to apply the things she’d learnt at college. They time went by fast, she tried to go out, meet new people and even date, but there was always something missing. She, yet again, wanted more. She needed passion, she needed rush, adrenaline and someone reckless. She wanted everything she alway read on her favorite books. She wanted all.
Sponge cake, Russian cigarettes, Florentines, sugar tarts, and chocolate chip buns with dry-roasted chocolate bean grué follow in the wake of an exceptional tea selection from the prestigious house TWG. It was a Friday afternoon, she was walking back home from her favorite tea room with her friends on her sides. There is no ritual that YN loved more than the afternoon tea, that special late-afternoon moment of lingering conversations and secrets shared. While YN and her friends walked on the street laughing, YN could notice a car and a man in front of her house. Who was he and why he was waiting there?
-Hm, who’s him sweetheart?-Sophie asked her while eating the man alive with her eyes. Everyone could notice that her friends were undressing the man in their imaginations.
-Omg, he’s so dreamy ! I think I might be in love...-Louise said with a little chuckle. She loved to flirt and her heart was pretty big.- God, YN he’s staring at you!!!
-Shh... he’s probably looking for my dad or something.-YN didn’t even looked at him twice. More like, she didn’t even looked at him at all. She completely ignored him and passed thru him to start looking for her house keys so she and her friends could come inside. But she wasn’t dumb at all, she could feel the eyes of the man piercing her back. He wanted her to turn around. YN didn’t plan on turning around.
-Aye! Miss?- The man shouted at her, and everything froze for her in that moment. Slowly she turned around, even when she knew who was the man standing in there. After all this time, could it be him? He was waiting for her.- I’m all better now, so how about that date? -Thomas started to walk towards her, with an almost imperceptible cocky grin on his face. There was something YN needed to understand, Thomas Shelby always gets what he wants.
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
do you have any web kdrama recs? I'll do a trade and recommend Banana Actually- the whole series is 20 minutes long (at most) very good, digestible, and has some ~good~ kiss scenes.
i’ll check it out!! i do have lots of webdrama recs hehe ^^ i recommended most of them yesterday but here is a larger list of only webdramas !! it’s kinda long, so i put a keep reading !!
like- a korean webdrama that you can find on youtube starring kim yu an, kim kangmin (maybe, maybe not), yoo jungwoo (love after school), and seo ji hye- about a group of students who create a film club to make youtube videos and the dumb shit they get into, plus there’s some romance, betrayal, and fuckboys.- so so so so cute honestly. the dynamic between the characters of the club is so cute and funny, plus the love triangle has me wheezing. also the asshole fuckboy gets what he deserves which is super satisfying. it hasn’t finished airing yet, but so far it’s really cute
failing in love- korean webdrama  you can find on youtube starring son sang yeon (triple fling), yang hye ji, and shin yoon seop- about a group of high schoolers who deal with falling in love, crushes, rejection, etc.- ok so the summary i gave was pretty vague but that’s because any more and i’d be exposing the whole plot. there is humor and fluff but also teenage angst, and the characters are all more complex than they first appear. i would highly recommend this show !!!
want more 19- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung ha joon, sin gi hwan,  jeon yoo rim, nam yoon soo, and lee jungha- a story of 5 friends in high school. A mutual crush, a one-sided love, and a rough patch for sweethearts, all taking place right around the end their senior year- OH GOD i can’t breathe this drama is so cute. it had me squealing every single episode, and it’s very lighthearted with hardly any angst
triple fling (s1)- a short choose-your-own-ending  korean webdrama on youtube starring jung bomin, son sangyeon (failing in love), themanblk’s jeongyou, and themanblk’s eom sewoong- lee sehee accidentally becomes friends with the three most popular boys in school and ends up in a love square with them- alright im whipped for stuff like this so naturally i loved it. i also really liked how viewers could choose their own ending as for which boy she chose. there is a second season that i haven’t seen yet that focuses on another girl in ANOTHER love square (containing one of the guys from sehee’s love square) in which it shows which boy she actually did choose (and it was my favorite so . yay!)
when you love yourself (s1)- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung mingyu (sweet revenge 2) and saet byeol .- about a girl who is heavier than her classmates who struggles with self-love and self-acceptance, and along the way finds love- god. i can’t even explain how much i loved this drama. the message is wonderful and there’s no moment where she glows up and loses weight and then gets the guy’s attention or anything: he simply loves her as who she is, no matter what weight she is, and is supportive. there’s also an episode that focuses on the queen bee girl who also struggles with weight and self-love and it’s just beautiful
my woofy poofy love / my dog-like dating- a short korean webdrama you can find on youtube starring chae ji an and kim do hoon (your imagination becomes reality)- a girl who has recently been cruelly dumped by her boyfriend brings a stray dog back to her home and wakes up to find that instead of a dog, there is a man! she happens to be looking for a roommate, and so this man (who can turn into a dog) becomes her new housemate- literally adorable. female lead is stunning and the relationship is so cute and fluffy and innocent, but the kiss is steamy as hell.
ok to be sensitive (s1)- a webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim da ye and kim youngdae (extraordinary you) and others im too lazy to put- focuses on feminist issues like sexism and sexual harassment in a college setting, which each episode focusing on one particular incident and the characters dealing with it- listen so like . this show had me emotional at some points bc of how amazing the message was. it dealt with sexual harassment, sexism, how females are expected to act, stalking, pressure to have sex… etc and basically every episode was like . you can stand up for yourself. you don’t have to “take it” just bc you’re a female, etc. also there was really cute romance uwu
ok to be sensitive (s2)- season 2 of otbs, also can be found on youtube, starring yoo hye in and lee shin young, as well as others but again im too lazy to list them all- same thing as season 1, but a different cast of main characters, and set in an office workplace. (original cast makes a cameo at the end)- the issues in season 2 were definitely a bit darker because it was set in a work place, where the main characters were worried about getting fired if they stood up for themselves, but the way things were handled was really admirable imo. also the male lead in this one is ABSOLUTELY adorable
go back diary- a 4 episode webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ye ji and lee jong won (jaemin’s webdrama how to hate you)- about a boy who sees a girl at a karaoke bar (?) and instantly develops a crush on her. she then transfers to his school, and it tells the story of their love story after 10 years.- i’ll just say it right now. the whole drama was adorable except for the ending, which fucking sucked. literally was horrible. boycott episode 4 pls i was SO UPSET. otherwise, great webdrama
love after school (s1)- korean webdrama that can be found on youtube starring park so eun and yoo jungwoo (like)- about a couple who fell in love in high school and their story, told from 5 years later when they meet again- i love love love this bitch. LOVE. season 2 … we won’t speak of her lol. but season 1 is super cute and the ???? kiss at the end(ish)??? DEAD. literally anything with yoo jungwoo will destroy me but omg. it was fantastic
maybe, maybe not- a webdrama starring kim kangmin (like) and gong yoorim- a girl who can read minds and is an outside bc she knows what everyone is really thinking meets a guy that she can’t read the mind of- so fluffy. so cute. oh god. pls watch it’s so soft and cute
what to do with you- a korean webdrama - that is actually literally an ad for a facemask - starring lee hayoung and kim youngdae (extraordinary you)- saerom and geun are friends, but it feels like they’re something more. will they ever take the next step?- yeah this webdrama is super cute and that’s really all lol. also the bitchy girl in love after school is the best friend in this one oho
your imagination becomes reality- a webdrama that can be found on youtube starring oh se young, kim dohoon (my woofy poofy love), and jin ho eun- soram has a crush on a mysterious upperclassman, and wishes to see him again: she does, soon after. each time she makes a wish, it seems to magically come true. - yeah so like . it’s not a supernatural thing or anything, it’s just a cute college romance that’s basically every girl with a crush’s dream lol~! 
crushes reverse- webdrama on youtube starring kim shi eun (miss independant jieun s2) and jung hyojun- yoo somi has a huge crush on her older sister’s longtime boyfriend, and her best friend at school happens to be his younger brother- i find the beginning hard to watch bc of the second hand embarrassment i feel when i do watch it but . it has a super cute ending and the main girl reminds me of shin hye sun so much it’s wack 
how to hate you- webdrama starring nct’s jaemin, jim ji in (extraordinary you), lee jongwon (go back diary), and kim yoojin- oh miri meets her ideal type while working as a part-timer, but right before she’s about to confess, she realizes that he is her best friend’s mystery boyfriend. she asks han daekang, her new friend, to pretend to be her boyfriend for the time being. - the summary i gave was terrible but ITS RLY CUTE . also the main girl in this plays dan oh’s best friend / juda’s bully in extraordinary you and THE CHARACTERS ARE SO INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT DUDE . Legend. anyways its a bit cliche and we dont get any actual lip on lip action but its still cute lol
have a nice dessert! / drunk in good taste- drama special / webdrama starring kim hyanggi (sweet revenge 1; moment at 18) and kim mingyu (just between lovers ((as the crippled best friend’s anti fan turned romantic interest)))- chongnam loves desserts, and even has an instagram dedicated to taking photos of various deserts she eats. when her college life starts, she mistakes a classmate as an upperclassman, only to find out they’re the same age, and they become friends- listen . this shit was adorable. as when every single kim hyanggi drama, the kisses are cardboard flat and terrible but ! BUT ! the couple is super cute
a-teen (s1 & s2)- 2 season webdrama starring april’s naeun, shin yeeun (he is psychometric), shin seungho, kim donghee, kim soohyun, and ryu euihyun- about a group of friends who go through various troubles and grow closer as a group, as well as fall in love- ok so ... technically i haven’t even finished season 1 yet but !!! i know it’s a good show bc i did watch a lot of it !! plus in s1 episode 20 at 10:35 there’s a nomin cameo LOL SJKFSD there’s also a webdrama called “the guilty secret” i haven’t watched yet starring victon’s subin and others that is set at the same school as a-teen 1 and 2 and features the original cast in cameos !!
i have 3 boyfriends / boyfri3nds- short webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ji eun, park sungwoo (produce 101 season 2 [that 30 year old dude who danced to rain’s song OMG], moon jihoo, and lee jungsik- when la hi gets in a car accident and wakes up with amnesia she finds that she has 3 men all claiming to be her boyfriend.- OK LISTEN . this show is so funny and cute. let me just say: you MUST watch to the end. that’s all i’ll say. pLS WATCH
lily fever- a short webdrama starring kim hyeyoon (just between lovers) and jung yeonjoo (witch’s romance)- kyungju needs her passport back, which her ex boyfriend has, but it turns out he left it at a friend’s place. when she arrives, the friend is leaving but says she can go inside: just be mindful of the houseguest inside...- yeah this is lesbian as fuck . it has like . hardly any plot, has a shit ton of crackheadery, and lots of STEAMY AS FUCK kisses. it literally makes like no sense though skdfksjd but if ur in the mood for some easy to watch girl pairing stuff, this is it my dude ! 
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all-things-mystical · 6 years
Why I Think Your Sign is Beautiful
Male and Female :)
Based on people that I know and just on astrology in general.
Check Rising sign and Sun sign :)
Aries Male - You’re so damn funny, and it’s probably because of all that confidence! Your motto is somewhere along the lines of, “never care what others think,” and that, to me, is so beautiful. You really shouldn’t give a shit what other people think! I almost never see you in a bad mood, and you don’t let a lot of things creep under your thick skin. Just a side note, all of the male Aries that I know have a strong passion for music, whether it be playing an instrument, or listening to their favorite bands, and I dig that. 
Aries Female - All of you guys are just gorgeous, oh my god! Just like the male, you ooze confidence. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were surrounded by love interests. You’re actually very creative, and super damn passionate. You fight for what you believe in, and it takes a lot of courage and confidence to do that. Just like your male counterpart, you guys are hella funny. The way you guys carry yourselves different from the people around you makes you stand out by default in the best way.
Taurus Male - Chill, chill, chill, chill, C H I L L, oh my god you guys are really chill. You guys are all really handsome, and you don’t change your style often; you choose what style looks best on you and stick with that, and it works famously. Your voice is literally the most amazing thing ever, don’t fight me on this. Whether you sing or not, just speaking can make someone fall in love with you. Super vanilla tbh
Taurus Female - Smart, mellow, and still with so much class?! Girl, no man deserves all of that beauty, you goddess. You’re so beautiful - all Taurean females are just so beautiful, you can almost always tell when it’s a Taurus to be honest. All in all, you’re a person that everyone wants to be around. Something about you is always green for some reason, whether it be your eyes, your aura, your clothing style, you’re just good and have a balance of fun and mellowness. 
Gemini Male - Oh my god, you guys really know how to strike a conversation. As an  i n t e l l e c t u a l,  I quite enjoy this aspect of you guys. This comes from your sign being ruled by the planet of Mercury, which is the planet that rules communication. So naturally, you guys have complex minds, and - though you might get anxiety from time to time - starting good conversations and making people laugh comes way easily for you guys. 
Gemini Female - Okay, every single one I meet is like so beautiful. No wonder you guys are surrounded by people often. You guys are very smart and, like your male counterpart, have extremely complex minds. You ALL HAVE KEEN SENSES OF FASHION LIKE OMG you guys are never seen wearing trash outfits. You guys make friends very easily without very much effort, because you guys just ooze charisma. It’s amazing. First day at a new school/job, you already have 10 best friends, 70 gossip buddies, 3 boyfriends, 6.5 side hoes, 19 enemies, and 2,159 new followers on Instagram.
Cancer Male - Something about your eyes. It’s like every single time I made eye contact with a Cancer male, I felt like I was falling in love. You guys are emotional beings, even if you don’t cry everyday. I respect and cherish this part of you guys, because males are allowed to and are supposed to have emotions, and (unfortunately) it takes so much courage and bravery to express those emotions nowadays. Also, I don’t care how many people say that Cancer males make bad boyfriends because they always compare their girlfriend to their mother. My father always told me that if a man doesn’t love their mother, then they make terrible boyfriends.
Cancer Female - I always get along with you guys (maybe it’s because I’m a Scorpio lol). You guys are so damn sweet, oh my god. I love seeing you guys smile so much. And you guys have so much love in your hearts, though you only express that love to the people closest to you. I see nothing wrong with that. You guys are gorgeous, inside and out. Boobies are 10/10 tbh
Leo Male - Honestly, you guys have so many people surrounding you all of the time, and I can see why. You are just a magnet to positive attention. I’m lucky if you even spare a minute of your precious time to me. I see beauty in how carefree you are. Your sign is represented by the sun, and so a lot of the time, matters have to do with you, since everything revolves around the sun! And this is good for you Leo’s because I know how much you love being the center of attention!
Leo Female - One thing I always notice about a Leo female is that you guys literally have the most amazing, striking hair. Like the lion that represents the sign you were born into, your mane is anything but tame in the best, most stunning way. All of you guys are naturally talented, smart, pretty, it’s like a birthright for you guys! You guys tell the best stories, and are capable of being anyone or anything you want to be. The best thing is, you already know all of this stuff! Strut all that confidence girl!
Virgo Male - You guys are always willing to help with problems or anything like that. You guys are extremely attentive and great listeners. This is because Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which is the planet of communication. Also because of this planet, you are very intellectual and smart. Since you are an earth sign, you are very dependable, and follow through on your promises. You’re a solid man, partner, and friend.
Virgo Female - I wouldn’t count this as a thing that makes you beautiful, but more as an interesting thing that I really pay attention to about you guys: most all of you guys play dumb sometimes, but in reality, you already know all of what the others are telling you when you do this. This means that you guys are way ahead of others in terms of intellectualism, or even just what the common rumor is around the workplace. People are naturally very comfortable around you - so much so that they literally will tell you their whole life story after having known you for like a few minutes.
Libra Male - NATURAL ROMANTICS since Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. You guys aren’t the raunchy, always horny, DTF types of guys, which I kinda like. If you’re young, then there’s definitely no rush. You guys are usually pretty mellow people. I wish I knew more Libra males to be completely honest. The ones that I do know, though, are super attractive though they may not know it.
Libra Female - Pretty, oh my god, don’t fight me on this. You guys are so damn pretty, and I don’t say hot or sexy because you’re not the type of people to make men want to undress, but rather the type of girl that’s so pretty that they make a man blush, stutter, and avoid eye contact with you. Now that I’ve told you this, stop being insecure!! You guys are so damn beautiful!
Scorpio Male - Don’t mean to repeat what everything else says, but Scorpio is when things start getting sexy. A Scorpio male has the charm and looks of 1,000,000 Disney Princes, and they can get whatever they want without even asking because of this. That mysteriously hot guy that everyone always stopped to stare at in the hallways of high school was probably a Scorpio male. Your freaking eyes too, they’re so gorgeous and deep, no matter what color they are.
Scorpio Female - Okay every single one of you guys are sexy as fuck. Every single Scorpio female that I’ve met has the most perfect, proportionate body. Just like your male counterpart, your eyes are freaking mesmerizing. Most of you guys don’t have many close friends (meaning people you tell about your life) and like to keep to yourself and observe your surroundings as close as you can from afar. This makes you as mysterious as they all say a Scorpio is. Though you may not think people like you, omfg, you’re so wrong. People fantasize about you, but they’re too intimidated to tell you how they feel.
Sagittarius Male - All of the Sagittarius men that I know are either really interesting or really funny, which makes a great friend or partner either way. You guys are always out and about; you attended a party here, you had your first kiss there, it's always the best feeling to listen to your stories, because you never ever have an empty weekend. You're all over the place with your love affairs which makes for some great stories!!
Sagittarius Female - I don't care what any of you guys say, you're all hot like the fire your sign is made of. You guys are LITERALLY the funniest people!! I've never met a boring Sagittarius female. You guys cut the chase and NEVER fuck around when it's something important; if a Sagittarius female has an opinion on something, you better prepare to hear it, because they will not sugar coat it in the least. That is what I love about you Sagittarius girls.
Capricorn Male - Capricorn men are very intelligent. Unlike your female counterpart who enjoys very much to work and improve in school and their career, you guys are more laid back, or at least don't show it as much as Capricorn females do. You guys are pretty touchy and easy-going most of the time. Pretty funny people too!
Capricorn Female - You guys are attractive as hell whether you believe it or not! You guys work very hard at what you want to work hard on, and your work ethic is unbelievable!! You guys are super smart and never like to fall behind. Very emotional people on the inside; they may never let you know how they feel about certain things. You guys are amazing friends!!!
Aquarius Male - Aquarius males are undeniably good looking. All of you guys. Like DAMN! You guys are so funny and chill, and you don't like to invite conflict, so you just stay away from that shit. You guys always have the best gossip, and people always have a good time when they're around you! Overall, you guys are amazing people to be around!!
Aquarius Female - You guys ALWAYS have something juicy going on in your life, which means you have some really good gossip. Very fun people to be around. You guys have a very technical way of thinking, and you guys are very quick-witted. You guys are pretty w o k e if you ask me.
Pisces Male - You guys are always thinking about something LOL sometimes I see you guys zoning out and I call your name but you guys just look at me and keep thinking about whatever it is you're thinking about and then when I call it again you finally snap out of it XD it is the cutest thing. You guys are very attractive and VERY intelligent beings. You usually have a very complex view on religion, spirituality, and so forth. And you guys are SO MUSICAL. I love you guys!
Pisces Female - You ladies, like your male counterpart, are very musical people, which I love. Most of the Pisces females that I know love anime and aren't afraid to show it lololol. You guys are on Scorpio level when it comes to being mysterious though. IF a Pisces ever comes out to you and tells you about their life, them you would have NEVER guessed it was that way. They like to keep their friends separate from their personal things.
Thank you guys for reading this post!! I really hope you guys enjoyed it! It took me like 8 months to write it lol, because I took a HUGE break, but I would like to get back on track with the astrology posts here on tumblr! Please send me requests for anything! Love you guys :)
P.S., if I got anything wrong, feel free to tell me in the comments! Always down for that constructive criticism!
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§ Just  Friends.
Words: 1583
Genre: fluff, slice of life, slightly smut, idol!au, boy x boy
A/N: A friend of mine REALLY loves both of them (and their ship). So I decided to do something about them. Hope you like it~ ^^
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Ever since high school.. we’ve been best friends, singing, dancing and training together from dusk to dawn, just to fulfill the dream that we shared. From the moment that we first talked, I knew it, that you would be my brother, my comrade in life. What I didn’t expected was that those feelings.. could change..
I don’t exactly know when they slowly started to change though.. Maybe they were there all the time and I just came to realized them too late, to be honest.. I don’t even know myself...
To be honest, all I did was admire him as a friend and as an artist, his great dancing skills, his strong body and his nice personality.. and I was a little jealous of him for attracting so many women.. Kai was always a true gentlemen unlike me, always being shy and awkward around women. He used to mock me by saying- "You’re too stiff Taemin.. You just have to act with naturality with them. Remember, they’ll not bite you~"
If I had him around, I could be myself without fears or shyness. If I had any problem or concern about anything, I could always talk it with him. Kai was my buddy, my shelter, someone I could always tell all my thought, feelings, anything that I wanted.. Or at least that what I thought.
After we both got scouted from our actual agency and finally debuted in our owns groups, our friendship became even tighter. Even the relationship between his group members and mine was awesome, awesome until.. he met her...
When he first told me about her.. I felt like my heart was falling apart.. Maybe it was at that time that I realized how I truly felt and the reason why he was that important to me.. Not long after, they started going out, they even made the company make it public...
Kai became to appear less in my life.. he was busy with his own group and all the free time that he had, he would just spent it with her.. completely forgetting about his friends.. and about me.. The times were the different groups of the company had to share the practice room were my favorite ones, because I was able to be with him, even if it was just for a little. 
I would ask him from time to time how was his girlfriend doing and about their relationship. "So.. how are things with Krystal?" - I would ask, hoping to finally hear the concrete answer that I wanted. "Ugh.. Let’s not bring this topic up now.." -he answered looking away. Does this mean that they have problems? Maybe they’ll break soon,, I thought to myself. "...why?" - I was praying for him to say so. "She’s just.. too much.."- he giggled- "She’s too cute Taemin.. What should I do? I think that this.. could be real love.."
My heart sank with his words.. making me realize that I was such a terrible friend..wishing for him to break up with his girl.. Kai doesn’t deserve a friend like me.. he deserves to be in love, and happy.. even if I’m not around.
After that day, I kept myself more distanced from Kai.. I didn’t want to hurt him in anyway, furthermore hurt him because of my greed.. Time was passing by and in a blink of an eye a year already passed, slower than what I would like to admit though. And Kai was the same cheerful cool guy with big dreams and an amazing talent, he was really happy in a loving relation with Krystal. However, for me.. that was the worst year of my life.. I felt uncompleted, as if a part of me was missing.. I felt like I lost the best person I could ever met.. my friend, my confident.. my love..
I still remember that day perfectly, the 1st of June, it was my second day of vacations break. The first day of vacations I just spent it sleeping, trying to get rid of the jet lag. I remember waking up with the door ringing, and when I opened, Kai was standing there - "Hey! Did you just woke up? I heard that you’re already on vacations so.. I came with this~" - he smiled showing me a cake box. "You have juice, right? I’m craving for some~" - he said as he entered my house.
"What.. are you doing here?" - I asked still half asleep as I watched him open the box, pulling out the cake. "I have vacations too. Oh, I’m going to take a knive~"- he walked to the kitchen. "What about Krystal..? Didn’t you said you wanted to spend your vacations with your girlfriend?"-  I yawned and rubbed my eyes as he came back. "That’s why I’m here, princess~" - he whispered softly to my ear. His sudden action made me jump startled, and I pushed him away flustered, leaving him stunned at my action too. "I’m.. sleepy. Please leave, I want to go back to bed.. sorry Kai." As I walked to my room he followed me from behind.
"Do you know? It’s official now.." - he murmured. I turned around confused not understanding him. "The matter with Krystal.. is now completely official, the Company published today the news.." - he continued. I felt my heart shuddering and throbbing. "..what is it now?"- I paused- "Don’t tell me that you’re going to marry her?!" - I shouted as I turned around, just to have him facing me real close. "We broke up."
I was dazed - "w-what..?" 
Wait.. that’s a good thing.. that’s what I’ve been wishing for, so..what’s this? Why I don’t feel happy at all? I always thought that I would be the happiest person in this situation yet I can’t.. Omg.. Kai.. I never thought about how he would feel, he might be feeling awful.. "Kai.. I.." - I looked up, and found his beautiful brown eyes just inches away from me. I kept in silence.. I didn’t know what to say, plus his beauty was mesmerizing..
"It’s ok.. you don’t have to say anything. I already know what you’re thinking.."- he softly smiled and patted my head - "Come on, let’s eat the cake." As he walked back to the living room I grabbed his wrist and stopped him. "No.."- I mumbled bitting my lips, staring at the floor. "No what? You don’t feel like eating cake.. well mm.. we can-" I interrupted him- "You have no idea about what I’m thinking.."- I paused, feeling my voice tremble and my eyes tearing up a little.
"Kai.. I don’t feel sad about your break up.. I-I’m happy about it.. For a while ago..that’s what I’ve been praying to happen.." Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I covered my face with my hands. "I’m sorry Kai.. I’m such a terrible friend.."- I managed to say between sobs. As I was crying Kai started to laugh, leaving me astonished. "Well, I suppose that now is my turn.."- he scratched the back of his neck as he bitted his lower lip. "Do you want to know the real reason of the separation?" I frowned confused, making him giggle- "You’re the reason."
I was left there in awe- "..w-w-what? M-me?" Kai shyly smiled and nodded. "Taemin.. You know, as your best friend, I can tell whenever you are in love or not and.. every time you see me, your eyes start to sparkle like crazy.." My eyes widened.. "Although I didn’t realize it earlier.. sorry about that.." I kept freaking out in silence, not knowing what to do. "Tae.."- Kai said calling for my attention- "Do you.. still love me, right?"
I felt my cheeks turning bright red as my head started spinning around. "Tae.. just answer yes or no.. please.." I got scared and tried to run away but he grabbed and jolted me to the bed. He hovered me as I teared up again- "Please.. Kai.. stop it.." He stared at me with a serious face."I do love you, stupid. Why would you ran away from me..?"- he said as he flicked my forehead before smiling. "I’m going to kiss you so.. you choose. Push me like you did before or.."- he snapped his tongue out licking his lips seductively- "or finally let me just eat you."
He got closer and closer, his eyes never leaving mine. When our lips met, it felt like they were melting into each other, his hot tongue fighting for dominance with mine as his soft hands gently caressed my cheeks.
From that moment on, our relation changed.. A LOT, we’re not any longer ‘Just Friends’ althought it might seem like that from the outside. The only ones that know about our true relationship are his and my group members.
Of course for the fans, we’re still the two old best friends, nothing has changed, not even our managers know about it, but that’s fine because that way it’s funnier for us. They’re always keep asking if we’re a real couple..
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However, they asked the same question to us even before we started going out~
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cecesf06 · 7 years
Audacious~ Brett Talbot
Anon: Can you write a Brett Imagine where the reader really likes him but she's really shy so she ends up doing something bold like sitting on his lap and kissing him (while at Sinema) to finally get his attention?
A/N: I'd be happy too- here it is! Sorry it took so long!
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warnings: kinda smutty?
word count: 1.6k longish..
Oh God, there it was. The voice that can make you go from calamity, to something akin to ten million butterflies fluttering around your stomach. The voice that can make all words you ever want to or even could speak evaporate like water on a hot stove, and there's nothing you can do about it- or want to do about it. Because while that voice causes tens of thousands of ways to self destruct, it also brightens even your most sour mood, and makes the long days feel a even a little better.
"H-hey Brett.."
Oh God, that was another thing that voice does. It makes your stutter come out full throttle, and you can't seem to stop.
Not that he appears to mind as he smiles down at you- man, that guy is a tree.
"So you'd say we're pretty close, right?"
And there it is- your heart beating out of your chest like it's trying to escape, and probably go to Brett himself, the lucky little thing actually having the courage to do so.
You could never make the first move. You can hardly control your blushing cheeks, and nervous stutter.
"U-Uh, yeah, I-I guess s-so.."
He's grinning at you, and man, his teeth are unnaturally white- it is not humanly possible to have teeth that white.
Oh, right, werewolf. You'd have to ask Liam about that.
"So you'll be my plus one at Sinema tonight? You can't just show up alone, and Cassidy, that girl who always invites herself along, you know her, bailed on me, thankfully, because now I actually get to take advantage of that little deal, and you, my friend, are the first person I thought of."
You're not sure why. You have a heap of anxiety equivalent to the amount of money the whole Devenford Prep school board has combined. You're also painfully shy- you're self aware enough to admit that. And let's not forget that blushing thing..
But going to Sinema meant spending more time with Brett, and as much as you were a wreck around the taller werewolf, you also absolutely adored spending time with him.
Besides, you can usually calm yourself after an hour or three..
"Y-Yeah, sounds great. W-What time sh-should I meet you?"
If you thought Brett was grinning before, he was absolutely beaming now, pure sunshine leaking from his features.
"I'll pick you up at eight!"
You managed a smile, and even managed to peek up into his stunning blue/ green (it honestly changed constantly, and you loved it, dammit.) eyes before you had to look away before your heart not- so- spontaneously combusted in your chest.
"S-Sounds great!"
Dammit, already said that.
Ten outfits, three showers, and seven different hairstyles later, you were on your way to Sinema. Brett was chatting easily next to you as he drove, and you were happy to listen, and he knew this. He knew you were shy, and he respected that, and honestly it made you love him even more.
Hayden snuck you guys in, and if you received a nasty look from her, you knew it wasn't personally towards you, just at the fact that you're Liam Dunbar's step sister, and she still hasn't forgiven him for the sixth grade. You honestly didn't even look at her, she intimidates you so much.
Brett offered you a drink, but you declined.
"It's plain coke, Y/N, I know you."
Well, now you have to accept it, not that you're going to drink it with the butterflies occupying your stomach again.
Brett was staring at you, and smiling, and normally when a boy does that it makes you uncomfortable, but not Brett. He's always had an effect on you no one else does.
"Y/N, you can say no if you want, or just do it later if you feel like it, but would you like to dance?"
Nope. Not at all. But he did.
But he'd never pressure you, and you just saw Mason on the other side of the club, and Liam was no doubt here, the little stalker, so you should probably investigate that.
"No, but you should."
Thank God he had werewolf hearing, because your voice came out so small it got lost with the bass.
"Are you sure? We can just stay here if you want.."
He wanted to dance, you knew it, it's the whole reason he comes here.
"I'm sure, Brett, I'll be fine."
You held up the little glass of coke.
"I got my virgin rum and coke."
He laughed, and you loved making him laugh. You loved when you could be comfortable around him and make him laugh.
"That's not a thing, Y/N, but yes. You'd be the kind of girl to sneak into a club and not even drink."
You blushed again, and he tilted your chin up to look at him, his fingers tingling where they touched your skin.
"Don't worry, I like that you're different. I like that you aren't pressured into it."
He was gone after that, and you were confused.
Liam scoffed from beside you, and you jumped, not even noticing his presence.
"What a jerk."
Liam hated Brett, and for good reason. Brett wasn't always considerate and kind, and he did some terrible things to that team.
You rolled your eyes at your step brother.
"Oh, go make puppy eyes at Hayden, would you?"
He rolled his own eyes, snorting.
"Right after you continue to give Brett mixed signals."
You tilted your head.
"Mixed.. what are you talking about? I don't-"
Liam held up a hand, speaking over you.
"Oh, spare me, Y/N, I can smell you chemosignals, and one second you're closed off, and uninterested, the next your ready to bend over for him."
You felt your face heat up in embarrassment, and Liam smirked.
"He's waiting for you to make a move."
Nope. Not me. I don't make the first move.
Liam smiled softly at you, before his expression darkens at something over your shoulder. You follow his gaze, despite his attempts to distract you, and your heart plummets.
Brett was grinding hardcore on a pretty brunette by the dancing cages, and she was into it. They were close- super close, eye contact, and flirty hands and everything, and she was definitely bold, because soon they were also making out.
Your fists clenched at you r side. Now was when you'd run. You'd leave and either find a bathroom to lock yourself in, or a way home to hide at. But something about this girl and her bold kiss was stirring something in you.
"You know what, Liam, I think you're right."
Liam blinks, baffled.
"Uhh... you do?"
A smirk graces its way on your face.
"Hell yeah, I do."
So you may have downed a few dozen shots of liquid courage.
But no one can prove anything, except maybe Hayden, who supplied the tubes, and she eventually became Blurryface to you.
While everyone seemed to become Blurryface, Brett was still Brett, and he was sitting at the bar, wiping the sweat from his sexy abs, and why would he do that when you could just lick it off for him?
Man, he was doing this all wrong.
Well now clean- abed Brett was simply sitting, ocean eyes gazing around the Blurryfaces (seriously, they don’t even care what you think.) and he was sitting in the only open seat at the bar.
So where were you going to sit so you could show him how you really feel?
His arms were outstretched behind his head, and he sighed, closing his eyes, and his lap was open.
Ha- that'll show him!
If Brett was shocked you suddenly unceremoniously plopped into his lap, he didn't get the chance to show you because you grabbed the sides of his face, and kissed him, hard and firmly, like the bold girl did.
He was understandably still at first, but soon he was kissing back, and as the kiss stretched longer, going from lips to tongues and lips, and lip biting- of course- it evolved to him grabbing your butt where it sat in his lap, and wow, he was good at this.
Eventually, you pulled apart, and his eyes met yours, the blue/green totally obstructed by his dilated pupils.
His voice came out through breaths for air, and man... here comes sobriety, and your face heated up, and you moved to climb off of his lap, but he held you tightly around the waist, preventing you from doing so.
"Wait.. don't.. "
He was at a loss for words for once, and you couldn't help the small smirk tugging at the corner of your lips.
"I decided to be audacious."
He laughed, and you loved doing that. It'll never get old.
"I'm glad you did. I had no idea how you felt- one second you're friend zoning me, the next you're giving me heart eyes, and I just want to marry you- sorry.."
You tilted your head as his cheeks turn pink.
He blushes deeper.
"Yes, Y/N Geyer. I want to date you."
Butterflies. Butterflies. Butterflies.
"Well, good thing I want to date you too..."
He smiles, and pulls you into a kiss, and when it deepens, and your more sober with time, it feels so good.
"Y/N- Y/N- oh there she is."
"Damn, look at them go."
"SHut up Mason, that's my sister!"
When Brett pointed squeezed your butt, you couldn't help but grin at Liam's noise of disgust.
DOuble post omg not a regular thing at all lol.
Liam is up next, my baby, and requests are OPEN!
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