#my ride or die! i’d go to war for him actually
superprincesspea · 24 days
Courted by the Dragon
Chapter 19 - Criminals
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Aemond Targaryen is both the cause and witness to the greatest humiliation of your life. You would rather die than see him again. Yet summer at court and the precipice of civil war have other ideas.
Only when Vhagar settles on the beach, do you notice the crumbling ruins of an old castle, its shattered walls peeking through the trees like a mischievous child.  
People had lived here once, you think, and for a moment, you almost envy them, spending their lives in a place where the forest meets the sand. How strange and beautiful, you’d never seen anything quite like it. But even the beauty of such a place, could not distract from its location.  
How much time had passed since you’d left the party? Surely close to an hour by now, yet here you were, on a beach instead of your chambers. 
“This is not the Red Keep,” you say, anxiety quietly twisting in the pit of your stomach. 
But Aemond laughs, not nearly as concerned as you are on matters such as time or propriety.  
“You have a keen eye, Lady Baratheon,” he says, and his tone is flippant, teasing. 
"Need I remind his grace that he was supposed to be returning me home?”  
“All the way to Storms End? Now that would be quite a ride.” 
You turn to face him, “you're not funny.” 
But he was funny, at least in his opinion, and his cheek twitches with amusement, while his eye widens with feigned innocence, “I'm simply trying to clarify what my lady means by home .” 
“Is that so?” you begin, a little tartly, well, very tartly, “because I’d say you were being a fastidious arse who knows fine well what I mean by home.” 
Any ordinary man might have been aggrieved by such an accusation, but not Aemond. His grin is entirely guilty and fiendishly unapologetic.  
“Fastidious arse ?” he repeats, “that is what you call your prince when you want him to return you home?” 
Your eyes widen, but there’s not enough alarm in the world to douse the fire suddenly burning in your belly, “I will not beg you if that’s what you imagine.” 
“On the contrary, I'm quite content to know that my lady will have me grovelling at her feet for the duration of our marriage.” 
So cocky. Even if you actually wanted to marry him, you wouldn’t do it. 
“Oh?” you say, “and who is this lady that has agreed to be your wife?” 
He purses his lips, and there’s a wicked spark behind his eye, before his hand settles on his thigh, reminding you just how dangerously close you’re sitting to him. “I’m working on it,” he nods to the ropes on Vhagar’s neck, “now climb down so I may continue.” 
“And if I refuse?”  
Aemond’s head tilts, his hands suddenly grasping your hips with far too much enthusiasm, “then I might start believing that my lady would rather stay seated on my lap?”  
“I’m not your lady,” you insist, sliding your fingers around his wrists to pull him away. But he seems to have just as much enthusiasm for the way you're fighting him than he did for touching you. 
He struggles against your grip with a soft breathy chuckle, his efforts not enough to free himself, but enough to make you hold him tighter. Firm and steady, the illusion that you could ever truly hold power over him.  
“Vhagar needs to rest,” he says, as though it explains your stop at the beach, but it only forces you to glare at him. 
“You’re lying.”  
He doesn’t even try to deny it, he only grins wider, testing the strength of your grip again. 
“I’m not going to ask you to take a dip in the water, if that’s what you imagine... unless you want to, of course,” he teases, and why you let him crawl under your skin with such ease, you cannot say. But it seems that's all it takes, to get you to do exactly what he wants.  
Blowing out a breath of frustration, your leg swings over the pommel, and if you weren’t so irritated by him, you might have been more afraid. As it happens, you’re beginning to think you rather prefer Vhagar over her master. At least she doesn't speak, or look so dammed smug. 
This is what you think, as you climb all the way down her long neck with the kind of frenzied confidence only anger can provide, and before you know it, your feet have hit the ground and you don’t wait around. You storm down the beach, away from the tooth and fire end of the dragon, and more importantly, away from Aemond. 
"Will my lady be walking all the way back to Kings Landing?” he calls after you, and you do not slow.  
Maybe you will walk back. Maybe you’ll walk right into Alicent’s chambers and say that her precious son stole you away on dragonback- though she’d probably like that. She may have even been the one to suggest it! And the very thought makes you want to scream, so you do, feeling powerless as you kick up a big clump of sand.  
“If that is your wish, then you are heading in quite the wrong direction,” he calls again, the sound of his voice so much closer than before, and you stop, anger quickly turning into rage. 
“Just when I think that perhaps you might be somewhat tolerable, and that maybe we can actually be friends,” you snap, hair tangling wildly with the wind, as you turn to face him, “you prove yourself to be the most insufferable man that has ever lived!”  
“Are we not to be friends on a beach?” he says, as though your reaction was a surprise to him, though you can see he’s enjoying it either way, and why wouldn’t he? You’re completely at his mercy. 
“Were we friends, you would not trap me here!” you shout over the crash of a wave before crouching down to scoop up a ball of sand, which you promptly throw at him. 
He dodges it, arms spreading wide, “I see no shackles, no prison walls.” 
“Do not press me,” you throw another ball, which he dodges yet again, “or take me for more of a fool than I have already been!” And you were a fool, yet again you were the most foolish girl on the beach. 
It was hard to remember what exactly you had been thinking in agreeing to leave the party with him. Certainly nothing rational. But Aemond didn’t want you rational, he wanted you here, miles from home, with the sea lapping at the shore and the stars your only witness. 
He could keep you here all night, and even if he didn’t lay a single finger on your skin, you would be his, no questions asked. 
“I do not think you a fool,” his voice is soft, coaxing, “I think you’re...” 
“ What ?” 
His lips curl, “the most terrible aim imaginable.” 
You throw a third ball of sand, and as if to prove his point, it misses, and he proceeds to laugh. So, you throw a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth in quick succession. 
“If you actually manage to hit me with the next one, then you have my word that I will take you home this instant,” he baits, knowing you’re just as competitive as he, and you suppose that’s part of the fun, if you could call it fun. You'd rather call it attempted murder with the only weapon you had at hand. 
Crouching down to scoop up a fresh ball, you don’t waste it on a shot that might miss, you charge towards him, and Aemond runs away, clambering up a grouping of large rocks which form a sort of staircase towards the old ruins.
“Craven!” you shout, pursuing him as quickly as you can go, but finding your dress, and Aemond’s cloak, enough to hamper your every step.
You’re panting by the time you make it over the rocks and onto level ground. But you’re not giving up. You’d rather eat this ball of sand than let him win. 
So you edge closer to the thick of trees surrounding the old keep, hoping his hair might give him away in the dark, but he’s vanished, or to put it another way, he’s hiding. 
Returning to the beach and waiting him out would surely be a more sensible strategy. Yet, your patience has already worn too thin for strategy, and you can feel him watching. No doubt wearing that oh so familiar smirk he seems to acquire whenever you feel your blood begin to boil. 
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” you say, the words more demanding than playful, and the sound only met by the screech of an owl, and the rustle of leaves. 
Still, despite the rush of nerves which shiver along your spine, you keep moving. Creeping towards a watch tower covered in ivy, while the ground below your feet, changes from grass to checkerboard tiles in the places where nature has not quite reclaimed the earth. 
If it wasn’t so dark, you might have found it more enchanting. But with the tree cover filtering the moonlight, and another screech of the owl, your heart begins to thud. 
This was yet more madness. There could be wolves or boars or bears lurking in this place, and you have to dare yourself to keep going, deciding to never speak with Aemond again if he jumps out and startles you.  
But it's a whistle which catches your attention, and you spin around, looking up to see him standing on the second floor of the tower.   
“How did you get up there?” you demand, moving to where the stairs have caved in, leaving only two steps to bring you closer to him, and both of them slippery with moss. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he taunts, walking to the edge of the floor before crouching down. 
“Do your worst,” he dares, and if he stays still, you’re feeling quietly confident with your chances as you take the time to roll the sand between your hands, fashioning it into a perfect sphere. 
Then you arch your arm back, and launch the ball as hard as you can, before watching the way it soars through the air, fast and sure, but too heavy, too flimsy. Aemond doesn’t even bother to flinch as it collides with the floor, eliciting yet more laughter. 
“This is why I hate you, you know!” you say, wiping your sand coated hands onto the soft folds of his cloak, and finding at least some pleasure in that. 
Still laughing at you, Aemond scrambles down from the tower with relative ease, before stalking closer, slowly , as though it's you who’s the most dangerous creature in these woods.  
“You don’t hate me,” he decides, “you just hate losing.” 
“I can hate two things at once, and I only lost because you ,” you point your finger at him, “had the advantage.” 
“What advantage?”
“Well, for starters, you’re wearing boots, not these,” you hitch up your skirt and kick out your foot to show your shoes, dainty and made for dancing, “nor do you have to wear a gown. I should very much like to see how you’d fare if you had to scale a tower without any trousers on-” 
Just as the words leave your lips, you hear them, “I mean , you know what I mean.” 
With his laughter simmered to a soft chuckle, he lets your blunder stew in the air before inching closer. 
“Then perhaps I should remind my Lady Baratheon that she has two eyes, and the aim of a blind woman.” 
You scoff, taking full offence even if he is right, “and I suppose you're an authority on throwing balls of sand?” 
“I’d say that hardly matters anymore, and now you’re obliged to stay until I say we leave.” 
It was strange, but you’d somehow forgotten the reason you'd been chasing him in the first place, and anxiety quickly returns to the pit of your stomach. “And if someone notices I’m gone?” 
“It’s still early. They'll be drinking and dancing for quite some time I should imagine.” 
Deep down, you knew he was right, but there was always a chance, even if it was a small one, that one of your family would retire before the party was finished, then what? “That’s easy for you to say, you’re a prince, you can do as you please.” 
“Don’t worry,” Aemond promises, his voice serious even if his eye betrays him, “if my lady's virtue was to come into question, then you can be assured I would do the honourable thing and marry her.”  
“The honourable thing?” you repeat with a sharp laugh, “a punishment far worse than the accusation, I’m sure!”  
He moves closer, the toe of his boot grazing against the hem of your gown, “but not the crime?”  
You try to laugh, but really, it wasn’t hard to imagine such crimes as letting him kiss you, or the way you might fall together on the soft mossy ground. In fact, it was all too easy. 
“We are not speaking of this,” you whisper, though you hadn’t meant for your voice to lose all strength, or your body to lose all resistance, when his hands bunch into your cloak. No, his cloak. His smell.  
“Only thinking it,” he suggests, fingers curling tighter, reeling you in, “I must admit, I seem to think of little else.”    
You can’t look him in the eye, if you do, you might say something crazy like ‘so do I.’ Instead, you say, “then his grace needs better hobbies to occupy his time.” 
Aemond snorts, “perhaps you could teach me to embroider, that would certainly take up some time.” 
Trying to act more annoyed than you feel, you attempt to wrench the cloak from his grip, “perhaps lessons in manners would be better suited?” 
“Oh, I’d say it's far too late for that, wouldn’t you?”  
And he does let go of the cloak, but only so his hands can slide to cup your cheeks, and force you to look at him.  
“It’s never too late...” your words trail off, evaporating into the crisp night air. In fact, the whole forest seems to have fallen silent, perhaps the whole world, and you know you can pull away from him. But your heart is pounding, and there is something dangerous, something wanton, curling in your veins.   
Perhaps Aemond feels it too, perhaps he notices the way your breathing has slowed, just as you notice the way he’s looking at you, so tenderly- 
“Do you think Vhagar supposes where we have gotten to?” you blurt, and his eye brightens in surprise, as you tear yourself from his hands, before quickly turning towards the beach. 
Though your swift exit is certainly hampered by the rocks, which seem even more difficult to descend than they had been to climb. You almost fall down them, before Aemond overtakes you, his hands catching your waist to stop your escape. 
Or perhaps he’s just trying to stop you from breaking your neck. Either way, you can’t help but be reminded of the last time you’d been running away from him at the beach. 
The sound of the waves had been just the same, and your heart had been beating just as quickly, but your reasoning had been different. He'd been a stranger then, now he was the opposite, too familiar.  
“Perhaps it would be best to return to the party,” you say, as though returning to the party was not the least of what you wanted to do.  
“Why?” he almost laughs, “ so you can dance with Lucerys Velaryon?” 
You’d forgotten all about Luke and his half-hearted offer of a dance, but Aemond hadn’t, couldn’t , and even though his tone was light, there was quiet fury in his eye. Fury which could be abated so easily, except you didn’t want that, you wanted to turn the tide of conversation. Needing to shift it from a place where you might easily fall into his arms.  
“Why do you hate him so?” you say, even if you’re almost certain you know the answer. 
“You know why.”  
“I know rumours.” You’d heard a dozen since arriving in Kings Landing, but you’d often wondered at the truth, Aemond’s truth, even if it didn’t feel like your place to know.  
“Of the night I came to lose my eye?” he says, and hearing it said like that, you realise this was a stupid, awful , thing to bring up.  
“I shouldn’t have asked you that, I’m so sorry.” 
“Why ?” his head tilts, “you think me ashamed of the way I look?” 
“I...” you stutter, “didn't say that. I don’t-” 
He scoffs, “everyone pretends they cannot see my eye, when for most people, it’s the only thing they ever look at.”  
"It’s not the only thing I see,” you say, and you’re not sure why it's so important for him to know this. You were supposed to be hating him after all, but you can’t stand to think he’d ever imagine you don’t see him. All of him.   
He doesn’t say anything, and his attention turns towards the sea, his hands no longer interested in your company, and you can sense the old wound, still fresh and sore, as though it had happened only yesterday.  
Now it was you who felt like the most repugnant person in the world, and you hate yourself for the way his shoulders have stiffened, the breeze feeling so much cooler than before. Because no matter how you might have felt about Aemond Targaryen, you were sure you never wanted to hurt him. 
"Aemond ,” you reach for him, your hand finding purchase on his arm, and his muscles tense beneath the leather. Perhaps you shouldn’t notice such a thing at a time like this, but you can feel his strength, feel how he could break you apart if he really wanted to.  
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” you say softly, wanting to bring him back from whatever dark place you’d sent him. But it's too late. 
He stares at the way your hand is touching him, before his eye slowly scrapes to meet with yours.   
“I was ten when I saw Vhagar on the beach,” he begins, his voice small, raw, and hearing him like this, somehow feels more intimate than any of the times he’d held you in his arms. 
“You were so young,” you say, picturing the white-haired boy, who’d dared to face the largest dragon in the world.  
“Not for a Targaryen,” he swallows, his words garnering more control, “you can’t imagine what it’s like to grow up in this family without a dragon, even the bastards had them. So, when I saw her, all alone, it was like she was waiting for me, while the rest of the world looked the other way.”   
You glance at her, sleeping peacefully on the brow of a hill, but still so fierce, so terrifying.  
“At the risk of giving you another compliment,” you say, trying to lighten the mood you have created. “I cannot believe you had the courage to tame her.”  
“You never tame a dragon.”  
You frown, uncertain, “but she is yours, is she not?”  
“It's a bond, one that will last a lifetime. And I don’t know if it was courage, so much as desire...” he steps up, so he’s standing on the same rock as you. Then his eye crinkles with the beginnings of a smile, or perhaps it's just pride for the boy he was that night. “The first few minutes of the flight almost killed me. But I clung to her so tightly, and then we were flying as one, and I knew she was mine.”  
You both turn to her now, and she snorts as though she’s listening. Perhaps she is. Perhaps her eyes are closed but her ears are open. 
“When we landed,” he continues, and together you settle down on the edge of a rock, knee pressed against knee, “I was so excited and... perhaps a little too proud, I could hardly wait to tell everyone of my triumph. But my nephews were already waiting for me, with Rhaena and Baela, and they already knew what I had done.”  
“What you had done ? You make it sound as though bonding with her was a bad thing?”  
He tilts his head, looking at you strangely, quizzically , “Rhaena wanted Vhagar for herself.”  
“But ... she chose you .”  
“And so we fought.”  
“You fought all four of them?”  
When his eye narrows into a pointed look, you cannot help but laugh, “of course you did.” This was Aemond, a child who’d mounted the largest dragon in the world, he wasn’t about to run from anything or anyone.  
“Hand to hand at first, and naturally ,” he shrugs, “none of them were any match for the hours I’d spent in the training yard. But even so, I was only one boy against four, and they just kept coming.” 
“After a while, I picked up a rock, I just wanted to frighten them,” he holds out his hand, his fingers curling at the ends, as though he can remember the very shape and weight of it, “but Jace drew his sword, just a little thing, a needle really.”  
He looks at you, and your stomach tightens, afraid of what he’s going to say next. 
“He tried to swing at me, but I was taller and faster, so I knocked him down, and the sword fell away. I thought if I just kept hold of the rock, then surely they would run. It was already over, you see? Vhagar was already mine. And I’d bested them, they knew that.”  
Suddenly his hand tightens into a fist, and you imagine the rock crumbling into dust, before he wipes his palm along his thigh as though he cannot even stand to touch the memory of it. 
Then he laughs sadly, “but my nephews and I have never held any love for each other. So, when Jace saw an opportunity to throw dirt in my eyes, Luke picked up the sword, and -" 
His hand reaches towards your face so quickly you startle. But his touch is not pain or blood, it's a slow caress across your eye, sealing it shut. Yet only for a moment, instead of forever.  
“An eye for a dragon is a fair exchange,” he shrugs, but the words feel too well practiced; the hurt pushed away as though its nothing more than a speck of dust.  
Yet it was so much more, and you have to swallow the swell of tears which has caught at the back of your throat, as you think of that little boy, so proud, so excited, then broken .  
“No ,” you say, your voice strained, “what they did to you wasn’t right, and it certainly wasn’t fair.”  
The way he looks at you, almost surprised, makes your heart ache all over again. And if he was one of your sisters, you would wrap him in your arms, and hold him so tightly he'd have to fight to break free. But doing so, would cross a line you were trying desperately to avoid. 
“You know, the strange thing is, I don’t even hate them for taking my eye. We were children, and the fight was far out of hand, but they never apologised. Even now, they laugh about it, like it was a joke, like it meant nothing .” 
You hadn’t wanted to cry, but your eyes are too full, and a tear dares to break free, rolling lazily down your cheek, before its silvery trail is interrupted by the brush of Aemond’s thumb.  
“Lady Baratheon... don’t tell me you’re crying for the most repugnant man in the world?”  
Sniffling, you force a laugh before wiping the back of your hand across your eyes. “ I'm not .” 
“You know, now that I think of it,” his voice is lighter, his eye more playful, “it seems I have a habit of finding all the best things waiting for me on beaches.” 
You roll your eyes, before finding a length of cloak not sullied by the sand to pat your cheeks dry, "I’m not a dragon.”  
“Not yet .”  
The way he says that last word, so certain, you almost believe him, and force another laugh to hide any other emotion which might slip onto your face. Because sitting and talking with him like this was far too easy and far too comfortable.  
“Speaking of which,” he continues, “since my many charms have yet to convince you to stay in Kings Landing, does that mean I am to invite myself to suffer a winter in the Stormlands? Or will you be so kind as to bestow me an invitation yourself?” 
“Suffer?” you repeat with mock surprise, “I happen to like the stormy weather; I think it very beautiful.” And cosy, there was nothing better than a warm bed and a raging storm to pound against the walls.  
He brushes your hair from your shoulder, his eye tracing your face, “I’m growing rather a taste for storms myself.” 
“You should think me tame if you ever flew through a storm over Winter Solstice.” 
“That I refuse to believe,” he says, close enough that even a whisper is easily heard over the waves, and leaving you to wonder why every moment, seemed to shift into a moment which felt like he might just lean in and kiss you.  
“Well ,” you stand, pulling yourself from his gentle touches, “thanks to your mother, and this gown,” you gesture along the green silk beneath your cloak, “we are not leaving tomorrow after all.”   
Aemond’s eye widens, the blue so much brighter than before, “you’re staying?” 
“Only so we can entertain Tyland Lannister.” 
His jaw ticks, “Tyland Lannister?”  
“It's just tea ,” you add, thinking Tyland might not have been your favourite person, but he wasn’t bad, and you hardly wanted him to suffer over tea and cake.  
But Aemond doesn’t seem so convinced, and his laughter is almost a growl as he stands, and begins to climb back down the rocks, before turning to offer you his hand, “then we should leave at once, I wouldn’t want my lady to miss an afternoon in the company of another man.” 
“I’m not your lady,” you remind him, climbing down haphazardly without his assistance, “and if you must know, it was my mother who invited him.” 
“Your mother?” he ponders this information as you walk back towards Vhagar side by side, “then we shall have to remedy that .” 
Alarmed, you stare at him, trying to read his expression, but his face shows no tells. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” you say. 
His lips quirk and he has no intention of telling you. Instead, he mounts Vhagar with the same swiftness he’d used in the dragon pit, leaving you to wonder. 
Then again, you don’t wonder for too long, because all too quickly, you begin to remember that you weren’t supposed to be on a beach with Aemond in the first place.  
Then you’re only wondering one thing; if it's late enough for you to be caught. 
Thank you for reading!
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tototalks · 3 months
I am SO excited to get going, and am also a liiiiiitle bit terrified lol
- Everyone who said I’d love Nikandros was absolutely correct. Damen really found a ride or die with him. He’s the buddy who saw your cringe phase in high school and stuck by your ass anyway. Jord is the dude you adopted into the group at university.
- Speaking of Jord, I feel like Nik and Jord would vibe. Jord really needs a friend 🥺
- ��Gain everything and lose everything” Haha! I’m going to tear my face off! This takes on such a different meaning now. 🥲They really went “okay we’ve been happy for a whole two seconds… that’s enough of that.”
- GOVART, YOU BOOMERANG WILLIAM AFTON I ALWAYS COME BACK TYPE BITCH!!! - I knew Laurent wouldn’t betray Damen in the battle!!
- And finally we get to the face off that’s been due for 2 books. Laurent knew about Damen, because of course he did. He’s too smart to not recognise the man who killed his brother. Tbh I think Damen probably mulled over this possibility too.
- “I said don’t do this.” “You said kiss me.” - 💔 💔💔 Damen is not buying Laurent’s bullshit, and I love that Damen actually challenges him on it too. No matter what Laurent says out of insecurity or ulterior motives, Damen is seeing straight through him and I’m living for it…. Even if it hurts 🥲
- Giving up Delpha… Holy shit, Nik is gonna HATE Laurent.
- I have to hand it to Laurent though. He witnessed Damen dressed in what, to Veretians, is leather underwear, and had to pretend he ain’t giving those thighs the side eye.
- I should stop being surprised Laurent is a genius, but his diplomatic gift was stellar. Tentative approval from Akielos and a backhanded jab for Damen. All earned in one move.
- The Twin Cuff!!! 😨
- Imagine you’re an Akielon being summoned as part of a war. You’re standing under your weirdly not-dead King’s dais. He’s wearing the cuff of a pleasure slave for reasons best known to himself but that’s HIS business. Then he says he has a gift for your new coworkers, and you see him put the MATCHING cuff of a pleasure slave on the King of fuckin VERE of all people with the weirdest sexual tension you’ve ever seen in your life. You are expected to be normal about this.
- RIPPED MEN APART WITH LEOPARDS??! My Queen. I bow to thee. Where do I sign up?
- Damen “I sucked dick on accident” and Nikandros “HOW TF YOU SUCK DICK ON ACCIDENT?!” bestie behaviour. Nik knows Damen’s type and is not dealing with any of his horny shenanigans. Only best friends can humble you this way.
- “He improves with time?” “Oh. No. He actually gets worse.” 💀😭
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dating the batboys... and their Taylor Swift songs | (1.5/2)
pairings: Jason Todd x GN!Reader
warnings: angst, mention of death, arguing
requested?: kind of! @igotanidea asked to be tagged for a part for Jason so here you go!
a/n: THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE ON THE FIRST PART!! it truly means a lot to me! I’m also sorry it took SO long, I’ve been testing. I decided to split this into parts just so I could get something out for y’all. It also is a bit longer than others so I hope y’all like it!
its so hard only choosing two songs but if I didn’t this post would be going on foreverrrrr.
Jason Todd
i'd like to establish this by saying Jason Todd is NOT the angry Robin
but like with all of the boys, he is traumatized
like extremely traumatized
if he was to get with you, he'd have to know you for a long time
even then it's iffy
he has a lot of trust issues
and abandonment issues
issues in general
if he knew you before his death, I feel like you’d have a higher chance of him trusting you
(the angst potential here…)
but don't get me wrong
he’s the type who once he loves someone, he loves them with every ounce of fiber he has in his body
I’d like to think of him as a secret hopeless romantic
just has a hard time showing it
he would be the type of boyfriend to tease you about you wanting something badly and then go behind your back and buy it for you
this man would die (again) for you
you ask him to jump and he’ll say how high
in the beginning he would be anxious about doing mundane things with you (not that he would ever admit)
but once he gets used to it, it’s his favorite thing
do not fold laundry with this man because he’ll definitely make into a war and start throwing clothes at you
favorite pass time would be to cook with you
being lazy on the couch together, reading books and enjoying each others presence
as much as Jason loves touch, I feel like he would love spending quality time with you more
especially given his busy life style with being Red Hood
would keep you away from that life
he’s like Bruce in that aspect and will not risk getting you involved
especially because being Red Hood is more dangerous and he has a LOOOT of enemies
encouraging him to open up about his emotions
he’s better than Bruce about talking about his feelings, but he still has issues with it
comforting him through nightmares
also comforting him through panic attacks and whatnot
understanding his complicated relationship with his family and trying not push him about it
still developing some what of a relationship with his brothers
if you knew him before his death, definitely having that fear of losing him again
you never recovered from the loss of him and even to this day, it haunts you
having arguments about it because Jason insists he’s careful and you won’t lose him
having arguments in general because he struggles with trusting people and is paranoid
those arguments do not last long because as much as he is stubborn
he doesn’t want to lose you
longest it will last is a couple of days
staying up late waiting for him to get home
I would also like to argue that Jason lives for playful wrestling
he loves making you smile as it’s his favorite feature on you
late night motorcycle rides
he is such a mother hen when it comes to you
“did you eat today? have you had any water? what time did you go to bed?” “okay mom,”
teaching you how to use specific weapons and self defense because duh, it’s Gotham (part two)
at the end of the day, Jason Todd is a traumatized man trying to love you the best he can.
Me being me, I’m going to have to say Afterglow (from Lover) would be my number one choice for Jason. It actually inspired me to even start this! I think Treacherous (from Red (Taylor’s Version)) would be so Jason too.
Bonus: Sparks Fly (from Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)) is also a very Jason Todd song. No I will not elaborate.
“Tell me that you're still mine
Tell me that we'll be just fine
Even when I lose my mind
I need to say
Tell me that it's not my fault
Tell me that I'm all you want
Even when I break your heart”
It didn’t take a genius to realize Jason Todd had messed up. He knew it as soon as the words that had tasted like poison left his mouth. All of the melting hot rage he had felt reached it’s boiling point, and it finally blew up.
“What do you know, you don’t even have a family!”
It seemed to echo throughout your shared apartment. The deafening silence that slowly poured in after made him feel incredibly nauseous. Your face slowly contorted from one of shock to one of a statue. Stoic and cold. The only sound to be heard was the incessant rain pounding against the windows.
You had slowly made your way over to the couch. For fifteen minutes you sat on the soft leather couch. Fifteen fucking agonizing minutes of nothing but Jason trying to somehow make it right. He apologized many times. He tried comforting you. But you just sat there, eyes closed and ignoring everything he had done. His side of the couch seemed to grow heavier and heavier with every attempt.
It made him feel like a child again. When his mother would get upset with him, she would give him the silent treatment. It would go on for days on end, and he would beg and apologize for forgiveness.
He never told you that though.
What you guys were arguing about seemed so small now. Jason was always one to blow things out of proportion. At one point in time, it had been about you going out with Dick and Tim for the third day in a row. He was a bit envious of your relationship with the aforementioned. He just didn’t know if it was Dick and Tim he was jealous of or you.
Instead of trying to talk to you about staying home and spending time with him or hell, even inviting him out with you, he took out his irritation you. It had been a long day, and this had been the cherry on top. He made a snarky comment to try and start a fight. Unfortunately, you were one to try to talk it out. It only added fuel to the fire. It escalated to the current situation. He hadn’t meant for it to end up like this.
Why’d he have to break what he loved so much?
Finally, you made a noise. You took a deep breath in and bore into his eyes. Tears were threatening to spill from them any second. It felt he had been burned, and he had no one to blame but himself.
“Before you say anything, I am incredibly sorry. It was all just me in my head. I should have never said those things, and I don’t want to lose you over this. Please, please, please let me make it up to you.” He has never sounded so desperate before. But then again, he’s never cut you this deep. Your eyes had travelled down away from him. The lump in your throat was hard to swallow.
“Jason. You’re not going to lose me over this. You’re still all I want,” The tears had started to roll down your cheeks by now. Seeing you cry made his heart crush, and he couldn’t stop himself from scooting closer to you.
“But what you said had really hurt my feelings. And if you ever say something like that to me again, I’m going to leave and take some time for myself.” You warned through the tears. Seeing your lip quiver as you spoke was enough for him to engulf you in his arms.
“I promise if I ever say that again, you could smack me as hard as you can. I deserve it.” You let out a tearful laugh and shook your head. However, he was being dead serious. You buried yourself in his embrace.
“I forgive you this time. Just next time communicate with me. We’re partners. It’s me and you against the problem.” Hearing how sincere you were made his heart swell. It made him feel even more guilty for starting the argument with you. But if you could forgive him, then maybe he can forgive himself too.
“You’re right. I’m sorry for everything. I just…” He paused. It was difficult for him to talk about his feelings, but he trusted you. You were his whole world after all. “I just wanted to spend time with you alone. I had a hard today today, and you always manage to make me feel better.” He murmured. His cheeks were a soft pink color. No matter how long you guys had been together for, it was awkward for him to tell you about how he felt.
You pulled away from the embrace to look him in the eyes. A small smile was on your face and your cheeks were tear stained. Your eyes had never had more of a soft look in them as one of your hands cupped the side of his face. Your thumb had slowly grazing his cheek.
“Why didn’t you say so? I don’t mind canceling my plans for you.” The smile on your lips grew, and you leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. The rain had seemed to turn into a soft sprinkle. You got up from the couch and made your way to the kitchen. His eyes followed you, clearly confused on what you were doing.
“Come on, let’s just cook and watch something.” You called. A bright smile spread across his face as he followed your voice. It was simple idea but it meant the world that you had decided to forgive him. He wouldn’t say that arguing with you will never happen again, but he knew that no matter how frustrating the situation was, he’d never utter an insult to you again.
He loved you too much, after all.
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seph-ic · 2 years
My favorite unofficial friend group is Rachel, Grover, Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Will cause yes I am well aware that some of these have no basis in cannon whatsoever but I think the dynamic would be fun like:
They’re all first arc kids and I like to think there’s some odd unspoken bond from that
Tartarus club
Golden trio
Also people forget that Rachel and Grover spent a lot of time together during hoo so I’d imagine they’d be close
Nico and Percy as the token big three kids
Grover and Percy are best friends I will die on this hill
I like to think that Annabeth and Will had a similar relationship to Percy and Nico (minus the crush lol) and that they’re super close these days.
All of them fought in both big wars
Grover as the token straight friend
Rachel + Will dying all of their hair
Solangelo Percabeth double dates
Rachel and Grover stop each other from feeling like third wheels (which rarely happens)
They all hang out at Sally’s … like a lot. Cause she’s pretty much the closest any of them has to a mother figure (except will??)
Annabeth and Will nerding out about science (Physics v.s. Biology)
Nico and Rachel are liberal arts kids to death
They all have a lot of fun introducing Nico to modern day things. It’s so entertaining that they dedicate one day a month to all meeting up and showing Nico something new.
(Annabeth is black eat me) Rachel has curly hair as well so her and Annabeth swap hair care tips.
The girls actually become SUPER close and hang out all the time.
Everyone kind of takes up a big sibling role for Will and Nico. Percy and Annbeth especially and they often coach them through a lot of being-a-good-councilor-hurdles
Rachel teaches Nico how to paint. (I just remember him admiring her paintings in TON and I won’t let it go)
Will and Grover (and probably Percy) grow weed. Will uses it a lot as a medicinal herb, but he also smokes it with Grover and Percy from time to time. Also they all make weed brownies together one time and then watch Disney’s Hercules together and it’s a wreck.
TONS of karaoke, made all the better by the fact that none of them can sing. Rachel is definitely the best tho
Sparring/training together
Rachel and Will do tarot together
Grover Percy and Nico (sometimes Annabeth) play video games together alot.
They gossip a lot
They babysit Estelle
When they’re all a bit older sometimes they’ll just rock up to camp to help out and tell the kids stories
Just hanging out and drinking and being teens
Nico loves to braid the girls hair (like he used to with Bianca)
Nico will summon ancient artists, architects, and physicians, for Rachel, Annabeth, and Will to talk too
They all teach Will how to drive
Beach days
They might go camping or something
Annabeth helps Rachel work the analytics on her social media art accounts so she gets lots of followers
They all borrow each other’s clothes. This leads to a lot of interesting fashion choices
Rachel introduces Will and Percy to anime and they get SUPER into it
Annabeth and Grover build eco-friendly treehouses at camp for the nymphs and satyers
They talk about their trauma a lot. It’s much easier for them to talk about it to one another because they know they’ll understand
SLEEPOVERS. The do all the stereotypical stuff: face masks, truth or dare, movies.. ect
Percy and Nico have a lot of adventures in cooking, which they both like to do. They’ve make at least 8 different types of blue pasta
Will and Percy are honorary horse girls (wills from the country and Percy just likes horses) and they go for Pegasus/unicorn rides around camp
They all work really well in battle. Anytime there is a monster the six of them can usually take care of it in 15 minutes
Capture the flag
Secret handshakes
They will literally just show up at one another’s at 3 am to go get shakes
Percy Nico and Rachel have the same/ similar music tastes and they go to concerts together
They help each other for quests and stuff
A very active group chat
Idk I just want them to be friends and do friend things cause it’s nice and they deserve it.
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astoldbyaja · 2 months
The Pink Blossom- Ch.22
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After an hour, I was escorted to my horse, and I was helped onto it. Now I just waited and waiting hurt more than anything right now. The anticipation. I heard gunshots, numerous gunshots in the distance. I jumped a bit looking around wondering what had happened. A part of me wanted to ride down there and help anyway I could, but I knew I would just get in the way. I held the reins tight in my hands wondering what was happening, and now at the end of the hill, I saw numerous people running toward us, and I was a bit tense thinking they were soldiers, but instead, I saw Nathan and Katsumoto. Beside them was Ujio and Nobutada, and I smiled wide happy that most of them had returned. They mounted their horses, and together we rode off into the night. War would definitely come.
We did not stop until we neared the mountains, knowing we would not be followed. A fire was made, and everyone was around it. I smiled at Katsumoto and Nobutada as I gave them gentle hugs, that surprised them. For I had never hugged them before.
“I am glad you are both safe.” I replied feeling my body quivering a bit. Katsumoto noticed and smiled back at me.
“And I am glad you are safe.” he said. We all bowed to each other before separating from them so they and Nathan could speak. I had wandered off just a bit from the others so I could be alone. I let my body lean against a tree as I began to remember what happened back at the inn. I closed my eyes and looked down covering my mouth with my hand feeling as if I would just become undone. But I managed to hold it in and inhale some. Ever since I was with Nathan, no one ever bothered me. They could never get close enough. And back there I felt as if I was just as weak as I was back on the plantation. And then it took just one attack to bring the memories back inside me.
And then I think of Ujio’s strength and bravery. It is so easy for him to kill. His way of life seems much more complicated than mine. Maybe I should have taken the emperor’s offer and lived in his palace. If Nathan had just left me here, I would be safe with him… until his life ends, and I’d be in a horrible position again. I scoffed at the thought. I didn’t want to be anywhere Ujio wasn’t.
“Grasuh.” I hear him call, and I noticed I had actually began to walk off in thought. I stopped and turned to Ujio to see him moving over to me and he took my and softly. “You shouldn’t be walking off on your own.” He was right. I was so out of it.
“I’m sorry. Tonight, has just been so hectic.” I replied as he pulled me closer to him.
“Everything will be alright.” he replied, and I shook my head some.
“Will it?” I asked. “There will surely be a battle… and you’re going to go off into it and- and I don’t know if you’re even going to come back.” I replied feeling my eyes water, and he shook his head now shushing me gently.
“You cannot think of that. You must be strong. No matter what happens, if I die, it would be a good death knowing that you are safe.” he said. I just stared up at him for a moment looking away some.
“It’s so easy for you, to just accept that death is the outcome.” I replied.
“Just because I accept that death is an outcome, does not mean it is easy. Ever since you came into my life, I fear that every battle I am in will be the last, because I have someone even more important than my lord to protect. I feel that death means failure to you.” he explained, and I looked back up at him not expecting his answer. I sighed softly and just let my fingers move across his chest softly.
“Maybe we should not think about the upcoming battles… maybe we should just think about tonight.” I replied moving my fingers across the buttons of my dress and unbuttoning them slowly. Ujio exhaled softly as my dress began to fall to my feet. In seconds, he kissed me hard, and I wrapped my arms around him and the cut on my bottom lip hurt from earlier, but right now it was a good pain.
Ujio lifted me up off the ground, so I was out of the dress. He sat me on the side of my dress, his tongue already moving into mouth combining with mine. He moved to remove his blue robes, and I let my hand comb through his hair slowly releasing his top knot. His hair flowed over his bare chest as is clothes slipped down his body. We pulled at the rest of each other’s garments until we were completely naked.
Ujio broke the kiss for a split second and took my hand and began to lead me into the forest. Without question I followed him. I’d follow him anywhere. We didn’t go too far, just far enough to not be heard. There was nothing but grass and field.
Ujio kissed me once more, his growls causing me to gasp in excitement. He moved down to the soft grass first and I followed. I lied atop of his chest and found his lips again. He smiled against my lips curling his fingers into my hand and used his tongue yet again to fight for dominance. I had never expected so much fire to burn inside me and between my legs and so quickly. With his other hand, Ujio moved to the top of my head and gently felt the top of my head. I thought he was petting me at first, until I realized he was slowly removing the pins that kept my hair in place and as it began to fall, I moved back just inches from his face now as now both of us were undone in every way, shape, and form. His hair looked like the mane of a male lion. His lips twitched into a soft snarl as we kissed each other even harder now, his hands gripping my hips and suddenly turning our bodies so that he was on top of me. I felt his hair now falling over me, and oddly enough I couldn’t think of anything else. I wouldn’t.
Ujio stared down at me for a moment and I stared up at him and smiled as he smiled down at me. I let my fingers run through his hair gently.
“Anata wa watashi no monodesu.” I spoke gently never breaking eye contact with him. He gave a low chuckle and leaned down kissing the tip of my nose.
“Ima kara soshite tsugi no jinsei e.” he promised, and I smiled and pulled him into me kissing him passionately. The heat rose within seconds, and I spread my legs for him showing I was already ready for him.
He settled between my legs, and I feel him push into me, my tight walls expanding causing us both to gasp out in total bliss. He wasted no time and began to thrust fast and hard inside me. I moaned out feeling his shaft send tremors of pleasure into my body. My head fell back, and I felt Ujio’s lips trailing down my neck kissing and licking all over the sensitive parts of my flesh. My legs immediately locked up around his hips, his hands finding their way to my breasts, and he pawed at them firmly, but not too aggressively. Our bodies moved together on the grass, and not even the blades cut our bodies as we moved with mild aggression.
Ujio’s hand moved under my leg to pull it closer over his body, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Everything felt so perfect, and I moaned out feeling that certain spot inside me being gently pushed.
Ujio felt it however and pushed harder and faster against that spot. I trembled with pleasure feeling my hands scrape down his back, and I bit his bottom lip in response causing him to growl out lowly. He sat up suddenly and grabbed me lifting me up so now I was sitting atop of his lap and holding onto him for mild leverage. His hands slid down my body and took hold of my hips and he began to slowly move them against his own as he moved his hips upward. I panted softly moving my hips with his eyes, and I feel his tongue lick right up my lips causing me to gasp sharply. My hands ran down his strong chest, moving across every scar he had, and our foreheads pressed together and everything seemed so heightened and so intense. His growls, his grunts, it all fueled me. To think I could make such sounds come from his lips made me go crazy. My eyes closed, my head fell back, and I gripped his shoulders so I could grind my hips harder against his. I let my body fall into deep pleasure, and the look on Ujio’s face told me he enjoyed it too. His face buried itself into my neck, and he bit down on my jugular and I hummed in bliss.
His arms now locked around my back, and he firmly pressed me into his chest and soon it truly felt like we were one. After a few more seconds he lifted me up and lied me on my back once more entering me and thrusting harder and violently. I knew he was close. I was close too. I gripped his arms hard and felt the pleasure hitting the top of that imaginary ceiling in my head. Both of our moans grew higher and weaker as I felt overwhelming pleasure shoot up inside me and in seconds, I feel Ujio release everything inside me. We shiver hard against one another and Ujio holds me close as he slowly rides out the pleasure inside me.
I panted hard and fast feeling my walls pulsing from the pleasure and I look up at him for a moment as he kisses me slowly. We laid together in the grass until we both had the energy to move again. We found our clothes and got dressed and moved back to our people and curled up together by the fire and passed out. We awoke early and continued our journey into the mountains. Once we returned, I was embraced by the children once again and even their mothers came to welcome me and the other samurai back. But I knew this happy reunion could not last forever. Nathan walked up beside me, and I looked at him.
“We must prepare.” he said, and I turned to him and looked him over.
“You are going to fight.” I concluded and he nodded slowly.
“And this time, you cannot follow me.” he said, and I winced at his words for they hurt a lot. There was never a place I couldn’t go with Nathan, but I guess this time our journey together was over. I nodded slowly in understanding.
“Then you had better come back.” I replied gently, and he nodded giving a soft smile.
“When have I not?” he asked humorously. I tried to laugh, but it was a weak one at that. We knew how serious this was, and I knew this could be the end of our journey together.
Author's notes
Ima kara soshite tsugi no jinsei e - from now into the next life
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silverstoryteller · 9 months
Chapter Six
“only seeing that look as the knife drove toward him—” Okay, I immediately connected this to the scar on his hand, but I, of course, assumed one of the attackers stabbed him.
“Either one of them was strong enough to tear him in half. But what scared Will was not their strength, but the idea of what they might know about him.” :( Yeeeeah, good call on that, tbh.
““That’s right,” said Will, without hesitating, “the boy who took us both captive.” He deliberately didn’t look at Violet, his eyes on Justice.” I love Will and Violet's instant ride-or-die friendship.
You know, on first reading, Justice’s description of the war sounds like a bundle of the most basic, cliche tropes, and don’t even throw in any fantasy terms relating to the old world yet to differentiate it from other books, but I think that actually works in its favor? I knew going into this book that it was going to subvert that Chosen One trope, and there’s enough world building to be done before Pacat can get to the twist that I feel like the more basic the lore is, the better.
I was recently reading the first book in the Licanius Trilogy recently, and that series just hit me over the head constantly with people and places and magical terms that I had no frame of references for because I’d just started the book. It was like getting thrown into the deep in of the swimming pool, and Pacat's explanation of “there was a war, Light and Dark, Dark King set to return, you know how it goes,” was so much easier to process in comparison.
(Incidentally, while I decided to DNF that book for now, I did look up enough spoilers to be intrigued to see where it goes, so I will pick it up again at some point. I just want to wait until I get to a point where I’ve forgotten the details of the spoilers I looked up and I'm not automatically comparing it to CS Pacat, because I don't think that's a fair comparison.)
““She looked at me like she knew me.” Lines that hit different etc., etc. Also, I’m pretty sure this line stuck out to me as strange the first time I read it, too. If Will's supposed to be her descendant, why would she act like she knew him as if he was there?
Chapter Seven
"Simon’s creature. It’s in his blood.” I do wonder what this is supposed to mean, though I imagine we'll get the answer in book three.
‘“They’re my family,” said Violet. Will said, “Simon took my family from me too.”’ Will's great, man How could anyone not like him?
Here comes James!
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themidnightcircusshow · 6 months
sending you hal and loki for the character meme <3
My favorite thing about them: Mentally ill prince with family issues and muderous tendancies, my favourite things.
My least favorite thing about them: how terribly inconsistent their writing is. Each writer has tackled Loki in a wholly new way, and the end result is a jarring mess where what Marvel says the audience should think of Loki and the ways they actually write Loki are completely incongurrant. I fully believe that the reason why AoA works so well is because it had just one writer who really fleshed out Loki's past, present, and possible future characterisations and wrote the series with that in mind at all times.
My favorite canon relationship: I want to say Thor and Loki but part of Thor and Loki being the most inconsistently written characters is that their relationship is completely over the place and it means I can only care some of the time (which I hate for the record. You gave me extremely messed up royal siblings with bonus hero and villain angst, how did you mess that up)
Anyway, have you heard the good news of Loki and Verity? Genderfluid pansexual god of lies meets local ace nerd who has lie detecting powers. Become instant best friends. He rescues her by turning into a unicorn so she can ride him to get away from the police. She jumps on Thor's back in spite of being a very tiny skin and bones human so he'll stop attacking Loki. When the world ends, Loki puts her soul in a bracelet so she won't die. Icon behaviour on both of their counts.
My favorite non-canon relationship: FrostIron. What other ship sustains itself to that degree after only one canon interaction 12 years ago.
(I'm also partial to Loki/Fandral, but that's canon in the comics so doesn't count :p)
The sexuality I headcanon for them: genderfluid pansexual (again, canon in AoA. Disney you will pay for your crimes)
What I’d do if I could spend the day with them: Make them use their powers to act out the Loki season one I have in my head. Then get ice cream.
Random fact about them I like: I will never stop talking about how he goes fishing using a bazooka.
My favorite thing about them: He deals with his daddy issues so well <3 he's going to get such a good grade in kingship, something that is both normal and possible to achieve <3
My least favorite thing about them: I Am Obliged To Mention The War Crimes
My favorite canon relationship: Henry and Hal. Is it a good relationship? No. Am I endlessly fascinated? Always.
My favorite non-canon relationship: Hal and Henry VI
The sexuality I headcanon for them: Aesexual grey-aromantic. May have some gender stuff that he refuses to acknowledge.
What I’d do if I could spend the day with them: Sit him down with a group of psychiatric specialists while we all frantically take notes and a doctor examines the face scar. Maybe introduce him to the concept of a work-life balance
Random fact about them I like: Threatening to execute two nobles because their bickering disturbed his dinner. Funniest thing he's ever done
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Her afternoon had been filled with body tremors.
I honestly love the little details you have put about Violet's EDS. It's so interesting yet painful to read how it is not just the people she loves but also her own body which is betraying her.
There would be questions if the whole second-year floor was able to hear her scream every time she fell asleep.
I wish we could see more of Violet's emotions in canon. You have perfectly portrayed the what ifs I wanted with your words. Kudos to you!
Navarre would keep lying, and the rebellion would keep acting under the radar, never having enough riders to make a difference because they were too scared to cause a scene, to stir rebellion from the inside.
I was honestly concerned how Violet could not see the parallels. Just because the rebellion wanted to fight against the venin and end it for good did not mean their approach was correct.
“Power is a ladder, trust yourself only, watch your back. Riders fight, and soon you’ll be flying for the good of the continent.” had been the Princess’ words in Morraine.
There is NO WAY she does not know. I'm sure she knows about the rebellion too to some extend. But if she does not, does it mean there would be a civil unrest because of the people in the wards who do know?
It was baffling how no one in the rebellion saw they were doomed to fail due to their pride and fear.
I honestly don't know how the Assembly members reached their current positions. Turns out people throughout the continent have the same arrogance issues 🤣 🤣
Who shows such sense of ownership and belonging in public and yet every truth has to be ripped out of them by force? Xaden, apparently.
He does not know how to be in a relationship, apparently. I'd love to see him grovel in your book now.
That’s when both she and Alys started to learn how to master the art of manipulation.
This sentence somehow made me see the resemblance between Lilith and Xaden. Both of them would do anything to protect their loved ones (In Lilith's case her kids and in Xaden's it's Violet). They honestly don't know how a healthy relationship works. We readers often say that we can excuse murder but not cheating, but we cannot actually do that. Lilith here got the rebels killed, made the bargain with Xaden and did much more cruel things just to keep her children safe. Xaden would do the same thing if it comes to Violet.
He had blamed Violet for their behavior because a member of the Royal Family could never have thoughts of their own when it came to controversial matters.
I'd love to have a friendly conversation with Tauri. Just for a few minutes please 😀🔪
“You don’t need me to be an open book. We’re allowed to have boundaries. If you want to know something you only need to start asking.”
But then what's the point if she does not even know the basics about you 😭😭
Then Rhi’s face softened. “But also terribly tired, are you sure you want to go? We can just cuddle in your bed and cry to sleep.”
Rhi is that ride or die friend every Violet needs and I'm hear for it.
“Fight harder then.” A pause. “Two can play this game Xaden, If you want me to ask about things I’ll make you the same rule.”
“Do be careful who you share your war stories with, Violet. I’d hate to see your mother lose either of her daughters.”
Him threatening Mira had me on my last nerve. Can I have 5 minutes with him too? Please 🔫😀
“Secrets make for poor leverage. They die with the people who keep them.”
Oh I am SO ready for him to die now
Ok so this post is extremely long.
Just ending this with the fact that you're doing an awesome job and this chapter was splendid. I'd love you to explore more dynamic about Alys and Violet and love to see more of Mira. I honestly miss her so much, even in canon. Keep up the excellent work!!
I'm gonna start crying in about 3 seconds, what a lovely comment !! thank you so much <3
Portraying Violet's EDS in a realistic way is very important to me, I don't want to get it wrong and diminish people who have these kinds of issues with their own bodies, so I try to be really mindful of her pain.
Listen the Assembly in Aretia is dumb and it baffles me how no one states the obvious in canon.
civil unrest will happen one way or another, but if people know and decide to act ... it'll get ugly and I can't give much much away without spoiling but yeah
Xaden will grovel don't worry !!
Xaden and Lilith are soooo alike !! i love writing them both bc none of them are good people exactly but they're not terrible either. they do bad actions but its all bc they think its 1) the right thing to do or 2) to protect the people they love
Tauri is a king and a king will always be a king and act superior to everyone else
Rhi and Violet are very very special to me they're it !!
No one threatens Mira on my watch, we'll see more of her soon, Alys did make a promise to Violet after all. I'm so amazed that people like Alys so much it makes me really happy !!!
thank you so so much for this comment and pls don't feel shy I welcome them every time <3
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dameronswife · 1 year
Hi Nym! If you’re comfortable, I was wondering about the details of your SW s/i + their relationship with Poe. If you want I’d love to hear about them!! —CCFM :)
Hi Rina!!! AAAAAAA Oh, I am so comfortable with that actually, I love talking about the two of them 🥰! I'm going to be upfront and admit it's not the most...orthodox? storyline? The ship itself began in an RP me and my friend (@hermitmoss) have where our two prequel era self-inserts are hurtled into the future, and Poe recruits them — and most of the verses I've got (including many with my co-general in Dameron wifery, @dameronalone) keep with that theme because I'm kind of in love with the concept of romances time can't get in between of.
(I do want to come up with an actual canon compliant verse some day tho lmfao).
But! To the point! My S/I is named Volya Doneeta! She's a chubby blue Twi'lek with extremely short lekku, who also happens to be a Jedi who...cannot connect with the Force at all, beyond strong empathic abilities she can't control. She's....a very loving disaster who latches onto people and will love and protect them with her all. She's a starfighter pilot which is one huge thing she and Poe initially bond over, and they click fast and hard because of their similarities in how they feel the most alive/at their best in space and/or a cockpit, but also because when they meet they both happen to still be grieving someone very important in their lives (Poe with L'ulo, and then Volya with her mentor).
Because of the fact that they see a similar soul in one another, they're kind of instantly ride or die for each other, and in most 'verses it doesn't take them long at all to get together bc when they go grab some caf to get to know each other better, they end up agreeing it's a date and decide to see where things go, altho Voy sometimes wonders if she's maybe not romantic enough because it's her first real relationship. (Side note: Volya does eventually join Poe's squadron.)
A huge part of their dynamic (aside from them being dorky besties) is the theme of hope and learning to live again. Altho Volya definitely has her own reckless streak, it's nowhere near as bad as Poe's, and she's practically ruthless in her optimism, if only because she can't admit that they might lose the war or she might lose Poe. She slows Poe down and reminds him that he has time, that he could have a future beyond the war, but at the same time, Poe pulls her out of her shell and pushes her just enough out of her comfort zone to get Volya questioning what it is that she wants for herself.
And here are the couple of the hour, courtesy of @/hermitmoss again 🥰
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kritischetheologie · 2 years
Maybe not a hot take but something I find frustrating is how quick people are to block on f1blr. It’s impossible to be 100% honest about your interests AND make friends with all the people you think are funny and interesting. For example: you love Daniel and really want to connect with someone who also loves Daniel but they HATE lando and you love lando so you feel like you can’t talk about him without risking that person blocking you/unfollowing/talking shit. Obviously if this only happened every once in a while I’d be fine but it feels soooo pervasive in this fandom, it’s like I’m walking on eggshells. Okay sorry for dumping but you asked for it and I’ve been thinking about this a lot as I try to navigate making friends on here 😩
so, first of all, I want to say that I hear you, and I totally understand why you feel the way you do, and that you're not wrong about the pervasive vibe
and also, I really really hope that you're able to make friends soon, anon! (and also, one of the easiest ways to make friends is going off anon. or at least, it's a prerequisite. mortifying ordeal of being known etc etc.)
and now I'm gonna give a little bit of gentle disagreement and also unsolicited advice
first of all, the walking on eggshells feeling is honestly a feature of tumblr culture, in general, not just f1blr. this is, in general, not a particularly healthy place to hang out (lolsob). a mantra I like to repeat to myself is the opening line of a postal service song: this place is a prison and these people aren't your friends.
I have about 300 followers (fewer every moment), about 100 of whom are mutuals, and there are maybe five people on this website I actually consider real friends. tumblr is, in many ways, a lot like high school: you have to find the real people you can actually trust, and just tune out everything else. you will never be able to make friends with all the cool people. you need the people who will actually ride or die for you, and everyone else can be people you take prom photos with (reblog each other's fic).
so second of all: you are only going to be able to be friends with people if you can actually disagree on fandom stuff that doesn't matter to your real lives, because friendship is not about comparing lists of all your blorbos and matching all your blorbos and shipping them with all the same blorbos. friendship is about who will let you sleep on their couch if you show up in the middle of the night with a suitcase, and the way you get there is honestly by talking about who you really are, as people. sure, it's nice to have some overlapping blorbos, to be able to rec each other fics, and it's nice to be able to watch races without constantly feeling like if one of your blorbo wins the other's blorbo will lose, except for how that can actually be an extremely fun way to watch races, because some good-natured competition is fun, if you're both into it...
(and when I talk about blorbo opinions not mattering for your real life, I am sure, because this is tumblr, that people are going to show up in my mentions like well come on max is racist surely that's not a difference of opinion how can I be friends with people who support someone who's racist, that matters to my real life. and to those people I say, the decision to support the guy who says slurs over the guy who evades taxes over the guy driving for the team with two sponsors both of whom have war crimes sections of their wikipedia page over the guy who's pro life over... does not tell me anything about someone's character in real life. how do they treat strangers? how do they treat waitstaff? how do they treat their friends, or their family? and sure, what do they vote for... but this is not an election, and finding a blorbo interesting, or liking their driving style, or even being attracted to them, is not the same thing as thinking they're a good person, morally.)
which is all to say that someone who will block anyone who ships *spins wheel* dando is not here to make friends. they're here to whip people up into a frenzy of perceived moral superiority, because this is tumblr, and this is what people on tumblr have always done.
to be clear: I am not advocating for being a dick as a way of testing people even if that is literally what I am doing with this little exercise. treat other people with charity, use the appropriate tags to block content people don't want to see, and then... let the chips fall where they may. and if someone unfollows you or talks shit because you also like lando, remind yourself:
this place is a prison and these people aren't your friends
so talk about daniel with the people who like daniel, and see if they're down to also talk about lando... but more importantly? see if they're down to talk about how your days are going, about work, about love, about the shit you're going through, about what it means to be a person in this fucking world. because that shit, at the end of the day, is what actually matters. they can tune out your posts about lando.
good luck, anon. I'm rooting for you.
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childofdratchet · 1 year
friend:what Oc do you regret making for CODMW2(remastered and 2009)
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Name:Samuel Barnes
Nickname(s):Sam, Sammy, Tasmanian Devil(Soap gave him
The nickname)
Alias(Es):Tasmanian Devil
TimeLine:Modern WarFare
Regiment:12th Infantry Regiment
Birth Date:12/28/1990
Death Date:10/1/2024
Occupation:(Outside of the military) Highschool teacher(PE)
Affiliation’s:None Yet
                “I don’t want to kill anyone.. I just don’t like bullies, no matter where they’re from.”-CAPTAIN AMERICA, MCU
Skin Tone:Pale
Eye Color:Purple-ish-Blue
Hair Color:Brunnete
Hair Length:Short
Scar/Burns/Marks:a large scar across his back and a massive burn on his right shoulder.
Tattoo’s:A Phoenix Tattoo On His Back, That Has Writing Saying ‘Freer Than Scotland’
Physical Enchantment’s
    “People are laying down there live’s for their country.. I wanted to protect mine and protect other’s so they didn’t have to die..”-SAMUEL BARNES, 2009
Personality:He Is A Very Quiet but Strong and Protective Man, But he can also be very sweet and shy when he want’s. But he has terrible anger issue’s, which is good on the battlefield.
Fear(s):Acrophobia, Coulrophobia, Agrophobia and Virgintiphobia.
Likes:Reading, Hiking, Singing, Cooking, SwordPlay, Drawing, Archery and Horse-Riding
Dislikes:Abusers, Pedophiles, Zoophiles, (Any kind of philes), Predator’s and His Father
Habit(s):Zoning Out, Randomly lashing out in either Spanish or Gaelic, Drawing, Clinging onto someone when he’s a little scared
Talent(s):Hitting a high note in a song, Actually getting along with ghost And Mimicking other people’s accent’s and Voice’s(no matter the gender)
Reputation:A cold, rude and aggressive man who will kill you in an instant..
   “I’m not scared… why, your ask?. Because me and my teammate’s are gonna end this god forsaken war..”-SAMUEL BARNES, 2021
Love Interest:Classified
Friend(s):John “Soap” McTavish(BestFriend), Simon “Ghost” Riley(basically his 2ND in command), Captain John Price, Erwin König(HAH- he take’s the cake(, Gaz, Horangi and Alejandro Vargas.
Enemy(ies):Phillip Graves, Vladimir Makarov and General Shepard
  “if I could, I’d be taking away the every war.. so nobody lost any family member’s or died”-JAMES BARNES, 2019”
Characters Abilities
Weapon(s):Guns, Knives, Swords, Bows and Axe
Preferred Weapon(s):Bow and Swords
(On the scale of 1 - 10; 1 being terrible and 10 being best)
Hand-To-Hand Combat:10/10
Long Range Accuracy:10/10
People Skills:4/10
    “This year is going to be hell with how thing’s are going..”-SAMUEL BARNES, 2020
BirthPlace: Scotland, Edinburgh
Family:Charles Barnes(Father, Scottish) Maria Barnes(Mother, Latina)
Character BackGround:Rumored to be in a Spanish-Scottish Mafia(which isn’t true at all)
  “No no, no.. I don’t take order’s from you, only ghost, price, Soap and König.”-SAMUEL BARNES, 2022”
     “I give you all, a very fond farewell.”-SAMUEL BARNES, 2024
Funeral Song:The Last Goodbye-Billy Boyd
#codmw2 #oc
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natedogx15 · 1 year
The Explosive ‘Hero’ and the ‘Useless’ Support
So, a little background. I am absolutely obsessed with the “Main character is kicked out of hero’s party” trope and am mad at myself for not coming up with this sooner because Bakugou and Midoriya are literally the perfect setup for the type where the chosen ‘hero’ is an asshole and decided to toss out the ‘dead weight’.
Anyway, Bakugou, Midoriya, Tsubasa, Fingers (middle school friend #1), and Jaws (middle school friend #2) are all childhood friends with the dream of becoming heroes. However, the group has different reasons. Three of the five (Tsubasa, Jaws, and Fingers) want to live in luxury while riding on their leader’s coattails, Bakugou to prove he’s the greatest, and Midoriya wants to help people.
If you want to go a fantasy RPG route, here are some classes.
Bakugou: Barbarian, Hero, Warrior, War Master
Midoriya: Mage, Enchanter, Monk, Paladin, Cleric, Druid
Fingers: Rogue
Jaws: Ranger, Fighter, Barbarian
Tsubasa: Fighter, Ranger
Whatever you choose, it’s more of a start for Midoriya and Bakugou. The party does fairly well and makes a name for itself pretty quickly. However, throughout their adventures, the party slowly sees Midoriya as the load and eventually kicks him out. Whether it’s Bakugou getting sick of him or the other three framing him for something/leaving him behind, he’s out.
Then it’ll follow a relatively standard plot for the trope by either.
1) Unlocking/finding an incredible power after getting kicked out and becoming far more powerful than when he was thrown out.
2) Joining/making another party that causes his natural ability to be clearly displayed and shows he’s far from a burden.
3) Moving into a different career that he’s really talented in like being an advisor for adventurers.
Any of the ways, Midoriya eventually starts doing far better than when he played a supporting role for Bakugou. Meanwhile, Bakugou’s Party isn’t doing so well. Bakugou himself is smart and strong enough to handle things without Midoriya around. However, the other three aren’t holding up so well. They can be disorganized due to Midoriya being the team strategist, having trouble with the upkeep of their equipment, or not performing well individually because they relied on Midoriya’s enchantments. Bakugou is no help because he mainly focuses on fighting alone and being the strongest over actual teamwork.
Eventually, this bites them to the point where the other three die, Bakugou throws them out, or they become too injured to continue. This is a learning experience for Bakugou and causes him to start to grow as a leader and possibly as a person.
One of my personal pet peeves about the trope is how the ‘hero’ or party leader never seems to grow up if they’re of the asshole variety. They either go full bad guy or just vanish instead of growing up when they realize they're not all that great or special. I’d love to read one where there’s a subplot about the leader or old party growing up.
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ladystrallan · 2 years
Once Upon a Time season 4A thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Funny story about this season, back in the day when I was watching OUAT for the first time, me and my dad watched it on netflix, and when we finished season 3, season 4 wasn’t on netflix yet, so we bought a box set and then a week later (no joke) it was put on netflix lol
- It’s beck from You!
- That cgi ice…
- I mean marian is a little bit right (even though I don’t like her)
- I feel like Regina’s redemption was a bit fast, and her only motivation for being good is Henry (not her having actual remorse for her actions)
- Rumple visiting Neal’s grave :(
- The ogre wars are the funniest thing in this show
- How long did they last? How did they start?
- I guess we’ll never know
- Regina… girl… just turning evil at the smallest inconvenience
- They are so adorable omg
- Him trusting her with the dagger… awww
- Aaaaaaaa! The beauty and the beast dance
- This is too cute
- “Maybe we should have gone with baelfire” yeah if you want him to get bullied
- Sidney is so thirsty for Regina lol
- I’m sorry but the enchanted forest also being called misthaven??? I kinda hate it
- “Anna, I will find you” would you say… you will always find her? Lol
- Omg he looks like he should be riding a horse on the cover of a romance novel
- “They call her bo peep” aka the least menacing name ever
- What are your intentions with my daughter???
- I forgot they made bo peep a lowkey mafia boss
- Not David calling her a warlord lol
- “When I was six years old, one morning I woke up hearing my father and mother going at it” yikes
- Ohhhh they were fighting… I thought they were doing something else
- Nooooo he died from drunk driving
- Ok I think I’m a full on captainswan shipper now
- “I don’t like to say such a name out loud” he’s not voldemort
- I’d know that giggle anywhere…
- This is the frozen 2 we deserved
- Oooooooo she got the white streak
- Ponytail Regina looks kinda fruity ngl…
- That painting clashes so bad
- Marian looks like she ate a blue popsicle
- Why don’t they disguise Elsa? She’s not exactly looking inconspicuous like that
- WILL SCARLET (For some reason I called him will roland for the longest time)
- Wait but didn’t he literally switch it out with the real dagger though???
- The way he hooked her arm!!!
- It’s zoso
- Ooh has rumple not “succumbed to darkness in his heart”?
- Captainswan date!!!
- “I don’t pillage and plunder on the first date” lol
- Awwww that’s cute that he wants to hold her
- But the hook is kinda sexy
- “Captain hand” that’s so funny
- “Is there something wrong with your skin?” Please—
- Wait… granny’s ISN’T the only restaurant in town?
- His old self is coming back to haunt him…
- Those brooms in fantasia used to give me nightmares
- Placebo hand
- Should I watch OUAT in Wonderland?
- Awwww they’re cute
- I like how she poofs away in a little blizzard
- Ooh this is like the broken glass curse
- The Neal picture…
- Omg plot twist (I actually remember this lol) Ingrid was Emma’s foster mom
- Ogres killed my mom…
- “I pray you never have to cross paths with that twisted man” she’s married to him lol
- Omg the duke’s moves lol
- Rumple is in every single story
- This man is everywhere
- Ew the duke of weselton is such a creep
- Oh no she froze her heart
- Yikes what happened to focus on your wife???
- Zelena actually could have been the sister Ingrid was look for
- She was born with magic and misunderstood
- Why does Robin dress like a lumberjack???
- I forgot about the whole rumple stealing Emma’s magic thing
- Why doesn’t Ingrid wear shoes?
- Why do they hate happy? What did he do?
- I really like the emma/elsa friendship
- Rumple stop being evil and just be married to belle!!!
- At least for a season
- My plan to resist the curse: wear goggles
- Noooooo the vows before they die
- That is so sad
- Honestly serves blue right
- Hey, at least the curse looks pretty
- Alternate plan: tear out everyone’s hearts (the curse didn’t work on hook because he didn’t have his heart)
- Everyone fighting each other is really funny
- Awwwww that’s actually so cute (Ingrid adopting Emma)
- Why does anyone bother running when they can just poof away
- Henry? More like Kevin McAllister
- And… she ruined it
- That’s sad :(
- Rip Ingrid
- Finally a villain that shows ACTUAL REMORSE for their actions
- “Don’t you sneeze on me, you son of a—“ lol
- Oh, rumple. When will you learn?
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Belle, Emma, Anna, Hook
Like: Rumple, Elsa, Ingrid, Kristoff, David
Neutral: Regina, Snow, Henry
Dislike: Marian, Robin
Hate: Hans, the duke
Season rating: 7/10
I liked this season more than I remembered liking it! The beginning felt a little slow, but it got really good towards the end. I like Ingrid and I think she is the best ‘misunderstood’ villain in the whole show. Her sacrifice was so sad but such a payoff! I’m just not a fan of the Marian plot and Rumple being evil for the sake of it (he didn’t really have a strong motivation for his actions imo)
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Epel, Floyd: Wild and Free
Floyd’s callback to his own birthday interview 👌 I sure hope Deuce didn’t die from that Magical Wheel ride—
Also!! Anyone notice that Epel’s Union Birthday pose looks like the pose from Vil’s first birthday card? jdbdjsbdjwns Man’s really learning from his dorm leader 😂 Unfortunate that Epel didn’t complete the Pomefiore ponytail trio though...
Imagine this...
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“Ne, ne, Guppy-chan!”
“Mm? What’s up, Floyd-senpai?”
When Epel turned, he found his upper classman leering down at him. A sinister gleam in those heterochromatic eyes, spiked teeth on full display. Epel gulped, his body instinctively inching back--preparing not to flee, but to make space to fight.
Floyd had kicked down the door earlier.
Perhaps Epel would be next to be kicked down, if he wasn’t cautious.
“Are you sure you don’t want me and Jade as your brothers?” the eel sked in a drawl, leaning in with a slanted smile. “We’d treat you real nice, honest~”
“When you gotta say that you’re being honest, it just makes you sound way LESS honest!” Epel retorted.
“What, and Sea Lion-senpai is?” Floyd cackled, his wicked laughter piercing. “Last I checked, he’s just as crafty as Azul. I mean, Sea Lion-senpai swiped aaaall those contracts right from under our noses.”
“You don’t get it. Leona-san’s really cool when it comes down to it! It ain’t just about bein’ big n’ strong. It’s how you use what you’ve got! I... learned that from Vil-senpai.”
Even the things you thought were weaknesses before can become your strongest assets.
The first year clenched his fists, a show of self-assuredness. “Strong, smart, kind, cool...! The kind of guy everyone looks up to! That’s why, no matter what, I wanna be like Leona-san someday!”
“Kind? Bleh. He seriously doesn’t give that sorta impression at all,” Floyd sighed. “... But geez, I never thought I’d see the day when your eyes would sparkle over something like that, Guppy-chan.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“When I first met you, you were all about bulking up, gaining muscle, getting stronger. Just that, and nothing else. Now... I dunno, you’re different somehow.”
Epel straightened excitedly. “I actually grew a few centimeters from last year!”
“Nah, it’s not height. It’s more like... you still go through with Betta-chan-senpai’s crazy strict lessons, but...” Floyd tilted his head, his eyes creasing into gleeful crescents. “... You’re more free than ever.”
“Oh, am I? I’m... more free?” Epel blinked, unsure of how to interpret the word. “Well, I guess if by ‘freer’ you mean ‘more open’? Before, it kinda felt like I was chasin’ that one thing so hard, I forgot ‘bout all the other stuff that’s important.”
The birthday boy closed his eyes, letting long lashes sweep over his appled cheeks. “Not just physical strength, but strength of character. There’s so many types of strength I didn’t know about before. They’re like apples--lots of different kinds, and everyone has the ones they’re trying to cultivate.”
Floyd stared at him.
“D-Did I say something weird?”
“Nope! Nothing weird!”
“Wh-What’s with that scary smile, then?!”
“Mm? What scary smile? I’m just happy for you, Guppy-chan.” Floyd grinned toothily, folding his arm and resting it on Epel’s head. The birthday boy bristled, but did not dare jostle his upperclassman off.
“Happy... I dunno if I believe you on that.”
“Mm? I’m totally believable.”
“Ya look like yer gonna chew me up ‘n spit me out!” Epel protested, accent strongly cutting through his composed facade.
“That’s what I’m here for, aren’t I? For your special Gift of Good Fortune~” 
“Hold up!” Epel shouted, suddenly breaking away from Floyd. “If you think I’m just gonna take this lyin’ down, you got another thing comin’! LEZZGO, FLOYD-SENPAI! You and me, right here, right now!!”
Hehe. Looks like Guppy-chan’s grown up some. The ee’s grin broadened. That’ll make him way stronger—and way more fun to crush~
“Ahahahah! Now you’re speakin’ my language!”
“Bring it ON!!”
Pies were seized by both boys, their war cries ringing out above the party. Thrill tickled the backs of their throats, and whipped cream was set flying free into the world.
Happy birthday, Guppy-chan~!
Splat, splat!!
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spockosurprise · 3 years
First time watch of "Amok Time" live thoughts
All I know going in about this epiode is that it is very iconic, possibly gay and that Spock becomes Horny To Death™ (is that a car seat headrest song?)
- Christine, my beloved.
- good soup.
- Spock is reaching new heights as an angsty bitch.
- WWHAT IS SPOCK DOING ON THE BRIDGE. a bitch almost dead and keeps throwing temper tantrums but no no,, let him be in the arguably most important part of the ship,,
- Chekov. I have been waiting for an episode with this bugger and now he has arrived.
- Spocks head: just empty. not a single thought. just the vacant static of nothing.
- decorations in Spocks quarters consist of: a set of 3D chess, a humanoid dog statue and a couple of multicoloured balls lumped together.
- watching Jim and Spock talk about sex is terrible. please no more.
- "The birds and the bees are not Vulcans, Captain. > : [" spock. spuck. spunker. what
- Spock is now drawing parrallels between Vulcans and salmons. okay...
- Simsalabim - either you die or commit a sin!
- yaayy Uhura is finally getting to actually have some lines here.
- ah, my bad, turns out Spock also has a couple of head sculptures he sleeps next to and suspicious weapons! (???)
- Christine mf Chapel is so beautiful.
- McCoy just called Spock "Sir". what the fuck??
- ayo why does Spock have the bi lighting rn
- the gong stays during sex >:(
- THE VULCANS OUTFITS. WHAT. WHATT. highly logical i must say. amazing. can't Spock wear those clothes all the time too? just some tinfoil dress he struts around in.
- uh oh. I recognize Stonn from the glorious day known to man only as "Stonn Saturday".
- the whole time T'Pau is talking and Spock is having his moment Jim is just watching like this ; - )
- the sheer power T'Pau radiates.
- *shakes bells on sticks angerly*
- okay it's actually kind of sad how Spock is pleading to not have to fight Jim
- Spock looks like he's about to fuck this bitch up
- everybodys just standing there as Jim and Spock fight, like I know they cant legally do anything but,, but still,, just watching some sunday morning entertainment, how about you?
- tits are out. i repeat. TITS ARE OUT.
- Super Horny Man With Bowlcut Plays Tug Of War with Himbo Mommy Milkers Man.
- Jim has been successfully choked. hooray.
- uh oh... Spock... is that an emotion i smell? ouch
- I once saw a post that said something along the lines of 'T¨Pring doesnt want to become the consort of legend, she is the legend', and y'know,, i can see that.
- Spock has the same vibe as when Chekov says "Oh, yes, I'll live, but i won't enjoy it" (not that I have seen that episode yet) except less russian.
- and then he's a deer caught in the headlights when Bones and Chapel has been watching his,,, emotional outbreak
- Bones saves the day again, what else is new
- mmh yes... he lost all interest in T'Pring after he fought the captain. theres a BDSM joke somewhere in there but I'd rather not dwell on it.
- I love Jim, Bones and Spock together. Whatever relationship you may say they have, it's like a fine wine either way. Their interactions are,, superb.
Well that was a fucking ride. what the fuck. Mr Roddenberry i just wanna talk.
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fazfacts · 2 years
more to come, probably. i didn’t even make it through half of the screenshots i had saved with these :’)
contains very mild spoilers for chapter 3 & suggestive content!
❝ L-Love?! What on God's green earth is THAT?! ❞
❝ Is this "love" thing a type of feeling? I don't really do those, thanks. ❞
❝ I don't want to piss behind any of your rides this year. ❞
❝ You flirt like I'd imagine Mothman would. ❞
❝ Darn. I hate it when I do that. ❞
❝ Fudge. I have $0. ❞
❝ I'd stroll in there, 'n' give 'em the ol' RAZZLE-DAZZLE. ❞
❝ I'm sure I could find a way to...c o n v i n c e them... ;) ❞
❝ Hi, [____]...you look nice today ;) ❞
❝ So, [____]...you have any plans for later today? ;) ❞
❝ I demand to speak to your manager. ❞
❝ Rules, SCHMULES! I don't LIKE rules. I like ANARCHY. ❞
❝ I don't like your LIP, [____]. ❞
❝ I SEEK AN A U D I E N C E. ❞
❝ I piss, bossman. It's what I do. ❞
❝ Hi, never say that again. ❞
❝ Sowwy... ❞
❝ No offense, but I find you mildly upsetting to gawk at! ❞
❝ It's hip to fuck monsters. ❞
❝ I will die before I let you make an omelette with my unborn babies. ❞
❝ I'm a parent, [____]. A PARENT. ❞
❝ HHHHHHHHHHH [Acute Hemorrhaging] ❞
❝ I fear intimacy, so I push my loved ones away from me with wanton hostility. ❞
❝ Haha, printer go BRRR. ❞
❝ We do live in a society, yes. ❞
❝ Bold of you to assume that I can count. ❞
❝ I would consider half a turnip a lot of money. ❞
❝ Enjoy spending a month in prison. ❞
❝ Okay, so...y'know how gambling is ALWAYS a wise idea? ❞
❝ That sounds fun! I like risks! ❞
❝ Ah, rats...do ALL fun things require money?! ❞
❝ C-Can you give ME therapy? ❞
❝ Oh, no, I just...HAVE to stop you- ❞
❝ You should REALLY not be alive. ❞
❝ ...Bite me. ❞
❝ I'm going to have nightmares about you tonight. ❞
❝ Just for that, I'm laying my eggs on one of your busiest rides. ❞
❝ EGGS. ❞
❝ They're, uhhh, beautiful? ❞
❝ Never use the word [____] around me again, thanks. ❞
❝ Ya can't rot, if ya don't actually exist. :) ❞
❝ I aim to one day draw Bigfoot out in the open. ❞
❝ Alright, [____], I've got good news and bad news. ❞
❝ Do you know what "man-hunt" means? ❞
❝ Oh, [____] - I have to insist you don't do this. ❞
❝ If I wanna think outside the box, this is how I'll do it. ❞
❝ This won't end well. ❞
❝ This WILL end well. ❞
❝ So...how's prison? ❞
❝ PLEASE don't do this, [____]. ❞
❝ I...don't want any part in this. ❞
❝ Yuck! It's always morals, morals, MORALS with you! ❞
❝ [Literal ape noise] ❞
❝ Ah, fuck, this isn't gonna work. ❞
❝ Oh, c'mon! You've been a negative-nelly all day! ❞
❝ [____], do you wanna learn how to snap necks? ❞
❝ I'll side with the ape-judgment on this one. ❞
❝ Bigfoot doesn't care. ❞
❝ ...Oh, NOW you've done it, you little shit. ❞
❝ Do you think Bigfoot can drive? ❞
❝ Best not leave it MOMENTS AFTER A PUBLIC AND GRUESOME MURDER to find out for certain. ❞
❝ Oh, I'm SURE Bigfoot can drive. ❞
❝ Okay...THIS...this, I can USE. ❞
❝ If someone irritates you or insults how you park your pick-up truck, you wrap your finger around the trigger and fire shots indiscriminately! ❞
❝ Yes, [____], a war criminal is a bad thing to be. ❞
❝ Thank you. I found it in the trash. ❞
❝ Poifect... ❞
❝ Oh, I just found him in the nearby woods, just chillin'. ❞
❝ That, shit-child, is SAS-MOTHERFUCKING-SQUATCH. ❞
❝ You don't have to squat at home, but you can't squat here. ❞
❝ ARE you some kind of funky alien? ❞
❝ Just between you and me...I'm TOTALLY a human. ❞
❝ I take it full nudity might be a touch too lewd? ❞
❝ Welcome to Casa de la Meme. ❞
❝ Feel free to piss anywhere that isn't my box-bed. ❞
❝ Fib not to me, or consequences there shalt...be. ❞
❝ That's a...personal question. ❞
❝ ...Are you making fun of me? ❞
❝ My life is a stain... ❞
❝ Also, nice pun. ❞
❝ Ah, shit. That's right. I can't read. ❞
❝ Well, maybe I just don't like eye contact. ❞
❝ ...It's KINDA gun-shaped. ❞
❝ Yeah, see, when you say it out loud - ❞
❝ This plan is FAR better. [Evil teeth-baring chimpanzee grin] ❞
❝ Nope. Fuck this noise. I'mma just bounce. ❞
❝ It's egg-time. ❞
❝ If I found a used bandy-aid on the ground, I'd INSTANTLY consume it. ❞
❝ This couldn't be SIMPLER, you denim-laden BUM. ❞
❝ Ourrrghhh...I've shit meself...I've shit meself and I'm dying... ❞
❝ That about summed it up, really. ❞
❝ When we are done here today...you WILL have ALL the training you need to successfully murder and DEVOUR [____]. ❞
❝ Gee wiz. Don't get all mushy on me, man. ❞
❝ ye, it aight ❞
❝ Maybe the allure of the dude's toilet water is just too much for the poor guy... ❞
❝ Hey, I'M feral! It's not such a bad life! ❞
❝ To be clear, I'm threatening to SHOOT you. ❞
❝ ...You're a pretty lousy host, then. ❞
❝ Lord, give me strength... ❞
❝ I'm a freak, just like you! ❞
❝ Bold of you to assume I'm capable of complex thought. ❞
❝ ...Bold of you to assume I've ever been to school. ❞
❝ BOOO! ❞
❝ For... [raspy cough] for the banter... ❞
❝ Alright, I feel MUCH less sorry after hearing you speak again. ❞
❝ As a man of honor, I URGE you to change your last words to something less...THAT. ❞
❝ I'd just give ANYTHING to see the look on their face when they open the package with a dead-me inside. ❞
❝ Oh...hello, Satan... ❞
❝ If you let me in, I can suck something ELSE dry... ;) ❞
❝ Ooh! Ooh! That's why I got kicked outta town! ❞
❝ Right. Signs can't stop me because I can't read. ❞
❝ I hate every single one of them. ❞
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