#my recipe is the bestest and I love it and I wish I was at uni right now so I could get myself a salad :)
museenkuss · 1 year
Marie Museenkuss Library Day essentials📕🦢✨
BAG PACK [white Levi’s]. laptop & case (hence the bag pack). Diogenes notebook small. pencil. red umbrella. cat eye sunglasses. emergency pad & emergency single use cleaning wipe for my glasses. books to return (possibly). a healthy little snack (grapes, apple slices). an unhealthy little snack (Kinder Riegel). a few stray perfume testers
EXTRA TOTE [usually a Moomin shop tote]. wallet. bag of toiletries. something to read while on the underground. water bottle. Mio Mio Ginger or coke (cherry, vanilla, zero) or Sinalco (Mio Mio ginger is my all time favourite but the glass bottle is so heavy that I oftentimes decide against it)
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spacedys · 1 year
starboy & stargirl.
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tsukishima didn't fall in love often— hell, he rarely experienced any sort of attraction towards anyone. of course, he's had celebrity and fictional crushes before, and of course he had personal (intimacy) issues, but it wasn't a big deal, right? it wasn't required to have a girlfriend in your second year of middle school!
yet once he reached high school, he found himself single while most of the people he knew had already found themselves crushes and partners. he was an attractive, tall, smart guy — not to mention, he started playing volleyball, so obviously he got confessions and both girls and guys pining after him all the time.
but he just never felt any kind attraction towards the people that confessed to him. he would always semi-politely decline their confessions or laugh in their face due to his big ego.
the only person he's ever crushed on for so long is you; you were his best friend since the 1st grade, not bothered by his mean and snarky tendencies. you were the very rare person that stuck around, and when yamaguchi shimmied his way into your duo, you were suddenly deemed the most annoying people in your middle school; tsukishima was obviously annoying due to his sarcasm and height, you weren't as much of a problen, but you enabled him— and yamaguchi, the less annoying peacemaker that was slowly losing his sanity.
tsukishima kei, who liked you when you made fun of yamaguchi's bullies after school.
tsukishima kei, who crushed on you when you would invite him over for dinner without telling your mom.
tsukishima kei, who fell in love with you the moment you had your first witty banter 20 minutes after meeting eachother.
tsukishima kei, who fell in love with you when he caught you making food with his mother and talking to her about his childhood stories.
tsukishima kei, who no matter how much he hides it, has feelings — for you, and for others.
"tsukiiii!" you yelled, waving at him with a smile as you approach him, bottle of water in your hand. "i just wanted to wish you good luck before your big game!" you offered the lunch to him, pushing it towards him forcefully. he stared at you blankly, then back down at the food— to be fair, your cooking wasn't good but it wasn't bad either. it was in the middle and above average.
the team was just about to walk into the gym for their first game, when you had started yelling— which startled literally everyone. you swore kageyama whispered to hinata: "for a short person, they're *really* loud.."
tsukishima glared at the two, which made everyone stop in their tracks and now watch your entire interaction. a slight blush crept onto his cheeks, pushing his glasses up and glancing between the box in your hands and your face, which was giddy with excitement. he furrowed his eyebrows and frowned in faux disappointment, "why are you so excited? it's not like its your game.." he muttered, taking the lunch from you and shoving it into his bag. "you didn't have to cook anything for me."
you scoffed, a smile still playing on your lips despite his words. "i cooked it because i'm a great friend and i'm excited because you're my bestest friend and i know you'll do great! it's my signature recipe!"
"wow, i didn't know this was expired instant spicy ramen." tsukishima retorted with a snarky smirk. you rolled your eyes, standing on your toes to squish his cheeks, giggling when he pushed your wrist away. "i'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, tsuki-tsuki!"
he blushes at the nickname. "you sound so lame right now." he chokes when tanaka throws a slipper at him. "hey, stingyshima! be nicer to girls that give you lunch and cheer you on during your games! you idiot!" the older boy yells.
"sounds a lot like your sister you're talking about, ryu." sugawara whispers.
you let out a small laugh at tsukishima's annoyed expression because their loud yelling for him to be more polite, watching him sigh and push up his glasses once more. "thank.... you for the food, yn. it was very nice of you." he says blankly, his expression ever so stoic, yet the tip of his ears flushed a deep red. "you're welcome, tsuki-tsuki!" you tease, "i've gotta go now, but i have to say something first.."
you pause for dramatic effect, the widest grin on your face. tsukishima hates it when you do this. "even if you lose or win— which you will —i'll buy you dinner!" the team whistles and teases tsukishima as you say this, hinata jumping as high as he can and hitting his head on the ceiling. at this point, people were starting to stare.
a small, tiny blush rises to his pale cheeks as he watched them get excited over the mere promise of a 'date', "it's impossible to give them more of a reason to get hyped up, but i think you just did." tsukishima jokes, a proud feeling settling deep in his chest when he sees you laugh.
"what can i say? i bring the happiness out in people." you poke his cheeks, and yet again, tsukishima gently pushes your hand away. "alright, i'll go now! bye, kei!" you wave at him as you leave, off to go find a place to sit.
nishinoya and tanaka come up from behind him, tanaka throwing his arm over tsukishima's shoulder and ruffling his hair. "looks like tsuki-tsuki's got a date!" he teased, laughing when nishinoya tries to bite the poor blonde boy. "yeah, i didn't think you had any sort of rizz to pull any woman!"
tsukishima scoffs. "shut up. it's not like you guys could get anyone to crush on you with how dumb you guys look." kei mutters, pushing himself away from the chaos of the two 2nd years teasing him.
"you guys, stop, people are staring!" daichi yells.
to say that kei was surprised you watched the *entire* game was an understatement. he was even more surprised when he heard you yelling his name and wearing one of his t-shirts in the crowd mid-set, making him blush the entire time.
when karasuno had won, you were the first person to cheer for tsukishima— not them as a team, but for tsukishima.
once they packed up, you immediately raced down to talk to the blonde boy, giving hinata a high-five as you passed him. "tsukishima, you did great! i'm so proud of you!" you ran towards him, tackling him with a hug— he didn't exactly fall over, but he did stumble. "i barely did anything.." kei mumbled, the tips of his ears flushing a dark red. "you did a lot, and i'm so proud of you!"
tsukishima could feel his teammates' eyes boring at the back of his head, if he wasn't talking to you right now, he would've rolled his eyes and made a snarky remark. "thanks. you still owe me that dinner, by the way." he led you away from the team, hand intertwined with yours and bag slung over his shoulder, before you two knew it, you were walking out the door. "where are we going anyways?"
you hummed, "well, i don't really know. i'm thinking of just eating anywhere we come across." kei rolls his eyes playfully at your answer, a teasing smirk on his lips. "isn't that just your answer to everything?" he tilts his head to the side. "we could eat at your place.. or maybe, like, a burger king? oh, i know this really good place that serves amazing coffee jelly.."
kei didn't realize you had stopped walking until he looked down and saw your hands weren't intertwined with eachother, he looked back and saw you staring and pointing in the direction of a— "no." was the immediate response that left his lips when he approached you, trying his best efforts to drag you away from the cheap awful sushi restaurant.
"there!" you point, refusing to move from where you stood - as if your shoes were glued to the sidewalk.
"oh my god, no."
"keeiii, please?"
"no, yn. i know so many better places that don't serve food that taste like feet."
"but it moves around me!"
"so does normal food if you put it on wheels."
you pout up at him, "please, kei?"
and what kind of man is he to say no to something like that?
so that's how he ended up here; sat across from you in a booth, a train of sushi to his left, and the plates of food in front of the both of you. his nose scrunches up in disgust at the different desserts and platters - all sharing one quality; being weird. his expression contrasted yours which looks vaguely curious.. and also disgusted. "yn, can we please leave? we could cook these ourselves at home and they would still taste like feet."
you roll your eyes at his reaction, already digging into your food. "i dunno what you're talking about, tsuki, this is really good." you nod, taking a sip of your water. kei seems to disagree, being the drama king he is, his face scrunched in disgust the moment he swallows the food. "again, it tastes.." he coughs, "..like feet."
"i disagree!" you say in a singsong manner, your eyes scanning the room for a second before landing on a couple that looked almost like you and kei; not exactly the same appearance-wise, but the two seemed to be have the dynamic you two did. you curiously stare at them, which prompts kei to stare at them as well. "why are you looking at those strangers? if you're thinking about poisoning them, i'm sure you just have to give them this sweet, sour, bullshit." he takes another bite, despite what he says.
"do you think they're on a date?" you pause, staring back at kei. "or are they just really good friends that look like they're dating eachother? y'know, like us."
for the first time in a while, kei was rendered speechless— he stared blankly at the food, unmoving and unblinking. he didn't.. know what to say or even what to think, were you flirting? was that a serious question? what did you mean?
"what do you mean?" he asked, glancing up at you before taking another bite of the food.
"i just mean, like, do you think the girl really likes the guy but doesn't know how to tell him or ask him out? or do you think the guy doesn't like her back and is too afraid to tell her. i think if that's true, then the guy should really tell the girl right now." you shrug. your heart was beating so fast, you could barely keep up with it— you felt so nervous, like you were gonna puke and all your organs were all gonna come out of your ass and mouth.
kei's heart shattered at the latter, he hated how you could actually think something like that. "well— i think the guy thinks this entire thing is stupid and adorable. i think he also thinks it about the girl." you blush at his words, even if he was using someone else as an example, you knew he was talking about you. "i think the guy really wants to ask out the girl, but feels like the girl would hate him if he did. if the guy asked the girl out right now, do you think she would reject him?"
"i would never!" you gasp.
kei laughs a little at that, cracking that precious smile of his. "wow, i didn't know we were talking about us!" he sarcastically replies.
"i'm asking you out, kei. not the other way around, let me win this one!" you whine.
he smiles, "okay, okay.. i'll go out with you. it's pretty desperate of you though—"
"shut up!"
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© spacedys ‘23 — all work belongs to me!! do not plagiarize, copy, repost, or modify my work or content on this platform or any other form of media. reblogs & likes are highly appreciated.
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blooeyedtroll · 5 months
Hey, Bloo. Hope everything is alright with you so far~💚🫂💙Just dropped by to wish you a very Happy Birthday and hope you have a great day!🫶🏻Much love and best wishes~💝 xoxo.
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Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!!
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Yes, things are going fairly well for me while I'm on this little break. It's exactly what I've been needing. Been resting, taking care of my home, playing video games, spending more time with family, cooking new recipes, and I just went on a fun little solo trip to catch a great goth-rock show! I've even managed to slowly start drawing again. Just little self-indulgent things for myself that I'll eventually share when I'm ready. On Sunday I go on a week long trip to Colorado to spend time with my oldest, bestest buddy. So it'll be my first time flying and the furthest I've traveled (I live in VT). I'm so excited. I think it's definitely something that'll help fuel some artist inspiration and "charge" my emotional batteries. Lol.
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satorisoup · 3 months
LENE BABY !! </3 been awhile since i dropped by :D how r u? don't forget to drink water and u better eat lots lots loooots of yummy food ! take this strawberry bokuto w u. 𖹭 mwa !!
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UWAHHH SOL MA LOVE !!ヾ(*'▽'*) hello hello !! PLS i’ve missed seein’ you in my inbox SOSO MUCH !! <3 m’ so sorry for the late response SOB !! T^T
EEEK m’ doing good !! m’ housesitting for my brother & working again !! ^_^ YES YES i promise i won’t forget teehee, i’ve been making some yummy avocado toast with my special recipe !! >//< its supa delicious !! THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME !! <3
WAHHH look at strawberry kou !! T^T he is just the darlingest EVAAA i absolutely cherish him !! <3 look at his lil smile PLS !! >_< i could smooch him all day long !! THANK YOU FOR THE STRAWBERRY BOKUTO !! m’ putting him in my pocket for safe keeping !! :3
SOBSOB how are you doing lately sol ?? is life treating you well ?? ALSO !! i noticed your new theme and it’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL !! i saw my username on there and gasped !! I FEEL SO SPECIAL TEEHEE !! ^_^ m’ sending you the bestest wishes EVAAA & givin’ you soso many smoochies !! MWUUUAH !! <3 🍓
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⤷ my yummy toast teehee !! <3
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yuukimiyas · 1 year
finally hav some time dis mornie before work to send cutiest girl chloe a lil luv letter 💖🌈 happi thursday ! ! wat’s on da schedule 2dai ? omgz also . . do u hav any recipe recommendations for mi ? ! looking to expand my repertoire n’ i thought i wld ask u . . . :3:3 u always seem like u cook n bake da best things eee ૮꒰ྀི ´∩∩` ꒱ྀིა wishing my fave lover girl & her lover boy da bestest most magical thursday + weekend ahead , muahmuahMuah ! 🐾
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omg my sweetest flower coco!! ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა hiii!! i just got off of my lunch break at work & after work i’m gonna hang w my bff & i think we’re gonna get some sushi!! ꒰♡˃̶̤́ ꒳ ˂̶̤̀ ꒱ but ooo i haven’t baked in a few months but i love cheesecakes sm!! i once made a super delish chocolate cheesecake & it was heavenly!! when i usually bake i make lots of cookies & lots of cheesecakes w either fresh fruits or dark chocolate!! °ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ° i adore you & i adore hearing from you sm!!! forever flattered you’d come to me for recipe advice omg!!! kissin your cheeks & forcing gepard & blade to take you to the prettiest garden ever!! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚love you forever & always!!
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kissmetae · 4 years
❧ AU: x Taehyung || Friends to Lovers (Lowkey slow-burn)
You felt distressed, caught up in your own emotions and confused by your over-thought thoughts. Going through a rough patch as some would say, where everything felt hopeless and you found yourself scrolling pinterest till 1am looking for "angsty" core aesthetics to fit your new "vibe" of life. But it was easier said than done to dig yourself a hole when your best friend constantly stood by filling the hole back up as you dug in an attempt to stop you, help you and make you feel better, despite having his own issue to deal with... his crush on you.
|| ANGST + SMUT | 11k | x reader | masterlist in bio ||
❧ Disclaimer: This is fiction. Actions and events in these stories are often exaggerated and to a certain degree unrealistic.  Please have this in consideration when reading fiction, especially if it includes sexual content.
❧ Rating: EXPLICIT || sexual content, unprotected sex ||  Warnings: mention of feeling hopeless, "deep reflection", (reader is troubled by something going on in their life but it's open for interpretation/unspecified)
❧ Smut features: Vanilla, desperate, first time together, unprotected, reassuring/concent asking/'checking in' (is this ok? Does it feel good?) top!Tae and a power outage.
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How do you know when you've reached the complete state of hopelessness? Do people ever become 100% hopeless? You inhaled deeply and sighed it out. Gaze to the white ceiling, back on the bed and legs up against the wall. The tingle in your feet from the lack of circulation made them look somewhat less alive and feel cold. With a tilt of the hips you allowed your legs to slowly fall to the side, forming a new pose in the shape of a 90 degree angle on the bed and allowing for the less zombie-ish color to return to your feet. Hopelessness. Feeling like there is no point yet still stubbornly aching in the inner crevice of the head with a wish for there to be a chance for something else. A change, a plot twist a sudden eureka to make the entire world loose it's zombie color pallet and become lively and vibrant again. Hope. Or a wish for hope. It's probably some basic programming, like survival instinct, hope instinct. But at this point you didn't want to believe. You wanted to be grumpy, upset, frustrated. To curse society and curse what isn't fair and curse all the norms and expectations around you regardless of who made them up! Curse the media, curse the mold for perfect and the lip filler ads, curse the restrictions planted by your own beliefs and curse the cause of said belief! But feeling frustrated and angry is hard. Not only is it exhausting but it's the hardest emotion to let out fully and feel satisfied by after. If anything anger and frustration feels like a self-fueling fire that keeps burning more and more until you get exhausted and slump down on the bed with your legs up the wall. Crying would've been easier. You sat up, feeling a brief spin in the head due to your advanced modelling poses and reached for your water bottle. Water, Zen, calm rivers, refreshment, sound of clucking water in the harbor... rain. You turned towards your bedroom window at the sudden raging pattering sound outside. Even the sky needed to cry today. You reached for your phone, having it be faced down for the past hour or so after giving up on ranting about your dilemma to your friend. You had two types of friends. Those who were there for you when convenient and those who were there for you regardless. Taehyung was one of them. 3 missed calls. 15 texts- make that 16. A sting of guilt washed through realizing he must've been worried sick the past hour. Too exhausted to use your vocal chords you opened the text chat. Taehyung was the definition personified of a caring person. Sometimes to the extent where you'd question if it was more than anyone deserved. Did the world deserve Taehyung? You didn't make it through the second text before your doorbell rang followed by a loud bang. It sounded urgent... You got up from bed and slipped your feet into your white fluffy slippers and made your way to the front door of your apartment. You unhooked the clasp and unlocked your door to see one of the rainstorm's victims dripping water onto your doormat. Taehyung, Dressed in a green raincoat and hair clinging to his forehead and temples. His chest was rising unnaturally with his attempts to regain his breathe. "Tae-" He stepped in, an arm wrapping around your side and the other pressing your head to his wet shoulder. "If you didn't make me so worried... I would've removed my raincoat before hugging you." He squeezed. "See this as my revenge." His heart was beating fast. He pulled back after a few seconds, breathing stable and his red hands reaching to unbutton his raincoat. Did he not wear gloves? He pulled the door shut behind him and gently kicked off his boots. Apparently not. "I'll... go hang your raincoat in the bathroom for it to dry" you said, taking it from him. He was quick to address the elephant. "Why didn't you reply to my texts?" He followed behind you. "I... I left my phone to charge and I got distracted..." you made up, hanging his raincoat up in the shower. "I didn't come here to scold you, but when you tell me you're feeling hopeless, you get that it makes me worried right?" His voice was gentle and he looked at you with concerned eyes, stood in the door to the bathroom. Actually.... you didn't. Why would anyone worry... everyone seemed to always take it as nihilistic comedy or something and swat it away with something along the lines of "you’re just hungry" or the classic "are you on your period?" Maybe you were or maybe you weren't but why would that matter? Just thinking about it made you feel annoyed. As if any deep emotion only was caused by a period, it's just a period, why would anyone, let alone someone with a period themselves ask someone else that in a way that minimizes the reason they feel upset or angry or whatever emot- "Hey?" Taehyung pulled you back out from inside your head. "I don't know..." He crossed his arms over his chest and you knew that look far too well. "We'll talk about it, but right now, I'm here to make it better and take care of you. Did you eat?" You shook your head. "Great! Because I stopped by at the shop on my way... before the rain attacked me and picked up some stuff, including~" he said with an eager tone and walked towards the grocery bag you hadn’t noticed until now. He picked it up and dug his hand in for something. "Du du du du" he sang dramatically and slowly pulled out the familiar dark blue packaging. The love of your life, the source of all things good. Chocolate. The good one! Not the weird orange wrapping one you hated, but the blue one, the holy blue one, your favorite one. "I remember your frustration when you saw the empty shelf of horror last week and it was restocked today so i picked up three just in case." "THREE?!" "Mhm!" He nodded proudly. You could cry, finally, but for other reasons. "TaeTae you're the best." You walked towards him, hugging him tight. He was the bestest of the best, the hero, the savior, chocolate delivery man. Oh what would life be without him. A blush spread across his cheeks. "You did it again." He said shyly "Hm? Did what?" "You called me TaeTae." "You don't like it?" "... I do." -- Taehyung had you stationed at the kitchen table while he cooked. With a focused gaze he scrolled on his phone, reading the next step for the recipe while stirring the pot. You were pretty sure he knew this recipe by heart now, he'd cooked it for you before and he should be confident in it but seemingly not enough yet to put the recipe down. The kitchen smelt amazing and you could feel your hunger cry out for whatever was simmering in the pot. Taehyung gently tapped the wooden spoon against the pot as he added another ingredient. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked. That's where you'd left him hanging in your texts when exhaustion took over... "I just..." "Is it /that/ thing?" Taehyung asked, very much knowing of your source for distress already. "Kinda... but this time it feels different... I’m not nervous or eager, I just felt like I was waiting and waiting and what if I waited so long for nothing and I.... it doesn’t make sense but I just feel numb at this point and like I'm losing hope. Like every odd is set against me and I'm the only one dumb enough to still bet on myself." "And me. Except I'm not dumb, nor are you and I'll always bet on you. Always." Oh Taehyung... "Well, as your personal doctor and advisor and therapist and nurse, care-taker, comfort teddy and so on, I am going to prescribe you with some stuff." You chuckled. "Please go ahead." He placed a plate in front of you and another on the opposite end of the table. "Firstly, a good healing meal." "And you’ve already done everything in your power right now, you’ve been working hard. Maybetoohard." He mumbled under his breathe followed by a fake cough. "That said, let me distract you." "How?" "Well, some old school friends wanted to go out clubbing this weekend and-" "You don't like clubbing." "Hold on, let me get to the point. My suggestion is that you can come too, it won’t only be them. There will be the general club people too of course and I think most of them were bringing other friends or their girlfriends too so... it might be fun? If it sucks, we'll ditch and go to the midnight bowling place or noraebang, yes?" Maybe having some social interaction, an excuse to dress up and good music wasn't such a bad idea? The only thing bugging you was the potential mess there could be... and lately with your stressed mind you hadn't been the best at handling those environments, but after all this was just a club, with dancing people... it couldn't be that bad right? Bowling did sound fun too though... But you knew distraction and fun was what you probably needed. Maybe it wouldn't solve the issues but maybe it'd make it weigh less. The small distractions did a lot, a big one should do even more. "Sure." "Really?!" You could've sworn you just witnessed his ears wiggle from excitement. "I'll come." -- When Taehyung said "clubbing" you expected big flashy neon signs, a red rope and a guard and pulsing music coming from inside... not a giant base, a sax and a set-up of almost 4 different types of synthesizers. A jazz club. You should've known. The band was some sort of electro jazz fusion sprinkled with funk type band, as they introduced themselves as and they weren't bad, not at all. In fact this was a lot cozier than an uncomfortable packed nightclub. You just wish Taehyung told you so you could've worn your comfy flowy favorite dress rather than your tight little black one, wanting to fit in with the scene... Taehyung was dressed in black slacks, a green sweater and a brown coat that was hung over his chair, paired with his trademark assortment of bracelets on his wrist. Including the one you gave him for his birthday two years ago. He never took it off since the day he got it. It made you smile seeing it on his wrist. Taehyung's old school friends, the few you had managed to great during the evening were all really nice and most of them had their arm either around another or a hand held by another. You couldn't help but feel a little awkward, the questioning looks that didn't need to be vocal for you to understand. "Is this your girlfriend?" Taehyung just smiled, maybe playing it off was best... or did he just not notice the silent question? At first you expected a shrug or something but nope... "Would you like something more to drink?" Taehyung asked, leaning in so you'd hear him over the music and pointing towards your nearly empty glass. "I think I'm alright." "What?" "I'm ok." You leaned in closer. "Do you want to dance?" You and Taehyung were seated alone at one of the many tables as the majority were occupied dancing to the beats of the band and the rest drinking at other tables or mingling around. You had been up there at least twice, maybe even three times dancing the best you could and Taehyung always being by your side but your brain was starting to get a little drowsy. "I think I'm going to call it a night. But you can stay if you want." "No no, if you want to go home I'll come with you, let me walk you home." "I'll take a taxi its ok" "I insist." "So do I" the few drink he had had were enough to make his words braver and bolder. "It's late, I don't want you to go back alone regardless of if you take a taxi. I'll walk you." Fine. "Ok" Taehyung swept the remainder of his wine  and grabbed his coat and waved some quick goodbyes. It was cold outside. Dark and empty... maybe it was good Taehyung insisted after all. He stumbled slightly, alarming you. Your hands instinctively reached for him and he giggled. "You only had two glasses I doubt you're drunk right now." "Maybe I wiwwle tipdie" he giggled, clearly  acting up. "Does wiwwle tipdie Taehyung need help? Should I carry you on my back?" "No! I should be carrying you, do you have a blister on your heal from your shoes? Sore feet? Sore legs? Anything I can use as an excuse?" You laughed, patting him gently on the back. A cold breeze travelled through the street and you pulled your jacket tighter around you. "You're cold?" Taehyung asked "A little... my choice of dress wasn't the best." "I think you look beautiful." The sudden compliment caught you off guard. "... thanks." "Thanks? For what?" "The compliment" "I'm simply stating the facts." He said, looking to the side and slipping his hands into his pockets. "It sure is cold..." Why was it feeling awkward suddenly? Silence between the two of you would usually be comfortable... "Thanks for bringing me too." "Did you have fun?" He turned to face you again. "Yes, it was better than I expected." "I'm glad to hear that." "But let’s go bowling next time." "Sure!" He smiled widely. A source of warmth suddenly surrounded you and you looked up to see Taehyung's face turned away yet again but his arm resting around your shoulder, wrapping his coat around you and urging you closer into his side till your hips almost brushed against each other. The rest of the walk back home was a few minutes of silence, but luckily you didn't live far. "Home sweet home" "How will you get home?" You asked, concerned. "Ah..." he checked the time on his phone. "Well I've missed the last train... so unless I can find a taxi which so far I've seen none I'll have to sleep at the station." "No you're not, come, you can call a taxi from my place and at least wait inside instead of out in the cold." You said, grabbing his arm and pulling him with you through the entrance. "Nobody's picking up?" You asked Taehyung looked down at his phone with a confused look. "It keeps hanging up on me? I don't know if maybe their line is down or something?" "It would explain why we didn't see any on the walk back." "I guess so... so now what?" He looked up at you. "Guess you'll have to stay the night." He grinned. "Can't remember the last time we had a sleep-over" he chuckled and removed his coat. He was right, it must've been years ago... the last time you could remember was a movie night gone sleep over during winter when it had snowed so no traffic was able to move at all. You grabbed a spare cover and a pillow and handed it to Taehyung, sleepiness already present in his eyes. "Hey." Taehyung said, laying out the pillow and cover on your sofa. "If I have a nightmare can I come lay next to you?" He grinned. "If you have to." He replied with a puppy gaze. "Good night TaeTae." His eyes widened and he looked down at the couch. "... Good night." -- The question was when would you wake to the sound of birds chirping instead of the aggressive rasp of the snow plow dragging across the street? It almost sounded like it was more ir less plowing the asphalt off the earth rather than the snow. More irritating was that it just added to your unsatisfying sleep and rough awakening streak. One good morning was all you asked for... You sat up, slid off the edge of the bed and slipped into your slippers that were neatly set up by its side. A scratch of the head and an adjusting pull of the bun on your head and you headed to you first destination; tea. With heavy steps you dragged yourself out of your room and were met by the surprise you had forgotten was left on your couch from last night, sprawled across the sofa... in only boxers. Oh god. The covers were halfway on the floor, only covering his legs, barely. It was cold too but should you just ignore him... no, you couldn't... but what if you woke him up? He was only in boxers and you were already trying your best not to look but your brain had already registered that they were black and Calvins... please no more information... thigh muscles NO! Chest, focus on the chest. He was breathing, he was alive. Inhale, exhale. You carefully made your way towards him. His chest was toned... the type perfect to rest your head on NO! Messy hair... It really didn't help that your best friend was as attractive as he was. You bent down and carefully picked up the cover, pulling it back up over his upper body. He must've been really cold, his nipples- NO. You shook your head furiously to get rid of the thought. You turned around 180 degrees and marched to the kitchen. Tea. Tea. Tea. Tae. TEA! You could hear the covers rustle as he shifted, followed by a soft groan. Oh no... Please no. Although... why was it so dangerous for him to see you in your own home, making tea. I don't know! But regardless it felt like an action movie stealth scene for the grand heist judging by your heart beat. The boiler was too loud, the accidental clink of the mug as you set it to the counter too, the rip of packaging of the tea bag, the wind whistling outside! Sweat? You were sweating, stress consuming you yet again over the moist pointless little thi- "Hey?" The tea cup smashed against the kitchen floor along with your gasp and you grabbed the door handle of the kitchen cupboard for support. Taehyung starred at you with wide startled eyes. Maybe your screech scared him as much as his sudden presence scared you. "Sorry." He chuckled, voice so deep and raspy you could practically feel his vocal chords vibrate. Your heart was pounding hard. Could he at least have been swaddled in the covers and not in his boxers right now... You diverted your eyes to the porcelain shards across the floor. "Wait wait wait!" Taehyung yelped, holding his hand out to stop you from moving. But it was too late. The dark kitchen along with your giddiness had of course resulted in the unfortunate miss step. You sighed, lifting your foot from the chard as you felt something wet trickle down your foot. Taehyung quickly reached to turn the lights on, the bright shine blinding both of you briefly and making the view of him even clearer. "Stay there." Taehyung ordered. Your kitchen was pretty small so there wasn't much space to move without risking another wrong step. A cup of tea and now all this. You slapped your arms to your sides in a deep pout. Making a new cup now just felt wrong but you craved a cup so bad and it was cold... the floor was cold, you were cold... and not to mention everything hanging in form of heavy weights on your shoulders and chilling on top of the imaginary storm cloud above you right now. It's like your issues were mocking you and just making everything worse. Maybe the issue was that you related to the once-was intact mug. You felt split and unorganized, all over the place and dependent on things you knew you shouldn’t be depending your hope and happiness on but yet day after day you’d lose yourself in a visualization of a scenario of perfection were everything would be ok until again the door was slammed in your face and you had to start all over again. No matter how many times you felt like this time would be different and this time you were ready, this time it'd all go your way because the past was forgiven and your time wasn’t right but again and again .... Your patience was running out. You sniffed, wiping the tears from your cheeks with the back of your hand. Taehyung came back holding a broom and a dust pan when he saw your face of tears. "No..." he sounded panicked. He leaned down quickly sweeping the chards to the side of the kitchen and tossing the broom and pan into the pile so he could approach you. Strong lean arms embarrassed you like out of a 6 different angles k-drama scene. A hand found its place on the back of your head, softly petting you as the other pressed you closer to his warm chest. Never had you expected  that hugging Taehyung would feel this safe. May it be because he was the one you could be truly vulnerable with or that he was the one that knew what was going on right now, but whatever he did... he did it just right. "You don't need to say anything." He whispered. "I know." He squeezed you a little firmer. "I know." He reassured. "Sssh" his hand felt so gentle as it caressed you. "It's going to be ok." He felt so warm. "I'm here." His skin felt so soft against your hands. "I'm not going anywhere." Your heart calmed down. Taehyung didn't pull away until you became silent and your breathing stable. But even then he didn't pull away completely, only enough to look at your face and caress his thumbs under each eye gently. "I'll reheat the water for you." He smiled softly and reached for the switch on the kettle. You didn't want to let go, not just yet. But he slipped away carefully and kneeled to sweep up the shards and discarded the pieces into the bin. He briefly disappeared and came back holding his sweater, arms slipped in and pulling it over his head as he entered, causing his shoulders to naturally flex slightly as he slipped it on. He grabbed two mugs from the cupboard, added a bag in each and filled them with the hot water. You tugged and fidgeted at your sleeve as you watched, feeling unusually shy in his presence. "Come, let’s sit on the sofa" Taehyung said and grabbed a mug in each hand but quickly came to a halt. "Your foot!" You had forgotten about it too. He placed the mugs back down and watched you as you lifted to check the cut. "Fuck." Taehyung said and quickly ripped a piece of kitchen towel off and handed it to you. Holding one hand against the fridge for support and the other wiping the smeared mess on your foot you watched as Taehyung quickly disappeared and reappeared again with your med kit. "Does it hurt?" He asked, rummaging through the kit. "No, it just stings a little." He pulled out some disinfectant solution and eyes you quickly up and down. Before you knew it he was stood in front of you, kneeling slightly as you felt his large hand grab a hold behind your thigh and his arm scooped you up on him. Your heart was back to its rapid pace again. He set you down on the sofa carefully and went back to grab the disinfectant and the tea mugs. He sat on the floor in front of you, soaking a cotton pad with the solution and gentle pulling your foot towards him by the ankle. "Ah, thanks goodness it doesn't seem to be deep." He said with relief, gently dabbing the cotton pad to the wound. It stung a little but it wasn't too bad. "All nice and clean, do you have cute band-aids?" "Only boring plain ones I'm afraid." Taehyung scrunched his nose. "Boo." With a band-aid beneath your foot and your longed for tea in your hands you sat next to him on the sofa. "An eventful morning." "I should become your fulltime caretaker at this point." Taehyung joked. "Not that I'd mind." "Will you pay me?" He raised his brows as well as the mug to his lips. "No way." You smiled. "Charity work is good for karma." "I already have good karma!" Taehyung protested, pretending to be offended. He laughed that trademark warm laugh that was like a smooth cackle that somehow always triggered a little firework to go off in your chest. You smiled, looking into your mug as if it'd tell you a fortune. ... you swallowed and looked up. In winter the sun rose late and had begun its voyage above the horizon, painting the sky a bright warm orange tone as it shined in through the window behind Taehyung. No. You didn't have feelings for him. You just felt some post-event shakiness and nerves and for the matter of a fact you finally got your much needed cry. It must just be your chest feeling lighter thanks to the cry. "So, do you have any planes today?" Taehyung asked. "I don't even know what day it is." "Good, I don't have plans either and it's Saturday for your information. But I do have a potential plan and that is, since I'm already here, to spend the day with you unless you have important to do's, which you shouldn't, because you need a break." He whispered towards the end. "A fmnn break." He repeated, biting his lip on the word to censor himself, but he got his point across. "A break would be nice... but when I try, I feel distressed as if I shouldn't be doing it because I'm wasting my time. I need-" "A distraction" Taehyung filled in. You nodded. "Then thou shall sit here and watch my live-in-action cooking show live from your kitchen." He said cheerfully, slapping his hands to his thighs as he stood up. "Do you have strawberries?" He asked. "In the freezer." "Yes!" He made his way to the kitchen, worth to mention is the open floor plan of your apartment so you could see him well enough from where you were seated. The soft messy curls on his head bounced with him as he walked. He dramatically pointed at you with a spatula in his hand. "Welcome." He said, speaking deeply into the spatula. "The pancake and strawberry smoothie extravaganza extraordinaire show with your host." He point his thumb and index under his chin. "Kim Taehyung." His goofiness never failed to bring a smile to your face. He went to grab his phone on the sofa table. "I need background music...." he hummed as he scrolled, spatula still in his other hand. "Jeopardy music 10 hours?" He looked up at you for an opinion. "Please no." He giggled and a calm upbeat song started playing from him phone as he put it back down and resorted to the kitchen. While frying up the first batch he was spaced out, humming on the theme tune to jeopardy anyway. You had made yourself comfortable on the sofa, lying down. The sofa smelt like him now. The same sweet comforting scent as the hug had... and his coat the numerous times he'd wrapped it around you when it was cold or shielded you from the rain with it. But speaking of memory, thinking back at those often occurring times you were also reminded about how a previous "friend" used to try and provoke you into being nervous and shy in Taehyung's presence. You'd been close for years and maybe she had an issue with that or something but she'd always find ways to tease you in way. Claiming Taehyung was giving you "looks" or "checking you out" in ways she as a self-declared expert in men deemed were of more than friendly nature. And since she as expert of men by that likely thought all men were the same, proves how reliable of a source she was. Taehyung he just.... you were close. She just wanted to make you feel embarrassed and self-conscious and make it awkward between you. You hated thinking about that. It made you overthink and feel awkward. Like an evil loop. You looked up at the breakfast chef, catching his eye as he quickly looked back down to the pancakes. You could get used to this view. Handsome man in boxers and sweater making you pancakes when you’re feeling blue, the headline in your head spelled out. The Zen experience of the kitchen fan being turned off brought stillness and Taehyung emerges with a plate of pancakes, disappearing and re-appearing again after denying your offer to help with the strawberry smoothies, plates, forks, knifes and every suitable pancake topping he had been able to locate in your kitchen. And a tube of mustard as a joke that you only kept in your fridge for when your dad came over to dinner and his weird obsession with having mustard on everything. It was probably even expired. "Enjoy your meal." "You're my hero Taehyung." You said, stabbing a pancake. "I can be your hero baby." You froze. "What?" "Haven't you heard that song?" He smiled. Oh.. "Hero? By Enrique Iglesias?" "Ah, now that you mention it-" "With the weird music video were goes on this road trip with the girl and then he's suddenly rubbing money over her body in this random stone house." "Is this what you binge on youtube at 2am when I wake up to 15 links and emotional texts." "Do not judge me!" You giggled. "I'm not, I like waking up to those texts from you. You sent them to me for a reason." Taehyung smiled shyly. "Yeah... anyhow! I have a suggestion, a proposal, a-" "Go on" "Since I'm your hero, but even I weren't. I thought maybe I could stay here a few days? Only if you want me to, of course. I just-" he became shyer. "I like to think that you seem to feel better when I'm around and you're going through a rough time so I'd like to be there for you, like you are for me." Your heart made its presence in your chest known yet again. "You should think.... because it's true." "So?" "It'd be nice." He smiled widely. "Great! But I do need to go home and pack some clothes and... some pajamas and Yeontan! He is a great comforter trust me, he has cheered me up many times when I've cried." "Cried? What were you crying about?" "Oh- uhm it's nothing, it's ok now so." He swatted it away. "Boys cry too." He joked, but it tasted weird. "But he's staying with my parents this weekend, but if you want I can go pick him up." He suggested. "It's ok, he needs time with his grandparent." Taehyung chuckled. "Well they love their grandson so I'm sure they wouldn't mind having him stay an extra day or two." -- You couldn't help but feel bad that Taehyung had to sleep on the sofa... His bag with clothes and necessities was placed in the hallway and the covers neatly hung over the backrest. "We could take turns and sleep in the bed every other day." "I told you it was fine." Taehyung insisted, again. "I just feel bad..." "Then let’s both sleep in your bed and call it even." "...." your cheeks felt hot. "See, so I'll sleep on the sofa. Don't worry about it!" What does he mean "see"? ... you were simply imagining what excuse to use as to how your head would coincidentally end up on his chest instead of your pillow. "Or we'll both sleep on the sofa, but it might be a bit cramped." He continued. "Maybe this was a bad idea..." "Hey no! No, I'm just joking. Don't feel bad ok." Taehyung's hands smoothed down your arms. "Beds are better at healing wounds on the feet too." You exhaled deeply. "Oh TaeTae..." "Doesn't this feel like we're having a pajama party or sleep over?" He smiled. "Kinda, should we build a blanket fort and watch movies?" His mouth dropped open. "I'm just kidding!" You laughed He pouted. "Oh you want to?" A nod. "You want to build a fort and watch movies?" You asked with more excitement. More enthusiastic nodding. You both cracked up laughing on the sofa together. "I'm serious though." Taehyung grinned. -- You lied awake in your bed, eyes to the ceiling. For some wild reason you both thought it would be a great idea to binge through the entire twilight saga series as a source of comedy but you only made it up to half-way through eclipse when it became too much to handle for both of you. The first movie was easy to mock and laugh at and make fun out if but once it got more serious and romantic in new moon it started getting a little awkward. To say the least, feeling flustered from watching twilight but not due to the movie itself but from the presence of Taehyung right next to you in your make-shift sofa blanket fort. You couldn't stop thinking about him. And he was out there... on your sofa, right now. And who knew if he was in cute polka dot pajamas with his hair a mess on the pillow or his tight fitted boxers and his hair tied up.. You bit your lip, crossing your legs at the visual. You remembered the first time you witnessed Taehyung tie his hair up and how it felt like being punched in the gut. It's not possible to be that attractive. "Then aren't you attracted to him?" The voice echoed in your head. Just because you find someone attractive doesn't mean you're attracted to them! Which is very much true. But Taehyung's personality was attractive too which was harder to justify the same way. And his person. And him. The entire package. You sighed. Maybe the stupidest thing you could do right now was reach for your phone and google "do I have feelings for my best friend?" Ah yes. A quiz. Maybe it wasn't so stupid after all, it'd say maybe you like him but you're not into him at the very most. Question 1, do you find them attractive. Well who wouldn't? And like mentioned it doesn't mean you're attracted to him. Yes. Question 2, do they like you? Pfft... what kind of question is that? How would you know? I don't know... or yes I guess? I mean he clearly likes you as a friend or he wouldn't be up to making all this effort for you but do they mean platonically? You ticked maybe. Question 3, Do you stalk them on social media? What the??? He's your best friend! The algorhythm shoves his posts in your face weather you like it or not. Sometimes. Question 4, Do you see them a lot? Yes. Question 5, Do you want to know more about them? You already know everything ... but what he cries about to Yeontan is something. Yes. Question 6, when you see them with somebody else who isn't considered their friend, how do you feel? Jealous. Question 7, when they're around you how do you feel? Nervous or self-conscious or nothing or i don’t know... well nervous AND a little self-conscious depending on the situation and if he's dressed or in just his boxers. Nervous. Question 8, Do you think about them? Yes. Always. Question 9, Do you laugh at their jokes? Another weird one but yes. Question 10, are they your ex? Huh? No. Definitely. A lot. You placed your phone screen down on your chest and let out a sigh. Maybe visualizing a kiss or two while in the shower was a crime after all... or was the question why were you in the first place? He was amazing in every type of way and you wanted to know if he was amazing at kissing too andmaybeinbed but you can't just ask him that or try it out, so you had to resort to imagination.... Who were you even trying to convince at this point? You liked him. Definitely. And a lot. The realization did nothing to help you fall asleep unfortunately. Another 15 minutes in dark silence passed when you suddenly heard the floorboards squeak. Maybe Taehyung was going to the bathroom or grabbing a glass of water... But the soft pats of his feet should've stopped by now... Your half open door pushed open a bit more shyly and Taehyung peaked in. Dressed in pajama bottoms, but no shirt. "You're awake." He said, whispering. "So are you." "I can't sleep..." he rubbed his arm. "I feel lonely." As if you'd deny him looking all shy and vulnerable in your door. You scooted to the side in your bed, making raise his brows in hope and anticipation, fingers fidgeting. "Come." You said, patting the bed next to you. The bed dipped gently as he lied down and you put the covers over him. He shifted onto his side, placing his head on your pillow. This was better. But since you just took an online quiz to realize you had feelings for this man currently shirtless in your bed, you couldn’t help but feel incredibly awkward. "How come you're feeling lonely?" You asked, trying to conceal your stiffness "To a start I sleep better when I get to hold something." He said shyly "Who?" You asked, intending for it to be a thought. "When I'm at home, Yeontan." Of course... "He lays on the bed and I feel less lonely and hearing him walk around or do something makes me feel soothed knowing I'm not alone... for the most part." "Are the tears you cry... tears of loneliness?" You could tell it triggered something in him. He bit his lip and nodded gently, eyes glossy. "For the most part it's just me and a pillow." He confessed. "But you could say-... it's something like that, yes." Face to face, mere inches apart. You thanked the darkness of the room that he couldn't see you blush right now but unreasonable fear that he'd somehow "sense" it in the atmosphere still worried you. You shouldn't have taken that stupid quiz it only made you start overthinking and it was probably rigged and the questions were weird so why should you listen to it? Get back to your senses! He's your best friend and you're comfortable with him! Calm down! "... I know it's dumb" Taehyung mumbled. "I know it seems like I'm this easy-going social butterfly with lots of friends who can find someone to hang out with within seconds... but when I'm alone at home, I just feel so empty. Like if nobody sees me, I don't exist. Thus when I'm alone, I'm not real anymore." "That's very philosophical, but what if someone thinks about you while you are alone? Then wouldn't you exist since somebody has you on their mind?" "But it'd be impossible for me to know and people have better things to do than walk around and daydream about me." It stung a little inside hearing him say this. "People are actually capable of multitasking you see, they can do these better things you speak of and think about you at the same time. I think about you a lot, sometimes I think about you while doing the laundry, riding the bus or taking a show- that sound's wrong." Taehyung chuckled. "But you get what I mean." "What do you mean?" He asked "That I think about you and that you aren't alone TaeTae, you never are. If you're ever feeling lonely, maybe think about me. If that helps. Or get to know yourself more, become your own friend or create an imaginary friend!" "I already do that." "Have an imaginary friend?" "Think about you." Oh. "... does it help?" You asked shyly. He shook his head. "It just makes me miss you and want to come to see you." Is it possible to experience a softer heart attack than you just did? Rather than a heart exploding in saw gore-level mess it gently poofed and became a small cloud of red feathers gently falling to the ground. Since when had you become a softie? Two hours ago you were all if there's no sex in the romance novel, it's not worth my time but now you suddenly felt an urge to ransack the romance section of the nearest library to read every cheesy romance story you could find until you could find one similar to your own. Your... own? What? With... with Taehyung? ... not that you’d visualize every male lead character as coincidentally similar to him regardless of how their looks were described in the book.... "Maybe I do need to spend some time with myself to get over it..." No! Stay here with me! "I can spend more time with you." Taehyung looked up. "I think that could benefit us both." He sounded more hopeful now. "Well, you're already here so it's also convenient." Despite the darkness you could make out the smile on his face that appeared. Cute. But wait... did Taehyung suggest he could stay here for you, because he felt lonely? He shifted slightly and the sheets rustled. His leg accidently brushed against yours and your first thought was to tangle your legs with his in a leg tackle war... but you still felt too on edge to act casual and playful with him like you normally could. You swallowed. "How long have you felt this way?" "A while... a long while. At first it was nothing but then it got worse and even more worse when I realized this one thing." "What thing was that if I may ask?" He sighed. "It's hard to explain... but, say a friend." "Mhm?" "A friend feels kinda lost, existentialism and stuff going on, doesn't like to be by himself, then he finds this person and they make him forget it all but once they’re apart it all returns to him again like they were his escape but only for as long as they were together." "Is that only with that one person or all?" "No no, only that person. And then he realizes he might be in love, or he's addicted to the person in a way, but in a good way not an obsessive way just-" "In love?" "Something like that." "You're in love?" "Huh?! What no! This was about a friend! I'm not talking about me!" "Then what did you realize Taehyung?" You could tell his mind briefly blanked in panic. "I realized that maybe I, as said friend need to find that person for me." "A person?" He nodded shyly. "You want to fall in love?" "I don't know... something like that." 'Something like that' seemed to be his catchphrase this evening. But in love? A person? His person?... that couldn't be you... could it? Did he want you to be his person? Were you his person?? The questions and confusion kept spiraling through your head, (finally) making you feel tired and exhausted. "I think... I just want to tend to someone else than myself, to not have to think so much about it and instead take care of somebody else." "Is that why you offered to stay?" "Yes and no, I want to take care of you because I am genuinely concerned and worried about you, I want to be there for you. But also, sleeping on the couch last night, hearing you tiptoe around the kitchen... it made me feel comforted." His voice sounded drowsy. "If you want... I can be your person in this scenario." You suggested. "You've already become.. person." He mumbled, sinking deeper into his half-awake state. -- You stretched your leg out one at the time, twisting your body gently and inhaling deeply into a stretch, gently batting your eyes open. You pushed a palm against the bed to get up into a seated position when something suddenly restrained you, heavy over your abdomen. Surprised, you raised the sheet to see the reminder of what you had forgotten last night. Over your waist, a lean arm with faint thin dark hairs and a few subtle veins travelling up the forearm from the large hand clung to the side of your waist... all attached to the source of warmth to your left, Taehyung. His dark locks a mess on the pillow, his bare upper body now fully on display in the daylight and his polka dot pajama pants haven travelled down a bit too far low for your sanity... Cursed be the eyes in your skull for travelling down the view. You would've noticed it sooner or later regardless, especially since your thigh was  a hair between touching it. It, being the weird relief of knowing he got some deep relaxing sleep in... but with an awkward morning surprise... and his arm wouldn't grant you freedom without you accidentally or intentionally having to wake him up. You carefully shifted to at least have your thighs at a safer distance, but your bed wasn't intended for two people, so it was easier said than done. His grip suddenly tightened and a low groan escaped him as he shifted. Why did you feel fear as if you shouldn’t be present in your bed in which he entered himself. If anyone Taehyung should be the one fearing his life right now. His thumb caressed your side gently and it felt nice... soothing. Until his eyes suddenly opened wide with a soft gasp as you felt his morning hard on grace against your thigh. Eyes that pleaded and begged you didn't notice pierced into yours and you decided to play along. "Did you sleep well?" His hand quickly retreated to your disappointment. "Sorry i... I did it in my sleep it wasn't-" "It's ok, you said you sleep well holding something and being held didn't feel too bad..." "Well, in that case, I actually slept better than I have in a really long time." He said, voice raspy and deep still. He rolled onto his back, thankfully, and placed his hand behind his head. "Did you?" "Huh?" "Did you sleep well?" "In fact, I did." You said, answering truthfully and resisting the urge to put your head on his bare chest. If only the lord or whoever would stop testing me... "Hungry?" He asked. You nodded. "Great, I'll fix something ok, but close your eyes." "Why?" "I'm shirtless." ... right. You covered your eyes with your hands and the warmth left your side as he got up and escaped the room. You slowly got up, trying to win some time for him but a few brief seconds later heard the sound of the bathroom door down the hall closing and locking. Yikes. That went smoother than expected. You set up some tea, knowing Taehyung described coffee as the closest to unlethal poison you could find, you knew he'd prefer tea or hot chocolate and that there was no use to ask. You knew him too well. It was nice having him here. And waking up with a strong arm around your waist wasn't too bad either... if only you could've let yourself enjoy the moment instead of freaking out, what if he grew cautious now and you'd never experience it again? You sighed softly, grabbing two mugs from the cupboard. After a while, the kettle clicked and you poured some water into each mug. It had been a while now... ... was he meditating in there? There was no sound of the shower, or anything, not that you were listening. Would it be weird if you asked if he was ok? Since the kettle was off the entire apartment became significantly more silent. You heard a faint mumble. "Fuck..." You swallowed. Ear please momentarily turn off, mind and imagination too please. You reached to put the kettle back on but since the water was already hot it clicked off again after 5 seconds. The bathroom door opened and you braced yourself to not look down. Luckily, he was now wearing his oversized sweater or else you would've failed immediately. He let out a soft chuckle. "I spaced out." His cheeks were flushed red and glowing. Right. "I made you some tea." -- Why were deep topics always easier to talk about at night? Were people like clams? You wake up and it opens a little and once we hit the night the clam is fully open and then closes during sleep to a new no-talk-me-I-not-have-tea-yet to ask-me-about-how-i-view-existentialism cycle? Or were nights just vulnerable with the darkness? In that case you should metaphorically speaking be an open clam all day during winter when the sun goes into its own hibernation. But here you were again, just like last night, except... 20 minutes into the sudden power outage that made your impromptu movie night come to a halt. And it was getting really cold. Bundled up under a cover together, staring at the flicker of the candle on the coffee table in silence. "I was going to offer to make you tea to warm you up but the kettle..." Taehyung said with a soft chuckle. "The power will probably come back any moment soon." He said optimistically. As you looked out of the window earlier, you noticed it wasn't just your place, but the entire block seemed to have an outage. Unusual. But the current roaring rain storm outside likely had something to do with it. The wind was aggressive, the windows shook, it whistled in a creepy way and the trees outside rustled loudly. "How about we play a game?" Taehyung suddenly suggested, breaking off the silence again. He was feeling awkward, you could tell. He always rested his hands in his lap, fidgeting or poking at the cuticles of his nails when he felt awkward. "Sure, what should we play?" His face lit up. "Questions and answers? I can start!" "Shoot!" You folded your legs and shifted to face him on the couch. "What's your ideal type." ... he... immediately went there. "Looks or personality?" Taehyung shrugged. "Both." "Well it depends on the vibe they give off of course... and mainly. I guess tall, but it's not that important, wide shoulders are always nice." You paused to think, how can I describe Taehyung without it sounding like I'm describing Taehyung. "Funny, caring, optimistic, outgoing..." "Like me!" He smiled widely. You leaned back, squinting while caressing your chin, examining him playfully. "Hmmmn" He placed his hands under his jaw, like he was displaying his face and batted his eyelashes. "Not bad, not bad." He looked disappointed. "Just not bad?" You playfully nudged his arm. "It's your turn to answer. "Fine." He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest but cracking a giggle. "I'll ask you the same question." "Very original, you." "It's called recycling, so tell me." "I did." "Huh?" "You." Your heart froze briefly before beginning to pound. "Me?" "Mn!" He said confidently. "You're not bad" he mocked. You swallowed. "I have a question about the rules." "Go on" "If I ask you anything, do you have to tell the truth?" "Yes! Nothing but. So you better tell me what you actually think rather than 'not bad'" "Is the friend you talked about actually you? And am I the person?" He tensed up, swallowing. "I guess it was obvious..." he mumbled, rubbing his arm and looking down at his lap. "I just..." he began, but reluctance interrupted him. "I understand." You said. He looked up, seemingly surprised yet still tensed "I make you feel less lonely." He nodded slowly. "Which makes sense. After all we're best friends." You continued. "... right." He looked away. "Best friends." Taehyung reached up to move his hair away from his eyes, still facing down as if he was considering something. "So... what do you think of me?" His voice sounded more serious. Where to start of course he was gorgeous! Wide shoulders, a build you'd die to slide your hands down, dark big eyes, a sweet smile with plump lips, sculpted perfectly and his honey skin. Person wise... he was someone you'd want to have as your person. "A nice person" He scoffed. "Seriously?" He seemed upset. He finally looked up, meeting your gaze. There was a sparkle in his eye. The warm light from the candle made his face glow even more. "I mean person as in the person you have, a your-person" "A nice your-person?" He tilted his head. "You told me yesterday in bed that you can feel like someone is your person because they bring you comfort and make all your problems go away and you feel better just by being in their presence! A nice that-type-of-person." "But I was talking about you!" He pleaded "And now I'm talking about you." "You are my person, what do you mean?" He asked, placing emphasis on "my" "That you're my person too. Am I being unclear?" "No, not at all. I just wanted to hear you say it." "So you tricked me?" You scoffed. "Not really." He leaned closer. "But maybe I set you up and you simply walked into my trap." "So now what? We're just going to sit here in denial over the fact that we both admitted to being each other's person?" You questioned, feeling slightly panicky and picking at your nails. Was this platonic or not? "We don't have to" he grinned. "But to be clear, I'm not talking about you being my person as in my other half, my best friend type person, even though you are that too bit this isn't it." "Are you trying to tell me that you're in love with me?" He tensed up again. Fuck it. "Then just say it, stop confusing me with your riddles and metaphors and I won't do the same. Just tell me-" His hand pressed against the back of your head as he leaned in almost all the way. He caressed the back of your head gently and your gaze dropped to his soft pink lips with the tiny freckle to the side. You leaned in close enough to brush a gentle touch before Taehyung pressed you closer for your lips to finally collide. It started off desperate yet a little shy. You pressed back, grabbing at his sides and the kiss deepened. Your heart was pounding. Never did you expect he'd just go for it and kiss you when you showed some bold courage towards him but you didn’t have a slightest regret because he tasted so good against your mouth. His plump pink lips so passionate, so needy but also so gentle and triggering an explosion in your chest. Taehyung leaned over you, making you lay down on the couch as he crawled on top and it turned into an even wilder heated make out. Your hand tangled into his hair, his hand rubbed against the side of your waist under your top. Fearing it'd be the first, last and only, you wanted every single piece of this moment you could have. Unintentional, his touch triggered a soft moan to escape your throat, which subsequently triggered a groan from Taehyung. Making a sound like that with his voice should be illegal. It did things to you, things you didn't want to confess. But the box of secret confessions was torn open within seconds as Taehyung, a heavy breathing mess suddenly pulled away from your lips and landed by your ear, exhaling deeply. "Fuck, I'm hard." He groaned and you knew the box was flying out the windows with your filthy confession floating aimlessly around for him to hear but all you managed to stutter out was a choked "huh?" "If you knew how long I've wanted you for." He whispered. "How scared I've been of being rejected because I knew it'd shatter me." The hopeless romantic you knew he was made his attendance known. "A friend?" You chuckled. "Maybe I set myself up with that one, I admit. But I was hoping you'd catch on." He chuckled, still breathless. He planted a kiss against your neck. Were you about to have sex? Would it lead to that? Did you mind? Certainly not... Taehyung pushed up slightly, looking down at you. "May I?" You nodded and he smiled widely, pressing a kiss to your lips. Shifting, he easily found his place between your thighs and grinded up against you slowly with pressure, causing both of you to exhale into a sweet needy moan. Your feelings felt scattered all over the place but this wasn't the time to pick them up. You wanted to let go, to surrender, just for this moment. Let go of everything clawing at your back, clouding the sunny skies and draining you. There is nothing more exhausting than smiling pretending everything is ok while whatever inflated issue in beast form is clawing its nails across your back and the scars sting like lemon juice was just rubbed all over you, feeling disgusting and sticky, let alone in pain and with a sore back from the held tension. He grinded again, sensually this time as the tip of his nose travelled up your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. "Mmm" he hummed softly. Your hand made its way to his nape as he settled by your neck. "I could fall asleep here." He chuckled. "Right here in your neck, it's so warm and smells so nice. It's more effective than lavender." "Are you enchanted by my odor?" He laughed his trademark bubble laugh. "I wish you knew how much fun you are." He squeezed you, rubbing up firmer to you with a desperate grunt. "Fuck I can't take it anymore." He stood on his knees, crossing his arms in front of him and grabbing the hem of his sweater, pulling it up and off, exposing his soft skin and toned chest as it fell to the floor. His hand reached for the button on his pants but before making it to the zipper his attention returned back to you with his hands sliding up under your top and pulling it up over your head. "I just want to make sure again... is it ok?" He asked, eyes big. "Yes, touch me, kiss me, do whatever you want just don’t leave the couch. At least not without me." He smirked at this, finally able to surrender to his greed. Taehyung reached for the waistline of your pants, unbuttoning, unzipping and pulling them down your hips with your underwear going off with them. His fingers softly rakes over your skin as he travelled down your legs, your hips lifted to assist him and then they were tossed onto the floor. He reached for his own zipper again but you sat up, quickly swatting his hand away and reaching for it yourself. He was on his knees between your thighs. You pulled them down, sliding your hands over his soft curved hips, revealing his tight fitted boxers with little to any space left for his hard on. You swallowed. He blushed. Relieved that Taehyung took over the lead again you lied back down as his hands gently pushed you back, slipping the bra straps off your shoulders and reaching behind you to unhook and free you from your final piece of clothing. But with this one he wasn't in a rush. He slowly tugged at the lacey fabric, revealing your chest to him as he bit his lip. "Wow." He mumbled and his patience was gone. One hand grabbed your left boob, feeling it and squeezing it softly as the other slipped into his boxer to touch himself. He whimpered, seemingly trembling as a result of his desperation and the discomfort he must be feeling in those tight pair of... he let go of your boob, quickly pulling his boxers down and himself out. You felt your core twist and ache and his boxers joined the pile of clothes on the floor. Taehyung fell forward onto all fours on top of you. Fully exposed, fully erect and a full sight to take in in the dim light in the dark. Distracted and eyes travelling all over him, his hand suddenly cupped your chin, tilting it up for you to face him. His nose graced over yours in a sweet eskimo kiss before his lips, just as gently pressed to yours. Taehyung's hand slid down your neck, your chest and down until he found himself. Your toes curled as you felt his touch where you wanted him the most in this moment, the tip of him slowly sliding up and down your slit, triggering your need even more. Taehyung let out a shaky exhale. His lips were parted and eyes staring right down at your exposed curves. He positioned himself, slowly sliding the tip in, just to feel... just to get some urgent relief... he leaned his head back and his hands landed a tight grip of your waist. He couldn't take it anymore. Slowly and carefully he began to push. Making sure by studying your every expression that he wasn't hurting you and that it felt good. A sweet whimper escaped you, causing him to grin in delight as he pushed in deeper. He was thick... the gentle stretch he caused felt amazing and you couldn't stop yourself from clenching around him, making him moan and managing to make you even wetter just by the sound. With a soft grunt he slipped in all the way. Giving you a moment to adjust to his size, he moved his hand up to caress your cheek with the back of his hand. His touch felt like magic. Like a gentle feather smoothing over your cheek, but slender and strong, with long dainty beautiful fingers. You leaned into his touch. "Does it feel ok?" He whispered. You gave a reassuring nod. He pulled his hips back and thrusted back in, not too soft and not too hard he picked up a slow but deep rhythm for his movements. Your hands felt their way up and across his back, studying every curve and where he naturally flexed as he moved. His hands were firmly holding you in place at the waist, every desperate exhale and every shaky inhale sending almost an ASMR like tingle down your spine via your ear until your name suddenly slipped his lips. Most people feel a fuzzy like feeling inside hearing their proper name be called but this... this was unlike no other time. His deep voice, following a whimper, exhaling your name like a magic spell and it fading into a shiver-causing moan. To put it simply it was the sexiest thing you've ever heard and it activated a whole new part within you that felt foreign but so so so good. Like your blood had suddenly turned into liquid gold, all happy hormones releasing in a firework spelling the world "nothing else matters" in an imaginary sky. You wrapped your arms tighter around him, moaning his name out felt liberating. And it clearly triggered an equal reaction. His cheeks were already flushed and his eyes went wide. He smirked, growing more desperate, fucking your harder and deeper, chasing release. "Please cum for me." He whispered, pleading. "Please." He didn't need to place a formal request, you were already loosing yourself. The only sound echoing in the darkness being the roaring wind and rain along with your breaths and groans and the sound of his hips and your thighs. Wet, heavenly sounds to you. His sweet moans, his broad back, his dick... everything about him made you feel euphoric. The ever building tension below, the sweat forming on his forehead... "I'm gonna cum" he whimpered. Thinking your body couldn't possibly react stronger to him than it already was, it did. The thrusts grew faster, grunts louder and you could feel yourself leak even more. Back arching, tension growing... it felt even tighter now... you could feel him so well, every movement until you suddenly came un-done with a loud whimper to his ear, setting him off into his own orgasm, cumming deep inside with a string of "oh"s and groans, gritting his teeth together and tensing his face in a greedy expression. He slowed down to a halt, remaining inside, breathless on top of you. The light on the sofa table had reached its end and the faint scent of smoke filled the air as the flame went out, making the room completely pitch black. Taehyung's face nuzzled softly against your neck, inhaling the scent of you deeply  and being soothed. "Wow." He coughed, followed by a groan. "Wow." You repeated, happy that the light went out so he couldn’t see your flushed face. "You ok?" He whispered, vulnerability present in his voice. "I didn't go to hard right?" "It was amazing." He let out a breath of release and an awkward chuckle. "I'll pull out.." he said shyly, moving his hips back slowly and gently, slipping out. To your surprise, Taehyung climbed off of you, standing on his feet. The cold air made your nipples ache and your skin shiver. You wanted your human blanket and source of heat back. But you didn’t have to wait for long. A pair of strong arms slid in under you, lifting you up with ease. "The sofa is too tiny." He carried you into your bedroom, gently putting you back down on the bed and laying down on his side next to you, pulling you close to his chest where his heart was still pounding hard. He hugged you tight, caressing the back of your head. His lips pressed against the crown of your head gently. "My good girl." He whispered, sounding almost proud. Your cheeks burned and a weird sense to cry bubbled up but you quickly swallowed it and hugged him tighter, burying your face against his chest. Never had you thought being called a good girl, specifically "Taehyung's" good girl would be able to move you to tears. But maybe it's what you needed to hear, mixed with the hormonal serotonin cocktail your body just released upon you. "You'll always have me." He nuzzled his nose in your hair. With a click the power came back on, including your pink hue nightstand lamp next to the bed. Taehyung's cheeks were deeply flushed, amplified by the flattering pink light cast over him. You giggled.   Had this really just happened? Because it felt so right. Or was it just the relief of sex? But masturbating had never made you feel this emotional before... You looked up at Taehyung's face again and he smiled softly, his hand caressing your bare back up and down. It was definitely him.
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inadaydream99 · 3 years
Love is Magical
A/N - This has been sitting in my drafts for ages now, but I thought I would post while I’m working on some requests! I don’t typically write magical au style oneshots (if this even counts as one 😂) but I loved the idea! I really hope you enjoy!
Synopsis: You are madly in love with your best friend Seungmin and are desperate for him to see you as something more, so you use a love potion on him. But what happens when he doesn’t act any different around you?
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This is it. The very moment you have been waiting for. You bite down on your bottom lip anxiously, eyes focused on Seungmin as he picks up his drink and begins to raise it towards his mouth.
You’d slipped a little love potion into it without him realising, wanting to finally make him notice you as more than just a friend.
You were lucky that you’d come across the recipe for the love potion while searching through some old books in the library. For once, the fact you had left your potions homework to the last minute had worked out for the better. Well, in theory.
You had reasoned with yourself that making the potion to give to Seungmin was like killing two birds with one stone. Firstly, it could count as you carrying out your potions task because you could see how it works in practice, and secondly, you’d get the guy you’d been crushing on since first year to fall for you.
You hold your breath as you watch the glass reach his lips, the clear liquid rushing towards his mouth.
You remain silent for a few minutes, discretely eyeing Seungmin to see if anything happens. But he simply continues to talk with Jeongin like before.
“(Y/N), what did you do for the potions work?” Felix grabs your attention, his warm smile making you momentarily forget your train of thought. It’s not an out of the blue question because that’s the class you’ve all got after lunch.
“Love.” You simply state, everyone’s attention now on you.
“You chose love potions? Boring!” Hyunjin jokes, falling silent when Seungmin wacks him around the back of the head. You snicker at the pout that forms on his lips, sulking like a little child.
“Well I think that’s really lovely. I mean, who doesn’t love love.” Seungmin beams at you.
“Thanks.” You smile back, trying to get a better read of him. You distinctly remember when reading about the potion that it’s effects are immediate. Except, you don’t see any difference in him yet.
“Ouch!” You cry, grabbing onto your shoulder as you stumble backwards. It serves you right for not looking where you’re going. But man, has that wall always been there?
“What happened?” Seungmin comes rushing into your room in a panic.
“I hit my shoulder.” You struggle, eyes clasped shut as your hand holds tightly over the spot you just wounded.
“Here, let me make it better.” Seungmin soothes you, placing the palm of his hand on top of yours as it holds your shoulder. The way he smiles down at you makes your breath hitch in your throat. His gaze so longing and care filled that your heart races just that little bit faster.
Of course, this is nothing out of the ordinary, being so close to him that these moments of affection and skinship are a normal part to your friendship.
“All better?” He questions after removing your hands away and placing a gentle peck on your clothed shoulder. Again, something that isn’t out of the ordinary. It’s happened hundreds of times between you, almost like a tradition passed on from your parents who used to kiss your wounds better when you were kids.
“Yes.” You squeak out, barely able to speak from how flustered he has made you.
“Good because I wanted you to help me take out the trash.” He laughs, dragging you away before you have a second to comprehend his words, let alone complain.
“Why isn’t he acting any different!” You mumble to yourself in confsion, flicking through the pages of the potions book impatiently.
You were annoyed and confused as to why you weren’t seeing any difference in Seungmin’s behaviour towards you. The potion should have worked, but now you’re not so sure you made it correctly. After all, it was your first attempt and you’re only just about getting a pass in that class.
“Ah ha!” You grin, finally turning to the page you were in search of. Scanning down the list of ingredients you realise that you’d made the potion exactly as stated. It should have worked then.
“Oh.” You gasp, eyes widening upon reading the paragraph at the bottom of the page. It states that if you use the love potion on someone who is already in love then it will have no effects on them at all.
Your whole body deflates instantly... this is why you should read things properly, because then you would have realised sooner than Seungmin is already in love with someone. And as you feel your heart shatter into a million pieces, you come to the conclusion that you don’t want to know who he’s in love with...
“Has anyone seen (Y/N)? She’s been avoiding me all day and won’t answer any of my messages.” Seungmin worriedly asks around the group, peering at each person to see if they have any answer.
His gaze locks on Felix’s guilt stricken face. He can barely look Seungmin in the eye and that instantly gives away that he knows something the others don’t.
“Felix!” Seungmin rushes after him as he tries to get away quick. “You know something. Tell me.” Seungmin demands, stopping his friend in his tracks by grabbing onto his shirt sleeve.
“I promised I wouldn’t.” Felix remains vigilant, refusing to give in.
“Please, (Y/N)’s my bestest friend. We tell each other everything... or at least I thought we did.” Seungmin guilts Felix into revealing what has being going on, his disheartened expression and pained gaze helping him find out everything he wants to know.
The only reason Felix knows is because he’d found you in tears. You couldn’t hold in your heartbreak after finding out Seungmin is already in love and so you’d confided in Felix about everything, from using the potion on Seungmin to your feelings about said boy.
Felix was very understanding and empathetic, his kind nature making him easy to be vulnerable around. But one thing you should have known is that Felix is easily guilt tripped and Seungmin is cunning, he would have realised your abnormal behaviour instantly.
“(Y/N)~” Seungmin calls out as he reaches the roof. Stepping out into the cold chill he locks his gaze on your hunched over figure.
“How’d you find me?” You mumble through a sniffle, letting your tears continue to fall freely down your face as you clasp your cape around you to shield your body from the wind.
So your decision to hide out on the roof wasn’t the wisest. But you wanted to be somewhere no one else would already be. It seemed like the best option at first.
“Felix spilled everything.” Seungmin informs, gently pulling your body into his in an attempt to provide some more warmth. Your head snaps up to meet his.
If he knows about the love potion and how you feel about him, why isn’t he mad at you? Instead he seems to look just as pained as you feel.
“I hate seeing you upset.” He whispers, answering your thoughts. It’s like he can read your mind, that you two have such a strong connection he knows how you feel without the need for you to say anything.
“I’m sorry.” You croak, voice hoarse from all your crying.
“Never appologise for the way you feel.” He smiles at you sympathetically.
“I mean for using a potion on you. It was wrong...” You admit remorsefully, shying away from his intense stare. You feel guilty for everything you’ve done and seeing the affection Seungmin gives you makes you feel even worse. You’re not worthy of it.
“I just wish you’d realised before putting yourself through all of this.” He whispers, his eyes staring into yours with a deep, heartfelt affection.
“I know.” You halfheartedly laugh, shying your gaze away in a light panic.
“The potion didn’t have any effect on me because the way I am towards you is already how someone treats the person they are in love with.” Your head snaps back in an instant.
“Huh?” You gawk at Seungmin, heat crawling up the back of your neck when you hear his soft chuckle.
“I’m in love with you dummy.”
“Really?” You tilt your head, almost refusing to believe him. For all you know this could just be some cruel joke, revenge for your selfish use of potions.
But all of that worry disappears when Seungmin leans in and connects your lips softly. They melt together instantly, time seeming to freeze for those few seconds you share together.
“Do you believe me now?” He pulls away with an amused expression, his lips ghosting yours tauntingly.
“I think I’m gonna need a little more convincing.” You smirk, giggling giddily when Seungmin pulls you back in and connects his lips to yours once again.
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
Happy Faye day <3
@soleilsuhh Sistaaah!!!!! Happy happy happiest birthday to yoou!!! While the day I can hug you and take you to your favorite places and buy you your favorite things doesn't come, you have no choice but reading my sappy thoughts about your amazing being here ohohoo It's finally your birthday again, and again I'm so honored, grateful and happy to have you as my dear bestie and sistah. Words are not enough to express how much I treasure you, how much I admire you, how much you make my life brighter and cuter. Sis, you deserve all the love and happiness, all the exciting feelings and experiences. Please please, have a wonderful, amazing, spectacular, beautiful, lovely day, or else 🧹🧹🧹💕 I love you!!! 💕
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Reasons why I (and probably the rest of the world too) love Faye
♡ She is the sun to my moon. We always joke about this, but seriously, she really is the sun. The warm, brilliant, inviting, essential and hopeful sun. Not only to me, but to anyone who has the pleasure to meet her, I'm 10000% sure. But she is more special to me, oookk!!! It's cientificaly proved through a quiz we took. We are going to get matching tattos hohoh
♡ Her goodnight/ good day wishes work like magic!! She says "have sweet dreams" and BAM!! Taeil be in my dreams, in a friends to lovers heart melting story T-T She says "have a wonderful day" and BAM!! My day goes smooth, I eat nice foods, I have a productive day. I'm sure it's all thanks to her, because she puts her mind, heart and soul into these sincere and pure wishes <3
♡ She gives the best books recommendations. I have a list of books I will buy, all of them reccomended by Faye. Yes, the privilege, I know <3 I still have not read any of them, but I know that when I read, my brain will grow, the enlightment will hit me like a magic ray of sun, my soul will ascend to the heavens of the immaculate minds, where Faye is already at.
♡ And not only books, but also series. And watching things with her is the most enjoyable thing in this whole universe. It's a rollercoaster of emotions. We laugh while crying, we cry, we get confused because we miss things while not missing the dirty jokes, we cry, we be training our telepathy, we cry . I love it from the bottom of my heart, it's one of my favorite things ever ever T-T
♡ Oh, and also fics! Although I will need to go bald because of her fics reccomendations, I appreciate her suggestions a lot, they are chef kiss, thank you sis hohoohoh
♡ She is the embodiment of balance, the walking ying yang. She is a dreamer, and at the same time she is so grounded. She has a mind of a curious child and at the same time she is extremely mature. She has such a good perception of herself and of the world, she is so true to everything. She is so genuine to everyone and to herself, it's truly admirable.
♡ Her mind is simply brilliant!! Have you read her writings?? If you haven't, you're missing so much, go read them now!! Her pieces touches you, and you're able to touch them too T-T Simply incredible T-T
♡ And her mind combined with her heart of gold results in the bestest friend you can have <3 She is there for you, she listens to you with all the attention and care, and she has the best advices and words to help and comfort you.
♡ She be like Yuta sometimes, telling little lies expecting I don't actually believe them, but I'm like Mark, clueless, falling for every single word :'D It's so funny, I love when this happens xDD She is the Yuta to my Mark <3
♡ We crush together on people we shouldn't be crushing on like psycho dentists. It would be weird if one of us were not weird enough to put up with the weirdness of the other one. So I love it, we match, Faye is perfect indeed <3
♡ She shares the best things in life with you. Besides books, series, fics, she also shares little beautiful moments that reminds you that life is worth living. She even share recipes with you. Because of her I had the opportunity to try a super yummy dish, I'm so grateful T-T
♡ She is the cutest chaotic good angel. The clumsy fairy, full of good intentions, making you laugh in your saddest day, making your heart feel lighter, healing you just by being by your side.
♡ Her enthusiasm and passion when she is learning something new or when she is reading a new book is inspiring. I feel like doing everything she is doing, because it sounds so much fun!! The enthusiasm is contagious, I feel energized!
♡ She is the perfect partner in crime. You can definetely count on her to rob a bank, or to have your back in an apocalipse zombie. Even though I think we maybe would be caught easily or we would be the first ones to die, at least it would be fun :'D (sis, no joke, I wrote this before you sent me your Il-nam quiz result ahuaahsuu)
♡ She will help you on online shopping. She has the best opinions, and she gives really practical advices and suggestions. Also, her taste is immaculate! In other words, if you go shopping with her, besides having the greatest time, you'll be fancy while making smart choices!
♡ She puts up with my silly humor, I appreciate it very much :'))) She also is the funniest person I know, hands down, top tier humor, omg I love her so much T-T
♡ She has the cutest, loveliest, most adorable giggles. You can fall in love just with her giggles T-T love love love!!!
♡ She is the sister I wish I had irl. Well, actually, now I have, because I really consider her my real sister. She is someone you can be yourself with, you can play around with, you can be serious with, you can share the world with. Her presence is irreplaceable, incomparable. I adore her so much T-T
♡ She is an example of woman, of a human being, compassionate and strong, the type of person who will make the difference in this world, that will build a nicer and better future <3
♡ She is her, the one and only Faye, and that's more than enough to fall in love with her ♡
Siiss, thank you for everything!! Happy birthday!!! ily!!
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kyanmapng · 4 years
thoughts on ep 10 (true beauty)
oh god i am doing this again
i am the happiest about han siblings screen time, however small it is, i am LIVING for it
gowoon absolutely destroying jug’s brother (yeah it’s 10th ep but i can’t be bothered with his name lol), him thinking seojun is her bf is a recipe for beautiful disaster and i can’t wait 
it is my obligatory SEOJUN BEING THE BESTEST BOY part, him saying “just break up” but following it up with “suho wouldn’t break your heart” breaks MY heart, you can see he wishes he could just tell her straight up how he feels but he still sticks up for suho 
seojun doesn’t really make moves he is just happy he gets to spend time with jugyeong even when it all leads to him having to give dating advice to her and comfort her 
also his moment of panic when he thought his secret is out there 
PLUS the shoelaces scene, he is such a child and needs love and affection to thrive please just let him be happy already
the dumpling battle was probably the least weird of the weird scenes lmao 
also i cannot believe the nail clipping we all thought about actually happened, that will scar both suho and seojun for a lifetime and maybe finally they stop throwing hands at every occasion 
now onto suho, it’s always take two steps forward but at least 5 steps back with him and his “character development”, it seemed they finally got hang of his sweet moments just to ruin it with this controlling jealousy (which was finally addresed by yours truly han seojun) 
when it comes to suho x jug relationship, they are both so insanily dumb when it comes to communicating, it’s one misunderstanding after a misunderstanding and that feeds suho’s jealousy and jug’s insecurity, they both need to get themselves in check before having any kind of relationship with anyone
now moment of appreciation for suho’s wingman and love guru yoo taehoon, he is stressed out of his mind for suho’s relationship, this man is THE friend, he is about to lose his mind soon, someone give him a hug 
and now onto QUEEN lim heegyeong the one and only, first of all her relationship with that teacher is sweet and it better sail steady, but also her morals are a thing to behold, she is ready to lose her job to fight for the rights of people who can’t fight for themselves and i love her!!
now less pleasant part... kang soojin villain arc i guess, it feels cheap in a way, they are getting closer to webtoon soojin but it makes it so pointless, this whole thingy with suho only works because suho and jug suck at communication and her scheming is too grand for high school romance, can we just ignore this and go back to nice soojin? 
finally onto the accident and preview... why oh why did the car hit BOTH of them? (let’s ignore how suho went flying when seojun was the one closer to the car and they were on top of each other but i digress) once again making it somehow a thing of jug being there more for suho and seojun thirdwheeling and getting his heart hurt, i knew it would be too good, they can’t follow the webtoon where it matters... i just want suho and seojun finally stop fighting and be best buds or just buds whatever... not everything centers around their relationship with jug, they have past of their own 
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scattergraph · 4 years
Some more fluff for anyone who needs it.  Woop two in two days, we’re on a roll now.  Thanks again to the amazing @cg29 for the prompt list, I’m having a lot of fun with it :)  
For anyone wanting to find it, yesterday’s attempt is over on FF.net here  I would link to the Tumblr post but I have no idea how to do that.
Hope you like it
“Gordon, why are you baking?  And what’s with the champagne?”
“It’s our anniversary, I’m celebrating.”
“Whose anniversary?” Alan asked, confused.
“Mine and Lady Penelope’s.”
“Wait, what?” Now Alan was really confused.  He knew he’d gotten a bit caught up with schooling and rescues and gaming and such lately, but surely he hadn’t been distracted enough to miss something that huge?  “Since when are you dating Lady P?”
“Oh, we’re not dating. Yet.”
“You’re not?”
“Then why the cookies and champagne?”
“I told you, it’s our anniversary.” Gordon replied with a smile, returning to loading his mixture onto the baking trays as if his meagre explanation had satisfied everything.
Whatever, never mind. Alan didn’t want to know. Whatever it was that his brother was up to, he didn’t care.  Didn’t want to know.  Absolutely not.  No Sir. No further details required.  This was just Gordon being Gordon.  He didn’t need to understand.  It’s cool.  Except that it’s not.  Because now he has to know, because Gordon never bakes and who even knew Gordon knew how to work the oven let alone follow a recipe and that whole thing about Lady P? Just throwing that out there in casual conversation like it was nothing?  Like Alan didn’t have anything more important to do than sit around learning about Gordon’s love life?  Absolutely not.  He wasn’t taking the bait.  He wasn’t. He really wasn’t…
“Exactly what anniversary are you celebrating?”  Dammit, Gordon, he just had to know.
A cheeky smile was flashed in Alan’s direction as the oven was loaded.
“Today, oh littlest of brothers, marks the 18 year anniversary of the day Lady Penelope first fell in love with me.”
Well, that made exactly zero sense.
“You think Lady Penelope is in love with you?”
“Oh, I know she is. She’s just playing it cool.  You see, it was exactly 18 years ago today that Lord Creighton-Ward bought little Lady P over to the Tracy house, where she looked me straight in the eyes and knew, right there and then, that all her girlish dreams had come true:  right in front of her was the one and only Gordon Tracy, future husband, to have and to hold, for evermore.”
“She really said that?” Alan asked, eyes widening.
“Of course not, but she was thinking it.  I could tell.”
“And was that the day you fell in love with her, too?”
“Are you kidding me?!  Please, I was six years old. Girls were yucky.  I did what any self-respecting six-year-old would do.  I stuck my tongue out at her and pushed her in the mud out by the old barn.  It was hilarious.”
Alan face planted the table.  He knew he was supposed to look up to his brothers and all that, but sometimes he had to question the logic there, he really did.
“But you love her now, though, right?” Alan asked.
“Of course.  You can’t tell her that though.”
“What?  Why not?  And why can’t you?  I mean, if she apparently loves you anyway and has done ever since you were both kids.”
“Because she doesn’t want me to know yet.”
“Right.” Gordon replied with a shrug, while checking on his quickly-browning baked goods.
“So, what now then?” Alan asked, still wholeheartedly confused.
“So now I bake her cookies and we drink champagne without ever really talking about why we’re doing it. Then, someday off in the future, we’ll look back on this day and she’ll realise - just like deep-down she really knew all along and just like me and you and the rest of the world already knows - that we were always destined to be.”
And then Gordon was smiling, and Alan was smiling too, because in that moment – ridiculous as it all was – they both knew Gordon was right and that Alan really did have the bestest, most inspiring big brothers after all.  And as the smoke alarm began to ring out across the Tracy villa, he just wished Lady P would hurry up and realise it too.  
Maybe that way his family would come to their senses and stop trying to bake.
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Cookie Run OCs
gdi apparently one of the cookies in cr kingdom is named licorice cookie so screw it i’m biting the bullet and posting my half-baked (ha) oc ideas now even if some of them have already been taken anyway. sorry there’s no art bc i’m terrible with digital stuff and can’t access a scanner to upload my drawings. there are almost certainly going to be more to come later because this game refuses to leave my brain.
Black Licorice Cookie: The powerfully astringent flavor of black licorice certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste - and that’s just the way Black Licorice Cookie likes it! This daredevil of a Cookie loves nothing more than testing her limits, so she’s always on the lookout for something to get her adrenaline pumping. That doesn’t mean she isn’t without her sweet side, however, which comes out most strongly when protecting her precious little sister. Get between them at your own risk!
Red Licorice Cookie (Sibling): Don’t mess with my little sis if you know what’s good for you!
Mustard Cookie (Trust): Nobody else gets me like Mustard Cookie does!
Kiwi Cookie (Friendly): Hey, I’ve got an idea for some cool bike tricks!
Roll Cake Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride in that road roller and smashing things is such a rush! WHOO!
Initially I had the mental image of her as a Cookie with a web design and a spider pet, but then Truffle Cookie came out, so now I pretty much picture her skill being that she runs a Ninja-Warrior-style obstacle course or something. Maybe her pet could be a black cat instead?
Red Licorice Cookie: Between the fruity fragrance of her signature red hair and her sweet, outgoing personality, it’s no surprise that this Cookie is so popular! Red Licorice Cookie is a champion at gymnastics with plenty of fans, and performing with the ribbon is where she shines the most. She and her older twin sister might be as different as night and day, but their bond is as strong as a thousand strands of licorice twisted together!
Black Licorice Cookie (Sibling): I’ve got the coolest big sis in the world!
Cheerleader Cookie (Trust): Cheerleader Cooke is my BFF!
Yoga Cookie (Friendly): She’s helped me train to be much more flexible for my routines.
Skating Queen Cookie (Admiration): I can’t believe I actually got her autograph!
At first I imagined her as being a sort of epic version of Cheerleader Cookie, performing double dutch with a few friends much like the cheer team. Her pet would be a charm bracelet.
Oatmeal Cookie: Every day at the crack of dawn, this dutiful cowgirl is already hard at work, keeping a watchful eye over her herd with the help of her trusty steed, Raisin. If even a single cow goes missing, Oatmeal Cookie won’t rest until she’s got them home safe and sound. The tricks she can perform with a lasso will certainly knock your socks off! And when the sun starts to set, you can hear the sound of her yodeling from far across the plains.
Peanut Butter Cookie (Family): I’m the luckiest Cookie alive to have such a beautiful gal as you...
Knight Cookie (Friendly): You sure know how to burn the breeze!
Adventurer Cookie (Friendly): Nice hat ya got there, pardner!
Space Doughnut (Tension): Hey, stop spookin’ my herd!
Her skill would probably involve dodging obstacles on her horse while catching some runaway cows, and her pet would be a cowbell.
Peanut Butter Cookie: There’s nothing better for a boost of energy than some delicious, nutritious peanut butter! And forest ranger Peanut Butter Cookie definitely needs that energy, as she spends every day traversing the woods to keep them safe. Whether she’s helping Cookies who have gotten lost find their way home or rescuing woodland critters from danger, you can always depend on Peanut Butter Cookie. She’s especially fond of younger Cookies and enjoys teaching them wilderness survival skills.
Oatmeal Cookie (Family): She and I pack each others’ lunches every day.
Pancake Cookie (Friendly): Be careful climbing trees for those Acorn Jellies, dear!
Cream Puff Cookie (Friendly): I’m sure you’ll get that spell right next time, hun.
Fig Cookie (Trust): They’re always eager for me to tell them stories.
Fire Spirit Cookie (Tension): You keep those flames away from the forest, you hear?
You can probably tell by now that I’ve put like 0 thought into any of my Cookie OC’s skills. Anyway, her pet would be a bear that she helped when it was a cub, who shows up to help her by smashing obstacles.
Coconut Cookie: The Tropical Soda Archipelago has a long history of telling stories through traditional dance. Coconut Cookie comes from a long line of those dancers, and Cookies will flock from every island to watch her perform. Crowned with a garland of bright yellow coconut blossoms, she moves with the utmost rhythm and grace. It’s said that she practices every day so that she can bring peace and good fortune to the islands.
Mango Cookie (Trust): My best friend since we were little - I remember his very first boat!
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Admiration): The Dragon honored my ancestors by praising their dances.
Soda Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride on the waves is the best, isn’t it?
Squid Ink Cookie (Friendly): Poor little thing, there’s no need to be shy.
My first thought was for her to make a sort of bubble shield out of coconut oil, like Lemonade Cookie but without the magnetic effect (maybe slower energy drain instead?) - I’m still undecided about it though. Her pet would be a bunch of coconuts who make coconut milk potions. Also, I picture her being related to Artichoke Cookie, but he’s not in Ovenbreak...YET? (pls devsis)
Honeycomb Cookie: Out in a charming little cottage atop a hill lives Honeycomb Cookie - and her many hives of Jelly Bees. Years upon years of working with the bees has allowed her to understand them so well, it’s almost as if she talks to them! If you happen to arrive on her doorstep, you can be sure that she’ll treat you to some delicious tea sweetened with honey and send you on your way with a basket of homemade treats.
Herb Cookie (Family): My cute little grandson certainly inherited the family green thumb.
Spinach Cookie (Trust): Oh, how sweet of you to bring me a basket of vegetables, dearie!
Fairy Cookie (Friendly): Ah, you’re so small I mistook you for another bee.
Matcha Cookie (Friendly): A bit of a strange one, but it’s nice to have some laughter over tea.
Not sure what her skill would be, but I think her pet would be a queen Jelly Bee that grows from a baby to an adult as you collect more jellies.
Souffle Cookie: A chef famous for turning simple Jellies into extravagant and delicious meals. Though he can come off as strict and a bit intimidating, he truly does care about creating good food for every Cookie who comes to his restaurant. Souffle Cookie is quite the perfectionist, so if a recipe doesn’t come out as planned, he tends to sulk so badly that even his fluffy chef’s hat deflates! But it never lasts long before he throws himself back into his work with renewed passion.
Sparkling Cookie (Trust): My cooking and your juice is the ultimate combination!
Sandwich Cookie (Admiration): To create such simple but delicious meals...C’est magnifique!
Mala Sauce Cookie (Friendly): Just watch, I’ll create a meal more than spicy enough to satisfy you!
Dr. Wasabi Cookie (Tension): I am NEVER using your syrup as a ‘secret ingredient’ EVER again!
Again, not sure what his skill would be, but maybe his pet could be a spoon. Sous-chef Spoon?
Rainbow Sugar Cookie: Sugar Cookie was always painfully shy and never considered herself all that important. However, everything changed when she met Rainbow Puff, a creature who begged for her help in protecting the happiness of Cookies everywhere from the wicked Dark Puffs. Bestowed with a magical wand, she becomes Rainbow Sugar Cookie, chasing away darkness with prisms of joyous light! RAINBOW...BEAM!
Pink Choco Cookie (Trust): The two of us would make a perfect team!
Wind Archer Cookie (Admiration): Wow...what an amazing warrior...
Sandwich Cookie (Friendly): She makes the best toast as a snack on the way to school!
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Rival): I won’t let a villain like you make other Cookies suffer!
Pomegranate Cookie (Tension): Why are you helping the Darkness?
Originally her name was Glitter Cookie, but then Shining Glitter Cookie got announced. In any case, she’d pretty much be an epic version of Wind Archer Cookie, fighting a big ‘boss’ monster once enough little ones were defeated with her magic.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie: Trick or treat! Wait, is it Halloween already? The answer doesn’t really matter to this young Cookie, who loves trick-or-treating so much that they never take their costume off! If you don’t have Jellies to give, then get ready for a mischievous trick! But if there’s one thing they love more than getting treats, it’s sharing them with friends, so don’t be shy and join in the fun!
Candy Corn Cookie (Trust): My bestest trick-or-treating buddy!
Devil Cookie (Admiration): WOW! What a great costume!
Apple Cookie (Friendly): Here, candy apples!
Onion Cookie (Friendly): Trick o- um, please don’t cry...
Vampire Cookie (Tension): Hey, don’t fall asleep when I’m trying to trick you!
I thought I was in the clear with this OC when we got Truffle Cookie for Halloween...but then Pumpkin Cookie was an NPC later, lol. At least the name was an easy change. Their skill would basically be like a slower version of Chestnut’s, where you go up to houses and trick-or-treat.
Candy Corn Cookie: This Cookie used to be a scarecrow who stood in the middle of a big field of candy corn. However, they wanted to travel the world, so one night they wished upon a star...and miraculously, their wish was granted! Bursting with curiosity, Candy Corn Cookie is full of questions about everything they see. They still have a habit of chasing birds wherever they go, though.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie (Trust): This ‘trick-or-treat’ thing is really fun!
Alchemist Cookie (Admiration): Wow, this Cookie knows lots of things!
Blueberry Pie Cookie (Friendly): Ooh, what’s in all these ‘book’ things?
Mocha Ray Cookie (Friendly): Cookies can really live under the sea? WOW!
Carrot Cookie (Tension): Aw, I don’t wanna go back to the farm yet!
Candy corn apparently used to be called ‘chicken feed’, so their pet would probably be a chicken. Again, not sure about the skill.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Ugly Sweater Surprise
Summary: James, Omar, Louis get together to work on a special Christmas surprise for their friends.
Word Count: 3103
Read on A03:
James took a deep breath, letting the aroma of gingerbread and sugar cookies fill his nose as Omar pitter pattered around the Ericson High dorm room kitchens. The brownie was gathering up all the cookies that they had already baked. The cyclops looked in awe at the amount Omar and he had created and the variety too. Blood, insect, seaweed, chicken, charcoal. All types of cookies that were suitable for monsters had been made for the special surprise the two of them and Louis had come up with for tomorrow. They needed to finish all these cookies before they went over to the frankenstein’s mansion later that night.
“How’s the frosting coming along?” Omar’s calming voice pulled James out of his thoughts and back to the frosting piping bag that was halfway filled with green frosting.
“I think I should be able to get the first batch done soon,” James smiled softly over at his friend who returned it in kind before moving to get his oven mitts. The cyclops returned to his task, his eye focusing entirely on making the best Christmas designs on the different sugary treats.
“So, have any fond Christmas traditions?” Omar glanced up from the oven as he moved a sheet of sugar cookies onto the stovetop.
“Hmmm,” James thought carefully about that, his nose scrunched up in concentration. “Nothing that special. We’d go to the forest and during wintertime the light bugs would come out and dance around the trees,” James had a nostalgic look in his eye. “It was magical.” He continued frosting the cookie.
“That sounds really beautiful,” The brownie smiled over at his friend.
“What about you?” The cyclop’s brown eye wandered over to Omar.
“The feast,” Omar set down the last batch of cookies to cool. “My family and I would make the greatest food. Our kitchens would be filled with all kinds of food: ham, chestnuts, potatoes, rolls. It’s a once a year feast that puts all others to shame.” Omar had a warm smile on his face as he moseyed over to join his roommate in finishing up decorating the cookies.
“Are you going to have it this year too?” James looked down at his friend who gave a short nod.
“Yep, I can’t wait. Although,” Omar began to decorate a sugar cookie in the shape of a candy cane, “I am going to miss everyone and having you as a roommate even if it’s only for a week or so.”
James got a little teary eyed at the thought. He wouldn’t be visiting his family during this time of year so it would be sad not to have his late night conversation and snack times with his friend.
“Well, it’s not for too long. Oh,” James’ eye fell when he saw he’d messed up on a cookie.
“It’s okay,” Omar pitter pattered over and got up on his stepping stool. “All you need to do is add some more red there and it fixes the mistake.”
The cyclops looked in awe at his friend’s skill and gave a gentle smile over his way.
“Thank you,”
“It’s no big deal,” Omar hopped down and continued his work. The brownie and cyclops continued to work until all the cookies were decorated and safely placed on the Christmas trays. They walked together, talking casually as they headed back to their dorm room. When they entered the room, James took the cookie trays and placed them in a safe spot while Omar bustled to get their Christmas sweaters. After a minute the brownie returned, moving past the bookshelf filled with cookbooks and nature and towards his roommate. James thanked his friend and placed his sweater on. It was a red and white sweater with the words “All Eye Want for Christmas is You” on the front.
“Do you need some help?” James asked as he saw Omar struggling with his sweater a bit.
“Yes, I would really appreciate it,” The brownie’s voice was muffled from the item of clothing. The cyclops delicately worked with his pal and shuffled the sweater back and forth until it fit snugly over his form. It was a simple design on the blue sweater with the words “Hug the Brownie” plastered sloppily on the front. Omar had told James that Louis had made it for him then the frankenstein got so excited about the idea of making ones for all the others. That was how this event tonight was happening. It was why the two friends were heading over to the Louis’ house to make a Christmas gift for everyone. Omar glanced down at his watch and gave a small tsking sound.
“It looks like we’re running a little late,”
“Oh no!” James’ already large eye grew even larger.
“It’s fine,” Omar waved a hand dismissively. “Knowing Louis he’ll be waiting anxiously, but I’ll send him a text to let him know,” Omar pulled out his phone and tapped a few buttons before placing the device back in his pocket. With that the pair set out towards the front of Ericson where to neither of their surprise a car waited with a driver sent by Louis. The duo walked forward and thanked the chauffeur, getting into the car and enjoying the ride there.
Both of them were thankful for the ride. Neither had a car and taking the bus to even get close to Louis’ house would most likely damper their Christmas mood with all the odd looks and whispered insults the humans would give when they say the sweatered monsters. Smooth Christmas jazz music was playing on the radio which the cyclops and the brownie enjoyed as the car slowly made its way along the snow-covered road and up to the mansion.
When the car pulled into the driveway they saw that Louis had already been waiting. The frankenstein’s usual friendly smile was plastered on his face as he slipped and skidded on the snow to get to them. “You made it!” Louis smiled brightly at the pair. “And you’re wearing the sweater I made,” He looked over at Omar who gave a small smile.
“Of course,”
“Oh, I like your sweater t...t..tchoo,” Louis’ head nearly slipped off due to the force of the sneeze as he complimented James’ sweater.
“Are you okay?” James looked concerned for his friend’s health.
“Yeah, yeah. Come on, let’s get inside. I made a ton of hot cocoa and treats to munch while we work.” The frankenstein led the way, clearly excited to have people over while his father was away for the next week or so. Louis opened the door and began to guide his two buddies through his maze of a house. The trio moved past the movie theater and pizza parlor, through the different guests rooms and finally made it to what Louis declared to be the decorating room. There on the floor were three sets of five pairs of sweaters. Glitter, glue guns, and all other types of arts and crafts were there to make the “bestest Christmas sweaters in all of Ericson High” as the frankenstein put it. The three monsters took their spots and took a few minutes to chat about this and that as Louis turned on the Christmas music that played through the speakers. Omar looked intrigued by the hot cocoa that Louis brewed which he said Clem had shown him how to make and was an “Everett secret”. The brownie made a note to ask the human about the recipe at tomorrow’s surprise party.
“So, should we get started?” James swayed nervously back and forth.
“Yes!” Louis snatched up the first sweater and grabbed the glitter. “I’m gonna make the best sweater for Clem!”
“Oh, then I guess I’ll start with one for Jesse,” James said with a shy smile.
“I’ll make one for Ruby then,” Omar smiled warmly at the thought of his best friend receiving this homemade gift. He knew how much Ruby loved and was touched by homemade gifts. The trio started their work on the sweaters. The frankenstein used all the red and green glitter he could while writing every so carefully the words “You’re My Christmas Wish” in white. Louis smiled proudly and shook off the excess sparkles then held it up for his friends to see.
“Ta-da!” The frankenstein beamed proudly at his creation for his girlfriend. “Get it, cause she’s my Christmas wish!” The frankenstein’s cheeks began to flush.
“Wow, that looks good,” James’ eye widened at the sweater then looked down nervously at his own.
“You want to show us?” Omar asked James in a gentle voice while Louis let out an excited gasp and started bouncing this way and that.
“Ooo! Ooo! I want to see Jesse’s sweater!” Louis poked his two pointer fingers together. James thought about it for a second then moved back to show his progress so far. The words “I’ll Put a Christmas Spell on  You” were present on the blue sweater while a small gorgon face was at the center of it. The colors and stripes of candy canes replaced the snakes that were usually on a gorgon’s head.
“That's really good,” Omar smiled warmly at his friend then returned to his work while Lous continued to praise James who wasn’t used to so many compliments and got slightly overwhelmed by them. After a minute Omar had finished his sweater while the other two had begun to work on their second sweaters; the frankenstein was working his hardest on one for his werewolf best friend while James had begun work on Tenn's ugly sweater.
“I think it turned out alright,” Omar held up Ruby’s sweater that he had made. It was a beautiful Christmas tree that had the words “O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree” delicately written in yellow over the tree that had small ornaments representing each of the monster pals.
“Whoa!” Louis leaned forward and almost spilled glitter onto Violet’s sweater. “Oh shit!” He caught the bottle of glitter. The cyclops looked over with concern before letting out a sigh of relief.
“I love it,” James complimented the brownie’s handiwork. “All the different ornaments like this little bat one and the matching bird ones. It's super detailed. I’m sure Ruby will love it.” That made Omar’s smile grow as he carefully placed it aside, excitement bubbling within his heart at the thought of his best friend receiving the gift. He moved on to Allison’s sweater. Louis hummed happily to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” which James and Omar quickly joined in on. Each of them was enjoying their ugly sweater making party so far.
After a little while each of them revealed their second finished creations. Louis displayed his dramatically, holding up a deep blue sweater that looked like it held thousands of stars. White and yellow letters read “Starlight, Starbright”.
“Violet will definitely love that,” James’ response made Louis jump for joy, causing one of his hands to pop off. After Omar had retrieved the hand and helped his friend place it back on, he held up his creation. It was a pale blue sweater with delicate snowflakes dancing around the fabric with the words “Heart of Snow” with a small snow heart beside the text. James was next. The cyclops shyly held up his latest work: a green sweater saying “The Ghost of Christmas Present” with a red and green present below it.
“Tenn’s gonna flip when he sees that!” Louis’ dreadlocks swayed with how fast he lunged forward to get a closer look.
“I-Is that a bad thing?’ James looked at the sweater then at his two friends.
“No, it’s a good thing,” Omar said with a calm expression on his face. “Tenn is really going to like it.”
James beamed at those words and tucked away his second creation. With that the trio of monsters worked on their next designs. Louis got up for a few minutes, saying he would refill the snacks and drinks. After nearly fifteen minutes he returned and placed a plethora of goodies in front of his pals. The three snacked happily for a while as they brainstormed some more ideas.
“Alright,” Louis tossed the remainder of a Christmas cookie in his mouth and dusted off his hands. “Let’s get started on another great sweater!”
It was some time before any of them had finished up. Omar was the first this time, holding up Willy’s gift. “Christmas Under the Sea” read proudly over the top in seafoam green and blues as different seaweed and cute sea creatures filled the sweater. Next James showed his finished work for Sophie. He had wanted to make some special adjustments to the sleeves so the harpy’s feathers wouldn’t get pressed harshly against her arms. It was a vibrant red sweater that had two turtle doves that flew in the center of it.
“Who’s the second turtle dove?” Omar’s question made James’ eye blink in realization.
“Oh, I didn’t think of that. I guess it could be Minnie or Tenn.”
“No!” Louis shook his head; his dreadlocks bounced with the force of his movement. “I bet it’s Marlon. True love conquers all!”
“I don’t know,” Omar leaned back, his hand on his chin. “I think it could be Renata. Friendship is just as special as either of those two bonds.”
“True,” James nodded along then looked back at the sweater.
Louis pondered the conundrum gravely. “Well, I guess there’s only one way to settle this. We’ll make a bet on which we think she’ll say tomorrow when I ask her.” James and Omar shared a look before nodding in agreement. Then Louis held up his latest masterpiece. The words “Baby It’s Cold Outside” were dancing in fiery letters above a fireplace on the maroon sweater. The cyclops and the brownie didn’t even have to guess whose it was. It obviously was made for the fire elemental Aasim. The monsters looked around and saw that they were already halfway done. Their smiles remained ever present as they kept humming along to the carols and decorating.
James seemed focused on working on his last two sweaters simultaneously and so the frankenstein and brownie finished their fourth sweaters first. Louis held up his gift to Prisha: a white sweater with the words “I’d Take a Bite of That” were shown in blood red above a Christmas cookie that had a bite already taken out of it.  Omar showed off his latest sweater next. It was an ocean blue sweater with the text “I’m Dreaming of a Blue Christmas” in a light blue color. Seashells and little seals were placed at the center of the sweater.
“You’re both so talented,” James looked up from his work with a gentle smile.
“Heh,” Louis rubbed the spot under his nose. “I love making gifts for friends.”
“Me too,” Omar’s smile grew as he pitter pattered over to add Brody’s sweater to the rest of the finished clothing. The pair of friends glanced over at the cyclops who looked busy, still hard at work on his duo of sweater projects. So Louis and Omar began to work on their last ones. The frankenstein’s tongue stuck out slightly as he worked on Marlon’s sweater. He wanted it to turn out really cool for his best friend. Meanwhile Omar was working as diligently as ever on Mitch’s sweater.
After what felt like ages all three monsters finished their last sweaters. Omar displayed his sweater first. It was a white and red striped sweater where a reindeer rode on top of a comet.
“Oh!” Louis hit his fist on his open palm. “Comet like the reindeer!”
“That’s right,” Omar gave a short nod. “What about you, Louis? What did you make for Marlon?”
“I made this!” Louis smiled as he held the sweater in front of his face so his friends could get a closer look. It was a set of snowmen that had the words “My Mind Is On Christmas” below them. It sparkled and shone in the light due to all the glitter the frankenstein had put on it.
“Marlon is really gonna like that one,” James said as Louis and Omar moved over to place down their last sweaters in the sweater corner.
“Thanks! Now show us yours. You gotta have been working on Renata’s and MInnie’s,’ Louis sat crisscross applesauce and leaned forward in excitement. Omar also seemed intrigued by what the designs could be. James shifted the sweaters and placed them side by side. “The one on the left is for Renata and the one on the right is for Minnie,” the cyclops explained. The monsters leaned forward, taking in the sight of Renata’s sweater first. The word “Naughty” was placed in the center with little foxes standing above it and playing below it. A fox tail in the form of a question mark was beside the word. Then they looked over at Minnie’s that had the word “Nice” on it. It was tucked away in a little nest with small white eggs decorated in Christmas colors.
“Wow! These are great!” Louis hopped on his feet and did a little spin. “They all turned out awesome! Our secret ugly sweater making party was a success!” The frankenstein pulled proudly on the air by the sides of his shirt.
Omar gave a warm smile. “It was a lot of fun.”
Yeah, I-” James was cut off by a sharp yawn that made his eye water slightly.
“Oh, are you tired, James? If you two want you can totally stay over for a sleepover.” Louis looked anxious for their response to his question. The two roommates shared a look before a happy, excited smile took over both of their faces.
“Sounds like fun,”
The brownie’s words made Louis do a little jump as he sprinted out of the room. “I’ll get the guest room set up with sleeping bags and stuff! Oh! Let’s also watch a Christmas movie too! I wonder which….” Louis’ voice disappeared as he slid across the floors and headed towards preparing what was sure to be a fun all-nighter with how this evening was panning out. James and Omar rose from their spots to help out their friend. Pausing for a moment, the two looked at the completed sweaters with proud smiles.
“They’re gonna be super excited tomorrow,” James commented which made Omar’s smile grow.
“With these sweaters and cookies, I’m sure there won’t be a non-smiling face in sight,” The brownie and cyclops continued to talk as they ambled out of the room, excited for tomorrow and all the joy it would bring.
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sirianisrock · 4 years
Birthday Girl
Boyd Holbrook x Female Reader (my bitch,actually)
Words : I don’t know, but it’s not long I guess
Warnings : fluff, too much fluff probably, poor English (sorry,not my first language)
Ok so, premise :
I wanted to make something for this special person, but special it’s not even enough to describe this girl. Today it’s her Birthday, [ damn bitch, aging looks GOOD on you ] and I tried to wish this hoe the bestest of birthdays “"writing”“ a little fic ( If I could definite it a fiction since my wRiTiNg sucks ) about her and the special man that stole her heart. Gotta say it, I’m a little jealous of Boyd for being lucky enough to own your heart, WOW.
This said,
Happy Birthday you goddamn bitch,
I love you with all my heart. And as I always say, Love you to the Death Star and back.  @nothing-but-a-comedy​
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Today it’s a special day. Today’s YOUR special day.
Boyd knew you never were so enormously excited about your birthday, that you thought it was just another day like the others, after all. But he also knew you better than that, and he was sure that his special girl loved surprises.
He’d always been so in love with you, he loves everything about his Divya..he loves the way you are excited about simple things, the way you blush every time he tells you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you, the way your laugh fills the air and makes him laugh too, the way your sweet voice warms his heart, even more when you sing sweet lullabies to him before sleeping, while hugging you tight to his chest..
And god, no one knows how much you love that man back. You always told him that you didn’t want anything for your birthday, because you were already happy like this, and could wish nothing more than the life you were living with him. But, knowing Boyd, he’d always come home to you with little sweet surspises that made your heart swollen.
This year, things were going differently.
He’d been very busy with work recently, so you didn’t even think of trying to celebrate your birthday, you just wanted to spend a simple night with him cuddling on the sofa, eating some junky food and laugh at stupid shows on the tv while he kept you close to him.
You’ve always been a different girl, no big plans or expectations, and that was another thing that caught Boyd’s eye while he was falling in love with you.
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You woke up to him caressing the soft skin of your neck with his fingers, giving you kisses so light that you could barely feel them, but gave you goosebumps at the same time. The sun’s rays filtered from the window, disturbing your still sensitive eyes.
"Good morning birthday girl” he whispered, his voice raspy and a soft smile spreaded on his still sleepy face. “Good morning to you” you said, turning completely to face him with a sweet smirk of yours.
He pulled you closer to his body, kissing your lips softly but with such passion that you felt warm inside. “I hate telling you, but you’ll be late for work if you don’t stop silly” you told him reluctantly. He groaned, knowing you were right but not wanting to ever leave your side. He gave you more kisses, making you giggle when he arrived to your throat, his moustaches tickling you. The sight of you was heavenly to him, he couldn’t help but smile.
However, for how much he hated it, after giving you a few more soft kisses on the lips, he then started dressing up to go. When he was ready, he came to your side of the bed, where you’ve been looking at him in complete adoration the whole time, and sat down. His left hand cupped your cheek, moving softly his thumb across it.
A look of guilt crossed his face, making you worry all of a sudden. “Baby, tonight I won’t be home till late..the director of the movie wants to talk about some particulars of the character I play and..I couldn’t postpone it..I’m so, so sorry..”
At his words your heart broke a little, but you knew it wasn’t his fault and didn’t want to make him feel guilty for that in any way.
You did your best understanding smile and told him that it wasn’t a problem, that you would eventually celebrate the next day, and that he knew you didn’t give much importance to the event anyway. He still felt a lot guilty for it, but gave you a tight hug and another kiss before leaving for work.
10 more minutes passed, and you decided to make youself something to eat for breakfast, it would distract you from the thought of being alone all day. Walking into the kitchen, on the table in the middle of the room there was a little jar of glass, with a card next to it.
You took a closer look, noticing the jar was full of tiny notes on the inside; picking up the card, you read
“Hi baby, it’s your amazing boyfriend [obviously]. Here is a little gift for you: as you noticed, inside of the jar there are many colourful notes. In each one of them, there’s written a different reason why I love you.
I promise I’ll be back soon, Love you with all my heart,
Happy Birthday princess”
A warm tear ran down your cheek, what did you do to deserve this man? No one has ever done such sweet things for you, and the love you had for him was almost overwhelming.
With a shaking hand, you reached for the jar and sat down at the table, starting to read every single note, delicately rolled up one by one. It took you almost a full hour, and lots of tears and hankies to read everything that Boyd wrote.
It felt unreal having someone that loved you that much, almost as if it was all a dream. But here it was, this crazy blonde man you fell in love with almost immediately years ago, writing down every single thing he loves about you. Not having him here with you on your Birthday wasn’t the best thing, but this little big gift he made for you already cheered you up, even though it also made you as emotional as a little girl.
At this point, since you took some free days from work thanks to the extra hours you did (and had nothing to do), you thought that maybe baking a cake to eat with Boyd when he would come back home didn’t sound like a bad idea. It could also be a cute way to thank him for all he did for you. So, following a recipe, you started cooking what would come out as a nice classic cheesecake.
A few hours went on, the Weeknd’s music in the background relaxing you while you were at work, helped even more making time pass faster than you thought.
Humming tunes and singing along with him, in the end the cake turned out pretty good, Boyd would love it in its simplicity.
After that you didn’t have much more ideas on what to do, you made yourself a simple sandwich for lunch, eating it in front of the tv. However, you weren’t paying much attention to the news; your thoughts were still occupied by the image of Boyd, you couldn’t wait for him to come home. After a while, not having any more ideas on how to pass the day, you decided to take a nap. Maybe that would help you going through some more hours without having to bother about..doing things or get bored.
You took Boyd’s favourite blanket and lied down on the sofa, his scent imprinted in it made you feel warm inside, cuddling you to sleep almost immediately.
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A few knocks at the door woke you suddenly up; raising from the sofa and looking around a little confused, you noticed it was almost completely dark outside.
Damn, how much did you even sleep?
Another knock interrupted your trail of thoughts and you ran opening the door.
A blonde, tall, beautiful and scruffy looking man was standing here with a big roses’s bouquet, smiling down at you… your blonde beautiful man.
“Happy Birthday babygirl” he said, the sweetest smile of all appearing on his lips when he noticed your eyes watering.
“I..I thought you said you couldn’t be here tonight”, your voice a little shaky.
“How could I leave my favourite girl alone on her Birthday? Come here” He said, as you threw your arms around his neck, hugging him tight as he kept you as close to him as possible.
“Now now, those better be happy tears baby” With his thumb, he wiped them delicately away.
“Of course they are you.. crazy man” You looked at him, eyes full of love.
“You didn’t have to do all of this for me.. the jar.. the flowers.. It’s too much, you shouldn’t have to.. and how many roses are in there?! You gotta be damn crazy!”
He smiled at your simplicity, you were always thinking you didn’t deserve any of the things he did for you.
“Divya, it’s not too much, actually it’s nothing special at all. I just want you to be happy and never forget that I love you with all my being. You deserve this and more, if I was able to I would give you the whole world baby. And there are as many roses as your years, you old lady” he teased with a smirk, making you giggle at his observation.
He sweetly caressed your hair back, giving you a soft kiss on the forehead.
“So..you want me to stay outside or you think I could come in?” He joked, giving you a look.
“Mm I don’t know.. what do I get from it?” You smirked, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t test me baby, I could show you better if you let me come inside” he smirked back.
“Mm I don’t know, I’m not convinced at all…letting in a stranger..” You teased, and before you knew it Boyd lifted you from the ground bridal style and walked both of you inside, closing the door behind him with his foot.
“If this is the game you wanna play, I’m in, doll. But I gotta warn you..It’s gonna be a looong night..” He said, capturing your mouth with his lips in a soft but passionate kiss, making your heart skip more than a beat in your chest.
You knew you just signed up for a long night of celebrations with your man, and couldn’t feel happier about it.
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[ I did my best, happy birthday again love ]
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Ron Weasley, Peggy Carter, Raven Reyes, Will Turner.
Oooooh some good ones I don’t think I’ve ever been asked about!
Ron Weasley (my BOY)
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them* 
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (in the BEST way because I love how human his flaws make him)
otp(s): Romione
other ship(s): I can see the appeal of Rarry
#noromo ship(s): Harry/Ron are the BESTEST of friends and people need to stop forgetting how joined at the hip these two are. They share a brain. Also I love him with Luna because they both genuinely like each other and find each other funny and are both absolutely thrown by the other thinking they’re genuinely funny, which is cute.
crack ship(s): I mean he 100% had a massive crush on Krum but I don’t know if that counts as a crack ship
fav headcanon(s): Ron is the Mom friend. He shows his love by taking care of people. He’s a huge touch guy - he’s constantly giving people hugs, pats on the back, etc. Sometimes when he knows Harry’s feeling down he’ll just shove his way into his bed and cuddle him - it happens even more after the war, and sometimes Harry will just look at Ron and Ron knows that means it’s Hugging Time. They get so comfortable with it that they’ll just sit there in a conversation with someone else with Ron just hanging off Harry and neither of them acting like it’s a big deal.
He learns to love to cook for his family and provide good food for them like his mom did for him. He’s the one that learns most of her recipes and they spent a lot of time together in the kitchen after the war. The only one who can make food as good as their mom, the Weasleys all agree, is Ron - which is good, because Hermione is an abysmal cook.
He’s the one that takes a more active role in taking care of his kids too and the household duties. Not because Hermione won’t, but because her job ends up being so taxing and Ron loves taking care of his family and kids. (He does talk her into setting a strict schedule for herself though. Sundays are family days and unless a new dark wizard is back, she is not allowed to touch any work for the whole day.)
(I could keep going but I’m going to stop myself.)
Peggy Carter:
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav 
otp(s): Cartinelli 
other ship(s): Steggy, though I’m not the biggest shipper and I ship it a lot less post Endgame haha, Peggy/Sousa
#noromo ship(s): her friendship with Jarvis is so GOOD and I love them
crack ship(s): none that I can think of
fav headcanon(s): She 100% played a role in Tony’s life and nothing will tell me otherwise. She was (awkward on and off again) friends with his dad. She was besties with his caretaker/true father figure. She was definitely Aunt Peggy to him and adored him.
But to make a lot of Tony’s characterization and the fact they never see each other in the MCU work, I imagine they had some sort of falling out - either around the time Peggy seemed to have her falling out with Howard or after Howard’s death. Or maybe after Jarvis’s death. I imagine Tony pushed her away and eventually they hardly talked anymore. It’s one of his deepest regrets. He didn’t go to her funeral only because he felt like he didn’t have a right to.
Peggy is a terrible cook but really great at all other household chores and super handy. She refuses to call anyone for help when things break and will get them back in working shape through the power of her will alone. When she lives in the women’s apartment building, she gains a reputation as the person you should call if your fridge breaks down or you need to hang a new shelf or whatever. She gets a lot of requests to come fix things and she always does. Sometimes the other women try to pay her and she always refuses, though sometimes she’ll accept her pay in the form of homemade treats. One time she got a full pot roast for fixing someone’s heater. Usually, she just likes the women to keep her company and chat with her while she works.
Raven Reyes
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (again, in good ways! her flaws are great!)
otp(s): none
other ship(s): I’m coming around on Braven; also see the appeal in Raven/Echo and Raven/Luna
#noromo ship(s): her and Murphy are little shits together and I adore their friendship; also her and Echo, her and Monty, her and Emori (basically her and all of Spacekru)
crack ship(s): I get the whole Raven/Anya thing haha and wish we could have seen them interact
fav headcanon(s): Raven spent a lot of nights growing up over at Finn’s place instead of her’s to avoid her mom. His parents fully accepted her and treated her as one of their own, always willing to let her stay there, though there was a lot of tension between them after Finn got locked up. Her mom would often trade her rations away for booze, so Finn usually split his rations with her growing up. Raven also started offering to fix things for people for payment, even before she was officially working as an Ark mechanic - usually for food. If you had something broken that you knew the Ark government wouldn’t give a crap about, you knew to go to Raven Reyes, who’d probably fix it better than anyone else the Ark would’ve sent anyways.
She and Murphy end up bonding a lot on the Ring about their mothers and their childhoods. They talk a lot about what it was like to have to scrape by for food when your own mother didn’t seem concerned with feeding you. They relate to each other in a way none of the other Ark-borne kids on the Ring do. 
She has nightmares of ALIE long after the AI is gone, horrible dreams where she watches her own body move without her and do terrible things to the people she loves. She stops wearing the color red for awhile, even though it used to be her favorite color. 
Will Turner 
(I’ve never been asked about him!! Yes thank you!!)
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (yes, he’s all three)
otp(s): Willabeth
other ship(s): Will/Jack
#noromo ship(s): also Will/Jack
crack ship(s): Will/Calypso!!!! lmao he is her new ferryman
fav headcanon(s): Will accepts his new duty as ferryman for the dead and never wavers in it, and so he never is cursed or starts growing things out of him and yes I am ignoring the movie that shall not be named because it’s BULLSHIT. He is a kind ferryman. Davy Jones is terrifying, the sailors say. He’ll drag you to his locker as you scream for mercy and trap you in never-ending torture. But then when sailors die at see, a young man with kind eyes and a soft smile approaches them instead. “It’s time to move on now,” he tells them, and when the sailors say they don’t want to, he asks, “Are you scared of death? It’s nothing to fear really. But there is another option if you’d like.”
No one is bound to his service. They can stay on his crew for as long as they’d like, and when they’ve finally had enough and they tell him they’re ready to move on, he let’s them. 
Calypso is well pleased with him. She comes to visit him often and he always has tea (and rum) on hand for her when she does. They usually gossip about Jack. 
Great picks!! Thanks!!
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i-am-a-small-hobbit · 5 years
Bold Tag Game
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag 10 people (or not) you’d like to know better.
I was tagged by @maysartcorner, the bestest.
I’m over 5′5 (heh. 6 foot 3/4 of an inch.)/ I wear glasses / I wear contacts / I have blonde hair / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes/ I have dyed or highlighted my hair/ I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile (when I’m with friends I smile often, but when at work or just general day to day stuff, I don’t smile much.)/ I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards (When I’m working with my dad in the woods, I need a hat to keep the bugs off my head, but it often gets in the way so I turn it round backwards.)
Hobbies and talent
play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault (In the air? Not so much. On the ground? Yup.) / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend I have known for ten years / My parents are together / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sunrise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep (Sometimes, but not often.)/ I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote(s) / I like the smell of sharpies / I am (was) involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food (This is a big yes) / I can drive a stick-shift (as of 2 days ago :D)/ I believe in true love (I mean? Yeah kinda? Insomuch as I believe the person you find can be the person you truly love with all your being.) / I make up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multiracial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs (Kinda sorta mebbe? My family has three dogs, but they aren’t my own specifically.)
I don’t enough people on here to tag 10 :X so Ima @ all my followers who see this lol. Whoever wants to do it.
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bapwoo · 6 years
Bold tag thingy
Rules: bold the statements that are true (italicize for somewhat true) and tag 15 people.
I was tagged by the bestest @dragonsfire !!! My drafts are still so full with all those tags, but I am still quite busy to get them all done. However, I got some time now and this tag is quite easy to make so *CRACKS KNUCKLES, NECK, LEGS, BACK, EYES* LET’S GO!!!
note: u pretty af, so I am lowkey upset you did not bold that you are pleased with how you look (if I remember it well >_>)
★ appearance ★
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses/contacts / i have blonde hair / i wear sweatshirts a lot / i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / i have one or more piercings / i have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have gotten plastic surgery / i have or had braces / i sunburn easily / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / i am pleased with how i look / i prefer nike to adias / i wear baseball hats backwards
★ hobbies and talents ★
i play a sport / i can play an instrument / i am artistic / i know more than one language / i have won a trophy in some sort of competition / i can cook or bake without a recipe / i know how to swim / i enjoy writing / i can do origami / i prefer movies to TV shows / i can execute a perfect somersault / i enjoy singing / i could survive in the wild on my own / i have read a new book series this year / i enjoy spending time with friends / i travel during school or work breaks / i can do a handstand
★ relationships ★
i am in a relationship / i have been single for over a year / i have a crush / i have a best friend I have known for over ten years / my parents are together / i have dated my best friend / i am adopted / my crush has confessed to me / i have had a long-distance relationship / i am an only child / i give advice to my friends / i have made an online friend / i met up with someone I have met online
★ aesthetics ★
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell / i have watched the sun rise / i enjoy rainy days / i have slept under the stars / i meditate outside / the sound of chirping calms me / i enjoy the smell of the beach / i know what snow tastes like / i listen to music to fall asleep / i enjoy thunderstorms / i enjoy cloud watching / i have attended a bonfire / i pay close attention to colors / i find mystery in the ocean / i enjoy hiking on nature paths / autumn is my favorite season
★ miscellaneous ★
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / i am the mom friend / i live by a certain quote / i like the smell of sharpies / i am involved in extracurricular activities / i enjoy mexican food / i can drive stick-shift / i have memorized an entire song in a day / i believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / i sing in the shower / i wish i lived in a video game / i have a canopy above my bed / i am multi-racial / I AM A REDHEAD / i own at least three dogs / i am lgbtq+
To make some things clear, because I did not want to write into the text: I am half pleased with how I look; does gold medal from district elementary school basketball tournament counts??? lol; I practically always cook without a recipe but bake? I can’t do that; I do enjoy singing but I am so bad lol; and I travel but mostly not during breaks but literally during school lol; I know how to drive stick-shift bc it is normal here to have car with it... however, last time I drove was like 4 years ago lol; and I am dreaming up scenarios every day lol but it does not make me fall asleep aoiejgifvno
THANK YOU!!!!!! And for tag: @yangyangthegerman @choimomo @be-the-piano @kpoppie-kid @b-ace @luizycs @shineekeylover @unclejuho and anyone who wants do to it. ILU
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