#my priorities after exams... ❤️
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nanamiskentos · 3 months ago
hear ye hear ye anyone want to be tagged ❣️ (what we're going to do is ignore how i keep writing 3k words of it and deleting and starting again like over and over)
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panda-writes-kpop · 10 months ago
Tzuyu Fluff Alphabet (Requested!)
a/n: of course, lovely! I am so happy you enjoyed my previous works on the Twice members, and I'm happy to (albeit slowly) work on all of the twice fluff alphabets! ❤️ also final exams are this week, please keep me in your prayers as I attempt to pass three exams. 🥲
tw: none!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Affection (How do they show their affection? What love language(s) do they use?)
Not wanting to overwhelm you or herself, she chooses to express her love in quick kisses, subtle touches, and small gestures. Tzuyu definitely shows her love in acts of service along with quality time - there’s nothing better than making you smile with a small gesture as the two of you are together.
Beauty (What do they admire about their S/O? What makes their S/O beautiful?)
You can catch her staring at your face a lot, she’ll deny it to the stars and back, however. There’s something so intriguing and comforting about you that she’s drawn to, so she spends a lot of time studying you. Unfortunately, she can get a bit distracted when she stares at your lips and eyes for too long, so make sure to give her a quick kiss to bring her down to Earth.
Comfort (How would they help their S/O if they were having a rough day?)
Wherever she is at the moment, as long as it isn’t work-related or an unskippable commitment, Tzuyu will come to you if you call/text her that you’ve had a rough day. Of course, you’ll tell her that she could’ve just come to see you afterward, but she likes to show you that you’re a priority to her, and she’ll always be here when you need her the most.
Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
Tzuyu wants a future where the two of you can share your culture and customs with one another. Whether you’re living in Korea, Taiwan, or your home country, she wants to keep learning everything about you, especially if you’re learning about each other in the process.
Equal (Do they tend to be more dominant or passive in the relationship?)
Tzuyu is the more passive person in the relationship, but she likes to plan small dates and outings together. You may have to do more of the heavy lifting when it comes to planning vacations or longer events (or your wedding :] )
Fight (Would they easily forgive their S/O after a fight? How would a typical fight go?)
Honestly, the two of you don’t get into serious arguments, it’s more so subtle disagreements about smaller issues. You both are quick to resolve the issue, move past it, and prevent any further problems because you don’t want to upset each other in the future.
Gratitude (How grateful are they for everything that their S/O does for them?)
Tzuyu isn’t the most verbal when it comes to her gratitude or praise, so she shows her thanks with small hand squeezes or a short, loving note attached to your fridge. If you catch her in a softer mood, she’ll wrap her arms around you and give you a long back hug as a thank you for everything that you do for her.
Honesty (Do they tend to keep secrets from their S/O, or do they share everything?)
Tzuyu is honest with her partner, but she doesn’t reveal everything immediately. She’s the kind of person who will randomly tell you a childhood story after you mention a topic relating to the story. Although she isn’t a yapper, she will tell you everything over time. You just have to be patient with her.
Inspiration (Did their S/O change them, or was it the other way around?)
You’re inspired by Tzuyu’s hardworking nature. No matter what is in her way, she always works through it with a graceful smile on her face. You find yourself trying to emulate her positive traits, which causes her to tease you at times for “trying too hard”.
Jealousy  (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
The “bite your tongue and don’t say anything unless you’re extremely uncomfortable” type. You’re an adult, you can handle being around someone your own age who is extremely attractive. Tzuyu doesn’t have to like it, but she quickly gets over it when you give her a small kiss or a quick hug.
Kiss (How often do they kiss you? Where do they like to kiss you?)
She doesn’t usually initiate the kiss, so how much you kiss is mostly up to you. If she does kiss you, it’s usually a quick peck to the cheek or your forehead. You can catch her off-guard and turn your head, causing your lips to meet. When this happens, Tzuyu usually deepens the kiss for a bit before shyly backing away from you.
Lazy Day (How do they like to spend days off with their S/O?)
Tzuyu likes to both stay in and go out when you both have a day off to spend with one another. You might sleep in late, all cuddle together, before going out to eat and do a little shopping before visiting an amusement park. You head back in the evening and watch your favorite show/movie as you fall asleep next to one another.
Marriage (Do they want to get married? How often do they think about marrying their S/O?)
It isn’t a constant thought in Tzuyu’s mind until she stares at you one day and thinks about how much she wants to spend the rest of her life with you. Then it nags at her for a bit before she confronts you, and you end up talking about what you want from your futures with each other.
Nicknames (What do they call their S/O?)
Babe, honey, darling
Standard, simple, and sweet, or she’ll just call you by your name if she wants to tease/annoy you.
On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it extremely obvious to others?)
Tzuyu is mostly herself when she’s head over heels for you, except she may talk about you more often than her other friends or family, which gives people the hint pretty early on that you’re more than friends. Or she has a small Freudian slip and calls you her partner casually to her friends and family who had no idea that she was dating you.
PDA (Are they very upfront with their relationship, or do they prefer to keep things quiet?)
Tzuyu likes for most of her relationship to remain private, but she doesn’t mind sharing pictures or videos to social media for friends and family. She also tells them about you, whether it’s basic information, a fun story, or something romantic that you did for her.
Quirk (Some random personality trait that makes them an excellent partner.)
Tzuyu is respectful of you and your boundaries. Although she doesn’t move fast in any relationship, if you happen to want to move slower with her, she’ll happily do so for you. She always asks if it’s okay to kiss or touch you, especially if it’s the first time that you show affection to one another.
Romance (Are they a born romantic ready to woo their S/O at any moment, or do they struggle to spark romantic moments with their S/O?)
Tzuyu lies in a comfortable middle ground between the two options. She’s not a natural born romantic, but she’s not unable to spark romantic moments. If the mood calls for it, she’s willing to step up to the plate and be more romantic with you.
Support (How do they help support their S/O to reach their goals?)
She leaves small notes for you around the house and, if possible, quietly tells you how amazing you are and how you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. Tzuyu’s going to be there for you, no matter if you succeed or fail, just as you’ve been for her.
Thrill (Do they like trying out new things to spice up their relationship, or do they prefer to stick to a routine?)
Tzuyu likes to stick to routine, but she isn’t against you trying to spice up the relationship every once and a while. Bring her to a new restaurant or place that you can explore together.
Understanding (How well do they know their partner?)
Tzuyu has a deep understanding of you that’s come from being around you and admiring you from afar. She notices and appreciates your smallest quirks as much as your loudest personality traits. 
Value (How important is the relationship to the person versus other relationships and things in their life?)
She tries to hold everything to equal value - her job, her romantic relationship, her familial relationships, and her platonic ones - but sometimes one has to come over another for a small period of time. You’ll always be important to her since you’re the one she wants to spend the rest of her time with.
Wild Card (A random fluffy headcanon that you have about the relationship?)
When you slip up and make a funny mistake, she won’t point and laugh or record you doing so. Instead, she softly exhales and teases you for a bit before helping you clean up.
XOXO (Do they like to kiss, hug, and cuddle you? How often do they do so?)
Although she won’t often initiate it, Tzuyu does like to hug, kiss, and cuddle you. She cuddles up to you every night you spend together, and when you’re watching movies or TV. Hugs are often her choice of greeting or comfort, along with a quick kiss.
Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
Tzuyu usually dives into her work, hobbies, or other projects while you’re away. She does call you every night and will FaceTime you if you’re up to do so. She knows you’ll come back to her, it’s only a matter of time.
Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
She doesn’t often say it, but Tzuyu will go to great lengths for the relationship. She’d sacrifice a lot for the two of you, but you have to show some appreciation or sacrifices of your own in order to make her invest fully in the relationship.
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nataliesfirefly · 10 months ago
thanks so much for the support and feedback, i hear y’all!! im going to keep writing the series, it might take a min to get the next chapter out because i’m finishing up the last of my final exams but after that, it will be my priority!! ❤️❤️ once again thank you it means a lot that people actually care about my writing and ideas 😭
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colourfulwatson · 2 years ago
Ok I’m back! Took a little 3-4 day hiatus cause after my last neurology exam I was exhausted and I needed to rest..
I now have the marks for the exam and it went amazing somehow?? I was really anxious to know if I passed cause since the exam was mainly clinical cases you never really know if the professor will like the treatment you proposed or your priorities but hey! I got a 8,6/10 ✨
Now that’s officially all of my exams passed for my 3rd year of occupational therapy :D I still don’t know a lot of marks for assignments so I technically haven’t finished for summer since I could still fail something and have to do it again but hey, it’s looking good so far. Hopefully everything keeps going well :)
I will post again when I know if I failed something or when I have all the marks for everything. Thank you for all the encouragements! ❤️
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tortillamastersblog · 1 month ago
Yay to no more exams until a long time away!!
Me reading the latest chapter of Back To You while at work because it takes priority over anything hehe
Poor reader and Sam 🫂 love the soft moment between them. Reader should be a detective with their big brain 😂 I’m enjoying them linking everything together (and how you linked the little details together), truly can find anything online nowadays. Excited to see how the kick ass plan unrolls!! I’m sorry about your slump, take your time with the next part and you can end it with a bang haha
Also with your marathon training, be proud you went out for a run! Meanwhile, me being a slob 😂 There’s always ups and downs and you having exams probably didn’t help your mood. Take it easy and you’ll be back enjoying training again ❤️
-🐨 (sorry for the long ask)
Hell yeah! Amen to that, dude 🙏😭
HAHAHAHHA I feel honored, just don’t get yourself fired because of me 🤞
Thank you! It took a lot of my own brain power to write all that. . . Reader should be a detective, but I think I‘ve said it before I doubt they‘d be interested in a career that revolves around violence and murder after everything that’s happened with Ghostface.
Also, I know! Poor reader and Sam, but especially reader because they’re constantly the one who has to keep it together for the sake of the others.
Thank you, I‘ll definitely take my time on the next part. I want it to be perfect, and if it’s anything but that, I won’t upload it, so it could take some time. Maybe a week? Maybe more? Or less, I don’t know yet. . .
Yahahah thanks! I doubt you’re a slob 😂 Oh you have no idea, those exams crushed my will to live 😃 But they’re over now, so that’s good.
Noooo, don’t ever apologize for a long ask! I love reading what you think. ❤️
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mushroomwriter · 9 months ago
Hermanon anon here!! I read your reply and it made me so happy :'D I'm so glad you enjoy my silly little rambles. I'm actually travelling again soon so I may not be able to write a proper reply yet (or I'll write one on the trip) but just wanted to let you know I've seen it!! And don't worry at all about replying fast or slow, life takes priority always. Congrats on passing your exams btw 😊 (also it makes me feel Evil Glee that the richard siken quote is still living in your head XD) Do you like listening to music? If you like, I can rec you some songs that make me go insane when I think of the hermanos <3 Also, have you read any lcdp fics on AO3? There's one fic that I think you'd love after all our discussion about the hermanos' Shrodingers childhood... anyway, hope you have a good day ❤️
Heyyyyy! I'm so happy to know you saw my reply! (Thank you so much for letting me know! Given how long it took me, I was a bit concerned you'd never see it... Anyway, have a safe travel, and take your time!)
Thank you! I'm now studying for another exam, I hope I can pass this one too... Meanwhile, it's always Good to suffer because of Richard Siken's quotes that are a little too fitting...
I do like listening to music and I love it when songs make me go crazy about characters/their relationships, so please go ahead with your recs 🙏 Same goes for the fic recs, I don't think I read many hermanos fics...
Thank you! I hope you have a good day too ❤
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captainaikus · 2 years ago
First of all I wanna say that I’m sorry for disappearing like that. Especially at the worst time too. I really did not expect so much to happen while I was gone. But that’s not an excuse though I promise. But yeah. Tumblr. Is very much being super annoying rn. I can understand the frustration because all the effort and time you put into something just for it to not work or backfire or fall short sucks. A lot. It hurts too. And it’s just overall exhausting, emotionally and in general. I didn’t even know tumblr could shadow ban you like what the heck. But honestly this might be a little bit of a good thing. Ao3 is super chill and has a bunch more options for writers in all aspects as compared to tumblr. Tumblr is becoming much like the new systems everywhere where the most liked content or the most popular content is uploaded first and what not. It’s really exhausting sorting all that out , I know, I’ve tried. But whatever you decide to do know that you have my full and complete support Belle!!! I honestly don’t where or when or how often you post fics I’ll be reading them as soon as I find them all the same. And even if you decided to take a break or go in a hiatus or just not write for a while I’d still be here you know? This is just me reminding you that you’re human too and yes I came for the fics but I’m staying for Belle. Let me know when you start posting/make your ao3 account so I can find it love. Take breaks!!! Drink water!!!! Eat somethings!!!! Rest love!!! I’m not the only anon that wants you to be happy and healthy and well-rested you know? How are you? Like how’re your days going? Is uni going well? How’s the gym? Reply when you can but only when you want to and feel like though okay? Take your time okay sweetheart? I’m not going anywhere anytime soon love ❤️❤️❤️.
- ✨ anon
Please don’t apologize cause you have nothing to be sorry for love, and it really isn’t that big of a deal tbh starry!♡ You had exams and those priorities come first.
It does make me sad that everything i worked for isn’t going so well, but at the same time I wanna look at it the positive way. Maybe it was a way of saying ��Belle take a break.’ Or a way of saying that ‘You need to get off tumblr cause your content isn’t meant to be here.’ It does hurt when my work is not recognized cause all this is my own content. No one inspires me to write these. Just my ass pushing myself and my followers telling me that they like my work is what drives me to make these, and maybe cause I read them sometimes to comfort myself.
Me ranting under the cut and I'm gonna really different that what I normally do cause this is my uncut and unhinged opinion - which can probably make you dislike me as well
Honestly, this place isn’t cutting it for me anymore. Followers come easy but the number of likes I get speaks a lot about their support (most of them. Not all), you’re not gonna believe it, but when I wrote false south, I was sad to see the number of likes go up. Like sure, I wrote it for the sake of angst, but people just really like writings with a lot of sex here- not shaming anyone but it can’t be all about sex right? Not all works are smut, but like 98% of the top posts are. And my writing isn’t just about smut… it’s to do with capturing everything human. and being completely blunt about the system, i write smut to see how many likes it makes compared to my other works. It's a selling point to make more followers and likes than genuinely enjoying the experience of it. And I get bored of it very easily after some time which is why i write longer fics so that it can be the best of both. But now I have a pref for heavy plot, cause that's where most of my real writing lies. Erotica constantly gets boring and i don't want to write it all the time. (and sometimes you have to force yourself to do it just so you can keep up with other authors as well cause this is like a pressure field of writing tbh) And cause of that my content is not meant for this space. And it was getting on my nerves to see that “writings” with "Twitter links". Like literally twitter links. Something that you’ve not even created on your own, gets more likes than an author who has put in effort into their writing and it really shows. It's one of the reasons I stopped reading fanfiction here. And another thing that bothers me are some of the other authors and readers who want to white-knight characters and impose drama and discourse along with hate. I'm much better off without that and I know the worth of my writing in comparison to that. Not to mention, some of the characters are so... misinterpreted. Like first, we're writing for anime characters, second... most of them are japanese. And if you study about japanese culture or did more research, they're not very open to the idea of PDA. In europe and america, things are different with pda and people are more open. But in Japan? things are very different cause they don't show much pda. but then again. its fanfiction and anyone can write what they want cause its not published work and its a form of therapy to some while for someone else it offers a lot of comfort as well as expressing fantasies and wanting to do new things but not in reality.
Speaking for my work - My plots are heavy, thought through and that’s where the quality of writing kicks in. Works with quality on the other hand are difficult to find here. So yeah, I'm moving to ao3. I'd rather my content be seen and discovered late than being hidden. And besides, I'm not the only author to get shadow banned. There are many others who have gone through the same thing and they've taken to ao3. And I'm really happy that you're staying for me, Starry and thank you for the support you're giving me. I honestly didn't think that people would wanna come back and talk to me on my blog (which is something i'm fine with as well) but I'm very surprised that some of you do want to interact 0)^^(0 And I'm really thankful for that. So thank you starry and everyone ♡ it means a lot to me.
i'm thinking abt a username to use so that I can start posting my works on ao3... i already have my account but I was thinking about starting a new one so that I can start over. and the first thing to be uploaded is ocean hues. I'm doing great! Just tired and feeling blue a bit this week about my account being shadow banned but at the same time kinda relieved cause I'm moving out- sorta. Gym's going well too! I got shoulder cuts (i'm really happy with the progress). You're really sweet yk that? ♡ *pulls cheek adoringly*
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oraclekleo · 3 years ago
Thank you so much for the reading dear 💞🥰 i just can't explain how much accurate you were with ur reading , everything just so accurate
New age - end of teenage
Formal institution- yeah am preparing for national level engineering exam and will be pursuing my course from an engineering college
Preparation and hardwork- yeah am devoting this whole year to the preparation for that my future deciding exam
See everything was so accurate about ur reading , dear i salute ur intuition and psychic abilities
Thank you for the reading , you really motivated me. , actually I was feeling doubtful abt myself , though am working my ass off for that exam , i was just thinking that it is going to be in vain
Thank you , you saved me from self doubt
I promise i will come back here after clearing that exam and would literally mention abt you in my social media
Love you 💝💝 keep growing cuz you are really gifted with amazing psychic abilities
Aww! I'm truly happy it felt close to home. 😁 Have no worries, seriously. Your hard work will pay off greatly for you. 😉 Be sure to take well deserved break or vacation after your exam. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ That's a priority. 🙂
I wish you all the best of luck 🍀🍀🍀
You're blessed ✨
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g8se · 3 years ago
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2021 was CRAZY, guys, so many things happened 🤪
I've started a comics and then closed it because I lacked the time and skill xD
I've joined two amazing fandoms (mxtx and bblcomics, yay)
I've even started working on a whole new universe with more than 10 storylines and that's A LOT 😂
And this new 2022 will be even more crazy!
I'm planning to continue working on S&S and fortunately after the exams I will post an updated information on it ✌️
I've created a Patreon page, so I'm planning to organise it and fortunately when I start posting S&S there'll be some interesting stuff ;)
HOPING TO PASS THE EXAMS IN UNIVERSITY LOL that's my priority №1 in January xD
Overall, thank you very much for your support and I wish you all an awesome 2022!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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born-to-lose · 4 years ago
For the blurb weekend... How about some soft Axl singing the reader to sleep after a stressful day?
Thanks in advance! Love ya ❤️
I hope this is what you had in mind, love ❤
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Going to college itself isn't your problem, it's rather the amount of time you spend studying in addition to taking afternoon classes and doing homework assignments. Why can't you just take one class a day, write a couple of exams throughout the year and get your degree?
When you come home, you hear Axl rummaging around the kitchenette. You hope he doesn't plan on having people over tonight because all you want to do right now is to fall into bed and pass out. "Oh, hi babe! How was your day?" he asks as you walk past him.
You turn around, a frustrated look on your face and tears pricking your eyes. "I fucking hate college," you murmur and start crying. "I wanna go to bed, but I'm too tense to fall asleep if I tried."
Axl wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek. "How about I help you fall asleep?" he suggests, leading you to the bedroom. "I could sing you to sleep."
You smile a little and follow him. "Thanks, but I don't wanna keep you from doing more important stuff…"
"(Y/n), you're my first priority," he replies and pulls you on the bed with him. You kick your shoes off before getting comfortable. "So… this is a little song Izzy and I wrote. It's called Don't Cry."
"You sound like you're introducing your set list," you laugh.
Axl huffs playfully. "Well, sorry you're gonna be one of the first people to hear the song."
You snuggle into his side and he starts singing softly, stroking your back. You don't even get through the entire song because you fall asleep at some point during the second verse. Still, Axl continues, assuming you might just want to enjoy it with your eyes closed.
After he finishes the song, he looks down at your sleeping figure in his arms. He's afraid he'll wake you up if he tries to get up and spontaneously decides to take a nap himself. Getting some sleep - especially with you by his side - is actually nice sometimes.
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fortheloveofwonderland · 3 years ago
Quick thingy! Imma catch up to your work after my exams finishes..i feel bad when I dun react in any sort of way..
Anyway, I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A GREAT DAY (which now I realize this should've been in the first para 🥲)
Well this is just adorable! Please do not feel bad my darling ❤️ your exams should be your main priority and I am sending you all kinds of good vibes that they are going well!
I hope you are having an AMAZING day! You are the sweetest 😘
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yeonhwrts · 2 years ago
yea yea !! that shitty guy didn't deserve me and tbh he distracted my studies and I didn't score well in my 10th boards :/ I got 67.7% lol, well I moved on anyway.
i understand, being in a relationship isn't easy, it takes a lot and most of the people sulk if you're not paying attention to them. I mean like they are literally not our first priority akka :)
so my exam went shitty, I wasted my whole time and didn't study and I am going to fail. but that won't let me down because I have two prefinals so I'll do my best !!
talking to you makes my day too akka >_< I love u so much and I feel very much comfortable in talking with you !! wait, did I ever ask ur birthday. I think I did, maybe I'll just go through our convos, hehe.
i wrote my advance practise test today and I did well!! haha and even physics formula test soo... I'll tell u my marks after I count them ^^ how was your day akka?? I hope it went well and I'm in a good mood today !!
— 🐻 (with lots of love ❤️ for my akka ^^)
omg that's honestly sad :( i hope you'll do your pre finals well , it's okay you got this you're definitely going to ace the exams for sure :)
And my day was kind of lazy today , i was just journalling a little bit and worked on a fic today and that's just about it . I'm really glad that your day went very well and that you are in high spirits
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coveredinsweetpea · 3 years ago
Ugh don’t get me started on the daydreaming!😩 I have my final exam in like 10 days and really need to study and prepare my presentation but damn reading fics and daydreaming feel like they are much more relevant even tho my exam is waaaay more important!😂 Your posts are (some of) my highlights of these past couple of days since I found your page and well… I’d rather hear what you have to say or write instead of studying for my exam😂❤️❤️
Omg!! Yeah exactly, priorities 😌😌 also!! My exam is in 9 days so!! We'll be done at the approximately same time!!!
Ughhh normally I'd tell you "study and work on your presentation baby, all the Eddie content will be here when you're finished" but um 😂 I know how that sounds, we're literally in the same situation 😭😭
I'm sure you'll do fine on your final!! But keep in mind vol2 and the probable emotional breakdown that's gonna follow so 😭😭😭 we should probably get to work because I really don't see myself being able to focus on school for a few days after I see those episodes 🥺
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siriusblackloml · 3 years ago
For the smut prompts list could I request Sirius Black with #23? Thank you I love your stuff❤️
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: OMG! i love this prompt SO MUCH! i hope you like how i played this out, and if you really enjoyed it please feel free to leave another request! thank you for the compliment btw you are truly the best :")
𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁: "𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵? 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 " (taken from this post)
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 3.2k
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you were supposed to study with your friends. sirius had a different plan after seeing the length of your new skirt.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: swearing, unprotected sex, rough sex, dom/sub dynamic, daddy kink, praise, dumbification, degrading, nicknames (such as babygirl, princess, etc.), mentions of spanking, mentions of subspace, mentions of overstimulation, if there's more i missed just let me know please! ty!~
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You could have blamed the tiredness that was restless in your body for what was happening, maybe you could have even blamed the fact that this empty classroom was entirely the reason why you were in the position you were currently in. But at the end of the day, there was nobody else to blame but yourself. Well, you and your boyfriend Sirius Black.
You were bent over the desk with your bottom facing him, skirt flipped up so that your exposed flesh was rubbing against the warmth of his robes. He had managed to shove two fingers inside your weeping cunt, two other fingers hooking alongside your open mouth to tug on your cheek. He had originally shoved them in there to shut you up, but Sirius couldn’t help but listen to your innocent moans and whimpers. He had a different idea moving forward from that. He always had a different idea, though. And it was always one that was going to risk your entire being at Hogwarts.
The memories of this morning flashed back across your mind within an instant. You and your friends had been wandering down the West Corridor hallway in order to make your way to the Great Hall. There was going to be a massive study session amongst you and other Gryffindor students, even a few Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Exams were approaching and you had to absolutely keep your focus on your studies, it was of utmost priority right now. These plans had been in motion for quite a few days now, gathering enough students to fill nearly half a table and coming together to study.
While walking down the corridor together, Lily had made a comment about how long it took her to complete her charms notes from the day before. That’s when you realized you had forgotten your own charms notebook back at the dorms. You groan, telling your friends, “I’ll meet up with you guys in a bit, I have to run back and grab my notebook. I won’t be able to get anything done without it!”
The girls nod their head and tell you to run back soon, to which you just smile and turn in the opposite direction. You were silently grumbling to yourself knowing you would have to walk all the way back to the dorms just to grab one stupid notebook. However, your thoughts were quickly dismissed as you rounded the corner of the long hallway. You barely got halfway to your dorm room when you spot Sirius leaning against the wall talking to his buddies Remus and James.
He had his arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed at something Remus had said. You picked up on context clues that the trio were engrossed in a deep conversation, but you were determined to shake your boyfriend’s thoughts from the conversation and change his focus onto you. That’s what girlfriends were supposed to do, right?
You wave your hand from the other side of the hallway, catching his gaze in a matter of moments. Your eyes lock with one another and it instantaneously sends butterflies to your stomach. Even after dating for months, he still had that magical power on you like it was nothing. His eyes didn’t stay connected with yours for very long, however. They darted down, taking in the sight of your brand new skirt. It wasn’t anything special, plaid with the colors of Gryffindor sewn into it, but the length was a different story.
It was short, to be blunt. The skirts at Hogwarts were already short as is, but this was even pushing it a bit. They reached mid-thigh, just brushing up against the spot above your knees. The hallways and classrooms could be stuffy and warm sometimes, this was perfect at keeping you cool. Sirius didn’t seem to understand that though. He quickly dismissed the boys and walked towards you, following you as you continued to make your way to the dorms. He asked you in a loving voice, “Aaaaand when were you going to tell me you bought a skirt this short, young lady?”
You bat your eyes innocently in return, egging him on just to be a jerk. “Baby, I just have absolutely no idea what on earth you could be talking about! My skirt isn’t that short.”
He didn’t bat his eyes the same way you did, rather he rolled them quite quickly. He tuts, “Okay whatever, just go change into a different skirt please. I don’t want other guys looking at what’s mine.”
He placed his hand on his chest to emphasize that you were his, after all. You loved belonging to Sirius Black, and the thought of trying to purposely expose yourself to other boys of Hogwarts was the very last thing on your mind. You could understand where he was coming from, Sirius was protective and all, but you didn’t want to change into a different skirt. Especially since you were going to be sitting in the Great Hall for the next few hours. How the hell would anyone see anything when you’re literally sitting down?
“But, I don’t want to.” You purse your lips in a mocking pout.
The moment your fake sulking had hit Sirius’s enticing orbs, something in him changed. He started to frown slightly, eyes narrowed in on you like you had said something wrong. And maybe you did, because next thing you knew he had stopped walking. His hand clamped around your right arm, almost making you lose all the books you had already been carrying. Sirius tugs at you harshly, leading you directly to a dark classroom.
Your mind goes into a frenzy at the idea of what he might be doing. You gulp to yourself, glancing around the hallway to make sure nobody saw you get dragged into the classroom by your own boyfriend. Processing the simple fact that Sirius was purposefully guiding you into the empty classroom only made your stomach churn, tense from the anticipation of what happens next.
And that’s what brings you here - bent over the desk, a moaning mess, books thrown onto the floor like they were nothing. Sirius’s fingers were curling inside you at a speed you didn’t even know was possible. He was hitting your special spot over and over again, making you spill out moans and profanities. You whimpered as Sirius pulled his other hand out of your mouth, now squeezing the flesh of your bottom, right before smacking it. You yell out, “Daddy!”
“Shh, shh, babygirl. You have to be quiet. Don’t want anyone walking in on you getting your punishment.” He mutters, eyes glued to the cheeks that were in between his fingers. Your globes were growing red from all the smacking he had previously done just minutes earlier. He didn’t give you a proper spanking, per say, but the moment your skirt had lifted up for all of his glory to see, he hit you a few times just to get his point across. Nobody says no to daddy, especially you. He asks you, “What happened to you being so good, hm? I thought you were my good girl, my princess.”
His fingers were still deep inside your hole like it was nothing. You clench around him violently the more he picks up his pace. You bury your head against the desk and try to muffle the moans escaping your mouth. You mumble, “I-I am a good girl, daddy. Your good girl.”
Your pretty pink hole was gushing a flood of juices out now. Your breasts were growing bothered from the way your body was pressed so firmly into the wood of the desk, but you had decided to ignore that completely. The pleasure was sending you in for a loop.
Sirius starts to slow down his fingers, almost coming to a stop when he snaps back at you, “No. No, you don’t get to call yourself a good girl after what you did. You don’t get to flaunt your ass for the whole school to see just to tell me you won’t change. You’re mine and nobody else’s, got that?”
You nod your head, tears pricking your eyes. You try to push your hips back onto his fingers to encourage the speed he had before. You were growing so close, a blazing heat forming in your stomach. You were craving more and more of Sirius until you were left a whining mess. You tell him in a broken voice, “Daddy, I’m so sorry. I’ll be good, I promise.”
“Good.” He mutters. He pulls out the fingers from your entrance and you can hear him shoving them in his mouth, slurping on your slick. “Fuck, I will never understand how you taste so good.”
Sirius pulls you up from your position against the desk, turning you around and encouraging you to sit on the desk and spread your legs apart for him. You suck in a breath the moment Sirius is placing himself in between your thighs, his fingers sliding down the exposed parts of your inner thigh. It was wet from your own hole, smeared all over your skin like artwork. His fingers push further down your bottom to help you officially take off your lingerie, which he didn’t even bother taking off before fingering you. He had been so pissed he couldn’t think straight.
He discards the article of clothing on the floor, shifting his gaze back to you. You take this time to admire his handsome features. His dark curls, full lips, quite possibly the most perfect nose you had ever seen on a guy before. Sirius was handsome, maybe even pretty. No, definitely pretty. He was fucking flawless.
Sirius grabs your face and pulls you towards him, forcing your lips to push against one another. You both mold perfectly. Every time he moved his lips, you mimicked the action, moaning softly at every chance he got to bite your bottom lip. His cologne was hitting your nose intensely now, and it only made that familiar knot in your stomach do a flip. You hadn’t even realized that Sirius had started to undo his pants, pulling out his hard member and rubbing the tip in between your folds. The feeling elicits a strong gasp from you, “Please, Sirius. I need you.”
“Of course you do, you’re such a slut for my cock, princess.” He tells you, the head of his cock prodding past your wet entrance.
There was an immediate burn that hit your body. The stretch around him was due to the lack of prep on his end, but that was your supposed punishment after all. There was shooting pain that ran up your spine, tears pricking your eyes as you tried to steady yourself on his enormous cock.
Sirius had shoved his mouth into the crook of your neck as your fingers dug into his back. He would never admit it, but he fucking loved the scratches you left him. He was kissing your salty skin, murmuring praises you couldn’t quite comprehend. You grumble angrily and swear at him, “Just start fucking me already-”
Whatever air that was left in your lungs was immediately knocked out from the intense force that shook your entire body. Sirius started to rut into your tight cunt violently, the desk knocking around and creaking from the intensity of it all. You knew Sirius wasn’t going to be waiting much longer, but fuck you didn’t expect this so soon, and especially so hard. It was making your head start to float, eyes crossing as his long member was hitting you repeatedly in a spot that made you see millions of stars. He moans, “Fuck, Y/N. Feel so good on my cock.”
Your hands fly from his back to rest on the desk. It was a poor attempt to make you stabilize your balance. Your body shook every which way, especially your breasts. The position of your arms made your chest push up towards his face and bounce from the thrusts. Sirius was going hard, almost a little too hard. You close your eyes and push out a deep, guttural moan. Your mind is blank, only focused on the way Sirius’s cock was so fucking big and it was rubbing against your slick walls in a way that produced loud, obscene wet sounds.
He continues at the pace, his hands squeezing the flesh of your bottom. He bites his lip and watches the way your face scrunches up. Still hitting your body, he tells you, “Aw, my little dumb baby. You’re already fucked out. I bet there’s not a single thought in that pretty little head right now, yeah?”
You can only bring yourself to nod your head, eyes still closed. Sirius takes one of his hands off your ass, bringing it to your jaw to force you to look him directly in the eyes. The moment this happens, all bets are off.
The familiar knot in your stomach was curling up tight. He’s rocking his hips into your own, rolling them in a motion that pushes out curses from your lips. The strong grip of his fingers nearly takes your breath away. Your needy cunt clenches around him tightly as you start to reach your high, moaning out loudly, “Fuck! Daddy, I’m coming, fuck I’m coming so hard. Oh my- AH!”
Your hands dive straight for the wrist that was holding onto your face, digging into the skin as your orgasm hits you like a massive wave. He cups your cheek now, his thumb coming down to swiftly collect the tears that had been smeared across your cheek. Sirius fastens his movements, desperately trying to chase his own high. “Good- fuck, you’re so good for daddy, Y/N. You’re daddy’s little good girl.”
Your hole starts to feel tingly instantly. It was like pins and needles were pricking at you from the intense arousal that was coursing through your veins, your entrance yelling at you to get Sirius out of your fucking body already. You start to beg Sirius to stop, telling him, “Please, daddy, I-I’m so sensitive!”
You didn’t expect him to be so compliant, but Sirius stalls his thrusts and starts to pull out of your hole, his cock shiny from your wetness. He smirks to himself at the sight, a boost of pride hitting him like a fucking tsunami. He instructs you, “Knees, now.”
You nod your head, falling to the floor in an instant. You look up at Sirius, eyes begging him to cum. His own eyes were filled with darkness, something you absolutely loved to see. It might be scary to some, but to you it meant everything. You didn’t break his gaze as his hand was wrapped around his length, tugging at the member at a rapid pace. Sirius starts to let out soft groans, moaning your name over and over again as he stares you down. “Y/N, yes. Merlin, you’re fucking gorgeous on your knees, baby. So pretty.”
The compliments hit you like a brick. There’s a blush that spreads across your face and that’s all that it takes for Sirius to release, guiding his hard erection towards your lips to shoot his load all over your face.
“Open your mouth, baby.” He tells you, and you do so instantly. You make sure to close your eyes as his hot seed hits your cheek and nose, some of it landing perfectly on your tongue. It’s a sensation that makes your stomach flip over and over again. You felt so good sitting here on your knees for Sirius, being his good little girl. There’s a chill running up your spine from the action and it makes you smile through it all. Sirius notices this, slowly his motions to tell you, “Good job, Y/N. Fuck, baby. You really are a slut, huh? You like tasting daddy’s cum?”
He had stopped stroking himself to play with your hair, and you take this as a cue to finally open your eyes. His long length was right above your face and it almost makes you moan on sight. You lap up the cum that was sitting around your mouth, swallowing it and humming from the salty taste. You nod your head and tell Sirius, “Yes, daddy. I do.”
He hums, pushing the tip of his cock on your cheek to smear a drop of cum onto your red skin. Clearly, he didn’t feel like a proper clean up was necessary in this moment of time. And yet for some reason, being used to wipe his cock clean made you blush once more.
This was your favorite part about being with Sirius. After both of you hit a very intense orgasm, he would give you praise and encourage you to continue being his good girl, even clean you up after absolutely destroying you. It was a dynamic you were quite used to, one you actually fell in love with. Not nearly as hard as you had fallen in love with Sirius, but something that you were fond of nonetheless.
You continue to watch Sirius closely as he pushes his cock back into his pants, adjusting his clothing to appear as though he didn’t just fuck the ever living shit out of his girlfriend. He clears his throat and runs his fingers through his hair, admiring the way you looked on the floor. Your knees were starting to hurt, but you remained patient with your hands resting on your thighs. You would have already wiped away the liquid left on your face, but you thought maybe Sirius was purposely waiting to clean you because he loved seeing you look so worthless on the floor of a classroom. However, his next move was definitely unexpected.
“I guess I should go catch up with James and Remus, they’re probably looking for me.” He murmurs, leaning down to pat your head. He praises you once more, laughing at your confusion. “Thank you for being such a good girl for daddy.”
Before he can even consider walking away, you’re stuttering over the obnoxious man in front of you. “Y-You’re leaving? But, I-I still have…I still have all of this o-on my face!”
He cocks his head to the side, walking back slowly before asking you, “Wow, baby, are you going back to your friends like that? You look a mess, darling.”
Your entire body was buzzing with a newfound anger, your fists clenching instantly at the remark of your boyfriend. There was no longer electricity hanging in the air from your previous rendezvous, no, now there was just pure annoyance. You just couldn’t shake the words that just left his mouth. You raise an eyebrow and start to stand from the ground, legs wobbling slightly.
“A-Are you serious? What the fuck is your problem-” You start off, right before he cuts your sentence with a simple remark.
“I’ll see you later, babygirl. I love you!” Sirius blows you a kiss, a smirk dancing on his lips. He got you exactly where he wanted you to be, right in the middle of his trap. That’s when it hits you. If Sirius didn’t want you walking around the school, he was going to do something that wouldn’t want to make you even leave this damn classroom. He wanted to cover you up, but not your exposed thighs that started this stupid punishment in the first place. No, no he wanted to cover your face with his own marking, something that was much more serious.
Your heart drops into your stomach, and now you were cursing yourself for dating such a smartass. You make a mental note on the spot to get back at him at a later point, your face red from embarrassment.
Well, it wasn’t entirely red. But I think we all know why.
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sungtaro · 3 years ago
i mean same with rewatching tmap bc it's awesome + treasure ult group so... they have priority sorry @ everyone else 😭❤️ but yeah during comebacks i tryyyyy to pay attention but it becomes impossible for every group, so i mostly keep up with the ults 😔 it seems like every week there's a new cb by a group i like 😭 it great bc content!!! but also overwhelmed 😵‍💫
good luck with your exam 🤓 too bad it's on cb day but as you said, you can just enjoy it to the fullest after you finish!!! so yay 🤩💖✨
yes exactly, i love being a kpop fan because it is never boring and we always have new content to look forward to, but sometimes it's overwhelming ! i find that i'll watch every stage for a week and then by the second i'm like ... i only know what they wore bc i see the gifsets JHDBGH but i did genuinely watch every ab6ix stage for cherry and i will likely do the same for this upcoming treasure cb.
seriously i printed all my assignment calendars out today and when i saw that i was like ... are u serious 😭 I had like ... considered taking the day off from class / work JBDGJB but not only was i like no that's too far but now i most definitely cannot anyways haha. but, i'll be up nice and early to listen to the album on my commute, and i always take the day of/after an exam off from revising so in some ways it's not the worst timing after all. i hope they'll do a cb show or something too, that'll be such a nice thing to look forward to amongst the ✨ stress ✨
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smol-potato-blogs · 6 years ago
Hair Growth Tips
Hey guys! If any of you out there are struggling with growing out your hair, I'd like to share some tips that might speed up your hair growth. Having long, luscious and healthy hair is a beautiful thing!. I hope you all try some of these tips that I'm about to share and if you're already doing some of these stuff and it still isn't working for you, please let me know so I can suggest other methods. 💞😄
1. Drink lots of water. Water is so good for you, it helps to maintain all the bodily functions, it helps the skin especially if you have acne, it clears it up asap. Most importantly it helps your hair to grow out long and it keeps it looking healthy and shiny(which is totally amazing right?! I mean who doesn't want that?)
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2. Okay, secondly Take yo vitamins!! Guys if you aren't taking your vitamins, what are you even doing with your life ?!?!. Vitamins are very crucial and essential just as drinking water. My personal favourite multivitamin that I take would be:
Nature's bounty - hair, skin and nails with 5000 mcg of biotin. So you all can go ahead and give that one a try.
There are many hair growth supplements out there but you all need to be extremely careful when purchasing them [***please do your research & read labels***]. Some others that I've heard works well for people are Hair Infinity capsules and Sugar Bear Gummies which seems to be the most popular right now.
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3. STOP STRESSING!!! If you are stressing yourself out a lot then that is definitely not good at all. It's unacceptable. I preach so much on self care and self love !! Taking care of your health and well being should be your #1 priority !!!. Nothing is more important than you feeling 💯. Sometimes the jobs that we do and with school, exams and assignments can take a heavy toll on our mental health. But you also need to take a step back once in a while and just breathe. Stress can cause you a lot of hair fall. So next time, just try your best to take it easy a little because no one wants to end up bald or even with serious mental health issues.
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4. Hair Fall Mask. Definitely try a hair fall mask. There are many different kinds of masks for your hair to treat different problems. I would recommend to make one of the homemade hair fall mask. You can try to make an Egg mask (probably sounds nastyyy but TRUST ME! You will love the end result) Avocado mask, Strawberry mask, Yogurt mask, or even a Banana mask. Any one of those masks will do the trick!. It will prevent hair loss and even make your hair look super sleek and shiny after use.
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5. Hoooraaayy! We've finally reached to my last tip on having beautiful and healthy looking hair!. Okay, so let's talk about Shampoo!!! I personally would recommend to use organic products for your hair, it's so beneficial, the scent is mild and it would not do any damage to your hair. Most shampoos and I think that even conditioners has sulfur in them, which is a big No No in my book. Sulfur isn't good for your hair at all. You should try looking at sulfur free shampoos and conditioners. It'll make a huge difference on your hair.
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Now that we've reached the end of Hair growth tips. I want you all to try it and tell me the results and how much it has improved your hair!!! Please feel free to to give me some ideas or even suggestions on what I should discuss in my next blog and share your thoughts and opinions on this post. I love you all so much ! ❤️😄. Until next time🤙🏽
~Stay Blessed.
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