#my portable one worked just fine but then it just decided to not be fine
tinyjordan · 1 year
this is a really bad time of the year for my ac to decide to be shit
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cokou · 3 months
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𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚐𝚊𝚛 𝙻𝚊𝚠 × 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
sum. Law catches himself falling for you. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tw. Fluff. It's pretty sweet. Bottling up feelings. Mutual Feelings. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a/n. Law is pretty shit at bottling his feelings, but whatever! I'm terribly sick when i wrote this im sorry if its shit 😭😭 Do not translate or transfer my works, this is my only account. Will not be crossposted anywhere. // Masterlist💗
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The Polar Tang had recently resurfaced this week, the captain ordering suddenly was a surprise itself, especially for no particular reason at all.
Evening strikes once again as a part of this day, sitting and admiring the look of the starry night on the dock of the Polar Tang. Taking a seat on the portable chair, you take your book to enjoy the cold breeze of air casting through your skin. As you enjoy the silence that the night offers you, you heard the sound of a door opening behind you.
"oh, Good Evening captain, came to enjoy the breeze?"
"Was hoping for silence actually." You take a glance over your captains silhouette, he was carrying a book.
"Well you'll find that here, I promise to not wreak havoc!" Offering him a smile, you point out a chair he could occupy infront of you. He takes a seat and quietly goes through the book.
Feeling the first short glance that Law gave you, you decided to ignore the sudden feeling of him watching you. The second was the same, the usual cold glances he shot at you, then stops. You didn't mind as he might've just saw something. Eventually the action stops as silence drops again.
It had been a while since you've joined the heart pirates, maybe at least months and months ago, but despite that, you and the crewmates had gone very close in a matter of days. Law hadn't mind the atmosphere around you most of the time, he'd treat you like he would to any other crewmate on the ship.
But one thing that everyone insists is that Law himself had grew quite kind to you, avoiding hard duties to do, or even letting you help him out in his personal office. But all you did was deny, after all you've seen some of them help out the captain, explaining that almost all pirate captains do that.
The sounds of waves brought your attention back into reality, gazing over the captain who was quietly reading Infront of you. Averting your gaze to the dark ocean before you, enjoying the strong waves washing over the Polar Tang.
Law sneaks a glance at you as you look over at the deck, checking on what you were doing. Winds washing your hair strands onto your face, your hair being rustled by wind. Law returns his gaze into the book once again, stopping himself to check you every sexond that was passing.
Eventually he gives in, slowly looking at your direction with only his eyes, no movement in his head whatsoever. Suprisingly as he looked over to you, you returned the gaze to him and gave him a soft smile. Law struggled to breath for a few seconds, his heart beats poundes faster inside his chest, he tried to conceal the nervous state he had put upon himself.
"Are you okay? You look like you're sweating."
"Yeah, everything's fine ya' " Placing the book down on his lap, closing it.
"I love the night's atmosphere today, it's calming. I can understand why you value being alone all by yourself now!" You look towards him as he turn his head towards the deck's railing, admiring the ocean waves and the moon peaking up through the clouds, reflecting back into the ocean waters.
"Yes, it is indeed..calming." Returning his sight to you, he felt his cheeks burning slightly. Realizing that his cheeks were burning a pink shade as he peaks at you once more, he was more than glad that it was night time, which means you wouldn't spot the awkward look on him.
His mind completely denies this feeling washing through him whenever he was with you, denying everything, making excuses that he should be a responsible captain and looking after his crewmate, but his heart completely denies all the ideas his mind offers for him, making it worser to cope being with you in private or alone.
He's more than glad to show you how much he could treat you, but thinking this wasn't the time at all and rejection being one more. He decides to bottle everything, throwing away his mindless yearns to tell you how much he feels towards you into the ocean, where everything eventually drifts off into a land, or completely sink without anyone knowing.
It's the best for his mind, he thinks. Maybe if only he knew that your feelings were as much as mutual towards him, then you both wouldn't feel like idiots resisting each others directions. He wishes to say what's on his mind, but only if you go first. But one thing is for sure, he does love you.
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©Cokou 2024, all works belong to me.
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nanenna · 8 months
Today I remembered that my favorite thing about having so many AUs is to pick up 2 AUs like Barbie dolls and clack their faces together while making smooching noises.
Behold my beloved DCxDP AU amalgamation monster: DeamonTwinAU and PhantomThiefAU (aka: Selina gives Danny a slutty slutty cat suit, good times)
The story vaguely goeth thusly: Danny is a halfa, the Balance, the Bridge Between Worlds, he is....... the Observants' glorified gofer. You see, there are a lot of cursed/enchanted/ghostly artefacts floating around loose in the living Realm and they need Danny to go retrieve them. Danny would rather not, but they just won't leave him alone about it. Can't a guy just live? At least let him poop in peace! Ancients! Fine, he'll do it if it'll get them to shut up. (Spoiler: it does, in fact, not get them to shut up.)
But you see, Danny has a secret: he was raised in an assassin ninja cult (at least for the early years) before getting adopted by the Fentons. Now the killing? Not a fan, no thanks, he's working on not increasing his kill count, thx. But the sneaking? He could use that. Sneaky ninjas are also good thieves, right? So he cobbles together a knock off League of Assassins outfit, buys a cheap portable lock picking set, and decides to make a game of how far can he get without using his powers (much. He's new at this okay?)
Batman is not having fun. There's some (possible?) League assassin running around stealing verified cursed/magical artefacts! Is Talia planning something? Is Ra's planning something? (Isn't he for real dead? Silly reader, no one is ever for real dead in DC.)
Robin is super frustrated. For all the same reasons Batman is but also because he just knows this new rogue is taunting him. Personally. Because he's Damian al Ghul Wayne and the whole world revolves around him, obviously. (And also because he once pointed at Robin and laughed before jumping out a window.)
Selina is intrigued. Who is this kid? How does he know what to go after? How does he keep evading the bats? Luckily she runs into him mid heist (fortunately they had different targets, she's intrigued but not enough to hand over her shinies to him) and oh he's adorable! She has to train him, it would drive Brucie up the wall. But then she sees his face and oh, she knows exactly who he is, even if he seems oblivious.
Because Danny? He's in Gotham for the ecto, for the Thomas Wayne full ride scholarship he managed to snag, and also because for some reason Gotham is full of so many cursed/ghost artefacts. (Lady Gotham is seething, she worked hard to collect all those curses! But this is her beloved dark knight's kid and she kinda wants him home. But she also doesn't want to give up her curses!) Back to the point: Danny doesn't care about ANY of the rich bougie people. The Waynes give out a lot of scholarships? Cool, that's nice and all. They probably also rub elbows with Vlad or Sam's parents. No thanks. Doesn't care. He's got better things to worry about.
Selina has got a plan though! She's gonna teach this boy how to thief properly, starting with better tools (including the slutty, slutty cat burglar outfit). She also knows that she can't let any of the Waynes (in or out of costume) meet Danny (out of costume). So does Lady Gotham. So does the universe apparently (or just Clockwork maybe), because all kinds of unlikely things keep happening to prevent it.
Danny is having so much fun though! He's learning new skills. Selina is giving him an allowance so he's not living off ramen and peanut butter sandwiches, he's doing well in school, he gets to stretch his ghost powers regularly to go above the smog cover and star gaze in peace. Everything's coming up Danny.
Selina decides it's time to flaunt her find in front of Brucie and makes Danny go to a gala as her date, she spends the entire time clinging to his arm and introducing him around to everyone. Including Bruce himself (who just so happens to have Damian in tow). Danny may not recognize Bruce, but he sure recognizes Damian, and Damian recognizes him if his utterly flabbergasted face is anything to go by. But Danny remembers what it was like living in the League. And so far as he knows Damian is still in it, he was the Demon Head's heir after all. Damian made sure of it.
Oh it. Is. ON! Now Danny is on a mission! A sibling rivalry mission! He is going to make Damian's/Robin's a living hell. Selina going on a heist that has no magical artefacts? Danny's there anyway, always have back up. That necklace in the museum has barely any powers and he wasn't even going to bother with it? Too bad, it's back on the list. He has no reason to be out at all but the bats are on patrol? Well so is Danny. Catch him if you can, suckers!
It's good for Danny, it's enrichment!
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weirdthinkingdragon · 2 years
Shouldn’t Have Traveled
Yandere Diluc, x chubby reader x yandere Zhongli
Words: 5,700+
warnings: poisoning mentions, slightly descriptive murder, unwanted touch,  reader made fun of by others, physically clingy Diluc (you can pry that from my cold, dead, hands)
Took a pic of where the ending scene is for clarity. 
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Sorry if anyone (besides Donna, Diluc, and Zhongli are ooc. Idk their personalities too well yet.
I’ve decided to leave Mondstat. Not for any reason anyone would think. It’s rather awkward and I’ll never admit the real reason to anyone. I can’t really stand being around Diluc anymore. Donna and other’s words are starting to get to me. 
What words? The scathing words of “He’d never like someone like you”. They say that’s due to my different appearance. The words never really hurt, but it’s getting irritating, and I’m unsure how much more I can hear them talk about it before I snap and deck one or more of them. That’s also why I can’t be around Diluc. Just seeing or interacting with him also brings up their words again.  
A few final things are being packed tightly into my large bag. My plan is to just stay at the hotel for a week or two and come back. Then again that plan might change, who knows? If somehow a job comes up and they’re welcoming, I’ll maybe live there instead. 
Thankfully I kept Mora saved up for a while and quit my job at Good Hunter. Being a cook there was exhausting too. One of Donna’s friends also being there obviously made things worse as she framed me for a lot of things, making the others not too happy with me. Think one of the only ones who do still like me is Barbara when they tried to frame me for making her food extra spicy. 
Another glance in my bag. Hmm… I’m a little low on things to drink on my travel to Liyue. Some grape juice would be nice, so I head towards Angel’s Share. 
The group of Diluc-obsessed parasites try to block me. 
“Yeesh, you guys still have a whole fence shoved up your asses? I should have known you have a poor tree up there now too. Sad it had to die for your personalities. All I’m doing is buying grape juice for travel.” I reply and give an eyeroll with it, entering Angel’s Share. 
Their insulted faces a sight to behold being the last thing seen.
A certain redhead was working, catching me by surprise. Really wasn’t expecting for him to be working instead tonight. Fuck. Ah, screw it. A last chat won’t harm anything. 
His head whips towards the door instantly. His eyes zoning onto the bag I’m carrying. They almost seem to narrow. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to be working tonight.” I inform, sitting down in the free seat in front of him. My bag being placed onto the floor. 
Diluc places the glass he had in his hands onto the island and looks me in my eyes. “I decided to give Charles a break for the night.” 
“That’s one thing I admire about you-” His eyes widen slightly, meanwhile I mentally smack myself for letting that slip. “I- well- It’s how you treat your workers. Unlike many I’ve seen, you’re not as harsh with them, and more thoughtful.” 
I cross my arms and mumble “If only Good Hunter stayed the same, I would probably have stayed.”
He rather firmly slams the glass back on the island I didn’t notice he picked back up. “You’re leaving? Alone?” I could almost swear his voice slightly raised like he was worried. Maybe he is? Kaeya has told me he does care about others. As just said how he’s letting Charles have the night off. He  just doesn’t show emotions very well most of the time. 
“Yeah, I was planning on heading to Liyue early in the morning. I was hoping to get some grape juice for on the way there though. It would need to be in something portable. Bottles or even jars would be fine. Of course, I’d pay the fee for those too.”
Diluc’s frown deepens.  
The door open and closed, but I think nothing of it. 
“If you don’t have any, I could go find some and come back for you to fill them, if that would be alright. I don’t want to overwork you.” 
He shakes his head. “No, that would be fine. Believe it or not, it’s not the first time someone has asked for transportable items to be filled. I’ll work on it. You won’t have to worry about carrying them since I’ll be coming with you tomorrow.”
Wha- no! The whole reason I’m leaving is involving him!
“That’s alright. I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’re quite a busy person as it already is.” 
His eyes narrow at me. “I’m not taking “no” as an answer. I’m going with. You need a guide.”
His tone scared me a little, I won’t lie to myself. 
He crosses his arms and closes his eyes for a second, taking a breath in before looking at me again. “You don’t even have a vision. You also don’t know where you’re going, and I am worried, whether you believe it or not. I also was planning on going to Liyue as well to visit someone close to me.” 
I hate everything he said was nothing but logic. I would just ask him if I could ask a knight or something to come with, but knowing his strong dislike for them, it would be a bad idea. 
It stays quiet between us for a minute. 
“... Why don’t you go rest up for the night? It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”
I wonder if I could get far enough before he could catch me if I left tonight.
“You’re giving away what you’re thinking. You better not. I will catch up. Don’t test it.” 
Ugh, fine. I’m still worried since he’ll be tired tomorrow. 
While leaving, the group comes up yet again with bottles in their hands. The door opening and closing must have been a friend I didn’t notice was there. 
They hold out the empty bottles towards me. 
… are they serious? What makes them think I’d trust them? They probably put poison or something in these. Doesn’t help they’re not see through. Yeah, no. I’m not using these. Their smirks are just making me more tired and not wanting to deal with their shit.
“Oh, you guys already know I’m leaving? Uh, thanks…” I take them, already knowing they’re going in the trash. 
“Just a little goodbye gift~” 
Wow, how thoughtful. 
They leave giggling. Probably from malicious intentions. 
“Would you like me to take those, (Y/N)?” suddenly asked a voice. I turn to see Charles. 
“You haven’t left yet?” I asked him. 
“I stayed to clean up a few final things in the back. It’s not my place, but I don’t trust what those women gave you.” 
I glance at the 3 glasses in my hands again. “That makes two of us. Are you sure they won’t be dug into by the cats and dogs around? That’s my main concern if I throw them.”
“I can assure they will be taken care of properly.” He informs. 
I mentally shrug. Eh, whatever. He’s reliable. I pass him the bottles and go to my house one final time. 
I feel a hand on my shoulder as I prepare to exit to the bridge with Diluc. Diluc’s not here yet though. Oh archons, if I ever come back, I’m not going to ever hear the end of I took their “precious Diluc”. Turning around, it’s Venti. One of the closest friends I made here, and only ones left. His face is far more serious than I’ve ever seen it. 
“... Stay safe out there,” He cautiously looks around. I do as well, and the nuisances are not around for once. Diluc however is seen with his own bag coming up. “Especially from him.” He quickly takes his hand off before Diluc could see. 
Diluc glares at Venti while walking up to me. “We better get going.” A hand of his is on my lower back, gently pushing me forward. 
Numerous quiet hours pass, and my feet are starting to kill me. I’m starting to think Kaeya lied to me it was an easy day trip. 
Looking at Diluc, he doesn’t even seem to be the slightest bit uncomfortable. The only noticeable thing is the bags growing under his eyes. 
I’ve been trying to think of things to make it less awkward, but nothing comes to mind. He hates small talk. 
“So… should I find a way to message you or something if I want to come back to Mondstadt?” 
Diluc stops for a moment. “... I’ll inform who I’m going to meet.” 
Okay. well, that was a good talk, I guess. 
About an hour later, I’m at my limit. Curse everything and whoever created pain. My feet are going to be sore for weeks at this point. How the hell do people wander like this? 
Diluc still stays vigilant and glares around at every direction like something will pop out. I’m more worried about him collapsing from exhaustion than anything. 
… why do I feel like I still would before he would at this rate? 
“When should we set up a small camp for rest for a while? I only brought my small one for more easy transportation, but I think we could both squeeze in.” though I’d much rather not. 
It’s already near sunset. Holy fuck I’ve been walking ALL day. 
Diluc gives a stare off into the distance in though,, then nods. “I’ll get some firewood.” 
I nod and dig out the tent. Fortunately, slamming the sticks in deep enough was pretty easy and I remember how to set it up from camping with a few friends years ago. 
Diluc comes not long after with an impressive amount of wood, and drops it onto the ground not far from the tent. He piles a few together and scrapes dirt into a pile around it. He then lights his claymore and holds it onto the wood until it starts to burn. 
I begrudgingly have to admit having someone with a pyro vision likely makes traveling a lot easier.  
We both crawl under and it’s so phenomenally awkward. Him closer to the back and I in the front. It’s really crowded just between us. We’re both just staring awkwardly at each other in the eyes. 
… something drops onto the tent. Then another, then several- it’s raining. How did we not notice that sooner? There was no point in making a fire. 
Nope, it’s now already pouring. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” I mumble, but the close proximity likely made him hear it. 
“I never need an umbrella, so I’d be fine. Hopefully the temperature won’t drop too much.”
The temperature does rapidly starts to drop though. Now I’m wishing I brought a second blanket with. My arms get tucked together, trying to keep a bit more warmth. 
Arms grab my sides, making me let out a surprised noise. “Wha- Diluc! I’m not sure if-” 
“Don’t care,” His arms quickly wrap around my back, squeezing me close. “I’d rather you not get sick while we’re on our way.” His great smelling cologn from proximity hitting my senses hard. 
The heat that rushes to my face is even warmer than the warmth radiating out of his clothes. 
“Uh…” What the fuck am I supposed to say? “Ooh this is nice!”??
It’s definitely not! Ugh, why did he have to be the one for this? I should have lied about when I was leaving… 
He tightens his grip when I uncomfortably try to squirm free. “Quit. Moving.” 
I stop and mentally sigh. It better not rain again tomorrow night. 
He never loosens his grip.
The tightness around me while slowly coming back makes me try to squirm free again, while the memories of last night catch up.
Diluc’s arms tighten more than last night. Looking at his eyes, he appears to still be asleep. 
The way I’m so torn between enjoying this, and being disgusted is wild. Donna’s words trying to come back. Thankfully the little I know about Diluc is he will never talk about this out loud, even with a blade pointed at him. 
For a second, I wonder if I should wake him or let him sleep. But he should probably get ready to get back to Mondstadt ASAP. 
Well, since it’s not raining anymore, and I’m still uncomfortable at this, I’m waking him up. 
Fortunately, my arms are free. I reach up and shake his shoulder. “Diluc, it’s time for us to continue.” my feet throb in protest at the idea. 
He lets out a sigh, almost like he was disappointed. He lets me go and I roll off onto the ground, then getting up. Checking my bag, it thankfully stayed dry.
I pack my bag back together, and we head off again, much to my feet’s displeasure. But from Diluc informed me earlier, we should be about halfway there. Luckily we’ve only encountered some hillachurls, and he gets rid of them so easily it makes me almost feel bad for them. 
The sights have been beautiful though. Almost to the point I could ignore the still-growing pain in my feet. 
I turn to notice a clear bottle of grape juice handed to me and take it, finally realizing I haven’t drank anything in a while either. I drink it quickly. 
“It’s better to stay up with fluids and food for long travels. I’ve… learned my lesson before.”
Well, that’s a can of worms I’m not opening. In speaking of bottles though… “Sorry to change off that, but did Charles give you three that weren’t clear?”
Diluc frown gets worse. “He did, and told me how Donna and the others gave you them,” His voice dipped like he was disgusted even thinking about it. “Had them drink from the poisoned bottles they gave you. Unfortunately, it won’t kill them, but it better make them think twice about their actions. Next time I won’t be so lenient.” 
So they were poison- wait, what??? He’s fucking insane! I mean, sure, they were pretty bad and wanted to poison me, but poisoning them back isn’t right either! I force myself to stay calm. I can’t outrun him anyway, and I don’t know where I’m going either if requiring to leave the path. This does open my eyes more on him though. 
A secret part of me is touched he did such a thing for me though. 
“That’s a bit far, isn’t it? Couldn’t you get in trouble for that?” 
“I have my connections if they decide to try anything.” 
I shrug. Eh, whatever I guess. I am still staying a bit away from him, which he seems to notice. He comes over and grabs my bag, pulling me right beside him. 
“I also don’t think me being this close is necessary.” 
“You’d be surprised how quickly an ambush could happen. Especially if we encounter a ruin guard or abyss mage.”
Fat chance a ruin guard would be on the main path. Even I know that. 
Yet another day already flies by. I plop my backside onto the ground, take my shoes off, and rub my worsening sore feet. “Ugh, I’m not usually one for complaining, but holy Celestia my feet hurt. Smack Kaeya for me next time you see him for lying it was a rather short trip.”
Diluc jabs the stake quite deeply into the ground and is setting up the tent this time. “I’m surprised you got this far without complaining. If it’s really bad though, do you want me to carry you tomorrow?” 
Gods no. I could never deal with that embarrassment if anyone traveling were to see it. “No. You’d have a lot more to carry than just your bag already. Me and my bag is too much to ask.”  
He gives me a look I can’t understand. Kind of annoying it’s always been rather hard to understand whatever he’s feeling since he hardly shows it. 
“It wouldn’t be.”
“I’d rather not test it. Besides, we should be there by tomorrow noon, right?” 
He nods.
Looking at the darkening sky, it’s likely not going to rain this time. I glance at the tent, not wanting to stand up and walk to it. 
Diluc seems to notice and comes over, crouching down. An arm wraps under my knees, making me instantly realize his intention. “Wait- stop! I can do it!-” 
He puts his other arm behind my back, and easily stands up fully. “Don’t struggle.” 
I feel like I’ve heard stuff like that more the past few days than all my life before combined. 
He places me down on the blanket and sits next to me. Too close next to me. Honestly? I’m too tired to really care at this point. 
An arm wraps around my torso, keeping me closer. What is his obsession with touch!? He never is with anyone anymore, not even his own brother! 
A very gentle squeeze to my stomach makes me whip my head to look down at his hand. 
??? When did he take his glove off!? 
“... I’ve heard what many have been saying. If moving is really what you want, I can’t stop you. However, if you ever wish to visit again, both the Winery and Angel’s Share are always open for you to stay. As for me, I’m angry what they’ve been saying.”
I can’t look at him. I should have known someone like him would so easily catch on.
I begrudgingly have to admit his shoulder is a lot more comfortable than the ground. At least not laying on his chest this time. 
“Who do you have to see, anyways?” 
“Someone you could say I’m very close with. I have something urgent to discuss with them. 
I let out a light chuckle. “Wonder who in the Teyvat got the attention to be cared about by the great Diluc. I’ll surely have to meet them.” 
“You will sooner or later when in Liyue.” 
Not going to tell me? Alright, he can keep his secrets. Not like he has a lack of them. 
I could kiss the dock we’re walking on to enter Liyue. The guards stand down pretty quickly upon seeing Diluc, so they likely know him. 
We get to a hotel and both order rooms. Diluc disappears not too long after, and I stay in my room to rest. I wonder if I should ask someone a tour of Liyue since I know very little about the place. 
But first, some rest.
Several hours later, I’m wandering around again, more refreshed. There seem to be a lot of great restaurants to try. 
“Hey partner! I reckon you’re new here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around before.” 
I turn around to see someone with two ponytails walking up to me. She feels rather friendly, but still got my guard up a bit just in case. 
“Is it really that obvious?” I ask. 
“Yeah, But you don’t have to worry. We get a lot of people from all over visit here. So, what were ya lookin’ for? I might be able to help.” 
“I was trying to think of where to eat something, honestly. But uh… I’m not really sure what’s right to start with.” 
“That’s easy! You can try something at Wanmin Restaurant! I’m sure my friend there would love to figure out something ya might enjoy! C’mon!” She gestures for me to follow her. 
It doesn’t take long to get there, and there’s a girl cooking very enthusiastically. 
“Heya Xiangling! Got a new friend here for you to figure out what they’d like.” 
She whips her head up. “Xinyan! Ooh, a new person, huh? Where you from!?” 
“From Mondstadt.” 
How hyperactive can someone get? She somehow gets even more excited at the news. 
“Mondstadt!? Ooh! Just let me finish these orders, and I’ll try something you’d like!” 
Sooner than later she finishes, and makes something else I’m confused of, especially from never seeing such ingredients being used in food before. 
… Eyes are on me from behind. I decide to ignore it. It’s probably just someone curious or rude and not worth my time.  
Xiangling passes me something finished I’ve never seen before. I’m a little reluctant to try it, but eventually do after a moment’s pause. It’s delicious. 
I say so and nearly scarf it down. 
They smile back at me. 
“I guess you got another to try your new foods!” Xinyan pipes up. 
Oh hell yeah, I’m willing to try others she makes.
I jump out of my skin as a hand rests on my shoulder that isn’t Xinyan’s or Xiangling’s. 
“Oh Hey, Zhongli! Been a bit. Ya able to show the newbie here around Liyue? You’re a lot better at that than anyone.” 
“I would gladly show a tour around Liyue. I suppose it’s not unknown for me to be the one to do so anymore. Thankfully I’m free to do so now.” 
Hot damn that voice. Dude, don’t stop talking.  I turn to look at the man who was-
… I don’t like how he’s looking at me. It’s not aggression, disgust, etc. It’s more like wonder? Fascination? Something more like that which worries me worse than something negative or neutral. 
He offers his hand to me. Is it to give a handshake or to help me stand up? I reach out to grab his hand. I guess I’ll find-
He grabs it gently, and brings it to his face, kissing the back of it. 
Aw fuck, it was the weird 3rd option. Well, he’s a gentleman at least. 
“Are you ready for the tour, my dear?” 
My- my dear??? A little quick on the draw, Doesn’t he think? 
I stand off the chair. “Yeah! Even though I just got here, I can tell I like it here already.” 
He smiles like he’s very proud of that.
Great. I have a bad headache now with everything he’s tried to show and inform to me. This feels like something that should have been spread a few sessions. It was great to know, and I enjoyed it all, but this is too much. I can’t decide if Zhongli talking is helping or worsening the pain. 
I rub my forehead. Well, at least it takes away the pain in my feet. “Zhongli?” I cut him off on yet another story of information overload. 
He stops and looks at me. “I’m sorry to cut you short. I really like everything, and am totally down to know more, but it’s too much in one setting for me. Would you… maybe be free to continue tomorrow?” 
His eyes widen slightly. “Ah, I do apologize. I suppose giving more than just the best tour spots was too much. It appears to have given you a headache. Would you like to come to my place for a bit? I have some tea that would help.”
How about No? Have you ever heard of “stranger, danger”? Seriously, I could be a thief or you could be a murderer for all we know. 
“I’m good. Thanks for the offer, though. Just really want to go to bed.”
“Fair enough. Shall we meet at Wanmin Restaurant again tomorrow?” 
I nod and turn to head to my room. 
“See you then, (Y/N).”
A chill comes over me. Could have sworn my name was never mentioned with him. Or maybe I did? Ugh, head says no thinking. 
A group of girls come up to me. “You know, someone like you shouldn’t be interacting with someone like Zhongli.”
Ugh, seriously? He was just showing me around. He really seems to love this place and know the insides and outs. And they should shut up. Their voices are grating my nerves.
A shorter, younger looking woman with them rolls her eyes and almost seems to be playful about it. She comes up to me. “Hey! I’m Hu Tao! It’s nice to see a new face around here!” 
I blink a moment, trying to register how she’s super friendly to me already. Trying to sense if she’s just doing it to stab me later, I can’t feel anything off about her. Her being genuine makes it more jarring. Still keeping guarded though, I smile back at her. “Name’s (Y/N). Visiting from Mondstadt.” 
Hu Tao gives a massive mischievous smirk, like she knows something bit I don’t. “Mondstadt, huh?...” 
“What’s that look for?” I ask. 
It’s finally around noon when I exit my room. Something from the side jumps out. 
“Ha-what- Hu Tao! What was that for!” 
She giggles. “Nothing serious! It was just funny! 
Yeah, so funny to scare someone just exiting their room. 
“So what are you here for?” Might as well change whatever that was about. 
“To see how you like Liyue so far!” 
I was… not even here for a day? “Well, good so far. Though Zhongli feels a little odd.”
Hu Tao gives me the same massive smirk. “I Don’t know… I think Zhongli sure likes ya!” 
I try not to laugh at the impossibility, but the bark of a disbelieving laugh still comes out. “Yeah right. Not even in my dreams could that happen. I mean, look at him, and look at me.” I joke, while in the proximity of some girls making fun of me earlier. They’re around too, so may as well give them what they want, though it probably won’t help. 
She shrugs. “So? You’d be surprised!”
Thanks for the hope, but no. 
She runs off without another word. 
“I hope you’re well rested?” Inquired the too-familiar voice of Zhongli. 
Oh for fuck sake I just woke up for all this.
“Yeah. Weren’t we going to meet later, though?”
“A friend of mine informed me You’d be around here. With your headache from last night, I guessed it was going to take you a long rest before leaving. Would you like to eat somewhere before we continue where we left off?” 
My stomach growls in agreement. Ugh, stupid thing. “Sure. lead the way.” 
We reached a different restaurant.
One of the girls from before “Hey, look out everyone, they’ve come to eat all your food!” 
Yeah? And what if I do? I’ma nibble all your food for making fun of me. May you always have a mysterious bitemark in everything for eternity. 
A hand is placed on my shoulder. “I would like it if you’d refrain from such vulgar outbursts about someone innocent who’s come to visit Liyue.” Zhongli pipes up. 
The woman’s face was either red with embarrassment or anger at me. Maybe both. 
He lead me to a different one instead, and we ordered. 
I notice he keeps looking at me while we eat. What? He got a staring problem? I’m getting mixed signals of what he’s like. 
Someone came for the mora for our meals. 
Zhongli couldn’t seem to find his, making me nearly facepalm. Whatever, he’s a good man so far, as paying is just a favor for his touring I guess. 
“Ah, there. I apologize it took a bit to find.” 
The waiter didn’t seem to mind and left. 
“Well that sure took a bit to find. Having a hard time remembering where you put your mora doesn’t make sense to me.” I tease.
He nods at me. You’d be right. Thankfully someone very close to me has been watching out for my forgetfulness.” 
Good thing someone is for him.
He showed me the rest around the harbor, and even some grounds out of it. One place being the strange really tall statues by the thing in the sky, named the Jade Chamber I guess.
It was starting to get dark out.  
Zhongli looks over to his right, then stands in front of me. “Apologies, but I will have to cut this short. I need to… take care of something important.” 
His voice dipped into something that almost seemed to show anger. Yikes.
I was still restless after hanging out with Xiangling for a bit again, and left right out the town. It should be safe enough being so close.
The giant statues are visible all the way from here.
A pungent smell hits me as I walk the path. My eyes catch sight of a fight not far up ahead, making me hide behind the rock wall to make sure they wouldn’t see me. I peek up to see
!? Diluc and Zhongli… KILLING people!? The moonlight clearly showing their faces. Neither have psychotic smiles, making it all the more unnerving. Multiple dead Treasure hoarders dead, while one of the women that made fun of me already lying on the ground presumably dead too, and being burned. The pungent smell likely their burning flesh. I can’t believe they’re killers!” 
Zhongli pierces through the chest of the final woman still standing is the one who made fun of me earlier. She opens her mouth to scream, but Diluc covers her mouth.
“Surprised you’re helping. Doesn’t your contract prevent you from harming your Liyue people?” 
“That would normally be the case,” Zhongli then easily pulls his spear from the now corpse of said woman. Her body flops to the ground. 
I’m frozen in my spot. I want nothing more than to move, but my body won’t let me. 
“But that’s a good thing many don’t fully read contracts anymore. They broke my contract I made with them. They originally weren’t Liyue people. I could already tell from how they were not too kind to Liyue by making snide comments that they were nothing but trouble. The contract involved no demeaning remarks anymore, or they shall be removed from Liyue one way or another. It’s not hard to tell where they must have skipped. And they tried to damage Liyue’s newest, finest jewel.”
What the fuck does that mean!? I have to get out of here! Come on body! move!
Diluc sets fire to the corpse. “Suffer the wrath of the rock. Much better than that nuisance of a bard’s.” 
“I agree. I do also admit, I wish you could be here more often than around him. You’ll have plenty of time though. As for making you and our dear like me, that’s still a work in progress. Are you still sure you want to go through with it? Immortality can cause mourning of losing many.”
“I’m not close to many anyways. You’ve not been to Mondstadt, but outside of my work, I’m not well liked by many. They’re not exactly quiet when speaking their opinions. Besides, (Y/N) is in the picture now.” 
Me!? Their behaviors make so much sense now. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! I REALLY have to leave! 
My body can finally move, and I take a slow step back. Hiding might be the best option since there’s no way I’ll be able to outrun them. 
Their heads whip towards the sound. 
I can only hope they think it’s not a human. I hold my breath.
“In speaking of our dear, come on out. It’s safe now. I saw you try to hide earlier.” 
I don’t move. 
The sound of long strides comes towards me. 
I don’t get time to try to bolt before being grabbed by my wrist tightly, but not enough to hurt. My eyes get locked with Zhongli’s, who seem to almost glow a bright golden yellow.  
Diluc comes behind and rather loosely wraps his arms around me, his heat radiating off onto me with his close proximity. It slightly tightens before loosening again. A warning. A threat, showing he won’t hesitate to tighten his grip if I try to struggle free and run. their colognes combining almost making me dizzy. They’re not bad, but both at once is powerful.   
Zhongli reaches his hand and folds it under my chin, making me look up at him. “You must be quite lost, dear. I said we wouldn’t hurt you. And that was a promise.” 
He brings his face to mine and kisses my lips. I was so shocked I didn’t think of biting him until he pulled away. “Now, let’s get back, shall we? I’ll inform of what went on here, then I’ll join the both of you in cuddling. I’m patient, yet I cannot wait.” 
I should have just stayed in Mondstadt.
An: I’m sorry I made Diluc so physically obsessed or it seemed too repetitive to a point. I like to think due to his past, he’s touch-starved to the MAX. He just only shows it to a rare few how much he craves it. Yandere Diluc being even worse. That and I’m rather self-projecting of wanting my favorites being so obsessed with touch with reader lol. 
Not my proudest work, but screw it. Debated whether or not to post it lol. Was trying to write a more self confident chubby reader since apparently a lot of people are annoyed when they’re not. Even though I’m not self confident at all. Oh well. 
Also, writing full fics still feels like pulling teeth
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1d1195 · 1 year
Protection V
You can read the rest of Protection here
A little shorter of an update. Probably another update on the shorter side after this. I promise there's a point to all this.
Warnings: bit of angst, descriptions of blood
4.8k words.
But when she did stuff like this it was hard to believe that she liked him in any sort of way. It just made him mad, and he thought that all that time he spent building this relationship with her was a waste.
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Her mom was stubborn. Everyone thought it was from her dad because a top political official had to have a certain amount of discipline. A certain amount of stamina and determination to get what he wanted. To achieve the success that he had. But it was her mom that taught her to believe in whatever she wanted but she needed to believe it proudly.
Her mom was the one who cared for her attention to science. She cultivated her love of experimenting and hypothesizing like she was a garden of food. She was the one that made her believe in all the good the world had to offer, all the good people. When she was scared or sad about the things on TV, she reminded her to look for the people that helped because there were always people that helped—even in the gravest of situations. It was heartwarming to have such belief in humanity. She thought about her mom every day and she hoped her mom would be proud of her for sticking to her guns and believing in the good and more importantly herself.
She was endlessly grateful for her mom’s stubbornness for so many reasons she couldn’t begin to explain. She was bold and brave. It was the reason an entire division of grown men and women feared her just by walking in a room. The reason she was academically successful and worked so hard. Her mom was her everything and she was so glad she taught her to be independent.
Except for right now.
Because sometimes, her stubbornness got her into downright stupid situations, and she was left with no one to blame but herself. She pulled her jacket collar closer around her neck and sighed. If her mom could see her now, she wondered if she would be mad. Maybe she would laugh at her determined daughter seeing her on the bench in the middle of the park. It was raining, freezing cold rain, and her ankle was too swollen to move—she had barely made it to the bench.
Harry was going to kill her.
But for a few moments, she would have a pity party for herself while she waited for her phone to charge enough to turn on in her purse. At least she came prepared with a portable charger this time. She hoped Harry would see it that way. Each time his curly brown hair and his green eyes popped into her mind; she felt a pang of disappointment in herself. Harry was so nice. He was so gentle with her even when she was a bitch, and she knew it.
It was probably extremely against protocol for her to be in love with him.
Her phone began vibrating about a hundred times in one minute and even though it seemed excessive, she was glad he was worried. Even if it was just for his job. She didn’t bother reading the worried text messages. She didn’t listen to his angry voicemails.
If he were my boyfriend this would be so controlling, I would be out of there in two seconds flat. Why am I liking all this?
If she thought for longer than two seconds, it was because she knew that despite his job, he was worried about her. But she couldn’t think like that. Harry didn’t like her like that, he couldn’t like her like that. He had his whole bit about protocol and this...relationship...they had.
He wasn’t in love with her, she decided.
She put the phone to her ear after tapping Harry’s name. She wasn’t sure it rang long enough for even one ring to go through but naturally, he answered.
“I’m in the park,” she said before he started yelling at her. “I’m fine,” she added. Although she felt he probably didn’t care at that point. If it were her, she’d probably say something like “not for long.” Harry, though, despite how annoyed he got with her, how angry he got, never said things like that. Even as a joke. Maybe it was protocol, but she definitely knew others wished her dead behind her back.
She heard him rattling off a list of questions into her ear, angry swears dotting his phrases and questions. But she ignored it all and found comfort in just the tone in his voice.
“I’m in the park, I won’t move,” she didn’t think telling him she couldn’t move was necessary. She hung up before he started yelling again.
Every time Harry thought he was making progress with her, it felt like they went right back to square one. The night’s adventure led her through a bathroom window once more. Harry swore he was going to put a tracking device on all her clothes, and he was going to tell her as soon as he found her.
After all that, he wondered why she felt the need to leave through the window. Like he wouldn’t happily follow her without question. The guy seemed nice. Despite the fact they were in a seafood restaurant that she didn’t like. He held her seat out, he asked questions about her and her studies. When he left, he kissed her cheek. She told Harry she just wanted to run to the bathroom first and then poof.
Harry wondered if he cramped her style. Part of him hoped that was the case, honestly. Harry wasn’t sure how he would like the whole dating scene when there was someone constantly hovering near by worried about his safety. But by now she had to know this was his job, that he took very seriously, and after the other really bad night, he wanted her to know that he would keep her safe. Even if he wasn’t part of DSS he believed he would try and keep her safe, he liked her a lot. It was bad how much he liked her. When he wasn’t around her, he thought about what she was doing. If she was giving the agents a hard time. He refrained from messaging her all day even though it was the only thing on his mind. He wished her luck for her classes—especially when she had a quiz. But other than that, he tried not to think about her.
It was next to impossible. She invaded his every thought. Like a little flower, a wildflower, poking through the cracks of his brain and growing where it shouldn’t.
Even if it was beautiful and lovely where it grew.
But when she did stuff like this it was hard to believe that she liked him in any sort of way. It just made him mad, and he thought that all that time he spent building this relationship with her was a waste.
He pulled his jacket collar around his neck snuggly. A new burst of anger surged through him because she was out in this terrible weather anyway. If she wasn’t in the park, he was going to lose his mind.
Fortunately, his mind would stay intact. He saw her vibrant red raincoat across the way, even through the pouring rain. She was sitting on a bench. No doubt drenched through and through.
Was she just enjoying a good rainstorm? She made him so angry he could spit. He hustled through the rain, not caring that he was getting soaked either.
“What is your problem?” He snapped when he was within earshot. She didn’t look at him, which made him madder. “I don’t care if y’don’t like me,” Harry knew that was a lie. He wanted her to like him so badly. “I don’t understand. One minute we can watch movies and another you’re leaving me in the dust,” she imagined if they were in her apartment he would be pacing back and forth. But it was raining, so he didn’t. “Y’don’t have t’like me, but I don’t like being unemployed. Every time they ask if I want t’be reassigned I ask if y’don’t want me anymore. They tell me y’don’t want t’fire me so I jus’ don’t get it,” he was so frustrated. She wondered why tonight was the breaking point for him. Because there were at least ten other grievances that Harry could have faulted her for before tonight, but it seemed like today was the worst. “Why would y’run away like that? S’not like I haven’t been kind t’your needs and all the things y’want t’do. Why would—why are y’sitting in the rain?” His tone of voice changed from his rant. Like he only just realized where they were and that it was raining. “S’freezing cold? Where is your date?”
She didn’t speak for a moment and Harry wanted to shake her. He thought she was annoying, but this was so agitating he wanted to throw his phone across the park. Then maybe shake her. “They ask if you want to be reassigned?” She wondered. He ignored her question.
“Why are y’sitting, alone, in the park, love?” His gentleness was back.
Another beat of silence. “Why don’t they like me?” She whispered, barely. Harry almost didn’t hear her over the rain.
She sniffled and looked up at Harry.
All the anger left his body. He didn’t care about his job, if he was unemployed, he didn’t care if the ground opened up below his feet and sucked him down to the core. All that mattered were the tears in her beautifully sad eyes. The fact they were soaked to the bone didn’t matter.
She was okay, that much was clear—at least, she was mostly okay.
“I told him about you. Pointed to where you were sitting. He told me to ditch you, so we could be alone. I don’t know why I did it, Harry. I’m sorry. I know I could have asked you, but I just...” she shook her head, disappointed in herself as much as Harry seemed to be. Her mom would be disappointed too, she was sure. Letting a guy dictate what to do. It was nearly against her religion. “We were cutting through the park, and I twisted my ankle on the edge of the sidewalk. I barely made it to this bench and he...” she felt so stupid. “He made some...lie. I don’t know. Said he would be back...left me here and that's when I called you,” she finished. “Why don’t boys like me?” She asked. “I’m...” she sniffled. “I know I don’t need them,” she told Harry. “But I’m so alone all the time. I want one. I want someone to love me,” her voice was so sad Harry wanted to scream. He was heartbroken, he could even tell the difference between her tears and the rain falling down her cheeks.
He didn’t want to tell her that he probably loved her—well he actually probably did want to tell her such. (He was in fact, sure he loved her, but he thought if he pretended that he didn’t, he wouldn’t ruin his job, or cause her to think he was insane.) Harry sighed and crouched a bit toward her. Other than the time she hugged him to thwart the flirting of the guy outside the bar back in August, he hadn’t ever really touched her. But in the past few weeks, it seemed to be the only thing he did. Cradling her was becoming dangerously like second nature. More so he did it so effortlessly, he was used to how she felt held to his chest. Her cheeks warmed because she remembered the conversation she had with him before about her minor insecurity of him sweeping her up in his arms like this. Even if he said her weight wasn’t on his mind, she imagined it wasn’t easy for him to carry a full-grown adult.
Still, he cradled her, pausing briefly to assure she was firmly in his grasp. They were drenched in rainwater and Harry worried she was going to catch a cold. He was going to insist she shower—or maybe take a bath if she couldn’t stand on her ankle. He would make her tea while she did.
He began walking back to the SUV. He released a long, almost irritated sigh as he answered. “You’re finding boys not men, love.”
She didn’t say anything in response and tried not to think about how nice it felt to be held by Harry. With her arms looped gently around his neck, she got a good view of his profile. She tried not to stare but Harry was beautiful. It was hard to look anywhere else. Even with rain pouring down his face and his hair matting to his forehead, he looked like a model for umbrellas.
He was so kind to her, even when she was awful and did stupid things like she did tonight. It was hard for her to keep up this façade that she was angry all the time around him. He broke that the very first moment he arrived outside her door, took her snide smile with ease, and just let her be. Or maybe she was finally tired of it all and Harry was just...easier.
She decided right then and there she shouldn’t torture him anymore—couldn’t torture him. It wasn’t fair to him. This was...so much more than he probably ever expected and he was so nice about it. Her other agents would have fallen through the cracks. Like a hydra, three more people sent to take their spot at this point, but poor Harry continued to stay. He didn’t deserve her being a brat. “D’you need t’go to the hospital?” He asked.
She shook her head. “No, thank you,” she answered quietly. “Sorry,” she murmured and rested her head against her arm that looped around him.
“Y’need t’find someone better than these tools y’running around with love,” he muttered.
She bit the inside of her cheek so hard she drew blood so she wouldn’t ask if he could be the someone better.
She was grateful no one was around to see Harry carrying her through her apartment building like a bride. She didn’t want comments and they were still soaking wet. He carefully placed her on the couch and began running around her apartment immediately. In a flash he had gotten her a change of clothes to put in the bathroom, medicine for the pain (pain that she didn’t even feel over the ache of her lonely heart), and turned on the shower to heat up. He took her shoe off and inspected her ankle.
“Do y’think y’sprained it?” He asked. She shook her head.
“No...it should be okay by tomorrow, maybe the day after at latest,” she murmured. “I went down so gracefully to keep from really spraining it,” she explained with a smirk indicating that it definitely wasn’t graceful. It was the first sign of happiness on her face.
Harry wished he was there when it happened because he was sure he would have thrown himself in her path to keep from falling in the grass. Harry was going to make a note on the guy’s file that he was a douchebag and not to be trusted.
“Of course y'did, Miss Wildflower," she shook his head with a smirk. "Do y’think y’can stand in the shower?” He asked.
She nodded looking anywhere but his face. “Can you just...carry me in there? Clothes and all? I’ll handle it from there,” she promised, cheeks reddening.
He would gladly undress her with the utmost respect if it would help her. But he kept that to himself. He grabbed her up again, once more at ease with how natural it felt and placed her in the shower. The water soaked her clothes even more. He was glad she was wearing easy things to get off. A pair of leggings, a long blouse. He thought it was deplorable of the guy to leave such a pretty girl hurt and alone in the rain. “Please, jus’ shout if y’need help. A little embarrassment isn’t worth getting more hurt,” he said gently. She nodded awkwardly.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Course, love.”
“Do you have to do paperwork for this?”
“I think y’know the answer t’that.”
She frowned. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Really, truly, so horribly sorry.”
“S’okay, love,” he smiled weakly and gave her shoulder a squeeze.
“I’m not going to do it anymore,” she looked at Harry through her lashes and his heart melted. “I promise.”
Harry reminded himself that every time she promised, she meant it. So, he was a little surprised by her sudden vow. Wondering why tonight was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “Okay,” he nodded. “I believe you...shout if y’need something,” he reminded her and left her alone in the bathroom.
Harry took the fastest shower in the world. He didn’t have spare clothes here, he should have. It was stupid he didn’t. But she managed to find a pair of basketball shorts she had from an ex-boyfriend that she never gave back. She liked the mauve colored fabric and thought if he was going to kiss other girls while dating her, she deserved a pair of shorts in return. She found an oversized sweatshirt she bought from her college—she always found buying in the men’s section led to the comfiest hoodies—took the taking your boyfriend’s hoodie to a whole new level. Harry threw his actual clothes in the dryer.
“Think m’stuck here for a bit,” he smiled at her as he brought tea to her. She already knew that though. He had called in the car that he didn’t need his relief; it wasn’t uncommon. She was out and about, and it didn’t make sense for someone to switch out if he had it under control and it would just cause trouble.
She was setting up the next movie on their list on the TV. She tossed a blanket onto the other couch, but Harry sat beside her, pulling medical tape from the pocket of his shorts. He collected her foot in his lap and very gently pushed it into a flexed position. “S’that hurt?” He asked.
She shook her head. He was so gentle she was certain if it was broken, she wouldn’t be in pain. He looped the tape around her ankle several times, ripping off strips and making sure it was stable. It felt better already. He got up once more, hurried to the kitchen and back, before sitting beside her again. He placed a throw pillow atop his lap and placed a bag of frozen peas on her taped foot. She shivered at the chill, and he reached for the blanket on the end of the other couch to toss over the rest of her leg. “How do you know how to tape an ankle?” She asked.
He smiled. “I used t’be an EMT,” he told her. She blinked. It occurred to her she knew nothing about Harry. “Then I was private investigator,” he added to her surprise. “I didn’t really want t’be a police officer because I didn’t want t’have t’go through all the training. I actually hate carrying a gun,” he admitted. She glanced at the gun on her dining table. She never felt worried about it or about Harry having one, in fact she often forgot he even carried one. “But I had t’take a class or whatever...wanted t’make sure I knew what t’do if I needed to,” he pressed play on their movie. He turned to her surprised face. She was staring at him, not the screen. “What?” He asked.
“What’s your favorite color?” She asked.
“Favorite food?”
He thought for a moment. Paused the opening credits. “Tacos...or Brussel sprouts.”
“Favorite animal?”
“Board game?”
“The bookstore, I think. Maybe Target.”
She pursed her lips. “Favorite Beatle?”
He smirked. “Paul.”
“Do you like olives?”
“Hate ‘em,” he nodded. She liked them. So, there was that; the olive theory would apply to them. “Anything else?” He wondered as she thought over his answer.
“Spring...oh did y’mean like spice? Cause that’s curry.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Okay, that’s it for now.”
He smiled, enjoying her laughter. He enjoyed the carefree way she sounded when she wasn’t focused on hiding her feelings or pretending to be grumpy. “I’ll ask more later.”
“Sure, love. I’d like t’know some answers myself,” he said, shifting slightly to keeping the peas firmly on her injury. He didn’t seem to mind how cold it was, although she was sure his fingertips had to be numb from it because her foot was freezing.
Eventually, she fell asleep and Harry did everything he could to make her bed comfy before bringing her in. “Night, Harry,” she mumbled as he slowly closed the door.
“Night, love,” he smiled.
Her ankle made a full recovery by day three, as she had predicted. Once more, she proved that her promised word meant something. She didn’t escape, she listened when Harry politely asked her to leave a restaurant or store, and she didn’t fight him on any protocol. Harry hadn’t done paperwork in almost two weeks. “Are you sure you don’t want to be reassigned?” His supervisor asked again.
“Does she not want me anymore?” Harry repeated the same question he always did. With a shake of his head, Harry answered the same way he always did. “I’ll stay.”
They continued with their normal routines. Except now she asked him all kinds of questions about his favorites. She asked them all the time. “I...I thought I’d make tacos, if you want some,” she was so gentle now. Harry wondered if this was what she was like before her mum...before her dad. While her vulnerable self was definitely one of his top five favorite versions of her, he thought it was this version of her that took the number one spot. Her soft demeanor, her kind smile. She was...
Don’t go there. The little nagging voice in his head was turning into a voice with a megaphone trying to remind him about protocol and professionalism and how falling in love with the person he was supposed to protect was messy.
Not to mention frowned upon.
“Sounds good love, d’you need any help?” He asked.
She shook her head. “I’ll let you know.”
He nodded, sitting at his computer and running through his email, the list of events for the month. Harry was supposed to head back to England for New Year’s. He would celebrate Christmas late with his mum and sister. He would sleep late, go to the bakery he worked at as a teen, and crochet with his family on the porch while they sipped hot chocolate.
He hadn’t mentioned his vacation to her yet. He was beyond excited to see his family, but he knew he was going to miss the girl cutting up an avocado in the kitchen. He didn’t know how to bring it up either. Every method seemed like a bad idea. If he mentioned Christmas, he might have to talk about her dad. Which was definitely a subject he enjoyed avoiding. Bringing up his mum was also a sensitive topic.
He also worried that he would tell her he planned on getting her a gift because he didn’t think he should—she loved her birthday gift and she insisted he tell her his birthday so she could reciprocate and if she missed it, she was going to give him an extra birthday. He declined to tell her at first, but she scowled at him and refused to play the movie, put the remote down her shirt until he told her it was the first of February. He managed to keep the idea that he would gladly follow the path of the remote to—
“Harry!” She gasped loudly and he heard something clink on her tiled kitchen floor. Harry knocked his computer off the table. It clattered to the floor beside the overturned chair as he rushed to her side in the kitchen.
“What happened?!” He asked alarm ringing in his voice, reaching for her shoulders as she nearly folded herself in half clutching her left hand in a fist and placed her right hand over top it.
“Oh, my fucking God,” she hissed. “Ow, Oh my God, I’m so stupid. Ow, ow, ow,” she whimpered.
“Love, let me see,” he said nervously, encouragingly.
“I sliced my hand so bad,” she croaked. “Fuck,” she moaned. “I’m so dumb.”
“Hey, s’okay,” he said soothingly seeing the blood seep over the back of her hand. “Jus’ lemme see, love. S’okay,” he steered her toward the sink. He guided her hands over the basin and turned the water on. She slowly released her hand. It wasn’t necessarily gushing, but hand wounds always seemed to bleed profusely. He stuck her hand beneath the stream, and she flinched with a sharp intake of breath.
“It hurts,” she whined.
He nodded. “I know, love, m’sorry,” he mumbled eyeing the gash she created just below the first knuckle of her index finger right before nicking the small web of skin between her thumb and forefinger. It looked like a massive paper cut.
“Does it need stitches?” She asked nervously. “I don’t want to go to the hospital,” she frowned.
He shook his head. “No, s’not that deep,” he began opening cabinets looking for her first aid kit.
“It’s on top of the fridge,” she told him. He really liked the way she knew what he was looking for without having to say it.
“Harry,” she whined as he got the bandages he wanted out of the kit. “It hurts,” she repeated.
“I know, love. M’sorry. Hold on jus’ a second,” he tried to work quickly grabbing a paper towel to dry her hand. He switched the water off and covered the cut immediately. Drying the area. She winced at the contact of the towel and watched as it became sodden with blood. He frowned, put her hand under water once more while he grabbed more paper towels folding it into a little rectangle. He repeated the process, pulling her hand from the water, drying and then placed the little rectangle on her hand. He brought her right hand over top of it, then squeezed her hand tightly over the towels. “Hold your hand above your heart,” he said shifting her arm for her. “Keep pressure on it,” he quickly got the bandages and ointment ready on the counter beside them.
“Harry, it hurts,” she complained again, her voice catching.
“I know it does, love, m’sorry,” he frowned and turned to her again. “M’gonna try t’make it better, okay?”
She nodded and tapped her foot impatiently as he pulled the towels off and quickly slathered the area with the anti-bacterial cream the bleeding seeming to stop a good amount with the jelly-like substance keeping the blood from pouring out as quickly. “Harry,” she grumbled miserably as he continued to work diligently on her cut.
“I know, honey, m’sorry,” he repeated almost exasperated. Not with her, with the situation. He felt terrible she was in any kind of physical pain. “Jus’ another minute,” he promised and quickly laid gauze over top of the cream. She seemed to sigh with relief at that and then it was silent while he placed the tape over the bandage and skin.
Now that the pain had dissipated from her mind, it occurred to her he called her honey. It made her weak. Felt like her organs were 300 degrees hotter than they were supposed to be. She was certain if she looked up at Harry her pupils would have turned into little hearts.
He smoothed the bandages over a few times, inspecting his work and making sure it was of top quality and wasn’t bleeding any longer. She was sure stitches couldn’t have healed it faster after Harry was done with it. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and stared at it for a moment. Time seemed to stand still as he held her hand in both of his.
Without thinking he brought it closer to his face and dropped a kiss over the top of the bandages. Somehow, through two layers of tape, gauze, and the ointment, she swore the kiss cured it. It took every ounce of her self-control to not sigh like a sappy, lovesick teen girl. The hearts in her eyes surely had Harry’s initials flashing in them.
Clearing his throat awkwardly, Harry released her hand. His cheeks turned this adorable shade of pink as he offered an uncomfortable smile. “I’ll finish the tacos,” he suggested.
She nodded. “Okay,” she mumbled. “Thank you.”
“Course, love. Sorry y’hurt yourself.”
She hoped he didn’t see the hearts in her eyes with everything in her.
Harry swore her pupils were the size of her eyes. He could have spent forever staring at her. He would kiss her hand a thousand times. All he wanted to do was stand in this kitchen and look at her for the rest of his life.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use
Protection taglist: @youcouldstartacult @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @luxiorchive @ameerakane20 @be-with-me-so-happily @narry-heart @cherryshouse @foreverxholland @tenaciousperfectionunknown @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist for more of my writing.
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kcrossvine-art · 2 years
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whats crackling? whats snackling? in the near future, possibly YOU! This next one might be good for those of yall who dont have big kitchens. Today on our cooking review revue is Golden Hill pears from the Redwall Cookbook- 
(for crackling and snackling purposes you can find the original recipe at the bottom to follow along)-
SO, “what goes in to Golden Hill Pears?” YOU MIGHT ASK
4 medium pears (peeled, halved, cored)
ground allspice
As you can guess by the ingredients, golden hill pears are just caramelized pears. Am a huge fuckin fan of caramelized stone fruits- peaches, pears, plums,- but contrary to my normal method of using an oven to achieve the desired syrupy goodness, this recipe calls only for a little sauce-pot and lid! 
AND, “what does Golden Hill Pears taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASK
If you've had caramelized fruit before you'll get the gist, however, these are on the higher end in terms of taste 100%
The allspice is such a brush of warmth and comfort
Tastes like cuddling the person you love in front of the fire
Caramel taste is even throughout
Would be so so so good paired with a nice pulled pork stew
And warm apple cider would be perfectionx2
A fulfilling end to a fall season that passed too fast
. Where pear halves called for, strained and used canned pear slices (0% added juice) . Where sugar called for, used fine granulated sugar . Tripled cooking time for initial caramelization
Go fucking hogwild with the allspice honestly, i used about 2 soup-spoonfuls of it and couldve still probably done more. its up to personal preference but its damn good.
Also; cooked way more evenly than youd think. Once the initial caramelization was done each 'batch' of pears cooked pretty quick.
SO, it took me about 3 tries to get this right as the book describes itself. My first mistake was letting it get to a golden brown color, as the book says you should, because by the time the sugar and water is that color alone in the pan, it is already way too late and is going to burn by the time you add the pears in. You need to add the pears in a bit earlier than whats going to feel right- when the mixture becomes a strong yellow-ish color id say?
The second time, because the first try had burnt, i tried lowering the heat/going against the books advice and stirring throughout. In all previous times ive caramelized something it was good to get some motion in there, so i figured if it burnt before maybe the issue was too much heat and no movement. This didnt work. This instead somehow created massive sugar crystals which over the period of about 30 seconds (once reaching temp and adding to the pan) quickly hardened and had to be chipped away until it broke off the spoon and the pot. Im not a scientist i have no fucking idea.
It mightve tasted good and been a cool cake topper but at this point we were 40 minutes in with no delicious pears so we werent wasting time with tasters.
Third attempt; corrected from previous mistakes. Watched the saucepot like a fuckin HAWK, didnt stir or disturb the pan, had it on medium heat for about 21 minutes until it started turning yellow, added the pears and allspice in immediately, covered and simmered it. I had 2 cans of pears that i strained and patted dry of excess fluid, so with 2 seperate batches for the one pot. I think the second batch came out richer but there wasnt too much a difference. Both came out lovely to eat with the syrup drizzled over top.
All in all, from deciding to make them to having them in my belly, and subtracting failed attempts, id estimate it took about 30 minutes? It would be longer if you prepared the pears yourselves, along with the cooktime for them probably, but its not neccesary for this recipe.
It tastes fuckin good and would be excellent in living situation where all you have available is a portable hot-top. I could see myself making it again now that i know what visual cues to look for.
I give this recipe a solid 8/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.)
3 tablespoons sugar
4 medium pears, peeled, halved lengthwise and cored
Generous pinch ground allspice
Put the sugar in the bottom of a heavy saucepan and sprinkle 2 tablespoons of water over it. Cook over medium heat without stirring until the mixture reaches a golden brown caramel, about 7 minutes. (Swirl the pan if the caramel colors unevenly).
Standing back, pour in 1/4 cup of water, taking care as it will spit.
Add the pears and allspice to the pan, cover and simmer until the pears are tender, 10 to 15 minutes.
Use a slotted spoon to transfer the pears to a serving dish. Raise the heat and boil the syrup vigourously for 1 minute.
Pour the syrup over the pears and serve immediately, or let cool and then chill before serving.
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asynca · 11 months
Im in my 20s and I was disabled by covid. At this point idek what to do to make people care. Tomorrow I literally have to decide whether I can risk exposure by going to the ceremony to receive a 1500$ scholarship (they might not give it to me if I don't go). The price tag isn't high enough to risk losing even more physical function and potentially having life threatening complications. And that's just one example of all the opportunities im missing bc nowhere is safe anymore. I hate it. I would have loved the free food & chance to network. Thanks for wearing a good mask and caring
Sorry for dropping that vent in your asks actually that wasn't cool. I was just frustrated by that post, like damn you gotta make it about fandom for people to care, but thats unfair of me. I hope your colleagues are getting good treatment! It sucks but at least we're still alive and we're gonna keep fighting to stay alive
oh god I read the second ask first and I was like, "Fuck. I guess the first post is going to be serious asy hate," but it wasn't at all.
It sucks you need to choose. People really couldn't give a fuck at this point, like they seriously think they won't be disabled by COVID. When you catch it for the first time you have a 1/5 chance - 20% - that you will be disabled by it, at least temporarily. The more you catch it, the higher the likelihood you will be disabled and the longer and worse you will be disabled by it.
If you're my age and over, you also need to worry about actually fucking dying from it. I have a work colleague who's been in and out of hospital these past few weeks and came very close to death. She's still not out of the woods right now, actually.
LIke I get people want to socialise - totally fine! - but what's with the aversion to clean air and masks? A portable HEPA air filter that will do a big room like a classroom costs $150 and the filters are $30 and you change them every 6 months. One of those lowers the likelihood anyone in the class will infect each other by EIGHTY PERCENT. A filter plus masks makes a classroom much safer for everyone, but especially for people who are at higher danger of being disabled from COVID.
The more research comes out about it, the worse we realise covid actually is for us. It's neurotoxic. You lose some brain function each time you get it - FOR REAL.
Man this is going to be one of those things we look back in 20 years and go "why didn't anyone care?" "why didn't we do anything!?"
Super big condolences to disabled folks, either pre-covid or from covid, who feel totally fucking alone fighting this thing.
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starlitangels · 9 months
Talk Nerdy
Listen, Erik said Link would be Vincent's main in Smash Bros because Vincent has a fondness for the character and fell in love with Breath of the Wild like the rest of us did. That is enough for me to decide Vincent is at least kinda a Legend of Zelda fan. And as a Zelda fan, this was just an excuse to be a Big Nerd. 1.2k words
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! I just need one more hit..." Vincent muttered under his breath. So focused on his game that he didn't realize I was standing in the archway behind him. He didn't hear me, smell me, see me—nothing. I smiled and watched Colgera fly around the screen while Link and Tulin furiously flew around in the swirling wind.
Biting my lip, I crept out of the archway and behind the couch. Vincent swore as he took a shot with his bow and it shattered. I smirked, leaned down until I was right behind his ear, and raised a hand.
I dropped it onto his shoulder. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked loudly.
Vincent swore and nearly threw his controller into the TV. Instead managing to only arc it over the coffee table. "Lovely!" he exclaimed. "Don't do that to me!" In a blur of movement, he had his controller back and the game paused. He spun to look at me. "What was that for?"
I laughed. "I'm sorry," I said around my laughter. "I couldn't help it. You were so focused you didn't—you didn't even notice I was right there. I had to see how close I could get!"
He sighed, giving me an affectionate—but exasperated—shake of his head with a little grin. "You're a menace," he said.
I shrugged. "Just for you, and just when we're alone. Because you love me."
"I do. I do love you." I leaned across the back of the couch and met his lips in a kiss. He reached and grabbed at my hips, hauling me over the back of the sofa while I shrieked as I flopped down onto the cushions. He cackled. "There we go. We're even now. And you get to sit with me and watch me play."
"Fine with me."
He kissed the top of my head and unpaused the game. Quickly equipping a new bow to try and shoot Colgera again.
"Rare for a Zelda boss' weak spot to not be their eye," I joked.
"Mmhmm," Vincent agreed, barely paying me any heed.
We sat in relative silence, broken only by Tulin's encouragement and the boss music and various sound effects like the cyclones and Vincent's controller clacking, for a few minutes.
"You're running out of cold resistance," I said.
He cursed under his breath and paused, searching his menus for another dish of food for cold resistance.
"Didn't you get a portable pot in one of the Zonai capsules?"
"They don't work in boss fights," he replied. Right as he found another meal he'd made to fight the cold and had Link eat it. He unpaused and went right back to it.
"Damn, this track slaps," I said quietly.
"It really does. I barely noticed it my first time playing through this game since I was so focused on the fight. Now, every time I restart, I always fight Colgera first. It's the best boss fight."
I smiled. "How many times have you played through Tears of the Kingdom in the last six months?"
Vincent shrugged. "Like five or six. But I don't search for all the Koroks every time. Just as many as I need to get all the spaces in my inventory. I still haven't found all of them on my main Switch profile's save. They added more. It was already a pain in the ass finding nine-hundred in Breath of the Wild. Now there's a thousand. They managed to shove a hundred more into almost the exact same map."
I smiled. "These are your favorite Zelda games, aren't they?"
He didn't even break his concentration from the boss fight. "Maybe. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Ocarina of Time are pretty high on the list too." He moved around with his motion controls to aim his bow. "Twilight Princess is high on that list," he added. "I'd only been turned for six years when it came out and I was in the perfect moody, dark headspace to vibe hard with the game's aesthetic. Maybe the nostalgia helps keep it that high on my favorites. It's also just a good game to boot. And, if I may say, the most iconic appearance for Princess Zelda. She was barely in the game and yet when I hear the name 'Princess Zelda', I always think of her Twilight Princess look before even her Breath of the Wild one."
I smiled. Mmm... talk nerdy to me, you lovable dork, I thought fondly. "I never finished the Forest Temple in that game. Much to my best friend's chagrin. Twilight Princess was their favorite Zelda game while we were growing up."
Vincent shot me a quick look. "We'll fix that. I'll break out the Wii or the Wii-U and we'll get you through it."
"If we ever have time," I muttered sarcastically.
"Fair point. We'll find time. The fact that we don't really need to sleep as much has helped me get through this game multiple times."
I snickered and continued watching him.
The Rito Village/Dragon Roost Island theme hit and washed over our living room in a wave of nostalgia. Vincent sighed in rapture at it.
"This music is so good," I whispered.
"Uh-huh," he agreed. "Nintendo really went off with all the Tears of the Kingdom music. Remember that trailer's saxophone?"
"Mmhmm." I grinned. "Remember the first trailer to feature Ganondorf's voice and the entire internet blew up like 'Matthew Mercer'?"
Vincent started laughing. "That was hilarious. So many memes."
"Yeah. It was great." I gasped. "You're on your last shot, Vin!"
"I know. I'm so close."
"You know, if you did this with a Multi-Shot bow, you could do this a lot faster."
"Yeah, yeah. But I like doing this fight first. It's a challenge." He let go of the button on his controller. Link loosed the arrow.
It arced toward Colgera. Vincent and I both held our breath.
It struck, breaking the final bit of cracked ice.
"Yes!" Vincent cheered, pumping his fist into the air. I whooped and let him give me a kiss.
"Good job, lover boy," I said.
"Thanks, lovely." He gave me a soft look. "I forgive you for scaring me to death."
I burst out laughing. "Thanks. And you're welcome."
He kissed my hairline. "Were you wanting a turn on the Switch or were you just coming in to watch me play?"
"I was actually coming in to ask if you wanted a hot cocoa or something but I saw an opportunity that I couldn't pass up."
"Menace," he accused affectionately.
"Playboy," I retorted. He grinned.
"I would actually love a hot chocolate though," he added in a cheeky little whisper, curling his shoulders up and smiling like a mischievous kid.
I smiled. "I'll get some made for us. You're cute." Kissing his curly, glossy blue-black hair, I got up from the sofa and went toward the kitchen while the cutscene kept playing on the TV.
Tag list: @pinksparkl @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose
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mekkyz-dubz · 1 year
Update: 7/9/2023 (I will update the listings if they are added to the stores.)
Drawing Tablet Buyer's Guide 2023
Are you looking for help to get into digital art? Are you confused for what models would you pick? Do you want success in your art career? Then this blog is for you. These are the buyer's guide for artists who wanted to take approach on digital art. As always, you don't need a latest and greatest tools just to make good art. Your handy mouse and a trusty old tablet can do fine art at the time. My Intuos 4 L still works today, even if it was released on 2009.
Here are the basic categories you'll fit into: Beginner, Intermediate and Professional.
Beginner - This is where you start making digital art for the first time.
Intermediate - These are experienced artists who are on mid-range level at a greater value.
Professional - These are same as intermediate but who are on to take approach an high-end level to mimic the meaning art.
There are three types of pen tablets for you to decide. These have pros and cons on these tablets.
Pen Tablet - A pen tablet doesn't require a screen and can benefit for a user experience such as good posture, portability and pricing, but this requires hand-eye coordination as this type of tablet has a steep learning curve and drawing on it feels unnatural to use.
Pen Display - A pen display is a monitor that can be drawn into. It is easier to learn how to use pen displays and can mimic a sketchbook you were drawing. However, there are issues such as bad posture, expensive pricing and limited portability. Sometimes, your hand gets in the way through pinpoint cursor while drawing.
Pen Computer - These are pen tablets that can be used by themselves and don't require a computer, it can be portable for travel use. However, they are very expensive, limited to none upgradability, difficult and costly repairs and have a short battery life. As such, I do not recommend getting these pen computers for these reasons above and instead look for other mobile tablet alternatives such as iPad Pro, Surface Pro 8 or Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Here are the list of drawing tablet recommendations based on three categories.
NOTE: Prices may vary due to sale discounts so I only put links to the official store from drawing tablet brands so I'm gonna keep the original price for future references. However, Amazon is safer for returns and good units and eBay is the way to go for second hand offers.
If you're an osu! player looking for a pen tablet, I'd suggest getting an Intuos Pen and Touch Small 2013 (PTH-480) on eBay. One by Wacom Small (CTL-472) has the same performance yet cheaper. The only good alternative that doesn't suck is Gaomon S620. I recommend getting OpenTabletDriver for that purpose.
If you want to invest digital art, I highly recommend getting a medium size tablet for larger hand gestures.
Pen Tablet: $30-100 Range
One by Wacom Small (CTL-472) - $49.95
One by Wacom Medium (CTL-672) - $99.95
Huion HS611 - $79.99
Huion Inspiroy H1161 - $89.99
Huion Inspiroy 2 S/M/L - $49.99 - $89.99
Huion Inspiroy H640P - $49.99
Huion Inspiroy H950P - $59.99
XP-Pen Deco Fun XS/S/L - $29.99- $49.99
XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 - $59.99
XP-Pen Deco M/MW - $49.99 - $69.99
XP-Pen Deco L/LW - $69.99 - $89.99
Pen Display: $170-420 Range
Wacom One (DTC-133) - $399.95
Huion Kamvas 12 - $239.99 w/ stand
Huion Kamvas 13 - $264.99 w/ stand
Huion Kamvas 16 (2021) - $419 w/ stand
XP-Pen Artist 10 (Gen 2) - $169.99
XP-Pen Artist 12 (Gen 2) - $249.99
XP-Pen Artist 13 (Gen 2) - $299.99
XP-Pen Artist 16 (Gen 2) - $399.99
Pen Tablet: $100-200 Range
Wacom Intuos Small Wireless (4100WL) - $59.95
Wacom Intuos Medium Wireless (6100WL) - $199.95
Huion Inspiroy Dial 2 - $139.99
Huion Inspiroy Giano - $199.99
Huion Inspiroy Q11K V2 - $139.99
XP-Pen Deco Pro S/SW - $99.99 - $129.99
XP-Pen Deco Pro M/MW - $129.99 - $159.99
Pen Display: $260-1300 Range
Wacom Cintiq 16 (DTK-1660) - $799.95 ($649.95 on Amazon)
Wacom Cintiq 22 (DTK-2260) - $1299.95
Huion Kamvas Pro 13 2.5K - $399.99
Huion Kamvas Pro 16 2.5K - $599.99
Huion Kamvas 22 Plus - $549
Huion Kamvas 24 Plus - $899
XP-Pen Artist 12 Pro (2019) - $259.99
XP-Pen Artist 13.3 Pro (2019) - $279.99
XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro (2019) - $369.99
XP-Pen Artist Pro 16 (2021) - $449.99
XP-Pen Artist 22R Pro (2020) - $599.99
XP-Pen Artist 22 (Gen 2) (2021) - $499.99
XP-Pen Artist 24 Pro (2020) - $899.99
XP-Pen Artist 24 (2021) - $799.99
Pen Tablet: $140-500 Range
Wacom Intuos Pro Small (PTH-461) - $249.95
Wacom Intuos Pro Medium (PTH-661) - $379.95
Wacom Intuos Pro Large (PTH-861) - $499.95
XP-Pen Deco Pro MW (Gen 2) - $139.99
XP-Pen Deco Pro LW (Gen 2) - $179.99
XP-Pen Deco Pro XLW (Gen 2) - $199.99
Xencelabs Pen Tablet Small - $199.99
Xencelabs Pen Tablet Medium - $279.99 for standard, $359.99 for bundle, $379.99 for special edition
Pen Display: $800-3500 Range
Wacom Cintiq Pro 13 (DTH-1320) - Formerly $799.95 but less than $379.99 on eBay
Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 (2021) (DTH-167) - $1599.95 ($1529.99 on B&H Photo Video and Amazon)
Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 (DTK-2420) - $2199.95
Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 Touch (DTH-2420) - $2699.95
Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 (DTH-271) - $3499.95
Huion Kamvas Pro 16 4K Plus - $899
Huion Kamvas Pro 24 4K - $1299
XP-Pen Artist Pro 14 (Gen 2) - $419.99
XP-Pen Artist Pro 16TP - $899.99
Xencelabs Pen Display 24 - $1899
Brad Colbow: YouTube | Brad.site
Teoh Yi Chie: YouTube | 2nd Channel | Parka Blogs
The Seven Pens: YouTube | Website
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commodorez · 7 months
Let's take a moment to remember my imperfect, but ever useful portable XP powerhouse, the Toshiba Satellite P25-S507. Probably my favorite laptop of all time. It's old, but hardly vintage yet. I was given one as a hand-me-down after it grenaded its own RAM a year after it was purchased.
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I used it as my music jukebox, played a ton of Command & Conquer games on it, did my high school and college school work, talked with my friends on AIM, Skype Teamspeak and IRC, edited videos, programmed on it, did image editing in photoshop.
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Pentium 4 @ 2.8GHz, 512MB DDR SRAM stock (mine was upgraded to 1GB and later 2GB), ~60GB hard drive, 17" WXGA TFT LCD, Windows XP (Home, but we upgraded it to Pro), ethernet jack AND wifi, DVD burner, SD card slot, all coming in at just shy of 10lbs of computer.
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I either had it sitting on my desk next to my desktop computer (P4 or Phenom II x4), or used it sitting on my bed with a wooden board under it to give it sufficient ventilation so it wouldn't overheat or burn my legs. I disassembled that laptop several times over its lifetime, and replaced:
keyboards twice
the screen once (for the backlight)
4 hard drives
RAM once to upgrade from 1GB to 2GB
sound card subsystem once
battery twice
DVD drive once
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Eventually after it destroyed TWO IDE SSDs (yes, those are a thing you can buy) after a shorter than normal lifespan, I realized it was a losing battle and gave up the fight. I realized that it no longer served as a laptop, it couldn't keep pace with newer versions of Skype (before Discord was a thing), and sure as hell wasn't going to run Discord. It got slower and slower at running simple websites like my email, or youtube -- things that it used to handle just fine.
The form factor was limiting, and it was outmatched for the times, so I finally gave up and decided to retire it in favor of building a dedicated power-house XP desktop to do the jobs that it excelled at.
I bought a spare for parts to supplement it, so maybe one day I'll install a fresh hard drive (either spinning rust, or an IDE to m.2 adapter), and bring it back to a working state.
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garnetblackwater · 5 months
The Rustle of Leaves
Human female x forest guardian
Chapter 5-A Wandering Mind
The week following was a blur for Vanessa. Most weeks were fairly monotonous, going to lectures either as a student or teaching assistant, grading papers, just general college things, but this week was different. Monday was full of excitement, of course everyone was losing their minds over the blatant head wound covered in a bandage, shoulder bandaged, and band aids covering her legs. Her friends were constantly asking if she needed anything, especially one Carter Rosmund aka Cyclops, much to his chagrin. He had made many arguments for other x-men, mostly wolverine, but they always fell on deaf ears. Carter stood at 6 foot 3 and genetics had been kind to him. Sun kissed skin, short brown hair, broad shoulders, and blue eyes. He wasn’t extremely buff but he obviously took care of his body, and others noticed. But he only had eyes for one person.
“Vanessa what happened? You sent that picture then radio silence. Are you alright?” He reached for her face to give it a once over.
Vanessa pulled his hands away, “It looks worse than it actually is. I just fell a bit.” 
“Just? And how does one fall a bit?” Carter asked skeptically.
“Well. You know. You slip on an outcropping, tumble a bit, and then pass out for an hour or two,” the last few words lost in a mumble.
“Ness!” Vanessa cringed at the nickname, “Did you go to a hospital? Do you still need to?” Carter was uneasy, “I’m sure Professor X will be fine with us missing class considering the way you look.”
“You worry too much. I was checked over and I’m fine. Now let's go before we are late. I have a reputation to uphold.” And Vanessa marched on ahead of him. 
She really was fine, all thanks to Ten. Whatever he had done really did take the pain away. The wounds were still healing but they didn’t slow her down. 
She was lost to her thoughts again. The memory of Ten. The gentleness of his touch. The surprising warmth of him. She could feel that same warmth swim over her and settle in her chest. She could feel his lips ghost over her knuckles again. It all swam through her head, along with the worry. Worry of what was to come, and what she was to give in return.
“Ness you sure you don’t need me to get anything for you? You haven't been able to focus all day, let alone hear anything I’ve said.” Carter had been hovering around any free moment he had since the morning. He offered his arm for her to lean on.
“My legs work just fine. I can get around no problem. I just have a lot on my mind.” Vanessa kept walking towards the library. 
“You’re not feeling light headed? Need to lie down or anything?” Carter stopped in front of her looking into her eyes. He started to reach for her face.
“Calm down jeeze. You’re like a helicopter mom. I’m fine, I swear. Don’t you have class?” She swatted his hand away, and kept walking.
Carter checked his watch, she was right, but he didn’t want to go. “If you need anything just ask, got it? Even if it's just to talk.” His tone was serious. Vanessa knew that wasn’t an option. She knew Carter’s intentions were good and that his heart was in the right place but..
How long before an inch becomes a mile? Best to keep distance.
“Okay Dad whatever you say. I’m fine, just go.” Vanessa missed the way he hesitated at her words. Didn’t see the need in his eyes, but the focus of her mind was elsewhere. No matter what she did her mind trailed back to the forest. Everything happened so fast and it was so unclear. The uncertainty made her anxious. Her sleeping was sporadic and her focus nonexistent. Any free time she had was spent pouring through books and various websites looking for any answer to put her at ease. Before she knew it, it was Friday night. She was in her kitchen with Sandy baking. Sandy had decided on berry muffins, mostly because she had a craving for some, but they were also very portable. “I mean who doesn't like muffins? Especially blueberry muffins, ya know? Classic. Delicious. Van, are you even listening?”
Vanessa was pulled from her thoughts as she was taking the last batch out of the oven.”Listening to what? You stuff your face while I do all the work?” Sandy gave an over the top gasp. “I’m sorry Cheeks, I’m just nervous for tomorrow.” 
“Nervous for what? Wait. Hold up. Was he hot? The guy that saved you. Need a wingman?” Sandy joked but Vanessa’s stomach turned at her words. She had no idea what would happen once she went back. Her mind had jumped through many hoops during the week, some not so savory. 
Vanessa took a deep breath, hoping to stop the incessant spiral of her thoughts, “I promise I don’t need a wing man. Though he was definitely good looking.” Vanessa could not deny that she held a level of attraction for Ten. Even when her thoughts went to unsavory places, she did not always mind. There was also a level of comfort she felt when he held her. She remembered his gentle touch, but also the way he held her. Secure and safe? It only made her nerves spur on. 
Sandy’s eyes sparkled with glee, “Oh shit! Okay Van Van, let's get your man then!” The rest of the night was fueled by Sandy’s determination. Outfit planning, plans to get them alone, any scheme to get him to notice. 
The drive the next morning was anything but quiet. While Vanessa could feel the pit of despair in her stomach, Sandy was absolutely jamming!
“Van Van you have to get in the mood! Pump yourself up!” Sandy bobbed her head and shimmied her shoulders. “Come on Van!” Vanessa gave in and danced along with her. Maybe Sandy was right, just have to get in the right mood.
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agoodficforchii · 2 years
10% Battery Remaining
Fandom: Genshin Impact (Slight Modern AU)
Pairing: Albedo, Alhaitham, Cyno, Tartaglia x Reader (Separately)
Summary: Genshin characters and them letting you borrow a charger
Word Count: 816 for all about 160-260 for each
Warnings/Extra Notes: Slight cursing (Lmk if there's more!)
He would be so fascinated by the fact that you left your house with your phone almost dead and didn't think to pack a charger
Would probably stare at you a bit before silently passing over the charger
A very quiet but slightly judgmental interaction
Walking to an empty table in a far corner of the small library, you look down at your phone and notice the low battery warning. Cursing under your breath you start to look around for a familiar face hoping to ask them for a charger. During your frantic search you notice an absurdly tall stack of books at a table. Intrigued, you try looking around the stack and to your luck the boy behind it was someone you knew. Kinda. The boy was none other than the young genius Albedo. It would be a stretch to say you guys were friends, at most you guys would say hello in the halls. But you guys did share a class together so you decided that it would be fine to ask him for a charger. As you approached the table, Albedo seemed to notice your presence and look towards you. With a small smile you proceeded to ask if he had a charger you could borrow for a few minutes. There was a few seconds of him just staring at you before he slowly handed over a portable. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you thanked him. As you were reaching for the charger Albedo added,
“You can sit here if you wish…”
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Imagine approaching him-
I’m sorry he’s hot and that's scary like I would let my phone die 
But since you’re the main character OBVIOUSLY he would… 
You were desperate at this point. You had walked out this morning in a rush and hadn’t noticed your phone was almost dead. Now you’re seated at the local tavern for lunch, trying to find a way to charge your phone. You were going to ask someone for a charger but decided against it, since you weren’t about to ask someone you don’t know. You considered making your own charger (you were an akademiya student, surely you could) when you caught a glimpse of gray hair walking past your table. While yes everyone knew Alhaitham, you were one of the few that had any sort of interaction with him outside of work. Thanking the archons above you started to approach him getting ready to ask him. But much to your surprise (not) Alhaitham had completely ignored you. Deciding you had embarrassed yourself enough you ended up asking one of the waiters if they had an extra charger. If it makes you feel better though he felt bad after realizing he was ignoring you (he didn’t mean it I swear)
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Did I really just add Cyno to this to make bad jokes?
But anyway! Assuming you guys are friends, he’s sweet, would give you a charger
You were sitting at a table with Cyno catching up. Both of you are very busy people and since you were busy you didn’t have the time to check up on little things. Little things in this case being your battery percent before you left the house. You were showing Cyno something on your phone when the low battery warning popped up. Cyno tilted his head slightly while asking if you forgot to charge your phone last night. You take a look at your phone to see what he’s talking about and finally notice how low your battery is. You let out a small laugh before asking if Cyno had a charger with him. He took your phone and plugged it into the charger he was using. 
“This reminds me of a joke. Do you want to hear it? I bet it will shock you.” he asked with a slight smirk, getting ready to explain it.
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He would give it to you
But dear lord the teasing
(kinda enemies here)
You thought you charged your phone last night but, apparently not since your phone was dangerously close to dying right now. You were in the school lunchroom, the perfect place for multiple people with chargers. Surely one person would lend you their charger… Right? WRONG! You had asked at least seven different people and none of them lent you one. Now you could always ask Childe, but do you really want to? He clearly knew you needed a charger, he had his out and wasn’t even using it. Groaning, you decided to swallow your pride and ask him to borrow his. Childe’s smirk grew wider with each step you took towards him and honestly you were stupid to think he would just hand it over. No. This was Childe. Why would he?
“Now now, what’s the magic word?”  he asked wearing a huge grin.
Note: I wrote this in a car at like 2 in the morning im sorry ALSO I GOT THE CYNO JOKE FROM MY FRIEND I LOVE HER OMG (i couldnt think of one help)
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ciel-bell · 1 year
My thoughts on Shinjiro and the changes made in P3P
I wrote this analysis to post on reddit, where I feel like the sentiment towards the changes made to Shinjiro's arc in Persona 3 Portable are more negative. But I thought it was worth posting here as well.
Long post under the cut:
(Major spoilers for Persona 3 up to October 4th.)
The changes that Persona 3 Portable made to Shinjiro and Akihiko’s arcs by allowing you to save Shinjiro from death are understandably controversial. I completely get why people don’t like that change, and think it cheapens the game’s messages of death or ruins Akihiko’s arc. However, I’d like to explain why I think it makes the story work better in other ways.
Persona 3 deals with the acceptance of our inevitable deaths, of course, but the enjoyment of the lives we have is a key part of this. The game tries to depict the dangers of not just accepting, but almost worshipping death through the Nyx cultists that show up later through the game.
Shinjiro’s outlook on life is not as extreme as these characters, but can still be compared to them. I think that he can be best compared to Chidori: both live their lives with the overwhelming knowledge of their imminent deaths, avoiding connection with others because of it. They’ve basically both resigned themselves to living as if they are already dead, with Chidori following Takaya’s orders and not ever considering another way of living; and Shinji not acting or helping SEES until his past regrets are staring him directly in the face, making him feel like there’s absolutely no other choice.
But while Chidori connects with Junpei and manages to feel the joy she’d pushed away, even if it’s only in the last few moments of her life, Shinjiro just… dies. He doesn’t have a moment where his views are questioned or challenged. He doesn’t grow past his passivly-suicidal mindset. His way of “living” is never questioned. He dies as he planned, even saying “this is how it should be” as his last words.
This is probably entirely intentional.
Shinjiro’s death serves as a cautionary tale for Ken on how his life could turn out if he keeps devoting himself single mindedly to hate and revenge, without letting himself live and love others. The resolution Shinji never got in life is transferred onto Ken.
However, I don’t think that this works as well as Shinji reaching that conclusion himself. Ken’s character arc is kinda... abandoned after this point? He comes to the conclusion that he wants to keep living in a way that Shinjiro didn’t get to, and then… that’s it. He’s pushed to the side for the rest of the game. (I feel like the movies fix this, but I want to focus on the games for now.) Ken’s social link in P3P tries to address this by focusing on him deciding what kind of life he wants to live as the next step of deciding that he wants to live. But, uh, the SL takes a turn at rank seven or so, messing with the development it was trying to set up, and cementing it one of the most uncomfortable social links ever lol.
In P3P’s main story Ken gets most of the same development that he gets in the other versions, but Shinjiro gets more character alongside him.
This character, whose every aspect is so intertwined with death and his coming end, from his Persona’s design to his relationships to others to his every line of dialogue, is forced to live. His social link is basically him getting his last will and testament in order. He tries to get the members of SEES to take care of themselves, because he knows no one else will do it when he’s not there. His second to last rank is just him asking Kotone to talk with him as long as possible, so that he can be content with that last happy moment with her before he dies. In his last rank, he asks Kotone to take care of Akihiko in his stead. And at that point, in his eyes, everything is done. He’s done all he can for SEES, for Ken and Aki specifically, and he trusts that Kotone will be fine and will still be happy after he’s gone. He’s even gotten back the watch that he was sure he’d never see again. The game makes this conclusion clear as well: you’re at Rank 10, so there should be nothing more to do. From a pure gameplay perspective, and from Shinji’s perspective, any other time you try to spend with him is a waste. If you try to talk to him after Rank 10, (only possible on 10/2 or 10/3, right before he dies) you get a message saying “It doesn’t seem that your relationship can get any closer than it is… Would you still like to spend time with him?”
His impending death and his acceptance of it are so baked into the narrative that the game itself seems confused that you’d try to keep spending time with him. Shinjiro, of course, repeats this sentiment.
But he spends time with you anyway, whether you do his romance route or not, defying the path that he’s set up for himself. He’s tried to exist in the world without really living in it, basically living through the most elaborate suicide plot in history, but strays for that for a moment because he’s grown to care for Kotone.
But it isn’t enough to change his outlook completely. During the romance scene, he says that “this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.” If you try to hang out with him the next day he basically refuses to talk to you, says that it would be a waste and that you should spend time with the others.
He is still resigned to his death, and acts in much the same way he does in Male MC’s route on 10/4. He still protects Ken, still gets shot, still says “this is how it should be,” a direct contrast to the line from the romance scene, and he… doesn’t die.
The one event in his arc that it seemed so sure everything was moving towards, and it doesn’t happen. He doesn’t die. Kotone’s actions flip everything on its head. The bullet is even blocked by the watch you have to give him before seeing Rank 10, an obvious physical representation of their relationship and how it's beginning to change his outlook.
Is this kind of cheesy? Maybe?
But I think that it’s also meaningful.
After that he basically vanishes from the story other than a couple mentions of him being in a coma for the rest of the story and a missable NPC on 3/3 saying that he got out of the hospital lol. This is kinda underwhelming.
BUT in new game plus there’s a conclusion to all of this! He shows up in the last moments of the game and finally gets to talk to Kotone again. He talks about how he saw Kotone in his dreams the whole time and it gave him the strength to keep going, a reversal of his line in the romance scene lamenting that she’s “all he can think about, day and night.” Then the game ends with him saying this:
“I’m glad I met you.”
This single line encapsulated so much of the game’s themes for me. He’s saying that he’s glad he didn’t die in that moment, that he’s gained a life worth living, that even if having known her brings pain in the future that it was worth it for what little time they got together. He’s learned once and for all that life is worth living.
We get none of that if he dies. Instead, we get a Shinjiro who, while compelling, acts as more of a plot device and a springboard for Akihiko and Ken’s stories than his own character. His original arc captures the inevitability of death, yes, but I feel like it missed the imperative component of the importance of life. So the existence of P3P as an alternate scenario where he is more fleshed out is valuable to me.
I don’t think these themes would have worked as well if the route we saw portrayed in P3P was the only version of the game. The fact that we see the flip side makes this version of Shinji’s arc stand out more. The fact that we’ve seen him die before highlights how fated it was to happen, and the wonderful anomaly that his second chance at life is.
However, while I think that Shinji’s survival improves his own arc, it does lessen the impact of Akihiko’s arc. Akihiko’s resolution was still undeniably meaningful to me as someone who started with FeMC’s route, but the original version of it probably works better. But I think it’s fine that the game trades Aki’s arc for Shinji’s in this way, as the original version of Aki’s arc still exists untouched in the male route. FeMC’s route is a complement, not a replacement. It does some things worse, and other things better in their place.
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randofics · 10 months
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Saw this welding mask and had to write this.
You were pissed. The boys had been messing with the new guy on base and had gotten bored of him. So they turned their attention to you of all people.
First, it was little things like missing bolts and screws from your cabinet where you kept spares. Next, a wrench or hammer from right next to you as you did repairs. Then, they started taking important welding equipment that you were currently using for vehicle repairs. The tip for your MIG welder or your gloves and even a whole argon gas canister somehow.
If you confronted them, they'd just play it off as them pranking you or that you just misplaced some stuff. So you took matters into your own hands. While they were out at the bar, you went into their quarters with a portable MIG welder and your gear to do a bit of magic. You clamped the node onto the metal of Ghost's desk and slid underneath. With your auto shield mask on you lined up the gun with the small space between the drawer and sliding mechanism.
With a bead that would make the welding gods weep, you welded an inch long piece sticking the drawer permanently in place. You did this to each drawer on each desk, or if they didn't have one, you welded their lockers shut. Then, just to mess with them more, you put a single tack at the bottom of their doorframe to make it hard to open. The tiny tack weld would break with enough force.
You had also bought a bunch of tiny mirror pieces to bedazzle an old mask you still occasionally used. It took a few hours of work but you finished it. Whenever someone tried to bother you while welding, they'd be blinded by the reflection of extremely bright light.
The next morning, you woke to loud banging on your door. "I'm off today. What do you want!?"
"What the hell did you do to our stuff!? Get out here!"
"I didn't do squat! Now let me sleep, please!"
"I'll break down your door if I have to! I don't care if you're dressed or not!"
"Ugh, fine, hold yer horses!" You slide out of bed and open your door coming face to face with Soap. "Follow me." You sigh and follow him to their quarters. The others have convened in Soap's room and don't look too happy, and Alejandro is trying to pry open the locker to no avail. Gaz pipes up. "What did you do!?"
You can't help the hyena like laughter that spills from your mouth at their plight. "Yall decided to mess with me and got what yall rightfully deserved is what happened!"
"Can't argue with her there boy's." Price leans against the doorframe arms crossed. "Don't think you got out of this either, Captain. Just because you weren't involved in the main thing dont mean you weren't involved at all. You turned a blind eye to the whole thing, so you got your door tacked shut."
"You're right. I should've stopped them."
"Darn right, you should've! Some of that equipment was bought with my own money, and if any of you broke something, you were gonna pay even more dearly than this!"
Your face said it all. Sure, they had only meant for these to be harmless pranks, but evidently, your equipment was off limits. No matter how hilarious messing with them had been, you were still ticked off, and you had one punishment left for them. With a mad hatter grin, you broke the news to them.
"I'm not gonna grind all these welds down for ya. Also, I've taken all the grinders from the shop along with the discs so all of you are gonna be using files instead. You pulled a bunch of metal files from your back pockets and set them on the table. "Good luck to ya boys!" With that, you left hearing the groans and complaints as you returned to your quarters.
"Oh, come on!" Soap threw his arms in the air like a toddler having a tantrum. Alejandro had stopped pulling on the locker door. "At least she gave us the files."
Once you were in your room, you doubled over laughing. It would take them a few hours to file down all those welds enough to open the drawers and lockers. Price just had to knock the tack off with a strong hammer swing. You had facetimed your mother and father as you finished up the welds that night, and your father had been laughing just as hard as you were.
Also, the bedazzled shield would be put to use as soon as you were back to work. You'd be blinding people in no time.
The boys were spent. Their arms and hands hurt, and they had metal shavings all over their uniforms. They wouldn't make the mistake of messing with you again or at least not for a while.
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space-mermaid-writing · 6 months
The Vamp and the Were [IronStrange]
Summary: Tony would mark the day he met a vampire that did not immediately jump at his throat. Just for once – that would be a nice change.
Relationship: Werewolf!Tony Stark / Vampire!Stephen Strange
Tags: hurt/comfort, idiots in love, angst, fluff
Ko-fi | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist | Word count: 1.9k | Previous | Next
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Chapter 7: The one where Stephen stops smelling of nothing
Now that Tony knew, Stephen agreed to visit the engineer’s lab and let him take some tests.
Before, he had avoided entering the tower. While he knew that Tony's portable sensors didn't get a reading of him, he wasn't sure what the more equipped tech in Tony's home was able to do. He trusted his magic but he wouldn't want his secret discovered while in the enemy's home.
Not that the actual secret-revealing had gone any smoother.
Tony's personal lab had no windows, just artificial light, which meant it was safe for Stephen.
The first resident that approached him was a bot with a claw.
“Back off, DUM-E,” Tony called over to it from his work station. “Don’t spook our guest.”
Stephen waved it off. “It’s fine.” He patted the bot, who beeped happily. Even more when the cloak also reacted and greeted the bot curiously.
It wasn't long before the cloak lifted itself off Stephen's shoulders and followed the bot into a corner of the lab. The sorcerer felt as if he had inadvertently brought a child to a play date.
"Are they like Jarvis?" he asked Stark as he stepped up to him.
Tony, who had been watching the interaction from his seat, paused. Few realized that his bots were more than simple toys. "Kind of. An earlier version. Not as smart but still family."
Stephen nodded. That sounded about right.
"What are you working on?" He glanced at the table. On it were several parts of an Iron Man suit, disassembled and connected to an USB port.
"Just preparing some updates I'm planning to do once I have your data. How do you feel about trying to bite into various metal alloys with your fancy teeth?"
“I politely decline.”
“It was worth a shot.”
Stephen suppressed a smile.
Now that he was no longer hiding what he was, he felt more comfortable around the man. More like himself. There had been something from the beginning that had attracted him to Stark, and Stephen had had to actively resist that urge for his own safety. He wasn’t sure what it was. Something from the Were’s core.
Who was Stephen fooling? He had always been a sucker – ha! pun – for brains (not a pun; he wasn’t a zombie).
So maybe he stood a little closer to Stark than socially acceptable. Stark certainly didn’t complain.
But he did frown. “Did you change your magic?”
“What do you mean?”
“You smell.”
It made Stephen also frown and he raised one of his sleeves to his nose. There was nothing unusual. The spell only hid any vital signs to other people, not to him. And he didn’t stink of anything bad.
“That shouldn’t be possible,” he therefore concluded.
Tony stepped directly in front of him, right into his personal space, and sniffed at his chest, his face close up to the sorcerer’s robe. He noticed sandalwood, black tea and a whiff of vampire.
Normally that last one was reason enough to alert him and make the hair on the back of his neck stand up. But he surprisingly remained calm.
There was also something else mixed into the smell. Tony could just describe it as warm and buzzing in the background.
Could that be Strange’s magic?
It resonated with Tony and made him want to rub his face in it.
He forced himself to step back before he was able to give in. Stupid Were instincts.
“Well, yeah. It’s there.” He cleared his throat.
Stephen thought about it. “Maybe my magic decided that it no longer needs to hide that part from you.”
Tony just shrugged. He didn’t know magic could do that.
Both men weren’t sure what it meant for them and they came to the unspoken agreement to let it slide and start with the tests.
Stark took several blood samples, labeled them without mentioning the Vamp’s name, did a retina scan and then inspected his fangs.
He grinned. “Mines are bigger,” he stated as if this was an important fact.
Stephen just rolled his eyes. “You should know that it’s not about size, Stark.” He had the audacity to underline his next words with a wink. “It’s about technique.”
Tony scoffed and most certainly did not blush. He made a dismissive gesture. “Sure, tell that to yourself.” His eyes fell on Stephen’s hands and he grabbed one of them with his own, holding it gentle.
He had seen the scars before, Strange wasn’t shy of showing them to the world, even if Tony had noticed that they seemed some kind of sore point to him. Sometimes he caught the sorcerer staring at them, lost in thought.
Tony had his own scars and was polite enough not to ask about something like that unprompted. That was also why he never before had dared to touch them.
But now, being cooped up in his scientific research mode, he acted and spoke before thinking about it. “Why aren’t they healing? Shouldn’t your supreme vampire powers help with that?”
He noticed that the hands weren’t as steady as they had seemed. There were the faintest of trembles, which was highly unusual for a Vamp.
“I was only turned after my accident. After they put eleven steel pins into them. And as long as they're in there, the hands won’t ever heal properly. That also means that I’m in constant pain."
Tony blinked, his eyes still on the slender fingers. They were cold, as expected from a vampire, but Tony wondered if they had been that temperature long before Strange became undead.
“Why don’t you have them taken out?”
“Vampires don’t do well in surgery. You can’t get us under and we need more blood than the regular human.”
And they were a hunted species. People were afraid of them.
Tony hummed but dropped the subject. Mostly because it was difficult for him to concentrate. It must be because the sorcerer had always been odorless before. The engineer wasn’t used to him smelling of something, didn’t associate any particular scent with him.
It was almost like meeting a new person.
An overwhelmingly inviting person.
But he was still a Vamp. Tony walked around the table for space, tapping his finger on his chin.
“You know, I was wondering… you depend on the blood of others since you cannot produce your own blood cells. With other Vamps I never thought about it because they’re feral creatures. But you are normal. I mean, I didn’t know you weren’t human before…”
“Stark,” Stephen interrupted him, because he was rambling.
“Right… no blood, so how are you holding up in the, you know, bedroom? I’m curious, doc. Because being immortal and going without that seems like torture.”
Stephen laughed. A full-on laugh, which was totally not a fair sound. Tony’s belly did a flip.
“You want to know if I still can have sex?”
Tony nodded. That was what he had said. Just in more words.
“I do,” Stephen told him bluntly. “I just have to drink some fresh blood beforehand.”
“Doesn’t that hurt?”
“It can if I want it to be. It can also make you feel incredibly good.”
“Good to know.” Tony chose to focus on the first test results Jarvis put on a display for him, and actively not to think about the new information Stephen just told him. He didn’t want to imagine Stephen biting him. The feeling of adrenaline rushing through his veins before it made place for something sweeter.
The sorcerer had crossed his arms, still amused. “So, you were thinking about me in the context of sex,” he concluded, the smirk very prominent in his voice.
“I was just wondering in general and you’re the only vampire I can ask.”
Strange did not seem convinced but – fortunately – didn’t press further. Tony changed the topic just to be on the safer side of embarrassment.
“You told me you don’t drink blood from humans directly. What about animals? Could you feed off them?”
“Yes, but not for long. It’s more like candy. Like marshmallows. They’re okay once but you can’t live off them. In order to survive I need humanoid blood.”
Humanoid not human, Tony noticed. “So, that means Weres are fine. What about fae blood? Or zombies?”
Stephen grimaced. “Undead are off the table. Fae’s are fine in theory but accepting food or drinks from one is a whole nother kind of being complicated.”
That was true. Fae had their own laws, most of them simply existing to fuck people over and slash or trick them.
“I've got all the samples I need. Thanks for agreeing to do this.” Tony jumped back onto the reason Strange was here in the first place. He felt the sorcerer's gaze on him and looked up.
“If they get into the wrong hands, it will give them plenty of ways to kill me,” Stephen said, suddenly more serious than before. “I trust you to keep them safe.”
Tony gulped and nodded. Strange really did put a lot of trust in him. It was hard to get any decent information about vampires. They did not give it voluntarily and after being killed their bodies fell to ashes fairly quickly.
He was spared an answer, because Jarvis chimed in. “Peter Parker is trying to access the lab.”
Since Stephen voiced no objections, Tony gave the okay to let him in. The door opened and the boy entered.
“Hey Mr. Stark… oh, hello Doctor Strange.” He stopped walking when he spotted the Vamp and his eyes darted between the two adults, trying to find out how things stood between them.
Stephen smiled. “Hello Peter.”
“It’s fine,” Tony reassured him. “He’s still a friend. Our first vampire friend. Just don’t tell the others yet, alright?”
The boy visibly relaxed. “I won’t,” he promised.
He put his backpack aside, presumably coming straight out of school. Then he stepped to Stephen and before the sorcerer could protest, he wrapped his arms around him in a hug.
“Thanks for saving me the other day. I’m sorry we left you behind, bleeding. That wasn’t nice but Mr. Stark said-…”
“It’s alright, Peter,” Stephen interrupted him. “I understand why you did it.” That didn’t mean it hadn’t hurt though. “I am sorry you had to find out like this.” He patted Peter’s shoulder but looked straight at Tony.
Peter glanced up at him, his eyes wet. The boy had not been able to stop thinking about what had happened. He had even started arguing with Tony the other day. It had been one of the reasons why Tony had gone to the Sanctum after the incident.
Now the engineer was standing there watching the interaction between the other two, ready to step in if Strange made so much as a wrong move. But that was ridiculous, he knew Stephen and Peter had been friendly before and that Stephen liked the boy too much to hurt him.
His behavior just now had once again confirmed that Tony's concern was unfounded. If anything, Stephen was even more careful around Peter.
The boy let go of the sorcerer and made a step back, awkwardly. “Does that mean I have to stop eating garlic around you?”
“Really?” Tony asked him in disbelief. “That’s the question you go with?”
Stephen chuckled. “I know Tony loves his pizza with extra garlic. He reeks of it every time you two have your pizza movie nights. If it would repel me, you would have noticed.”
“Rude, douchebag. I will start eating them in a bunch just for that comment,” Tony growled but there was no bite behind his words. His sparkling eyes betrayed him.
“You should. They are good for your blood pressure.”
Tag list: @jekyllhydetrash @goopierthenyou Tell me if you wanna be added/removed
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mosylufanfic · 2 years
Coping Mechanisms
Who knows if this is how Cassian actually going to cope with his time in prison? But I wrote it anyway.
Send me a prompt for NaNo!
Coping Mechanisms
"Ugggghhhh," Jyn groaned, flapping her shirt over her sweaty stomach. "Are they trying to roast us alive?"
They were going into their third day of this glitch in the transport's environmental systems as they hid out from the Empire after their scrambling departure from Hoth. It wasn't meant to have people living on it for more than a few days. It felt like the jungles of Yavin, but without the green. Everyone was wearing the minimum of clothes for public decency. Fans and portable chillers were at a premium. 
"Maintenance is working on it," Cassian murmured absently, swiping through something on his datapad. 
"No," she said. "It's clearly an Imperial plot."
He turned amused eyes her way. "Is it?"
"Yeah. There's some Imperial spy in the environmental controls, fucking it up for all of us. Ruining morale." She pointed at him. "You need to hunt them down and push them out the airlock."
"Too hot," he said, using his arm to wipe the sweat away from his hairline. "You do it."
"Too hot," she said, scraping her sweat-sticky hair off her face. "Guess the Empire wins today."
"Ah well."
She flapped her shirt again, then gave in and peeled it all the way off, leaving her in just a pair of Cassian's boxers and her bra. He'd certainly seen her in less. She lay down again, but the blanket was hot against her back. She grumbled and sat up, crossing her legs.
She wiggled her bare toes, then considered Cassian. He was entirely shirtless, also wearing only a pair of boxers, and  - "You know, you might be cooler if you weren't wearing shoes. And socks."
He shrugged.
"No, I mean it. The floor's actually a little cool." She put her feet down on the deck, splaying her toes against the metal. "I mean, comparatively. Lots of people are going around barefoot, if they can."
"Foot fungus," he said, absently, swiping through to another page. "Half the troops have it and the other half are going to get it."
She made a face and immediately decided to stop going barefoot in the corridors. "What about in here? It's just us. I don't have foot fungus."
He shrugged again. "I'm fine."
Someone had found the means to construct thin, cheap-looking sandals - plastic soles and twisted fabric straps to hold them on. They made a killing. Jyn had just enough money on her after the sabacc game to buy two sets, one for her and one for Cassian.
They weren't the most comfortable things. To be honest, they were just this side of going barefoot. But they were far better in the heat than shoes and socks. 
Cassian said, "Thanks, but my shoes are more secure on the deck."
Baffled, Jyn sold them again, at a fifty percent markup because she wasn't dumb.
Even after the glitch was fixed and the environment returned to normal, Jyn kept noticing how Cassian refused to ever go barefoot, or even close to barefoot.
He wore shoes as much as possible and socks at all times. Changing was a process of kicking off shoes, stripping off the old socks, putting on new ones, and then taking off the rest of his clothes. 
He didn't wear them in the shower, but he took them off last and put them on first. He also didn't wear them in bed, but he peeled them off last thing before climbing in, and put them on the moment he sat up. 
She'd thought it was a holdover from living on Hoth. There, they'd worn all the layers they could, as much as they could. But once she started really paying attention, she realized this was more than that. 
On a day where his only clean socks were riddled with holes, his foot flinched from the floor, toes curling in protectively. He held his breath and carefully, deliberately placed his feet down, taking a couple of steps until he could find his boots and shove his feet in. His shoulders softened. He breathed out.  
"You don't like going barefoot," she said, which was an understatement on par with that Darth Vader's not so nice, is he?
"No," he said.
She'd known people who were raised with weird taboos around different body parts. She always mentally shrugged. It was a big old galaxy, after all. "Your, uh, your family just didn't do that or something?"
A pause. "No, that's not it."
"So you just don't like it."
"No. I don't."
She put in a request for thicker sandals, with solid cork soles, thinking, he can shove his feet in there at least. They sat unused under the bed until she turned them back in to the Quartermaster. She asked for more socks, but everyone needed more socks. 
She watched Baze knitting a scarf and said, "You do socks?"
He eyed her. "I can. You want socks?"
"I want - uh. I want to fix some socks."
"That's different. That's darning. I can teach you."
She darned his socks one by one, sneaking them out of his box, then sneaking them back in. He noticed, she could see him noticing, holding up the socks and looking at the darns quizzically. It was hard to get yarn that matched so she'd just gone with any old kind that she could get. 
He finally said, "What happened to my socks?"
"They're all there," she said.
"Yes, but they're . . . patched."
"Darned," she said automatically because Baze was very specific about that.
"Did you do that?"
She shrugged. "They were falling apart. And the quartermaster's back-ordered to next year." She scratched her neck, feeling awkward. She hadn't thought as far as when he'd notice. "Are they uncomfortable or anything?"
"No," he said. "No, they're actually thicker. It's good," he added awkwardly. 
"Good," she said, and after a moment added, "It's just. You don't like your feet on the floor. So I. So I thought that would be better."
"It is. Thanks."
They went about their evening routine quietly. He shot her a glance before peeling off his socks and setting them where he could reach them in the morning. She did her best to look like she wasn't noticing anything at all.
He settled into bed, turned on his side away from her. With most men, that would be an indication they were mad or shutting her out. With Cassian, it meant he was feeling vulnerable and wanted her at his back, looking out for him. She scootched up against him, letting him feel her there.
She was almost asleep when he spoke.
"I was - I used to - I spent some time," he said haltingly. "In a place where going barefoot was . . .  dangerous."
The single word contained a whole story. She could hear it in the silences.
"I guess I kept the habit," he added. 
"I figured it was something like that."
"I can handle the shower, because it's plastic, you know. And I've gotten better about other surfaces, stone or wood or the ground, but metal decking is still - it's too close."
The story started to fill out a little more.
He didn't say anything more, but there was a certain tension in the line of his back against hers that bespoke an internal struggle.
She took a guess. "I don't need to know everything," she said. "If you don't feel like you can tell me just now. All I need to know is that you don't like it."
His back eased, muscle by muscle. After a long moment, he said, "Maybe I'll be able to tell you more someday."
"Okay," she said.
He tucked his feet against her calves, bare toes curling against her skin. She reached back and patted his leg. 
Guarding each others' backs, they went to sleep.
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